High Oleic Sunflower Production Contract


High Oleic Sunflower Production Contract
FOR 2014
The demand for healthy oils continues to
grow. High oleic oils are now more in demand
by health-conscious consumers. When you
partner with ADM, the seeds you grow are
transformed into food ingredients used
around the world.
A fixed premium over the NuSun™ market
delivered Enderlin
Premium coverage with multiple delivery
and pricing options*
You can insulate yourself from weather and
market risks—plus earn a premium—with
ADM and our latest “Act of God” production
Act of God with 1,500-pounds-per-acre coverage
This contract offers a fixed premium over our
NuSun market depending on delivery location and
delivery window selected. Growers will have up to
three opportunities (500 lb. minimum increments)
to price this premium contract. All growers will
have until October 1, 2014, to fix the final price.
ADM offers several delivery locations and delivery
windows to choose from, including on-farm
pickup. Fall delivery locations will be available
on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact
ADM for current locations and premiums.
Planting Seed
We offer a wide selection of hybrid seed and seed
companies to choose from, including Mycogen,
Pioneer, Proseed, Genosys, NuSeed and Syngenta.
Contact your dealer for seed availability.
Payment Options
Farm splits and deferred payment options available.
contract offered for high oleic sunflowers.
This contract offers premiums to NuSun™
Subject to change at each delivery location.
with free AOG protection.
Call ADM for your 2014 high oleic sunflower
contract details and current premiums.
NUSUN™ IS A TRADEMARK OF THE NATIONAL SUNFLOWER ASSOCIATION | *Premiums and contract terms subject to change. Contact us for current quotes.
The information contained herein is correct as of the date of this document to the best of our knowledge. Any recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee or representation as to results and are subject to change without notice. We suggest you evaluate any recommendations and
suggestions independently. We disclaim any and all warranties, whether express or implied, and specifically disclaim the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Our responsibility for claims arising from any claim for breach of warranty, negligence,
or otherwise shall not include consequential, special, or incidental damages, and is limited to the purchase price of material purchased from us. None of the statements made here shall be construed as a grant, either express or implied, of any license under any patent held by Archer Daniels Midland
Company or other parties. Customers are responsible for obtaining any licenses or other rights that may be necessary to make, use, or sell products containing Archer Daniels Midland Company ingredients.
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