lumen international scientific conference 2012 book
lumen international scientific conference 2012 book
Lumen Lumen Association Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences Lumen Publishing House In Cooperation with: Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, “A.D. Xenopol” History Institute, Higher Education Research and Consulting Company, “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Law, Institute of Enciclopedic Studies of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, “Petre Andrei” University, Iasi, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences. LUMEN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2012 L ogos U niversality M entality E ducation N ovelty 21st of May – 3rd of June 2012 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS IAŞI, 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN ASSOCIATION, LUMEN PUBLISHING HOUSE, LUMEN RESEARCH CENTER IN SOCIAL AND HUMANISTIC SCIENCES In Cooperation with: Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, “A.D. Xenopol” History Institute, Higher Education Research and Consulting Company, “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Law, Institute of Enciclopedic Studies of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, “Petre Andrei” University, Iasi, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences. LUMEN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2012 L ogos U niversality M entality E ducation N ovelty 21st of May – 3rd of June 2012 Lumen Publishing House is CNCS accredited in B Category 2, Tepes Voda Str, Iasi, Romania 700 714 ISBN: 978-973-166-312-8 Editor: Simona UŞURELU Cover: Simona UŞURELU International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Lumen Lumen Lumen Association Research Center Publishing House in Social and Humanistic Sciences In Cooperation with: Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, “A.D. Xenopol” History Institute, Higher Education Research and Consulting Company, “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Law Institute of Enciclopedic Studies of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, “Petre Andrei” University, Iasi, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences. LUMEN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2012 L ogos U niversality M entality E ducation N ovelty 21st of May – 3rd of June 2012 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS IAŞI, 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Organizing Committee: − − − − − − − − − − − Dr. Antonio Sandu – Chairman of Lumen Association from Iasi Lecturer Ph. D. Daniela Petronela Feraru – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi Research assistant Ana Caras – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Al. I.Cuza University from Iasi MA. Mădălina Doleanu – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Anca Teodorescu – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Valentina Ţurcan – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Elena Unguru – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Simona Uşurelu – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Bianca Vlasă – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Cristian Sergiu Vusatiuc – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences MA. Cezar Vusatiuc – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences 5 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Advisory Board − Professor Ph.D. Antonie Bocancea – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Sergiu Branza – Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova − Professor Ph.D Alexandru Burian – Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova − Professor Ph.D. Aurora Ciucă – Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Marin Constantin- Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences − Professor Ph.D. Carmen Cozma – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Professor Ph. D. Dan Crăciun – Academy of Economic Sciences from Bucharest − Professor Ph.D. Petre Dumitrescu – Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Marius Dumitrescu – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Olga Dyuzheva – Moscow State University, Russia − Professor Ph.D. Nicu Gavriluţă – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Tudor Ghideanu – Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences − Professor Ph.D. Ion Mareş – Valahia University from Targoviste − Professor Ph.D. Vasile Miftode – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Victor Moraru – Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova − Professor Ph.D. George Poede – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Professor Ph. D. Gheorghe Popescu – Academy of Economic Sciences from Bucharest − Professor Ph.D. Traian D. Stănciulescu – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Professor Ph.D. Genoveva Vrabie – Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi 6 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 − Associate Professor Ph.D. Nadia Aniţei – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Sorin Bocancea – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Tomiţă Ciulei – Valahia University from Targoviste − Associate Professor Ph.D. Ştefan Cojocaru – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Violeta Cojocaru – Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova − Associate Professor Ph.D. Carmen Costuleanu – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph. D. Sandu Frunză – Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca − Associate Professor Ph. D. Ovidiu Gavrilovici – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Diana Lupu – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. George Neamţu – George Bacovia University from Bacau − Associate Professor Ph. D. Veronica Adriana Popescu – Commercial Academy from Satu Mare, Collaborator at the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest − Associate Professor Ph.D. Cristian Sandache- Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Conţiu Tiberiu Şoitu – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Tudor Pitulac – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Mihaela Laura Pamfil – Faculty of Law, Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Georgiana Corcaci – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Associate Professor Ph.D. Vitalie Stati – Moldova State University Republic of Moldova 7 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 − Researcher Ph. D. Liliana Condraticova – Moldova State University, Republic of Moldova − Ph. D. Peter Kiriakidis –Touro International University − Ph. D. Asea Timus – State Agrarian University of Moldova − Ph. D. Researcher Ion Xenofontov – Academy of Sciences of Moldova − Lecturer Ph. D. Daniel Cojanu – Valahia University from Targoviste − Lecturer Ph. D. Daniela Cojocaru – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Lecturer Ph. D. Daniela Petronela Feraru – Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi − Lecturer Ph. D. Mihaela Frunză – Babes-Bolyai University, ClujNapoca − Lecturer Ph. D. Lucian Dîrdala – Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi − Lecturer Ph. D. Mihaela Diaconu – Petre Andrei University from Iasi − Lecturer Ph. D. Antonio Sandu – Chairman of Lumen Association from Iasi − Lecturer Ph. D. Student Ioana Cozianu – Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi − Lecturer Ph. D. Student Andra Marin – Mihail Kogalniceanu University from Iasi − Postdoctoral Researcher Simona Damian – University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa Iasi − Postdoctoral Researcher George Florian – University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa Iasi − Postdoctoral Researcher Roxana Necula – University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa Iasi − Research assistant Ana Caras – Lumen Research Center in Humanistic and Social Sciences, Al.I.Cuza University from Iasi 8 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Conference Organizing Secretariat LUMEN ASSOCIATION 2, Ţepeş Vodă Str. Iaşi, Romania 700 714 OP 3 CP 780 Phone no.: 0040 740 151455 0040 332 450 133 Fax no.: 0040 332 811 551 Email: Website: 9 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Special Thanks Lumen Association expresses its sincere appreciation to all its authors and collaborators. Also, special thanks for the support received from the following partners: - Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, “A.D. Xenopol” History Institute, Higher Education Research and Consulting Company, “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Law, Institute of Enciclopedic Studies of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, “Petre Andrei” University, Iasi, “Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania, Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences 10 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Summary Section: Law [Secţiunea: Drept] The Law – The Source of Codification ............................................... 33 [Legea – Fundament al codificării] Roxana Gabriela ALBĂSTROIU Particular Aspects of Forensic Investigation of Non-observance of Measures Regarding the Entrusting of Child ..................................... 35 [Particularităţi privind investigarea criminalistică a infracţiunii de nerespectare a măsurilor privind încredinţarea minorului] Carmina ALECA Daniela IANCU Trends of Uniformity of the Property Matrimonial Regimes Provisions in the European Union ........................................................................ 36 Nadia Cerasela ANIŢEI The Legal Regime of Woman's Rights from the Perspective of Domestic Law...................................................................................... 37 [Protecţia drepturilor femeii din perspectiva dreptului intern] Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Health Cards and Their Incompatibility with Human Rights, from the Perspective of International Documents............................................. 38 [Cardurile de sănătate şi incompatibilitatea lor cu drepturile omului prin prisma documentelor juridice internaţionale] Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU Recognition and Enforcement in Romania of Foreign Judgments in Matrimonial Matters and the Matters of Parental Responsibility ...... 39 [Recunoaşterea şi executarea în România a hotărârilor străine în materie matrimonială şi în materia răspunderii părinteşti] Teodora – Maria BANTAŞ Is Constitutionalism Obsolete? ........................................................... 40 [Este constituţionalismul un concept depăşit?] Ion BRAD 11 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 On Temporality of Law ........................................................................41 Aurora CIUCĂ Correlations between the Offence of Deceit and the Bona Fide Principle Regulated by the New Civil Code ....................................... 43 [Corelaţii între infracţiunea de înşelăciune şi principiul bunei-credinţe din Noul Cod Civil] Mirela Carmen DOBRILĂ Intelligibility of the Laws – A Desideratum Difficult to Achieve by the Romanian Legislator ........................................................................... 44 [Inteligibilitatea legilor – Un deziderat greu de atins de legiuitorul român] Ramona DUMINICĂ The New Civil Code: Monistic Theory between Intention and Reality... 45 [Noul Cod Civil: Teoria monistă între intenţie şi realitate] Maria DUMITRU A View on the Contemporary Ideas towards the Moral Status of Abortion ............................................................................................... 46 [Un punct de vedere cu privire la concepţiile contemporane privind statutul moral al avortului] Ancuţa Elena FRANŢ Feminist Approaches on Abortion. Evolution and Significance ........ 47 [Perspective feministe cu privire la avort. Evoluţie şi semnificaţii] Ancuţa Elena FRANŢ Successions in the Member States of the European Union ................ 48 [Succesiunile in statele membre ale Uniunii Europene] Sandra Liliana GATEJEANU Europeanization of Romanian Successional Legislation ................... 50 [Europenizarea Legislaţiei Succesorale Româneşti] Ioana GELEI Considerations on the European Certificate of Inheritance ............... 52 [Consideraţii privind certificatul European de moştenitor] Ilioara GENOIU 12 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Judicial and Extrajudicial Mediation .................................................. 53 [Medierea judiciară şi extrajudiciară] Alina-Ştefania GORGHIU The Use of Mediation in Discrimination Cases.................................. 55 [Folosirea medierii în cazurile de discriminare] Cătălina-Adriana IVĂNUŞ The Extrajudicial Mediation Conducted by the Romanian Administrative Independent Authorities............................................. 56 [Medierea extrajudiciară realizată de autorităţile administrative independente din România] Marina Irina LAZĂR The New Penal Code - An Expression of European Criminal Law ... 58 [Noul Cod Penal – expresie a legislaţiei penale europene] Mihai Iulian NECULA Magdalena Roxana NECULA Reflections on the Institution Extradition .......................................... 59 [Reflecţii asupra instituţiei extrădării] Olivian MASTACAN The Regime of Vices in the Contract of Sale ...................................... 60 [Regimul viciilor în contractul de vânzare] Livia MOCANU Considerations Regarding the Importance of Professional Appraisal of Employees ............................................................................................61 [Consideraţii privind importanţa evaluării profesionale a salariaţilor] Răducan OPREA Ramona Mihaela OPREA Some Consideration on the Regulation of the Preventive Arrest in the New Criminal Procedure Code ........................................................... 63 [Consideraţii privind reglementarea arestării preventive în noul cod de procedură penală] Mihaela Laura PAMFIL Considerations on the importance of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities ................................................. 64 Roxana Alina PETRARU 13 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Fiscal Statement. Legal Regime.......................................................... 65 [Declaraţia fiscală. Regim juridic] Rada POSTOLACHE General Aspects Regarding the Misbehavior - The Only Ground of Disciplinary Liability ........................................................................... 66 [Aspecte generale privind abaterea disciplinară - Singurul temei al răspunderii disciplinare] Andra PURAN Amelia SINGH Entreprises and Civil Societies Under the New Civil Code. Similarities and Differences................................................................. 67 [Întreprinderile şi societăţile civile conform Noului Cod Civil. Asemănări şi deosebiri] Amelia-Veronica SINGH Some Considerations Regarding the Posting of the Romanian Workers to E.U. and Non-E.U. Countries .......................................... 68 [Unele consideraţii privind detaşarea lucrătorilor romăni în ţările U.E. şi non-U.E.] Ana ŞTEFĂNESCU Eduard NICOLAU The Restorative and the Retributive Systems: Combining Measures 70 [Sistemul restaurativ şi cel retributiv: combinarea măsurilor] Bianca-Liliana TĂNĂSESCU Considerations on the Need to Regulate Legal Aggressiveness in Social Sphere........................................................................................ 72 Elena TUDURACHI Beatrice ABALAŞEI The Role of the European Parliament According to the Lisabon Treaty ................................................................................................... 74 [Rolul Parlamentului European din perspectiva Tratatului de la Lisabona] Crina Mihaela VERGA 14 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Section: Economical and Administrative Sciences [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Economice şi Administrative] Republic of Moldova's Foreign Trade: Quality Specialization........... 77 [Comerţul exterior al Republicii Moldova: calitatea specializării] Ileana ANASTASE (BĂDULESCU) Money laundering in insurance industry ............................................ 78 Mariana BĂLAN Carmen Marilena UZLĂU Corina Maria ENE Camelia POPA The Current Economic Crisis: Measures and Solutions..................... 79 [Criza economică actuală: Măsuri şi soluţii] Liana-Antonela BONTA Business Ethics and Game Theory ..................................................... 80 [Etica afacerilor şi teoria jocurilor] Dan CRĂCIUN Fiscal Policy Instruments to Boost Innnovation................................. 82 [Instrumente de politică fiscală pentru impulsionarea inovării] Mihaela DIACONU The Impact of Taxation on Taxpayer’s Behavior ............................... 83 [Impactul fiscalităţii asupra comportamentului contribuabilului] Maria-Mihaela DINCĂ Section: Political Sciences and European Studies [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Politice şi Studii Europene] EU’s Asylum Policy Towards non-EU Nationals Between Theory and Practice: 2011 Refugee “Crisis” and its Effects on the European Internal Policies................................................................................... 87 Ioana Raluca BALAŞ 15 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Restructuring the International System in the Late Twentieth Century and Its Consequences on Ethnic Identities and Borders: Case Study: South-Eastern Europe ......................................................................... 89 [Restructurarea sistemului internaţional la sfârşitul secolului al XX-lea şi consecinţele sale asupra identităţilor şi frontierelor etnice: studiu de caz: Europa de Sud-Est] Iulia BÎNDAR Petre P. Carp. Un portret perspectivist ................................................91 [Petre P. Carp. A perspectivist portrait] Silvia BOCANCEA Reforming the Intelligence Sector Through Academic Education. Implications for the Military and Civilian Higher Education ............ 92 [Reformarea domeniului de intelligence prin intermediul educaţiei universitare. Implicaţii asupra învăţământului militar si civil superior] Claudia CRISTESCU The European Union and the Assertion of German Primacy: A Theoretical Approach .......................................................................... 95 [Uniunea Europeană şi afirmarea primatului german: o abordare teoretică] Lucian DĂRDALĂ Gender equality policies in the labor market: from equal pay to work– life balance ........................................................................................... 96 [Politicile egalităţii între femei şi bărbaţi pe piaţa muncii: de la egalitatea salarizării la concilierea între viaţa profesională şi viaţa personală] Alina HURUBEAN The European Integration of the Republic of Moldova: Mith and Reality .................................................................................................. 98 [Integrarea europeană a Republicii Moldova: mit şi realitate] Aurelian LAVRIC Romania a Bridge towards the Eastern Neighbors of the European Union ................................................................................................... 99 [Româna: o punte de trecere spre vecinii din estul Uniunii Europene] Alina Ioana PRISTAŞ 16 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Perceptions of the Political Parliamentary Élites from Romania Upon the Role of State in Economy Before and After the Introducing of the Uninominal Vote ................................................................................ 101 [Percepţii ale elitei politice parlamentare din România asupra rolului statului în economie înainte şi după alegerile prin vot uninominal] Marcela Monica STOICA New Trends in The European Neighbourhood Policy. Case Study: The Euro-Mediterranean Region Security Issues..............................103 Claudiu-Laurenţiu ŢABREA Parasca IURCEA Decision-making models in public policies process: a transdisciplinary approach .................................................................104 [Modele decizionale în procesul politicilor publice: o abordare transdisciplinară] Dorina ŢICU Romania's relations with Russia in the post-December Romanian foreign policy register .........................................................................106 [Relaţiile României cu Rusia în catastiful politicii externe româneşti postdecmbriste] Miruna Mădălina TRANDAFIR Section: Social Sciences [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Sociale] Regional television: features...............................................................109 [Viitorul televiziunii regionale] Margareta ANDREESCU Reflexivity - A Principle for Innovation in Education ....................... 110 [Reflexivitatea- Un principiu al inovaţiei în educaţie] Carmen ALEXANDRACHE The Romanian Religious Mentality - A Problem of Method and Thought .............................................................................................. 111 [Mentalul religios românesc - O problemă de metodă şi reflecţie] Carmen ALEXANDRACHE 17 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Frontiers And Contemporary Thinking: Zygmunt Bauman And Salman Rushdie .................................................................................. 113 Dana BĂDULESCU Intercultural Communication in the Migration’s Context................. 115 [Comunicarea interculturală în context migraţionist] Simion BELEA Cutting-Edge Strategies for Training our Business learners' Intercultural Competence................................................................... 117 Awicha BENABDALLAH Opportunities and Perspectives from Informal Learning.................. 118 [Oportunităţi şi perspective ale învăţării informale] Elena BRUMĂ ICT and Its Impact on Organizational Learning ..............................120 Diego CARDONA Personality and the Social Cognition ................................................. 121 [Personalitatea şi cogniţia socială] Felicia CEAUŞU Martial Arts Anthropology for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education.122 Wojciech J. CYNARSKI Kazimierz OBODYŃSKI Howard Z. ZENG Performance Management – A Fundamental Resource for Success.124 [Managementul performanţelor – resursă fundamentală pentru obţinerea succesului] Georgiana CORCACI Value and Behaviour Determinant Factors of a Democratic Regime .............................................................................................................126 [Determinări de ordin valoric şi comportamental ale unui regim democratic] Andreea-Ioana COZIANU 18 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Humanization of Higher Technical School - A Current Trend in the Field of Education ..............................................................................127 [Umanizarea şcolii superioare tehnice – o tendinţă actuală în domeniul educaţional] Victoria DANILA Implementing Bologna Process: Taking into Account what Students Think and Improving Professor’s Performance in Class ...................129 Fernando DIEZ ESTELLA Resources of Secondary Teachers’ Resilience Facing School Violence in Romania and Quebec.....................................................................130 [Resurse mobilizate pentru dezvoltarea rezilienţei educaţionale de către profesorii care predau în învăţământul secundar din Québec şi România pentru a surmonta violenţa şcolară] Viorica DOBRICĂ TUDOR Manon THÉORÊT The Administrative Organization of Romania in the Period between the Two World Wars. A Comparative Perspective .............................132 [Organizarea administrativă a României în perioada interbelică. O perspectivă comparată] Bogdan-Cristian DUMITRU Education in Times of War and Emergencies...................................134 Marco FANARA Audio-visual Messaje in Postmodernism ...........................................135 [Mesajul Audio-Vizual in Postmodernism] Maria FLOREA Religion, Ethics and Development – Method and Metamorphosis ..136 V. Basil HANS The Entrepreneurial Orientation Can Enhance the Teacher Performance in Higher Education” ...................................................137 Naeem HAYAT Muhammad Tayyeb RIAZ 19 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Value of Plagiarism Electronic Detector Tools in Higher Education.....138 Ann HILLIARD Risks, Vulnerability and Primary Education in Sudan ......................139 Mohamed Hassan Ali HISHAM Education and Needs: Against Novelty in Mentality ........................140 Alexandru JIVAN Mandatory Use of TurnItIn: The Effect of a Policy on Reducing Unoriginal Writing in Online Classes ................................................ 141 Peter P. KIRIAKIDIS Mandatory Online Discussions: The Effect of a Postgraduate Policy on Communication Between Faculty Members and Graduate Learners ......143 Peter KIRIAKIDIS Kelley Jo Walters The Erasmus Program in Polish Press ..............................................145 Katarzyna TOŁOCZKO Teachers’ Professional Qualifications from an ESP Perspective: Challenging the Traditional EFL Context .........................................146 Nawal MEBITIL Phenomenological Attitude and Scientific Rationality at Edmund Husserl................................................................................................147 Nela MIRCICĂ Implications of Globalization on Education......................................149 Srikant MISRA Psychological Profile of Adolescent Internet-User ............................ 151 Olga MOROZAN NLP or “The Study of Human Excellence” ......................................153 Mihaela Amalia PETROVICI Applied communication and creativity: The Transactional Analysis and The Neuro – Linguistic Programming .......................................154 [Comunicare aplicată şi creativitate: AT şi NLP] Doina Mihaela POPA 20 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Techniques and Intervention Strategies for Vulnerable Social Childrens.............................................................................................155 [Tehnici şi strategii de intervenţie în cazul copiilor social vulnerabili] Răzvan POPOVICI DIACONU Abuse and Sexual Trauma in the Romanian Communist Concentration Space...........................................................................156 [Abuz şi traumă sexuală în spaţiul concentraţionar comunist românesc] Dumitru-Cătălin ROGOJANU Alexandra-Raluca POP (căs. ROGOJANU) Between Forgiveness and Unforgiveness. The Position of the Former Political Detainees towards the Communist Torturers......................157 [Între ieratre şi neiertare. Poziţia foştilor deţinuţi faţă de torţionarii comunişti] Dumitru-Cătălin ROGOJANU Alexandra-Raluca POP (căs. ROGOJANU) Critical Thinking as a Methodology for the Writing of Informative Essays in the Health Sciences Area ...................................................158 Silvia RUBÍN Ethical counseling. Methodological framework ................................160 Antonio SANDU Going Back to School: A University-Middle School Civics Partnership .162 Robbin SMITH Means of Evaluating the Dynamics of Health Systems.....................163 [Modalitati de evaluare a dinamiciisistemelor de sanatate] Ovidiu STAMATIN Alisa NICA Do not Kill the Women! A Feminist Cry from Stifled Romania ........165 [Nu ucideţi femeile! Un strigăt feminist dintr-o Românie sufocată] Briena STOICA To Give and to Make: Identity Images and Adaptive Strategies Among Older Rural Women...............................................................167 Danila ŞOITU Camelia BÂRSAN 21 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 The Child's Right to Freedom of Expression and Use of the Internet ...168 Anca TEODORESCU Aggression in Marital and Cohabiting Relationships........................169 Valentina ŢURCAN Appreciative Supervision ....................................................................170 Simona UŞURELU Learning Experiences in Hungarian Movies ..................................... 171 Elza-Emoke VERESS Patterns of Internet Use by Students in English Schools ..................173 Albin WALLACE Section: Humanistic Sciences [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Umaniste] Modern Philosophical Presuppositions in the Doctrine of Substance (or on “having” and “seeing” ideas) ..................................................177 [Presupoziţii filosofice moderne în doctrina substanţei (sau despre ”a avea” şi ”a vedea” idei)] Anton ADĂMUŢ On the Chivalrousness of Homeric World .........................................179 [Despre cavalerismul lumii homerice] Luminiţa ADĂMUŢ Postmodern Chalenges in Mass Communication..............................180 [Provocări post-moderne în comunicarea de masă] Ştefania BEJAN Ideology as a Means of Interpretation. A New Perspective of Plato .182 Sorin BOCANCEA The Communist Regime Versus the Rural World in the First Years of the Agricultural Collectivization in Romania (1949-1952)..................183 [Regimul comunist versus lumea rurală în primii ani ai procesului de colectivizare a agriculturii româneşti (1949-1952)] Sanda-Maria BORŞA 22 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 The Position and Role of Deontology in Postmodern Society ..........184 [Locul şi rolul deontologiei în societatea postmodernă] Valeriu CAPCELEA Manipulation into the Media; Journalistic Ethics..............................186 [Manipularea în mass-media; Etica jurnalistică] Felicia CEAUŞU Existentialistic Views- Consequences Analysis and the Problem of a Sense of Existence ..............................................................................187 [Puncte de vedere existenţialiste- analiza consecinţelor şi problema sensului] Aura CIOBOTARU The Legislation of Jeweller's Industry (Comparative Analysis: The Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation and Ukraine) .189 [Legislaţia privind activitatea în domeniul artei bijuteriilor (studiu comparativ: Republica Moldova, România, Federaţia Rusă, Ucraina)] Liliana CONDRATICOVA Epistemological References of Nonverbal Communication in the Context of New Educational Paradigm .............................................190 [Referinţe epistemologice ale comunicării nonverbale în contextul noii paradigme educaţionale] Daniel CORÎU Romania in the Equation of Bipolarism (1960-1969) .........................192 [România în ecuaţia bipolarismului (1960-1969)] Mihai Alexandru CROITOR From Brasov to Shambala with Johann Martin Honigberger............193 [Din Braşov în Shambala cu Johann Martin Honigberger] Ştefania Maria CUSTURĂ Feminism in the XII-th Century? The Medieval Treaty «De amore» of Andreas Capellanus ............................................................................194 [Feminism în secolul al XII-lea. Tratatul medieval «De amore» al lui André le Chapelain] Maria-Alexandra DRAGAN 23 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Gypsies Integration into Society of the Habsburg Empire in Transylvania........................................................................................196 [Integrarea romilor în Transilvania Habsburgică] Mihai FLOROAIA Psychology of the Creative Process in Literary and Artistic Vision...198 [Psihologia procesului de creaţie în viziune literar-artistică] Ana GHILAŞ Modality in Scientific Communication. A Case Study of Modal Meaning in Scientific Articles in English by Romanian Authors......199 [Modalitatea în comunicarea ştiinţifică. Cazul sensurilor modale într-un corpus de articole de economie în engleză scrise de autori români] Teodora GHIVIRIGĂ Recitatio in vivo -A Transdisciplinary Education Project .................201 [Recitatio in vivo –Un proiect educaţional transdisciplinar] Marin GRIGOREAN Risk Situations School and Violent Behavior.....................................203 [Situaţiile de risc şcolar şi comportamentul violent] Felicia IUROAIA The Epistemic Categories of Postmodernism and Alienation of Human Being .....................................................................................204 [Categoriile epistemice ale postmodernismului şi alienarea fiinţei umane] Anca-Narcisa LEIZERIUC Man as the Alter Ego of the Artificial Human Being ........................206 [Omul natural ca alter ego al omului artificial] Marcela-Mădălina MACOVEI Prevailing Ideologies in the Romanian Literary Press of the 70s ......207 [Ideologii dominante în presa literară românească a anilor 70] Corina Maria MARIN Myths of the Nation in Joseph Roth’s Die Büste des Kaisers [The Bust of the Emperor]..........................................................................209 Vilma MIHÁLY 24 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Tozgrec Written by Ioan Petru Culianu or the Labyrinth of Interpretation......................................................................................210 [Tozgrec de Ioan Petru Culianu sau labirintul interpretării] Anca Ramona MATEI Romanian Literary Histories between Tradition and Modernity ...... 211 [Istorii literare româneşti între tradiţie şi modernitate] Ioana Andreea MIRCEA Romanian Architects in Reclusion. Methodological Aspects and Short Case Study...........................................................................................213 Vlad MITRIC-CIUPE Xenisms of French Origin in the Novel „Disheveled Virgins” by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu.............................................................215 [Xenisme de origine franceză în romanul “Fecioarelor despletite” de Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu] Adina- Simona MITROFAN A Philosophical Theory of Learning without Teacher in the 17th Century. Nicolas Malebranche...........................................................216 [O teorie filosofică a învăţării fără profesor în secolul al XVII-lea. Nicolas Malebranche] Cristian MOISUC An Analyze of the Concept of Citizen from the Perspective of the First Romanian Constitution ......................................................................218 [O analiză a conceptului de cetăţean din perspectiva primei Constituţii a României] Adina Laura GHIŢĂ (căs. NASTA) The Role of Propaganda of Late-ancient Imperial Sculpture in Romania..............................................................................................219 [Rolul propagandistic al sculpturii imperiale antic-târzii în România] Ioana - Iulia OLARU Kant & the Enlightenment .................................................................221 Antonio PELE 25 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 To Sell One’s Nation – Developing an Irony of National Representation....................................................................................222 Oana-Maria PETROVICI The New Atlantis, A One of a Kind Utopia .......................................223 [Noua Atlantidă, o utopie altfel ] Teodora PRELIPCEAN From Culianu to Michael A. Williams – Issues in Defining „Gnosticism” ......................................................................................224 [De la Culianu la Michael A. Williams – probleme în definirea „gnosticsmului”] Victor Alexandru PRICOPI Alethic Aspects of Art: A Phenomenological Hermeneutical Perspective on Artistic Truth..............................................................225 [Valenţe alethice ale artei: o perspectivă fenomenologico – hermeneutică asupra adevărului artistic] Anca Raluca PURCARU Appreciative Ethics of Care ................................................................227 Antonio SANDU Daniela COJOCARU Simona PONEA Ethical and Philosophical Appreciative Counseling..........................229 Antonio SANDU Simona PONEA The Concept of Autonomy in Bioethics and Applied Ethics.............231 [Conceptul de autonomie în bioetică şi etică aplicată] Antonio SANDU Traces of AI in the Eastern Culture ...................................................233 M.R. SREESHA The Role and Importance of the Greatest Romanian Literature Classics within Nowadays Cultural Frame and Society.....................234 [Rolul şi importanţa clasicilor literaturii române în cadrul societăţii şi culturii actuale] Oana STANCULESCU ILIE 26 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Metatextual Games in the Novel Cartea de la Metopolis by Ştefan Bănulescu............................................................................................236 [Jocuri metatextuale în romanul Cartea de la Metopolis de Ştefan Bănulescu] Mihaela VATAMANU The Institutional Nature of Art: Art Defined by Rules ......................238 [Natura Instituţională a Artei: Arta Definită prin Reguli] Oana VODĂ Panel EUROPE: CULTURES IN DIALOG [Europa: Culturi în dialog] The Public Interest is Dead. Pathologies of Communicative Action by Semantic Transformation ...................................................................241 [Interesul public a murit. Patologii ale acţiunii comunicative prin mutaţie semantică] Valentina PRICOPIE The Alethic Deterioraton of Public Discourse. From Sophistry to Epistemic Inconsistency ....................................................................242 [Deteriorarea alethică a discursului public. De la sofism la inconsecvenţa epistemică] Tomiţă CIULEI The Public Discourse Generated by the Assassination of Ioan Petru Culianu................................................................................................243 [Discursul public generat de asasinarea lui Ioan Petru Culianu] Simona GALAŢCHI The organicism of Romanian traditional culture...............................244 [Organicismul culturii tradiţionale româneşti] Daniel COJANU Does technology belongs to reality space or to imaginary world?.....245 [Tehnologia între prototip al realităţii şi imaginar. Aparţine tehnologia spaţiului realităţii sau imaginarului?] Alexandru POMPILIU 27 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 The curse in the very first Romanian rethoric. Cultural confluences 246 [Blestemul în primele retorici româneşti. Confluente culturale] Laura BĂDESCU Life, Death and the Lack of Life in Various Texts of Mihai Eminescu ....247 [Viaţa, moartea şi lipsa vieţii în poezia eminesciană] Lavinia BANICĂ On the Paradoxes of Researching and Writing on the Things Hidden since the Beginning of the World.......................................................248 [Despre paradoxurile cercetării celor ascunse de la facerea lumii] Monica-Elena MITARCĂ The Symbolic Construction of the Profession of Journalist in Romania ...249 [Construcţia simbolică a profesiunii de jurnalist în România] Luminita ROŞCA About the (in)tolerable Violence in Film within Children Eyes ........250 [Despre (in)tolerabilitatea violenţei din film prin ochii copiilor] Anca VELICU Panel Ethical Challenges in Postmodernity Role of Ethical Supervision in Social Justice Ditribution ..................253 [Rolul supervizării etice in distribuţia dreptăţii sociale] Ana CARAS Constructionist Social Work. From Theory to Practice .....................254 Ştefan COJOCARU Parental Education seen by teenagers. An exploratory study............255 Daniela COJOCARU Contemporary ethical controversies about possible treatments in diabetes mellitus (pancreas transplant, alternative methods) ...........256 [Controverse etice contemporane privind posibile tratamente în diabetul zaharat] Simona DAMIAN Roxana NECULA Irina STREBA Antonio SANDU 28 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Legal and Ethical Considerations of Establishing the Timing of Death...................................................................................................258 [Consideraţii legale şi etice privind stabilirea momentului morţii] Irina STREBA Beatrice IOAN Simona DAMIAN Spiritual Perspectives on Cchronic Diseases .....................................260 [Perspective spirituale asupra îngrijirii bolnavilor cronici] Magdalena Roxana NECULA Simona Irina DAMIAN Mihai Iulian NECULA Ethics in Health Behavior Change - Case Study in Chronic Disease Self-management. The Care of Chronic Patients...............................261 Liliana ILIESCU 29 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Section: Law [Secţiunea: Drept] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Law – The Source of Codification [Legea – Fundament al codificării] Roxana Gabriela ALBĂSTROIU 1 Abstract Throughout history, from the earliest attempts of codification, until recent codes, lawyers have sought the fulfillment of the ideal of righteousness and justice. If the law is there to express the standardized values, all the more, this role is amplified in a code. So, the ideological basis can transcend his every letter, his title, his preliminary or his plan, but, especialli his content. Beyond ideology, the legal reality “described” by the law, must be the most accurate conversion of the social reality, otherwise, the “law was born dead”. The present study tries to identify the systematic stages of law in the coding action and to formulate the principles which give stability and sustainability to the Code in time. All of this are presented to be able to determine the basis, but also the implants that the social, political, economical and religious environment made every time in the procedure for determining the social realities who must be legislated, but especially in the systematization act of law. The law perceived as the foundation of the code is passing to a certain trivialization cauzed, in fierst time by the legislative inflation, and second time by the lack of the interpretation of law that we allready have in the system. Keywords: the Code, the law, the legislative inflation, the legislative developments, the excessive specialization of law. Biography: The author is a Ph.D. from University of Craiova, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, in 2009-2012. She also is the beneficiary of a doctoral scholarship in the program POSDRU. The faculty and master have been completed at the same institution, while were performed the research stages: the stage Erasmus (september 2005- january 2006) Faculty of Law and European Studies, University "Jean Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University of Craiova, POSDRU/88/1.5/S/49516 „Creşterea calităţii şi a competitivităţii cercetării doctorale prin acordarea de burse”, Email Address:; Phone no.: 0751 146551 1 33 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Moulin" (Lyon 3), France, and two other research stages: the research stage to the master (april 2009- june 2009), and a doctoral research stage (december 2011- february 2012), both at the Bourgogne University, Dijon, France. The author has a total of 15 articles published or being published in conferences and journals. 34 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Particular Aspects of Forensic Investigation of Nonobservance of Measures Regarding the Entrusting of Child [Particularităţi privind investigarea criminalistică a infracţiunii de nerespectare a măsurilor privind încredinţarea minorului] Carmina ALECA1 Daniela IANCU2 Abstract For the analisys of the complex aspects concerning the prosecution related to child entrustment crimes , the provisions of the Penal Code concordes with the new Civil Code which leads to an interdependent forensic investigation . The complexity of crimes related to child entrustment due to the numerous normative variants depicted in the law , in which this crime may be comited , but also due to the legal guidelines that ensure the childs best interest requires the investigating body to perform a penal investigation efficiently . To acomplish this it is required for the later to prove the circumstances which from the object of prosecution . Considering the fact that it s a crime related to the family , the investigation of events which lead to criminal prosecution implies that the intervention of the police ,in the family life, in order to determin if the proper enviroment is insured for the minor , shall be done considering the sensitive nature this relationship implies . At the same time the issue at hand is the analisys of the normative measures , the incriminating factor is considered the endangerment of child growth and education which is required by the insurance of the childs best interest . In other words it is necesary to insure the possibility of child care within family even in the case of a divorce . It is also necesary to ensure personal relationship in the case in which the child has been intrusted to a person. Determining the conditions and the circumstances in which deeds that relate to the minor child occur must be done concretly taking into acount the specifics of each case. Keywords: child, family crime, criminal investigation, the best interest of child, personal relationships Asist. Ph.D., Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences, University of Pitesti, Email Address: 2 Lect. Ph.D., Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences, University of Piteşti, Email Address: 1 35 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Trends of Uniformity of the Property Matrimonial Regimes Provisions in the European Union Nadia Cerasela ANIŢEI1 Abstract The European Commission acknowledged the need to find modern solutions regarding the conflicts of law in matters concerning the matrimonial regimes by presenting on July 17, 2006 the Green Paper on Conflict of Laws in Matters concerning Matrimonial Property Regimes, including the question of Jurisdiction and Mutual Recognition. Therefore, the Commission announced, as a way to remedy this situation, the adoption in 2011 of a proposal of a legislative instrument that would allow international couples (spouses or registered partners) to learn more easily, about the courts that are competent and about the law which applies to their property rights. Following discussions, the European Commission conducted a common impact analysis that led to the development of two proposals as a result of the registered partnership and marriage particularities and of the various legal consequences that these forms of union produce. Keywords: matrimonial property regimes; registered partnerships that refer both to the spouses; "Europeanisation" of the private international law. Ph.D., Associate professor, Faculty of Law, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Email Address: 1 36 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Legal Regime of Woman's Rights from the Perspective of Domestic Law [Protecţia drepturilor femeii din perspectiva dreptului intern] Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU1 Abstract Within the Romanian private law, at the Criminal Law level, there is a quite low level of legal protection and promotion of women’s rights (proving a need for a continuous improvement, inclusively by introducing a new article destined to incriminate the bad treatments against woman; a consolidated article regarding crime of sexual harassment; augmenting the severity of sanctions for crimes against women- domestic violence, feminine prostitution, injuries against women). As well, the level of juridical protection of under-age women in Romanian society must be improved, taking into account that Romania is an orthodox state and an EU member state. From the perspective of the Private Law and of others internal laws, the woman has the benefit of concrete applications of the principle of equality in rights between women and men; the modification of law against domestic violence, in 2012, improves the concrete protection given by state authorities to the woman confronted with violence within her private sphere. This proves the compatibility between state interventionism within the private sphere and the democratic character of state, rule of law, and the protection of human rights, recognized at the level of Romanian Constitution. Keywords: human rights, protection of women’s rights, sexual harassment, equality of gender, equality of chances, Criminal Law, Private Law, bad treatments, traffic of human persons, domestic violence, integrity, dignity, right to life, free development of human personality, economic aggression. Ph.D. Scientific Researcher, Email Address:, 1 www.madalina- 37 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Health Cards and Their Incompatibility with Human Rights, from the Perspective of International Documents [Cardurile de sănătate şi incompatibilitatea lor cu drepturile omului prin prisma documentelor juridice internaţionale] Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU1 Abstract The paper shows how the Romanian state operates a grave infringement of human rights consecrated within international documents, by introducing biometric health cards on the Romanian territory and regarding physical persons submitted to its jurisdiction. This is a clear signal of abandoning its main function of defending democracy, rule of law and human rights, and converting the public institutions into actors of a policestate. By introducing biometrical practices, opposed in their essence to human rights, democracy and rule of law, the Romanian state violates not only the spirit and the text of its Constitution, but also, the European and international regulations ratified by it. This indicates a great gap at the beginning of XXI century, between the adepts of a police-state pattern, devoted to the incessant control, monitorization, manipulation of human person through electronic means, and those wanting a free, democratic society, based on development and consolidation of human rights. Keywords: health cards, human rights, biometrical practices, ius cogens, international regulations, health reform Ph.D. Scientific researcher, Email Address:,,, ntifica_vizibilitate 1 38 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Recognition and Enforcement in Romania of Foreign Judgments in Matrimonial Matters and the Matters of Parental Responsibility [Recunoaşterea şi executarea în România a hotărârilor străine în materie matrimonială şi în materia răspunderii părinteşti] Teodora – Maria BANTAŞ1 Abstract Regulation No. 2201/2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility has the objective to facilitate the legal treatment applicable to judgments given in European Union member states, thus instituting the principle according to which such judgments are recognized and may produce effects by way of enforcement, within the territory of any solicited member state, other than the state of origin of the said judgment. The regulation subjected to the present examination represents an instrument conceived for achieving a constant and effective judicial cooperation in matrimonial matters and in the matters of parental responsibility around Europe, between the member states’ authorities, with the scope of overcoming any obstacles deriving from the incompatibilities of different legal systems. The present study is meant to examine, both in theory, as well as from the perspective of more practical implications, the provisions of Regulation No. 2201/2003, in the scope of identifying the main conditions and procedures necessary for the recognition and enforcement in Romania of foreign judgments given in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, as well as the special cases that lead to the refusal of recognition by national courts of justice. The research is being substantiated on the particular characteristics of the said judgments, by examining the consequences and legal and personal effects caused to the parties involved in such litigations. Keywords: recognition, enforcement, judicial cooperation, foreign judgment. University Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate, Law Faculty, University of Bucharest, Email Address: 1 39 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Is Constitutionalism Obsolete? [Este constituţionalismul un concept depăşit?] Ion BRAD1 Abstract Few doctrines of constitutional law had to undergo such a terminological abuse as the notion of constitutionalism. Used frequently, but without rigor, by lawyers, political science scholars or just politicians, the concept carries today a multitude of meanings. The remark of Giovanni Sartori, that the legal terminology, in the measure in which it affects political law, tends to be distorted and abused, proved again accurate. But the depreciation of constitutionalism was determined not only by the terminological chaos. There is for some time in the constitutional law doctrine a certain attitude of skepticism and disappointment towards this notion. Usually, this attitude is sustained by references to well-known examples of constitutions which were only a façade or which didn’t manage to be efficient barriers in front of different totalitarian movements. Accordingly, constitutionalism is considered an obsolete concept, whose initial promises were not confirmed by subsequent developments. This paper intends to be a pleading for constitutionalism. We will analyze the accusations made against it, trying to prove that the pessimistic perspective upon this concept is not justified. We have conceived this attempt to revitalize constitutionalism in two stages. First, we will operate a number of terminological clarifications. From its numerous meanings, we want to discover the authentic one. Secondly, we will argue that correctly understood, constitutionalism is a concept more actual and valuable than ever. Keywords: Constitution, Constitutionalism, Democracy, Power Abuse Biography: I have graduated in 2000 from "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Law. Since 2001 I have taught Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Political Science. Currently I am an associate professor at the Faculty of Political Science, teaching courses and seminars in the area of Constitutional Law and human rights. In 2009 I took my Phd degree and since 2011 I am also a lawyer in the Cluj bar. Ph.D. Associate Professor "Babes-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Political Science, Email Address:, phone: 0040 745 914 092 1 40 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 On Temporality of Law Aurora CIUCĂ1 Abstract The entire legal thought is composed of overlapped layers of tries, interpretations and reinterpretations of procedures and methods often revisited. People are subjected to the pressure of time, are bound to observe, in legal relationships, precise moments of time for certain actions. The apparently technical aspect of the procedures is overwhelming, however, it cannot be denied that they impose a certain discipline on life and invite to reflection: within which period of time one can file a lawsuit, an appeal or a complaint etc. Delay, deferral, negligence can be severely sanctioned. Having these reflections as a starting point we intend to make, in this paper, an analysis of the relation law - time, which would cover both the traditional and the new aspects. Keywords: legal thought, relation law – time, traditional and the new aspects. - Biography: Aurora Ciucă, Prof. Ph. D. Professor of International Public Law and International Human Rights Law, “M.Kogălniceanu” University, Iaşi, Romania Bachelor of Laws ,“Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Law (1986) Postuniversity Graduate in Penal Law, “Al.I.Cuza”Unversity (1990) Master of Laws,in International Law and Human Rights Law, “Cum laude” Diploma Center for Civil and Human Rights, Notre Dame University, U.S.A. (1996) Intern, Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, Minneapolis, U.S.A (1996) PhD, in International Private Law, “Al. I. Cuza”University (1999) Books (author and co-author): International Public Law (2000, 2005), International Protection of Human Rights (1998, 2004, 2009), Bioethics, Life Sciences and Human Rights (1998), Introduction in Biolaw, From Bioethics to Biolaw (2003), Personal Status and Nationality in Prof. Univ. Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Law, „Mihail Kogalniceanu" Univeristy from Iasi, Email Address: 1 41 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 International Private Law (2005), Judiciary Deontology. Sillabus (2009), Human Rights. A European Mosaic (2012) Member of: - SEF Foundation [ECW] (Equal Opportunities for Women) Iasi, Romania . - CMSC [CMCS] (Center for Mediation and Communitarian Security) Iasi, Romania - NDHR (Notre Dame Advocates for Human Rights), USA - SFDI (Société française pour le droit international), Paris, France 42 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Correlations between the Offence of Deceit and the Bona Fide Principle Regulated by the New Civil Code [Corelaţii între infracţiunea de înşelăciune şi principiul buneicredinţe din Noul Cod Civil] Mirela Carmen DOBRILĂ1 Abstract The specific regulation of bona fide as a general principle in the New Civil Code will allow for a correct interpretation of this concept, both in the civil framework, as well as in the effects and influences it has on criminal law in the case of the offence of deceit. This is required for any analysis of acts of deceit, which will have to be made through the perspective of civil regulations, in order to determine whether the conditions of the offence as described in article 215 of the Criminal Code are met; in order for that to be accomplished, an appreciation of the offender’s lack of bona fide is necessary, as an objective standard of conduct that should exist within any contractual agreement. Aside from its effects on a civil level, the violation of bona fide also has consequences on criminal liability, with the possibility of being sanctioned as an offence of deceit, according to article 215 of the Criminal Code, which requires the existence of trust and bona fide between the contracting parties in order to function normally. In the case of the offence of deceit, a new development is the difficult position courts of law are placed in, as they will have to establish whether the standards imposed by bona fide, as it is regulated by the New Civil Code, were abided by. Keywords: offence of deceit, article 215 of the Romanian Criminal Code, principle of good faith, New Romanian Civil Code Ph.D. Candidate, Junior Assistant, Faculty of Law, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iași, Email:; 1 43 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Intelligibility of the Laws – A Desideratum Difficult to Achieve by the Romanian Legislator [Inteligibilitatea legilor – Un deziderat greu de atins de legiuitorul român] Ramona DUMINICĂ1 Abstract: In the present Romanian society, characterized by economic and political radical changes we are witnessing a true „crisis of law”, a "pathology" of the law. The legislative act no longer appears as being necessary to put the reality in order the reality and to ensure the protection of the individual and his rights, but has become a solution among many others, an element of the program imposed by the party or parties holding the power. Based on these findings, this study aims to demonstrate that law loses more and more glamor and prestige, and this decay process is accelerated also by the poor quality of law drafting. Lack of clarity of law is a main obstacle to its accessibility because it isn’t enough to bring the law to the public’s knowledge by publication in the official journal, but accessibility involves intelligibility. Keywords: predictability, law, accessibility, clarity, „crisis of law”. Biography: PhD. Candidate in General Theory of Law at the ‘Tudor R. Popescu’ Doctoral School, University of Craiova, Romania, member of the Euroregional Centre for the Prevention and Fight against Cross-Border Criminality. Graduate of Law at the Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences of the University of Pitesti and also Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication of the University of Bucharest. She also received a Master’s degree in Business Law. During 2007-2011, she was an assistant professor at the Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences of the University of Pitesti and currently she is a parliamentary adviser at the Romanian Parliament. In terms of scientific research, Ramona Duminică is the co-author of five academic courses: European Justice, Business Law, Elements of Law, International Private Law, Deontology of Public Servants; the author of 7 articles and the co-author of 30 articles published in various national and international journals. Ph.D. Candidate, University of Craiova Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Email Address, Phone No. 0040744922368. 1 44 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The New Civil Code: Monistic Theory between Intention and Reality [Noul Cod Civil: Teoria monistă între intenţie şi realitate] Maria DUMITRU1 Abstract According to the explanatory memorandum, by adopting a new Civil Code the intention was to introduce the regulatory monistic conception of the relations in private law in one code. Therefore the legislator declares that it incorporated "all" regulations regarding persons, family relations and trade relations in a single act: the Civil Code. To what extent the above stated intention is reflected in reality we try to analyze below. Both before adopting the new civil Code and also now, the controversy aroused by the unitary/plural character of private law only concerns the area of trade and commerce. Because the monistic theory of regulatory issues, has always bordered on the civil-commercial law relationship, our approach will also only fit in this range Keywords: monistic theory, commercial law, private law Biography: Maria Dumitru is a doctor in law, associate professor at “Petre Andrei” University Iaşi, lawyer and insolvency practitioner. She is director for the Department of Private Law of the Center for Legal Research of “Petre Andrei” University Iaşi and editor of „Jurnalul de studii juridice” (Journal of legal studies). Her scientific work has resulted in the appearance of several monographs, university courses and the publication of numerous studies in prestigious journals. 1 Associate Professor Ph.D, „Petre Andrei” University, Iaşi, Faculty of Law, Lawyer in Iaşi Bar, 45 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 A View on the Contemporary Ideas towards the Moral Status of Abortion [Un punct de vedere cu privire la concepţiile contemporane privind statutul moral al avortului] Ancuţa Elena FRANŢ 1 Abstract As we try to analyse the contemporary views on abortion, we identify two guiding lines. On the one hand, in many countries, legislations regarding abortion have reached a high degree of liberalization, never known before. We try to determine whether the citizens in the countries which allow abortion really think that abortion should be largely permitted. On the other hand, an extremely large number of people think that abortion is immoral, and some of these people actively fight for increased restrictions on abortion. And some countries do have a very restrictive system relating to abortion. We want to find out whether the people and the countries who declare themselves anti-abortion really have an absolute view or if they admit abortion in some circumstances. Faced with this reality , we try to discover the meaning of an evasive attitude towards abortion. We wonder if having an opinion about abortion that admits exceptions doesn’t actually mean that abortion is considered to be moral in some circumstances, and immoral in other circumstances. In other words, we think that the morality of abortion is a dynamic concept. This means that the gap between pro-life and pro-choice activists is not as big as it has been considered before. Thus, we think that the disputes on the ideological level should be left apart and that people should try to find effective solutions to the real-life problems concerning the abortion issue. Keywords: abortion, pro-life, pro-choice, morality, legislation. University Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Law, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Email Address: 1 46 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Feminist Approaches on Abortion. Evolution and Significance [Perspective feministe cu privire la avort. Evoluţie şi semnificaţii] Ancuţa Elena FRANŢ 1 Abstract As we try to find out which is the most appropriate way to deal with abortion, it is very important to analyse the feminist perspective on this issue. That is because feminism has been, since its birth, the extreme expression of women’s rights and needs. And abortion is necessarily linked to women’s status. The feminist view on abortion has known a developing process. In the second half of the XIX-th century, feminists tended to reject abortion. They considered that abortion was a way to deny the specific feminine feature of motherhood. Going on through the XX-th century, feminist view on abortion shifted in a dramatic way, reaching the opposite position. Thus, the feminists embraced a pro-abortion attitude. The explanation is that, trying to gain equality with men, women saw motherhood as an important obstacle in their emancipation. Women with children had to stay home and raise them, instead of trying to make a professional accomplishment. That is why abortion was largely sustained. In the last three decades, there has been another shift in the feminist views on abortion. Now, it is believed that, trying to be equal to men, women must freely express their nature, including their biological features. As motherhood is considered the most important feminine characteristic, women must be free to have children, if they want this. Thus, the feminists consider that, in order for women to achieve full accomplishment, they don’t need to change or to deny their nature. Instead, it is the society who has to change and to offer them the conditions to manifest their womanhood. Keywords: abortion, feminism, motherhood, morality. University Assistant, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Law, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Email Address: 1 47 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Successions in the Member States of the European Union [Succesiunile in statele membre ale Uniunii Europene] Sandra Liliana GATEJEANU1 Abstract The aim of my paper is to present the legislation of the member states of the European Union in matters concerning the legal transfer of the deceased’s estate to his heirs. I consider that this subject is of particular interest taking into consideration the fact that the free movement is a core right of the citizens of the European Union and more than 9 million people are making use of this right. So each year more than 450.000 cross-border succession procedures are initiated in member states of the European Union and they have a total value of 12 billion euros. The European citizens should be aware of the succession rules applicable in cross-border successions and the European institutions work towards the creation of an area of justice simplifying the daily life of citizens. It is very difficult for the people that choose to live in another Member State to know which national law applies to successions and what stipulates that law. In matters of successions the citizens should know who inherits and how much if there is no will; if the surviving partner within a registered or non-registered partnership has any rights. Some of the problems will be solved by the new Regulation on crossborder successions adopted by the European Parliament and which is expected to be adopted during the Danish EU Presidency. The proposal includes rules which prescribe that the entire succession case must be dealt with by one authority under the law of one country. However, the citizens living abroad will have the option to decide that the law applicable to their entire succession will be that of their country of nationality. This is the reason for which I choose to present in my paper a comparative study of the national legislations of the 26 member states of the European Union (without Denmark which opted out in matters concerning justice and home affairs) in matters related to heirs. Keyword: cross-border, succesions,heirs, European Union, deceased Ph.D. Candidate, extern collaborator of Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, courses: Romanian Law, History of the State and of Romanian Law, Bucharest, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040723.623.828 1 48 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: I am a PHD student at the University of Bucharest, Law School. My research study focuses on Private International Law and my coordinator is prof. Dragos Alexandru Sitaru. I am a lawyer in the Bucharest Bar since 2009. I also collaborate with the University of Bucharest, Fcaulty of Law at two courses - Roman Law and History of the Romanian state and law. 49 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Europeanization of Romanian Successional Legislation [Europenizarea Legislaţiei Succesorale Româneşti] Ioana GELEI1 Abstract After Romania’s adherence to European Union on 2007 January 1st, the drawing up and the adoption of a new Romanian civil code were necessarily imposed. Law no. 287/2009 regarding Civil Code1 was modified by Law nr.71/2011 for Law no. 287/2009 regarding Civil Code application2. The European Union states citizens circulation liberty involved number of european successions with extraneity element rising and Art.954 Alignments 3-4 Romanian Civil Code from 2011 stipulated the monist system of applicable law to successions regarding unknown last domicile deceased or last domicile out of Romania deceased, that means the Romanian law. The Departement of Justice Reasons Exposing to the Law for the Law no. 287/2009 regarding Civil Code application evinces the revalueting of the experience in civil law of other european states as Italy, France, Holland, Spain, also the disposals from european law instruments. The judicial indignity, a newly introduced law institution, in Romanian Civil Code from 2011, Art.959 from Chapter II The General Conditions of the Inheritance Right from Title I Disposals Regarding Inheritance In General from Fourth Book About Inheritance and Liberalities has been inspired by Art.727 and 727-1 from Section I About the Qualities Requested to Succeed from Chapter II About the Qualities Requested to Succeed-About the Successor Quality Evidence from Title I About Inheritances from III rd Book About the Different Modalities to Acquire the Property Right from French Civil Code. The proceedings of authentic will drawing up which are containing some new introduced disposals in the Romanian Civil Code from 2011, Art.1043-1044 from IInd Section The Will’s Forms from Chapter III the Will from Title III The Liberalities from Fourth Book About Inheritance and Liberalities has had as model Art.971-975 from Section I General Rules About the Wills’Form from Chapter V About the Testamentary Disposals from Title II About Liberalities from IIIrd Book About the Different Modalities to Acquire the Property Right from French Civil Code. European Parliament has adopted on 2012 march 13th the Regulation on Cross –border Successions which is stipulating the Ph.D. Canditate, Law Faculty, University of Bucharest. Member in the Council of Doctoral School of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Public Notary, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Email Address: 1 50 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 competence , the applicable law, the decisions and authentic acts recognition and execution in successional matter and the European successional certificate creation.The applicable law of successions matters is the law of deceased habitual residence place, but there is also the possibility for the citizen to choose as applicable law to the succession which will be opened after his death, his national law, according to the principle of “controlled autonomy”. Art.8 from the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, signed in Rome, on November 4 th 1950, which came into effect on September 3rd 1953, ratified by Romania , by Law no.30/1994 regarding the ratification of European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Additional Protocols3, regarding The Right to Respect for Private and Family Life is applicable in successional matters , because of full connection between inheritances, donations and wills, on the one side and family life, on the other side.According to European Court of Human Rights practice , is forbidden by the Convention “(…) the discriminating treatment applicable against same person’s children”4. 1.published in Romania’s Official Gazette no. 511 from 24th July 2009, rectified in Romania’s Official Gazette no. 427 from 17th June 2011 and Romania’s Official Gazette no. 489 from 8th July 2011, republished in Romania’s Official Gazette no. 505 from 15th July 2011 2. published in Romania’s Official Gazette no. 409 from 10th June 2011 3. published in Romania’s Official Gazette no. 135 from 31st May 1994 4. Corneliu Bîrsan- European Convention on Human Rights .Articles Commentary.Edition 2.`C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest , 2010, pages 670-671 Keywords: europeanization, successional law, Cross –border Successions, judicial indignity, authentic will, European Civil Code 51 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Considerations on the European Certificate of Inheritance [Consideraţii privind certificatul European de moştenitor] Ilioara GENOIU 1 2 Abstract: The present work aims to analyze the European certificate of inheritance issue, in the light of the regulation proposal of the European Parliament and Council of the European Union regarding competence, applicable law, acknowledgment and enforcement of sentences and authentic documents in the field of successions, but also the creation of an European certificate of inheritance, from October 14th 2009. Moreover, there will be also presented the points of view expressed on such topic by specialized literature (which is not very comprehensive), but also by the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE). Thus, it will be possible to assess the advantages and disadvantages which the European certificate of inheritance involves, the appropriateness of its application, but also the difficulties of applying the regulation providing for such certificate. On the same occasion it will be pointed out the way in which the current Romanian legislation dealing with the field of inheritance certificate is currently harmonized with the regulation proposal under scrutiny. Under the circumstances in which article 5 of the Romanian Civil Code provides that the European Union legislation shall be applied with priority, we consider that our scientific article is equally actual and useful. Keywords: competent court, applicable law, European certificate of inheritance, national certificate of inheritance, partial certificate of inheritance. Lecturer Ph.D., „Valahia” University from Târgovişte, Faculty of Law and Social – Political Sciences, Email Address: 2 . This work was supported by CNCSIS-UEFISCSU, project number PN II-RU, code PD_139/2010, contract number 62/2010. 1 52 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Judicial and Extrajudicial Mediation [Medierea judiciară şi extrajudiciară] Alina-Ştefania GORGHIU 1 Abstract In a booming society where conflicts are inevitable, the solving methods must be governed by flexibility and accessibility. According to Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and the Council stated on 21 May 2008 concerning certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial area, it is necessary to introduce a "framework legislation addressing, in particular, to key aspects of civil procedure”. According to Art 33 of the UN Charter, "the parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice”. Mediation is a way of solving conflicts amicably through a third party specialized in mediation, as an alternative to classical state justice. Through mediation the act of justice is improved by providing a private and confidential framework in which the parties are not hindered by the burden of courtroom’s formalism, and the result is always satisfactory for both parties' needs, unlike the trial court, where we find a winning and a losing party. Regarding the scope of mediation in Romanian is , according to Art 2 of Law no. 192 of 16 May 2006 on mediation and the profession of mediator, amended by Law no. 370/2009, to solve any conflicts concerning rights which the parties may dispose of. The note of interest reflected in this paper is the twofold aspect of mediation: the judicial and the extrajudicial form. The demarcation between the two forms lies in the moment of intervention of mediation, which is either before the notification of the competent court throughout a suing action or during the course of a trial. The importance of studying the phenomenon of mediation derives from the need of using alternative methods of dispute resolution, as a priority to ensure the efficiency of the judiciary, suffocated by a very heavy workload. In this situation, its promotion is more than welcome, in the context of sociological trends and recent international developments, which 1 Lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences, Christian University „Dimitrie Cantemir”, Bucharest, Romania, Phone no. 0040722 587 667, Email Address: 53 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 shows that the XXIst century is the century of peaceful conflict resolution far from the courtroom. Keywords: mediation, amicable, litigation, Romanian legislation, alternative. Biography I graduated from the Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Science within “Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University where I obtained a Juridical Science Bachelor’s Degree. I further pursued a specialization in Juridical and Administrative Science within Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest. I have also graduated several advanced studies in different fields of expertise such as: Criminal Science – Criminology, in Business Criminal Law, in International Relations (Broader Middle East and International System Stability), in Security and National Defence, and in Communication and Public Relations. Recently, I have graduated the Public Leaders in Southeast Europe program, within the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. I have participated in over 40 Conferences regarding the legal science and I have coordinated as author the volume “The Mediation – Oxygen for Business” published at the Universul Juridic, 2011, Bucharest. Currently I am a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law within “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, with a chosen specialization in Criminal Law. 54 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Use of Mediation in Discrimination Cases [Folosirea medierii în cazurile de discriminare] Cătălina-Adriana IVĂNUŞ 1 Abstract Can mediation serve the goals of equality laws and offer a viable alternative to litigation? Unlike litigation, mediation may provide a better opportunity to address the discrimination causes because it encourages open communication in which parties have an opportunity to learn about each other and each others’ respective interests. Mediation offers parties an opportunity to resolve disputes in a way that avoids many of the disadvantages associated with litigation, provided it is applied in conjunction with other efforts that address gender discrimination present in the organizational structure and culture. Therefore mediation can provide an effective alternative to litigation of discrimination claims. Mediation is gaining popularity as a resolution mechanism for disputes involving discrimination claims in the United States, Canada or United Kingdom. Mediation, modern institution in the rule of law, can be a highly effective method of resolving cases of discrimination, an alternative to litigation in discrimination. Keywords: equality, discrimination, gender, mediation, Ph.D. Candidate, Academy of Economic, Phone No. 0040742007053 1 Studies, Email Address: 55 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Extrajudicial Mediation Conducted by the Romanian Administrative Independent Authorities [Medierea extrajudiciară realizată de autorităţile administrative independente din România] Marina Irina LAZĂR 1 Abstract The administrative independent authorities were, since their creation into the central public administration, partly wired and controversial, partly efficient institutions, involved into the process of human rights protection in front of the public administration. Their general appearence is that they are institutions protected from the political influence and from the pressure of professional, social and economical actors from the sensitive fields of activity, which needs a special degree of protection for the rights and the liberties of the citizens. A short chronological inventory of these institutions both in the states with a long tradition and in the states in this field reveals that, almost everywhere, the creation and quickly after, the accelerate rhythm to proliferate of the independent administrative authorities, proves the state’s insufficiency to solve the new society’s exigencies. Obviously, the structures and the functioning of central administrations was, by all their deficiencies, a very fertile field for the implementation of these new means to protect the person in front of exhaustive power of administration. Theirs powers became more and more diversified, they were created in different fiels of activity and the legislator from every country seems not to have a limit regarding the fields and the competences of these authorities. Most of them have the power to make investigations in their activity field, they can be consulted by the state institutions, in order to formulate recommandetion or opinions, they can seize the state institutions abilitated to solve the irregularities observed into their activity field. Through these wide range of powers they become an alternative solution to madiation in front of the judge, less complicated, much cheaper and sometimes, more efficient. Our study’s aim is to establish if these „proteiforme structures„ really fulfill their mission of mediation, through some practical examples. Keywords: independent authorities, mediation, range of powers 1 University Assistant, University of Craiova, Faculty of Law and Adminsitrative Sciences, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040740 518 283 56 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: The author is university assistant at Faculty of Law and Administrative Science, University of Craiova in the field of public law. During 2008-2011 she beneficiated of PhD fellowship through the European program POSDRU. The thesis, named “The public administration and the human’s rights protection” was realized in co-tutelle with the University of Burgundy (France) and it was publicly sustained in November 2011 when it was awarded by the French-Romanian jury with the grade “Excellent”. The faculty and master have been completed at the same institution, while were performed the research stages: the stage Erasmus (September 2005- January 2006) University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France, and two other research stages: the research stage to the master (April 2009- June 2009), and a doctoral research stage (March 2010- September 2010), both at the Burgundy University. The author has a total of 34 articles published or being published in national and international conferences and journals. 57 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The New Penal Code - An Expression of European Criminal Law [Noul Cod Penal – expresie a legislaţiei penale europene] Mihai Iulian NECULA1 Magdalena Roxana NECULA2 Abstract: The need for European cooperation in criminal matters determined the harmonization of the Romanian penal law with the EU's, especially by the elaboration of a new Penal Code. The ECHR sentences against Romania in penal matters have determined the inclusion of some new dispositions. This paper aims to analyze some institutions of the new Penal Code, adopted by the Romanian law-making process, that include some rules taken from the European legislation. Also we will be expressing some critical considerations on the opportunity of taking up rules from the legislations of other European states. Keywords: Romanian Penal Code, European Penal Legislation, protected values 1 Ph.D., University "Al.I. Cuza", Faculty of Law, Email Address:, Iasi, Str. Costache Negri, No. 4, Bl. D2, Sc. D, 1st Floor, Apartment 4, Jud. Iasi, Romania 2 Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879, titled "Postdoctoral studies in the ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Doctor of Sociology (University" Al. I. Cuza "Iasi), e-mail:, Iasi, Str. Costache Negri, No. 4, Bl. D2, Sc. D, 1st Floor, Apartment 4, Jud. Iasi,Romania 58 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Reflections on the Institution Extradition [Reflecţii asupra instituţiei extrădării] Olivian MASTACAN 1 Abstract Among the means of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and extradition is found, the institution of criminal law and criminal procedural law. Extradition is governed by Art. 19 of the Constitution, as revised, art. 9 Penal Code., And the provisions of Title II of Law. 302/2004 on judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as amended. In accordance with art. 9 Penal Code., Extradition may be granted mainly under international conventions concluded by Romania, on a reciprocal basis and in their absence, under the law. Keywords: crime, criminal, punishment, jurisdiction 1 Lecturer Ph.D., „Valahia” University from Târgovişte, Faculty of Law and Social-Political Sciences, Email Address: 59 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Regime of Vices in the Contract of Sale [Regimul viciilor în contractul de vânzare] Livia MOCANU1 Abstract The contract of sale has an important position in the Romanian civil law, position designated by the legislator in its regulation in Title IX, Chapter I, of the new Civil Code. The current regulation bears the signature of the contemporary society evolutions and reflects the national legislator’s interest to elaborate a modern regulation and one in harmony with the efforts existing in the European Union to create an instrument of European law for contracts. For our analysis, we selected the issue of vices in the contract for sale, considering the fact that the purchase of more and more sophisticated goods increased significantly and this imposed new legislative standards. The new Civil Code includes important changes for the vices regime of the contract of sale, and on this background our study refers to: the regime of apparent vices, the conditions of liability for hidden vices, the termination and penalty for hidden vices, the warranty for lack of agreed qualities, and the operational warranty. Keywords: apparent vices, hidden vices, warranty for lack of agreed qualities, operational warranty. Univ. Lect. PhD., „Valahia” University of Targoviste, Faculty of Juridical, Social and Political Sciences, 1 60 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Considerations Regarding the Importance of Professional Appraisal of Employees [Consideraţii privind importanţa evaluării profesionale a salariaţilor] Răducan OPREA 1 Ramona Mihaela OPREA2 Abstract Establishing individual performance objectives, as well as criteria for appraisal of fulfillment of such objectives constitute new concepts, which have not been regulated prior to the amendment of the Labor Law by means of Law no. 40/2011. Accordingly art. 69 of the Labor Code was completed with a new paragraph [(3)], stipulating that the criteria which have been considered when establishing the order of priority at collective dismissal „are appplicable in order to classify the employees after the appraisal of fulfillment of the performance objectives”, as well as art. 242, to which a new letter was added [i], according to which, amongst the minimal dispositions which the employers are required to include under the Internal regulation are „the criteria and the procedures for the professional appraisal of employees”. Art. 17 paragraph 3 letter e) relates to them when it stipulates them amongst the elements of content of the obligation of information. The employer is entitled to proceed whenever he wants during the execution of the individual labor contract to the appraisal of employees and the negotiation and the renegotiation of their salaries must be based on its results. Keywords: individual performance, objectives of performance, collective dismissal, salary negotiation, internal regulation. Ph.D Professor, Faculty of Judicial, Social and Political Sciences, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania, E-mail: 2 Ph.D Student Prep., Faculty of Judicial, Social and Political Sciences, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania, E-mail: 1 61 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography Raducan Oprea Born in Galati, on 21th June, 1954, married, two children. He graduated “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy Bucharest – Faculty of Police, Legal Sciences domain, Law specialization in 1994. Doctor of Law in 2000 – Bucharest University, Law Faculty. Since 1999 till present, he is professor at “ Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Sciences, Legal Sciences Department ( PhD professor from 2009). Since 1995 till present he is director at the Trade Register Office of Galati Court. Since 2002 he is member in the College of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Galati Mediator, lawer at Galati Bar Association ( the list of the incompatible lawers), Judicial liquidator – UNPRL. Biography Ramona Mihaela OPREA Born in Galati, on 2nd December, 1985. He graduated “Spiru Haret” University Bucharest – Faculty of Law, Law specialization and Faculty of International Relations and European Studies at “ Spiru Haret” University, Bucharest in 2008. Since 2010 she attends PhD courses in Law specialization at – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest. Since 2009 till present, she is assistant professor at “ Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati – Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Sciences, Legal Sciences Department . Since 2010 she is authorized mediator. Since April 2012 she is associate lawer at Bostina& Associates. Mediator, lawer at Vrancea Bar Association. 62 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Some Consideration on the Regulation of the Preventive Arrest in the New Criminal Procedure Code [Consideraţii privind reglementarea arestării preventive în noul cod de procedură penală] Mihaela Laura PAMFIL 1 Abstract The new Criminal Procedure Code proposes a new regulation for preventive measures that can be taken during the criminal proceddings: it was governed a new preventive measure - home arrest -, the interdiction of leaving the country or the town is not longer regulated, the content of other measures has changed, such as the judiciary control and the bail. The preventive arrest suffered some changes so as to ensure compliance with both the right of defence and the principle of guaranteeing individual freedom and the pursuit of criminal process in good condition. The aim of this paper is to analyse the provisions of the new Code regarding the preventive arrest compared with the current regulation of the arrest in order to identify the existing inadvertences which may cause problems in the legal practice such as controversies and contradictory solutions. Keywords: preventive arrest, house arrest, new Criminal Procedure Code, novelty elements, Associate Prof. Ph.D., Law Faculty, „Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Prosecutor to Prosecutor's Office Court Deta, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040745.269.384 1 63 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Considerations on the importance of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Roxana Alina PETRARU 1 Abstract The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was adopted by Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 10 November 1994. It was opened for signature on 1 February 1995 and entered into force 1 February 1998. The Convention is the outcome of a decision taken at the 1993 Vienna Summit of Heads of States and Governments.The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities is the first multilateral instrument developed to address the situation of minorities in general that is legally binding. It uses ‘programmetype provisions’. States are given ‘a measure of discretion’ in deciding how to implement the Convention’s objectives at home based on the specific circumstances in their countries. This happens because minority situations differ greatly from country to country and consequently require different approaches. Implementation of the FCNM is monitored by the Committee of Ministers with the assistance of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is made up of 18 experts from states that have ratified the FCNM. The conclusions and recommendations of the Committee of Ministers are not legally binding and there is no sanctioning system. NGOs can encourage changes in domestic legislation and practice in accordance with the principles set forth in the Convention. NGOs and minority communities to be directly involved in the preparation of the State report. These organizations can send information at any time to the Secretariat of the Framework Convention at the Council of Europe. In this article we will emphasise the importance of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities which can be regarded as the most recent and comprehensive of international standards on national minorities. Keywords Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, Council of Europe, Advisory Committee, national minorities Lecturer Ph.D., 1 “Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Email Address: 64 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Fiscal Statement. Legal Regime [Declaraţia fiscală. Regim juridic] Rada POSTOLACHE 1 Abstract As legal act, fiscal statement is unitary regulated by the provision of the Fiscal Procedure Code, while applicative circumstances have nonetheless as special legal regime the provisions of substantial normative acts instituting taxes, contributions and the regulations containing the corresponding forms. The fiscal Procedure Code consecrates fiscal statement as the main instrument of establishing a fiscal obligation, by assigning it to the taxation decision, on the condition that there is an ulterior check or a decision establishing the taxation basis, as the case may be, and by conferring to it the legal effects of debt titles, placing it immediately after the taxation decision. Keywords: fiscal statement, taxation decision, taxation basis, debt title 1 Lecturer Ph.D., “Valahia” University of Târgovişte, Faculty of Law and Social-Political Sciences, Email Address:, Phone no 0040724538090 65 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 General Aspects Regarding the Misbehavior - The Only Ground of Disciplinary Liability [Aspecte generale privind abaterea disciplinară - Singurul temei al răspunderii disciplinare] Andra PURAN1 Amelia SINGH 2 Abstract The only ground of disciplinary liability is the misbehaviour. If, while for the two of the other ways of liability- penal and contraventional- the Labour Code lists the actions that are crimes and contraventions, regarding the disciplinary liability, the Code doesn’t contain such determinations but only a definition of the unique ground of this form of liability. Thus, art. 247 Paragraph 2 states that "disciplinary misbehaviour is an action in relation to work and consists of a guilty act or omission committed by the employee by which he violated legal norms, internal rules, the individual employment contract or the applicable collective employment contract, orders and legal dispositions of the hierarchical leaders. " Considering that committing the misbehavior is the mandatory and sufficient condition for disciplinary liability it must be cumulatively fulfilled its constituent elements: the object, the objective side, the subject and the subjective side. Keywords: disciplinary liability, misbehavior, work relations Biography She was born on July 11, 1984 in Pitesti, Romania. She graduated the Faculty of Legal and Administrative Sciences, University of Pitesti (2007) and the Faculty of Administration and International Exchanges, University Paris XII, Paris, France (2006). She completed a Masters in Conflict Mediation in Law and one in Forensic. From 2008 to 2011 was assistant in the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Pitesti, and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in law at the University Titu Maiorescu Doctoral School in Bucharest. Also, exercise the legal advisor and expert on long-term advertising. In terms of scientific research, is coauthor of four university courses and author / coauthor of several legal specialty articles. Ph.D. Candidate, „Titu Maiorescu” University, Buchurest, Ph.D. Candidate, University Assistant, University of Pitesti, Email Address: 1 2 66 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Entreprises and Civil Societies Under the New Civil Code. Similarities and Differences [Întreprinderile şi societăţile civile conform Noului Cod Civil. Asemănări şi deosebiri] Amelia-Veronica SINGH 1 Abstract As a result of some major legislative changes – the abrogation of the Commercial Code, the adoption of the New Civil Code, the amending of the Company Law and other basic laws - some notions have been replaced, while others have been taken over. As far as companies are concerned, the New Civil Code has taken over the key elements of the society contract from former regulations, but its new provisions also include elements of commercial law. The notion of “trader” disappears and is replaced by the concept of “professional”, while the notion of “company”is also eliminated and substituted with “enterprise”; the “trade actions” are replaced by “production activities, trading or service”. Although article 3 paragraph 2 of the New Civil Code refers to the concept of “enterprise”, the notion of “society” does not disappear completely, being found in article 1888 of the New Civil Code – the corporate forms. The simple society is regulated exclusively by the New Civil Code, assimilating both registered companies and companies subjected to registration, but not registered yet. Keywords: simple society, entreprise, professional Ph.D., University Assistant, University of Pitesti, Faculty of Law and Administration 1 67 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Some Considerations Regarding the Posting of the Romanian Workers to E.U. and Non-E.U. Countries [Unele consideraţii privind detaşarea lucrătorilor romăni în ţările U.E. şi non-U.E.] Ana ŞTEFĂNESCU 1 Eduard NICOLAU2 Abstract Law no. 344 / 2006 regarding the posting of employees on the occasion of the provision of transnational services, which transposes Directive no. 96 /71/EC, expressly stipulates through its content that it regards only the posting from E.U./E.E.S. into Romania, which could lead to the conclusion that for the matter of the posting of the workers from Romania to E.U./ E.E.S. the domestic regulations from the Labor Code would be applicable. Nevertheless, as a result of the adherence of Romania to the E.U. the Community dispositions have priority over the contrary ones stipulated under the domestic laws. Contrary it is the view related to posting – in the case of posting which is transnational, usually, the worker remains under the authority of his/her employer, for whose benefits the worker continues to perform his/her activity. Hence transnational posting is similar from the point of view of its content to delegation, the way it is regulated under the Romanian legislation. It is obvious that in what posting of the Romanian workers to the non-E.U. countries is concerned the domestic regulations under the Labor Code are applicable, provided that under the legislation of the non-E.U. country of destination a similar legal instrument allowing the posted Romanian to enter the labor force market by means of transfer-cession of the existent individual labor contract. Hereinafter we propose to approach such aspects, on which we will express some considerations that we hope will support both the theoreticians and practitioners. Ph.D. in Law, Lecturer at „Dunărea de Jos” University Galaţi, Faculty of Legal, Social and Political Science, Email Address: 2 Labor inspector within Labor Inspectorate European Structural Funds legal adviser within (U.N.O). Email Address: 1 68 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: posting, E.U., Non-E.U., domestic law, community law, primary dispositions. Biography: Ana ŞTEFĂNESCU Born in Tulcea on May 31st, 1976, married, mother of one girl. Graduated in 1999 of the Faculty of Economical and Administrative Sciences, Public Administration Specialization (“Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati) and in 2007 graduated of the Law Faculty and of the Master degree “Romanian and European Social Law” (“Ecologica” University, Bucharest). She also graduated the National Administration Institute and the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest (2003-2004). She gains the title of Ph. D. in Law in October 27th, 2010 (paper named Work at home – domestic and comparative law, under the scientific coordination of Univ. Ph. D. Mr. Alexandru Ticlea). Starting from October 1st, 2011 she becomes lecturer Univ. Ph. D. (tenured) within “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati, Legal, Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Public Administration and Regional Department Eduard Nicolau Born on June 6th, 1975 in Bucharest, married, father of one child. Graduated in 1997 of Law Faculty and in 2009 of the Master “Labor and Industrial Relationships” – Bucharest University. He has been for more than 12 years Labor Inspector within the Bucharest Territorial Labor Inspectorate; presently he is European Structural Funds legal adviser within the United Nations Development Programme (U.N.O). He has participated as lecturer in programs for continuous professional training of the staff from the Labor Inspectorate. He represented Romania as expert in the 99th conference of O.I.M, he has participated in the commissions for the drafting of the normative acts concerning the labor performed by foreigners in Romania, apprenticeship at the job and he is also National expert regarding the detachment of employees when performing trans-national services. 69 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Restorative and the Retributive Systems: Combining Measures [Sistemul restaurativ şi cel retributiv: combinarea măsurilor] Bianca-Liliana TĂNĂSESCU 1 Abstract The hypothesis developed is that combining restorative and retributive measures leads to an improved justice system and a better accomplishment of the purpose of criminal law by restoring the negative social effects of crime and by reducing repeat offending. The present research investigates the viability of combining retributive action with restorative measures in the crime fighting process. The paper aims to indentify the best means to fight crime and to minimize its negative consequences. The study analyzes, using the comparison method, the main characteristics of both restorative and retributive systems in trying to establish if a compatibility of actions can be reached. The documented research is based on official papers, reports, studies, international and romanian criminal law literature. This approach revealed important differences between the two systems. The retributive system requires a relationship of authority, a rigid trial with restrictive results in witch the offender and the victim are half passive subjects. The restorative system offers a flexible alternative focusing on conflict mediation, reducing the negative consequences of crime and preventing repeat offending by using persuasion methods unlike retributive justice that focuses on punishment. The present legislation contains criminal norms that encourage restorative measures such as punishment individualization, community service and penal mediation in some offences. In conclusion the two systems are rather complementary than antagonistic. Both have their limitations, not being able to fully accomplish the repressive purpose as well the preventive purpose of criminal law. The two sets of measures can be combined to increase effectiveness of criminal justice and reduce repeat offending, but this requires creating the necessary legislative and institutional framework. Keywords: restorative, retributive, criminal law, repeat offending BA of Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, „Ovidius” University, Constanta, Romania, Email Address: 1 70 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography My name is Tanasescu Bianca-Liliana and I am a Legal Adviser in the field of public services. I am a graduate of The Faculty of Law, “Ovidius” University Constanta, Romania. My main goal is to, one day, teach law, to young, energetic students, just like I was, a few years back. Education has been one of my top concerns, because I believe that the only way a society can develope in a positive manner is through education and mentality change. In my paper “The retributive and restorative systems: combining measures” I approached the subject of fighting crime through alternative methods because I think that behavioral deviation is an ancient problem, that has to be fought using innovation and educational tools that can hopefully lead to a mentality change amongst the individuals with deviant tendencies. 71 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Considerations on the Need to Regulate Legal Aggressiveness in Social Sphere Elena TUDURACHI 1 Beatrice ABALAŞEI 2 Abstract The study aims to identify the differences between subjects in terms of their level of aggression, is useful in drafting a investigativ legislative framework adapted of the needs or social reality. An intensely disputed domain in terms of aggressiveness is aimed at domestic violence, population of Romania being the most tolerant to violence in the family in all its forms, compared with the average for the European Union. In the social life there is an increase of agresivitatii. This problem of agressivity - be it collective or individual actions redressed the highest standard of modernity. At the global level there are socialsociopsihobiologie studies that estimated that century in which we live is saturated in the frustrations and aggression. Law No. 25 of March 9, 2012 on the modification and completion of the law nr. 217/2003 on preventing and combating violence in the family, published in Monitorul Oficial nr. 165 of 13 March 2001, promulgated by Decree No. 273/2012 shall come into force in may 2012, so that any victim of the aggression in the family will be able to call on new instruments for fighting domestic and înpotriva aggressors restraining order and order to prioritise. In the hypothesis in which means of prevention fail and abuse victims are already in domestic violence spiral, they spawn means to fight the violence, which they bring by way of absolute novelty in the family violence act. It remains the jurisprudence that will write starting from May 2012 to demonstrate effective specific restraining order and order to prioritise, and all measures in order to combat the rising of the unfortunate effects of a growing phenomenon. The study of the social actors identified aggressiveness which compartment underlined deficiencies at the legislative level that can be Ph.D., Faculty of Law , “Petre Andrei ” University from Iaşi, Romania, Email Address: 2 Ph.D., Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania, Email Address: 1 72 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 corrected through the improvement of existing legal mechanisms or through the creation of others means adapted to Romanian cultural space. Keywords: law, agressivity, domestic violence, sport violence, theories of agressivity. Biography: Employment: “Petre Andrei” from Iasi University, Faculty of Law, Iaşi, Romania. PhD in law. Research interest: theory of penal mediation, school mediation. E-mail: Employment: “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Iaşi, Romania. Degree: PhD in social psychology. Research interest: competitive sport, conflict mediation, social psychology. 73 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Role of the European Parliament According to the Lisabon Treaty [Rolul Parlamentului European din perspectiva Tratatului de la Lisabona] Crina Mihaela VERGA1 Abstract This paper outlines the role of the European Parliament, both through the attributions granted to it in the treaties as well as through the collaboration with other institutions or organisms of the Union. The attributions discussed upon in the paper are: the control and supervision on communitarian actions and on the institutions of the European Union, legislative attributions, budgetary attributions, the right to examine petitions, the appointment and control of the activity of the European Mediator, attributions in the field of foreign policy and common security and in the field of police and legal cooperation in criminal matters, the modification of treaties by means of an ordinary revision procedure or by means of a simplified revision procedure. The collaboration with other institutions is carried out through a series of procedures such as: the adoption of the communitarian budget, the ordinary legislative procedure and the favorable assent. The paper also analyzes the European citizens’ possibilities to contact the European Parliament: access to documents, information offices, organized visits, petitions, the Citizen’s mailing service. At last, but not least, the paper refers to the relationships between the European Parliament and national parliaments, regulated by the Lisbon Treaty enforced as of December 1st, 2009. Keywords: European Parliament, attributes, collaboration, National Parliaments, Lisabon Treaty Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate, „Mihail Kogălniceanu” University from Iaşi, România, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040740292978 1 74 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Section: Economical and Administrative Sciences [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Economice şi Administrative] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Republic of Moldova's Foreign Trade: Quality Specialization [Comerţul exterior al Republicii Moldova: calitatea specializării] Ileana ANASTASE (BĂDULESCU) 1 Abstract The last decade, external trade of Republic of Moldova, especially exports have showed very poor performances. Unlike imports, Moldavian exports grow very slow, and this is determined in the main by a reduction of industrial production. This paper examines the pattern of Moldavian international trade specialization and to what extent has it managed to change during the transition process to market economy. Agricultural sector and food processing industry still dominate the categories of products for which Moldova exhibits the largest degree of trade specialization. By contrast, high-technology sectors are prevalent among the categories for which our country is import-dependent. The originality of the research confirms existing concerns about the quality of Moldavian exports specialization, their low performance and especially the non-competitive structure of product groups. Main trends were identified for Moldavian foreign trade during the transition period along with its degree of specialization. Research methodology was based on 1995-2010 statistical series on the evolution and structure of foreign trade imports and exports (NBS and UNCTAD data), as well as on Lafay index used to determine the specialization. Keywords: imports, exports, foreign direct investments, trade specialization, Lafay index, manufacturing. Lecturer Ph.D., „Tomis” University, Constanta, Email Address: Email Address: 1 77 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Money laundering in insurance industry Mariana BĂLAN1 Carmen Marilena UZLĂU2 Corina Maria ENE3 Camelia POPA4 Abstract The paper presents money laundering through the financial sector and insurance respectively. The insurance industry, along with the banking and securities sectors, is one of the core industries through which persons and entities can access the financial system. This access provides opportunities for criminals to misuse the financial system to engage in money laundering and terrorist financing. The development of financial markets has determined the evolution of methods and schemes of money laundering and financing of terrorism in various sectors of the financial system, including insurance and reinsurance industry. The issues in the work refers to the vulnerabilities within the insurance sector, as money laundering and terorism financing. Although the primary route for the laundering of criminal funds remains the banking system the development of increasingly sophisticated control mechanisms mean that criminals are seeking alternative means of laundering criminal funds. As a consequence of this the insurance sector, together with other non-banking financial products, are increasingly being utilised by criminals. The low level of reporting the Suspicious Transactions is due to the general lack of awareness of vulnerability within the insurance sector. By the above ideas the legal framework in some EU countries deserves more attention to pay because of the continuous changes in order to adapt to the ongoing challenges. Keywords: money laundering, financial system, insurance industry Ph.D., Institute for Economic Forecasting-INCE, Romanian Academy, Athenaeum University-Bucharest, Email Address: 2 Ph.D., Institute for Economic Forecasting-INCE, Romanian Academy, Hyperion University-Bucharest, Email Address: 3 Ph.D., Hyperion University-Bucharest, Email Address: 4 Ph.D. Candidate, Academy of Economic Sciences from Bucharest 1 78 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Current Economic Crisis: Measures and Solutions [Criza economică actuală: Măsuri şi soluţii] Liana-Antonela BONTA 1 Abstract The main objective of the present research project is the current economic crisis, its effects and consequences. A key problem preoccupying developing countries today is the global economic crisis and how they can address it. The epicenter of the crisis is in the developed countries, especially the USA. But the developing countries that have no role in causing the crisis have suffered the most severe “collateral damage”. I will try to present the similarities with other periods of recession that we have crossed-over time. I will present a few measures to remedy this situation, both long-term and short-term, referring of course to Romania an EU as well. Keywords: economic crisis, measures, solutions, Great Depression; Biography Ph.D. student at Faculty of Economics and Business Administration /Department of Political Economy, "Babes-Bolyai" University, ClujNapoca Relationship Manager Retail at Alpha Bank Romania, Cluj Regional Branch Interest area: economic crises over time, the current economic crisis and mechanisms of the economic crisis Articles to be published:” Crisis and collapses in world economy” Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Economics and Business Management/Department of Political Economy, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no 0040766373839 1 79 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Business Ethics and Game Theory [Etica afacerilor şi teoria jocurilor] Dan CRĂCIUN 1 Abstract At first glance, game theory could support with rational, ideologically neutral arguments, the logic necessity of acting ethically in business. Apparently, this is what we learn from the Prisoner’s Dilemma, the Peasant’s Dilemma, or Tit for Tat. All of these strategic games suggest that the winning business strategies combine the competitive aggressiveness and the openness for cooperation with the other players of the economic game. Consequently, it is only rational to adopt an ethical behaviour in business activities, respecting the legitimate rights and interests of different categories of stakeholders. Nevertheless, this view is arguable, since game theory ultimately suggests that the best strategy in business is the cooperation of the competitors. Such unfortunate kind of cooperation is detrimental to the legitimate interests of employees, customers, suppliers, etc. On the other hand, except utilitarianism, the rest of the major ethical theories deny the moral character of those actions that are motivated by self-interest. This study concludes that game theory cannot offer a solid ground for business ethics. Keywords competition, cooperation, game theory, profit maximization, selfinterest, social needs Biography: About the author Prof. univ. dr. Dan Crăciun teaches, from 2001 to present, at the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest Business Ethics in Romanian and English, at undergraduate level and master degree. He also teaches Social Psychology, applied to marketing and advertising, and Organizational Psychology. He was one of the experts who cooperated to accomplish the international research project, PHARE funded, “Technical Assistance for Preparing a Strategy and an Action Plan to Reabilitate the Historically Polluted Sites.” As an expert consultant he cooperated with several multinational corporations Professor Ph.D., Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040723 541452 1 80 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 doing business in Romania on topics regarding business ethics. Prof. D. Crăciun has been awarded two research scholarships in the UK, at Newnham College, Cambridge (2001) and New College, Oxford (2002). Beside a number of scientific papers on business ethics and social psychology, prof. D. Crăciun published in the last decade the following books: Business and Morality, Ed. A.S.E., Bucureşti, 2003; Etica în afaceri, Ed. A.S.E., Bucureşti, 2005; Psihologie socială, Ed. A.S.E., Bucureşti, 2005; Persuasiune şi manipulare, Ed. Paideia, Bucureşti, 2008; Business Etics: Basic Concepts and Principles. Theory and Cases, Ed. A.S.E., Bucureşti, 2012. 81 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Fiscal Policy Instruments to Boost Innnovation [Instrumente de politică fiscală pentru impulsionarea inovării] Mihaela DIACONU 1 Abstract This paper has three main objectives. First of all, we review the theoretical arguments for the fiscal policies involvement in the innovation sphere through a brief review of the economic theories focused on the interrelation between research, development and economic growth, identify the forms of market failure in allocating of resources that determine underinvestment in innovation activities and highlight the size of market failure estimated in the literature. Second, we analyze the types of instruments used by the fiscal policy to spur innovation, focusing primarily on the describing and comparing of various fiscal mechanisms designed to stimulate innovation in the European Union space. Third, we analyze various design issues of the fiscal policy instruments in supporting R&D activities in Romania and discuss on the potential effects of the proposals we make to their implementation. Keywords: invention, innovation, research and developemnt, fiscal policy. Lecturer Ph.D., ”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University, Iasi, and ”Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Email Address: 1 82 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Impact of Taxation on Taxpayer’s Behavior [Impactul fiscalităţii asupra comportamentului contribuabilului] Maria-Mihaela DINCĂ 1 Abstract Each country corresponds to a tax system with a well defined structure and objectives, and the existence of taxpayers who do not meet obligations may result in undermining the system, but also create unequal conditions between those who pay taxes and those who correctly evade payment. Tax effects are numerous and highly complex and spreads in particular, as taxes are direct or indirect, on all categories of taxpayers. They concern, on the one hand, financial results and cash flows of businesses and on the other hand, the revenue and expenses. Keywords: tax, tax system, civic tax, taxation effects Biography: Date of Birth: 07/09/1981, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinti 2000 - Graduated Economic College “Theodor Costescu”, Drobeta Turnu Severin 2004 - Graduated Faculty of Economics, West University of Timisoara, Specialization - Management Company 2005 - Employed as a teacher of economic subjects – Technical College – Timisoara 2006 - Graduate studies, master, Faculty of Economics, Specialization Business Financial Management 2009 - PhD registration – Accounting Faculty of Economics, West University of Timisoara 2010 - Acquiring the status of chartered accountant, CECCAR Timis member Ph.D. Candidate in accountancy field, West University from Timisoara, Faculty of Economy and Business Adminsitration, Timisoara, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040762347333 1 83 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Section: Political Sciences and European Studies [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Politice şi Studii Europene] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 EU’s Asylum Policy Towards non-EU Nationals Between Theory and Practice: 2011 Refugee “Crisis” and its Effects on the European Internal Policies Ioana Raluca BALAŞ 1 Abstract The refugee and asylum seekers are a reality the European Union member states cannot practically ignore. The unrest in Middle East and North Africa generated a population movement heading towards Europe. The geographical proximity and the facilitation of traveling made some countries, such as Greece, Italy and Malta targets of these people in need security. Although in almost all the documents issued the EU officials manifest preoccupation for the asylum policy and immigration process, both legal and illegal, EU member states face a dilemma between their obligations under Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees and humanitarianism to grant asylum and protection to the victims of the Arab Spring and the internal pressures and challenges that rise from accepting refugees and granting them the rights that states committed themselves to. This paper aims to contribute to the specialized literature regarding the practices of the EU states concerning the refugees and asylum seekers in Europe. The main assumptions are that EU’s discourse regarding the asylum practices conflicts with the reality of actions taken by the EU in the last ten years. The second assumption is that the high influx of asylum-seekers and refugees has an impact on EU’s internal balance and solidarity. I will start by presenting the Lampedusa case as presented by international media and NGO’s, then I will continue with the theoretical grounds of the outside EU migration, refugees and asylum- seeking practices and followed by the review of the EU legislation on asylum and immigration applied to Lampedusa case and so-called Lampedusa refugee crisis. In the end, I will try to see if a practical common immigration and asylum policy in the EU is both viable and desirable. The study will be based on a qualitative analysis of the quantitative data and the qualitative study of the documents. It will be a deductive analysis that will follow the scholarly opinions and newspapers articles related to the subject, continuing with the treaties and legal documents, as primary sources. The data will be collected trough the qualitative study of the documents emitted by EU-member states, EU, NGOs, press releases and media articles. Master in International Affairs 2011-2013, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland, Email Address:,, Phone no.0041 789 177 223 1 87 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: EU asylum policies, Dublin II principles, Lisbon Treaty, EU discourse vs. practical policies, non-EU nationals, Lampedusa refugee “crisis”. Biography Ioana Raluca Balas is currently pursuing a Master in International Affairs from Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Previously, she studied Security at Babes-Bolyai University, ClujNapoca, Romania. Her research interest is focused mainly on European Politics, public policy, minorities and international migration. She previously did research on the EU’s policies regarding free movement of persons towards new EU members (Romania and Bulgaria) and migration’s effects on public policies, electoral discourse and inter-state relations. At the moment, she is interning at the Programme for Studying Global Migration at Geneva Graduate Institute, for Global Detention Project. 88 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Restructuring the International System in the Late Twentieth Century and Its Consequences on Ethnic Identities and Borders: Case Study: South-Eastern Europe [Restructurarea sistemului internaţional la sfârşitul secolului al XX-lea şi consecinţele sale asupra identităţilor şi frontierelor etnice: studiu de caz: Europa de Sud-Est] Iulia BÎNDAR1 Abstract The end of the Cold War and the collapse of communism led to a profound restructuring of the international system at the end of the twentieth century. The reconfiguration of international relations also meant reshaping the balance of power, borders and the rules that governed the system, the emergence of new actors on the international stage and a deep identity crisis. Thus, in this context of political, social and economic changes, human communities have experienced a profound identity crisis, reviewing their defining characteristics, values, priorities and interests, looking for or restating their own identities. The restructure of the international system and the identity crisis generated by it have led to the revival of ethnicity at the end of the twentieth century. The radicalization of ethnicity by certain segments of the population and the exploitation and politicization of ethnic feelings in order to satisfy their own interests turned ethnicity into a real mobilizing force. Ethnicity revival and restructuring of identities in the late twentieth century led to the crystallization of two types of ethnic borders in Central and South-Eastern Europe: type “bridges” in open developed societies, where ethnic differences are respected and the diversity of identities is appreciated and type “doors” in closed transitional societies, where radicalization of ethnic differences, ethnic hatred and rivalry cause tension and conflict between groups. We intend to analyze in this paper the consequences of restructuring the international system on identities and the main factors that contributed to the revival of ethnicity in South-Eastern Europe at the end of the twentieth century. The method of the paper is necessarily interdisciplinary, combining techniques of political sciences, history, sociology of international relations and other socio-human sciences. We appeal to case study as a qualitative method to investigate our assumptions made in the paper. Comparison is Ph.D. Candidate, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040755825424 1 89 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 another research method used in order to emphasize the characteristics of the international system before and after its restructuring at the end of the twentieth century and the role of ethnicity on the formation of ethnic identities and borders in developed and less developed countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe. The complexity of international events makes it impossible to play fair to reality, reason why we assign a reductive methodological character to our study, which requires a minimum selection of relevant information for research. Keywords: international system, ethnicity revival, identities, borders Biography PhD Candidate in International Relations and European Studies at "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Faculty of History and Philosophy. Areas of expertise: contemporary history, international relations, European studies, ethnicity. Articles: - “Tratatul de la Lisabona şi valorile Uniunii Europe”; - “Guvernanţa Uniunii Europene şi minorităţile naţionale (EU Governance and the National Minorities“ ; - “Uniunea Europeană şi managementul conflictelor etnice (EU and Ethnic Conflict Management) “. - Research internships: - "Pázmány Peter" Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Hungary; - The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest – Centre for Humanities, Institute of History. - 90 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Petre P. Carp. A perspectivist portrait [Petre P. Carp. Un portret perspectivist] Silvia BOCANCEA 1 Abstract The image of the conservative politician Petre P. Carp has been deformed by clichés such as: someone “sold to foreign powers” (especially German), a retrograde thinker, a supporter of authoritarian leadership, a promoter of state socialism, etc. Created by his political opponents, they survived him. Even in the attempts to recover the activity and the thoughts of this politician, such as those made in the interwar period, critical sense did not triumph over these ready-made ideas. Later on, the Marxist ideological interpretation took over these clichés and it included them into its own explicative system. Accusing, communist historiography created for Carp the (deformed) image of a landowner who was incapable of transgressing the narrow economic, social and political interests of the class to which he belonged in favour of the oppressed. Assuming the critical observations formulated by post-communist historiography, I opted for the perspectivist method of interpretation put forth by Karl Mannheim. This way of interpreting facts allowed me to see a conservative who thought and acted in order to meet his own interest (his becoming the model of a politician different from most other political men), that of his party (taking hold of power), and that of the social category to which he belonged (preserving the economic, social, and political position of the great landowners), but without losing sight of great goals such as the modernisation of the Romanian society or the improvement of national security. His professionalism, his moral rectitude and his civility recommend him as a political model which deserves to be recovered. Keywords: Petre P. Carp, conservative, Marxist ideological interpretation, the perspectivist method, revaluing Lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of Political and Administrative Sciences, „Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, România, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040744773400 1 91 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Reforming the Intelligence Sector Through Academic Education. Implications for the Military and Civilian Higher Education [Reformarea domeniului de intelligence prin intermediul educaţiei universitare. Implicaţii asupra învăţământului militar si civil superior] Claudia CRISTESCU 1 Abstract Without claiming exhaustiveness with respect to the approached subject, the research aims at providing a theoretical and applicative perspective regarding the “knowledge partnerships” between the Intelligence Community, the civil academic environment and the higher military education, invoking (1) the requirement for academic outsourcing of the intelligence and security analysis; (2) the benefits of exploiting social science for the purpose of intelligence analysis and the process of drafting and executing strategic military decisions, taking into consideration the development of the international security environment, the characteristics of the current operational environment and the doctrine innovations operated by the security sector structures in the Euro-Atlantic area; and (3) arguing the necessity for the institutionalisation of the intelligence education within the civilian university curriculum towards the valorisation of intelligence services as a defining component of the democratic state construction, by means of correcting the knowledge deficit regarding the role and activities developed by the national intelligence agencies, the mystified public perception regarding the intelligence agencies or their image which has been altered by belletristic or cinematic productions, as well as the often distorted journalistic representation. The purpose of the research is to conceptualize and draft a prototype of the curriculum and didactics of the “Intelligence and Security Studies” which is wanted to be implemented in the national civilian universities with the support of higher military education institutions, to identify the professional and transversal competencies, minimum performance standards desirable for development by means of the University Assistant, West University from Timisoara (Romania)/Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication Sciences, Department of Politcal Sciences, Ph.D. Candidate of „Carol I” National Defense University, Bucharest, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040735 22 10 81 1 92 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 “Intelligence and Security Studies” program and to draft the description of the appropriate qualifications which correspond to the “Intelligence and Security Studies” university specialization. In the conceptual register of the research, we have exploited theoretical considerations, as well as the results of previous related research studies, which guided our scientific investigation approach: we have assessed the status of the intelligence studies as an academic discipline and as a scientific investigation field. In this regard, we highlighted the international good practices to be followed in the sense of imposing intelligence studies in the Romanian civil universities, synthesising the interpretative paradigms of the discipline, the analytical perspectives regarding the intelligence, the sources and the research methodology of the intelligence studies, as well as the appropriate legislative mechanisms for declassification (i.e. FOIA and MDR) as an instrument for the facilitation of access of researchers to governmental documents. The intelligence education has been raised as a problem through the praxeological function of scientific knowledge. At methodological level, in order to ensure validity of the acquired data, we chose to use a mixed methodological research design and the technique of triangulation (consisting in quantitative and qualitative methods). The conclusions of the applied sociological research contributed to the orientation of the curricular design approach of the intelligence studies at the Romanian civil university level. We have argued the necessity for academic institutionalisation of the intelligence and security studies by performing a SWOT type analysis with respect to the benefits of imposing the intelligence studies in the Romanian academic environment and the implications regarding the exclusion of the intelligence curriculum from the educational program of local universities. In compliance with the requirements stipulated in the “Methodology for the Drafting of the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education”, the curricular design of the intelligence and security studies as masters educational program has been performed taking into consideration the following dimensions: Description of qualification, qualification identification elements, summary of the qualification referential, educational plan. Keywords intelligence education, intelligence studies curriculum, academic outreach of intelligence, knowledge organization, intelligence community (IC), academic community (AC), Sociocultural Intelligence (SOCINT) Biography Claudia Cristescu graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences, West University of Timisoara (2004) where she also completed and succesfully graduated from the master 93 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 program "Public Policy and Advocacy" (2006). She completed her doctoral studies in March 2012, at the National Defense University "Carol I" Bucharest, with a thesis in Military Intelligence. During 2005-2008,Claudia Cristescu conducted journalistic activities as editor and reporter for local and national publications, and since 2009 until today she has been working as a teaching assistant (T.A.) in the Department of Political Science at the West University of Timisoara. - The teaching area covers: EU Studies, Basic Political Concepts, Political Communication, Policy Studies, Political Institutions&Constitutional Design (core seminars) - The research area includes: Civil-Military Relations, Security Studies & Intelligence Education, Security Sector Governance (SSG), National Intelligence Systems 94 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The European Union and the Assertion of German Primacy: A Theoretical Approach [Uniunea Europeană şi afirmarea primatului german: o abordare teoretică] Lucian DĂRDALĂ 1 Keywords: European Union, power, issue areas, international regimes, neorealism, neoliberalism Abstract: The current financial crisis in the Euro-zone has led to a more prominent political role for Germany within the European Union, in accordance to its status as the main contributor to the financial stabilization mechanisms. So far, this has resulted in the creation of new EU norms, including the recently signed treaty for fiscal stability. In Greece and other places where austerity is sometimes seen as a German-imposed recipe, this new position of strength has raised doubts and protests. In theoretical terms, however, this process can be explained by both neorealists and neoliberals working in the field of international regimes. The debates over the fungibility of power, the significance of issue areas in EU politics, and the role of power disparities in the creation of international regimes suggest that the International Relations toolkit has gained in relevance in the study of the European Union. Lecturer Ph.D., 1 „Mihail Kogălniceanu” University, Iasi, Email Address: 95 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Gender equality policies in the labor market: from equal pay to work–life balance [Politicile egalităţii între femei şi bărbaţi pe piaţa muncii: de la egalitatea salarizării la concilierea între viaţa profesională şi viaţa personală] Alina HURUBEAN1 2 Abstract The paper aims to show that gender equality issues, although extensive and lively debate raises, it may remain confined to the a great goal or a promising ideological discourse, if it does not address the substance of gender relations, set at the intersection of public and private space, characterized by unequal ownership and valuation between paid and unpaid work. In this sense, the formulation of policies of reconciliation between work and family/personal life on the European public agenda, since 1980, opened a new stage in the evolution of women's rights and gender equality, marking the transition from legal equality to equal the real equality. Reconciliation between work and personal life is one of the major themes of European policies, that promote the fundamental principle of equality between women and men, but also economic and demographic objectives. The purpose of this paper is to identify the role and responsibility of each actor involved in the process of work-life balance (the state, employers, enterprises, family, community). This leads us to trace the evolution of European models in terms of "conciliation" between work and life, depending of the role of the state, market and family. Beyond the speeches, practices are far from homogeneous and do not yet seem to converge on this common project of "conciliation" and equality supported by the policies of the European Union. The arrangements between family and work continue to be based mainly on women, more and more over the life cycle. The new forms of work organization and labor market segmentation Postoctoral Fellow in Political Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University, Iaşi, România; Lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of Political And Administrative Sciences, “Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Romania; Email Address:; Phone no. 0040744 577181. 2 Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62259, Project „Applied social, human and political sciences. Postdostoral training and postdoctoral fellowships in social, human and political sciences” cofinanced by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013”. 1 96 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 maintain this gendered division of work. The employers can help reduce tensions between work and family life by implementing programs of WorkLife Balance. Keywords: gender equality policy; work–life balance; gender gap; paid work and domestic/care work. 97 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The European Integration of the Republic of Moldova: Mith and Reality [Integrarea europeană a Republicii Moldova: mit şi realitate] Aurelian LAVRIC 1 Abstract Within the process of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, in the public space of the country a few myths are used. Though all the former Moldovan presidents or prime-ministers claim merits for progresses in the European integration, the Republic of Moldova is out of the European Union and still far away of becoming a member. In the last period of time the Republic of Moldova is called “a success story” of the Eastern Partnership. Never the less the economic achievements and other results of the reforms are not so good. A myth is that the Republic of Moldova can be recieved in the EU with the unsolved Nistrian conflict. However, Cyprus can not serve as a precedent. There are many messages from Brussels that never an other state with an unsolved territorial conflict will be accepted as a member of the EU. The administration from Tiraspol is an Russian tool of preasure on the Government from Chisinau in order to change the direction from West to East. The Russian factor is yet important in the process of the approaching of the RM to the EU, also because Moldova depends on the Russian market and gas. Keywords European integration, European Neighbourhood Policy, Eastern Partnership, Partnership and Cooperation Agreements, European Union, NATO. 1 Ph.D. in History, Associate Prof. Ph.D., State University of Moldova, Chisinau, Email Address:, Phone no. +37369062133 98 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Romania a Bridge towards the Eastern Neighbors of the European Union [Româna: o punte de trecere spre vecinii din estul Uniunii Europene] Alina Ioana PRISTAŞ 1 Abstract The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) is shaped according to the institutional and procedural experience of the EU's enlargement. Thus, it wishes to elaborate an alternative method in terms of EU-neighboring countries relationship, a relationship based on common values that are shared by both parties of the partnership. This article suggests that although according to this policy, where EU neighbors which accept the ENP have no membership perspective, they do have to respect some of the EU’s conditions in terms of policies, cooperation or economic aspects once they agree and sign the ENP. Such a situation assumes that the involvement of different border member countries in EU- EU neighbors relationship is very important, mainly because of their geographic, economic and in some cases their cultural proximity to the neighbors. The article will continue by presenting to the readers the implementing process of ENP at the EU’s Eastern borders. At this level, Romania, as a new member state starting with 2007, will begin to have an important role in this process. Its bilateral agreements with The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine must also follow a European path in terms of cooperation, trade or political issues. For both these countries, Romania developed strategic approaches, based on their previous collaborations and on signed bilateral agreements. Even though the ENP was initiated by EU, it brings positive aspects on multiple levels to the targeted neighbors as well and represents in this respect a WINWIN situation. Keywords: European Neighborhood Policy, Cooperation, Eastern countries, Action plans. Ph.D. Candidate, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Email Address:, Phone no. 004-0745.76.14.96 1 99 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography Ph.D. Student at Doctoral School “European Paradigm”, Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca. She also attended the courses for the master and the bachelor degree at the same university. She is elaborating a thesis on the European Neighborhood Policy subject, has participated at several conferences and is specialized in European Structural and Cohesion Fund and in Project Cycle Management, unfolding project management activities in many cultural projects. 100 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Perceptions of the Political Parliamentary Élites from Romania Upon the Role of State in Economy Before and After the Introducing of the Uninominal Vote [Percepţii ale elitei politice parlamentare din România asupra rolului statului în economie înainte şi după alegerile prin vot uninominal] Marcela Monica STOICA 1 Abstract The quality of a democracy is given by the quality of élites and their professionalism is a decisive factor in consolidating democracy. In Romania, the public space was dominated, in the first decade of the 2000s, by the problem of how are chosen the elites in Parliament. The election of the political parliamentary elites using the proportional representation electoral system with closed lists seemed to maintain the monopoly domination of the political parties. Therefore, the introduction of the “uninominal” vote was seen as the solution to increase the professionalism of the élites, and hence the quality of democracy, and to a greater proximity of voters to elected. 2008, the year of the introduction and use of the “uninominal” vote for parliamentary elections was regarded and considered as a turning point in Romanian democracy. The members of the last two legislatures of the Romanian Parliament are the product of a different type of voting: the members from 2004-2008 legislature (we called them old élites) were chosen by proportional representation, with closed lists, and the members from the 2008-2012 legislature (new élites) were elected using the “uninominal” vote. Thus, the object of analysis of this paper is the political parliamentary elites generated by the two type of voting. It examines, through a comparative approach, the political parliamentary élites value profile regarding the role of state in the economy related to the investigation of possible changes in the perception of the political elites and is trying to show to what extent the values shared by the new parliamentary elites are identical to the previous élites. In other words, it is wanted to investigate if the perceptions of the new élites differ significantly from the old élites. The results presented are part of wider research carried out in the Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament, on two populations of 1 Lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of Political Sciences, „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Email 101 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 deputies elected at two different chronological and political moments. The research is based on a sociological survey in which two questionnaires were applied to two samples of deputies. The questionnaires were constructed using a simple, ransom and crossed procedure on layers. The analysis and interpretation of data obtained from the research show that both the new and the old élites, despite the different voting system, share a common body of values, the differences of perceptions being insignificant. Keywords: political parliamentary élites; self perceptions; democracy; values. 102 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 New Trends in the European Neighbourhood Policy. Case Study: The Euro-Mediterranean Region Security Issues Claudiu-Laurenţiu ŢABREA 1 Parasca IURCEA 2 Abstract: Our study tries to present the latest developments in the European Neighbourhood Policy especially the significant transformations of the last six years. We will focus our attention on the institutional, legislative, economic and especially the security aspects. The financial and economic crisis of the recent years has adversely affected the European Union and implicitly have influenced the partnership with its neighbours. In their turn, the social and political events generated by the riots in the states of North Africa have caused many problems affecting the regional security environment, having an impact on their relationship with the Union. We will analyze matters of political, economic, societal, and cultural nature, that have changed the balance of power in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, on which the European Union should have a more active position. Issues such as illegal migration, drug trafficking, human trafficking, political instability, corruption, and other risks, dangers and threats will be presented and investigated. We will try to show if the EU can be an actor able to influence, through the ENP, the social-political situation of the neighbour states and to improve the security environment in the Euro-Mediterrarean area. Keywords: Security, European Neighbourgood Policy, governance, Southern neighbours, trends Ph. D. Candidate, International Relations and European Studies area, Faculty of History and Philosphy, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Email Address: 2 MA of Criminal and Forensic Sciences Master Programme, Christian University „Dimitrie Cantemir” Bucureşti 1 103 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Decision-making Models in Public Policies Process: A Transdisciplinary Approach [Modele decizionale în procesul politicilor publice: o abordare transdisciplinară] Dorina ŢICU 12 Abstract The decision in the public policies is a process based on a cognitivecomprehensive analysis centered on certain models (the rational actor theory, the incrementalism, mixt theory, the model of bureaucratic organisation, game theory, etc.). This article aims to analyse the models of decision-making process from a transdisciplinary perspective, through the call made at the classic model of rational actor and at the game theory. The analysis of each model captures common dimensions as the actors involved, the decision-making process, the stages, the mechanisms, the instruments used, in order to determine the reliability of each one. The impossibility to establish the existence of total rational criteria of decision making, to guarantee the rationality of the actors, the comprehensiveness of the informations common elements of the rational actor theory-brings with it the need of a different approach. Placing public policies in the environment of the risk, remove the rationality of the agents, searching different criteria of decisionmaking beyond the efficiency and effectiveness, searching strategies for balance, the call to prisoner's dilemma, all these are new elements that should be used in actual analysis of decision making process. All these elements are used by the game theory and can explain the decision making process from a complementary perspective and from a more realistic one. Keywords: public policies, rational actor theory, games theory, transdiciplinarity 1 Ph.D. Candidate, Associate University Professor at Faculty of Philosphy and SocialPolitical Sciences, Department of Public Politics and International Relations and European Studies, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Email Address:, Phone no. 0744262978 2This work was supported by the the European Social Fund in Romania, under the responsibility of the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 [grant POSDRU/CPP 107/DMI 1.5/S/78342]. 104 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography Dorina ŢICU - associate university professor, postdgraduate, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi, Published articles: Politicul şi politicile. O abordare din perspectiva a trei teorii: David Easton, Stepen Robbins şi Gianfranco Pasquino(2008), Evaluarea: acţiune pe parcurs sau etapă finală a ciclului politicilor publice? (2009), Values linking Hofstede's cultural dimensions to Adrian Paul-Iliescu's „right”& „left” interpretations from Popper's „Open society” perspective (2010) in collaboration with Ph. D. Professor Carmen AidaHuţu, Public policies – from the dilemma of resources allocation to the ethical decision making (2011), A design for the evaluation in public administration (2011), Models of the implementation in public administration (2012), 0744262978, 105 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Romania's Relations with Russia in the Post-december Romanian Foreign Policy Register [Relaţiile României cu Rusia în catastiful politicii externe româneşti postdecmbriste] Miruna Mădălina TRANDAFIR1 Abstract This attempted research tries to detect under punctual and rigorous arguments the preliminary stage of the Romanian post December Foreign Policy, demonstrating the increased attention assigned to the RomanianRussian relationship at the level of the main action directions carried on externally. In the introductory part of the study, we propose a close radiography of the external portrait of Romania, emphasizing the atypical trajectory recorded together with the sudden fall of the communist structure and the beginning of coagulation of new post-communist political structures and systems. In the second part of the paper, we shall emphasize the Romanian-Russian bilateral tandem specific to recent or immediate history segment, locating the “privileged” statute this complex relation detains at the level of the defining options of Romanian post December foreign policy. In its integrity, the paper dissociates itself from the unanimously accepted tendency in the academic circle, according to which the fundamental option of Romanian post December foreign policy was made up by the affiliation of Romania to Euro-Atlantic structures and mechanisms, inserting a distinct research direction, that starts from a contrasting premise: Romania of year ’90 perpetuated the relationships with the Soviet Union, being particularly preoccupied with the recalibration in a mutual advantageous manner of the new juridical-bilateral framework. Keywords Romanian-Russian bilateral relations, post-communist foreign policy, privileged statute, recent history, juridical-bilateral framework. 1 Ph.D. Candidate, Year III, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy. Email Address: 106 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Section: Social Sciences [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Sociale] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Regional Television: Features [Viitorul televiziunii regionale] Margareta ANDREESCU 1 Abstract Regional television is situated at the borderline between national television and local television. Focused around a central news programme the regional televisions are not the same. What sets them apart is firstly the editorial policy, then the programming way and structure of the grid, the format type and various other factors. Between the two media sources there is a complementary relationship, but their contribution to the daily agenda is not balanced. Even though – theoretically, television should have temporal priority, most of the presented information is firstly shown in local press or reflects simultaneously appearances. There is a percent of information firstly shown on television but this does not offer regional television the leader status in present information in the area. Thus, this hypothesis is confirmed only partially. Regional television is in a considerable amount involved in supporting some regional projects, especially with cultural character. This increases its visibility in the community, offers authority on a regional level and gives it a boost of confidence from the population. These aspects confirm the hypothesis. I will mention that for and in depth analysis of the subject a rigorous study among the population is required. Keywords: regional television, own production, recorded shows, grid. Ph.D., TV editor Iasi, Lecturer Ph.D., Apollonia University, Iaşi, Email Address: 1 109 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Reflexivity - A Principle for Innovation in Education [Reflexivitatea- Un principiu al inovaţiei în educaţie] Carmen ALEXANDRACHE 1 Abstract Our demarche starts from the premises that reflexivity is as active as the scientific research and the social relationships, a fact for which it necessitates a prolonged and complex training, a lot of involvement, time and experience in establishing the moments, the strategies and the means to determine its efficiency. The study incorporates the reflexivity of the problems regarding the improvement of the quality of education. In this respect it emphasizes the means of developing the (self)reflexive qualities of students and of teachers, (together with some examples of types of activities) it demonstrates the connection between reflexivity and active learning and it rapports it to the guidance function of evaluation in education, it suggests understanding reflexivity as a side of student focused learning and of developing the critical thinking. The main conclusion of the study refers to the fact that reflexivity presupposes not only thinking upon what has happened or what should have happened (thus making a critical analysis upon it), but it must be complemented by the action taking (by means of making a decision and of applying it). Keywords: quality of education, strategies, (self)reflexive qualities, active learning Biography Assistant, University ”Dunărea de Jos” of Galati - The Teacher Training Department - involving in initial and continuous education programs and in adult education programs - Master graduate “The Danube in European history” - studying history of the mentalities, history of the church and of culture in the Middle Ages. - preparing doctorate thesis in the Romanian history; specialized field is Mental religious in the Romanian Countries in the17th century 1 University Assistant, Ph. D. Candidate, University ”Dunărea de Jos” of Galati - The Teacher Training Department, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040788389222 110 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Romanian Religious Mentality - A Problem of Method and Thought [Mentalul religios românesc - O problemă de metodă şi reflecţie] Carmen ALEXANDRACHE 1 Abstract For the scientific world and for the public, mentality represents still a very attractive but extremelly complicated subject, its implications justifying the human attitudes and behaviours. If the focuse is laid on the XVIIth century, the situation becomes more complicated because of the difficulties encountered while checking the observations. Starting from the contemporary analitical perspectives, the study suggests some directions regarding the interpretation and analysis of the Romanian religious mentality from this century, dominated by religious problems. The historic direction of the research has established a compromise between the context of events and thinking, while the antropological direction has omitted causality, the explanation thus being internalized. In this situation, the research tendencies are placed, either at the descriptional level (identifying and describing the facts and the practices), colaborating very well with the quantitative level (interested in statistics done after reading from numerous sources), or at the qualitative level (dominated by images and symbols). These highlights are soustained historically, but they also encourage branched research. Thus, the study opens up new research posibilities of these sensitive problems. The conclusion of the study emphasizes the importance of the interdisciplinary colaboration and the responsability and courage needed to start such an approach. Keywords: historiographical directions, attitudes, sensitive, interdisciplinary Biography Assistant, University ”Dunărea de Jos” of Galati - The Teacher Training Department - involving in initial and continuous education programs and in adult education programs - Master graduate “The Danube in European history” 1 University Assistant, , Ph. D. Candidate, University ”Dunărea de Jos” of Galati - The Teacher Training Department, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040788389222 111 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 - studying history of the mentalities, history of the church and of culture in the Middle Ages. preparing doctorate thesis in the Romanian history; specialized field is Mental religious in the Romanian Countries in the17th century 112 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Frontiers And Contemporary Thinking: Zygmunt Bauman And Salman Rushdie Dana BĂDULESCU 1 Abstract This paper looks into the nature of contemporary modernity as reflected by the metaphorical discourses of Zygmunt Bauman, an outstanding sociological writer, and Salman Rushdie, a famous novelist. This approach to the two writers’ echoing discourses focuses upon their new perceptions of frontiers, which are crucial in their inquiries. When Rushdie weaves a whole lecture, later published in book form under the title Step Across this Line, around the idea of frontier, he echoes Bauman’s vocabulary and perceptions when he explores his own ideas of modern “liquidity.” Rushdie, whose book-length essay came out in 2002, never references Bauman’s Liquid Modernity, published in 2000. Arguably, Rushdie may have never read Bauman’s book. However, the similarity of their perceptions upon the “liquid” nature of modernity, especially when applied to frontiers not only spatially but also temporally, is striking. Bauman’s statements that “in the fluid stage of modernity, the settled majority is ruled by the nomadic and exterritorial elite,” that “holding the ground is not that important if the ground can be reached and abandoned at whim, in a short time or in no time,” that “being modern means being perpetually ahead of oneself, in a state of constant transgression” find a mirror in Rushdie’s contentions that “in our deepest natures, we are frontier-crossing beings,” that “we are living in a frontier time, one of the great hinge periods in human history, in which great changes are coming about at great speed.” Bauman the sociologist and Rushdie the novelist who studied history at Cambridge bring their theories to bear upon the social and political contexts of the late 20th and early 21st century: contexts in which the collapsing or melting frontiers, but also new “visible” or “invisible” frontiers, both spatial and temporal, reshape an ambiguous metamorphic space of dread and exhilaration. Keywords: frontier, frontier-crossing, quest, liquid modernity, transgression, exterritorial power, panopticon versus synopticon, leadership versus spectacle, surveillance versus seduction 1 Ph. D. Assistant Professor and POSDRU grantee “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, E-mail:, Mobile phone number: 0040728655064 113 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: Dana Bădulescu teaches at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and is now a POSDRU grantee doing her research on Salman Rushdie and his writing as emblematic for our contemporary world. She focuses her research on the intriguing and often dangerous imbrication of art, politics, ideology and religion vs. secularism in Rushdie's writing. Since 2006, she has published several articles on Salman Rushdie (Salman Rushdie’s “Unfettered Republic of the Tongue” in Fury, “Philologia”, 2006 ; The Boulder of History Is Rolling in Salman Rushdie’s Novel, “Sphere of Politics”, October 2011; Rushdie ‘the Translated Man’ , “Sphere of Politics,” December 2011, Heterotopia, Liminality, Cyberspace as Marks of Contemporary Spatiality 114 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Intercultural Communication in the Migration’s Context [Comunicarea interculturală în context migraţionist] Simion BELEA 1 2 Abstract Migration represents one of the most important social phenomena which characterize our contemporary society, transformed into a more and more global and multicultural one. The cultural, ethnical, economic and social changes make us meet “the diversity”, fact which assumes a permanent change of relationships and a confrontation between different identities. In other words, migration implies an increase of the contact between societies and social groups which belong to different ethnic groups, fact which can determine problematic and conflict situations which can be solved by intercultural communication. Intercultural communication contributes to the discovery of ethnical differences and their relationship, it promotes the change and dialogue between different cultures, reciprocal understanding and it consolidates social cohesion. The acquisition of competences which favors intercultural communication passes through 3 stages as fallows: awareness, knowledge and obtaining some general and specific abilities. The present paper will describe the main competences which contribute to intercultural communication and the obstacles which prevent the adequate functioning in this domain. The success of the intercultural communication depends on the choice of an appropriate code which has to be utilized as mean of communication and relationship between different interlocutors and as a reconfirmation of the fact that the recognition of diversity stands at the base of the relationship with the other. Starting from these premises, this paper aims to outline the principles and the guidelines of the intercultural communication in the sense of promoting a plural, open and respectful community towards the rights and duties of its citizens, whether they are autochthon or strangers. Beside the practical implications of the intercultural communication, this paper will take into consideration the role of intercultural communication as a research area in the migration domain and the progresses registered in this direction. There are going to be underlined as well, the elements which have the decisive role Ph.D. Postdoctoral Grant Recipient Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch E-mail: 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This paper was made within The Knowledge Based Society Project supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU ID 56815. 1 115 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 in the process of communication destined to the reciprocal understanding between cultures, crossing not only the linguistic barrier, but the cultural barriers as well, in a process of passing towards an awareness of cultural differences and towards a larger acceptance of different values. Keywords: migration, intercultural conflict, diversity, social cohesion, integration intercultural communication, Biography Belea Simion, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Grant Recipient of the Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, with a study on Romanian immigrants in Italy. Also he is a Scientific Researcher at the Center of Research and Information of North University Baia Mare. He is collaborating on a project for social integration of immigrants in the province of Rome. Among his publications mention: Judicial latin tradition and judicial byzantine tradition in the codification of modern Romania (Rome, Lateran University Press, 2004); Role of the Holy See in international relations, (Bucharest, 2010); Rights and immigration: an overview of the developments and sources (in “Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali”, Bologna: Il Mulino, Nr.1/2011, p. 21-32.); La civiltà e il diritto della Dacia Romana (in “Studia et Documenta. Historiae et Iuris, Rome, Lateran University Press, Italia, 2011). 116 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Cutting-Edge Strategies for Training our Business learners' Intercultural Competence Awicha BENABDALLAH 1 Abstract Considering the fact that English is nowadays seen as newly emerging word-order and international work-place, culture is widely believed to play a pivotal function for better communication to occur on the international scale; as it places an incredibly high value on the participants’ interactions. It seems, thus, for a great discernible to noticeably devise a new-fangled framework based on the new perspective on incorporating the cultural aspect in EFL teaching in general and ESP in particular. Therefore, and due to the process of globalization, a long lasting interest has been placed upon the call for effective ways to better assist and enhance the learners’ intercultural communicative competence and promoting at the same time cross-cultural understanding. This paper is, in fact, an attempt to shed some fresh lights on the underlying significance of the adoption or adaptation of an intercultural approach to our Business English learners at the preparatory school of Economics of Tlemcen ALGERIA- . In this vein, the main problematic would be as follows how one -as an ESP teacher- may manage an intercultural approach with our ESP learners’ requirements? Keywords: ESP Teaching, Competence, Strategies. Intercultural Communication, Intercultural Biography Ms. Awicha BENABDALLAH holds her BA and magister degree in ESP at Abu Baker Belkaid University of Tlemcen , she is a part-time teacher at the preparatory school of economic sciences and the department of political sciences. She has participated in the International seminar with a communication entitled “Preliminary Study of the ESP LMD Evaluation at the Department of Psychology ”, Organized by LAROS « Laboratoire De Recherche Ouvrages Du Supérieur » Université d’Oran (Avril 2011). Miss. Awicha BENABDALLAH, part-time teacher, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Abu - Baker belkaid University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, ALGERIA, Email:, Phone: 00213 665 90 04 16 1 117 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Opportunities and Perspectives from Informal Learning [Oportunităţi şi perspective ale învăţării informale] Elena BRUMĂ 1 Abstract: This paper is a theoretical study in which the emphasis is on the informal learning. This concept is not new, but has changed in its evolution. Since perspectives on learning process has changed dramatically in last decades, the perception of individual and passive experience learning to active learning as a process dynamic and evolving is required and which includes an overview of informal learning in present. In recent years a number of specialists have suggested that new information and communication technologies have changed the nature of learning, new learning opportunities, new types of skills and new ways of providing different learning traditional knowledge that. Following rewieving the literature, theoretical and experimental studies which are focused on the learning process, especially informal learning, we approached this topic, highlighting the importance of informal learning, according some criteria like classical opportunities of informal learning and present, new or modern opportunities, including here, radio, online media, television and, as modern opportunitiess, the information and communication technologies, the internet and its tools: weblog, wiki, second life, virtual communities. In the second part we will describe the perspectives of informal learning like technological perspectives, methodological perspectives, instrumental and pedagogical perspectives and its effects. Practical will be made a short history of informal learning, a reflection of evolution of this learning type, otherwise the informal learning as important as formal learning. Keywords: informal learning, information and communication technologies, online media, radio, television. Biography My names is Elena Brumă, I have graduated in 2006, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasy, Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education and obtained Bachelor degree in Pedagogy. In 2008 I have graduated Master Programme in Conflict Mediation, at the same faculty. From September Therapist Applied Behavioural Analysis, under international supervision, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Psichology and Education Sciences Faculty, Iasi, Email Address: 1 118 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 2009 onwards, I am Phd student at Doctoral School Science of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education, University Alexandru Ioan Cuza from Iasy. I was speech therapist at Special School of Paşcani, Iasy, between the years 2009-2010. Between January 2011-june 2011, I was student to Applied Behavioral Analysis course, therapist in training, under supervision of Prof.dr. Neil Martin BCBA-D, Board of Directors Member European Association for Behavior Analysis, London, UK. From October 2010 onwards I am volunteer teacher to Center of Resources for Education and Family Doxamus, Iasy, Romania. 119 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 ICT and Its Impact on Organizational Learning Diego CARDONA1 ABSTRACT This article presents the impact of the Information and Communications Technology – ICT at organizational learning through a review of the state of the art in this field. First, it addresses the basic concepts of knowledge society, the process of change due to a postmodern era and its implications for organizational learning. Additionally, it addresses the concept of ICT, its development, components and a relevant discussion concerning the difference among data, information and knowledge that are necessary for the accuracy of organizational learning. Finally, it presents the definition of organizational learning observed from the organization itself and describes a series of studies of the impact of ICTs on organizational learning and through this into the increasing productivity and innovation. Keywords: ICT, organizational learning Biography Diego Cardona is Colombian engineer with a post degree in project management; he has a MSc and PhD in Management Sciences. His professional development has been framed in Information Technologies – IT as engineer at private companies in Colombia, and as CIO at the Colombian government agency responsible for technology and strategic information for the Country. In addition, he has been Consultant in the area of IT with multilateral funding agencies for some Latin American Governments. Besides this professional career, he has been involved in academia as researcher an professor in strategic application of IT in organizations. Eng MSc PhD, ICT Consultant, Associated Professor – Universidad del Rosario,, Calle 72 No 4 – 55 Apartamento 501, Edificio Fori – Rosales, Bogotá - Colombia 1 120 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Personality and the Social Cognition [Personalitatea şi cogniţia socială] Felicia CEAUŞU 1 Abstract Individual ego constantly swings between the extremes of subjectivity and objectivity; he seeks to impose individual aspirations and their own value system, but also cannot ignore the need to respect the requirements and society values, necessity derived from the very of human social status. Focusing exclusively of people on self-interest, just because of overestimation of personal capacity and the importance of individual desires, raises important issues essential for individual and social psychology, such as the attitude of mistrust and underestimation of their own possibilities, manifested by others people. Overestimation leads to a hypertrophy of the personality concerned the horizontal level (that of the multiplication and diversification exaggerated of desires and individual activities) and vertical level (height of the aspirations set at a time): overestimates people are animated by the conviction that not only can any, but the ambition to want more than they can. The exacerbation of these two levels of personality, is rooted the conflict situations of these people with others around and the possibility of living by them the strong feelings of frustration, which seriously undermines individual psychological balance. It identifies four levels of analysis in social psychology: intrapersonal processes, dynamics of interpersonal relationships, individual-group relations, intergroup relations. We will focus especially on the first and second level in this work. The paper proposes that the main objective investigation of important issues for individual psychology: meanings of the term personality, the self in relation to personality and consciousness, summarizing the most significant current guidelines on individual-society relationship, analysis of cognitive equip, composed of concepts, categories and prototypes that help individuals to understand the world where they live in. Keywords: personality, concepts, categories, prototypes, social cognition 1 Ph.D., Institute of Economic and Social Researches “Gh. Zane”, Romanian Academy, Iaşi Branch, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040733692663 121 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Martial Arts Anthropology for Sport Pedagogy and Physical Education Wojciech J. CYNARSKI 1 Kazimierz OBODYŃSKI 2 Howard Z. ZENG3 Abstract The aim of this paper is to discuss the subject as well as the problem of corporeality and spirituality in the anthropology of martial arts. The authors attempt to show the vision of a new psychophysical education on the way of martial arts and the taking of personal patterns here. Analysies are made in the perspective of the holistic pedagogy and humanistic theory of martial arts. Qualitative methods, such as studying literature, direct interview and long-term participant observation were used. The authors wish to begin with the concept of corporeality as it is found in the available literature on the subject. The first author has been active in an environment of martial arts for over 30 years. Interviews and discussions were conducted with 9 martial arts masters of the highest rank. Results and conclusions. Psychophysical system of self-realization is an educational programme - a way which relates to spiritual development through physical and mental exercise, according to teaching by a particular master-teacher. Within the context of martial arts being used as a psychoeducational form of education, the body fulfills, above all, the role of a tool to be used on the way towards enlightenment and wisdom. It is utilized specifically in spiritual progress. Improving one’s physical abilities is therefore an ascetic journey of physical perfectionism and technical accomplishment all towards achieving spiritual mastery. In some cases, spiritual development is described in terms of energy (qi, ki) and connected with the capacity of one’s health. Traditional understanding of martial arts is often mixed with combat sports or systems of meditation are numbered among movement forms. The opportunity to avoid similar mistakes is to adopt a theoretical perspective of the anthropology of psychophysical progress. Paradigm of systematic approach and integral outlook on the human allow for understanding of the sense of being involved in ascetic and psychophysical practices. Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland 3 Brooklyn College, City University of New York, USA 1 2 122 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Utilitarian values of some martial arts causes, that the martial arts are very useful for PE curriculum. Falls and other exercises, elements of self defence techniques are beneficial for both for more safe teaching and future safe life. Keywords: martial arts, human body, patterns and values, psychophysical progress, education 123 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Performance Management – A Fundamental Resource for Success [Managementul performanţelor – resursă fundamentală pentru obţinerea succesului] Georgiana CORCACI 1 Abstract Ancestry and evolution that we obtain in a particular field or in a particular activity is the result of objectives from an organized thing. What is truly performance? I am a powerful person? When I know I achieved performance? What are the ingredients of performance? To answer these new questions have turned to sites such databases. Michael Armstrong (2003) shows that "performance is achieved special success in an industry”. Performance includes "activities that ensure that the objectives are consistently met in an effective and efficient". Here, therefore, derived from the answer above: "The performance is success in terms of efficiency and effectiveness". Effectiveness is the measure of the degree to which certain objectives are met, the efficiency is about the size of resources used for this purpose. Should note that when a person does what he can and likes the results are outstanding, accumulated stress is minimal, and professional recognition is maximum. In this context, we sought to emphasize that the companies were part of the evaluation, there is concern from the management team for a management career. For this desideratum we proposed the following objectives: 1. highlighting the influence on career preparation and professional development, 2. highlighting the influence of trainings on performance, 3. highlighting the influence of motivation on becoming professional 4. influence of periodic assessments for a successful career. Investigated sample consists of 100 people, 62 men and 38 women, aged between 21 and 35 years. Methods used in the present research are observation and questionnaire. Performance is successful. In the present study we intend to demonstrate that performance has an important role in developing a successful career for those of employees who feel "right man at the right place". Keywords: management, performance, success, evaluation. Associate Prof. Ph.D., ”Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Faculty of Psichology and Education Sciences, Email Address: 1 124 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: Associate Professor Ph.D. Georgiana CORCACI, is director of the Master of Human Resource Management, Human Resources Director of the Center, coordinator of the Humanitarian Program "Help us help them" the University "Petre Andrei" of Iasi, Faculty of Psychology. Today is a post-doctoral research in management with relevance advanced forensic psychiatry at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Iasi. PhD in Psychology, University of Bucharest, field - psychology. He has a Master in Integrated Education, Department of Psychology, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi. A graduate of Psychology, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi. He is a member in projects carried out by European funds. Specializes in organizational psychology and management, with experience in: psycho evaluation for selection, recruitment, performance evaluation, career development, individual and organizational SWOT analysis. Publications: 1. Single author Practice and theory in psychology managerial Junimea House, Iasi psychological dimensions relevant to performance in educational management, Junimea Publishing, Science, 2. Co-author - Ruxandra Răşcanu, Georgiana Corcaci, development, differences, psychological dysfunction in the current landscape, University of Bucharest, 3. He has published articles listed in the relevant international databases in work psychology, organizational psychology and human resource management. Four. He participated in numerous national and international conferences in the country and abroad. 125 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Value and Behaviour Determinant Factors of a Democratic Regime [Determinări de ordin valoric şi comportamental ale unui regim democratic] Andreea-Ioana COZIANU 1 Abstract In the context of Romania joining the European Union, the analyses and debates regarding the implementation of the public policies and the European Funds absorption are current issues. Lots of transformations took place at all the levels like political, economic, institutional, but also in every day life. Starting from the political changes we get to the role of civic involvement that grew significantly during the last years while, and this imposed a mentality change and a modification of the civic and political behaviour. Keywords: Political behaviour, civic behaviour, democratic regime, civic involvment. 1 PhD Junior Lecturer, “Mihail Kogalniceanu”, Phone no. +4.0745.603.153 University, Iasi, E-mail: 126 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Humanization of Higher Technical School - A Current Trend in the Field of Education [Umanizarea şcolii superioare tehnice – o tendinţă actuală în domeniul educaţional] Victoria DANILA 1 Abstract This topic focuses on the pedagogical perspective of humanization process educational technical university, and has a priority task personal and professional development of students. In the context of globalization and integration in the development of the society, the changes that take place on the labour market, as well as new requirements for training/education specialists with technical profile, requires a review of the entire education system. They, in turn, must rely on interdisciplinary relationships of technical subjects, humanities, and profile, in order to ensure the possibility of effective development of young specialists in the lifelong. Within the framework of the work were made by the following: it was examined the role of humanization of technical education and its place in education; have been identified the criteria and the principles that underlie this process; were enumerated provisions key of this process in technical university, as in the end to be proposed conceptual model of humanization of higher education technical. Therefore, the higher technical school involves the formation and development not only of engineers and creative professionals, competitive, but also personalities able to self-development. Keywords: students, personal and professional development, the principles of humanization, future engineer, technical skills, training. 1 Lecturer Assistant, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Email Address: 127 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: Victoria DANILA was born on 29.05.1984 or. Soroca, RM. Education: High School "Constantin Stere" Soroca in 2002, studies UTM, Faculty light industry, Specialty MTCT. from 2002-2006, licensed engineer, master studies 2006 - 2007, Magister ,of Light Industry, specialty MTCT.; at present development of the thesis of doctorate to specialty 13.00.08 , U. T. M. .. Scientific activity: I participated in national and international scientific conference in the year 2006, with oral presentations, poster. Professional activity: lecturer at the College or Technology. Chisinau in 2006, for a year while studying for master, then employed at UTM, FIU, I am currently working assistant lecturer, foreman training Awards: Bursa "Sergiu Rădăuţanu" 2011. Senate Award UTM “The best doctoral student 2010" Awards of grade II, the diploma of grade II. Seminars: "HANDS-ON SKILLS IN MOLDOVA", 2009. - FORMATION SKILLS TRAINING PRACTICE, TEACHING KNOWLEDGE, PROJECT CONSEPT 2010 - Evaluation of academic results, PROJECT CONSEPT 2011 - “Academic Ethics", 2011 128 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Implementing Bologna Process: Taking into Account what Students Think and Improving Professor’s Performance in Class Fernando DIEZ ESTELLA 1 Abstract As we all know, the so-called “Bologna-process” is paying close attention to many important things regarding High School education, such as skills, competences, new research trends, TICs, accreditation and quality assurance, etc. Those issues are taking much of the attention of scholars and whoever is devoting efforts to research about them, and indeed they deserve it. However –to our understanding- both the academic community and the public entities entitled to the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are overlooking at least two crucial issues: what students think about University, and how professors achieve excellence in their classes. Given they are closely related, our presentation to this conference is intended to cover both. As to the first topic, although the students are to play a key role in the new EHEA, and indeed they are supposed to be placed at the very centre of the teaching-learning process, however, no schemes are developed yet to hear them, and –whenever necessary or convenient- take their opinions into account. From our point of view, the starting point to solve this problem is asking what makes college an academically and personally successful time for some students but not others. Afterwards, the methodology usually used to gather the proper information is conducting interviews and visiting various campuses. The results we present in Section II of this paper are, to say the least, pretty counter-intuitive, and to some point somehow astonishing. For example, we learn that students are more enthusiastic about learning in courses that have some relevance to their personal lives or interests outside the classroom, instead of just fulfilling a graduation requirement. Or that they learn more when they collaborate on challenging homework rather than performing their assigned tasks individually. Keywords: Bologna process, education, performance improving Ph.D. Commercial Law Professor Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Email Address: 1 129 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Resources of Secondary Teachers’ Resilience Facing School Violence in Romania and Quebec [Resurse mobilizate pentru dezvoltarea rezilienţei educaţionale de către profesorii care predau în învăţământul secundar din Québec şi România pentru a surmonta violenţa şcolară] Viorica DOBRICĂ TUDOR 1 Manon THÉORÊT 2 Abstract Falling into the qualitative research category, this study reports an investigation on which resources are mobilized by five Quebecer teachers and five Romanian teachers for the development of educational resilience in the face of violence occurring in schools, evaluated as a risk factor. The data analysis reveals the competences' function as resources met in the teachers mentioned above. Acting as an exploratory comparative research, this study points out the influence of different cultures, in terms of perception and impact of the experience of violence, acting upon professional competences, feelings of efficiency as well as development and operation of educational resiliency's process of teachers from both national groups. This ”ecosystemic” approach allows the enlightenment of educational resiliency's dynamic process which itself requires resources and relies on factors that secure its operation. Keywords: school violence, professional competences, cultural influences, process, professional satisfaction, resilience. Ph.D. Candidate, Université de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Email Address:, 2 Professor, Université de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Email Address: 1 130 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: Viorica Dobrică Tudor: statut: doctorant et chargée de cours Institution: Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada; personal phone no.: 514-344-9425 (université: 514-343-7035, E-mails : si Manon, Théorêt : statut : profesor; Institution: Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada; Phone no. 514-343-7035; Emails : 131 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Administrative Organization of Romania in the Period between the Two World Wars. A Comparative Perspective [Organizarea administrativă a României în perioada interbelică. O perspectivă comparată] Bogdan-Cristian DUMITRU 1 Abstract The problem of the administrative organization of the state in the interwar period became a constant of the political and ideological debate. After the 1918 Union it takes almost seven years until it will be adopted the first Law of Administrative Unification in June, 25. Despite a strong opposition to this system of administrative organization, the law continued the tradition of the French model of centralized administrative organization. This study aims to analyze in a comparative manner with the French and Italian administrative systems the organization and functioning of the administrative-territorial system of interwar Romania. We will analyze the social, economical, political and cultural causes that have determined the legislator’s option for this model, the structure, actors and functioning of the system from the center-periphery relationship perspective and also the French and Italian system’s influence on the interwar Romanian administrative organization. In the Romanian historiography, unlike Western historiography, the institutional historical studies are only at the beginning. However, the administrative history studies are not missing. The administrative history has prevailingly represented the object of study of the administrative law specialist, so these studies have been written from the law’s history’s perspective. This kind of studies represent an indispensably contribution to the administrative history, but only a signally legal approach of the formal legislative framework has not constituted yet an historical interpretation of the evolution of the administrative organization system and of its historical functions. Thus, methodologically, I propose a complementary approach, namely a comparative historical-sociologic analyses of the administrativeterritorial system of interwar Romania. The comparative analysis of the Romanian administrative-territorial system structure and functioning with the French and Italian administrative Associate professor at Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Ph.D. Candidate at Faculty of European Studies under the scientif coordination of Ph.D. Univ. Prof. Nicolae Păun. The research is financed through a dotoral scholarship POS DRU. Email Address:, Phone no. 0040745.309.296 1 132 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 systems (in all these three countries there were in vigour variants of the Napoleonic administrative system), give us a better insight into the Romanian legislator’s option for this system, for its dynamic and functions in interwar Romania. Furthermore, the conclusion of the study will enable us to shape a more balanced and nuanced picture of the relationships between the actors of the political-administrative centralized systems of these three countries. Also, this study will help us to better understand the role which the Napoleonic model of administrative organization has played in the political evolution of these countries during the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth century. Keywords: political-administrative center-periphery relationships system, centralization, decentralization, 133 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Education in Times of War and Emergencies Marco FANARA 1 Abstract: This paper explores the many daunting impacts of armed conflict on children’s education as well as the many encouraging strategies and practices utilized to meet the needs of children in such circumstances. To do so, this paper examines the impacts of armed conflict at the family level, the community level, the local level, the national level and finally the international level. More specifically this paper examines the seemingly endless negative effects of armed conflict on children’s education and therein possible strategies to counter said negative effects Keywords: Armed Conflict, Children’s Education 1 The University for Peace, Email Address: 134 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Audio-visual Messaje in Postmodernism [Mesajul Audio-Vizual in Postmodernism] Maria FLOREA 1 Abstract In television, the entertainment should answer the relaxation desire of the people who are stressed out by the job requirements, but also to the escape desire of the people who are not accustomed to an imaginary universe. In the long run, the pursuit for celebrity and for fabulous earnings has allowed that more amateurs than professionals entered this field of activity. According to the German sociologist and philosopher Jurgen Habermas, in the industrial democracies, the media has the face of Ianos, the protective god in the Roman mythology who has two opposed faces: one looks forward and the other backward. Thus, the media has the role of illuminating, but also of controlling, of informing, as well as of advertising, educating and manipulating. Nevertheless in spite of the personalization, trivialization and commercialization, which are contemporary phenomena, it is the media the one that supports the democratic reforms and serves as a basis for the improvement and the stimulation of the civil society. As well, the media has several times served as a filter through which the state institutions and the society could be contested and subject to analysis by the desire to eliminate corruption and to charge the power abuse. A first hypothesis is that the violence noticed in the television entertainment is represented mostly by the symbolical violence when dramatizing any topic and transforming any information into a media show. Thus these audio-visual programmes emphasize the sensational and exploit the emotional side of the TV viewer to the prejudice of a rational analysis. Another hypothesis is that the public who is in front of the TV screen is induced the idea that the woman is a sexual object, which represents a kind of manifestation of the symbolical violence that can be constantly seen to the prejudice of the Romanian audio-visual. Keywords: television, communication, videocracy, public opinion symbolic violence, democracy, Lecturer Ph.D., „Appolonia” University Iasi, Tv. Presenter at TVR Iasi, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040744790286 1 135 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Religion, Ethics and Development – Method and Metamorphosis V. Basil HANS 1 Abstract Much has been written about the socio-cultural functions of religion. It is equally important to discuss the role and impact of religion and ethics on development and promoting reform in civil society. In today's South Asian context it is necessary to analyse religion both as a tradition and a representation of modernity. Otherwise it is difficult to clearly understand not only the relationship of domination-subordination, together with processes of exclusions and violence prevalent in the sub-continent but also the emerging perspectives, lineages and languages of sociology in general and religion in particular. An attempt is made in this paper to examine the relationship and to evaluate the processes in the evolving discourse of sociology. It also analyses the 'moral' as embedded in religion and as an autonomous category emerging with secularisation. The subtleties of rights and righteousness in the method and metamorphosis of development are also dealt with in this paper. Keywords: Development, ethics, religion, secular, sociology MA., M.Phil, PhD., Associate Professor of Economics, St Aloysius Evening College, Mangalore, Karnataka, INDIA, Email Address: 1 136 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Entrepreneurial Orientation Can Enhance the Teacher Performance in Higher Education” Naeem HAYAT 1 Muhammad Tayyeb RIAZ 2 Abstract The high employers demand for seeking the best candidate to perform the job with perfect professional skills make the job market competitive for the job seeking candidates specially the new graduates. The ease of rapid technology transfer and the continuous weak boundaries of the international borders compel the job seekers to continuously upgrade his or her professional skill set. This also affects the traditional role of the teacher in the class in which teacher had to meet the demands of the educational institution and the demands of his class simultaneously. The added dimension would be that the teacher must have to be fully aware with the changing demands of the job market, where students have to be employed. This complex situation requires from the teacher to create a balance between job market, educational institute and students. The classic framework of the classroom skills was not enough for the job market for which students were prepared and where public/private organizational demands frequently increased and changed. To meet these divergent demands teacher have to adopt the leadership style and use more entrepreneurial orientation skills like innovation, pro activeness and risk taking to play his role successfully. This paper tries to investigate that how entrepreneurial orientation skills helps the teacher in higher education to better satisfy their students as well as make them capable to be employed in the job market. Data has been collected within the strength of 200 students. The students are perusing the higher education from business education department of two different universities. The collected data has been analyzed through SPSS. The findings will definitely contribute new knowledge in the fields of leadership and entrepreneurship for teaching at higher education level, especially educational leadership. Keywords: Job market, Orientation Teachers, Higher Education, Entrepreneurial Lecturer, School of management studies The University of Faisalabad, Email Address: 2 Lecturer, School of management studies The University of Faisalabad 1 137 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Value of Plagiarism Electronic Detector Tools in Higher Education Ann HILLIARD 1 Abstract: Today, we live in a fast pace society and professors in academia are finding that they may not have the ability to check for plagiarism regarding candidates’ work with the human eye quickly and timely. Therefore, the use of plagiarism detectors can be useful to give feedback to candidates in a timely manner for work improvement. However, a committed and competent professor will make an effort to meet with candidates face-toface or go online to give written feedback to candidates within five to ten business days without depending totally on an electronic plagiarism detector to give feedback on candidates’ work. Too often, candidates fail to cite reference information properly, because of the lack of knowledge and not the desire to cheat. The purpose of this study is to discuss types of electronic tools that are used globally to detect plagiarism, how these plagiarism detector tools work, benefits of plagiarism detectors, plagiarism prevention strategies; privacy act regarding candidates’ rights and responsibilities. Keywords: plagiarism detectors, feedback, candidates, privacy act Biography: Bio of Dr. Ann Toler Hilliard Dr. Ann Toler Hilliard teaches in the Department of Educational Studies and Leadership at Bowie State University, U.S.A. The researcher coordinates activities that provide professional experiences for those candidates who are seeking the opportunity to serve as a school administrator. Education Ed.D., George Washington University Consulting Certificate, Harvard University Advanced Professional Certificate, Maryland State Department of Education M.S., Johns Hopkins University M.A.T., Trinity University B.S., Elizabeth City State University 1 Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Bowie State University, U.S.A., Department of Educational Leadership, Email Address: 138 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Risks, Vulnerability and Primary Education in Sudan Mohamed Hassan Ali HISHAM 1 Abstract: This paper has dealt with risks and vulnerability facing primary education in Sudan at micro and macro levels. Sudan is exerting great efforts to achieve a good progress in primary education system as indicated by GER, however, the system is still facing weakness in different ways. The pupils in Sudan suffer from different kinds of risks and vulnerable that our communities have failed to handle; at home (parents, adults, etc.), at school (teachers), and at community level (laws, policies, etc.). The paper has also shown that for children, the experience of risk, vulnerability at micro and macro levels is shaped by four broad characteristics. Multidimensionality, changes over the course of pupils, relational nature, and voicelessness. Keywords: risks, vulnerability, primary education, Sudan University of Khartoum, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, Dept. Econometrics and Social Statistics, Email Address: 1 139 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Education and Needs: Against Novelty in Mentality Alexandru JIVAN 1 Abstract Paper aims at highlighting certain fundamental elements of an adequate economic theory and common culture, to be useful in human universality and in sustainable human development. Methodologically the paper starts from certain re-viewing remarks concerning the hierarchy of human needs, on the grounds of actual nowadays life in globalization and in the crisis. The angle of several educational principles is approached, with respect mainly to the high education, and with emphasis on economic education. The new market mentality is reviewed under the knowledge society requirements (human, social, economic, environmental) and in connection with genuine European roots, including value creation in the original liberalist view. A useful approach on three levels of time horizons results, consistent with issues for long and mainly very long run and with the invoked grounds. Keywords: needs pyramid, educational principles, market liberalist mentality, education, human development Ph.D. Univ. Prof., Ph.D. in economy, Chairman of Doctoral School from FEAA, UVT, West University from Timisoara, Faculty of Economa and Business Administration, Timisoara, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040721. 114.801 1 140 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Mandatory Use of TurnItIn: The Effect of a Policy on Reducing Unoriginal Writing in Online Classes Peter P. KIRIAKIDIS 1 2 Abstract An accredited online university in the United States of America implemented TurnItIn similarity index rates in online classes in order to reduce unoriginal writing of online graduate and postgraduate students. The research problem was the lack of empirical research-based findings on the implementation of TurnItIn on reducing unoriginal academic work in online classes. The purpose of this research was to examine the similarity index rates, found in each TurnItIn report of each student’s assignment submitted to in order to minimize unoriginal student writing. This study was grounded in the social learning theory of Vygotsky. The research question that guided this study was “What is the impact of the implementation of TurnItIn on reducing unoriginal writing in online classes of graduate and postgraduate students?” Archived data containing the similarity index rates of TurnItIn reports were collected for two cohorts of 111 graduate and 107 postgraduate students before and after the implementation of TurnItIn reports in online classes. The findings revealed that the implementation of TurnItIn reduced unoriginal writing in graduate and postgraduate online classes. A significant difference between the means of the two cohorts of similarity index rates of TurnItIn was found. The empirical evidence was that the implementation of TurnItIn has helped the online institution at the research site to reduce unoriginal writing. Education stakeholders may use these findings to improve academic integrity. Keywords: online education, graduate and postgraduate online courses, online institutions, academic integrity, plagiarism, policies on reducing unoriginal writing, staff development programs for online faculty members, TurnItIn reports, similarity index rates Biography Dr. Peter Kiriakidis, PhD has expertise in higher education educational leadership: (a) chairing comprehensive examinations and PhD. University Research Reviewer, Walden University, Email Address: 2 Research paper pertains to the Online Institute of Higher Education and Academic Integrity 1 141 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 dissertation committees; (b) developing curriculum and academic programs; and (c) teaching graduate courses in research, educational leadership in higher education, educational and information technology, online technology, e-commerce, software development, and information systems. Peter is a reviewer of many academic journals. He has presented a plethora of research studies nationally and internationally. Email: 142 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Mandatory Online Discussions: The Effect of a Postgraduate Policy on Communication Between Faculty Members and Graduate Learners Peter KIRIAKIDIS 1 Kelley Jo Walters 2 3 Abstract A graduate-level online university in northwest United States of America implemented a policy to help graduate learners increase their interactions with faculty and peers. No research had been conducted at the research site to examine the effects of the policy on the communication between faculty and graduate learners. In order to gain some empirical evidence that the policy was effective, the researchers measured the frequency of postings posted by faculty and graduate learners during the duration of randomly selected online classes before and after the implementation of the policy. Grounded in the social learning theory of Vygotsky, the goal of this research was to determine the relationship of the frequency of communication between faculty and graduate learners. Archived data were collected for two cohorts of 235 graduate learners and 16 faculty members from before and after the implementation of the policy. Content analysis procedures were used on the computer-mediated transcripts of the online discussions between faculty and graduate learners within several graduate courses in education offered entirely online. An independent sample t test was utilized to analyze the data and a significant difference between the means of faculty and student postings was found in the two cohorts. The empirical evidence was that the communication policy increased the frequency of posting between faculty and graduate learners. The results of this study can be used by online faculty and university administrators to support continued advocacy for professional development for faculty within the field of online courses. Keywords: online universities, online discussions, communication, policy, online learning environment, intervention and professional development programs, graduate learners PhD. University Research Reviewer, Walden University, 2 PhD Program Director, Walden University 3 Research Paper Pertains to the Institute of Higher Education 1 Email Address: 143 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography Peter Kiriakidis, PhD has expertise in higher education educational leadership: (a) chairing comprehensive examinations and dissertation committees; (b) developing curriculum and academic programs; and (c) teaching graduate courses in research, educational leadership in higher education, educational and information technology, online technology, ecommerce, software development, and information systems. Peter is a reviewer of many academic journals. He has presented a plethora of research studies nationally and internationally. Email: Kelley Jo Walters, PhD, has over 20 years of educational experience ranging from classroom and graduate level teaching to administration of K12 and Higher Education. She is currently a Program Director for Walden University’s Ed.D. Programs in Teacher Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, and Special Education. Kelley’s primary research interests include online teaching and learning, curriculum, literacy, and traditional instructional practices. She has written numerous articles. 144 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Erasmus Program in Polish Press Katarzyna TOŁOCZKO 1 Abstract The Erasmus program has been working since 25 years. In this long period almost 3 millions of student have been leaving their mother universities and studied or worked from three to twelve months in other country. Poland enrolled on the program in 1998 and every single year number of students going on Erasmus is rising. On first year it was only 46 people, in 2010/2011 over 14 thousands from 315 Polish universities. What had a great influence on that case was press publications describing the idea of Erasmus program, experiences of Erasmus student from Poland and possibility to join the program. In this presentation I would like to show how the idea of Erasmus program is being shown in Polish press. Texts which are analysed come from Polish dailies and were published between the 1st of January 2012 and the 30th of April 2012. Under analysis would be taken the general view of articles, the types of journalistic species, topics considered in articles, the accuracy of texts, the exposure of them, factual content. What is more, the important part of analysis would be the way of reporting, how emotional is the language of articles and the atmosphere of texts. The quantitative and qualitative analysis made by me would present how important is the press and its relations in integrated Europe. Informing about Erasmus program leads to raise in number of Erasmus students. It changes mentality of young people living in whole Europe and brings great results in integrating the society of European Union. Keywords: Erasmus program, dailies, Poland, analysis Biography: Katarzyna Tołoczko is a master student on two faculties at University of Warsaw in Poland. She is on the second year of master Polish philology and writes her master thesis about the traveling diaries of women from XVIII century. What is more, she studies on the first year of master journalism and social communication. Katarzyna Tołoczko is member of The Scientific Circle of Foreign Media System in Institute of Journalism of University of Warsaw which presents the specificity of the foreign media systems, including its political and legal considerations. She organized “Media meetings” about Romanian and Bulgarian medias for the students of University. In 2012 she is an Erasmus student of Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza in Iasi in Romania. 1 University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 145 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Teachers’ Professional Qualifications from an ESP Perspective: Challenging the Traditional EFL Context Nawal MEBITIL 1 Abstract In an attempt at maintaining balance between the requirements of different situations; being academic or professional and the increasingly developed demands of technology, economy and sciences, ESP courses, in Algeria, are implemented nationwide and are believed to be of worthy value for ESP learners. However, language teachers who are considered as keyparameters in the ESP teaching situation claim their inadequacy for the teaching positions they are, currently, taking part in as they consider themselves as non-specialized teachers who have just shifted to a strange land. Hence, throughout this paper, and after presenting and discussing the results of a careful analysis of the language teachers’ wants and lacks which has been conducted at the level of Abou-Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen , ALGERIA, ESP practitioners are called to adopt positive attitudes toward the fields they are concerned with, to better articulate and respond to their learners’ needs. To meet this end, language teachers are invited to be ready to accept change and innovation as re-considering their qualifications for a better professionalization of the whole process of language teaching for, more or less, a definite purpose, should take place as an urgent response. Keywords: EFL, ESP, language teachers, qualifications, practitioners. Biography Nawal MEBITIL is Assistant Professor at MASCARA University. She Holds a Magister in ESP from TLEMCEN University. Her research interests include language-learning motivation, teachers’ development, teaching strategies, needs analysis, and factors that affect ESP teaching/ learning process. 1 Ph.D. Candidate, Assistant Professor, department of English Language and Literature, Mascara University, MASCARA, ALGERIA, e-mail:, phone: 00213 772 288 425 146 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Phenomenological Attitude and Scientific Rationality at Edmund Husserl Nela MIRCICĂ 1 Abstract Phenomenology constitutes an important stage in the evolution of the interrelation between philosophy and science in the field of knowledge. With the unprecedented development of the scientific knowledge (during the eighteenth century and nineteenth century), thinkers began to pay attention to the issues raised by phenomenology. Edmund Husserl founded phenomenology on the pressing need to solve a scientific problem: he noted that formal logic at that time could not support the extremely high-level acquired by mathematics. Seeking a solution to this problem, concluded that mathematical entities, irreducible to the knowledge obtained by inductivedeductive method, are purely logical in nature and a part of the sphere of pure ideas existing in themselves. Thus, Husserl conceived the existence of pure ideas, which are irreducible, located before any other existence and are located at the level of pure conscience. As a consequence, a new theoretical structure called phenomenology was born, studying intentional consciousness that develops knowledge through aiming. Therefore, Husserl was concerned with conscience and its purpose in the process of knowledge. Analyzing his argument, we note that Husserl uses explanations provided by psychology, found itself in a continuous becoming; the psychological explanations of the concrete conscience are undertaken by Husserl, within pure conscience (existing beyond the concrete, at the level of the pure existence), he conceived. This proves that this philosophical system is configured around the problems that science confronts, and supports science in consolidating its arguments. Rigorous science the one identified by Husserl, as the perfect philosophy, is in fact a psychological explanation (more exactly, an explanation of the cognitive psychology) at the level of pure conscience. Husserl covers a trajectory going from the concrete to the abstract and again back to the concrete, using the reasoning tools of psychology. The methodology of the establishing the phenomenological truth implies the phenomenological reduction, developed in stages, involving also the abilities of the human psychic to make abstraction of diverse elements and emphasize what is essential for a phenomenon. He started from the functions of reasoning, emphasized by psychology, to create a philosophical system able to explain the problems of science. This thinker knew to elaborate the phenomenological attitude on the foundation of the Lecturer Ph.D., „Spiru Haret” University, Faculty of Sociology – Psychology Bucharest, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040724 632 467 1 147 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 scientific rationality and to consolidate as well philosophy as science, aware of their interdependence and proving it, too. Keywords: phenomenological reduction, pure perception, sight, aim, rigorous science. conscience, intentionality, Biography: Nela Mircică is a Bachelor of Philosophy and Sociology, Psychology, at the University of Bucharest (1999 respectively 2000), Masters (2000), and Doctor of Philosophy (2009) at the Institute for Philosophy and Psychology Constantin Radulescu-Motru of the Romanian Academy, with the thesis entitled The paradigm of intentionality in french contemporariy phenomenology. She is assistant professor, since 2003 and since 2006 lecturer , nominated and titled at the Faculty of Sociology, Psychology, ”Spiru Haret” University. Numerous studies published in the Revista de filosofie of the Romanian Academy and in several journals of Addleton Academic Publishers, author of five books, including Phenomenological Paradigms (2012), Phenomenological Thinking and Intentionality (2009), Introduction to Social Policies (2008). Scientific papers at national and international conferences, workshps and symposia. 148 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Implications of Globalization on Education Srikant MISRA 1 Abstract The term ‘globalization’ means integration of economies and societies through cross country flows of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance and people. Cross border integration can have several dimensions – cultural, social, political and economic. In other words “The total education system of the world under one roof” it requires the unification of teaching curriculum, methodology and up gradation of knowledge and system to remain in the context for efficiency and effectiveness by which transformation of knowledge in justified manner to attain the goals of life. This qualitative study is an attempt to describe the concepts of an education, teacher education, in the context of globalization. Globalization has containing both opportunities and threats for national development. This paper challenges the determinants of educational policy and argues that any country will need to develop its own national approach to modernizing education in light of the global context. This paper considers the global transformations require that people develop new skills, new experiences, new knowledge and schools have an important role in this sense. The role of the teachers and the way they should teach in this new high-tech global economy, people are learning in new ways for new purposes and schools and teachers should adapt themselves for this new reality and rearrange their skills, achievements and previous experiences to adapt themselves to new opportunities. Keywords: Globalization, development. International influence, Teachers Education, Biography: Mr. Srikant Misra has studied Master of Business Administration (MBA) from University of Lucknow, Lucknow, and Graduation from affiliated College of Kanpur University, Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) from Drug Control Department Karnataka affiliated college at Bagalkot and Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) from Lucknow center. Presently Pursuing PhD in Management (Research Scholar) from Integral University Research Scholar , Faculty of Management and Research, Integral University, Kursi Road, Lucknow-226026 UP India, Email ID:,, Mobile No: 09919494606, 09305455902 1 149 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Lucknow, and having experience about seven years in the Academic profession at university level. Presently I am the active member of various bodies such as Lucknow management Association (LMA), University News (A journal of Higher Education-AIU), IUP Journal of Higher Education, Journal of Education Planning and Administration (JEPA), Indian Hospital Pharmacist Association (IHPA) and Reader Digest. Attended and organized various conferences, seminars, Workshop at National Level, Approximately Six research papers have been published/ Presented/communicated. 150 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Psychological Profile of Adolescent Internet-User Olga MOROZAN 1 Abstract Nowadays the intense pace of information technology development continuously contributes to creating and providing an infinite number of online applications and services. This way, the status of a man changed from a computer operator into an active Internet user. Recent statistics data show that more than half of the world’s population spends their time online for a period of time ranging from 4 hours to 8 hours and more, and the most frequent user is the adolescent. These data inform about the existence of an adolescent’s preference for the Internet environment, leading to form a specific online behaviour between the limits of norm and addiction. Consequently, it was opened a wide area of socio-humanitarian research with the main goal to study the phenomenon of the adolescent’s Internet use. The current research conceptualizes the use of the Internet as a complex human activity influenced by personality characteristics. The experimental group consisted of 200 adolescents of 15-19 years who were given a questionnaire on their online activity and time they spend online per day. Consequently, based on online time indices 2 groups of subjects (each by 50) were selected to study their personality profiles in terms of normal rate of time (0-3 hour daily) , high level (4-5 hours per day) and very high (6-10 hours). As a result, it was stated that the character of the adolescent’s virtual activity, which may vary from normal browsing or chatting to exaggerate virtual gambling, depends on his/her personality profile, showing the most representative differences in terms of the traits such as Shyness and Boldness; Inhibition and Dynamics, Trust and Suspicion, Anxiety and Adaptability, Self-Power, Self-Assessment, and Ego identity Status. Keywords: Internet, adolescent, online activity, addiction, personality profile. Biography: Olga Morozan keeps the position of a scientific researcher within the International Relationships and Technological Transfer Service from the Institute of Education Sciences from Moldova. Also, she works as a Senior Lecturer at the Foreign Languages Department within the same institution. She graduated the State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga” from Chsinau, Moldova in 1998, obtaining license in 2 specializations: Psychology 1 MA, PhD student, the Institute of Educational Sciences, Chisinau, Moldova, Email Address:, (373)69126428 151 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 and English Teaching. Within more than 18 years of work experience she has been trying to join effectively and successfully these two domains , being hired in many educational institutions and projects such as school, US Embassy grant- programs, the Institute of Education Sciences, where she kept the positions of an English teacher, a project coordinator, a senior lecturer and a scientific researcher. To keep her professional background updated Olga Morozan got a Master degree (in 2010) in Social Psychology, became a PhD student at the Institute of Education Sciences; attended a lot of workshops, seminars and trainings organized by APLE (English Teachers Association) and participated at the international conferences organized by the Institute of Educational Sciences and the Moldovan State University. 152 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 NLP or “The Study of Human Excellence” Mihaela Amalia PETROVICI 1 Abstract The interpersonal relation is absolutely necessary and is situated on the basis of social life. Whether it is about the partner, friends or acquaintances, or we refer to a certain audience, organisation or institution, we need to establish relationships with them. In this regard, knowing the interlocutor can appeal to the finest and subtlest strategies, among which NLP or “neuro-linguistic programming” stand out, as the most important. This methodology proposes models and strategies that can be applied in interpersonal communication that focuses on influencing and streamlining the other person’s behaviour and, implicitly, optimizing the interpersonal relation. The ultimate observation of neuro-linguistic programming refers to the fact that, within different senses a person has (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste) we have a favorite communication channel, which is the basis of our system of representing reality. Neurolinguistic programming promotes the interpersonal relation as an important step in setting an efficient communication. Our point of view is that the relation created through communication has a higher importance than the message itself, because the quality of the relation between the interlocutors gives quality to communication. To this regard, neuro-linguistic programming proves to be a highly useful instrument that can be applied successfully in this case. NLP allows us to identify the language that is characteristic to senses, which is hidden in the interlocutor’s dominant communication channel, with an attentive and fine analysis of words and phrases that he uses. Thus a rational mode of understanding the self, the world, the relationships and the ways of thinking and individual actions develops. These are sufficient arguments to explore it in the following lines. Keywords: NLP, relationship, personality, strategies of communication, human excellence, methodology. 1 PhD Lecturer, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, Romania E-mail: 153 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Applied communication and creativity: The Transactional Analysis and The Neuro – Linguistic Programming [Comunicare aplicată şi creativitate: AT şi NLP] Doina Mihaela POPA 1 2 Abstract From an interdisciplinary perspective, this paper aims at analyzing the process and the strategic importance of the creativity within the concept of applied communication. Based on a comparative type of reflection, the research deals with the thorough study in the field of the New Communication: The Transactional Analysis and Neuro–Linguistic Programming. The recent studies of applied communication reveal the importance of creativity within the inter-subjective communication in general, and within the applied communication, in particular. Psychoanalysis and, more recently, AT and NLP have proved the importance of the sensitive channels in the process of communication. This unique feature of every human interaction depends every time on our social and cultural filters, on our inborn psychological and physiological scales and on our own typical manner to integrate our present or repressed emotions, our social/cultural affiliation. Keywords: applied communication, creativity, interdisciplinarity, sensitive channels, cultural filters. Biography: Born to 23 febr. 1959, divorced, 2 suns (David and Andrew), Associate Professor, PhD, University “P.Andrei” and “UAIC” Iasi, Postph.D. research in the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by theRomanian Government under the contract number POSDRU ID 56815, Filiale of Roumanian Academy, Iasi. Associate Prof. Ph.D., University “Petre Andrei”, Iasi, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040722624234 2 Acknowledgementul : “This paper was made within The Knowledge Based Society Project supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed from the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/56815”, iar singura afiliere de dupa nume (conf.univ.dr. POPA DOINA MIHAELA ) sa fie: Bursier post doctoral al Academiei Romane, Filiala Iasi. 1 154 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Techniques and Intervention Strategies for Vulnerable Social Childrens [Tehnici şi strategii de intervenţie în cazul copiilor social vulnerabili] Răzvan POPOVICI DIACONU 1 Abstract Problem-solving systems and actions for children from disadvantaged backgrounds reflects the need and interest of researchers, practitioners in preventing and combating social risk situations in the following categories of children: poor social backgrounds, with physical or mental abuse in the family, etc. Article entitled "Techniques and intervention strategies for vulnerable children" is based on studies and specialized activities conducted within the field of non-governmental organizations from Iasi city. This project mainly use specialized techniques of social intervention: intervention in the home, appreciative intervention, focusing on opportunities, they are found in terms of social utility for children vulnerable social groups. Novelty of the project is to develop specialized intervention techniques applied on children from backgrounds marked by vulnerability. In conclusion, intervention strategies for children vulnerable social category will consider both prevention and combat cases of abuse and violation of rights, interests and values specific to this social category. Keywords: Social politics, public interventions, social relations. politics, children, abuses, strategical 1 Ph.D. Candidate, „A.I.Cuza” University, Iasi, Faculty of Philosphy and Social-Political Sciences, Email Address: 155 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Abuse and Sexual Trauma in the Romanian Communist Concentration Space [Abuz şi traumă sexuală în spaţiul concentraţionar comunist românesc] Dumitru-Cătălin ROGOJANU 1 Alexandra-Raluca POP (căs. ROGOJANU) 2 Abstract The present study proposes mainly to emphasize the sexual abuses perpetrated by some members of the repressive communist apparatus (torturers) against detainees (men and women). Such aspects have been prohibited for a long time in the Romanian historiography or, at best, were little dealt with by researchers. From the outset, it has been obvious that the few sources available cannot allow us to compile an exhaustive study on this subject matter. However, based on prison memoirs, official documents, and the general and specialized literature, the present research proposal aims at revealing some of the forms of harassment and sexual abuse perpetrated by torturers in the communist prisons and penitentiaries, such as: indecent proposals, obscene caresses, rape as a method of torture causing deep physical, psychic and moral trauma when rememorized by the victims, the language with strong sexual connotations used by the guards and elements of their voyeuristic behaviour etc. Keywords: abuse and sexual trauma, Romanian communist concentration space, torturers, detainees. PhD in History, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Email Address: 2 1st year Student in Biblioteconomy - Information and Documentation Science, “BabeşBolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Email Address: 1 156 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Between Forgiveness and Unforgiveness. The Position of the Former Political Detainees towards the Communist Torturers [Între ieratre şi neiertare. Poziţia foştilor deţinuţi faţă de torţionarii comunişti] Dumitru-Cătălin ROGOJANU 1 Alexandra-Raluca POP (căs. ROGOJANU) 2 Abstract The present scientific endeavor puts forward an extremely sensitive topic related to the „delicate” process of the condemnation of communism in Romania, a process which started officially in 2006. However, this act of „purification” and, implicitly, of rejection of the burdensome communist past from a moral, righteous and less vindictive standpoint started to take shape in the testimonies, depositions, memoirs and oral history interviews of the former political detainees both before and after 1989. In short, the present study analyses the attitude of the memoirists of the Romanian Gulag towards their prison torturers, an attitude which, according to the degree of physical and psychic pain inflicted on them, can be either firmly unforgiving or more tolerant and even forgiving. Throughout this study, the interpretation of this topic will rely on good quality sources knowing that detention memoirs are somehow considered biased. However, we see them as a complementary and evocative source in the process of revealing and assuming the traumas of communism. In the long run, the act of forgiving or unforgiving the communist torturers is a process which cannot disregard the attitude of the detainees, the intensity of the traumas they suffered, their feelings of humiliation, their religious convictions or their social and family backgrounds. Keywords: the condemnation of communism, the act of forgiving and unforgiving, the Romanian Gulag, communist torturers, detention memoirs PhD in History, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of History and Philosophy, E-mail: 2 1st year Student in Biblioteconomy - Information and Documentation Science, “BabeşBolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of History and Philosophy, E-mail: 1 157 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Critical Thinking as a Methodology for the Writing of Informative Essays in the Health Sciences Area Silvia RUBÍN 1 Abstract The academic program of Language and Critical Thinking pretends that the students through the methodology of its five dimensions, can analyze, present, produce and discuss about expositive and argumentative texts. This can be because of we work with reading, writing, and oral communication strategies, also we work under a metacognitive proposal in order to develop the language skills needed for their academic and work life in the area of Health Sciences. Through the units that make up the program, the student works with a specific methodology from the different levels of thinking (automatic, systemic or critical one); after that the student recognizes the initial level she or he has in writing expository essay topics of health sciences through a guided diagnosis. Subsequently, the student by his or her own, he or she plans a scientific informative essay through the choice of topic, sources, the definition of discursive strategies and the general thematic structure to elaborate the draft (protocol) of the writing in the health area. The student also works with drafts, solves syntaxes and style exercises, organization of ideas and informative sources in order to improve the text of his or her essay; the student also checks it in its entirety the essay and finally this is presented in a final version, the same that will be defended in an oral examination. The proposed methodology establishes patterns of textual production, from introductory representation to the expositive and argumentative essay text, with the general characteristics of scientific communication. This could be, because the material is organized to work in steps which goes from the analysis of models of texts of this genus, to the ultimate purpose: through the process of writing lead the student to the production of an informative text thinking always in the auditorium (reader). During the course the teacher provides enough elements to address the development of the text, without forgetting the relationship with a particular item in the student discipline: Medicine. During the process of the prewriting, writing and post-writing, as part of the methodology we uses a rubric for evaluation with the criteria for the final writing product, so the students can know and understand better the evaluation in the different stages of the production of this genre at the University. Educative Technology Master Degree, Full Time Teacher of Language and Critical Thinking, UPAEP, Puebla, Mexico,, (52) (222) 2299400 7162 1 158 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: critical thinking, informative essay, medicine, popular science. Biography: Silvia Rubín In 2002 she finished his undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences. Years later, with such profile and teaching interest she entered to a Master in Educational Technology. With such concerns she worked as editor of news in Televisa Puebla in 1999, later she worked as Professor of Italian and French in the ULAC, where also she developed the project of an internal multilingual magazine. For 2002 she returned to the scene of the television as editor of the news in its evening broadcast. In 2003 she joined to work at UPAEP in the Department of Communication Sciences as coordinator of the E-journalism Diploma. The same year she began working as a College Professor, teaching courses as Morphsyntax, Writing, Methodology of research, Document Writing, Educational Communication and Organizational Communication Workshop. Also she combined teaching activity with radio co-host newscast "Puebla in the news" one. In 2004 she made a research on Intercultural Journalism which earned her to be in the ICOM Conference held in Havana, Cuba with the presentation of a paper. For 2006 she made a stay in Barcelona, Spain. In the middle of that year she returned to Mexico and started to work again at the TV station, first as a producer of news in the morning; then as a producer of contents and cultural and research reporter for the sections for the TV magazine program and the discussion program respectively. In 2007 she began collaborating with the Language and Critical Thinking Program in UPAEP. And since August 2008 she taught the subject of Methods of study for the development of language and thinking to the Online modality. She’s still working at UPAEP with LPC Program in an specific project with medical students. 159 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Ethical Counseling. Methodological Framework Antonio SANDU 1 Abstract Ethical counseling is a process which facilitates the identification of ethical dilemmas that individuals and organizations are facing and ways out of these dilemmas which are congruent with the shared vision of the subject or organization. We will build in what follows, a model of ethical counseling practice derived from client-centered paradigm and the problem solving-oriented paradigm. We mention that model of philosophical ethical counseling focused on solving ethical dilemmas represents a conversion of social practice in terms of counseling of ethics. Counseling of ethics, in the version proposed by us, has the advantage of a phased strategy to solve the ethical dilemma that can be applied by an ethical counselor after approapriate training. In building this model we started from the works of Charles Zastrow (1987) regarding counseling in social work. We will reformulate the general principles of practice in the form of methodological lines in ethical counseling centered on ethical dilemma. Although we are using a model of clinical ethics we consider it valid for Philosophical Practice, and also for various forms of ethical counseling in business, in universities, in public institutions, etc. Keywords: ethical counseling, methodological framework, ethical dilemma Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 20072013. Priority axis 1: „Education and professional training in support of economical growth and development of knowledge-based society”. Main domain of intervention: 1.5 Doctoral and postdoctoral programs in support of research. Title of the project: “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies”. Contract Code: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879; Lecturer PhD at “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University from Iasi; Chairman of Lumen Publishing House, Address: Tepes Voda, OP 3, CP 780, Iasi, Romania, E-mail: 1 160 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Acknowledgements This paper is supported by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (SOP HRD), under the project "Postdoctoral Studies in the Field of Health Policy Ethics”, implemented by "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania, contract number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879. This paper doesn’t obligatory represent the official opinion of European Union or Romanian Government. 161 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Going Back to School: A University-Middle School Civics Partnership Robbin SMITH 1 Abstract Many scholars, governmental agencies, and foundations have urged institutions of higher education to refocus their energies on the creation of responsible and engaged citizens. In response, some universities sought to expand their curricula and to refine their mission statements and university strategic plans to take into consideration the new emphasis on engagement. These efforts proved largely fruitful, but often relied on creating discipline specific community partnerships that did little to bridge disciplinary divisions or to reach out beyond traditional partners. While the colleges and universities adapted their curricula in response to the call for greater levels of community engagement, elementary and secondary schools were in the midst of a serious civic crisis. Schools eliminated their civics courses and dramatically decreased their instruction in social studies as well in response to the narrow focus on math and language arts in the No Child Left Behind requirements and budget shortfalls in school coffers. These school districts found that social studies and civics education were luxuries that they could little afford. Thus, just as institutions of higher education were attempting to reinvigorate their own engagement with the community and develop reciprocal relationships with their community partners, elementary and middle schools were looking for opportunities to bring civics and engagement into the classroom at little cost to them. This paper will examine one engagement model that may prove useful to other campuses wrestling with the issues of reciprocity and engagement and highlight some of the challenges and benefits of such work. Keywords: Civic Education, Community Engagement, and Higher Education Ph.D. Department of Political Science Central Connecticut State University 1615 Stanley Street New Britain, CT 06050 1 162 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Means of Evaluating the Dynamics of Health Systems [Modalitati de evaluare a dinamiciisistemelor de sanatate] Ovidiu STAMATIN 1 Alisa NICA 2 Abstract Health systems presents as a whole in a state of unprecedented crisis, while physicians are located in the center of reforms aimed at implementing malpractice, inequities in access to health services, decreasing funding settlements and increased insurance requirements from the administrative system. Meanwhile, the current situation represents a true moment from the standpoint of opportunities towards evolution of medical changes and system modernization.This is reflected by the need to install social dialogue, collective interdisciplinary collaboration, seeking the opportunity to shape an efficient and proper evolution of medical care. In the past, health systems approached change by implementing best practice guidelines, this perspective focuses on problems solving path from assessment,diagnosis, treatment to quantification of results, medical and financial. In the center of medical services and organizational practice attention has beendirected towards identifying the negative things instead of construction anddevelopment of positive elements, so the system and doctors are forced to rethink the approach. To obtain changes of substance, sustainable in contemporary medical practice, is required that the organizations work together, a multidisciplinary approach of the professional teams to change gears from analysis of problems and exercise of control on the system, to positive achievement of the objectives through collaboration at all levels. Since all the major changes include the development of greatefficient energy,organisationally and at personal level, the manner of hierarchical approach by sending orders and exercising control may be inadequate compared to innovation, adaptingand creativity of the construction, which can provide the foundations forsuccessful evolution of health system. Ph.D. Candidate, Doctor, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”, Iasi, „Petre Andrei” University, Email Address: 2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” – Iaşi 1 163 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: health systems; appreciative inquiry; qualitative dialogue Biography: Dr.Stamatin'sis a medical doctor with clinical activities which revolve around evaluating and treating patients. As a doctor, he manages a wide variety of problems relating to the mouth, teeth, jaws, and facial regions. He is also a scientific researcher, both in the field of bone reconstruction techniques and also in health policies, regarding the implementation of medical science in current practice and social inequities,aimed at improving the care of the groups targeted bysocial unfairness from the medical point of view. He is particularly interested in placing health equity as the central goal of health systems requires substantial and coordinated reorientation through re-framing of policy and institutional transformation. 164 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Do not Kill the Women! A Feminist Cry from Stifled Romania [Nu ucideţi femeile! Un strigăt feminist dintr-o Românie sufocată] Briena STOICA 1 Abstract Examining the perspective, motives, themes, narrative strategies deployed, looking at the literary genres that are employed, the literature written by women is entitled to be treated as a separate category in the field of literature, especially under the influence on feminist literary theory. The image of the woman in the novel Do not kill the women! by Maria Luiza Cristescu defies the literary conventions which present women as dolls, lacking self-will, manifesting a passivity that presents her as vulnerable, dutiful. In the mean time, the prose is not infused by the socialist vision and it does not include categories as the virile communist illegalist, the sturdy farm truck-driver and the comrades that populated the realist-socialist novels. This study aims at investigating to what degree this novel of MariaLuiza Cristescu, which came out in 1970, illustrates certain particularities considered to be specific to feminine literature. With Do not kill the women!, Maria Luiza Cristescu proves that feminine literature is not just a false concept, the writer herself proving to be an example of this type of literature. Instinct, candor, sentimentalism, subjectivity, femininity, all these traits, considered by the critic Eugen Lovinescu as specific to feminine literature can be detected in this novel. Nevertheless, the lucid perspective of Raluca on her own femininity, reminds of Freud and his malicious commentary that being a woman implies a guilt that has to be atoned for. Raluca is loved by Radu just because she is „a poor woman”. The novel is a feminist manifesto which deconstructs prejudice, illuminates new angles of femininity, as well as conveying a revised identity of women. The gallery of women portraits who orbit around Raluca, includes women who follow the prescriptions of the society in which they live, conforming to their roles in such degree that they become caricatures, illustrating furthermore, the ancestral images of women as witches, fairies, wise, old women. PhD student, 2nd year, POSDRU scholarship, University of Lucian Blaga, Sibiu, The Faculty of Letters, under the guidance of prof.dr. Ghe Manolache, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040726221422. 1 165 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Considering the fact that in the communist period, feminism as a movement was completed annihilated, and the impact of the second wave of feminism was hindered, we appreciate the novel of Maria-Luiza Cristescu as being revolutionary in its fresh, non-cliched perspective as it questions radically the condition of women. Keywords: feminism, literature, women writers, communism, identity. Biography: Briena Stoica is currently completing her doctorate programme in literature, and the main focus of her research is the prose written by women and their contribution to the modernist literary canon. The investigation looks closely at the work of seven women writers that activated in the literary field between 1960 and 1989. Thus the impact of communist ideology on the feminine prose is approached as well. Briena was awarded the title of Master of Arts in the filed of British and American Cultural Studies in 2005, by Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. Her dissertation, entitled Holocaust Representations between Realism and Postmodernism, involved a comparative study of the writers Elie Wiesel and Art Spiegelman. Currently she is teaching English as a Foreign Language at the Papiu Ilarian National College in Targu Mures. 166 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 To Give and to Make: Identity Images and Adaptive Strategies Among Older Rural Women Daniela ŞOITU 1 Camelia BÂRSAN Abstract There are few studies concerning the perceptions of elderly individuals living in the Romanian rural environment have regarding their needs, way of life and available resources. We start from the assumption that the status the elderly have in society is not given only by biological and social factors, but also by subjective factors, by the way they perceive themselves, the way they perceive their own life, family, community. The study is based on four interviews with elderly women living in the rural environment. The paradigm is constructivist. The data was collected through a semi-structured interview, being then analysed and interpreted through a thematic contents analysis. The results highlight the diverse adaptation strategies used by individuals living in the rural environment, depending on their level of education and on their previous line of work: farmer/smallholder and intellectual/teacher. The theories of activity and continuity can be found in the perceptions of elderly farmers. Elderly intellectuals have also gone through a stage of social disengagement. The result underline the fact that each of the elderly individuals interviewed has developed adaptive strategies in accordance to their identity-related image and to their previous career. The research is exploratory, qualitative, and its results could be starting points for studying and capitalising on the resources these individuals have, as well as for developing policies and actions concerning this life stage. Keywords: adaptive strategies upon retirement, elderly intellectuals, elderly farmers, elderly women, rural environment, identity-related image Lecturer Ph.D., „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Email Address:, Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 2007-2013; 1 167 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Child's Right to Freedom of Expression and Use of the Internet Anca TEODORESCU1 Abstract Human rights are found in several international and national documents. Human rights are basic conditions that allow anyone to develop and use their physical qualities, moral, intellectual, spiritual and socioemotional. For children and teenagers also are a series of documents governing the rights, freedoms and obligations. Children should enjoy general human rights because we are entitled from the moment of birth. This paper aims analyzing the phenomenon of Internet use by adolescents and link to the right to freedom of expression. To investigate this phenomenon, have been used questionnaire and interview guide. The questionnaire was applied to a number of 75 students aged 16-18 years and interview guide will be applied to a number of three teachers from the same school. Through the questionnaire that was applied to teenagers aged 16-18 years, we wanted to obtain relevant information about the child right to freedom of expression and correlation of this right to use of the Internet. We will highlight in this paper: the activities that teenagers conducted on the internet, why undertake these activities, if they need parental consent, where is the computer they use, etc. Keywords: use of the internet, freedom of expression, right, teenager M.A. Anca TEODORESCU, European Master for Child Protection “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Phone no. 0040 742 621153, Email Address: 1 168 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Aggression in Marital and Cohabiting Relationships Valentina ŢURCAN 1 Abstract Violence in marital and cohabiting relationships exercised as aggression, abuse or maltreating of partner is a social problem that the majority of the contemporary societies are facing. The specific of marital and cohabiting relationship as intimate environment, which admits no outside intervention, victims’ withholding in reporting aggression acts, the lack of institutions to deal with monitoring this phenomenon are some of the factors that contribute to unawareness and ignoring acts of aggression in a relationship between partners of a couple. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between marital and cohabiting couples and the aggression and the influence of gender on physical and verbal aggression manifested in a relationship. The study involved 120 persons, men and women, married or in a cohabiting relation, from different backgrounds, with medium and high educational level. Keywords: aggression, verbal aggression, physical aggression, couple, family, cohabitation M.A. Valentina ŢURCAN – Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Master Program: Clinical Psychology and Psyhoterapy, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza “University of Iasi, Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Phone no:004 741610401, Email Adress: 1 169 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Appreciative Supervision Simona UŞURELU 1 Abstract The process of supervision is more than a casual exchange of information over the telephone, lunch or via the e-mail. This should be conducted face-to-face on a formal basis to meet state boards of social work requirements and the ethics of the social work profession. Many supervisors receive great satisfaction in sharing their knowledge to help supervisees grow and develop in professional competency. Many social workers have limited preparation for assuming a supervisory position and little supportive assistance for performing their new assigment. The term supervision is widely interpreted and often misunderstood in its traditional context of directly monitoring, observing and training. The "supervision" term is often confused with counseling, therapy, management or other close terms. We also want to see the process of supervision through the perspective of Appreciative Inquiry’s principles. In our view the best results in this area can be obtained by combing the traditional aspects of supervision with the innovative bases of Appreciative inquiry. The focus in this paper is to try to identify a modern definition for appreciative supervision and to explore what it involves. Keywords: supervision, supervision development, Appreciative inquiry, appreciative Research Assistant at Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Lumen Association, Uk Branch, MA in Supervision and Social Planning, Email Address:, Phone no. 0044 742 762 72 19 1 170 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Learning Experiences in Hungarian Movies Elza-Emoke VERESS 1 Abstract I selected Hungarian films, fulfilled with strong cultural, social and political meanings, because I am looking for films of contradictions and comparisons that reveal the universal face of capitalism and modernity or capitalism combined with modernity, defined by learning experience, alienation, isolation and different ways of individualization. In my psycho-sociological approach I am willing to argue on the differences between modernity and tradition, countryside and urban society, old generation and new generation, outward and inward transformation of the characters strongly related to the different learning experiences inside or outside school. Besides detecting the possible artistic and expressive goals, besides reflecting on the actors’ performance, I intend to analyze the films as articulated audiovisual discourses by revealing the stories related to the learning experiences; by presenting the learning content, the types of learning resources and tools; by analyzing events and activities from which one learns by experience and can identify, to a certain extent, what has learnt. As part of the aesthetical approach, on my way of discovering the ideology of the montage, of identifying object that “narrate”, I also focus on objects in perpetual transformation that become symbols of knowledge management, learning experience or individualization in the Hungarian society. Thus I intend to show what symbols and metaphors do the films contain that directly or indirectly show a little frame of the Hungarian school and education in the 20th and 21th century. Keywords: learning experiences, Hungarian movies, psycho-sociological approach, cultural, social, and political meanings Biography Veress Elza-Emőke was born in 1981 in Miercurea Nirajului, Romania. She received her College Diploma in Primary School and Kindergarten Teaching from the Babeş-Bolyai Univesity from Cluj Napoca in 2003. From the same institution she received her University Diploma in Pedagogy in 2005 and her Diploma of Masters in Mental Hygiene in 2007. In the present she is enrolled in the Doctor’s School in Philology at the same „Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Letters, Hungarian Literature Department, Ph.D. in philology, Email Address: 1 171 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 institution. She also received a Diploma of Masters in Speech and Language in the Art of Performance in 2010 from the University of Arts Târgu-Mureş. From 2000-2008 she worked as Primary School Teacher in Târgu-Mureş. From 2005-2008 she worked as Associated Teacher of Pedagogy at the Babeş-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca. From 2008-2011 she worked as Associated Teacher of Pedagogy at the University of Arts from TârguMureş. Her research interests include media pedagogy, occupational health and hygiene, school mental health, literature for children in the early modern age, the history of childhood, speech and language in the art of performance and film aesthetics. 172 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Patterns of Internet Use by Students in English Schools Albin WALLACE1 Abstract This paper examines the use of the internet by a sample of 40,000 students from a group of demographically different schools in England. In analysing this usage a number of questions are asked about patterns of learning and lessons to be learned. Previous research and recent writings on this topic are examined and a theoretical framework is formed that eclectically draws on a number of sources, including postmodern authors. A methodology is used incorporating an analysis of system logs. It was found that learning using the internet often appears as being self-motivated with a strong sense of ownership both of content creation and social networking. It is often generated by a real purposeful need by the children themselves often with the assistance of their peers. Schools should be places where literacy in new media can be developed. The sample of schools in which usage was surveyed in the research represents a broad set of demographic profiles across England. Although the sample was restricted English children, responses from other countries may have shown a different set of responses. Keywords: ICT, Internet, Postmodern, Education Biography: After spending 25 years working in the field of ICT and education in Australia, Albin was employed for 3 years as ICT and Learning Technologies Manager of the South East England Virtual Education Action Zone. With a firm belief that teachers are the key to achieving sustained ecological change in schools, he coordinated ICT professional development within SEEVEAZ. Since May 2003 he has been Group ICT and e-Learning Director for the United Church Schools Trust and the United Learning Trust. Albin is a Fellow of the RSA, British Computer Society, the Institute for IT Training, NAACE and the Institute of Directors. He has a doctorate in education from the University of Sheffield where his thesis was on the formal and informal uses of the internet for learning. He has spoken at a number of international conferences on education and ICT. Ph.D. United Learning Research Institute, Email Address: 1 173 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Section: Humanistic Sciences [Secţiunea: Ştiinţe Umaniste] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Modern Philosophical Presuppositions in the Doctrine of Substance (or on “having” and “seeing” ideas) [Presupoziţii filosofice moderne în doctrina substanţei (sau despre ”a avea” şi ”a vedea” idei)] Anton ADĂMUŢ 1 Abstract Camil Petrescu owes Plato a lot. He owes, maybe, even more to moderns, to Descartes, Kant and Hegel especially. From Descartes he does not take just the method, but also the result – the cogito, not less the intuition. Camil will be disturbed by the excess of the deductive procedure to which Descartes appeals. The great lack of the Cartesian formula is that not even for one moment does it achieve precisely what it had initially intended to draw from cogito: the existence of the necessary external reality. Then, the Copernican revolution of Kantian type consists in moving the center of gravity from object to subject as far as the knowledge of object is regarded. With this, it is said, Kant lays the foundation of modern science and certainty, once reached, becomes necessary and universal. In reality, Camil Petrescu states, with this Copernican turning, Kant did not lay the foundation of modern science but of dialectical thinking, without suspecting the significance of dialectical thinking. The Kantian turning must be “returned”, Camil believes, returned in such a way that the subject and the world of necessity are face to face. As far as Hegel is concerned, the idea and notion of concrete did not lack from his philosophy, but they were faithful companions of Hegelianism. The claim regarding the possession of concrete was, for Hegel, absolute. His dialectical logic only intends to be a logic of concrete absolute. Hegel will however mistake the theory of concrete with the concrete itself. He wants a complete concrete and has only a complete concept of concrete. Hegel had the essential intuition of dialectical becoming, but he did not understand, not even by far, its meaning. In the following study I will stop at three philosophical relations of substantialism with modern philosophy and which the Romanian thinker considers implicit and from which he parts explicitly, I do not know if rightfully! Prof. Ph.D., Departament of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „A. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania. Email:, Bd. Carol I no. 11. 700506 Iasi, Romania 1 177 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: Descartes, Kant, Hegel, logic, dialectics, substance, concrete, intuition Biography: Anton Adămuţ, Professor at Faculty of Philosophy and SocialPolitical Sciences, Chair of Philosophy, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. Books: Filosofia substanţei. 1997. [The Philosophy of Substance], Institutul European Publishing House, Iaşi; Literatură şi Filosofie Creştină. 1997. [Christian Literature and Philosophy], Fides Publishing House, Iaşi; Filosofia Sfântului Augustin. 2001. [Saint Augustine’s Philosophy], Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi; Seducţia ca spaţiu al cenzurii. 2004. [Seduction as an Area of Censorship], Junimea Publishing House, Iaşi; Şi Filosofia lui Camil Petrescu. 2008. [And the Philosophy of Camil Petrescu], Timpul Publishing House, Iaşi; Cum visează filosofii. 2008. [How Philosophers Dream], ALL Publishing House, Bucharest; Filosofie şi Teologie la Sfântul Augustin. 2009. [Philosophy and Theology at Saint Augustine], Academia Romana Publishing House, Bucharest; Fenomenologia celuilalt. Cazul PlatonBanchetul. 2011. [Phenomenology of the Other (the case PlatoSymposium)], Academia Romana Publishing House, Bucharest. Collaborated and still collaborates with: “Philosophy Journal”, “Revue Roumaine de Philosophie”, “Studies of History of Romanian Philosophy”, “The Romanian Journal of Bioethics”, “European Journal of Science and Theology”, ”Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies”. Address: Prof. dr. Anton Adămuţ, Departament of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „A. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania. Email:, Bd. Carol I no. 11. 700506 Iasi, Romania 178 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 On the Chivalrousness of Homeric World [Despre cavalerismul lumii homerice] Luminiţa ADĂMUŢ 1 Abstract The premise from which this text begins is that of the existence of a Homeric world. Without doubt, Homer is the teacher of Greeks. In Xenophanes’ Symposium, the character Nikoratos states that his father forced him, in order to become the perfect man, to completely learn Homer. One may debate only one issue, namely that according to which Homer’s ethics, the ethics of his epics, is an ethics of chivalrous type. Can one speak of a Homeric chivalrousness? Marrou, for example, inclines towards Homeric chivalrousness. He states that the Homeric heroes were not some brutal big soldiers, that they already are chevaliers, not some primitives as romanticists characterize them. If we were to take into account the exemplary cases, it is difficult to say about Achilles that he would be a chevalier, at least in the medieval sense of the term. Nothing is chivalrous, besides determination, in Achilles. Of course, we may find models of chivalrousness in the rest of Iliad. Anyhow, Achilles is not the one, with all his little exceptions. In Odyssey things change, for here the woman interferes, but in a completely different way than she did in Iliad. What is important to underline is not just the appreciation exclusively aesthetic of Iliad, but its content that transforms it in “a manual of ethics, a treatise on ideal”. The Homeric ethics is by excellence on of honor, of the fact of being the best. Keywords: ethics, Homeric world, honor, chivalrousness, hero, virtue Biography Has published the following volumes: Problem of Duty in the Greek-Latin Ethical Thinking, Timpul Publishing House, Iaşi, 2001; Philosophy. Multiple-choice Tests for the School-Leaving Examination and Admission in Higher Education, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2001 (coauthor); Philosophy. Multiple-choice Tests for the School-Leaving Examination, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2003 (co-author); Philosophy. Synthesis, Comments, Multiple-Choice Tests, Polirom Publishing House, Iaşi, 2006 (co-author). 1 Ph. D. professor at the National College “Costache Negruzzi”, Email Address:, Toma Cozma, nr. 4, Iasi, Romania 179 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Postmodern Chalenges in Mass Communication [Provocări post-moderne în comunicarea de masă] Ştefania BEJAN 1 2 Abstract The expression “new models of mass communication” can be, for some researchers of the present public space’s tyranny, the reflection of a true turning point in public communication, with major expectancies regarding the essence of the phenomenon, the need for a paradigm shift, of the scene on which social actors, that are fundamentally different from what was known until now, to play within the boundaries of an unprecedented, urgent, modified from the ground scenario; other categories of communication investigators would opine towards new technologies, adequate to the permanently dynamic human communication, i.e. to some means of expressing the perpetual needs for socialising, interpretation, culturalization, escape, information… Irreconcilable, so far, in the works of the renowned, the two positions give cause for scientific “quarrelling”, application of the methods specific to the socio-human field, towards possible conclusions that would incline the balance either to the “shaking” of the human model of designing and practicing the existence in the postmodern era, or to the always-innovating technology, implicitly bringing pressure on the lifestyle of the just-started millennium. Finding the classical communicational “tasks” also in a hyper-technical environment generates a specific vocabulary (multimedia, user, social media, blogosphere etc.), indicating different means of instrumentally mediated interaction (interactivity, top influence in the online environment, following, searching, comments, friendship etc.), different not as much through their innovative character in concept, but especially through applications and effects. Unconditional supporters or analytic conservatives, the separation is less important: the topic exists, it incites different communities and that is enough… 1 Romanian Academy, Scholarship POSDRU/89/1.5/S/56815 Societatea Bazată pe Cunoaştere – cercetări, dezbateri, perspective, Email Address: 2 Această lucrare a fost realizată în cadrul proiectului POSDRU/89/1.5/S/56815 Societatea Bazată pe Cunoaştere – cercetări, dezbateri, perspective, cofinanţat de Uniunea Europeană şi Guvernul României din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013. 180 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: communicational paradigm, interactivity, blogosphere, comment, online influence, social media Biography Ştefania BEJAN, born 11 February 1963, in Chiscani, Brăila. Graduate of the Medical High School (1982) and the Faculty of Philosophy, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi (1988). Ph.D. in Philosophy, with a thesis on Identity Strategies in Postmodern Media Culture (2009). Daily written press journalist starting with 1990, and, between 1993-2001, producer of programs in the fields of culture and education at the Europa Nova TV station. Lecturer at the Department of Communication and Public Relations, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences („Al. I. Cuza” University), course coordinator for Theories of Mass Communication, The Mass-Media System, Communication with the Press, New Media. Published Discursul Educaţiei (The Discourse of Education) - Editura Fundaţiei AXIS, 2003 – and translated Comicul (The Comic), by Jean-Marc Defays, published by Editura Institutul European, 2000. Author of specialty articles and chief editor of Caiete Sociologice (Sociological Review). Currently beneficiary of the postdoctoral programme Knowledge Based Society, POSDRU/89/1.5/S/56815. 181 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Ideology as a Means of Interpretation. A New Perspective of Plato Sorin BOCANCEA 1 Abstract Initially launched by Marx, the ideological interpretation turned off to a new track through Karl Mannheim’s “perspectivism” or “relationism”. The new perspective sought to identify the conditions of possibility of knowledge within society and to proceed towards a phenomenological analysis of ordinary life. However, Manheim’s theory sparsely resulted into text interpretations as such. This observation appears to be a good starting point especially for the first part of this paper, which intends to sketch a short history of ideology as a means of interpretation within the field of humanities. Then, once the “perspectivist” interpretation re-acknowledged and reactivated, the present endeavour moves towards an application chapter, having in view Plato’s work and the ways it can be subjected to an ideological interpretation. Hence, the rediscovery of “perspectivist” analysis may bring important changes in the ensuing perception of many theoretical constructions: ultimately, these theories are brought back to life and, no longer presented as being written by some shadow hand, they become the answers which flesh and blood individuals gave to the issues that occasionally challenged them. truth Keywords: hermeneutics, ideology, interpretation, philosophy, Plato, theory, Associate Prof. Ph.D., 1 Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Email Address: 182 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Communist Regime Versus the Rural World in the First Years of the Agricultural Collectivization in Romania (19491952) [Regimul comunist versus lumea rurală în primii ani ai procesului de colectivizare a agriculturii româneşti (1949-1952)] Sanda-Maria BORŞA 1 Abstract The establishment of the communist regime in Romania led to a series of actions which caused profound changes in the traditional way of life of the rural population. In this respect, the collectivization of agriculture was the main instrument used by the communists in view of subordinating and transforming the rural world in line with the deviant ideological principles of the people’s democracy regime. By means of discourse analysis and case study, our article (based on documents) is trying to decipher the impact of the collectivization on the rural communities from Romania; the relationship between central and local administration in the early years of socialist transformation of agriculture and, also, the metamorphoses suffered by the rural world between 1949-1952. The process of agricultural collectivization officially set off at the plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers’ Party (3-5 March 1949) which set the general guidelines of the socialist transformation of agriculture. Considered in light of the collectivization process, the 1949-1952 chronological timeline was characterized by the massive enlistment of the peasants in cooperative agricultural units (Collective Agricultural Farms, Agricultural Associations of Peasants), as well as by the exponential increase in the number of these units. At the same time, long series of pressures were enforced upon the peasants: from excessive quotas and taxes, whose pay off by the peasants would have triggered the starvation of their families, to threats, intimidations and imprisonments. The brutality of the methods used and actions committed by those in charge of the collectivization of agriculture marked irredeemably the traditional living of the peasants, and their consequences were felt at several levels: the village community, the family and the individual as well. Keywords: collectivization, communism, peasants, rural world, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej 1 Ph.D. Research Assistant, „George Bariţiu” Institute of History, Cluj-Napoca, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040766720042 183 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Position and Role of Deontology in Postmodern Society [Locul şi rolul deontologiei în societatea postmodernă] Valeriu CAPCELEA 1 Abstract The article touches upon problems related to deontology’s role and its location in the postmodern society which, on one hand, presents a sum of behavioral rules for a particular social group that ensures the moral character of determined interactions or of those associated with the professional activity, and on the other, a scientific discipline which investigates the specifics of moral demonstrations in various areas of activities. The deontology applies, in particular, to those social groups for which the society presents the highest moral requirements. Nowadays, the designing of applied moral norms, including deontological, is a strategic process for further development of contemporary ethics, intended to overcome the difficulties in their development within the previous traditional ethics. The author specifies the existence of Deontological Codes for certain professions demonstrating a developing character of the social progress, as well as a continued humanization of social existence. At the same time, the author emphasizes that despite the positive features of the Deontological Codes, these also have a series of shortcomings, such as the replacement of the autonomous moral responsibilities with heteronomy ethics. Concomitantly, the article underlines the need to avoid an overly generic approach while designing such Codes, as this might lead to uniformization of moral individualities, having an adverse impact on the human personality. Another shortcoming is the fact that the Codes start from the idea that a human is incapable and that when he/she has freedom he/she should comply voluntarily with proper rules, and, in this context, the human should be assisted by developing and approving relevant legal acts that would enforce him/her to comply with. In such situation the ethics merges with the law, both being coercible, but they should not be confused as they have different scopes. The morality cannot be universalized as it is in the case of law, which means that the morality doesn’t strictly belong to rationality, as this issue abolishes the moral uniformization. Furthermore, the analysis of Ph.D. in Philosphy, Associate Porf. Ph.D. Department of Social Humanistic Sciences, „Alecu Russo” State University, Balti, Moldova, str. Puşkin 38. Tel: (373) 231-79-100; Email Address: 1 184 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 the existing Deontological Codes proves us the lack of the delimitation of the area of deontology research as a science or of the false determination of such that presents it as eclectic in nature. This happens due to fact that the professional groups that are being preoccupied with the Codes perceive the need for integrating the morality while designing the legal acts mostly through an intuitive moral platform rather than through a moral basis which is well studied and explained by the science of ethics. Therefore, without a true theoretical tool, the attention is focused, first of all, on the accuracy of professional acts which is seen through the point of view of general human rights, through how these rights have been imposed publicly, while the moral requirements being mostly intuited rather than clearly formulated. norms. Keywords: deontology, deontological codes, morality, applied ethics; moral 185 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Manipulation into the Media; Journalistic Ethics [Manipularea în mass-media; Etica jurnalistică] Felicia CEAUŞU 1 Abstract In recent years, media ethics has become a highly debated topic, trying to clarify the ethical and moral values for journalism. Ethics is not just a matter of codes of conduct, or rules to be followed, ethics is a theory of morality and requires possession of a set of general principles (on which good and bad), analysis of actual facts, actions or characters in light of those principles. Ethics related to capacity of every journalist in part, to meet the set of values in different situations and to render information in view of objectivity, truth and fairness. Ethics translate itself in professional decisions taken by journalists and can be considered as an ethics of communication, because communication is the essence of media system. To talk of media ethics should we relate in particular to the triad that is its responsibility: ethics (set of rules that an individual uses to reflect on their behavior), moral (social and individual practice of a behavior, actions and relationships, governed by rules) and ethics (department of ethics that deals with the study of procedures and specific obligations for an specific occupation). This paper proposed many objective such as analysis of issues of great interest such as: media in the universe of sciences communication; truth and objectivity in the press; need to formulate the ethical norms as law articles; specific values for journalist profession; turth, credibility and lies. Original aspects: establishing a boundary between public value and value of private information, because in contemporary media, protection of personal life does not seem to worry about anyone. Idea argued in the paper: although there are deontics values specific profession of journalism and a code of ethics, Romanian journalists often overlook ethicals rules and violates the rule of objectivity in transmitting messages to the public. Why? It will identify causes. Methodological content: content analysis, case study. Keywords: manipulation, media, ethics, objectivity Institute of Economic and Social Researches “Gh. Zane”, Romanian, Academy, Iaşi Branch, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040733692663 1 186 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Existentialistic Views- Consequences Analysis and the Problem of a Sense of Existence [Puncte de vedere existenţialiste- analiza consecinţelor şi problema sensului] Aura CIOBOTARU 1 Abstract In this paper I want to present shortly some different existentialistic views, in their main ideas. I want to identify the common assumptions, and to anlyse the consequences of one or other view. In the end, I want to compare them, and make some conclusions. I also want to sustain one of those points of views, because of its consequencens on human life and need of sense. Existentialism starts with some common assumptions, as: we did not choose to live, but we live, we are lonely and free with not excuses, with lack of other people in our most significant life situations, we will day, unexpectedly, and we do not find in this world a superior significance or an undoubtable truth. On these problems, authors and philosophers found some perspectives that they addopted: the conflict, the will to power, as construction or distructon of an world, violence, or moral responsabillity, as free choice, even without necessary moral truths. Any of those view has the same degree of sustenability, even any of them has different consequences and significance in our lives. First I will present Sartre’s view on freedom and being- for- itself, as opposed to being- in- itself, and his portrait of the person wich cooses violence and distruction as an attitude towards the facticity and unexistence of necessary truths. But in the end, he admits a possible different solution, even not founded. Then, I will analyse Nietzsche’s idea of suveranity of the powerfull will, with its reasons and consequences; his theme of eternal coming-back, as sustaining of the powerful will, in lack of necessary truths or moral’s authority. I will make many interrogations on his assumptions on his life perspective. The answers to these interrogations, I will search in Dostoievski novels, “Crime and Punsishment” and “Karamazov Brothers”, where the supremacy principle is largely argued, with reference to concrete situations and characters. In the end, it is rejected. In “Karamazov Brothers”, they are given three views on the existence, one of wich is the supremacy principle, applied to the immanent Professor in human sciences at “Aurel Rainu” Highschool-Fieni, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040725929290 1 187 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 order, in and an injust world. Other- is the belief in the beauty of a transcendent world of love for all the people. In the end, It is given a third solution, wich is the supreme moral responsabillity and duty towards our fellows.This is the point of view that I find the most realistic and applicable to our lifes. We were all wrong, with our fellows, and since we can not find a principle on wich base to decide, judge or share the Good and the Bad, we can only assume responsabillity in all our facts, as a point on wich we can found a moral, as its result. Keywords: will to power, violence, free choice, contingent truths, moral responsibility, transcendence. Biography Work: Proffesseor in human sciences, 2009-present, to “Aurel Rainu” Highschool Education: Faculty of philosophy, University of Bucharest, BA and MA Graduation Papers: The will to power and the problem of the construction of an world; The relevance of mental experiments in moral and politic philosophy. Publications: Book: “Time with no ending- an answer to our problems of existence”, Lumen, Iasi, 2010 Articles: -On nature of wishes and intentions- the referentialattributive distinction, in Analele Universitatii, with professor Adrian-Paul Iliescu, 2007 An answer to our problems of existence, Lumen International Conferrence, 2011 february. 188 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Legislation of Jeweller's Industry (Comparative Analysis: The Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation and Ukraine) [Legislaţia privind activitatea în domeniul artei bijuteriilor (studiu comparativ: Republica Moldova, România, Federaţia Rusă, Ucraina)] Liliana CONDRATICOVA 1 Abstract In a format of this communication the author considers normative acts of a sale of precious metals and colour stones, jewelry as well as an estimation and identification of objects. Declared themes are enough important ones because using the methodology of comparative analysis the author scrutinizes thoroughly some juridical laws of the Republic of Moldova, Romania Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. This topic is significant one as well as within the limits of creation of legal state the jurisprudence of Republic of Moldova is transformed according to legislative acts of European counties. In the meanwhile, raw materials importation from Ukraine and Russia, commercial delivery of jewellery of Kishinev factory „Giuvaier” predetermines analysis of conformable normative acts of these countries. Thus, comprehensive examination of legislative acts of above-listed countries allowed us to define the main directions of the research, namely: some rules of items sale made from precious metals and stones; existence of proper license given by executive authority; import and export of raw materials; some certificates of quality; coinage and medals (memorative coining and medals made from gold and silver); manufacturing of jewellery and technical items from precious metals and stones; buying-up of jewellery and precious stones; commission business of jewellery; traffic of jewellery and precious stones; pawn activity; fiscal and price policy in this field; about an order of testing and stamping of items from precious metals; expert examination of cultural values and its activity; participation of jewellery in specialized exhibitions and competitions and so on. Keywords: jewellery, legislation, normative acts, antiques, pawnshop Biography The author of more than 60 scientific publications including three monographs: “Jeweller's art: precious metals and precious stones” (Kishinev, 2008), “Jeweller's art of Moldova”, (Iasi, 2010) and “Alex Marco. The destiny of Moldavian jeweller”(Iasi, 2011). Academy of Sciences of Moldova Prize “For the best scientific achievements” (2010). Ph.D. in study of arts, Coordinator Scientific Researcher, Institute of Cultural Heritage, Institute of Enciclopedic Studies of AŞM, Email Address: 1 189 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Epistemological References of Nonverbal Communication in the Context of New Educational Paradigm [Referinţe epistemologice ale comunicării nonverbale în contextul noii paradigme educaţionale] Daniel CORÎU 1 Abstract The educational process shows a distinct compositional diversity. Starting from the pure informational transmission of knowledge and up to drawing a positive direction in applying the gnoseologically acquired elements in the personal and community life, the intermediary in this process is the teacher. He, through his work, pursues the realisation of the educational act in its most efficient format. Therefore, he uses all means which he has handy, from his spiritual and mental inside and from what the outer space offers him (drawings, magic lanterns, paintings, etc..). But, in addition, the most handy for the teacher himself is nothing else but the hands, the eyes, the legs, the speech tone, the way of walking, of looking, as forms of knowledge and transmission of the educational stimulus, and also elements which helps to determine the critical elements of perceptiveness coming from the classroom. In the context of new educational paradigm, an intensive knowledge of nonverbal language in the educational process is more than necessary. And that is because, in most cases, words do not tell us everything. If we are teachers and we have the impression that a whole class is paying attention to us, and enjoyes our knowledge, it is most likely that we are tricked even by some reactions induced for this purpose. Therefore, knowing the body language of certain moods and thoughts, behind the words, we can adjust our teaching content according to these, so that the student will feel the change, without knowing how, why, and certainly will not miss the next lesson. Therefore, the centrality of this study is occupied by the use of sign’s meaning and implications from the body language in order to educate and to train the teachers for improving the educational act. More precisely, our main hypothesis is that every teacher should possess, besides the knowledge of its domain, an exact understanding of body language. And that in order to,, manipulate’’ the learning process to the most perfect purposes. Therefore, we will use the meanings of body language from management MA at the Theology Faculty “Dumitru Stăniloae'' of Iasi, Department of Cultural Patrimony, “Al. I. Cuza'' University, Iasi, Domicile: Str. Principala, Nr. 10, Com. Dofteana, Jud. Bacau, Residence, Str. Codrescu, No. 31, Bl. C11, Ap. 66, 2nd floor, Iasi, Email Address: daniel.coriu@ 1 190 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 environment, from business environment and from others areas where it has a concrete meaning and its generate some specific understanding and reactions, and we will implement in education, giving teachers a superior ability to understand their students and to relate concretely to their own needs and their requirements. For example, if a student shows some gestures and some facial traits, the teacher, by the study of body language, will know what the student, involuntarily, share and he will accord the educational act to the interior needs of the student, which the teacher, as in a mirror, knows from the gestures and mimics. The originality of this theme is that, until now were not accentuated the implications of body language in the education act, with all its psychological, sociological and spiritual aspects. Therefore, through this study we can offer to teachers the posibility of knowing students behind the mask that they shows daily during class hours and also the ability to achieve, through their own words, gestures and mimics, the spiritual and mental foundation which is there, inside. Keywords: education, teacher, pupils, educational act, knowledge, body language, educational paradigm, gestures, mimics. 191 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Romania in the Equation of Bipolarism (1960-1969) [România în ecuaţia bipolarismului (1960-1969)] Mihai Alexandru CROITOR 1 Abstract One of the shortcomings of the Cold War historiography (be it “orthodox”, “revisionist” or “post-revisionist”) was the fact that it placed at the centre of analysis only the two state actors of the bipolar system (the Soviet Union and the United States of America), thus omitting to fully address the position assumed by the USSR satellites towards this system. In line with this observation, this article delves into an objective as possible inquiry into the main stands taken by the authorities in Bucharest towards the two main exponents of the bipolar system (the Soviet Union and the United States of America), and towards the third power pole which began to take shape in the early 1960s: the People’s Republic of China. Relying on the documents retrieved in the Romanian, Soviet, American and Chinese archives, this research paper addresses the main events which marked the Romanian foreign policy between 1960 and 1969: the Conference of the communist and workers’ parties in Moscow (1960); the bilateral RomanianSoviet and Romanian-American relations; the position assumed by the People’s Republic of Romania towards the Sino-Soviet conflict; the birth of the so-called “independence” of Romania inside the communist bloc; the relevance of the April 1964 Declaration of the Central Committee of the Romanian Workers’ Party; the main centrifugal tendencies of the Bucharest regime in reaction to the ideological precepts issued by Moscow; and, the Romanian efforts in view of fostering a Sino-American rapprochement. Keywords: bipolarism, communism, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, independence, People’s Republic of Romania 1 Associate Lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Email Address:, Phone no.0040768535390 192 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 From Brasov to Shambala with Johann Martin Honigberger [Din Braşov în Shambala cu Johann Martin Honigberger] Ştefania Maria CUSTURĂ 1 ABSTRACT Johan Martin Honigberger (Gholab Singh, 1795-1869), was a Saxon pharmacist and doctor, with interests in the fields of botany, numismatics and archeology. Dr. Honigberger travelled to India, Europe and Asia, fascinated by exotic lands and thirsty for adventures beyond the limits of knowledge. Reputed scholar of the Middle East, numismatic and archeologist, excellent homeopath, was a member of Societe Asiatique, whose members Constantin Georgian and Mircea Eliade will become. He speaks 17 languages, is a reputed doctor, famous for his treatments against cholera and plague. Dr. Honigberger publishes his memoirs in London. He is famous mostly for his fantastic short story “The secret of doctor Honigberger”, published by Mircea Eliade in 1940, in “The Royal Foundations Magazine”. In this short story, the character succeeds to get out of the profane time and disappear forever onto the mythical land of Shambala. Our research aims to analyze the texts and activity of Martin Honigberger from the perspective of the image of alteration, with a projection onto the intercultural and inter-ethnic environment in Brasov in the nineteenth century, a space with extraordinary formative and modeling values. The investigation into the life and work of J.M Honigberger is made comprehensively from a phenomenon's point of view, concentrating around his memoirs. His diary immortalizes an allotropy of the exotic voyage , voyage that triggers fundamental changes in the consciousness of the traveler. We will analyze Honigberger's text from the perspective of a subjective fragmentary writing, focusing on the ego who writes , and also on the meeting of the Other. culture Keywords: travel, exotic lands, intercultural and interethnic environment, saxon Lecturer Ph.D., Sapientia University, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040745135670 1 193 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Feminism in the XII-th Century? The Medieval Treaty «De amore» of Andreas Capellanus [Feminism în secolul al XII-lea. Tratatul medieval «De amore» al lui André le Chapelain] Maria-Alexandra DRAGAN 1 2 Abstract The De amore of Andreas Capellanus, written in the twelfth century (1185) captures the attention of the literary exegesis by his antithetical structure (the first part is a plea for love, the second is a deconstruction of the first part), and especially by the description of the so-called "courts of love", presided by some ladies of the high society who judged the love problems that seemed without solution. Besides these “courts of love”, seen as a literary expression of proto-feminist movement in the twelfth century, the Treaty also contains several dialogues between men and women belonging to different social groups, dialogues which show a picture of practices and principles of a more refined era than it might seem at a superficial reading. Among the books of literature of the Middle Age, this book has a characteristic: it is the only book of literature condemned by the Roman Catholic Church (in 1277, by the Bishop of Paris, Etienne Tempier). The reasons of this condemnation are related to the theses on the love that the book asserts. Indeed, within the framework of the judgements presented by the women of the high society in the “courts of love”, the marriage as a social and religious institution is condemned, and the free love, as adulterous relation, is considered the only desirable love. This position antagonizing the religious mentality of the time was presented in the Treaty in the form of a code of the courtly love which had several stages and also a double dimension (social and literary). The code used by the troubadurs transposed in feudal terms (more precisely in the language of vassalage) the relationship between the man and the woman: the woman was the Master and the man the faithful servant. The code of the courtly love produced an inversion of the social roles, in a society which was strongly organised on a hierarchical basis. More serious than this social inversion of the roles (between the man and the woman) was the way in which it was justified (by ambiguous theological and Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Letters, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, Email Address: mdragan@voila.f r 2 Aknowledgment: This work was supported by the European Social Fund in Romania, under the responsibility of the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 [grant POSDRU/88/1.5/S/47646] 1 194 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 philosophical arguments) and spread (in the love songs sung by the troubadours, which assured a brilliant success for this type of adoulterous love). For this reason the Catholic Church condemned in 1277 a book which, pretending to speak about love, pled for the dissolution of the social and religious foundations of marriage. Keywords: Andreas Capellanus, feminism, courtly love, poetics, adultery, litterature 195 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Gypsies Integration into Society of the Habsburg Empire in Transylvania [Integrarea romilor în Transilvania Habsburgică] Mihai FLOROAIA 1 Abstract Ideological conceptions about ethnicity, nation and religious confession require new approaches through the current issue of the great European family. An approach to the history of minorities in Transylvania intercultural plan requires the submission of their role in socio-cultural Romanian. Cultural contribution of various national minorities in the Romanian cultural profile, the structure of cultural identity of this area is organized on two levels: on the one hand historical provinces create regional identity, and on the other hand the real regional identity contributes to the creation of Romanian national identity. Of course there are identities that are not related to or defined by geographical area (eg the Gypsy community). Documentary sources assess that the contribution of Roma in the common heritage are extremely low due to the exclusion of the Roma in social status, they are in a state of slavery. Like everywhere in Romania, in Transylvania can not talk about a specific territory exclusively or predominantly inhabited by Roma, as the other existing minority. Gypsy culture and civilization have a predominant symbiotic character who contributed to the common heritage. Absence of the territory, dispersed nature of life, have led to depriving Roma of the chance to have some own religious, administrative, cultural, educational institutions, etc.. In Transylvania, the first information about the presence of Gypsies seems to be recorded in around 1400. Regarding the socio-legal status that Gypsies have had, they were not slaves, but organized as a Romanian Model voivodeship and they were not under the jurisdiction of administrative authorities, but the exclusive jurisdiction of their heads. The second half of the eighteenth century was the era of sedentary Gypsies in Transylvania and the assimilation, measures initiated in the spirit of the Habsburg reformism. Reigns of Maria Theresa and Joseph II were the assimilation of the Gypsies in Transylvania. In the early nineteenth century nomadic Gypsies became minority. Although the inhabitants of the Ph. D. - "Babeş-Bolyai" 1 University of Cluj-Napoca, Email Address: 196 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 country become a social status and footing with the other ethnic groups, they store themselves as subgroup with certain distinctive characteristics. Nineteenth century, also named the nation century, was characterized in Europe through a process of developing national consciousness and the creation of national states. In this period of profound transformations in the people and political consciousness, the Romanian principalities survived three great empires: the Ottoman, Russian and Austrian. Keywords: ethnicity, religion, Gypsy, gypsy mentality. 197 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Psychology of the Creative Process in Literary and Artistic Vision [Psihologia procesului de creaţie în viziune literar-artistică] Ana GHILAŞ 1 Abstract The article discusses the interdisciplinary literature-psychology relation, particularly the psychology of the creative process. Having studied a number of theoretical sources on the topic, written by psychologists, psychoanalysts, estheticians, we identify that the creative process is a complex phenomenon which involves all psychological mechanisms of the creator and all the resources he acquired through experience. In terms of methodology, we resorted to the aesthetic and psycho-aesthetic perspective approach to the creation process. We aim at elucidating the art-psychological science relation by following the stages of the creation process: the conscious-subconscious, the subjective-objective, individual-general-human relations in the creative personality’s artistic transfiguration of reality. Epic stories and literary-publicistic texts written by Ion Druta and George Meniuc and interpreted from the perspective of the psychology of the creative process and of the way of its artistic transfiguration constitute the research subject of the article. Thus, in the methodology of issue approach, we start from the product (text) to contemplation (receiver) while comprehending the mental processes involved in the mechanisms of the artist’s creative activity. We finally note that the specifics of the creative individuality, alongside with the time in which the author created, leaves its print on the artistic realization of this theoretical-psychological aspect. The given writers display different stylistic orientations in the Romanian literature from Moldova in the period of the 60s-70s of the XX century. Keywords: interdisciplinary, literature-psychology, creative process, aesthetic perspective, epic text. 1 Ph. D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Moldova State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Email Address: 198 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Modality in Scientific Communication. A Case Study of Modal Meaning in Scientific Articles in English by Romanian Authors [Modalitatea în comunicarea ştiinţifică. Cazul sensurilor modale într-un corpus de articole de economie în engleză scrise de autori români] Teodora GHIVIRIGĂ 1 Abstract: Studies of modality (mainly expressed through modal verbs) in the scientific discourse have revealed patterns of use that vary significantly across disciplines and/or across languages. In a previous comparative study (by the author) of two corpora (English and Romanian) of articles written by native authors published in international journals of Economics and by nonnative Romanian authors (published in Romanian journals), one of the important differences found was the diverging use of modals; however, this dissimilarity lay not in the total raw number, but rather in the selection of the modals in the two corpora; thus, as anticipated, in the Romanian corpus some modals were overused (CAN, WILL, MUST), while others were underused (MAY, MIGHT, WOULD); the distribution was revealed to be differrent than that indicated in similar studies, suggesting a specific Romanian pattern. This is in keep with the theory that natives acquire modal meanings in two stages (first the root meanings covering the deontic and the dynamic use and only later the more abstract epistemic meanings) and generally this is achieved rather through exposure to context, which nonnative (Romanian) authors may lack. The present paper continues the previous study by focusing on the use of modals. Cross disciplinary studies point out that epistemic use of modals in scientific texts exceeds the deontic use, as expected. In the Romanian non-native corpus, however, instances of deontic use of MUST (obligation) outnumber the instances of epistemic use (logical necessity), while WOULD is underrepresented, surprisingly so since its deontic meanings are more numerous. An interesting case is that of the verb MAY, with important epistemic meanings and frequent formulaic use in scientific writing, which is favoured by the natives, who prefer agreement and support to confrontation and imposition even when they intend to influence the interlocutor, an attitude which is foreign to Romanians. The differences can, PhD, lecturer, Faculty of Letters, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Email Address:, phone: 0040744 540606 1 199 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 therefore, be attributed possibly to the particular epistemological status of Economics on the one hand and to cultural differences on the other. Ignorance of such pragmatic choice in articles by non-natives may therefore create difficulty in communication. A more thorough and accurate description of these differences and an understanding of their possible causes may improve the quality of the didactics of English in Business Schools, enhance the linguistic quality of the articles produced by Romanian authors in English, ensure their acceptance abroad and generally reduce the gap in intercultural communication. Keywords: modality, epistemic, deontic, corpus, economics, intercultural communication Biography: The author has a PhD in Letters and is currently teaching English language and linguistics at the Department of foreign languages and literatures within the Faculty of Letters at UAIC Iasi. She holds an interest in terminology, specialized and literary translation and in the use of corpora for the study of both English and Romanian. 200 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Recitatio in vivo -A Transdisciplinary Education Project [Recitatio in vivo –Un proiect educaţional transdisciplinar] Marin GRIGOREAN 1 Abstract The plurality of the spiritual experiences leads necessary to the recognition of its multiple ways of expressing and transmission. An authentic learning of the circulation of the spiritual information among hermeneutical ternaries through the resonance of the levels of Meaning offers a key for the understanding of the world we live in: the creation of an interior flexible nucleus by the balance of the levels of being – body, spirit, and heart. Nowadays the problematic regarding the acute necessity of the resurrection of Subject, creates the conditions for forming a transdisciplinary attitude based on fundamental human values: openedness, tolerance, dialogue. These clarifications allow putting any hermeneutical action in context with the structure of the classic design of the scientific research – theoretical aspects, methodology, results – and presenting a new proposal of transdisciplinary tackle, manifested in an irreducible unity of methodology with the purity of making the meaning, in the experience of an intuition of the Source of creation. What ensures the coherence of this kind of attempt is a configuration of interdependences and interactions between the conceptual level methodologically delimited and the investigation of the new appeared in the conjunction of textual metaphoric with meditation, silent reading and the articulations of thinking. The purpose of this kind of hermeneutics, transparently configured in any text generated by the inner action, is based on realizing the link between the interior and exterior universe. The paradox: the scientific methodology, indispensable to a research, does not apply to consciousness, which is correlative to spirituality, culture, and religion. Getting out of the disciplinary field, we need a new methodology: the transdisciplinary methodology as an alternative, complementary to scientific methodology, not excluding each other. The transdisciplinary language represents in the same time sending and transmitting the spiritual information, involving both inter-subjective and trans-subjective dimension of Reality. The mission of transdisciplinarity is to generate bonds and acquire coherence inside possible links between different levels of knowledge. A 1 Ph.D. Candidate in transdiciplinary studies, 2nd Year, Doctoral School: „Paradigma europeană”, Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040743235702 201 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 double establishing of transdisciplinarity might be possible by scanning of some pairs of conceptual compatibilities: transdisciplinary view, transdisciplinary closeness, transdisciplinary openness, transdisciplinaryattitude. Assuming transdisciplinarity involves also the compiling a new language, a new logic, new concepts to allow emerging a new dialogue between different field of knowledge. Understandingtransdisciplinarity correctly may bring together and direct these innovations in the field of knowledge with all the major consequences in our daily life. Keywords: transdisciplinarity, the spiritual information, hermeneutical ternaries, the levels of Meaning 202 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Risk Situations School and Violent Behavior [Situaţiile de risc şcolar şi comportamentul violent] Felicia IUROAIA 1 Abstract Violence in schools has increased over the last 25 years and appear, both from teachers to students and between students-students or students and teachers. Age most prone to violence by students is between 13 and 17 years. Risk behavior of school students is largely due to family climate (see the weight of the most disturbing problems, the percentage of cases reported inappropriate behaviors so students and teachers as masters). In most families were not taken from school sanction, although the proportion of 74% students perceive there is family support and communication between teachers and head teachers and parents consistently achieved through various ways. Most students are at risk from families biparentale school and live with both parents, and the number of students whose parents work abroad, is reduced, which invalidates the assumption that behavior is exclusively due to risk leaving school parents abroad. Because of all significant problems for students, a 27% problem is the misunderstanding by teachers, the assumption that the poor attitude of teachers / professors to masters students favor school risk behavior are confirmed. Fear of making a small note, disinterest and boredom are regarded as students and teachers as the most frequent reasons for absenteeism. Keywords: violence, risk school, behavior. Biography: Associate Proffessor, PhD at the University "Petre Andrei" of Iasi, Faculty of Psychology. Degree in Education, Faculty of Philosophy, University "Al. I. Cuza "Iasi (1995). PhD at the University "Al. I. Cuza "Iasi (2005), specializing in Ethics. Doctoral student in Education specialization. Graduate of the postgraduate course Optimizing business performance through cognitive-behavioral counseling and coaching (2011) at International Coaching Institute European Coaching Center Babes-Bolyai University. Topics of interest: human behavior, communication and intergroup relations, educational intervention strategies on the human individual. Associate Proffessor Ph.D. at the University "Petre Andrei" of Iasi, Faculty of Psychology, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040745.303.883. 1 203 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Epistemic Categories of Postmodernism and Alienation of Human Being [Categoriile epistemice ale postmodernismului şi alienarea fiinţei umane] Anca-Narcisa LEIZERIUC 1 Abstract Postmodernity means a change of philosophy,ontology and economy and, thus, becomes a social phenomenon, generated by epistemic depth categories (Michel Foucauld) that affects all types of discourse, including the aesthetic one. This paper seeks to determine whether postmodern phenomenon, in generally, appears as a continuation of modernity or as a crash of level, whether it has legitimacy in the Romanian space since the third wave of post-industrial civilization (Alvin Toffler) is absent here. The postmodern world is on the opposite side of the modernism with its rationalism, both scientific knowledge and of the narrative, subordinated to a principle of totalityin knowledge and refuse any meta-narrative legitimation (J.F. Lyotard), establishing a pluralistic model of knowledge. The dissolution of metaphysics involves giving up to positivist prejudices and promoting a "nonmetaphysic truth ", which is essentially aesthetics. The art infuses to the social body, serving, not to an elitist group, but to the common taste, where the value criterion is not the aesthetic one, but relativism and the idea of discussing/denying the work of art. After the proclamation of lowering the art in the street, follows the death of art and the thematizationof nothingness. There is a reconsideration of the function of art, which is no longer assuming the role of education, but only the one of enjoying. Starting from the conception that the reading should be an erotic and critical experience, Julia Kristeva proposes the concept of "signified" to designate the text as a place of delight, where the reader is seduced, and Roland Barthes speaks about the "pleasure of the text ". The changing of the status of art from gnosiologicalto ornamental, decorative is due to fragmentarism and relativism philosophy. The new humanism of postmodernism captures human alienation (Heidegger), the anonymous individuals depending on the real world and even the robotization of human being. If the modernism accepts a certain hierarchy, polarizing around certain myths such as rationality, transcendence, and progress, the postmodernism argues for a universe without center like the borgesian ALEPH with the center everywhere. Ph.D. Candidate, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Letters, Email Address: 1 204 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: postmodernity, post-industrial civilization, totality knowledge, fragmentarism, function of art, alienation Biography: Anca-Narcisa Leizeriuc (n. 1984), Ph.D. student at “Alexandru IoanCuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Letters.The title of the doctoral research is Mircea Ivănescu – searching for the lost paradise. High school teacher of Romanian and French literature. Published articles: Biogarfismul difuz ş ipoezia lui Mircea Ivănescu, în „Vatra”, 2011, Nr. 11, pp. 24-30; Avatarurile fantasticului la Mircea Eliadeşi Jorge Luis Borges, în Limbă, cultură ş icivilizaţie. Idei în dialog, Editura Politehnica Press, Bucureşti, 2010, pp. 234-239; Apariţia postmodernismului în literatura americană şi omână, în rossing boundaries in culture and communication. Journal of the Department of Foreign Languages, Romanian – American University, vol. II, nr. 1, EdituraUniversitară, Bucureşti, 2011, pp. 136-143; Re-cunoaşterea sacrului la Mircea Eliade şi noutatea fantasticului mitologic, în Gafton, Alexandru; Guia, Sorin; Milică, Ioan, Text şi discurs religios, Editura Universităţii “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi, 2011, pp. 521-529; Biogarfismul difuz şi poezia lui Mircea Ivănescu, în Studii umaniste şi perspective interculturale.Cercetări ale doctoranzilor în filologie, Editura Universităţii “Petru Maior”, Târgu-Mureş, 2011, pp. 320-330; Intertextualitatea mitică la Mircea Eliade şi Mircea Ivănescu, în Omul şi mitul, 2011, Editura Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, 2011. 205 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Man as the Alter Ego of the Artificial Human Being [Omul natural ca alter ego al omului artificial] Marcela-Mădălina MACOVEI 12 Abstract Far from being a simple copy of divine creation, the human being is always on a race to beat his ontological condition through intellectual efforts, the scope of which is being more like the Creator. This article aims to analyse the ways in which humans have obtained freedom from their Creator. Starting from a series of myths such as Golem and Frankenstein, the human being will always try to overcome it’s own mortal limits. Through all the tehnological breakthroughs in various fields, the human being will always reassess it’s mortal condition and try to obtain immortality. The human being is always evolving through technology. The question is if the human being is using the technical resources and knowledge at its disposal in moderation. Adopting an artificial way of being and acting, can create the impression that we reflect our individuality in today’s innovations and artificial creations. Is the human becoming a superhuman through his innovations or not? This is another paradigm of thought which is proposed to being tested by our contemporaries. The natural man which evolves cyclically can regain its supremacy in its own world by parting with nature. Keywords: human being, creation, technology, myth, paradigm Biography: Marcela-Mădălina Macovei- associated professor at F.E.G. Iaşi, Phd. Student at Faculty of Social and Political Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi, published articles: Forme alienate ale ludicului (2011), Psychoanalytic Perspective of The Agressive Instinct (2011), Rolul ştiinţelor socio-umane în pregătirea profesională a cursanţilor (2011), Agresivitatea jocurilor online între mit şi realitate (2011), The Pleasure of Violence: A Demonical Display of Power (2011), The Honor and The Blood Sacrifice (2011). 1 Ph.D. Candidate at Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, profesor collaborator at Green Ecologica Foundation (F.E.G.), Iasi, Department of Social Humanistic Sciences, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040740646612 2 This work was supported by the the European Social Fund in Romania, under the responsibility of the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 [grant POSDRU/CPP 107/DMI 1.5/S/78342]. 206 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Prevailing Ideologies in the Romanian Literary Press of the 70s [Ideologii dominante în presa literară românească a anilor 70] Corina Maria MARIN 1 2 Abstract The present paper aims to analyze how the political and social context of the 70s was reflected in writers’ attitude. Our main objective will be the investigation of the literary press of the 70s (România Literară, Luceafărul, Scînteia). The analysis will show how much writers have complied with the dictatorial regime type, where the arts are required to become part of propaganda, and writers to be agitators. We must underline the fact that the connection between the political, social and cultural factor, is not a mechanical one, meaning that a decision of the political factor, however repressive and dictatorship it is, it will not be applied immediately and not always in the form desired by the initiator. Things become more difficult to analyze when there are unusual institutions: professional organizations - as was the Writers Union - which had only limited authority over members, and the totalitarian state, declaring itself a democrat and supporter of arts and culture, was forced to use blackmail, manipulation or threat members to ensure obedience. The 70s were not uniform either in terms of goals pursued by the Communist Party, or from the perspective of literary production. However the 70s are seen as a golden age of national poetry and prose, fruit of joint creative tradition and innovation, even though writers have faced pressure and censorship imposed by the Communist Party. Keywords: literary press, ideologies, communism. 1 Ph.D. Candidate, ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Sibiu, România, Email Address:, Phone no. +40 756080899 2 (Cercetare realizată în cadrul proiectului POSDRU/CPP107/DMI1.5/S/78651 cu titlul “Armonizarea valenţelor româneşti cu cele ale comunităţii europene”, cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 2013) 207 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography: Corina Maria MARIN, Ph.D. student (n. 1985) 2008 the Faculty of Journalism of the University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, with a final paper on Political Communication. Since 2010 is a PhD student, with a POSDRU grant, at "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, under the scientific coordination of prof. Dr. Gheorghe Manolache, with research field of Romanian Literature of the 70’s and 80’s (entitled: Prevailing ideologies in the Romanian Literature of the 70’s and 80’s). During undergraduate studies and master, she participates in students’ colloquia with hermeneutic literary works (National Colloquium "Lucian Blaga" in Sibiu). During the doctoral research she publishes two articles on cultural orientation after 1989 and analysis of Romanian Literary Environment of the 70’s and 80’s, volumes 1 and 2 of the series Studia Philologica Doctoralia, Sibiu, 2010. 208 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Myths of the Nation in Joseph Roth’s Die Büste des Kaisers [The Bust of the Emperor] Vilma MIHÁLY 1 Abstract The following study aims at analyzing the development of myths of the nation/nationalism in Joseph Roth’s short story Die Büste des Kaisers [The Bust of the Emperor]. The theoretical basis is represented by Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (1986), in which he states that the nation is an ‘invented/created’ structure. Monarchy-literature that is literature written in/during/about the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy offers us a great opportunity to analyze the becoming of nations. Royalty and monarchy, representing the political community opposing the nation, were held together by acknowledging the status of its subordinates and by being capable of taking in anyone because they were only concerned with having their dominance accepted. This antithesis shows us the dark face of the nation as well: a nation cannot remain an open community; it is not capable of accepting others without trying to assimilate them, because it came into being when fighting wars against other nations and therefore cannot imagine itself without borders. The myths of the nation and the symbols which are keeping them alive are also on today’s agenda: nationalism resurrects from time to time, new nations are born, or old ones restate their identities. Keywords: myths, nation, nationalism, monarchy Biography: Mihály Vilma-Irén was born on the 22nd of September 1979, in Miercurea Ciuc. She graduated in philology, German-English, from the West University of Timişoara in 2002. In 2003 she obtained an MA degree in philology. From 2003 to 2005 she taught German as a foreign language in Miercurea Ciuc. In 2006 she joined the Sapientia EMTE University in Miercurea Ciuc, where she has been working as a teaching assistant since then. In 2010 she was conferred the doctor’s degree in philology. Research work and publications in the field of foreign language teaching, contrastive literature, mythology and literature. 1 Dr., Sapientia University, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania,, tel. 0745 322 955 209 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Tozgrec Written by Ioan Petru Culianu or the Labyrinth of Interpretation [Tozgrec de Ioan Petru Culianu sau labirintul interpretării] Anca Ramona MATEI 1 2 Abstract: The unfinished novel Tozgrec represents the most mysterious literary creation written by Ioan Petru Culianu, an uncomfortable writer whose specific pattern cannot only be rendered through the traditional theories of narration or through the ordinary investigation instruments of fantastic literature. This speculative type of narration combines gnostic myths, religious belief as well as scientific thesis in order to create a complicated puzzle for ”re-reading”. Mythocriticism, „mind games” theory or the novel conceived as a knowledge instrument are possible paths of interpretation for this textual labyrinth that mainly elaborates the theme of magic and of the control stressed on individuals. Tozgrec represents a meditation on existence and on the world, and it anticipates a warning related to the dark future of humanity. Keywords: mythocriticism, gnosticism, „mind games”, ”re-reading”, the novel as a knowledge instrument, magic Biography: Anca Ramona Andruşcă (Matei) is a Ph. D. Student, IIIrd Year, at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania. Her fields of interest are: new theoretical and cultural approaches, imaginary, comparative literature. She participated in different international conferences and she has published articles on Ioan Petru Culianu’s literary work. Among her publications we mention: Redescoperirea gândirii mistico-magice în postmodernitate, în Parpală, Emilia, Popescu, Carmen (coord.), Postmodernismul. Creaţie şi interpretare, Editura Universitaria Craiova, 2011; Motive gnostice în volumul Arta fugii de Ioan Petru Culianu, în „Transilvania”/seria nouă, anul XL (CXLIV), Nr. 2/2012; Mihai Eminescu în interpretarea duală a lui Ioan Petru Culianu, în vol. (Re)orientări, Editura Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2012. Ph.D. Candidate, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, România, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040742815049 2 *Notă: Această lucrare a fost realizată în cadrul proiectului Studii doctorale: portal spre o carieră de excelenţă în cercetare şi societatea cunoaşterii, cofinanţat prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 [grant POSDRU /88/1.5/S/47646]. 1 210 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Romanian Literary Histories between Tradition and Modernity [Istorii literare româneşti între tradiţie şi modernitate] Ioana Andreea MIRCEA 1 2 Abstract The present paper aims to analyze Romanian literary histories, published after 1990, from different perspectives: tradition and canon and modernity and multiple ‘canons’. In the last two decades there has been a notable effort made by Romanian historians to present a literary history as accurate as possible through various interpretations. This analysis will show how the literary histories have influenced the development of the genre in Romania as well as to illustrate the crisis that these productions seem to go through nowadays at a conceptual level. This genre has evolved based on tradition and canon to a modern perspective on the contemporary literary productions. The traditional literary histories, claiming a reccurent model in G. Calinescu, have an extensive narrative structure, aiming to be a representation of a totality and trying to give the impression that they can cover, present and interpret almost all literary productions of a certain period (usually from origins to present). The modern literary histories, having an illustrative historian in N. Manolescu, might have a compressed narrative structure but they have innovative principles of writing like interpretation and fragmentation, a plurarity of views, with a clear view of the inner and the outer of multiculturalism of literatures and they can focus on a smaller period, on themes or motifs, even on literary eccentricities. We have made a critical – historical analysis of the most important literary histories appeared after 1990 where we have illustrated what is a possible future of this kind of productions in the next few years. Literary histories will not disappear because there will always be a need of organizing the literary productions on different criteria. The widen concept of literary history will create an overture of a synchronization with international literary history. Ph.D. Canditate, ”Lucian Blaga” University, Sibiu, Faculty of Letters and Arts, Sibiu, România, Email Address:, Phone no. +40 740124458 2 (Cercetare realizată în cadrul proiectului POSDRU/CPP107/DMI1.5/S/78651 cu titlul “Armonizarea valenţelor româneşti cu cele ale comunităţii europene”, cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007 2013) 1 211 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Keywords: literary history, traditional, modern, national Biography: Ioana Andreea Mircea, PhD student (b. 1984) has graduated in 2007 the Faculty of Letters and Arts of the University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, with a final paper on critical work of Nicolae Manolescu (entitled Nicolae Manolescu and critical fragmentation). Since 2009 she is a PhD student, with a POSDRU grant, of "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, under the scientific coordination of prof. Dr. Gheorghe Manolache, in the research field of literary criticism and history and she writes a doctoral thesis with the title: Traditional and modern in the construction of literary histories appeared after 1990. During undergraduate studies and master, she participates in students’ colloquia with hermeneutic literary works ("Lucian Blaga" National Colloquium in Sibiu). During the doctoral research she publishes two articles on contemporary literary history and an analysis of literary histories construction emerged after 1990 in Literary Phenomenon Hermeneutics, volumes 1 and 2 of the series Studia Philologica Doctoralia, Sibiu, 2010. 212 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Romanian Architects in Reclusion. Methodological Aspects and Short Case Study Vlad MITRIC-CIUPE 1 Abstract In order to define the raison-d’être of a nation we cannot refer solely to its capacity for subsistence, but also its capacity to produce and preserve values, through its cultural patrimony. Totalitarian regimes have carried out a strong campaign to destroy this identity, in order to replace it with a new one, an official one, an easily controllable one. Thus, one of the main social categories that got sucked into the repressive machine was represented by the intellectuals. The case of Romania is somewhat special primarily due to the lack of an authentic Lustration Law. The memoirs produced by the survivors of the terror regime, dubbed by the explorations of researchers, we believe are yet to genuinely unravel the real dimensions of the tragedy that occurred. As far as the architects are concerned, we believe that the steps taken thus far towards the recovery of their memory are merely at the beginning and are meant simply to open the path of authentic research in this direction. If on a much larger scale we already have various analyses and critical works, the individual destinies of the architects that suffered the extreme severity of the communist regime – through political incarceration – are virtually unknown to the architectural community, not to mention the larger public. The fall of the Iron Curtain triggered immense human losses – either through elimination or extermination – and the “cleansing” of the academic community, the marginalization and incarceration of architects were all elements that completed the transformation of the professional architect into a mere public-servant-technician. And the effects of this unfortunate process are only now acutely visible in today’s society, through the lack of genuine role models, through the lack of architects that could have served as examples that are not (really) there, through the absence of the architecture that could have been there now and is not (really) there at all. The research entitled “Architects in Reclusion” sets out to bring to light completely unknown elements from the nightmare these people, these architects went through, in the larger context of repression and extermination of the cultural elite of that age. While the architects’ organizations in Romania are aware of several architects that had been 1 Asist. Drd. Arh. Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Architecture, Bucharest, Romania. Research project financed by the Union of Architects from Romania Email Address:, Phone no. 0040726638587 213 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 imprisoned by the communist regime, the present research (yet unfinished) managed to identify so far well over 70 names of architects and also to recover much of the latent and publically inaccessible documentation relating to them. As far as methodology is concerned I would like to make reference to the following: existing memoires; the identification and interviewing of various former surviving political prisoners (at the level of the year 2012); the identification and interviewing of various relatives of architects politically imprisoned by the communist regime; the identification of relevant documents in the following Archives: the CNSAS (National Council for the Study of the Archives of the Securitate), the AANP (Archives of the National Penitentiary Administration), the AN (National Archives) and several others. We would like to mark as defining for our study the recovery of the memory and work of people eliminated from the public life, incarcerated and upon release, marginalized and stigmatized, that have however left behind genuine treasures that await to be brought up to the light (poetry, paining, stage design, graphics, architectural design, etc.) – an endeavor that would not only complete the history of architects in Romania but would also contribute to the studies being carried out on the communist repressive system in this country. Keywords: Architecture, Architect Communism, Memory, Political Incarceration, Biography: Vlad Mitric-Ciupe is an architect and assistant professor in Spiru Haret University, Faculty of Architecture and Phdc at Ion Mincu University of architecture and urbanism with a thesis entitled “Architecture of memory”. The author graduated Architecture and Urbanism Colleg at Ion Mincu Architecture and Urbanism University in 2005 , the Faculty of Architecture at Spiru Haret University in 2010 (chief of promotion with a diploma project that proposed a Comunist Crimes Museum in Jilava 13th Fort) , Master degree in Architecture at Ion Mincu Architecture and Urbanism University in 2012 With an important interest in recent history, he is involved in research projects at the intersection between architecture and history, expecially the totalitarian period in Romania – the destiny of Romanian architects and architecture and the “suffering sites” – ex-politica prisons in Romania (1944-1964) 214 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Xenisms of French Origin in the Novel „Disheveled Virgins” by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu [Xenisme de origine franceză în romanul “Fecioarelor despletite” de Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu] Adina- Simona MITROFAN 1 Abstract In this paper we aim to undertake an analysis of the way in which some un-adapted or partially adapted loans (xenisms) of French origin were valued in the novel Disheveled Virgins by Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu. In terms of graphics, most xenisms keep the closest form to the French etymon, the adaptation process being deliberately "slowed" for stylistic reasons (keeping the "à la française" pronunciation and spelling ). Exceptions are only a few elements which, in an attempt to become more Romanian, have achieved more of a hybrid aspect. However, although the graphical aspect of the source language has been kept, the studied lexical items have received grammatical markers able to ensure their inclusion in a particular lexico-grammatical class, thus adapting to the syntactic requirements of the context in which they are used. Regarding the referential aspect, the lack of lexicographical reference as well as the fact that these terms used to designate new realities, which entered the Romanian cultural space not long before, resulted in confusion in the use of these foreign elements or in their redundant use. Keywords: loanword, xenism, linguistic contact, stylistic effect, loanword adaptation Ph.D. Candidate, „Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava,, Phone no 0040744240680 1 Email Address: 215 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 A Philosophical Theory of Learning without Teacher in the 17th Century. Nicolas Malebranche [O teorie filosofică a învăţării fără profesor în secolul al XVII-lea. Nicolas Malebranche] Cristian MOISUC 1 2 Abstract: Nicolas Malebranche's philosophical system contains a surprising theory of learning. This theory assumes that those who are called teachers must be seen rather as some monitors, like people whose role is to guide the subject in order to acquire new knowledge without any human help or support. Malebranche believes that monitors should be consulted as rarely as possible because as humans, they are subjects to their own errors. In order to establish his theory of learning without a teacher Malebranche will call and on some traditional data of Augustinian theology. He will intend to prove that only God can be called the Teacher that provides the real knowledge, through the light that He spreads into the souls of those who love Him. Malebranche's theory of divine illumination and his method of learning (based on the attention to God) show a philosophical preoccupation for an educational alternative in the seventeen century. Keywords: learning theory, education, teacher, illumination, attention to God Biography: Selection of published articles: «Parler exactement» de Dieu. L’interpretation rationnelle de l’Ecriture chez Malebranche, in Meta. Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, Vol.III No.1/2010, pp. 175-194, «La controverse sur la pluralité des formes substantielles et sur l’unité de l’individu chez saint Thomas d’Aquin» – in Alexander Baumgarten (ed.) Studii tomiste, Editura Eikon, Cluj, 2009, pp.99-119, «Aristotélisme et christologie au XIII-ème siècle. Le problème du corps du Christ mort dans les derniers écrits de saint Thomas d’Aquin», in Meta. Research in Hermeneutics, Scientific Researcher Ph.D., Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Al. I. Cuza“ University, Iasi, Faculty of History and Philosphy, Babes-Bolyai University, ClujNapoca, Email Address : 2 Sursa de finantare a cercetarii : This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RUPD-2011-3-0011 1 216 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, Vol.I, No.1/2009, pp. 137-154, «La phénoménalité de l’âme chez Malebranche entre idée et sentiment : l’argument du manchot», in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Al.I. Cuza” din Iaşi (Serie nouă). Filosofie, Vol. LVI / 2009, pp. 29-43, «Res cogitans et res extensa: les objections de Gassendi et de la Princesse Elisabeth et les hésitations de Descartes», in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Al.I. Cuza” din Iaşi (Serie nouă). Filosofie, Vol. LIV / 2007, pp. 51-62 217 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 An Analyze of the Concept of Citizen from the Perspective of the First Romanian Constitution [O analiză a conceptului de cetăţean din perspectiva primei Constituţii a României] Adina Laura GHIŢĂ (căs. NASTA) 1 Abstract In this study I propose to analyze the concept of citizen through the legal language reflected by the first Romanian Constitution. The importance of this study is given by the increased interest manifested in European historiography for the conceptual history in general and for the decoding of the concept of citizen, especially in French, Britain and German cultural spaces in particular. All democratic regimes are built based on the concept of citizen. This became the center of the political project and had a key role in redefining social identities. The problem of political rights concerned the Romanian society especially in the second half of the 19th century, when the establishment of the modern state brought to the foreground of debates the right to vote and the political participation. The legislation regulating the right to vote, understood as a discursive product of the time and interpreted in the ideational, social and cultural context in wich appears may open new research directions. Keywords: conceptual history, modern history, Constitution, citizen, 19th century, Romania. Biography Nasta Adina – PhD student at the History Departement, West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, studied Law at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Law and Administrative Science and BA in History at the West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, History teacher at Technical College Electrotimiş in Timişoara, member of the Romanian Society of Historical Science. Ph.D. Candidate, West University, Timisoara, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, Section: History, Center of Conceptual History Studies ”Reinhardt Koselleck”, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040729835888 1 218 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Role of Propaganda of Late-ancient Imperial Sculpture in Romania [Rolul propagandistic al sculpturii imperiale antic-târzii în România] Ioana - Iulia OLARU 1 Abstract The purpose of a paper about Late Antiquity on the territory of Romania is didactic, introducing a chapter which is absent from all types of presentations of the History of Romanian Art. This material is part of a more complex project, of re-updating the History of Romanian Art, a comprehensive study which is highly necessary for the time being. It is a study having a scientific purpose, but also a methodical-didactic one, the accent falling on the role of art as a political and religious tool serving power. The present fragment which refers not only to the field of ronde bosse sculpture, but also to imperial sculpture (compared to that which was for cult or funerary), is a personal contribution (which is also based on research work), bringing forward values of the tridimensional sculpture found on the territory of Romania from the time of Late Antiquity, from the perspective of the two poles: political imperial propaganda and religious propaganda, of developing Christianity. The objective of these works – most of them being sculpted heads of the Roman emperors, but also an imperial statue – was that of making known the faces of all the rulers from Rome and also of the imperial ideal. Even if we refer to a provincial art, with features which are strongly connected to the ”albums” of models from the workshops of the great artistic centres, their sculptures being the direct expression of the official art, faces being specific enough to suppose that they are portraits. Stylistically speaking, technical innovations and experiments are reflected on our territory by the Roman statuary of Late Antiquity: the usage of the trepan that brings life to sculptures by the artistic effects of the play of lights and shadows, the marking of the iris and of the eyeball. Therefore, in both provinces of our territory (Dacia Traiana and Scythia Minor), the cult of the emperor – the official religion of the Roman Empire – was propagandistically supported by the statues that embelished temples, basilicas or public places. Lecturer Ph.D., Faculty of Fine, Decorative Arts and Design, Arts University „G. Enescu”, Iaşi, România, Email Address:; Phone no. 0040762160896 1 219 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 In order to support the demonstration, I made comparisons between the sculpted portraits which were found on the territory of our country and those found in the other parts of the Empire, based on them, the Romanian researchers could propose identifications. The photographs from my personal archive make the comprehension of the stylistic analysis that will accompany these presentations much easier. Keywords: statuary, Late Antiquity, propaganda, portrait, trepan 220 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Kant & the Enlightenment Antonio PELE 1 Abstract Kant’s ideas on the Enlightenment are especially prevalent in his well-known article “An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?” published in the Berlinishe Monatsschrift (a monthly journal published in Berlin) in December of 1784. As its title indicates, it is an answer to a question that the reverend Zöllner posed one year earlier in the same journal. For Foucault, Kant’s article will have important consequences in relation to modern philosophy, not only for its attempt to define the Enlightenment, but most importantly for connecting philosophy to its present and for being“at the crossroads of critical reflection and reflection on history. It is a reflection by Kant on the contemporary status of his own enterprise (…). And, by looking at it in this way, it seems to me we may recognize a point of departure: the outline of what one might call the attitude of modernity (…) struggling with attitudes of « countermodernity »”2. In the same sense, according to Paton, Kant is “the apostle of human freedom and the champion of the common man”. Thus “a truer view of Kant’s ethics will show him as the philosopher, not of rigorism, but of humanity”3. Keywords: Kant, Enlightenment Biography: Antonio Pele is an assistant professor in Legal Philosophy at Carlos III University of Madrid. His scholarship intersects philosophy, legal philosophy, and ethics. He is particularly interested in the notion of human dignity as the grounding of human rights. He has published three books concerning this idea: "La dignidad humana. Sus orígenes en el pensamiento clásico", Dykinson, Madrid, 2010. "El discurso de la dignitas hominis en el humanismo del Renacimiento", Dykinson, Madrid, 2012 and "El Sujeto humano en el siglo XVII. Máquina pensante, Funámbulo Agónico & Homo Iuridicus", EAE Publishing, Saarbrüken, 2012 Assistant Professor in Legal Philosophy Carlos III University of Madrid, Email Address: antonio 2 Michel Foucault, “What is Enlightenment?” in Paul Rabinow (ed.), The Foucault Reader, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1984), p. 38 & 39. 3 Herbert J. Paton, The Categorical Imperative: A Study in Kant’s Moral Philosophy, (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1948), p.171 & 198. 1 221 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 To Sell One’s Nation – Developing an Irony of National Representation Oana-Maria PETROVICI 1 Abstract The paper aims to explore the idea of national identity in a longdebated dichotomy: the image of a nation in the eyes of its members and in the eyes of the buying public, both instances being of artistic authorship. The authors selected for this study are Hugh MacDiarmid – A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle – and Kazuo Ishiguro with his An Artist of the Floating World. Hugh MacDiarmid remains to his day Scotland’s national poet and explores his nation’s identity from inside whereas Kazuo Ishiguro, a writer successfully adopted into contemporary British literature, reevaluates the concept of national identity from outside using a post-World War II narrative. His study comes at a time when, post-nationalism sinking in, the old internationalist ambition of (proclaimed) national artists is now reflected in a misguided collection of commercial stereotypes commissioned always by foreign buyers and delivered by wholesale cliché manufacturers. Serving one’s nation was a justified urge around the War of Nations, but it is found again in a surprising guise of treason with the artist that Ishiguro erects in a place open to globalization. When recent theories of nationalism converge in concluding that, instead of using one or the other definition of a nation, it is wiser to refer to a plurality of voices, in a contemporary international context a nation’s international standing is viewed, ironically, as a bipolar activity between sheer religion and fashion. Keywords: national identity, national artist, otherness, internationalism, postnationalism Biography: Oana-Maria Petrovici, PhD (2011, nationalism in Scottish literature), currently Assistant Lecturer in the English Department, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. BA in English and French, and MA in American Cultural Studies – both at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania. Fields of research: British literature, TEFL methodology, translations and interpreting. Research and teaching mobilities: Middlesex University of London, UK. Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany. Participation in projects: eCoLoMedia (translations, interpreting, localization), ASISTSYS (learning tools) 1 Ph. D., Assistant Lecturer English Department , Faculty of Letters, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, Email Address: , phone: 0040721 516 459 222 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The New Atlantis, A One of a Kind Utopia [Noua Atlantidă, o utopie altfel ] Teodora PRELIPCEAN 1 Abstract As a literary genre, utopia puts forth the model of a social-political theory and the scope of the latter encompasses various sub-models. In this context, it is clear that the theme of the construction of imaginary worlds has pervaded the entire history of philosophy, receiving various names according to time and space: The Republic in Plato, Utopia in Thomas Morus, The City of the Sun in Tommaso Campanella, Christianopolis in Valentin Andrae etc. In the English philosopher and political man Francis Bacon, a successor of the series of modern utopias, this dream bears the name of The New Atlantis. In most utopian writings the central place belongs, on the one hand, to the criticism against the society in which the authors live and work and, on the other hand, to the imagining of a world ruled by the greatest good. Yet, in The New Atlantis Bacon emphasises the position held by science within the community of Bensalem. This thesis is revealed progressively through the opinions of the governor of the House of Strangers. The starting point is, in fact, the great plan of reforming and reorganising philosophical knowledge, such as it is described mainly in the New Organon. In brief, the construction presented in the New Organon shows that science means power or, in other words, that man’s science and power are identical notions. This idea permeates as a red thread Bacon’s utopia, and this is what we are going to demonstrate in this study, thus being entitled to consider The New Atlantis a one of a kind utopia or a “scientific utopia”. of ligh Keywords: utopia, science, power, wisdom, the seeker of knowledge, merchants Associate Prof. Ph.D., Faculty of Political And Administrative Sciences, and Chairman of the Department of Soco Humanistic Sciences within „Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Email Address: 1 223 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 From Culianu to Michael A. Williams – Issues in Defining „Gnosticism” [De la Culianu la Michael A. Williams – probleme în definirea „gnosticsmului”] Victor Alexandru PRICOPI 1 Abstract Nowadays, the category of „gnosticism” has become very ambiguous and problematic. There are different paradigms in defining the concept of „gnosticism” and because of this, there still are controversies between the most prominent scholars. In this paper my aim is to show how this concept changed from Culianu to Williams. In one of the late papers of Ioan Petru Culianu, „gnosticism” was seen like a „sick sign”. From this observation, Michael A. Williams came to dismantle the concept of „gnosticism” and to replace this concept with „biblical demiurgical traditions”. Keywords: gnosticism, heresy, religion, gnosis, Demiurge. Biography: Pricopi Victor Alexandru is PhD student at the Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. His research interests are the ancient philosophy, especially Plato, the history of religions and the early christianity. 1 Phd. Student, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi, Department of Philosophy, Email Address: 224 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Alethic Aspects of Art: A Phenomenological Hermeneutical Perspective on Artistic Truth [Valenţe alethice ale artei: o perspectivă fenomenologico – hermeneutică asupra adevărului artistic] Anca Raluca PURCARU 1 Abstract The present study shows the pertinence of a truth concept based on the Phenomenological Hermeneutics, a concept capable of retrieving the truth of the art work. The hermeneutical experience is not a scientific research method. It describes the way in which all human experiences take place. The philosophical analyses of Hans Georg Gadamer show that the hermeneutical experience allows us to retrieve the truth of the non-scientific areas, namely of art. Truth is not a question method use, but of engaging in dialogue. Dialogue is more than a communication way, it forms the very structure of human understanding. Gadamer’s analyses of the statement’s logical structure show that truth happens by placing oneself in the interrogative situation of dialogue. The language’s enlightenment power is inherent to Logos. This Ancient Greek concept means that the world can manifest itself and can be understood only through language. Truth is like play in the way we are conquered by the game of language when understanding happens. Understanding is gaining a new perspective on the world and it has the structure of dialogue, because it submits to the dialectics of questioning and answering and it depends on grasping the truth of a different world horizon, enlarging our own in the process. Experiencing art through the hermeneutical consciousness is understanding art as play and dialogue. The experience of the art work is similar with that of the play, in which we are being completely seduced by its world, which we experience with sacred seriousness. The experience of the art work is engaging oneself into dialogue with the work and understanding what it reveals us. The truth value of the art work doesn’t depend on its correspondence with reality, but on the way in which the art work discloses us something important of our world which it transfigures through fiction. The fiction’s alethic value has been underlined by philosophers such as Heidegger, Gadamer, Dufrenne, Ricoeur and their followers. Through art we gain a new meaning of the world. The world of the art is rooted in the human experience of the world, of the common ground of existence, in the Ph.D. in Philosophy, Researcher at „Petre Andrei” University from Iasi, Romania, Phone no. 0040751076184; Email Address: 1 225 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 world of life. Art’s vision is as legit as that offered to us by science or religion. The relevance of this dialogical concept of truth and its consequences for the art work are discussed in this study by analyzing both classical and recent contributions to hermeneutical phenomenology. Keywords: hermeneutical experience, play, Logos, disclosure, dialogue 226 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Appreciative Ethics of Care Antonio SANDU 1 Daniela COJOCARU 2 Simona PONEA 3 4 Abstract Ethics of care is a theoretical model centered on the interdependence of the actors involved in the care. The ethics of care takes into account the fact that some communities or individuals are more vulnerable than others, thus requiring further attention. As a moral theory, ethics of care emphasizes the interdependence and relationship elements that are established in the human existence. Among the most important promoters of ethics of care, we mention Milton Mayeroff, who formulated the term of “ethics of care”, Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings who founded ethics of care as a distinctive moral theory that presents the “voice of care”, seen as an alternative to liberal theories on human rights. Kohlberg's model, as Gilligan says, is a “male” perspective on moral reasoning, which contrasts the care perspective that comes from hearing other significant voices in moral development, such as: women, children, etc. Keywords: appreciative ethics, ethics of care, appreciative inquiry. Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 20072013. Priority axis 1: „Education and professional training in support of economical growth and development of knowledge-based society”. Main domain of intervention: 1.5 Doctoral and postdoctoral programs in support of research. Title of the project: “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies”. Contract Code: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879; Lecturer PhD at “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University from Iasi; Chairman of Lumen Publishing House, Address: Tepes Voda, OP 3, CP 780, Iasi, Romania, E-mail: 2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. POPA, Iasi, Romania; 3 Research Assistant at Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Lumen Association, Uk Branch, MA in Supervision and Social Planning, Email Address:, Phone no. 0044 742 762 72 19 4 Note: Paper presented as poster within World Appreciative Inquiry Conference, 25-28 of April, Ghent, Belgium. Authors: Antonio SANDU, Daniela COJOCARU, Simona PONEA. 1 227 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Acknowledgements This paper is supported by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (SOP HRD), under the project "Postdoctoral Studies in the Field of Health Policy Ethics”, implemented by "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania, contract number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879. This paper doesn’t obligatory represent the official opinion of European Union or Romanian Government. 228 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Ethical and Philosophical Appreciative Counseling Antonio SANDU 1 Simona PONEA 2 3 Abstract Philosophical counseling proposes to transform lives, by rediscovering interrogative and interpretative dimension of human consciousness and its application to the everyday experience of metaphysical freedom implemented from the metaphysical plan into the social plan. Applied philosophy states in areas such as: psychosocial counseling, management strategies, ethical guidance, thus becoming part of social action. On one hand, the appreciative inquiry model has as an epistemological ground the principle of social connectivity and interdependence. Individuals are not only equipped with selfactualization potential which can produce social change, they are the very key in changing attitudes through attitudes they generate in social networks and the answers generated within these networks. The individual’s autonomy is, in the context of appreciative philosophical practice (counseling), represented especially through this selfactualization potential. Keywords: philosophical counseling, appreciative ethics, authonomy Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 20072013. Priority axis 1: „Education and professional training in support of economical growth and development of knowledge-based society”. Main domain of intervention: 1.5 Doctoral and postdoctoral programs in support of research. Title of the project: “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies”. Contract Code: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879; Lecturer PhD at “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University from Iasi; Chairman of Lumen Publishing House, Address: Tepes Voda, OP 3, CP 780, Iasi, Romania, E-mail: 2 Research Assistant at Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Lumen Association, Uk Branch, MA in Supervision and Social Planning, Email Address:, Phone no. 0044 742 762 72 19 3 Note: Paper presented as poster within World Appreciative Inquiry Conference, 25-28 of April, Ghent, Belgium. Authors: Antonio SANDU, Simona PONEA. 1 229 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Acknowledgements This paper is supported by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (SOP HRD), under the project "Postdoctoral Studies in the Field of Health Policy Ethics”, implemented by "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania, contract number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879. This paper doesn’t obligatory represent the official opinion of European Union or Romanian Government. 230 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Concept of Autonomy in Bioethics and Applied Ethics [Conceptul de autonomie în bioetică şi etică aplicată] Antonio SANDU 1 2 Abstract: In analyzing the concept of autonomy we start from the definition according to which autonomy is the individual's ability to live his life according to his own reason and motivation, based on own free decisions not manipulated or distorted by external forces. The analysis of the concept of autonomy makes necessary to refer to the philosophical category of freedom. The human experience of freedom emerges through the existence of the limits. The category of freedom experienced subjectively by the individual in dealing with his own limitations generates a behavior on self (autonomy) or obedience (heteronomy). The correlation between autonomy and freedom is strong in what is called positive freedom, some authors even suggesting an overlap. The present paper takes into account the similarities and differences between the two concepts, as they are presented in the bioethics and applied ethics literature. We will analyse through qualitativeinterpretative methodology the opinions of diabetes doctors and general practitioners regarding the importance of the relationship doctor-patient within the establishment of autonomy of patient with chronic diseases and the ethical impact of this type of relationship. Keywords: autonomy, applied ethics, self-achievement, autonomy theories Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 20072013. Priority axis 1: „Education and professional training in support of economical growth and development of knowledge-based society”. Main domain of intervention: 1.5 Doctoral and postdoctoral programs in support of research. Title of the project: “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies”. Contract Code: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879; Lecturer PhD at “Mihail Kogalniceanu” University from Iasi; Chairman of Lumen Publishing House, Address: Tepes Voda, OP 3, CP 780, Iasi, Romania, E-mail: 2 Note: Paper presented as poster within The seventh National Conference of Bioethics and Ethics regarding health, in the context of globalization [Conferinta Nationala de Bioetica Etica in sanatate in contextul globalizarii], 22-25 of September 2011, Bucuresti. Author: Antonio SANDU 1 231 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Acknowledgements This paper is supported by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (SOP HRD), under the project "Postdoctoral Studies in the Field of Health Policy Ethics”, implemented by "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, Romania, contract number POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879. This paper doesn’t obligatory represent the official opinion of European Union or Romanian Government. 232 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Traces of AI in the Eastern Culture M.R. SREESHA 1 Abstract Being spiritual seekers and Appreciative Inquirers, the thought that "we see what we believe", helped us to see traces of Appreciative Inquiry in the Eastern culture. The curiosity to discover different cultures, thoughts and philosophies which correlate, resemble and resonate with Al turned out to be our provocation. 4 D model of Al Discovery (energy of all consciousness) Dream (energy of will) and Design (energy of knowledge) and Delivery (energy of action) Tantra as a combination of the five universal energies, (energy of all-consciousness), ananda shakti (energy of all-bliss), iccha shakti (energy of all will), jnana shakti (energy of all-knowledge), kriya shakti (energy of all-action). Results - Able to see the culture of appreciation in our own organization - Positive response from prospective clients on Al philosophy - Action plan post engagement clearly reflects the positive atmosphere in teams and across the organization eg ; Spencers - High relevance of Al in Vision, Mission, Values and Goal setting exercises eg: McAfee, Tutor Vista. Learning - Appreciative mindset begins with seif - Conviction in the philosophy reflects in the engagement process - When the origin of philosophy is traced to the cultural roots, the acceptance is better - Building Appreciative mindset in teams and institutions is fongterm process and like running a marathon 1 Pegasus Institute For Excellence, India, Email Address: 233 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Role and Importance of the Greatest Romanian Literature Classics within Nowadays Cultural Frame and Society [Rolul şi importanţa clasicilor literaturii române în cadrul societăţii şi culturii actuale] Oana STANCULESCU ILIE 1 Abstract "Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree."- Ezra Pound As the soil, however rich it may be cannot be productive without cultivation, so the mind without culture can never produce good fruit. Seneca We all live in an epoch where it is easier to copy than to create, it is easier to borrow than to invent, it is easier to use words from other languages than translating them into your native language, it is easier to celebrate other peoples’ festal occasions than those of your own country and culture, in a word it is easier to be someone else than to be yourself. In an epoch of strong globalization we all have the same addiction to be all alike, to be as modern and trendy as possible, to share new sets of values, to long for being “updated” and “upgraded” to the newest range of things starting with clothes, music, communication devices etc. to even culture patterns. Nowadays it is old fashioned reading a book when one can easily leaf the summary on one’s iphone or even better watch the 3D movie. Given these conditions in what way can our Romanian classics of literature can prove (if necessary) their actuality? How could they still continue to be understood and discovered? Or are there elements that can assure them their priceless status within the Romanian literature? In a century where science fiction literature and movies seem to have taken control over the children and teenagers mind can the works of authors like Eminescu, Creanga, Slavici or Caragiale have any word to say? Do these scholars and their masterpieces still have a message to transmit or they can be easily and doubtless considered obsolete and fogies? Can Titu Maiorescu still be considered the “father” of Romanian criticism or he can be called just one of the visionary Romanians and just that? How can we keep alive their memory and works and protect them against so many foreign cultural influences and borrowings? What are those elements of the above PhD student, 3rd year, POSDRU scholarship. Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Email Address:, Phone. No. 00407 666 83 660 1 234 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 mentioned authors that confer them value, uniqueness, originality and shape our Romanian identity anytime? Keywords: nowadays society; Romanian culture; Romanian classics; value; nowadays culture; Romanian literature Biography: I graduated the Faculty of Letters from Craiova in 2007 as a valedictorian, having the general average 10. Simultaneously I graduated the Faculty of History, Philosophy, Geography, Philosophy-Sociology section. In 2009 I graduated a MBA called The Romanian Literature within the European context. From 2009 to present I am a PhD scholarship student, 2012 being the third and my last year as a PhD. My PhD research thesis’ name is: The influence of the German culture upon the classics of the Romanian literature. Since I graduated the two faculties I work as an Associate Professor at the University of Craiova, teaching English to various non-philological faculties. I also teach English at “Fratii Buzesti” High School of Craiova and at a private Language Center. During my career I have worked as an English trainer for international companies such as Lexis Romania, Ford Romania or EuCom Romania. I am the owner of an important number of national prizes obtained during my years as a student; also I am the author of more than 30 articles that have been published in different magazines or books of culture (especially literary ones). In the last three years I have participated to more than 10 international conferences. 235 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Metatextual Games in the Novel Cartea de la Metopolis by Ştefan Bănulescu [Jocuri metatextuale în romanul Cartea de la Metopolis de Ştefan Bănulescu] Mihaela VATAMANU 1 Abstract In this paper we propose an analysis of the way in which metatextual elements appear in the novel Cartea de la Metopolis by tefan Bănulescu. This approach is based on the application of Gerard Genette’s conceits of formal narratology as well as on the text’s stratification in layers (the narrative text disposed like a Chinese box) following the pattern of Lucien Dällenbach’s theory of the mirror in the text. Also we applied the notion of circular reading, or rereading – terms introduced in Romanian literature criticism by Matei Călinescu – as a main instrument of an adequate understanding of Bănulescu’s text. Taking into consideration conceits like those we mentioned above, Bănulescu’s originality is once again revealed at this level of the narrative technique too. The text is mainly about the Millionaire, inhabitant of Metopolis, and his attempt of collecting all the stories in the city with the aim of putting them together in a book. The characters brought in the foreground of the plot enjoy their own stories thus the book that the Millionaire wants to write consists of multiple narrative kernels. Therefore, when referring to the novel Cartea de la Metopolis, one could unmistakably consider it a book with windows. As a first-degree narrator of the text, the Millionaire also uses some second-degree narrators, like the General Marosin and the Topometrist, who were the only ones to have witnessed the course of some events. The action is thus perceived through more angles and some hypothesis overturn in order to be replaced by new ones. The text creates the impression that it continuously changes under the reader’s eyes, without ever coming to a final shape. New details always seem to appear possibly resulting in a complete change of perspective. Keywords: metatext, formal narratology, narrative strategy, rereading, narrative kernel, first-degree narrator, second-degree narrator. Ph.D. Candidate, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Doctoral School of Philological Studies, Email Address: 1 236 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Biography Mihaela Vatamanu − PhD student at the Doctoral School of Philological Studies – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. Title of the PhD thesis: “A (Re)reading of Ştefan Bănulescu’s Work”. High school teacher. Areas of interest: Romanian and Universal Literature, Literary Hermeneutics, Didactics and Methodology sciences. Articles published: Concrétisations du mythe dans l’œuvre de Ştefan Bănulescu, in the volume of the International Conference The Man and the Myth. The Human Being and the Advenure of the Spirit into Knowledge. Mythical Dimension and Demythologization, 4th edition, Suceava, 5-7 May 2011, “Ştefan cel Mare” University Press, 2011; Linguistic Ceremonial in Ştefan Bănulescu’s Short Stories, in the volume Humanistic Studies and Intercultural Perspectives: PhD Philology Students’ Research, international conference: Târgu-Mureş, 14-15 April 2011, “Petru Maior” University Press, 2011. 237 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Institutional Nature of Art: Art Defined by Rules [Natura Instituţională a Artei: Arta Definită prin Reguli] Oana VODĂ 1 Abstract The issue concerning the definition of art has been very much discussed in the field of art philosophy, and especially in the field of analytic aesthetics, in the last 60 years. Mostly ignored in the first half of the XX century, the subject was revived by the anti-essentialist conception which considers that no real definition of art can be given because there are no necessary and sufficient conditions for something to be art that can be found in all the artistic objects. The main argument the anti-essentialists use is that the concept of “art” is very similar to the concept of “game” and, following Wittgenstein, as the concept of “game” can’t be defined, and the identification of a game is made by it’s similarity with another game, in the same way the concepts of “art” and “work of art” can’t be defined, and works of art are recognized as such by their similarity with an artistic object which was previously established as such. This paper argues, using Dickie’s institutional theory of art and Graves’s new institutional theory of art, that, although the anti-essentialists were right about the similarity of the concepts of “game” and “art”, art can still be defined through some rules-definitions. These rules-definitions are uttered, developed and explained, revealing in the end what kind of institution the institution of art is. art Keywords: definition of art, anti-essentialism, institutional theory of art, rules of Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, „Al. Ioan Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania, Email Address:, Phone no. 0040746201573 1 238 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Panel EUROPE: CULTURES IN DIALOG [Panel - Europa: Culturi în dialog] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Public Interest is Dead. Pathologies of Communicative Action by Semantic Transformation [Interesul public a murit. Patologii ale acţiunii comunicative prin mutaţie semantică] Valentina PRICOPIE 1 Abstract The concern for the study of all forms of social pathology (diseases of the social body in general and of the social spheres in particular, namely economic, social and political) and of political pathology (diseases of power) is not a contemporary one, unlike the complete expression of its manifestations in communication field. Putting the communication into the normative center of society in J. Habermas's perspective makes it possible to evaluate and analyze communication disturbances or derailments that may affect the essential components of "lifeworld", namely culture, society and person, in specific contexts of crisis of the reproduction processes. Considering that public interest is placed into the center of any debate or speech of the national public sphere, this text focuses on the semantic derailment of the expression "public interest" as perception and representation in Romania and on its presentation in current national media discourse. Keywords: Social pathology, public sphere, communicative action, civic culture, public interest Ph. D., senior researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy, Email Address: 1 241 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Alethic Deterioraton of Public Discourse. From Sophistry to Epistemic Inconsistency [Deteriorarea alethică a discursului public. De la sofism la inconsecvenţa epistemică] Tomiţă CIULEI 1 Abstract Starting from the sign-meaning distinction, the discussion can easily reach the logical analysis of language but also a critique of epistemological and logical biases of the public discourse. The logical indeterminacy of the discourse invariably leads to rhetoric inconsistency an epistemic incoherence. The consequences of this deterioration of the public discourse are dramatic for both the truth (as circumscribing aim of any cognitive approach) and the reliability of public actors. The solution could be the rediscovery of the true logical and epistemological foundations of the discourse in general and particularly of the dialog . Keywords: analysis of language, the sophistry of thought, meaning, sign, epistemology 1 Ph.D., reader Valahia Univerisity of Târgovişte, Email Address: 242 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Public Discourse Generated by the Assassination of Ioan Petru Culianu [Discursul public generat de asasinarea lui Ioan Petru Culianu] Simona GALAŢCHI 1 Abstract The assassination of the scholar Ioan Petru Culianu on may 21, 1991, was followed by various reactions and discourses. The press of the time, the colloquia that commemorated the life and work of Ioan Petru Culianu represent one of the positions analyzed within this work. An important stress of the analysis falls however on the examination of the discourses recorded by the two documentaries made by Lucia HossuLongin, Culianu in tara lui Ceausescu (Culianu in the Land of Ceausescu) and O crima la Chicago (Murder in Chicago). These have the merit of gathering altogether the testimonies of persons in key positions referring to the Culianu case in America (Richard Rosengarten Dean at The Divinity School, Ted Anton – Professor at DePaul University in Chicago, Rudolph E. Nimocks Sr. – Chef of the Police and Security Services of the Chicago University, Lt. Thomas Argenbright – representative of the Chicago Police Dept.) as well as relevant testimonies from personalities from Romania and Diaspora who knew Culianu and were involved in a way or another in the attempt of revealing the truth regarding his assassination (Dorin Tudoran, Vladimir Tismaneanu, Virgil Magureanu, Gabriela Adamesteanu, Silviu Angelescu, Sorin Rosca Stanescu, Marius Oprea, Jean Buchiu). The method applied to this corpus, the discourse analysis is intended to lead to the systematization of all trails and considerations linked to the death of Ioan Petru Culianu and represent o new effort to illuminate this still opened case. Keywords: political assassination, discourse analysis, cultural studies 1 Ph.D., research assistant ”Sergiu Al.-George„ Institute of Oriental Studies, Bucharest 243 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Organicism of Romanian Traditional Culture [Organicismul culturii tradiţionale româneşti] Daniel COJANU 1 Abstract: The organicism starts to impose itself in the Romanian philosophical analyzes of culture during the interwar period. Thinkers like M. Eliade, L. Blaga or H. Bernea use the notion of "organic" especially in relation to some cultural, spiritual or stylistic determinations of the traditional Romanian space. It is interesting that their morphological approach appeal to Goethe’s biology categories, especially to that of original phenomenon. An illustration of the presence of these organic categories in the Romanian life forms is the cosmic Christianity, as it is theorized in some scientific works of Mircea Eliade. Lucian Blaga applies these categories while he describes the orthodoxy in its popular expressions, namely when he asses the stylistic matrix of Romanian popular culture. Also H. Bernea synthesizes an entire specific view of the Romanian peasant, when referring to space, time and causality as they appear in the Romanian archaic mentality. Keywords: original phenomenon, morphology of culture, style, archetype, organicism, qualitative space 1 Ph. D., lecturer Valahia University of Târgovişte 244 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Does Technology Belongs to Reality Space or to Imaginary World? [Tehnologia între prototip al realităţii şi imaginar. Aparţine tehnologia spaţiului realităţii sau imaginarului?] Alexandru POMPILIU 1 Abstract: Technology and information are the two criteria by which we define reality today. But in its essence, the world of technology is purely artificial; it is designed in an imaginary world. This interpretative mutation causes the explanation of the terms reality and imaginary. Technique (gr. techne) is that invention that causes the mentality and the way of life of European type. The Europe was separated to the block of the other traditional cultures through the technological invention of this type, which despite the apparent close links with reality, by its nature keeps a very close connection with the mythical and traditional mentality. Keywords: technology, imagination, reality, information, human condition 1 Ph. D, lecturer Valahia University of Târgovişte 245 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Curse in the Very First Romanian Rethoric. Cultural Confluences [Blestemul în primele retorici româneşti. Confluente culturale] Laura BĂDESCU 1 Abstract Romanian Eighteenth-century reflects a cultural dialogue where the Greek tutelage appears as defining against the expansion of the ideas of the French “Lumieres”. In this context of cultural confluences in the Romanian space, we propose to approach the first Romanian rhetoric from the perspective of the immutable versus “esprit du siècle”. We track in a diachronic perspective the evolution of a figure coming from the classical rhetoric to the one adapted to the Romanian space (Rhetoric of Piuariu Molnar, chapter 34 "To curse") and its impact on customary and normative law of the analyzed century. Keywords: Eighteenth-century, rethoric, curse 1 Ph. D., professor University of Piteşti 246 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Life, Death and the Lack of Life in Various Texts of Mihai Eminescu [Viaţa, moartea şi lipsa vieţii în poezia eminesciană] Lavinia BANICĂ 1 Abstract The very first authentic master piece of M. Eminescu is a meditation on death's theme. And this is not by hazard. "Mortua est","Oda(in metru antic)","Scrisoarea I" and some other poems releave the deepest sense of Eminescu's philosophy of life and death; a philosophy built upon ideological foubdations and images from the European Baroque repertoire. Keywords: beeing and not beeing, death, lack of life, baroque 1 Ph.D, Reader University of Piteşti 247 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 On the Paradoxes of Researching and Writing on the Things Hidden since the Beginning of the World [Despre paradoxurile cercetării celor ascunse de la facerea lumii] Monica-Elena MITARCĂ 1 Abstract Among the research subjects in socio-humanistic sciences, the sexrelated themes are posing the biggest challenges. And pornography is even more so, an issue whose consumption cannot be dissociated, in the minds of others, from the researcher or theoretic writer’s persona. The paradox lies in the fact that the research is conducted/or the paper, or book, written on the use (consumption) of something, and the researcher cannot be suspected of not having used it; yet, this very use is supposedly private, intimate, and, hence, indicible, un-exposable in public (Brewis, 2003). As its exposure constitutes a sort of self-denouncement, in order to correct the impression and restore the trust of the public invested in the author who was already ‚tainted’ by the supposition that himself/herself a pornography consumer, some discursive strategies (among which, self-censorship) have been developed – some of them underlying the whole of their work, from the paper/books structure to the writing. An issue Jensen associated with this face-saving conduct when writing about porn with a schizoid practice common to Western disciplines such as philosophy, that of distinguishing between body and mind – and using the latter when studying and researching. So that researchers come apart from their initial impetus of writing about something and, detaching from the emotions associated with this consumption, let their bodies out. Few are the books or papers written on these difficulties of writing about pornography; yet, there are some authors (Brian McNair, Patrick Baudry) who dedicated, in their books, chapters or subchapters to the issue. Robert Jensen writes a whole chapter, in Critical Readings: Media and Gender (Carter, 2004), on the peculiar situation of being a normal men (thus, subjected to the reaction pornography suscitates) and writing on this subject. And they are not the only ones: there are, in the literature, some extensions of this issue – articles on how it is to teach GLBT and ‚come out’ in class (as being, yourself, part of the minority you teach about, in class). Our paperwork intends to be a short breviary of the difficulties of writing about pornography, challenges situated at the crossroads of ethics (telling the truth, researching for the truth, not lying about one’s perspective or identity), the own uncertainties, the face-saving (normal) behavior and, even, self-censorship. Keywords meta-discourse, pornography, ethics of research, self-censorship 1 Ph.D. candidate, lecturer Christian University “Dimitrie Cantemir” 248 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The Symbolic Construction of the Profession of Journalist in Romania [Construcţia simbolică a profesiunii de jurnalist în România] Luminita ROŞCA 1 Abstract One of the stakes of this study is to show how professional identity of Romanian journalists is built within the group, with the contribution of all actors and to what extent they act consciously in order to obtain legitimacy within the profession and beyond it. Because, in terms of Claude Dubar, the question of identity is one of cooperation and social trading. Another stake concerns the symbolic construction of the identity in Romanian journalism. The building of the professional identity is based on what Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann call "secondary socialization". “The secondary socialization” means the incorporation of specialized knowledge: a specific vocabulary, certain patterns and procedures, a program and a real symbolic world, carrying (circulating) a conception about the world. Professional identity also depends on the recognition or non-recognition of the knowledge, skills and self image. It builds up during the processes of trading between individuals who desire to be identified and recognized and the institutions that offer various forms of status and recognition. The theoretical framework of the research is to be found in the studies regarding the sociology of journalists and their professional identity. The broad development of the analysis is given by the studies regarding the history of the Romanian culture and the history of the profession of journalist in Romania. The objectives of the research are: 1. Identifying the historical "cuts" within the evolution of the Romanian journalism and highlighting the premises of the symbolic construction within each historical period and 2. Identifying and analyzing the patterns of the profiles of the Romanian journalists, based on the Romanian cultural production (literature, movies). The limits of the research limits are given by the poor conceptualization of the domain. At least two obvious causes of this poor conceptualization were identified: 1. Journalism is a relatively new profession in Romania. 2. Romanian media had a very long period of state control and censorship. Keywords: ethical framework, symbolic construction of the profession, identity, professionalism, professional group, limits of the profession. 1 Ph. D, Reader University of Bucharest 249 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 About the (in)tolerable Violence in Film within Children Eyes [Despre (in)tolerabilitatea violenţei din film prin ochii copiilor] Anca VELICU 1 Abstract The issue of violence is co-substantial with the idea of entertainment itself. This is not an excuse, but a mere observation and does not accuse the state of things. Ever since the Greek tragedies - which made Plato consider poets not welcome in his Republica (Baton Herve, 2000) - or the gladiator shows – equally loved by the public and contested by the Church clergy, (see Bok, 1998) to the beginning of cinema, the violent scene is ubicuous and its representation, omnipresent. Yet, the evolution of the issue and its increasing value of public issue - by bringing it front of the US Senate (Comstock and Rubinstein, 1972; Surgeon General’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior, 1972) or on the EC’s agenda, by being referred at inside the European Directives (Télévision sans frontières, 1989) or in its Recommendation, inside Kriegel Report (B. Kriegel, Sur la violence télévisée, 2003.), in France - or at least media alert (Frau-Meigs, 2011, Frau-Meigs &Jehel, 2003, Barker&Petley, 2001 ) are only a matter of the last half of the century, when it happened also that the public vulnerable to this violence considerably shrunk, from a mass audience, to the children audience. But how does this audience perceive violence, as long as it’s shaped and nurtured within a narrative logic which comprises violence? When is it that violence from films becomes unacceptable and intolerable for children? Is it a quantitative or qualitative threshold? Is it, perhaps, when the child cannot process it within the narrative logic of the good/bad battle? Or is it because sometimes children do have the critical distance required in order to understand this violence? Those are the questions our paperwork should answer, through the analysis of the results of a quantitative inquiry, questionnaire-based, selfadministered online and done on approx. 3,000 children in secondary and high school in Romania. Keyword: media violence, youth, perception, tolerability, film 1 Ph.D., researcher Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy 250 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Panel Ethical Challenges in Postmodernity [Panel – Provocări Etice în Postmodenritate] International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Role of Ethical Supervision in Social Justice Ditribution [Rolul supervizării etice in distribuţia dreptăţii sociale] Ana CARAS1 Abstract Article treats the role of ethical supervision in the distribution of social justice and importance of this process in social practices. Approaching these two dimensions but also their association under the common denominator of fairness and morality of social life are necessary to denote the concepts of ethical supervision and social justice. Ethical supervision as process with support function of professionals is the practical application of professional ethics of supervisor in their daily activities the supervisor becomes the engine of ethical action performed in the formation supervisees and in the benefit of their customers. In the context of a distributive paradigm, social justice is seen by John Rawls and other philosophers, in terms of distributive justice, which is the fundamental characteristic of distributivism. In the specialty literature distributivism has as assumption that social justice or injustice can be properly defined as fairness or unfairness, inequity in distribution of benefits and costs, risks or social tasks between members of society. We develop a theoretical concept of social justice as distributive justice, in relation to the ethical principles of supervision, just for state the contribution to social justice in the distribution of ethical supervision in terms of equal liberties and fair equality of opportunity, and the existence of greatest benefit of the least advantaged members of society (Rawls, 2001). Keywords Social justice, distributive justice, distributivism, ethical supervision. Research assistant at Lumen Research Center in Social Humanistic Sciences, Iasi, PhD candidate, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Politics Sciences, "Univ. Al. Ioan Cuza "Iasi, Romania, E-mail: 1 253 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Constructionist Social Work. From Theory to Practice Ştefan COJOCARU 1 Abstract Our study aims to explore, from the theory of social constructionism, the means by which this theory can influence social work practice. Epistemological perspectives, proposed and supported by social constructionism, transform many aspects of social work practice by proposing new ways of approach; the context of interactions is extremely important. Thus, multiple voices of participants in the intervention (beneficiaries, professionals and stakeholders) participate in the construction of multiple realities through language, interactions between people that build and validate theories, culturally sensitive, emphasizing the social and relational nature of constructed realities. Using social constructionism as a way of explaining the realities lead to intervention research in social refinement and beyond. A form of intervention research built on the principles of social constructionism is appreciative inquiry. Use and experience it in different contexts of social work practice (counseling, case management and supervision) demonstrates the potential of this perspective to deliver a more efficient way than that centers on the paradigm of deficiency. Taking the perspective of social constructionism change not only social work practice, but research in this field. Thus, the use of quantitative methods to study the real nature of the world, affirmed by positivism and post-positivism, is going to recognize the importance of qualitative methods in studying the specific nature and context of the realities built into a relational dynamic and dependent on individual interpretations. Keywords social constructionism, epistemological perspectives, qualitative methods, positivism, post-positivism 1 Associate Prof. Ph.D., Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Iasi, Romania, Phone: +40.744788778; e-mail: 254 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Parental Education seen by teenagers. An exploratory study Daniela COJOCARU 1 Abstract Parental education is a strategy for dealing with a wide range of problems of adolescents, starting from dropout to juvenile delinquency, behavioral problems and social adaptation. In general, the content of parental education reflects issues of professional agenda related to teenagers and parents of teens and combines in various proportions medical information, psychological and cultural characteristics of parents’ communities, beneficiaries of these programs. Our study proposes a new design and content of these programs from the voices of young people and their own concerns. For this, we organized four World Cafe, attended by a total number of 80 young people aged between 14 and 18, including 20 rural and 60 urban from Iasi county. Data collected were processed to map the problems young people and to build, in a later stage of the project, a curriculum for parenting education, structured by hierarchy needs of teenagers, as they are expressed. The study is financed by UNICEF Romania and promotes parental education and experience centrality principle incorporating children's voices in social practice. The findings identify the main categories of common problems teenagers and highlighting variances in different residential areas. Keywords parental education, teenagers, juvenile delinquency, behavioral problems, social adaptation 1 Potdoctoral Fellow, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, Center for Health Policy and Ethics; Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Iasi, Romania, Phone: +40.745375125; e-mail: 255 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Contemporary ethical controversies about possible treatments in diabetes mellitus (pancreas transplant, alternative methods) [Controverse etice contemporane privind posibile tratamente în diabetul zaharat] Simona DAMIAN 1 2 Roxana NECULA 3 Irina STREBA 4 Antonio SANDU 5 Abstract Diabetes is a global disease whose effects havean intense impact on the health of individuals suffering from this disorder. Type II diabetes is Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879, titled "Postdoctoral studies in the ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Doctor of Medicine, U.M.F Chief of Operations, e-mail:, Iasi, Str. Neculau, No. 18, Bl. 573A, Sc. C, Ground Floor, Apt. 2, Jud. Iasi, Romania 2 Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 2007-2013. Priority axis 1: „Education and professional training in support of economical growth and development of knowledge-based society”. Main domain of intervention: 1.5 Doctoral and postdoctoral programs in support of research. Title of the project: “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies”. Contract Code: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879; E-mail: 3 Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879, titled "Postdoctoral studies in the ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Doctor of Sociology (University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi), email:, Iasi, Str. Costache Negri, No. 4, Bl. D2, Sc. D, 1st Floor, Apartment 4, Jud. Iasi, Romania 4 Forensic pathologist, PhD researcher, Univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr.T.Popa” Iaşi, e-mail: 5 Postdoctoral fellow financed by The Management Authority for the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” within the project “Postdoctoral studies in the domain of ethics in health policies” at „Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iasi. Project funded from the Social European Fund through the Sectorial Operational Program „Development of Human Resources” 2007-2013; Lecturer Ph.D. at “Mihail Kogălniceanu” University from Iaşi; Chairman of Lumen Publishing House; Address: Tepes Voda, OP 3, CP 780, Iasi, Romania; E-mail: 1 256 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 considered primarily as a lifestyle disorder that is growing, especially in developing countries. This paper aims to identify contemporary ethical controversies about non standard medical therapies in diabetes, thus bringing into question alternative therapies and pancreas transplantation implications. The issue of organ donation raises special ethical issues, sometimes difficult to interpret. Therefore it is difficult to exclude certain doubts regarding the act of donation, which is why most national transplant systems insist that receiving organs from living donors can be accepted only when the reasons are clearly emotional, genetic and selfless, without internal or external pressures and only when both donor and recipient act based on an informed consent, the decision belonging to them entirely. Ethical nature of these procedures is shaped by the idea that organ donation can not be subject to material benefits, the donation must be a human, selfless act, the action itself being controlled by the donor, exercising its right to autonomy. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, ethical controversies, alternative therapies, organ transplantation 257 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Legal and Ethical Considerations of Establishing the Timing of Death [Consideraţii legale şi etice privind stabilirea momentului morţii] Irina STREBA 1 Beatrice IOAN 2 Simona DAMIAN 3 Abstract For centuries, death have been defined, from medical point of view, as irreversible cesation of breathing, circulation and activity of nervous system. The actual techniques of reanimation, by giving the possibility of artificial surviving (the so called living dead) and by blurring the barier between life and death, have brought into question the problem of establishing the moment of death. If in real death, the criteria for establishing death which are cessation of any vital functions, indicated by cessation of heartbeat and no breathing, are clear and the determination of timing of death doesn’t put any medical, ethical or legal problems, controversy arises when referring to brain death. From medical point of view, the biologic organism is still alive as long as the heart continues to beat though is conditioned by artificial breathing. But, in conformity with the definition of the status of a human being, in terms of legal and ethical criteria, a person may be considered deceased independent of the status of the biological body. Issues raised by the timing of death, in particular cases as that of brain death, are reflected not only in medical field but also in civil and penal law. Consequences of the death of a person are legally passed on all aspects of ending of his civil capacity: the opening sequence, ending of civil rights and obligations of individuals, etc. 1, ³ Forensic pathologist, PhD researcher, Univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr.T.Popa” Iaşi, e-mail: 2 Associate Professor, Univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy „Gr.T.Popa” Iaşi, e-mail: 3 Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879, titled "Postdoctoral studies in the ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Doctor of Medicine, U.M.F Chief of Operations, e-mail:, Iasi, Str. Neculau, No. 18, Bl. 573A, Sc. C, Ground Floor, Apt. 2, Jud. Iasi, Romania 258 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 The fact that Law 95/2006 clearly states that organs can be harvested both from those who are brain dead and from those with irreversible cardio-respiratory stop, they being declared dead without doubt, clear up, in terms of legal considerations, the status of persons in this situation. Another problem of keeping alive the body to take over organs for transplantation is the preservation of human dignity. When a brain dead person (in all senses that are involved in the definition) is declared dead we deal with a body, kept alive but who lacks both the rights of a living individual and of a deceased person. Keywords: timing of death, brain death, legal considerations 259 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Spiritual Perspectives on Chronic Diseases [Perspective spirituale asupra îngrijirii bolnavilor cronici] Magdalena Roxana NECULA1 Simona Irina DAMIAN2 Mihai Iulian NECULA3 Abstract: Modern society interests less in people with chronic disease (diabetes), resulting in their isolation and marginalization. A feeling of uselessness is being induced to them, thus being exposed to identity crises. In treating the chronically ill, the actions of those around the patient (family, friends) and the representatives of religious cults are very important, having the role to stimulate the joy of living and restore their self confidence. Faith can be a major remedy for healing the mind and body. Religion and spirituality offer another perspective on human disease and also a cure, at the extent that one is responsible for both the disease and the cure. This determines us to understand our full responsibility in life, in connection with what influences us, both good and bad. The Church promotes some important values, one of them being related to the conservation and support of human life. Based on this value, every priest, when a patient comes to him, is required to instill the idea that one must fight for life and to perpetuate it. In terms of spiritual life, every moment is essential in the economy of eternal life. Keywords: chronic disease, diabetes, spirituality, care. Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879, titled "Postdoctoral studies in the ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Doctor of Sociology (University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi), email:, Iasi, Str. Costache Negri, No. 4, Bl. D2, Sc. D, 1st Floor, Apartment 4, Jud. Iasi, Romania 2 Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879, titled "Postdoctoral studies in the ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa", Doctor of Medicine, U.M.F Chief of Operations, e-mail:, Iasi, Str. Neculau, No. 18, Bl. 573A, Sc. C, Ground Floor, Apt. 2, Jud. Iasi, Romania 3 PhD, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi, Faculty of Law, e-mail:, Iasi, Str. Costache Negri, No. 4, Bl. D2, Sc. D, 1st Floor, Apartment 4, Jud. Iasi, Romania 1 260 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 LUMEN International Scientific Conference 2012 Ethics in Health Behavior Change - Case Study in Chronic Disease Self-management. The Care of Chronic Patients Liliana ILIESCU 1 Abstract Chronic diseases are diseases of long duration (3 months) and generally a slow progression, or disease that relapsed. In the last two decades of the 20th century became increasingly evident that chronic diseases are more frequent with increasing life expectancy worldwide. Initially it was thought that this is true for developed countries, but later found the same phenomenon in developing countries → faced with acute illness at the same time. It is estimated that by 2020, NTBs in developing countries, will determine 30% of deaths worldwide, 71% of deaths from ischemic heart disease, stroke by 75% and 70% diabetes. Currently, cardiovascular disease (CVD) are more commonly found in India and China than in all economically developed countries taken together. Also, the prevalence of overweight and obese has reached values"record" and developing countries in Asia, Latin America and parts of Africa. In some countries, the prevalence of obesity has doubled or even tripled in the last decade. Keywords: chronic diseases, ethics, model of care 1 Postdoctoral Research Project: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61879 titled "postdoctoral studies in ethics of health policy" in the Department of postdoctoral studies and research at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr T. Popa "Iasi, MD, Lecturer Pharmacy Science 261 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012 Editura Lumen Str. Ţepeş Vodă nr. 2, Iaşi OP 3 CP 780 Printed in EU International Scientific Conference: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty 2012