FBC Bulletin 3.15.15 - Founders Baptist Church
FBC Bulletin 3.15.15 - Founders Baptist Church
WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPING WITH US AT FOUNDERS. NOTES WALKING IN GRACE Media Ministry RADIO If you are a visitor and have not received our special gift CD, please pick one up at the Welcome Center in the front foyer. We pray that you experience a rich time of worship, teaching and meeting new friends. PEW BIBLES CHURCH STAFF There are red pew bibles located in the book rack of most of the pews. They are the English Standard Version (ESV) translation and are available for you to follow along with scripture readings. If you are a guest and do not own a bible, please accept one of the pew bibles as our gift to you. Richard Caldwell, Jr. Senior Pastor Staff Elder ELECTRONIC DEVICES Please set all pagers, cell phones and watches on a NON-AUDIBLE setting. PARENTS Please see that your children’s physical needs are taken care of before the Worship Service begins. Thank you. Mark White Senior Associate Minister Staff Elder Josh Philpot Pastor of Worship & Admin. Staff Elder Larry Lartigue Director of Media Ministry Staff Elder Nathan Ramirez Director of Youth Ministry Candy Lartigue Director of Childhood Ministries KKHT 100.7 FM Monday - Friday, 6:30pm - 7:00pm CD’S Sermon CD’s are available after each service in the front foyer. A $2 donation is requested to cover expenses. Previous sermons are available upon request. ONLINE To access our complete online sermon library in both English and Spanish, please visit our website at: www.foundersbaptist.org. Please pray for the success of our media ministry over the radio and online, as we seek to advance God’s truth for God’s glory. For more info on the Walking in Grace Media Ministry please visit our website at: www.foundersbaptist.org MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION If you wish to request membership at Founders Baptist Church, please contact one of the elders, or email Butch Thomas at butch.thomas@foundersbaptist.org. 24724 Aldine Westfield Spring, TX 77373 “ADVANCING GOD’S TRUTH FOR GOD’S GLORY.” (281) 350-1616 /foundersbaptistchurch www.foundersbaptist.org WORSHIP GUIDE TODAY AT FOUNDERS MORNING WORSHIP THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Call to Worship Josh Philpot, Elder Psalm 22:25-28 Sunday, March 15 Worship in Song Come Praise And Glorify Kauflin Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Robinson 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 6:00pm 6:30pm Hearing of the Word Richard Caldwell, Pastor 1 John 5:1-5 Ivey Papa Watts Men’s Prayer Bible Study Classes Worship Service Women’s Prayer Worship Service Tuesday, March 17 Response Jesus Thank You CHURCH WIDE STREET REACH Worship Service Thursday, March 19 6:00pm 7:00pm Men’s Jail Ministry Thrive Senior Adult Dinner Local Evangelism Saturday, March 21 9:00am Sczebel SENIOR ADULT DINNER 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Preaching of The Word Richard Caldwell, Pastor March 27th-March 29th. Speaker will be Dr. Daniel L. Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. The topic will be “Missions for the Glory of God”. Join us on Friday & Saturday at 7:00pm and Sunday at 9:00am & 10:30am. Wednesday, March 18 Men’s Jail Ministry Friday, March 20 Giving Exhortation Butch Thomas, Elder SPURGEON BIBLE CONFERENCE Friday, March 20th at 7:00pm at the church. All senior adults (50+) are invited. You may bring your favorite dessert or fruit salad. 6:00pm No Greater Aim Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery When I Survey ONGOING EVENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Church Wide Street Reach Saturday, March 21st, meet at the church at 9:00am before heading out to share the gospel with our neighbors. We will be back at the church by noon. For more details, contact Nathan Ramirez at: nathan.ramirez@foundersbaptist.org MISSION TRIP 2015 Sunday, March 22nd at 5:00pm, there will be a meeting in room C-210 of the Children’s Bldg. for all those interested in going on the Guatemala Mission Trip, July 25th-August 1st. Please plan to attend. SPRING BREAK March 16 - March 20 for FCS, Spring, and Conroe ISD. Take time to be in God’s Word and in prayer during your Spring Break week. ADULT BIBLE FELLOWSHIP On March 29th all Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF) will meet in the Worship Center at 9:00am for a Spurgeon Conference session with Dr. Akin. Not attending an ABF? Please join us that day for a life-transforming time in the Word of God. All other Sundays: come visit an ABF group for our series “Winning the War Within”- a study in how to grow in Christ. A list of classroom locations and teachers is available at the Information Desk in the church foyer. Questions? Email: phillip.marshall@foundersbaptist.org WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY There will be no meetings this week due to Spring Break. Join us the following week for the women’s Bible study. We are studying True Community by Jerry Bridges. We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00pm and Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am. Child care is provided for the Wednesday morning study. For child care, rsvp to: stefani.garcia@foundersbaptisit.org CHILDREN'S MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY AWANA CLUB THRIVE No meeting tonight due to Spring Break. Thursdays, 7:00pm, at the REC for Bible study. W.E.E. No classes this week due to Spring Break. MOM 2 MOM Sunday, March 22nd, 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. The topic is “Teaching Children Honor”. Email, karen.munns@foundersbaptist.org, for information. CHILDREN’S CAMP 2015 Camp is June 15th-19th, at Pineywoods Baptist Camp for completed grades 3-6. $50 deposit is due now. Total cost of camp is $200. Direct questions to Karen at 281-350-1616, ext. 131 or email: karen.munns@foundersbaptist.org FOUNDERS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADVENTURE ARTS & SPORTS CAMP FCS and 24 Hour Fitness in The Woodlands have partnered for every Saturday morning during the month of April to host a Bootcamp class as a fund raiser for FCS. Gym membership is not required to attend these classes! Get more details on Sunday mornings following church service by visiting the FCS table located in the breezeway of the worship center. Save the Date: July 13th-16th. For more info, contact Karen Munns at: karen.munns@foundersbaptist.org CHILDCARE MINISTRY Paid workers needed. Contact Stefani Garcia at 713-515-7792 or stefani.garcia@foundersbaptist.org STUDENT SUMMER CAMP Monday, June 8th - Saturday, June 13th, the summer youth camp will be at Camp Mitchell in Morrilton, Arkansas. See the youth website for other details: www.multiplystudentministry.com MISSION TRIP GUATEMALA July 25th-August 1st. Contact Nathan Ramirez at nathan.ramirez@foundersbaptist.org WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPING WITH US AT FOUNDERS. NOTES WALKING IN GRACE Media Ministry RADIO If you are a visitor and have not received our special gift CD, please pick one up at the Welcome Center in the front foyer. We pray that you experience a rich time of worship, teaching and meeting new friends. PEW BIBLES CHURCH STAFF There are red pew bibles located in the book rack of most of the pews. They are the English Standard Version (ESV) translation and are available for you to follow along with scripture readings. If you are a guest and do not own a bible, please accept one of the pew bibles as our gift to you. Richard Caldwell, Jr. Senior Pastor Staff Elder ELECTRONIC DEVICES Please set all pagers, cell phones and watches on a NON-AUDIBLE setting. PARENTS Please see that your children’s physical needs are taken care of before the Worship Service begins. Thank you. Mark White Senior Associate Minister Staff Elder Josh Philpot Pastor of Worship & Admin. Staff Elder Larry Lartigue Director of Media Ministry Staff Elder Nathan Ramirez Director of Youth Ministry Candy Lartigue Director of Childhood Ministries KKHT 100.7 FM Monday - Friday, 6:30pm - 7:00pm CD’S Sermon CD’s are available after each service in the front foyer. A $2 donation is requested to cover expenses. Previous sermons are available upon request. ONLINE To access our complete online sermon library in both English and Spanish, please visit our website at: www.foundersbaptist.org. Please pray for the success of our media ministry over the radio and online, as we seek to advance God’s truth for God’s glory. For more info on the Walking in Grace Media Ministry please visit our website at: www.foundersbaptist.org MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION If you wish to request membership at Founders Baptist Church, please contact one of the elders, or email Butch Thomas at butch.thomas@foundersbaptist.org. 24724 Aldine Westfield Spring, TX 77373 “ADVANCING GOD’S TRUTH FOR GOD’S GLORY.” (281) 350-1616 /foundersbaptistchurch www.foundersbaptist.org WORSHIP GUIDE WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPING WITH US AT FOUNDERS. NOTES WALKING IN GRACE Media Ministry RADIO If you are a visitor and have not received our special gift CD, please pick one up at the Welcome Center in the front foyer. We pray that you experience a rich time of worship, teaching and meeting new friends. PEW BIBLES CHURCH STAFF There are red pew bibles located in the book rack of most of the pews. They are the English Standard Version (ESV) translation and are available for you to follow along with scripture readings. If you are a guest and do not own a bible, please accept one of the pew bibles as our gift to you. Richard Caldwell, Jr. Senior Pastor Staff Elder ELECTRONIC DEVICES Please set all pagers, cell phones and watches on a NON-AUDIBLE setting. PARENTS Please see that your children’s physical needs are taken care of before the Worship Service begins. Thank you. Mark White Senior Associate Minister Staff Elder Josh Philpot Pastor of Worship & Admin. Staff Elder Larry Lartigue Director of Media Ministry, Staff Elder Nathan Ramirez Director of Youth Ministry Candy Lartigue Director of Childhood Ministries KKHT 100.7 FM Monday - Friday, 6:30pm - 7:00pm CD’S Sermon CD’s are available after each service in the front foyer. A $2 donation is requested to cover expenses. Previous sermons are available upon request. ONLINE To access our complete online sermon library in both English and Spanish, please visit our website at: www.foundersbaptist.org. Please pray for the success of our media ministry over the radio and online, as we seek to advance God’s truth for God’s glory. For more info on the Walking in Grace Media Ministry please visit our website at: www.foundersbaptist.org MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION If you wish to request membership at Founders Baptist Church, please contact one of the elders, or email Butch Thomas at butch.thomas@foundersbaptist.org. 24724 Aldine Westfield Spring, TX 77373 “ADVANCING GOD’S TRUTH FOR GOD’S GLORY.” (281) 350-1616 /foundersbaptistchurch www.foundersbaptist.org WORSHIP GUIDE