2016 Early Retiree Non-Medicare Choice


2016 Early Retiree Non-Medicare Choice
2016 Sharp Choice
Provider Network Directory
We b e l i ev
e i n ch o i c
Physicians • Hospitals • Urgent Care Centers • Pharmacies • Extras
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table of Contents
Pharmacies by City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Farmacias por ciudad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
This directory is organized to help you find a Primary Care
Physician in the Sharp Choice Plan Network who is convenient
to you and each family member. It will also help you
understand some key terms and answer questions about how
to enroll and where to call for help.
Hospitals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Hospitales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Urgent Care Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Centros de atención de urgencia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Other Providers
Otros proveedores
Chiropractic Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Quiroprácticos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Este directorio está organizado para ayudarle a encontrar un
médico de atención primaria en la red del Plan Sharp Choice
que le resulte conveniente a usted y a cada miembro de su
familia. También le ayudará a entender ciertos términos clave
y le responderá preguntas sobre cómo inscribirse y dónde
llamar si necesita ayuda.
Mental Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Salud mental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Chemical Dependency &
Alcoholism Treatment Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Proveedores de tratamiento para la dependencia
de sustancias químicas y el alcoholismo . . . . . . . . . 73
How to Use This Provider Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Cómo usar este directorio de proveedores . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Primary Care Physicians by Last Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Médicos por apellido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Primary Care Physicians by City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Médicos de atención primaria por ciudad . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Plan Medical Groups (PMGs)
Grupos Médicos del Plan (PMGs, por sus siglas en inglés)
Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Sharp Community Arch Health Partners
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Sharp Community Medical Group - Graybill
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Sharp Community Medical Group - Inland North
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Sharp Community Medical Group -Temecula
Primary Care Physicians. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Médicos de atención primaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Vision Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Servicios de la vista. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Physicians by Specialty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Medicos por especialidad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or more of the following services that
may be covered under your plan contract and
that you or your family member might need:
family planning; contraceptive services, including
emergency contraception; sterilization, including
tubal ligation at the time of labor and delivery;
infertility treatments; or abortion. You should
obtain more information before you enroll. Call
your prospective doctor, medical group, independent practice association, or clinic, or call the
health plan toll free at (800) 359-2002 or e-mail
us at customer.service@sharp.com to ensure that
you can obtain the health care services that you
Ciertos hospitales y otros proveedores no ofrecen
algunos de los siguientes servicios que pueden
estar cubiertos bajo el contrato de su plan, y
que usted o algún miembro de su familia podría
necesitar: planificación familiar, servicios anticonceptivos, inclusive anticoncepción de emergencia, ligadura de trompas al momento del
parto, tratamientos de la infertilidad o aborto.
Debe pedir más información antes de inscribirse.
Llame al médico, grupo médico, asociación de
consultorios independiente o clínica que esté
pensando elegir o llame sin cargo al plan de
salud al (800) 359-2002 o e-mail al customer.
service@sharp.com para asegurarse de que podrá
recibir los servicios de salud que necesita.
What if I'm not sure whether it's an emergency?
Welcome to Sharp Health Plan
This Provider Directory lists all primary care physicians,
hospitals, urgent care centers, and pharmacies participating in
Sharp Health Plan that are in the Sharp Health Plan Choice
Network. These health care professionals work together to
provide you with high quality medical services. Please keep
your Provider Directory for future reference. If you have any
questions, please call Customer Care toll-free at 1-800-3592002, or e-mail us at customer.service@sharp. com
Your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
The physician you choose as your personal doctor is called your
Primary Care Physician. He or she will be responsible for all of
your health care needs, including if you need to be admitted to
the hospital or referred to a specialist. Because your PCP knows
your medical history, he or she can direct you to the most
appropriate course of treatment.
Using This Directory
Step 1 — If you have a personal doctor and would like to select
him or her as your Primary Care Physician (PCP), look in the
Primary Care Physicians by Last Name Section of this directory
to see if he or she is available. This section has a listing of all
PCPs sorted by the doctor’s last name.
Step 2 — If you do not yet have a personal doctor or if you are
searching for a doctor near your home or offce, look in The
Primary Care Physicians by City Section of this directory. This
section has a listing of all PCPs sorted by the city where the
doctor’s offce is located.
Step 3 — Members have direct and unlimited access to OB/
GYN physicians as well as all PCPs (family practice, internal
medicine, etc.) in their Primary Care Physician’s Plan Medical
Group (PMG) for obstetrical and gynecological services. If
you would like to fnd out which doctors are available to you
for these services, look in the Medical Group Section of this
directory. This section has a listing of all PCPs and OB/GYNs
within each medical group.
If you do not select a PCP when you complete your enrollment
form, Sharp Health Plan will assign one for you that is
convenient to where you live.
Answers To Some Commonly Asked Questions
What do I do in an emergency?
If you need emergency medical care, call "911" or go to the
nearest hospital emergency room.
Call your PCP (even after normal business hours). He or she can
help decide the best way to get treatment and can arrange for prompt
urgent care or emergency room care. However, do not delay getting
care if your PCP is not immediately available.
If you access Emergency Services or Urgent Care Services and it is
later determined by the PMG or the Plan that the care you obtained
was not Medically Necessary, it will not be paid for by the Plan, and
you will be responsible to pay for the care.
What if I need to see a specialist?
If a specialist is needed to treat your condition, your PCP will refer
you to the appropriate physician. In most cases, each Plan Medical
Group (PMG) includes a different set of primary care physicians,
specialists, urgent care centers and other providers. If you go to a
specialist that has not been authorized by your PCP, those services will
not be covered under Sharp Health Plan.
Patients who choose Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group have direct
access (no referrals required) to specialists in allergy; OB/GYN;
ophthalmology; otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat); podiatry; and
any Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care Center.
What if I need to go to the hospital?
If you need hospitalization, your Sharp Health Plan physician will
send you to the hospital where he or she has admitting privileges. In
most cases, each Plan Medical Group (PMG) includes a different set
of primary care physicians, specialists, urgent care centers and other
providers. In addition your selection may impact the primary hospital
in which services are delivered. You must go to that hospital in order
to receive plan benefts.
If you would like a list of our contracted sub-acute or transitional
inpatient care facilities (Skilled Nursing Facility and Long Term
Care), please call Customer Care at 1-800-359-2002, or e-mail us at
How often can I see my Primary Care Physician (PCP)?
Are appointments necessary?
You can see your PCP as often as necessary. You should always call for
an appointment. Appointments are made to eliminate unnecessary
waiting. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please
call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel.
Important Notice
This booklet is not a contract, but is a general description of important
aspects of Sharp Health Plan. A complete description of the services and
benefts are contained in the Member Handbook, issued to you upon
enrollment in Sharp Health Plan.
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The physicians listed in this provider directory were
participating Sharp Health Plan physicians at the time the
directory was created. Sharp Health Plan cannot guarantee
that any specifc provider will be available to you during
the term of your membership. Providers’ addresses, phone
numbers, etc. are also subject to change. The Plan reserves
the right to modify this directory as necessary.
Si no selecciona un PCP al llenar el formulario de inscripción, Sharp
Health Plan le asignará uno que esté ubicado convenientemente cerce
de su domicilio.
Respuestas a algunas preguntas comunes
¿ Qué hago en caso de emergencia?
Si necesita atencíon médica de emergencia, llame al "911" o acuda a la
sala de emergencia del hospital más cercano.
¿ Qué hago si no estoy seguro de si es una emergencia?
Bienvenido a Sharp Health Plan (Plan de Salud sharp)
Este Directorio de Proveedores lista a todos los médicos de atención
primaria, hospitales, centros de atención de urgencia y farmacias
participantes en el Sharp Health Plan eso estã en la red del Plan
Sharp Choice. Estos profesionales de la salud trabajan en equipo para
brindarle servicios médicos de calidad. Por favor guarde el Directorio
de Proveedores para referencia futura. Si tiene alguna p regunta, llame
sin cargo a Cuidado del Cliente al 1-800-359-2002, o e-mail al
Llame a su médico de atención primaria (inclusive después del
horario de atención normal). Él o ella podrá ayudarle a decidir qué
se debe hacer y puede hacer arreglos para que reciba atención de
urgencia enseguida o decirle si debe acudir a la sala de emergencias.
Sin embargo, no retrase que le brinden atención médica si no puede
comunicarse con su PCP. Si es atendido en la sala de emergencias o en
un centro de atencion de urgencias, y luego el grupo médico o el plan
determinan que no era médicamente necesario, el plan no lo pagará y
usted será responsable de pagar dicho servicio.
¿Qué sucede si necesito ver a un especialista?
Su médico de atención primaria (PCP)
El médico que usted elige como médico de cabecera se llama médico
de atención primaria. Éste será responsable de ocuparse de todas
sus necesidades de atención de la salud, inclusive si necesita ser
hospitalizado o ver a un especialista. Debido a que su PCP conoce su
historia clínica, puede determinar cuál es el curso de tratamiento más
Al usar este Directorio
Paso 1 — Si ya tiene un médico de cabecera y desea seleccionarlo
como su médico de atención primaria (PCP), busque en la sección
Médicos de atención primaria por apellido para ver si pertenece al
plan. Esta sección lista a todos los PCP por el apellido.
Si se necesita un especialista para tratar su afección, su PCP le remitirá
al médico que corresponda. En la mayoría de los casos cada plan
de grupo medico (PMG) incluye diferentes conjuntos de médicos
de atención primaria, especialistas, centros de emergencia y otros
proveedores de servicios médicos. Si usted visita a un especialista y
esto no ha sido autorizado por su médico de atención primaria, estos
servicios no estarán cubiertos bajo el Sharp Health Plan.
Los pacientes que eligen e grupo médico Sharp Rees-Stealy tienen
acceso directo (no necesitan remisión) a especialistas en alergia,
obstetricia/ginecología, oftalmología, otorrinolaringología (oídos,
nariz y garganta), podiatría y cualquier centro de urgencias
perteneciente a Sharp Rees-Stealy.
¿Y si necesito ir al hospital?
Paso 2 — Si aún no tiene un médico de cabecera o si está buscando
uno cerca de su casa o trabajo, busque en la sección Médicos de
atención primaria por ciudad en este directorio. Esta sección lista
a todos los PCP agrupados por la ciudad donde el médico tiene su
Paso 3 — Los miembros tienen acceso directo e ilimitado a médicos
obstetras/ginecólogos asi como a todos los PCP (medicina familiar,
interna, etc.) pertenecientes al grupo médico del plan (PMG)
de su médico de atención primaria para servicios de obstetricia y
ginecología. Si desea ver cuáles médicos pueden brindarle estos
servicios, busque en la sección de Grupos Médicos de este directorio.
Esta sección incluye un listado de todos los médicos de atención
primaria y obstetras/ginecólogos pertenecientes a cada grupo médico.
Si necesita ser internado, su médico del Sharp Health Plan le enviará
al hospital donde é1 o ella está autorizado para internar pacientes. En
la mayoría de los casos cada plan de grupo medico (PMG) incluye
diferentes conjuntos de médicos de atención primaria, especialistas,
centros de emergencia y otros proveedores de servicios médicos.
Además de su selección puede afectar el hospital principal en el que se
prestan los servicios.
Usted debe ir a dicho hospital a fn de recibir los benefcios del plan.
Si desea una lista de nuestras instituciones contratadas para atención
de pacientes internados subagudos o en transición (instituciones de
enfermería especializada y atención a largo plazo), llame a nuestro
departamento de Cuidado del Cliente al 1-800-359-2002, o e-mail al
¿Con qué frecuencia puedo ver a mi médico de atención
primaria (PCP)? ¿Es necesario pedir cita?
Puede ver a su PCP todas las veces que necesite. Siempre debe llamar
antes para pedir una cita. Las citas se hacen para no tener que esperar
innecesariamente. Si no puede acudir a una cita, por favor llame al
menos 24 horas antes para avisar.
Aviso importante
Este folleto no es un contrato, sino una descripción general de aspectos
importantes del Sharp Health Plan. El Manual del Miembro, que se le
entregard al inscribirse en el Sharp Health Plan, contiene una descripción
completa de los servicios y benef cios.
Los médicos incluidos en este directorio de proveedores son los médicos
participantes en el Sharp Health Plan al momento de crearse el directorio.
Sharp Health Plan no puede garantizar que determinado proveedor
pertenecerá al plan durante todo el tiempo que dure su af liación. Las
direcciones y teléfonos de los proveedores también pueden cambiar. El plan se
reserva el derecho de modifcar este directorio según sea necesario.
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Abell, Geoffrey MD................................................................. 20, 38
Abesa, Maria Regina MD ........................................................ 16, 38
Abjelina, Annalisa MD ...................................................... 28, 30, 38
Abola, Amy MD ...................................................................... 20, 48
Abramowitz, Basil MD ............................................................ 20, 48
Abramowitz, Bryan MD .......................................................... 20, 42
Adams, James MD ................................................................... 20, 32
Adamson, Marie MD ............................................................... 20, 48
Adderson, John MD ................................................................. 20, 41
Adhikary Sharma, Sarina MD.................................................. 13, 45
Adigopula, Bina MD................................................................ 16, 38
Adlouni, Loubaba MD ............................................................. 20, 38
Aguilar, Edita MD.................................................................... 13, 34
Ahadian, Emelya MD .............................................................. 20, 49
Ajir, Mahyar DO ........................................................................ 9, 31
Akashi, Marc MD ...................................................................... 9, 38
Alexander, Mary MD............................................................... 16, 49
Allen, Joseph MD .................................................................... 20, 41
Almansour, Mumtaz MD ............................................. 12, 20, 32, 41
Altschuler, Kenneth MD .......................................................... 16, 48
Alvarez-Martinez, Liliana MD ................................................ 27, 32
Amani, Ramin MD................................................................... 28, 31
Amberg, James MD ................................................................. 16, 48
Ambo, Stanley MD .................................................................. 28, 37
Ancona-Young, Corinne DO ................................................... 12, 41
Andree, Gregor MD ................................................................. 20, 34
Anthony, Jeffrey DO................................................................ 20, 32
Antonio, Kevin MD ................................................................. 20, 49
Antos, Michael MD.................................................................... 9, 50
Arbabi, Nasrin MD .................................................................. 20, 44
Archambault, Christian MD..................................................... 20, 38
Arian, Lisa MD ........................................................................ 20, 42
Arikat, Azzah MD.................................................................... 12, 49
Ashouri, Omid MD .................................................................. 18, 31
Aspin, Mary MD ........................................................................ 9, 50
Assaf, Samer MD..................................................................... 20, 49
Asselin, Lynette DO................................................................. 28, 37
Atienza, Pamela MD .................................................................. 9, 38
Audish, Hanid DO.................................................................... 27, 32
Awdykovych, Marta MD ......................................................... 21, 50
Azam, Muhammad MD ........................................................... 12, 41
Azhand, Azim MD................................................................... 28, 34
Bailony, Ahmad MD................................................................ 18, 38
Bailony, Mohammed MD ........................................................ 18, 38
Baniadam, Behzad MD .............................................................. 9, 31
Baratta, Isabel MD ..................................................................... 9, 38
Barbadillo, Ferdinand MD ................................................... 9, 18, 38
Barbadillo, Teresita MD .......................................................... 18, 38
Barkley, Jennifer MD......................................................... 21, 49, 50
Baroudi, Houssam MD ............................................................ 28, 36
Barron, Robert MD .................................................................. 28, 36
Bedrosian, Diane MD .............................................................. 28, 37
Beeson, Stephen MD................................................................ 21, 48
Bengs, Christopher MD ............................................................. 9, 36
Berent, Michael MD ................................................................ 21, 50
Berger, John MD...................................................................... 21, 32
Bernaba, Bethani MD .............................................................. 21, 48
Bhasin, Sangita MD ................................................................. 13, 38
(By Last Name)
Índice de Doctores de
Atención Primaria
(por apellido del médico)
Bhasker, Kala MD.................................................................... 28, 36
Bialostozky, Mario MD............................................................ 10, 38
Bibler, Mark MD...................................................................... 28, 45
Biewenga, Melissa MD ............................................................ 21, 32
Blando, Ellen MD .................................................................... 20, 44
Bloom, Genevieve MD ............................................................ 11, 42
Blount, Marsha MD.................................................................. 16, 48
Boone, Gary MD ...................................................................... 21, 41
Boquin, Enrique MD ................................................................ 29, 31
Borecky, David MD ................................................................. 13, 45
Borrero, Marcos MD ................................................................ 21, 42
Bowers, Hilary MD ............................................................ 13, 19, 38
Boyatt, Kelly MD..................................................................... 28, 47
Braverman, Ira MD .................................................................. 18, 42
Breslow, Adam MD ................................................................. 10, 38
Bridgeman, David MD............................................................. 15, 45
Brion, Sonja MD ...................................................................... 13, 38
Bromm, Ryan DO .................................................................... 19, 44
Broudy, Abraham MD.............................................................. 10, 38
Brown, Daniel MD................................................................... 21, 49
Brown, Joseph MD................................................................... 29, 31
Brown, Leah MD...................................................................... 10, 38
Brownell, Kristin MD .............................................................. 21, 32
Bryce, Richard DO................................................................... 21, 48
Brydon, Paul DO ...................................................................... 28, 32
Budde, Audra DO..................................................................... 21, 48
Burgamy, Elizabeth MD ............................................................ 9, 38
Burzell, Linden MD ........................................................... 18, 29, 45
Busto, Carla MD ...................................................................... 17, 38
Butler, Dennis MD ................................................................... 16, 50
Buzard, Russel DO................................................................... 13, 45
Byers-Lund, Kimberly DO....................................................... 21, 41
Cabarlo, Jehrib DO...................................................................
Cadman, Karen MD .................................................................
Calderon, Marilyn MD.............................................................
Calhoun, Chanelle MD.............................................................
Camacho, Claudia MD.............................................................
Cao, Michelle MD....................................................................
Capella, Marina MD.................................................................
21, 34
29, 36
10, 32
18, 34
28, 38
16, 48
18, 35
Primary Care
Physicians Index
Caperna, Joseph MD................................................................. 21, 42
Capetanakis, Eleni MD ............................................................. 10, 38
Cardenas, Hector MD ............................................................... 16, 49
Cardones, Arthur MD ............................................................... 27, 32
Carpenter, Heather MD............................................................. 19, 45
Carpenter, Robert DO ............................................................... 21, 34
Carrasco, Douglas MD ............................................................. 28, 34
Carrera, Jorge MD .................................................................... 13, 36
Carson, Stephen MD................................................................. 21, 38
Carty, David MD ...................................................................... 19, 44
Cason, Sheila MD ............................................................... 17, 28, 38
Castrejon, Joseph MD............................................................... 29, 36
Castro, Carlos MD .................................................................... 18, 42
Castro, Jorge MD ...................................................................... 29, 37
Cava, Noli MD.................................................................... 10, 21, 42
Cepin, Monica MD ................................................................... 10, 33
Chabala, James MD .................................................................. 29, 45
Chambers, Edward MD ............................................................ 21, 32
Champagne, Lynne MD............................................................ 21, 42
Chang, Alan MD....................................................................... 21, 49
Chang, Irene MD ...................................................................... 10, 38
Chaturvedi, Sanjana MD........................................................... 29, 36
Cheffet, Shannon DO.......................................................... 21, 34, 35
Chen, Margaret MD .................................................................. 14, 34
Chen, Tsuh-Yin MD ................................................................. 21, 34
Cheng, Gordon MD .................................................................. 21, 38
Chiang, Larry MD..................................................................... 14, 46
Chilingirian, Amy DO .............................................................. 21, 48
Chisum, Faith MD .................................................................... 15, 32
Chong, Maribeth MD.................................................................. 9, 31
Chong, Yoo Jin MD.................................................................... 9, 31
Chou, Susanna MD ................................................................... 10, 32
Chow, Byron MD ..................................................................... 14, 35
Christie, Patricia MD ................................................................ 14, 32
Chu, Cherie MD........................................................................ 16, 50
Chung, Jeanie MD .................................................................... 16, 49
Clark, Ma Belen MD ................................................................ 29, 31
Clay, Corrie MD ....................................................................... 16, 38
Clementino, Nancy MD............................................................ 13, 38
Clotfelter, Christine DO............................................................ 13, 36
Cohen, Cara MD ....................................................................... 14, 38
Cohen, Elaine MD .................................................................... 10, 38
Cohen, Stuart MD ............................................................... 12, 21, 38
Coleman, Stacey DO................................................................. 12, 48
Cone, Stephanie MD................................................................. 21, 38
Conner, Julius MD .................................................................... 21, 49
Conrad, Alan MD ..................................................................... 19, 46
Considine, Kevin DO................................................................ 11, 41
Cook, Jessica DO ...................................................................... 21, 32
Cook, Oscar MD ....................................................................... 19, 32
Cordoba, Miguel MD................................................................ 10, 38
Cornelius, Carol MD................................................................. 19, 44
Cottel, Jill MD .......................................................................... 19, 46
Coullahan, Jessica MD ............................................................. 14, 38
Craychee, Leo MD.................................................................... 28, 38
Crouch, Terrence MD ............................................................... 18, 34
Cueva, Mary MD ...................................................................... 29, 45
Curbelo, Violeta MD ................................................................ 10, 38
Curley, Edward MD.................................................................. 19, 35
Curran, Perrin MD .................................................................... 19, 31
Curtis, Elaine MD ..................................................................... 10, 42
Cutler, Michael MD.................................................................. 29, 31
Czer, Gregory MD.................................................................... 10, 42
Czvik, Joseph MD .................................................................... 27, 36
D'Arpa, Glenn DO ....................................................................
D'Souza, Lydia MD ..................................................................
Dai, Hui-Wen DO.....................................................................
Dalforno, Victor MD ................................................................
Danesh, Mohammad MD .........................................................
Daniels, Sarah MD ...................................................................
Dann, Raymond MD ................................................................
Dao, Loan MD..........................................................................
Dao, Viet MD ...........................................................................
Daramola, Iyabo MD................................................................
Daub, Douglas MD...................................................................
Davila, Jose MD .......................................................................
De Freitas, Chrystal MD...........................................................
De La Rosa, Ivonne MD...........................................................
Del Re, Amanda MD ................................................................
Del Valle, Jeannette MD ..........................................................
Delgadillo, Alexander MD .......................................................
Demenko, Aleksandr MD.........................................................
Dengerink, Wendy MD ............................................................
Denysiak, Barbara MD .............................................................
Dern, Michelle MD ..................................................................
Devaki, Uma DO ......................................................................
Diakiw, Adriana MD ................................................................
Diaz, Ian MD ............................................................................
Dill, Donald MD.......................................................................
Dipp, Martha MD .....................................................................
Doan, Kenneth MD ..................................................................
Dockweiler, Rosalind MD........................................................
Dokich, Sretenka MD ...............................................................
Dolby, Jennifer MD..................................................................
Dominguez, Dennis MD...........................................................
Doringo, Elainie MD ................................................................
Dubey, Lon MD........................................................................
Duck, Craig MD .......................................................................
Dudarewicz, Teresa MD...........................................................
Duque Gomez, Cesar MD ........................................................
Dure-Smith, Belinda MD .........................................................
Dysart, Jeffrey MD ...................................................................
27, 32
13, 32
15, 45
19, 31
17, 32
19, 38
14, 45
14, 45
21, 41
21, 42
27, 41
16, 48
21, 38
21, 35
15, 38
10, 42
15, 36
29, 31
12, 32
21, 32
13, 38
21, 48
21, 38
27, 32
12, 41
10, 50
16, 49
13, 38
15, 35
21, 50
12, 41
10, 38
17, 35
13, 36
15, 32
10, 32
19, 44
21, 41
Ede, Kekoa MD ........................................................................ 14, 34
Ehlers, Rolf MD ....................................................................... 21, 42
Elias, Ramiz MD ...................................................................... 21, 42
Emmanuel-Cochrane, Joy DO.................................................. 10, 41
Eros, Christine MD................................................................... 21, 41
Escuro, Guia-Lynn MD ............................................................ 13, 38
Espinoza, Angelica MD............................................................ 22, 48
Esposito, Nicole MD ................................................................ 27, 32
Etedali, Elaheh DO ..................................................................... 9, 31
Faeldonea-Seruelo, Rhyl Ann MD ...........................................
Falconio, Linda MD .................................................................
Falquier, Sabrina MD ...............................................................
Farris, Reuben MD ...................................................................
Fassett, Richard MD.................................................................
Feinstein, Katherine DO ...........................................................
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
14, 45
29, 31
22, 49
10, 33
22, 41
12, 38
Gabhart, Lisa MD .................................................................... 22, 50
Gaidry, John MD...................................................................... 22, 34
Gale, Marvin MD..................................................................... 10, 39
Gandhi, Sheetal MD................................................................. 16, 39
Gannon, Lauren MD .......................................................... 22, 34, 35
Garcia, Anna MD..................................................................... 16, 48
Garcia, Carlos MD ................................................................... 10, 39
Garcia, Rafael MD ................................................................... 18, 39
Garcia, Rosemary MD ............................................................. 10, 49
Garg, Aruna MD ...................................................................... 29, 31
Gavrilyuk, Igor MD ................................................................. 22, 34
Gertser, Elaine MD .................................................................. 22, 42
Ghahremani, Simin MD........................................................... 10, 39
Ghorbani, Shireen MD............................................................. 22, 49
Gianfortune, Rachel MD.......................................................... 22, 39
Giangreco, Lizzie MD.............................................................. 22, 50
Gibson, George MD................................................................. 16, 32
Gil, Francisco MD.................................................................... 18, 41
Gil, Gabriel MD ....................................................................... 22, 32
Gilman, Frank MD................................................................... 22, 49
Gleason-Rohrer, Gwen MD ..................................................... 22, 32
Glockner, Susan MD................................................................ 22, 32
Goldfinger, Neil MD................................................................ 19, 44
Golembesky, Henry MD .......................................................... 10, 50
Gollub, Norman MD ................................................................ 22, 50
Gomez, Denise MD.................................................................. 19, 34
Gonzales, Michelle MD ........................................................... 19, 36
Gonzalez, Marco MD............................................................... 10, 48
Gordon, Christopher MD ......................................................... 12, 32
Gordon, Jeoffry MD................................................................. 22, 32
Gosalia, Nupur MD.................................................................. 19, 45
Graham, David MD.................................................................. 18, 33
Graham, Stuart MD.................................................................. 22, 44
Grant, Colette MD.................................................................... 18, 39
Grant, John MD........................................................................ 22, 48
Gray, Janette MD ..................................................................... 22, 34
Gray, Maria MD....................................................................... 10, 39
Greb, David MD ................................................................ 14, 28, 32
Green, Billie MD...................................................................... 22, 34
Greene, Edward MD ................................................................ 10, 49
Gregerson, Jacob MD .............................................................. 22, 35
Griffin, Steven MD ............................................................ 18, 28, 39
Gross, Bennett MD .................................................................. 12, 49
Gross, Gary MD ....................................................................... 13, 39
Gunta, Sujana MD.................................................................... 19, 31
Gupta, Brij MD ........................................................................ 27, 42
Gupta, Carmen MD .................................................................. 22, 48
Gurtch, Tim MD................................................................. 16, 22, 32
Haberman, Mark MD ............................................................... 14, 45
Hackett, Laura MD................................................................... 16, 48
Haffie, David DO ..................................................................... 14, 45
Halim, Neil MD........................................................................ 27, 31
Hall, Andrew MD....................................................................... 9, 36
Hall, David MD.................................................................. 22, 49, 50
Hamedaninia, Azardokht MD .................................................. 10, 39
Hamidi, Mahshid MD .............................................................. 22, 41
Hampshire, Kristin MD............................................................ 22, 48
Hansen, David MD............................................................. 10, 12, 42
Hansen, John MD..................................................................... 22, 39
Hanten, Karen MD ..................................................................... 9, 35
Hardisty, Teresa MD ................................................................ 16, 50
Harless, William MD ............................................................... 22, 49
Hart, Carol MD ........................................................................ 16, 50
Hartsfield, Jershonda MD ........................................................ 10, 50
Hassan, Alshafie MD ............................................................... 10, 49
Hastanan, Carol MD................................................................. 14, 32
Hay, James MD ........................................................................ 13, 36
Heifetz, Susan MD ................................................................... 29, 36
Hekmat, Razi MD .................................................................... 18, 42
Held, Jerry MD......................................................................... 12, 34
Henderson, Trevor MD ............................................................ 22, 39
Henderson-Meyer, Tonya MD ................................................. 16, 50
Hergesheimer, Charles MD...................................................... 29, 36
Herring, Lynn MD.................................................................... 19, 39
Hibbs, Nicole MD .................................................................... 22, 39
Hill, Linda MD................................................................... 22, 33, 35
Hinojosa-Valencia, Alejandro MD .......................................... 10, 34
Hippen, Rachelle MD............................................................... 22, 32
Hirniak, Oksana DO................................................................. 27, 45
Hiser, Daniel MD ..................................................................... 22, 34
Ho, Huy MD............................................................................. 22, 49
Hoang, Vy MD................................................................... 12, 22, 39
Hodsman, Hugh MD ................................................................ 29, 36
Hoefer, Daniel MD................................................................... 12, 48
Hoffman, Jamie MD................................................................. 22, 39
Honer, Denise MD ................................................................... 16, 42
Horikawa, Yousuke MD .......................................................... 16, 50
Hsieh, Leslie MD ..................................................................... 16, 39
Huang, Victor MD........................................................ 15, 28, 45, 47
Hubbard, Mark MD.................................................................. 22, 48
Hubley, Paul MD...................................................................... 10, 32
Huot, James MD......................................................................... 9, 33
Hurd, Melissa MD.................................................................... 29, 31
Hurwitz, Kathleen MD............................................................. 18, 35
Hussain, Sabiha MD................................................................. 23, 39
Ibrahim, Doreen MD ................................................................
Ibrahim, Nagi MD ....................................................................
Ide, Jasmine MD ......................................................................
Idemundia, Ann MD ................................................................
Iem, Stephanie DO ...................................................................
Ignacio, Kathlyn MD................................................................
23, 49
19, 31
23, 49
13, 35
14, 46
23, 49
Feinstein, Michael DO ............................................................. 22, 32
Ferber, Jeffrey MD................................................................... 29, 36
First, Brian MD ........................................................................ 22, 42
Fischer, Keith MD.................................................................... 16, 48
Fishman, Elena MD ................................................................. 22, 39
Fleming, Regina MD................................................................ 22, 35
Fletcher, Emily MD ................................................................. 10, 39
Foraci, Anna DO ...................................................................... 14, 45
Foster, Robert MD ................................................................... 16, 42
Fowler, Blaine MD .................................................................. 16, 48
Fox, Bryan MD ........................................................................ 28, 32
Francis, Katherine MD............................................................. 12, 35
Franco, Juan MD...................................................................... 14, 45
Fredricks, Robert MD .............................................................. 29, 31
Fresno, Blanca MD ............................................................ 10, 18, 39
Friedman, Jaime MD................................................................ 22, 39
Frumin, Frederick MD ............................................................. 13, 39
Imus, Paul MD .......................................................................... 16, 39
Ionescu, Ludmilla MD ........................................................ 14, 23, 44
Italiano, James MD ................................................................... 19, 31
Iyengar, Radha MD..................................................................... 9, 35
Jabro, Mark MD........................................................................ 23, 49
Jacobs, Shari MD ...................................................................... 14, 45
Jacobson, Eugenia MD ............................................................. 23, 39
Jacobson, Michael MD ......................................................... 9, 12, 39
Jahanpanah, Fereshteh MD....................................................... 12, 34
Jalisi, Nejat MD ........................................................................ 12, 41
James, John MD........................................................................ 12, 32
James, Veronique MD .............................................................. 16, 39
Jaramillo, Mary MD ................................................................. 29, 36
Jefferis, Lauren MD ............................................................ 13, 34, 35
Jensen, Jaclyn DO..................................................................... 23, 48
Jenson, Peter MD ...................................................................... 15, 45
Jibri, Nishwan MD.................................................................... 12, 32
Johnson, Daniel DO .................................................................. 15, 32
Johnson, Frederick MD............................................................. 10, 50
Johnson, Noah MD ................................................................... 27, 41
Johnson, Roy MD ..................................................................... 28, 32
Johnson, Sylvia MD.................................................................. 28, 39
Johnson-Patel, Jennifer MD...................................................... 23, 35
Johnston, Jan MD ..................................................................... 23, 34
Jolly, Desmond MD .................................................................. 10, 39
Jorgensen, Georgine MD .......................................................... 13, 36
Joswig, Bill MD ........................................................................ 19, 44
Juarez, Patricia MD................................................................... 23, 39
Jung, Yewah DO....................................................................... 20, 32
Kafka, John MD........................................................................ 16, 50
Kakimoto, Amy MD ................................................................. 13, 36
Karnik, Prachi MD.................................................................... 12, 49
Karp, Michael MD .................................................................... 29, 37
Kasch, Janine DO ..................................................................... 20, 44
Kaur, Jatinder MD .................................................................... 23, 32
Kelley, Leon MD ...................................................................... 23, 39
Kesanapalli, Deepthi MD ......................................................... 23, 39
Kettlehake, Patricia MD ..................................................... 12, 42, 43
Khaing, Kathy MD ................................................................... 10, 34
Khatri, Rakhi MD ..................................................................... 23, 49
Khattri, Sonal MD..................................................................... 19, 44
Kheradpour, Rabin MD ............................................................ 15, 34
Kim, Christine DO .................................................................... 10, 49
Kim, Yuhee MD ....................................................................... 17, 32
Kleid, Jack MD ......................................................................... 23, 34
Klein, Stuart MD....................................................................... 19, 46
Klein, Tom-Oliver MD ............................................................. 10, 49
Kobayashi, Gary MD................................................................ 29, 36
Kooner, Banita DO ................................................................... 23, 49
Kordas, Karin MD .................................................................... 14, 46
Korff, Gary MD .......................................................................... 9, 36
Korkis, Ebtissam MD ............................................................... 12, 41
Kornreich, Leonard MD ........................................................... 10, 39
Kotha, Akther MD ........................................................ 10, 16, 29, 34
Krak, Michael MD .................................................................... 29, 37
Kubal, Gargi MD ...................................................................... 23, 50
Kunin-Rida, Teri MD ............................................................... 23, 32
Kurisu, Wayne MD................................................................... 23, 49
Kwok, Ronald MD ................................................................... 12, 49
La Fata, John MD ..................................................................... 29, 36
Lacsamana-Schein, Lina MD ................................................... 16, 32
Lai, Amara MD ........................................................................ 23, 32
Lai, Tung MD ........................................................................... 23, 42
Laliotis, Aristotelis MD...................................................... 12, 23, 49
LaRocque, Michael MD ........................................................... 29, 31
Lavender, Jamie MD ................................................................ 23, 49
Lawson, Catherine MD ............................................................ 19, 31
Le, Hoe MD.............................................................................. 27, 41
Le, Huan MD............................................................................ 23, 34
Le, Lara MD ............................................................................. 14, 45
Le, Nguyen MD........................................................................ 23, 39
Lee, Anna MD .......................................................................... 19, 31
Lee, Cheng MD ........................................................................ 27, 45
Lee, Emmet MD ....................................................................... 14, 46
Lee, Timothy MD ..................................................................... 11, 49
Leonard, Eva MD ..................................................................... 16, 49
Leonard, Joseph MD ................................................................ 16, 48
Leong, Curtis MD............................................................... 16, 19, 39
Leung, Jennifer MD.................................................................. 23, 48
Leute, Eric MD ......................................................................... 15, 33
Levey, Douglas MD ................................................................. 16, 49
Levine, Ellyn MD ..................................................................... 17, 42
Levine, Neil MD....................................................................... 29, 36
Levinson, Gary MD............................................................ 12, 23, 49
Levy, Nicholas MD .................................................................. 13, 39
Lewinski, Mary MD ................................................................. 23, 34
Li, Xiangli MD ......................................................................... 29, 36
Liang, Teh MD ......................................................................... 17, 50
Light, Cyril MD........................................................................ 23, 48
Lim, Josephine MD .................................................................. 23, 35
Lin, Cheng-I MD ...................................................................... 11, 48
Lin, Cynthia MD ...................................................................... 23, 50
Lind, Christine MD .................................................................. 20, 44
Lindback, Sarah MD ................................................................ 19, 39
Lipp, Victor MD ....................................................................... 23, 39
Liske, Michelle MD.................................................................. 23, 42
Liu-Barbaro, Dorothy MD........................................................ 12, 33
Lizarazo, Santiago MD............................................................. 11, 39
Lizotte, Paul DO ....................................................................... 28, 47
Lockie, John MD ...................................................................... 17, 33
Long, Dawn MD....................................................................... 23, 48
Lopes, Aimee DO ..................................................................... 23, 48
Lopez, Irma MD ................................................................. 14, 33, 35
Lopez, Jose MD........................................................................ 11, 42
Lostetter, Adrienne MD............................................................ 19, 39
Lowery, Jieyu MD.................................................................... 17, 48
Lozano, Martha MD ................................................................. 11, 42
Luan, Gordon MD .................................................................... 20, 44
Lujan, Arleen MD .................................................................... 23, 35
Luschwitz, Brian MD ............................................................... 29, 31
Luu, Dan MD............................................................................ 29, 45
Lynch, Alison MD.................................................................... 23, 48
Lynn, John MD......................................................................... 12, 35
MacMurray, Michael MD ........................................................ 19, 31
Macy, Melissa DO.................................................................... 23, 33
Madany, George MD................................................................ 23, 39
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Molai, Indira MD ..................................................................... 14, 46
Mondragon, Gustavo MD .................................................. 11, 18, 41
Montal, Jeanne MD .................................................................. 24, 50
Montemayor, Manuel MD........................................................ 27, 34
Montoya, Perry MD ................................................................. 11, 50
Morgan, James MD .................................................................. 24, 50
Mortimer, Dori MD.................................................................. 20, 39
Motadel, Kelly MD .................................................................. 29, 31
Mountain, Roderick MD .......................................................... 11, 48
Moya, Mary MD ...................................................................... 15, 33
Mugol, Richard MD ................................................................. 13, 48
Mullenax, Jean MD .................................................................... 9, 35
Murillo, Gabriel MD ................................................................ 11, 50
Murthy, Sangeetha MD ............................................................ 24, 42
Muth, Natalia MD .................................................................... 29, 37
Naik, Shilpa MD ...................................................................... 17, 39
Nakahara, Tami MD................................................................. 24, 39
Nakamura, Melanie MD........................................................... 14, 33
Narayan, Uma MD ................................................................... 24, 50
Nashed, Ehab MD .................................................................... 18, 39
Nath, Devarshi MD .................................................................. 27, 33
Naudin, Veronica MD .............................................................. 29, 37
Navarrete, Rommel MD........................................................... 17, 42
Nawroski-Wozniak, Joanna MD .............................................. 17, 33
Nazareth, Vivek MD ................................................................ 20, 44
Neglia, Thomas MD................................................................. 13, 39
Neves, Vanessa MD ........................................................... 27, 35, 39
Newmark, Shelese MD ............................................................ 29, 31
Nguyen, Christine MD ............................................................. 29, 36
Nguyen, Doug MD................................................................... 24, 48
Nguyen, Huong MD........................................................... 24, 34, 35
Nguyen, Linhkieu MD ............................................................. 24, 41
Nguyen, Truc MD .................................................................... 11, 39
Nguyen, Tue MD...................................................................... 24, 42
Nguyen, Vinh MD.................................................................... 17, 48
Niguidula, Troy MD................................................................. 18, 42
Nordling, Christine MD ........................................................... 17, 48
Nordstrom, Bjorn DO................................................... 15, 28, 45, 47
Novak, James MD .................................................................... 24, 33
Novak, Loren DO..................................................................... 29, 36
Novencido, Joseph DO....................................................... 11, 18, 41
Nuqui, Josie MD ................................................................ 18, 24, 33
O'Dea, Teresa MD.................................................................... 24, 50
O'Leary, Kevin MD.................................................................. 13, 40
Ocampo, Consuelo MD............................................................ 28, 33
Ochi, Steven DO ...................................................................... 29, 31
Oen, Roger MD ........................................................................ 12, 41
Oira, Victoria MD .................................................................... 11, 40
Oliva, Carlos MD ..................................................................... 29, 34
Oliver, Mario MD .................................................................... 28, 47
Ong, Donald MD...................................................................... 29, 31
Ortiz, Blanca MD ............................................................... 17, 30, 40
Ou, Jennie MD ......................................................................... 24, 50
Pacal, Adam MD ...................................................................... 24, 50
Padilla, William MD ................................................................ 11, 41
Page, Thomas MD.................................................................... 20, 40
Magat, Patrocinia MD.............................................................. 19, 46
Mahendran, Srividya MD ........................................................ 23, 35
Mahl-Sanson, Kiran MD.......................................................... 29, 36
Maletz, Louis MD .................................................................... 19, 44
Malhotra, Arati MD ................................................................. 27, 35
Malinak, James MD ................................................................. 17, 42
Mallis, Seymour MD................................................................ 17, 33
Mallo, Richard MD .................................................................. 14, 45
Malone, Kevin MD .................................................................. 11, 41
Mamaril, Dennis MD ............................................................... 19, 44
Mangine, Regina MD............................................................... 12, 39
Mannino, Elizabeth MD..................................................... 17, 33, 35
Mansour, A MD ................................................................. 23, 42, 43
Manuel, Peggy MD .................................................................. 24, 50
Mara, Maria MD ...................................................................... 24, 34
Marco, Corey MD .................................................................... 12, 41
Marin, Ada MD........................................................................ 24, 41
Marquardt, Diana MD.............................................................. 24, 34
Marquez, Luis MD................................................................... 24, 34
Marshall, Larry MD ................................................................. 17, 41
Martin, Michael MD ................................................................ 24, 50
Martinez, Albert MD................................................................ 24, 50
Martinez, Jorge MD ................................................................. 18, 34
Martinez, Thomas MD............................................................. 11, 41
Martinez-Andree, Ingrid MD................................................... 24, 39
Matsumoto, Paul DO................................................................ 24, 48
Matthews, Merritt MD ....................................................... 11, 18, 41
Maxwell, Kathryn MD............................................................. 24, 48
Mc Ginness, Latiffah MD ........................................................ 17, 35
McCammack, Bradley MD ...................................................... 29, 31
McCaulie, Joan DO.................................................................. 17, 50
Mcchesney, Pamela MD .......................................................... 28, 39
McCormick, Leslie MD ........................................................... 14, 39
McFarland, Nathan MD ..................................................... 17, 34, 35
McFeeters, Gary MD ............................................................... 24, 41
McGee, Devon MD.................................................................. 11, 50
Mendenhall, Anna MD ............................................................ 13, 39
Meram, Susan MD ................................................................... 19, 44
Mercer, Scott MD ........................................................ 12, 13, 36, 48
Merkes, Kevin MD .................................................................. 20, 46
Merrick, Harold MD ............................................................ 9, 16, 33
Messoline, Matthew MD.......................................................... 24, 48
Metsch, Randall MD ................................................................ 13, 39
Metz, Shirley DO ..................................................................... 11, 48
Meyerhoff, Brian MD .............................................................. 14, 46
Michlin, Bernard MD............................................................... 24, 42
Miller, Donald MD .................................................................. 19, 39
Miller, Jerry MD ...................................................................... 20, 44
Miller, Scott MD ................................................................ 14, 24, 44
Minka, Genevieve MD............................................................. 15, 39
Minkoff, Peter MD................................................................... 14, 45
Mir, Yusra MD......................................................................... 20, 44
Missaghi-Lajvardi, Sanaz MD ................................................. 24, 48
Mistry, Chetan MD .................................................................. 11, 39
Mitzner, David DO .................................................................. 18, 33
Moffatt, Kyrra DO ................................................................... 17, 39
Mogielnicki, Teresa MD .......................................................... 13, 33
Mohamedy, Ebrahim MD ........................................................ 24, 34
Mohedin, Barzan MD .............................................................. 17, 42
Mohr, Thomas MD ............................................................ 28, 30, 39
Moir, George MD .................................................................... 14, 45
Paik, Juliana MD................................................................. 28, 30, 40
Palma, Rachel DO..................................................................... 24, 48
Pan, Alan DO ............................................................................ 15, 33
Papas, George MD .................................................................... 24, 34
Park, Ronald MD ...................................................................... 19, 35
Park, Sue MD............................................................................ 29, 31
Park, Taikeun MD..................................................................... 11, 34
Park, Tari MD ........................................................................... 24, 40
Parker, Joni MD ........................................................................ 17, 33
Parker, Sherine MD .................................................................. 29, 37
Parsons, Genevieve MD ........................................................... 16, 40
Pastrano, Ellen MD................................................................... 24, 48
Patel, Rakesh MD ..................................................................... 13, 33
Pavlovich, Wendy MD ............................................................. 24, 35
Payne, Richard MD................................................................... 13, 36
Paz, Alejandro MD ....................................................... 14, 27, 29, 45
Pearson, Jeffrey DO .................................................................... 9, 45
Pedrotty, John MD .................................................................... 12, 41
Pegg, Janelle MD ...................................................................... 12, 48
Pelayo, Jose MD ....................................................................... 11, 50
Pelayo-Garcia, Jorge MD ......................................................... 11, 48
Penunuri, Isela MD ................................................................... 27, 45
Perez-McCraw, Sandra MD...................................................... 18, 35
Perkins, Rachel MD .................................................................. 19, 40
Pertl, Ursula MD....................................................................... 19, 40
Peters, Vanessa MD .................................................................. 14, 45
Petersen, Dennis DO................................................................. 28, 33
Petersen, Jeffrey MD ................................................................ 15, 45
Peterson, Robert MD ................................................................ 18, 33
Petrovich, Laura MD .......................................................... 12, 42, 43
Phillips, Vernon MD................................................................. 15, 41
Pikus, Mary MD ....................................................................... 24, 50
Pillai, Sindu MD ....................................................................... 18, 35
Pinon, Alexandra MD ......................................................... 18, 28, 40
Pinto, Anita MD........................................................................ 13, 40
Pohl, Lawrence MD .................................................................. 24, 41
Polanco, Leticia MD ................................................................. 11, 48
Polanco, Tracy MD................................................................... 11, 49
Poniachik, Samuel MD ............................................................. 27, 34
Pop, Simona MD....................................................................... 30, 36
Posadas, Emerito MD ............................................................... 27, 35
Powell, Na'Imah MD .......................................................... 17, 18, 33
Powell, Stephanie MD .............................................................. 24, 40
Prabaker, Venugopal MD ......................................................... 17, 42
Prabhakar, Veena DO ............................................................... 24, 49
Prathipati, Kumara MD............................................................. 18, 42
Prathipati, Lakshmi MD ........................................................... 24, 42
Presant, Larry MD .................................................................... 20, 44
Preziosi, Rebecca MD............................................................... 24, 50
Putnam, Richard MD ................................................................ 20, 44
Quintero, Carolyn MD .............................................................. 28, 35
Rahimi, Nassrin MD ................................................................. 30, 31
Raiszadeh, Mahindokht MD ..................................................... 24, 34
Raju, Thirumala MD................................................................. 24, 50
Ramers, Christian MD ........................................................ 25, 34, 35
Ramirez, Airisha MD................................................................ 25, 49
Ramirez-Ochoa, Ignacio MD.................................................... 25, 33
Rashcovsky Schiff, Karin MD.................................................. 14, 33
Rastle, Thomas MD.................................................................. 14, 45
Rathbun, Brent MD .................................................................. 12, 50
Razon, Annabelle MD .............................................................. 25, 41
Reddy, Arjun MD ..................................................................... 13, 34
Reddy, Manorama MD ............................................................. 25, 34
Reed, Eric MD.......................................................................... 17, 50
Reitman, Stephen MD .............................................................. 25, 42
Remington-Boone, Lee MD ..................................................... 17, 49
Rendler, Nathan MD ................................................................ 20, 40
Reynaldo, David MD................................................................ 12, 50
Reynolds, Richard MD............................................................. 15, 36
Ricci, Richard MD.................................................................... 14, 45
Richardson, Danielle MD ......................................................... 25, 33
Ricketts, James DO .................................................................. 20, 45
Rios-Araico, Willy MD ............................................................ 11, 40
Risser, Joseph MD.............................................................. 25, 34, 35
Rissman, Raquel MD................................................................ 25, 40
Rivera, Marcelo MD................................................................. 20, 44
Rivera, Midori MD ................................................................... 17, 33
Robbins, Daniel DO ................................................................. 28, 40
Roberts, Kendall MD................................................................ 16, 40
Robinson, Daisy MD ................................................................ 15, 40
Robinson, Harrison MD ........................................................... 14, 46
Robinson, Jerome MD.............................................................. 18, 34
Robinson, Pany MD ................................................................. 25, 49
Rodarte, Ellen Beth MD ........................................................... 12, 49
Rodgers, Natasha MD ........................................................ 18, 28, 40
Rodriguez, George MD ............................................................ 14, 45
Rodriguez, Javier MD .............................................................. 25, 35
Rogers, Laura MD .................................................................... 25, 42
Rohrer, Stephen DO ................................................................. 25, 33
Romero, Camila MD ................................................................ 25, 35
Ronquillo, Rina MD ................................................................. 17, 40
Ropohl Osorio, Janna MD ........................................................ 11, 49
Rose, Patricia MD .................................................................... 25, 49
Rosenfeld, Gina MD................................................................. 27, 40
Roth, Julie DO .......................................................................... 17, 49
Roth, Kenneth MD ................................................................... 25, 42
Rowell, Diana MD.................................................................... 11, 50
Rua, Jose MD ........................................................................... 14, 40
Rubenstein, Stuart MD ............................................................. 25, 40
Rubin, Valerie MD ................................................................... 13, 40
Russell, Sarah MD.................................................................... 28, 33
Ryan, Dana MD........................................................................ 15, 34
Ryan, David MD ...................................................................... 25, 33
Saben, Benjamin MD ...............................................................
Sacks, Anthony MD .................................................................
Sadrieh, Jay MD .......................................................................
Sadrieh, Sanas DO....................................................................
Safi, Akber MD ........................................................................
Safi, Roozchehr MD.................................................................
Saifi, Mirwais MD....................................................................
Salada, Elizabeth Anne MD .....................................................
Salazar, Juanita MD..................................................................
Saluta, Arvin MD .....................................................................
Samuels, Rebecca DO ..............................................................
Sanchez, Carlos MD.................................................................
Sanchez-Mata, Adeunice MD ..................................................
Sandler, Jeffrey MD .................................................................
Sanford, Edward DO ................................................................
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
25, 49
25, 49
25, 40
25, 41
20, 46
19, 33
25, 41
20, 46
28, 35
25, 50
14, 46
11, 40
25, 49
25, 34
25, 50
Stenzel, Loretta MD ................................................................. 30, 31
Stephenson, Robert MD ........................................................... 13, 36
Sternfeld, Sharon MD .............................................................. 15, 40
Stewart, Ryan MD.................................................................... 19, 36
Strazicich, Karla MD................................................................ 15, 35
Strouse, Timothy MD............................................................... 26, 50
Strutz, Peter MD....................................................................... 15, 36
Suh, Young MD ......................................................................... 9, 42
Suleiman-Qafiti, Khawla MD .................................................. 26, 35
Summers, Courtney MD .......................................................... 26, 33
Sundsmo, Catherine MD .......................................................... 12, 49
Swami, Meenal MD ........................................................... 11, 26, 50
Tafara, Facika MD ................................................................... 26, 34
Taft, Christine MD ................................................................... 15, 40
Tai, Kuangkai MD.................................................................... 20, 40
Tan, Zehui MD......................................................................... 26, 50
Tanguma, Manuel MD ............................................................. 27, 45
Tantod, Kulin MD .................................................................... 15, 33
Tarantino, Salvatore MD.......................................................... 17, 42
Tarzy, Neil MD ........................................................................ 15, 45
Taylor, Tasha MD .................................................................... 19, 35
Tecca, Donald MD ................................................................... 26, 43
Techentin, Anna MD................................................................ 26, 49
Teguh, Collin DO..................................................................... 26, 42
Tellechea-Sanchez, Selmira MD.............................................. 15, 35
Terry, Amanda MD .................................................................. 13, 40
Thiermann, Paige MD .............................................................. 13, 33
Thompson, Cheryl MD ............................................................ 30, 31
Tiangco, Irineo MD.................................................................. 18, 34
Tinio, Stephen MD............................................................... 9, 30, 45
Tolba, Kamei MD .............................................................. 13, 26, 40
Toledo, Abel MD ..................................................................... 11, 34
Toledo-Nader, Caroll MD ........................................................ 11, 42
Tordilla, F MD ......................................................................... 15, 45
Toulouie, Elahe MD................................................................. 26, 34
Tran, Tonnia DO ...................................................................... 26, 33
Tran, Trung MD ................................................................. 26, 33, 34
Tran, Uyen-Thao MD............................................................... 26, 33
Trapp, Jennifer MD .................................................................. 26, 49
Tremain, Nicole MD ................................................................ 26, 43
Trewella, Amy MD .................................................................. 26, 44
Trimor-Tamoria, Maria Flora MD ........................................... 18, 33
True, Wayne MD...................................................................... 17, 49
Truong, Tu MD ........................................................................ 26, 34
Tsang, Ruey-Shiuan MD.......................................................... 26, 40
Tseng, Teresa MD .................................................................... 15, 35
Tsoi, Kwokyan MD.................................................................. 26, 33
Tung, Vivian MD ..................................................................... 16, 40
Turek, Ahmet MD .................................................................... 11, 50
Turnage, Jimmy MD ................................................................ 26, 42
Upton, D MD............................................................................ 26, 43
Uy, Carmelita MD.................................................................... 18, 40
Vadivel, Pushpa MD ................................................................ 26, 35
Valencia, Mariles MD ........................................................ 11, 18, 40
Valladolid, Efrain MD.............................................................. 11, 42
Varma, Aruna MD.................................................................... 15, 45
Sanford, Kristen DO ................................................................ 25, 50
Santella, Robert MD ................................................................ 25, 34
Santiago, Roxane MD .............................................................. 11, 40
Santos, Camille MD................................................................. 25, 49
Santoyo, Steven MD ................................................................ 25, 33
Sanzone, Ronald DO.......................................................... 11, 18, 41
Sartor, Robert MD.................................................................... 11, 50
Sauriol, Tawney MD................................................................ 14, 33
Sawhney, Parmela MD ............................................................ 12, 41
Scharpf, Ingrid MD .................................................................. 25, 50
Schmidt, Christina MD ............................................................ 28, 35
Schmottlach, David MD .......................................................... 13, 40
Schneider, Stephen MD ........................................................... 14, 40
Schultz, James MD .................................................................. 14, 33
Schumaker, Edward DO .......................................................... 25, 33
Schwartz, David MD................................................................ 28, 33
Sebiane, Maria MD .................................................................. 27, 35
Sebso, Jodi MD ........................................................................ 25, 35
Seikaly, Victor MD .................................................................. 17, 42
Selzer, Jeffrey MD ................................................................... 16, 40
Senethong, Sombath MD ................................................... 25, 33, 35
Serpas, Shaila MD.................................................................... 18, 33
Seufert, Kevin MD................................................................... 30, 36
Sevilla, Marianito MD ............................................................. 18, 41
Shachar, Sharna MD ................................................................ 11, 42
Shah, Meera MD ...................................................................... 16, 40
Shahbaz, Majid MD ................................................................. 17, 42
Shamani, Azam MD................................................................. 25, 41
Shanmugam, Cheryl MD ......................................................... 20, 44
Sharma, Minu MD ................................................................... 15, 33
Sharma, Sanjeev MD ................................................................. 9, 31
Sheldon, Edward MD............................................................... 25, 33
Shenoy, Ashvin MD................................................................. 25, 40
Sheth, Alka MD ....................................................................... 25, 35
Shiau, Nancy MD..................................................................... 25, 40
Shieh, Angell MD .................................................................... 16, 40
Shihata, Alfred MD.................................................................. 11, 33
Short, Richard MD................................................................... 17, 40
Shumilak, Kaili DO.................................................................. 25, 33
Sidrick, Nadine MD ................................................................. 25, 34
Silva, Richard MD ................................................................... 25, 35
Simkin Kostrinsky, Jennifer DO.............................................. 17, 49
Smart, Joseph MD.................................................................... 25, 50
Smith, Gregory MD ................................................................. 30, 31
Smith, Linda MD ..................................................................... 26, 40
Smith, Rebecca MD ................................................................. 17, 49
Smoot, Charles MD.................................................................. 26, 33
Smurlo, Albana MD................................................................. 26, 49
Snyder, Joel MD ...................................................................... 26, 40
Snyder-Block, Julie MD .......................................................... 13, 40
Socha, Traci DO....................................................................... 14, 40
Sonneborn, Miranda MD ......................................................... 26, 49
Soomro, Khalil MD.................................................................. 17, 42
Spano, Franco MD ..................................................................... 9, 42
Spees, David MD ..................................................................... 26, 49
Spiering, Robin MD................................................................. 13, 42
Spitzer, Marsha MD................................................................. 26, 35
Sprague, Kimberly MD............................................................ 15, 40
Spring, Jason DO ..................................................................... 26, 44
Springer, Roy MD.................................................................... 26, 42
Steinhauser, Tova MD ............................................................. 26, 49
Vasant, Krishna MD ................................................................. 28, 35
Villa, Maria MD ....................................................................... 26, 42
Villarreal, Veronica MD ........................................................... 26, 33
Vitug, Elena MD....................................................................... 18, 40
Vo, Duc MD ....................................................................... 26, 34, 35
Vo, Sony MD ............................................................................ 26, 43
Vu, Myloan MD........................................................................ 26, 40
Zebrack, David DO .................................................................. 28, 33
Zgliniec, Robert MD ................................................................ 20, 44
Zimmermann, Andres MD ....................................................... 19, 36
Wade-Kempiak, Kristen MD .................................................... 15, 35
Wagner, Gabriel MD ................................................................ 26, 34
Wagner, Paul MD ..................................................................... 26, 34
Wai, Thynn MD ........................................................................ 17, 50
Walker, Shayna MD ................................................................. 27, 33
Walter, Sheri MD...................................................................... 17, 49
Wang, Emily MD...................................................................... 26, 40
Wardell, Karen MD .................................................................. 13, 35
Warm, Kenneth MD ................................................................. 12, 42
Waters, Elizabeth MD............................................................... 26, 40
Watson, Thomas MD................................................................ 15, 31
Webb, John MD ........................................................................ 17, 42
Wei, Erman MD........................................................................ 30, 36
Weinberg, Stanley MD ............................................................. 15, 45
Whiteley, Joanna MD ............................................................... 26, 49
Whittle, Stephanie MD ............................................................... 9, 42
Wickes, Aeron MD ................................................................... 26, 46
Wilbur, Stanley MD.................................................................. 11, 50
Willard, Kimberly MD ............................................................. 27, 40
Williamson, Linette MD ........................................................... 13, 36
Wilson, Michael MD ................................................................ 11, 49
Wilson, Orville MD .................................................................. 27, 40
Wine, David MD....................................................................... 30, 36
Winter, Brian MD ..................................................................... 28, 40
Winton, Frank MD........................................................ 15, 28, 45, 47
Wisniewski, Morris MD ........................................................... 30, 36
Witczak, Izabela MD ................................................................ 27, 34
Wong, Jenny MD ...................................................................... 12, 42
Wong, Kin MD ......................................................................... 27, 42
Wong, Lawrence MD ................................................................. 9, 36
Wright, Gwendolyn MD ........................................................... 27, 40
Wu, Veda MD........................................................................... 27, 50
Wynne, Howard MD................................................................. 27, 50
Yam, Ving DO .......................................................................... 15, 46
Yang, Kee MD .......................................................................... 15, 33
Yap, Teddy MD ........................................................................ 11, 50
Yarbrough, Corinne MD........................................................... 27, 50
Yelanich, Melissa MD .............................................................. 28, 33
Yorobe, Edwin MD................................................................... 27, 43
Yuen, Selene MD...................................................................... 27, 33
Yuhas, Robert MD .................................................................... 27, 36
Yung, Doris MD ................................................................. 20, 34, 35
Zachry, Alison MD ................................................................... 19, 35
Zaguli, Marvin MD................................................................... 27, 40
Zaheer, Aaron MD .................................................................... 27, 35
Zakov, Kamen MD ................................................................... 20, 44
Zandkarimi, Fariba MD ................................................ 15, 27, 35, 40
Zanotti, Amy DO ...................................................................... 11, 49
Zanotti, Daniel DO ................................................................... 27, 49
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
de atención
(By City)
(por ciudad)
Whittle, Stephanie MD (ID# 80331)......(619)445-1188
Hanten, Karen MD (ID# 61799).............(619)445-5664
2733 Alpine BLVD, 91901
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
36350 Church RD, 91906
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Mullenax, Jean MD (ID# 77607) ...........(619)445-1188
4058 Willows RD, 91901
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
2562 State ST, STE D, 92008
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Pearson, Jeffrey DO (ID# 79112).......... (866)228-2236
Lang: Hebrew| Spanish
Ajir, Mahyar DO (ID# 75092) .................(760)729-4952
2801 Jefferson ST, 92008
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Farsi
1620 Alpine BLVD, 91901
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Baniadam, Behzad MD (ID# 65650)......(760)722-3203
2690 Roosevelt ST, 92008
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: General Practice
Suh, Young MD (ID# 80330)..................(619)445-1188
Bengs, Christopher MD (ID# 62673) .....(760)729-8600
Spano, Franco MD (ID# 73945).............(619)445-6200
2910 Jefferson ST, STE 100, 92008
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
4058 Willows RD, 91901
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Whittle, Stephanie MD (ID# 80330)......(619)445-1188
Huot, James MD (ID# 68703)................(760)767-5051
4343 Yaqui Pass RD, 92004
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Merrick, Harold MD (ID# 68703)...........(760)767-5051
4343 Yaqui Pass RD, 92004
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Mullenax, Jean MD (ID# 77608) ...........(619)445-1188
36350 Church RD, 91906
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Spano, Franco MD (ID# 83987).............(619)478-5311
31115 Highway 94, 91906
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Suh, Young MD (ID# 80331)..................(619)445-1188
36350 Church RD, 91906
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Burgamy, Elizabeth MD (ID# 81530) .....(760)633-3640
3257 Camino De Los Coches, STE 301, 92009
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
4058 Willow RD, 91901
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Chong, Maribeth MD (ID# 70223) .........(760)434-6060
3144 El Camino Real, STE 200, 92008
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
Korff, Gary MD (ID# 74981) .................. (760)729-7186
Lang: Tagalog
2626 El Camino Real, STE B, 92008
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Sharma, Sanjeev MD (ID# 66552)........ (760)730-9992
2690 Roosevelt ST, 92008
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Hindi
Tinio, Stephen MD (ID# 78147) ............ (866)228-2236
2626 El Camino Real, STE B, 92008
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Wong, Lawrence MD (ID# 73465) ........ (760)729-8600
2910 Jefferson ST, STE 100, 92008
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Akashi, Marc MD (ID# 81509) .............. (619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CRT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Chong, Yoo Jin MD (ID# 73122) ............(760)434-6060
3144 El Camino Real, STE 200, 92008
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Korean
Antos, Michael MD (ID# 61216) ........... (858)499-2701
Etedali, Elaheh DO (ID# 75094) ............(760)729-4952
2801 Jefferson ST, 92008
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Aspin, Mary MD (ID# 61216) ................ (858)499-2701
Hall, Andrew MD (ID# 60438) ...............(760)729-7186
Atienza, Pamela MD (ID# 81513) ......... (619)656-6817
2562 State ST, STE D, 92008
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
890 Eastlake PKWY, STE 200, 91914
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Iyengar, Radha MD (ID# 68981)............(760)720-7766
Baratta, Isabel MD (ID# 81517)............ (619)482-3090
1295 Carlsbad Village DR, STE 100, 92008
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Hindi
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Jacobson, Michael MD (ID# 83856)......(760)633-3640
Barbadillo, Ferdinand MD (ID# 81518) (619)656-6817
3257 Camino De Los Coches, STE 301, 92009
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
890 East Lake PKWY, STE 200, 91914
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Bialostozky, Mario MD (ID# 83567) ......(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CRT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Breslow, Adam MD (ID# 81524)............(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Broudy, Abraham MD (ID# 81526) ........(619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, 91915
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Brown, Leah MD (ID# 81527)................(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Calderon, Marilyn MD (ID# 77294).......(619)422-8338
340 Fourth AVE, STE 2, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Capetanakis, Eleni MD (ID# 81533)......(619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, 91910
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Cava, Noli MD (ID# 78479) ...................(619)426-4546
374 H. ST, STE 202, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Cepin, Monica MD (ID# 62019).............(619)427-0665
333 H ST, STE 2000, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Lang: French| Spanish
Chang, Irene MD (ID# 81537) ...............(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Taiwanese
Chou, Susanna MD (ID# 69817)............(619)425-5559
340 4th AVE, STE 5-A, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Cohen, Elaine MD (ID# 81547) .............(619)425-3951
280 E ST, 91910
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Cordoba, Miguel MD (ID# 81551) .........(619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, 91910
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Curbelo, Violeta MD (ID# 81555)..........(619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: French| Spanish
Curtis, Elaine MD (ID# 56040) ..............(619)421-4311
752 Medical CTR CT, STE 200, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Czer, Gregory MD (ID# 56041) ..............(619)421-4000
754 Medical CTR CT, STE 100, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Sharp Health Plan
Del Valle, Jeannette MD (ID# 63847) ...(619)421-3313
769 Medical Center CRT, STE 203, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Greene, Edward MD (ID# 61216).......... (858)499-2703
Dipp, Martha MD (ID# 61216) ...............(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Hamedaninia, Azardokht MD (ID# 81585)
Doringo, Elainie MD (ID# 81562) ..........(619)426-7910
865 3rd AVE, STE 101, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Duque Gomez, Cesar MD (ID# 75577) ..(619)515-2500
251 Landis ST, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
............................................................... (619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, 91910
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Hansen, David MD (ID# 55906) ............ (619)421-4000
754 Medical CTR CT, STE 100, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Hartsfield, Jershonda MD (ID# 61216). (858)499-2701
Lang: Spanish
Emmanuel-Cochrane, Joy DO (ID# 77828)
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
2437 Fenton ST, STE A, 91914
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Gujarati
Hassan, Alshafie MD (ID# 61216) ........ (858)499-2703
Farris, Reuben MD (ID# 52174) ............(619)422-8338
340 Fourth AVE, STE 2, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Hinojosa-Valencia, Alejandro MD (ID# 63756)
............................................................... (619)216-7546
340 4th AVE, STE 8, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Fletcher, Emily MD (ID# 82004) ............(619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, 91914
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Fresno, Blanca MD (ID# 81569) ............(619)482-1700
1741 Eastlake PKWY, STE 107, 91915
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Gale, Marvin MD (ID# 81572) ...............(619)425-3951
280 E ST, 91910
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Garcia, Carlos MD (ID# 81575) .............(619)271-4059
1392 East Palomar ST, STE 501, 91913
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Garcia, Rosemary MD (ID# 61216) .......(858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Ghahremani, Simin MD (ID# 81577).....(619)426-0100
855 Third AVE, STE 2200, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Golembesky, Henry MD (ID# 61216).....(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Gonzalez, Marco MD (ID# 61216) .........(858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gray, Maria MD (ID# 81581) .................(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Hubley, Paul MD (ID# 75577) ............... (619)515-2500
251 Landis AVE, 91911
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Johnson, Frederick MD (ID# 61216)..... (858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Jolly, Desmond MD (ID# 81603)........... (619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Khaing, Kathy MD (ID# 75577) ............. (619)515-2500
251 Landis AVE, 91911
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Burmese
Kim, Christine DO (ID# 61216) ............. (858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Korean
Klein, Tom-Oliver MD (ID# 61216) ....... (858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Kornreich, Leonard MD (ID# 81608) .... (619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, 91915
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Kornreich, Leonard MD (ID# 81607) .... (619)426-7910
865 3rd AVE, STE 101, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Kotha, Akther MD (ID# 76897).............. (619)205-0120
374 H ST, STE 201, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Hindi
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Lee, Timothy MD (ID# 61216)...............(858)499-2703
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lin, Cheng-I MD (ID# 61216) ................(858)499-2704
Lizarazo, Santiago MD (ID# 81615)......(619)426-0100
855 Third AVE, STE 2200, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lopez, Jose MD (ID# 57648).................(619)575-5000
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, 91914
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Novencido, Joseph DO (ID# 73840) ......(619)656-0206
Oira, Victoria MD (ID# 81638)...............(619)656-3020
890 Eastlake PKWY, STE 203, 91914
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Shihata, Alfred MD (ID# 66700) ........... (619)422-6158
340 4th AVE, STE 11, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Padilla, William MD (ID# 56117)..........(619)422-1324
Swami, Meenal MD (ID# 61216) .......... (858)499-2707
263 Church AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Lozano, Martha MD (ID# 58972)...........(619)363-4000
Lang: Korean
1415 Ridgeback RD, STE 4, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Martinez, Thomas MD (ID# 56099).......(619)420-1378
Shachar, Sharna MD (ID# 57677)......... (619)409-9999
525 H ST, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Hebrew
Park, Taikeun MD (ID# 75577) ..............(619)515-2500
Malone, Kevin MD (ID# 61305).............(619)421-4257
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
752 Medical Center CRT, STE 210, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
2648 Main ST, STE A, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
841 Kuhn DR, STE 200, 91914
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Sartor, Robert MD (ID# 61216)............. (858)499-2703
251 Landis AVE, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Pelayo, Jose MD (ID# 61216) ...............(858)499-2703
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Hindi
Toledo, Abel MD (ID# 65422) ............... (619)427-7181
330 Oxford ST, STE 110, 91910
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Toledo-Nader, Caroll MD (ID# 51745) .. (619)422-1154
345 F ST, STE 110, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Spanish
Pelayo-Garcia, Jorge MD (ID# 61216)..(858)499-2704
Turek, Ahmet MD (ID# 61216) .............. (858)499-2707
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
584 E ST, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Polanco, Leticia MD (ID# 61216) ..........(858)499-2704
Valencia, Mariles MD (ID# 81702)....... (619)482-1700
Matthews, Merritt MD (ID# 75925) .......(619)656-0206
752 Medical Center CRT, STE 210, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
1741 Eastlake PKWY, STE 107, 91915
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Tagalog
Polanco, Tracy MD (ID# 61216) ............(858)499-2704
Valladolid, Efrain MD (ID# 67511) ....... (619)420-1378
584 E ST, 91910
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
McGee, Devon MD (ID# 61216) ............(858)499-2600
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Metz, Shirley DO (ID# 61216) ...............(858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Mistry, Chetan MD (ID# 81627) ............(619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, 91914
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Mondragon, Gustavo MD (ID# 80653) ..(619)656-0206
752 Medical Center CRT, STE 210, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Montoya, Perry MD (ID# 61216) ...........(858)499-2703
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Mountain, Roderick MD (ID# 61216) ....(858)499-2704
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Murillo, Gabriel MD (ID# 61216) ..........(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Rios-Araico, Willy MD (ID# 81658).......(619)426-0100
Wilbur, Stanley MD (ID# 61216)........... (858)499-2703
855 Third AVE, STE 2200, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Ropohl Osorio, Janna MD (ID# 61216) .(858)499-2704
Wilson, Michael MD (ID# 61216) ......... (858)499-2600
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish| German
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Rowell, Diana MD (ID# 61216) .............(858)499-2707
Yap, Teddy MD (ID# 61216).................. (858)499-2713
525 Third AVE, 91910
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Sanchez, Carlos MD (ID# 81673) ..........(619)426-8121
1635 Third AVE, STE J, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Santiago, Roxane MD (ID# 83568) .......(619)426-7910
865 3rd AVE, STE 101, 91911
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Sanzone, Ronald DO (ID# 69643) .........(619)656-0206
752 Medical CTR CT, STE 210, 91911
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine Lang: Spanish| American Sign
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Zanotti, Amy DO (ID# 61216)................ (858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Bloom, Genevieve MD (ID# 62918)...... (619)435-0268
1117 Tenth ST, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Considine, Kevin DO (ID# 57805)......... (619)537-6910
230 Prospect Place, STE 350, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
1400 East Palomar ST, 91913
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Taiwanese
Nguyen, Truc MD (ID# 81636) ...............(619)656-3040
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Dill, Donald MD (ID# 51903).................(619)435-3155
171 C AVE, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Hansen, David MD (ID# 75897) ............(619)435-1861
1117 Tenth ST, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Kettlehake, Patricia MD (ID# 63556) ....(619)435-2670
1050 B AVE, STE C, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Oen, Roger MD (ID# 71840)..................(619)522-4000
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Pedrotty, John MD (ID# 67474).............(619)435-7100
1222 First ST, STE 1, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Petrovich, Laura MD (ID# 69771) .........(619)435-2234
1224 Tenth ST, STE 200, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Sharp Health Plan
Rathbun, Brent MD (ID# 81286) ............(858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Reynaldo, David MD (ID# 81286)..........(858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Rodarte, Ellen Beth MD (ID# 81286).....(858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Sundsmo, Catherine MD (ID# 81286) ...(858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Almansour, Mumtaz MD (ID# 60220) ....(619)593-3007
330 South Magnolia AVE, STE 101, 92020
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Ancona-Young, Corinne DO (ID# 63520)
505 North Mollison AVE, STE 201, 92021
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Sawhney, Parmela MD (ID# 56390)......(619)435-4488
1222 1st ST, STE 6, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Arikat, Azzah MD (ID# 61219) ...............(858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, 92021
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Warm, Kenneth MD (ID# 56159)...........(619)522-4035
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Azam, Muhammad MD (ID# 61689) ......(619)579-6300
1679 East Main ST, STE 206, 92021
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Urdu| Spanish
Wong, Jenny MD (ID# 76532) ...............(619)522-4000
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Gross, Bennett MD (ID# 81286) ............(858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Laliotis, Aristotelis MD (ID# 81286) .....(858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Greek| Spanish
Levinson, Gary MD (ID# 81286)............(858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Mercer, Scott MD (ID# 81286) ..............(858)499-2600
2600 Via Del La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Pegg, Janelle MD (ID# 81286)..............(858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, 92014
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Cohen, Stuart MD (ID# 81549) ..............(619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, 92020
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Coleman, Stacey DO (ID# 61219)..........(858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, 92021
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Hoang, Vy MD (ID# 81592) ................... (619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, 92020
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hoefer, Daniel MD (ID# 61219) ............ (858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, 92021
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Jacobson, Michael MD (ID# 81599) ..... (619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, 92020
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Jahanpanah, Fereshteh MD (ID# 66777)
............................................................... (619)447-6001
1333 East Main ST, 92021
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Farsi
Jalisi, Nejat MD (ID# 77191)................ (619)456-9800
230 Avocado AVE, 92020
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Persian
James, John MD (ID# 66801) ............... (619)447-2425
1580 North Second ST, 92021
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Jibri, Nishwan MD (ID# 69017) ............ (619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Karnik, Prachi MD (ID# 61219)............. (858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, 92021
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Korkis, Ebtissam MD (ID# 72296) ........ (619)441-9200
1530 Jamacha RD, STE E-F, 92019
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Chaldean
Kwok, Ronald MD (ID# 61219) ............. (858)499-2706
Dengerink, Wendy MD (ID# 77660).......(619)445-0707
5442 Sycuan RD, 92019
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Held, Jerry MD (ID# 69017).................. (619)440-2751
Lang: Spanish
1240 Broadway AVE, 92021
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Cantonese
Liu-Barbaro, Dorothy MD (ID# 69017) . (619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Dominguez, Dennis MD (ID# 61692).....(619)441-3550
505 North Mollison AVE, STE 201, 92021
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Lynn, John MD (ID# 69017) .................. (619)440-2751
Feinstein, Katherine DO (ID# 81566) ....(619)442-2560
Lang: Spanish
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, 92020
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Francis, Katherine MD (ID# 69017) ......(619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Gordon, Christopher MD (ID# 68908)....(619)515-2499
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Mangine, Regina MD (ID# 81619)........ (619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, 92020
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Marco, Corey MD (ID# 51236).............. (619)442-0424
280 Avocado AVE, 92020
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
1111 West Chase AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Dockweiler, Rosalind MD (ID# 81561)..(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Mogielnicki, Teresa MD (ID# 77660) ....(619)445-0707
5442 Sycuan RD, 92019
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
D’Souza, Lydia MD (ID# 76891) ............(760)753-7842
Payne, Richard MD (ID# 54192)........... (760)942-0118
Escuro, Guia-Lynn MD (ID# 81565).......(760)753-7143
Rubin, Valerie MD (ID# 81671) ............ (760)753-7143
Pinto, Anita MD (ID# 81654) .................(619)442-2560
278 Avocado AVE, 92020
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Frumin, Frederick MD (ID# 81571) .......(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Wardell, Karen MD (ID# 77660)............(619)445-0707
5442 Sycuan RD, 92019
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Bhasin, Sangita MD (ID# 81521) ..........(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Brion, Sonja MD (ID# 81525)................(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| German
Carrera, Jorge MD (ID# 74991).............(760)635-1777
285 North El Camino Real, STE 205, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Clementino, Nancy MD (ID# 81545) .....(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Clotfelter, Christine DO (ID# 79819) .....(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Dern, Michelle MD (ID# 81559) ............(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Schmottlach, David MD (ID# 81674).... (760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
320 Santa Fe DR, STE 303, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Terry, Amanda MD (ID# 82275) ............ (760)436-4511
1130 2nd ST, 92024
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Jefferis, Lauren MD (ID# 76891)...........(760)753-7842
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Tolba, Kamei MD (ID# 81699) .............. (760)436-4511
1130 2nd ST, 92024
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Jorgensen, Georgine MD (ID# 74980) ..(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Kakimoto, Amy MD (ID# 76898)............(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A 306, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Levy, Nicholas MD (ID# 81611).............(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Mendenhall, Anna MD (ID# 81623).......(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Mercer, Scott MD (ID# 61470)...............(760)944-8484
320 Santa Fe DR, STE 205, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Metsch, Randall MD (ID# 81624)..........(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Snyder-Block, Julie MD (ID# 81689) .... (760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Stephenson, Robert MD (ID# 70072) ... (760)943-6730
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Idemundia, Ann MD (ID# 76891)...........(760)753-7842
Lang: Spanish
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hay, James MD (ID# 55667) .................(760)942-0118
Thiermann, Paige MD (ID# 69017) .......(619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Gross, Gary MD (ID# 81584) .................(760)753-7143
Spiering, Robin MD (ID# 71680)...........(619)456-9292
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
477 North El Camino Real, STE B105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
5442 Sycuan RD, 92019
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Duck, Craig MD (ID# 65977) .................(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A-306, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Patel, Rakesh MD (ID# 69017) .............(619)440-2751
Reddy, Arjun MD (ID# 77660) ...............(619)445-0707
O’Leary, Kevin MD (ID# 81637)............ (760)753-7143
285 North El CAmino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Williamson, Linette MD (ID# 69764) ... (760)452-2305
317 North El Camino Real, STE 406, 92024
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: General Practice
Adhikary Sharma, Sarina MD (ID# 79841)
............................................................... (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Nepali| Hindi
Aguilar, Edita MD (ID# 75313).............. (760)690-5900
426 North Date ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Borecky, David MD (ID# 59571) ........... (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Bowers, Hilary MD (ID# 81522)............ (760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Buzard, Russel DO (ID# 83496)............ (760)746-3703
306 West El Norte Parkway, STE S, 92026
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: General Practice
1240 Broadway AVE, 92021
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, 92020
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, 92024
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
1130 2nd ST, 92024
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Mugol, Richard MD (ID# 61219) ...........(858)499-2706
855 East Madison AVE, 92020
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Neglia, Thomas MD (ID# 81635).......... (760)436-4511
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Chen, Margaret MD (ID# 69027)...........(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
215 South Hickory ST, STE 118, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Chinese
Chow, Byron MD (ID# 69027)................(760)520-8100
701 East Grand AVE, STE 100, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Cambodian| Spanish
Ionescu, Ludmilla MD (ID# 83500) .......(760)294-2266
488 EAst Valley Parkway, STE 211, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Jacobs, Shari MD (ID# 66420) ..............(866)228-2236
Christie, Patricia MD (ID# 69027).........(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Kordas, Karin MD (ID# 82025) ..............(760)432-6644
Cohen, Cara MD (ID# 81546) ................(760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Coullahan, Jessica MD (ID# 81552) .....(760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Dann, Raymond MD (ID# 52252) ..........(760)746-2860
160 North Date ST, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Dao, Loan MD (ID# 74823)....................(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Ede, Kekoa MD (ID# 69027)..................(760)746-5857
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Faeldonea-Seruelo, Rhyl Ann MD (ID# 74844)
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Pediatrics
215 South Hickory ST, STE 118, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
225 East Second AVE, STE 103, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Haffie, David DO (ID# 80552)................(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, 92026
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Paz, Alejandro MD (ID# 59576)............ (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Peters, Vanessa MD (ID# 67989) ......... (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Rashcovsky Schiff, Karin MD (ID# 69027)
............................................................... (760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French
225 E Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Lee, Emmet MD (ID# 63202).................(760)745-1551
Ricci, Richard MD (ID# 83501)............. (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
625 East Grand AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lopez, Irma MD (ID# 82872) .................(760)621-4902
1540 East Valley PRKWY, 92027
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, General Practice
Robinson, Harrison MD (ID# 76132) .... (760)432-6644
Lopez, Irma MD (ID# 70952) .................(760)480-4747
750 East Grand AVE, STE B & C, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, General Practice
Rodriguez, George MD (ID# 58772) ..... (866)228-2236
Mallo, Richard MD (ID# 66790) ............(866)228-2236
Rua, Jose MD (ID# 81669) ................... (760)745-7313
225 East 2nd AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Internal Medicine
Meyerhoff, Brian MD (ID# 63203) .........(760)745-1551
Haberman, Mark MD (ID# 65246).........(866)228-2236
Nakamura, Melanie MD (ID# 69027) ... (760)520-8100
Rastle, Thomas MD (ID# 65603) .......... (866)228-2236
Foraci, Anna DO (ID# 80554) ................(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, 92026
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Greb, David MD (ID# 75898).................(760)746-7622
488 East Valley PKWY, STE 313, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
625 East Grand AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
McCormick, Leslie MD (ID# 81622) ......(760)746-2641
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Molai, Indira MD (ID# 83668)............... (760)745-1551
Le, Lara MD (ID# 65241).......................(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Franco, Juan MD (ID# 75318) ...............(866)228-2236
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Iem, Stephanie DO (ID# 74955) ............(760)294-8898
Lang: Spanish
Chiang, Larry MD (ID# 63914) ..............(760)432-6644
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Sharp Health Plan
Hastanan, Carol MD (ID# 69027) ..........(760)520-8100
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
625 East Grand AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Miller, Scott MD (ID# 83498) ................(760)294-2266
488 East Valley Parkway, STE 211, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Minkoff, Peter MD (ID# 80555) .............(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, 92026
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Moir, George MD (ID# 79499) ...............(760)741-9318
810 East Grand AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Internal Medicine
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
215 South Hickory ST, STE 118, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Internal Medicine
215 South Hickory ST, STE 126, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Samuels, Rebecca DO (ID# 78978)...... (760)745-1551
625 East Grand AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Sauriol, Tawney MD (ID# 69027).......... (760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Schneider, Stephen MD (ID# 81676) .... (760)746-2641
625 W. Citracado PKWY, STE 200, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Schultz, James MD (ID# 75311) ........... (760)737-6900
728 East Valley Parkway, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Socha, Traci DO (ID# 81690) ................ (760)745-7313
215 South Hickory ST, STE 126, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Sprague, Kimberly MD (ID# 82743)......(760)745-7313
Zandkarimi, Fariba MD (ID# 81716) .....(760)747-5400
240 West Mission AVE, STE A, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
215 S. Hickory ST, STE 126, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Sternfeld, Sharon MD (ID# 81692) .......(760)746-2641
Strazicich, Karla MD (ID# 69027) .........(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Tantod, Kulin MD (ID# 75312)...............(858)520-8200
1001 East Grand AVE, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Tarzy, Neil MD (ID# 80550) ...................(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, 92026
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Tellechea-Sanchez, Selmira MD (ID# 75313)
426 North Date ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Tordilla, F MD (ID# 70609)....................(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Tseng, Teresa MD (ID# 75313)..............(760)690-5900
426 North Date ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Tseng, Teresa MD (ID# 69027)..............(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Varma, Aruna MD (ID# 65606)..............(866)228-2236
225 E Second AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Malayalam| Spanish
Wade-Kempiak, Kristen MD (ID# 75313)
426 North Date ST, 92025
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Watson, Thomas MD (ID# 79886).........(760)480-9051
301 East Washington AVE, STE B, 92025
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Spanish
Weinberg, Stanley MD (ID# 81223) ......(760)747-7512
935 East Pennsylvania AVE, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Yam, Ving DO (ID# 74436) ....................(760)294-8898
701 East Grand AVE, STE 100, 92025
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Family Medicine
321 East Alvarado ST, 92028
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Sharma, Minu MD (ID# 69609)............. (760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Bridgeman, David MD (ID# 65614) .......(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Dai, Hui-Wen DO (ID# 78380) ...............(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Del Re, Amanda MD (ID# 82742)..........(760)723-6501
521 East Elder ST, STE 101, 92028
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Delgadillo, Alexander MD (ID# 81786).(760)731-8989
591 East Elder ST, STE C, 92028
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Dudarewicz, Teresa MD (ID# 69609) ....(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Huang, Victor MD (ID# 70525) ..............(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Jenson, Peter MD (ID# 75550) ..............(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Kheradpour, Rabin MD (ID# 69609) ......(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Minka, Genevieve MD (ID# 82424) .......(760)723-6501
521 East Elder ST, STE 101, 92028
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: French
Minka, Genevieve MD (ID# 82423) .......(760)451-0070
1107 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: French
Nordstrom, Bjorn DO (ID# 75696) .........(760)728-2777
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Pan, Alan DO (ID# 69609) .....................(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Mandarin Chinese|
Petersen, Jeffrey MD (ID# 67802).........(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Strutz, Peter MD (ID# 75338) ............... (760)728-8489
605 East Alvarado ST, 1st Floor, 92028
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Taft, Christine MD (ID# 81696)............. (760)723-6501
521 East Elder ST, STE 101, 92028
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Taft, Christine MD (ID# 81695)............. (760)451-0070
1107 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Winton, Frank MD (ID# 67297)............. (866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, 92028
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Yang, Kee MD (ID# 69609) ................... (760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, 92028
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Korean
Chisum, Faith MD (ID# 68877) ............. (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Dokich, Sretenka MD (ID# 68877)........ (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Johnson, Daniel DO (ID# 68877).......... (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Leute, Eric MD (ID# 68877) .................. (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Moya, Mary MD (ID# 68877) ................ (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Phillips, Vernon MD (ID# 57498) ......... (619)429-7700
707 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Ryan, Dana MD (ID# 68877)................. (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, 91932
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Reynolds, Richard MD (ID# 81880) ......(760)731-8989
591 East Elder ST, STE C, 92028
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, 92025
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Robinson, Daisy MD (ID# 81662) ......... (760)723-6200
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Merrick, Harold MD (ID# 68703)...........(760)765-1223
2721 Washington ST, 92036
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Sharp Health Plan
Altschuler, Kenneth MD (ID# 74503).....(858)499-2715
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Blount, Marsha MD (ID# 61221)............(858)499-2704
Hardisty, Teresa MD (ID# 61221) ......... (858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Cao, Michelle MD (ID# 74503)..............(858)499-2715
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91941
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Hart, Carol MD (ID# 61221).................. (858)499-2701
Cardenas, Hector MD (ID# 61221) ........(858)499-2711
Roberts, Kendall MD (ID# 81661).........(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Selzer, Jeffrey MD (ID# 81677).............(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Shah, Meera MD (ID# 81679) ...............(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park, ROW 355, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Shieh, Angell MD (ID# 81683) ..............(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Tung, Vivian MD (ID# 81700) ................(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Abesa, Maria Regina MD (ID# 83753)..(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Adigopula, Bina MD (ID# 81507) ..........(619)698-2184
6942 University AVE, STE A, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Hindi
Henderson-Meyer, Tonya MD (ID# 61221)
............................................................... (858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Chu, Cherie MD (ID# 61221) .................(858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Chung, Jeanie MD (ID# 61221) .............(858)499-2600
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Clay, Corrie MD (ID# 81543) .................(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Davila, Jose MD (ID# 61221) ................(858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Doan, Kenneth MD (ID# 61221) ............(858)499-2703
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Fischer, Keith MD (ID# 74503) ..............(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Foster, Robert MD (ID# 66786) .............(619)461-9600
5565 Grossmont CTR DR, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Italian
Fowler, Blaine MD (ID# 74503).............(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Garcia, Anna MD (ID# 61221) ...............(619)644-6566
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91941
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Alexander, Mary MD (ID# 61221)..........(858)499-2703
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Parsons, Genevieve MD (ID# 81647)....(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Butler, Dennis MD (ID# 61221) .............(858)499-2701
Leong, Curtis MD (ID# 82274) ..............(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hackett, Laura MD (ID# 61221) ............ (858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
James, Veronique MD (ID# 81600).......(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: French| Spanish
Gurtch, Tim MD (ID# 81046)................. (619)461-3150
5565 Grossmont Center DR, BLDG 1, STE 210, 91942
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Russian
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Hsieh, Leslie MD (ID# 81596)...............(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
8875 La Mesa BLVD, STE C, 91941
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Amberg, James MD (ID# 61221)...........(858)499-2711
Gandhi, Sheetal MD (ID# 81574) ..........(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park, ROW 355, 92037
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Gibson, George MD (ID# 57112) .......... (619)668-8100
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Honer, Denise MD (ID# 58223)............. (619)460-4050
5111 Garfield ST, STE A, 91941
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Horikawa, Yousuke MD (ID# 61221)..... (858)499-2600
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91941
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Japanese
Imus, Paul MD (ID# 81953) .................. (619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Kafka, John MD (ID# 61221)................. (858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Kotha, Akther MD (ID# 66819).............. (619)229-1995
8860 Center DR, STE 400, 91942
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Hindi
Lacsamana-Schein, Lina MD (ID# 69750)
............................................................... (619)668-1515
7339 El Cajon BLVD, STE H, 91941
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Leonard, Eva MD (ID# 61221) .............. (858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Chinese
Leonard, Joseph MD (ID# 61221)......... (858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Levey, Douglas MD (ID# 61221)........... (858)499-2703
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
LA MESA (Cont)
Levine, Ellyn MD (ID# 67343) ...............(619)567-6914
5358 Jackson DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Liang, Teh MD (ID# 61221) ...................(858)499-2711
Lockie, John MD (ID# 66734) ...............(619)460-7775
7051 Alvarado RD, 91942
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lowery, Jieyu MD (ID# 61221)..............(858)499-2700
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Chinese
Malinak, James MD (ID# 55204) ..........(619)460-4050
5111 Garfield ST, STE A, 91941
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Mallis, Seymour MD (ID# 69894) .........(619)460-7775
7051 Alvarado RD, 91942
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French
McCaulie, Joan DO (ID# 61221) ...........(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Moffatt, Kyrra DO (ID# 83556) ..............(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Mohedin, Barzan MD (ID# 64488) ........(619)668-9596
8860 Center DR, STE 310, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Persian
Naik, Shilpa MD (ID# 79989) ................(619)698-2184
6942 University ave, STE A, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Navarrete, Rommel MD (ID# 63518) ....(619)460-4050
5111 Garfield ST, STE A, 91941
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Nawroski-Wozniak, Joanna MD (ID# 67547)
7339 El Cajon BLVD, STE I, 91942
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Nguyen, Vinh MD (ID# 61221) ..............(858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Nordling, Christine MD (ID# 74503) .....(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Prabaker, Venugopal MD (ID# 51459) ..(619)698-0606
7339 El Cajon BLVD, STE I, 91941
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Remington-Boone, Lee MD (ID# 61221)
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Ronquillo, Rina MD (ID# 81666)...........(619)698-2184
6942 University AVE, STE A, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Roth, Julie DO (ID# 61221) ...................(858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Seikaly, Victor MD (ID# 72643).............(619)460-4000
8860 Center DR, STE 310, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Shahbaz, Majid MD (ID# 82019) ...........(619)583-1174
8851 Center DR., STE 408, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Persian
Short, Richard MD (ID# 81684).............(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher PKWY, STE 200, 91942
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Simkin Kostrinsky, Jennifer DO (ID# 61221)
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Smith, Rebecca MD (ID# 61221)...........(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Soomro, Khalil MD (ID# 57255) ............(619)698-9375
5111 Garfield ST, STE B, 91941
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Urdu| Hindi
Tarantino, Salvatore MD (ID# 66782) ...(619)462-5555
8881 Fletcher PKWY, STE 370, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
True, Wayne MD (ID# 74503) ................(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Wai, Thynn MD (ID# 61221) ..................(858)499-2600
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Burmese
Walter, Sheri MD (ID# 74503) ...............(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Webb, John MD (ID# 61541) .................(619)589-8626
8851 Center DR, STE 408, 91942
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Danesh, Mohammad MD (ID# 71323).. (951)244-3500
31581 Canyon Estates DR, 92532
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Mc Ginness, Latiffah MD (ID# 60490) .. (951)471-0042
32299 Wildomar RD, 92530
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Malayalam
Powell, Na’Imah MD (ID# 56587)......... (951)674-8779
425 Diamond DR, STE 105, 92530
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Mannino, Elizabeth MD (ID# 68945) .... (619)390-9975
10039 Vine ST, 92040
Group: Independent
Spec: Preventive Medicine, General Practice
Marshall, Larry MD (ID# 72939) .......... (619)443-3843
12517 Lakeshore DR, 92040
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
McFarland, Nathan MD (ID# 68945)..... (619)390-9975
10039 Vine ST, 92040
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Dubey, Lon MD (ID# 76815) ................. (619)515-2550
7592 Broadway, 91945
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Kim, Yuhee MD (ID# 76815)................. (619)515-2550
7592 Broadway AVE, 91945
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Korean
Parker, Joni MD (ID# 76815) ................ (619)515-2550
7592 Broadway, 91945
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Rivera, Midori MD (ID# 76815) ............ (619)515-2550
7592 Broadway AVE, 91945
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Japanese
Busto, Carla MD (ID# 81531)................ (951)301-5380
26900 Newport RD, STE 111, 92584
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Cason, Sheila MD (ID# 81535) ............. (951)301-5380
26900 Newport RD, STE 111, 92584
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Ortiz, Blanca MD (ID# 81639)............... (951)301-5380
26900 Newport Road, STE 111, 92584
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
5525 Grossmont Center DR, 91942
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Reed, Eric MD (ID# 61221) ...................(858)499-2600
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Grant, Colette MD (ID# 81580) .............(951)461-9300
25485 Medical CTR DR, STE 220, 92562
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Griffin, Steven MD (ID# 81582).............(951)461-9300
25485 Medical CTR DR, STE 220, 92562
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hurwitz, Kathleen MD (ID# 70596) .......(951)698-0300
25395 Hancock AVE, STE 250, 92562
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Martinez, Jorge MD (ID# 62476)...........(951)461-1331
39755 Murrieta Hot Springs RD, STE E120, 92563
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Mitzner, David DO (ID# 65689) .............(951)506-5768
24703 Monroe AVE, 92562
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Peterson, Robert MD (ID# 65694).........(951)698-7550
24910 Las Brisas RD, STE 121, 92562
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Pillai, Sindu MD (ID# 62444)................(951)600-9093
Lang: Hindi
Pinon, Alexandra MD (ID# 81652) ........(951)461-9300
25485 Medical Center Dr., STE 220, 92562
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Powell, Na’Imah MD (ID# 77087) .........(951)698-1168
24703 Monroe AVE, 92562
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Rodgers, Natasha MD (ID# 81664) .......(951)461-9300
25485 Medical Center DR, STE 220, 92562
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Bailony, Ahmad MD (ID# 81515)...........(619)470-1945
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 205, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Bailony, Mohammed MD (ID# 81514)...(619)470-1945
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 205, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Barbadillo, Ferdinand MD (ID# 81519).(619)475-6204
502 South Euclid AVE, STE 201, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 201, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Braverman, Ira MD (ID# 56396) ............(619)267-8181
610 Euclid AVE, STE 201, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine Lang: Tagalog/Filipino| Spanish
Castro, Carlos MD (ID# 56645) .............(619)267-9047
2340 East 8th ST, STE A, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Spanish
Crouch, Terrence MD (ID# 66402).........(619)267-1556
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 401, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Fresno, Blanca MD (ID# 81568) ............(619)475-4575
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 207, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Garcia, Rafael MD (ID# 81576).............(619)527-7700
Nashed, Ehab MD (ID# 81634)..............(951)460-9300
25485 Medical Center DR, STE 220, 92562
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
24910 Las Brisas RD, STE 114, 92562
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Sharp Health Plan
Barbadillo, Teresita MD (ID# 81520) ....(619)267-8601
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Gil, Francisco MD (ID# 56655)..............(619)479-0822
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 405, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Chinese| Spanish
Graham, David MD (ID# 66673) ............(619)477-0084
305 East Eighth ST, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Spanish
Hekmat, Razi MD (ID# 72461)...............(619)267-8181
610 Euclid AVE, STE 201, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Matthews, Merritt MD (ID# 52332) .......(619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Mondragon, Gustavo MD (ID# 78980)...(619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Niguidula, Troy MD (ID# 72041)............(619)267-8181
610 Euclid AVE, STE 201, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Novencido, Joseph DO (ID# 83459) ......(619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Nuqui, Josie MD (ID# 68887) ................(619)474-2284
2743 Highland AVE, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Perez-McCraw, Sandra MD (ID# 66625)
502 South Euclid AVE, STE 202, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Prathipati, Kumara MD (ID# 66770)..... (619)267-0553
502 Euclid AVE, STE 203, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Robinson, Jerome MD (ID# 69964)...... (619)267-8100
1000 South Euclid AVE, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Sanzone, Ronald DO (ID# 57403)......... (619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine Lang: Spanish| American Sign
Serpas, Shaila MD (ID# 68887)............ (619)474-5567
2835 Highland AVE, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Sevilla, Marianito MD (ID# 58951) ...... (619)470-7007
2340 East Eighth ST, STE D, 91950
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Tiangco, Irineo MD (ID# 59960) ........... (619)479-0320
2340 East 8th ST, STE J, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Tagalog
Trimor-Tamoria, Maria Flora MD (ID# 66643)
............................................................... (619)267-5884
2240 East Plaza BLVD, STE A, 91950
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Uy, Carmelita MD (ID# 81701) ............. (619)216-8500
2340 East 8th ST, STE E, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Valencia, Mariles MD (ID# 81703) ....... (619)475-4575
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 207, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Tagalog
Vitug, Elena MD (ID# 81704)................ (619)475-6204
502 South Euclid AVE, STE 201, 91950
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Ashouri, Omid MD (ID# 82435) ............ (760)631-5000
818 Pier View Way, 92054
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Persian
Burzell, Linden MD (ID# 78619) ........... (866)228-2236
3142 Vista Way, STE 100, 92056
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Calhoun, Chanelle MD (ID# 69001)...... (760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Capella, Marina MD (ID# 69001) ......... (760)433-3155
3220 Mission AVE, STE 1, 92058
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Carpenter, Heather MD (ID# 77676) .....(866)228-2236
3142 Vista Way, STE 100, 92056
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Pediatrics
Cook, Oscar MD (ID# 76143).................(760)736-6700
Curley, Edward MD (ID# 69001)............(760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
3605 Vista Way, BLDG B, 92056
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Park, Ronald MD (ID# 69001) ...............(760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Perkins, Rachel MD (ID# 82273)...........(760)547-1010
3605 Vista Way, Bldg B, 92056
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Pertl, Ursula MD (ID# 81651)................(760)547-1010
Curran, Perrin MD (ID# 62680) .............(760)945-1894
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, 92056
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
3605 Vista Way, Bldg B, 92056
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Safi, Roozchehr MD (ID# 76143)...........(760)736-6700
Dalforno, Victor MD (ID# 69641) ..........(760)941-4498
3230 Waring CRT, STE J, 92056
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
605 Crouch ST, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, 92056
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Daniels, Sarah MD (ID# 83835) ............(760)547-1010
3605 Vista WAY, Bldg B, 92056
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Taylor, Tasha MD (ID# 69001) ...............(760)966-3306
Gomez, Denise MD (ID# 76143) ...........(760)757-4566
Lang: Spanish
605 Crouch ST, BLDG C, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Gonzales, Michelle MD (ID# 69935).....(760)639-1204
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, 92056
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gosalia, Nupur MD (ID# 79683)............(866)228-2236
Zachry, Alison MD (ID# 69001) .............(760)736-6700
2210 Mesa DR, STE 300, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Zimmermann, Andres MD (ID# 74097) .(760)639-1714
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, 92056
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
3142 Vista Way, STE 100, 92056
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Gunta, Sujana MD (ID# 77570) .............(760)631-5000
818 Pier View Way, 92054
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Marahi| Telugu
Ibrahim, Nagi MD (ID# 75297)..............(760)453-2700
2122 South El Camino Real, STE 102, 92054
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Italiano, James MD (ID# 77535)...........(760)941-4498
3230 Waring CRT, STE J, 92056
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lawson, Catherine MD (ID# 70911)......(760)941-4498
3230 Waring CRT, STE J, 92056
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lee, Anna MD (ID# 78705)....................(760)941-4498
3230 Waring Court, STE J, 92056
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
MacMurray, Michael MD (ID# 70153)...(760)631-5250
818 Pier View WAY, 92054
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
15644 Pomerado RD, STE 400, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Dure-Smith, Belinda MD (ID# 81064) .. (858)675-3123
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Goldfinger, Neil MD (ID# 53001) .......... (858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Pediatrics
Herring, Lynn MD (ID# 81588).............. (858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Joswig, Bill MD (ID# 52974)................. (858)675-3110
Lang: Farsi
Stewart, Ryan MD (ID# 69191) .............(760)630-8420
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Cottel, Jill MD (ID# 63913)................... (858)312-1672
Bowers, Hilary MD (ID# 81523) ............(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Bromm, Ryan DO (ID# 82869)...............(858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Khattri, Sonal MD (ID# 83446) ............. (858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, STE 400, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Hindi
Klein, Stuart MD (ID# 63617) ............... (858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Leong, Curtis MD (ID# 82958).............. (858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lindback, Sarah MD (ID# 81612) ......... (858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lostetter, Adrienne MD (ID# 81616)..... (858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
15611 Pomerado RD, STE 400, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Magat, Patrocinia MD (ID# 68577)....... (858)485-5111
15706 Pomerado RD, STE 104, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Family Medicine Lang: Spanish| Tagalog/Filipino
Carty, David MD (ID# 67106).................(858)675-3293
Maletz, Louis MD (ID# 71695).............. (858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Conrad, Alan MD (ID# 63616) ...............(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Cornelius, Carol MD (ID# 55533) ..........(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish| German
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Mamaril, Dennis MD (ID# 75685) ........ (858)675-3123
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Meram, Susan MD (ID# 77187)............ (858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
605 Crouch ST, 92054
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Miller, Donald MD (ID# 81626) .............(760)547-1010
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
POWAY (Cont)
Merkes, Kevin MD (ID# 71673).............(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Sharp Health Plan
Zakov, Kamen MD (ID# 53045)..............(858)675-3110
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Bulgarian
Abramowitz, Bryan MD (ID# 63691) ..... (858)836-2491
4282 Genesee AVE, STE 302, 92117
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Adams, James MD (ID# 68727)............ (619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Mir, Yusra MD (ID# 78554)....................(858)675-3180
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Hindi| Urdu
Blando, Ellen MD (ID# 62650)...............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog
Mortimer, Dori MD (ID# 81632) ............(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Jung, Yewah DO (ID# 68986) ................(760)789-1223
217 East Earlham, 92065
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Nazareth, Vivek MD (ID# 78208)...........(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Hindi
Kasch, Janine DO (ID# 51080) ..............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish| German
Page, Thomas MD (ID# 81641).............(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Presant, Larry MD (ID# 55591) .............(858)675-3123
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Putnam, Richard MD (ID# 57296).........(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Rendler, Nathan MD (ID# 81657)..........(858)487-8333
15525 Pomerado RD, STE B-1, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Rivera, Marcelo MD (ID# 81063) ..........(858)613-8743
15644 Pomerado RD, STE 300, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Lind, Christine MD (ID# 53583) ............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Luan, Gordon MD (ID# 71604) ..............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Miller, Jerry MD (ID# 82198) ................(760)789-5160
233 13th ST, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Ricketts, James DO (ID# 83874) ...........(760)789-8812
23678 San Vicente RD, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Yung, Doris MD (ID# 68986) .................(760)789-1223
217 East Earlham, 92065
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Safi, Akber MD (ID# 63578) ..................(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: German| Persian
Salada, Elizabeth Anne MD (ID# 62418)
15611 Pomerado RD, STE 510, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Internal Medicine
Zgliniec, Robert MD (ID# 71271) ..........(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, 92065
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Internal Medicine
Abell, Geoffrey MD (ID# 81625) ............(619)262-8624
Shanmugam, Cheryl MD (ID# 78555) ...(858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, 92064
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Pediatrics
Tai, Kuangkai MD (ID# 81697) ..............(858)487-8333
15525 Pomerado RD, STE B-1, 92064
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, 92114
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Abola, Amy MD (ID# 61224)..................(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Abramowitz, Basil MD (ID# 79289) .......(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Afrikaans| Hebrew
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Adamson, Marie MD (ID# 61224)......... (858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Adderson, John MD (ID# 51665) .......... (858)625-2466
6106 Regents RD, 92122
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Adlouni, Loubaba MD (ID# 81508) ....... (858)924-1960
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 200, 92127
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic
Ahadian, Emelya MD (ID# 74401) ........ (858)499-2703
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Allen, Joseph MD (ID# 67603) ............. (619)225-1212
4116 West Point Loma BLVD, 92110
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Almansour, Mumtaz MD (ID# 68739) ... (619)280-4213
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Andree, Gregor MD (ID# 69821)........... (619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: German| Spanish
Anthony, Jeffrey DO (ID# 76309) .......... (619)229-3909
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, 92120
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Antonio, Kevin MD (ID# 74401)............ (858)499-2703
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Arbabi, Nasrin MD (ID# 61445) ............ (858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, 92127
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Archambault, Christian MD (ID# 81510)
............................................................... (858)924-1960
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 200, 92127
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Arian, Lisa MD (ID# 51747).................. (858)277-0696
7930 Frost ST, STE 104, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Assaf, Samer MD (ID# 74455).............. (858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Awdykovych, Marta MD (ID# 79289).....(858)499-2701
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Chinese| Ukranian
6973 Linda Vista RD, 92111
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Conner, Julius MD (ID# 61224) ............ (858)499-2703
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Cook, Jessica DO (ID# 75578).............. (619)515-2560
12710 Carmel Country RD, 92130
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Carpenter, Robert DO (ID# 68727) ........(619)515-2424
Beeson, Stephen MD (ID# 61224).........(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Dao, Viet MD (ID# 82003)..................... (858)268-1747
2363 Ulric ST, STE B, 92111
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Carson, Stephen MD (ID# 81534) .........(619)297-5437
2929 Health Center DR, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Berger, John MD (ID# 52744)................(619)295-2147
205 Walnut ST, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
8933 Activity RD, 92126
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Dao, Viet MD (ID# 79016)..................... (619)583-0553
6255 University AVE, STE A-2, 92115
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Cava, Noli MD (ID# 63167) ...................(619)221-4490
Daramola, Iyabo MD (ID# 64666)......... (619)479-6767
1808 Cable ST, 92107
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
2401 Reo DR, 92139
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
1370 Rosecrans ST, 92106
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Champagne, Lynne MD (ID# 63903) .....(858)277-0696
7930 Frost ST, STE 104, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Chang, Alan MD (ID# 61224).................(858)499-2703
Boone, Gary MD (ID# 53053) ................(858)292-8885
3737 Moraga AVE, STE B-408, 92111
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Cheffet, Shannon DO (ID# 80477) .........(619)229-3909
Borrero, Marcos MD (ID# 57850)..........(619)423-5616
3490 Palm AVE, 92154
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Spanish
Chen, Tsuh-Yin MD (ID# 68727)............(619)515-2424
Brown, Daniel MD (ID# 61223) .............(858)499-2703
Lang: Spanish
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, 92120
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
De Freitas, Chrystal MD (ID# 81557) ... (858)794-5437
12395 El Camino Real, STE 315, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
De La Rosa, Ivonne MD (ID# 68727).... (619)515-2444
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Biewenga, Melissa MD (ID# 68727) .....(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 200, 92110
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Lang: Spanish
550 Washington ST, STE 300, 92103
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: French| Spanish
Chambers, Edward MD (ID# 67118)......(619)223-2668
Bernaba, Bethani MD (ID# 61222) ........(858)499-2600
4275 Market ST, 92102
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Denysiak, Barbara MD (ID# 66050)...... (619)294-6500
3969 Fourth AVE, STE 203, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Polish
Devaki, Uma DO (ID# 61224) ............... (858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Telugu
Diakiw, Adriana MD (ID# 81560).......... (619)225-0602
1370 Rosecrans ST, STE B, 92106
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Cheng, Gordon MD (ID# 83606) ............(858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, 92131
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Dolby, Jennifer MD (ID# 79289) ........... (858)499-2701
Cheng, Gordon MD (ID# 83824) ............(858)279-0100
3030 Children’s Way, STE 401, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Dysart, Jeffrey MD (ID# 75192)............ (858)268-1111
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Chilingirian, Amy DO (ID# 79289).........(858)499-2704
Ehlers, Rolf MD (ID# 54188)................. (858)541-0181
Budde, Audra DO (ID# 61224)...............(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Cohen, Stuart MD (ID# 81550) ..............(619)265-3400
Brownell, Kristin MD (ID# 70839).........(619)515-2400
5454 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Bryce, Richard DO (ID# 61224).............(858)499-2704
Byers-Lund, Kimberly DO (ID# 76464) .(619)522-4000
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, 92118
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Cabarlo, Jehrib DO (ID# 69821)............(619)280-2058
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Cone, Stephanie MD (ID# 82168) .........(619)297-5437
550 Wasshington ST, STE 300, 92103
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
7830 Clairemont Mesa BLVD, STE 100, 92111
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Elias, Ramiz MD (ID# 73744) ............... (858)384-6857
7695 Cardinal CT, STE 375, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Eros, Christine MD (ID# 63724)............ (858)514-3700
5030 Camino de la Siesta, STE 204, 92108
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
4305 University AVE, STE 150, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Berent, Michael MD (ID# 61225) ..........(858)499-2701
Caperna, Joseph MD (ID# 82701) .........(619)233-4044
1855 1st AVE, STE 200B, 92101
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Barkley, Jennifer MD (ID# 61217).........(858)499-2704
Cabarlo, Jehrib DO (ID# 68878) ............(858)279-0925
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Espinoza, Angelica MD (ID# 74401) .....(858)499-2704
Sharp Health Plan
Giangreco, Lizzie MD (ID# 61224) ........(858)499-2600
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gil, Gabriel MD (ID# 70287)..................(619)465-3121
Falquier, Sabrina MD (ID# 61218) ........(858)499-2703
Lang: Spanish
909 Cardiff ST, 92114
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
12710 Carmel County RD, 92130
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Hamidi, Mahshid MD (ID# 65539)........ (858)565-6394
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 31, 92117
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gilman, Frank MD (ID# 61223) .............(858)499-2704
Hampshire, Kristin MD (ID# 74401) ..... (858)499-2704
Fassett, Richard MD (ID# 52007)..........(619)225-1212
4116 West Point Loma BLVD, 92110
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 200, 92110
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish| Norwegian
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gleason-Rohrer, Gwen MD (ID# 68880)(619)563-0250
Hansen, John MD (ID# 81586) ............. (858)495-0500
Feinstein, Michael DO (ID# 66752) ......(619)464-1607
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, 92119
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
4282 Genesee AVE, STE 103, 92117
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Fleming, Regina MD (ID# 68878) .........(858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, 92111
Group: Independent
Spec: Preventive Medicine
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 200, 92127
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Gabhart, Lisa MD (ID# 74401) ..............(858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Gollub, Norman MD (ID# 61225)...........(858)499-2701
Gannon, Lauren MD (ID# 70839) ..........(619)515-2400
5454 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Gavrilyuk, Igor MD (ID# 74304) ............(619)718-9444
550 Washington ST, STE 300, 92103
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
1250 6th AVE, STE 100, 92101
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Graham, Stuart MD (ID# 55827)............(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, 92127
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Pediatrics
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Hiser, Daniel MD (ID# 66494) .............. (619)583-1510
Green, Billie MD (ID# 59484)................(858)483-1720
Hoang, Vy MD (ID# 81593) ................... (619)265-3400
1101 Felspar ST, 92109
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: French
Gupta, Carmen MD (ID# 79289) ............(858)499-2600
6475 Alvarado RD, STE 120, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hippen, Rachelle MD (ID# 68727) ....... (619)515-2424
Ho, Huy MD (ID# 61218)....................... (858)499-2703
Gertser, Elaine MD (ID# 60150) ............(619)582-8055
6367 Alvarado CT, STE 202, 92120
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Russian
Gianfortune, Rachel MD (ID# 81578)....(619)583-6133
Hill, Linda MD (ID# 68878)................... (858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, 92111
Group: Independent
Spec: Preventive Medicine, General Practice
Gray, Janette MD (ID# 75309)...............(619)814-5500
3636 Fifth AVE, STE 300, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gregerson, Jacob MD (ID# 68739)........(619)779-7900
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
6719 Alvarado RD, STE 203, 92120
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Russian
Ghorbani, Shireen MD (ID# 74401) ......(858)621-4016
Hibbs, Nicole MD (ID# 81589).............. (619)297-5437
2929 Health Center DR, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Grant, John MD (ID# 74455)..................(858)499-2704
Gaidry, John MD (ID# 58041)................(858)274-0300
1101 Felspar ST, 92109
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Henderson, Trevor MD (ID# 81587)...... (619)265-3400
3705 Mission BLVD, 92109
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Gordon, Jeoffry MD (ID# 68928) ...........(619)515-2430
Friedman, Jaime MD (ID# 81570) ........(858)924-1960
Harless, William MD (ID# 61218) ........ (858)499-2703
4305 University AVE, STE 150, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Glockner, Susan MD (ID# 68913) ..........(619)515-2444
Fishman, Elena MD (ID# 81567)...........(858)793-1011
4060 Fourth AVE, STE 100, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
4290 Polk AVE, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Gleason-Rohrer, Gwen MD (ID# 69821)(619)280-2058
First, Brian MD (ID# 51359)..................(858)292-0108
Hall, David MD (ID# 61217) ................. (858)499-2708
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Gurtch, Tim MD (ID# 80218) .................(619)265-1070
4276 54th Place, STE A, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Russian
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hoffman, Jamie MD (ID# 81594).......... (858)279-0100
3030 Children’s Way, STE 401, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hoffman, Jamie MD (ID# 82665).......... (858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, 92131
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Hubbard, Mark MD (ID# 61224) ........... (858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Hussain, Sabiha MD (ID# 81597) .........(858)268-0702
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 42, 92117
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Ibrahim, Doreen MD (ID# 74455) .........(858)616-8080
Ide, Jasmine MD (ID# 61218) ...............(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Ignacio, Kathlyn MD (ID# 74455)..........(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Ionescu, Ludmilla MD (ID# 82540).......(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, 92127
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Jabro, Mark MD (ID# 61218).................(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lewinski, Mary MD (ID# 68727)........... (619)515-2533
Khatri, Rakhi MD (ID# 61224) ...............(858)499-2600
Light, Cyril MD (ID# 79289).................. (858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Hindi
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French| Hebrew
Kleid, Jack MD (ID# 52820) ..................(858)274-2560
Lim, Josephine MD (ID# 69006)........... (858)578-4220
3660 Clairemont DR, STE 6, 92117
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Italian| Russian
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 235, 92126
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Kooner, Banita DO (ID# 61218) .............(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish| Hindi
Lin, Cynthia MD (ID# 74455) ................ (858)499-2704
Kubal, Gargi MD (ID# 61225) ................(858)499-2701
Lipp, Victor MD (ID# 81613)................. (858)793-1011
2929 Health Center DR, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Kunin-Rida, Teri MD (ID# 68739)..........(619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Kurisu, Wayne MD (ID# 61218).............(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Jacobson, Eugenia MD (ID# 81598) .....(858)576-8010
7910 Frost ST, STE 335, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Russian
Jensen, Jaclyn DO (ID# 61217).............(858)499-2708
12710 Carmel Country RD, 92130
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lai, Amara MD (ID# 68739) ..................(619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lai, Tung MD (ID# 66608) .....................(858)653-0147
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 200, 92126
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Johnson-Patel, Jennifer MD (ID# 68727)
4094 4th AVE, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Liske, Michelle MD (ID# 60425)........... (858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Long, Dawn MD (ID# 74455) ................ (858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lopes, Aimee DO (ID# 74455).............. (858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lujan, Arleen MD (ID# 68923).............. (619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
3514 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: French
Laliotis, Aristotelis MD (ID# 74455) .....(858)499-2600
Johnston, Jan MD (ID# 68923) .............(619)515-2300
Lavender, Jamie MD (ID# 61218) .........(858)499-2600
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Macy, Melissa DO (ID# 75578)............. (619)515-2560
Le, Huan MD (ID# 70978)......................(619)582-1448
5507 El Cajon BLVD, STE C, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Madany, George MD (ID# 82667) ......... (858)566-4444
Le, Nguyen MD (ID# 81609) ..................(619)582-8814
5507 El Cajon BLVD, STE B, 92115
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Vietnamese
Madany, George MD (ID# 81617) ......... (858)279-0100
Kaur, Jatinder MD (ID# 70839) .............(619)515-2400
5454 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Leung, Jennifer MD (ID# 74455)...........(858)499-2704
Mahendran, Srividya MD (ID# 69821).. (619)280-2058
Kelley, Leon MD (ID# 81606)................(619)262-8624
Levinson, Gary MD (ID# 74455)............(858)616-2600
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Juarez, Patricia MD (ID# 82666)...........(858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, 92131
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Juarez, Patricia MD (ID# 81604)...........(858)279-0100
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, 92114
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Greek| Spanish
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Lynch, Alison MD (ID# 79289).............. (858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
4725 Market ST, 92102
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, 92131
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| French
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| French
4305 University AVE, STE 150, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Hindi| Kannada
Mansour, A MD (ID# 60050) ................. (858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Lang: Persian
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic
Kesanapalli, Deepthi MD (ID# 82072) ..(858)576-8010
7910 Frost ST, STE 335, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Manuel, Peggy MD (ID# 61225)............(858)499-2701
2929 Health Center DR, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Mara, Maria MD (ID# 66629)................(619)475-5411
2939 Alta View DR, STE J, 92139
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Marin, Ada MD (ID# 54238) ..................(858)514-3700
5030 Camino de la Siesta, STE 204, 92108
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Marquardt, Diana MD (ID# 68880)........(619)563-0250
4290 Polk AVE, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Pacal, Adam MD (ID# 61223) ............... (858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Farsi
Mohamedy, Ebrahim MD (ID# 68727) ...(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Montal, Jeanne MD (ID# 74401) ...........(858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Marquez, Luis MD (ID# 51503) .............(619)236-8796
1901 Fourth AVE, STE 100, 92101
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Nakahara, Tami MD (ID# 81633)...........(619)297-5437
Martinez, Albert MD (ID# 74401) ..........(858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Martinez-Andree, Ingrid MD (ID# 81620)
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Matsumoto, Paul DO (ID# 74455) .........(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Maxwell, Kathryn MD (ID# 79289)........(858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
McFeeters, Gary MD (ID# 51329) .........(858)277-2361
7525 Linda Vista RD, 92111
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Messoline, Matthew MD (ID# 61217) ...(858)499-2708
12710 Carmel Country RD, 92130
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Michlin, Bernard MD (ID# 53308).........(619)583-1954
6367 Alvarado CT, STE 200, 92120
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Miller, Scott MD (ID# 81905) ................(858)312-1440
9878 Carmel Mountain RD, STE B, 92129
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
7830 Clairemont Mesa BLVD, STE 287, 92111
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
550 Washington ST, STE 300, 92103
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Narayan, Uma MD (ID# 79289) .............(858)499-2701
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Palma, Rachel DO (ID# 79289) ............ (858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Papas, George MD (ID# 67638)............ (619)283-6063
2883 Meade AVE, 92116
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, 92131
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Park, Tari MD (ID# 81645) .................... (858)279-0100
Murthy, Sangeetha MD (ID# 69904)......(858)874-8741
12710 Carmel Country RD, 92130
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Lang: French
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 201, 92110
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Park, Tari MD (ID# 82669) .................... (858)566-4444
Morgan, James MD (ID# 61218) ...........(858)499-2703
Lang: Spanish
Martin, Michael MD (ID# 61217) ..........(858)499-2708
Sharp Health Plan
Missaghi-Lajvardi, Sanaz MD (ID# 79289)
Lang: Hindi
Nguyen, Doug MD (ID# 79289)..............(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish| Vietnamese
Nguyen, Huong MD (ID# 64237)............(619)285-1522
4444 El Cajon BLVD, STE 6, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, General Practice
Lang: Vietnamese
Nguyen, Linhkieu MD (ID# 73447) ........(619)284-1400
3575 Euclid AVE, STE 100, 92105
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Nguyen, Tue MD (ID# 56474) ................(619)280-7185
4551 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Novak, James MD (ID# 53343)..............(858)272-0022
4440 Lamont ST, 92109
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Nuqui, Josie MD (ID# 69006) ................(858)578-4220
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 235, 92126
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
O’Dea, Teresa MD (ID# 74401) .............(858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Ou, Jennie MD (ID# 61224)...................(858)499-2701
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Pastrano, Ellen MD (ID# 61224)........... (858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog
Pavlovich, Wendy MD (ID# 68727)....... (619)515-2449
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Pikus, Mary MD (ID# 79289) ................ (858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Pohl, Lawrence MD (ID# 61829) .......... (619)295-3355
5333 Mission CTR RD, STE 100, 92108
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Powell, Stephanie MD (ID# 81655) ...... (858)495-0500
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Prabhakar, Veena DO (ID# 61224)........ (858)499-2705
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Prathipati, Lakshmi MD (ID# 65965).... (619)286-3222
4276 54th PL, STE B, 92115
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Telugu
Preziosi, Rebecca MD (ID# 61217) ...... (858)499-2704
12710 Carmel Country RD, 92130
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Raiszadeh, Mahindokht MD (ID# 67390)
............................................................... (858)616-6430
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 45, 92117
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Raju, Thirumala MD (ID# 74455) ......... (858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Hindi| Telugu
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Rose, Patricia MD (ID# 61224) .............(858)499-2704
Ramers, Christian MD (ID# 68727).......(619)876-4440
4094 4th AVE, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Ramirez-Ochoa, Ignacio MD (ID# 67224)
3024 North Park Way, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Razon, Annabelle MD (ID# 51454) .......(858)689-1814
9190 Mira Mesa BLVD, 92126
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Reddy, Manorama MD (ID# 66815) ......(619)583-8700
4533 College AVE, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Hindi| Telugu
Reitman, Stephen MD (ID# 57230).......(619)464-1608
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, 92119
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Richardson, Danielle MD (ID# 68877)..(619)429-3733
1016 Outer RD, 92154
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Roth, Kenneth MD (ID# 54231) .............(858)541-0181
Scharpf, Ingrid MD (ID# 61224) ........... (858)499-2703
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Ryan, David MD (ID# 70589).................(619)222-2355
2931 Jarvis ST, 92106
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Schumaker, Edward DO (ID# 68739) .... (619)798-3977
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Saben, Benjamin MD (ID# 74401) ........(858)499-2704
Sebso, Jodi MD (ID# 68923)................. (619)515-2300
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Sacks, Anthony MD (ID# 79289) ...........(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Afrikaans
Senethong, Sombath MD (ID# 68739).. (619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, Family Medicine
Sadrieh, Jay MD (ID# 81672) ................(858)268-0702
Shamani, Azam MD (ID# 78991) .......... (619)639-7285
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 42, 92117
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
5555 Reservoir DR, STE 312, 92120
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Sadrieh, Sanas DO (ID# 74832) ............(858)514-3700
Rissman, Raquel MD (ID# 81659) ........(619)297-5437
Saluta, Arvin MD (ID# 61218) ...............(858)499-2703
550 Washington ST, STE 300, 92103
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Robinson, Pany MD (ID# 61224)...........(858)499-2705
Lang: Farsi
Rodriguez, Javier MD (ID# 68739) .......(619)546-8363
Lang: Spanish
Rogers, Laura MD (ID# 79186) .............(619)610-9790
2790 Truxton RD, STE 100, 92106
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Sheldon, Edward MD (ID# 69323) ........ (619)465-3121
909 Cardiff ST, 92114
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, 92120
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Sheth, Alka MD (ID# 69006) ................. (858)578-4220
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Tagalog
Sanchez-Mata, Adeunice MD (ID# 74455)
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 235, 92126
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Shiau, Nancy MD (ID# 81682) .............. (619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Taiwanese
Shumilak, Kaili DO (ID# 75578) ........... (619)515-2560
Sandler, Jeffrey MD (ID# 66635)...........(619)497-6188
4725 Market ST, 92102
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
4060 Fourth AVE, STE 205, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Sanford, Edward DO (ID# 79289) ..........(858)499-2704
Sanford, Kristen DO (ID# 61224)...........(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Romero, Camila MD (ID# 68878) .........(858)279-9676
Shenoy, Ashvin MD (ID# 82104)........... (619)262-8624
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, 92114
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, 92119
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Rohrer, Stephen DO (ID# 75834) ..........(619)229-3909
Lang: Spanish
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Saifi, Mirwais MD (ID# 82888) .............(619)464-1608
6973 Linda Vista RD, 92111
Group: Independent
Spec: Preventive Medicine
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Rubenstein, Stuart MD (ID# 81670)......(858)793-1011
6973 Linda Vista RD, 92111
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice, Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine
Lang: French
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Santoyo, Steven MD (ID# 68923) ......... (619)515-2300
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
5030 Camino De La Siesta, STE 204, 92108
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Risser, Joseph MD (ID# 68878) ............(858)279-9676
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
8933 Activity RD, 92126
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Santella, Robert MD (ID# 66622)..........(619)286-1314
4531 College AVE, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Sidrick, Nadine MD (ID# 66456)........... (619)582-5105
5602 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Spanish
Silva, Richard MD (ID# 68923)............. (619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Smart, Joseph MD (ID# 61224) ............ (858)499-2701
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: German
Ramirez, Airisha MD (ID# 74401).........(858)499-2600
10670 Wexford ST, 92131
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Santos, Camille MD (ID# 61222).......... (858)499-2704
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Smith, Linda MD (ID# 81687) ...............(619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Smoot, Charles MD (ID# 68923) ...........(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Smurlo, Albana MD (ID# 79289)...........(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Albanian
Snyder, Joel MD (ID# 81688) ................(619)583-6133
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
3705 Mission BLVD, 92109
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Cantonese
Tan, Zehui MD (ID# 61224) ...................(858)499-2704
Turnage, Jimmy MD (ID# 69939).......... (858)569-6800
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
3655 Ruffin RD, STE 100, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Tecca, Donald MD (ID# 53360) .............(858)268-1111
Upton, D MD (ID# 70415) ..................... (858)541-0181
7830 Clairemont Mesa BLVD, STE 100, 92111
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Techentin, Anna MD (ID# 61218) ..........(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics, Internal Medicine
Vadivel, Pushpa MD (ID# 75578) ......... (619)515-2560
4725 Market ST, 92102
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Teguh, Collin DO (ID# 61826)................(619)281-8988
Sonneborn, Miranda MD (ID# 61218)...(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
2045 Adams AVE, 92116
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine Lang: Indonesian| Malayalam
Villa, Maria MD (ID# 77809) ................ (619)575-4442
655 Saturn BLVD, STE J, 92154
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine Lang: Spanish| Tagalog/Filipino
Tolba, Kamei MD (ID# 81698)...............(858)793-1011
Villarreal, Veronica MD (ID# 68923).... (619)515-2300
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French
Spitzer, Marsha MD (ID# 68923)...........(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Toulouie, Elahe MD (ID# 70584) ...........(619)993-8996
5555 Reservoir DR, STE 209, 92120
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Tran, Tonnia DO (ID# 68880) .................(619)563-0250
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Spring, Jason DO (ID# 72478) ..............(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, 92127
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine, Sports Medicine
Springer, Roy MD (ID# 71276) ..............(619)464-1608
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, 92119
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Steinhauser, Tova MD (ID# 74455) .......(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
16950 Via Tazon, 92127
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
3544 30th ST, 92104
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Summers, Courtney MD (ID# 68877) ....(619)429-3733
Lang: Spanish
Swami, Meenal MD (ID# 79289)...........(858)499-2701
10243 Genetic Center DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Vietnamese
Lang: Hindi
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Vo, Duc MD (ID# 64241) ....................... (858)560-1226
2418 Ulric ST, 92111
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics, General Practice
Lang: Vietnamese
Vo, Sony MD (ID# 62477) ..................... (619)280-7185
4551 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Chinese| Vietnamese
Tran, Trung MD (ID# 64231) ..................(619)281-3443
4139 University AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine, General Practice Lang: French
Vu, Myloan MD (ID# 81705) ................. (619)265-3400
Tran, Uyen-Thao MD (ID# 70839)..........(619)515-2400
Wagner, Gabriel MD (ID# 68727) ......... (619)515-2300
5454 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic| French
Trapp, Jennifer MD (ID# 79289)............(858)499-2704
Tremain, Nicole MD (ID# 83998)...........(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, 92123
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Suleiman-Qafiti, Khawla MD (ID# 68727)
1016 Outer RD, 92154
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
4290 Polk AVE, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
10243 Genetic Canter DR, 92121
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Strouse, Timothy MD (ID# 61224) ........(858)499-2704
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Tsoi, Kwokyan MD (ID# 68913) ............ (619)515-2444
6475 Alvarado RD, STE 120, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Spees, David MD (ID# 61224)...............(858)499-2704
Sharp Health Plan
Tafara, Facika MD (ID# 68923) .............(619)515-2300
Trewella, Amy MD (ID# 82006) .............(858)312-1440
9878 Carmel Mountain RD, STE B, 92129
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health
Spec: Family Medicine
Truong, Tu MD (ID# 67150) ...................(619)583-8705
5069 El Cajon BLVD, 92115
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Tsang, Ruey-Shiuan MD (ID# 83836)....(858)495-0500
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
4094 4th AVE, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Wagner, Paul MD (ID# 67374).............. (619)718-9444
4060 Fourth AVE, STE 100, 92103
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Wang, Emily MD (ID# 81706) ............... (858)793-1011
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Waters, Elizabeth MD (ID# 81707) ....... (619)262-8624
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, 92114
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Whiteley, Joanna MD (ID# 61222) ....... (858)499-2600
8933 Activity RD, 92126
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Wickes, Aeron MD (ID# 63612) ............ (858)679-9262
12650 Sabre Springs PKWY, STE 204, 92128
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Spec: Family Medicine
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Willard, Kimberly MD (ID# 82893) .......(619)583-6133
6475 Alvarado RD, STE 120, 92120
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Wilson, Orville MD (ID# 81709)............(858)793-1011
Wright, Gwendolyn MD (ID# 81713) .....(619)297-5437
Rosenfeld, Gina MD (ID# 81668) ......... (760)744-6710
Diaz, Ian MD (ID# 68886)......................(760)736-6700
Sebiane, Maria MD (ID# 68886)........... (760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Esposito, Nicole MD (ID# 68886)..........(760)736-6700
277 Rancheros DR, 92069
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Halim, Neil MD (ID# 78853)..................(760)744-9626
Wu, Veda MD (ID# 61225) ....................(858)499-2701
Lang: Arabic
Wynne, Howard MD (ID# 61223) ..........(858)499-2704
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 102, 92110
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Yarbrough, Corinne MD (ID# 61218).....(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, 92101
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Yorobe, Edwin MD (ID# 51304).............(858)560-5685
10850 Baroque LN, STE A, 92124
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Yuen, Selene MD (ID# 68739) ..............(619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Zaguli, Marvin MD (ID# 82670) ............(858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, 92131
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Zaguli, Marvin MD (ID# 81714) ............(858)279-0100
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, 92123
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Zaheer, Aaron MD (ID# 69821) .............(619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, 92105
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Zandkarimi, Fariba MD (ID# 68923) .....(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, 92113
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
1030 La Bonita DR, STE 316, 92078
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Hirniak, Oksana DO (ID# 79500) ...........(760)291-6700
Zanotti, Daniel DO (ID# 61222).............(858)499-2600
8933 Activity RD, 92126
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Alvarez-Martinez, Liliana MD (ID# 68886)
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Witczak, Izabela MD (ID# 68886) ......... (760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lee, Cheng MD (ID# 83761)..................(866)228-2236
277 Rancheros DR, STE 100, 92069
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish| Chinese
Daub, Douglas MD (ID# 70611)............ (619)569-1790
9460 Cuyamaca ST, STE 104, 92071
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Malhotra, Arati MD (ID# 68886)............(760)736-6700
Lang: Spanish| Hindi
Montemayor, Manuel MD (ID# 68886)..(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Nath, Devarshi MD (ID# 68886) ............(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Neves, Vanessa MD (ID# 68886) ..........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Gupta, Brij MD (ID# 72572) .................. (619)562-1140
10158 Buena Vista AVE, 92071
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Johnson, Noah MD (ID# 67938) ........... (619)562-1140
10158 Buena Vista AVE, 92071
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Le, Hoe MD (ID# 66774)....................... (619)258-4000
9225 Carlton Hills BLVD, STE 4, 92071
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Wong, Kin MD (ID# 54884)................... (619)448-2866
Neves, Vanessa MD (ID# 82165) ..........(760)798-0428
10201 Mission Gorge RD, STE K, 92071
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Chinese
1595 Grand AVE, STE 102, 92078
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Paz, Alejandro MD (ID# 77756).............(866)228-2236
277 Rancheros DR, 92069
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Penunuri, Isela MD (ID# 83763) ...........(866)228-2236
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Walker, Shayna MD (ID# 68886) .......... (760)736-6700
277 Rancheros DR, STE 100, 92069
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Tanguma, Manuel MD (ID# 74822) ...... (866)228-2236
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
550 Washington ST, STE 300, 92103
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
2929 Health Center DR, 92123
Group: Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
1582 West San Marcos BLVD, STE 203, 92069
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
277 Rancheros DR, STE 100, 92069
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Poniachik, Samuel MD (ID# 68886)......(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Posadas, Emerito MD (ID# 68886)........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, 92069
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Lang: Spanish
Yuhas, Robert MD (ID# 75004)............. (858)481-7768
530 Lomas Santa Fe, STE O, 92075
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Audish, Hanid DO (ID# 73878) ............. (619)660-6003
10225 Austin DR, STE 101, 91978
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Arabic
Cardones, Arthur MD (ID# 68903) ........ (619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, 91977
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
D’Arpa, Glenn DO (ID# 70476) ............. (619)660-6003
10225 Austin DR, STE 101, 91978
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, 92130
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Czvik, Joseph MD (ID# 69292) ..............(760)471-1020
1635 Lake San Marcos DR, STE 202, 92078
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, 92592
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Spec: Internal Medicine
Fox, Bryan MD (ID# 66667)...................(619)660-6003
10225 Austin DR, STE 101, 91978
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Mcchesney, Pamela MD (ID# 81621)....(951)587-8116
Quintero, Carolyn MD (ID# 68903)........(619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, 91977
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Mohr, Thomas MD (ID# 81628) .............(951)587-0992
Salazar, Juanita MD (ID# 68903) ..........(619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, 91977
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
27699 Jefferson AVE, STE 102, 92590
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
44274 George Cushman Court, STE 106, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: German| Spanish
Nordstrom, Bjorn DO (ID# 81066) .........(866)228-2236
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Yelanich, Melissa MD (ID# 68903) .......(619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, 91977
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
29645 Rancho California RD, STE 138, 92591
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Tagalog
Oliver, Mario MD (ID# 82182) ...............(866)228-2236
Abjelina, Annalisa MD (ID# 81505) ......(951)587-8116
27699 Jefferson AVE, STE 102, 92590
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Azhand, Azim MD (ID# 65682) ..............(951)695-4333
27450 Ynez ROAD, STE 108, 92591
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, 92592
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Spec: Family Medicine
Ocampo, Consuelo MD (ID# 65692)......(951)695-7228
Lang: Farsi
Boyatt, Kelly MD (ID# 77670) ...............(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, 92592
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Brydon, Paul DO (ID# 75314)................(951)225-6400
41840 Enterprise Circle North, 92590
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Camacho, Claudia MD (ID# 81532) ......(951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 106, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Carrasco, Douglas MD (ID# 74229) ......(951)302-4603
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 210, 92592
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Cason, Sheila MD (ID# 81536) .............(951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman Court, STE 106, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Griffin, Steven MD (ID# 83764).............(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Huang, Victor MD (ID# 78038)..............(951)303-2277
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, 92592
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Spec: Family Medicine
Johnson, Sylvia MD (ID# 81602) ..........(951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 106, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Sharp Health Plan
Lizotte, Paul DO (ID# 81897).................(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, 92592
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Spec: Family Medicine
Paik, Juliana MD (ID# 81643) ...............(951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 106, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Petersen, Dennis DO (ID# 65695) .........(951)506-3112
27403 Ynez RD, STE 103, 92591
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Pinon, Alexandra MD (ID# 83755) ........(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Robbins, Daniel DO (ID# 83756)...........(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Rodgers, Natasha MD (ID# 83758) .......(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, 92592
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Russell, Sarah MD (ID# 75314) ............(951)225-6400
41840 Enterprise Circle North, 92590
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
27699 Jefferson AVE, STE 102, 92590
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Winton, Frank MD (ID# 78032)............. (866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, 92592
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Spec: Family Medicine
Zebrack, David DO (ID# 70744) ............ (951)296-5844
40285 Winchester RD, STE 103, 92591
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Craychee, Leo MD (ID# 81554) ............ (760)749-7770
28714 Valley Center RD, STE L, 92082
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Greb, David MD (ID# 65924) ................ (760)749-0824
28743 Valley Center RD, STE B, 92082
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Johnson, Roy MD (ID# 78571).............. (760)749-0824
28743 Valley Center RD, STE B, 92082
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Amani, Ramin MD (ID# 60419) ............ (760)439-4839
950 Civic Center Dr., STE A, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Ambo, Stanley MD (ID# 70817)............ (760)945-3434
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 180, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Asselin, Lynette DO (ID# 62681) .......... (760)941-3630
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Baroudi, Houssam MD (ID# 64715)...... (760)940-7000
1926 Via Centre DR, STE A, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Barron, Robert MD (ID# 56983)............ (760)630-3562
Schmidt, Christina MD (ID# 75314) ......(951)225-6400
41840 Enterprise Circle North, 92590
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Winter, Brian MD (ID# 81710) .............. (951)587-8116
2095 West Vista WAY, STE 218, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Bedrosian, Diane MD (ID# 56718) ....... (760)941-3630
Lang: Spanish
Schwartz, David MD (ID# 65699) ..........(951)694-3626
29645 Rancho California RD, STE 141, 92591
Group: Independent
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: French| Spanish
Vasant, Krishna MD (ID# 60958)...........(951)296-2055
40285 Winchester RD, STE 102, 92591
Group: Independent
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Gujarati
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Bhasker, Kala MD (ID# 76823) ............. (760)941-9002
145 Thunder DR, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Bibler, Mark MD (ID# 77674)................ (866)228-2236
2067 West Vista Way, 92083
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
Garg, Aruna MD (ID# 51340).................(760)724-8562
VISTA (Cont)
Boquin, Enrique MD (ID# 73213) ..........(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
105 Durian ST, STE C, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Hindi| Punjabi
Heifetz, Susan MD (ID# 82313).............(760)941-9844
Lang: Spanish
Burzell, Linden MD (ID# 77673) ...........(866)228-2236
840 Townsite DR, 92084
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Cadman, Karen MD (ID# 75005) ...........(760)598-1776
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Castrejon, Joseph MD (ID# 60190).......(760)806-1406
2023 West Vista Way, STE K, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Castro, Jorge MD (ID# 74979) ..............(760)945-3434
Hergesheimer, Charles MD (ID# 57533)
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Hodsman, Hugh MD (ID# 56992) ..........(760)941-9002
145 Thunder DR, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Hurd, Melissa MD (ID# 62146) .............(760)758-1988
161 Thunder DR, STE 103, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Jaramillo, Mary MD (ID# 67067) ..........(760)598-1776
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 180, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Karp, Michael MD (ID# 62676) .............(760)941-3630
Chabala, James MD (ID# 77675) ..........(866)228-2236
840 Townsite DR, 92083
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Kobayashi, Gary MD (ID# 56995)..........(760)630-5464
Chaturvedi, Sanjana MD (ID# 68487)...(760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Clark, Ma Belen MD (ID# 77536) ..........(760)529-9700
1954 Via Centre, STE B, 92081
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
145 Thunder DR, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Kotha, Akther MD (ID# 75198) ..............(760)724-7555
2023 West Vista Way, STE B, 92083
Group: Independent
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Arabic| Hindi
Krak, Michael MD (ID# 56997)..............(760)941-3630
Cueva, Mary MD (ID# 77418)................(866)228-2236
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 250, 92083
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Cutler, Michael MD (ID# 83058) ...........(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Demenko, Aleksandr MD (ID# 79708) ..(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Falconio, Linda MD (ID# 54012)...........(760)631-4000
2067 West Vista Way, STE 225, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Ferber, Jeffrey MD (ID# 82863) ............(760)940-7000
1926 Via Center, STE A, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Fredricks, Robert MD (ID# 69720)........(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
La Fata, John MD (ID# 62725) ..............(760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
LaRocque, Michael MD (ID# 60126).....(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Levine, Neil MD (ID# 56300).................(760)598-1776
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Li, Xiangli MD (ID# 83560) ...................(760)941-9844
2067 West Vista Way, STE 200A, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Luschwitz, Brian MD (ID# 67412) .........(760)631-5030
161 Thunder DR, STE 212, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
2067 West Vista Way, STE 250, 92083
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Mahl-Sanson, Kiran MD (ID# 62695) ... (760)726-2180
2067 West Vista Way, STE 200, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
McCammack, Bradley MD (ID# 82966) (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Motadel, Kelly MD (ID# 69759)............ (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Muth, Natalia MD (ID# 80212) ............. (760)945-3434
2067 West Vista Way, STE 180, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Naudin, Veronica MD (ID# 57541) ....... (760)945-3434
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 180, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish
Newmark, Shelese MD (ID# 83464)..... (760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Internal Medicine
Nguyen, Christine MD (ID# 78509)....... (760)598-1776
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Lang: Vietnamese
Novak, Loren DO (ID# 75001)............... (760)940-7000
1926 Via Centre DR, STE A, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Ochi, Steven DO (ID# 80272)................ (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Oliva, Carlos MD (ID# 67259)............... (760)941-7050
1070 South Santa Fe AVE, STE 9, 92084
Group: Independent
Spec: General Practice
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Ong, Donald MD (ID# 67465) ............... (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: General Practice
Park, Sue MD (ID# 71013).................... (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Korean
Parker, Sherine MD (ID# 64227) .......... (760)941-3630
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Spanish| Arabic
Paz, Alejandro MD (ID# 77469)............ (866)228-2236
2067 West Vista Way, STE 250, 92083
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Spanish
Brown, Joseph MD (ID# 74168) ............(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
2067 West Vista Way, STE 200, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Luu, Dan MD (ID# 79926) ..................... (866)228-2236
Primary Care Physicians (by City)
Sharp Health Plan
VISTA (Cont)
Pop, Simona MD (ID# 81399) ...............(760)630-3562
2095 West Vista Way, STE 218, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Lang: Romanian
Rahimi, Nassrin MD (ID# 72404)..........(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, 92084
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: Farsi
Seufert, Kevin MD (ID# 61443) .............(760)941-9002
145 Thunder DR, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Family Medicine
Smith, Gregory MD (ID# 67192) ...........(760)598-8410
161 Thunder DR, STE 207, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: General Practice
Stenzel, Loretta MD (ID# 77717) ..........(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Thompson, Cheryl MD (ID# 74977).......(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, 92083
Group: Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Spec: Family Medicine
Tinio, Stephen MD (ID# 77207) ............(866)228-2236
2067 West Vista Way, STE 250, 92083
Group: Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Spec: Family Medicine
Wei, Erman MD (ID# 82395) .................(760)726-2180
2067 West Vista Way, 92081
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Wine, David MD (ID# 62716) ................(760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Wisniewski, Morris MD (ID# 62727).....(760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Spec: Internal Medicine
Abjelina, Annalisa MD (ID# 81825) ......(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, 92595
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Mohr, Thomas MD (ID# 81629).............(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, STE 203, 92595
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Lang: German| Spanish
Ortiz, Blanca MD (ID# 81640) ...............(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, STE 203, 92595
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Paik, Juliana MD (ID# 81642)...............(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, STE 203, 92595
Group: Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Spec: Pediatrics
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Greater Tri-Cities IPA and you require specialty care services, you will be referred to a
specialist affiliated with Greater Tri-Cities IPA.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Greater Tri-Cities IPA, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor primario le hará una
referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Greater Tri-Cities IPA.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Ajir, Mahyar DO (ID# 75092).................(760)729-4952
2801 Jefferson ST, Carlsbad, 92008
Lang: Farsi
Ashouri, Omid MD (ID# 82435).............(760)631-5000
818 Pier View Way, Oceanside, 92054
Lang: Persian
Brown, Joseph MD (ID# 74168) ............(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Clark, Ma Belen MD (ID# 77536) ..........(760)529-9700
General Practice
Baniadam, Behzad MD (ID# 65650)......(760)722-3203
2690 Roosevelt ST, Carlsbad, 92008
Ong, Donald MD (ID# 67465) ................(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Smith, Gregory MD (ID# 67192)............(760)598-8410
161 Thunder DR, STE 207, Vista, 92083
Watson, Thomas MD (ID# 79886) .........(760)480-9051
301 East Washington AVE, STE B, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
1954 Via Centre, STE B, Vista, 92081
Cutler, Michael MD (ID# 83058) ...........(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Demenko, Aleksandr MD (ID# 79708) ..(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Internal Medicine
Boquin, Enrique MD (ID# 73213) ..........(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Lang: Spanish
Etedali, Elaheh DO (ID# 75094) ............(760)729-4952
2801 Jefferson ST, Carlsbad, 92008
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Chong, Maribeth MD (ID# 70223) .........(760)434-6060
Falconio, Linda MD (ID# 54012)...........(760)631-4000
Chong, Yoo Jin MD (ID# 73122) ............(760)434-6060
3144 El Camino Real, STE 200, Carlsbad, 92008
Lang: Korean
2067 West Vista Way, STE 225, Vista, 92083
Halim, Neil MD (ID# 78853) .................(760)744-9626
1030 La Bonita DR, STE 316, San Marcos, 92078
Lang: Arabic
Hurd, Melissa MD (ID# 62146) .............(760)758-1988
161 Thunder DR, STE 103, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
3144 El Camino Real, STE 200, Carlsbad, 92008
Lang: Tagalog
Garg, Aruna MD (ID# 51340) ................ (760)724-8562
105 Durian ST, STE C, Vista, 92083
Lang: Hindi| Punjabi
Gunta, Sujana MD (ID# 77570)............. (760)631-5000
818 Pier View Way, Oceanside, 92054
Lang: Marahi| Telugu
Lee, Anna MD (ID# 78705) ................... (760)941-4498
3230 Waring Court, STE J, Oceanside, 92056
Luschwitz, Brian MD (ID# 67412)......... (760)631-5030
161 Thunder DR, STE 212, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
McCammack, Bradley MD (ID# 82966) (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Motadel, Kelly MD (ID# 69759)............ (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Lang: Spanish
Park, Sue MD (ID# 71013).................... (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Lang: Spanish| Korean
Rahimi, Nassrin MD (ID# 72404) ......... (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Lang: Farsi
Curran, Perrin MD (ID# 62680) .............(760)945-1894
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, Oceanside, 92056
Ibrahim, Nagi MD (ID# 75297) ..............(760)453-2700
2122 South El Camino Real, STE 102, Oceanside, 92054
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Italiano, James MD (ID# 77535)...........(760)941-4498
3230 Waring CRT, STE J, Oceanside, 92056
Lawson, Catherine MD (ID# 70911)......(760)941-4498
LaRocque, Michael MD (ID# 60126).....(760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Lang: Spanish
MacMurray, Michael MD (ID# 70153)...(760)631-5250
Ochi, Steven DO (ID# 80272) ................(760)631-5000
Fredricks, Robert MD (ID# 69720) ....... (760)631-5000
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
3230 Waring CRT, STE J, Oceanside, 92056
818 Pier View WAY, Oceanside, 92054
Newmark, Shelese MD (ID# 83464)......(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, Vista, 92083
1000 Vale Terrace, Vista, 92084
Sharma, Sanjeev MD (ID# 66552) ........(760)730-9992
2690 Roosevelt ST, Carlsbad, 92008
Lang: Hindi
Stenzel, Loretta MD (ID# 77717) ..........(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, Vista, 92083
Thompson, Cheryl MD (ID# 74977) ......(760)631-5000
134 Grapevine RD, Vista, 92083
Amani, Ramin MD (ID# 60419) .............(760)439-4839
950 Civic Center Dr., STE A, Vista, 92083
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Dalforno, Victor MD (ID# 69641)...........(760)941-4498
3230 Waring CRT, STE J, Oceanside, 92056
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Family Medicine
Sharp Health Plan
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from the Independent section and you require specialty care services, you will be referred
to a specialist affiliated with the Independent Network.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Independent, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor primario le hará una referencia a
un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Independent.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
605 Crouch ST, Oceanside, 92054
Greb, David MD (ID# 65924) ................ (760)749-0824
28743 Valley Center RD, STE B, Valley Center, 92082
Danesh, Mohammad MD (ID# 71323)...(951)244-3500
31581 Canyon Estates DR, Lake Elsinore, 92532
Greb, David MD (ID# 75898) ................ (760)746-7622
488 East Valley PKWY, STE 313, Escondido, 92025
Almansour, Mumtaz MD (ID# 68739)....(619)280-4213
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
D’Arpa, Glenn DO (ID# 70476) ..............(619)660-6003
Gurtch, Tim MD (ID# 80218)................. (619)265-1070
4276 54th Place, STE A, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Russian
Alvarez-Martinez, Liliana MD (ID# 68886) ...................
Dengerink, Wendy MD (ID# 77660).......(619)445-0707
Family Medicine
Adams, James MD (ID# 68727) ............(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Cook, Oscar MD (ID# 76143).................(760)736-6700
10225 Austin DR, STE 101, Spring Valley, 91978
Lang: Spanish
Gurtch, Tim MD (ID# 81046)................. (619)461-3150
5565 Grossmont Center DR, BLDG 1, STE 210, La
Mesa, 91942
Lang: Russian
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
5442 Sycuan RD, El Cajon, 92019
Lang: Spanish
Anthony, Jeffrey DO (ID# 76309)...........(619)229-3909
Denysiak, Barbara MD (ID# 66050) ......(619)294-6500
3969 Fourth AVE, STE 203, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Polish
Hastanan, Carol MD (ID# 69027) ......... (760)520-8100
Diaz, Ian MD (ID# 68886) ......................(760)736-6700
Hippen, Rachelle MD (ID# 68727) ....... (619)515-2424
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, San Diego, 92120
Audish, Hanid DO (ID# 73878)..............(619)660-6003
10225 Austin DR, STE 101, Spring Valley, 91978
Lang: Arabic
Berger, John MD (ID# 52744)................(619)295-2147
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
D’Souza, Lydia MD (ID# 76891) ............(760)753-7842
205 Walnut ST, San Diego, 92103
1130 2nd ST, Encinitas, 92024
Biewenga, Melissa MD (ID# 68727) .....(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Dudarewicz, Teresa MD (ID# 69609).....(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Brownell, Kristin MD (ID# 70839).........(619)515-2400
Duque Gomez, Cesar MD (ID# 75577) ..(619)515-2500
5454 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Brydon, Paul DO (ID# 75314)................(951)225-6400
41840 Enterprise Circle North, Temecula, 92590
Calderon, Marilyn MD (ID# 77294).......(619)422-8338
340 Fourth AVE, STE 2, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Cardones, Arthur MD (ID# 68903).........(619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, Spring Valley, 91977
Lang: Spanish
Chambers, Edward MD (ID# 67118)......(619)223-2668
1370 Rosecrans ST, San Diego, 92106
Lang: Spanish
Chisum, Faith MD (ID# 68877) .............(619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
Chou, Susanna MD (ID# 69817)............(619)425-5559
340 4th AVE, STE 5-A, Chula Vista, 91910
Christie, Patricia MD (ID# 69027).........(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Cook, Jessica DO (ID# 75578) ..............(619)515-2560
4275 Market ST, San Diego, 92102
Lang: Spanish
251 Landis ST, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Esposito, Nicole MD (ID# 68886) ..........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Feinstein, Michael DO (ID# 66752).......(619)464-1607
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, San Diego, 92119
Fox, Bryan MD (ID# 66667) ...................(619)660-6003
10225 Austin DR, STE 101, Spring Valley, 91978
Gibson, George MD (ID# 57112) ...........(619)668-8100
8875 La Mesa BLVD, STE C, La Mesa, 91941
Gil, Gabriel MD (ID# 70287)..................(619)465-3121
909 Cardiff ST, San Diego, 92114
Lang: Spanish
Gleason-Rohrer, Gwen MD (ID# 68880)(619)563-0250
4290 Polk AVE, San Diego, 92103
Gleason-Rohrer, Gwen MD (ID# 69821)(619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, San Diego, 92105
Glockner, Susan MD (ID# 68913) ..........(619)515-2444
3705 Mission BLVD, San Diego, 92109
Gordon, Christopher MD (ID# 68908)....(619)515-2499
1111 West Chase AVE, El Cajon, 92020
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Lang: Spanish
Hubley, Paul MD (ID# 75577) ............... (619)515-2500
251 Landis AVE, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
James, John MD (ID# 66801) ............... (619)447-2425
1580 North Second ST, El Cajon, 92021
Jibri, Nishwan MD (ID# 69017) ............ (619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Johnson, Daniel DO (ID# 68877) .......... (619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
Lang: Spanish
Johnson, Roy MD (ID# 78571).............. (760)749-0824
28743 Valley Center RD, STE B, Valley Center, 92082
Jung, Yewah DO (ID# 68986)................ (760)789-1223
217 East Earlham, Ramona, 92065
Kaur, Jatinder MD (ID# 70839)............. (619)515-2400
5454 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Kim, Yuhee MD (ID# 76815)................. (619)515-2550
7592 Broadway AVE, Lemon Grove, 91945
Lang: Korean
Kunin-Rida, Teri MD (ID# 68739) ......... (619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Lacsamana-Schein, Lina MD (ID# 69750) ...................
7339 El Cajon BLVD, STE H, La Mesa, 91941
Lai, Amara MD (ID# 68739).................. (619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Gordon, Jeoffry MD (ID# 68928) ...........(619)515-2430
1250 6th AVE, STE 100, San Diego, 92101
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Leute, Eric MD (ID# 68877)...................(619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
Lang: Spanish
Liu-Barbaro, Dorothy MD (ID# 69017)..(619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Lockie, John MD (ID# 66734) ...............(619)460-7775
7051 Alvarado RD, La Mesa, 91942
Macy, Melissa DO (ID# 75578) .............(619)515-2560
4725 Market ST, San Diego, 92102
Mallis, Seymour MD (ID# 69894) .........(619)460-7775
7051 Alvarado RD, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: French
Merrick, Harold MD (ID# 68703)...........(760)765-1223
2721 Washington ST, Julian, 92036
Powell, Na’Imah MD (ID# 77087) .........(951)698-1168
24703 Monroe AVE, Murrieta, 92562
Ramirez-Ochoa, Ignacio MD (ID# 67224) .....................
3024 North Park Way, San Diego, 92104
Lang: Spanish
1016 Outer RD, San Diego, 92154
7592 Broadway AVE, Lemon Grove, 91945
Lang: Japanese
949 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
Lang: Spanish
Nakamura, Melanie MD (ID# 69027)....(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Nath, Devarshi MD (ID# 68886) ............(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Nawroski-Wozniak, Joanna MD (ID# 67547) ................
7339 El Cajon BLVD, STE I, La Mesa, 91942
Novak, James MD (ID# 53343) .............(858)272-0022
4440 Lamont ST, San Diego, 92109
Nuqui, Josie MD (ID# 68887)................(619)474-2284
2743 Highland AVE, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Nuqui, Josie MD (ID# 69006)................(858)578-4220
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 235, San Diego, 92126
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Ocampo, Consuelo MD (ID# 65692) .....(951)695-7228
29645 Rancho California RD, STE 138, Temecula,
Lang: Tagalog
Pan, Alan DO (ID# 69609) .....................(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: Mandarin Chinese| Cantonese
Parker, Joni MD (ID# 76815).................(619)515-2550
7592 Broadway, Lemon Grove, 91945
Patel, Rakesh MD (ID# 69017) .............(619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Lang: Spanish
Petersen, Dennis DO (ID# 65695).........(951)506-3112
27403 Ynez RD, STE 103, Temecula, 92591
Peterson, Robert MD (ID# 65694).........(951)698-7550
24910 Las Brisas RD, STE 121, Murrieta, 92562
Lang: French| Spanish
Powell, Na’Imah MD (ID# 56587) .........(951)674-8779
425 Diamond DR, STE 105, Lake Elsinore, 92530
4290 Polk AVE, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Vietnamese
Tran, Trung MD (ID# 64231) ................. (619)281-3443
4139 University AVE, San Diego, 92105
Lang: French
Tran, Uyen-Thao MD (ID# 70839)......... (619)515-2400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, San Diego, 92120
41840 Enterprise Circle North, Temecula, 92590
Ryan, David MD (ID# 70589).................(619)222-2355
2931 Jarvis ST, San Diego, 92106
Lang: Spanish
5454 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Arabic| French
Trimor-Tamoria, Maria Flora MD (ID# 66643) .............
2240 East Plaza BLVD, STE A, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Tsoi, Kwokyan MD (ID# 68913) ............ (619)515-2444
3705 Mission BLVD, San Diego, 92109
Lang: Cantonese
Villarreal, Veronica MD (ID# 68923).... (619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Spanish
Safi, Roozchehr MD (ID# 76143)...........(760)736-6700
605 Crouch ST, Oceanside, 92054
Lang: Farsi
Walker, Shayna MD (ID# 68886) .......... (760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Santoyo, Steven MD (ID# 68923) ..........(619)515-2300
Yang, Kee MD (ID# 69609) ................... (760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: Korean
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Spanish
Sauriol, Tawney MD (ID# 69027) ..........(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Yelanich, Melissa MD (ID# 68903)....... (619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, Spring Valley, 91977
Lang: Spanish
Schultz, James MD (ID# 75311)............(760)737-6900
728 East Valley Parkway, Escondido, 92025
Yuen, Selene MD (ID# 68739) .............. (619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Schumaker, Edward DO (ID# 68739).....(619)798-3977
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Lang: Spanish
Zebrack, David DO (ID# 70744)............ (951)296-5844
40285 Winchester RD, STE 103, Temecula, 92591
Schwartz, David MD (ID# 65699) ..........(951)694-3626
29645 Rancho California RD, STE 141, Temecula,
Lang: French| Spanish
General Practice
Cepin, Monica MD (ID# 62019) ............ (619)427-0665
333 H ST, STE 2000, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: French| Spanish
Senethong, Sombath MD (ID# 68739) ..(619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Serpas, Shaila MD (ID# 68887) ............(619)474-5567
Farris, Reuben MD (ID# 52174) ........... (619)422-8338
340 Fourth AVE, STE 2, Chula Vista, 91910
2835 Highland AVE, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Graham, David MD (ID# 66673) ........... (619)477-0084
305 East Eighth ST, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Sharma, Minu MD (ID# 69609) .............(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Sheldon, Edward MD (ID# 69323).........(619)465-3121
909 Cardiff ST, San Diego, 92114
Shihata, Alfred MD (ID# 66700) ............(619)422-6158
340 4th AVE, STE 11, Chula Vista, 91910
Shumilak, Kaili DO (ID# 75578) ............(619)515-2560
4725 Market ST, San Diego, 92102
Smoot, Charles MD (ID# 68923) ...........(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Spanish
Summers, Courtney MD (ID# 68877) ....(619)429-3733
1016 Outer RD, San Diego, 92154
Lang: Spanish
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Hill, Linda MD (ID# 68878)................... (858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Lang: Spanish
Huot, James MD (ID# 68703) ............... (760)767-5051
4343 Yaqui Pass RD, Borrego Springs, 92004
Lopez, Irma MD (ID# 70952) ................ (760)480-4747
750 East Grand AVE, STE B & C, Escondido, 92025
Lopez, Irma MD (ID# 82872) ................ (760)621-4902
1540 East Valley PRKWY, Escondido, 92027
Mannino, Elizabeth MD (ID# 68945) .... (619)390-9975
10039 Vine ST, Lakeside, 92040
Lang: Spanish
Russell, Sarah MD (ID# 75314) ............(951)225-6400
Moya, Mary MD (ID# 68877).................(619)429-3733
Tran, Tonnia DO (ID# 68880) ................ (619)563-0250
Rivera, Midori MD (ID# 76815).............(619)515-2550
Mitzner, David DO (ID# 65689) .............(951)506-5768
5442 Sycuan RD, El Cajon, 92019
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Lang: Spanish
Richardson, Danielle MD (ID# 68877)..(619)429-3733
Rohrer, Stephen DO (ID# 75834)...........(619)229-3909
Mogielnicki, Teresa MD (ID# 77660) ....(619)445-0707
1001 East Grand AVE, Escondido, 92025
Thiermann, Paige MD (ID# 69017)....... (619)440-2751
Rashcovsky Schiff, Karin MD (ID# 69027) ....................
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: French
Merrick, Harold MD (ID# 68703)...........(760)767-5051
4343 Yaqui Pass RD, Borrego Springs, 92004
24703 Monroe AVE, Murrieta, 92562
Tantod, Kulin MD (ID# 75312) .............. (858)520-8200
Marquez, Luis MD (ID# 51503) .............(619)236-8796
1901 Fourth AVE, STE 100, San Diego, 92101
Montemayor, Manuel MD (ID# 68886)..(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Nguyen, Huong MD (ID# 64237) ...........(619)285-1522
4444 El Cajon BLVD, STE 6, San Diego, 92105
Oliva, Carlos MD (ID# 67259) ...............(760)941-7050
1070 South Santa Fe AVE, STE 9, Vista, 92084
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Papas, George MD (ID# 67638) ............(619)283-6063
2883 Meade AVE, San Diego, 92116
Raiszadeh, Mahindokht MD (ID# 67390)......................
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 45, San Diego, 92117
Sharp Health Plan
Gray, Janette MD (ID# 75309)...............(619)814-5500
3636 Fifth AVE, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Spanish
Park, Taikeun MD (ID# 75577).............. (619)515-2500
Green, Billie MD (ID# 59484)................(858)483-1720
Poniachik, Samuel MD (ID# 68886) ..... (760)736-6700
1101 Felspar ST, San Diego, 92109
Lang: French
Held, Jerry MD (ID# 69017) ..................(619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Hinojosa-Valencia, Alejandro MD (ID# 63756) ............
340 4th AVE, STE 8, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Hiser, Daniel MD (ID# 66494) ...............(619)583-1510
6719 Alvarado RD, STE 203, San Diego, 92120
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Ramers, Christian MD (ID# 68727) ...... (619)876-4440
4094 4th AVE, San Diego, 92103
Reddy, Arjun MD (ID# 77660)............... (619)445-0707
5442 Sycuan RD, El Cajon, 92019
Reddy, Manorama MD (ID# 66815) ...... (619)583-8700
4533 College AVE, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Hindi| Telugu
Robinson, Jerome MD (ID# 69964)...... (619)267-8100
1000 South Euclid AVE, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Risser, Joseph MD (ID# 68878) ............(858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Lang: French
Jahanpanah, Fereshteh MD (ID# 66777) ......................
1333 East Main ST, El Cajon, 92021
Lang: Farsi
Ryan, Dana MD (ID# 68877)................. (619)429-3733
Santella, Robert MD (ID# 66622) .........(619)286-1314
4531 College AVE, San Diego, 92115
Jefferis, Lauren MD (ID# 76891)...........(760)753-7842
Sandler, Jeffrey MD (ID# 66635) .......... (619)497-6188
Sidrick, Nadine MD (ID# 66456) ...........(619)582-5105
5602 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Spanish
Johnston, Jan MD (ID# 68923)..............(619)515-2300
Toledo, Abel MD (ID# 65422)................(619)427-7181
330 Oxford ST, STE 110, Chula Vista, 91910
Khaing, Kathy MD (ID# 75577)..............(619)515-2500
Tran, Trung MD (ID# 64231)..................(619)281-3443
4139 University AVE, San Diego, 92105
Vo, Duc MD (ID# 64241)........................(858)560-1226
2418 Ulric ST, San Diego, 92111
1130 2nd ST, Encinitas, 92024
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Spanish
251 Landis AVE, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Burmese
Kheradpour, Rabin MD (ID# 69609) ......(760)451-4720
1328 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Kleid, Jack MD (ID# 52820) ..................(858)274-2560
Internal Medicine
Carpenter, Robert DO (ID# 68727) ........(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Carrasco, Douglas MD (ID# 74229) ......(951)302-4603
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 210, Temecula, 92592
Lang: Spanish
Cheffet, Shannon DO (ID# 80477).........(619)229-3909
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, San Diego, 92120
Chen, Margaret MD (ID# 69027)...........(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Chen, Tsuh-Yin MD (ID# 68727)............(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Lang: Spanish
Crouch, Terrence MD (ID# 66402) ........(619)267-1556
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 401, National City, 91950
Ede, Kekoa MD (ID# 69027)..................(760)746-5857
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Gaidry, John MD (ID# 58041)................(858)274-0300
1101 Felspar ST, San Diego, 92109
Gannon, Lauren MD (ID# 70839) ..........(619)515-2400
5454 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Gavrilyuk, Igor MD (ID# 74304) ............(619)718-9444
4060 Fourth AVE, STE 100, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Russian
Gomez, Denise MD (ID# 76143)............(760)757-4566
605 Crouch ST, BLDG C, Oceanside, 92054
251 Landis AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Korean
3660 Clairemont DR, STE 6, San Diego, 92117
Lang: Italian| Russian
Kotha, Akther MD (ID# 66819) ..............(619)229-1995
8860 Center DR, STE 400, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Arabic| Hindi
Kotha, Akther MD (ID# 75198) ..............(760)724-7555
2023 West Vista Way, STE B, Vista, 92083
Lang: Arabic| Hindi
Kotha, Akther MD (ID# 76897) ..............(619)205-0120
374 H ST, STE 201, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Arabic| Hindi
Le, Huan MD (ID# 70978)......................(619)582-1448
5507 El Cajon BLVD, STE C, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Vietnamese
Lewinski, Mary MD (ID# 68727) ...........(619)515-2533
4094 4th AVE, San Diego, 92103
Mara, Maria MD (ID# 66629) ................(619)475-5411
2939 Alta View DR, STE J, San Diego, 92139
Marquardt, Diana MD (ID# 68880)........(619)563-0250
4290 Polk AVE, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Spanish
Martinez, Jorge MD (ID# 62476)...........(951)461-1331
39755 Murrieta Hot Springs RD, STE E120, Murrieta,
Lang: Spanish
McFarland, Nathan MD (ID# 68945) .....(619)390-9975
10039 Vine ST, Lakeside, 92040
Mohamedy, Ebrahim MD (ID# 68727) ...(619)515-2424
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
949 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
4060 Fourth AVE, STE 205, San Diego, 92103
Tafara, Facika MD (ID# 68923)............. (619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Tiangco, Irineo MD (ID# 59960) ........... (619)479-0320
2340 East 8th ST, STE J, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog
Toulouie, Elahe MD (ID# 70584) .......... (619)993-8996
5555 Reservoir DR, STE 209, San Diego, 92120
Truong, Tu MD (ID# 67150)................... (619)583-8705
5069 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Vietnamese
Wagner, Gabriel MD (ID# 68727) ......... (619)515-2300
4094 4th AVE, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Spanish
Wagner, Paul MD (ID# 67374).............. (619)718-9444
4060 Fourth AVE, STE 100, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Spanish
Witczak, Izabela MD (ID# 68886) ......... (760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Yung, Doris MD (ID# 68986)................. (760)789-1223
217 East Earlham, Ramona, 92065
Aguilar, Edita MD (ID# 75313).............. (760)690-5900
426 North Date ST, Escondido, 92025
Andree, Gregor MD (ID# 69821)........... (619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, San Diego, 92105
Lang: German| Spanish
Azhand, Azim MD (ID# 65682).............. (951)695-4333
27450 Ynez ROAD, STE 108, Temecula, 92591
Lang: Farsi
Cabarlo, Jehrib DO (ID# 68878) ........... (858)279-0925
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Cabarlo, Jehrib DO (ID# 69821) ........... (619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, San Diego, 92105
Calhoun, Chanelle MD (ID# 69001)...... (760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, Oceanside, 92054
Lang: Spanish
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Capella, Marina MD (ID# 69001) ..........(760)433-3155
3220 Mission AVE, STE 1, Oceanside, 92058
Cheffet, Shannon DO (ID# 80477).........(619)229-3909
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2100, San Diego, 92120
Chow, Byron MD (ID# 69027)................(760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: French| Spanish
Curley, Edward MD (ID# 69001)............(760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, Oceanside, 92054
De La Rosa, Ivonne MD (ID# 68727) ....(619)515-2444
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Lang: Spanish
Dokich, Sretenka MD (ID# 68877) ........(619)429-3733
949 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Dubey, Lon MD (ID# 76815)..................(619)515-2550
7592 Broadway, Lemon Grove, 91945
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Gannon, Lauren MD (ID# 70839) ..........(619)515-2400
5454 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Gregerson, Jacob MD (ID# 68739) .......(619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Hanten, Karen MD (ID# 61799).............(619)445-5664
2733 Alpine BLVD, Alpine, 91901
Lang: Hebrew| Spanish
Hurwitz, Kathleen MD (ID# 70596) .......(951)698-0300
25395 Hancock AVE, STE 250, Murrieta, 92562
Lang: Spanish
Idemundia, Ann MD (ID# 76891) ..........(760)753-7842
1130 2nd ST, Encinitas, 92024
Iyengar, Radha MD (ID# 68981)............(760)720-7766
1295 Carlsbad Village DR, STE 100, Carlsbad, 92008
Lang: Hindi
Jefferis, Lauren MD (ID# 76891) ..........(760)753-7842
1130 2nd ST, Encinitas, 92024
32299 Wildomar RD, Lake Elsinore, 92530
Lang: Malayalam
McFarland, Nathan MD (ID# 68945) .....(619)390-9975
10039 Vine ST, Lakeside, 92040
Mullenax, Jean MD (ID# 77607) ...........(619)445-1188
4058 Willows RD, Alpine, 91901
Lang: Spanish
Mullenax, Jean MD (ID# 77608) ...........(619)445-1188
36350 Church RD, Campo, 91906
Lang: Spanish
Neves, Vanessa MD (ID# 68886) ..........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Lang: Spanish
Nguyen, Huong MD (ID# 64237) ...........(619)285-1522
4444 El Cajon BLVD, STE 6, San Diego, 92105
Lang: Vietnamese
Park, Ronald MD (ID# 69001) ...............(760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, Oceanside, 92054
Pavlovich, Wendy MD (ID# 68727) .......(619)515-2449
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Perez-McCraw, Sandra MD (ID# 66625) .......................
502 South Euclid AVE, STE 202, National City, 91950
Pillai, Sindu MD (ID# 62444) ................(951)600-9093
24910 Las Brisas RD, STE 114, Murrieta, 92562
Lang: Hindi
Posadas, Emerito MD (ID# 68886)........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Lang: Spanish
Quintero, Carolyn MD (ID# 68903)........(619)515-2555
8788 Jamacha RD, Spring Valley, 91977
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Ramers, Christian MD (ID# 68727).......(619)876-4440
4094 4th AVE, San Diego, 92103
Risser, Joseph MD (ID# 68878) ............(858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Lang: Spanish
Johnson-Patel, Jennifer MD (ID# 68727) .....................
3514 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Lang: French
Rodriguez, Javier MD (ID# 68739)........(619)546-8363
Lim, Josephine MD (ID# 69006) ...........(858)578-4220
Salazar, Juanita MD (ID# 68903) ..........(619)515-2555
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 235, San Diego, 92126
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Lopez, Irma MD (ID# 70952).................(760)480-4747
750 East Grand AVE, STE B & C, Escondido, 92025
Lopez, Irma MD (ID# 82872).................(760)621-4902
1540 East Valley PRKWY, Escondido, 92027
Lujan, Arleen MD (ID# 68923) ..............(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Lynn, John MD (ID# 69017) ..................(619)440-2751
855 East Madison AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Lang: Spanish
Mahendran, Srividya MD (ID# 69821) ..(619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, San Diego, 92105
Lang: Hindi| Kannada
Malhotra, Arati MD (ID# 68886) ...........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Lang: Spanish| Hindi
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Lang: Spanish
8788 Jamacha RD, Spring Valley, 91977
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Spitzer, Marsha MD (ID# 68923) .......... (619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Strazicich, Karla MD (ID# 69027)......... (760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Suleiman-Qafiti, Khawla MD (ID# 68727)....................
3544 30th ST, San Diego, 92104
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Taylor, Tasha MD (ID# 69001) .............. (760)966-3306
2210 Mesa DR, STE 12, Oceanside, 92054
Lang: Spanish
Tellechea-Sanchez, Selmira MD (ID# 75313)..............
426 North Date ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Tseng, Teresa MD (ID# 69027) ............. (760)520-8100
460 North Elm ST, Escondido, 92025
Tseng, Teresa MD (ID# 75313) ............. (760)690-5900
426 North Date ST, Escondido, 92025
Vadivel, Pushpa MD (ID# 75578) ......... (619)515-2560
4725 Market ST, San Diego, 92102
Vasant, Krishna MD (ID# 60958) .......... (951)296-2055
40285 Winchester RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92591
Lang: Spanish| Gujarati
Vo, Duc MD (ID# 64241) ....................... (858)560-1226
2418 Ulric ST, San Diego, 92111
Lang: Vietnamese
Wade-Kempiak, Kristen MD (ID# 75313) .....................
426 North Date ST, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Wardell, Karen MD (ID# 77660) ........... (619)445-0707
5442 Sycuan RD, El Cajon, 92019
Yung, Doris MD (ID# 68986)................. (760)789-1223
217 East Earlham, Ramona, 92065
Zachry, Alison MD (ID# 69001) ............ (760)736-6700
2210 Mesa DR, STE 300, Oceanside, 92054
Zaheer, Aaron MD (ID# 69821)............. (619)280-2058
4305 University AVE, STE 150, San Diego, 92105
Zandkarimi, Fariba MD (ID# 68923)..... (619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Schmidt, Christina MD (ID# 75314) ......(951)225-6400
41840 Enterprise Circle North, Temecula, 92590
Lang: Spanish
Sebiane, Maria MD (ID# 68886) ...........(760)736-6700
150 Valpreda RD, San Marcos, 92069
Lang: Spanish
Sebso, Jodi MD (ID# 68923) .................(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Senethong, Sombath MD (ID# 68739) ..(619)779-7900
4060 Fairmount AVE, San Diego, 92105
Sheth, Alka MD (ID# 69006)..................(858)578-4220
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 235, San Diego, 92126
Silva, Richard MD (ID# 68923) .............(619)515-2300
1809 National AVE, San Diego, 92113
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Preventive Medicine
Fleming, Regina MD (ID# 68878)......... (858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Hill, Linda MD (ID# 68878)................... (858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Lang: French
Mannino, Elizabeth MD (ID# 68945) .... (619)390-9975
10039 Vine ST, Lakeside, 92040
Lang: Italian
Risser, Joseph MD (ID# 68878)............ (858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Romero, Camila MD (ID# 68878) ......... (858)279-9676
6973 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Lang: Spanish
Francis, Katherine MD (ID# 69017) ......(619)440-2751
Mc Ginness, Latiffah MD (ID# 60490)...(951)471-0042
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Primary Care Associates Medical Group and you require specialty care services, you
will be referred to a specialist affiliated with Primary Care Associates Medical Group.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Primary Care Associates Medical Group, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor
primario le hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Primary Care Associates Medical Group.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Family Medicine
Barron, Robert MD (ID# 56983) ............(760)630-3562
2095 West Vista WAY, STE 218, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Lang: Spanish
Bengs, Christopher MD (ID# 62673) .....(760)729-8600
Pop, Simona MD (ID# 81399)................(760)630-3562
Hodsman, Hugh MD (ID# 56992).......... (760)941-9002
2095 West Vista Way, STE 218, Vista, 92083
Lang: Romanian
145 Thunder DR, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Seufert, Kevin MD (ID# 61443) .............(760)941-9002
145 Thunder DR, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Wong, Lawrence MD (ID# 73465) .........(760)729-8600
Jaramillo, Mary MD (ID# 67067).......... (760)598-1776
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, Vista, 92081
Lang: Spanish
Kobayashi, Gary MD (ID# 56995) ......... (760)630-5464
2910 Jefferson ST, STE 100, Carlsbad, 92008
2910 Jefferson ST, STE 100, Carlsbad, 92008
145 Thunder DR, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Bhasker, Kala MD (ID# 76823)..............(760)941-9002
General Practice
145 Thunder DR, Vista, 92083
Castrejon, Joseph MD (ID# 60190).......(760)806-1406
2023 West Vista Way, STE K, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Williamson, Linette MD (ID# 69764) ....(760)452-2305
317 North El Camino Real, STE 406, Encinitas, 92024
La Fata, John MD (ID# 62725).............. (760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, Vista, 92083
Levine, Neil MD (ID# 56300)................ (760)598-1776
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, Vista, 92081
Lang: Spanish
Clotfelter, Christine DO (ID# 79819) .....(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Internal Medicine
Duck, Craig MD (ID# 65977) .................(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A-306, Encinitas, 92024
Baroudi, Houssam MD (ID# 64715) ......(760)940-7000
1926 Via Centre DR, STE A, Vista, 92081
Ferber, Jeffrey MD (ID# 82863) ............(760)940-7000
Cadman, Karen MD (ID# 75005) ...........(760)598-1776
1926 Via Center, STE A, Vista, 92081
Gonzales, Michelle MD (ID# 69935).....(760)639-1204
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, Oceanside, 92056
Lang: Spanish
Hay, James MD (ID# 55667) .................(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, Encinitas, 92024
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, Vista, 92081
285 North El Camino Real, STE 205, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, Vista, 92083
477 North El Camino Real, STE A 306, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: French| Spanish
Delgadillo, Alexander MD (ID# 81786).(760)731-8989
Korff, Gary MD (ID# 74981)...................(760)729-7186
2562 State ST, STE D, Carlsbad, 92008
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Lang: Spanish
Mercer, Scott MD (ID# 61470) ..............(760)944-8484
320 Santa Fe DR, STE 205, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Novak, Loren DO (ID# 75001) ...............(760)940-7000
1926 Via Centre DR, STE A, Vista, 92081
591 East Elder ST, STE C, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: Spanish
Hall, Andrew MD (ID# 60438) ...............(760)729-7186
2562 State ST, STE D, Carlsbad, 92008
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Heifetz, Susan MD (ID# 82313).............(760)941-9844
2067 West Vista Way, STE 200, Vista, 92083
Hergesheimer, Charles MD (ID# 57533).......................
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, Vista, 92081
Payne, Richard MD (ID# 54192) ...........(760)942-0118
910 Sycamore AVE, STE 270, Vista, 92081
Lang: Vietnamese
Reynolds, Richard MD (ID# 81880)...... (760)731-8989
591 East Elder ST, STE C, Fallbrook, 92028
Stephenson, Robert MD (ID# 70072) ... (760)943-6730
320 Santa Fe DR, STE 303, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Stewart, Ryan MD (ID# 69191)............. (760)630-8420
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, Oceanside, 92056
Strutz, Peter MD (ID# 75338) ............... (760)728-8489
605 East Alvarado ST, 1st Floor, Fallbrook, 92028
Wei, Erman MD (ID# 82395)................. (760)726-2180
2067 West Vista Way, Vista, 92081
Wine, David MD (ID# 62716)................ (760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, Vista, 92083
Wisniewski, Morris MD (ID# 62727) .... (760)726-2180
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 200, Vista, 92083
Yuhas, Robert MD (ID# 75004)............. (858)481-7768
530 Lomas Santa Fe, STE O, Solana Beach, 92075
Zimmermann, Andres MD (ID# 74097) (760)639-1714
3601 Vista Way, STE 201, Oceanside, 92056
Lang: Spanish
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, Encinitas, 92024
Nguyen, Christine MD (ID# 78509)....... (760)598-1776
Chaturvedi, Sanjana MD (ID# 68487) ...(760)726-2180
Kakimoto, Amy MD (ID# 76898) ...........(760)942-0118
477 North El Camino Real, STE A306, Encinitas, 92024
Mahl-Sanson, Kiran MD (ID# 62695) ... (760)726-2180
2067 West Vista Way, STE 200, Vista, 92083
Carrera, Jorge MD (ID# 74991).............(760)635-1777
Czvik, Joseph MD (ID# 69292) ..............(760)471-1020
1635 Lake San Marcos DR, STE 202, San Marcos,
Lang: Spanish
Jorgensen, Georgine MD (ID# 74980) ..(760)942-0118
Li, Xiangli MD (ID# 83560)................... (760)941-9844
2067 West Vista Way, STE 200A, Vista, 92083
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Ambo, Stanley MD (ID# 70817) ............(760)945-3434
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 180, Vista, 92083
Asselin, Lynette DO (ID# 62681)...........(760)941-3630
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Lang: Spanish
Bedrosian, Diane MD (ID# 56718)........(760)941-3630
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Lang: Spanish
Castro, Jorge MD (ID# 74979) ..............(760)945-3434
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 180, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Lang: Spanish
Karp, Michael MD (ID# 62676) .............(760)941-3630
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Krak, Michael MD (ID# 56997) .............(760)941-3630
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Muth, Natalia MD (ID# 80212) ..............(760)945-3434
2067 West Vista Way, STE 180, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Naudin, Veronica MD (ID# 57541) ........(760)945-3434
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 180, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Parker, Sherine MD (ID# 64227)...........(760)941-3630
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 280, Vista, 92083
Group: Primary Care Associates Medical Group,
Cassidy Medical Group, Inc.
Lang: Spanish| Arabic
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Rady Children's Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Health Plan
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG and you require specialty care services, you
will be referred to a specialist affiliated with Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Rady Children's Health Network/CPMG
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor
primario le hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Abell, Geoffrey MD (ID# 81625)............(619)262-8624
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, San Diego, 92114
Abesa, Maria Regina MD (ID# 83753)..(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, La Mesa, 91942
Abjelina, Annalisa MD (ID# 81505) ......(951)587-8116
27699 Jefferson AVE, STE 102, Temecula, 92590
Abjelina, Annalisa MD (ID# 81825) ......(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, Wildomar, 92595
Adigopula, Bina MD (ID# 81507) ..........(619)698-2184
6942 University AVE, STE A, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish| Hindi
Adlouni, Loubaba MD (ID# 81508) .......(858)924-1960
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 200, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Arabic
Akashi, Marc MD (ID# 81509)...............(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CRT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Archambault, Christian MD (ID# 81510).......................
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 200, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Spanish
Atienza, Pamela MD (ID# 81513) .........(619)656-6817
890 Eastlake PKWY, STE 200, Chula Vista, 91914
Bailony, Ahmad MD (ID# 81515)...........(619)470-1945
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 205, National City, 91950
Bailony, Mohammed MD (ID# 81514)...(619)470-1945
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 205, National City, 91950
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Baratta, Isabel MD (ID# 81517) ............(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Barbadillo, Ferdinand MD (ID# 81518).(619)656-6817
890 East Lake PKWY, STE 200, Chula Vista, 91914
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Barbadillo, Ferdinand MD (ID# 81519).(619)475-6204
502 South Euclid AVE, STE 201, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Barbadillo, Teresita MD (ID# 81520) ....(619)267-8601
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 201, National City, 91950
Bhasin, Sangita MD (ID# 81521) ..........(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Bialostozky, Mario MD (ID# 83567) ......(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CRT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Clementino, Nancy MD (ID# 81545)..... (760)436-4511
Bowers, Hilary MD (ID# 81522) ............(760)746-2641
Cohen, Cara MD (ID# 81546)................ (760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, Escondido, 92025
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, Escondido, 92025
Bowers, Hilary MD (ID# 81523) ............(858)673-3340
Cohen, Elaine MD (ID# 81547) ............. (619)425-3951
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Breslow, Adam MD (ID# 81524)............(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
Brion, Sonja MD (ID# 81525) ................(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish| German
Broudy, Abraham MD (ID# 81526) ........(619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91915
Brown, Leah MD (ID# 81527)................(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Burgamy, Elizabeth MD (ID# 81530) .....(760)633-3640
3257 Camino De Los Coches, STE 301, Carlsbad, 92009
Busto, Carla MD (ID# 81531) ................(951)301-5380
26900 Newport RD, STE 111, Menifee, 92584
Camacho, Claudia MD (ID# 81532).......(951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 106, Temecula, 92592
Lang: Spanish
Capetanakis, Eleni MD (ID# 81533) ......(619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91910
Carson, Stephen MD (ID# 81534)..........(619)297-5437
550 Washington ST, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Lang: French| Spanish
Cason, Sheila MD (ID# 81535)..............(951)301-5380
26900 Newport RD, STE 111, Menifee, 92584
Cason, Sheila MD (ID# 81536)..............(951)587-0992
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
280 E ST, Chula Vista, 91910
Cohen, Stuart MD (ID# 81549) ............. (619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, El Cajon, 92020
Cohen, Stuart MD (ID# 81550) ............. (619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, San Diego, 92120
Cone, Stephanie MD (ID# 82168)......... (619)297-5437
550 Wasshington ST, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Cordoba, Miguel MD (ID# 81551)......... (619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Coullahan, Jessica MD (ID# 81552)..... (760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, Escondido, 92025
Craychee, Leo MD (ID# 81554) ............ (760)749-7770
28714 Valley Center RD, STE L, Valley Center, 92082
Curbelo, Violeta MD (ID# 81555) ......... (619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: French| Spanish
Daniels, Sarah MD (ID# 83835) ........... (760)547-1010
3605 Vista WAY, Bldg B, Oceanside, 92056
De Freitas, Chrystal MD (ID# 81557) ... (858)794-5437
12395 El Camino Real, STE 315, San Diego, 92130
Del Re, Amanda MD (ID# 82742) ......... (760)723-6501
521 East Elder ST, STE 101, Fallbrook, 92028
Dern, Michelle MD (ID# 81559) ........... (760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
44274 George Cushman Court, STE 106, Temecula,
Diakiw, Adriana MD (ID# 81560).......... (619)225-0602
Chang, Irene MD (ID# 81537)................(619)482-3090
Dockweiler, Rosalind MD (ID# 81561) . (760)753-7143
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Taiwanese
Cheng, Gordon MD (ID# 83606) ............(858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, San Diego,
Cheng, Gordon MD (ID# 83824) ............(858)279-0100
3030 Children’s Way, STE 401, San Diego, 92123
Clay, Corrie MD (ID# 81543) .................(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, La Mesa, 91942
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
1370 Rosecrans ST, STE B, San Diego, 92106
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Doringo, Elainie MD (ID# 81562) ......... (619)426-7910
865 3rd AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91911
Escuro, Guia-Lynn MD (ID# 81565) ...... (760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B105, Encinitas, 92024
Feinstein, Katherine DO (ID# 81566) ... (619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, El Cajon, 92020
Lang: Spanish
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Rady Children's Health Network/CPMG
Fishman, Elena MD (ID# 81567)...........(858)793-1011
Hoffman, Jamie MD (ID# 82665) ..........(858)566-4444
Madany, George MD (ID# 81617) ......... (858)279-0100
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, San Diego, 92130
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, San Diego,
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Arabic| French
Hsieh, Leslie MD (ID# 81596)...............(858)457-2043
Madany, George MD (ID# 82667) ......... (858)566-4444
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, La Jolla, 92037
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, San Diego,
Lang: Arabic| French
Fletcher, Emily MD (ID# 82004)............(619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91914
Fresno, Blanca MD (ID# 81568)............(619)475-4575
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 207, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Fresno, Blanca MD (ID# 81569)............(619)482-1700
1741 Eastlake PKWY, STE 107, Chula Vista, 91915
Lang: Spanish
Friedman, Jaime MD (ID# 81570) ........(858)924-1960
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 200, San Diego, 92127
Hussain, Sabiha MD (ID# 81597)..........(858)268-0702
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 42, San Diego, 92117
Imus, Paul MD (ID# 81953)...................(619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, La Mesa, 91942
Jacobson, Eugenia MD (ID# 81598)......(858)576-8010
7910 Frost ST, STE 335, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Russian
Jacobson, Michael MD (ID# 81599)......(619)442-2560
Gale, Marvin MD (ID# 81572) ...............(619)425-3951
Jacobson, Michael MD (ID# 83856)......(760)633-3640
280 E ST, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Gandhi, Sheetal MD (ID# 81574) ..........(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park, ROW 355, La Jolla, 92037
Garcia, Carlos MD (ID# 81575).............(619)271-4059
1392 East Palomar ST, STE 501, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Garcia, Rafael MD (ID# 81576).............(619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Ghahremani, Simin MD (ID# 81577) ....(619)426-0100
855 Third AVE, STE 2200, Chula Vista, 91911
Gianfortune, Rachel MD (ID# 81578) ...(619)583-6133
6475 Alvarado RD, STE 120, San Diego, 92120
Grant, Colette MD (ID# 81580) .............(951)461-9300
25485 Medical CTR DR, STE 220, Murrieta, 92562
Gray, Maria MD (ID# 81581) .................(619)482-3090
769 Medical Center CT, STE 300, Chula Vista, 91911
Griffin, Steven MD (ID# 81582).............(951)461-9300
25485 Medical CTR DR, STE 220, Murrieta, 92562
Griffin, Steven MD (ID# 83764).............(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, Temecula, 92592
Gross, Gary MD (ID# 81584) .................(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Hamedaninia, Azardokht MD (ID# 81585) ....................
865 Third AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Hansen, John MD (ID# 81586) ..............(858)495-0500
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, San Diego, 92123
Henderson, Trevor MD (ID# 81587) ......(619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, San Diego, 92120
Herring, Lynn MD (ID# 81588) ..............(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Hibbs, Nicole MD (ID# 81589) ..............(619)297-5437
550 Washington ST, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Hoang, Vy MD (ID# 81592) ...................(619)442-2560
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, El Cajon, 92020
Hoang, Vy MD (ID# 81593) ...................(619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, San Diego, 92120
Hoffman, Jamie MD (ID# 81594) ..........(858)279-0100
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, El Cajon, 92020
3257 Camino De Los Coches, STE 301, Carlsbad, 92009
James, Veronique MD (ID# 81600).......(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, La Jolla, 92037
Lang: French| Spanish
Johnson, Sylvia MD (ID# 81602)...........(951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 106, Temecula, 92592
Jolly, Desmond MD (ID# 81603) ...........(619)426-7910
865 Third AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91911
Juarez, Patricia MD (ID# 81604)...........(858)279-0100
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, San Diego, 92123
Juarez, Patricia MD (ID# 82666)...........(858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, San Diego,
Kelley, Leon MD (ID# 81606) ................(619)262-8624
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, San Diego, 92114
Lang: Spanish
Kesanapalli, Deepthi MD (ID# 82072) ..(858)576-8010
7910 Frost ST, STE 335, San Diego, 92123
Kornreich, Leonard MD (ID# 81607) .....(619)426-7910
865 3rd AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
Kornreich, Leonard MD (ID# 81608) .....(619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91915
Lang: Spanish
Le, Nguyen MD (ID# 81609) ..................(619)582-8814
5507 El Cajon BLVD, STE B, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Vietnamese
Leong, Curtis MD (ID# 82274)...............(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, La Jolla, 92037
Leong, Curtis MD (ID# 82958)...............(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Levy, Nicholas MD (ID# 81611).............(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Lindback, Sarah MD (ID# 81612)..........(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Lipp, Victor MD (ID# 81613) .................(858)793-1011
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, San Diego, 92130
Lizarazo, Santiago MD (ID# 81615) ......(619)426-0100
855 Third AVE, STE 2200, Chula Vista, 91911
Lostetter, Adrienne MD (ID# 81616) .....(858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Mcchesney, Pamela MD (ID# 81621)... (951)587-8116
27699 Jefferson AVE, STE 102, Temecula, 92590
McCormick, Leslie MD (ID# 81622) ..... (760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Mendenhall, Anna MD (ID# 81623)...... (760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Metsch, Randall MD (ID# 81624) ......... (760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
Miller, Donald MD (ID# 81626) ............ (760)547-1010
3605 Vista Way, BLDG B, Oceanside, 92056
Lang: Spanish
Minka, Genevieve MD (ID# 82423) ...... (760)451-0070
1107 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: French
Minka, Genevieve MD (ID# 82424) ...... (760)723-6501
521 East Elder ST, STE 101, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: French
Mistry, Chetan MD (ID# 81627) ............ (619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91914
Moffatt, Kyrra DO (ID# 83556).............. (619)464-6434
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 200, La Mesa, 91942
Mohr, Thomas MD (ID# 81628) ............ (951)587-0992
44274 George Cushman Court, STE 106, Temecula,
Lang: German| Spanish
Mohr, Thomas MD (ID# 81629) ............ (951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, STE 203, Wildomar, 92595
Lang: German| Spanish
Mortimer, Dori MD (ID# 81632)............ (858)673-3340
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Naik, Shilpa MD (ID# 79989)................ (619)698-2184
6942 University ave, STE A, La Mesa, 91942
Nakahara, Tami MD (ID# 81633).......... (619)297-5437
550 Washington ST, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Spanish
Nashed, Ehab MD (ID# 81634) ............. (951)460-9300
25485 Medical Center DR, STE 220, Murrieta, 92562
Neglia, Thomas MD (ID# 81635).......... (760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
Neves, Vanessa MD (ID# 82165).......... (760)798-0428
1595 Grand AVE, STE 102, San Marcos, 92078
Lang: Spanish
Nguyen, Truc MD (ID# 81636) .............. (619)656-3040
2440 Fenton ST, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91914
3030 Children’s Way, STE 401, San Diego, 92123
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, El Cajon, 92020
Martinez-Andree, Ingrid MD (ID# 81620).....................
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Rady Children's Health Network/CPMG
Frumin, Frederick MD (ID# 81571) .......(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Mangine, Regina MD (ID# 81619)........ (619)442-2560
Rady Children's Health Network/CPMG
Oira, Victoria MD (ID# 81638) ..............(619)656-3020
890 Eastlake PKWY, STE 203, Chula Vista, 91914
Lang: Spanish
Sharp Health Plan
Rua, Jose MD (ID# 81669) ....................(760)745-7313
215 South Hickory ST, STE 126, Escondido, 92025
Rubenstein, Stuart MD (ID# 81670) ......(858)793-1011
O’Leary, Kevin MD (ID# 81637) ............(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, San Diego, 92130
Rubin, Valerie MD (ID# 81671).............(760)753-7143
Ortiz, Blanca MD (ID# 81639) ...............(951)301-5380
26900 Newport Road, STE 111, Menifee, 92584
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Lang: Spanish
Ortiz, Blanca MD (ID# 81640) ...............(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, STE 203, Wildomar, 92595
Sadrieh, Jay MD (ID# 81672) ................(858)268-0702
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 42, San Diego, 92117
Lang: Farsi| Spanish
Page, Thomas MD (ID# 81641).............(858)673-3340
Sanchez, Carlos MD (ID# 81673) ..........(619)426-8121
1635 Third AVE, STE J, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
15725 Pomerado RD, STE 203, Poway, 92064
Rady Children's Health Network/CPMG
Paik, Juliana MD (ID# 81642)...............(951)200-2220
36320 Inland Valley DR, STE 203, Wildomar, 92595
Paik, Juliana MD (ID# 81643)...............(951)587-0992
Santiago, Roxane MD (ID# 83568)........(619)426-7910
865 3rd AVE, STE 101, Chula Vista, 91911
44274 George Cushman CT, STE 106, Temecula, 92592
Park, Tari MD (ID# 81645) ....................(858)279-0100
Schmottlach, David MD (ID# 81674).....(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, San Diego, 92123
Park, Tari MD (ID# 82669) ....................(858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, San Diego,
Schneider, Stephen MD (ID# 81676).....(760)746-2641
625 W. Citracado PKWY, STE 200, Escondido, 92025
Selzer, Jeffrey MD (ID# 81677) .............(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, La Jolla, 92037
Parsons, Genevieve MD (ID# 81647)....(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, La Jolla, 92037
Shah, Meera MD (ID# 81679)................(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park, ROW 355, La Jolla, 92037
Perkins, Rachel MD (ID# 82273) ..........(760)547-1010
3605 Vista Way, Bldg B, Oceanside, 92056
Shenoy, Ashvin MD (ID# 82104)............(619)262-8624
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, San Diego, 92114
Pertl, Ursula MD (ID# 81651)................(760)547-1010
3605 Vista Way, Bldg B, Oceanside, 92056
Shiau, Nancy MD (ID# 81682)...............(619)265-3400
Rissman, Raquel MD (ID# 81659) ........(619)297-5437
550 Washington ST, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Robbins, Daniel DO (ID# 83756)...........(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, Temecula, 92592
Roberts, Kendall MD (ID# 81661).........(858)457-2043
4150 Regents Park Row, STE 355, La Jolla, 92037
Robinson, Daisy MD (ID# 81662)..........(760)723-6200
321 East Alvarado ST, Fallbrook, 92028
Rodgers, Natasha MD (ID# 81664) .......(951)461-9300
25485 Medical Center DR, STE 220, Murrieta, 92562
Rodgers, Natasha MD (ID# 83758) .......(951)699-3299
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, Temecula, 92592
Ronquillo, Rina MD (ID# 81666)...........(619)698-2184
6942 University AVE, STE A, La Mesa, 91942
Rosenfeld, Gina MD (ID# 81668) ..........(760)744-6710
1582 West San Marcos BLVD, STE 203, San Marcos,
2340 East 8th ST, STE E, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Valencia, Mariles MD (ID# 81702) ....... (619)482-1700
1741 Eastlake PKWY, STE 107, Chula Vista, 91915
Lang: Tagalog
Valencia, Mariles MD (ID# 81703) ....... (619)475-4575
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 207, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog
Vitug, Elena MD (ID# 81704)................ (619)475-6204
502 South Euclid AVE, STE 201, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Vu, Myloan MD (ID# 81705) ................. (619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, San Diego, 92120
Wang, Emily MD (ID# 81706) ............... (858)793-1011
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, San Diego, 92130
Waters, Elizabeth MD (ID# 81707) ....... (619)262-8624
292 Euclid AVE, STE 220, San Diego, 92114
Willard, Kimberly MD (ID# 82893)....... (619)583-6133
6475 Alvarado RD, STE 120, San Diego, 92120
Wright, Gwendolyn MD (ID# 81713)..... (619)297-5437
8881 Fletcher PKWY, STE 200, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Smith, Linda MD (ID# 81687)................(619)265-3400
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, San Diego, 92120
Snyder, Joel MD (ID# 81688) ................(619)583-6133
6475 Alvarado RD, STE 120, San Diego, 92120
15525 Pomerado RD, STE B-1, Poway, 92064
855 Third AVE, STE 2200, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
Uy, Carmelita MD (ID# 81701) ............. (619)216-8500
Short, Richard MD (ID# 81684).............(619)464-6434
250 East Chase AVE, STE 108, El Cajon, 92020
Rios-Araico, Willy MD (ID# 81658) ......(619)426-0100
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, La Jolla, 92037
Winter, Brian MD (ID# 81710) .............. (951)587-8116
31170 Temecula PRKWY, STE 200, Temecula, 92592
Rendler, Nathan MD (ID# 81657)..........(858)487-8333
Tung, Vivian MD (ID# 81700)................ (858)459-4351
Shieh, Angell MD (ID# 81683) ..............(858)459-4351
7300 Girard AVE, STE 106, La Jolla, 92037
Pinon, Alexandra MD (ID# 83755) ........(951)699-3299
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Tsang, Ruey-Shiuan MD (ID# 83836) ... (858)495-0500
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 112, San Diego, 92123
Wilson, Orville MD (ID# 81709) ........... (858)793-1011
25485 Medical Center Dr., STE 220, Murrieta, 92562
Powell, Stephanie MD (ID# 81655) ......(858)495-0500
285 North El CAmino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
6699 Alvarado RD, STE 2200, San Diego, 92120
Lang: Taiwanese
Pinon, Alexandra MD (ID# 81652) ........(951)461-9300
Pinto, Anita MD (ID# 81654) .................(619)442-2560
Tolba, Kamei MD (ID# 81699) .............. (760)436-4511
Snyder-Block, Julie MD (ID# 81689).....(760)753-7143
477 North El Camino Real, STE B-105, Encinitas, 92024
Socha, Traci DO (ID# 81690).................(760)745-7313
215 South Hickory ST, STE 126, Escondido, 92025
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, San Diego, 92130
27699 Jefferson AVE, STE 102, Temecula, 92590
550 Washington ST, STE 300, San Diego, 92103
Lang: Spanish
Zaguli, Marvin MD (ID# 81714)............ (858)279-0100
3030 Children’s WAY, STE 401, San Diego, 92123
Zaguli, Marvin MD (ID# 82670)............ (858)566-4444
12036 Scripps Highlands DR, STE 102, San Diego,
Zandkarimi, Fariba MD (ID# 81716)..... (760)747-5400
240 West Mission AVE, STE A, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Sprague, Kimberly MD (ID# 82743) ......(760)745-7313
215 S. Hickory ST, STE 126, Escondido, 92025
Sternfeld, Sharon MD (ID# 81692)........(760)746-2641
625 West Citracado PKWY, STE 200, Escondido, 92025
Taft, Christine MD (ID# 81695)..............(760)451-0070
1107 South Mission RD, Fallbrook, 92028
Taft, Christine MD (ID# 81696)..............(760)723-6501
521 East Elder ST, STE 101, Fallbrook, 92028
Tai, Kuangkai MD (ID# 81697) ..............(858)487-8333
15525 Pomerado RD, STE B-1, Poway, 92064
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Terry, Amanda MD (ID# 82275).............(760)436-4511
285 North El Camino Real, STE 114, Encinitas, 92024
Tolba, Kamei MD (ID# 81698)...............(858)793-1011
12395 El Camino Real, STE 219, San Diego, 92130
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Sharp Community Medical Group and you require specialty care services, you will be
referred to a specialist affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Sharp Community Medical Group, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor primario le
hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Sharp Community Medical Group.
Family Medicine
Eros, Christine MD (ID# 63724) ............(858)514-3700
Adderson, John MD (ID# 51665)...........(858)625-2466
6106 Regents RD, San Diego, 92122
Allen, Joseph MD (ID# 67603) ..............(619)225-1212
4116 West Point Loma BLVD, San Diego, 92110
Almansour, Mumtaz MD (ID# 60220)....(619)593-3007
330 South Magnolia AVE, STE 101, El Cajon, 92020
Lang: Arabic| Spanish
Ancona-Young, Corinne DO (ID# 63520).......................
505 North Mollison AVE, STE 201, El Cajon, 92021
Azam, Muhammad MD (ID# 61689)......(619)579-6300
1679 East Main ST, STE 206, El Cajon, 92021
Lang: Urdu| Spanish
Boone, Gary MD (ID# 53053) ................(858)292-8885
3737 Moraga AVE, STE B-408, San Diego, 92111
Byers-Lund, Kimberly DO (ID# 76464) .(619)522-4000
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, San Diego, 92118
Considine, Kevin DO (ID# 57805) .........(619)537-6910
230 Prospect Place, STE 350, Coronado, 92118
752 Medical Center CRT, STE 210, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
Fassett, Richard MD (ID# 52007)..........(619)225-1212
4116 West Point Loma BLVD, San Diego, 92110
Nguyen, Linhkieu MD (ID# 73447) ....... (619)284-1400
3575 Euclid AVE, STE 100, San Diego, 92105
Gil, Francisco MD (ID# 56655)..............(619)479-0822
655 South Euclid AVE, STE 405, National City, 91950
Lang: Chinese| Spanish
Novencido, Joseph DO (ID# 73840) ..... (619)656-0206
Hamidi, Mahshid MD (ID# 65539) ........(858)565-6394
5222 Balboa AVE, STE 31, San Diego, 92117
Jalisi, Nejat MD (ID# 77191).................(619)456-9800
230 Avocado AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Lang: Persian
Mondragon, Gustavo MD (ID# 80653).. (619)656-0206
5030 Camino de la Siesta, STE 204, San Diego, 92108
Lang: Spanish
Johnson, Noah MD (ID# 67938) ............(619)562-1140
10158 Buena Vista AVE, Santee, 92071
Korkis, Ebtissam MD (ID# 72296) .........(619)441-9200
1530 Jamacha RD, STE E-F, El Cajon, 92019
Lang: Arabic| Chaldean
Le, Hoe MD (ID# 66774)........................(619)258-4000
9225 Carlton Hills BLVD, STE 4, Santee, 92071
Malone, Kevin MD (ID# 61305).............(619)421-4257
1415 Ridgeback RD, STE 4, Chula Vista, 91910
752 Medical Center CRT, STE 210, Chula Vista, 91911
Novencido, Joseph DO (ID# 83459) ..... (619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, National City, 91950
Oen, Roger MD (ID# 71840) ................. (619)522-4000
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, Coronado, 92118
Padilla, William MD (ID# 56117) ......... (619)422-1324
263 Church AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Pedrotty, John MD (ID# 67474) ............ (619)435-7100
1222 First ST, STE 1, Coronado, 92118
Phillips, Vernon MD (ID# 57498) ......... (619)429-7700
707 Palm AVE, Imperial Beach, 91932
Pohl, Lawrence MD (ID# 61829) .......... (619)295-3355
5333 Mission CTR RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92108
Lang: Spanish
Marco, Corey MD (ID# 51236)...............(619)442-0424
280 Avocado AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Razon, Annabelle MD (ID# 51454) ....... (858)689-1814
9190 Mira Mesa BLVD, San Diego, 92126
Lang: Spanish
Dao, Viet MD (ID# 82003) .....................(858)268-1747
2363 Ulric ST, STE B, San Diego, 92111
Lang: Vietnamese
Marin, Ada MD (ID# 54238) ..................(858)514-3700
Sadrieh, Sanas DO (ID# 74832) ........... (858)514-3700
Daub, Douglas MD (ID# 70611) ............(619)569-1790
Marshall, Larry MD (ID# 72939) ...........(619)443-3843
12517 Lakeshore DR, Lakeside, 92040
Lang: Spanish
Dao, Viet MD (ID# 79016) .....................(619)583-0553
6255 University AVE, STE A-2, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Vietnamese
9460 Cuyamaca ST, STE 104, Santee, 92071
Dill, Donald MD (ID# 51903).................(619)435-3155
171 C AVE, Coronado, 92118
Dominguez, Dennis MD (ID# 61692) ....(619)441-3550
505 North Mollison AVE, STE 201, El Cajon, 92021
Lang: Spanish
Dysart, Jeffrey MD (ID# 75192) ............(858)268-1111
7830 Clairemont Mesa BLVD, STE 100, San Diego,
Lang: Spanish
Emmanuel-Cochrane, Joy DO (ID# 77828) ...................
2437 Fenton ST, STE A, Chula Vista, 91914
Lang: Gujarati
5030 Camino de la Siesta, STE 204, San Diego, 92108
Lang: Spanish
Martinez, Thomas MD (ID# 56099) .......(619)420-1378
584 E ST, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Matthews, Merritt MD (ID# 52332) .......(619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, National City, 91950
Matthews, Merritt MD (ID# 75925) .......(619)656-0206
752 Medical Center CRT, STE 210, Chula Vista, 91911
McFeeters, Gary MD (ID# 51329) .........(858)277-2361
7525 Linda Vista RD, San Diego, 92111
Mondragon, Gustavo MD (ID# 78980)...(619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
5030 Camino De La Siesta, STE 204, San Diego, 92108
Saifi, Mirwais MD (ID# 82888)............. (619)464-1608
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, San Diego, 92119
Sanzone, Ronald DO (ID# 57403)......... (619)527-7700
610 Euclid AVE, STE 302, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish| American Sign Language
Sanzone, Ronald DO (ID# 69643)......... (619)656-0206
752 Medical CTR CT, STE 210, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish| American Sign Language
Sawhney, Parmela MD (ID# 56390) ..... (619)435-4488
1222 1st ST, STE 6, Coronado, 92118
Lang: Spanish
Sevilla, Marianito MD (ID# 58951) ...... (619)470-7007
2340 East Eighth ST, STE D, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Shamani, Azam MD (ID# 78991) .......... (619)639-7285
5555 Reservoir DR, STE 312, San Diego, 92120
Sharp Community Medical Group
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Sharp Community Medical Group
Spano, Franco MD (ID# 73945).............(619)445-6200
Sharp Health Plan
Braverman, Ira MD (ID# 56396) ............(619)267-8181
1620 Alpine BLVD, Alpine, 91901
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Spano, Franco MD (ID# 83987).............(619)478-5311
Caperna, Joseph MD (ID# 82701) .........(619)233-4044
1855 1st AVE, STE 200B, San Diego, 92101
Lang: Spanish
31115 Highway 94, Campo, 91906
Lang: Italian| Spanish
Springer, Roy MD (ID# 71276) ..............(619)464-1608
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, San Diego, 92119
Lang: Spanish
Cava, Noli MD (ID# 78479)....................(619)426-4546
7930 Frost ST, STE 104, San Diego, 92123
Sharp Community Medical Group
Curtis, Elaine MD (ID# 56040) ..............(619)421-4311
752 Medical CTR CT, STE 200, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
754 Medical CTR CT, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Daramola, Iyabo MD (ID# 64666) .........(619)479-6767
Valladolid, Efrain MD (ID# 67511)........(619)420-1378
584 E ST, Chula Vista, 91910
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, Coronado, 92118
Webb, John MD (ID# 61541).................(619)589-8626
8851 Center DR, STE 408, La Mesa, 91942
Whittle, Stephanie MD (ID# 80330)......(619)445-1188
4058 Willow RD, Alpine, 91901
2401 Reo DR, San Diego, 92139
Del Valle, Jeannette MD (ID# 63847) ...(619)421-3313
769 Medical Center CRT, STE 203, Chula Vista, 91911
Ehlers, Rolf MD (ID# 54188) .................(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Elias, Ramiz MD (ID# 73744)................(858)384-6857
7695 Cardinal CT, STE 375, San Diego, 92123
First, Brian MD (ID# 51359) ..................(858)292-0108
4282 Genesee AVE, STE 103, San Diego, 92117
Foster, Robert MD (ID# 66786) .............(619)461-9600
5565 Grossmont CTR DR, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Italian
Whittle, Stephanie MD (ID# 80331)......(619)445-1188
36350 Church RD, Campo, 91906
Gertser, Elaine MD (ID# 60150) ............(619)582-8055
6367 Alvarado CT, STE 202, San Diego, 92120
Lang: Russian
Wong, Jenny MD (ID# 76532) ...............(619)522-4000
230 Prospect PL, STE 340-B, Coronado, 92118
Wong, Kin MD (ID# 54884) ...................(619)448-2866
10201 Mission Gorge RD, STE K, Santee, 92071
Lang: Chinese
Gupta, Brij MD (ID# 72572)...................(619)562-1140
10158 Buena Vista AVE, Santee, 92071
Hansen, David MD (ID# 55906).............(619)421-4000
754 Medical CTR CT, STE 100, Chula Vista, 91911
General Practice
Hansen, David MD (ID# 75897).............(619)435-1861
1117 Tenth ST, Coronado, 92118
Borrero, Marcos MD (ID# 57850)..........(619)423-5616
3490 Palm AVE, San Diego, 92154
Lang: Spanish
Castro, Carlos MD (ID# 56645) .............(619)267-9047
2340 East 8th ST, STE A, National City, 91950
Lang: Spanish
Toledo-Nader, Caroll MD (ID# 51745)...(619)422-1154
345 F ST, STE 110, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Internal Medicine
Abramowitz, Bryan MD (ID# 63691) .....(858)836-2491
4282 Genesee AVE, STE 302, San Diego, 92117
Arian, Lisa MD (ID# 51747) ..................(858)277-0696
7930 Frost ST, STE 104, San Diego, 92123
Bloom, Genevieve MD (ID# 62918) ......(619)435-0268
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Persian
Michlin, Bernard MD (ID# 53308) ........ (619)583-1954
6367 Alvarado CT, STE 200, San Diego, 92120
Lang: Spanish
Mohedin, Barzan MD (ID# 64488) ........ (619)668-9596
8860 Center DR, STE 310, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Arabic| Persian
Murthy, Sangeetha MD (ID# 69904) ..... (858)874-8741
7830 Clairemont Mesa BLVD, STE 287, San Diego,
Czer, Gregory MD (ID# 56041) ..............(619)421-4000
Turnage, Jimmy MD (ID# 69939) ..........(858)569-6800
Warm, Kenneth MD (ID# 56159)...........(619)522-4035
Mansour, A MD (ID# 60050) ................. (858)541-0181
Champagne, Lynne MD (ID# 63903) .....(858)277-0696
Teguh, Collin DO (ID# 61826) ...............(619)281-8988
Villa, Maria MD (ID# 77809).................(619)575-4442
655 Saturn BLVD, STE J, San Diego, 92154
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog/Filipino
5111 Garfield ST, STE A, La Mesa, 91941
374 H. ST, STE 202, Chula Vista, 91910
36350 Church RD, Campo, 91906
3655 Ruffin RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Malinak, James MD (ID# 55204).......... (619)460-4050
1808 Cable ST, San Diego, 92107
Suh, Young MD (ID# 80331)..................(619)445-1188
2045 Adams AVE, San Diego, 92116
Lang: Indonesian| Malayalam
841 Kuhn DR, STE 200, Chula Vista, 91914
Lang: Spanish
Cava, Noli MD (ID# 63167)....................(619)221-4490
Suh, Young MD (ID# 80330)..................(619)445-1188
4058 Willows RD, Alpine, 91901
Lozano, Martha MD (ID# 58972) .......... (619)363-4000
610 Euclid AVE, STE 201, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino| Spanish
Hekmat, Razi MD (ID# 72461)...............(619)267-8181
610 Euclid AVE, STE 201, National City, 91950
Honer, Denise MD (ID# 58223) .............(619)460-4050
5111 Garfield ST, STE A, La Mesa, 91941
Kettlehake, Patricia MD (ID# 63556) ....(619)435-2670
1050 B AVE, STE C, Coronado, 92118
Lai, Tung MD (ID# 66608) .....................(858)653-0147
10737 Camino Ruiz, STE 200, San Diego, 92126
Lang: Vietnamese
Levine, Ellyn MD (ID# 67343) ...............(619)567-6914
5358 Jackson DR, La Mesa, 91942
Liske, Michelle MD (ID# 60425) ...........(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Lopez, Jose MD (ID# 57648) .................(619)575-5000
2648 Main ST, STE A, Chula Vista, 91911
Lang: Spanish
Navarrete, Rommel MD (ID# 63518).... (619)460-4050
5111 Garfield ST, STE A, La Mesa, 91941
Nguyen, Tue MD (ID# 56474)................ (619)280-7185
4551 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Vietnamese
Niguidula, Troy MD (ID# 72041) ........... (619)267-8181
610 Euclid AVE, STE 201, National City, 91950
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
Petrovich, Laura MD (ID# 69771)......... (619)435-2234
1224 Tenth ST, STE 200, Coronado, 92118
Prabaker, Venugopal MD (ID# 51459).. (619)698-0606
7339 El Cajon BLVD, STE I, La Mesa, 91941
Prathipati, Kumara MD (ID# 66770)..... (619)267-0553
502 Euclid AVE, STE 203, National City, 91950
Prathipati, Lakshmi MD (ID# 65965).... (619)286-3222
4276 54th PL, STE B, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Telugu
Reitman, Stephen MD (ID# 57230) ...... (619)464-1608
6280 Jackson DR, STE 8, San Diego, 92119
Rogers, Laura MD (ID# 79186)............. (619)610-9790
2790 Truxton RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92106
Roth, Kenneth MD (ID# 54231)............. (858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Seikaly, Victor MD (ID# 72643) ............ (619)460-4000
8860 Center DR, STE 310, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Shachar, Sharna MD (ID# 57677) ......... (619)409-9999
525 H ST, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Hebrew
Shahbaz, Majid MD (ID# 82019) .......... (619)583-1174
8851 Center DR., STE 408, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Persian
Soomro, Khalil MD (ID# 57255) ........... (619)698-9375
5111 Garfield ST, STE B, La Mesa, 91941
Lang: Urdu| Hindi
Spiering, Robin MD (ID# 71680) .......... (619)456-9292
278 Avocado AVE, El Cajon, 92020
Tarantino, Salvatore MD (ID# 66782)... (619)462-5555
8881 Fletcher PKWY, STE 370, La Mesa, 91942
1117 Tenth ST, Coronado, 92118
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group
Tecca, Donald MD (ID# 53360) .............(858)268-1111
7830 Clairemont Mesa BLVD, STE 100, San Diego,
Lang: French| Spanish
Tremain, Nicole MD (ID# 83998) ..........(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Upton, D MD (ID# 70415)......................(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Vo, Sony MD (ID# 62477)......................(619)280-7185
4551 El Cajon BLVD, San Diego, 92115
Lang: Chinese| Vietnamese
Yorobe, Edwin MD (ID# 51304).............(858)560-5685
10850 Baroque LN, STE A, San Diego, 92124
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kettlehake, Patricia MD (ID# 63556)....(619)435-2670
1050 B AVE, STE C, Coronado, 92118
Mansour, A MD (ID# 60050)..................(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Petrovich, Laura MD (ID# 69771) .........(619)435-2234
1224 Tenth ST, STE 200, Coronado, 92118
Upton, D MD (ID# 70415)......................(858)541-0181
8765 Aero DR, STE 130, San Diego, 92123
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Health Plan
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners and you require specialty
care services, you will be referred to a specialist affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners, y usted necesita ver a un especialista,
el doctor primario le hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Family Medicine
Trewella, Amy MD (ID# 82006) .............(858)312-1440
9878 Carmel Mountain RD, STE B, San Diego, 92129
Arbabi, Nasrin MD (ID# 61445).............(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92127
Blando, Ellen MD (ID# 62650) ..............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, Ramona, 92065
Lang: Tagalog
Cornelius, Carol MD (ID# 55533)..........(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Lang: Spanish| German
Ionescu, Ludmilla MD (ID# 82540).......(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92127
Ionescu, Ludmilla MD (ID# 83500).......(760)294-2266
488 EAst Valley Parkway, STE 211, Escondido, 92025
Kasch, Janine DO (ID# 51080)..............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, Ramona, 92065
Lang: Spanish| German
Lind, Christine MD (ID# 53583) ............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, Ramona, 92065
Luan, Gordon MD (ID# 71604) ..............(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, Ramona, 92065
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Maletz, Louis MD (ID# 71695) ..............(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Lang: Spanish
Meram, Susan MD (ID# 77187) ............(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Miller, Jerry MD (ID# 82198) ................(760)789-5160
233 13th ST, Ramona, 92065
Miller, Scott MD (ID# 81905) ................(858)312-1440
9878 Carmel Mountain RD, STE B, San Diego, 92129
Miller, Scott MD (ID# 83498) ................(760)294-2266
488 East Valley Parkway, STE 211, Escondido, 92025
Mir, Yusra MD (ID# 78554)....................(858)675-3180
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Lang: Hindi| Urdu
Nazareth, Vivek MD (ID# 78208)...........(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Lang: Hindi
Putnam, Richard MD (ID# 57296).........(858)675-3210
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Spring, Jason DO (ID# 72478) ..............(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92127
Internal Medicine
Carty, David MD (ID# 67106).................(858)675-3293
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Dure-Smith, Belinda MD (ID# 81064) ...(858)675-3123
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Joswig, Bill MD (ID# 52974) .................(858)675-3110
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Mamaril, Dennis MD (ID# 75685) .........(858)675-3123
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Presant, Larry MD (ID# 55591) .............(858)675-3123
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Rivera, Marcelo MD (ID# 81063) ..........(858)613-8743
15644 Pomerado RD, STE 300, Poway, 92064
Lang: Spanish
Zakov, Kamen MD (ID# 53045)..............(858)675-3110
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Lang: Bulgarian
Zgliniec, Robert MD (ID# 71271) ..........(760)789-5160
211 13th ST, Ramona, 92065
Bromm, Ryan DO (ID# 82869)...............(858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, STE 400, Poway, 92064
Lang: Spanish
Goldfinger, Neil MD (ID# 53001)...........(858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Graham, Stuart MD (ID# 55827)............(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92127
Khattri, Sonal MD (ID# 83446)..............(858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, STE 400, Poway, 92064
Lang: Hindi
Shanmugam, Cheryl MD (ID# 78555) ...(858)675-3170
15611 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Sports Medicine
Spring, Jason DO (ID# 72478)...............(858)924-1900
16918 Dove Canyon RD, STE 100, San Diego, 92127
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill and you require specialty care services, you
will be referred to a specialist affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor
primario le hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill.
Family Medicine
Adhikary Sharma, Sarina MD (ID# 79841) ...................
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Nepali| Hindi
Jenson, Peter MD (ID# 75550) ..............(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
Lang: Spanish
Lee, Cheng MD (ID# 83761)..................(866)228-2236
277 Rancheros DR, STE 100, San Marcos, 92069
Lang: Spanish| Chinese
Bibler, Mark MD (ID# 77674) ................(866)228-2236
2067 West Vista Way, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Luu, Dan MD (ID# 79926)......................(866)228-2236
Borecky, David MD (ID# 59571) ............(866)228-2236
Minkoff, Peter MD (ID# 80555) .............(760)746-3703
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Bridgeman, David MD (ID# 65614).......(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
Burzell, Linden MD (ID# 77673) ...........(866)228-2236
840 Townsite DR, Vista, 92084
Burzell, Linden MD (ID# 78619) ...........(866)228-2236
3142 Vista Way, STE 100, Oceanside, 92056
Chabala, James MD (ID# 77675) ..........(866)228-2236
840 Townsite DR, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Cueva, Mary MD (ID# 77418)................(866)228-2236
2067 West Vista WAY, STE 250, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
Dai, Hui-Wen DO (ID# 78380)...............(866)228-2236
2067 West Vista Way, STE 250, Vista, 92083
Lang: Vietnamese
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, Escondido, 92026
Nordstrom, Bjorn DO (ID# 75696) .........(760)728-2777
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
Paz, Alejandro MD (ID# 59576).............(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Weinberg, Stanley MD (ID# 81223) ..... (760)747-7512
935 East Pennsylvania AVE, Escondido, 92025
Winton, Frank MD (ID# 67297)............. (866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
General Practice
Buzard, Russel DO (ID# 83496)............ (760)746-3703
306 West El Norte Parkway, STE S, Escondido, 92026
Internal Medicine
Haberman, Mark MD (ID# 65246) ........ (866)228-2236
Pearson, Jeffrey DO (ID# 79112) ..........(866)228-2236
Le, Lara MD (ID# 65241) ...................... (866)228-2236
2626 El Camino Real, STE B, Carlsbad, 92008
Peters, Vanessa MD (ID# 67989) ..........(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog
Tordilla, F MD (ID# 70609) ................... (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Paz, Alejandro MD (ID# 77756).............(866)228-2236
277 Rancheros DR, San Marcos, 92069
Lang: Spanish
Dann, Raymond MD (ID# 52252) ..........(760)746-2860
160 North Date ST, Escondido, 92025
Faeldonea-Seruelo, Rhyl Ann MD (ID# 74844) ............
Franco, Juan MD (ID# 75318)............... (866)228-2236
Penunuri, Isela MD (ID# 83763) ...........(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
2626 El Camino Real, STE B, Carlsbad, 92008
Paz, Alejandro MD (ID# 77469).............(866)228-2236
2067 West Vista Way, STE 250, Vista, 92083
Lang: Spanish
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
Dao, Loan MD (ID# 74823) ...................(866)228-2236
Tinio, Stephen MD (ID# 78147) ............ (866)228-2236
277 Rancheros DR, STE 100, San Marcos, 92069
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Petersen, Jeffrey MD (ID# 67802).........(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
225 East Second AVE, STE 103, Escondido, 92025
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Vietnamese
Mallo, Richard MD (ID# 66790) ........... (866)228-2236
225 East 2nd AVE, Escondido, 92025
Moir, George MD (ID# 79499) .............. (760)741-9318
810 East Grand AVE, Escondido, 92025
Rodriguez, George MD (ID# 58772) ..... (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Rastle, Thomas MD (ID# 65603)...........(866)228-2236
225 E Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Foraci, Anna DO (ID# 80554) ................(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, Escondido, 92026
Ricci, Richard MD (ID# 83501) .............(866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Carpenter, Heather MD (ID# 77676)..... (866)228-2236
Gosalia, Nupur MD (ID# 79683)............(866)228-2236
Ricketts, James DO (ID# 83874) ...........(760)789-8812
23678 San Vicente RD, Ramona, 92065
Haberman, Mark MD (ID# 65246) ........ (866)228-2236
3142 Vista Way, STE 100, Oceanside, 92056
Haffie, David DO (ID# 80552) ...............(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, Escondido, 92026
Hirniak, Oksana DO (ID# 79500)...........(760)291-6700
277 Rancheros DR, STE 100, San Marcos, 92069
Huang, Victor MD (ID# 70525) ..............(866)228-2236
1035 South Main ST, Fallbrook, 92028
Tanguma, Manuel MD (ID# 74822) .......(866)228-2236
277 Rancheros DR, San Marcos, 92069
Tarzy, Neil MD (ID# 80550) ...................(760)746-3703
306 West El Norte PKWY, STE S, Escondido, 92026
Tinio, Stephen MD (ID# 77207).............(866)228-2236
3142 Vista Way, STE 100, Oceanside, 92056
225 East Second AVE, STE 103, Escondido, 92025
Jacobs, Shari MD (ID# 66420) ............. (866)228-2236
225 East Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Varma, Aruna MD (ID# 65606) ............. (866)228-2236
225 E Second AVE, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Malayalam| Spanish
2067 West Vista Way, STE 250, Vista, 92083
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Sharp Health Plan
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North and you require specialty care
services, you will be referred to a specialist affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor
primario le hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland North.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Family Medicine
Iem, Stephanie DO (ID# 74955)............(760)294-8898
701 East Grand AVE, STE 100, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Cambodian| Spanish
Salada, Elizabeth Anne MD (ID# 62418).......................
15611 Pomerado RD, STE 510, Poway, 92064
Samuels, Rebecca DO (ID# 78978).......(760)745-1551
625 East Grand AVE, Escondido, 92025
Magat, Patrocinia MD (ID# 68577) .......(858)485-5111
15706 Pomerado RD, STE 104, Poway, 92064
Lang: Spanish| Tagalog/Filipino
Wickes, Aeron MD (ID# 63612).............(858)679-9262
12650 Sabre Springs PKWY, STE 204, San Diego,
Yam, Ving DO (ID# 74436) ....................(760)294-8898
701 East Grand AVE, STE 100, Escondido, 92025
Internal Medicine
Chiang, Larry MD (ID# 63914) ..............(760)432-6644
215 South Hickory ST, STE 118, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Chinese
Conrad, Alan MD (ID# 63616) ...............(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Cottel, Jill MD (ID# 63913) ...................(858)312-1672
15644 Pomerado RD, STE 400, Poway, 92064
Klein, Stuart MD (ID# 63617)................(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Kordas, Karin MD (ID# 82025)..............(760)432-6644
215 South Hickory ST, STE 118, Escondido, 92025
Lee, Emmet MD (ID# 63202).................(760)745-1551
625 East Grand AVE, Escondido, 92025
Merkes, Kevin MD (ID# 71673).............(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Meyerhoff, Brian MD (ID# 63203).........(760)745-1551
625 East Grand AVE, Escondido, 92025
Molai, Indira MD (ID# 83668) ...............(760)745-1551
625 East Grand AVE, Escondido, 92025
Robinson, Harrison MD (ID# 76132).....(760)432-6644
215 South Hickory ST, STE 118, Escondido, 92025
Lang: Spanish
Safi, Akber MD (ID# 63578) ..................(858)485-6644
15721 Pomerado RD, Poway, 92064
Lang: German| Persian
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula and you require specialty care services,
you will be referred to a specialist affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor
primario le hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula.
Family Medicine
Boyatt, Kelly MD (ID# 77670) ...............(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92592
Lang: Spanish
Huang, Victor MD (ID# 78038) ..............(951)303-2277
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92592
Nordstrom, Bjorn DO (ID# 81066).........(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92592
Oliver, Mario MD (ID# 82182)...............(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92592
Winton, Frank MD (ID# 78032) .............(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92592
Internal Medicine
Lizotte, Paul DO (ID# 81897) ................(866)228-2236
31537 Rancho Pueblo RD, STE 102, Temecula, 92592
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Please be aware that if you select a Primary Care Physician from Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group and you require specialty care services, you will be
referred to a specialist affiliated with Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group.
If your Sharp Health Plan provider determines that you need hospitalization, sub-acute or transitional inpatient care, he or she will send you to the
facility where he or she has admitting privileges. You must go to that facility in order to receive plan benefits. Please see the Urgent Care section of this
directory for the appropriate facility you may be directed to by your physician.
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Para su información, si selecciona un medico del grupo Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group, y usted necesita ver a un especialista, el doctor primario le
hará una referencia a un especialista que pertenezca al grupo Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group.
Si su proveedor del Sharp Health Plan determina que necesita ser internado a un hospital, en una institución para atención de pacientes internados
subagudos o en transición, el o ella lo enviara a una institución en donde este autorizado a internar pacientes. Usted debe ir a dicha institución para
recibir los beneficios del plan. Favor de consultar la sección “Centros de atención de urgencia” de este directorio para ver a cual institución su medico
podría enviarlo.
Family Medicine
Abola, Amy MD (ID# 61224) .................(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Abramowitz, Basil MD (ID# 79289).......(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Afrikaans| Hebrew
Adamson, Marie MD (ID# 61224) .........(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Altschuler, Kenneth MD (ID# 74503) ....(858)499-2715
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
Amberg, James MD (ID# 61221)...........(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Beeson, Stephen MD (ID# 61224).........(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Bernaba, Bethani MD (ID# 61222) ........(858)499-2600
8933 Activity RD, San Diego, 92126
Blount, Marsha MD (ID# 61221) ...........(858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Bryce, Richard DO (ID# 61224).............(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Fowler, Blaine MD (ID# 74503).............(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
Garcia, Anna MD (ID# 61221) ...............(619)644-6566
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91941
Lang: Spanish
Gonzalez, Marco MD (ID# 61216) .........(858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Grant, John MD (ID# 74455)..................(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Gupta, Carmen MD (ID# 79289) ............(858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Spanish
Hackett, Laura MD (ID# 61221).............(858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Hampshire, Kristin MD (ID# 74401)......(858)499-2704
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Lang: Spanish
Hoefer, Daniel MD (ID# 61219) .............(858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, El Cajon, 92021
Hubbard, Mark MD (ID# 61224) ............(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Budde, Audra DO (ID# 61224)...............(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Jensen, Jaclyn DO (ID# 61217) .............(858)499-2708
Cao, Michelle MD (ID# 74503) .............(858)499-2715
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91941
Lang: Spanish
Leonard, Joseph MD (ID# 61221) .........(858)499-2711
Chilingirian, Amy DO (ID# 79289) ........(858)499-2704
Leung, Jennifer MD (ID# 74455)...........(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Coleman, Stacey DO (ID# 61219) .........(858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, El Cajon, 92021
Davila, Jose MD (ID# 61221)................(858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Devaki, Uma DO (ID# 61224)................(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Telugu
Espinoza, Angelica MD (ID# 74401) .....(858)499-2704
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Lang: Spanish
Fischer, Keith MD (ID# 74503)..............(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Light, Cyril MD (ID# 79289) ..................(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: French| Hebrew
Lin, Cheng-I MD (ID# 61216) ................(858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Taiwanese
Long, Dawn MD (ID# 74455) .................(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lopes, Aimee DO (ID# 74455)...............(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lowery, Jieyu MD (ID# 61221)..............(858)499-2700
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Chinese
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Lynch, Alison MD (ID# 79289).............. (858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Matsumoto, Paul DO (ID# 74455)......... (858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Maxwell, Kathryn MD (ID# 79289) ....... (858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Mercer, Scott MD (ID# 81286) .............. (858)499-2600
2600 Via Del La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Lang: Spanish
Messoline, Matthew MD (ID# 61217)... (858)499-2708
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
Metz, Shirley DO (ID# 61216)............... (858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Missaghi-Lajvardi, Sanaz MD (ID# 79289) ..................
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Farsi
Mountain, Roderick MD (ID# 61216).... (858)499-2704
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Mugol, Richard MD (ID# 61219)........... (858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, El Cajon, 92021
Lang: Spanish
Nguyen, Doug MD (ID# 79289)............. (858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Spanish| Vietnamese
Nguyen, Vinh MD (ID# 61221).............. (858)499-2704
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Nordling, Christine MD (ID# 74503)..... (858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
Palma, Rachel DO (ID# 79289) ............ (858)499-2600
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Pastrano, Ellen MD (ID# 61224)........... (858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Tagalog
Pegg, Janelle MD (ID# 81286) ............. (858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Pelayo-Garcia, Jorge MD (ID# 61216) . (858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Polanco, Leticia MD (ID# 61216) ......... (858)499-2704
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Sharp Health Plan
Polanco, Tracy MD (ID# 61216) ............(858)499-2704
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
True, Wayne MD (ID# 74503) ................(858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Prabhakar, Veena DO (ID# 61224) ........(858)499-2705
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Spanish
Ramirez, Airisha MD (ID# 74401).........(858)499-2600
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Lang: Tagalog/Filipino
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
Walter, Sheri MD (ID# 74503) ...............(858)499-2704
8881 Fletcher Parkway, STE 105, La Mesa, 91942
Whiteley, Joanna MD (ID# 61222) ........(858)499-2600
8933 Activity RD, San Diego, 92126
Lang: Spanish
Wilson, Michael MD (ID# 61216)..........(858)499-2600
Remington-Boone, Lee MD (ID# 61221).......................
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Zanotti, Amy DO (ID# 61216) ................(858)499-2704
Robinson, Pany MD (ID# 61224)...........(858)499-2705
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Farsi
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Rodarte, Ellen Beth MD (ID# 81286) ....(858)499-2600
8933 Activity RD, San Diego, 92126
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Lang: Spanish
Rose, Patricia MD (ID# 61224) .............(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Spanish
Roth, Julie DO (ID# 61221) ...................(858)499-2704
Internal Medicine
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Alexander, Mary MD (ID# 61221)..........(858)499-2703
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Antonio, Kevin MD (ID# 74401).............(858)499-2703
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Arikat, Azzah MD (ID# 61219) ...............(858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, El Cajon, 92021
Saben, Benjamin MD (ID# 74401) ........(858)499-2704
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Assaf, Samer MD (ID# 74455)...............(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Arabic
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Afrikaans
Sanchez-Mata, Adeunice MD (ID# 74455)....................
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Barkley, Jennifer MD (ID# 61217).........(858)499-2704
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
Lang: Spanish
Brown, Daniel MD (ID# 61223) .............(858)499-2703
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 200, San Diego, 92110
Lang: Spanish
Santos, Camille MD (ID# 61222) ..........(858)499-2704
8933 Activity RD, San Diego, 92126
Simkin Kostrinsky, Jennifer DO (ID# 61221) ................
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Cardenas, Hector MD (ID# 61221) ........(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Chang, Alan MD (ID# 61224).................(858)499-2703
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Smith, Rebecca MD (ID# 61221) ..........(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Chung, Jeanie MD (ID# 61221) .............(858)499-2600
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Albanian
Conner, Julius MD (ID# 61224) .............(858)499-2703
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Sonneborn, Miranda MD (ID# 61218)...(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Doan, Kenneth MD (ID# 61221) ............(858)499-2703
Smurlo, Albana MD (ID# 79289)...........(858)499-2704
Spees, David MD (ID# 61224)...............(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: French
Steinhauser, Tova MD (ID# 74455) .......(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Sundsmo, Catherine MD (ID# 81286) ...(858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Techentin, Anna MD (ID# 61218) ..........(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Trapp, Jennifer MD (ID# 79289)............(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Canter DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Spanish
Harless, William MD (ID# 61218) ........ (858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Hassan, Alshafie MD (ID# 61216) ........ (858)499-2703
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Ho, Huy MD (ID# 61218)....................... (858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Lang: Vietnamese
Ibrahim, Doreen MD (ID# 74455) ......... (858)616-8080
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Arabic
Ide, Jasmine MD (ID# 61218)............... (858)499-2703
Ignacio, Kathlyn MD (ID# 74455) ......... (858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Ahadian, Emelya MD (ID# 74401).........(858)499-2703
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Sacks, Anthony MD (ID# 79289) ...........(858)499-2704
12710 Carmel County RD, San Diego, 92130
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Ropohl Osorio, Janna MD (ID# 61216) .(858)499-2704
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish| German
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Hall, David MD (ID# 61217) ................. (858)499-2708
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Falquier, Sabrina MD (ID# 61218) ........(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Lang: Spanish
Jabro, Mark MD (ID# 61218) ................ (858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Karnik, Prachi MD (ID# 61219)............. (858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, El Cajon, 92021
Khatri, Rakhi MD (ID# 61224) .............. (858)499-2600
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Hindi
Kim, Christine DO (ID# 61216) ............. (858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Korean
Klein, Tom-Oliver MD (ID# 61216) ....... (858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Kooner, Banita DO (ID# 61218) ............ (858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Lang: Spanish| Hindi
Kurisu, Wayne MD (ID# 61218) ............ (858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Kwok, Ronald MD (ID# 61219) ............. (858)499-2706
1240 Broadway AVE, El Cajon, 92021
Lang: Cantonese
Laliotis, Aristotelis MD (ID# 74455)..... (858)499-2600
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Greek| Spanish
Laliotis, Aristotelis MD (ID# 81286)..... (858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Lang: Greek| Spanish
Lavender, Jamie MD (ID# 61218)......... (858)499-2600
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Lee, Timothy MD (ID# 61216) .............. (858)499-2703
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Garcia, Rosemary MD (ID# 61216) .......(858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Leonard, Eva MD (ID# 61221) .............. (858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Chinese
Ghorbani, Shireen MD (ID# 74401).......(858)621-4016
Levey, Douglas MD (ID# 61221)........... (858)499-2703
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Gilman, Frank MD (ID# 61223) .............(858)499-2704
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 200, San Diego, 92110
Lang: Spanish| Norwegian
Greene, Edward MD (ID# 61216) ..........(858)499-2703
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Levinson, Gary MD (ID# 74455) ........... (858)616-2600
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Levinson, Gary MD (ID# 81286) ........... (858)499-2600
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Indica aceptar a pacientes existentes solamente
Certificado por la Asociacion Medica de Especialidades de America
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Zanotti, Daniel DO (ID# 61222).............(858)499-2600
Gross, Bennett MD (ID# 81286)............ (858)499-2600
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Liang, Teh MD (ID# 61221) ...................(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Lin, Cynthia MD (ID# 74455).................(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Martin, Michael MD (ID# 61217) ..........(858)499-2708
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
McCaulie, Joan DO (ID# 61221)............(858)499-2711
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Sharp Health Plan
Wilbur, Stanley MD (ID# 61216) ...........(858)499-2703
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Wynne, Howard MD (ID# 61223)...........(858)499-2704
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 102, San Diego, 92110
Yap, Teddy MD (ID# 61216)...................(858)499-2713
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Yarbrough, Corinne MD (ID# 61218) .....(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Morgan, James MD (ID# 61218)...........(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Pacal, Adam MD (ID# 61223) ...............(858)499-2600
3555 Kenyon ST, STE 201, San Diego, 92110
Pelayo, Jose MD (ID# 61216) ...............(858)499-2703
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Pikus, Mary MD (ID# 79289).................(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Preziosi, Rebecca MD (ID# 61217).......(858)499-2704
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
Raju, Thirumala MD (ID# 74455)..........(858)499-2704
2020 Genesee AVE, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Hindi| Telugu
Rathbun, Brent MD (ID# 81286)............(858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Reynaldo, David MD (ID# 81286) .........(858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Lang: Spanish
Rowell, Diana MD (ID# 61216) .............(858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: French| Spanish
Saluta, Arvin MD (ID# 61218) ...............(858)499-2703
300 Fir ST, San Diego, 92101
Lang: Tagalog
Sanford, Edward DO (ID# 79289) ..........(858)499-2704
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Sanford, Kristen DO (ID# 61224) ..........(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Sartor, Robert MD (ID# 61216) .............(858)499-2703
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Scharpf, Ingrid MD (ID# 61224) ............(858)499-2703
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: French| Spanish
Strouse, Timothy MD (ID# 61224) ........(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Tan, Zehui MD (ID# 61224) ...................(858)499-2704
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Turek, Ahmet MD (ID# 61216)...............(858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Wai, Thynn MD (ID# 61221)..................(858)499-2600
Horikawa, Yousuke MD (ID# 61221)..... (858)499-2600
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91941
Lang: Japanese
Johnson, Frederick MD (ID# 61216)..... (858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Kafka, John MD (ID# 61221)................. (858)499-2701
Kubal, Gargi MD (ID# 61225) ............... (858)499-2701
Antos, Michael MD (ID# 61216) ............(858)499-2701
Manuel, Peggy MD (ID# 61225) ........... (858)499-2701
Montoya, Perry MD (ID# 61216) ...........(858)499-2703
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Spanish
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
McGee, Devon MD (ID# 61216) ............(858)499-2600
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Henderson-Meyer, Tonya MD (ID# 61221) ...................
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Aspin, Mary MD (ID# 61216).................(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Awdykovych, Marta MD (ID# 79289) .....(858)499-2701
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Chinese| Ukranian
Barkley, Jennifer MD (ID# 61217) .........(858)499-2704
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
Lang: Spanish
Berent, Michael MD (ID# 61225) ..........(858)499-2701
2929 Health Center DR, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Butler, Dennis MD (ID# 61221) .............(858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Chu, Cherie MD (ID# 61221) .................(858)499-2701
2929 Health Center DR, San Diego, 92123
2929 Health Center DR, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Spanish
Martin, Michael MD (ID# 61217).......... (858)499-2708
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
Lang: French
Martinez, Albert MD (ID# 74401) ......... (858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Lang: Spanish
Montal, Jeanne MD (ID# 74401) .......... (858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Murillo, Gabriel MD (ID# 61216).......... (858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Narayan, Uma MD (ID# 79289) ............ (858)499-2701
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Hindi
O’Dea, Teresa MD (ID# 74401)............. (858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Ou, Jennie MD (ID# 61224) .................. (858)499-2701
Dipp, Martha MD (ID# 61216) ...............(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Preziosi, Rebecca MD (ID# 61217) ...... (858)499-2704
Dolby, Jennifer MD (ID# 79289)............(858)499-2701
Rathbun, Brent MD (ID# 81286) ........... (858)499-2708
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Gabhart, Lisa MD (ID# 74401) ..............(858)499-2701
10670 Wexford ST, San Diego, 92131
Giangreco, Lizzie MD (ID# 61224) ........(858)499-2600
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: Spanish
Golembesky, Henry MD (ID# 61216).....(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
Lang: Spanish
Gollub, Norman MD (ID# 61225)...........(858)499-2701
2929 Health Center DR, San Diego, 92123
Hall, David MD (ID# 61217) ..................(858)499-2708
12710 Carmel County RD, San Diego, 92130
Hardisty, Teresa MD (ID# 61221) ..........(858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Hart, Carol MD (ID# 61221)...................(858)499-2701
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
12710 Carmel Country RD, San Diego, 92130
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Reed, Eric MD (ID# 61221)................... (858)499-2600
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Spanish
Reynaldo, David MD (ID# 81286)......... (858)499-2708
2600 Via De La Valle, STE 200, Del Mar, 92014
Lang: Spanish
Smart, Joseph MD (ID# 61224) ............ (858)499-2701
16950 Via Tazon, San Diego, 92127
Lang: German
Swami, Meenal MD (ID# 61216) .......... (858)499-2707
525 Third AVE, Chula Vista, 91910
Lang: Hindi
Swami, Meenal MD (ID# 79289) .......... (858)499-2701
10243 Genetic Center DR, San Diego, 92121
Lang: Hindi
Wu, Veda MD (ID# 61225) .................... (858)499-2701
2929 Health Center DR, San Diego, 92123
Lang: Mandarin Chinese
Hartsfield, Jershonda MD (ID# 61216) .(858)499-2701
1400 East Palomar ST, Chula Vista, 91913
5525 Grossmont Center DR, La Mesa, 91942
Lang: Burmese
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Indicates accepting existing patients only
Board Certified
Pharmacies by City
Sharp Health Plan
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 619-445-6904
1385 Tavern Rd
Alpine, CA 91901-0000
SAV ON PHARMACY ....................................... 619-445-0231
2955 Apline Blvd
Alpine, CA 91901-0000
SOUTHERN INDIAN HEALTH COUNCIL........... 619-445-1188
4058 Willows Rd
Alpine, CA 91901-0000
BONITA PHARMACY ....................................... 619-900-6002
4190 Bonita Rd Ste 101
Bonita, CA 91902-1330
RITE AID PHARMACY 05613 .......................... 619-267-1617
438 Bonita Road
Bonita, CA 91902-1421
655 Palm Canyon Dr Ste B
Borrego Springs, CA 92004-2369
CAMP PEND PHCY.......................................... 760-725-1441
Building H100
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-0000
Además de las farmacias indicadas, los asegurados de Sharp Health Plan tienen acceso a las
farmacias Sav-On, Longs Drugs, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy, Vons / Safeway,
Ralph’s, Costco, Target and Wal-Mart Pharmacies por todo el Estado de California.
Nota: Las farmacias fuera de San Diego tal vez no estén familiarizadas con Sharp Health
Plan, así que explique que la cobertura de la farmacia se procesa por medio de MedImpact.
CARLSBAD VILLAGE PHARMACY................... 760-729-2405
1005 Carlsbad Village Dr Ste D2
Carlsbad, CA 92008-1883
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-426-0866
380 East H St
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................760-929-0287
951 Palomar Airport Rd
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-420-7808
555 Broadway Ste 1054
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 760-753-5115
7740 Rancho Santa Fe Road
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-425-1910
16 3rd Avenue Ext
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 760-729-8941
2510 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92008-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-426-3811
880 Third Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2138...........................760-633-3589
7660 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-421-6500
645 E Palomar St
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
HEAD TO TOE LASER CENTER........................ 760-944-9200
3257 Camino Los Coches Ste 203
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-691-0662
1376 3rd Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
6985 El Camino Real Ste A103
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY.......................619-585-0665
855 3rd Ave Ste 1102
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05621 .......................... 760-729-4877
955 Tamarack Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008-3414
MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY.......................619-422-9291
340 4th Ave Ste 1
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05622 .......................... 760-431-7380
7100 Avenida Encinas C
Carlsbad, CA 92009-4657
MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY.......................619-427-1444
480 4th Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
SUPER RX PHARMACY...................................760-929-7912
2687 Gateway Road
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
1295 Broadway Ste 201
Chula Vista, CA 91911-2982
VONS PHARMACY #2065 ...............................760-431-0437
6951 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2724 ...............................760-633-0168
3439 Via Montebello
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
SOUTHERN INDIAN HEALTH COUNCIL........... 619-478-2225
36350 Church Rd
Campo, CA 91906-0000
ADVANCED DIABETES SUPPLY ...................... 760-434-9887
2544 Campbell Pl Ste 150
Carlsbad, CA 92009-0000
BIORX ............................................................. 760-707-1486
1819 Aston Ave Ste 102
Carlsbad, CA 92008-7338
750 Medical Center Court Ste 1
Chula Vista, CA 91911-6635
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................619-205-1528
1130 Broadway
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................619-482-4405
895 East H Street
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................619-397-0466
659 E Palomar St
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05614...........................619-421-4872
740 Otay Lakes Rd
Chula Vista, CA 91910-6915
RITE AID PHARMACY 05615...........................619-421-2988
507 Telegraph Canyon Road
Chula Vista, CA 91910-6436
RITE AID PHARMACY 05617...........................619-656-6944
2230 Otay Lakes Road
Chula Vista, CA 91915-1000
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................619-420-8313
720 3rd Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 06225 .......................... 619-659-1085
1665 Alpine Boulevard
Alpine, CA 91901-3859
In addition to the pharmacies listed here, Sharp Health Plan members have access to SavOn, Longs Drugs, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy, Vons / Safeway, Ralph’s, Costco,
Target and Wal-Mart Pharmacies throughout all of California.
Note: Pharmacies outside of San Diego may not be familiar with Sharp Health Plan, so
please specify that your pharmacy coverage is processed through MedImpact.
Sharp Health Plan
751 Medical Center Court 2nd Floor
Chula Vista, CA 91911-6617
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 619-397-3072
1400 E Palomar St
Chula Vista, CA 91913-1800
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 619-420-7120
525 3rd Ave Ste A
Chula Vista, CA 91910-5696
769 Medical Center Ct Ste 202
Chula Vista, CA 91911-6660
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 619-213-0000
1240 Broadway
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
VETERANS HOME OF CA CHULA VISTA ......... 619-482-6020
700 E Naples Court
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2071 ............................... 619-656-3629
2250 Otay Lakes Rd
Chula Vista, CA 91915-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2826 ............................... 619-421-4142
1745 Eastlake Parkway
Chula Vista, CA 91915-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 619-591-7042
1430 East Lake Parkway
Chula Vista, CA 91915-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 619-691-1308
1111 Third Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 619-407-4057
621 I Street
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2291................... 619-691-0873
75 N Broadway
Chula Vista, CA 91910-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-3516................... 619-421-9432
1360 Eastlake Parkway
Chula Vista, CA 91915-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5305................... 619-591-4909
1150 Broadway
Chula Vista, CA 91911-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05655 .......................... 619-435-6585
836 Orange Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118-2619
230 Prospect Pl Ste 110
Coronado, CA 92118-1943
250 Prospect Place
Coronado, CA 92118-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 619-435-6354
925 Orange Ave
Coronado, CA 92118-2609
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-481-8601
2662 Del Mar Heights Rd
Del Mar, CA 92014-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2182...........................858-481-8159
2707 Via De La Valle
Del Mar, CA 92014-0000
ASMAR COMMUNITY PHARMACY ................. 619-447-9900
436 S Magnolia Ave Ste 102
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
CLARKS GREENFIELD PHARMACY................. 619-441-5800
1685 East Main St Ste 101
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-441-8040
1299 Broadway
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-461-4411
2760 Fletcher Pky
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-447-1069
426 E Chase Ave
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-440-3701
572 Fletcher Pkwy
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-442-9439
790 Jamacha Rd
El Cajon, CA 92019-0000
DMK PHARMACY ............................................619-561-5602
8575 Los Coches Rd Suite 5
El Cajon, CA 92021-8807
EL CAJON EXPRESS PHARMACY ...................619-334-3307
330 S Magnolia Ave Suite 102
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2141...........................619-579-3463
1608 Broadway
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2142...........................619-390-1146
13439 Camino Canada
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
MEDCO DRUGS...............................................619-440-3448
1252 Broadway
El Cajon, CA 92021-4904
MEDICINE CARE PHARMACY .........................619-401-7077
1685 E Main St Ste 103
El Cajon, CA 92021-5225
NUDOS PHARMACY........................................619-442-0303
455 N Magnolia Ave
El Cajon, CA 92020-3606
RITE AID PHARMACY 05625...........................619-447-2332
1135 Avocado Boulevard
El Cajon, CA 92020-7702
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................619-670-7880
2899 Jamacha Rd
El Cajon, CA 92019-0000
SUPERIOR CARE PHARMACY.........................619-785-3993
161 E Main St Ste 104
El Cajon, CA 92020-3993
5442 Dehesa Rd
El Cajon, CA 92019-1816
TARGET PHARMACY .......................................619-315-0016
2911 Jamacha Road
El Cajon, CA 92019-0000
TARGET PHARMACY .......................................619-402-0001
250 Broadway
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
VONS PHARMACY #3044................................619-440-1915
1201 Avocado
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
WALGREENS ...................................................619-401-0761
215 N 2nd St
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
WALGREENS ...................................................619-631-0241
1306 Broadway
El Cajon, CA 92021-5810
WALMART PHARMACY #10-2253...................619-561-2420
13487 Camino Canada
El Cajon, CA 92021-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-3524 ...................619-440-0848
605 Fletcher Parkway
El Cajon, CA 92020-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-4169 ...................619-219-5252
300 N 2nd St
El Cajon, CA 92021-6444
CVS PHARMACY .............................................760-942-2269
129 North El Camino Real
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................760-436-4055
455 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024-3728
NORTH COAST MEDICAL PHARMACY ............760-943-1191
477 N El Camino Real
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05627...........................760-753-2114
439 Santa Fe Drive
Encinitas, CA 92024-5134
RITE AID PHARMACY 06465...........................760-943-9423
4455 Manchester Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
1685 E Main St Ste 301
El Cajon, CA 92021-5292
SUPER RX PHARMACY ...................................760-634-5558
1048 N El Camino Real
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05623 .......................... 619-670-9769
2516 Jamacha Road
El Cajon, CA 92019-0000
TARGET PHARMACY .......................................760-697-9107
1010 N El Camino Real
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Pharmacies by City
Sharp Health Plan
RITE AID PHARMACY 05628 .......................... 760-746-1061
315 W Washington Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025-1704
IMPERIAL BEACH PHARMACY........................619-424-8143
720 Hwy 75
Imperial Beach, CA 91932-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2144 ............................... 760-942-4195
262 No El Camino Real
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05629 .......................... 760-738-4236
1825 South Centre City Pkwy Felicita Town Center
Escondido, CA 92025-6525
WALGREENS................................................... 760-942-2018
1320 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024-2844
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................760-735-5884
1505 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92027-0000
9850 Genesee Ave Ste 830
La Jolla, CA 92037-1219
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5886................... 760-704-0259
1550 Leucadia Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024-2371
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 760-705-0044
1280 Auto Parkway South
Escondido, CA 92029-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................858-456-4833
5495 La Jolla Blvd
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 760-705-9020
280 E Via Rancho Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92025-8005
CVS PHARMACY .............................................858-551-8698
7525 Eads Ave
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2156 ...............................760-489-0981
2345 E Valley Parkway
Escondido, CA 92027-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................858-457-4480
8831 Villa La Jolla
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2344 ...............................760-480-4900
351 W Felicita Ave Hwy 395
Escondido, CA 92025-0000
LA JOLLA DISCOUNT ......................................858-622-1800
9850 Genesee Ave Ste 160
La Jolla, CA 92037-1205
VONS PHARMACY #2345 ...............................760-747-5910
1000 W El Norte Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92026-0000
LA JOLLA DISCOUNT COMPOUNDING ...........858-622-1800
9850 Genesee Avenue Suite 160-b
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
1574 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92027-0000
7650 Girard Ave
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
460 W Felicita Ave
Escondido, CA 92025-6518
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................858-597-0108
8657 Villa La Jolla Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
111 W Washington
Escondido, CA 92025-0000
REGENTS PHARMACY ....................................858-281-5200
4150 Regents Park Row Ste 155
La Jolla, CA 92037-9179
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-3084................... 760-871-6762
1266 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92027-2310
9300 Campus Point Dr Rm 2-301
La Jolla, CA 92037-1300
ADVANCE CARE PHARMACY .......................... 760-489-7077
528 N Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-746-9400
1655 S Center City
Escondido, CA 92025-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-489-1505
318 W El Norte Parkway
Escondido, CA 92026-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-747-2500
1665 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92027-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-745-2503
2427 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92027-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-738-9835
1560 W Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92029-0000
DRUG CO PHARMACY .................................... 760-745-6672
307 N Ash St
Escondido, CA 92027-3015
ESCONDIDO PHARMACY & DME ................... 760-480-1081
909 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92025-3428
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5996................... 760-317-2275
1330 E Grand Ave
Escondido, CA 92027-3019
FELICITA PHARMACY ..................................... 760-432-8520
625 W Citracado Pkwy # Ste.106
Escondido, CA 92025-6428
MED-RX LTC ................................................... 760-480-1871
911 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92025-3428
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 760-723-5721
1101 S Mission Rd
Fallbrook, CA 92028-0000
MERCY CARE PHARMACY.............................. 760-294-0014
488 E. Valley Parkway Ste 101
Escondido, CA 92025-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05631 .......................... 760-728-6063
1331 South Mission Road
Fallbrook, CA 92028-4007
460 N Elm St
Escondido, CA 92025-0000
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................760-723-8178
1133 S Mission Rd
Fallbrook, CA 92028-0000
PALOMAR PHARMACY .................................. 760-294-0790
1955 Citracado Pkwy # Suite101
Escondido, CA 92029-4111
VILLAGE PHARMACY......................................760-645-3021
587 E Elder St Ste C
Fallbrook, CA 92028-3089
347 W Mission Ave
Escondido, CA 92025-1729
1285 S Mission Rd
Fallbrook, CA 92028-4005
PMC OUTPATIENT PHARMACY ...................... 442-281-4000
2185 Citracado Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92029-4159
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-424-8989
800 Palm Ave
Imperial Beach, CA 91932-0000
UCSD MOORES CANCER CENTER ..................858-822-6088
3855 Health Science Dr # 0845
La Jolla, CA 92093-0845
VONS PHARMACY #2323................................858-454-0932
7544 Girard
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
VONS PHARMACY #4901................................858-657-0583
9350 Campus Point Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037-0000
5555 Grossmont Center Drive
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................619-667-8520
8125 Fletcher Parkway
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-465-1013
5500 Grossmont Center Dr, Bldg P
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-670-5335
3749 Avocado Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91941-0000
UCSD-SDCC RETAIL PHARMACY ................... 760-536-7686
1200 Garden View Rd Ste 103
Encinitas, CA 92024-2477
VONS PHARMACY #2373 ...............................951-245-5732
31564 Grape St
Lake Elsinore, CA 92532-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................951-677-4219
25080 Hancock Ave
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
GROSSMONT PHARMACY.............................. 619-462-2400
5565 Grossmont Center Dr Ste 150
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
160 Diamond Dr
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
CVS PHARMACY #07554 ................................951-600-0692
23743 Jackson Ave
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
LA MESA PHARMACY..................................... 619-466-3246
8301 La Mesa Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91942-0217
18296 Collier Ave
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-2754
28078 Baxter Rd Ste 140
Murrieta, CA 92563-1403
MEDICAL ARTS PHARMACY........................... 619-461-8551
8851 Center Dr Ste 110
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2077 ...................951-245-4329
31700 Grape Street
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
41538 Eastman Dr
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
PRICE RITE PHARMACY ................................. 619-469-0161
5115 Garfield St
La Mesa, CA 91941-5197
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................ 619-667-9626
8920 Fletcher Pkwy
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
Sharp Health Plan
GROSSMONT HOSPITAL PHARMACY ............ 619-740-4452
5555 Grossmont Ctr Dr Box 158
La Mesa, CA 91942-0000
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 619-644-6650
5525 Grossmont Center Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942-3009
VILLAGE ROSE PHARMACY ........................... 619-741-1344
7773 University Ave
La Mesa, CA 91942-4950
VONS PHARMACY #2093 ............................... 619-464-1102
8011 University Ave
La Mesa, CA 91941-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5684................... 619-403-5397
8810 Grossmont Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91942-9027
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 951-253-6039
29315 Central Ave
Lake Elsinore, CA 92532-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 951-244-6001
29985 Canyon Hills Rd
Lake Elsinore, CA 92532-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 951-245-5540
2091 E Lakeshore Dr
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
DELTA DRUGS ................................................ 951-245-2325
2497 E Lakeshore Dr Ste B
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-4437
GENRX DRUG ................................................. 951-674-6836
16800 Lakeshore Dr Ste 1 Ste 1
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
LAKE VIEW PHARMACY ................................. 951-245-4488
31571 Canyon Estates Dr Suite 118
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 06509 .......................... 951-674-0309
16491 Lakeshore Drive
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................ 951-245-5492
30901 Riverside Dr
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 951-674-2696
18287 Collier Ave
Lake Elsinore, CA 92530-0000
LEO’S LAKESIDE PHARMACY.........................619-443-1013
9943 Maine Ave
Lakeside, CA 92040-3191
RITE AID PHARMACY 05632 .......................... 619-390-7342
9532 Winter Gardens Boulevard
Lakeside, CA 92040-4006
9728 Winter Gardens Blvd
Lakeside, CA 92040-3809
BROADWAY PHARMACY.................................619-717-8990
7581 Broadway
Lemon Grove, CA 91945-1605
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-697-3415
7100 Broadway
Lemon Grove, CA 91945-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05618 .......................... 619-465-6694
7224 Broadway
Lemon Grove, CA 91945-2537
7195 Broadway
Lemon Grove, CA 91945-1408
CVS PHARMACY #05267 ................................951-301-6356
26973 Newport Rd
Menifee, CA 92584-9221
HOPE PLAZA PHARMACY ...............................951-301-6255
29798 Haun Rd Ste 100
Menifee, CA 92584-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05730 .......................... 951-679-5199
25906 Newport Road
Menifee, CA 92584-9130
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 951-723-6152
30340 Haun Rd
Menifee, CA 92584-0000
30251 Murrieta Rd
Menifee, CA 92584-0000
OFFICE BUILD .............................................951-704-1774
28078 Baxter Road Suite 326
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
PROCARE PHARMACY ....................................951-304-2038
25405 Hancock Ave Ste 100
Murrieta, CA 92562-5978
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................951-600-8639
23801 Washington Ave
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
25485 Medical Center Dr Ste 110
Murrieta, CA 92562-6927
RITE AID PHARMACY 05727...........................951-677-2762
40640 California Oaks Road
Murrieta, CA 92562-5857
RITE AID PHARMACY 05728...........................951-698-9793
40481 Murrieta Hot Springs Road Murrieta Town Center
Murrieta, CA 92563-6401
SAMS PHARMACY 10-4822............................951-696-4513
40500 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................951-600-4479
39140 Winchester Rd
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................951-600-1127
41000 California Oaks Rd
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................951-679-5328
28047 Scott Rd
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
TARGET PHARMACY .......................................951-704-1124
27818 Clinton Keith Rd
Murrieta, CA 92562-8554
TARGET PHARMACY .......................................951-696-7612
41040 California Oaks Rd
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
VALLEY INTERNAL PHYSICIANS ....................951-677-2252
40700 California Oaks Rd, Ste 207
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2660................................951-677-6375
38995 Sky Canyon Dr
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
WALGREENS ...................................................951-304-1219
40663 California Oaks Rd
Murrieta, CA 92562-5728
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 951-698-9616
23791 Washington Ave
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
WALGREENS ...................................................951-894-1476
29910a Murrieta Hot Springs Rd
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Pharmacies by City
Sharp Health Plan
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................760-806-3225
4251 Oceanside Blvd
Oceanside, CA 92056-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................858-748-9220
12358 Poway Road
Poway, CA 92064-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 951-301-0670
33060 Antelope Rd
Murrieta, CA 92563-2409
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................760-631-2605
3533 Cannon Rd
Oceanside, CA 92056-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2186...........................858-748-9130
14837 Pomerado Rd
Poway, CA 92064-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2952................... 951-461-1481
41200 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd
Murrieta, CA 92562-0000
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................760-754-1906
101 Old Grove Rd
Oceanside, CA 92057-0000
15644 Pomerado Rd Ste 303
Poway, CA 92064-2429
RITE AID PHARMACY 05634 .......................... 760-433-4013
1201 South Coast Highway
Oceanside, CA 92054-5119
RITE AID PHARMACY 05637...........................858-486-0851
12666 Poway Road
Poway, CA 92064-4416
RITE AID PHARMACY 05635 .......................... 760-941-0712
3813 Plaza Drive
Oceanside, CA 92056-4624
SUPER RX PHARMACY...................................858-486-9995
13589 Poway Road
Poway, CA 92064-0000
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................760-729-4127
3450 Marron Rd
Oceanside, CA 92056-0000
WALGREENS ...................................................858-435-7580
13390 Poway Rd
Poway, CA 92064-4626
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................760-433-9634
3925 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92054-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-1700 ...................858-486-1801
13425 Community Road
Poway, CA 92064-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 760-828-0001
2255 El Camino Real
Oceanside, CA 92054-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 619-474-6703
1730 Sweetwater Rd
National City, CA 91950-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 619-477-7114
1201 E Plaza Blvd
National City, CA 91950-0000
MERCURY PHARMACY................................... 619-336-1437
1420 E Plaza Blvd Ste B3
National City, CA 91950-3698
PLAZA PHARMACY......................................... 619-267-0768
2220 E Plaza Blvd Ste L
National City, CA 91950-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 619-267-1950
885 Euclid Ave
National City, CA 91950-0000
WALMART PHARMACY #10-5023 .................. 619-336-1607
1200 Highland Avenue
National City, CA 91950-0000
WELLS DRUG ................................................. 619-267-8882
2403 E Plaza Blvd
National City, CA 91950-5101
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-721-2433
1706 Oceanside Blvd
Oceanside, CA 92054-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-945-4676
1980 College Blvd
Oceanside, CA 92056-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-433-9597
4615 Frazee Road
Oceanside, CA 92057-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-757-9348
3925 N River Rd
Oceanside, CA 92058-0000
MISSION PARK PHARMACY........................... 760-757-1212
2201 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92058-0000
NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES OCEANSIDE-CARLSBAD............................................................. 760-757-4566
605 Crouch St Bldg C
Oceanside, CA 92054-4415
3617 Vista Way
Oceanside, CA 92056-0000
OCEANSIDE PHARMACY ................................ 760-231-5800
3601 Vista Way Ste 103
Oceanside, CA 92056-4559
818 Pier View Way
Oceanside, CA 92054-2803
VONS PHARMACY #2360 ...............................760-630-6252
845 College Blvd
Oceanside, CA 92057-0000
3752 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92058-1417
3507 Cannon Rd
Oceanside, CA 92056-4977
4181 Oceanside Blvd
Oceanside, CA 92056-6004
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2245................... 760-631-1857
705 College Blvd
Oceanside, CA 92057-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2494................... 760-966-0143
2100 Vista Way
Oceanside, CA 92054-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5075................... 760-730-7386
3405 Marron Road
Oceanside, CA 92056-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5637................... 760-696-9908
1046 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92054-2843
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................858-273-2108
4315 Mission Blvd
Pacific Beach, CA 92109-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................858-848-2478
12155 Tech Center Drive
Poway, CA 92064-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................760-789-9062
1810 Main St.
Ramona, CA 92065-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05638...........................760-788-7074
1670 Main Street
Ramona, CA 92065-5240
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................760-789-0094
1459 Main St
Ramona, CA 92065-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................858-451-2630
16773 Bernardo Center Dr
Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2079................................858-485-1704
11986 Bernardo Plaza
Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128-0000
6056 El Tordo
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067-1188
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-465-6800
7393 Jackson
San Carlos, CA 92119-0000
AHF PHARMACY .............................................619-574-9700
3940 Fourth Ave Ste 150
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
ALLEN PHARMACY .........................................619-232-8101
1141 6th Ave
San Diego, CA 92101-5203
WALGREENS................................................... 951-698-7459
40420 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd
Murrieta, CA 92563-0000
Sharp Health Plan
ALVARADO COMMUNITY PHARMACY............ 619-287-7697
6367 Alvarado Court Ste 109
San Diego, CA 92120-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-566-3031
8260 Mira Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92126-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-234-5952
645 Market St
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
BALBOA PHARMACY ...................................... 858-278-0111
6465 Balboa Ave Ste 101
San Diego, CA 92111-3124
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-273-5300
4829 Clairemont Dr
San Diego, CA 92117-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................619-615-0263
510 C St
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
BRIAN PHARMACY ......................................... 619-563-9917
4224 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92105-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-563-9990
10350 Friars Rd
San Diego, CA 92120-0000
CVS PHARMACY # ..........................................619-222-1457
4949 Santa Monica Ave
San Diego, CA 92107-2812
CARE PHARMACY........................................... 619-501-8046
5065 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-550-9066
8915 Towne Centre Dr
San Diego, CA 92122-0000
CVS PHARMACY # ..........................................858-385-0223
11655 Duenda Rd, B1/b2
San Diego, CA 92127-0000
CARE PLUS CVS/PHARMACY #...................... 619-291-7377
1010 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-278-0047
3332 Sandrock Road
San Diego, CA 92123-0000
DAWN PHARMACY..........................................619-287-1206
4776 El Cajon Blvd Ste 105
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
CARMEL VALLEY PHARMACY ........................ 858-481-4990
12750 Carmel Country Rd Suite A101
San Diego, CA 92130-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-483-1489
1792 Garnet Ave
San Diego, CA 92109-0000
2995 National Avenue
San Diego, CA 92113-0000
CHILDRENS MEDICAL CENTER PHCY............ 858-966-4060
3030 Childrens Wy Ste 108
San Diego, CA 92123-4226
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-298-3655
5644 Mission Center Rd, Suite 201
San Diego, CA 92108-4328
GOOD MORNING PHARMACY.........................858-268-1660
4898 Convoy St # 102
San Diego, CA 92111-0000
610 Gateway Center Way Ste A
San Diego, CA 92102-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-273-0900
4445 Mission Blvd
San Diego, CA 92109-0000
951 Turquoise St
San Diego, CA 92109-1192
640 University Ave.
San Diego, CA 92103-3213
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-523-1440
3950 W Point Loma Blvd
San Diego, CA 92110-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2187 ...........................858-385-9229
12475 Rancho Bernardo Rd
San Diego, CA 92128-0000
3177 Oceanview Blvd
San Diego, CA 92113-1498
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-283-7366
3151 University
San Diego, CA 92104-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2188 ...........................858-780-9872
7895 Highland Village Pl
San Diego, CA 92129-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-263-8116
1380 43rd St
San Diego, CA 92113-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2189 ...........................858-578-7267
10740 Westview Pkwy
San Diego, CA 92126-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-225-9691
3327 Rosecrans St
San Diego, CA 92110-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2190 ...........................858-576-2270
5950 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA 92111-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-279-2860
5685 Balboa Ave
San Diego, CA 92111-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2206 ...........................858-672-2598
14340 Penasquitos Drive
San Diego, CA 92129-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-287-6848
6265 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
HILLCREST PHARMACY..................................619-260-1010
120 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-280-5006
4404 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
2710 Health Center Dr Ste B
San Diego, CA 92123-2761
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-429-8932
645 Saturn Blvd
San Diego, CA 92154-0000
JP PHARMACY ................................................858-271-0014
9188 Mira Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92126-4804
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-424-7030
3350 Palm Ave
San Diego, CA 92154-0000
KHANH PHARMACY ........................................619-280-0199
4575 El Cajon Blvd Ste C
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-547-3939
10575 Scripps Poway Prky
San Diego, CA 92131-0000
4060 Fairmount Ave
San Diego, CA 92105-1609
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-291-7170
313 Washington St
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
LA VITA COMPOUNDING PHARMACY.............858-453-2500
3978 Sorrento Valley Blvd Ste 300
San Diego, CA 92121-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 619-231-9361
71 Horton Plaza
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
LINDA VISTA PHARMACY ...............................858-277-6147
2361 Ulric St
San Diego, CA 92111-6494
12310 World Trade Dr
San Diego, CA 92128-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 858-675-0930
12350 Carmel Mtn Road
San Diego, CA 92128-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 858-581-4550
4605 Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 619-358-4002
2345 Fenton Parkway
San Diego, CA 92108-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 619-358-2302
650 Gateway Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92102-0000
CRESCENT HEALTHCARE INC......................... 858-547-8487
10070 Carroll Canyon Rd
San Diego, CA 92131-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 858-538-8770
9225 Twin Trails Drive
San Diego, CA 92129-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 858-451-1050
14589 Camino Del Norte
San Diego, CA 92128-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 858-673-3460
10560 4s Commons Dr
San Diego, CA 92127-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 858-566-4551
10776 Westview Pkwy
San Diego, CA 92126-0000
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Pharmacies by City
Sharp Health Plan
LINHKIEU T NGUYEN, MD, INC...................... 619-284-1400
3375 Euclid Ave Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92105-0000
MAJESTIC PHARMACY................................... 619-280-1254
4456 Vandever Ave Ste 5
San Diego, CA 92120-0000
MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY ...................... 858-560-1911
7910 Frost St Ste 130
San Diego, CA 92123-0000
MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY ...................... 619-819-2200
286 Euclid Ave Ste 206
San Diego, CA 92114-3612
3904 Park Blvd
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
MEDICAL ONCOLOGY ASSOCIATES OF SAN DIEGO A MEDICAL GROUP INC ......................................... 858-637-7888
3075 Health Center Drive Ste 102
San Diego, CA 92123-0000
9323 Chesapeake Dr Ste C1
San Diego, CA 92123-1034
MODERN HEALTH PHARMACY - SD............... 858-668-3350
13220 Evening Creek Dr South Ste 110
San Diego, CA 92128-0000
NGUYEN HIENS PHARMACY .......................... 619-521-0013
4242 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92105-1230
OMNICARE OF SAN DIEGO............................. 858-453-8948
5601 Oberlin Dr Ste 124
San Diego, CA 92121-3709
PARADISE HILLS PHARMACY ........................ 619-470-3710
5865 Cumberland St
San Diego, CA 92139-0000
PAUL E KIM MD INC ....................................... 619-543-0144
3549 Camino Del Rio S Ste A
San Diego, CA 92108-4023
PHARMERICA ................................................. 858-693-4123
8930 Activity Road Suite K
San Diego, CA 92126-0000
PJ’S PHARMACY & COMPOUNDING.............. 619-223-5404
3405 Kenyon St Suite 107
San Diego, CA 92110-0000
1602 Thomas Ave
San Diego, CA 92109-4423
4501 Mission Bay Dr #1c D
San Diego, CA 92109-0000
220 Euclid Ave Ste 30
San Diego, CA 92114-3617
10737 Camino Ruiz Ste 220
San Diego, CA 92126-2363
2017 1st Ave Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
2017 1st Ave Ste 301
San Diego, CA 92101-2033
4575 College Ave
San Diego, CA 92115-4011
4305 University Ave Ste 350
San Diego, CA 92105-8602
POINT LOMA CABRILLO DRUG ......................619-223-7171
955 Catalina Blvd #102a
San Diego, CA 92106-0000
PRIDE PHARMACY ......................................... 619-501-5888
1270 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92103-3312
PT LOMA SHELTER ISLAND PHCY ................. 619-223-7171
1105 Rosecrans St
San Diego, CA 92106-0000
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................619-225-1631
3345 Sports Arena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92110-4920
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................858-675-7028
10525 4s Commons Drive
San Diego, CA 92127-0000
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................619-298-5181
1020 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................619-237-7660
101 G Street
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
REZCARE PHARMACY ....................................619-878-6188
701 B St Ste C748
San Diego, CA 92101-8101
RITE AID PHARMACY 05643 .......................... 619-233-1666
427 C Street Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92101-5108
RITE AID PHARMACY 05644 .......................... 619-291-3705
535 Robinson Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103-4209
RITE AID PHARMACY 05646 .......................... 619-264-7211
1735 Euclid Avenue
San Diego, CA 92105-5414
RITE AID PHARMACY 05647 .......................... 619-222-7503
4840 Niagara Avenue
San Diego, CA 92107-3115
RITE AID PHARMACY 05649 .......................... 858-277-6730
6939 Linda Vista Road
San Diego, CA 92111-6305
RITE AID PHARMACY 05651...........................619-286-3470
6405 El Cajon Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92115-2642
RITE AID PHARMACY 05652...........................619-563-0802
3650 Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116-2212
RITE AID PHARMACY 05653...........................858-292-9349
5270 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA 92117-6902
RITE AID PHARMACY 05654...........................619-275-1175
3081b Clairemont Dr
San Diego, CA 92117-6802
RITE AID PHARMACY 05656...........................619-460-5978
8694 Lake Murray Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92119-2828
RITE AID PHARMACY 05657...........................619-284-3345
6505 Mission Gorge Road
San Diego, CA 92120-2306
RITE AID PHARMACY 05658...........................858-453-0631
4077 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122-2522
RITE AID PHARMACY 05660...........................858-576-0972
10631 Tierrasanta Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92124-2605
RITE AID PHARMACY 05661...........................858-566-3490
8985 Mira Mesa Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92126-2716
RITE AID PHARMACY 05662...........................858-451-5711
11845 Carmel Mountain Rd
San Diego, CA 92128-4602
RITE AID PHARMACY 05665...........................858-484-7909
13167 Black Mountain Rd
San Diego, CA 92129-2684
RITE AID PHARMACY 05666...........................858-792-7040
3515 Delmar Heights Road
San Diego, CA 92130-2122
RITE AID PHARMACY 05668...........................619-424-8612
1854 Coronado Avenue
San Diego, CA 92154-2007
RITE AID PHARMACY 06466...........................619-231-7405
1411 Kettner Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92101-2420
RITE AID PHARMACY 06711...........................717-975-5937
13460 Highlands Pl
San Diego, CA 92130-2401
RONS PHARMACY SERVICES.........................858-652-6900
6225 Nancy Ridge Dr
San Diego, CA 92121-0000
ROYAL PHARMACY GROUP............................619-282-1338
4419 47th Street
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
SAMS PHARMACY 10-6235............................619-858-0097
6336 College Grove Way
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
SAN DG NMC PHCY PARENT ..........................619-532-8400
Business Office Code Rbe 34520 Bob Wilson Dr Ste 20
San Diego, CA 92134-2020
SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY PHARMACY............619-279-5701
3703 Camino Del Rio S Ste 215b
San Diego, CA 92108-4032
4074 Fairmount Avenue
San Diego, CA 92105-0000
7526 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92111-1504
Sharp Health Plan
SAN DIEGO COMPOUNDING PHCY ................ 858-277-8884
5395 Ruffin Rd Ste 104
San Diego, CA 92123-0000
UCSD HOME INFUSION PHARMACY ..............619-543-5231
9610 Ridgehaven Ct Ste A
San Diego, CA 92123-5603
VONS PHARMACY #4018................................858-621-5120
10016 Scripps Ranch Blvd
San Diego, CA 92131-0000
PHARMACY ................................................ 619-692-5741
3851 Rosecrans St
San Diego, CA 92110-3190
UCSD MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY ............619-543-3279
200 W Arbor Dr Rm I317
San Diego, CA 92103-8765
VONS PHARMACY #4902................................619-299-0012
330 Lewis St 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
SAN DIEGO VAMC PHARMACY....................... 619-553-8585
3350 La Jolla Village Dr
San Diego, CA 92161-0002
4168 Front Street
San Diego, CA 92103-8729
WALGREENS ...................................................619-528-1793
3222 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92104-2010
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................ 619-237-9127
655 14th St
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
UNION PHARMACY......................................... 858-467-9201
2420 Ulric St
San Diego, CA 92111-0000
SENIOR MEDICAL ASSOCIATES ..................... 619-299-1419
2810 Camino Del Rio S Ste 102
San Diego, CA 92108-3819
1875 3rd Ave
San Diego, CA 92101-0000
SHARP HOME INFUSION SERVICES .............. 858-627-5600
3558 Ruffin Rd So.
San Diego, CA 92123-2596
1765 4th Ave
San Diego, CA 92101-2670
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 858-939-6540
2929 Health Center Dr
San Diego, CA 92123-2762
4616 El Cajon Blvd Ste 6
San Diego, CA 92115-4490
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 858-526-6080
10243 Genetic Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92121-6310
VONS PHARMACY #1797 ...............................858-523-1847
4627 Carmel Mountain Rd
San Diego, CA 92130-0000
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 858-521-2290
16950 Via Tuazon
San Diego, CA 92127-1607
VONS PHARMACY #2012 ...............................858-455-6340
7788 Regents Rd
San Diego, CA 92122-0000
SHARP REES STEALY PHARMACY ................. 619-446-1512
300 Fir St
San Diego, CA 92101-2327
VONS PHARMACY #2053 ...............................619-222-9736
3645 Midway Dr
San Diego, CA 92110-0000
3558 Ruffin Rd. So.
San Diego, CA 92123-2596
VONS PHARMACY #2081 ...............................858-484-7241
13255 Black Mountain Rd
San Diego, CA 92129-0000
SKILLED NURSING PHARMACY..................... 858-564-2000
9920 Scripps Lake Drive Ste 108
San Diego, CA 92131-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2107 ...............................858-693-1545
10675 Scripps Poway Parkway
San Diego, CA 92131-0000
11125 Flintkote Ave Ste F
San Diego, CA 92121-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2115 ...............................619-428-3311
620 Dennery Rd
San Diego, CA 92173-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 858-227-3919
17170 Camino Del Sur
San Diego, CA 92127-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 858-357-2002
8251 Mira Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92126-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 619-471-0030
3245 Sports Arean Blvd
San Diego, CA 92110-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 619-684-7087
3030 Grape St
San Diego, CA 92102-1134
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 858-309-6565
5680 Balboa Ave
San Diego, CA 92111-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 619-542-0292
1288 Camino Del Rio N
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
THE MEDICINE SHOPPE ................................. 619-470-4550
2939 Alta View Dr Suite L
San Diego, CA 92139-3394
VONS PHARMACY #2118 ...............................858-292-4148
3550 Murphy Canyon
San Diego, CA 92123-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2119 ...............................858-793-4667
3850 Valley Centre Dr
San Diego, CA 92130-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2352 ...............................619-583-4160
6155 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2355 ...............................619-284-3582
4145 30th Street
San Diego, CA 92104-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2358 ...............................619-280-5514
3610 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2735 ...............................619-758-9004
2495 Truxtun Rd Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92106-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2784 ...............................619-299-0079
515 W Washington St
San Diego, CA 92103-0000
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
WALGREENS ...................................................619-521-9753
4029 43rd St Ste 700
San Diego, CA 92105-1510
WALGREENS ...................................................619-221-0834
3005 Midway Drive
San Diego, CA 92110-0000
WALGREENS ...................................................858-495-9155
5504 Balboa Ave
San Diego, CA 92111-2704
WALGREENS ...................................................619-321-1614
602 Euclid Ave
San Diego, CA 92114-2207
WALGREENS ...................................................858-437-0761
10787 Camino Ruiz
San Diego, CA 92126-2304
WALGREENS ...................................................619-667-8764
8766 Navajo Rd
San Diego, CA 92119-2722
WALGREENS ...................................................619-325-0423
301 University Ave
San Diego, CA 92103-3008
WALMART PHARMACY #10-2479...................619-858-0074
3412 College Ave.
San Diego, CA 92115-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2150 ...................619-428-4088
710 Dennery Road
San Diego, CA 92154-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2177 ...................858-571-6971
3382 Murphy Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92123-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5338 ...................858-268-7840
4840 Shawline Street
San Diego, CA 92111-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5638 ...................619-849-5834
2121 Imperial Ave
San Diego, CA 92102-3826
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-5938 ...................619-205-6147
575 Saturn Blvd
San Diego, CA 92154-4731
WELLNESSRX PHARMACY .............................619-582-1933
5971 University Ave Ste 304
San Diego, CA 92115-6348
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................760-871-6868
725 Center Dr
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................760-471-9007
191 Woodland Pkwy
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
Pharmacies by City
Sharp Health Plan
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-739-0731
997 Woodland Pkwy
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
9305 Mission Gorge Rd
Santee, CA 92071-3815
CVS PHARMACY .............................................951-296-6729
40365 Winchester Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-471-8019
320 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos, CA 92078-0000
10512 Mission Gorge Rd
Santee, CA 92071-3146
CVS PHARMACY .............................................951-303-3164
33205 Temecula Pkwy
Temecula, CA 92592-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-599-0353
734 S Rancho Santa Fe
San Marcos, CA 92078-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-1917................... 619-449-8002
170 Town Center Parkway
Santee, CA 92071-0000
CVS PHARMACY .............................................951-303-9417
31021 Temecula Parkway
Temecula, CA 92592-0000
CVS PHARMACY #07127................................ 760-471-7205
1302 West Mission Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
EVERGREEN RX PHARMACY ..........................951-296-9074
41750 Winchester Rd Ste N
Temecula, CA 92590-4898
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2191 .......................... 760-471-0750
671 Rancho Santa Fe Road
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
QUALITY-CARE PHARMACY ........................... 760-744-5959
727 W San Marcos Blvd Ste 113
San Marcos, CA 92078-0000
RALPHS PHARMACY...................................... 760-891-0618
306 Twin Oaks Valley Rd
San Marcos, CA 92078-0000
SAV ON PHARMACY ....................................... 760-798-2824
1571 San Elijo Rd S
San Marcos, CA 92078-0000
WALMART PHARMACY #10-3494 .................. 760-233-8971
732 Center Drive
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
WELCARE PHARMACY ................................... 760-727-3333
1921 W San Marcos Blvd Ste 140
San Marcos, CA 92078-3994
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 619-428-4428
444 E San Ysidro Blvd
San Ysidro, CA 92173-0000
SAN YSIDRO HEALTH CENTER PHCY............. 619-428-5354
4004 Beyer Blvd
San Ysidro, CA 92173-0000
ALL CARE PHARMACY ................................... 619-449-0908
8790 Cuyamaca Street Suite B
Santee, CA 92071-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 619-562-3993
101 Town Center Parkway
Santee, CA 92071-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 619-448-5110
9730 Mission Gorge
Santee, CA 92071-0000
HAGGEN PHARMACY #2192 .......................... 619-449-0110
9870 N Magnolia Ave
Santee, CA 92071-0000
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 619-449-9682
9846 Mission Gorge Road
Santee, CA 92071-0000
VONS PHARMACY #1897 ............................... 619-596-5977
9643 Mission Gorge Rd
Santee, CA 92071-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-755-6697
683 Lomas Santa Fe
Solana Beach, CA 92075-0000
VONS PHARMACY #2327 ...............................858-481-2894
931 Lomas Santa Fe Dr
Solana Beach, CA 92075-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05620 .......................... 619-463-9848
661 Sweetwater Road Spring Valley Center
Spring Valley, CA 91977-2358
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................619-461-9170
9831 Campo Rd
Spring Valley, CA 91977-0000
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................619-461-2100
543 Sweetwater Rd
Spring Valley, CA 91977-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05704 .......................... 951-301-0063
27350 Sun City Boulevard
Sun City, CA 92586-5506
VONS PHARMACY #2386 ...............................951-679-8889
27220 Sun City Blvd
Sun City, CA 92586-0000
27975 Bradley Rd
Sun City, CA 92586-0000
CHINO PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY ..............951-296-2252
41715 Winchester Road #108
Temecula, CA 92590-0000
COSTCO PHARMACY ......................................951-719-2002
26610 Ynez Road
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 951-695-1713
30640 Rancho California Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 951-699-0192
29610 Rancho California Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 951-699-7587
31771 Rancho California Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-2997
KMART PHARMACY3828 ................................951-296-1575
26471 Ynez Road
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
NUFACTOR ......................................................800-323-6832
41093 County Center Dr Ste B
Temecula, CA 92591-6025
RALPHS PHARMACY ......................................951-303-8764
33145 Temecula Parkway
Temecula, CA 92592-0000
RITE AID PHARMACY 05469...........................951-302-9353
31797 Highway 79 South Vail Ranch Center
Temecula, CA 92592-5869
RITE AID PHARMACY 06438...........................951-676-0703
39782 Winchester Road
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................951-303-1144
31960 Temecula Pkwy
Temecula, CA 92592-0000
SAVON PHARMACY.........................................951-694-0055
30530 Rancho California Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
SUPER RX PHARMACY...................................951-302-3737
31813 Temecula Pkwy
Temecula, CA 92592-0000
TARGET PHARMACY .......................................951-693-2704
29676 Rancho California Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
VAIL RANCH PHARMACY................................951-303-8300
32675 Temecula Pkwy Ste B
Temecula, CA 92592-0000
VONS PHARMACY #1962................................951-695-7273
29530 Rancho California Rd
Temecula, CA 92591-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2708 ...................951-506-7631
32225 Highway 79 South
Temecula, CA 92590-0000
29115 Valley Center Rd Ste F
Valley Center, CA 92082-0000
CEDAR PARK PHARMACY...............................760-630-8806
130 Cedar Rd
Vista, CA 92083-6001
NCHS PHARMACY .......................................... 760-736-6711
150 Valpreda Rd
San Marcos, CA 92069-0000
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 858-259-0340
305 S Highway 101
Solana Beach, CA 92075-0000
Sharp Health Plan
COSTCO PHARMACY...................................... 760-631-5378
1755 Hacienda Drive
Vista, CA 92081-0000
SAVON PHARMACY ........................................951-600-4620
23893 Clinton Keith Rd
Wildomar, CA 92595-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-643-3904
635 S Melrose Dr
Vista, CA 92081-0000
SUPER RX PHARMACY...................................951-678-1755
36010 Hidden Springs Road
Wildomar, CA 92595-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-630-2134
883 S Santa Fe Avenue
Vista, CA 92083-0000
CVS PHARMACY............................................. 760-414-1681
1441 N Santa Fe
Vista, CA 92084-0000
CVS PHARMACY #.......................................... 760-727-4221
1631 S Melrose Dr
Vista, CA 92081-2405
CVS PHARMACY ............................................. 951-926-1223
30736 Benton Rd
Winchester, CA 92596-0000
SUPER RX PHARMACY...................................951-325-2523
30712 Benton Road
Winchester, CA 92596-0000
MED CARE PHARMACY .................................. 760-758-7650
161 Thunder Dr Number 100
Vista, CA 92083-0000
1031 E Vista Way
Vista, CA 92084-0000
1964 Via Ctr
Vista, CA 92081-6056
RITE AID PHARMACY 05642 .......................... 760-726-1909
1363 East Vista Way
Vista, CA 92084-4041
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 760-208-6112
3150 Business Park Dr
Vista, CA 92081-8520
TARGET PHARMACY....................................... 760-208-6000
1751 University Dr
Vista, CA 92083-0000
VISTA COMMUNITY CLINIC............................ 760-631-5030
134 Grapevine Rd
Vista, CA 92083-0000
1000 Vale Terrace
Vista, CA 92084-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 760-630-5723
310 Sycamore Ave
Vista, CA 92083-7702
WALGREENS................................................... 760-724-3763
1510 N Santa Fe Ave
Vista, CA 92083-0000
WALGREENS................................................... 760-724-3116
802 S Santa Fe Avenue
Vista, CA 92084-0000
WAL-MART PHARMACY 10-2094................... 760-945-2091
1800 University Drive
Vista, CA 92083-0000
BEAR CREEK PHARMACY............................... 951-677-4880
36243 Inland Valley Dr #130
Wildomar, CA 92595-9549
RITE AID PHARMACY 06481 .......................... 951-678-9141
32450 Clinton Keith Road
Wildomar, CA 92595-8662
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Inland Valley Medical Center
Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center
36485 Inland Valley Dr
Wildomar, CA 92595
751 Medical Center Ct
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Palomar Health Downtown Campus
Sharp Coronado Hospital & Healthcare
555 E Valley Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92025
250 Prospect Pl
Coronado, CA 92118
Sharp Grossmont Hospital
Palomar Medical Center
5555 Grossmont Center Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942
2185 W Citracado Pkwy
Escondido, CA 92029
Pomerado Hospital
3003 Health Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
15615 Pomerado Road
Poway, CA 92064
Sharp Memorial Hospital
Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego
3020 Children's Way
San Diego, CA 92123
7901 Frost St
San Diego, CA 92123
Tri-City Medical Center
Rancho Springs Medical Center
25500 Medical Center Dr
Murrieta, CA 92562
4002 Vista Way
Oceanside, CA 92056
Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women
and Newborns
Urgent Care Centers
Centros de atención de urgencia
Sharp Health Plan
Urgent Care Centers
When you need urgent care services, call your Primary Care Physician (even after normal business hours). Your
physician may advise you to receive services through a hospital emergency room or urgent care center or advise
you to be seen at the office the next day. Urgent care services require a referral from your PCP.
Centros de atención de urgencia
Cuando necesite servicios de atención de urgencia, llame a su médico de atención primaria (inclusive después del
horario de atención normal). Su médico puede recomendarle que acuda a la sala de emergencias del hospital o a
un centro de atención de urgencias, o que vaya a su consultorio al día siguiente. Los servicios de atención de
urgencia requierel na autorización previa de su PCP.
Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Greater Tri-Cities IPA
may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care Physician:
Cassidy Urgent Care
145 Thunder Drive
Vista, CA 92083
Mon-Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm
Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
Sun 10:00am-4:00pm
Next Step Medical, INC
4171 Oceanside BVLD Ste 109
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Thu 9:00am-5:30pm
Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
625 W Citracado Pkwy Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3910 Vista Way Ste 106
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Sat 8:00am-2:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
3605 West Vista Way Ste 172
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5810 El Camino Real Ste A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 7:00am-6:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
860 West Valley Pkwy Ste 150
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Sharp Health Plan
Centros de atención de urgencia
Members who have selected an Independent Physician may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as
authorized by their Primary Care Physician:
Partners Urgent Care
4085 Governor Dr
San Diego, CA 92122
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
16950 Via Tazon Dr
San Diego, CA 92127
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
29955 Technology Dr Ste 111
Murrieta, CA 92563
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
6136 Lake Murray Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
300 Fir St
San Diego, CA 92101
Mon-Fri 8:00am-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
31571 Canyon Estates Dr Ste 100
Lake Elsinore, CA 92532
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
3605 West Vista Way Ste 172
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
525 Third Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
41880 Kalmia St Ste 100
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
4305 University Ave Ste 150
San Diego, CA 92105
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
5525 Grossmont Center Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Canyon Lake Urgent Care
31581 Canyon Estates DR
Lake Elsinore, CA 92532
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Sat 9:00am-4:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
5565 Grossmont Center Dr. Bldg 2, Ste2
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Urgent Care & More
3434 Midway Drive Ste 1002
San Diego, CA 92110
Mon-Fri 8:00am-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm
Lakes Urgent & Family Medical Ct
2437 Fenton ST Ste A
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Mon-Thu 8:30am-6:30pm
Fri 8:30am-5:30pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
625 W Citracado Pkwy Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
102 Mile of Cars Way
National City, CA 91950
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
2315 Otay Lakes Rd Ste 306
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
10243 Genetic Center Dr
San Diego, CA 92121
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
26926 Cherry Hills Blvd Ste A
Sun City, CA 92586
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
1111 Broadway Ste 305
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Mon-Fri 8:00am-6:00pm
Sat 9:00am-3:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Centros de atención de urgencia
US HealthWorks Medical Group
25285 Madison Ave Ste 101
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5810 El Camino Real Ste A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 7:00am-6:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
860 West Valley Pkwy Ste 150
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3910 Vista Way Ste 106
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Sat 8:00am-2:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5897 Oberlin Dr Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
9745 Prospect Ave Ste 100
Santee, CA 92071
Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3930 Fourth Ave Ste 200
San Diego, CA 92103
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5575 Ruffin Rd Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92123
Mon-Fri 24 hours
Sat-Sun 24 hours
Sharp Health Plan
US HealthWorks Medical Group
7590 Miramar Rd Ste C
San Diego, CA 92126
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
8090 Parkway Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Primary Care Associates Medical Group
may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care Physician:
Cassidy Urgent Care
145 Thunder Drive
Vista, CA 92083
Mon-Fri 5:00pm-9:00pm
Sat 9:00am-5:00pm
Sun 10:00am-4:00pm
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Urgent Care Centers
Sharp Health Plan
Centros de atención de urgencia
Rady Children's HealthNetwork/CPMG
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Rady Children's HealthNetwork/CPMG
may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care Physician:
Carlsbad Urgent Care
2804 Roosevelt ST
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 9:00am-9:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
625 W Citracado Pkwy Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
41880 Kalmia St Ste 100
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
2315 Otay Lakes Rd Ste 306
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Temecula 24 Hour Urgent Care
41715 Winchester RD Ste 101
Temecula, CA 92590
Mon-Fri 24 hours
Sat-Sun 24 hours
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
617 East Alvarado ST
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Mon-Fri 8:00am-12:00am
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
4085 Governor Dr
San Diego, CA 92122
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Apple Urgent Care
1207 East Florida AVE
Hemet, CA 92543
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
3605 West Vista Way Ste 172
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Arch Health Partners Urgent Care
15611 Pomerado Road 3rd Floor North
Poway, CA 92064
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-8:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
4305 University Ave Ste 150
San Diego, CA 92105
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Arch Health Partners Urgent Care
211 13th ST
Ramona, CA 92065
Mon-Fri 12:00pm-7:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-4:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
5565 Grossmont Center Dr. Bldg 2, Ste2
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
29955 Technology Dr Ste 111
Murrieta, CA 92563
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Centros de atención de urgencia
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group
may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care Physician:
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
29955 Technology Dr Ste 111
Murrieta, CA 92563
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
277 Rancheros DR Ste 100
San Marcos, CA 92069
Mon-Thu 8:00am-8:00pm
Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
3605 West Vista Way Ste 172
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
41880 Kalmia St Ste 100
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
3142 Vista Way Ste 100
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat 9:00am-4:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
4305 University Ave Ste 150
San Diego, CA 92105
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Arch Health Partners Urgent Care
15611 Pomerado Road 3rd Floor North
Poway, CA 92064
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-8:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
625 West Citracado Parkway Ste100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
5565 Grossmont Center Dr. Bldg 2, Ste2
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Arch Health Partners Urgent Care
211 13th ST
Ramona, CA 92065
Mon-Fri 12:00pm-7:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-4:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
840 Townsite DR
Vista, CA 92084
Mon-Thu 9:00am-6:00pm
Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
625 W Citracado Pkwy Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Coronado Bay Urgent Care
888 Palm AVE
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
2315 Otay Lakes Rd Ste 306
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Urgent Care & More
3434 Midway Drive Ste 1002
San Diego, CA 92110
Mon-Fri 8:00am-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
1035 South Main AVE
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Mon-Thu 7:30am-7:30pm
Fri 7:30am-5:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
4085 Governor Dr
San Diego, CA 92122
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
102 Mile of Cars Way
National City, CA 91950
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
2626 El Camino Real Ste B
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
6136 Lake Murray Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
US HealthWorks Medical Group
1111 Broadway Ste 305
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Mon-Fri 8:00am-6:00pm
Sat 9:00am-3:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Sharp Health Plan
Centros de atención de urgencia
US HealthWorks Medical Group
25285 Madison Ave Ste 101
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5810 El Camino Real Ste A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 7:00am-6:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
860 West Valley Pkwy Ste 150
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3910 Vista Way Ste 106
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Sat 8:00am-2:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5897 Oberlin Dr Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
9745 Prospect Ave Ste 100
Santee, CA 92071
Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3930 Fourth Ave Ste 200
San Diego, CA 92103
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
8090 Parkway Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5575 Ruffin Rd Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92123
Mon-Fri 24 hours
Sat-Sun 24 hours
US HealthWorks Medical Group
7590 Miramar Rd Ste C
San Diego, CA 92126
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Centros de atención de urgencia
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch Health Partners
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group - Arch
Health Partners may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care
Arch Health Partners Urgent Care
15611 Pomerado Road 3rd Floor North
Poway, CA 92064
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-8:00pm
Arch Health Partners Urgent Care
211 13th ST
Ramona, CA 92065
Mon-Fri 12:00pm-7:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-4:00pm
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Urgent Care Centers
Sharp Health Plan
Centros de atención de urgencia
Sharp Community Medical Group - Graybill
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group Graybill may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care Physician:
Graybill Urgent Care
1035 South Main AVE
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Mon-Thu 7:30am-7:30pm
Fri 7:30am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
277 Rancheros DR Ste 100
San Marcos, CA 92069
Mon-Thu 8:00am-8:00pm
Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
625 West Citracado Parkway Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
2626 El Camino Real Ste B
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
3142 Vista Way Ste 100
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat 9:00am-4:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
840 Townsite DR
Vista, CA 92084
Mon-Thu 9:00am-6:00pm
Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Centros de atención de urgencia
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group - Inland North
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group Inland North may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
29955 Technology Dr Ste 111
Murrieta, CA 92563
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
4305 University Ave Ste 150
San Diego, CA 92105
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3910 Vista Way Ste 106
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Sat 8:00am-2:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
41880 Kalmia St Ste 100
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
5565 Grossmont Center Dr. Bldg 2, Ste2
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
3930 Fourth Ave Ste 200
San Diego, CA 92103
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
Coronado Bay Urgent Care
888 Palm AVE
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
625 W Citracado Pkwy Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
2315 Otay Lakes Rd Ste 306
Chula Vista, CA 91914
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Urgent Care & More
3434 Midway Drive Ste 1002
San Diego, CA 92110
Mon-Fri 8:00am-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
4085 Governor Dr
San Diego, CA 92122
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Partners Urgent Care
6136 Lake Murray Blvd
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Rady Children's Urgent Care
3605 West Vista Way Ste 172
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
102 Mile of Cars Way
National City, CA 91950
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
1111 Broadway Ste 305
Chula Vista, CA 91911
Mon-Fri 8:00am-6:00pm
Sat 9:00am-3:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
25285 Madison Ave Ste 101
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-7:00pm
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5575 Ruffin Rd Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92123
Mon-Fri 24 hours
Sat-Sun 24 hours
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5810 El Camino Real Ste A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 7:00am-6:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
5897 Oberlin Dr Ste 100
San Diego, CA 92121
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
7590 Miramar Rd Ste C
San Diego, CA 92126
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
8090 Parkway Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Sharp Health Plan
Centros de atención de urgencia
US HealthWorks Medical Group
860 West Valley Pkwy Ste 150
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 7:00am-7:00pm
US HealthWorks Medical Group
9745 Prospect Ave Ste 100
Santee, CA 92071
Mon-Fri 7:00am-5:00pm
Urgent Care Centers
Centros de atención de urgencia
Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Community Medical Group Temecula
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Sharp Community Medical Group
Temecula may only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
29955 Technology Dr Ste 111
Murrieta, CA 92563
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
A Plus Walk In Urgent Care
41880 Kalmia St Ste 100
Murrieta, CA 92562
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
1035 South Main AVE
Fallbrook, CA 92028
Mon-Thu 7:30am-7:30pm
Fri 7:30am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
2626 El Camino Real Ste B
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
277 Rancheros DR Ste100
San Marcos, CA 92069
Mon-Thu 8:00am-8:00pm
Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
3142 Vista Way Ste 100
Oceanside, CA 92056
Mon-Fri 9:00am-8:00pm
Sat 9:00am-4:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
625 West Citracado Parkway Ste 100
Escondido, CA 92025
Mon-Fri 4:00pm-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 1:00pm-10:00pm
Graybill Urgent Care
840 Townsite DR
Vista, CA 92084
Mon-Thu 9:00am-6:00pm
Fri 9:00am-5:00pm
Temecula 24 Hour Urgent Care
41715 Winchester RD Ste 101
Temecula, CA 92590
Mon-Fri 24 hours
Sat-Sun 24 hours
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Members who have selected a Primary Care Physician affiliated with Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group may
only access the following Urgent Care Facilities as authorized by their Primary Care
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
10243 Genetic Center Dr
San Diego, CA 92121
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
300 Fir St
San Diego, CA 92101
Mon-Fri 8:00am-10:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-10:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
16950 Via Tazon Dr
San Diego, CA 92127
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
525 Third Ave
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Rees-Stealy Urgent Care
5525 Grossmont Center Dr
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm
Sat-Sun 8:00am-8:00pm
Other Providers
Chiropractic and Acupuncture Providers
Chiropractic and Acupuncture Services are available to
Members who have coverage for chiropractic and acupuncture
services. Members who have this coverage may directly access
any Plan Chiropractor or Plan Acupuncturist contracted
through American Specialty Health Plans (ASHP). For a
complete provider listing and hours of availability, Members
may call ASHP toll-free at (800) 678-9133.
Vision Providers
Vision services are available to Members who have coverage
for vision benefits. Members who have this coverage may
directly access any Plan provider contracted through Vision
Service Plan (VSP). For a complete provider listing and their
hours of availability, Members maycall VSP toll-free at (800)
Dental Providers
Mental Health Providers
Sharp Health Plan provides coverage for the diagnosis and
Medically Necessary treatment of mental illness. Members
may directly access mental health providers. Call Psychiatric
Centers at San Diego toll-free at (877) 257-7273 whenever
you need mental health services. All calls are confidential.
Dental services are available to Members who have coverage
for dental benefits. Members who have this coverage have
direct access to providers. You may obtain a list of Access
Dental Plan's (ADP) participating providers and their hours
of availability by calling ADP at 1-866-650-3660. A list of
ADP's participating providers can be found online at
Chemical Dependency and Alcoholism
Treatment Providers Chemical dependency services are
available to Members who have coverage for chemical
dependency benefits. Members who have this coverage
have direct access to providers. Call Psychiatric Centers at San
Diego toll-free at (877) 257-7273 whenever you need chemical
dependency services. All calls are confidential.
Índice de
Index of
Specialists Especialistas
(By Specialty)
(por especialidad)
How to use this Specialist Index
As appropriate, your Primary Care Physician (PCP) will refer you to a specialist (usually within your Plan Medical Group).
This section of the provider directory is arranged by specialist category (alphabetized), then by last name of the physician
(alphabetized), and then the medical group(s) that the specialist is associated with.
If you are newly enrolling with Sharp Health Plan, and currently receive care from a PCP or a specialist, please make sure that both
your PCP and specialist are participating in the Sharp Health Plan Choice network, and that your specialist is associated with the
same Plan Medical Group as your PCP.
If you do not locate your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or Plan Medical Group, or you have questions regarding your ability to
continue to use your current PCP or specialist, please contact the Sharp Health Plan Customer Care team to discuss the options
available through Sharp Health Plan at (858) 499-8300 or 1-800-359-2002.
Greiner, Alexander MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Aceves, Seema MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Gupta, Sameer MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Broderick, Lori MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Hoffman, Harold MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cohen, Gary MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Hoffman, Leonard MD ..........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Geng, Bob MD ..................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Horner, Anthony MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Allergy & Immunology
Stone, Brian MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Volpp, Heather MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Welch, Michael MD ..............Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Zarei, Maryam MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Ziering, Robert MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Abdelmalik, Robin MD .........Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Acheatel, Roger MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Amin, Jatin MD ....................Independent
Athill, Charles MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Bajo, Philip MD ....................Sharp Community Medical Group
Bayat, Hamed MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Belott, Peter MD ...................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Bier, Alan MD .......................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Carr, Kenneth MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Cepin, Daniel MD .................Sharp Community Medical Group
Chung, Jeffrey MD ...............Independent
Dang, Mark MD ....................Independent
Delbakhsh, Ali MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group
Detwiler, John MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Diggs, Thomas MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Laubach, Susan MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Leibel, Sydney MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Leonard, Stephanie MD ....... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Meltzer, Eli MD .................... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
O’Connor, Richard MD ......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Ostrom, Nancy MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Pauls, John MD ................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Pendleton, Jennifer MD ....... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Prenner, Bruce MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
SCMG - Arch Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Salt, Bryn MD ...................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Do, Thomas MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
El-Sherief, Karim MD ........... Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Fernandez, Genaro MD ........ Independent
Gilbert, Christopher MD ....... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Gillespie, Robert MD ........... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Gollapudi, Raghava MD ....... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Gordon, John MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Gorwit, Jeffrey MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Gross, Steven MD ............... Independent
Guillinta, Paulo MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hassankhani, Alborz MD ..... Independent
Hegde, Sanjeet MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Higgins, Steven MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Ho, Andrew MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Hoagland, Peter MD ............ Sharp Community Medical Group
Hourani, Rayan MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Ingersoll, Henry MD ............ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jaski, Brian MD ................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Joswig, Bill MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Kimura, Bruce MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group
Kleid, Jack MD ..................... Independent
Kotha, Purushotham MD ..... Independent
Kumar, Robert MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Mahan, Gregory MD ............ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Malek, Mikhail MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Mehranpour, Payam MD ......Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Mehta, Hirsch MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Meyer, David MD ..................Independent
Mondragon-Gonzalez, Gustavo MD Independent
Moussavian, Mehran DO ......Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Mulvihill, Daniel MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Nguyen, Bryant MD ..............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Noll, Helen MD .....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Ostrander, David MD ............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Oviedo-Linares, Raul MD .....Sharp Community Medical Group
Pashmforoush, Mohammad MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Paveglio, Kathleen MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Phillips, Paul MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Pitt, William MD ...................Independent
Rapeport, Kevin MD .............Independent
Reddy, Reddiwandla MD ......Independent
Reinherz, Lance MD .............Independent
Robinson, Jerome MD .........Independent
Sah, Serena MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Salami, Ali MD ......................Sharp Community Medical Group
Salami, Bobak MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group
Sarkaria, Paul MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sawhney, Navinder MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Scher, Bret MD .....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sclar, Craig MD ....................Independent
Serry, Rod MD .....................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sherev, Dimitri MD ...............Independent
Spiegel, David MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Stein, Robert MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sun, Karl MD ........................Independent
Wadhwa, Manish MD ...........Independent
Whitwam, Wayne MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Wood, Frederick MD ............Independent
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Wysoczanski, Mariusz MD ... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Yeh, Justin MD .................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Zakov, Kamen MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Zavaro, Suhail MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Hansen, Doyle MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Harpster, Elaine MD .............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hecht, Corinne MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Henninger, Camille MD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Hoang, Minh-Tuan MD .........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jacobs, Randolph MD ..........Independent
Kooistra, Dale MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Krakowski, Andrew MD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Colon & Rectal Surgery
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chuang, Kelley MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Gandhi, Dhruvil MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kurlan, Julia MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Isho, Mathew MD ................ Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rypins, Eric MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Lee, Jin MD ..........................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Tapscott, Mark DO ............... Independent
Lee, Young MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Toman, Jeffrey MD .............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Littler, Curt MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Marnell, Daniel MD ...............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Matiz, Catalina MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Blake, Patrick MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Bradshaw, Michael MD ........ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chan, Hanny MD .................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chen, Bryan MD ................... Independent
Melancon, Jeffrey MD ..........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Mitchell, Jesse MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Chen, Nancy MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chen, Tina MD ..................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Mofid, Mona MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Cole, Matthew MD ............... Independent
Nash-Goelitz, Alyssa MD ......Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Newman, Elan MD ................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch Nguyen, Vu MD ....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Parente, Maria MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
College, Joseph MD ............. Independent
Pontasch, Heather MD .........Independent
Eichenfield, Lawrence MD ... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Samady, Joseph MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Scott, Richard MD ................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Gallego, Humberto MD ........ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Shahan, Fred MD .................Independent
Gilboa, Ruth MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Shewmake, Stephen MD ......Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Shiell, Ronald MD ................Independent
Greenway, Hubert MD ......... Independent
Simzar, Soheil MD ...............Independent
So, Jessica MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sornson, Mark MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Stetsenko, Galina MD .......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Thiele, Jens MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Thoene, Michael MD ............ Independent
Thornton, Caroline MD ........ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Truitt, Anne MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Venkat, Arun MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Wang, Audrey MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Wang, Yan MD .................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Willoughby, Mark MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Wong, Darryl MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Argoud, Georges MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Bailey, Timothy MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Bazile, Gerard MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group
Calderon, Juan MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Christiansen, Louis MD ....... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Chu, Neelima MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Chung, Joyce MD ................ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Douglass, Alan MD .............. Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Falahati-Nini, Alireza MD ..... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Fink, Raymond MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Guerin, Chris MD ................. Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Marinkovic, Maja MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Navarrete, Rommel MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group
Oh, Deborah MD ..................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Roy, Rajiv MD ......................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sandler, Jeffrey MD ..............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Varma, Chandrasekhar MD ..Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Anyadike, Cyril MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Awai, Hannah MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Banaie, Ali MD ......................Sharp Community Medical Group
Bennett, Michael MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Brozinsky, Steven MD ..........Sharp Community Medical Group
Chakrabarty, Indraneel MD ...Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chakrabarty, Milankumar MD Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chu, Susan MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Cubas, Ivan MD ....................Independent
Desta, Taddese MD ..............Independent
Devereaux, Christopher MD .Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Duque, John MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Eastman, Thomas DO ...........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Elsheikh, Husam MD ............Independent
Fan, Robert MD ....................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Feldman, Ronald MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Feldstein, Ariel MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Flores, Sergio MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Politoske, Douglas MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Ponsiglione, John MD ..........Sharp Community Medical Group
Pressman, Jeffrey MD ..........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Reddy, Joseph MD ...............Independent
Ritchken, Simon MD ............Independent
Sahba, Bruce MD .................Independent
Schaeffer, Cynthia MD .........Independent
Shad, Javaid MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Shim, Michael MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Shpaner, Alexander MD ........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Simmons, Timothy MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Singer, Edward MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group
Singh, Pritam MD .................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Snyder, Richard MD .............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Speziale, Alissa MD ..............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Steichen, Joshua MD ...........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Thomas, Carlton MD ............Independent
Viernes, Matthew MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Weinman, David MD ............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Wolosin, James MD .............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Yen, Tommy MD ..................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Zakko, Maram MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
General Surgery
Arcovedo, Rodolfo MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Barnes, Ryan DO ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Barrera, Hugo MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Batra, Munish MD ................Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bench, Gary MD ...................Sharp Community Medical Group
Bench, Shawn MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group
Bokhari, Sayed MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Boyer, Franklin MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Brown, Kristian MD ..............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Bulkin, Anatoly MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Callery, Charles MD ..............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Goyal, Nidhi MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hames, Charles MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Harpole, Thomas MD ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Hassanein, Tarek MD ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Hong, John MD ................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Hua, Meng MD ..................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Johnson, Mark MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kadden, Mark MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kamyar, Rokay MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Keller, Darren MD ................ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Khoshini, Reza MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kim, Hyun Sil MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Korn, Errol MD ..................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Krol, Thomas MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Kumar, Piyush MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Lajin, Mahmoud MD ............ Sharp Community Medical Group
Larson, Alan MD .................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Le, Thuy Anh MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Lee, Daniel MD .................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Lipkis, Donald MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Nguyen, Tuan MD ................ Independent
Ojuri, Adebambo MD ........... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Patton-Ku, Dana MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Person, John MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Camberos, Alfonso MD ....... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Campbell, Gregory MD ........ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Casteel, Christina MD .......... Independent
Chammas, Joseph MD ........ Independent
Chan, Edmond MD .............. Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chang, Alexander MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Clark, Gary MD .................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Cloyd, David MD .................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Deemer, Andrew MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Dembitsky, Walter MD ......... Independent
Dickinson, Phillip MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Farinas, Leah MD ................. Sharp Community Medical Group
Fierer, Adam MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Filiciotto, Sam MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Frey, John MD ..................... Sharp Community Medical Group
Gamagami, Allan MD ........... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Gandhi, Dhruvil MD ............. Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Giurgiu, Dan MD .................. Independent
Goldfarb, Paul MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Goodman, Allan MD ............ Independent
Greenblatt, David MD .......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Grove, Jay MD ..................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Gupta, Anshu MD ................ Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Guzzetta, Vincent MD .......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Hanna, Karen MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hilfiker, Mary MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group
Horton, Curtis MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hsu, Andrew MD ................. Sharp Community Medical Group
Hsu, Bradford MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group
Imler, Gregory MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jamshidi-Nezhad, Mohammad DO Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Katz, Michael MD ................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Keenan, Robert MD ..............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Kill, Mathias MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Krishnamoorthy, Mohan MD Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Kroener, John MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Lavotshkin, Simon MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Lee, Pamela MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Lin, Hong-Der MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Luedke, Eric MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Manly, Robert MD ................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Martin, Franklin MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Moldovan, Stefan MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Mueller, George MD .............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Norman, Vanjah MD .............Independent
Ohayon, Julie MD .................Independent
Orr, Carl MD .........................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rypins, Eric MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sarosy, Charles MD ..............Independent
Sohn, Helen MD ...................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sorkhi, Ramin MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Steele, John MD ...................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Stiles, Geoffrey MD ..............Independent
Summers, Stephen MD ........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Terramani, Thomas MD ........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Toman, Jeffrey MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group
Toosie, Katayoun MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Urlaub, Bernard MD .............Independent
Velky, Thomas MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Woodward, Stephanie MD ....Sharp Community Medical Group
Yang, Yifan MD ....................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Geriatric Medicine
Berger, John MD ..................Independent
Bloom, Irving MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Ehlers, Rolf MD ....................Independent
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Kossman, Charles MD ..........Independent
Lamon, Joel MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Jacobs, Robert MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Lebovits, Marc MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Macias, Mariela MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
McClay, Edward MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Reisman, Bruce MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Mendoza, Evelyn MD ............Independent
Naidzionak, Uladzislau MD ...Independent
Norton, Marilyn MD .............Independent
Adler, Mark MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Al-Kourainy, Kousay MD ...... Independent
Oblon, David MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Aristizabal, Maria MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Paroly, Warren MD ...............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Redfern, Charles MD ............Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Reissmann, Peter MD ..........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch Rice, Kristen MD ..................Independent
Health Partners
Saleh, Alfred MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Schinke, Stanley MD ............Independent
Banerjee, Pushpendu MD .... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sehgal, Kishore MD .............Independent
Belani, Rajesh MD ............... Independent
Siddique, Nayyar MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bodkin, David MD ................ Independent
Siddiqui, Fareeha MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Drygalski, Annette MD ......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sinclair, James MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Song, Seung-Yil MD .............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Subramanian, Rupa MD .......Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sundaram, Shankar MD .......Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Udaka, Yoko MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Eisenberg, Steven DO .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Health Partners
Fisher, Jennifer MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Gaddipati, Himabindu MD .... Independent
Vicario, Daniel MD ................Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Hampshire, Andrew MD ....... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Helton, Derek MD ................ Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Wilkinson, John MD .............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Yu, Jennifer MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Huynh, Edward MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Iturbe-Alessio, Ignacio MD .. Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Johnson, Kenneth MD ......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Just, Richard MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Zu, Kai MD ...........................Independent
Kosmo, Michael MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch HIV Specialist
Health Partners
Bengs, Christopher MD ........Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Cabinian, Antonio MD ..........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Head/Neck Surgery
Cook, Oscar MD .................. Independent
Gannon, Lauren MD ............ Independent
Gilman, Frank MD ................ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Gomez, Denise MD .............. Independent
Lopes, Aimee DO ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Miradi, Mohammed MD ....... Independent
Murdoch, Richard MD ......... Independent
Neely-Blanchard, Jennifer MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Poniachik, Samuel MD ........ Independent
Ramers, Christian MD ......... Independent
Saluta, Arvin MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Spector, Stephen MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Viani, Rolando MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Ramers, Christian MD ..........Independent
Sakoulas, George MD ...........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Alexiewicz, Jadwiga MD .......Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Barager, Richard MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Baranski, Joel MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Bedoya, Luis MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Behrend, Terry MD ...............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Belo, Diogo MD ....................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Boiskin, Mark MD .................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Chang, David MD .................Independent
Comunale, Roderick MD ......Independent
Davis, Jason MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Do, Luan MD ........................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Fadda, George MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Faravardeh, Arman MD ........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Friend, Peter MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Greenstein, Joshua MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Infectious Disease
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Burns, Jane MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Gunta, Sujana MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hammes, John MD ..............Independent
Cabinian, Antonio MD .......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Carpenter, Robert DO .......... Independent
Hebreo, Joseph MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Chaparro, Juan MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Horeish, Adam MD ...............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kayal, Anas MD ....................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Khawar, Osman MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Health Partners
Mayer, Richard MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Minuto, Joshua MD ............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Miradi, Mohammed MD ....... Independent
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Videen, John MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Wang, Weng-Lih MD ............Independent
Yuan, Henry MD ...................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Aguilar Tabora, Lesly MD .....Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Askim, Kelly DO ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Bahreman, Amirhassan MD ..Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Bakst, Isaac MD ...................Sharp Community Medical Group
Blumenfeld, Andrew MD ......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Boutros, Raja MD .................Independent
Bui, Jonathan MD, PhD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chapman, William MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Choudry, Bilal MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Coskun, Derya MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group
Crawford, John MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Desadier, Laura DO ..............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Friedman, Edward MD ..........Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Kyaw, Naing MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Lozada-Pastorio, Elizabeth MD Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Lund, Guy MD ..................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Maa Chip, Fharak MD .......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Matayoshi, Amy MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
McKay, Dianne MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Meyer, Jill MD ..................... Independent
Miller, Lucy MD ................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Namazy, David MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Neyaz, Mohammed DO ........ Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Nguyen, Lieuko MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Patel, Bijal MD ..................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Perens, Elliot MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sacamay, Tagumpay MD ..... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Shapiro, Mark MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Soltero, Ricardo MD ............ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Steer, Dylan MD ................... Independent
Steinberg, Steven MD .......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Thomas, Theodore MD ........ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Thompson, John MD ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Frishberg, Benjamin MD ...... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Gao, Er-Kai MD .................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Gold, Jeffrey MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Gratianne, Roberto MD ........ Sharp Community Medical Group
Grosmann, Carla MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Gupta, Monika MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Hawkins, Randall MD .......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Ho, Gilbert MD ..................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hogan, Jeremy MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Huott, Patrick MD ................ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jothen, Jennifer DO ............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Keyvani, Madjid MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Khamishon, Boris MD ......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Lasker, Bruce MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group
Licht, Jonathan MD ............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Lobatz, Michael MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Malik, Sudhir MD ................. Sharp Community Medical Group
Manassarians, Henrik MD ... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Melikyan, Arkady MD ........... Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Neul, Jeffrey MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Health Plan
Nielsen, Amy DO ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Oh, Irene MD ........................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Paduga, Remia MD ..............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Perkins, Erik MD ..................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Purcell, Ian MD ....................Independent
Raffer, Paul MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Riedler, Scott MD .................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Rosenberg, Jay MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sadoff, Mark MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sahagian, Gregory MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Samuel, William MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sattar, Shifteh MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Schim, Jack MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Schumann, Richard MD .......Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Jeswani, Sunil MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kureshi, Sohaib MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Leary, Scott MD ...................Independent
Levy, Michael MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Marcisz, Thomas MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Meltzer, Hal MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Ostrup, Richard MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Ott, Kenneth MD ...................Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Soumekh, Massoud MD .......Independent
Stern, Mark MD ....................Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Acevedo, Mary MD ...............Independent
Adib, Tannaz MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Andersen, Michael MD .........Independent
Altenau, Lance MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group
Anderson, Jennifer MD ........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Anguiano, Francisco MD ......Independent
Blaskiewicz, Donald MD ....... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Arce, Jorge MD ....................Independent
Ghosh, Sanjay MD ............... Independent
Arrieta, Iris MD .....................Independent
Gonda, David MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Atiga, Schubert MD ..............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bales, Lauren MD .................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch Barmeyer, Robert MD ..........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Health Partners
Bennett, John MD ................Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Berchin, Joel MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Bielman, Mylinda DO ............Independent
Hardy, Tyrone MD ............... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Binno, Shereen MD ..............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Trauner, Doris MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Uddin, Mohammad MD ....... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Villa, Kenneth MD ................ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Wang, Anchi MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Wang, Chunyang MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Wang, Sonya MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Warren, Robert MD ............. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Zupancic, Michael MD ......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Brahmbhatt, Bhoomi MD ..... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Bulloch, Edgar MD ............... Independent
Burbano De Lara, Prardhana MD Independent
Calinisan, Joan Hazel MD .... Independent
Carson, Latisa MD ............... Independent
Castillo, Maria MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cerrone, Elizabeth DO .......... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cervantes, Sandra MD ......... Independent
Chac, Rick MD ..................... Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Chhatre, Gayatri MD ............ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Chirico, Christina MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Chortkoff, Dana MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Chuan, Sandy MD ................ Independent
Cizmar, Branislav MD .......... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Clarkson, Chunjai MD .......... Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Cobb, Damon DO ................. Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cohen, Mansour MD ........... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Davis, Tracie MD ................. Independent
Del Aguila, Jorge MD ........... Independent
Del Rosario, Gelen MD ........ Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Dhillon-Ashley, Tina MD ...... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Diamond, Philip MD ............ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Dietze, Peter MD .................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Dimmette, Pattie MD ........... Independent
DiRocco, Gregory MD ......... Independent
Drosman, Steven MD .......... Independent
Duggan, Bridgette MD ......... Independent
Ebrahimi, Haleh MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Edwards, Kellie MD ............. Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Elfelt, Timothy MD ............... Independent
Fan, Li MD ........................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
French, Amy MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Fuertez, Rula MD ................. Independent
Gellens, Andrew MD ............ Independent
Ghosh, Sutapa MD .............. Independent
Gil, Orna MD ........................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Glaser, Joseph MD .............. Independent
Sharp Health Plan
Goff, Yvonne MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Goicoechea, Frank MD .........Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Gonzalez, Mandy MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Gonzalez, Marisa MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Goodwin, Kim MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Gray, Leslie MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Harder, Elmer MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Hart, Shannon DO ................Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hawkins, Melissa MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Hayton, Tammy MD .............Independent
Henderson, Blair MD ............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hinshaw, Paul DO ................Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Ho, Mylien MD .....................Independent
Hoover, Kaitlin MD ...............Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Horenstein, Janet MD ...........Independent
Hsiao, Jack MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Johnston, Lisa MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jones, Kendra MD ................Independent
Jurewitz, William MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kamali, Pourang MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kettel, Louis MD ...................Independent
Khan, Aliya MD .....................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kidder, Brendan MD .............Independent
Kim, Frances MD ..................Independent
Klausen, Jack MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kobayashi, Karen DO ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kohatsu, Karen MD ..............Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kreitzer, Harvey MD .............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Lafferty, Christopher MD ......Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Langford, Gregory MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Lapp, Leland MD ..................Independent
LaRocque, Todd MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Lebo, Debra DO ....................Independent
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Shaw, Jennifer MD ...............Independent
Shelly, Wendy MD ................Independent
Shipp, Dana MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Short, Abiade MD .................Sharp Community Medical Group
Simpson, Jessica MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sinsky, Jerome MD ..............Independent
Stanco, Lorraine MD ............Independent
Steele, Clyde MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sullivan, Mary MD ................Independent
Tajran, Deena MD .................Independent
Tarakjian, Denis MD .............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Underwood, Lisa DO ............Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Vesona, Jenny MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Voce, John MD .....................Independent
Von Herzen, Josephine MD ..Independent
Vu, Lac MD ..........................Independent
Wang, Ai Wei MD .................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Williams, Alisa MD ...............Independent
Wong, Michael MD ...............Independent
Wood, Samuel MD ...............Independent
Yang, Charles MD ................Independent
Young, Victoria MD ..............Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Ziainia, Tina MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Zieg, Alan MD .......................Independent
Batra, Reema MD .................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Bemiller, Lynn MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group
Bessudo, Alberto MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Frakes, Laurie MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Hayton, Bruce MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Kossman, Charles MD ..........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kossman, Steven MD ...........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
McClay, Edward MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Mendoza, Evelyn MD ............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Paroly, Warren MD ...............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Ravindranathan, Meera MD ..Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Rice, Kristen MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Sehgal, Kishore MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Siddiqui, Fareeha MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Aminlari, Ardalan MD ...........Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Health Plan
Leon, Josue MD ................... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Levine-Kogan, Mauricio MD Independent
Lipschitz, Lisa MD ............... Independent
Mani, Parvin MD .................. Independent
Mansour, Anmar MD ........... Sharp Community Medical Group
Maresh, Timothy MD ........... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Martinez, Kelly MD ............... Independent
Mazarei, Rahele DO ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
McNally, Colleen MD ........... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Meshkat, Daniela MD ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Mostofian, Eimaneh MD ...... Independent
Musinski, Scott MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Naponic, Mearl MD .............. Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Nguyen, Nicole MD .............. Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Nurse, Lesley MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
O’Hara, Gary MD .................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Omidi, Shadi MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Pearson, Lawrence MD ........ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Penvose-Yi, Jan MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Pham, Tammy MD ............... Independent
Pountney Levesque, Marlene MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Reagan, Rovena MD ............ Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Riley, Timothy MD ............... Independent
Rivera, John MD .................. Independent
Rode, Anuradha MD ............ Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Saffer, Craig MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Safie, Nerissa MD ................ Independent
Sandoval, Rebeca MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Santella, Robert MD ............. Independent
Scott, Elizabeth MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sefa-Boakye, Kofi MD .......... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Segnit, Robert MD ............... Independent
Selinger, Sissi DO ................ Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Shannon, Kelli MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Bansal, Preeti MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Bhavan, Sathy MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Blacharski, Paul MD ............ Independent
Bokosky, John MD .............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Brown, Edward MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Cason, John MD .................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Castillejos, Maria MD ........... Independent
Castillejos-Rios, David MD .. Independent
Chennell, Irene MD .............. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chin, Eric MD ...................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Clements, Douglas MD ........ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Coden, Daniel MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Cook, Glenn MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Crosby, Michelle MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Crystal, Franklin MD ............ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Curtis, Matthew MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Delengocky, Tayson DO ....... Independent
Doughty, Floyd MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Goldman, Ronald MD .......... Independent
Greider, Bradley MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Grewal, Kuljinder MD ........... Independent
Howard, Gayle MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Hsu, Christopher MD ........... Independent
Hudson, Henry MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Huynh, Paul MD .................. Independent
Jacobs, Gary MD ................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Jain, Atul MD ....................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Health Plan
Jockin, Yvette MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Johnson, Roger MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Joseph, Jeffrey MD ..............Independent
Kapner, Lorne MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Katzman, Barry MD ..............Independent
Kim, Jieun MD ......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Korn, Tommy MD .................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Krall, Peter MD .....................Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Krausz, Howard MD .............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Ku, Tina MD .........................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Kulkarni, Kaushal MD ...........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Le, Brian MD ........................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Learn, Richard MD ...............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Lee, Lillian MD .....................Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Leung, Richard MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group
Lin, Theodore MD ................Independent
Linebarger, Eric MD .............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Lipson, Barry MD .................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Lobue, Thomas MD ..............Independent
Lopez, Ann MD .....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Lozier, Jeffrey MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Mani, Hamid MD ..................Independent
Mani, Majid MD ....................Independent
Mani, Nasrin MD ..................Independent
McCoy, Allison MD PhD .......Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Moll, Angela MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Montgomery, Gordon MD ....Independent
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thomas, Robert MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group
Treger, Paul MD ...................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Viechnicki, Tara MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Westeren, Alan MD ..............Independent
Yomtoob, David MD .............Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Zaveri, Maulik MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Berger, Joel DDS, MD ..........Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Machado, Lester MD, DDS ...Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
McGann, Grant DDS .............Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Talebzadeh, Nojan MD, DDS Independent
Tawfilis, Adel DDS ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Orthopaedic Surgery
Afra, Robert MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Alberton, Gregory MD ..........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Alleyne, Neville MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Allsing, Steven MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group
Amory, David MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Arora, Amarpal MD ..............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Bachmann, Keith MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Balikian, Philip MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Ballard, Brooke MD ..............Independent
Barba, Daniel MD .................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Bates, James MD .................Independent
Bentley, Christian MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Boffman, Harry MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group
Bried, James MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Brooks, Harry MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Casey, John MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Morris, Jeffrey MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Mulder, Nicole MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Najafi, David MD .................. Independent
Nyberg, Michael MD ............ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
O’Halloran, Henry MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Omens, Erwin MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Papastergiou, Georgios MD . Independent
Parekh, Anjali MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Patel, Sayjal MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Perry, Arthur MD ................. Independent
Phillips, Barratt MD ............. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Pons, Mauricio MD .............. Independent
Prabhu, Sujata MD ............... Independent
Pratt, Steven MD ................. Independent
Prestera, Tory MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Puig-Llano, Manuel MD ....... Independent
Rajsbaum, Martin MD .......... Independent
Robinson, Fane MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Said, Bishoy MD .................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Saini, Arvind MD .................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Scher, Barry MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Scher, Colin MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Shaw, Blake MD ................... Independent
Skaf, Ayham MD .................. Independent
Slight, John MD ................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Smith, Mark MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sorenson, Robert MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Stephenson, Christopher MD Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sundaram, Seema MD ......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Tew, John MD ..................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chambers, Henry MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chiang, Jessica DO .............. Independent
Cohen, Brad MD .................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cooperman, Andrew MD ..... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Cutuk, Adnan MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group
Daugherty, David MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Downing, Kristopher MD ..... Sharp Community Medical Group
Dreeben, Sharon MD ........... Independent
Drinhaus, Rolf MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Dunlap, Janet MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Edmonds, Eric MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Ellington, Matthew MD ........ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Erwteman, Andrew MD ........ Independent
Esch, James MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Eves, William MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Finkenberg, John MD .......... Independent
Freeman, Roger MD ............ Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Health Plan
Fuller, Corey MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Garay, Alon MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hamner, Dyson MD ..............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hartman, Andrew MD ...........Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Helgager, James MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hosalkar, Harish MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Jacobson, Mark MD .............Independent
Jain, Rina MD .......................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Jankiewicz, Joseph MD ........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jercinovich, Igor MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Kane, Norman MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Kelly, Jon MD .......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kim, Choll MD ......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kim, Paul MD .......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Knutson, Thomas MD ..........Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Lazarus, David MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Levinsohn, David MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group
Levy, Louis MD ....................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Mack, Gregory MD ...............Independent
Mann, Joseph MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Matthews, Joshua MD ..........Independent
Maurer, Carter MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
McBride, Mark MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
McCandless, Jeremy MD ......Sharp Community Medical Group
Metros, Kevin MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Miles, John MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Pring, Maya MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Racusin, Adam MD ..............Independent
Raiszadeh, Kamshad MD ......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Raiszadeh, Ramin MD ..........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rynning, Ralph MD ..............Independent
Sanzone, Anthony MD ..........Sharp Community Medical Group
Scalone, James DO ..............Independent
Schiffman, Jeffrey MD .........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sirota, Michael MD ...............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sitler, David MD ...................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Smith, Joel MD ....................Sharp Community Medical Group
Solomon, Jason MD .............Independent
Stark, Erik MD ......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Tam, Jason MD ....................Independent
Tasto, James MD .................Independent
Upasani, Vidyadhar MD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Vance, Matthew MD .............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Wallace, Charles MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Wenger, Dennis MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Winternitz, William MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Yang, Shawn MD .................Independent
Sharp Health Plan
Miller, Lisa MD .................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Milling, Paul MD .................. Independent
Moazzaz, Payam MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Mubarak, Scott MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Muldoon, Michael MD ......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Myer, Jonathan MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Newton, Peter MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Owsley, Kevin MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Pace, Robert MD ................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Pallia, Christopher MD ......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Patel, Arush MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Pennock, Andrew MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Yaszay, Burt MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Amsberry, James MD .......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Azer, Philip MD .................... Independent
Benz, Ronald MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Berry, Julie MD .................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bothwell, Marcella MD ......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Brewster, Douglas MD ......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Brigger, Matthew MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Busino, Rowley MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Calzada, Audrey MD ............ Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Carvalho, Daniela MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Fitzgerald, Patrick MD ......... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Forrester, Michael MD ......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Health Plan
Goldsztein, Hernan MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Greek, Carl MD .....................Independent
Holtel, Michael MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jackson, Keith MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group
Jacobs, Robert MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Jiang, Wen MD .....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Kalkanis, James MD .............Independent
Kearns, Donald MD ..............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Keefe, Michael MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Learn, Alison MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Lebovits, Marc MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Leuin, Shelby MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Liu, Richard MD ...................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Magit, Anthony MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Mansfield, Perry MD ............Independent
Mathiasen, Ronald MD .........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Mazer, Theodore MD ............Independent
McCallion, Patrick MD ..........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
McClain, Albert MD ..............Independent
Moles, Jeremiah MD ............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Morelock, Michael MD .........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Pain Medicine
Chesler, Bradley MD ............ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chisholm, Christopher MD .. Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Creamer, David MD ............. Independent
Dadachanji, Cyrus MD ......... Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Dobecki, Douglas MD .......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Druet, Jack MD .................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Glazener, Christopher MD .... Sharp Community Medical Group
Halperin, Jonathan MD ........ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hiller, David MD ................... Independent
Jedamski, Waldtraut MD ..... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Lao, Jesus MD ..................... Independent
Mata, Joel MD ..................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Miller, Jason MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Miller, Nathan MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Navarro, Rosa MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group
Pal, Joshua MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Patel, Yogesh MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sebahar, Michael MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sial, Khuram MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Smith, Kevin MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Sundharadas, Renjit MD ......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sung, Raymond MD .............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Thio, Andrew MD .................Independent
Thota, Naga MD ...................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Uraine, Shawn MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Verdolin, Michael MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group
Wailes, Robert MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Weiner, Richard MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Wilson, William MD ..............Independent
Pediatric Allergy & Immunology
Vasant, Krishna MD .............Independent
Pediatric Cardiology
Alejos, Juan MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Berdjis, Farhouch MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Chu, James MD ....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Davis, Christopher MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
El-Said, Howaida MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Nation, Javan MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
O’Leary, Michael MD ........... Independent
Paul, Supriti MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Pransky, Seth MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Reisman, Bruce MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rensink, Michael MD ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Schuetz, Charles MD ........... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Taylor, John MD .................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Tesar, Charles MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Wadhwa, Ashish MD ........... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Weeks, Brian MD ................. Independent
Fagan, Brian MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Frazer, Jeffrey MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Grossfeld, Paul MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Mandapati, Ravi MD ............ Independent
McCandless, Rachel MD ...... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Moore, John MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Nigam, Vishal MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Health Plan
Perry, James MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Pour Molkara, Delaram MD ..Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Printz, Beth MD ....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Ramos, Faustino MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Singh, Rakesh MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sun, Heather MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Vaughn, Gabrielle MD ..........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Williams, Matthew MD ......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Franklin, Sherry MD .............Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Gottschalk, Michael MD .......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Pediatric Dermatology
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Barrio, Victoria MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Community Medical Group-Graybill
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group
Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Jones, Kenneth MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group
Dohil, Magdalene MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Community Medical Group-Graybill
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group
Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Friedlander, Sheila MD ......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Tom, Wynnis MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Pediatric Endocrinology
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Demeterco-Berggren, Carla MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Newfield, Ron MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Health Plan
Phillips, Susan MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Huang, Jeannie MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Huang, Sherry MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Cherry, Rebecca MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill Mousa, Hayat MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Choi, Lillian MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Dohil, Ranjan MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Health Partners
Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Garcia, Mary Abigail MD ...... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Hom, Xenia MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Ahn, Hyunah MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Anderson, Eric MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Durden, Donald MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Geddis, Amy MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kim, Jenny MD .....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kung, Faith MD ....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Kuo, Dennis MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Sivagnanam, Mamata MD .... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Taketani, Tamara MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Taylor, Sharon MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Younes, Bassam MD ........... Independent
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Yu, Elizabeth MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Roberts, William MD ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Schiff, Deborah MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Thornburg, Courtney MD ..... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Yoon, Janet MD ................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Health Plan
Neely-Blanchard, Jennifer MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Pong, Alice MD ....................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sawyer, Mark MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Spector, Stephen MD ...........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Tremoulet, Adriana MD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Pediatric Infectious Disease
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Arnold, John MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group
Viani, Rolando MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bradley, John MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cannavino, Christopher MD . Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Pediatric Nephrology
Nespeca, Mark MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sahagian, Michelle MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Zimbric, Michael MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Benador, Nadine MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Ingulli, Elizabeth MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Mak, Robert MD .................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Yorgin, Peter MD ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Pediatric Pulmonology
Akong, Kathryn MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Pediatric Neurology
Haddad, Gabriel MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Friedman, Jennifer MD ........ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Hagood, James MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Haas, Richard MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Health Plan
Lesser, Daniel MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Pediatric Surgery
Bickler, Stephen MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Lim, Meerana MD ................ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Fairbanks, Timothy MD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Ryu, Julie MD ...................... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Hilfiker, Mary MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Pediatric Rheumatology
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chang, Johanna MD ............ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Kling, Karen MD ...................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chiraseveenuprapund, Peter MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Losasso, Barry MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sheets, Robert MD .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Saenz, Nicholas MD .............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Scott, Robert MD .................Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Alagiri, Madhu MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sial, Khuram MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Skalsky, Andrew MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Medical Group-Inland
Holmes, Nicholas MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Strauser, Walter MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sundharadas, Renjit MD ......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Tribuzio, Bianca DO ..............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Plastic Surgery
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Aizarani-Hallak, Antoine MD .Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula Batra, Munish MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kaplan, George MD .............. Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch Breister Ghosh, Diana MD ....Independent
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Broder, Kevin MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Marietti Shepherd, Sarah MD Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Health Partners
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Health Partners
Camberos, Alfonso MD ........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Cardona-Loya, Octavio MD ..Sharp Community Medical Group
Chao, James MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Gosman, Amanda MD ..........Independent
Chesler, Bradley MD ............ Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Gupta, Abhay MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Crowley, Donna MD ............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Du Quette, Mary MD ............ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Elfenbaum, Marcia MD ........ Sharp Community Medical Group
Gupta, Anshu MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Gavrilyuk, Oleg MD .............. Independent
Halls, Michael MD ................Independent
Halperin, Jonathan MD ........ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jaibaji, Moneer MD ..............Sharp Community Medical Group
Hon, Roxanne MD ............... Independent
Mofid, Mehrdad MD .............Independent
Lao, Jesus MD ..................... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Magnusson, Amy MD .......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Qian, John MD ..................... Sharp Community Medical Group
Otero, Jose MD ....................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Pollack, Larry MD .................Independent
Rogers, Christopher MD ...... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Salazar Reyes, Hector MD ....Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Pediatric Urology
Sharp Health Plan
Samimi, Kian MD ................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill Barnett, Dave MD .................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula Bender, Frank MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Vecchione, Thomas MD ....... Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bobick, Brian DPM .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Fabrikant, Jerry DPM ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Farmer, Steven DPM ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Feldman, Kent DPM ............. Independent
Cernelc-Kohan, Mateja MD ...Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Felfoldi, James DPM ............ Independent
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Hajimirsadeghi, Amir DPM .. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Han, James DPM ................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Health Partners
Hatfield, James DPM ........... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Hutchinson, Bruce DPM ...... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Jones, Alan DPM ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Clark, Samuel MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group
Kleiner, Daniel DPM ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Lawson, Robert DPM .......... Independent
Corona, Frank MD ................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Crouch, Terrence MD ...........Independent
Mazza, David DPM ............... Sharp Community Medical Group
Czer, Gregory MD .................Sharp Community Medical Group
Meyer, Joan DPM ................ Independent
El Ghazal, Roland MD ...........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill Emdur, Larry DO ..................Independent
Miller, Glenn DPM ............... Independent
Fiallo, Luis MD .....................Sharp Community Medical Group
Nguyen, Tony DPM ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hekier, Elan MD ....................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Noeller, Katherine DPM ....... Independent
Hirsch, Gregory MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Papier, Maurice DPM ........... Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Patish, Grigoriy DPM ........... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Plaskin, Steven DPM ........... Independent
Hoffman, Deborah MD .........Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kavy, Steven MD ..................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Rehm, Kenneth DPM ........... Independent
Le, Huan MD ........................Independent
Shin, Heamin DPM .............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Lee, Stephen MD ..................Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Springer, Dewain DPM ........ Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Lim, Rosemarie MD .............Sharp Community Medical Group
Lira, Jose MD .......................Sharp Community Medical Group
Taubman, Martin DPM ........ Independent
Lozano, Martha MD ..............Independent
Terry, David DPM ................ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Thomas, Curt DPM .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Otoshi, James MD ................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Thuen, Eric DPM ................. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Health Partners
Transfiguracion Shin, Christianne DPM Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Vallone, Melchior DPM ........ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Vallone, Robert DPM ........... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Pokala, Sathya MD ...............Independent
Wells, Joseph DPM ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Wendt, Daniel DPM ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Westermeyer, Travis DPM ... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Community Medical Group
Witt, Frank DPM .................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Trestman, Kenneth MD ........Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Pulmonary Disease
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Al-Naser, Raed MD .............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Baffi, Cynthia MD ................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Vevaina, James MD ..............Independent
Bagheri, Kaveh MD .............. Independent
Yamanaka, Mark MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Spinal Surgery
Amory, David MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Barba, Daniel MD .................Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Finkenberg, John MD ...........Independent
Kim, Choll MD ......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Kim, Paul MD .......................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Raiszadeh, Kamshad MD ......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Raiszadeh, Ramin MD ..........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Surgical Oncology
Barone, Robert MD ..............Independent
Thoracic Surgery
Adamson, Robert MD ...........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Chammas, Joseph MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Dembitsky, Walter MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Folkerth, Theodore MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Goodman, Allan MD .............Independent
Howden, Frederick MD .........Independent
Huang, Mark MD ..................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Koumjian, Michael MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Lamberti, John MD ..............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Limmer, Karl MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Mitruka, Surindra MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
MorenoCabral, Ricardo MD ..Sharp Community Medical Group
Norman, Vanjah MD .............Independent
Rosenburg, Jeffrey MD ........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Adamson, Thomas MD ........ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Al Nahlawi, Basma MD ........ Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Anderson, Brian MD ............ Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Ansari, Rashad MD .............. Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Brion, Paul MD .................... Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Broudy, Corrie MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Chitkara, Puja MD ................ Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Dikranian, Ara MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Freyne, Brigid MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Fronek, Zdenka MD .............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Keller, Michael MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kotha, Akther MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kotha, Roshan MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Mabaquiao, Arthur MD ........ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Malinak, James MD ............. Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Mayer, Dean MD .................. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Nolan, Frank MD .................. Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Pazirandeh, Mahmood MD .. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Radhakrishna, Suhas MD .... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rao, Soumya MD ................. Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Reddy, Dana MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Rivera, Tania MD ..................Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Wright, Cheryl MD ...............Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Urlaub, Bernard MD ............. Independent
Sharp Health Plan
Anthony, Julian MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Bosch, Philip MD ................. Independent
Brodak, Philip MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Chiang, George MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Cohen, Edward MD .............. Independent
Colangelo, Caroline MD ....... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Cole, Emily MD .................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Conner, Richard MD ............ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Crisell, Monisha MD ............ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Darlin, Douglas MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Dato, Paul MD ..................... Sharp Community Medical Group
Dicks, Brian MD ................... Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Eisenberg, Robert MD ......... Sharp Community Medical Group
Engel, Dena MD ................... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Fawcett, James MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Frasier, Bradley MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Guerena, Michael MD .......... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Henderson, Harry MD .......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Hergan, Lori Ann MD ........... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Jones, Thomas MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Kearse, Wilfred MD ............. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Keiller, Danny MD ................ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kosoy, Daniel MD ................ Independent
Larson, Benjamin MD .......... Independent
MacIntyre, Ronald MD ......... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Moseley, William MD ........... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Neustein, Paul MD ............... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Phillips, Jason MD ............... Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Polishuk, Paul MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Roberts, James MD ..............Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rochester, Marianne MD ......Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Shepherd, Sarah MD ............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Rady Children’s Health Network/CPMG
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Siegel, Jordan MD ................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Simon, Scott MD ..................Independent
Swords, Kelly MD .................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Vapnek, Evan MD .................Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Temecula
Vemulapalli, Sreenivas MD ...Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Warshawsky, Arthur MD ......Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Yap, Michael MD ..................Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Vascular Surgery
Adamson, Robert MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group
Bulkin, Anatoly MD ...............Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Campbell, Gregory MD .........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chammas, Joseph MD .........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Chan, Edmond MD ...............Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Chang, Alexander MD ...........Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Dembitsky, Walter MD .........Sharp Community Medical Group
Folkerth, Theodore MD .........Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Guzzetta, Vincent MD ...........Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sharp Health Plan
Horton, Curtis MD ............... Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group
Huang, Mark MD ................. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Jamshidi-Nezhad, Mohammad DO Sharp Community Medical GroupGraybill
Koumjian, Michael MD ......... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Kroener, John MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Murthy, Raghav MD ............. Greater Tri-Cities IPA
Primary Care Associates Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Musicant, Scott MD ............. Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Rosenburg, Jeffrey MD ........ Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Salloum, Alexander MD ....... Sharp Community Medical Group-Arch
Health Partners
Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Sedwitz, Marc MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Terramani, Thomas MD ....... Independent
Sharp Community Medical Group
Urlaub, Bernard MD ............. Independent
Velky, Thomas MD ............... Sharp Community Medical Group-Graybill
Sharp Community Medical Group-Inland
Customer Care: 1-800-359-2002
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Consider us your personal
health care assistant
(858) 499-8300 or 1-800-359-2002
8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday through Friday