
Editors-Andrea & David Thiede, PO Box 7281, Berlin, CT 06037
(C Company, 103rd Infantry)
Harry passed away at Windber Hospice in Windber, PA at the age of 89
on July 24, 2009. He was a 1937
graduate of Ferndale High School
and went on to become a surgical
technician during WWII serving 34
months in the Pacific Theater.
Harry received numerous decorations including the Purple Heart.
After returning home he was a salesman for M. Glosser & Sons. After
retirement, he attended Oxford University in London. Back at home he
sponsored a scholarship for North
Star High School graduates who attended UPJ, and was a supporter of
the Jennerstown Volunteer Fire
Dept. Harry enjoyed skiing, canoeing, bicycling and spending time
with friends and family. He is survived by his sister, Nancy Lee Secart, several nieces and nephews,
and a host of friends.
(B, C & D Companies, 103rd Infantry)
Irving died in Illinois at age 94 on
October 24, 2010. He had graduated
from (OCS) Officers Candidate
School at Ft. Benning, GA and
served as a First Lieutentant in the
Pacific Theater throughout WWII,
including the Southwest Pacific,
Northern Solomons, New Guinea
and southern Philippines. Returning
home he worked in sales.
Cont’d page 2
-email: dutch2001@aol.com
VOL 57 NO 3, AUG/NOV 2010
Website: www.43rd-idm.org
43rd Association National Commander
Say hello to the new National Commander of the 43rd Infantry Division
Veterans Association: William T. Coffey Sr. Col. USA (Retired) from
Plainville, CT. Col. Coffey is a 43
year veteran of service with the U.S.
Army and the CT. Army National
Guard. He enlisted at the age of 17 in
the 2nd Battalion of the 102nd Infantry
Regiment at the Waterbury, CT Armory. When the 43rd Infantry Division was mobilized for the Korean
Conflict in 1950, William first served
at Camp Pickett, VA. And then was
assigned to our NATO forces in Germany. He was released from service
as a Master Sergeant in 1953. Commissioned later that year, he began his
full time National Guard technician
career. Among his many assignments before completing his active military career in 1985: Staff member, CT. AG Office; Chief of Staff for Operations and Training; a volunteer active duty tour in Vietnam; 2nd Bat.,
102nd Inf as Commanding Officer; attended the Army War College at
Carlisle Barracks, PA.; Chief of Operations and Training at the Pentagon.
In recognition for his long and distinguished military career in the CT.
ANG, Governor William O’Neill promoted him to the grade of Brigadier
General CT. ANG (Retired) effective May 16, 1986.
43rd Association Scholarship Awarded for 2010
An Association Scholarship was awarded in 2010 to Christopher Morgan,
grandson of member Ray Morrison. Ray regularly attends the 43rd reunions, and we thank Ray’s daughter Nancy Morgan, for traveling with him
to the past reunion in Rhode Island.
Christopher graduated from Curtis High School located in University
Place, WA. He was a National Honor Student with a 3.77 GPA and is
attending Pacific Lutheran University with a major in History.
43rd Association Scholarship Applications
Members wishing to request an application for the 2011 scholarship,
should write to: PNC Howard Brown, 150 Lakedell Drive, East Greenwich, RI. 02818
Applications are due no later than April, 01, 2011.
“Tiki” retired to Florida with his
wife in 1979 and was a member of
the Sunbelt Chapter, where he lived
until he moved back to Illinois in
1997. He is survived by his 2
daughters, his son-in-law, 2 grandchildren, his grand daughter-in-law
and his great granddaughter.
(HQ, 169th Infantry)
Colonel Higgins passed away peacefully on July
31, 2010 at
the age of
90. He was a
year career
soldier of the
CT. Army
Guard. He
enlisted in
the 169th
Infantry prior
to WWII, and was with the unit
when it was activated in 1941. He
saw action in Guadalcanal, New
Georgia, New Guinea and the Philippines. John received a “Mustang”
battlefield Commission to Second
Lieutenant for meritorious service
and was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star with two
Oak Leaf Clusters, and the AsiaticPacific Campaign Medal with four
Campaign Stars.
He also served in Germany when the
43rd Division was called up for
NATO Forces duty during the Korean War.
Colonel Higgins was the author of a
manuscript detailing the History of
the First Connecticut Infantry Regiment, which was published in March
of 1963.
During his thirty-five year career, he
served in every major leadership
position of the CT.Army National
Guard, which included the State
Cont’d above
Operations and Training Officer and Chief of Staff. When he retired
from active service in 1976, he was the last WWII officer of the 43rd Division serving in the Guard. John was also a skilled woodworker, having
built his own home in New Britain upon returning home from WWII. He
liked to restore furniture in his home workshop, was an avid reader, and a
member of VFW Post 3272 in Avon, as well as a member of the 169th
Infantry Regiment Veterans Association. He is survived by his wife
Amy, twin daughters Amie and her husband Roy Pinette (Col. retired) of
West Melbourne, FL, Joan and her husband Peter Lavieri of Avon, CT,
his son John J. Higgins, Jr and his wife Tammy of Avon, CT., five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Cont’d on page 3
After talking with PNC Jim Hardy and William Gillam from the Vermont
Chapter about hosting the next reunion, it was decided that it would be
best to have National host it next year - so, we’ll be looking for everyone
to come down to Rocky Hill, Connecticut in 2011!
The event is tentatively scheduled for either the 2nd or 3rd weekend in
August. More information to come.
Members Notes
Members at times will include a little note with their dues or donations,
and we thought they might be of interest to everyone from time to time.
Arnold W. Bradshaw sent in a donation for Pat C. Deyorio. Pat was a
Platoon Leader of the 169th Anti-Tank Co., and Arnold writes that they
were together from the landing at Aitape, New Guinea through Luzon,
Philippines. Arnold says that they had kept in contact since retirement,
and that Pat was a great gentleman and soldier.
Col. A. C. Fox wrote the he was a 169th Infantry soldier during the Solomon Islands Campaign, and made his way thru New Guinea and the assault landing on Luzon. During the Luzon campaign he received a battlefield commission ( Mustang Officer ).
Leonard Anderson sent in some photocopies of photos from his time
spent in HQ & HQ Company, 102nd Infantry Reg. from 1950 to 1953.
Unfortunately the copies would not reproduce clearly for use in the Bulletin; but he wrote that he was a radio operator and visions of Morse Code
still dance in his head. He served at Camp Pickett from 1950 to 1951, and
went on to the Sheridan Kaserne in Augsburg, Germany.
Charles V. Woodworth wrote in after reading about Harold Shifrin’s passing in the last 43rd Bulletin. Charles was assigned to K Co., 172nd Inf
along with Harold, but remembers his nickname back then as “Ollie”, not
“Itsky”. He also remembers sharing a foxhole with Harold on Munda,
and “that he was a great soldier” and taught Charles a lot; and that “Ollie
was a good and loyal comrade”. Charles is also looking for a 172nd unit
crest, so if you know of where to get one, let us know.
Cont’d on page 5
(B Company, 118th Engineer Bat.)
Joe passed on July 25, 2010 in Florida. Born in Newport, RI, he graduated from DeLaSalle Academy in
1938. He enlisted in the R.I National Guard in 1939, and served
twenty-five years in the U.S. Army
and was proud of his service during
WWII in the Pacific.
Joe was one of the founders of the
original Florida Chapter of the 43rd
Infantry Division Veterans Association, they eventually changed their
name to the Sunbelt Chapter.
Joe was also a member of the VFW
Post #2420 in Lake Wales, and the
Knights of Columbus in New Haven, CT. Joe was preceded in death
by his first wife Lenore, and is survived by his wife LaVerne, sons Peter of Bradenton and Michael of
Newport, RI, daughter Patsy also of
Newport, stepchildren Donna of
Lake Wales, FL, and Donald of
Pennsylvania, eighteen grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.
192nd FA ) Dwayne died at his
home in Milton, WI on Oct. 13,
2009 at the age of 78.
After graduation from Milton Union
High School
in 1949, he
worked with
his father on
the home farm
until he was
drafted into
the Army during the Korean War. Dwayne
served 8 1/2 years and was discharged with the rank of Staff Sergeant. He received a PhD in biochemistry from the University of
Wisconsin. He then went on to
work as the head laboratory chemist
Cont’d page 5
The Association would like to thank the following members for their generosity and continued support:
Frank Kojzar In memory of the 1952, M Co. 169th Inf Softball Team
in Munich, 3rd place.
William T. Coffey Sr. In memory of Col. John J. Higgins Sr. ( 169th
Inf Regiment, WWII & the 1950 Call-up. )
Mrs. Gloria Holda In memory of SSG Andrew Holda ( HQ Co., 169th
Inf )
Mrs. Anne Healey In memory of Col. John J. Higgins Sr. ( HQ Co.,
169th Inf )
Mrs. Mamie Ewers In memory of her husband, 1st. LT Lewis Ewers
Helen K. Wilcox In memory of Col. John J. Higgins Sr. ( Col. Ret.
Mrs. Emida Martell In memory of PFC Roy A. Martell ( K Co.
172nd Inf. )
Albert Petrone In memory of S.F.C Raymond Southworth & MSG
Herbert Wolstencroft ( 43rd Quartermaster Co. )
Ltc Donald H. Standiford for All the old troops
June Pemoller In memory of her husband Ed Pemoller ( 43rd HQ, AG
Sec. )
Arnold W. Bradshaw In memory of Pat C. Deyorio ( 169th Anti-Tank
Co. )
Mrs. Lucy (Walter) Thiede In memory of her cousin Joseph J. Lapila
Jr. ( Note: Joseph was a Navy Sea Bee and met up with Lucy’s future
husband, Walter and her two brothers Jimmy & Frank Marturano, all of
M Co. 169th Inf on Guadalcanal while Joseph was building the air strip
on the island. )
Leonard Anderson for the 43rd Scholarship Fund
Your editors appreciate your emails and letters with photos and stories. It
helps keep our newsletter interesting, so we look forward to hearing from
you about your experiences in the 43rd, or even afterwards. Have you
visited a place you were stationed? Found some interesting photos while
cleaning out that back room closet? Or just have a story to tell?
Our next 43rd Bulletin will have stories from members Glen Spear and
Frank A. Bell, Jr. just to name a few.
Though it’s been quite a while since the 43d Division was disbanded, individual units remain active and are still
serving in combat far from home. One of those units is the 172nd Infantry Regiment of the VT National Guard.
Sadly we must report that during an August 22, firefight of this year, two members were KIA in Eastern Afghanistan in Paktya Province of wounds sustained when attacked by small arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire.
Sgt. Steven J. Deluzio
of South Glastonbury, CT
Sgt. Deluzio and Sgt. Southworth
were part of two platoons made up of
Afghan border police and members
of the Guard’s 3rd Company, 172nd
Infantry, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, based in Jericho. The patrol was near the Pakistan border
when they came under attack by a
large force of insurgents.
It is reported that sometime during
the nearly two hour firefight, Sergeant Southworth was mortally
wounded while trying to extricate
another soldier.
Sgt. Tristan H. Southworth
of West Danville, VT
Maj. Gen. Michael Dubie met with Southworth’s parents on August 24 and with Deluzio’s parents on August 25.
At the time, the circumstances of Deluzio’s death were not fully known, and we have not been able to receive an
update. On August 23, 2010, a ceremony was held at Bagram Air Force Base for the two fallen soldiers. Nearly
1,500 Vermonters are deployed in Afghanistan, the Vermont Guard’s largest since World War II.
Photos and text reference courtesy of: Times News Service, Army Times Publishing Co.
We now have a total of 91 bricks, 9 bricks shy of the number needed to have the second batch
engraved and shipped. Our goal is 200 bricks or the equivalent in monetary donations. We
would like to thank everyone that have placed an order or sent in a monitory donation specifically for the Memorial Project. This is a separate project, spearheaded by David Thiede, and
43rd Association funds are not utilized in any way for this endeavor.
We have also decided to add a bronze plaque to the 43rd monument to include the campaigns
of the descendant units of the 43rd Infantry Division such as the 102nd Infantry Regiment
from Connecticut, the 152nd Field Artillery from Maine and the 172nd Infantry Regiment from
Vermont that have served.
We are in the process of detailing the units and campaigns, but individual units from the 43rd
Infantry Division have served in Vietnam, Gulf War I and present day Iraq and Afghanistan.
Remember, if a Memorial Brick purchase is a little steep, we can always use a small $5.00 or
$10.00 donation to help us reach our goal. We would like the Memorial complete in time for
our 65th Reunion being held in August, 2011 in Rocky Hill, CT.
After four years of fundraising, we have raised $10,000 of the $18,000 needed; so we will see
where we are in March of 2011. We will probably have a monument re-design to match our
available funds come spring. If anyone has any ideas on how we can give this project more
exposure to meet our goal, please contact David Thiede.
Please visit our web site at: www.43rd-idm.org for continued updates.
At the Beloit Memorial Hospital for
21 years. Dwayne, his wife Jean and
sons David and Phillip formed Heth
Farms, Inc. in 1980, and farm several hundred acres. Dwayne is survived by his wife Jean and their five
children: James of Mineral Point,
Susan of Prince of Menomone
Falls, David of Milton, Barbara of
Rhinelander, and Phillip of Milton.
(HQ 43rd Div. Artillery & 192nd
FA).) Hjalmar, 92, passed on January 27, 2010.
He served during WWII in the Pacific with the 43rd Division Artillery
Bat., and in Germany as part of the
NATO Forces in the 192nd Field
Artillery. He resided in Coco
Beach, FL, and is survived by his
wife Helen.
We have learned of the passing of
the following former members of
the 43d Division. They were not
current members of the Assn.
(Unit, date & place of death)
CT. Congressman. (CT.ANG)
2010. Washington, DC
(A Company, 172nd Inf.) Oct. 11,
2010. Randolph, Vermont
PEARO (172nd Inf.) June 13, 2010
Saint Albans, Vermont
(D Company, 172nd Inf.)
July 30, 2010. Rutland, Vermont
(43rd Infantry Div.) August 17,
2010. Adel, Iowa
(HQ 169th AAA) July 25, 2010.
Seekonk, RI
Members Notes Cont’d
Frank B. Harris II wrote in after reading about our Kaserne story. During
his stay in Germany, Ed Hickey ( another Association member ) and himself were assigned to the C.M.I Team which graded the members of the
43rd Division to be “Combat Ready” in physical fitness and that these
results were A-1 rated by Gen. Eisenhower, NATO Command.
This rating given to the 43rd Infantry Division resulted in the 43rd being
the best physically fit Division in Germany Occupation. Frank and Ed
were stationed at the Sheriden Kaserne in Augsburgh and had access to
travel to all the 43rd Division Kasernes by rail to complete these tests.
Frank notes in his letter that “ These results of physical fitness should be
of interest to the members of the 43rd stationed at the various Kasernes
throughout Germany”, and to know “at one time we were in tip-top shape
and “Combat Ready””.
The 192nd F.A. BN Assn. held their annual
reunion on July 11, 2010 at the VFW in
Darien, CT with 70 people in attendance.
Thomas Bria, who is the 192nd Assn. Treasurer, included a group photo with the Newsletter. Unfortunately, the photo is too large
to reproduce here.
The 169th Infantry Regiment Assn. had their annual Reunion Brunch on
October 24, 2010 at the Gallery Restaurant in Glastonbury, CT. It was a
bittersweet reunion as this year saw the passing of two stalwarts of past
169 reunions, BG (Ret) Robert Schwolsky (Hq, 169th Inf & Hq,2nd Bn,
169th Inf) in February of 2010, and of Col. John James Higgins, Sr (HQ,
169th Infantry) in July.
On an upbeat note; there were around 60 people in attendance, the food
and company was good, and Col. ( USA/Ret ) Roy Pinette ( Son-in-law of
Col. Higgins ) tried his best to sing “Cecilia”, a Schwolski favorite in his
In the last issue of the 43rd Bulletin, we mentioned that we have added a
“Magazine subscription” web site to help with our Memorial Monument
fundraising. Many thanks to Association member Raul Hidalgo for purchasing four magazines online. He got four magazines at a great price,
and we received 30% of his order amount as a donation. And after ten
magazines purchased ( total subscriptions purchased, not individual ) we
then receive 40% of the order amount.
So if you are about to renew a magazine subscription anyway, why not
check it out? Magazines make great Christmas gifts also.
The web address for this magazine subscription is:
We appreciate all the help!
Proposed Amendment to the 43rd Infantry Division Veterans Association Constitution
Howard and I were recently discussing the status of the 43rd Association as it exists today. Article III of the Associations’ Constitution starts off with… “The purpose and object of this Association shall be to perpetuate the
spirit, prestige and memories of the 43d Infantry Division, Army of the United States, achieved during World
War II and the Korean conflict;… While a small percentage of our members attend our reunions, the majority of
members “perpetuate the spirit, prestige and memories of the 43d Infantry Division” through the Bulletin by
sharing their thoughts, stories and photos, and let’s not forget about our program that has awarded over 60 Scholarships to members children and grandchildren. To this end, we are proposing an amendment to the end of
ARTICLE XVIII, Section 1 of the 43rd Constitution to be voted on at the next reunion:
Section 1. ( current ) In the event of dissolution of this Association or in the event it shall cease to exist for the
stated purposes, all property and assets shall be distributed to an organization or agency serving the needs of veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States and which has been granted exemption from Federal Income Tax
under the provisions of Section 501(c) (19) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or to a local state or the Federal government exclusively for public purposes.
Section 1, ( proposed; add the following sentence ) “Voting on the dissolution of the Association shall only
be carried out through a write-in ballot to all active members in good standing; to be distributed through the 43rd
Bulletin. The write-in ballot vote must pass by a 2/3’rds majority of returned and completed ballots by members
in good standing in the Association.”
Scenes from the 64th Annual Association reunion in Warwick, Rhode Island. August, 2010
One of the reasons I attend
the reunions, is to see how
much more stuff Paul Florida can fit on his hat!
Paul Kubli & Paul Florida
learned they were discharged
from active service on the same
day - August 21st - 65 years ago!
What would the reunions be like without Ellie & Bud Smith?
Mike Magliano from Chicago chats it up
with Patricia Corbett.
Romano DelRossi holds up
a 43rd door prize during the
National Commander Allen Johnson and his lovely wife Betty Lou.
Rosemary & Amos Faulkner
John Sr, Lena & John McDonough Jr.
Irene Corrow, Ellie & Bud Smith, David Corrow
BG Richard Valente
Bob Fey,
Ray Morrison
& his daughter
Nancy Morgan
Dave & Howie
Sylvio Ciummo & Ray Morrison
Many thanks
to Nancy for
sharing many
of these photos.
Association members at the 64th Annual Reunion, Sheraton Providence Airport Hotel, 2010
Front row L-R: Carmine Rivera, Amos Faulkner, Paul Florida, Paul Kubli. Sylvio Ciummo, Howard Brown
Back row L-R: “Bud” Smith, John Costa, Lorenzo Aresti, Romano DelRossi, Ray Morrison, Bob Fey, John
McDonough, BG. Richard Valente.
43rd Infantry Division Veterans Association
36 Thompson Rd.
Berlin, CT 06037-3735
Kensington, CT 06037
Permit # 170