Sports and Games and Great Campaigns


Sports and Games and Great Campaigns
Sports and Games
and Great Campaigns
A Selling Exhibition of Antiques
30th April to 21st May 2011 I
Sports and Games and Great Campaigns
A Selling Exhibition of Antiques
Sports and Games and Great Campaigns is the third joint exhibition by Manfred Schotten and
Christopher Clarke Antiques. Both businesses are known for their expertise in their field. Manfred
for his knowledge of sporting antiques and the Clarke brothers for theirs in campaign furniture. This
exhibition brings together the best of both worlds and shows how easily the two sit together.
The exhibition will be held at Manfred Schotten Antiques,
109 High Street, Burford, Oxon. OX18 4RG
30th April - 21st May 2011, Mon - Sat 10am - 5.30pm, Sundays 11am - 4pm
We are
pleased to be
associated with Kate’s
Home Nursing and
5% of all exhibition
sales will go to
the charity.
Manfred Schotten | 01993 822302 | |
Christopher Clarke | 01451 830476 | |
Kate’s Great Escape
22nd May 2011
Our second Cotswold Navigational Rally & Treasure Hunt
To coincide with ‘Sports and Games and Great Campaigns’ we are offering you the
chance to enjoy a great day out and at the same time help raise money for the charity.
With Kate’s, we have organised a Treasure Hunt around the beautiful Cotswolds that
will end with a pig roast, prize presentation, raffle and auction.
It will be a great day out for all ages and although we are encouraging the use of
classic cars if you have one, you will be equally welcome in a Robin Reliant. Get in
touch to find out more.
Entry Cost
£75 per
vehicle to
include 2
£15 per
each extra
£5 per each
extra child
Refreshments at the start and a pig roast at the
finish is included in the entry cost.
For an entry form or to get more information
please contact Manfred Schotten Antiques:
01993 822302
About Kate’s Home Nursing
Kate’s Home Nursing provides
hospice at home nursing care for
those in the last stage of illness,
filling the gap that the statutory
sector cannot and giving respite
to the patient’s primary carer.
Registered Charity No. 1059680
For more information
on Kate’s visit :
Can’t make it but you’d still like to
make a donation? You can do so at
the exhibition or by visiting Kate’s
Home Nursing website.
Designed & printed by Technique Print Group - 01295 250025 /
Technique Print Group are pleased to support Kate’s Home Nursing.