Gunfighter Wax Museum
Gunfighter Wax Museum
A V I RT UA L T O U R G U N F I G H T E R’ S W I L L I A M B A R C L AY M A S T E R S O N BELLE STARR 1856 - 1921 1848-1889 T H E V I RT UA L T O U R EXPERIENCE WA X M U S E U M AU G M E N T E D REALITY STEP ONE: To take the augmented virtual tour of the Gunfighter’s Wax Museum you will need to download Aurasma. STEP TWO: Open the Aurasma app and search for the Gunfighters Wax Museum and select channel. GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER 1839 - 1876 STEP THREE: Select the square icon at the bottom of your mobile device and align a picture within the square. Production of augmented reality figures were created by Mike King at the Digitalsandbox Studio. To create an augmented reality showcase experience for your business or organization you can contact Mike King at
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