Annual Report of the Dean 2013 - The John Marshall Law School


Annual Report of the Dean 2013 - The John Marshall Law School
Message from the Dean
tanding on the corner of State and Jackson and
looking up at the new John Marshall, I’m amazed
at the transformation from just a few short years
ago. From the student commons and state-ofthe-art courtrooms to the new Veterans Legal Support
Center & Clinic, we are building a first-class facility that
our students, faculty—and you, our alumni—can truly be
proud of. But what strikes me the most is the remarkable
transformation that is going on inside John Marshall.
True to our founding principles of opportunity and
access, we are helping students do things that they
could not do before. Among those things are making a
difference in their communities and in the world in a way
that reflects their talents and abilities.
In the process, we are also transforming the law
school by improving our ability to help students meet the
challenges that neither they nor we have seen before. In
short, we are preparing our students not just to succeed
in the modern world of law, but also to succeed in their
careers and in life.
It starts with our curriculum. With the help of our
dedicated staff and talented faculty, Associate Dean
for Academic Affairs Ralph Ruebner is developing new
and innovative programs that will have a direct and
transformational impact on the lives of our students.
These approaches help our students build the strategic,
analytical, and transactional knowledge and skills they
need to be practice-ready from day one.
Anthony Niedwiecki, the new Associate Dean for
Skills, Experiential Learning, and Assessment, has
guided our legal writing program to the #2 ranking in
the nation. He now leads our efforts to provide more
learning programs based on the practical experience
that employers value most. Through the efforts of our
new Director of the Center for Intellectual Property Law,
Professor Doris Long, we have improved our program’s
ranking to #12 in the country.
Our Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic, led by
Brian Clauss (JD ’90) and Tom White, has become a
national model for providing pro bono services to our
nation’s veterans.
Under the leadership of Clinical Professor Allison
Bethel, with guidance from F. Willis Caruso and Michael
Seng, our Fair Housing Legal Clinic remains the only
American law school clinic giving students the opportunity
to advocate for the rights of victims of housing and
lending discrimination.
Technology in and out of the classroom is changing
at a rapid pace. Guided by the strategic vision of
Chief Information Officer June Hsiao Liebert, we are
incorporating advanced law practice and academic
technology into our classrooms and courtrooms.
We are the first Illinois law school to offer a massive
open online course (MOOC), and by January 1, 2014, we
will also be one of the first law schools in the country to
offer 15 credit hours of online education toward the JD.
Finding meaningful employment for our graduates is
my number-one priority. In her new duties as Associate
Dean for Professionalism and Career Strategy, retired
Illinois Appellate Court Justice Peg Frossard is helping
our students compete for and get scarce jobs. She is
supervising the Career Services Office to increase our
outreach to employers and train our students for the job
search ahead.
All this transformation comes with a cost. We rely
heavily on tuition income, but that is not sufficient to
do all that we need to do. More than ever we need your
support. There are many deserving students who could
use your help.
I write a check to the law school every year at this
time. I ask you to do the same, to carry on the deep and
meaningful tradition of transforming lives here at The John
Marshall Law School.
John Marshall at a glance
First law school in Illinois with a MOOC
This summer, John Marshall became the first Illinois law school
to offer a massive open online course (MOOC). The course,
“Military Service and the Law,” is free and open to all, regardless
of location or enrollment status.
Veterans Clinic moves into new space
John Marshall’s Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic now
meets clients in its new home in the renovated 19 W. Jackson
building in the heart of Chicago’s legal market. The nationally
recognized clinic is headed by veterans legal expert Brian
Clauss and is staffed by volunteer lawyers and our students to
provide legal assistance and support for veterans. The official
ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on September 26, 2013.
Intellectual Property Law Program
jumps to 12th in the nation
Our Intellectual Property Law Program, directed by Professor
Doris Estelle Long, is ranked #12 in the nation in the 2014
U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools specialty
rankings. The IP center is one of the oldest and most extensive
programs in the country.
National champions
2 years in a row
Sandra Day
O’Connor visits
John Marshall
Retired U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Sandra
Day O’Connor took Dean
Corkery up on his invitation
and made an impromptu
visit to the law school in
April 2013. Justice O’Connor admired the new State Street
entrance and visited with students in the Student Commons.
15 JD course credit hours
go online in 2014
In January, our pioneering distance education program will
distinguish us as one of the first law schools in the U.S. to offer
15 credit hours of online instruction toward a JD, including Video
Game Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Military Law. We
currently offer 30 online classes in JD, MS, and LLM programs;
the most of any law school in the country.
Legal Writing ranked
2nd in the nation
Anthony Niedwiecki, who was recently
named Associate Dean for Skills,
Experiential Learning, and Assessment,
led our Legal Writing program from #6 to
#2 in the nation in the most recent U.S.
News & World Report Best Graduate
Schools rankings.
For the second consecutive
year, our John Marshall team
won 1st place at the Albert R.
Mugel National Tax Competition.
From left, 3Ls Ryanne Dent and
Patrick Bushell.
Fair Housing Clinic’s 20-year fight
for justice
John Marshall’s Fair Housing Legal Clinic is celebrating its 20th
anniversary this year. Over the past two decades, the Clinic—
the only one of its type in the country—has represented more
than 900 clients who were discriminated against in violation of
federal, state, county, and city laws.
Student group hosts first Chicago
symposium on fashion law
In April 2013, a new
student organization
at the law school, the
Fashion Law Society,
put on a groundbreaking
Fashion and Design
Law Symposium.
Fashion designers, IP
specialists, and labor
attorneys from the U.S.,
Canada, and Mexico
met to discuss the legal
issues at the forefront of
the fashion world.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Professor Susan L. Brody
BS, Ohio State University
JD, IIT/Chicago-Kent College of Law
Board of Directors, Legal Writing Institute,
Board of Directors, Association of Legal
Writing Directors, 1996–1999
Outside the Box
Professor Susan Brody challenges students
to prepare for success
rofessor Susan Brody has an overarching view of The John Marshall Law
School’s relationship to its students: “How do we transform them? It’s not just
the curriculum or the programs. It’s how we talk to them when they walk in the
door in the admissions office—who greets them, who advises them, what they do
during their orientation. Then it’s the relationships that are developed by the faculty, and
then later, mentoring them when they start looking for a job. It should be a seamless web,
beginning to end, bigger than the individual parts.”
Brody earned her JD from IIT/ChicagoKent College of Law, clerked for Judge Lloyd
Van Deusen of the Illinois Appellate Court,
Second District, and practiced at Beermann,
Swerdlove, Woloshin, Barezky & Berkson,
concentrating on divorce and appellate work.
She joined the John Marshall faculty in 1982,
and in addition to teaching, she served as
Director of the Lawyering Skills Program from
1984 to 1995, and was Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs and for Institutional Affairs,
from 1995 through 1999.
Dean Leonard Schrager had a vision for a
Lawyering Skills Program at John Marshall, and in 1984 he asked Brody to be its director.
Brody developed the curriculum, a multi-semester sequence of courses to expose
students to the kinds of writing they would face in a wide variety of practice settings. To
professionalize the program, the law school hired several additional full-time, tenure-track
faculty members to teach lawyering skills. Since that time, the program has continued to
evolve, and is acknowledged as a national leader. This past year, it was ranked number
two in the country by U.S. News & World Report.
While in recent years there has been much national media emphasis on practicereadiness, Brody notes that John Marshall has a long-standing tradition of preparing
our graduates for practice. She also asserts that in conjunction with skills training,
John Marshall prepares our graduates intellectually to tackle complex theoretical
concepts and to solve problems creatively, skills especially important for practicing
law in the 21st century.
What she’s seen over the course of her years at John Marshall is a seamless web
that has indeed expanded and adapted. “If you had told me, when I started here, that
we would transform ourselves so completely—our vision, the programs, and the way we
prepare the students—so much that we would have a dean of assessment and skills, in
addition to a director of legal writing, a director of moot court, a director of trial advocacy
and externships, three journals, multiple specialties and advanced degrees, numerous
clinics, and more—I would have said there was just no way.”
“The John Marshall Law School is a dynamic place that I’ve looked forward to going
to every day of my professional life. It’s an institution that I’m proud of, where we give
students an outstanding educational experience that enables them to be highly ethical,
successful, and outstanding lawyers.”
Our relationship with
the students should
be a seamless web,
beginning to end,
bigger than the
individual parts.
The Association of American Law Schools
honored Susan Brody in 2012 for her work in
developing the legal writing program at John
Marshall. Brody is flanked by Associate Dean
Anthony Niedwiecki and Professor Maureen
Straub Kordesh, who followed Brody as
Director of Lawyering Skills.
Professor William Ford teaches some of
the innovative and intellectually challenging
courses Brody mentions, such as Computer
and Video Gaming Law and the Constitutional
Theory seminar.
Dean Emeritus Leonard Schrager receiving
the Ralph A. Gabric Lifetime Achievement
Award, in recognition of his many contributions
to public interest law, legal education, and
mediation. Schrager was Dean from 1983 to
1987 and retired from the faculty in 2004.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Clinical Professor Allison K. Bethel
Director, Fair Housing Legal Clinic
BS, Northwestern University
JD, University of Florida Levin College of Law
Ending Housing
Allison Bethel helps students work for justice
neighborhood by neighborhood
or Allison Bethel, the Director of John Marshall’s Fair Housing Legal Clinic, a major
transformation occurred during her first year in law school at the University of
Florida in Gainesville. Her Torts professor was an unashamed bigot who made
casual derogatory remarks about every gender and class except white Protestant
men. He made a mistake, however, when he crossed the line with an African-American
classmate of hers. Bethel wasn’t as retiring or compliant as the black students from the
South tended to be—she was from Chicago, and, pursuing the matter through BLSA, led
a group of students who complained and got a result. “I’ve always been passionate,” she
says. “I like to get involved in issues and I like to stand up for a cause.”
In her first job as a lawyer, she did
personal injury plaintiff work in West Palm
Beach, Florida, but she never quite felt
at home in that specialty. After six years,
she joined the firm of Becker & Poliakoff,
where she represented corporations and
homeowner associations.
That was in 1989, just a year after the
amendments to the Fair Housing Act were
signed into law. “It was,” Bethel says, “a
catalyst for stirring things up.” At first, the
future civil rights crusader was defending
these associations and communities rather than prosecuting them, but after several years
with Becker & Poliakoff, she “wanted to get back to something I could be passionate
about, with a cause.”
She took a job (and a substantial pay cut) with the Florida Attorney General’s office,
and soon joined a new civil rights unit in the office. She spent two years as assistant
director before becoming the director of the litigation initiative. “I felt that I was finally
home,” Bethel says. “I had these litigation skills that I’d developed over the previous years,
and now I had an issue that I could be passionate about.”
After 10 years in the Florida Attorney General’s Office, Bethel left and came back to
Chicago in 2008 to direct John Marshall’s Fair Housing Legal Clinic. “There’s no place
like this Clinic in the country,” she says. “No one does cases or educational outreach
like we do, and it’s tremendously gratifying to train the next generation of civil rights
lawyers. I really admire the students for their passion to work in the public interest, and the
camaraderie here is tremendous.”
Her transformative goal? “I see the need to show the students how you can pursue
issues and still make a living. Some of them will work for state or government agencies,
but the majority will work for firms or open their own firms; what are the things they need
to be able to do so that they can take on public interest cases and not starve? That’s a key
area where I want to help.”
I’ve always been
passionate. I like to
get involved in issues
and I like to stand up
for a cause.
Fair Housing Clinic student interns Leodis
McCary, Joi Lyons (above), and supervising
attorney Cristina Headley recently won a
preliminary injunction in a race/national origin
discrimination case involving the sale of a
Clinical Professor J. Damian Ortiz (JD ’97, LLM
’04) received the 2013 Community Service
Award from the Hispanic Lawyers Association
of Illinois for his outstanding efforts in
protecting civil rights and fair housing laws.
He has been a faculty member since 1998.
Clinical Professor F. Willis Caruso was honored
in May 2013 with an award for Excellence in
Public Interest Service presented by the U.S.
District Court and the Chicago chapter of the
Federal Bar Association. He was a cofounder
of the Fair Housing Legal Clinic and its director
from 1994 to 2008. Caruso now directs
John Marshall’s Pro Bono Clinic and is
Co-Executive Director of the Fair Housing
Legal Support Center.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Associate Dean Anthony S. Niedwiecki
Associate Dean for Skills, Experiential Learning,
and Assessment
BA, magna cum laude, Wayne State University
JD, magna cum laude, Tulane Law School
LLM, Temple University Beasley School of Law
from Day One
Anthony Niedwiecki champions
John Marshall’s experiential learning model
Professor Sonia Green directs John Marshall’s
new Expert Learning program, a required
first-semester, first-year course that teaches
effective study and exam-taking strategies.
nthony Niedwiecki came to John Marshall in 2010 as Director of the Lawyering
Skills Program. He has had a transformative influence on the law school,
helping to lift our legal writing program in the U.S. News & World Report
rankings—currently second in the nation—and reworking the already-successful
Lawyering Skills Program in order to make it more responsive to the vagaries of the legal
employment market. In June 2013, he was named Associate Dean for Skills, Experiential
Learning, and Assessment.
Niedwiecki’s undergraduate degree
was a double major in mathematics and
education, and he taught high school math
for several years. He received his JD from
Tulane Law School and practiced labor and
employment law for two firms in Texas, but
“teaching has always been in my bones,”
so he accepted a fellowship to attend a
two-year LLM program at Temple University
Beasley School of Law that prepares
practitioners to become law professors.
He went into teaching law knowing that
he would have to make some significant
sacrifices. “By leaving a big law firm, my
income dropped to a quarter of what it had
been. A friend gave me a case of macaroni
and cheese as a gag gift, but it was the
only food I had at the end of my first month
of teaching!” He completed the program
and has taught at Temple, Arizona State University, and Nova Southeastern University’s
Shepard Broad Law Center. His ideals about community service led him into politics and
he served as vice mayor of Oakland Park, Florida; he was elected mayor but resigned
before taking office in order to come to John Marshall.
“During my first year at John Marshall,” he says, “I did a thorough data-driven
assessment of the program. We learned some very useful things. For instance, a
large proportion of our graduates get hired by relatively small firms. That means we
have to teach our students a wider range of skills in order for them to hit the ground
running. So now we’re casting a wider net in terms of areas that we weren’t necessarily
teaching before.”
In fall 2013, John Marshall became the first law school in the Midwest to require three
credit hours of practical experience for graduation. Niedwiecki was a proponent of this
change, because, he says, “our students needed to pull everything together. We were
teaching pieces here and there, but we needed to conclude Lawyering Skills with a real
client experience, as an extension of LS and not something separate.”
John Marshall has
the ability to weather
the current storm
and emerge as a
better institution
than we were going
into it. This is a
perfect opportunity
to advance
the school.
Last year, John Marshall’s in-house Writing
Resource Center staff held 1,400 one-on-one
appointments with students. The four full-time
advisors, all with JDs, are directed by Lurene
Contento (JD ’00), second from right above.
John Marshall’s Lawyering Skills faculty
hold high office in influential legal writing
organizations. Kim Chanbonpin is on the
board of directors of the Legal Writing Institute,
and serves with Dean Niedwiecki on the
Association of Legal Writing Directors Task
Force on ABA Issues.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
James P. Tatooles (JD ’63)
BA, Aurora College
JD, The John Marshall Law School
Past President,
Northwest Suburban Bar Association
Former Assemblyman,
Illinois State Bar Association
by Leadership
Ann Lousin photo
James Tatooles looks back at his
John Marshall experience after 50 years
ames P. Tatooles earned his JD from John Marshall in 1963 and has been a solo
practitioner for 50 years. He has an easy-going manner and a gift for storytelling,
and he is old school. Just how old is old school? Try this: “It cost $500 a semester to
attend John Marshall, and you could pay in installments.” Or this: “We didn’t have
the LSAT. I showed up the day before classes started. They said, ‘Start tomorrow.’ I
said, ‘Don’t you want any transcripts?’ ‘No,’ they said, ‘we’ll get them later.’” And this: “In
my third year, Dean Noble Lee heard about the LSAT and wanted to find out what it was
like. So he asked my whole class, ‘Would you mind taking it? The law school will pay for
it.’ We all took it. I don’t think I did that well.”
For Tatooles, the major transformative
role at John Marshall was played by Dean
Lee. “He established a class called Case
Analysis that was required for graduation,
and then he taught it himself,” Tatooles
recalls. “He could be cantankerous. In my
last term, in the last session of the Case
Analysis class, he had me on my feet
analyzing a domestic relations case and he
just blew up. I was wrong, wrong, wrong.
He ended class early and promised us he
was going to put that same case on the
final exam.
“Sure enough, there it was, and no
matter how many times I reread it, I simply
could not see the analysis any other way
than I had done it in class. So that’s what I wrote.
“A couple of weeks later, before the grades were in, I was on the way to the library
and who should join me in the elevator but Dean Lee. I was actually afraid. At first we rode
in silence, but then without any preamble he announced that I had received the highest
grade in Case Analysis. After I graduated he asked me to return and teach the course!”
“The John Marshall Law School has been terrific for me, and I can’t thank it enough. It
gave me an opportunity.” Tatooles has shown his gratitude through gifts to the law school,
including a carrel in the library and another carrel in the new home of the Veterans Legal
Support Center & Clinic.
Tatooles is a Chicago native who shifted his practice from the city to suburban
Wheeling in the 1970s. Although he now represents the grandchildren of people who were
his clients when he started out, he isn’t interested in retiring. “I’m optimistic—I renewed
my lease for another three years,” he says. “I make my own appointments; it’s a real
personal relationship with my clients. The phone keeps ringing and I keep working.”
Dean Noble Lee ran
the school with an
iron fist. His goal was
to turn out lawyers
who could think on
their feet and be
ready for battle in
the courtroom.
Professor Ann Lousin is the current occupant
of the Lee Chair in Constitutional Law,
established in 2010 to honor Noble W. Lee and
his father Edward T. Lee and their contributions
to the law school.
James Tatooles is a dedicated contributor to
John Marshall. He recently became the first
naming donor to the VLSC, dedicating a bank
of carrels.
James Tatooles gets reacquainted with
Professor Bob Nye at the September 2013
ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new
VLSC offices.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Joseph N. Wagner
BS, Illinois State University
JD candidate, The John Marshall Law School
Sergeant, United States Marine Corps,
Duty Calls
Marine veteran and student Joe Wagner
serves his fellow veterans
oe Wagner’s entire adult life has been about transformation. First he left civilian life
and became a Marine, spending time overseas and learning Japanese. Next he
made the transition from the military to college, and then enrolled in law school. Now
he’s about to graduate and become a practicing attorney. The thread that remains
constant through this evolution is a deep-seated desire to help other people,
particularly other veterans.
Wagner knew from the time that he was
five years old that he wanted to be a Marine
and enlisted as soon as he was of age. He
trained to be an aviation support equipment
mechanic and deployed to Iwakuni, Japan,
twice; the first time for seven months and
the second time for a full year. It was while
he was attending Illinois State University that
he discovered that he was very interested
in “finding a specific issue and just digging
down, figuring out the intricacies of the
problem, and being able to arrive at a
solution.” The role of a counselor or advisor
“who would be able to give an educated and
well-reasoned opinion or advice” appealed
to him, and led him to law school.
While at Illinois State, Wagner worked as
a veteran counselor, assisting fellow student
veterans with the veteran education benefits process. With its nationally recognized
Veterans Legal Support Center & Clinic (VLSC), The John Marshall Law School was a
natural choice for pursuing his continuing interest in aiding fellow veterans.
“The VLSC is the main reason why I came to John Marshall,” Wagner says. “It’s very
helpful being a veteran myself and working in the Clinic. Sometimes, when a veteran
calls, they may be hesitant, but as soon as I mention that I’ve served, the whole dynamic
of the conversation shifts. That makes it easier to ask the hard questions involving
benefits claims.
“Working in the VLSC is important because of what our nation’s veterans have done
for our country. I’ve worked with the intricacies of the veteran benefits system from two
different sides, as a veteran who’s applied for benefits himself and then as an advocate,
helping other veterans to get through that same process. I’m able to apply my personal
experience to better understand the issues, to communicate with the veterans more
effectively, and to help them get the benefits that they deserve.
“The John Marshall Law School has prepared me to be a well-versed legal
professional through the practical legal skills fostered while working in the Veterans
Legal Support Center & Clinic, as well as the extensive legal research and writing training
required of every graduate.
“After I graduate, whether I’m employed as in-house counsel for a corporation or
working with national security law at a federal agency, I’ll always want to do pro bono
work for veterans.”
I’m able to apply my
personal experience
to better understand
the issues, to
communicate with
the veterans more
effectively, and to
help them get the
benefits that
they deserve.
Retired JAG officer and West Point instructor
Thomas D. White Jr., in suit above, is the
Clinical Director of the VLSC and one of the
reasons John Marshall is Chicago’s VeteranFriendly Law School.
The three John Marshall students who founded
the VLSC are having distinguished careers.
From left, Captain Michael E. Barnicle (JD ’08)
is a trial attorney for the U.S. Army Legal
Services Agency, Captain Nicholas Henry
(JD ’08) is an instructor at Naval Justice School
in Rhode Island, and Captain Ryan Coward
(JD ’07) is assigned as a capital defense
attorney in the case of United States v. Major
Nidal Hasan.
It’s a tradition for the president of the U.S. to
offer personal Christmas greetings to military
service members. In 2012, Chief Petty Officer
David Weiss, a student on leave from John
Marshall, was one of just two Coast Guard
members selected to speak with President
Barack Obama on Christmas Day.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Transforming Lives. Making a Difference.
rue to our founding principles of opportunity and access, The John Marshall Law School
continues to transform legal education through innovative programs and ideas. Today we are a
leader in transforming the lives of our students and the people of our community through clinics
and faculty involvement, and making a difference in the city of Chicago. With your support, that
legacy will continue. To successfully meet the ambitious goals we’ve set will require generosity from our
alumni and friends.
Academic Success
Your support allows us to continuously improve our academic programs. Our students need and deserve
access to enhanced programs, challenging and relevant courses, and the widest possible range of
practical experiences. We are making a major expansion to our clinical opportunities. New programs
are being developed in areas such as elder law and mediation. John Marshall is investing in our talented
faculty and additional support of bar passage. And we’re just getting started!
Scholarship Support
Your support allows us to increase financial aid and scholarship assistance for students. More assistance
means more students will be able to focus on their studies full time and have the flexibility to participate
in honors programs or pro bono efforts, and then graduate with smaller debt burdens as they begin their
careers. Scholarships are the number one reason a student chooses a law school, and we need to attract
the best young talent.
First-Rate Facilities
It is easy to see the power of the transformation at State St. and Jackson Blvd. Your support allows us to
continuously improve the state-of-the-art facilities inside our beautiful new campus center. To give our
students every edge in a very competitive market, they must have access to first-class resources such as
technology-ready courtrooms and classrooms.
Mentoring our students. Hiring our graduates.
The support we need is not solely financial, however. In addition to your monetary generosity, you
can also help The John Marshall Law School greatly by mentoring our students and hiring our
graduates. Becoming directly involved in the career of a student or new lawyer offers rich rewards to
everyone involved.
Please consider a gift to Chicago’s practice-ready law school today. Give now and help us transform
the future for our students and our community.
Expanding Clinical Experiences
Clinics give our students the real-world experience that is
so highly valued by employers. We now offer seven different
clinical opportunities, with more being planned, and in every
instance our students work one-on-one with members of our
community here in Chicago. With your assistance, we can add
innovative and relevant clinics and renovate additional sections
of the 19 W. Jackson building to give the clinics a professional
environment for client consultations.
Mastering Advanced Technology
To be competitive, our students need access to the latest in law practice
and classroom technology. Our pioneering distance education program
is improving access to a legal education through advanced technology
and content delivery. We are updating our classrooms and courtrooms
to improve our students’ learning experiences and outcomes. With your
assistance, we can stay at the forefront of innovation by providing
the additional training and resources required to keep our in-house
technology the best in its class.
Leading in Lawyering Skills
We give our students the skills, knowledge, and experience to be
practice-ready from day one. The cornerstone is our dynamic and
comprehensive Lawyering Skills Program. With your assistance,
we can continue to hire outstanding instructors so that our
student/faculty ratio stays among the lowest, and students will still
have, for instance, individual sessions with writing advisors, and
small class sizes.
Increasing Trial Advocacy & ADR Training
Here at John Marshall, we’re proud of our long-standing reputation
for graduating capable, courtroom-ready trial attorneys. Students
taking courses in trial advocacy and ADR benefit from an adjunct
faculty of more than 70 respected and experienced public defenders,
prosecutors, and judges who offer real-world courtroom expertise in our
classrooms. With your assistance, we can stay abreast of the rapidly
changing and technologically challenging world of trial practice and
enhance our students’ success.
Guiding Professionalism & Career Strategy
With the contraction in the legal hiring market, Associate Dean for
Professionalism and Career Strategy Margaret O’Mara Frossard
has the challenging task of helping our students to gain meaningful
employment. Under her guidance, the Career Services Office is
developing a series of workshops and professional development
programs. With your assistance, we will have the resources
necessary to help our students compete for and get scarce jobs.
Innovating in Intellectual Property Law
For more than 70 years, The John Marshall Law School has been a
pioneer in IP legal education, and we remain at the forefront—offering
innovative courses in the classroom and online, presenting international
conferences, and publishing widely on influential topics. With your
assistance, our nationally ranked program will continue to lead the
way in IP by preparing our students with the knowledge, skills, and
experience to succeed from day one.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
John Marshall Law School Honor
Roll of Donors
he alumni and friends listed here and on the following pages have helped make this past fiscal year particularly successful
for The John Marshall Law School. With the outpouring of financial support, we were able to establish several student
scholarships, fund special programs, and sustain operating support. The law school is indebted to our donors for their
belief in this institution.
Gifts shown in this report were received between September 1, 2012 and August 31, 2013.
Chief Justice John Marshall Society: $25,000 and above
Andrew Peter Leonard
Joseph John Leonard
Matthew John Leonard
William A. McIntosh
Anthony Cletus Raccuglia
Founders Circle: $10,000 – $24,999
Leonard and Donna Amari
Helen Beart
Joseph Butler and Naomi Donnelley
Vivian Donnelley
Mary Ann and James Hynes
Warren Lupel
James Michael Lynch
James Peter Tatooles
J. Nelson Wood
Anne Zimmerman
Michael E. Kujawa
James Todd McKenzie
Floyd D. Perkins
Donald T. Rubin
James D. Spiros
William Daniel Stanley
William N. Weaver Jr.
Rose Marie C. Knight
John R. and Barbara Lee
Hon. and Mrs. Richard Alan Lucas
Timothy Ignatius McArdle
Kenneth Anthony Michaels
Hon. Sheila M. Murphy and
Patrick Racey
Mary Therese Nagel
Mark Alan Pedowitz
Hon. Angela Munari Petrone
Ralph and Evelyn Ruebner
Michael D. Schlesinger
Clinton Ikuzo Shiraishi
Pamela Shu
Sue Trubow
Donald A. Vogelsang
President’s Cabinet: $5,000 – $9,999
Ceara Donnelley Berry
Ernest J. Codilis Jr.
Lynda Diane Friede
Joel M. Friedman
Ruth Goran and Fred Mark Dry
Kathryn Mary James
Jay S. Judge
Kathryn and Brian Kennedy
Dean’s Circle: $2,500 – $4,999
Howard Hamilton Ankin
Margaret B. Barker
Robert Neil Beaulieu
Brian E. Clauss
Richard M. Colombik and
Colleen Bennett
John E. Corkery
Philip J. Crihfield
Jon W. DeMoss
George Drost
Hon. Thomas W. and Connie Ewing
Robert Fritz Green
Harriet Hausman
Claireen Molzan Herting
James Ian Hisiger
Melvin L. Katten
The John Marshall Law School continues its tradition of
“ As
providing students with opportunities to serve others, I can
think of no better way to assist them in accomplishing this
mission than through helping fund one of its many student
Ricardo Meza (JD ’90) is the Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of
the Illinois Governor. Previously he was Midwest Regional Counsel for MALDEF and
an Assistant U.S. Attorney. He helped establish the William E. Rodriguez Memorial
Scholarship, in memory of the first student of Hispanic heritage to graduate from
John Marshall (1912).
was admitted through the conditional program—
“ IJohn
Marshall was willing to take a chance on me and give
me the opportunity to prove myself. I owe my success, both
professionally and personally, to this law school. I’m grateful
that someone believed in me, and it seems only natural to
carry that forward with a gift. Do it now—if you wait for the
perfect time to give back, it may never happen.
A founding partner of Spiros Law, with offices in Kankakee, Danville, and
Champaign, James D. Spiros (JD ’94) is a litigator specializing in personal injury,
medical malpractice, and wrongful death cases. He recently established the Spiros
Family Perseverance Scholarship, the first scholarship at John Marshall dedicated to
assisting students who complete the SCALES (conditional) program and enroll in the
JD program.
Edward T. Lee Society: $1,000 – $2,499
Christopher Abbinante
William B. Ardern II
Jean M. Banner
Irene Biro
Merilyn Denise Brown
Erhard R. Chorle
Randall F. Clark
Rebecca Alice Cochran
Franco Anthony Coladipietro
Jason Connery
Dan and Cassie Cramer
Marilyn Criss
Joseph R. Curcio
Rada Doytcheva
Joseph John Duffy
Donald R. Dunner
Sherri J. Dzik
Hon. Timothy C. Evans
Michael V. Favia
Joseph Michael Gagliardo
Marc D. Ginsberg
Mark S. Grotefeld
Deborah T. Haddad
Bernard Hammer
Virginia M. Harding
Roger W. Hexem
Hon. James John Heyda
Herbert H. Ho
William Joseph Hoffmann
Paula Hudson Holderman and
Hon. James Holderman
Gregory Robert James Jr.
Diane I. Jennings
Stephen Charles Josel
Robert S. Kosin
Anna Marie Krug
Hon. Lambros J. Kutrubis
Michael James Lambert
Gregory G. Lawton
Dorothy Li
Susann McElvaney MacLachlan
Rhoda F. Mann
Joseph R. Marconi
Carlton Richard Marcyan
Stephen Martin Margolin
Mary and George McCabe
John Thomas McGarry
William McGrath
Hon. Colleen McSweeney Moore
Peter and Eileen Monahan
Corinne Seither Morrissey
Judith Munson and Lester Munson Jr.
Thomas J. Nathan
Jodie and Joseph Needham
Maura Walsh Ochoa
Anna Gonis O’Connor
Timothy O’Neill and Jane Rutherford
Jordan H. Peters
Hon. Frank R. Petrone
Albert Richard Pino
James Gerrard Richert
Hon. Anita Rivkin-Carothers
Mary Ann Ruggio
Steven B. Salk
John Richard Schleiter
Cliff and Nancy Scott-Rudnick
Hon. Nancy Drew Sheehan
Hon. David W. Slater
Lorence H. Slutzky
Gregory F. Smith
Kathryn L. Sperlak
James F. Sullivan
Thomas M. Tully
Katherine Veach
Hon. Willie M. Whiting*
Peter Winograd
Ricardo Meza
Alan Victor Mitchell
William McClelland Montgomery
Marcia L. Mueller
George Joseph Novak
Anastasia Marie O’Brien
Lawrence and Nancy O’Brien
Hon. James E. Padish
Stephen P. and Marilyn Patt
Hon. William Michael Phelan
David J. Piasecki
Jack Richard Pociask
Frank Ignatius Powers
Lori Ann Prokes
Charles John Prorok
Robert J. Repel
John H. Rokacz
Anthony Angelo Russo
Michael Joseph Salvi
Jaime Rafael Santana
Hon. Regina A. Scannicchio
Ralph J. Schindler Jr.
John L. Schmitt
Michael P. Seng
Gerald W. Shea
Mark A. Shlifka
Raymond B. Simons
Cynthia Simpson
Gary A. Smiley
Mary Stafford and Douglas Lindsay
Jim L. Stortzum
Brett Smith Sylvester
Alan Robert Taradash
Frank J. Uxa Jr.
J. Brick Van Der Snick
Joseph F. Vosicky Jr.
Hon. William F. Ward
Hon. Gene Wilens
Mark E. Wojcik and David W. Austin
*denotes deceased
Counselor’s Society: $500 – $999
Cory and Cynthia Aronovitz
Jeffrey Jonathan Asperger
Brad L. Badgley
Hon. Melissa Sue Barnhart
William and Nancy Beach
George Bialecki Jr.
Hon. Bruce W. Black
Michael D. Block
Eugene B. Bradshaw
Thomas Vincent Canepa
Hon. Cheryl D. Cesario
Barry A. Chatz
Yon S. Choe
Christopher S. Clancy
Daniel Anthony Cotter
Jon Lowell Cromley
Hon. Stephen James Culliton
Bruce Alan Danford
Marshall Norman Dickler
Claire Toomey Durkin
Nancy G. Fehr
John P. Fitzgerald
Hon. Fred L. Foreman
Hon. Celia and Robert Gamrath
Edward P. and Bryna Gamson
Carl Gregory Gargula
Bary Lee Gassman
John Gorby
Valerie Sue Grimm
Robert C. Heist
Janet M. Johnson
Randall J. Kadlec
Edwin J. Kalleck
Celeste Ebers Kralovec and
John Kralovec
James Michael Kramer
Paul J. Kusak
Theodore T. Lemberis
James J. McGrath
James A. McPhedran
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Amicus Society: $250 – $499
Lanre O. Amu
Hon. Dinah Lennon Archambeault
George Edward Bailly
Janet Tighe Betz
Hon. Everette A. Braden
Marshall K. Brown
Steven James Burke
Kent R. Burress
Margaret Butler
Lawrence Charles Cassano
Kenneth Edward Chase
Michael A. Clyne
Frank R. Cohen
Myron Cohen
Barry G. Collins
James F. Conmy
Linda S. Consolo
Lurene Michelle Contento
Auley McRae Crouch III
Heather Lynn Daniel
Dion Umberto Davi
Robin Madison Demouth
Harley David Diamond
Joseph B. Diehl
Ellen R. Domph
Leo Dorociak
Michael Tully Driscoll
Doris M. Drost
Hon. Wiley W. Edmondson
Kathleen F. Elliott
Hon. Millard Scott Everhart
Anthony John Filosa
Hon. Thomas and Gayle Fitzgerald
Hon. Charles E. Freeman
Hon. Michael John Fritz
Thomas J. Genova
Matthew P. Gerdisch
Robert Glaves
Charles P. Golbert
Peter Edward Goschi
Frank M. Greenfield
Theresa M. Gronkiewicz
Glenn J. Guth
Margo Lynn Hablutzel
Sidney Charles Hamper
William Hampton
Hon. John L. Hauptman
Hon. Alan W. Heifetz
Lawrence Eric Heller
Philip G. Heyde
Norman E. Jacobson
Mark Anthony Javier
R. Terence Kalina
Andrew J. Kelleher Jr.
Christopher Conrad Kendall
Richard Kippen
Todd Patrick Klein
Hon. Charles P. Kocoras
Richard Scott Kruss
John Robert Kuhn
Harvey G. Landau
David W. League
Alan Richard Lebowitz
Owen G. Lokken
Conrad and Gloria Mallek
Daniel A. Marsh Jr.
Joseph R. Martan
Leonard Mason
Patrick Lenwood McClellon
Hon. Carl McCormick
Gerald Joseph McGivern
Raymond J. McKoski
Eileen M. Meyer
Steven A. Miner Sr.
Hon. John Emmett Morrissey
Nicholas J. Morrow
Richard William Mortell Jr.
Raymond E. Moss
Hon. Thomas William Murphy
Bruce C. Nelson
Peter Douglas Nugent
Peter William Olson
Dale E. Onchuck
Richard S. Paddor
Joan L. Pantsios
Mitchell D. Pawlan
Elyse Pearlman
Michael James Pelletier
Hon. William Erwin Poncin
William Stark Port
Lauren N. Prihoda
Michael T. Prousis
Alan E. Rabunski
John R. Rafferty
Mark Edward Rakoczy
Sheldon Reitman
Scott P. Rempala
Gerard and Kathleen Ring
Jeffrey Paul Rodewald
Christopher William Rose
Ellis B. Rosenzweig
Richard L. Salon
Paul Louis Salzetta
Raffi O. Sarrafian
Maridonna and Roy Schaal
Lewis M. Schneider
Vincent Lawrence Schwenk
Douglas Charles Scovil
Peter A. Shamburek
Eleanor F. Sharpe
Sherman T. Shiraishi
Geraldine C. Simmons
Susan Danielle Smith
Julian Solotorovsky
Adam N. Stillo
Hon. Donald Joseph Suriano
Bernard and Gail Talbert
James G. Tyler
Carol Anne Vix
John J. Vondran
LeighAnn Wilson
Steven I. Winer
always felt loyal and dedicated to
“ George
John Marshall—it was the first and only
place he taught—and I certainly hope his
students feel the same way.
Sue Hartin Trubow was the wife of Professor Emeritus
George B. Trubow, who taught at John Marshall from 1961–65
and from 1976–2000 and founded the Center for Information
Technology and Privacy Law. He died in January 2013.
Trubow was demanding—his high
“ Professor
standards were responsible for many of
us having the success we enjoy today. His
students can honor his memory by giving a
portion of the fruits of that success back to
the George Trubow Memorial Scholarship.
Kenneth A. Michaels Jr. (JD ’83) is a founding principal
of the Chicago-based firm Bauch & Michaels, LLC. He worked
with George Trubow for several years after graduation, serving
as Research Director of the Center for Information Technology
& Privacy Law and then as the Center’s first Fellow.
Associates Society: $100 – $249
Mary Margaret Abood
Hon. Shirley S. Abrahamson
John Walter Albohm
Keith M. Altenburg
David and Susan Americus
Robert C. Ansani
Puneet Kumar Arora
Margaret A. Arvanites
Lenny Asaro
Anthony Heinrich Azure
John Anthony Bacevicius V
Hon. Patrice Munzel Ball-Reed
Joseph and Mary Barbaro
Carol Lynn Barnes
Robert Francis Barta
Darin Eugene Bartholomew
Thomas A. Beaton
Gerald and Emily Berendt
Cary Mark Berman
Lewis A. Berns
Hon. Paul P. Biebel
Sherry Lynn Biedar Eshoo
Zoe G. Biel
Beth Manzeske Boghossian
James L. Borkman
Randall H. Borkus
George H. Braasch Jr.
Thomas Stephen Bradley
Jamie and Dave Brashler
Jeffrey W. Brend
Geraldine Soat Brown
Hon. Robert P. Brumund
Karen Michels Caille
Joseph Peter Calabrese
Camille Ellen Calabrese
Michelle L. Carey
David Scott Carfello
Joseph Bartholomew Carini III
Byron Chalem
Rachel A. Chernoff
Joseph Thomas Clennon
Sherman Cohn
Hugh M. Collins
Susan Marie Connor
John J. Connors
Barbara A. Cook
James Andrew Corrigan
Ryan Stuart Coward
Hon. Robert L. Craig
Susan Theresa Crowley
Alan Francis Curley
James Kenneth Curtin
Russell R. Custer Jr.
Natosha Cuyler-Sherman
John David Dalton
Spencer L. Daniels
Warren E. Danz
Robert Alan Davidoff
Michael R. Davies
William H. Dayton Jr.
Anne Morgan Deacetis
Daniel P. Delaney
Laura A. Diandrea-Iversen
Teresa Do
David Christopher Donohue
Hon. John Thomas Doody Jr.
David Allen Dorfman
George Erven Douglas
Wylie B. Douglass
Rajan Dua
James Brian Durkin
Talis Dzenitis
Jon Eric Ehrenstrom
Peter Ellison
Erik and Maria Fagrelius
John C. Fanta
David A. Fantauzzi
Ruth Ann Fay
Scott Nicholas Feaman
Ronald K. Fellheimer
Michael Fieweger
Hon. James P. Flannery Jr.
Edward F. Flynn
Elizabeth Anne Freidheim
Eileen F. Gamberdino
John Rich Garofalo
Kevin Michael Gensler
Steven Jay Glaser
Michael D. Golando
Stuart Gold
Harold Wilfred Green Jr.
Paul Gerard Grego
Terrence Joseph Griffin
Eric Gustav Grossman
Glenn S. Guttman
Peter E. Gutzmer
Susan Christine Haddad
James Axel Hagstrom
Laurel A. Hajek
Ardath A. Hamann
Timothy Joseph Hammersmith Jr.
Celeste M. Hammond and
Michael Pensack
Donna C. Hansberry
Hon. Russell W. Hartigan
Tania Krysia Harvey
Debra A. Harvey
William E. Hasenauer
Mary M. Haugh
Thomas Walter Heinrich
Frederick P. Heiss
Nicholas and Stephanie Henry
Thomas A. Hill
Mark A. Hinueber
Jaime Lea Hochhausen
Tracey Lamont Holtshirley
Michelle Horcher
Hon. John B. Huschen
Charles and Emily Ingram
Fred L. Johnson
Lester Mark Joseph
James Alexander Kamide
Elinor Kannon
Hon. Michael Patrick Kiley
Bruce I. Kiselstein
Hon. John Daniel Koehn
Victor R. Kopidlansky
Eugene J. Korst
Joseph Matthew Kosteck
Karl W. Kristoff
David Wayne Krula
Frank Kryda
Muriel Kuhs
David William Lamont
Todd Jeremy Lansky
Theodore A. Lazar
James P. Lefante
Craig John Levins
Carole Ann Levitt
Andrea S. Levy
Sherri Lloyd
Margarite Primozich Loew
Michael and Patricia Loftus
Ann M. Lousin
Carole Reid Luckett
Sommer and Robert Luzynczyk
Judith Lynn Macior
Jack A. Maloof Jr.
Arthur Mead Martin
Mary L. Martin-Goldstein
Marilyn Marton
Terry Marvin
Mary P. McGah
Hon. Valerie Mary McNaughton
John E. McParland
Aimee Elizabeth McVady
Ann Melichar
Ernest A. Melichar and
Phyllis Melichar*
William A. Meunier
Kurt G. Meyer
Christian Blair Miller
Elizabeth Kangas Miller
Joseph Patno Miller
Thomas Francis Miller
William and Diana Miller
Caryn A. Morgan
Patrick Joseph Morgan
Amy Kloempken Mugherini
Philip Anthony Mullenix
James Richard Murray
Kelly and David Navarro
Kenneth J. Nemec Jr.
Daniel Matthew Noland
Hon. Charles and Lorraine Norgle
Marcia Novak
Mila Gloria Novak
Brett and Barbara O’Dell
Carolyn Nickels Offenbach
Duane A. Olson
William Patrick O’Malley
Hon. Thomas J. Ortbal
Daniel Arthur Padernacht
William Charles Padish
Alan Pearlman
Anna Nessy Perlberg
Thomas Franklin Peterson
Russell H. Petrak
John Fred Philipchuck
Susan Sell Polachek
Anthony Joseph Pope
Paul L. Powell
Patrick Joseph Powers
Louella Blaine Preston
Hon. Gerald James Rafferty
Roger Richard Ralph
John M. Rammel
Hon. S. Louis Rathje
Hon. Sheldon Wilson Reagan
Susan Pristo Reaman
George Norman Reaves
Lawrence A. Reich
Donald P. Reynolds
Aron David Robinson
Edward Stuart Rosen
Richard Carroll Rowley
Richard Lee Russell Jr.
Charles P. Sabatino
Hon. Richard Craig Sahlstrom
Lisa Beth Santos
Kevin and Marcie Saville
Eric Charles Scheiner
Charles M. Schiedel
Robert G. Schwemm
Raul Serrato
Hon. James Edward Shadid
Patricia M. Shanahan
Hon. Colleen Frances Sheehan
Philip Henry Sheridan
Cynthia Joan Sienkiewicz-Wood
Brian L. Smith
Gary H. Smith
H. Lawrence Smith Jr.
Mariyana Theodora Spyropoulos
Jeffrey Owen Stein
George M. Stuhr and
Lea Armstrong Drell
Sterling S. Suga
Mario A. Sullivan
Marvet Musa Sweis
Hal Taylor
Marilyn Thomas
Judith Anne Toohill
Jonathon Robert Treat
Edward D. Triwush
Emanuel J. Vacchiano
Eric Vandoren
Scott D. Verhey
Hon. Kenneth John Wadas
Gary Alan Wagner
Joseph John Walczak
Harold Walgren
Richard Graham Walker
Raymond J. Walschlager
Ronald Lindsay Walters
Edmund Peter Wanderling
William Blake Weiler
Hon. Alexander P. White
Francine Williams
Zeophus Joy Williams
Harold H. Winer
Louis J. Wool
Sandra Ferson Young
William Michael Zellman
Anthony Simon Zummer
*denotes deceased
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Friends of the Law School
Robert Kenneth Albrecht
Jacqueline Marie Aldrich
Harold Altscher
Eric and Mary Anderson
Jennifer Anderson
Adam M. Ansari
John Raul Antia
Carlos P. Aparicio
Jeffrey Arnold
Milton E. Babirak Jr.
Brandy Elaine Baker
Shaun M. Baldwin
Carla B. Bankendorf
Hristina Ventsislavova Barganska
Robert and Annie Barz
Claire Battle
Jonathan Michael Bayers
Myka Vanessa Bell
Joseph John Bembenek Jr.
Ann Elizabeth Beneke
Arthur L. Berman
Danielle Lauren Berns
Julia Bikbova
Patrick Malone Blanchard
Jennifer Frances Bogs
Courtney Christine Booth
Hannah Marie Borden
John Mark Boreen
Samantha Bradley
Siobhan L. Brannigan
Kurt Craig Brna
Lita H. Brody
Patrick M. Burke
Christopher Cali
Hon. Joseph M. Cataldo
John D. Chambers
Nicole Lynn Chaney
William David Cherny
Alex Jason Chez
Vishal Kamal Chhabria
Jon and Patricia Christensen
Laura Jean Christie
Peter Martin Ciesielski
Richard Kenneth Clark
John Steven Cole
AnnaMalia Connor Ticknor
Benjamin Connor Ticknor
Evan Connor Ticknor
Roberta C. Conwell
Kerry Reynold Cordis
Eugene F. Corrigan
Joseph P. Corrigan
Hon. Peter Frederick Costa
Charles William Cross
Kevin Carmichael Cruz
David Justin Dale
Martin C. D’Ambrose
Dawn M. David
Tina Louise De Paul
Catherine Louise Delano
Martin Patrick Delano
Ryanne Nicole Bush Dent
Shane Trevor Devins
Joseph James Dilorenzo
Aleksandar Djordjevich
Daissy Dominguez
Pooja Dosi
Christina Vasiliki Dracopoulos
Joanne Margaret Eby
Andrew James Edelman
Alaa Elayyan
Robert B. Englander
Judith D. Evans
Christina Marie Faklis
Jonathan Loren Federman
Frederick M. Fenig
Ermit L. Finch
Steven J. Fink
Stuart Ford
Brian A. Forgue
Kelly A. Fox
Leonard Friedman
Ronald Martin Friedman
Katie A. Fulara
Chester C. Fuller
Karen Marie Gaston
Marikay and William Gebis
James Anthony Gentile
Amy Lynn Gerstein
Alex Naim Ghantous
Sheila and Vern Gideon
Svetlana Gitman
Valerie Noel Glockzin
Mario A. Godoy
Maria Gonzalez
Stephanie E. Greenberg
M. Howard Greene
Caitlin Elizabeth Groh
Chase Matthew Gruszka
Hon. Deborah J. Gubin
Larissa Lee Hachinski
Alfred H. Haddad
Farhana Nazir Hafezi
Neil E. Hamilton
Amy L. Hammer
Florence E. Hardy
Baron David Harmon
Caitlin Anne Harrington
Canella Elizabeth Henrichs
Jessica Nicole Herdrich
Bruce M. Hershman
Vanya Hession
Kirk A. and Brenda Holman
Michael John Holt
Susan K. Horn
Brian Edward Hosticka
Virginia Hoyt
Kevin M. Hull and Kirsten Ekdahl Hull
Matthew Thomas Ingersoll
Lisa Iverson
Joupin Izadi
Nancy B. Jack
David F. Jasinski
James L. Jochum
Megan K. Johnsen
Stephanie Frances Jones
Joseph Mitchell Kain
Herbert Kanter
James Christopher Keane
Jennifer Karen Kearney
Jay and Susan Keller
Gregory Francis Kelly
Aaron Michael Kerman
Hani Khatib
Thomas M. Kilbane Jr.
Michael William Kite
Jamie and Paul Kleppetsch
James W. Kopriva
Karl David Kovach
Chester J. Kulis
David Joseph Kupets
Emily J. Laskowski
David Henry Latarski
Benjamin Jay Lavin
James Joseph Legner
Andreas Liewald
Megan E. Liston
Elaine Alicia Llerena
Michael L. Lodermeier
Elizabeth M.S. Looby
Kinga Maria Lota
Reva Lubelfeld
Catherine A. Luce
Peter Markos
Stephen Edward Marshall
Jeffrey R. Martin
Mghnon Iso Martin
Brian M. Martinez
Abraham T. Matthew
Miller Gray McDonald
Libbie F. Melichar
David Michael Middleton
Douglas S. Miller
Hon. Richard Thomas Mitchell
Megan Kathleen Monaghan
Kelly Ann Moore
Travis Michael Moore
Hon. Joyce M. Murphy Gorman
Brian Michael Murray
Amy Joanne Neuberger
Michael Timothy Nixon
Alex W. Norlander
Anita Suresh Oak
Stephanie O’Dell
Kenny Olatunji
David Scott O’Neill
Vince Oppdisano
Michael Raul Oquendo
Iveliz Maria Orellano
Janice D. O’Rourke
John Steven Osga
Radusa Ostojic
Louis Angelo Palivos
Edwin R. Parkinson
Robert Dean Paskow
David P. Pasulka
Aviva M. Patt
George Steven Pavlik III
Elyssa Marie Pavone
Bryan Douglas Pitts
Michael J. Polelle
Mikhil Prabhu Ponkshe
Megan Mary Price
Brent Allen Pruim
Karolina Przyborowski
Laura Marie Quartello-Skuja
Shannon K. Quinn
John A. Ranieri
Marian Joan Rathbun
Joshua Samuel Richards
William C. Rietschel
Mark Dennis Riley
Daniel A. Rivera
Darryl Burt Rosenzweig
Brian Matthew Roth
Donal Roth
Richard Rothman
Hon. Ilana D. Rovner
Lindsay Anne Ruedig
Hon. Richard Donald Russo
Franklin E. Sabes
Jimmy Ali Samad
Richard Leo Sarmont
Bryan Savage
Bernadette Marie Savarese Coppola
Andrea M. Schleifer
Mary Egan Schmuttenmaer
Lorissa G. Schur
Lauren Emily Self
Letitia Spunar Sheats
William E. Shelley
Michelle Nicole Sinkovits
James Skarda
Emrhan Jesseca Slaton
Krista Anne Smith
Joanne M. Snow
Zygmunt K. Sokolnicki
Eliza Solowiej
Joseph Pascal Sorce
Carin M. Sporrer
Bettina Nicole Stanford
Daniel Francis Stern
Joel Sternstein
Michaela Sternstein
Matthew Joseph Steward
Shannon Susan Sullivan
Paul E. Susz
Ron Taub
Daniel A. Teinowitz
Ehrin Tendrick
Sondra J. Thorson
Brian Nicholas Tierney
Lauren Louise Tobiason
Judy Barr Topinka
Angel M. Traub
Christine Marie Travers
Ledeidre Sharde Turner
Jesse R. Tyler
Gerald L. Uslander
Marilyn V. Uzemack
Karie Jane Valentino
Ashley Lynn Varterasian
Paula Lynn Velde
Nancy and George Vizer
John R. Voigt
John and Mary Voorn
Ryan and Megan Wangler
Barry M. Weiss
Heather B. Williams
James Lloyd Wilson
Jody Seligman Wittenberg
Marc David Wolfe
Andrew Joseph Wrona
Marguerite L. Yang
Richard Wayne Zuckerman
David Andrew Zulkey
Class Gift
Adam M. Ansari
John Raul Antia
Hristina Ventsislavova Barganska
Myka Vanessa Bell
Danielle Lauren Berns
Courtney Christine Booth
Hannah Marie Borden
John D. Chambers
Nicole Lynn Chaney
Alex Jason Chez
Peter Martin Ciesielski
John E. Corkery
Kevin Carmichael Cruz
Heather Lynn Daniel
Dawn M. David
Ryanne Nicole Bush Dent
Shane Trevor Devins
Joseph James Dilorenzo
Aleksandar Djordjevich
Daissy Dominguez
Joanne Margaret Eby
Andrew James Edelman
Christina Marie Faklis
Stuart Ford
Marikay F. Gebis
William Gebis
James Anthony Gentile
Amy Lynn Gerstein
Chase Matthew Gruszka
Larissa Lee Hachinski
Alfred H. Haddad
Florence E. Hardy
Baron David Harmon
Caitlin Anne Harrington
Kevin M. Hull
Kirsten Ekdahl Hull
Joupin Izadi
David F. Jasinski
Joseph Mitchell Kain
Aaron Michael Kerman
Emily J. Laskowski
Benjamin Jay Lavin
Abraham T. Matthew
Miller Gray McDonald
David Michael Middleton
Megan Kathleen Monaghan
Travis Michael Moore
Michael Timothy Nixon
Vince Oppdisano
Michael Raul Oquendo
Iveliz Maria Orellano
John Steven Osga
Mikhil Prabhu Ponkshe
Brent Allen Pruim
Shannon K. Quinn
Donald P. Reynolds
Daniel A. Rivera
Brian Matthew Roth
Bryan Savage
Bernadette Marie Savarese Coppola
Cliff Scott-Rudnick
Nancy Scott-Rudnick
Emrhan Jesseca Slaton
Krista Anne Smith
Eliza Solowiej
Carin M. Sporrer
Daniel Francis Stern
Ehrin Tendrick
Marilyn Thomas
Brian Nicholas Tierney
Jesse R. Tyler
David Andrew Zulkey
James Marshall Higginbotham
Thomas P. Higgins
Thomas Edward Hoffa
Kurt J. Horberg
Marion A. Hoy*
Marion M. Janousek*
Jane Oswald Johnston
John Kahl*
Edward M. Kalish*
Timothy David Kolton
Hon. Lambros J. Kutrubis
Alvin W. Long*
Louie Marks*
John Cadwalader Menk*
Harold L. Miller
Hon. John Emmett Morrissey
John Edward Mulhern
Richard S. Paddor
Hon. William E. Peterson*
Julio Gumeresindo Pimentel
Mary E. Ramier*
Chester W. Sawyer*
Walter E. Schirmer*
Norma and Richard Shearer*
Val C. Simhauser
Peter L. Stevens*
Katherine E. Stimson*
Hon. Lucia Theodosia Thomas*
Thomas M. Tully
Alex M. Vercillo
Archie B. Weston Sr.
John Joseph White*
Hon. Julian P. Wilamoski*
George Paul Williams*
J. Nelson Wood
Anne Zimmerman
Louis L. Biro Legacy Guild
Thomas Paul Aiello
Leonard F. Amari
Hon. Marie Bellamy Johnson*
Deborah S. Benton
Favil David Berns*
Louis L. Biro*
Hon. George Borovic Jr.*
Linda Crane Boyd
Hon. William Stewart Boyd
Joseph H. Braun*
Dennis Anthony Brennan
Irving H. Brott*
Jeanne Brown Gordon*
Carl W. Carlson*
Claude E. Carr
Norman M. Chernick*
Edward X. Clinton
Hon. Michel Andre Coccia Sr.*
Mary Lynn Rita Colnar
Richard M. Colombik
Donna J. Cunningham
Hon. Henry Xerxes Dietch*
Henry Sherwood Dixon Sr.
Edwin P. Fifielski*
Theodore J. Forsberg
Sam Eugene Ganis*
Hon. Sheldon Calvin Garber
Peter J. Georges
Marvin Homer Gesell*
Robert A. Golden
C. Donald Gustafson*
Henry Charles Hajek*
William Mayer Hansen
Stephanie Hayes
Philip B. Heller*
Albert L. Henkle*
Philip Alan Hewes
Hon. James J. Heyda*
*denotes deceased
Marshall is known for accommodating both
“ John
the traditional student coming from college and the
nontraditional student, such as myself, who entered law
school after working for several years. Without all the
different facets of the experience here, I doubt I would have
been successful in my career. A gift to The John Marshall
Law School can truly make a difference in someone’s life.
Pamela Lung-Hiu Shu (JD ’80) is senior regional counsel for the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority. Since 1998, she has been a member of John
Marshall’s Board of Visitors. She recently established the Pam Shu Scholarship,
created in loving memory of her parents, to benefit students needing assistance to
complete their studies.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Corporations, Firms, and Foundations
832 Oakdale Condominium Association
Alvin H. Baum Family Fund
Banner Witcoff, Ltd
The Beach Group, LLC
Block, Klukas & Manzella, PC
Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
Carnow Family Foundation
Casino Law Group
Charles Schwab Foundation
Chevron Phillips Chemical
Company LLC
Chicago Area Combined
Federal Campaign
The Chicago Community Trust
Chicago Fire Foundation
Chicago Title Insurance Company
Circle of Service Foundation
City of Chicago
Clarion Associates, Inc.
Committee to Elect
James P. Tatooles
Computer Packages Inc.
Connor Associates, LLC
R. Connor & Associates, PC
Cozen O’Connor
Data Aide Associates
Diehl & Company
Dykema Gossett PLLC
The Earl and Bettie Fields Auto Group
Generation Law, Ltd
Glockzin & Kearney, Ltd
Goldstine, Skrodzki, Russian, Nemec,
Hoff, Ltd
Green Law Offices, PC
Greenberg Sinkovits, LLC
Grotefeld, Hoffman, Schleiter,
Gordon, Ochoa, LLP
Haddad Law Firm, LLC
Hennessay & Cihak, PC
Illinois Bar Foundation
Ingredion Incorporated
Jewish Judges Association of Illinois
The John Marshall Law School
Alumni Association
Johnson & Nagaich, PS
Law Offices of Judge,
James & Kujawa, LLC
Kaiser Tool Company, Inc.
Kamerlink Stark McCormack &
Powers, LLC
Kent R. Burress, DPM, LLC
Knight Partners, LLC
The Kramer Family Fund
Kurt G. Meyer, Attorney at Law
Laner, Muchin, Dombrow, Becker,
Levin & Tominberg Ltd
Law Office of John S. Fotopoulos, PC
Law Office of Mariyana Spyropoulos &
Leonard Law Group
Lexis-Nexis Group
Lifecare Innovations
Linda S. Consolo Law Office
Loeb & Loeb LLP
The Lokken Law Office, PLLC
Lucy R. Sprague Memorial Fund
Macy’s, Inc.
McAndrews, Held & Malloy Ltd
McGuireWoods LLP
McIntosh Foundation, Inc.
McKenzie & Associates
McParland & Cornfield
Michael H. Erde & Associates, PC
Michael J. McArdle Chartered
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, LLP
North Suburban Bar Association
Jane D. Johnston
Robert Gilbert Johnston
Ann M. Lousin
Warren Lupel ’68
Miller Gray McDonald ’13
Mary Therese Nagel ’88
Donald T. Rubin ’80
Gerald Saul Schur ’63, ’68
Bernard Silverman
Ronald Smith
Fred F. Herzog
John D. Ingram ’65
Mary Johnson
James “Big Jim” Knight
James Joseph Kreminski
Nancy LeCuyer
Edward Noble Lee ’34
Phyllis Melichar
Elliot “Doc” Pollock ’87
William E. Rodriguez ’12
Ruth Smith
George B. Trubow
Office of Illinois Attorney General
Pasulka & Associates, PC
Pattishall, McAuliffe, Newbury,
Hilliard & Geraldson LLP
Anthony C. Raccuglia
Associates PC
Rada Architects
Robert J. Repel & Associates
Robbins Schwartz Nicholas Lifton &
Taylor, Ltd
Schiff Hardin LLP
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The Shea Family Foundation
Sheridan Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
State of Illinois
Thomas N. Harding &
Associates, Ltd
U.S. Department of Housing
Urban Development
U.S. Department of Justice
Valent U.S.A.
Wight & Company
Wolfe & Stec, Ltd
Anne Zimmerman Charitable Trust
Bold indicates a gift of $1,000 or more
Gifts in Honor
Leonard F. Amari ’68
Katharine Barnes ’13
Hon. John Thomas Doody Jr. ’74
Arthur Jaronski
Gifts in Memory
Hon. Gerald Charles Bender ’68
Louis L. Biro ’48
George F. Dvorak ’53
John L. and Kathryn W. Harding
Estate Gifts
Kathryn W. Harding
a full-ride scholarship, I owe John Marshall my
“ After
full support—to keep giving, beyond just paying back
the value of the aid I received, and make it possible for
other deserving students to have the same solid start on
their careers.
After law school, Diane Jennings (JD ’82) clerked for Hon. John J. Sullivan
of the Illinois Appellate Court, First District, and then joined Lord, Bissell & Brook,
where she became a partner and focused on appellate work. In 2000, she became
a founding partner of Anderson, Rasor & Partners, and she retired in 2010.
Giving by Class Years
Adam N. Stillo
George H. Braasch Jr.
John J. Connors
Robin Madison Demouth
Frederick P. Heiss
Herbert Kanter
John Thomas McGarry
Gerald Joseph McGivern
Ellis B. Rosenzweig
H. Lawrence Smith Jr.
Gerald L. Uslander
Richard Graham Walker
James Lloyd Wilson
Adam N. Stillo
Hon. Frank R. Petrone
Norman E. Jacobson
John E. McParland
Hon. Willie M. Whiting
Hon. Gene Wilens
M. Howard Greene
Theodore A. Lazar
Frank R. Cohen
Jon Lowell Cromley
John Rich Garofalo
Hon. James John Heyda
Fred L. Johnson
Hon. William Michael Phelan
Hon. Sheldon Wilson Reagan
Sheldon Reitman
Joseph R. Curcio
Hon. John Daniel Koehn
Robert S. Kosin
John R. Rafferty
Russell H. Petrak
Edwin J. Kalleck
Clinton Ikuzo Shiraishi
Hon. Peter Frederick Costa
Eugene F. Corrigan
Sidney Charles Hamper
Raymond E. Moss
Anthony Cletus Raccuglia
Anthony Simon Zummer
Joseph Peter Calabrese
Claireen Molzan Herting
Eugene J. Korst
Alan Victor Mitchell
Sterling S. Suga
Harold H. Winer
Hon. Everette A. Braden
Paul L. Powell
Richard Lee Russell Jr.
Hon. Charles E. Freeman
Thomas Franklin Peterson
Roger Richard Ralph
Richard Leo Sarmont
Melvin L. Katten
Stephen Martin Margolin
Hon. Carl McCormick
James Peter Tatooles
Ronald K. Fellheimer
Bernard Hammer
Victor R. Kopidlansky
Hon. Richard Alan Lucas
Stephen Philip Patt
William N. Weaver Jr.
Leonard F. Amari
John Steven Cole
Warren E. Danz
Wylie B. Douglass
Hon. Thomas William Ewing
Hon. Thomas R. Fitzgerald
Neil E. Hamilton
Frank M. Greenfield
Karl W. Kristoff
Warren Lupel
Leonard Mason
Vincent Lawrence Schwenk
Eugene B. Bradshaw
Marshall Norman Dickler
Hon. Timothy C. Evans
Harvey G. Landau
Hon. Charles Norgle
Michael J. Polelle
William E. Shelley
Frank J. Uxa Jr.
Michael D. Block
Kerry Reynold Cordis
Hon. Stephen James Culliton
James Kenneth Curtin
Robin Madison Demouth
Jay S. Judge
David W. League
Alan Richard Lebowitz
George Joseph Novak
John H. Rokacz
Michael D. Schlesinger
Alan Robert Taradash
Hon. Robert P. Brumund
James Andrew Corrigan
Philip J. Crihfield
Mary Ann Hynes
Daniel A. Marsh Jr.
Edwin R. Parkinson
John M. Rammel
Letitia Spunar Sheats
Jack A. Maloof Jr.
Jordan H. Peters
Lorence H. Slutzky
Steven I. Winer
Harold Altscher
Milton E. Babirak Jr.
Hon. Robert L. Craig
Canella Elizabeth Henrichs
Hon. Lambros J. Kutrubis
John Richards Lee
Marilyn Marton
Duane A. Olson
Alan Pearlman
Lewis M. Schneider
Margaret B. Barker
Lewis A. Berns
John Mark Boreen
Hon. John Thomas Doody Jr.
Hon. Fred L. Foreman
Stuart Gold
Robert Fritz Green
Hon. Valerie Mary McNaughton
Hon. John Emmett Morrissey
Susan Pristo Reaman
Lawrence A. Reich
Edward Stuart Rosen
Steven B. Salk
Ralph J. Schindler Jr.
Bernard M. Talbert
Keith M. Altenburg
Hon. Wiley W. Edmondson
Joel M. Friedman
Hon. Deborah J. Gubin
Hon. Russell W. Hartigan
William E. Hasenauer
Lawrence Eric Heller
Thomas A. Hill
James T. Hynes
Mary Ann Hynes
Stephen Charles Josel
James Michael Kramer
Owen G. Lokken
Terry Marvin
James A. McPhedran
Dale E. Onchuck
Joan L. Pantsios
Alan E. Rabunski
Anthony Angelo Russo
John L. Schmitt
Brian L. Smith
Judith Anne Toohill
Hon. Kenneth John Wadas
Hon. William F. Ward
Christopher Abbinante
John Walter Albohm
Steven James Burke
Patrick M. Burke
Auley McRae Crouch III
Spencer L. Daniels
Robert Alan Davidoff
Daniel P. Delaney
Fred Mark Dry
Ruth Ann Fay
Anthony John Filosa
Hon. James P. Flannery Jr.
Hon. Michael John Fritz
Chester C. Fuller
Glenn J. Guth
Gregory G. Lawton
Douglas Allan Lindsay
James Michael Lynch
Conrad F. Mallek
Joseph R. Marconi
Hon. Richard Thomas Mitchell
William McClelland Montgomery
Michael James Pelletier
Albert Richard Pino
Mark Edward Rakoczy
Richard Carroll Rowley
Richard L. Salon
Hon. David W. Slater
Mary Stafford
Jim L. Stortzum
James G. Tyler
Harold Walgren
Hon. Alexander P. White
Marc David Wolfe
Richard Wayne Zuckerman
Kenneth Edward Chase
James F. Conmy
Charles William Cross
Hon. Millard Scott Everhart
Joseph Michael Gagliardo
Marc D. Ginsberg
Susan Christine Haddad
James Axel Hagstrom
Mark A. Hinueber
James Ian Hisiger
Hon. Michael Patrick Kiley
James J. McGrath
Floyd D. Perkins
Anthony Joseph Pope
Charles John Prorok
Robert J. Repel
Mary Egan Schmuttenmaer
Douglas Charles Scovil
Marilyn V. Uzemack
Brad L. Badgley
Robert Neil Beaulieu
Ann Elizabeth Beneke
Lita H. Brody
Talis Dzenitis
Edward P. Gamson
Carl Gregory Gargula
Thomas J. Genova
Hon. John L. Hauptman
Thomas Walter Heinrich
Thomas M. Kilbane Jr.
Bruce I. Kiselstein
Muriel Kuhs
Kurt G. Meyer
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Marcia L. Mueller
Thomas J. Nathan
Hon. Thomas J. Ortbal
Mark Alan Pedowitz
John Fred Philipchuck
Hon. Gerald James Rafferty
Hon. Richard Donald Russo
Peter A. Shamburek
Gary A. Smiley
Julian Solotorovsky
Gary Alan Wagner
Jeffrey Jonathan Asperger
Milton E. Babirak Jr.
Marshall K. Brown
Barbara A. Cook
Joseph B. Diehl
Joseph John Duffy
Steven J. Fink
Valerie Sue Grimm
Peter E. Gutzmer
Paula Hudson Holderman
Chester J. Kulis
David William Lamont
Jeffrey R. Martin
Hon. Thomas William Murphy
Richard S. Paddor
Hon. Richard Craig Sahlstrom
Sherman T. Shiraishi
Raymond B. Simons
William Daniel Stanley
Donald A. Vogelsang
John J. Vondran
Shaun M. Baldwin
Karen Michels Caille
Barry G. Collins
Richard M. Colombik
David A. Fantauzzi
Frederick M. Fenig
Hon. John B. Huschen
Lester Mark Joseph
Carlton Richard Marcyan
Steven A. Miner Sr.
Patrick Joseph Morgan
Hon. William Erwin Poncin
Donald T. Rubin
Pamela Shu
Gregory F. Smith
Kathryn L. Sperlak
Hal Taylor
J. Brick Van Der Snick
J. Nelson Wood
William B. Ardern II
Hon. Cheryl D. Cesario
Randall F. Clark
William H. Dayton Jr.
Ellen R. Domph
Claire Toomey Durkin
Matthew P. Gerdisch
Mark S. Grotefeld
Virginia Hoyt
Celeste Ebers Kralovec
Gregory G. Lawton
Margarite Primozich Loew
Mary P. McGah
Richard William Mortell Jr.
William Patrick O’Malley
Hon. James E. Padish
George Norman Reaves
Geraldine C. Simmons
Edward D. Triwush
Joseph F. Vosicky Jr.
Raymond J. Walschlager
Jody Seligman Wittenberg
James Alexander Kamide
Eileen M. Meyer
Jack Richard Pociask
William Stark Port
Hon. Anita Rivkin-Carothers
Edmund Peter Wanderling
Zeophus Joy Williams
Lori Ann Prokes
John A. Ranieri
Hon. Regina A. Scannicchio
Cynthia Joan Sienkiewicz-Wood
Shannon Susan Sullivan
Joseph John Walczak
Ronald Lindsay Walters
Hon. Melissa Sue Barnhart
Emily P. Berendt
Harley David Diamond
Edward F. Flynn
Kirk Andrew Holman
Ardath A. Hamann
James Richard Murray
Radusa Ostojic
William Charles Padish
Louis Angelo Palivos
Gerard D. Ring
Kathleen Ann Ring
Jeffrey Paul Rodewald
Mark E. Wojcik
John H. Alberts Jr.
Jon P. Christensen
Scott Nicholas Feaman
Elizabeth Anne Freidheim
Anastasia Marie O’Brien
James Gerrard Richert
William Blake Weiler
Joseph R. Barbaro
Myron Cohen
Michael V. Favia
Harold Wilfred Green Jr.
Theresa M. Gronkiewicz
Diane I. Jennings
Theodore T. Lemberis
Hon. Colleen McSweeney Moore
Philip Anthony Mullenix
Kenneth J. Nemec Jr.
Mila Gloria Novak
Mitchell D. Pawlan
James Skarda
William Michael Zellman
Christopher Abbinante
Marshall K. Brown
Linda S. Consolo
George Erven Douglas
Anthony John Filosa
Ronald Martin Friedman
Steven Jay Glaser
Peter Edward Goschi
Herbert H. Ho
Kathryn Mary James
David Wayne Krula
Kenneth Anthony Michaels
Peter William Olson
Floyd D. Perkins
Michael T. Prousis
Robert J. Repel
Hon. James Edward Shadid
Hon. Nancy Drew Sheehan
Hon. Donald Joseph Suriano
Paul E. Susz
Hon. Patrice Munzel Ball-Reed
Jeffrey W. Brend
Erhard R. Chorle
Rebecca Alice Cochran
David Allen Dorfman
Baron David Harmon
Jay Keller
Carole Ann Levitt
Elyse Pearlman
Hon. Angela Munari Petrone
Michael Joseph Salvi
Paul Louis Salzetta
Eleanor F. Sharpe
Kathryn L. Sperlak
George M. Stuhr
Harold Walgren
Alan Francis Curley
Lea Armstrong Drell
John P. Fitzgerald
Kevin Michael Gensler
Terrence Joseph Griffin
Robert Francis Barta
Joseph John Bembenek Jr.
Thomas Vincent Canepa
John David Dalton
James Christopher Keane
Carole Reid Luckett
Timothy Ignatius McArdle
Sharon S. McDermott
James Todd McKenzie
Thomas Francis Miller
Peter Douglas Nugent
David Scott O’Neill
Patrick Joseph Powers
Louella Blaine Preston
Aron David Robinson
Darryl Burt Rosenzweig
Jaime Rafael Santana
Hon. Colleen Frances Sheehan
Susan Danielle Smith
Joseph Pascal Sorce
Brett Smith Sylvester
Daniel A. Teinowitz
Carol Anne Vix
David S. Americus
Hon. Dinah Lennon Archambeault
Cary Mark Berman
Sherry Lynn Biedar Eshoo
Thomas Stephen Bradley
David Scott Carfello
Joseph Bartholomew Carini III
Lawrence Charles Cassano
Susan Theresa Crowley
Martin Patrick Delano
Catherine Louise Delano
Laura A. Diandrea-Iversen
James Brian Durkin
Eileen F. Gamberdino
Eric Gustav Grossman
Debra A. Harvey
Gregory Robert James Jr.
David Joseph Kupets
Elizabeth M.S. Looby
Mary Therese Nagel
Carolyn Nickels Offenbach
Patrick Malone Blanchard
Merilyn Denise Brown
Brian E. Clauss
Peter Edward Goschi
Glenn S. Guttman
Robert C. Heist
Michael John Holt
Mary L. Martin-Goldstein
Ricardo Meza
Frank Ignatius Powers
Anne Morgan Deacetis
Robert Glaves
Scott D. Verhey
Camille Ellen Calabrese
Hon. Joseph M. Cataldo
Christopher Conrad Kendall
Michael L. Loftus
Louis J. Wool
Howard Hamilton Ankin
Cory Jay Aronovitz
Darin Eugene Bartholomew
Yon S. Choe
Franco Anthony Coladipietro
Timothy Joseph Hammersmith Jr.
William Joseph Hoffmann
John Robert Kuhn
Joseph John Leonard
Marian Joan Rathbun
David Christopher Donohue
Jon Eric Ehrenstrom
Robert Lee Gamrath III
Hon. Celia G. Gamrath
Paul Gerard Grego
Susann McElvaney MacLachlan
James D. Spiros
Sondra J. Thorson
Mary Margaret Abood
Lanre O. Amu
Joseph Butler
Jon P. Christensen
Richard Kenneth Clark
Daniel Anthony Cotter
Karen Marie Gaston
Margo Lynn Hablutzel
Andrew J. Kelleher Jr.
James Joseph Legner
Patrick Lenwood McClellon
Hon. Joyce M. Murphy Gorman
Anthony Joseph Pope
Kevin Hutchinson Saville
Zygmunt K. Sokolnicki
Joseph Thomas Clennon
Roberta C. Conwell
Martin C. D’Ambrose
Bary Lee Gassman
Brian Edward Hosticka
Gregory Francis Kelly
Karl David Kovach
James P. Lefante
Andrew Peter Leonard
William A. Meunier
Kelly Anne Navarro
Daniel Matthew Noland
Laura Marie Quartello-Skuja
Mark Dennis Riley
Eric Charles Scheiner
John Richard Schleiter
Mariyana Theodora Spyropoulos
Karie Jane Valentino
Zoe G. Biel
Beth Manzeske Boghossian
William David Cherny
Christopher S. Clancy
Jason Connery
Russell R. Custer Jr.
Nancy B. Jack
Joseph Matthew Kosteck
Stephen Edward Marshall
Christopher William Rose
Raffi O. Sarrafian
Lisa Iverson
Richard Scott Kruss
Michael E. Kujawa
Todd Jeremy Lansky
Michael Pensack
Jaime Rafael Santana
Robert C. Ansani
George Edward Bailly
Thomas A. Beaton
Martin C. D’Ambrose
Rajan Dua
Sherri J. Dzik
Michael L. Lodermeier
Judith Lynn Macior
Elizabeth Kangas Miller
Joseph R. Needham
Robert Dean Paskow
Mary Ann Ruggio
Lisa Beth Santos
Joanne M. Snow
Lurene Michelle Contento
Rajan Dua
Kevin M. Hull
Michael James Lambert
Aimee Elizabeth McVady
Michael J. Polelle
Emanuel J. Vacchiano
Leigh Ann Wilson
Robert C. Ansani
David William Austin
Randall H. Borkus
Bruce Alan Danford
Valerie Noel Glockzin
Todd Patrick Klein
William Russell Miller
Amy Kloempken Mugherini
Susan Sell Polachek
Angel M. Traub
Martin C. D’Ambrose
Elaine Alicia Llerena
Scott P. Rempala
Rachel A. Chernoff
Dion Umberto Davi
Tina Louise De Paul
Tania Krysia Harvey
Jaime Lea Hochhausen
Paul Thomas Kleppetsch
Ann Melichar
Anita Suresh Oak
Kenny Olatunji
Philip Henry Sheridan
Jonathon Robert Treat
Sandra Ferson Young
Carol Lynn Barnes
Michael R. Davies
Brian A. Forgue
Jennifer Karen Kearney
Jamie A. Kleppetsch
George Steven Pavlik III
Raul Serrato
George Edward Bailly
Robert Barz
Janet Tighe Betz
Natosha Cuyler-Sherman
Matthew John Leonard
Ann Melichar
Mario A. Sullivan
Jacqueline Marie Aldrich
Erik Kim Fagrelius
Maria J. Fagrelius
Lynda Diane Friede
Amy L. Hammer
Tracey Lamont Holtshirley
Mark Anthony Javier
David Wayne Krula
Anna Gonis O’Connor
Puneet Kumar Arora
Claire Battle
Julia Bikbova
Ryan Stuart Coward
Michael D. Golando
Craig John Levins
Matthew Joseph Steward
John Anthony Bacevicius V
Teresa Do
Kelly A. Fox
Katie A. Fulara
Nicholas S. Henry
Kinga Maria Lota
Daniel Arthur Padernacht
Lauren Emily Self
Lauren Louise Tobiason
Paula Lynn Velde
Eric Michael Anderson
Brandy Elaine Baker
Jonathan Michael Bayers
Christopher Cali
Caitlin Elizabeth Groh
Nicholas S. Henry
Jessica Nicole Herdrich
Michael William Kite
Sommer Renae Luzynczyk
Joseph Patno Miller
Megan Mary Price
Heather B. Williams
Ashley Lynn Varterasian
Robert Kenneth Albrecht
Jennifer Anderson
James L. Borkman
Michelle L. Carey
Michael Tully Driscoll
Mario A. Godoy
Stephanie E. Greenberg
William A. McIntosh
Brian Michael Murray
David J. Piasecki
Lauren N. Prihoda
Michelle Nicole Sinkovits
Maria Gonzalez
Megan E. Liston
Marvet Musa Sweis
Ryan P. Wangler
Andrew Joseph Wrona
Puneet Kumar Arora
Michelle L. Carey
David Justin Dale
Alaa Elayyan
Svetlana Gitman
Farhana Nazir Hafezi
Matthew Thomas Ingersoll
Christian Blair Miller
Douglas S. Miller
Caryn A. Morgan
Bryan Douglas Pitts
Bettina Nicole Stanford
Marguerite L. Yang
Adam M. Ansari
John Raul Antia
Carlos P. Aparicio
Hristina Ventsislavova Barganska
Myka Vanessa Bell
Danielle Lauren Berns
Jennifer Frances Bogs
Courtney Christine Booth
Hannah Marie Borden
Siobhan L. Brannigan
Nicole Lynn Chaney
Alex Jason Chez
Vishal Kamal Chhabria
Laura Jean Christie
Peter Martin Ciesielski
Kevin Carmichael Cruz
Heather Lynn Daniel
Dawn M. David
Ryanne Nicole Bush Dent
Shane Trevor Devins
Joseph James Dilorenzo
Aleksandar Djordjevich
Daissy Dominguez
Pooja Dosi
Christina Vasiliki Dracopoulos
Joanne Margaret Eby
Andrew James Edelman
Christina Marie Faklis
Jonathan Loren Federman
William Gebis
James Anthony Gentile
Amy Lynn Gerstein
Alex Naim Ghantous
Chase Matthew Gruszka
Larissa Lee Hachinski
Florence E. Hardy
Caitlin Anne Harrington
Vanya Hession
Joupin Izadi
David F. Jasinski
Stephanie Frances Jones
Joseph Mitchell Kain
Aaron Michael Kerman
David Henry Latarski
Benjamin Jay Lavin
Peter Markos
Abraham T. Matthew
Miller Gray McDonald
David Michael Middleton
Megan Kathleen Monaghan
Travis Michael Moore
Kelly Ann Moore
Amy Joanne Neuberger
Michael Timothy Nixon
Alex W. Norlander
Iveliz Maria Orellano
Elyssa Marie Pavone
Bryan Douglas Pitts
Mikhil Prabhu Ponkshe
Brent Allen Pruim
Karolina Przyborowski
Shannon K. Quinn
Joshua Samuel Richards
Daniel A. Rivera
Brian Matthew Roth
Lindsay Anne Ruedig
Jimmy Ali Samad
Bryan Savage
Bernadette Marie Savarese Coppola
Emrhan Jesseca Slaton
Krista Anne Smith
Eliza Solowiej
Carin M. Sporrer
Daniel Francis Stern
Christine Marie Travers
Ledeidre Sharde Turner
Jesse R. Tyler
David Andrew Zulkey
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Gerald Berendt
Susan Marie Connor
Lurene Michelle Contento
John E. Corkery
Stuart Ford
Marc D. Ginsberg
John Gorby
Ardath A. Hamann
Celeste M. Hammond
Kathryn J. Kennedy
Jamie A. Kleppetsch
Ann M. Lousin
Susann McElvaney MacLachlan
William McGrath
Corinne Seither Morrissey
Mary Therese Nagel
Timothy O’Neill
Michael J. Polelle
Ralph Ruebner
Robert G. Schwemm
Cliff Scott-Rudnick
Michael P. Seng
Mark E. Wojcik
Tania Krysia Harvey
Paula Hudson Holderman
Hon. James F. Holderman
Kevin M. Hull
Nancy B. Jack
Christopher Conrad Kendall
Hon. Charles P. Kocoras
Raymond J. McKoski
Judith W. Munson
Lester E. Munson Jr.
Hon. Sheila M. Murphy
David Navarro
Kelly Anne Navarro
Bruce C. Nelson
Hon. Charles Norgle
Jordan H. Peters
Hon. Angela Munari Petrone
Hon. Regina A. Scannicchio
Michael D. Schlesinger
Hon. James Edward Shadid
Mark A. Shlifka
Lorence H. Slutzky
Nancy G. Fehr
Laurel A. Hajek
Elinor Kannon
Rose Marie C. Knight
Anna Marie Krug
John Richards Lee
Dorothy Li
Ernest A. Melichar
Jodie C. Needham
Lauren N. Prihoda
Maridonna E. Schaal
Matthew Joseph Steward
Marilyn Thomas
Katherine Veach
Francine Williams
Heather B. Williams
Adjunct Faculty
Cory Jay Aronovitz
Hon. Joseph M. Cataldo
Barry A. Chatz
Brian E. Clauss
Daniel Anthony Cotter
George Drost
Michael Leonard Gesas
Charles P. Golbert
Hon. Deborah J. Gubin
Virginia M. Harding
Hon. Russell W. Hartigan
Debra A. Harvey
William K. Beach
Jamie Brashler
Joseph Butler
Marilyn Criss
Martin C. D’Ambrose
Teresa Do
Sherri J. Dzik
Judith D. Evans
Erik Kim Fagrelius
Gifts to The John Marshall Law School
There are many ways to make a gift to The John Marshall Law School. The most common include:
Gifts of Cash
Simple and uncomplicated, these gifts can be put to
work immediately and allow The John Marshall Law
School maximum flexibility.
Gifts of Securities and Real Estate
Such gifts, especially if appreciated in value, are
enormously advantageous to the law school. They may
provide greater tax benefits than gifts of cash.
Life Income Arrangements
A charitable trust or gift annuity is a meaningful gift to
The John Marshall Law School and provides the donor
with immediate tax deductions and an income for life.
Gifts will enable donors to make significant
contributions that may not have been possible during
their lifetimes.
Life Insurance
Creating a new policy or transferring an existing one
enables a donor to convert a modest annual outlay into
a substantial gift to the law school.
Annual Fund
We rely on the Annual Fund to close the gap between
the actual cost of educating our students and the
income from tuition, which does not cover all our costs.
We must maintain the immediate benefits provided
by the Annual Fund. The goals and objectives of the
law school will be achieved only if the Annual Fund
continues to grow. Every year you have a special
opportunity to make a difference with your annual gift to
The John Marshall Law School.
To Make a Gift
You may give online with a credit card at or please contact Lauren Prihoda,
Director of Annual Giving, at 312.386.2871 or
Class Gift
Adam M. Ansari
John Raul Antia
Hristina Ventsislavova Barganska
Myka Vanessa Bell
Danielle Lauren Berns
Courtney Christine Booth
Hannah Marie Borden
John D. Chambers
Nicole Lynn Chaney
Alex Jason Chez
Peter Martin Ciesielski
John E. Corkery
Kevin Carmichael Cruz
Heather Lynn Daniel
Dawn M. David
Ryanne Nicole Bush Dent
Shane Trevor Devins
Joseph James Dilorenzo
Aleksandar Djordjevich
Daissy Dominguez
Joanne Margaret Eby
Andrew James Edelman
Christina Marie Faklis
Stuart Ford
Marikay F. Gebis
William Gebis
James Anthony Gentile
Amy Lynn Gerstein
Chase Matthew Gruszka
Larissa Lee Hachinski
Alfred H. Haddad
Florence E. Hardy
Baron David Harmon
Caitlin Anne Harrington
Kevin M. Hull
Kirsten Ekdahl Hull
Joupin Izadi
David F. Jasinski
Joseph Mitchell Kain
Aaron Michael Kerman
Emily J. Laskowski
Benjamin Jay Lavin
Abraham T. Matthew
Miller Gray McDonald
David Michael Middleton
Megan Kathleen Monaghan
Travis Michael Moore
Michael Timothy Nixon
Vince Oppdisano
Michael Raul Oquendo
Iveliz Maria Orellano
John Steven Osga
Mikhil Prabhu Ponkshe
Brent Allen Pruim
Shannon K. Quinn
Donald P. Reynolds
Daniel A. Rivera
Brian Matthew Roth
Bryan Savage
Bernadette Marie Savarese Coppola
Cliff Scott-Rudnick
Nancy Scott-Rudnick
Emrhan Jesseca Slaton
Krista Anne Smith
Eliza Solowiej
Carin M. Sporrer
Daniel Francis Stern
Ehrin Tendrick
Marilyn Thomas
Brian Nicholas Tierney
Jesse R. Tyler
David Andrew Zulkey
James Marshall Higginbotham
Thomas P. Higgins
Thomas Edward Hoffa
Kurt J. Horberg
Marion A. Hoy*
Marion M. Janousek*
Jane Oswald Johnston
John Kahl*
Edward M. Kalish*
Timothy David Kolton
Hon. Lambros J. Kutrubis
Alvin W. Long*
Louie Marks*
John Cadwalader Menk*
Harold L. Miller
Hon. John Emmett Morrissey
John Edward Mulhern
Richard S. Paddor
Hon. William E. Peterson*
Julio Gumeresindo Pimentel
Mary E. Ramier*
Chester W. Sawyer*
Walter E. Schirmer*
Norma and Richard Shearer*
Val C. Simhauser
Peter L. Stevens*
Katherine E. Stimson*
Hon. Lucia Theodosia Thomas*
Thomas M. Tully
Alex M. Vercillo
Archie B. Weston Sr.
John Joseph White*
Hon. Julian P. Wilamoski*
George Paul Williams*
J. Nelson Wood
Anne Zimmerman
Louis L. Biro Legacy Guild
Thomas Paul Aiello
Leonard F. Amari
Hon. Marie Bellamy Johnson*
Deborah S. Benton
Favil David Berns*
Louis L. Biro*
Hon. George Borovic Jr.*
Linda Crane Boyd
Hon. William Stewart Boyd
Joseph H. Braun*
Dennis Anthony Brennan
Irving H. Brott*
Jeanne Brown Gordon*
Carl W. Carlson*
Claude E. Carr
Norman M. Chernick*
Edward X. Clinton
Hon. Michel Andre Coccia Sr.*
Mary Lynn Rita Colnar
Richard M. Colombik
Donna J. Cunningham
Hon. Henry Xerxes Dietch*
Henry Sherwood Dixon Sr.
Edwin P. Fifielski*
Theodore J. Forsberg
Sam Eugene Ganis*
Hon. Sheldon Calvin Garber
Peter J. Georges
Marvin Homer Gesell*
Robert A. Golden
C. Donald Gustafson*
Henry Charles Hajek*
William Mayer Hansen
Stephanie Hayes
Philip B. Heller*
Albert L. Henkle*
Philip Alan Hewes
Hon. James J. Heyda*
*denotes deceased
Marshall is known for accommodating both
“ John
the traditional student coming from college and the
nontraditional student, such as myself, who entered law
school after working for several years. Without all the
different facets of the experience here, I doubt I would have
been successful in my career. A gift to The John Marshall
Law School can truly make a difference in someone’s life.
Pamela Lung-Hiu Shu (JD ’80) is Senior Regional Counsel for the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority. Since 1998, she has been a member of John
Marshall’s Board of Visitors. She recently established the Pam Shu Scholarship,
created in loving memory of her parents, to benefit students needing assistance to
complete their studies.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 — AUGUST 31, 2013
Board of Trustees
John E. Corkery
Leonard F. Amari, President
Claireen Herting, First Vice President
Jon DeMoss, Second Vice President
Michael V. Favia, Third Vice President
Mary Ann Hynes, Treasurer
Hon. Celia Louise Gamrath, Secretary
Cathy Gonzales O’Kelly, Assistant Secretary
Kenneth C. Anderson
Hon. Joseph E. Birkett
Erhard R. Chorlé
Hon. Stephen J. Culliton (ret.)
James B. Durkin
Hon. Timothy C. Evans
Joseph M. Gagliardo
Paula Hudson Holderman
Nancy Lee Johnson
George F. Mahoney III
Hon. Jessica A. O’Brien
Floyd D. Perkins
Jordan H. Peters
Dixie Lee Peterson
Jorge Ramirez
Larry R. Rogers
James F. Sullivan
Nicholas C. Zagotta
Ralph Ruebner
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Cynthia Sah
Chief Financial Officer
Kathryn J. Kennedy
Associate Dean for Advanced Studies and Research
William B. Powers
Associate Dean for Admission and Student Affairs
Hon. Margaret O’Mara Frossard (ret.)
Associate Dean for Professionalism and Career Strategy
Anthony Niedwiecki
Associate Dean for Skills, Experiential Learning,
and Assessment
Katherine Veach
Executive Director of the Office of
Alumni Relations and Development
June Hsiao Liebert
Chief Information Officer
Martin C. D’Ambrose
Assistant Dean for Human Resources
Annie M. Krug
Executive Director for Institutional Affairs
Jodie Needham
Assistant Dean for Academic Services
Are we missing your name?
This Annual Report of the Dean includes those alumni and friends who have given gifts to The
John Marshall Law School during the fiscal year September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013. If
you made a donation to the law school and your name does not appear in this report, or if your
name is included at a giving level that does not seem correct, the following may explain why:
Your gift was made outside the fiscal year, either prior to September 1, 2012, or after
August 31, 2013.
Your gift was actually in a higher amount than you recall making. Please review the next giving
level to see if your name appears there.
Your name was inadvertently left off due to a clerical error. If this is the case, we apologize for
the omission. Please call Maridonna Schaal, Development Services Director, at 312.360.2663
so that we may review your gift information with you.
If you did not make a gift during the 2012–2013 fiscal year, and would like to see your name in
next year’s report, please contact Lauren Prihoda, Director of Annual Giving:
Telephone: 312.386.2871
Non-Discrimination Policy
The John Marshall Law School, finding any invidious discrimination inconsistent with the mission of free
academic inquiry, does not discriminate in admission, services, or employment on the basis of sex, sexual
orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, or disability.
315 South Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 60604