2014 dossier


2014 dossier
2014 dossier
About Lleida.net
The First Registering Operator
Mission, vision and values
What we are and where are we going
Portfolio of services
Lleida.net provides services grouped around
different business lines
Services for
telecommunication operators
Data checker services
Service license
Innovation- Platform for developers
Innovation the basis of our success
Our customers
Committed to attitude
About Lleida.net
Origin: from medieval Latin certificatum, from certificare
"A document attesting the truth of a fact or a statement."
Technology since 1995
Lleida.net was created 1995 with the aim of offering services related to access to the Internet.
Ten years later, in 2005, the company underwent an important transformation and obtained
the authorisation of the “Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones” (Commission of the
Telecommunications Market) to offer services as a telecommunications operator This explains
how we became pioneers in providing services as an SMS operator. Closely monitoring our
clients’ needs, we then continued to innovate and developed the concept of registered electronic
communications. Thus improving contracting processes making them more effective, efficient, faster
and secure. Wouldn't you like to use a really secure communication, valid in court and cheaper than
its printed equivalent?
About Lleida.net 4
Mission, vision
and values
Mission,Vision and Values 5
As the First Registering Operator, our mission consists in providing companies, public administrations
and private users with secure, trustworthy, efficient and profitable electronic communications that
will directly help to improve their results. We innovate in order to meet the needs of our clients,
provide our shareholders with growing and sustainable profitability and foster the professional
development of our employees.
To be the leading international operator in the market of registering electronic communications, and
to be able to deliver services that are recognised as industry standards. We wish to give society new
ways of communicating to facilitate and improve relations between people and change traditional
communications processes into new technological ones.
Commitment, professionalism, efficiency and team work.
From clients and society based on providing the highest level of service and quality and the greatest
guarantees of security and efficiency.
Sustainability and responsibility
from a company with responsible growth, which looks after the interests of its workers, promoting
their personal and professional development and facilitating the combination of work and family life
For the needs of people with any disability.
Mission,Vision and Values 6
SME's and companies
rely on the efficiency of
our services
Internationalization 7
We are in
Since its inception, Lleida.net project has a clear international vocation. This vocation made Lleida.net to
become an important international text message hub, interconnecting operators all over the world.
Nowadays, Lleida.nhas branched out in Europe, North America, South America Africa and Asia. Our
certification solutions can be found in over 150 countries. Certifications endorsed by a previous
legal opinion issued by a prestigious law firm in the country. We work together closely in diverse
multicultural and multilingual environments.
Lleida · Madrid · London · Miami · San Francisco · Paris · New Delhi · Santiago de Chile · Bogotá · São Paulo · Tokyo · Santo Domingo · Cape Town · Montevideo · Panamá
Internationalization 8
Parc Científic i Tecnològic
Agroalimentari de Lleida
PCiTAL | Edifici H1 2a planta, B
25003 Lleida
(+34) 973 282 300
Avenida de Manoteras, 30
Edificio A, oficina 008
28050 Madrid
(+34) 973 282 300
Studio F7, 80
Silverthorne Road
London SW8 3HE
+ 44 (0) 20 33978568
18851 NE 29th Suite 756
Aventura FL 33180 · FLORIDA
+1 (305) 433-6365
1100 Dufferin Ave.
Burlingame CA, 94010
(+1) 415 230 9525
26, rue Guynemer
78600 Maisons - Laffitte (Paris)
(+33) 01 85 39 00 20
D-107 Sarita Vihar
New Delhi · 110076
(+91) 98100 76926
Av. Lota 2267 of 402
Providencia, Santiago de Chile
+56 225709468
Edificio Urban Plaza, Pisos 4 y
5, Calle 90 No 11-13, Complejo
Urban Plaza, Bogotá
+57 1 3819903
Rua Tabapuã, 422 - 7° andar
04533-001-São Paulo-SP
(11) 3077 2771
Avenida Anacaona número 44,
Edificio Logroval XII , piso 10 B
CP 11108, Los Cazicazgos,
Santo Domingo centro
1 829 3451240
Colonia 950 esq. Rio Branco
257 Victoria Road
7925 Cape Town
+ 27 21 4471048
9F 40MT MORI BLDG., 5-13-1
Toranomon, Minatoku
105-0001 Tokyo
(+81) 03 5733 5790
Internationalization 9
Portfolio of services
Lleida.net services common
goal is to optimize customer
communication processes
Lleida.net provides services grouped around four different business lines:
services for
operators of
The company has spearheaded the creation of new and unknown services, as registered
communications services were at the time. These services are in-house developed thus improving
the quality of our services. As a Telecom Operator we offer SMS and hub services internationally. And
the direct result from these services are registered lectronic messaging and data checker. It is the
know how in the above mentioned areas what allows us to provide comprehensive solutions to the
contracting and communication processes.
Portfolio of services
Legally binding
Certification provided by Lleida.net allows clients to use our messages as proof in a court of law.
The content is legally binding.
We certify:
✓ Phone number of the email address/sender
✓ Phone number of the email/recipient
✓ Message and attachment
✓ Exact time of delivery
The cost of registered electronic communications is much lower than any other paper
communications offering the same legal validity. They are also time-savers, as they can be easily
integrated with your back office system.
Trusted third party
As a telecommunications operator,and trusted third party we have a wealth of experience and we
also keep the document for you. We have a wealth of experience as a trusted third party.
Lleida.net helps you protect the natural environment. A true replacement for paper.
No set ups required. You can also integrate it into your platform. Contact us.
Portfolio of services
Registered communications 12
registered SMS
Text messages service to mobile phones issuing a certificate with phone numbers, content and As
easy as sending an SMS, cheaper than a postcard, and with the same validity as if you send a burofax
from your local post office.
registered SMS contract
Registered agreement services by SMS A certififcate is issued together with the reply , if it occurs. It
allows you to close legally binding contracts.
registered email
Electronic email registered services Issuing a certificate of sender and recipient email address,the
content,and the exact date and time. As simple as sending an email,with unlimited content and with
registered email contract
Registered agreement services by email A certificate is issued together with the reply , if it occurs. It
allows you to close legally binding contracts.
The storage
of our servers
is of 60TB
Portfolio of services
64,6% of
SMS contracts
are sealed.
85 % average savings
when sending
registered invoices.
And with full legal
Participating in more
than 15 exhibitions
per year. Spain,
Latam, US, China
and Africa
Registered communications 13
registered invoice
Registered invoice service by email Issuing a certificate of sender and recipient email address,the
content,and the exact date and time. It allows securing and proof of receipt.
registered delivery
Registration of incoming emails. Issuing a certificate to the sender's email address,the content,and
the exact time and date of delivery. A mailbox that stamps the incoming email/SMS and sends a
certificate proving phone number/sender email, the content and the exact time.
stamp ID Lleida.net
Service checking to validity of an identity card . Sends the document to Stamp ID Lleidanet
email address and it reports the results of the ID and Lleida.net certificate proving the sender, the
registered incoming mailbox, the date and the time of the sending.
Portfolio of services
Registered communications 14
The certificate of Lleida.net
Find out what the PDF document issued each time you send a registered SMS or registered email
is about.
LLEIDANETWORKS Serveis Telematics, S.A. telecom operator CERTIFIES that,
Time and date of sending,
sender and recipient
the registered user under Lleida.net corporate name has sent a registered email to the address
‘Newman <admin@newman.com>’ on February 19 2013 at 06:18 PM (18:18 GMT +1) from sender service@
mailcert.lleida.net’ (forwarded on behalf of ‘Robert Phillips <rphillips@mail.com>’) with the following content:
"[REGISTERED EMAIL Invoice 01-14]
Message text
Please find attached the invoice for January 2014.
> Talk2Me
The certificate contains all email
attachments and its content: PDF
(unencrypted and A4 size), JPG, GIF, TIFF,
PNG and TXT.
Invoice 03/2014
Creative work £400
Copywriting £150
Art work £150
TOTAL .................................................... £700
Lleida.net Parc Científic i Tecnològic Agroalimentari de Lleida (PCiTAL) Edifici H1 2a planta 25003 Lleida Spain
Portfolio of services
Registered communications 15
Files attached
Attachments that can not be displayed directly on the certificate,are are
added as attachments to the PDF.
No printable element. See data
shows you there is an attached file. All attachments are in the
"Attachments" tab pdf viewer.
You can also access them by clicking on the icon
Email identifier
Date sent
Sending Technical
We attach to the certificate, the messages
both sender and recipient have
exchanged in the process of sending the
registered email.
Thus, certificate might be printed to hold
it up in court.
Lleida.net electronic signature
with a time stamp. When receiving the document for
the first time, validating the signature will be required.
This certificate has been issued and sent upon request and with the express consent of the
sender, by a secure and confidential system that registers traffic without interfering, revealing or
This email has been assigned a unique ID ('M-S27846') in the records of LleidaNetworks Serveis
Telemàtics, S.A.
Lleida, 19th of February 2013
[+] Email header details:
[+] #######################################
“From: ‘service@mailcert.lleida.net’
To: ‘admin@newman.com’
Subject: ‘=?iso-8859-1?q?EMAIL CERTIFICADO= ENC: Ata - Parque Imperial x Project’
Received: ‘from if01-mail-sr04-mia.mta.terra.com (if01-mail-sr04-mia.mta.terra.com
[]) by mailcert.lleida.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0031A3240B5 for <correio@certificado.lleida.net>; Wed, 19 Feb
2013 18:18:43 +0100 (CEST)’
Received: ‘from 155.tpn.terra.com (unknown []) by mail-sr04-mia.tpn.terra.com
with ESMTP id 806F22002248; Wed, 19 Feb 2013 18:19:54 +0000 (UTC)’
Received: ‘from Contabilidade (unknown []) (authenticated user euromundo001@
terra.com.br) by 155.tpn.terra.com (Postfix) with ESMTPA id 8CBA3400000BC; Wed, 19 Feb 2014
18:18:47 +0000 (UTC)’
Resent-From: ‘”Contabilidade Talk2Me <faturas@talk2me.com>’
Return-Path: ‘<admin@newman.com>’
Message-Id: ‘<MailCertOut.51c1ad1b.77097.0@mailcert.lleida.net>’
Date: ‘Wed, 19 Jun 2014 10:06:50 -0300’
Original-Message-Id: ‘<004601ce6ced$ddd2c5f0$997851d0$@com.br>’
[+] Technical details host -t mx dominio queries:
[+] #######################################
at 18 hours 18 minutes on February 19, 2013 (18:18 GMT +2) the mail domain
destinatario ‘uol.com.br mail’ estaba gestionado por el servidor 10 mx.uol.com.br.’
[+] System log details:
[+] #######################################
Feb 19 18:18:39 mailcert postfix/smtpd[19368]: 5A7F43240B5: client=localhost[]
F e b1 9 1 5 : 0 7 : 3 9 m a i l c e r t p o s t f i x / c l e a n u p [ 1 9 3 9 0 ] : 5 A 7 F 4 3 2 4 0 B 5 : m e
s s a g e -i d = < M a i l C e r t O u t . 5 1 c 1 a d 1 b . 7 7 0 9 7 . 0 @ m a i l c e r t . l l e i d a . n e t >
e s e n t - m e s s a g e -i d = < 2 0 1 3 0 6 1 9 1 3 0 7 3 9 . 5 A 7 F 4 3 2 4 0 B 5 @ m a i l c e r t . l
Feb 19 18:18:39 mailcert postfix/qmgr[22377]: 5A7F43240B5: from=<service@mailcert.lleida.net>,
size=160828, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Feb 19 18:18:49 mailcert postfix/smtp[19393]: 5A7F43240B5: to=<admin@newman.com>,
relay=mx.uol.com.br[]:25, delay=8.5, delays=0.2/0/3.3/5, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250
2.0.0 Ok: queued as 3bb60F316kzKLL3s)
Feb 19 18:18:49 mailcert postfix/qmgr[22377]: 5A7F43240B5: removed”
Valid signature
Electronic signature of the Registered email service
Date: 2013.02.19 19:19:29 CEST
Trade name Lleida.net email stamp
City: Lleida
Lleida.net Parc Científic i Tecnològic Agroalimentari de Lleida (PCiTAL) Edifici H1 2a planta 25003 Lleida Spain
Talk and listen to your customers. Get in touch and let them reply to you, thereby improving
their user experience.
One size does not really fits most. Save by telling each customer what they need to know,
while improving the efficiency of your processes.
Global coverage
Your messages will not get lost along the way. Lleida.net covers more than 1,300 international
network operators (including all the Spanish ones), with two way connection in most cases.
We guarantee the delivery of your messages to ported numbers.
Lleida.net helps you protect the natural environment. A true replacement for paper.
No set ups required. You can also integrate it into your platform. Contact us.
Portfolio of services
Unregistered communications 17
SMS service to send your text messages with all the advantages we can offer as telecom operator
Own numbering and guarantee of reception.
SMS service to send your text messages with all the advantages we can offer as telecom operator
International coverage, own numbering and guarantee of reception.
Service allowing a group of people to communicate together by sending a single SMS message.
Platform to manage large volumes of emails.
sms to email
We link your email ID to a Lleida.net number so that you can receive and manage SMS using your
email address.
Portfolio of services
Unregistered communications 18
Services for
Telecommunications Operators
Secure and reliable interconnection network
Our vast experience in this field means that our customers have full confidence in us to deliver this
service, in which security and reliability come first.
Extensive coverage
Lleida.net covers over 1,300 international networks, offering two-way connections in the vast
majority of cases.
Value-added services
· Full coverage of mobile number portability (MNP) and proof of delivery.
SMS reception (MO), SMS sending (MT) and two-way messages.
· Delivery from and to any type of system (GSM, CDMA, etc.).
Increase in SMS traffic
By offering reply messages at local cost
Growing presence
in more than 150
countries across
5 continents
Portfolio of services
We travelled over
495,000 km
per year; 1,356 km
per day
Services for telecommunication operators 19
As a communications operator member of the GSMA, Lleida.net provides a number of services in
collaboration with other international operators. We have our own numbering system.
International Transit Carrier
For operators looking to increase their connection and improving the service quality.
registered communications for
Designed to notify the client any issues related to the contract, billing or receipts.
query routing portability
Optimise routing choice.
monitoring services
We manage and control your incoming and outgoing traffic. Thus, you will take the most out of your
group communications
A multiplatform messaging system allowing your customers to send and receive SMS group
Portfolio of services
Services for telecommunication operators 20
Data checker
Services designed to optimize SMS and voice communication processes. Based on the application of
ENUM technology.
Optimize your marketing campaigns and save on...
Send messages only to valid mobile phone numbers and emails.
Phone calls
Make calls to refined data base mobile phones .
Only use your time for profitable communications.
Portfolio of services
Data checker 21
telephone checker
Plan mass media campaigns knowing beforehand the operativeness of a mobile phone and the
operator it belongs to . Save time and money on calls or messages.
email checker
Service for checking whether mobile telephone number is operative or not. Validate email ids in your
databases. Save time and target your campaigns to real public.
Lleida.net Index
Portability history information of a mobile phone, allowing a profile owner evaluation.
checker alert
Number availability service alert.
Portfolio of services
Data checker 22
Lleida.net has developed a series of applications for tablet and
smartphone providing certification services. Each and every service from
this business line, generate a fully legally binding certificate.
stamphoto_app for smartphone
Stamphotoan app for smartphones developed by Lleida.net certifying pictures anytime, anywhere.
Perfect solution for sending visual evidences. You will receive a legally binding certificate with the
picture, Lleida. stores it for 5 years.
stamp ID Lleida.net_app for smartphone or Dealin9’
Service checking to validity of an identity card . Sends the document to Stamp ID Lleidanet
email address and it reports the results of the ID and Lleida.net certificate proving the sender, the
registered incoming mailbox, the date and the time of the sending.
dealin9’_app for tablet
Deal in 9’ is an application developed by Lleida.net . It is a portable point of sale that makes the
process of explaining and closing contracts easier and quicker: visual, effective and with full legal
validity. You simply need to enter your customer's personal details and the app will check whether
the email address and the telephone number are valid. During the process, you can take a picture
of their ID card and they can sign the contract on the tablet. Both parties will instantly receive a
certificate containing all this information. In addition, Lleida.net will keep the certificate for 5 years.
Apps 23
Lleida.net Core Network*
Tecnología 24
Service license
Licensing Lleida.net services allows
other operators providing certification
services thus achieving excellent
Lleida.net includes a licensing programme for the services offered in its portfolio for those
communications operators who want to offer their clients certification services. In a market as
competitive as that of electronic communications, the possibility of providing value-added services,
such as certification, offers a great opportunity to both build customer loyalty and reach out to more
profitable segments of the market.
Service License 25
InnovationA platform for developers
More than 350 projects
based on our APIs
The basic driving force behind the developments of Lleida.net has been the continuous innovation
of its services. This process has also been responsible for the reinvention of the company itself, as
explained in this document.
And why has this innovation process been so important?
Because it is based on two important premises:
Having the ability
to listen to and to understand
our clients and to
satisfy our client.
Having a team capable of
transforming these needs into
results through internal
R+D processes.
These two factors gave rise to the first services involving the sending of SMS messages and it were
our clients who led us to investigate how to send securer messages and with proof of delivery. This
was how the Lleida.net team came to develop registered SMS messages followed by registered
emails. With this technology, we have managed to provide our communications with the same
legal validity as burofax and recorded delivery mail services. We are therefore the first registering
communications operator.
A platform for developers
Because we want to turn good ideas into good projects,we provide developers with all the relevant
APIs (Application Programming Interface). If your project grows, so do we.
Innovation- Platform for developers 26
Press 27
Press 28
Press 29
Press 30
Our customers
Customers 31
Customers 32
Customers 33
to attitude
Because we believe doing things different,
standing out from the rest is the attitude and
because we want to contribute to reward
those people engaged to their attitude
Because no business project makes sense unless it seeks to give to society more than it receives
Lleida.net is committed to people taking a different road,people daring to do things that differ from
those usual in their social environment, because we believe this attitude is the reason for social
Who we sponsor
Sport teams
We sponsor, CB Lleida, female basketball team, with players put into 12 distinct categories, and
Hockey Club Alpicat LLeida.net, a roller hockey team, with 9 different formations.
Lleida’s Food Bank
We support and sponsor the Food Bank of Lleida on seasonal and specific campaigns to collect food.
We support this initiative as members of the community and in recognition of their necessary and
important tasks.
Committed to attitude 34
School activities involving information technology
The Mobile Learning Day, is a yearly activity during the Mobile World Congress, that emerged to
engage students in the largest conference in the world of communications. The aim is to show
the usefulness of mobiles as a teaching tools A mobile phone is a potential tool for learning, but
sometimes banned at schools. They can have it at school but not in class because mobile phones
are assumed to unleash cyberbullying, hamper their studies, to say the least. It is becoming the case
that students are using their own mobiles to support their own learnings, technology is integrated in
their lives, and they deal with mobiles as we do with spoons.
Lleida.net sponsors Somriures del Kyrgyzstan ,the international cooperation
Somriures del Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan smiles) that is how the three last year students from Universitat
de Lleida has named their adventure of bringing an ambulance to UNICEF Kyrgyzstan. Somriures del
Kyrgyzstan have departed from Lleida towards the Asian country. in an emergency ambulance given
by Ambulàncies de Catalunya. (Catalonian Ambulances).
Lleida.net, attracted by the project and the entrepreneurial spirit of these three last grade students
decided to support the project Somriures del Kirguizistán as the main sponsor, participating with and
providing financial assistance as well as a satellite telephone connection.
Throughout the travel they took several pictures with Stamphoto, giving a reliable proof of their
100,000 km adventure as well as their stay in the Asian country where different activities at rural
school took place.
Rolling in the trip follow the adventure with Stamphoto:http://bit.ly/somriures-con-stamphoto
Youth Employment Promotion Program
Our Youth Employment Promotion Program intended for those students who want to use our tools
to develop their final degree project, recruiting on an one year contract,10 hours per week,and
providing the necessary equipment and material to develop their project.
Donation of computer equipment
We donate computers, screens and portables to several NGO for social purposes. The receiving
institutions use this equipment either to develop their administrative work, or to develop their
technical skills.
Committed to attitude 35
Parc Científic i Tecnològic
Agroalimentari de Lleida
PCiTAL | Edifici H1 2a planta, B
25003 Lleida (SPAIN)
(+34) 973 282 300
Lleida · Madrid · London · Miami · San Francisco · Paris · New Delhi · Santiago de Chile
Bogotá · São Paulo · Tokyo · Santo Domingo · Cape Town · Montevideo · Panamá · Asunción