Tom Amador Mariachi Band
Tom Amador Mariachi Band
Band TomAmador Mariachi % evenf! infoa memorable occasion Mariachis turnyourpartyor special TomAmador entertainers are the best,mostversatileMariachisin the Metroplex.Not onlyare Theseprofessional theyare dependmusicians, mostare alsooutstanding singers.Equallyimportant, theyaccomplished individuals with references. excellent ableestablished you need. . . froma strollingsoloistto a 8-menband. . . Whatever performance. Theycanscale willdelightyouandyourguestswiththeirwarmandpersonable Mariachis presentations. you music and your on special with will to accommodate budget and confer up or down songs: Listedbelowarejust a fewof the mostrequested MEXICAN RanchoGrande Guadalajara Jalisco CielitoLindo La Paloma La Cucaracha Salerosa Malaguena El Rey Paloma Cucurrucucu rub TROPICAL Macarena La Bamba Guantanamera Bamboleo Marialsabel PielCanela Tequila Margaritaville Mambo/Merengue LATIN Cuandocalientael sol BesameMucho SpanishEyes Perfidia Amor OyeComoVa Girl Fromlpanema EresTu AdiosMuchachos/Tango