2009 Festival Edition Newsletter - Mercer County Italian American
2009 Festival Edition Newsletter - Mercer County Italian American
Newsletter Volume 2 – No. 03 Festival 2009 Edition September 15, 2009 People said: “Build it and they will come”…. They came and here we are at our TENTH ( 10th ) ANNIVERSARY . Festival 2009 dates are Friday thru Sunday, September 25, 26 and 27, 2009 TREVI FOUNTAIN RETURNS FOR 2009 Three days of great Entertainment, Super Food, Rides, so much more… plus Bocce, Cultural and Veterans exhibits. “Y’all come…” “ venite tutti al festival ” PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Mercer County Italian-American Association Executive Board (08-24-2009) (609) unless noted Title President Vice President 2nd Vice Pres. Treasurer Secretary Attorney Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Name Chair Cav. John Scarpati Frank Cirillo Michael Rossetti Phil Vecere Louise Konjushok Anthony Massi Gary Carbone Ed DiPolvere Contact 631-7544 396-7619 977-0921 882-6638 586-0696 890-2273 223-0892 586-2684 Danielle Scarpati-Carbone 223-0892 Gus Perilli 695-1849 Joe Urbano (215)295-6322 MCIAFA Donates Scholarship $$$ to IANHOF At a recent dinner held at the Mercer County Italian American Festival Association Heritage Building, Cav. John Scarpati presented Cav. Carl Carabelli with a check for the Italian American Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund. Newsletter Cav.Frank Gargione Editor 883-4778 Joe DeFelice Co-Ed 841-5427 Jack Beiger Print 890-2638 Lucy Gargione Distribution Committee Representatives Amusements Bocce Rich DeVito CP 586-3808 Ron Ungarini CP 883-7948 Columbus Day Events Pasquale Colavita CP 883-0432 Cultural Court John Prunetti CP 771-0687 Cultural Theater Cav. Gilda RorroBaldassari CP 587-7000 Entertainment Ann Lennon Co-CP 499-1532 Entertainment Nina VanDeleur Co-CP 298-1356 Entertainment Carl Carabelli CP x2 586-9010 Festival Entrance Ticket Sales Gibson Lloyd LLC, Karen Gibson CP 433-1020 Festival Logo Merch. Joan Guido CP 540-7774 Festival Photography Paul Donini 658-7940 Food Vendors Bill Hillman Co-CP 585-9310 Food Vendors Frank Cirillo CP 396-7619 In-House Publicity Nina VanDeleur CP 631-7544 Italian Heritage Memorabilia Anthony Chianese CP 586-0312 Local Fundraising Marion Bolton Co-CP 396-2944 Local Fundraising Vince Colletti Co-CP 989-1298 Local Fundraising Gino Melone CP 396-3412 Mass Cathy Di Costanzo CP 396-6226 Signs & Banners Ed DiPolvere CP 586-2684 Site Operations Wayne DeAngelo CP 586-6877 Sponsorship & Marketing Barry Chiorello CP 695-5007 Veterans Court Kathi & John Adie CP 581-9354 Volunteers Christine Scarpati Co-CP 396-7040 Waste Disposal John Scarpati Jr. CP 584-8907 Website Michael Rossetti CP 977-0921 Website Development Mike Aregnano 713-2670 Admin. Assistant Nina VanDeleur 631-7544 Beer / Wine Sales Christine Scarpati CoCP 396-7040 Cultural Court Jeff Prunetti CoCP439-3000 Italian Heritage Memorabilia John Ricco Co-CP 586-7724 Signs & Banners Gus Perilli Co-CP 695-1849 Signs & Banners George Mirabelli Co-CP 396-1064 Site Operations Joe Povio Co-CP 587-4524 Volunteers Danielle ScarpatiCarbone Co-CP 223-0892 NEWSLETTER Cav. Frank Gargione Editor 883-4778 Joe DeFelice Co-Ed 841-5427 Jack Beiger Prod. 890-2638 Picture left to right: Mike Rossetti, Cav. John Scarpati, President MCIAFA, Cav. Carl Carabelli, President Italian American Hall of Fame, Gilda Rorro Baldassari, Ed.D. Scholarship Committee, Dominic Vitale, Scholarship Committee, Diane Vitale, Scholarship Committee, Ann Lennon, Scholarship Committee Please visit our sponsors who make this festival possible. General Contacts: E-Mail buongiorno2000@optonline.net Website: WWW.ITALIANTALIANAMERICANFESTIVAL.COM OFFICE MAIL: MCIAFA – 2421 Liberty St. - Hamilton, NJ 08629 PHONE: 609-631-7544 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com A Message from the President This year is the tenth anniversary of the founding of our Festival, a significant milestone that makes me proud of our success and thankful for the many supporters that have made it possible year after year. Organizing the Festival is a year round activity that sees a number of committees and individuals, as shown in our organization list (inside), come together every month to figure ways to improve on the past, and plan for the future to maintain public interest and assure its support. Join me in thanking them for all their efforts. This year we are setting a central theme for this event to celebrate an aspect of our heritage, culture, or lifestyle. The theme of this year’s Festival “WAR VETERANS” was chosen to honor the sacrifices and the patriotism of all war veterans, but especially Italian American veterans in our area. A large dedicated area has been set up to display mementoes commemorating their sacrifices. Active military personnel will bring a variety of military equipment to the Festival, and the Sunday Mass will be dedicated to veterans from all wars. Leonardo DaVinci Flying Machine A replica of Leonardo DaVinci’s Flying Machine will be on display at the Festival 2009. The replica was built by Association member Bill Plank and his father. Mr. Plank, a retired high school art teacher, used the machine throughout his teaching career to demonstrate the creativity and mechanical genius of DaVinci to his students. With his wife Helene, also an MCIAFA member, Plank has formed the business called Plank Art Designs. Along with the flying machine, they will be exhibiting and selling paintings, prints, note cards and craft items in the Cultural Pavilion area. (pictures below) As always, Festival 2009 will feature talented entertainers, with music for all ages, dance troupes, comedy acts, and puppet shows. Saturday’s headliner will be Jersey’s own Joe Piscopo, son of Italian immigrants, very proud of his heritage and a staunch supporter of the Italian American community. The evening will end with a spectacular fireworks display. In keeping with the mission of the Festival the Cultural Theatre will offer a varied and interesting program. Bocce Courts will have ongoing games; the Fountain of Trevi replica is back, and new, a model of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Flying Machine. The Festival would not be complete without food, and this year we have an impressive array of local restaurants, bakeries and other vendors offering delicious specialties to eat on the spot or to take away. Wine and beer courts complement the food for diners. Rides and a petting zoo on the grounds are set up to delight children and adults. Last, but not least, I want to mention the Super 50/50, which we expect to be the best ever, as we’re combining ticket sales with the sale of placemat ads to local businesses, hopefully increasing the expected total to more than double the amount of previous years. Inside find a list of all the festival supporters who purchased advance ticket books or ads. Sunday Mass at 11:00AM with Bishop and K of C I have touched upon some of the highlights of the Festival, but there is so much more detail inside these pages and on our web site, www.italianamericanfestival.com . Finally, volunteers are always needed to help on the various committees, and suggestions on improving this event are welcome. Consider helping us. See the form later in this newsletter and turn it in to any committee members. Thank you for coming. Enjoy the Festival! Cav. John Scarpati, President MCIAFA PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Entertainment Schedule HEADLINER Friday, September 25, 2009 Time 05:30 05:30 06:00 06:45 07:30 08:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 - 07:00 06:30 06:30 07:45 08:30 08:30 08:30 09:30 10:30 Performer Fulvio Ranni & Friends Kim Yarson Orchestra Poppytown Puppet Show Ernie & Neal JP Entertainment Poppytown Puppet Show Poppytown Puppet Show Masterpiece Ray Massa's EuroRhythms Location Roma Bank Stage Cabaret Stage Van Stage Cabaret Stage Roma Bank Stage Van Stage Van Stage Cabaret Stage Roma Bank Stage Saturday, September 26, 2009 Saturday, September 26, 2009 Time 12:30 02:00 02:00 02:30 03:30 04:00 - 01:30 03:30 02:30 03:30 04:00 05:30 04:00 05:30 05:30 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 10:00 - 05:00 06:30 06:00 07:30 08:00 08:00 10:00 10:30 Performer All That Jazz Dance Academy Joe Scannella Orchestra Poppytown Puppet Show Ewing Township Talent Show Poppytown Puppet Show Boheme Opera, NJ, Featuring John Carelli Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Eric De Lauro "ALL NIGHT" Sinatra Poppytown Puppet Show Ray Massa's EuroRhythms Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis Poppytown Puppet Show Joe Piscopo Show Fireworks Spectacular Location Roma Bank Stage Roma Bank Stage Van Stage Cabaret Stage Van Stage Roma Bank Stage Cabaret Stage Cabaret Stage Van Stage Roma Bank Stage Cabaret Stage Van Stage Roma Bank Stage Strolling Sunday, September 27, 2009 Sunday, September 27, 2009 Time Performer Location 01:00 02:00 02:00 02:30 02:30 04:00 04:00 05:30 06:00 07:30 08:00 Roma Bank Stage Roma Bank Stage Roma Bank Stage Van Stage Roma Bank Stage Cabaret Stage Roma Bank Stage Van Stage Cabaret Stage Van Stage Roma Bank Stage Van Stage 11:00 - 12:00 - 01:45 02:30 02:30 03:30 03:15 05:30 04:30 06:15 06:30 09:00 08:30 Roman Catholic Mass with Bishop John Smith Arts Youniversity Dance School Military Show Poppytown Puppet Show Vivaci Italian Dancers/Singers Abbott & Costello Show Len Enourato Orchestra Poppytown Puppet Show Abbott & Costello Show Poppytown Puppet Show The Nerds Poppytown Puppet Show PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Saturday Night 8:00PM Joe Piscopo Show SNL Law/Order Movies Stand up Proud Italian American Vivaci! (Formerly I Ballerini e le Voci d'Italia ) was founded in 1972 by Cav. Elba Farabegoli Gurzau. Elba, the author of Folk Dances, Costumes and Customs of Italy (1963). Elba directed the group until 1998, (now Paul Torna). Elba remained involved with the group until her death in June of 2003. In late 2005, the group was renamed Vivaci!, the original name Elba Gurzau wanted to give the group. The group's goal is to learn, share and teach the varied and diverse folk arts of Italy, AND MANY MORE Italian Puppets Ray Massa's EuroRhythms have a proven track record for great entertainment for a Truly Authenic "Festa Italiana" while capturing the attention of the diverse audiences typical of any public festival. The EuroRhythms professional musical talents are complimented with six vocalists including Ray Massa, Tony DiMelfi, and Marco Capoccia. Songs from Italy's Pop Charts to great Italian hits of all styles from the 80's to the 50's and favorites of Louie Prima. swinging "Zooma Zooma Baccala", Ce la luna", and "Buona Sera", John Carelli is an exciting singer in the grand tradition of the classic Italian tenor. Audiences are thrilled as they listen not only to the richness of his voice, but also to his skillful and passionate renditions in a wide variety of musical styles. Apart from his strength as classical tenor, John's other credits range across a wide variety of venues and musical styles. John's program contains a broad mix of Italian and Ameri- can favorites, including well-known Neapolitan and operatic numbers and popular American standards, many from the Broadway stage. A performance that captivates all who listen! Maristella has been a sought-after performer in the New York City area to much acclaim. Classically-trained at both Manhatten School of Music and Westminster Choir College, she then studied pop singing with Patrica Carey, Mariah's mother. Bilingual, Maristella is proud to have found a niche in the Italian-American market. She has opened for headliners Pat Cooper and Julius LaRosa. She participated in the esteemed San Remo Festival in Italy and received the Gigmasters.com Rising Star 2008 award for Top Italian Performer. ZEPHYR Masterpiece " ZEPHYR is a six member dance band that has been entertaining throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, playing clubs, weddings and private affairs since 1977. Features include both male and female lead vocalists accompanied by a multi-keyboardist, guitarist, bassist, and drummer. Their song repertoire spans several decades and includes a variety of musical styles and dance categories to entertain groups of all ages. The group includes Alex Petrino, vocal; Sandy Cropper, Vocal; George Geiger, piano, organ and synthesizers; John Bailey, electric guitar; Chuck Bailey, drums and Rick Lucherini on the electric bass. Masterpiece is a "high energy" party/dance band featuring outstanding vocalists supported by sizzling rhythm and horn sections. Masterpiece features a diverse repertoire of songs from the "Big Band" era of the 40's to the "vibrant" sounds of today's hits. Masterpiece has provided the finest in live entertainment at many Nightclub venues and Banquet Facilities throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York and will create that same atmosphere at this year's Italian-American Festival. Come see this "dynamic" band and dance to a variety of "Standards", "Italian", "Top 40 Dance", Disco", "Soul", "Motown:, "Oldies" and "Rock 'n Roll' favorites. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Poppy Town Puppets Martin &Lewis Act. And even more… Jos. Scarella Orchestra Len Enourato Orchestra AND- THE NERDS Join us for the following presentations Cultural Theater (Located in the Ice Skating Center Main Concourse) Presentations throughout the festival on topics relating to Italians and Italian Americans. Date/Time Topic Presenter Friday, September 25, 2009 01:00 – 2 Italian Documentaries 02:30 03:30 Mozzarella Magic, See how to Make this Italian Cheese Cholly Keintz, Owner, 108 Domenick Italian Specialties 04:30 05:30 Hands-On Learning the Montessori Way Joann Maisto, Assistant Professor, The College of NJ, and Mercer County Community College 06:00 07:00 Mozzarella Magic, See How to Make this Italian Cheese Cholly Keintz, Owner, 108 Domenick Italian Specialties Saturday, September 26, 2009 01:00 02:00 02:30 03:30 04:00 05:00 The Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor Under a Spell? How to break the Evil Eye Meet the Author: The Odes of Di Maggio Dig Deep into the Professional and Private Lives of this Italian-American Icon Sam Fumosa, Past President, Order sons of Italy in America Rose Feterik, National Overseer to Garibaldi/Meucci Museum Dr. Michael E Ricchards, Exec. Director, Hall Institute: Public Policy, New Jersey 05:30 06:30 Favorite Italian-American Love Song Seranade Bart Di Nola: A real 07:00 08:00 A Tour of the Wines of Italy, How to Select the Perfect Wine for your Budget Vittorio Vettori, National/Int'l Rerresentative, Banfi Wines Sunday, September 27, 2009 01:00 01:30 The Recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor Rich Di Silvio, Past President, OSIA 02:00 03:00 Under a Spell? How to Break the Evil Eye! Rose Feterik, National Overseer to the GaribaldiMeucci Museum 03:30 04:30 Ricotta Making Made Easy See and Sample the preparation ot this Italian cheese favorite Maria Verzilli PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Please visit our sponsors who make this festival possible. Food Piazza Vendors List / Outdoor Food Piazza/Main Festival Grounds Vendor Description Animal Petting Zoo, Tent-27 Arts-You University, Tent-44A&B Dance Studio Information Ashes to Ashes Cigar, Tent-51 Hand Made and Imported Cigars Candles By Toni, Tent-53 Designer Candles Cartoon Guy, Tent-42 Portrait Painting Cross Country Ducati & Vespa Metuchen NJ Festival Sponsor, Ducati Motorcycles, Vespa Scooters Currier's Magical Mania, Tent-55 Jacobstown , NJ Magic Shows, Puppeteers, Baloon Artist, Face Painters and More Designer Diva, Tent-50 Designer Handbags, Jewelry and Accessories Hey Hey Brite Lights Novelty, Tent Bright Lites & Noverties 43 Hamilton , NJ Magical Mania Tattoo's, Body Art and Candy MCIAF Memorabilia Italian American Memorabilia display MCIAF Super 50/50 Last year's winner won $14,000! New Jersey Lottery Festival Sponsor, New Jersey Lottery Tickets New York Watch Company, Tent-48 Watches and Novelties Puppet Show, Tent-28 Puppet Show for Children Roma Bank NJ , Face Painting, Money Wheel S & R Sales, Tent-26 Italian Novelties The Painted Party, Tent-47 Face Painting The Times NJ Festival Sponsor, Subscriptions and Prizes Zingaro's, Tent 46 Designer Baskets PNC Bank Italian Market Tent Vendor Description Andiamo Enterprises Slots-22,23 Sun Catchers, Night Lights, Italian Capo Dimonte Porcelain, Italian Hats & Scarves, Sterlin Silver and Hair Accessories Capodimonte Inc., Slot- Capodimonte Porcelain Flowers, Hand Made by Nino 26 Mary Ann Mosko Slot13 Religious Articles Olevano Importers Inc Slot -7 Imported Olives, Oils Patria Pet LLC, Slot 9 Patrotic Dog Collars & Leashes, Doggie Tees, Dog Tags PNC Bank NJ Festival Sponsor Princeton Pettoranello Foundation Slot-14 Literature about the Foundation Regali Wholesale LLc Slot-31,32 Italian Novelties, Jewelry, T-Shirts, Flags Jerseys Scentucopia LLC, Slot28 Candles, Incense, Jewelry, Local Honey and related Honey Products, Children's Jewelry and Clothes Selections Slot-18 Allentown , NJ 08501 Sterling Silver, Italian Jewelry with Amber & SemiPrecious Stones, Hand Crafted Victorian Jewelry, Venetian Glass Beads Sunix Inc Slot-17 Marionettes, Flower Arrangements, Sunglasses, Gift East Brunswick , NJ 08816 Items The Big Game Slot-29, 30 Clearwater , FL 33765 Italian Oil Paintings,Frames, Bed Sheet Sets The Grape Escape Slot-19 Wine Making School, Apparel and Accessories PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Italian Heritage Pavilion (Located in the Ice Skating Center Ice Rink) Vendor Description Amici Della Lingua Slot #62 Westhampton , STATE Italian-American Service Org. Artistic College, Slot-15 West Long Branch , STATE Limited Edition Photo's, Mixed Media Canvas Coccia Foundation R-11 Saddlebrook , STATE Italian-American Organization, Distribution of Flyers Crafts by Lina, Slot-29 Bordentown , STATE Floral Arrangements, Wreaths, Wood Items & gift Bags G Swidergrills Specialty Gifts, Slot-35 Lafayette Hill , STATE Recycled Bottles made into Cheese Platters, Coasters to Wine Glass, Party Buckets, All Hand Made Gemstone Jewelry Slot-25 Yardville , STATE Jewelry Items, Italian Chains, Gold & Silver, Porcelin Clocks & Wood Items Harry Camisa/Windsor Press Slot #60 Yardville , STATE Book Author, Life as a Prison Guard Book, "Inside Out" Home Base Sports Collectables Collectable Sports Memorabilia, Plaques, Pictures, Slot #33 Cards and Shirts Bordentown , STATE MCIAF Memorabilia Exibit Slots-18-24 Hamilton , STATE Hundreds of Italian and Italian-American Pictures and Exibits related to Italian Culture MCIAFA Memorabilia Display Photos, Prints, News Clippings relating to Italian American Experiences Mercer Co. Prosecutor's Office Public Information Slot #32 Mercer Co. Surrogate Slot 43 County Agency, Public Information Mercer County Clerk lot #49 County Government, Agency Services Mercer County Sheriff's Office Children's Finger Printing, Gun Locks and Public Slot #47 Info. Trenton , STATE Mercer County Sheriff's Office, Mercer County Sheriff's Office info Slot-47 Trenton , STATE Mercer County Sunshine Foundation Slot #45 Charity Organization N.J Unclaimed Property Slot 27 State Agency for Unclaimed Property Planet Wear, Slots 20, 21 New Hope , STATE Soccer Shirts, Jackets, Jerseys and Hats, Bella Shirts, Hats and Baby Bella Plank Art Designs-Slots-17 -19 Paintings, Prints and Craft Items San Felese Lodge Slot #61 Hamilton , STATE History of the San Felese Org. Since 1902, Pictures & Artifacts Sons of Italy North Jersey Slots #50-53 W. Caldwell Italian-American Medal of Honor Society Teresa's Precious Beads, Slot-41 Hand Crafted Jewelry, Pins, Watches, Chockers, Boxes Tin Head Designs, Slot-16 Jewelry Umbrella House Slot #64-65 Umbrella's Tote Bags and Cutting Boards Unione e Fratellanza San Felese, Slot-61 Italian Artifacts, Data, Pictoral Display of San Felese organizational activities US Congressman Chris Smith Slot #57 Community Service, Federal Gov. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Food Piazza Vendors List / Outdoor Food Piazza/Main Festival Grounds Aunt Martha's Funnel Cake, Tent-8 Yardville , NJ Funnel Cakes, Funnel Cakes w/Ice Cream, Funnel Cake Sundae's and Toppings and or Fruit, Fried Novelties which include, Brownie, Choc. Chips, Fig Newtons, Oreo Cookies, Lemon and Orangeade, Soda and Water Benfatto Italian Market, Tent-1 Lawrenceville , NJ Espresso, Cappucino, Coffee, Italian Soda, Italian Desserts, Focaccia Breads and more Cannillo's Italian Food Slots 1-5 Passaic , NJ 07055 Italian Deli Products Carnival Concessions, Tent-18 Belleville , NJ Zeppoles, Calzones, Soda, Water CasinoTony Goe's Restaurant, Tent-13 Trenton , NJ Jersey Hot Dogs,French Fries, Onion Rings, Soda/Water Cheese & More, Slot-10 Pennsauken , NJ 08109 Cheeses, Cheese Spreads, Pesto, Tapenade, Baked Olives, Mixed Olives, Goat Cheese Spread, Pasta, Peanut Butter and Jams D.J. Country Gardens, Tent-49 Robbinsville , NJ Pies, Apple Turnovers, Brownies, Blueberry Scones, Ice Cream and Coffee Dana's Ice Cream, Tent-24 Hamilton , NJ Soft Serve, Milk Shakes, Sundaes, Water Soda Dip-A-Dee-Doo Ice Cream, Tent-14 Lawrenceville , NJ Novelty Ice Creams Dippin Dots Ice Cream, Tent-40 Brookhaven , PA Dippin dots Ice Cream, Soda, Water Dominick's Italian Specialties, Tent-41 Lawrenceville , NJ Sausage with peppers & onions, Veal & peppers, Italian hot dogs, Soda, Water Doraldo's Restaurant & Pizza, Tent-21 Hamilton , NJ Chicken Fracoise, Veal & Peppers, Tortelini Michael Angelo, Sausage & Brocali Rabe, Vodka Rigatoni, Egg Plant Parm, Pasta Fagoli, Italian Wedding Soup, and Desserts Frank's Italian Ice, Tent-52 Yardville , NJ Italian Ice, Pretzels, Water Enzo's La Piccolo Cucina, Tent-4 Lawrenceville , NJ Mussels, Chicken Cacciatore, Hot Peppers & Mushrooms, Polenta, Tripe, Eggplant & Roasted Peppers Sandwich, Pizza Fritta, Soda, Water Got Wild Alaskan Salmon, Tent-31 King Salmon , AK Grilled Wild Alaskan Salmon, Grilled Salmon Burgers, Deep fried Chicken Wings, Corn on the Cob, Pasta Salad Great Harvest Bread Co., Slot-11 Newtown , PA Bread, Cookies, Dipping Oils, Dried Pasta, Sauces Handras-Gel Gyro, Tent-12 Beth Page , NY Gyro, Chicken Pita,Shish-Ka-Bob, Spinach Pie, Souvalki, Soda, Water and Lemonade Italian Peoples Bakery, Tent-38 Trenton , NJ Cannolis, Sfogiatelli, Pasticotti, Tiramisu, Eclairs, Rhumbaba, Cheesecake, Cup Cakes, Apple Turnovers, Creme Horns, Cream Puffs, Pignoli Cookies, Coffe, Soda/Water Jay & Jay Italian Specialties, Tent-11 Hamilton , NJ Pan Fried Ziti, Calamari, Italian Hot Dog, Char-broiled Sausage, Charbroiled Delmonico Steak, Peppers & Egg Sandwich, Italian Chicken Roasted Peppers & Cheese Sandwich, Fresh Cut Fries, Hot Dog, Rice Balls, Bruschetta, Soda, Water Laughing Crab, Tent-33 Harve De Grace , MD Fish & Chips, Crab Cake Sandwich, Softshell w/fries, Clam Strips w/fries, Homemade Crab Won Tons, Homemade Shrimp Won Tons, Shrimp Puppus, Cheese Curly Fries, Soda, Lemonaide and Water Leonardo's II, Tent-10 Lawrenceville , NJ Eggplant Parm, Vodka Rigatoni, Tiramisu, Soda/Water Mamma Rosa's Restaurant, Tent-7 Hamilton , NJ Tomato Pie style Pizza, Sausage, Veal & Peppers Eggplant, Mussels, Meatballs, Braciole, Pasta Fagioli, Fresh Jersey Tomato Salad, Soda and Water Massimo's Trattoria, Tent-37 Robbinsville , NJ Vodka Rigatoni, Spaghetti & Meatball, Cheesestaks, Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, Soda, Water Mom's Concessionaires, Tent-2 Scotch Plains , NJ London Broil, Chicken Breast, French Fries, Fresh Lemonade Nino's Pastry Shop, Tent-5 Hamilton , NJ PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Cannolis, Sfogliatelle, Pasticiotti, Lobster Tails, Filled Sweet Breads, Italian Cookies, Cream Puffs, Eclairs, Soda, Water Palumbo's Lawrenceville , NJ Burgers & meatballs Pennsylvania Dutch Funnel Cake, Tent-16 Trenton , NJ Funnel Cake, Ice Cream, Soda, Cappuccino Pete's Steak House, Tent-35 Ewing Township , NJ Steaks, Sausage with Peppers & Onions, Hot Dogs, French Fries Soda Poppin Don's Kettle Corn, Tent-57 Yardville , NJ Kettle Corn, Nuts, Cake, Donuts, Seasoned Fries, Italian Sodas, Draft Birchbeer, Old Fashioned Lemonade, Water Porfirio's Market, Tent-6 Hamilton/Trenton , NJ Ravioli Marinara with or without Meatball, Vodka Rigatoni with or without Meatball, Roast Pork Revere Restorante Italiano, Tent-3 Ewing Township , NJ Vodka rigatoni, Fried calamari, Pizza fritta, Escarole & beans, Filet mignon, Jersey Tomato Salad Ritchie & Page Distributing Trenton , NJ Budweiser, Bud Light, Michelob Ultra Robert Buzzetta's Festival Foods, Tent-17 Trenton , NJ Italian Sausage, Philly Cheese Steaks, Italian Hot Dogs, Chicken Parmigiani, Hot Dogs, French Fries, Grilled Chicken, Meatball Parm, Vodka Rigatoni, Soda, Water and Lemonade Sausage Factory, Tent-23 Hamilton , NJ Steak, Pork and Pork Italian Sandwiches, Soda and Water Scala's Bakery, Tent-19 Cannoli's Stgotellie, Pastiocotti, Crosses, Napoleons, Eclairs, Carrott Cake, Baba's, Lobster Tails, Cheese Cakes, Casatina's, Mousse, Apple Cobbler, Peach Tarts, Tiramisu, Cup Cakes and Flan Scara's Italian Ice, Tent-36 Hamilton , NJ Spumoni, Tortoni, Italian Ice, Ice Cream, Tartufo, Tiramisu, Chocolate Mousse, Sorbet, Gelato, Root Beer Float, Smoothies, Water, Soda Steve-O's, Tent-20 Ewing , NJ Sausage and Roast Pork, Chicken Parm, Meatball Parm, Chicken Bosciaolo, Soda, Water and Lemonade Tallone's Rib Eyes, Tent-9 Trenton , NJ Rib Eye Steak, London Broil, Roast Pork, Meat Ball Sandwich, Mussels Mariana, Home Made Rice Balls, Shish-ka-Bob Soda, Water Tip of the Boot Slot #15 Paoli , PA Homemade Crab Marinara Sauces, "A Taste of Italy" Tony's Italian Sausage, Tent-15 Hazlet , NJ Sausage Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Fresh Lemonade, Soda, Water Wild Bills Old Fashioned Soda, Tent-25 Bernardsville , NJ Old Fashioned Soda in Collectable Cups MANGIA JUST ONE OF SO MANY PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com NG ClimbingRock Wall < to Rides Bocce Italian Heritage Pavillion See pg 4 For Participamts Culture Theater Mercer County Italian American Festival 2008 MAP PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Ben Venuti, Look for our TWO Merchandise Tents and take home a little bit of the Festival to PROUDLY wear while helping to support your Mercer County Italian American Festival Association, a non-profit organization. We would also like to express an extra Special “Thank You” to our hard working staff and committed volunteers for helping us at the Festival and throughout the entire year. The festival would not be the success that it is without your help. The Italian Tribune Veterans Display MERCHANDISE PRICES Golf Shirts $ 20 each White T-Shirts Ladies T-Shirt (Red Collar) Child’s T-Shirt (Red Collar) Child’s T-Shirt (Red) White Long Sleeve T-Shirt $ $ $ $ $ 10 14 13 10 12 each each each each each Crew Sweatshirts (Green) $ 20 each Hood Zipped Sweatshirts (Green or Pink or Gray) $ 30 each Hat – Baseball $ 15 each (Tan, Blue, or Black) Hat -- Italian-American (Black)$ 12 each Hat -- Gatsby (Green,Red,&White)$ 8 each Hat – Beret (Pink or Black) $ 12 each Pins Bandanas Flags – Small American Large American Small Italian Large Italian Recipe Books Travel Mugs $ 3 each $ 2 each $ 2 each $ 5 each $ 2 each $ 5 each $ 12 each $ 5 each A very special display of the 2006 Memorial Day Issue devoted to Italian and Italian-American Veterans with pictures sent in from subscribers, will be walldisplayed in the Festival Heritage Hall. Look up your friends and/or relatives. This is one of the largest issues annually and it is a fitting tribute graciously provided annually by The Italian Tribune. Subscriptions are $35/year (sign up at the Display Table) for a great weekly chronicle of “cose Italiano’. Published in English from New Jersey, it reaches almost 100,000 here and even abroad. Former Congressman A.J. “Buddy” Fortunato is Publisher, Joan Alagna, is Managing Editor, Marion Fortunato, Editor. The paper is expanding its content, readership and advertising throughout Delaware Valley after years of heavy concentration in the NYC metropolitan area. The project, begun recently, is led by Joe De Felice of Burlington Township, NJ who will man the MCIAF display. If you are here…you should subscribe. Samples of the paper will be available, including the 2009 Veterans Memorial Issue. October is OUR Time to Shine The Mercer County Italian-American Festival is followed immediately by Our chance (yes.. all of us) during October – Italian-American Heritage Month as declared by New Jersey and the President of the USA. If you don’t show your pride then, when will you??? Pass along your Pride and show non-Italians some examples of how Italians and Italian-Americans are so much more than Pizza, Pasta and Pests (as in The Sopranos and Godfather impressions).We are so much more as can be seen in our Festival Heritage Pavillion. MCIAFA exists to show and grow our PRIDE. See the enclosed Flyer of October Events, which include a parade, a Gala, a flag-raising and more…. ………… Participate.!!! PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com MCIAFA OCTOBER CELEBRATIONS The State of New Jersey, in a recent law, has designated October as Italian American Heritage Month and the Mercer County Italian American Festival Association has set a number of events to celebrate this significant recognition to honor the legacy and celebrate the achievements of the rich and diverse Italian American culture. These events are the Columbus Day Ball, the Italian Flag Raising Ceremony and the 5th Annual Columbus Day Parade on Nottingham Way in Hamilton. On October 2th, the Italian Flag Raising Ceremony will be held at 12:00 pm at the Hamilton Township Municipal Building to mark Italian American Heritage Month. The ceremony will bring together elected officials and dignitaries and mark a month long commemoration of the Italian American contribution to this great country. The public is invited and we hope to have the participation of a large contingent of the Hamilton Italian Americans to show their pride in their heritage. The Columbus Day Ball will take place at The Cedar Gardens on Friday, October 9, 2009 beginning at 6:30 pm. to recognize two outstanding Italian American citizens, Neil Bencivengo, Superintendent Hamilton Township Board of Education and the late Robert Immordino, a recognized authority on the history of the Italian Americans in New Jersey. Columbus Day Chair and Freeholder Pasquale Colavita and MCIAFA President Cav.John Scarpati concur “as we set out to duly recognize our proud Italian American history, it is only fitting that we honor two individuals who have given back to their community and who have epitomized strong Italian qualities of integrity, compassion and family values.” The event will feature a cocktail hour with an elaborate Tuscan table, full course meal, unlimited red and white wine, a Venetian dessert table and live entertainment. Call the Heritage Center at 609-631-7544 for tickets. The final event slated for the month of October, the 5th Annual Columbus Day Parade, will take place the same week on Saturday, October 10th commencing 1:00 pm. The Parade will begin on Nottingham Way, near the Nottingham Fire Company in Hamilton and will end in the parking lot of the Board of Education Building on Park Avenue, where there will be a get together of all the participants with food and other activities. Parade Chairman Freeholder Pat Colavita and his committee have lined up dignitaries, marching bands, floats of all shapes and sizes, antique cars and other entertainment for your enjoyment. The Parade will feature Grand Marshall Neil Bencivengo and honor the memory of the late Robert Immordino, who recently passed away at age 94. “The Columbus Day Parade places an exclamation point on a month long celebration of the Italian American culture,” stated John Scarpati, President of the Mercer County Italian American Festival Association. “As a whole, these events along with the Festival in late September, offer anyone with or without Italian American ties to come out and take in the Italian American experience and the impact it has had on our society.” It is very important that the Hamilton and Mercer County Italian American communities participate in these activities, and especially the Parade, to show publicly our pride in our ancestry and culture. PLEASE , do attend, because only by working together to promote the vast contributions Italian-Americans have made to America we can infuse the respect and pride so deeply deserved by our Italian ancestors and eliminate the negative stereotypes portrayed in the media. Our mission is to inspire admiration and celebrate the successes of our true Italian Heritage For more information on any of these events, please contact the Mercer County Italian American Festival Association at 609-631-7544. Play Some Bocce at The Festival! Play in tournaments, play for fun or learn the game at the PNC Bank Bocce Court located in the Heritage Pavilion. A series of mini-tournaments will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The times will be 12:30, 3PM and 6PM each day. A $10.00 per member fee will be charged and some of the proceeds will be donated to a charity selected by the Festival Association, the balance of fees raised will go toward trophies for winners and a souvenir to each player. Each tournament will consist of two teams playing a set of best out of 3 games. Tournament winning team members will receive commemorative trophies. Also, a souvenir will be given to each player. To play in a tournament, contact Ron Ungarini, Bocce Chair at 609-883-7948 or email at ronu_misc@comcast.net If you are not part of a team and would like to play, contact Ron and he will try to accommodate you. Open play is available between tournaments; the fee will be $1.00 for children under 16 and $2.00 for adults. signup sheets will be available at the bocce court PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com On behalf of the MCIAFA, Joe Sensi would like to express his thanks for those listed below who contributed and/or purchased coupon books to support the 2009 Festival. And Cavaliere John Scarpati, President of MCIAFA adds his personal thanks to Joe Sensi for his fantastic effort in this regard. Be sure to thank the businesses who contributed by your patronage. A1 Safe & Lock Co., Inc AJT Electric A.Damiano & Sons Roofing A. Mastrosimone, M.D. Adams Party Rental Al Fierro Alfred & Julie Blanton All Clean Building Services Amici-Milano, Inc. Andrew Bobbit Angelo Parmigiani Angelo’s Cheese Cakes Angeloni's/Cedar Gardens Annette Scharnitz Anthony Carabelli (Freeholder) Anthony Chianese Anthony M. Pizza Anthony Privetera Antonio Nini Aroma’z Mercer Carper and Flooring Arthur DeGeorge Arthur N. Longo Audrey Harris Barbero Bakery Inc. Bart DiNola- DiDonato Realtors Beebe, Inc. Bill Baroni Billy Quackenboss Blake Hardware Supply (Tom Blake) Bob Semptimphelter Bob D. Watlington Bob Vernon Bonanni Realtors Bracoloni Custom Memorials, LLC Brian Horner Bram Davies Brenna Funeral Home Broad Street Diner C&E Productions Performing Arts Studio Cam Trolio Candelori Electric, LLC Canning’s Ideal Tile Co. of Lawrence, Inc. Capital City Vending Company Carfaro, Inc. Carl Carabelli, Sr Carl Trolio Carlo A. Benedetti (Olden Pharmacy) Carlucci’s Grill Carol Lawyer Carol Skwara Catherine DiCostanzo Cedar Gardens Liquor Store Central Motor Parts (Alison Hyman) Central Paint Chambers D’Errico & Carrenti Funeral Home Charles Leissee Charles Punia Charles SanGermano (State Farm Ins.) Chiacchio Southview Funeral Home Chiarello's Hamilton Food Market Chris Baldassari Christine Agliata Chuck Russo Cindi Gropp Clevenger’s Alignment & Auto Repair COCCIA Foundation College TV & Appliances Colonial Autocomplex (Marion Seavey) Corner-Copia Nursery and Garden Center Crown 'N' Taper Hair Styling Creative Arts, Trophies & Screenprinting D Luxe - The Band Dabronzo Plumbing & Heating LLC Daniel Benson-Freeholder Danny Marra Dry Wall & General Repair David Bregenzer Dean M. Thompson DeFrank’s Appliances & Kitchen Cabinetry D Lux/ The Band De Lorenzo’s Tomatoe Pies Dennis Casale, Attorney At Law Derrick Chatman DiPaola Turkeys, Inc. Dom Vitale Donini & Ramsey, Attorneys-at-Law Donald Sayre Donna Avolio Doraldo Restaurant Dreamline Kitchens and Baths (Larry Rosica) Dutch’s Meats, Inc. E.A. Brewster, Inc Earth Science Landscape Services Ed Baldassari (Regency Res. Mgmt. Inc.) Ed Brewster Ed Osvai Edward H. Cray, Inc Edward Cacace Edward DiPolvere Edward T. Osvai Eet Gud Bakery Eileen Barber Enzo’s La Piccola Cucina Erin Indelicato ‘Solutions’ Erin, Tony, John and Al Ester Firlus Fame Restaurant Family Eye Care Forchi Restaurant Svc. Frank Campo, MD Frank Cirillo Francis (Frank) Hillman Frank Gargione Frank J. Stearle, Jr. Frank Knott Freddie’s Tavern Freddie Urbano Friends of John Cimino for Freeholder Gabby’s Barber Artistry Gail Carrigan Gallo Construction Co., LLC Garden State Sales, Inc. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Gary Vagnozzi Gennaro Salzano General Abstract & Title Agency (Bob Mule) George Firlus George Tomko Gilda Picerno Gilda Rorro Baldesarri Gina Calabro Gino Melone Gloria Flesch Glowing Reflections (Sharon Kowalik) Golden Scissors Barber and Beauth Shop Grand Bank/ Lureetta Lucchesi Greg Blaire Gregory Curiale Gres Paving Co., Inc. Gregory Palmer-Mayor Guerio's Funeral Home Gus Perilli “Hair It Is” Hakim Internal Trading & Marketing, Inc. Hamilton Building Supply Co. Hamilton Car Wash Hamilton Chiropractic Center Hamilton Kitchens House of Tile Howell Construction Services Ignazio & Anita Ricasoli Innovative Awards, Inc. International Produce, Inc. Irene Liston Italian Peoples Bakery & Deli J&D Plumbing & Heating (John Benedetti) J&S Home Improvements J. DiDonato J. Lestician Warehouse J. Parell J.R. Scapes Jack J. Ball (Mayor of Ewing) Jack Blaire Jack ‘n Jules Clothing Jack Frascelle Jack H. Fein James Stephenson Jay Destribats Jerry Petersack Jim Cronin Jim Egan Jim Knicos Jim Romano Jo Ann Conte Jo Jo’s Tavern Joe Angelillo Joe Smith John Bencivengo-Mayor John DiPolivere John K. Rafferty John Prunetti Joseph R. Armenti Tax Preparation/Acctg. Svc Joseph Barber Joseph Giangrasso Joseph A. Hakim Joseph Ricci Joseph R. Ridolfi & Assoc., LLC Joseph Salera Joseph Smith Joseph Urbano Justin Russomanno K. McCoy Insurance Karen Lynn’s Salon Kathleen McGreeney Kathy Shanahan (House of Tile) Keller Williams Realty Kathy Shanahan (The Tile Shop) Kevin Larkin, Sheriff Kevin McCoy Kevin Wilkes, Councilman Ken Sweeney (Sweeny's Saloon) Kucker-Haney Paint Co. Laura Hall, Realtor Lauretta Lucchesi Leda Inc, Lee H. Engelman, P.A Lem Blackburn,Jr. –Blackburn & Associates,LLC. Liberty Food Stores – Risoldi’s Licciardello Bros., Inc. LimoLinc Linda Andrusiewicz Linda Bregenzera Linda Scarlet Lou Natale Lou Santin Lou Tattoni Lucylle R.S. Walter- Freeholder M. William Murphy, Inc. Mamma Rosa's Restaurant Mannino's Pizza Manto Family Eyecare Mark Pratico Maria Tramo Marianne Colivata Marie Sypek Mario & Frank’s IV Marisol Ramos Marrazzo’s Market Martin J. Scott, D.O. & Assoc., Inc. Mary Ferri Master Disc Jockey (Brian Dzbenski) Matthias L. Dimattia, MBA Mayor John F. Bencivengo, Hamilton Twp Mayor Palmer Melendez Realty- Carmen NatalMelendez Mercer Automotive Service Mercer Oaks And Marina Catering Mercer Safe and Lock (Dave Graziano) Michael Cirillo Michael Fernbach Michael J.Pratico Michele Headrick Mike Trammontana Mike Vetrano Mountain Queen Properties-Pat Napatano Mr. B, Wholesale Fence, Inc. Mufflex Myers Speed "N" Van Shop Nalbone’s Residential Demolition Nelson J. Ivins NJ Spin and Pain Center Inc. New York Life Ins. Co. (Robert Watlington) Nottingham Insurance Original Flowers Our Town NJ Papa’s Tomato Pies PARK AVENUE Printing, LLC Pasquale ‘Pat’ Colavita Pat & Heather Haggerty Patel Harish Pat’s Diner Patricia Barber Paul Donini Paul Pontani (Trent Jewelers) Paula A Covello Esq-MC Clerk Paula A. Beiger Penn Supply Plumbing & Heating Materials Pennacchi & Sons Pepper Hamilton LLP/ Attorney at Law Peter Pontani (Trent Jewelers) Peter W. Radice, Jr. Petro Pauagiotidis Phil Pratico, Jr. Phyllis Silvia Pintinalli, Inc. Pizza Express Pizza Grill.com Porfirio"Italian Foods Povio Electric Povio Sr,, Nick Povio, Joe Priority One Adjustment Services, LLC Prior-Nami Business Systems Professional Electrical Contractors R. Terracciano R.A. Pulaski Construction Co., LLC R.P. Bonanni Agency Ray Staub Ricasoli & Santin Contracting Co., Inc Rico’s Auto Body Richard Bilotti Richard Mancuso RE/MAX Tri County Richard Paulaski Richard Prunetti Richardson Commercial, LLC Ridolfi Associates LLC Risoldi’s Catering Rita Hewittson, Weidel Realtors Robert & Clare Radice Robert D. Watlington, CLU Robert Shuster Robert Tindall Roby Clare Radice Rock of Ages-Michael J. Willey Roma Bank (Maurice T. Perilli) Ron Fiori Ron Gallo Ron Miller Ron Petersack& Geri Derrico (Freddie's) Ron Vernon Ronald A Curini Appraisal Co., Inc Rosa's at Sayen Gardens Ronald Luccarelli Rosa’s Ristorante & Pizzeria Royal Car Wash PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com Rudolph Palomi S. Campanaro S. Picco SHM Mailers/Richard Ruderman S.M. Colavita Sal Lopresti Sam Verde Samuel A Amico Scarpati's Recycling Center Sean Woods Serenity Scapes Sergio Escalante Sharon A. Manto Shing-Fu Hsueh, Mayor Shirley K. Turner Sharon A. Manto Shore Auto Body 6800 Capital, L.L.C.(John McDonnell) Silva Guard Silver Reporting Services, Inc. Simone Realty Smith Barney Financial Mgt. Accountant Sonny Avellino Soriero Family Chiropractic Spigola State Farm/Charles J. San Germano State-Wide Moving & Storage Stephanie Kostoplis Steve Ficco Steve Madola Steven J. Denarski, Jr. Steven A.& Lisa A Lafisca Steve Russo Steven & Nancy Wolf Suburban Fence Co. Stickey Wicket Grill, Bar & Liquors Susan Barrowman Susan Di Ri Taco Bell (John Tomasulo) Tammy L. Perilli Tattoni's Restaurant TechKnowledgy Integrators, LLC Teich Groh (Dean S. Nalbone) Ted Dolci, Inc Ted Furman The Pool & Spa Place Tina's Hair Design Tina's Pizza & Italian Family Restaurant Tindall Diamond & Jewelry Toni (Antonietta) Niper Tony Lukes Toni Sal Tony Salvatore (Golden Scissors) Town & Country Siding Trent Jewelers Trenton Joe & Son Trenton Ruby Triangle of Hamilton Valley Spas & Pools,llc. Vanko Painting/Coating Vernon Creative Marketing Villa Maria Restaurant & Pizzeria Weichert Financial Serv (Katie McGreeney) Weidel Realtors (Rita Hewitson) 5TH ANNUAL COLUMBUS DAY MCIAFA BALL and PARADE The 2009 Parade Grand Marshals Mr. Neil A. Bencivengo Superintendent, Hamilton Township School District and In Memoriam Mr. Robert (Bob) Immordino Historian, Lawrence Township, New Jersey Gala Ball……… on Friday, October 9, 2009 Cocktails: 6:30-7:30PM; Program and Dinner: 7:30PM The Cedar Gardens 661 Route 33 ~ Hamilton Township, NJ AND…. JOIN US AT THE 2009 COLUMBUS DAY PARADE SATURDAY ~ OCTOBER 10TH AT 1:00PM (Rain Date – Sunday- October 11th at 1:00PM) Nottingham Way (STARTS near 5 Points and then East to the Square) WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! All are invited to a small Festa at the Board of Ed Parking Lot after the Parade. Food & Entertainment. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION…. ASK ANY MCIAFA VOLUNTEER OR CALL THE HERITAGE CENTER AT 609-631-7544 PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 2009 COLUMBUS DAY BALL & PARADE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON HON. PASQUALE COLAVITA PRESIDENT OF MCIAFA Cavaliere John Scarpati SECRETARY NINA VAN DELEUR TREASURER MICHAEL ROSSETTI PROGRAM JOE DE FELICE PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com The Mercer County Italian-American Festival Association Proudly Presents Its 5th Annual Columbus Day Ball Honoring this years Grand Marshals: Neil Bencivengo Superintendent, Hamilton Township Public Schools Robert Immordino (In Memoriam) Mercer County Historian The Cedar Gardens Route 33, Hamilton Township Friday, October 9th 2009 Cocktail Hour 6:30pm, Dinner at 7:30pm $65.00 Donation Per Person which includes: Red and White Pasta, Choice of Chicken Français, Flounder and Roasted Potatoes Mixed Vegetables, Salad, Coffee and Tea Authentic Tuscan Table and Venetian Dessert Table “Unlimited Red & White Wine” “Cash Bar” Music by: Fulvio Ranni MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY! Limited Seating For Tickets, Please Call the Italian-American Heritage Center at 609-631-7544 ___________________________________________________________________ MCIAFA is a non-profit 503-C organization dedicated to promoting Italian-American Heritage and Culture Donations are tax deductible and are appreciated. Once again we are publishing a Commemorative Souvenir Program with advertising and sponsorship opportunities for distribution at our events. Book size is 5.5”wide x 8.5”high. Rates are as follows: o o o o o o Full Page* *Back Page *Inside Cover Half Page Quarter Page Patron Ad (Name) (5”x 8”) (5”x 8”) (5”x 8”) (5”x 4”) (5”x 2”) one Line $100.00 $150.00 $125.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 We invite you to advertise your Business, Profession, or Organization in this important sponsorship function. Deadline October 2, 2009. Please check one of the AD sizes, Attach your AD or Business Card, include your check, sign below and send to….. NAME :___________________________________________________________ CHECK # __________________ CONTACT_____________________________ PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com MCIAFA P.O Box 2862 Hamilton, NJ 08629 Mercer County Italian American Festival Association Free Associate Membership Application Form Come join one of the largest and fasting growing Associations in Mercer County! Membership is FREE and you will be put on our mailing list automatically. We just ask that you help promote our heritage and events. If you would like to be active, here are some of the activities you may want to participate in: Please check next to where interested: o ___Help with On-Site Operations at Festival o ___50/50 On-site sales o ___Help at Other Events at MCIAF Center o ___Help at Monthly Dinners o ___Office Work o __Join a Committee o ___Maintenance Help at MCIAF Center o ___Columbus Day Parade o ___Vendor Name:__________________________________ Address:________________________________________ Occupation:______________________________City:__________________State:______Zip:___________ Telephone: (home)_______________(work)_______________ E-mail ______________________________ FOR FOR MORE INFORMATION, WRITE OR CALL: Cav. John Scarpati, President MCIAFA 2421 Liberty St. Hamilton, N.J. 08629 – phone 609-631-7544. Website: www.italianamericanfestival.com E-mail: buongiorno2000@optonline.net (CHANGED) We are a non-profit 503-C organization dedicated to promoting Italian-American Heritage and Culture Donations are tax deductible and are appreciated. Wont you please help to fulfill the mission of MCIAFA….. “To Preserve and Promulgate our Italian Heritage and Culture” Don’t… “do nothing and Let it Disappear” ----- Volunteer ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MERCER COUNTY ITALIAN AMERICAN FESTIVAL 2009 SURVEY ? Importance to you Compare to similar events Rank 1 to 13. Rate (1 lo to 5 hi). C O M M E N T S - SUGGESTIONS Entertainment ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Food Service ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Amusements ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Vendors ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Veterans Court ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Cultural Court ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Cultural Theatre ___ ___ ___________________________________________ Sunday Mass ___ ___ ___________________________________________ 9. Parking ___ ___ ____________________________________ 10. Beer and Wine ___ ___ ___________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________ ____ ___________________________________________ 11. Raffle ___ 12. Italian Market Tent ____ 13. Ticket Entry ____ PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com 2009 Festival Entertainment Teaser . Joe Piscopo Show HEADLINES Saturday Night with other acts… Ray Massa's Eurorhythms, an 8 piece Italian band who wowed us last year, will open for Joe Piscopo, and will HEADLINE the Friday night show. 2009 will also feature some popular favorites such as John Carelli, tenor with beautiful voice who has performed 4 previous years. Boheme Opera will also be there. Also Joe Scanella Orchestra as well as Len Enourato's Orchestra. Also. Joe Polito oldies singer, impersonator....Fulvio Rani....Italian band....Abbott & Costello Show, a regular at the festival. Vivaci Italian Dance Troupe, returning again. Several other acts including new-comers Martin & Lewis comedy act and by request of the 40- something crowd The Nerds" a rock band!! .See our website for entire list of great entertainment 50/50 Raffle This year’s Festival will again feature a 50/50 Raffle, for which tickets will be mailed to our current mailing list early in July. They will also be available for purchase at the Heritage Center, according to Co-Chairs Gino Melone and Marion Bolton. For ticket information, or to volunteer to sell tickets either before or during the Festival, please contact Marion Bolton at 609396-2944. Bulk ticket sales to business concerns, coupled with special advertisement packages, will be handled by Joe Sensi, contact at the Heritage Center, 609-631-7544. BUY 50/50 chances at a BIG JACKPOT PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com