August Newsletter - Bethesda Lutheran Church


August Newsletter - Bethesda Lutheran Church
Bethesda Butler Lutheran Parish
PO Box 426
Bristol, SD 57219
Pastor Chris Strohm
Bristol Church Office 605-492-3123
Parish Email
Pastor’s Cell 605-218-0852
Parish Website
Hello Everyone,
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
These are words that I have spoken many times this summer, especially after I have
turned on the TV to listen to the morning news and the lead story is one about
violence. Let’s face it there has been a lot of violence this summer, from terrorist
attacks to the killing of black men at the hands of police to the killing of police to more
terrorist attacks. The cycle just seems to keep on growing so I pray: Lord, have mercy. Christ, have
mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
The words are called the Kyrie, which we sing/say at the beginning of our communion liturgy and the
word Kyrie is Greek for Lord. The roots of this prayer go back to the time of the early Church around
the 4th or 5th century, I think. The deacon or assisting minister would offer prayers, begging God's
help and intervention for the Church and the world. After each petition the congregation would
respond with Kryrie, eleison. Over time the responses evolved into a brief prayer that is more a
simple cry and plea for help: Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.
There are times when the problems in the world cause us to despair. Yet we are never without hope
and we are never helpless. We have the promise, power and presence of God who in the mercy and
love of Jesus Christ forgives and saves.
There is no denying the problems before this country are great. There is an illness in the land that
shows itself in arrogance, callousness and poisonous words. In the face of this sickness I pray God's
mercy to bring us to our knees in humility. We need Jesus, our Savior, to help us respect and honor
people whose life experiences are different than our own. We need the presence of the Risen Christ
to give us courage to speak the truth in love and work for justice and peace in the world.
The voices behind Black Lives Matter have legitimate concerns. They recognize
that All Lives Matter which is why they are crying out for us to see them who for too
long have been unseen and unheard. Like the people on the dust speck, in
“Horton Hears a Who” they are crying, “We are here! We are Here!” “Our lives
matter equally as yours does.” We are all called to respect and listen to those
voices. The men and women of our police departments serve to uphold and
enforce the laws of this land. They are called to do a difficult and dangerous job,
putting their lives on the line in order to protect ours, their lives matter too. We are all called to
respect, support and help those who enforce the law. Yet, together, we are all part of broken and
sinful humanity and in need of God's mercy and help.
We are a country that has been blessed with enormous natural resources which has made us
economically wealthy and powerful in the eyes of the world, yet we are haunted by our past sins of
mistreatment of Native Americans, of slavery, and our racist past as they continue hurt us in matters
of poverty, education, health care and economic justice. We have work to do as a Church and as a
country. In humble prayer before God we can critically reflect upon our lives and our country's
commitment to justice and peace for all.
I am grateful the Kyrie begins our worship. In both settings that we use we begin the Kyrie by asking
for peace. And we continually beg God to come to our aid with peace for the whole world and for the
well-being of the Church of God and for the unity of all as the prayer progresses to its conclusion.
“Kyrie, eleison (Lord, have mercy) on our world and on our way. Kyrie, eleison ( Lord, have mercy)
every day. Amen.
May the peace of God be with you all,
Pastor Chris
The Butler WELCA met at the church on June 13, 2016
at 6:30 pm. Carol Flattum was hostess. 7 members
were present. Bible Study was "A Jailor: Getting Free from Internal Prisons" based on Acts 16: 1-40.
Kathy Buhler had Offering Meditation "One Beautiful Thing". The WELCA Purpose Statement was
read. Secretarys report was read and approved. Correspondence was reviewed. Treasurers report:
May Offering - $27.00, General Fund - $522.67, Altar Fund - $202.97
Mission Action Report: Julie reported that 13 Personal Care Kits are completed and there is enough
supplies for 6 more. This week we are to work on Baby Care Kits. Dark colored lightweight large
bath towels are needed.
Our next meeting is Monday, July 11,2016 at 6:30 pm. Hostess will be Janet Coyne and Julaine
Busch will have the Offering Meditation.
We closed with praying the Lord's Prayer.
Carol Flattum, Secretary
Bethesda WELCA met on June 8, 2016 at 7:00 with nine members present. Kathryn Bury, program
chairman, gave a most interesting lesson “Leaning About the Altar.” Her devotion was taken from
Psalm 84. There are three types of altars, sacrificial, incense, and one to the Lord. The first mention
of an altar was back in the book of Genesis. Most churches have an altar that faces the east
because of the light. Linens for communion are whit to express the joy that Jesus brings to the
people. Paraments reflect the light of Christ. Superfrontal paraments are usually on the altar that
faces the east. No flowers should ever be on the altar during Lent. For communion we use the fair
linen, the pall covers the chalice, platen is the bread plate. The ministry of the altar committee is that
it is a ministry, do your work in joy and know that it is a privilege, be reverent as we are in God’s
The secretary’s report and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. A thank you from the Ronald
McDonald House was read thanking Glenda and the quilters for the donation of quilts. We have
spent $1404.09 on the ice cream shack and Bergen has done the same.
Old Business: Glenda Bakken has made a quilt for Bethesda for the quilt auction for Lutheran
Outdoors. A motion was made and seconded to pay her $150.00 for doing that for us.
New Business: * Church cleaning was discussed and a motion was made and seconded to pay Kay
$200.00 for cleaning our church. She will not start until after Labor Day. We will accept donations
from members to go to the cleaning fund. *Bonnie and Kay reported on the synod convention and
said it was great. The theme was reconciliation. 15 people from Sioux Falls biked to Watertown for
the convention and raised $9100 for the prison ministry. Paul Rohde and his wife were part of the
group. They also reported Joy Ranch is debt free and Lutherans Outdoors has purchased some
additional land for Ne-So-Dak bible camp. *Kathryn Bury will be the decorating chairman for the July
13th luncheon as Nola Roitsch will be gone.
Our August meeting will be at 7:00 on August 10th. Bonnie Anderson is program chairman on Pew
Protocol. Pam Dylla will be the hostess.Prayer concerns were: Lynn Lutz, Harold and Helen Vehe,
Mark Vehe, Ben Landwehr, the graduates, and the leaders in our country.
The meeting closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer and singing the table prayer. Robin Anderson
served a delicious dessert and coffee.
Alice Jean Peterson, Secretary
Please remember as you are vacationing this
summer that the church bills don’t stop.
When you are paying your monthly bills
please include your church home. Thank you!
Watch for Back-to-School sales to stock up
on items for the school kits. All items must
be new. Each kit contains the following:
 4 - 70-sheet notebooks of wide or
college-ruled paper, approximately 8”
x 10 ½”; no loose leaf paper
 1 - 30-centimeter ruler, or a ruler with
centimeters on one side and inches
on the other
 1 - pencil sharpener
 1 - pair of blunt scissors (safety
scissors with embedded steel blades
work well)
 5 - unsharpened #2 pencils with
 5 - black or blue ballpoint pens (no
gel ink);
 1 - box of 16 or 24 crayons
 1 - 2 ½” eraser
 1 - sturdy drawstring backpack-style
cloth bag, approximately 14” x 17”
with shoulder straps (no standard
MercyMe Concert
Brown County Fair
Wednesday August 17th 8pm
MercyMe is a contemporary Christian music band
from Greenville Texas.
2nd Annual Bergen Threshing Bee
Sunday August 7th at Bergen Church
8am Breakfast
10am Old Fashioned Church Service
11am-1pm Klub and Ham Dinner with
homemade spritz for dessert
$10 tickets for the dinner MUST be
purchased in advance – contact Kenny
Anderson at 345-3695
Threshing ongoing throughout the day
except during worship.
Covered wagon rides – Potato picking
August 21st at 10:30 at Bethesda
Parents and Students please attend – we
will be discussing expectations,
curriculum and schedule.
Confirmation will begin on Wednesday
September 7th
Confirmation students will also be helping
sell ice cream at the James Valley
Threshing Show in Andover on
September 9, 10 and 11.
Thank you to the Bethesda Women for
the gifts for speaking at the Luncheon. I
really enjoyed my time with you!
Brianna Johnson
Bible Readings for each
Sunday in August.
August 7
Genesis 15:1-6
Psalm 33:12-22
Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16
Luke 12:32-40
August 14
Jeremiah 23:23-29
Psalm 82
Hebrews 11:29--12:2
Luke 12:49-56
August 21
Isaiah 58:9b-14
Psalm 103:1-8
Hebrews 12:18-29
Luke 13:10-17
August 28
Proverbs 25:6-7
Psalm 112
Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16
Luke 14:1, 7-14
The annual luncheon hosted
by the Bethesda WELCA was
held on July 13th. The theme
for this year’s event was, “God
Bless the USA.” 130 guests
were treated to a lunch prepared by Karin
Bartell, a Bethesda member. A silent auction
was held before the lunch and several door
prizes were awarded during lunch. Alice Jean
Peterson, program chairman, gave devotion
and prayer. Brianna Johnson, of Webster and
a member of the Army National Guard, was the
guest speaker. She has been a member of the
army for 14 ½ years and has had tours of duty
in Kuwait. She told about some of the
conditions they lived in while overseas and
duties she had. She is currently the
commander of the American Legion Post in
Webster. Alice Jean and her daughter, Julie
Dyste, played a duet of patriotic melodies. To
close the program the group reflected on our
great country by listening to Lee Greenwood’s
song, God Bless the USA.
Open House Baby Shower for Christa Sieben
on Saturday August 27th at 9am at Butler.
How often we quote Leviticus 19:18: “Love
your neighbor as yourself.” It’s not a bad
standard to reach for; even Jesus
repeated it (see Matthew 22:39 and
elsewhere). But in John 13:34, as Bible
scholar Dr. Harry Wendt points out, Jesus
changes the wording slightly but crucially:
“A new commandment I give to you, that
you love one another: just as I have loved
you, you also are to love one another”
Perhaps during his time on earth, Jesus
realized humans don’t actually love
ourselves very much or very well. So using
self-love as the bar by which to measure
neighbor-love might be ineffective.
Although we may act self-enamored and
self-impressed, it’s often just a cover for
inner feelings of self-loathing and selfdoubt.
After washing his disciples’ feet and before
sacrificing his very life for them (and us),
Jesus changes the wording — and the
example that will lead us: “Love one
another not as you love you, but as I love
you.” Unconditionally. Unreservedly.
Wholeheartedly. Unto death. And into life
The Bethesda Women of the
ELCA would like to thank all who
helped and supported the
annual luncheon, “God Bless the
USA”. We especially thank
Karin Bartell for making the
wonderful meal. Thank you to
the people who set up, tore
down, decorated, and donated
to the silent auction and door
prizes. The program was
wonderful with Sgt. Brianna
Johnson as our speaker. It was
a great success and we could
not have done it without you.
Thank you to Julie Dyste & Lola
Counts for all your help.
In 2018 the ELCA national youth gathering will be in Houston
Texas. The last couple of youth gatherings like this South Dakota
has sent the most kids, I am hoping that this trend will continue at
the next gathering and our kids will be among those that are
going. We will need money to attend this gathering and one big
way to gather funds for this trip is by fundraising and that is where
the ice cream shack at the Andover Threshing show comes in.
This is a wonderful opportunity not only for the confirmation
students to help raise the money they will need to attend the youth
gathering but also to meet and reacquaint themselves with
different members of the community. I have applied for and
received from Thrivent, through a Thrivent Action Kit, money to
help supply the shack with ice cream, cups, spoons, and whatever
else we need. The Bethesda WELCA has done a great job of
maintaining and running the ice cream shack and would love
some help from the more youthful members of the church. We
have a brand new building this year for our use. I know that most
of the students are involved in the Threshing show in other ways
but I am requiring the students to take a turn selling ice cream and
hope their families will join them. Look for the sign up sheet as we
get closer to the date of the show.
Jon Raap Family
At Butler
Brent & Vicki Zimmerman
At Butler
Altar Guild
Sign up sheet
on the
bulletin board
Alice Jean
Fran Morehouse
Muriel Bohn
Karin Bartell
At Bethesda
Wayne Nolte
At Bethesda
Kathy Buhler
Wes Nolte
Wayne Nolte
Bethesda Financial Report
Needed weekly to meet the budget: $1,348.72
$ 125.00
$ 580.00
$ 375.00
As of July 21, 2016
Total 2016 yearly receipts: $32,815.06
Total 2016 yearly disbursements: $37,822.37
$ 43.00
$ 10.00
August 3
August 3
August 5
August 6
August 6
August 9
August 9
August 11
August 14
August 17
August 19
August 20
August 20
August 22
August 27
August 29
Sarah Schiley
Scott Schiley
Carrie Rumpza
Thad Duerre
Mark Wattier
Al Goehring
Caroline Bahr
Julie Flattum
Kinsley Ash
Clinton Huwe
Lane Stern
Gailand Henrichsen
Brandy Peterson
Sharon Johnson
Heather Lone
Robin Anderson
6:30 Butler
Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
No Office Hours
9am Communion Worship at
Bethesda with Pastor Rhia Strohm
Summer Choir
7pm Bethesda
Pastor Chris at Churchwide
Assembly in New Orleans
Pastor’s Office
2pm Bible Belles
Bergen Threshing Bee
Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
No Office Hours
9am Worship at Butler with Diane
Summer Choir
8pm MercyMe
Concert at the
Brown County Fair
Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Newsletter items
9am Worship at Bethesda with
Runner’s Club Noisy Can Offering
9am Communion Worship at Butler
Butler Congregational Meeting
following Worship
6:30 Bethesda
Council Meeting
Pastor’s Office
9am Open House
Baby Shower for
Christa Sieben at
10:30 Confirmation Meeting for
Parents and Students at Bethesda
Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Pastor’s Office