NFOG 2008 - Congress Reykjavík


NFOG 2008 - Congress Reykjavík
NFOG 2008
XXXVI Congress of the Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology
June 14th–17th 2008, Reykjavík Iceland
– eneste HPV-vaksine med
6,4 års dokumentasjon1
C Cervarix «GlaxoSmithKline»
Vaksine mot humant papillomavirus.
ATC-nr.: J07B M02
INJEKSJONSVÆSKE, suspensjon: Hver dose inneh.: Humant
papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 L1-protein 20 µg, humant papillomavirus
type 18 L1-protein 20 µg, natriumklorid, natriumdihydrogenfosfatdihydrat, AS04 adjuvans som inneholder 3-Odesacyl-4-monofosforyl lipid A (MPL) 50 µg adsorbert til aluminiumhydroksid, hydrert tilsv. 0,5 mg Al3+, vann til injeksjonsvæsker.
Indikasjoner: Vaksine som skal forhindre høygradig cervikal
intraepitelial neoplasi (CIN 2/3) og livmorhalskreft som har
årsakssammenheng med humant papillomavirus av typene 16 og 18.
Indikasjonen er basert på påvist effekt etter vaksinasjon av kvinner i
alderen 15-25 år og påvist immunogenisitet hos unge jenter og kvinner i aldersgruppen 10-25 år. Skal brukes i overensstemmelse med offentlige anbefalinger.
Dosering: Primærvaksinasjon: 3 separate doser på 0,5 ml gis ved
måned 0,1 og 6. Behovet for boosterdose er ikke avklart. Det anbefales
at personer som får første dose med Cervarix fullfører hele vaksinasjonsskjemaet på 3 doser med samme vaksine. Gis i.m. i deltoidregionen. Må ikke injiseres i.v. eller intradermalt. S.c. administrering er
ikke undersøkt. Jenter <10 år: Anbefales ikke da sikkerhets- og immunogenisitetsdata ikke foreligger.
Kontraindikasjoner: Overfølsomhet for noen av innholdsstoffene.
Vaksinering bør utsettes ved akutt, alvorlig febersykdom. En lett infeksjon som en forkjølelse, er ikke en kontraindikasjon for vaksinasjon.
Forsiktighetsregler: Hensiktsmessig medisinsk behandling må alltid
være lett tilgjengelig i tilfelle det oppstår en sjelden anafylaktisk reaksjon. Vaksinen bør gis med forsiktighet ved trombocytopeni eller blødningsforstyrrelser, da blødning kan oppstå etter i.m. injeksjon.
Vaksinering er ikke en erstatning for regelmessig screening-undersøkelse av livmorhalsen, eller erstatning for å ta nødvendige forholdsregler mot eksponering av HPV og andre seksuelt overførbare
sykdommer. Det er mulig at ikke alle vaksinerte oppnår en beskyttende
immunrespons. Det er ikke vist at vaksinen har en terapeutisk effekt og
den er derfor ikke indisert til behandling av livmorhalskreft, cervikal intraepitelial neoplasi (CIN) eller andre etablerte HPV-relaterte lesjoner.
Det foreligger ikke data om bruk hos personer med svekket immunrespons (HIV-infeksjon eller ved immunsuppressiv behandling) som kan
ha en redusert respons på vaksinen. Varigheten av beskyttelse er ikke
endelig avklart, men beskyttelse og fortsatt høye titernivåer er vist opptil 5,5 år etter fullført primærvaksinasjon på 3 doser.
Interaksjoner: Bruk av hormonelle prevensjonsmidler synes ikke å ha
noen innvirkning på effekten av vaksinen. Immunsuppressiv behandling kan føre til redusert immunrespons. Det foreligger ikke data på
samtidig administrering med andre vaksiner.
Graviditet/Amming: Overgang i placenta: Begrensede data indikerer
ingen skadelige effekter, men det anbefales å utsette vaksineringen til
etter endt svangerskap. Overgang i morsmelk: Skal bare brukes ved
amming når mulige fordeler oppveier mulige risikoer.
Bivirkninger: Hyppige (>1/100): Gastrointestinale: GI-symptomer inkl.
kvalme, oppkast, diaré, mavesmerte. Hud: Kløe/pruritus, utslett, urticaria. Muskel-skjelettsystemet: Myalgi, artralgi. Neurologiske: Hodepine. Øvrige: Reaksjoner på injeksjonsstedet, inkl. smerte, rødhet og
hevelse, utmattelse, feber. Mindre hyppige: Luftveier: Øvre luftveisinfeksjoner. Neurologiske: Svimmelhet. Øvrige: Reaksjoner på injeksjonsstedet som indurasjon, lokal parestesi.
Egenskaper: Klassifisering: Ikke-infeksiøs rekombinant vaksine
fremstilt av høyrensede viruslignende partikler (VLP), som består av
hovedkapsidproteinet L1 fra de onkogene HPV-typene 16 og 18. VLP
inneholder ikke virus-DNA og kan derfor ikke infisere celler, reproduseres eller forårsake sykdom. Virkningsmekanisme: Effekten skyldes
trolig hovedsakelig, utvikling av humoral immunrespons. Minimum
beskyttende antistoffnivå er ikke identifisert. Det er vist 100 % effekt
mot 12-måneders vedvarende infeksjon forårsaket av HPV16/18 blant
kvinner i alderen 15-25 år som i utgangs-punktet var naive mot onkogene HPV-typer. Det er vist 90,4 % effekt mot CIN2+ blant kvinner naive
mot HPV 16 og/eller HPV 18 etter 15 måneders oppfølgingstid (effekten er imidlertid 100 % dersom en ekskluderer lesjoner hvor HPV 16
og HPV 18 ikke er den direkte årsak). 1 måned etter 3. dose har 99,9
% av de som i utgangspunktet er seronegative, antistofftitre mot både
HPV 16 og HPV 18. Antistoffresponsen i aldergruppen 15-25 år holder
seg på et forhøyet nivå gjennom hele oppfølgingsperioden på 64
måneder etter 1. dose, og er ved endt oppfølgingstid minst 11 ganger
høyere enn etter naturlig infeksjon. Kvinner i alderen 26-55 år oppnår
titernivåer som er lavere enn i aldersgruppen 15-25 år. Antistoffnivået
holder seg imidlertid på et nivå betydelig høyere enn etter naturlig infeksjon gjennom hele oppfølgingsperioden på 18 måneder. Jenter i
alderen 10-14 år oppnår titernivåer som er minst dobbelt så høye som
hos kvinner i aldersgruppen 15-25 år. På bakgrunn av disse immunogenisitetsdata kan en anta at vaksinen også har effekt i alderen 10-14
Oppbevaring og holdbarhet: Oppbevares i kjøleskap (2-8°C). Må ikke
fryses. Beskyttes mot lys.
Andre opplysninger: Ved lagring kan et hvitt bunnfall og en klar supernatant observeres i den ferdigfylte sprøyten. Før vaksinen gis, må
innholdet i sprøyten undersøkes visuelt for ev. fremmede partikler
og/eller fysikalske forandringer. Dersom slike forandringer oppdages
skal vaksinen destrueres. Skal ikke blandes med andre legemidler.
Vaksinen bør ristes godt før bruk for å oppnå en homogen suspensjon.
Ikke anvendt vaksine samt avfall bør destrueres i overensstemmelse
med lokale krav.
Pakninger og priser: Ferdigfylt sprøyte med kanyle: 0,5 ml kr 1259,40.
10 x 0,5 ml kr 12 285,10.
Referanse: 1. Gynecologic Oncology (2008; 109; 158-159)
GSK 05.2008
Studien viser 100 % beskyttelse mot forstadier til livmorhalskreft
forårsaket av HPV 16 og 181
Dear colleagues, welcome to Reykjavík!
The 36th NFOG congress has commenced and many people deserve thanks for making this
possible. Our federation, NFOG, plays an important role in bringing us together in events
such as this congress and in helping us keep up our professional standards. During the next
three days we are offered a great variety of lectures in all fields of Obstetrics and
Gynecology. We are honoured by the outstanding speakers from the Nordic Societies and
from both sides of the Atlantic. In addition to six plenary lectures, the NFOG symposium is
a plenary on the global perspective of women´s health. At all other times, four concurrent
symposia will be ongoing so everyone should find something of interest.
It is a special pleasure to welcome our keynote speaker Dr. Dorothy Shaw, President of
FIGO (Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et Obstétrique). This gives us a valuable
opportunity to listen to the leading voice of FIGO, whose mission is to promote women´s
health and safe motherhood and to raise the standards of practice in Obstetrics and
Gynecology around the world.
On behalf of the local organizing committee and the NFOG Board, I warmly welcome you
to this congress in Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, and hope that you will enjoy the
scientific programme of the congress as well as the social events. Hopefully you will also
have an opportunity to experience Icelandic culture and nature.
Picture on cover:
Artist: Eggert Pétursson (b.1956). Untitled 2004–2005. Oil on canvas.
The picture is a small part of the painting which shows the national flower “Holtasóley” (e; mountain avens, latin; dryas octopetala). The
real size is 170x170cm. This piece of art is owned by Landsbanki who kindly gave permission to have the painting on display at Háskólabíó
during the NFOG congress. The NFOG congress committee would like to express their gratitude to Landsbanki for their generous support.
About the artist:
Eggert Petursson’s sole subject is the Icelandic flora. Conceptual rather than decorative, his unique paintings of the minute tundra flowers
of Iceland’s seemingly barren landscape reveal, with dizzying effect, the universe within. Abstract at a distance, at close inspection his
canvases are hyper-realistic – an infinite regression of painstaking brush detail creating each petal, stem and leaf.
Yours sincerely,
Þóra Steingrímsdóttir
Congress president
Utan oro att hamna i nöd
ASTELLAS PHARMA AB, Haraldsgatan 5, 413 14 Göteborg, Tel: 031-741 61 60, Fax: 031-711 05 57.
HØJER 28.04.2008
Vesicare 5 mg och 10 mg filmdragerade tabletter (solifenacin). Farmakoterapeutisk grupp: urologiska spasmolytika. Indikation: Symtomatisk behandling av trängningsinkontinens (urge-inkontinens) och/eller ökad urineringsfrekvens och urinträngningar som kan förekomma hos patienter med överaktiv blåsa. Status: Receptbelagt.
Pris: Se Förmån: Ja. Svensk representant: Astellas Pharma AB, Haraldsgatan 5, 413 14 Göteborg. Texten reviderades senast 2008-04-28 och är baserad på
produktresumé daterad 2005-11-22. För ytterligare information, se
Welcome ..................................................................
Scientific committee..................................................
Local organizing committee ......................................
Summary of NFYOGs activities 2007 .........................
NFOG National Societies ...........................................
Programme overview ................................................
Social programme ..................................................... 13
General information.................................................. 15
Programme ............................................................... 17
Map of the congress venue Háskólabíó..................... 44
Abstracts invited speakers ......................................... 47
Free communications ................................................ 85
Posters ...................................................................... 111
Author index............................................................. 153
Scientific committee
Thue Bryndorf, Denmark
Oskari Heikinheimo, Finland
Alexander Smárason, Iceland
Knut Hordnes, Norway
Lars-Åke Mattsson (chairperson), Sweden
Local organizing committee
Þóra Steingrímsdóttir, president
Ósk Ingvarsdóttir, secretary general
Alexander Smárason, scientific secretary
Ólafur M Håkansson, treasurer
Arnar Hauksson, industry – sponsors
Ragnheiður Ingibjörg Bjarnadóttir
Reynir Tómas Geirsson
Dögg Hauksdóttir, NFYOG member
Hildur Harðardóttir
Jens A Guðmundsson
NFOG 2008
Summary of NFYOGs activities 2007
The NFYOG board 2007 consisted of 10 members, 2 from each of the Nordic countries Denmark, Sweden, Finland,
Iceland and Norway. Three board meetings were held.
The spring meeting was held in Helsinki where the final touches to the Copenhagen seminar 2007 “Is there a
future for obstetrics?” were made.
The Copenhagen seminar “Is there a future for obstetrics?” was held in the Novonordisk conference facilities in
Copenhagen on June 1st and 2nd. The seminar was evaluated by the participants and NFYOG board and viewed a
success. A short board meeting was held immediately after the seminar.
In the fall of 2007 a board meeting was held in Stockholm. Susanne Hesselman resigned as President when she
went on maternity leave. Stig Hill was elected new President of NFYOG. Both the Swedish board members (Åsa and
Susanne) resigned. Planning of the precongress seminar in Reykjavik and commencement of planning of the NFYOG
seminar in 2009 was begun.
Current NFYOG board
NFYOG President
Stig Hill, Norway
Dögg Hauksdóttir, Iceland
Paivi K Rahkola, Finland
Jatta Rautkorpi, Finland
Jens Fuglsang, Denmark
NN, Denmark
Vilde Lehland, Norway
Malin Strand, Sweden
NN, Sweden
Ágúst Ingi Ágústsson, Iceland
Stig Hill President of NFYOG
NFOG National Societies
Morten Lebech
Juha Tapanainen
Arnar Hauksson
Rolf Kirschner
Charlotta Grunewald
Active members (n)
763 in DK, 33 abroad
Abstracts at NFOG Congress 2008 (n)
In addition to the Chairmen of the National Societies, the NFOG board consist of the following members
President: Seija Grénman, Finland
Secretary General: Ragnheidur I. Bjarnadóttir, Iceland
Treasurer: Martin Stjernquist, Sweden
Congress President of NFOG 2008: Thóra Steingrímsdóttir, Iceland
Chairman of Scientific Committee: Lars-Åke Mattsson, Sweden
Chairman of Educational Committee: Anders Atke, Denmark
Chairman of NFYOG: Stig Hill, Norway
Chief Editor of Acta: Reynir T. Geirsson, Iceland
Webmaster ( Peter Secher, Denmark
NFOG 2008
Saturday June 14th
Precourse: Clinical Andrology. Physical examination and use of laboratory tests (CME points 8)
NFYOG Symposium: Nordic Federation of Young Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Obstetrics, a threatened speciality. Britt-Ingjerd Nesheim NO
Congress Registration
Welcome – Get together
Sunday June 15th
Main Hall
Congress Registration
Opening ceremony
Thóra Steingrímsdóttir; Seija Grénman; Alexander Smárason;
Reynir Tómas Geirsson
Young Scientist Award; Best Acta Article Award;
Lillehammer Stipendium; Artists: Fífilbrekkuhópurinn
Opening lecture
Addressing barriers to access to sexual and reproductive health care
Hall 1
Dorothy Shaw, FIGO president, CAN
Coffee Break / Exhibition
NFOG Symposium: Women’s health in a global perspective
Introduction; Women´s Health in a Global Perspective;
Peter Hornnes DK
Maternal mortality with emphasis on post partum hemorrhage;
Roland Strand SE
HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health and rights
– what are the links? Jerker Liljestrand SE
How can ob-gyn societies be useful partners in twinning?
Charlotta Grunewald SE
Lunch Break
Plenary lecture
Congential Anomalies of the Reproductive Tract; Marc Laufer US
Human Papilloma Virus
Efficacy of vaccines. Who should get them? Nubia Munoz FR
Short and long term consequences of vaccination;
Jorma Paavonen FI
Should HPV testing be the primary test in screening programmes?
Philip Davies FR
Other indications for HPV testing; Joakim Dillner SE
Coffee Break / Exhibition
Ovarian cancer
Cytoreduction for Ovarian Cancer – Are Advanced Techniques
of Any Use for the Patients? William Cliby US
Ovarian cancer – Centralization of surgical treatment;
Björn Hagen NO
Prognostic markers, has anything happened during the last
25 years? Claes Högdall DK
New treatment modalities; Mark Baekelandt NO
Skills training, simulation and assessment I
Implementation and evaluation of multiprofessional skills
training in obstetrics; Jette Led Sørensen DK
The SaFE Study: a randomised controlled trial of obstetric
simulation training; Johanna Crofts UK
Research into Obstetric Training – ‘What are the Active
Ingredients of Effective Training ?’ Tim Draycott UK
Hands on test of obstetric and gynecological simulators and
assessment bench stations available all days
Hormones and wellbeing: Testosterone,
Progesterone, Estrogens
Estrogen and Cognition; Päivi Polo FI
Progesterone and progestagens influence on memory
and learning; Torbjörn Bäckström SE
Testosterone treatment in women;
Angelique Flöter Rådestad SE
Poster session: Authors are present by their posters and ready for discussion. Refreshments
NFOG 2008
Hall 2
Hall 3
Women’s health. Free communications I
Ultrasound for fun
Introduction; Ove Axelsson SE
Epidemiological studies on safety; Helle Kieler SE
Animal studies on ultrasound bioeffects; Kjell Å Salvesen NO
Safety recommendations; Ove Axelsson SE
Possible advantages of 3 and 4 D ultrasound in obstetrics;
Elisabeth Epstein SE
Prenatal diagnosis. Free communications II
NFOG 2008
Morbid obesity-a silent killer? Jøran Sture Hjelmesæth NO
Obesity and reproduction; Tom Tanbo NO
Overweight and pregnancy; Tore Henriksen NO
Monday June 16th
Main Hall
Hall 1
Plenary lecture: Preeclampsia
James Walker UK
Skills training, simulation and assessment II
Organisation of training and intergration of skill training in the
curriculum on a local, regional and nation level;
Guyliane Lefebvre, CA
Simulator training and assessment in laparoscopic gynecology;
Christian Rifbjerg Larsen DK
The surgical curriculum; an evidence-based approach;
Teodor Grantcharov CA
Rare serious events in obstetrics
Eclampsia and Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy: The study of rare
disorders of pregnancy using the UK Obstetric Surveillance
System (UKOSS); Marian Knight UK
European Obstetric Survey System, EUROSS – The Nordic
perspective; Jens Langhoff-Roos DK
Experiences from a center for pregnant women with
heart disease; Marianne Johannesen DK
Hysterectomy for life-threatening peripartum haemorrhage:
Study of a ‘near-miss’ event; Marian Knight UK
Coffee Break / Exhibition
Hormone treatment in the climacteric – options for
today and tomorrow
Is there a “window of opportunity”? Göran Samsioe SE
Alternative treatment from an evidence based perspective;
Severe maternal hemorrhage
Pathophysiology of severe PPH and general management;
Mette Moen NO
New methods in treating severe postpartum hemorrhage;
Guidelines for HT from an international perspective;
Kjell Å. Salvesen NO
Jouni Ahonen FI
Placenta acreta; Adam Borgida, US
Sven Skouby DK
Lunch symposium – sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Latest Clinical Update on Gardasil
Opening Introduction; Cecilia Young
GARDASIL® (Quadrivalent HPV Recombinant Vaccine): An update
with four years clinical efficacy data; Nubia Munoz
Benefits of GardasilR
– on other HPV types
– in women above 25 years; Ole-Erik Iversen
General Assembly – Hall 4
Plenary: Should we discontinue public funding of
assisted reproduction?
Why are European laws on reproduction so similar?Paul Devroey BE
It is a mistake to limit public funding for assisted reproduction;
Hans Evers NL
Genetic medicine
Genetic counselling: psychosocial issues and decision making;
Heather Skirton UK
Heritable gynecological cancer; Anne-Marie Gerdes DK
Combined risk assessment for fetal aneuploidy with nuchal
translucency and biochemical markers. The Danish experience,
before and after the guidelines from Sundhedsstyrelsen;
Ann Tabor DK
Fear of childbirth – what is it about and what can we do?
Depression and anxiety during pregnancy – prevalence and
obstetric outcome; Liselott Andersson SE
Violence against women may influence childbirth; Berit Schei NO
Fear of childbirth and the wish for a cesarean;
Elsa Lena Ryding, SE
Fear of childbirth can be treated and cesarean section avoided;
Terhi Saisto FI
Coffee Break / Exhibition
Genetic medicine (cont´d)
Prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidy in the first trimester.
Nuchal translucency and biochemical markers; Adam Borgida US
Prenatal screening for structural malformations in the first trimester;
Preterm birth
Patophysiology of preterm birth;
Hulda Hjartardóttir IS
Jan Stener Jörgensen DK
Henrik Hagberg SE
Clinical management of preterm birth;
Gala dinner
NFOG 2008
Hall 2
Hall 3
Oncology. Free communications III
Medical abortion
Cervical ripening; Helena von Hertzen WHO
Contraception after abortion; Oskari Heikinheimo FI
Medical abortion in late first trimester (9–12w); Ole-Erik Iversen NO
Medical abortion in very early pregnancy; Christian Fiala AT
Home-use of misoprostol in medical abortion;
Kristina Gemzell Danielsson SE
Fetal surveillance. Free communications IV
The changing panorama of contraceptive use in the Nordic countries;
Ian Milsom SE
The use of LNG-IUS in nulliparous women; Satu Suhonen FI
Menstrual cycle suppression. An endocrine treatment and a modern
solution to a modern problem; Leslie Miller UK
Hormonal contraception and risk of venous thromboembolism. Dose
reduction matters; Øjvind Lidegaard DK
Lunch symposium – sponsored by Renapharma
Postpartum anemia – what is the optimal treatment?
Erythropoiesis during pregnancy; Ivor Cavill UK
IV iron vs oral iron. Results of the Norwegian Multicenter Study;
Stian Westad NO
IV ferric carboxymaltose. Results of the American Multicenter
Study; Tom Goodnough USA
Blood transfusion? No, thank you!; Ivor Cavill UK
Symposium – sponsored by Bayer Schering Pharma
New research: Important data for counseling your
OC patients
Bayer Schering Pharma: Taking a leading role in woman´s health
research; Maureen Cronin (Bayer Schering Pharma)
EURAS: The largest European active surveillance study on the safety
and efficacy of OC use; Juergen Dinger DE
Health Authority representative; Steinar Madsen
New major studies on the protective effect of OC use on ovarian
and endometrial cancer; Ian Milsom SE
Putting the new data into perspective for your OC patient;
Maureen Cronin
Presentation of theses
Diet and lifestyle of women of childbearing age – Impact of cod liver oil
consumption on maternal health, birth outcome and breast milk
composition and associations between diet, lifestyle and weight gain in
pregnancy; Anna Sigríður Ólafsdóttir IS
Primary fallopian tube carcinoma: occurence, risk and prognostic factors;
Annika Riska FI
Biochemical and Epidemiological Studies of Early-Onset and Late-Onset
Preeclampsia; Anna Karin Wikström SE
Total versus subtotal hysterectomy for benign uterine diseases?;
Helga Gimbel DK
Portal and umbilical venous distribution in the human fetus;
Jörg Kessler NO
Obstetrics – focus on the mother. Free communications V
New trends in handling male infertility
New trends in handling male infertility – Male infertility tests in the era of
ICSI. Are genetic tests coming ? Ulrik Kvist SE
Are sperm tests vanishing? Aleksander Giwercman SE
Cryopreservation of testicular tissue; Claus Yding Andersen DK
and Erik Ernst DK
NFOG 2008
Tuesday June 17th Iceland´s Independence Day
Main Hall
Hall 1
Plenary: Anatomy of the pelvic floor
Steven Swift USA
Pregnancy, delivery and the pelvic floor
Epidemiology of female urinary incontinence and prolapse –
the impact of pregnancy and delivery; Guri Rørtveit NO
Teaching doctors to diagnose and repair perineal lesions;
Ranee Thakar UK
Teaching midwifes to diagnose and repair perineal lesions;
Sara Kindberg DK
Obstetrical lesions and the importance of the quality of
primary repair; Abdul Sultan UK
Panel Debate
Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
Gynecological examination of children and adolescents;
Minna Joki-Erkkilä FI
Chlamydia infection – a worry for the young women or for the
gynecologist? Finn Egil Skjeldestad NO
Trends in adolescent abortion and pregnancy rates in the
Nordic countries; Dan Apter FI
A model for providing contraception and other services for
adolescents; Lena Marions SE
Coffe Break / Exhibition
New technologies in pelvic surgery – what is the evidence? Polycystic ovarian syndrome
What is the best sling for stress urinary incontinence?
Introduction; Jens A Gudmundsson IS
Antti Valpas FI
In utero veritas. Fetal intrauterine androgen exposure and PCOS;
The use of implants in surgery for pelvic organ prolapse – evidence Sven Magnus Carlsen NO
or marketing? Daniel Altman SE
The fertility aspects of PCOS; Laure Morin-Papunen FI
Emerging complications with novel technologies in pelvic surgery;
When pregnant – then what? Eszter Vanky NO
Eckhard Petri DE
Scientific, ethical and legal implications of introducing new
technologies in pelvic surgery; Gunnar Lose DK
Closing ceremony Prizes awarded for best presentations
NFOG 2008
Hall 2
Hall 3
Premenstrual syndrome/Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Etiology and pathogenesis of PMDD/PMS; Torbjörn Bäckström SE
Treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder;
Obstetrics – focus on the fetus. Free communications VI
Inger Sundström Poromaa SE
Postterm pregnancies
Induction of post term pregnancy – time to reconsider?
Gynecology. Free communications VII
Jacob Nakling NO
Routine induction of labour at 41 weeks gestation:
Nonsensus Consensus; Kåre Augensen NO
Management of post-date pregnancy: Todays’ evidence;
Ulla Britt Wennerholm SE
Induction of labour or serial antenatal fetal monitoring in post-term
pregnancy? A randomised controlled trial; Runa Heimstad
NFOG 2008
Type specific detection of mRNA expression
from oncogene HPV
A new Dimension
in predicting the risk
of Cervical Cancer
Saturday June 14th
18:00–20:00 Welcome and get together party
Welcome and get-together party with entertainment and light refreshments is at Listasafn Reykjavíkur
– Reykjavík Art Museum, The Harbour House.
The Harbour House, housed in the former Warehouses of the Port of Reykjavík, has diverse
exhibitions of contemporary and experimental art, both Icelandic and international. The museum also
houses the Erró Collection, a large collection of works by one of Iceland’s most celebrated modern
artists – there are varying exhibitions on parts of this collection at the Museum.
All participants and exhibitors are welcome.
Please note that special transfer from hotels or congress venue is NOT provided
Sunday June 15th
18:30–23:00 Blue Lagoon tour with dinner
The Blue Lagoon is a unique wonder of nature, a pool of natural mineral rich geothermal seawater in
the middle of a lava field. The lagoon is rich in a unique natural combination of minerals. Blue-green
algae and white Silica mud form natural sediment on the bottom of the lagoon and give the lagoon
its soft, milky, aquamarine colour.
The Blue Lagoon was created when hot water from the nearby “Svartsengi” geothermal power plant
that formed due to heat exchange was discharged into the adjacent lava field.
A visit to the Blue Lagoon is an invigorating and exciting experience.
After relaxing bathe in the Blue Lagoon which is truly a unique experience a dinner will be served in
the restaurant.
Please note that swimming suits and towels are NOT provided.
Departure from Háskólabíó – the Congress Venue
Price per pers: ISK 9.100,Tickets can be obtained at the Registration Desk
Monday June 16th
20:00–01:00 Gala dinner
The Gala dinner is at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica which is located in Reykjavík, about 5 minutes drive
from the Congress Venue.
A 3 course delicious dinner with wine will be served. Icelandic artists will perform during dinner and
the band “Hunang” will play for dance.
Please note that special transfer from hotels is NOT provided to / from the Gala dinner.
Price per pers: ISK 8.000,Tickets can be obtained at the Registration Desk
Tuesday June 17th
14:00–19:00 The Golden Circle
On this tour you will see the world-famous Geysir geothermal field and Gullfoss, the queen of
Icelandic waterfalls. The Geysir geothermal field has spouting springs of various formations, bubbling
hot water and exploding geysers while at Gullfoss you are given the opportunity to stand next to the
amazing waterfall, watching its enormous quantities of water tumble violently into a deep,
meandering gorge.
Lunch and refreshments not included
Includes: Bus fare and guidance in English.
Departure from Háskólabíó – the Congress Venue
Price per person: ISK 5.600,Tickets can be obtained at the Registration Desk.
NFOG 2008
Tuesday June 17th
14:00–17:00 Þingvellir tour with Herb introduction
Major events in the history of Iceland have taken place at Þingvellir, a declared National Park in 1930
and all Icelanders hold the place in high esteem. Today, Þingvellir is a protected national shrine. A law
was passed designating Þingvellir as “a protected national shrine for all Icelanders, the perpetual
property of the Icelandic nation under the preservation of a parliament, never to be sold or
The Þingvellir area is part of a fissure zone running through the country, being situated on the
tectonic plate boundaries of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The faults and fissures of the area make evident
the rifting of the earth’s crust. Today, Þingvellir is one of the most frequently visited tourist sites in the
country. Each year, thousands of visitors go there to become better acquainted with Iceland’s greatest
historical site and jewel of nature. On this tour you will also be introduced to Icelandic herbs.
The group gathers around a table covered with Icelandic plants and herbs such as: Iceland moss,
seaweed, angelica, and more. A guide explains the medicinal properties of those plants and gives
examples of how the Icelanders use them to improve their health. The taste buds are teased with a
refreshing herbal tea, some seaweed, warm milk infused with Iceland moss, and other traditional
Icelandic herbal delicacies. The participants then get the secret recipe of the “sorcerer’s lupine root
drink” plus a small goodbye present before heading back to Reykjavik
Departure from Háskólabíó – the Congress Venue
Price per person: ISK 7.100,Tickets can be obtained at the Registration Desk.
Tuesday June 17th
14:00–18:00 Blue Lagoon tour
The Blue Lagoon is a unique wonder of nature, a pool of natural mineral rich geothermal seawater in
the middle of a lava field. The lagoon is rich in a unique natural combination of minerals. Blue-green
algae and white Silica mud form natural sediment on the bottom of the lagoon and give the lagoon
its soft, milky, aquamarine colour.
The Blue Lagoon was created when hot water from the nearby “Svartsengi” geothermal power plant
that formed due to heat exchange was discharged into the adjacent lava field.
A visit to the Blue Lagoon is an invigorating and exciting experience
Please note that swimming suits and towels are NOT provided.
Departure from Háskólabíó – the Congress Venue
Price per person: ISK 5.600,Tickets can be obtained at the Registration Desk.
Tuesday June 17th
Closing Ceremony & Farewell drink by invitation of the organizing committee
Sparkling wine, chocolate strawberries and marzipan sweeties are offered in the foyer after the
Ceremony – as a NFOG 2008 Congress farewell drink and a celebration of the Icelandic Independence
Day June 17th.
NFOG 2008
The Congress is held at Háskólabíó, The University Cinema Complex –
Háskólabíó is adjacent to the Radisson SAS Saga Hotel and close to the city centre of Reykjavík.
All sessions will take place in the lecture halls of Háskólabíó and the exhibition is housed in the foyer.
The address is: Háskólabíó, v/ Hagatorg, 107 Reykjavík – Iceland
Tel: +354-525 5400, fax +354-525 5401
Contact person: Mr. Þorvaldur Kolbeins,, mobile: +354-893 9050
Banking Facilities
A bank is located in the same building as Háskólabíó. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 09:15–16:00.
ATM is located outside the building.
Please be present in your session hall at least 10 minutes prior to your session. It is important that the session stay
on schedule so that individuals who want to hear a specific talk may do so without concerns of time. It is thus vital
that all speakers observe their time allotment.
Congress Badges
Your personal badge is your entrance ticket to all sessions and you are asked to wear it throughout the congress.
Should you misplace your badge a replacement can be obtained at the Congress hospitality desk.
Organizing and Scientific committees have badges with yellow stripe and exhibitors with blue.
Credit Cards
Commonly accepted cards in hotels, shops, restaurants and at the Congress hospitality desk: Visa, MasterCard,
EuroCard, Diners and American Express.
Telephone number: 112
Excursions for participants and accompanying persons are available and detailed information and tickets can be
obtained at the Congress hospitality desk.
Commercial Exhibition
The exhibition is held in the foyer of the lecture halls and is open throughout the congress.
List of the exhibitors and a map of the venue is in the programme. Exhibitors have badges with blue stripe.
Hospitality and Registration Desk
The Congress Reykjavík is in charge of the registration, accommodation bookings, social arrangements, exhibition
and excursions and general information. Tickets for social events and excursions can be obtained at the hospitality
desk. The desk remains open during the congress.
Telephone / mobile: Lára +354-896 6075, Tobba +354-862 4752, Imma +354-897 5559
Internet Café
Internet Café with 6 computers will be located in the foyer of the Main Hall. Please observe the time limit of 10
minutes for each guest if there are other waiting.
The Internet Café is sponsored by Bayer Schering Pharma.
All presentations are in English, no simultaneous interpretation is provided.
Lunches and coffee breaks
Lunches and coffee, tea and refreshments are included in the registration fee and are served in the exhibition area.
NFOG 2008
Poster Display, set-up and removal
Posters should be mounted by the presenters before 13:00, Sunday June 15 and dismantled on Tuesday June 17,
before 12:00.
Assistant will be present for any information or help on Sunday June 15, between 08:00–13.00.
Posters are numbered in the programme and the boards accordingly. Please take notice of that before hanging up
your poster.
Posters left on poster boards will be removed by the organizer who can not be held liable for any loss or damage to
posters beyond the official removal times.
Posters are displayed in the foyer of the lecture halls.
Poster Session
Time: Sunday June 15, 17:30–18:30
Author / authors are present by their poster and ready for discussion.
Light refreshments (wine & cheese) will be served during the Poster session.
Professional Congress Organizer – PCO
Congress Reykjavík, Conference Management Services Ltd. is the official organizing agency for the congress.
The address is: Congress Reykjavik, Engjateigur 5, IS-105 Reykjavík,
tel: +354-585 3900, fax: +354-585 3901
Smoking Policy
Smoking is not allowed inside the Congress Venue.
All speakers are asked to present themselves to the technician with their presentation at least one hour before the
beginning of their session. Please note that you need to hand in your power point presentations on a CD-ROM or
USB key. Assistance can be obtained in the speaker’s room.
Taxis are available outside all hotels and in the City Centre at a reasonable price.
You can call a taxi on +354-561 0000
NFOG 2008
Saturday June 14th
09:00–17:00 Precourse: Clinical Andrology. Physical examination and use of laboratory tests (CME points 8)
15:00–17:00 NFYOG Symposium: Nordic Federation of Young Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstetrics, a
threatened speciality. Britt-Ingjerd Nesheim, Norway
18:00–20:00 Welcome and Get-together party
Sunday June 15th
09:00–09:30 Opening Ceremony
Main Hall
Thóra Steingrímsdóttir
Seija Grénman
Alexander Smárason
Reynir Tómas Geirsson
Artists: Fífilbrekkuhópurinn
Young Scientist Award
Best Acta Article Award
Lillehammer scolarship
09:30–10:30 Opening lecture
Main Hall
Chair: Reynir Tómas Geirsson
IS-001 Addressing barriers to access to sexual and reproductive health care
Dorothy Shaw
FIGO president, University of British Columbia, VANCOUVER, Canada
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break / Exhibition
11:00–12:30 NFOG Symposium: Womens health in a global perspective
Main Hall
Chairs: Seija Grénman and Unni Kirste
11:00–11:20 IS-002 Women´s Health in a Global Perspective
Peter Hornnes
Hvidovre University Hospital, HVIDOVRE, Denmark
11:20–11:40 IS-003 Maternal mortality with emphasis on post partum haemorrhage (PPH)
Roland Strand
Kvinnokliniken, ESKILSTUNA, Sverige
11:40–12:00 IS-004 HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health and rights – what are the links?
Jerker Liljestrand
Department of Health Sciences/Division of Social Medicine and Global Health, MALMÖ, Sweden
12:90–12:20 IS-005 How can ob-gyn societies be useful partners in twinning?
Charlotta Grunewald
SFOG, Dpt ObGyn South General Hospital, NACKA, Sweden
12:20–12:30 Discussion
12:30–13:30 Lunch Break
NFOG 2008
13:30–14:15 Plenary lecture
Main Hall
Chair: Mette Moen
IS-006 Congential Anomalies of the Reproductive Tract
Marc Laufer
Children’s Hospital Boston, BOSTON, United States of America
14:15–15:45 Human Papilloma Virus
Main Hall
Chairs: Kristján Sigurðsson and Ole Erik Iversen
14:15–14:35 IS-007 Efficacy of HPV vaccines. Who should get them?
Nubia Muñoz
Emeritus professor at the National Cancer Institute of Colombia, Colombia / Lyon, France
14:35–14:55 IS-008 Short and long term consequences of HPV vaccination
Jorma Paavonen
Helsinki Unversity Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
14:55–15:15 IS-009 Should HPV testing be the primary test in screening programmes?
Philip Davies
European Cervical Cancer Association, France
15:15–15:35 IS-010 Current and future indications of HPV testing
Joakim Dillner
Lund University, MALMÖ, Sweden
15:35–15:45 Discussion
14:15–15:45 Skills training, simulation and assessment I
Hall 1
Chairs: Rolf Kirschner and Jan Stener Jørgensen
14:15–14:40 IS-011 Implementation and evaluation of multiprofessional skillstraining in obstetrics
Jette Led Soerensen
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
14:40–15:05 IS-012 The SaFE Study: a randomised controlled trial of obstetric simulation training
Joanna Crofts
Southmead Hospital, BRISTOL, United Kingdom
15:05–15:30 IS-013 Research into Obstetric Training – ‘What are the Active Ingredients of Effective
Tim Draycott
Southmead Hospital, BRISTOL, United Kingdom
15:30–15:45 Discussion
Hands on test of obstetric and gynecological simulators and assessment bench stations available all
14:15–15:45 Womens health. Free communications I
Hall 2
Chairs: Satu Suhonen and Unni Kirste
14:15–14:25 WH1 Hormone Therapy and risk of Myocardial Infarction. Effect modification by
concomittant medication for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and arrhythmia.
A National register study
Ellen Løkkegaard1, Anne Helms Andreasen2, Rikke Kart Jacobsen2, Lars Hougaard Nielsen2, Carsten
Agger2, Øjvind Lidegaard3
Glostrup Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Danmark
Research Centre for Prevention and Health, The Capital Region of Denmark, GLOSTRUP, Danmark
Gynaecological Clinic, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
NFOG 2008
14:25–14:35 WH2 Prevalence of psychological, physical and sexual abuse in a national study in young
men and women in Sweden
Ingela Danielsson1, Helena Blom2, Carin Nilses3, Ulf Högberg4, Gun Heimer5
Umeå University, UMEÅ, Sweden
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sundsvall Hospital, SUNDSVLL, Sweden
Department of Clinical Science, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMEÅ, Sweden
Department of Clincal Science Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMEÅ, Sweden
National Centre for Knowledge on Men’s Violence against Women, UPPSALA, Sweden
14:35–14:45 WH3 Risk consumption of alcohol among students in secondary schools exposed to
emotional, physical and sexual violence
Carin Nilses1, Helena Blom2, Ingela Danielsson1
Department of Clinical Science Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMEÅ, Sweden
Department of Obsterics and Gynecology Sundsvall Hospital, SUNDSVALL, Sweden
14:45–14:55 WH4 Gynecologic fistula following sexual violence
Mathias Onsrud1, Solbjørg Sjøveian1, Denis Mukwege2
Ullevål University Hospital, OSLO, Norge
Panzi University Hospital, BUKAVU, Congo
14:55–15:05 WH5 Injury documentation, forensic sampling and legal outcome in police reported sexual
assaults of adult women
Cecilie Therese Hagemann1, Lise Eileen Stene2, Kari Ormstad3, Berit Schei4
St Olavs Hospital HF, TRONDHEIM, Norge
Stavanger University Hospital, STAVANGER, Norge
Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Oslo, OSLO, Norge
Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, TRONDHEIM, Norge
15:05–15:15 WH6 Chlamydia trachomatis seroprevalence rates in Finland over two decades
Jorma Paavonen1, E Lyytikäinen2, M Kaasila3, E Hiltunen-Back4, M Lehtinen5, K Tasanen6, H-M Surcel4, P
Koskela4, J Paavonen1
Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
National Public health Institute, OULU AND KUOPIO, Finland
National Public Helath Institute, OULU AND KUOPIO, Finland
National Public Health Institute, KUOPIO AND OULU, Finland
University of Tampere, School of Public Health, TAMPERE, Finland
Universiy of Oulu, Department of Dermatology, OULU, Finland
15:15–15:25 WH7 Sexuality, fertility and outcome of pregnancies in adult women with congenital
adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency
Kerstin Hagenfeldt1, Per-Olof Janson2, Gundela Holmdahl3, Henrik Falhammar4, Helena Filipsson5,
Louise Frisén6, Marja Thorén4, Agneta Nordenskjöld7
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Dep Obstet/Gynecol, Sahlgrenska Hospital, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
Pediatric Surgery, Queen Silvia Children´s Hospital, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
Dep Endocrinology,Metabolism & Diabetes, Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Dep of Endocrinology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
Dep of Clinical Sciences, Div of Psychiatry Danderyd´s Hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Dep Molecular Med & Surgery and Pediatric Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
14:15–15:45 Ultrasound for fun
Hall 3
Chairs: Bjørn Backe and Isis Amer Wåhlin
14:15–14:25 IS-014 Introduction
Ove Axelsson
Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
14:25–14:45 IS-015 Epidemiological studies on safety
Helle Kieler
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
NFOG 2008
14:45–15:00 IS-016 Animal studies on ultrasound bioeffects
Kjell Salvesen
National Center for Fetal Medicine, TRONDHEIM, Norway
15:00–15:10 IS-017 Safety recommendations
Ove Axelsson
Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
15:10–15:30 IS-018 Possible advantages of 3 and 4 D ultrasound in obstetrics
Elisabeth Epstein
Clinical sciences, Lund, LIMHAMN, Sweden
15:30–15:45 Discussion
15:45–16:15 Coffee Break / Exhibition
16:15–17:30 Ovarian cancer
Main Hall
Chairs: Bengt Tholander and Björn Hagen
16:15–16:45 IS-019 Cytoreduction for Ovarian Cancer – Are Advanced Techniques of Any Use for the
William Cliby
16:45–17:00 IS-020 Ovarian cancer – Centralization of surgical treatment
Bjørn Hagen
Trondheim Univ. Hosp., TRONDHEIM, Norway
17:00–17:15 IS-021 Prognostic markers, has anything happened during the last 25 years?
Claus Høgdall
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN Ø, Denmark
17:15–17:30 IS-022 New treatment modalities
Mark Baekelandt
Norwegian Radium Hospital, Norway
16:15–17:30 Hormones and wellbeing: Testosterone, Progesterone, Estrogens
Hall 1
Chairs: Kerstin Hagenfeldt and Risto Erkkola
16:15–16:35 IS-023 Estrogen and Cognition
Päivi Polo-Kantola
Turku University Hospital, TURKU, Finland
16:35–16:55 IS-024 Progesterone and progestagens influence on memory and learning
Torbjörn Bäckström
Umeå University Hospital, UMEÅ, Sweden
16:55–17:15 IS-025 Testosterone treatment in women
Angelique Flöter Rådestad
Karolinska University Hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
17:15–17:30 Discussion
16:15–17:35 Prenetal diagnosis. Free communications II
Hall 2
Chairs: Thue Bryndorf and Jörg Kessler
16:15–16:25 PD1 Invasive prenatal diagnosis in Denmark 2002–2006
Christina H. F. Vestergaard, Øjvind Lidegaard, Ann Tabor
Rigshospitalet, KØBENHAVN Ø, Denmark
16:25–16:35 PD2 Knowledge and understanding of prenatal screening and testing before and after the
introduction of information booklet
Vigdís Stefánsdóttir1, Hildur Harðardóttir1, Jón Jóhannes Jónsson1, Heather Skirton2
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
University of Plymouth, TAUNTON, United Kingdom
NFOG 2008
16:35–16:45 PD3 Improved performance of first-trimester screening for trisomy 21 with the double test
taken before a gestational age of 10 weeks
Ida Kirkegaard1, Olav Bjorn Pedersen1, Niels Uldbjerg1, Niels Torring2
Dept. Gynecology and Obstetrics, AARHUS C, Denmark
Dept. Clinical Biochemistry, AARHUS, Denmark
16:45–16:55 PD4 First trimester screening in IVF/ICSI pregnancies: The significance of gestational dating
by oocyte retrieval or crown rump length
Anne Cathrine Gjerris1, A Loft2, A Piborg2, A Tabor3, M Christiansen4
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
The Fertility Clinic, Rigshospitalet, University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department of Fetal Medicine, Rigshospitalet University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Statens Serum Institut, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
16:55–17:05 PD5 ADAM12 is an efficient first trimester maternal serum marker for Down syndrome
Michael Christiansen1, Kasper Pihl1, Paula Hedley1, Severin Larsen1, Lone Krebs2, Torben Larsen2
Statens Serum Institut, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Holbæk Sygehus, HOLBÆK, Denmark
17:05–17:15 PD6 A new population based term prediction method – evaluation of the FL-based
Inger Økland1, Håkon K. Gjessing2, Per Grøttum3, Torbjørn M. Eggebø1, Sturla H. Eik-Nes4
Stavanger University Hospital, STAVANGER, Norge
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, OSLO, Norge
University of Oslo, OSLO, Norge
National Center for Fetal Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technolo, TRONDHEIM,
17:15–17:25 PD7 Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) in Norway: Under diagnosed with nonscreening versus a general screening program. Maternal anti-HLA class 1 antibodies as cause
of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) – no longer a myth?
Heidi Tiller, Mette Kjær Killie, Bjørn Skogen, Pål Øian, Anne Husebekk
University Hospital of North Norway, TROMSO, Norway
17:25–17:35 PD8 Prenatal ultrasound and childhood brain tumours
Karin Stalberg1, Bengt Haglund2, Ove Axelsson3, Sven Cnattingius4, Susan Pfeifer5, Helle Kieler6
Uppsala Universitet, UPPSALA, Sverige
Centre for Epidemiology, National Board of Health and Welfare, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UPPSALA, Sverige
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
Department of Genetics and Pathology, Rudbeck Laboratory, UPPSALA, Sverige
Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology, Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
16:15–17:30 Obesity
Hall 3
Chairs: Helena Strevens and Elisabeth Darj
16:15–16:35 IS-026 Morbid obesity – silent killer?
Jøran Hjelmesæth
Morbid Obesity Centre, TØNSBERG, Norway
16:35–16:55 IS-027 Obesity and reproduction
Tom Tanbo
Rikshospitalet University Hospital, OSLO, Norway
Tore Henriksen
University of Oslo, OSLO, Norway
17:20–17:30 Discussion
NFOG 2008
17:30–18:30 Poster session – Authors are present by their posters and ready for discussion
Acta Prize Winner
P001 Placental abruption: risk factors and biochemical markers
Tikkanen M, Paavonen J, Nuutila M, Hiilesmaa V, Ylikorkala O
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Helsinki, Finland
P002 Iceland – Prenatal screening in the first trimester
Hildur Harðardóttir, María Hreinsdóttir, Hulda Hjartardóttir, Jón Jóhannes Jónsson
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
P003 Declining number of invasive procedures for prenatal aneuploidy diagnosis
Hildur Harðardóttir, Hulda Hjartardóttir, Kristín Rut Haraldsdóttir, María Hreinsdóttir
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
P004 Maternal serum leptin is not a first trimester marker of foetal Down syndrome
Paula Hedley, Michael Christiansen
Statens Serum Institut, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
P005 Need for chromosomal diagnosis in single umbilical artery
Lone Laursen, Ole Mogensen
University Hospital of Odense, ODENSE, Denmark
P006 Title Ascertainment Deficiencies of the Swedish Birth Defects Registry and the
Incidence of Cleft Lip/Palate and Spina Bifida in Sweden
Hashem Amini1, Ove Axelsson1, Birgitta Ollars2, Göran Annerén3
Department of Women and Children´s Health Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
Swedish Registry of Birth Defects, National Board of Health and Welfare, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Dep of Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
P007 Obese women have an increased risk for erroneous ultrasound dating in second
Marija Simic1, Isis Amer-Wahlin2, Karel Marsal3, Karin Källén4
Karolinska University hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
Karolinska institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
Dept of Ob and Gyn, University Hospital Lund, LUND, Sverige
Tornblad institute,University of Lund, LUND, Sweden
P008 Intervention program for obese pregnant woman
Elisabeth Storck Lindholm, Margareta Norman, Daniel Altman
Danderyds sjukhus, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
P009 Delivery complications: The role of lifestyle related factors
Nanna Voldner1, Kathrine Froslie1, Kari Bo2, Lene Haakstad2, Jens Bollerslev1, Tore Henriksen1
Rikshospitalet Medical Centre, OSLO, Norway
Norwegian School of Sport Science, OSLO, Norway
P010 Maternal metabolic syndrome and macrosomia in healthy Norwegian gravida
Nanna Voldner, Elisabeth Qvigstad, Kathrine Froslie, Tore Henriksen, Jens Bollerslev
Rikshospitalet Medical Centre, OSLO, Norway
P011 A longitudinal study of six humoral inflammatory markers in pregnancy. Relation to
Camilla Hoff, Katrine Frey Frøslie, Nanna Voldner, Kristin Godang, Jens Bollerslev, Tore Henriksen
Rikshospitalet, OSLO, Norge
P012 Pregnancy outcome in overweight and obese women
Ólöf Elíasdóttir, Hildur Harðardóttir, Þórður Þórkelsson
University of Iceland, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
NFOG 2008
P013 The Effect of Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight Gain in Pregnancy on
Cesarean Section Rate in Spontaneous Labour
Alexander Smárason1, Tatjana Aberle2, Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir2
Intitution of Health Science Research, University of Akureyri, AKUREYRI, Iceland
FSA, University Hospital, AKUREYRI, Iceland
P014 The relation between birth weight and hypertension among Danish nurses with and
without a familial pre-disposition to obesity
Rie Adser Virkus1, Berit Heitmann2, Ellen Christine Løkkegaard3, Thomas Bergholdt1, Morten
Hedegaard4, Bent Ottesen5
Hillerød Hospital, HILLERØD, Denmark
Research Unit for Dietary Studies and the Danish Epidemiology Science Center at, COPENHAGEN,
Glostrup sygehus, GLOSTRUP, Danmark
Juliane Marie Center, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Juliane Mariecenteret, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
P015 Does coffee intake during pregnancy prevent gestational diabetes mellitus?
Birgitte Bruun Nielsen, Per Ovesen, Tine Brink Henriksen
Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, AARHUS, Denmark
P016 Management of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in pregnancy during a 26 year
period at Danderyd Hospital
Margareta Nyman1, Elisabeth Lindholm2, Per-Eric Lins2, Margareta Norman3
Danderyd Hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Danderyds sjukhus, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
P017 Blood glucose home monitoring -based therapy in gestational diabetes leads to
reduced number of macrosomic infants
Jukka Uotila, Sirkku Tulokas
Tampere University Hospital, TAMPERE, Finland
P018 Changes of endothelial function in preeclampsia during pregnancy, early and late
Rangeen Rafik Hamad1, Maria J Eriksson2, Katarina Bremme1
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Department of Clinical Physiology, KAROLINSKA HOSPITAL/STOCKHOLM, Sweden
P019 Ang-1/Ang-2 ratio as a predictive biomarker for preeclampsia
Helena Åkerud1, Anders Larsson2, Matts Olovsson3
Dept of Women´s and Children's Health, Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
Dept of Medical Sciences, Clinical Chemistry, UPPSALA, Sweden
Dept of Women´s and Childrens Health, Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
P020 Maternal serum leptin is a first trimester marker of pre-eclampsia
Paula Hedley, Michael Christiansen
Statens Serum Institut, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
P021 Case report of severe thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
Kadi Ploom
East Tallinn Central Hospital, TALLINN, Estonia
P022 Q-fever during pregnancy: a case report
Lise Lotte Torvin Andersen, Kirsten Marie Schiøtt
Odense University Hospital, ODENSE M, Danmark
P023 Acute Q-fever in pregnancy – A matter of concern to Obstetricians in the Nordic
Kirsten Marie Schiøtt, Lise Lotte Torvin Andersen
Odense University Hospital, ODENSE, Denmark
NFOG 2008
P024 Uterine artery pseudoaneurysm resulting from hidden uterine rupture missinterpreted
as a lower uterine segment necrotic myoma
Ajlana Mulic-Lutvica
Institute of Women's and Children's Health, UPPSALA, Sverige
P025 Pre-pregnancy transabdominal cerclage in women with previous second trimester
Lea Langhoff Thuesen, Birgitte Rode Diness, Jens Langhoff-Roos
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
P026 The growth hormone axis in twin pregnancies
Jens Fuglsang1, Sanne Fisker2, Niels Møller2, Per Ovesen3
Aarhus Universitetshospital, Skejby, & Regionshospitalet Herning, AARHUS N, Danmark
Medical Research Laboratories, Aarhus University Hospital, AARHUS C, Danmark
Gynaecological/Obstetrical Dept. Y, Aarhus University Hospital., AARHUS N, Danmark
P027 Nitric oxide induced morphological changes in the human uterine cervix studied by
electron microscopy
Maria Bullarbo, Erling Ekerhovd, Nina Radulovic, Anders Norström
Institution of clinical sciences, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
P028 Vaginal nitro induces cervical nitric oxide release in women postterm
Mervi Väisänen-Tommiska, Tomi Mikkola, Olavi Ylikorkala
Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
P029 Cervical biopsies can be send by mail for assessment of cervical incompetence
Iben Sundtoft1, Niels Uldbjer2, Ole Bjarne Christiansen3, Steffen Sommer4
Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, AARHUS N, Denmark
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, DK-8200 AARHUS N,
The Fertility Clinic, University Hospital Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Horsens Regional, DK-8700 HORSENS, Denmark
P030 Comparison of Three Modes of Administration of Prostaglandin for Induction of
Morten Beck Sorensen1, Clair Evans2, Ada Ekpe2, Christina Cotzias2
West Middlesex University Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom
West Middlesex Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom
P031 Association between lactate concentration in amniotic fluid (AF) and labour dystocia
Eva Wiberg-Itzel, Lennart Nordstrom
Karolinska Institute, DANDERYD, Sverige
P032 Decreased Cesarean Section Rate after the Introduction of Robson´s 10 Group
Classification System
Jón Gylfason1, Ásta Eymundsdóttir1, Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir1, Alexander Smárason2
FSA University Hospital, AKUREYRI, Iceland
Institution of Health Science Reasearch, University of Akureyri, AKUREYRI, Iceland
P033 Vaginal birth following one prior cesarean section
Brynhildur Tinna Birgisdóttir, Hildur Harðardóttir, Ragnheiður Bjarnadóttir, Þórður Þórkelsson
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
P034 Continuous uterine massage in cases with retained placenta reduces blood loss?
Maria Jonsson1, Ulf Hanson1, Annie Sigfusdottir2
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health Uppsala University Uppsala, UPPSALA, Sweden
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Uppsala University Hospital, UPPSALA, Sverige
P035 Fire drills in obstetric emergencies
Pernille Lottrup, Mette Simonsen, Hanne Kjaergaard, Marianne Johansen, Bent Ottesen, Jette Led
The Juliane Marie Centre for Children, Women and Reproduction Copenhagen Univers,
NFOG 2008
P036 Breech delivery
Jatta Tuohimaa, Tuija Heikkinen
Turku University Hospital, TURKU, Finland
P037 Post-partum urinary tract infection
Rita Andersen Leth1, Jens Kjølseth Møller1, Reimar W. Thomsen2, Niels Uldbjerg1, Mette Nørgaard2
Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, AARHUS N, Denmark
Aarhus University Hospital, Aalborg Sygehus, AARHUS, Denmark
P038 Cesarean Section and Maternal Complications
Nanneli Pallasmaa1, Ulla Ekblad1, Ansa Aitokallio-Tallberg2, Jukka Uotila3, Tytti Raudaskoski4, Veli-Matti
Turku University Central Hospital, TURKU, Finland
Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
Tampere University Hospital, TAMPERE, Finland
Oulu University Hospital, OULU, Finland
P039 Complications of caesarean section
Heiðdís Valgeirsdóttir, Hildur Harðardóttir, Ragnheiður Bjarnadóttir
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
P040 Mode of delivery in UK mothers with HIV
Britt Clausson, Stella Sebuwufu
Mayday University Hospital, CROYDON, United Kingdom
P041 Does TachoSil® improve the healing of the myometrium after cesarean section?
Gitte Bennich, Lene B Paulsen, Pernille Nørgaard, Martin Rudnicki
Roskilde University Hospital, ROSKILDE, Danmark
P042 Caesarean section and risk for pelvic organ prolapse – an epidemiologic register study
and a metaanalysis
Christina Larsson
Karolinska Institute, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
P043 Effect of cimetidine on the transfer of metformin in dually perfused human placenta
Kristiina Tertti1, Ulla Ekblad1, Tuija Heikkinen1, Melissa Rahi1, Tapani Rönnemaa1, Kari Laine2
Turku University Central Hospital, TURKU, Finland
University of Turku, TURKU, Finland
P044 Placental infarcts in preeclamptic, gestational hypertensive, Intrauterine Growth
Retardation (IUGR) and normotensive pregnancies
Anita Sylvest Andersen1, Ulla Engel2, Anne Wåhlin2, Helle Christina Sørensen3, Jørgen G Berthelsen4,
Michael Rud Lassen5, Thomas Bergholt4
Hillerød Hospital, HILLERØD, Denmark
Department of Pathology, Hospital Hospital, HILLERØD, Denmark
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Glostrup Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Denmark
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hillerød Hospital, HILLERØD, Denmark
Clinical Trial Unit, Hørsholm Hospital, HØRSHOLM, Denmark
P045 Histopathological examination of PCOS placentas – metformin or placebo in pregnancy
Solhild Stridsklev, Eszter Vanky, Sven Carlsen, Christina Vogt Isaksen
NTNU/ St. Olavs Hospital, TRONDHEIM, Norway
P046 Maternal risk factors for fetal growth restriction (FGR) in Latvia
Natalija Vedmedovska1, Dace Ezerina2, Dace Rezeberga1, Irina Jermakova2
Riga Stradins University, RIGA, Latvia
Riga Maternity Hospital, RIGA, Latvia
P047 Respiratory dysfunction in infants born by elective cesarean section without labor
Snorri Dónaldsson, Hildur Hardardottir, Þórður Þórkelsson, Atli Dagbjartsson, Hörður Bergsteinsson,
Ásgeir Haraldsson
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
NFOG 2008
P048 Oxygen transport to the fetus during normal vaginal delivery and during elective
Cesarean section
Thordur Thorkelsson1, Anton Bjarnason1, Hildur Hardardottir2, Adalbjorn Thorsteinsson2, Asgeir
Haraldsson1, Atli Dagbjartsson1
Children's Hospital Iceland, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
National University Hospital Iceland, Dpt. of obstetrics and gynecoogy, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
P049 Birth asphyxia and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, incidence and obstetric risk
Kolbrún Pálsdóttir, Hildur Hardardottir, Þórður Þórkelsson, Atli Dagbjartsson
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
P050 Birth asphyxia, neonatal risk factors for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
Kolbrún Pálsdóttir, Hildur Hardardottir, Þórður Þórkelsson, Atli Dagbjartsson
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
P051 Assessment of perinatal outcome – analysis of 7 years of STAN usage in normal
Håkan Norén, Ann Carlsson
Sahlgrenska university hospital, MÖLNDAL, Sweden
P052 Low umbilical artery pH level at birth associates with the development of asthma
among 5–6 year old children
Leea Keski-Nisula1, Baizhuang Xu2, Tuula Putus2, Juha Pekkanen2
Kuopio University Hospital, KUOPIO, Finland
Unit of Environmental Epidemiology, National Public Health Institute, KUOPIO, Finland
P053 Risks associated with extremely large babies
Harpa Vidarsdottir2, Reynir Tómas Geirsson1, Atli Dagbjartsson3, Hildur Hardardottir1, Unnur
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
University of Iceland, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
Landspitali University Hospital, Dept. of Pediatrics, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
P054 Pregnancy exposure to venlafaxine, preterm delivery and Apgar score
Lars Henning Pedersen1, Tine Brink Henriksen2, Jørn Olsen3
University of Aarhus, Dept. of Epidemiology, AARHUS C, Danmark
Perinatal Epidemiology Research Unit, Dept. of Pediatrics, Aarhus University, AARHUS, Danmark
UCLA School of Public Health, Dept. of Epidemiology, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA
P055 PCOS and breast feeding
Eszter Vanky
Inst of laboratory medicine, childrens and womens health, TRONDHEIM, Norge
P056 Maternal androgen levels associate negatively with breastfeeding
Sven Magnus Carlsen1, Geir Jacobsen2, Eszter Vanky1
Inst. for laboratory medicine, childrens and womens health, TRONDHEIM, Norge
Department of Public Health and General Practice, TRONDHEIM, Norge
P057 Maternal mortality and near-miss morbidity in metropolitan La Paz, Bolivia
Mattias Rööst1, Jerker Liljestrand2, Birgitta Essén1
International Maternal and Child Health, IMCH, Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
Department of Health Sciences/Division of Social Medicine and Global Health, MALMÖ, Sverige
P058 Physical and mental handicaps among women examined at center for victims of sexual
assault (CFVSA) in copenhagen
Malene Hilden, Katrine Sidenius
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
P059 TNF-a polymorphism and pathogenesis of Chlamydia trachomatis associated infertility
Jorma Paavonen1, H Öhman2, A Tiitinen1, M Halttunen1, M Lehtinen3, J Paavonen1, H-M Surcel2
Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
National Public Health Institute, OULU, Finland
University of Tampere, School of Public Health, TAMPERE, Finland
NFOG 2008
P060 Human lactobacilli as supplementation of clindamycin to patients with bacterial
vaginosis reduce the recurrence rate; a 6-month, double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled study
Per-Göran Larsson1, Babill Stray-Pedersen2, Keld Ryttig3, Stig Larsen4, Preben Borelli5
Kvinnokliniken, SKÖVDE, Sweden
Rikshospitalet, OSLO, Norge
Farmaservice, KÖPENHAMN, Danmark
Scolle of veterinary Science, Ullevål, OSLO, Norge
Bifodan A/S, HUNDESTAD, Denmark
P061 The Effect of Endometrial Thickness on Invitrofertilization (IVF)-Embryo
Transfer/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Outcome
Jude Okohue1, Sunday Onuh2, Sunday Shaibu2, Peter Ebeigbe3, Ibrahim Wada2, Eugene Okpere4
Prime medical consultants, PORTHARCOURT,RIVERS STATE, Nigeria
Nordica fertility centre@ Nisa premier hospital, ABUJA, Nigeria
Department of obstet/gynaecol, college of medicine, Delta state university, DELTA, Nigeria
Department of obstet/gynaecol, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, EDO, Nigeria
P062 Intrauterine polyps and their influence om infertility
Ditte Josefine Roerne1, Helle Vibeke Clausen1, Søren Stampe Sørensen2
Herlev University hospital, HERLEV, Denmark
Glostrup University Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Denmark
P063 Biochemical and morphological changes in the uterine cervix after pre-treatment with
isosorbide mononitrate and misoprostol
Nina Vukas Radulovic, Erling Ekerhovd, Anders Norström
Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhus, GÖTEBORG, Sverige
P064 The advantage of daily symptom ratings for the diagnosis of menstrual cycle linked
Sigrid Nyberg1, Stefan Hammarbäck2, Marie Bixo2, Inger Sundström-Poromaa3, Torbjörn Bäckström2
Norrlands Universitetssjukhus, UMEÅ, Sverige
Inst Clinical Science, obstetrics and gynecology, UMEÅ, Sweden
Inst of Women`s and Children`s Health, UPPSALA, Sweden
P065 Association of Interleukin-10 Promoter Polymorphism with Endometriosis
Mads Riiskjaer1, Kaspar Nielsen2, Rudi Steffensen2, Christian Erikstrup1, Axel Forman1, Christina Kruse1
Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, AARHUS N, Denmark
Aarhus University Hospital, AALBORG, Denmark
P066 Decreased blood flow in left medial prefrontal and right striatal areas correlates to
increased self-rated fatigue in women with premenstrual dysphoria
Olle Eriksson1, Tord Naessén2, Anders Wall3, Gunnar Blomqvist3, Bengt Långström3, Anton Forsberg4,
Ina Marteinsdottir5, Hans Ågren6, Per Hartvig7
Women´s and Children´s health/ObGyn, UPPSALA, Sweden
Department of Women´s and Children´s health, UPPSALA, Sweden
Uppsala Imanet, GE Healthcare, UPPSALA, Sweden
Department of Neurology, Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Department of Neuroscience, Section of Psychiatry, Akademiska sjukhuset, UPPSALA, Sweden
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Section of Psychiatry at Huddinge, K.I., STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Hospital Pharmacy, AKADEMISKA SJUKHUSET, Sweden
P067 Difference in hormonal levels between lean and overweight women with PCOS
Thilde Sangild Villemann, Birgitta Trolle
Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, ÅRHUS V, Denmark
NFOG 2008
P068 Metabolic characteristics/features of first degree relatives of women with polycystic
ovary syndrome
Assi Torvinen1, Riitta Koivunen2, Anneli Pouta3, Stephen Franks4, Hannu Martikainen5, Aini Bloigu3,
Anna-Liisa Hartikainen5, M.I. McCarthy6, Aimo Ruokonen7, M-R. Järvelin8, Laure Morin-Papunen5
Oulu University, OULU, Finland
Family Federation of Finland, OULU, Finland
Dept. of Public Health Science and General Practice, UNIVERSITY OF OULU, Finland
Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology, Imperial College, LONDON, United Kingdom
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF OULU, Finland
Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, OXFORD, United Kingdom
Dept. of Clinical Chemistry, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF OULU, Finland
8Dept. of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College, LONDON, United Kingdom
P069 The Cost-Effectiveness of estradiol 0.5 mg /norethisterone acetate 0.1 mg for Swedish
Women with an Intact Uterus and Menopausal Symptoms
Ann-Sofie Brandt1, Oskar Ström2, Dorothea Koeppe-Utelli3, Vicki Munro1
Novo Nordisk, CRAWLEY, United Kingdom
i3 Innovus, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Novo Nordisk Region Europe A7S, ZURICH, Switzerland
P070 Hormone Therapy modulates ETA mRNA expression in the aorta of ovariectomized
New Zealand White Rabbits
Susan Pedersen1, Lars Bo Nielsen2, Nina Gros Pedersen3, Lisbeth Nilas4, Bent Ottesen3
Hilleroed Hospital, HILLEROED, Danmark
Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
The Juliane Marie Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hvidovre University Hospital, HVIDOVRE, Danmark
P071 A longitudinal study of contraception in the same women, born in 1962, followed over
a quarter of a century
Ingela Lindh, Agneta Andersson-Ellström, Febe Blohm, Ian Milsom
Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
P072 Age, parity, history of abortion and contraceptive choices affect the risk of repeated
Oskari Heikinheimo1, Mika Gissler2, Satu Suhonen3
Univ of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, HELSINKI, Finland
Dept Ob&Gyn, Univ of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
P073 Satisfaction with contraceptive services and contraceptive behaviour in Estonia, Russia
and Finland
Made Laanpere1, Tatiana Dubikaytis2, Minna Nikula3, Kai Part1, Kai Haldre1, Elina Hemminki3, Helle
University of Tartu, TARTU, Estonia
St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, ST. PETERSBURG, Russian Federation
National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, HELSINKI, Finland
P074 Is the use of reliable contraceptive methods associated with contraceptive service
Kai Part1, Kaja Rahu2, Made Laanpere1, Kai Haldre1, Mati Rahu2, Helle Karro1
University of Tartu, TARTU, Estonia
National Institute for Health Development, TALLINN, Estonia
P075 Prevalence of psychiatric disorders and premenstrual symptoms in patients with
ongoing or prior experience of adverse mood during treatment with combined oral
Birgitta Segeblad
Uppsala Universtity, UPPSALA, Sweden
P076 Does smoking affect the result of treatment for urinary incontinence?
Rikke Guldberg1, Torsten Sorensen2
Kolding Hospital, FREDERICIA, Danmark
Kolding hospital, KOLDING, Danmark
NFOG 2008
P077 Pelvic floor muscle training in the prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence in
women – what is the evidence? A systematic review
Søren Brostrøm, Gunnar Lose
Glostrup Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Danmark
P078 Nocturia in relation to sleep quality in an unselected population of women and men
aged 60–80 years in Denmark
Mette Hornum Bing, Poul Jennum, Lars Alling Møller, Svend Mortensen, Gunnar Lose
Glostrup Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Denmark
P079 Risk factors for complications with the TVT-procedure
Kjell Schedvins1, Elsa Ryde-Blomqvist2
Karolinska University Hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
P080 The effect of hysterectomy or LNG-IUS on wellbeing – A 5-year randomised controlled
Satu Heliövaara-Peippo1, Karoliina Halmesmäki1, Ritva Hurskainen2, Juha Teperi3, Seija Grenman4, Aarre
Kivelä5, Erkki Kujansuu6, Marjo Tuppurainen7, Merja Yliskoski8, Sirkku Vuorma9, Jorma Paavonen2
University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Health Services Research Unit, STAKES, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Turku, TURKU, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Oulu, OULU, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Tampere, TAMPERE, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Kuopio, KUOPIO, Finland
Central Hospital of Central Finland, JYVÄSKYLÄ, Finland
National Public Health Institute, HELSINKI, Finland
P081 Introduction of bipolar hysteroscopic transcervical endometrial resection (TCER) in a
rural hospital in Iceland
Vilhjálmur Kr. Andrésson1, Lýður Ólafsson1, Olav Istre2
Akranes hospital and general healtcare center, AKRANES, Iceland
Ulleval University Hospital, OSLO, Norway
P082 Intravenous Tranexamic Acid And Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: A Prospective
Randomized Study
Rikke Guldberg1, Andersen Bent2
Kolding Hospital, FREDERICIA, Danmark
Kolding hospital, KOLDING, Danmark
P083 The treatment of Bartholin´s cyst or abscess with silver nitrate
Pinar Bor, Niels Ole Knoblauch, Inger Stornes
Randers Hospital, RANDERS, Danmark
P084 Long-term outcome following radical surgery for rectovaginal endometriosis (RVE)
Satu Tarjanne, Jari Sjöberg, Oskari Heikinheimo
Helsinki University Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
P085 Posterior intravaginal slingplasty sling versus unilateral sacrospinous ligament fixation
in treatment of severe vaginal vault prolapsea
Virva Nyyssönen1, Anne Talvensaari-Mattila2, Markku Santala2
North Carelian Central Hospital, JOENSUU, Finland
Oulu University Hospital, OULU, Finland
P086 The Essure transcervical sterilisation procedure, a review of case series
Marie-Louise Saaby, Søren Stampe Sørensen
Glostrup Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Danmark
P087 Uterine vascular malformation after elective termination of pregnancy. A case report
Maija-Riitta Ordén, Petri Sipola, Anu Ruuskanen, Hannu Manninen
Kuopio University Hospital, KUOPIO, Finland
NFOG 2008
P088 Medical abortion in Iceland - experience from the first 246 treatments
Ágúst Ingi Ágústsson, Jens A. Guðmundsson, Kristín Jónsdóttir
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
P089 Cytology quality in the national cervical screening program in Slovenia
Leon Meglic, Andrej Mozina, Stelio Rakar
University Clinical Center, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia
P090 Human Papillomavirus persistence after treatment for cervical dysplasia with
conization and laser vaporisation
Lennart Kjellberg
University of Umeå, UMEÅ, Sweden
P091 HPV- testing of women aged 30 and above with the diagnosis ASC-US/LSIL cervical
cytology in the Copenhagen population screening programme for cervical cancer
Benny Kirschner1, Kåre Simonsen2, Jette Junge2
Herlev Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
Dep. of pathology, Hvidovre Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
P092 Evaluation of tampon as a suitable self sampling device for detection of HPV mRNA
from cervical cells – a preliminary report
Hanne Skomedal1, Runi Rogers1, Greta Dreyer2
University of Pretoria, PRETORIA, South Africa
P093 Increased MMP-2, MMP-9 and TIMP-2 expression is associated with progression from
VIN to invasive vulvar carcinoma
Anne Talvensaari-Mattila, Milla Määttä, Ylermi Soini, Taina Turpeenniemi-Hujanen, Markku Santala
Oulu University, OULU, Finland
P094 ‘Complications after extensive surgery for epithelial ovarian cancer FIGO stage IIIC and
IV in a Nordic Centre. Experiences from the first nine months’
Kirsten Jochumsen, Ole Mogensen
Odense University Hospital, ODENSE C, Denmark
P095 GATA-4 regulates Bcl-2 expression in ovarian granulosa cell tumors
Mikko Anttonen1, Antti Kyrönlahti2, Leila Unkila-Kallio3, Ralf Butzow4, Arto Leminen3, Ilpo
Huhtaniemi5, Markku Heikinheimo2
University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Children's Hospital and Program for Women's Health, University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Reproductive Biology, Imperial College London, LONDON, United Kingdom
P096 Vascular endothelial growth factor in granulosa cell tumors
Anniina Färkkilä1, Antti Kyrönlahti1, Leila Unkila-Kallio2, Ralf Butzow3, Markku Heikinheimo1, Mikko
Children's Hospital and Program for Women's Health, University of Helsinki, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
Department of Pathology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
P097 The tumor suppressors p53, p27 and p21, their relationship and their effects on the
prognosis in early stage (FIGO I-II) epithelial ovarian carcinoma
Ingiridur Skírnisdóttir1, Katarina Lindborg1, Bengt Sorbe2, Tomas Seidal3
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Akadem, UPPSALA,
Department of Gynecological Oncology, Örebro University Hospital, Örebro, ÖREBRO, Sverige
Department of Pathology, Halmstad Medical Center Hospital, HALMSTAD,, Sweden
NFOG 2008
P098 Simulation based Team Training as a Tool to Improve Patient Safety and
Communication Skills
Marlene Mohr1, Doris Oestergaard2, Morten Lebech3, Henriette Hintz3, Nini Vallebo2, Anette
Lewkovitch3, Berit Woetmann Petersen4, Kurt Nielsen5
University hospital in Herlev, Copenhagen, HERLEV, Denmark
Danish institute for Medical Simulation, HERLEV, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department og Gynaecology and Obstetrics, HERLEV, Denmark
Depertment of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department of Anaestesiology, ROSKILDE, Denmark
P099 Retention of Skills in Procedural Laparoscopic Virtual Reality Simulator Training
Mathilde Maagaard1, Jette Led Soerensen1, Torur Dalsgaard2, Bent Ottesen1, Teodor P Grantcharov3,
Christian Rifbjerg Larsen1
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN Ø, Denmark
Rigshopitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
St Michael´s hospital, TORONTO, Canada
P100 An Observational Crossover Comparison of Specialist Training in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology in Great Britain and Denmark
Morten Beck Sorensen
West Middlesex University Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom
NFOG 2008
Monday June 16th
08:15–09:00 IS-029 Plenary lecture: Preeclampsia
Main Hall
Chair: Alexander Smárason
James Walker
The University of Leeds, LEEDS, UK
09:00–10:30 Skills training, simulation and assessment II
Main Hall
Chairs: Juha Mäkinen and Bent Ottesen
09:00–09:25 IS-030 Organization of training and integration of skill training in the curriculum on a local,
regional and national level
Guylaine Lefebvre
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, TORONTO, Canada
09:25–09:50 IS-031 Simulator training and assessment in laparoscopic gynaecology
Christian Rifbjerg Larsen
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
09:50–10:15 IS-032 The surgical curriculum; an evidence-based approach
Teodor Grantcharov
University of Toronto, St. Michael’s Hospital, TORONTO, Canada
10:15–10:30 Discussion
09:00–10:30 Rare serious events in obstetrics
Hall 1
Chairs: Lone Krebs and NN
09:00–09:25 IS-033 Eclampsia and Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy: The study of rare disorders of
pregnancy using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS)
Marian Knight
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, OXFORD, United Kingdom
09:25–09:45 IS-034 European Obstetric Survey System, EUROSS – The Nordic perspective
Jens Langhoff-Roos
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN Ø, Danmark
09:45–10:10 IS-035 Experiences from a center for pregnant women with heart disease
Marianne Johansen
The Juliane Marie Centre for Children, Women and Reproduction Copenhagen Univers,
10:10–10:30 IS-036 Hysterectomy for life-threatening peripartum haemorrhage: Study of a ‘near-miss’
Marian Knight
National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, OXFORD, United Kingdom
09:00–10:30 Oncology. Free communications III
Hall 2
Chairs: Anna Salvarsdóttir and Seija Grénman
09:00–09:10 ON1 Breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women using estrogen-progestin therapy
Heli Lyytinen1, Eero Pukkala2, Olavi Ylikorkala1
Helsinki University Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
Finnish Cancer Institute, HELSINKI, Finland
NFOG 2008
09:10–09:20 ON2 HPV genotype distribution and E6/E7 mRNA expression in Norwegian women with
cervical neoplasia
Katrine Dønvold Sjøborg1, Ameli Trope2, Tormod Eriksen3, Vigdis Lauvrak2, Martin Steinbakk2, Morten
Jacobsen1, Agnes Kathrine Lie3, Anne Eskild2
Ostfold Hospital Trust, FREDRIKSTAD, Norway
Akershus University Hospital, LØRENSKOG, Norway
Cancer Registry of Norway, OSLO, Norway
09:20–09:30 ON3 Framingham risk score and the metabolic syndrome in epithelial ovarian cancer
survivors: a controlled observational study
Astrid Helene Liavaag1, Serena Tonstad2, Are H Pripp3, Claes Trope4, Anne Dørum4
Sørlandets Sykehus, ARENDAL, Norway
Department of Internal Medicine, Ullevål University Hospital, University of Oslo, OSLO, Norway
Biostatistics Unit, Research Services Department, Rikshospitalet,, OSLO, Norway
Department of Gynecological Oncology The Norwegian Radiumhospital , Rikshospital, OSLO, Norway
09:30–09:40 ON4 Gynecological cancer and urinary incontinence
Finn Egil Skjeldestad, Bjørn Hagen
Institute of laboratory medicine, children- and womens’ diseases, TRONDHEIM, Norway
09:40–09:50 ON5 Treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and preterm birth
Maija Jakobsson1, Mika Gissler2, Jorma Paavonen1, Anna-Maija Tapper1
Helsinki University Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
STAKES National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, HELSINKI, Finland
09:50–10:00 ON6 Human Papillomavirus infection is associated with increased cervical nitric oxide
release in the human uterine cervix
Päivi Rahkola, Tomi Mikkola, Pekka Nieminen, Olavi Ylikorkala, Mervi Väisänen-Tommiska
Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland, HELSINKI, Finland
09:00–10:30 Medical abortion
Hall 3
Chairs: Kevin Sunde Oppegaard and Per Lundorff
09:00–09:15 IS-037 Cervical ripening
Helena Hertzen von
World Health Organization, GENEVA, Switzerland
09:15–09:30 IS-038 Contraception after abortion
Oskari Heikinheimo
Helsinki University Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
09:30–09:45 IS-039 Medical abortion in late first trimester (9–12 w)
Ole Erik Iversen
Haukeland Universitetssykehus, BERGEN, Norway
09:45–10:00 IS-040 Medical abortion in very early pregnancy
Christian Fiala
Gynmed Clinic, VIENNA, Austria
10:00–10:15 IS-041 Home-use of misoprostol in medical abortion
Kristina Gemzell Danielsson
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
10:15–10:30 Discussion
10:30–11:00 Coffee Break / Exhibition
11:00–12:30 Hormone treatment in the climateric – options for today and tomorrow
Main Hall
Chairs: Lars Åke Mattsson and Päivi Polo
11:00–11:25 IS-042 Is there a ‘window of opportunity’
Göran Samsioe
Lund university Hospital, LUND, Sweden
NFOG 2008
11:25–11:50 IS-043 Alternative treatment from an evidence based perspective
Mette Haase Moen
St Olavs University Hospital, TRONDHEIM, Norway
11:50–12:15 IS-044 Guidelines for HT from an International perspective
Sven O. Skouby
University of Copenhagen, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
12:15–12:30 Discussion
11:00–12:30 Severe maternal hemorrhage
Hall 1
Chairs: Birgit Bødker and Knud Hordnes
IS-045 Pathophysiology of severe PPH and general management
Jouni Ahonen
Maternity Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
11:45–12:05 IS-046 Placenta Accreta
Adam Borgida
Hartford Hospital, CONNECTICUT, USA
12:05–12:30 IS-047 New methods in treating severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)
Kjell Salvesen
National Center for Fetal Medicine, TRONDHEIM, Norway
11:00–12:30 Fetal surveillance. Free communications IV
Hall 2
Chairs: Jens Langhoff-Roos and NN
11:00–11:10 FS1 Acidaemia at birth related to management of the last two hours of labour
Maria Jonsson1, Solveig Nordén Lindeberg1, Ingrid Östlund2, Ulf Hanson1
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health Uppsala University Uppsala, UPPSALA, Sweden
Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ÖREBRO, Sweden
11:10–11:20 FS2 Evaluation and impact of CTG training programmes
Caroline Pehrson1, Jette Led Soerenson2, Isis Amer-Wåhlin3
Sygehus Syd Næstved, NÆSTVED, Danmark
Obstetric Department and Juliane Marie Centre, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
Department of Women and Child Health, Karolinska University Hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
11:20–11:30 FS3 Neonatal resuscitation of asphyctic infants due to obstetrical malpractice in conjunction
with labour in Sweden 1990–2005
Sophie Berglund1, Mikael Norman2, Charlotta Grunewald1, Hans Pettersson1, Sven Cnattingius3
ADepartment of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Instit, STOCKHOLM,
Department for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology,, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics,, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
11:30–11:40 FS4 Obstetricians’ choice of delivery method in ambiguous cases: Is it influenced by risk
Dorthe Fuglenes1, Pål Øian2, Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen3
University of Oslo, OSLO, Norway
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of North Norway, TROMSØ, Norway
Institute of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo, OSLO, Norway
11:40–11:50 FS5 Implementation of new intra partum fetal monitoring in a Danish Hospital: Impact on
the rate of operative delivery and neonatal outcome
Isis Amer-Wåhlin1, Heidi Fosgrau Sharif2, Kristine Sylvan Andersen2, Thomas Bergholt3, Morten
Karolinska Institute, SOLNA, Sweden
Obstetric Clinic, Juliane Marie Center,Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hillerod Hospital, CopenhagenUniversity, COPENHAGEN,
Juliane Marie Center, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
NFOG 2008
11:50–12:00 FS6 Clinical experience with CTG and ST analysis of the fetal electrocardiogram – low cord
metabolic acidosis rate at a tertiary care centre
Jørg Kessler, G Midbøe, T Hahn, F Macsali, E Wik, S Albrechtsen
Haukeland University Hospital, BERGEN, Norway
12:00–12:10 FS7 ST analysis and prevention of hypoxia – the Turku experience
Susanna Timonen
Turku University Hospital, TURKU, Finland
12:10–12:20 FS8 Adverse outcome in relation to use of STAN
Isis Amer-Wåhlin1, Branka Yli2, Håkan Norén3
Karolinska Institute, SOLNA, Sweden
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Rikshospitalet, University of Oslo, OLSO, Norway
Department of Gynaecology, Perinatal Center, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
12:20–12:30 FS9 Fetal monitoring with CTG in combination with ST analysis vs. CTG alone – a costeffectiveness analysis
Emelie Heintz1, Thor-Henrik Brodtkorb1, Nina Nelson2, Lars-Åke Levin1
Center for Medical Technology Assessment, LINKÖPING, Sweden
Division of Paediatrics, Linköping University Hospital, LINKÖPING, Sweden
11:00–12:30 Contraception
Hall 3
Chairs: Elof Johansson and Runa Aabø
11:00–11:20 IS-048 The changing panorama of contraceptive use in the Nordic countries
Ian Milsom
Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
11:20–11:40 IS-049 The use of LNG-IUS in nulliparous women
Satu Suhonen
Helsinki City, HELSINKI, Finland
11:40–12:00 IS-050 Menstrual cycle suppression. An endocrine treatment and a modern solution to a
modern problem
Leslie Miller
University of Washington, SEATTLE, USA
12:00–12:20 IS-051 Hormonal contraception and risk of venous thromboembolism. Dose reduction
Øjvind Lidegaard
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN Ø, Danmark
12:20- 12:30 Discussion
12:30–14:00 Lunch symposium – sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Latest Clinical Update on GARDASIL®
Hall 1
12:30–12:35 Opening Introduction
Assoc. Professor Cecilia Young
12:35–12:55 GARDASIL® (Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine)
An Update with 4 years Clinical Efficacy Data
Nubia Munoz – M.D. MPH
12:55–13:05 Discussion
13:05–13:25 Benefits of GARDASIL®
– On Ohter HPV types
– In women above 25 years
Professor Ole Erik Iversen M.D.
NFOG 2008
Discussion and Closure
12:30–14:00 Lunch symposium – sponsored by Renapharma
Postpartum anemia – what is the optimal treatment?
Hall 2
Erythropoiesis during pregnancy
Ivor Cavill, CARDIFF, United Kingdom
IV iron vs oral iron
Results of the Norwegian Multicenter Study
Stian Westad, LILLEHAMMER, Norway
IV ferric carboxymaltose
Results of the American Multicenter Study
Tom Goodnough, STANFORD, CAL, USA
Blood transfusion? No, thank you!
Ivor Cavill, CARDIFF, United Kingdom
12:30–14:00 General Assembly
Hall 4
Chair: Peter Hornnes
14:00–14:45 Plenary: Should we discontinue public funding of assisted reproduction?
Main Hall
Chair: Helle Meinertz
IS-052 Why are European laws on reproduction so similar?
Paul Devroey
Centre for Reproductive Medicine, BRUSSELS, Belgium
IS-053 It is a mistake to limit public funding of assisted reproduction
Johannes Evers
Maastricht University Medical Center, MAASTRICHT, Nederland
14:45–16:15 Genetic medicine
Main Hall
Chairs: Hildur Harðardóttir and Thue Bryndorf
14:45–15:15 IS-054 Genetic counselling: psychosocial issues and decision making
Heather Skirton
University of Plymouth, TAUNTON, United Kingdom
15:15–15:45 IS-055 Heritable gynecological cancer
Anne-Marie Gerdes
Odense University Hospital, ODENSE C, Danmark
15:45–16:15 IS-056 Combined risk assessment for fetal aneuploidy with nuchal translucency and
biochemical markers. The Danish experience, before and after the guidelines from
Ann Tabor
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN Ø, Danmark
14:45–16:15 Fear of childbirth – what is it about and what can we do?
Hall 1
Chairs: Charlotta Grunewald and Jukka Uotila
14:45–15:05 IS-057 Depression and anxiety during pregnancy – prevalence and obstetric outcome
Liselott Andersson
Sunderby hospital, LULEÅ, Sweden
15:05–15:25 IS-058 Violence against women may influence childbirth
Berit Schei
NFOG 2008
15:25–15:45 IS-059 Fear of childbirth and the wish for a caesarean
Elsa Lena Ryding
Karolinska University Hospital, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
15:45–16:05 IS-060 Fear of childbirth can be treated and cesarean section avoided
Terhi Saisto
Helsinki Univeristy Central Hospital, HUS (HELSINKI), Finland
16:05–16:15 Discussion
14:45–16:15 Symposium – sponsored by Bayer Schering Pharma
New research: Important data for counseling your OC patients
Hall 2
Bayer Schering Pharma: Taking a leading role in woman's health research
Chair: Maureen Cronin
EURAS: The largest European active surveillance study on the safety and efficacy of OC use
Juergen Dinger, Germany
Health Authority representative:
Steinar Madsen, Norway
New major studies on the protective effect of OC use on ovarian and endometrial cancer
Ian Milsom, Sweden
Putting the new data into perspective for your OC patients
Maureen Cronin, (Bayer Schering Pharma), Germany
14:45–16:25 Presentation of theses
Hall 3
Chairs: Lars-Åke Mattsson and Knut Hordnes
14:45–15:05 IS-061 Diet and lifestyle of women of childbearing age – Impact of cod liver oil consumption
on maternal health, birth outcome and breast milk composition and associations between
diet, lifestyle and weight gain in pregnancy
Anna S Olafsdottir
Iceland University of Education, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
15:05–15:25 IS-062 Primary fallopian tube carcinoma: occurrence, risk and prognostic factors
Annika Riska
Helsinki University Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
15:25–15:45 IS-063 Biochemical and Epidemiological Studies of Early-Onset and Late-Onset. Pre-Eclampsia
Anna-Karin Wikström
Uppsala University, Sweden
15:45–16:05 IS-064 Total versus subtotal hysterectomy for benign uterine diseases?
Helga Gimbel
Hilleroed Hospital, HILLERØD, Denmark
16:05–16:25 IS-065 Portal and umbilical venous distribution in the human fetus
Jørg Kessler
Haukeland University Hospital, BERGEN, Norway
16:15–16:45 Coffee Break / Exhibition
16:45–18:00 Genetic medicine (cont’d)
Main Hall
Chairs: Hildur Harðardóttir and Thue Bryndorf
16:45–17:15 IS-066 Prenatal screening for fetal aneuploidy in the first trimester. Nuchal translucency and
biochemical markers
Adam Borgida
Hartford Hospital, CONNECTICUT, USA
17:15–17:45 IS-067 Prenatal screening for structural malformations in the first trimester
Hulda Hjartardóttir
Landpitali University Hospital, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
NFOG 2008
17:45–18:00 Discussion
16:45–18:00 Preterm birth
Hall 1
Chairs: Ulf Höglund and Maija Riitta Ordén
16:45–17:15 IS-068 Pathophysiology of preterm birth
Henrik Hagberg
Perinatal Center, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
17:15–17:45 IS-069 Clinical management of preterm birth
Jan Stener Jørgensen
Odense University Hospital, ODENSE, Denmark
17:45–18:00 Discussion
16:45–18:05 Obstetrics – focus on the mother. Free communications V
Hall 2
Chairs: Alexander Smárason and Runa Heimstad
16:45–16:55 OM1 Non invasive observation and presentation of the propagation of uterine electrical
activity during labor
Jeremy TERRIEN1, Helga Medek2, Thora Steingrimsdottir2, Brynjar Karlsson1
Reykjavik University, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
Landspitali University Hospital, REYKJAVIK, Iceland
16:55–17:05 OM2 Maintenance Therapy (MT) in Preterm Labour (PTL) – first clinical experiences
Britta Frederiksen-Møller1, Jan Stener Jørgensen1, Andreas Herbst2
Odense University Hospital, ODENSE, Denmark
Lund University Hospital, LUND, Sweden
17:05–17:15 OM3 Ultrasound measurements or Bishop score before induction of labor?
Torbjørn Moe Eggebø1, Inger Økland1, Claudia Heien1, Leif Kaspar Gjessing1, Pål Romundstad2, Kjell
Åsmund Salvesen3
Stavanger University Hospital, STAVANGER, Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, TRONDHEIM, Norway
National Center for Fetal Medicine, Trondheim University Hospital (St. Olav’s Ho, TRONDHEIM,
17:15–17:25 OM4 Risk of Cesarean Section after Induction of Labor in Low Risk Women at Term
Ole Bredahl Rasmussen1, Pernille Danneskiold Lassen2, Steen Rasmussen3
Regionshospitalet Randers, RANDERS, Danmark
Herlev Hospital, HERLEV, Danmark
National Board of Health, COPENHAGEN, Danmark
17:25–17:35 OM5 Risk indicators for dystocia in nulliparous women
Hanne Kjærgaard1, Jørn Olsen2, Bent Ottesen1, Anna-Karin Dykes3
The Juliane Marie Centre, Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, LOS ANGELES, USA
Department of Health Sciences, Lund University, LUND, Sweden
17:35–17:45 OM6 Impaired leukocyte influx and high expression of progesterone receptor (PR) and
androgen receptor (AR) in postterm failed induction
Nathalie Roos, Ylva Vladic-Stjernholm, Lena Sahlin, Masironi Britt, Ekman-Ordeberg Gunvor
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
17:45–17:55 OM7 Postpartum perineal repair performed by midwives: a randomised trial comparing two
suture techniques leaving the skin unsutured
Sara Kindberg1, Misan Stehouwer2, Lone Hvidman2, Tine Brink Henriksen1
Perinatal Epidemiology Research Unit, ÅRHUS N., Danmark
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, AARHUS N., Danmark
NFOG 2008
17:55–18:05 OM8 Maternal mortality in Denmark 2002–2006
Birgit Bødker1, Jette Led Sørensen2, Margrethe Møller3, Lone Hvidman4, Tom Weber5
Hillerød Hospital, HILLERØD, Denmark
Rigshospitalet University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Aalborg University Hospital, AALBORG, Denmark
Aarhus University Hospital, SKEJBY, Denmark
Hvidovre University Hospital, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
16:45–18:00 New trends in handling male infertility
Hall 3
Chairs: Per Olof Janson and Helle Meinertz
16:45–17:10 IS-070 New trends in handling male infertility -Male infertility tests in the era of ICSI. Are
genetic tests coming
Ulrik Kvist
Karolinska institute, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
17:10–17:35 IS-071 Are sperm tests vanishing?
Aleksander Giwercman
Malmö University Hospital, MALMÖ, Sweden
17:35–18:00 IS-072 Cryopreservation of testicular tissue
Claus Yding Andersen1, Erik Ernst2
University Hospital of Copenhagen, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
University of Aarhus, AARHUS, Denmark
NFOG 2008
Gala dinner
Tuesday June 17th
09:00–09:45 Plenary: Anatomy of the pelvic floor
Main Hall
Chair: Jens Guðmundsson
IS-073 Anatomy of the pelvic floor
Steven Swift
Medical University of South Carolina, CHARLESTON, SC, USA
09:45–11:00 Pregnancy, delivery and the pelvic floor
Main Hall
Chairs: Steingrímur Björnsson and Sophie Berglund
09:45–10:00 IS-074 Epidemiology of female urinary incontinence and prolapse – the impact of pregnancy
and delivery
Guri Rørtveit
University of Bergen, BERGEN, Norway
10:00–10:15 IS-075 Teaching doctors to diagnose and repair perineal lesions
Ranee Thakar
Mayday University Hospital, CROYDON, United Kingdom
10:15–10:30 IS-076 Teaching midwifes to diagnose and repair perineal lesions
Sara Fevre Kindberg
Perinatal Epidemiology Research Unit, ÅRHUS N, Danmark
10:30–10:50 IS-077 Obstetrical lesions and the importance of quality of primary repair
Abdul Sultan
Mayday University Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom
10:50–11:00 Discussion
09:45–11:00 Pediatric and adolescent gynecology
Hall 1
Chairs: Laure Morin-Papunen and Ebba Margrét Magnúsdóttir
09:45–10:05 IS-078 Gynecological examination of children and adolescents
Minna Joki-Erkkilä
Tampere University Hospital, TAMPERE, Finland
10:05–10:20 IS-079 Chlamydia infection – a worry for the young women or for the gynecologist?
Finn Egil Skjeldestad
Institute of laboratory medicine, children- and womens’ diseases, TRONDHEIM, Norway
10:20–10:35 IS-080 Trends in adolescent abortion and pregnancy rates in the Nordic countries
Dan Apter
Väestöliitto, HELSINKI, Finland
10:35–10:50 IS-081 A model for providing contraception and other services for adolescents
Lena Marions
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sverige
10:50–11:00 Discussion
09:45–11:00 Premenstrual syndrome/Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Hall 2
Chair: Olle Eriksson and Arnar Hauksson
09:45–10:15 IS-082 Etiology and pathogenesis of PMDD/PMS
Torbjörn Bäckström
Umeå University Hospital, UMEÅ, Sweden
10:15–10:45 IS-083 Treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Inger Sundström Poromaa
Uppsala University, UPPSALA, Sweden
10:45–11:00 Discussion
NFOG 2008
09:45–10:55 Obstetrics – focus on the fetus. Free communications VI
Hall 3
Chairs: Oskari Heikinheimo and Anna-Karin Wikström
09:45–09:55 OF1 Antenatal corticosteroids in preterm infants
Lena Eriksson1, Bengt Haglund2, Helle Kieler3, Viveca Odlind1
Medical Products Agency, UPPSALA, Sweden
Socialstyrelsen, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Karolinska Institutet, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
09:55–10:05 OF2 Placenta previa – a risk factor for small for gestational age babies. A Danish population
based study
Lone Nikoline Nørgaard1, Steen Rasmussen2, Thomas Bergholt1
Hillerød Sygehus, HILLERØD, Denmark
National Board of Health, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
10:05–10:15 OF3 Systolic myocardial velocity alterations in the growth retarded fetus
Lene Unmack Larsen, Olav Bjørn Petersen, Keld Sorensen, Erik Sloth, Niels Uldbjerg
Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, AARHUS N, Danmark
10:15–10:25 OF4 Modifiable determinants of fetal macrosomia. Role of life style related factors
Nanna Voldner1, Kathrine Froslie1, Kari Bo2, Lene Haakstad2, Camilla Hoff1, Kristin Godang1, Jens
Bollerslev1, Tore Henriksen1
Rikshospitalet Medical Centre, OSLO, Norway
Norwegian School of Sport Science, OSLO, Norway
10:25–10:35 OF5 Perinatal outcome of children born to mothers with thyroid dysfunction. A prospective
population-based cohort study
Tuija Männistö1, Marja Vääräsmäki2, Anneli Pouta3, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen2, Aimo Ruokonen4, HeljäMarja Surcel3, Aini Bloigu3, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin5, Eila Suvanto-Luukkonen2
University of Oulu, OULU, Finland
Dept Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Oulu, OULU, Finland
National Public Health Institute, OULU, Finland
Dept Clinical Chemistry, University of Oulu, OULU, Finland
Dept Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College, LONDON, United Kingdom
10:35–10:45 OF6 Danish national controlled cohort study on neonatal outcome of 1267 children born
after transfer of cryopreserved IVF and ICSI embryos in 1995 to 2006
Anja Pinborg1, Anne Loft1, Steen Rasmussen2, Anders Nyboe Andersen1
Rigshospitalet, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
Danish National Board of Health, COPENHAGEN, Denmark
10:45–10:55 OF7 No correlation between rates of caesarean section and perinatal mortality
Guðný Jónsdóttir1, Ragnheiður Bjarnadóttir2, Alexander Smárason3, Reynir Geirsson2
University Hospital of Iceland, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
University hospital of Iceland, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
Institution of Health, Sience and Research, University of Akureyri, AKUREYRI, Iceland
11:00–11:30 Coffee Break / Exhibition
11:30–13:00 New technologies in pelvic surgery – what is the evidence?
Main Hall
Chairs: Søren Broström and Kristín Jónsdóttir
11:30–11:50 IS-084 What is the best sling for stress urinary incontinence
Antti Valpas
South-Karelian Central Hospital, LAPPEENRANTA, Finland
11:50–12:10 IS-085 The use of implants in surgery for pelvic organ prolapse – evidence or marketing?
Daniel Altman
Karolinska Institute, Sweden
12:10–12:30 IS-086 Emerging complications with novel technologies in pelvic surgery
Eckhard Petri
Helios-Clinics, SCHWERIN, Germany
NFOG 2008
12:30–12:50 IS-087 Scientific, ethical and legal implications of introducing new technologies in pelvic
Gunnar Lose
Glostrup County Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Denmark
12:50–13:00 Discussion
11:30–12:55 Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Hall 1
Chairs: Per-Olof Janson and Anette Tønnes Pedersen
11:30–11:40 IS-088 Introduction
Jens A. Guðmundsson
University Hospital of Iceland, REYKJAVÍK, Iceland
11:40–12:05 IS-089 ‘In utero veritas’ – Fetal intrauterine androgen exposure and PCOS
Sven M. Carlsen
Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Children`s and Women`s Health, TRONDHEIM, Norway
12:05–12:30 IS-090 The fertility aspects of PCOS
Laure Morin-Papunen
University of Oulu, OULU, Finland
12:30–12:55 IS-091 When pregnant, then what?
Eszter Vanky
Inst of laboratory medicine, childrens and womens health, TRONDHEIM, Norway
11:30–13:00 Postterm pregnancies
Hall 2
Chairs: Thomas Bergholt and Leea Keski-Nisula
11:30–11:50 IS-092 Induction of post term pregnancy – time to reconsider?
Ole Jakob Nakling
Sykehuset Innlandet Lillehammer, LILLEHAMMER, Norway
11:50–12:10 IS-093 Routine induction of labour at 41 weeks gestation: Nonsensus Consensus
Kåre Augensen
Haukeland University Hospital, BERGEN, Norway
12:10–12:30 IS-094 Management of post-date pregnancy: Todays’ evidence
Ulla-Britt Wennerholm
Dep Ob Gyn, GÖTEBORG, Sweden
12:30–12:50 IS-095 Induction of labour or serial antenatal fetal monitoring in post-term pregnancy. A
randomised controlled trial
Runa Heimstad
St.Olavs Hospital, University Hospital, Trondheim, TRONDHEIM, Norway
12:50–13:00 Discussion
11:30–13:00 Gynecology. Free communications VII
Hall 3
Chairs: Jóhannes Guðmundsson and NN
11:30–11:40 GY1 Complications following female sterilization in Sweden 1976–2003
Louise Thunell1, Elsa Ryde-Blomqvist2, Viveca Odlind3, Ian Milsom4
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Malmö University Hospital, MALMÖ, Sweden
The County Council´s Mutual Insurance Company (LÖF), STOCKHOLM, Sweden
The Medical Products Agency, UPPSALA, Sweden
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sahlgrenska Academy, GOTHENBURG, Sweden
11:40–11:50 GY2 Vaginal misoprostol vs placebo before hysteroscopy
Kevin Oppegaard
Helse Finnmark, HAMMERFEST, Norway
NFOG 2008
11:50–12:00 GY3 Factors associated with endometrial polyps in a Danish population
Eva Dreisler, Søren Stampe Sørensen, Gunnar Lose
Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, GLOSTRUP, Denmark
12:00–12:10 GY4 To avoid adhesion occlusion – Ethicon Intercoat is the solution
Per Lundorff
Region Hospital Viborg, VIBORG, Danmark
12:10–12:20 GY5 The treatment of a tub-ovarian abscesses is usually antibiotics and surgery: What about
ultrasound guided drainage?
Seth Granberg1, Erling Ekerhovd, MD., Ph.D.2, Knut Gjelland, MD3
Dept OB GYN, Karolinska Univ. Hospital, Kvinnokliniken, Akershus Univ. Sjukhus, STOCKHOLM,
Depart of Obstet and Gynecol, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, GOTHENBURG, Sweden
Depart. of Obstet. and Gynecol., Bergen University, BERGEN, Norway
12:20–12:30 GY6 A Danish National survey on subjective cure, satisfaction and complications 4 years
after Tension free Vaginal Tape (TVT)
Astrid Ammendrup, Pia Sander, Gunnar Lose
Glostrup Hospital, GLOSTRUP, Danmark
12:30–12:40 GY7 Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) versus Tension-free Vaginal Tape-Obturator (TVT-O) –
one year follow-up results of Randomized Clinical Trial
Antti Valpas1, Pauliina Aukee2, Aarre Kivelä3, Eija Laurikainen4, Kirsi Rinne5, Teuvo Takala6, Carl-Gustaf
South-Karelian Central Hospital, LAPPEENRANTA, Finland
Central-Finland Central Hospital, JYVÄSKYLÄ, Finland
Oulu University Hospital, OULU, Finland
Turku University Hospital, TURKU, Finland
Kuopio University Hospital, KUOPIO, Finland
Päijät-Häme Central Hopital, LAHTI, Finland
Helsinki University Central Hospital, HELSINKI, Finland
Closing ceremony. Prizes awarded for best presentations
Main Hall
NFOG 2008
Cinema entrance
Hall 1
21 m )
to Radisson SAS Saga Hotel
(23 seats)
Hall 5
(90 seats)
Hall 4
2 )
all eats
(296 seats)
& Lunches
(6m )
Coffee & Lunches
Hall 3
(142 seats)
& Lunches
The University Cinema Complex
Congress entrance
(976 seats)
(10m2) (10m2)
Main Hall
The Congress Venue Háskólabíó
Coffee & Lu
Hospitality Desk
NFOG 2008
Internet Café
Exhibitors in alphabetical order
Exhibitors by stand number
ALOKA Holding Europe AG & INTER..............17
Astellas Pharma a/s ......................................18
Astellas Pharma a/s ......................................23
Bayer Schering Pharma .................................11
Bayer Schering Pharma .................................12
B-K Medical ....................................................6
Cook Medical .................................................7
Covidien .......................................................29
Diagen / Diagentec .......................................14
Ferring Pharmaceuticals ................................15
Fujirebio Diagnostics AB ................................19
GE-Healthcare ..............................................31
GlaxoSmithKline ...........................................20
GlaxoSmithKline ...........................................21
Huntleigh Healthcare ....................................13
ICS - Copenhagen ..........................................2
IPC Pharma A/S .............................................22
Karl Storz .......................................................5
MEQnordic ...................................................25
Neoventa Medical .........................................10
NorChip AS ....................................................3
Nordic Drugs ..................................................4
Novo Nordisk Scandinavia AB .........................9
ObsteCare ....................................................16
Organon AB, a part of Schering-Plough .........8
Renapharma ...................................................1
Sanofi Pasteur MSD ......................................24
SimSurgery ...................................................27
Smith & Norland / Siemens AB ......................30
Surgical Science ............................................28
NFOG 2008
ICS – Copenhagen
NorChip AS
Nordic Drugs
Karl Storz
B-K Medical
Cook Medical
Organon AB, a part of Schering-Plough
Novo Nordisk Scandinavia AB
Neoventa Medical
Bayer Schering Pharma
Bayer Schering Pharma
Huntleigh Healthcare
Diagen / Diagentec
Ferring Pharmaceuticals
ALOKA Holding Europe AG & INTER
Astellas Pharma a/s
Fujirebio Diagnostics AB
IPC Pharma A/S
Astellas Pharma a/s
Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Surgical Science
Smith & Norland / Siemens AB
The Organizing Committee for the NFOG 2008 Congress
gratefully acknowledges the following benefactors
Gold sponsors
Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Organon AB, a part of Schering-Plough
Other sponsors & supporters
Aloka Holding Europe AG & INTER
Astellas Pharma a/s
Bayer Schering Pharma
B-K Medical
Cook Medical
Diagen / Diagentec
Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Fujirebio Diagnostics AB
Huntleigh Healthcare
IPC Pharma A/S
Karl Storz
Neoventa Medical
NorChip AS
Nordic Drugs
Novo Nordisk Scandinavia AB
Smith & Norland / Siemens AB
Surgical Science
Women’s Healthcare and Fertility
The cervical cancer vaccine
with 4 Papillomavirus types
Cervical cancer*,
High-grade cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia,
High-grade vulvar intra-epithelial neoplasia
and Genital warts,
causally related to HPV 6, 11, 16, 18.
* Related to HPV 16, 18
For wide-ranging disease prevention
and early benefits