Dormition of the Theotokos August 15


Dormition of the Theotokos August 15
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral Newsletter
Dormition of the Theotokos
August 15
August / September 2014
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral
419 S. Dithridge Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Reverend Protopresbyter Christopher Bender, Dean • Reverend Deacon Robert Lykos
Father Christopher: 724-630-3483
Church Phone: 412-682-3866
Church Fax: 412-683-4960
Hall Rentals: 412-682-3866
Tracey Joyce – Office Manager
Nicole Dusseau – Events Coordinator
Vincent Nelson – Maintenance General Mailbox –
2013 Parish Council
John Frentzos, President
Lenna Edgos Cominos, Vice President
Dean Panagulias, Treasurer
George Bellios, Assistant Treasurer
Michelle Kotsogrelos, Secretary
Victor Bertolina, Assistant Secretary
Simon Barber
Greg Countouris
Frances Hanna
John McCann
Conrad Mitchell
Peter Nychis
Van Paras
James Stamatelos
Tulla Velisaris
Services Schedule
Summer Hours:
Orthos 8:00 a.m. • Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.
Fall / Winter Hours:
Orthos 8:30 a.m. • Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
Orthros 9:00 a.m. • Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.
Metropolis 412-621-5529 •
Archdiocese 212-570-3500 •
Church School
Michelle Kotsagrelos: 412-680-1416
Greek School
Maria Stamoolis: 412-963-7283
Co-Presidents – Maive Bellios-Fees:412-521-0209
Elianna Paljug: 412-963-2818
Altar Boy Captains
Aaron McClure / Dean Leventopoulos / Dimitrios Menas
Little Angles (ages 2-4) and HOPE (ages 5-7)
Maria Velisaris Coutris • Joanna Darakos •
60 Club – Virginia Fekaris: 412-687-4804
Garden Club – Elaine Andrianos: 412-731-4334
Choir – Steve Andrews: 412-561-9102
Organist – Anna Kovalevska
Protopsalti – Dr. Nick Giannoukakis
Chanters – Steve Andrews
St. Chrysostom Bookstore
Paula Hall: 412-421-3484
Callie Kamaras: 412-369-8453
Toula Peterson: 412-793-5294
Semie Tsudis: 412-421-3181
Prosfora & Kolyva – Mrs. Eleni Contis: 412-344-7254
St. Nicholas Dancers
GOYA – Kelly Gary: 412-741-8567
Junior Dancers
Carrie Velisaris –
Peter Yannopoulos –
Boys Basketball
Michael Gregory: 412-414-6548
Peter Leventopoulos: 724-863-6736
Girls Basketball
Catina Stamoolis: 412-963-7283
Check us out on the web /
Hall Rentals If you are interested in renting either our small
or large hall, please contact our events coordinator
at 412-682-3866 for more information and availability.
Sunday Bulletin Deadline
Sacramental Life
With much joy, love and prayer, let us welcome into the Body of Christ, the Church,
our newest brothers and sisters in Christ:
Nico Philip Leombruno, son of Michael A. Leombruno and Heidi Hedderman, on March 29, 2014.
Sponsor was Allison Baughman.
Christos Evangelos Halvas, son of George Halvas and Sophie Vroulos Halvas, on May 24, 2014.
Sponsors were Alexander Vroulos and Anna Pedos.
Talia Jo Cominos, daughter of Spencer J. Cominos and Lenna Edgos Cominos, on June 15, 2014.
Sponsors were George and Elaine Bellios.
Iliana Nicolette Boland, daughter of Daniel M. Boland and Kyriaki Kazantzi Boland, on July 5, 2014.
Sponsor was George Kazantzis.
Congratulations to their parents and sponsors, and may God grant them Many Years!
Congratulations to
George Spiros Raftis III and Caitlin Maureen (Holmes) Raftis,
whose marriage was blessed in the Orthodox Church on July 1, 2014.
Sponsor was Michael Raftis.
In Memoriam
Our condolences to the families of:
John Mandalakas, who passed away on April 15;
Angelo Tsudis, who passed away on April 28;
Eugenia “Gene” Dakis, who passed away on May, 25, 2014;
Demetra Contis Lardas, who passed away on June 11, 2014;
Louis J. Vlahos, who passed away on July 4, 2014;
Maryann Madonia, who passed away on July 16, 2014.
May God grant them eternal rest, and comfort to their families.
Aionia I Mneme Afton!
May their Memory Be Eternal!
Please submit Bulletin information NO LATER than Wednesday
at noon. All information received is subject to approval and may
be edited.
Michelle Kotsagrelos: 412-680-1416
A Letter from Father Chris
August 1, 2014
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one
another. -- Romans 12:5
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
St. Paul teaches us that all Christians are part of the Body of Christ. As with our own bodies,
this Body is made up of many parts, and each has its own necessary function. Altogether, we
make up the whole, which is called the Church. Each one brings his or her own gifts. Alone
and apart, we can do nothing. But when we work together, we can accomplish great things in
Christ’s name.
Just as we express our gratitude to those who have offered so much for this and past festivals,
let us also join in expressing a warm invitation to those who rarely if ever participate: come and
see! There are so many opportunities, amidst all the hard work, for humor and companionship.
New friendships are forged, while old friendships are made stronger. Past enmities are often
overcome, in the pursuit of a common goal. We come to realize that the One who unites us,
Christ, is stronger than whatever divides us – and that we are not there to please or impress
anyone, but rather, to serve Christ and His Church. This is a lesson we can take with us – and,
indeed, often we do find that that same spirit of selfless Christian service and agape expressing
itself in other aspects of our lives, as well.
Finally, let me offer a “gentle reminder:” God never sleeps. He never takes a “vacation” from
His creation. He never ceases to care for us, His children by grace. Neither should we, when it
comes to church attendance during the summer months. Our children may be off from school,
but Sunday morning still belongs to the Lord especially during the month of August, when
we observe the Panagia’s Fast and her Dormition on August 15. I look forward to seeing all
of you, as often as possible, over the remainder of the summer. That, too, is a blessing to be
thankful for!
With love in Christ,
Father Christopher H. Bender, Dean
Together is the most relevant word to describe how our parish was able, once again, to mount
a remarkably successful Greek Food Festival. We owe a large debt of gratitude to Festival
Chair Dean Panagulias and Co-Chairs Alice Gary and Elaine Andrianos, as well as to all those
who gave so much of their time and talents toward the accomplishment of our goal. This is
especially true of the many stalwarts who volunteered an astonishing number of hours for
many months prior to the event in order to prepare the superb food that we always offer. Most
of them then went on to offer even more hours of service during the Festival itself. We also
must acknowledge the individuals who take days or even the whole week off from their jobs
and personal lives, in order to work the Festival. Talk about dedication! Finally, there are
our wonderful and talented children and young adults who work so hard, under the careful
supervision of their able instructors, to prepare for their traditional Greek dance performances.
The Senior Dance Troupe stands out, because of their dedication, skill, enthusiasm, and
willingness to perform so frequently during the Food Festival. Thank you, thank you to all of
you, and May God grant you Many Years in good health!
Our volunteers realize that such a large undertaking cannot be the work of just a few, or of a
certain committee. It is a major operation, which requires parish-wide involvement. It is not
only a way to earn vital income for Church; it is also an opportunity to foster fellowship and
community among our members. To be the Body in Christ is both a gift and a calling. It is a gift
from our Savior, by virtue of our membership in the Church; but it is also a calling, because we
can always grow in our love and regard for one another. We worship as one and we offer service
as one. Both are important; both are necessary.
Holy Week
We would like to thank all those who contributed to the beautification of our Cathedral
from the beginning of Lent and through Pascha.
Salutations (five Fridays) Decorated Icon of Panagia
1st Friday
Dorothy Zikos
2nd Friday
3rd Friday – Annunciation Icon
4th Friday
Dorothy Zikos
5th Friday
Dorothy Zikos
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Gidas Flowers
Lazarus Saturday Icon (white)
Palm Sunday Icon (white)
Palm Plants
Palm Plants
Palm Crowns
Vase of Palms
Vase of Palms
Conrad Mitchell
Church School
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Helen Waskoskie
Alice & Jim Gary
Toula Peterson
Karl Williams Family
Karl Williams Family
Icon of Bridegroom
Palm Sunday through Holy Wednesday
Dorothy Zikos
Holy Unction on Holy Wednesday
Rhea Ballas
Flour (used for Pascha Prosforo)
Rhea Ballas
Crucifixion Wreath
Gospel Candles
Holy Thursday
Lily Plants
Lenna Cominos
John & Lisa Kristian
Irene & Demetrie Ellis
Karl Williams Family
McClure Family
Kelly Gary
Denise Daugherty
Marcie & Tom McGuire
John Edgos
Simon Barber
Frances Hanna
Raftis Family
George Mandros
Stamoolis Family
Wreath for Empty Cross
Hages Family
Large Vase Arrangement for Royal Doors
Rebessa Bertos
Georgia & Christine Krelis
Seven Day Candles for Holy Week (for Iconastasion)
Estair Kotsagrelos
Venetia Moreno
Sotiri & Mary Doris and Family
Stamoolis Family
Angie Pappas
Holy Saturday
White Pearl and Gold Filigree Paschal Candle
Dr. George Pappas
Dr. George Pappas
Icon of Christ on the Cross
Good Friday – Epitaphio Candles
White Cotton Cloth
Bellios Family
Dr. George Pappas
Alexandra Fatandas
Epitaphios Flowers
Paula Hall
Taky & Argy Darakos
Keli & John Frentzos
Mary Kleissas
Bedel Family
Gus Stamoolis Family
Callie Kamaras
Madalakas Family
Blastos Family
Dr. George Pappas
Dina Machin
Kay Thimoleas
Aphrodite Amorgianos
Melacrinos Family
Fr. Christopher Bender
Vasili G. Copetas
Anitgone Mellas
Purple Bowes with Ribbons
Becky Bertos
Holy Saturday / Pascha
Resurrection Icon – Narthex
Resurrection Icon – Pulpit
Alex & Kyr Davides
Message from the Parish Council President
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
As we enter the slower summer months, there
are many things to report from our very busy spring.
Easter and Holy Week activities were very well
attended, and our Philoptochos provided a wonderful Lamb dinner after the Saturday night services. As
always, it was an honor to have Metropolitan Savas
serve at the Cathedral for Anastasi.
We had a successful fund raiser that was
held at the Church on April 25. The Wine Tasting
Event chaired by Tasy and John McCann raised over
$12,000.00 for the Church. Special thanks to the McCann’s and their committee for a great night of wine
and appetizers!
Our Food Festival once again was a success.
I want to thank everyone for helping as much as they
could. After being in the kitchen for the last few years,
I tried this year to work in every area for at least a
little bit. This helped me to realize how much hard
work goes into our Festival, and how many people and
groups participate to make it the successful event that
it is. Whether you worked in the kitchen, the bar, the
coffee stand, the ice cream cart, food and pastry lines
or the loukoumades stand, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Heartfelt thanks goes also to our dancers, dance
instructors, band and those who greeted our guests at
the front door. Additionally, I would like to thank the
Ad Book committee along with our sponsors and patrons, our advertisers, and those who worked counting
money and preparing our cash registers each day.
Finally, I would like to recognize the people
who worked in the Pastry lines, the Take out lines and
the Fax room. If you have never worked in those areas,
there is no way to describe the amount of effort that
goes into filling the orders in such a timely manner.
The Food Festival did very well. As our major fundraising effort of the year, we depend so much
on our loyal clientele to keep visiting us. This year
our net profit (while not finalized yet) was close to
$185,000.00. Thanks again to everyone!
As you all know, Cathy Nelson left her position as Office Manager at St. Nicholas after 5 years.
Cathy was a tremendous asset to our Cathedral and had
grown to be a part of our St. Nicholas family. We wish
Cathy well in all of her future endeavors!
We also wish good luck to Constance Zotis.
Constance worked as our Events Coordinator for almost 4 years. She also was a valuable member of our
Cathedral staff. Constance did a wonderful job making
sure that all of our events were executed perfectly. We
wish Constance well in all of her future endeavors,
While we have not yet finalized Constance’s
replacement, we have filled Cathy’s position. Tracey
Joyce has already started in her role as Office Manager for St. Nicholas Cathedral. Tracey is a graduate
of Duquesne University and has previously worked
at PNC Bank, Nike and Duquesne University. She is
married and has two grown children. Stop by the office to say hello and welcome Tracey to St. Nicholas!
I would like to thank all of the Parish Council
members for their hard work and support this year especially for their participation in the food festival and
most recently for their help in finding suitable replacements for Cathy and Constance.
God bless all of you for your continued support
and love for St. Nicholas. I wish everyone a wonderful
and safe summer.
St. Nicholas Stewardship
We bear fruit for Jesus Christ when we follow His example and love, serve and support the Church which
is His Body. When we abide in Him, we express this
through generosity and devotion, especially in our
financial stewardship and acts of personal generosity.
Bearing fruit in the world is the visible result of our
abiding in Christ.
When we share our Time, Talents and Treasure with the Church we courageously bridge the gap
between liturgy and life, between the love of Jesus on
the cross and our daily lives, between our beautiful
theology and the practical stewardship to which we
are called. In this way we give ourselves to Christ and
to each other extending the Communion of the Eucharist in our daily lives. This is “who we are” “We” are
the branches of the True Vine.
Stewardship is caring for the needs of others.
Stewardship is offering one’s self to God
as He offered Himself to us.
Stewardship is what a person does after saying
“I believe...” as proof of that belief.
- Fr. William Chiganos, Holy Apostles Church in
Westchester, Illinois
As of June 27th, 2014 there are 285 stewards who
have submitted a 2014 financial commitment, which
are listed on page 12. Please review this list on the
next page. With the changes in the office and the use
of the new Stewardship software, we want to make
sure records are accurate. If you have any questions or
you feel that there is a mistake or a name missing, we
respectfully ask that you contact the office or a member of the Stewardship Committee to make needed
We thank you all for your
continued support.
Yours in Christ,
John Frentzos
Parish Council President
St. Nicholas 2014 Stewardship Pledges Received
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Agras
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Agras
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Agras
Mr. & Mrs. Amorgianos
Mr. Anthony Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews*
Mr. Steve Andrews
Mrs. Elaine Andrianos
Mr. Theodore Andrianos*
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Andriotis*
Mr. George Anthon*
Ms. Virginia Anthon
Mr. & Mrs. Yianni Antoniades
Mr. & Mrs. Spilios Argiropoulos
Mrs. Lamona M. Athens
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Avery
Mr. & Mrs. Art Avlon
Mr. & Mrs. Simon A. Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D Baughman
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bedel
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Beldecos
Mr. John Nicholas Beldecos
Miss Andrea Beldecos
Dr. & Mrs. George Bellios
Mr. & Mrs. Gust Bellios
Fr. Christopher & Dr. Filitsa Bender
Mrs. Marion C. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bertolina
Mrs. Rebecca Bertos
Mrs. Elaine Bolanis
Mrs. Mary Brahos*
Mr. George N. Christ
Christopoulos Family
Archdeacon E. & Diakonissa Mary
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Clarke
Mrs. Mary Cominos*
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Cominos
Mr. & Mrs. George
Afrodite Condos
Mr. Athanasios*
Mrs. Catherine Contis
Dr. George Contis*
Mr. & Mrs. George Contis*
Mrs. Georgia Contis
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Contis*
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Contis
Mrs. Michelle Contis*
Mr. Charles G. Copetas
Mr. And Mrs. Dino G. Copetas
Mr. and Mrs. Dino P. & Despina Copetas
Mrs. Helen Copetas
Mrs. Maria Copetas*
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Copetas
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Copetas
Mrs. Theodora Copetas
Mr. Greg Countouris
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Countouris
Mrs. Demetra Craig
Mrs. Patricia Criticos*
Mr. & Mrs. George Darakos*
Mr. & Mrs. Taki Darakos
Mrs. Denise Daugherty
Dr. & Mrs. K. C. Davides*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert de la Parra
Mr. & Mrs. Petros Delivorias
Ms. Dena Demas*
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeMatteo
Mrs. Christine DeMatteo
Mrs. Christine Dickos
Mr. Arthur J. Dordas
Mr. Nick Doris
Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Doris
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Drapas
Mr. & Mrs. Speros G. Drelles
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Eberhardt
Mr. John Edgos*
Mrs. Sophia Edgos
Dr. & Mrs. Demetrius Ellis
Mrs. Elaine Ellis
Dr. & Mrs. Mike Epitropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Faines
Mr. & Mrs. John Fakner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Falck
Ms. Alexandra Fatandas
Mrs. Virginia Fekaris
Mrs. Bessie Ferency
Mrs. Gina Fitzmartin
Mrs. Alice K. Flocos
Mr. & Mrs. Karl M. Florence
Marshall Florence
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Frank
Mr. & Mrs. John Frentzos*
Mrs. Kalliope Frentzos
Miss Tanya Frye
Mr. & Mrs. William Gary
Mr. & Mrs. James Gary
Drs. Athan & Lydia Georgiades
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Gialamas
Mr. Nick Goranitis
Mrs. Angela Gouzoulis
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hages
Mrs. Jennie B. Hages
Mr. & Mrs. Van Hall
Mrs. Aphrodite Halleran
Mrs. Antigone Hanna*
Mrs. Frances Hanna
Mrs. Athena Hareras
Dr. John T. Haretos
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Harris*
Ms. Heidi Hedderman
Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hornok
Mrs. Helen Hutchings*
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kakavis*
Mrs. Sophia Kalaras
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kamaras
Mrs. Jane Karageorge
Bart Bodkin & Diane Karnavas*
Mr. & Mrs. Foster Kartsotis
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Katsafanas
Ms. Georgia Katsafanas
Mr. Lee Katsafanas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Katsafanas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kefaloyiannis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kefalos
Mr. & Mrs. George Kefalos*
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kefalos*
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kennedy
Karen Kietzke
Mrs. Mary Kleissas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kleissas
Mr. George Koromvokis*
Mrs. Konstantinos Koromvokis*
Mrs. Vasiliki Koromvokis*
Ms. Michelle Marie Kotsagrelos
Mr. & Mrs. Tasso Kotsagrelos
Ms. Christine Krelis
Ms. Georgia Krelis
Mr. Peter Krelis
Mr. & Mrs. John Kristian
Mr. & Mrs. James Kukunas
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Kukunas
Mrs. Antigoni Kyros*
Dr. & Mrs. James Kyros
Ms. Despina Ladakos
Ms. Constantina Lardas
Mr. James N. Lardas
Mr. & Mrs. Kemon Lardas
Mr. & Mrs. Kleanthis Lardas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas D. Lardas
Mrs. Lucia Leventis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Leventopoulos*
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lipecky
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Locascio
Rev. Dn. & Mrs. Robert Lykos
Mr. James L. Machin
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Machin
Ms. Dina Machin
Miss Nicoletta Machin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Madonia
Mrs. John Mandalakas
Mr. & Mrs. Ernesst Mandros*
Mr. & Mrs. George Mandros
Ms. Electra Markopoulos
Mr. Greg Markopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mastros
Mrs. Helen Mastros
Mr. Kostas J. Mastros
Ms. Alisa Mathews*
Mr. and Mrs. John McCann
Drs. Thomas & Dana McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuire
Mrs. Patricia McKee
Mr. William McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Chris S. Melacrinos
Mrs. Antigone Mellas*
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Mellis
Mrs. Maria Menas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Menniti
Ms. Amantha Michalopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine
Dr. George and Anna
Mr. Conrad Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Moratis
Dr. & Mrs. Jose Moreno
Miss Evangelia Moreno
Mr. Paul E Moses
Mrs. Dorothy Moss
Mrs. Beulah Mougianis
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Nikolakopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Paljug
Mrs. Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Ms. Sophia Panagis*
Mr. Dean J. Panagulias
Mrs. Lillian Panagulias
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Pandeladis
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Panos
Dr. & Mrs. Spiro N. Papas
Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Papazekos
Ms. Angie Pappas
Mr. John C. Paras
Mr. Van Paras
Mr. Kenneth Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Paul*
Ms. Maria Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pease
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Peters
Mrs. Stamatia Peters
Mr. & Mrs. John Peterson
Mrs. Toula Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Peterson
Mrs. Artemis Petropolous*
Mr. Thomas Plakidas
Mrs. Vera Poland
Mrs. Barbara Polimus
Mr. & Mrs. D. John Powers
Mr. Plato Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Kyrk Pyros
Mrs. Esther Rafaloski
Mrs. Anastasia Raftis
Ms. Cindy Raftis
Mr. George Raftis*
Ms. Irene Richmond
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Sahinidis
Mrs. Angela Sfamenos
Chris Siefert & Tricia Maurides
Mr. & Mrs. George Sockos
Stella & Stacey Sotereanos
Mr. Andrew N. Sotos
Mr. and Mrs. James Stamatelos*
Miss Catina Stamoolis
Mr. & Mrs. Contantine Stamoolis*
Mr. & Mrs. Stathopoulos
James & Stella Stratigos
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Strauch
Ms. Irene Strintzis
Mrs. Argie Stuart
Mr. R. Swisher & A. Morfesis
Mrs. Katia Sycara &
Mr. Michael Lewis*
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Tangalos
Mrs. Kay Thimoleas
Mrs. Donna Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Thomas
Mrs. Chris Torlidas
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Tsourekis
Mr. Soterios Tsourekis*
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Tsudis
Mrs. Semis Tsudis
Ms. Joanna Tzortzis
Ms. Mary Vasilakis
Mrs. Panagiota Vasilakis*
Mr. & Mrs. George Vassilaros
Mr. & Mrs. Achilles Vassilicos
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Velisaris*
Eugenia N. Vergis*
Sophia Vergis*
Mrs. Angela Vergos
Mrs. Barbara Vitsas
Mr. & Mrs. John Vitsas
Mr. George Vlahos
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Vlahos
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Vlahoulis
Mr. Sarantos Vrettacos
Mrs. Tasia Vrettacos
Mr. Alexander*
Mrs. Helen Waskoskie
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Whipple
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Williams*
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Xilas
Dr. & Mrs. Leo Yannopoulos
Mr. Peter Yannopoulos
Mr. Mark Yourgas*
Ms. Irene G. Yourgas*
Mrs. Effie Zamagias
Mr. Demo Zamagias
Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Zaphyr
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zaras
Drs. Alex & Katerina Zavaras
Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Zervoudis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Zikos
Mrs. Dorothea Zikos
Mr. & Mrs. D.C. Zotis
Miss Constance Zotis
Mrs. Sophia Zozos
* new names since the last publication
Keeping Up with Philoptochos
To fulfill our mission of helping those in need
fundraisers continue to be the primary source of
income for Philoptochos.
Food Bank
The Food Bank supports several of our parishioners
and continues to need your support. You can donate
by making a check payable to the “St. Nicholas
Philoptochos Food Bank” or through United Way by
designating the St. Nicholas Food Bank through your
employers United Way contribution. Just designate
#3288. Any questions, please contact Elaine Andrianos
(412-731-4334) or Denise Daugherty (412-508-1326).
Feeding the Homeless
Easter Bread
Thank you to Dae Machin for chairing the Easter
Bread baking! Thank you to ALL the women (and
men) who helped prepare the dough, assemble, bake,
wrap and sell the over 700 loaves of bread.
In June Philopochos,once gain, sponsored and served
a dinner for the homeless at the FOCUS faciltity in the
Hill District. Thanks goes to Alex Davides and Marcie
McGuire for preparing baked ham, buttered corn and
baked beans and to Denise Dougherty, Mary Peterson
and Toula Peterson for serving over 100 people. Be on
the lookout this fall for information on when we will be
making bagged lunches, as well as cooking and serving
another dinner for FOCUS Pittsburgh!
Focus on FOCUS
Following the traditions of FamilyLinks, this year
Philoptochos is Focusing on FOCUS. During July &
August we will be collecting NEW School Supplies
(backpacks, pencils, pens, folders, tablets, etc.) for the
children who are served by FOCUS. Please put your
donations in the bin by the Church Office.
Mother’s Day & Father’s Day
Philoptochos thanks all our parishioners who
supported our Mother’s Day & Father’s Day fundraiser
by honoring/memorializing the special women and
men who have touched their lives. See the Honoree
and Memorial list on the following pages.
Palm Sunday Luncheon and Anastasi Meal
On Sunday, April 23, Philoptochos sponsored our
traditional Palm Sunday Luncheon. A special thank
you goes to Marcie McGuire and Dean Panagulias
(aka. Martha and Gus) for preparing a delicious fish
plaki lunch with all the fixings (rice, green beans, salad
and fruit crisp) and to Elaine Andrianos and Denise
Dougherty for taking on the role of prep cooks. A
thank you also goes to all the Philoptochos women
who helped set-up, serve and clean-up; and thank
FOCUS Pittsburgh’s
Paul Abernathy with (from L-R)
Denise Dougherty, Michelle
Kotsogrelos, Mary Peterson and
Toula Peterson
Thank you to Denise Daugherty and Estair
Kotsagrelos for chairing this years successful
membership drive.....101 members!! Although the
drive is over, it is never too late to join or renew your
Philoptochos would like to thank those who
have joined or renewed their membership for their
you to Cathy Kolias for donating the beautiful flower
centerpieces that were then given to the Garden Club
to beautify our church flower beds for Easter.
Philoptochos, once again, sponsored our
delicious Anastasi Meal. Lamb (prepared by Nick
Lefkakis), rice, avgolemono soup (compliments of
Ritter’s Diner), cheese and olives, tsoureki and dessert
were shared by our St. Nicholas family and His
Eminence Metropolitan Savas.
Yours in Christ,
The first Philoptochos BOARD Meeting after our
summer break will be held Monday, September 8,
Michelle Marie Kotsagrelos
2014, 7:00 p.m. in the St. Nicholas Conference Room President
to brainstorm for the upcoming year. If you have any
fundraising ideas or other ideas please contact me.
New Gospel Book: Thank you to Philoptochos and to
the Davides and Georgiades families for their generous
donation in purchasing our beautiful new Gospel Book
in memory of Constantine & Eleni Contis!
Focus on FOCUS
Philoptochos is now collecting
NEW school supplies during July & August.
2014 Philoptochos Membership
Electra Agras
Aphrodite Amorgianos
Emanuel Amorgianos
Anna Andrews
Elaine Andrianos
Vasie-Leigh Andriotis
Harry Avery
Joann Avery
Vange Beldecos
Presbytera Filitsa Bender
Joan Blastos
Mary Brahos
Despina Branting
Mary Cominos
Catherine Contis
Georgia Contis
Helen M. Copetas
Maria Coutris
Denise Daugherty
Alexandra Davides
Marie Drelles
Elaine Ellis
Mary Faines
Penny Falck
Alexandra Fatandas
Virginia Fekaris
Alice Flocos
Alice Gary
Kelly Gary
Frances Gialamas
Alexandra Gregory
James Hages
Linda Hages
Paula Hall
Frances Hanna
Athena Hareras
Rania Harris
Heidi Hedderman
Sophie Kalaras
Callie Kamaras
Mary Kappakas
Martha Kartsotis
Georgia Katsafanas
Amy Kleissas
Mary Kleissas
Catherine Kolias
Estair Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Christina Kouteas
Christine Krelis
Georgia Krelis
Anastasia Kukunas
Antegoni Kyros
Despina Ladakos
Lucia Leventis
Nikki Lykos
Dae Machin
Dina Machin
Jim Machin
Kay Mandalakas
Kosta Mastros
Patricia Maurides
Marcie McGuire
Tom McGuire
Patti McKee
Alea Melacrinos
Joanne Melacrinos
Antigone Mellas
Conrad Mitchell
Leona Mitchell
Venetia Moreno
Beulah Mougianis
Georgette Nelson
Vicki B. Nychis
Lillian Panagulias
Cathy Pandeladis
Eleni Papanikolaou
Angie Pappas
Mary Peterson
Toula Peterson
Vera Poland
Esther Rafaloski
Cynthia Raftis
Tulla Rakoczy
Mary Sockos
Diane Strauch
Argie Stuart
Sofia Tangalos
Kay Thimoleas
Donna Thomas
Penny Thomas
Carol Tsudis
Semie Tsudis
Mary Vasilakis
Tulla Velisaris
Barbara Vitsas
Elaine Vitsas
Aimee Walker
Stacey Whipple
Dr. Katerina Zavaras
Betty Zervoudos
Together we can accomplish great things!
2014 Philoptochos Mother’s Day
Eleni Contis
Yoanna Lykos
Electra P. Agras
Melissa Contis
Rudy & Alex Agras
Stamatia Lykos
Maria Aivalotis
Barbara Polimus
Tulla Velisaris
Michelle Aivalotis
Barbara Polimus
Alexandra Gregory
Genia Andrews
Sandra Demas
Andrew Mellis
Harry, Genia,
Mitzie Andrews
Katie & Alex Andrews
Maria Janik
Elaine Andrianos
Virginia Fekaris
Catherine Scales
Bethany Ellis
Kathy Amurgis
Elaine Ellis
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Marguerite Ellis
Joyce Athanasiou
Elaine Ellis
Corey Gregory
Susan B. Falck
Betty Athens
Penelope Falck
Maria Janik
Vange Beldecos
Elaine Andrianos
Andrea Beldecos
John Nicholas Beldecos
Lee Katsafanas
Ann Beldecos Natale
Kelli Frentzos
Nicholas Natale
Dina & Talia
Robert Natale
Barbara Garbinski
Melissa Ellis Bennett
Melissa Ellis Bennett
Demetri & Irene Ellis
Presbytera Susanna Gardikes
Deaconess Mary Christulides
Dean Contis
Lana J. Agras
Dee Chronis
Ted Hages
Elaine Vitsas
Anne Cominos
Jim Hages
Dina & Talia
Leona & Sarah Mitchell
Vicki Conoboy
Katie Andrews
Ted & Nicholas Hages
Cathy Contis
Harry, Genia, Katie &
Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Alex Andrews
Sophia Haretos
Jamie Contis
John Haretos
John & Mary Peterson
Maria Hnarakis
Toula Peterson
Magdalini &
Eleni Contis
Nicoletta Hnarakis
Nick &Melissa Contis
Alex, Nikolaos & Konstantine Martha Kartsotis
Patti McKee
Amy Kleissas
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Nick Kleissas
Tulla Velisaris
Mary Kleissas
Nick Kleissas
Estair Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Georgette Nelson
Stacey Whipple
Tasso & Faith Whipple
Aimee Walker
Brooke Walker
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Faith Whipple
Marina Lardas
Barbara Polimus
Janet Lykos
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Nikki Lykos
Tulla Velisaris
Dae Machin
Nicholas Hages
Dolly Malamos
Nick Kleissas
Evelyn B. Mastros
Kostas J. Mastros
Nicholas Mastros
Helen Mastros
Nicholas Mastros
Patti McKee
Alexis & Alaina Vitsas
Veronica Mellis
Alex Andrews
Alexa, Sophia & Andrew Mellis
Corinne Mitchell
Leona & Sarah Mitchell
Leona Mitchell
Sarah & Eric Mitchell
Venetia Vlastos Moreno
Evie Moreno
Sophia & Eugenia Vergis
Georgette Nelson
Brooke Walker
Florence L. Pallas
Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Caroline Panos
Anna Andrews, Dana & Alisa
Toula Peterson
Jamie Contis
John & Mary Peterson
Kiki Plastiras
Maria Janik
Maria Reina
Penelope Falck
Electra Roman
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Angela Sfamenos
Anna Andrews, Dana & Alisa
Bill Sfamenos
Betty H. Sheetz
Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Maria Stamoolis
Aimee Walker
Trudy Trifanoff
John & Mary Peterson
Maria Tsourekis
Harry, Genia, Katie &
Alex Andrews
Andreas & Sotiri Tsourekis
Semie Tsudis
Catherine Scales
Panagiota Vasilakis
Nikolaos Contis
Carrie Velisaris
Tulla Velisaris
Tulla Velisaris
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Sophia Vergis
Venetia Moreno
Eugenia Vergis
Barbara Vitsas
Martha Kartsotis
Patti McKee
Elaine Vitsas
Elaine Vitsas
Dee Chronis
Patti McKee
Alexis & Alaina Vitsas
Fran Vlahos
Lana J. Agras
Aimee Walker
Brooke Walker
Tasso Whipple
Lorraine K. Watts
Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Stacey Whipple
Tasso & Faith Whipple
Paulette Yannopoulos
Catherine Scales
Sophia Zozos
Nikki Lykos
Bessie Andrews
Anna Andrews, Dana & Alisa
Steve Andrews
Angela Sfamenos
Joan Andrews
Harry, Genia,
Katie & Alex Andrews
Artemis Aspromigos
Mary Kleissas
Pauline Geanopulos Barry
Estair & Tasso Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Georgette Nelson
Stacey Whipple
Aimee Walker
Penelope Beldecos
Vange & Nick Beldecos
Mary & Peter Faines
Theano Blastos
Joan & Paul Blastos
Elaine Christ
Demetra Craig
Arthur J. Dordas
Martha Kartsotis
Stella Chronis
Kiki Plastiras
Elaine Vitsas
Katherine Clark
Kay Thimoleas
Demetra Contis
Mitzie Andrews
Kiki Plastiras
Eleni Pashali Contis
Alexandra Davides
Petroula Delivorias
Petros & Marlene Delivorias
Sevasmia Diacoyanis
Virgina Fekaris
Lucille Gianakos Diamond
Marie Diamond Drelles
Ksenia Dordas
Demetra Craig
Arthur J. Dordas
Dina Edgos
Lenna, Dina & Talia
Stella Economou
Angie Pappas
Mary Estocin
Joan & Paul Blastos
Virginia Jean Falck
Penelope Falck
Martha Flocos
Martha Kartsotis
Victoria Flocos
Elaine Ellis
Dr. Stavroula Gabriel
Patricia Ellis DiNatale
Electra Geanopulos
Estair & Tasso Kotsagrelos
Despina Glaros
Beulah Mougianis
Catherine P.Gust
Thomas J. Plakidas
Doris Mae Horvat
Lana J. Agras
Pauline Kalaras
Lucia Leventis
Esther Kalergeropoulos
Estair & Tasso Kotsagrelos
Maria Kappas
Frances Hanna
Bella Karvel
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
Mary Karvel
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
Chrysoula Katsafanas
Mary & Peter Faines
Matina Katsafanas
Lee Katsafanas
Hariklia Kleissas
Mary Kleissas
Dimitra Kontogianni
Eleni Contis
Emorfia Kotsagrelos
Estair & Tasso Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Georgette Nelson
Stacey Whipple
Aimee Walker
Argiro Krelis
Georgia & Christine Krelis
Athena Krelis
Georgia & Christine Krelis
Katherine Latos
Georgia Contis
Helen Leoleos
Georgia Contis
Mary Jane Livanos
Leona & Sarah Mitchell
Maria Papanicholaou Loizos
Stella Vassilaros
Antonia Mandros
Georgia & Christine Krelis
Helen Markas
Thomas J. Plakidas
Kiki Markopoulos
Greg & Electra Markopoulos
Lillian McGuire
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
Anna Mellis
George Mellis
Georgette Morrison
Helen Mastros
Mrs. Mougianis
Beulah Mougianis
Virginia Nicholas
Esther Rafaloski
Julia F. Pallas
Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Mary Papandreas
Elaine Andrianos
Mary Pappas
Angie Pappas
Evgenia Pappas
George & Nick Pappas
Maria, Gus, Christina,
Catina & Connie Stamoolis
Catherine Mastros Peters
Kostas J. Mastros
Mary Peters
Venetia & Evie Moreno
Marika Petinos
Alice Lardas Gary
Eugenia Petritis
Sophia Vergis
Sophia Petritis
Sophia Vergis
Irene Petroplus
Georgia & Christine Krelis
Elizabeth Plakidas
Thomas J. Plakidas
Marina Plakidas
Thomas J. Plakidas
Mary Plakidas
Thomas J. Plakidas
Marjorie Raftis
Alexandra Gregory
Angela Seitanakis
Vange & Nick Beldecos
Cleopatra Spathis
Demetri & Irene Ellis
Angeliki Spyropoulos
Eleni Contis
Esther Stefanelis
Angela Sfamenos
Mary O. Stamoolis
Gus, Maria, Christina
Catina & Connie Stamoolis
Mary Stefanowicz
Petros & Marlene Delivorias
Helen Telakis
Dee Chronis
Elaine Vitsas
Angeline Thimoleas
Kay Thimoleas
Eutihia Trahanos
Esther Rafaloski
Iphigenia Torlidas
Penelope Falck
Angeliki Tsourekis
Harry, Genia, Katie &
Alex Andrews
Despina Tzamouzakis
Conrad Mitchell
Catherine G. Vasilakis
Mary Vasilakis
Polyxeni Lardas Vassilaros
Stella Vassilaros
Olga Velis
Mitzie Andrews
Maria Janik
Anna Vervilles
Venetia & Evie Moreno
Catherine Vitsas
Martha Kartsotis
Evangelia Vlastos
Venetia & Evie Moreno
Doris B. Watts
Tara Pallas-Sheetz
Anastasia Wimmer
Demetri & Irene Ellis
Martha Xidis
Toula Peterson
Catherine Zantal
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
Loretta Zantal
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
We apologize for any misspellings/omissions.
May their Memory be Eternal
2014 Philopotchos Father’s Day
Emanuel Amurgis
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Father Christopher Bender
Sophia & Maria Bender
St. Nicholas Cathedral Altar Boys
St. Nicholas Cathedral Church School
George Chronis
Elaine Vitsas
George Christ
Martha Kartsotis
Archdeacon Euripides Christulides
Lana J. Agras
John G. Contis
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Perry & Tulla Velisaris
Anest (Tasso) Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Georgette Nelson
Aimee Walker
Brooke Walker
Tasso & Faith Whipple
Stacey Whipple
George Lykos
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Deacon Robert Lykos
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Perry & Tulla Velisaris
James Machin
Nicholas Hages
Nicholas Mastros
Helen Mastros
Tom McGuire
Marcie & Chris McGuire
Nicholas Contis
Stamatia Lykos
Eric D. Mitchell
Leona & Sarah Mitchell
Yianni Coutris
Perry & Tulla Velisaris
Brian Nelson
Brooke Walker
Nick Diaconis
Virginia Fekaris
Steven Roman
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Robert Diaconis
Virginia Fekaris
Bill Sfamenos
Angela Sfamenos
Michael Trifanoff
John & Mary Peterson
Dr. Demetri Ellis
Melissa Bennett
Patricia DiNatale
Peter Faines
George & Jennifer Faines
Robert Falck
Penny Falck
Michael Gabriel
Patricia DiNatale
Chris Geronimos
Teddy Hages
Scott Whipple
Tasso & Faith Whipple
Peter Zantal
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
William Amurgis
Estair Kotsagrelos
Demo Andrews
Mitzie Andrews
Maria Janik
George Kotsagrelos
Estair & Tasso Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Georgette Nelson
Aimee Walker
Stacey Whipple
Jules R. Falck
Penny Falck
Peter Flocos
Martha Kartsotis
Charles Garbinski
Melissa Bennett
Michael Geanopulos
Estair & Tasso Kotsagrelos
Michelle Kotsagrelos
Georgette Nelson
Aimee Walker
Stacey Whipple
Costas Gerazounis
Alice & Jim Gary
Michael Markas
Thomas J. Plakidas
Angelo Aspromigos
Mary Kleissas
Edward Gust
Thomas J. Plakidas
Harry Mitchell
Leona & Sarah Mitchell
Nick Aspromigos
Mary Kleissas
John C. Hanna
Frances Hanna
Sotirios N. Papandreas
Elaine Andrianos
Andrew Beldecos
Pete & Mary Faines
Anastasios Hatzivasiliou
Fr. Christopher &
Presbytera Filitsa
Sophia & Maria Bender
Tom Pappas
Angie Pappas
Harry Bender
Fr. Christopher &
Presbytera Filitsa
Sophia & Maria Bender
John Kacoyanis
Mary Brahos
George Karvel
Marcie, Tom & Chris McGuire
Milan Trifanoff
John & Mary Peterson
Deno G. Contis
Georgia Contis
George Katsafanas
Pete & Mary Faines
Perry Velisaris
Yoanna & Stamatia Lykos
Ron (Richards) Daugherty
Kay Thimoleas & Family
John W. Katsafanas, Jr.
Lee Katsafanas
Yianni Velisaris
Perry & Tulla Velisaris
Andreas Delivorias
Petros & Marlene Delivorias
John W. Katsafanas, Sr.
Lee Katsafanas
Sotirios Diacoyanis
Virginia Fekaris
Gus Kleissas
Mary Kleissas
James Dordas
Demetra Craig
Nick Kleissas
Mary Kleissas
Michael Economos
Angie Pappas
Moscos Pascal
Mary Bender
Robert Peterson
John & Mary Peterson
Paul Chronis
Kiki Plastiras
James Leoleos
Georgia Contis
Sotirios Livanos
Leona & Sarah Mitchell
Panayioti Kappas
Frances Hanna
Jason Walker
Brooke Walker
Tasso Whipple
Constantine J. Leoleos
Georgia Contis
Thomas Geanopulos
Estair Kotsagrelos
Theodore Andrews
Anna Andrews
Steve Andrews
Dana & Alisa Mathews
Nicholas Brahos
Mary Brahos
John L. Vitsas
Alexis & Alaina Vitsas
George P. Krelis
Georgia & Christine Krelis
Gust Petinos
Alice & Jim Gary
George Petritis
Sophia Vergis
Vasilios Petritis
Sophia Vergis
George Plakidas
Thomas J. Plakidas
James Plakidas
Thomas J. Plakidas
John Plakidas
Thomas J. Plakidas
Earl Rafaloski
Esther G. Rafaloski
We apologize for any misspelling/omissions.
Spiros G. Raftis
Cynthia Raftis
Marinos Sfamenos
Anna Andrews
Dana & Alisa Mathews
Bill Sfamenos
Walter Stefanowicz
Petros & Marlene Delivorias
Panayiotis Theodorellis
Demetri & Irene Ellis
Dan Thimoleas
Kay Thimoleas & Family
Anthony Thompson
Mary Brahos
Louis Torlidas
Penny Falck
George S. Trahanis
Esther G. Rafaloski
Chrysostomos Tzamouzakis
Conrad Mitchell
Denis Vasilatos
Georgia Contis
Arthur Velis
Mitzie Andrews
Athanasios Vergis
Eugenia & Emanuel Vergis
Nicholas T. Vergis
Eugenia & Emanuel Vergis
Gus Vitsas
Martha Kartsotis
Louis Vitsas
Martha Kartsotis
John Vitsas
Joseph Wimmer
Demetri & Irene Ellis
John Xidis
Toula Peterson
Louis Xidis
Toula Peterson
May their Memory be Eternal
The Church School children presented “Christmas through
the Eyes of Lost Sheep” Christmas Pageant under the
direction of Kelly Gary, Aimee (Kotsagrelos) Walker and
Jenny DeMatteo on Sunday, December 22, 2013. It was a
beautiful program enjoyed by the whole congregation. Thank
you, Kelly, Aimee and Jenny!
From the
Church School Desk!
Finishing up my sixth year as Church School Director, I
want to thank Father Christopher, Deacon Robert, my staff
(Estair Kotsagrelos), my teachers (Pam Bertos, Melissa
Contis, Alisa Mathews, Aimee Walker, Linda Hages, Denise
Daugherty, Maria Bender, Dina Machin, Eric Paljug, Lia
Paljug, Presbytera Filitsa Bender and Dean Panagulias), the
students and YOU (the St. Nicholas parishioners) for helping
to make this year a memorable one. We all came together to
enrich the lives of our children. St. Nicholas is our spiritual
family and we all took part in educating our youth (the you of
tomorrow). As a community, we showed our children our love
and devotion to our Orthodox faith. Thank you for sharing
your children with us every Sunday!
Church School did a lot this year. Here’s a recap:
The “Church School Year” began Sunday, September 15,
2013, with an Agiasmo Service to start off the Church School
Sunday, October 13, 2013, the Church School students had
the honor of participating in a Hierarchal Liturgy with His
Eminenence Archbishop Demetrios and Metropolitan Savas!
Sunday, November 10, 2013, was Godparent/Special Friend
Sunday. Godparents/Special Friends worshiped during the
Divine Liturgy, received Holy Communion together and
attended Church School to see what their Godchild/Special
Friend learns there. Afterwards many attended Coffee Hour
hosted by Philoptochos. It was the start of a wonderful day
Many hats, mittens, scarves, gloves, etc. that decorated our
Christmas Tree were delivered to Project Bundle-up. We
collected 32 hats, 40 gloves/mittens, 4 scarves, 14+ coats
and 1 pair of boots! Thanks to all who contributed to this
worthwhile cause.
Sunday, March 9, 2014, the Church School students
participated in the Sunday of Orthodoxy Icon Procession with
their favorite icon!
A special thank you to our Myrophores (Myrrh Bearing
Women) Sophia DeMatteo, Sophia Mellis and Mia Velisaris
who participated in the Good Friday evening service and
to our GOYA young women who were part of the Anastasi
Service, along with the Altar Boys.
And, as with all ‘school’ years, Church School had to end.
Graduation was Sunday, June 1, 2014. All students present
(only two (2) children were not present!) received their
graduation certificate and an icon of the Ascension. The
teachers and staff received an icon magnet of the Theotokos.
Special books were given to the Kindergarten class (The Bible
for Young People) and the graduates (the New Orthodox
Study Bible (Old and New Testament)).
The St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral Church School
donated $100.00 towards the Lenten flowers. It was their way
to help.
Have a wonderful summer and see you in September!
Thank you to the JOY children for assembling the white
candles used for the Good Friday Evening, Anastasi and
Agape Services and to the GOYAns who helped decorate the
Kouvouklion and assemble the Luminaries!
Yours in Christ,
Michelle Marie Kotsagrelos
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral’s Church School
Open House was Sunday, March 16, 2014, where parents and
grandparents attended church school to see firsthand what
their children are learning.
Church School students in grades 7th–12th had the opportunity
to learn more about their faith and participate in the St.
Nicholas Oratorical Festival that was held on Friday, April 11,
2014. Congratulations to our St. Nicholas Oratorical Festival
participants (and finalists) who took the time out of their busy
schedules to research and write about their faith – Andreas
Paljug (Junior Division), Victoria Mavrogeorgis (Junior
Division), Maive Bellios (Senior Division) and Annette
Kukunas (Senior Division)! All four (4) represented our
parish Saturday, May 10, 2014, at the Central Region
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival at St. Spyridon Greek
Orthodox Church (Monessen, PA). Victoria Mavrogeorgis
represented our parish Saturday, May 17, 2014, here at St.
Nicholas, as a Junior Division finalist from the Central Region
and received an Honorable Mention. Congratulations again
Andreas, Victoria, Maive and Annette we are proud of you!
The St. Nicholas Church School teachers, staff and students
supported our GOYANs (and Church School students) at the
Holy Trinity (Canton, OH), All Saints (Canonsburg, PA) and
Holy Cross (Pittsburgh, PA) GOYA Basketball Tournament
they attended (1/17-19/14, 01/31-02/02/14 and 2/21-23/14).
Both the boys and the girls’ teams did well. They also
supported them at the GOYA Volleyball Tournament they
hosted 3/8/14 and by Annunciation (Akron, OH) 5/3/14.
Project Overseas Servicemen! St. Nicholas Philoptochos sent
care-packages to the Orthodox men and women serving our
country overseas (through the USO). The Church School
helped in their endeavor by either writing an inspirational note Thank you to Linda Hages for organizing a delicious
or making a craft to send to them for the Holiday Season.
Communion Breakfast after the Divine Liturgy Saturday,
Church School, organized by Anna Kukunas, had a successful April 12, 2014, (St. Lazarus Day) and to the Kotsagrelos
Family for organizing the Agape Service Coffee Hour and
Bake Sale and sponsored a Balloon artist at the St. Nicholas
Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014!
Day Bazaar. Thank you, Anna, for your efforts!
Ta Nea apo to Ellhniko Scoleio maς
Greek School
St. Nicholas Greek School ended another year of being one of the oldest running Greek Schools in the nation. Four graduates completed their requirements on
Sunday, June 1, 2014. Added to the list of graduates
were Katerina Balouris, Alexander Contis, Peter John
Copetas, and Christos Mavrogeorgis. They received
an icon medal of St. Nicholas and an icon of Panaghia
from the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery which
was a copy of the icon of Panaghia done in memory of
Angeliki Tsourekis. Awarded that day was Katerina
Balouris with the GAPA Award, Alexander Contis and
Peter John Copetas with the Ikarian Awards and Christos Mavrogeorgis with the Paraskevi (Evi) Mavrogeorgis Award. Συγχαρητήρια , και’σ ανώτερα! After
handing out certificates, diplomas, and awards, a lively
program and party followed in the small hall.
St. Nicholas Greek School continues to partner with
Melissa Orphanage in Thessaloniki to provide them
with an added support morally and financially to their
children and staff. Another campaign will be kicked
off next year to help them financially. This past year
$6000 was sent to them thanks to the hard work of
Cathy Kolias. We gain more with their partnership by
the children communicating in Greek by writing and
skyping, but most of all, by touching all of our hearts.
instructed by Presvytera Georgia Muksuris but we
would like to prepare the majority of students with a
stronger foundation and expand their knowledge. With
Greek not being spoken outside of class and it being
taught as a foreign language; it would benefit all the
children greater with a much stronger foundation by
adding one extra year.
another student for his short story which is included
below. Students came from Akron and Cleveland
along with the various Greek Schools in our area.
A Greek comedy called, “ H Tsanta” was performed
this year by two of our parents—Sophia Halvas and
Harry Edgos along with Anastasia Andrews which
was extremely funny. There was a nice art exhibit of
children’s work, craft tables, games, a kafeneio, food
provided by Chris and Sophia Antonucci. We thank
everyone who helped, donated, or participated.
Όταν ήμουν μικρός ο καλύτερος μου φίλος ήταν
ένα αρκουδάκι. Ηθελα να κάνω τα πάντα μαζί του.
Επαιζα μαζι του, τον αγκάλιαζα, και κοιμομαστε
μαζι και μασούσα το αυτάκι του. Το καλοκαίρι τον
2006, η οικογένεια μου πήγε στο Μιτσιγκαν για να
επισκεφθούμε κάποια ξαδέλφια. Οπως δειποτε το
έφερα μαζι μου. Δυστυχος εγώ τυχαία τον ξέχασα
εκεί, αλλά μου τον εστείλαν στο Πιτσμπουργκ.
Μετά απο αυτό τον έχασα όταν πήγαμε σε ένα
εστιατόριο που τον έφερα μαζί μου. Μου έπιασε ένας
ύπνος, τον ξέχασα εκεί και χάθηκε για πάντα. Ήταν
η ημέρα που έχασα το καλλήτερο μου φιλαράκι το
αρκουδάκι μου.
Το Παιδικό μου Αρκουδάκι
Δεν θα είναι άλλο αρκουδάκι τοσο αγαπημένο όσο
αυτο. Θα ήθελα να ήμουν μαζί με ένα αρκουδάκι, που
θα ήταν στο κρεβάτι μου. Ετσι κάθε φορά που σε
αγκάλιαζα εσυ με αγκάλιαζες πίσο. Δεν θα σε ξεχάσω
ποτέ. Αιώνια εις μνήμη αυτού.
Included are the registration forms for children and
adults. Please complete them and drop them off at
church by August 25th. Tuition is to be brought on
the first day of classes. Next year school will start on
Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 10am. Children and
parents are to go to their classes then later after classes
will be a kickoff ice cream social after classes. Those
attending on Thursday, the first day will be Thursday,
September 11 at 4:30. There will be an ice cream
social after classes on their first day. For more information or to register for the first time please email
Maria Stamoolis at or call at
Χρήστος Μαυρογεώργης
St. Nicholas Greek School has been blessed with some
of the most wonderful and dedicated Greek School
teachers. Thank you to Connie Stamoolis, Rafaella
Routsi, Maria Krinis, Anna Koffler, Christina Retsou,
Aleka Batis, Maria Tsourekis, Stamatia Protopapa, and
Presvytera Georgia Muksuris. Thank you also to Alea
Mavrogeorgis, Greek School Committee President,
whose dedication, love, enthusiasm, and commitment
to all the children and Greek Education contributes to
the success of the school!
Greek School children will continue to go and sing
carols in Greek and English in assisted living and
nursing facilities so please let us know if you have
homebound individuals or individuals in facilities who
would like to have the children spread a little Christmas joy.
We thank our community for always supporting the
children and our program with the teaching our holy
language. Καλό Καλοκαίρι!
Greek School children continue to learn to read the
beautiful prayers to Panaghia and Christ in biblical
Greek during the Salutation Services to the Theotokos.
Next year we are planning to have many Greek School
children come and join Dr. Nick Giannoukakis to sing
Ti Ypermacho during the Salutation Services. And this
summer students will be working with Deacon Robert
to learn to chant the prayers to Panaghia and Christ.
Metropolis of Pittsburgh 2nd Annual Greek
Language Competition
The Second Annual Greek Language Competiton was
held at St. Nicholas on Saturday, June 7. There was
a Vocabulary Bee, a Short Story Competition, Art
Exhibit, and Children’s Festival. Many of our students
missed First Place in the vocabulary competition by
either missing one word or an accent. Next year there
will be Second and Third Place winners in the Vocabulary Bee. Christos Mavrogeorgis won First Place with
Next year we would like to expand the St. Nicholas
Greek School program by changing the requirements
to seventh (7th) grade instead of sixth (6th).
We continue to provide the opportunity to take higher
level Greek and pass proficiency exams with a class
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Greek Language Registration
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Greek Language Registration
2014 -- 2015
Adult Class
Session: Pre K – 6 _____
2014 -- 2015
Proficiency Preparation _____
High School Modern Greek 1 – 4 _____
Saturday _______ Weekday_______
(please print)
LAST NAME (English & Greek) ______________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________
Beginning Greek _____
Intermediate Greek _____
(please print)
CITY ________________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ______________________
HOME PHONE ______________________________________ CELL_________________________
E-MAIL _______________________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________
FATHER’S NAME (English & Greek)____________________________________________________
MOTHER’S NAME (English& Greek)___________________________________________________
School District Children Attend _________________________________________________________
List Children’s First Names in English & Greek
Age Americ.
Name Day
NAME ___________________________________________________________________________
Greek Sch
CITY __________________________________________ STATE _______ ZIP _______________
HOME PHONE ________________________________CELL________________________________
E-MAIL ___________________________________________________________________________
Have you had any previous Greek lessons YES ____
NO ____
If so, where _________________________________________________________________________
Any food allergies___________________________________________________________________________
Please give the names of relatives or other persons that could be reached. Children will be taken to
Children’s Hospital
NAME _______________________________________________________ PHONE_____________
NAME _______________________________________________________ PHONE_____________
Parent’s Signature____________________________________________________________________
St. Nicholas Cathedral Greek School
Special Events Calendar
2014 – 2015
Start of Classes for Saturday at 10 a.m., Ice Cream Social after classes for Pre K – 7th,
and Proficiency Preparation
11 Start of Thursday Classes Grade 1-5 (4:30) Ice Cream Social after Classes
Start of Thursday Adult Classes (7 pm)
Classes & Presentation of Oct. 28 Celebration - 28th Οκτωβρίου
8,13 27,29 Open House and Conferences Report Card 1
No School Thanksgiving Break
20 25,27
Classes then Greek School Christmas Party & Τα κάλαντα των Χριστουγέννων
No School, Thurs.Sat, Christmas Break
1,3 8,10 February
1 7,12 23 27 March
7 19 6,13,20,27 28 29 April
4 6-10
3-9 …
16 17
Saturday of Lazarus, prepare for Holy Communion, shorter classes, then
Making of crosses (Western Holy Saturday)
Holy Week, No School
St. Nicholas Festival – No School
Mid May Testing for Ellinomatheas Exams
Last Day of Childrens Classes
Sunday, Greek School Promotion Exercises and End of the Year Program
Last Day of Adult Classes
3rdAnnual Metropolis of Pittsburgh Greek Language Competition, Art Exhibit, and
Children’s Festival at St. Nicholas Cathedral
No School, Christmas Break
School resumes and we have cutting of Vasilopita
Who finds το νόμισμα and understanding of «Τα Φώτα » and Celebrations in Greece and
around the world
Sunday, Celebration of Three Hierarchs in Church and Annual Bake Sale
Students come dressed in white tops, with navy or black bottoms
Report Card 2 distribution
Monday, Καθαρή Δευτέρα Beginning of Lent
Friday - Salutations to Panaghia Οι Χαιρετισμοί
Fitting of Costumes. They remain at church. If you have an evzone for a boy, or any
costume preferably an amalia for a girl, please use.
Ellinomatheas Forms due
Fridays-Services for Salutations to Panaghia Οι Χαιρετισμοί
Setting up for March 25th Luncheon and Program – parents please stay
Sunday, Evangelismos and Greek Independence Program and Luncheon
Children come and dress in costumes. Procession, luncheon, & program
GOYA Happenings
Greetings from the Saint Nicholas GOYA!
August 1st-15th
First Names Only – Please Print Clearly!
“Most Holy Theotokos Save Us!”
We had an exciting end to the school year, and are
looking forward to the summer and the start of another
great year of GOYA!
The Saint Nicholas GOYAns once again had a
wonderful time performing at the Greek Food Festival.
After our months of practicing, we were thrilled to
share our passion for dance by putting on a fantastic
show every night of the festival! The GOYAns have
been continuing their dancing season by performing
at the Stubenville Greek food festival. We would like
to thank our dance instructor Kelly Gary for always
encouraging and helping us, even when we ask to
learn new dances or even crazier tricks! We look
forward to continuing our dancing tradition into the
future, and thank the St. Nicholas community for their
continued generous support.
St. Nicholas GOYA also hosted a very successful
Volleyball Tournament in the spring. Many GOYAns
from all across the metropolis attended, and all of
them enjoyed the fun day of social competition. We
would like to thank all of the GOYAns, the GOYA
parents, and the St. Nicholas community for ensuring
that the event was a success!
Another successful project the GOYAns participated
in was at the Wilkinsburg Cemetery. On Saturday
before Memorial Day, the GOYAns placed flags at the
graves of those who had served our country. May their
memory be eternal!
To close out the year, we had our GOYA
elections. We would like to thank last year’s officers:
President Dean Leventopoulos, Vice Presidents
Annette Kukunas and Aaron McClure, Corresponding
Secretaries Nick Hages and Yianni Leventopoulos,
Recording Secretary Eleni Contis, and Treasurer
Elianna Paljug. Each of these leaders enabled us to
have an absolutely incredible year as a GOYA, and
we can’t thank them enough! We pray for all the best
for all the graduating seniors, and thank them for their
innumerable contributions to the St. Nicholas GOYA
and to the church community. May God bless you as
you embark on this new chapter of your life!
The new officers for the 2014-2015 year will
be: Presidents Maive Bellios and Elianna Paljug,
Vice Presidents Greg Bedel and Alexa Mellis,
Corresponding Secretaries Thea Contis and Yianni
Leventopolos, Recording Secretary Demetri Strauch,
and Treasurer Nicholas Hages. We are all honored
with the opportunity to serve our GOYA, and we
are looking forward to an exciting year ahead of us!
Many of us are going to Camp Nazareth this summer;
in fact, this year we have one of our highest percent
ever of St. Nicholas GOYAns attending camp! We are
excited to grow closer to each other and to our Greek
Orthodox Faith. We have already begun preliminary
planning for some exciting events in the fall, such
as a service project at the Saxonburg Monastery, and
an outreach program with FOCUS entitled Youth
Equipped to Serve (YES).
Stay tuned for more information from the Saint
Nicholas GOYA! We will be having our annual
kickoff party in the early fall, and would love if all
GOYAns new and old could attend. If you are in 7th
– 12th grade, consider this your invitation: we would
absolutely love to have you become a part of our
GOYA family!
In Christ,
Elianna Paljug & Maive Bellios
Memorial Coffees that GOYA Provides
If you would like to sponsor coffee in memory of a
loved one the cost is as follows: One memorial sponsor $140.00
Two Parties Sponsor a memorial $85.00
Three Parties Sponsor a memorial $75.00
Please note that the cost is not evenly divided because
we need to provide more food if there is more than one
memorial. The GOYA will provide all table setups with
table cloths, plates, cups, napkins, plated donuts, plated
cookies, juice, coffee, water, cream and sugar. Families
are always welcome to bring additional food items such
as koulourakia, paximadia, other cookies, fruit, cheese
or vegetable trays, etc. However, we ask that if the
family is bringing fruit, cheese, or vegetables, that they
bring those items already plated and on trays. We will
clean the trays and return to the families after the coffee
hour as appropriate. Thank you. If you have further
questions, please feel free to contact Tracy at the church
News from the 60 Club
“Haste makes waste!” That’s exactly what happened
with the last mailing. My apologies; nearly all the
dates were wrong and I failed to identify the people
making suggestions for trips.
Regarding the suggested Nashville, TN trip,
computer techies should Google Parthenon, Nashville,
to learn more about this attraction. This is the
Parthenon as it was originally, not the way we have all
seen it today. We should also consider the Grand Ol’
Opry! Nashville is a very interesting city!
Now, let’s concentrate on a fun trip on August 21
to Canton, Ohio. A trip to the McKinley Museum
will give us insight into the life of President McKinley and his imperialist policies of the late 19th century
which led to his assassination by a deranged anarchist.
Then we will move on to the First Ladies Library
and Museum, the only one of it’s kind in the country. When we break for lunch at Mulligan’s, the real
laughs begin. Mary Faktor performs a one-woman
show on the “Six Ages of Woman,” hilarious and
clean! One problem: WE MUST HAVE 35 RESERVATIONS FOR HER SHOW. The total cost is
$97.00. CALL VIRGINIA, 412-687-4804 by JULY
Watch for suggestions from the June 22 meeting.
Let us know if you have any ideas for any kind of
activities, not just trips.
Virginia Fekaris, Chairperson Elaine Andrianos Mary Faines Frances Hanna, Treas. Pat Mandros
Gus Mastros Angie Pappas Kay Themoleas
The Planning Committee thanks the 27 members
and friends who supported the Jerusalem Movie/Bravo
outing. Watch for additional shows of interest and let
us know; this seems to be the most popular type of get
We will also talk about Father Bender’s suggestion
to visit a monastery. Wouldn’t this be a nice autumn
outing, a chance to enjoy the beautiful colors of
Western Pennsylvania? Think about it.
St. Nicholas
Community News
St. Nicholas Cathedral has been blessed through the
years with many talented, dedicated, and faithful staff
and volunteers. Without all of your efforts, we would
not be able to accomplish our purpose. We are sincerely grateful for all of you. This month, we have
many special people to thank and recognize, beginning
with two of our staff who recently left our employ:
Business Manager Catherine Nelson and Events Coordinator Constance
Zotis. Cathy will be
remembered for her
cheerful demeanor
and remarkable ability to juggle so many
different responsibilities, while also
managing countless
phone calls, as well as making a steady stream of visitors, parishioners, and delivery persons feel welcome.
Constance quickly gained a reputation for her thorough attention to every detail of every event, which
guaranteed that each one ran smoothly and without a
hitch. Many memorable and beautiful weddings and
other large events took place here during her time with
us, and she has much to be proud of. Thank you to
both Cathy and Constance, and may God grant you
much success in your future endeavors!
• Our wonderful Choir, led by Steve Andrews, who
added so much to the week;
• The Parish Council, whose presence and support
helped every service go more smoothly;
•The Altar Boys, who turned out in large number for
every major service, and stood for long periods of time
without complaint;
• The Ladies Philoptochos Society, who provided us
with a superb Palm Sunday fish dinner, as well as the
delicious lamb repast with which we broke our Fast in
the wee hours of Easter Sunday morning, along with
the traditional red eggs (thank you also to Ritter’s
Diner, which provided the Avgolemono Soup);
• The Good Friday Flower Crew, led by Cathy Kolias,
who continued the Cathedral’s long tradition of decorating the Lord’s kouvouklion in such a way that it
takes one’s breath away;
• The children and youth of our parish, together with
their advisors, who spent their Holy Friday at the
Church helping with candle, luminaria, and kouvouklion preparation;
• The Epitaphion bearers organized by Paul Kukunas,
pallikaria all;
• The “Myrrh-bearing Women at the Tomb of Christ
on Friday night (Sophia Dematteo, Sophia Mellis, and
Mia Velisaris);
• Michelle Kotsagrelos and crew from the Church
School who once again organized the Easter Egg Hunt
for our little ones and donated the candy on Pascha
after the Agape Vespers;
• Finally, thank you to His Eminence Metropolitan SAVAS, who once again honored us with his presence on
Holy Saturday night (about whom it can be said that,
when he makes his entrance the whole room literally
lights up.)
HOLY WEEK AND PASCHA SERVICES were well attended and provided plenty of opportunities for spiritual uplift and growth this year, thanks especially to
the many volunteers who made this possible. Thank
you to all of you – we could not do it without you.
Here is just a partial list:
• Deacon Haralambos Lykos, who celebrated his first
Holy Week as a deacon with the grace and beauty one
would expect from a seasoned veteran;
• Our world-class Protopsalti, Dr. Nicholas Giannoukakis and the rest of the chanters;
continued on next page
rector and Parish Director for the St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival and her entire team for organizing
not only our Parish Oratorical Festival, but also the
hosting of the Metropolis Oratorical Festival, on May
17. Working with her were Eve Elsen, Alice Gary,
Joanne Melacrinos, Dean Panagulias, Cathy Pandeladis and Tulla Velisaris.
Thank you for another successful Church School
year to our wonderful and enthusiastic Church School
Director, Michelle Kotsagrelos, and her dedicated
staff and teachers. You can read about the highlights
of this past school year, in this issue’s report from her.
We are deeply grateful for all you do on behalf of our
children, and the many sacrifices you make in order to
do so.
Thank you also to our dedicated Greek School Director, Maria Stamoolis and her entire faculty, as well
as the parents and children, for another stellar year
for our Greek School program. They are also to be
commended and thanked for their success with the
2nd Annual Greek Language Competition! Please see
Maria’s report in this issue for more details.
We are also grateful to our GOYA Advisors, Debbie and Peter Leventopoulos and all the parents of our
GOYANS as well as the GOYA Officers and members,
for another great year, culminating with the hosting of
a Volleyball Tournament here at the Cathedral during
Great Lent, spearheaded by Linda and Jim Hages.
a great success. It was a delightful evening, well-organized, elegant yet informal. Thank you to John and
Tasy McCann and their entire committee for all their
hard work and donations both monetary and in kind.
THE GREEK FOOD FESTIVAL was a huge success
once again this year. Thank you to Chairperson Dean
Panagulias, Co-chairs Alice Gary and Elaine Andrianos, and the many volunteers who worked so hard for
so many hours over so many months, and then during
the week of the Festival. May God grant you Many
for use during sacred worship services have recently
been donated to St. Nicholas:
Thank you to Christine and Georgia Krelis, for
their gift of a special tray to be used for the processions on the Feastdays of the Cross (September 14 and
the Third Sunday of Lent). This exquisite golden tray
comes complete with a special stand for the Cross, as
well as holders for the three small candles. It is donated in memory of their parents, George P. Krelis and
Athena M. Krelis.
Thank you also to Dr.
Kyriakos and Alexandra
Davides, Dr. Athan and
Dr. Lydia Contis Georgiades, as well as the Ladies
Philoptochos Society of
St. Nicholas, for their
donation to the Cathedral
of a magnificent new Holy
Gospel Book in memory
of Alexandra’s and Lydia’s
parents, Constantine and
Eleni C. A. Contis.
Thank you, finally, to Cynthia Raftis, who has donated an elegant and unique new Holy Water Font to
the Cathedral, in memory of her father, George Raftis.
It is unique, in that has a stainless steel bowl, which
will prevent the usual corrosion from contact with
water that affects other such fonts and shortens their
useful lifespan. It should arrive shortly.
CEMETERY NEWS: Effective September 1, 2014 the
price of graves at Homewood Cemetery will increase
from $1500 to $1750 for members and from $1900
to $2250 for non-members. The price of graves at
Wilkinsburg Cemetery will increase from $675 to
$750. The price increases are necessary to offset the
costs of maintaining our Wilkinsburg Cemetery and
pay for the cost of the new blocks of graves purchased
at Homewood Cemetery. Direct donations to the Cemetery Fund are welcome and greatly appreciated.
ALL OF US ARE CORDIALLY INVITED AND ENCOURAGED to attend the events on August 2-3, 2014
marking the 20th anniversary of the falling-asleep in
the Lord of Gerontissa Taxiarchia, first abbess of our
beloved Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos
in Saxonburg. It is also the 25th Anniversary of the
founding of the Monastery. On Sunday, August 3, the
weekend’s observances will conclude with a Banquet,
to be held right here at our own Cathedral. It would
May their memory be eternal!
Continuing with our expressions of gratitude, thank
you to Michelle Kotsagrelos, our Church School Di34
ing at the 2nd Annual Metropolis of Pittsburgh Greek
Language Competition, as well as to our St. John
Chrysostom Oratorical Festival finalists:
At the Parish level, Victoria Mavrogeorgis and Andreas Paljug in the Junior Division, and Maive Bellios
and Annette Kukunas in the Senior Division.
Victoria went on to be named a finalist at the Central
Region Festival, and received an Honorable Mention
at the Metropolis Festival.
truly be a blessing, to see as many of those tables as
possible filled with members of our community, showing their support for this wonderful beacon of Orthodoxy that we have in our own back yard. Please see
the updated flyer included in this newsletter for more
Banquet on August 3rd will also mark the kickoff of a
major fundraising campaign for the Monastery, with
two goals in mind: 1) increasing its capacity and its
livability for the sisters, so that it can grow and prosper; and 2) improving its ability to offer hospitality,
including overnight stays, to its many pilgrims. It is
the humble prayer of Gerontissa Theophano and her
sisters that sponsors at various levels can be found to
help with these many needs, beginning with the sponsorship of the cost of the meal itself. Our generosity
now will pay rich dividends for generations to come,
as the Monastery strengthens is ministry of prayer,
witness, counsel, hospitality, and love for all of God’s
children. More information will follow.
WARM CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s graduates. As of this writing the Church Office was aware
of the following:
High School – Eleni Contis, Vanessa Copetas, Annette
Kukunas, Dean Leventopoulos, Katie Keim, Aaron
McClure, and Dimitrios Menas.
College – Melissa Contis, Paul Kukunas, and Alexis
Medical School – Dr. Nikki Machin
All of our graduates have distinguished themselves
in ways that are both impressive and uniquely their
own, which is evident from the information forms so
many of them submitted for inclusion in this issue of
Ecclesia. To give just two examples, Dimitrios Menas
was awarded a prestigious Hellenic Times Foundation Scholarship at their May Gala in New York, while
Katie Keim became the youngest ever recipient of
the Greek American Foundation Forty Under Forty
Award this year, in recognition of her remarkable
achievements and community service/leadership while
still in High School. May God bless them and all our
graduates, as they move on to the next chapter in their
education and their lives!
CONGRATULATIONS ALSO to Christos Mavrogeorgis, who was awarded “First Place” in Story Writ35
2014 Food Festival
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh
First Annual St. Photios Award Banquet St. Nicholas Cathedral Award Winners
On Saturday, April 25, 2014, a special event was
held for the first time in our Metropolis: an Awards
Banquet to honor dedicated, hard-working volunteers
from across our Metropolis. Each parish was asked
to nominate two persons, with the expectation that the
same pattern will be followed in future years. Thus,
over time, we will succeed in recognizing many individuals. Our beloved bishop, Metropolitan Savas, sees
this as a way to celebrate the many different ministries
and faithful workers of our Metropolis.
Our first awardees were Demetra (Tulla) Velisaris and
Constantine (Dean) Panagulias. A booklet was given
to everyone who attended the Banquet, with a oneparagraph description about each honoree. Here is
what was written about Tulla and Dean:
and has a long history, together with her husband
Perry, of generous financial support for our church.
Constantine (Dean) Panigulias
Dean is universally loved and appreciated for his kindness, humility, and lifelong dedication to St. Nicholas
Cathedral. He truly lives his Orthodox faith. Nobody
comes close to putting in the sheer number of hours
and hard work that Dean offers our parish year after
year after year – always with a cheerful smile, a sense
of humor, and a kind word for everyone. Shunning
all praise and accolades, he prefers to work behind
the scenes, where no one else can see or hear all that
he does. He has chaired our enormous Food Festival
for many years, leading through example, because he
keeps things organized while also doing a great deal of
Demetra (Tulla) Velisaris
the cooking. On the Parish Council he puts his skills
Tulla has supported our parish in every possible way
as a C.P.A. to work, taking responsibility for all our
her entire adult life. During our recent time of difficult financial reports as well as our books. When difficult
transition and change, she worked hard in every capac- questions arise during parish assemblies concerning
ity to try to bring harmony among our people. She is
the financial reports, he always answers with such
recognized as a long-time leader of the Parish Council, honesty, grace, and moderation, that potential tension
including serving a term as only the second female
or conflict simply dissipate. In addition to all this, he is
President in the 108 year history of our community.
a beloved Church School teacher.
She does not wait to be asked to do something; when
With much love in Christ we congratulate you and
she sees a need, she takes care of it. Tulla has spent
thank you, Tulla and Dean, and pray that God will
long hours cooking and baking for the Food Festival,
grant you Many Years!
An Important Announcement from the
American Hellenic Foundation of Western PA
Over the summer, we will continue to develop
Dear Friends,
In what is a global historical first, the Jewish Commu- our itinerary and will announce a more detailed plan
nity of Western PA and the American Hellenic Founin early September. The Classrooms Without Borders
dation of Western PA have come together for a series
website is now accepting applications for Greece
of events in the fall of this year recognizing the Greeks 2015 and has an outline of the goals and purpose of
the seminar. Please pass this on to interested students
who saved Jewish families during the Nazi occupaand educators in our region and remind them to apply
These events will be crowned by a historic visit
sooner rather than later. The deadline for applications
to Greece for educators and students from Western PA is October 31; we will be in touch about upcoming
in the early summer of 2015 through the Classrooms
meetings and Open Houses in the Fall.
Without Borders organization in collaboration with the
More information on the trip to Greece:
Foundation, the Central Board of Jewish Communities
in Greece, and the European Arts Center in Greece.
Nick Giannoukakis
St. Nicholas Food Festival Dancers
Dear Fathers, Presvyteras & Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On January 4th, Gerontissa asked all of us to come together with the mission to commemorate two blessed anniversaries. One is the 20thanniversary of the repose of Gerontissa Taxiarchia of Blessed Memory. Gerontissa Taxiarchia’s efforts, along with that of
Metropolitan Maximus, also allow us to celebrate this year as the 25th anniversary of
our Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery. Our monastery is a special gift to all of us. As we are all well aware, the prayers and blessings that have come from the Nativity of
the Theotokos Monastery have transformed the lives of many worldwide and perhaps
many of us on this committee. It is now our turn to give thanks. Give thanks for their love, their prayers, their hospitality and their open arms. We need your help by attending the Banquet on Sunday, August 3 and asking your family, koumbari, friends, parish priest and anyone else you can
think of to join us on this blessed occasion. During the banquet, all guests will have the
wonderful opportunity to purchase rare and one of a kind icons and tapestries created by
Gerontissa and the Sisterhood. To assist in the silent auction, we are also asking if every
parish would prepare for the silent auction a gift basket that is unique to that parish. An
icon of the feast day or patron saint for each parish would be a wonderful added gift to
the basket. Please let me, Presvytera Dianthe Livanos or Kelli Katsadas know if you are
able to assist in the creation of family friendly gift baskets or financial donations to go
towards the purchase of items for the silent auction. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Space is limited for the banquet. Please don’t delay and make your reservation for a
table or two today. We all know this is an event we won’t want to miss in being part of
in sharing our thanks and spreading our love for the Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery.
With Love in Christ,
Vasso Paliouras
Silent Auction Chairwoman & Philoptochos Committee Member
P.S. I strongly urge your participation, your presence, and your financial support of this
worthy endeavor!
-- Fr. Christopher
Meet our Grads!
The following graduates (along with all graduates)
were recognized and honored by Philoptochos and
St. Nicholas Cathedral on Graduation Sunday, June
st , for their academic accomplishments and achievements. We are grateful to our Philoptochos for their
kindness in honoring our graduates for the past thirty
years. Please note that this list may not include all
graduates, only those who have submitted information.
If your graduate is not on this list please send Tracey
Joyce an email at with their
information and picture and it will be included in the
next newsletter. We apologize for any omissions.
by the Greek America Foundation as one of their 40
Under 40 Recipients for 2014. This Award recognizes
Greek-Americans, under the age of forty, who have
made a significant impact in their Greek community
and the more global community. Katie is honored to
be the youngest ever recipient of this Award. Student
Leader of Service Seminar to the Children›s Village
in Karmiel, Israel: Traveled to Karmiel, Israel 6 times
to do service work in a group foster village. During each such visit Katie chaired fundraising efforts
to provide computers, printers, mattresses, shoes and
sports equipment to the foster children at the Village. Student Leader of Study Seminar to Poland to
Raise and Educate Others on Holocaust Awareness:
Katie led a group of educators and students to Poland
to learn about the Holocaust and to return to the US to
teach others about the atrocities they witnessed. Upon
her return, Katie co-chaired a sold out screening of the
film Numbered about the Auschwitz survivors who
still wear their death camp numbers. Activities: Associate producer of narrative film “No
Man is an Island: Researching and helping to produce
a film entitled No Man is an Island which tells the
story (on the island of Zakynthos) of Europe’s only
Jewish community that survived the Holocaust without losing a single sole, Children’s Institute volunteer,
member of the Guild Club at Ellis, varsity field hockey
and lacrosse team member.
Future Plans: George Washington University (business major)
High School
Vanessa Copetas
Mt. Lebanon High School
Awards and Honors: National
Honors Society, Lettered two
years: cheerleading, Latin club,
Relay for Life Co-Chairperson.
Activities: Cheerleading (4
years), Writer for high school
newspaper, Fashion Club
Future Plans: Ohio University
(undecided major)
Katie Keim
The Ellis School for Girls
Awards and Honors: Founder
and Executive Director of
“A Dozen at a Time”: Katie
founded and manages the
operations of her own nonprofit organization “A Dozen
at a Time”. “A Dozen at a
Time” provides financial, nonfinancial, social and emotional
support to at-risk foster children worldwide. To date
“A Dozen at a Time” has raised over $100,000 and has
helped more than 1500 foster children worldwide (and
that number grows daily). St. Lawrence Book Award
Recipient: Awarded by the faculty and administrators
of The Ellis School for Girls to the student in the
junior class who, has distinguished themselves in
their communities by their significant commitment
to community service. Greek America Foundation
Forty Under Forty Award Recipient 2014: Honored
Annette Kukunas
Fox Chapel High School
Awards and Honors: AP
Scholar with Distinction, National Honor Society, French
Honor Society, National Forensics League Degree of
Distinction, Rotary Club Social
Studies Recognition, American Association of University
Women Mathematics and Calculus Recognition, High
Activities: Marching Band (Drum Major), Ultimate
Frisbee, GOYA (Vice-President), Psychology Club
(President), Model United Nations, French Club,
Tapestry, DESI Club, Career Club Student Ambassa42
dor, Environmental Club, Future Business leaders of
America, STEM Club, Knitting Club
Future Plans: University of Pittsburgh (Major: Applied Development Psychology), Obtain a Masters in
Education, Law School
Paul Kukunas
University of Pittsburgh
Degree Earned: Bachelor
of Science in Bioengineering with a concentration in
medical device engineering
and minors in Chemistry and
Mechanical Engineering
Awards and Honors: Magna
Cum Laude, Dean’s Honors List
Activities: Fox Chapel Area Marching Band Marching Technician, Research Intern at Magee-Women’s
Research Institute, Volunteer at East End Cooperative Ministries Food Pantry, University of Pittsburgh
American Chemical Society, American Medical
Student Association, National Society of Collegiate
Scholars, Sigma Alpha Lambda, Student Alumni Association
Future Plans: University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine
Constantine Peter Leventopoulos
Norwin Senior High School
Awards and Honors: National
Honor Society, Lettered in Track,
Cross-country & Soccer)
Activities: Track, Cross-country,
Soccer, Select Choir
Future Plans: Penn State University
Behrend – Honors College (Major:
Aaron McClure
Pine Richland High School
Awards and Honors: Xerox
Award for Innovation and Technology, National Honor Society,
PR-Computer Science Award
Activities: Student Government,
Varsity Tennis, Key Club
Future Plans: University of
Rochester (Major: Computer Science / Engineering)
Dimitrios E. Menas
Plum Senior High School
Awards and Honors: National Honor Society, Hellenic Times Scholarship, Honors College, Plum High
Activities: Football, GOYA, Altar boy Captain, GOYA
teams, Greek Dancing, Weightlifting, Art
Future Plans: Duquesne University (Major: Pre-Med)
have turned away from God in our lives and we focus
on turning our hearts and minds back toward God. We
use the words that come from God’s mouth to educate
and motivate us to this commitment just as we need
“bread” to continue our physical growth. At this time
in our lives we all know teenagers have a lot going,
just as everyone does, but we are still learning to balance everything in the right order and do it well. So
we need the words of God to keep us focused on our
priorities and continue our spiritual growth.
The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting and
almsgiving. These observances help us turn away from
things that have distracted and led us wrongly and to
turn back to God.
Fasting may take away the physical need of
food. In return it feeds you spiritually and gives you
the fuel needed to keep the faith. It’s almost like you
have two stomachs. Fasting tests the fundamental
spiritual values you already have for yourself. In many
youth environments bullying occurs, whether it is
verbal, physical, or over the Internet. So when Jesus
says you do not live by bread alone but by every word
from the mouth of God, he doesn’t want people to hurt
because of the words we say but instead he wants us to
benefit and learn from the words we speak.
In today’s world Christians must find a way to
take the words of our Lord and understand them in a
way that provides spiritual fulfillment of our souls and
also take those words and use them to spread the joy
of Christianity to those whom we interact with in our
daily lives and also to those who lack faith.
We tend to hear all the other voices of this
world and we turn to them for satisfaction but it never
works; we always feel empty and have to return to
what we know which is God. So once we do and only
heed God’s Word, we will be fully satisfied.
2014 St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival Speech
by Maive Bellios-Fees
3. Jesus said, “One does not live by bread alone, but
by every word that comes from the mouth of God”
(Matthew 4:4 & Deuteronomy 8:3, NRSV). Discuss the
relevance of this teaching for Christians today.
To me words mean a lot. So when I hear the Bible
passage “one does not live by bread alone but by every
word that comes from the mouth of God” it really
resonates with me and I feel as though it has a huge
impact on me and the way I live. Lately I’ve been trying to be a more positive person especially through my
words. I try to use the words of God as guide for my
speech and also in my daily life. I find that it makes
a difference in the message I am sending and how
people perceive me.
The story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness is a great example of the heart of his
ministry. The Holy Spirit led him into the wilderness
and he was tempted by the devil. He
followed his calling from when he was baptized.
Jesus must find his “center.” He must have absolute
clarity about his purpose and how he is to carry out
that purpose. Jesus spends his time in the wilderness
fasting. Fasting is sometimes thought of as a diet plan
but it is not. “It is a bodily way of putting God ahead
of our appetites, to observe restraint and self-denial, to
wipe away the clutter in our lives and make everything
simple and direct. It is also a way of demonstrating
mourning and sorrow for sin, a way of showing repentance and a desire for forgiveness and restoration.”
“If you are the Son of God, command these stones to
become loaves of bread.” The temptation is for Jesus
to break his fast and feed himself but one thing is even
more important: doing God’s justice and goodness.
When we live in anxiety, we put physical needs first;
when we live by trust in God, we put God first. Jesus
says this is truly the way to live.
Are we following God for a reward, or will we
do it even if there is no reward? God’s will is not figured out by quoting specific verses, but by understanding the message of the Bible as a whole.
The season of Great Lent is the period of time
that we use to prepare for the feast of the Resurrection
of Christ. During this period, God calls us to recall and
renew our commitment. We acknowledge the ways we
sick and imprisoned. Let us serve not that we become
slaves of a physical sense, but spiritual slaves to our
faith of God.
By Annette Kukunas
Our greatest example of a servant of God is
the Theotokos. Her service was so great that we honor
Topic 1. When you participate in a sacrament, you are her in every service and in separate services throughcalled “the servant of God” (doulos tou Theou). What out the year. During the first five Fridays in The Great
Lent, we complete the Salutations to the Most Holy
does it mean to be a servant of God today?
Theotokos. A specific Prayer is said to the Theotokos during this service, commonly read by a layperIn my childhood, Sunday mornings were itchy tulle
dresses, poofy hair bows, and frilly white socks. While son. Each year, I stand before the icon of Panagia
my older brothers would hastily rush to get their robes and recite the prayer that starts, “ασπιλε, αμολυντε,
αφθορε, αχραντε, αγνη Παρθενε, Θεονυμφε Δεσποιναblessed for the altar, I watched tentatively, perched
-spotless, undefiled, immaculate, unstained, pure
atop the kneeling bench of the church pew. From an
Virgin, Lady, and Bride of God.” When I first learned
outsiders perspective, it may seem that the Orthodox
this prayer I made many mistakes and was very nerfaith restricts women from active participation in
vous to read it in front of a group of people. However,
church services. However, we are all equal to God.
By being baptized as Orthodox Christians, we become my teacher told me, “do not fear if you make a mistake, you are saying the prayer to the Theotokos, speak
members of the royal priesthood. Only men are allowed to become members of the ordained priesthood, to her.” While I serve the congregation by reading
but laypeople are by no means excluded from service this prayer, it also enables me to extend my voice and
to God. Our royal priestly responsibilities can include reach God.
Galatians 3:38 reads, “There is neither Jew nor
reading the epistle, teaching Sunday school, visiting
Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither
elderly, and making prosforon, artos, and koliva.
One of my favorite tv series is a British period male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
drama on PBS entitled “Downton Abbey.” The story- To live as a servant of God, we must follow this stateline follows the lives of those living upstairs-the aris- ment and embrace our differences. By excelling in a
specific area and finding one’s own potential in life,
tocratic Crawley family-and those living downstairsone can begin to serve. We each have various talents
their servants. If you have not seen an episode, you
we are given by God, so that we may do good. Using
may wonder, “why would one reduce him or herself
to becoming a servant of another person?” But as one these talents we can become the body of Christ. The
first step towards becoming a servant of God is bemay notice during the series, although they serve the
coming a servant to yourself.
family, the servants gain much more from the experi
In an examination of “the role of women in
ence than they lose. They have free room and board,
Vasie-Leigh Chames writes “We are the
they are taken on trips around the world, they are paid
body of Christ, the Church. Each one of us is a part
well, they develop close personal relationships, but
most importantly, they add more to their lives through of the body, dependent on another part of the body.
Therefore everyone has a role to play and every role is
their servitude.
important...What we have to remember is that we are
In modern society, a negative connotation
not a deck of cards with point values of worth.”
has been placed on the word ‘servant.’ But, ‘servant’
Watching tentatively from where I am perched
does not need to be seen as a negative word. Through singing in the choir loft, I have come to realize that I
our service to others, we can embody the words of
too can actively serve God. Today, I work downstairs
God and work to create a more positive image of the
word. As Matthew 25: 35-36 states “for I was hungry as a servant so that I may one day live upstairs in the
aristocratic kingdom of God.
and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave
We cannot wait to find God before we serve
Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was
naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Him, rather through every word and action, we must
Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” Let us give live to please God. Thus, we are not slaves of His
name; rather we are ambassadors of His Great Word.
food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, home to the
stranger, clothes to the naked, and visitation to the
2014 St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival Speech
2014 St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival Speech
you. But with Orthodox values such as love for
your neighbor and selflessness in your heart you will
always feel rich, God will always help you and give
you whatever you need if you would do the same to
anyone else.
Just like in the “Artoklasia” Service, Jesus
fed an entire multitude of people eager to hear about
the faith a meal with just 5 loaves of bread. This is a
primary example of how God will make sure anyone
that seeks Christian Values will never go hungry. But
not just hungry for food, people seeking Orthodox
values will also never feel the need for sins because
God will help anyone that seeks him as long as they
don’t give up. God will always love you but you have
to love him more than anything else if you want his
love to help you. When anyone only seeks riches of
the earth God will not be able to help you as much
because you are going down the wrong path.
Another example of this is in the story of
the Rich Man and Lazarus. Lazarus, the beggar
was given nothing from the rich man in life on earth
and the rich man had all the worldly pleasures he
could dream of. After death they flipped places, the
rich man was sent to Hades, and Lazarus was given
anything he wanted. This is an example of no matter
how powerful a person is here on earth, after this
world they will lose everything they have except their
beliefs, if someone is faithful to God that person will
be rewarded, if a person is loyal towards worldly
materials they will have lost everything.
The spiritual path will lead to being a good
happy person, the materialist path will never satisfy –
that is the real meaning behind the Plousioi eptohefsan
in our contemporary world, and people with the wrong
riches will always become poor.
By Andreas Paljug
Junior Topic #2: The Artoklasia Service concludes
with the hymn Plousioi eptohefsan, “Rich men turned
poor and went hungry; but those who seek the Lord
shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 33/34, verse
11, from the Orthodox Study Bible, SAAS). Discuss the
meaning of this hymn for our contemporary world.
At the end of the service of the five loaves known
as the “Artoclasia” Service we sing a hymn called
the Plousioi Eptohefsan. When I inserted the name
“Plousioi eptohefsan” into Google Translate it
translated into “rich became poor” which is basically
the meaning of the hymn. The full hymn is “Rich men
turned poor and went hungry; but those who seek
the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” To find its
real meaning in our contemporary world it needs to
be broken down even more, I came up with this new
translation: “Anyone with only material values on this
world will eventually turn poor and hungry for things
on earth that they may never have, but the people that
try to keep Orthodox Christian values will always
have what they need.” Today people always try to keep up with the
newest gadgets or the coolest shoes. Really these are
just temporary, after a few months the newest gadget
is old and even the coolest shoes really don’t help you
become a better person. Material goods don’t last
and that is why money turns people poor. The more
you have the more likely you are to waste it and fall
in love with material goods that can’t you bring you
closer to God or even closer to the people around
St. Nicholas Annual Picnic
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Immediately Following The Divine Liturgy
Schenley Park Vietnam Veteran’s Pavilion
(same place as last year)
Food – Drinks – Games – Fellowship
And so much more!!