Newsletter April 2012 - Association of the First Corps of Cadets


Newsletter April 2012 - Association of the First Corps of Cadets
Monstrat Viam
association of
the first corps of cadets
June 2012
BG Hammond Promoted in the Field
AFCC board member and former FCC commander,
Colonel John A. Hammond, was promoted to brigadier
general by General David H. Petraeus in July 2011. BG
Hammond was serving as commander of the 26th “Yankee”
Brigade when promoted in Afghanistan. The 26th “Yankee”
Brigade provided command and control, security and
support operations for the nearly 9,000 U.S. and coalition
forces operating in Kabul, Afghanistan, from April 2011 to
January 2012.
Army sources believe that a war zone promotion to brigadier
general has not occurred since WWII. A fantastic honor for a
great soldier!
Congratulations BG Hammond
L to R: CSM William Davidson, BG John A. Hammond, COL Gerard Fridmann
Gen Petraeus Pins On The Star
Bg Hammond’s Message To The AFCC From The Field
Not long after his war zone promotion to brigadier general by General Petreus, AFCC Board member and former FCC commander
BG John A. Hammond wrote of his unstinting loyalty to the First Corps of Cadets in a message to the AFCC secretary, COL (MA) Dean Saluti:
From: “Hammond, John A USA BG USA TF Yankee”
CC: <>, “Davidson, William
Date: 7/14/2011 12:35 PM
Thanks for the kind words!!
I would also like you to know that I have in my office,
on display, a 1st Corps WWI Helmet and the “Hancock
Gage” Portfolio of letters. I have hosted Senators, and
multiple flag officers and commanders from the US,
Canada, UK, Bulgaria, Georgia, Mongolia, France, etc.
They are all fascinated by the story, and the linkage of
the crest from John Hancock’s time, to the Dough Boy
helmet with the 1st Corps crest painted on it, to Iraq and
Afghanistan today. My Aide, CPT Tyler Field, an AFCC
member, purchased the helmet on line and had it sent Mindful of Fcc History
here. We received several beautiful gifts from our French
Comrades on the 4th of July. A framed lithograph picture of George Washington from WWI era, as well as a copy of a letter from Black Jack
Pershing to Marshal Foch with a framed Crois de Guerre medal. We in turn have secured a copy of a letter from MG Clarence Edwards to the
CG of the 2d Cavalry Div (Apied) (France) following the Battle of St Mihiel. And have framed this for them along with a miniature Battle
streamer (St Mihiel)from our Brigade Colors. So, the YD and 1st Corps history and legacy remains strong here in Afghanistan!
Thanks again for the well wishes and continued support!
BG Jack Hammond
Commander, 26th “Yankee” Brigade
Task Force Yankee, Kabul base Cluster
Camp Phoenix, AFG
Memorial Day 2011
One of the largest groups in years gathered to march
to the First Corps of Cadets monument at Mt. Auburn
Cemetery on Memorial Day. Following taps and the
laying of the wreath by MG Bob Davenport, AFCC
members and spouses and the FCC color guard moved
to Conley’s for a “light” Italian lunch arranged for by
AFCC secretary Dean Saluti.
From L to R: Ed Steadman, Bill Hurley, John Silva, Rich Matlak,
Ron Ouellette, Bob Davenport, Tom Richter, and Lenny Wolfe
Annual Meeting 2011
Rege Matlak
LTC Conaway presents outgoing president Rich
Matlak the Commander’s Award for Public Service
This being an election year for the Board of Directors and
for several committee positions, President Rich Matlak
appointed a Nominating Committee of three—
BG Bill Hurley, COL Bob Soldani, and Chief Ed Steadman---to
prepare a slate of candidates for the membership to
consider at the Annual Meeting on April 1, 2012. The
following slate of officers, directors, and committee members
were nominated and elected:
President 2012-2014:
1st Vice President 2012-2014: 2nd Vice President 2012-1014:
Secretary 2012-2014:
Treasurer 2012-2014:
COL Thomas Finn
COL (MA) John Silva, Jr.
CSM William Davidson
COL (MA) Dean Saluti
CW3 Edwin Steadman
Director 2012-2014:
Director 2012-2014:
Director 2012-2014: MG Joseph Carter
LTC Lawrence DiNardo
Arthur Burt
Prudential Committee 2012-2017: COL (MA) Leonard Wolfe
Prudential Committee 2012-2015: BG (MA) William Hurley
(to fill the un-expired term
of COL (MA) John Silva, Jr.,
resigned to accept nomina
tion for 1st Vice President)
Finance Committee 2012-2014:
Rich Matlak presents the President’s Annual Award
to CW3 Steadman
Cocktails, Cheese, And Pasta At The Museum
Posting The Colors At The Algonquin Club
National Anthem ~ Sung by Leigh Ann Hodgkins
BG John Hammond
Thanks to the nominating committee for putting together a
great leadership team to move the AFCC forward.
The membership and guests then enjoyed a substantial
cocktail party with members of the Algonquin Club
before moving to the Algonquin Club for a dinner and a
presentation by retired Senior Intelligence Officer Regis
Matlak on “The Greater Middle East: The Nightmare
Years to Come?”
Since 9/11, Mr. Matlak served on the National Security
Council as Director for Iraq and deputy to Special
Presidential Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad (January-August
2003), and later as CIA representative to Ambassad
or-designate to Iraq Khalilzad’s Transition Team (2005); in
Iraq, as CIA rep to the Ambassador Negroponte-General
Casey Red Cell team (2004) and Co-Director for
Intelligence on the Ambassador Crocker/General Petraeus
Joint Strategic Assessment Team (2007) that assisted in
formulating the ‘surge’ strategy.
Introductions ~ From left to right: Newly
elected AFCC president COL Tom Finn, 211th
Commanding Officer LTC Brett Conaway, senior
officer in attendance, MG Bob Davenport, being
introduced by COL Dean Saluti
A Great Time
This extraordinary annual meeting was orchestrated by
AFCC secretary, COL Dean Saluti, and Algonquin Club Vice
President, Richard De Vito. More than 100 AFCC members
and guests wined and dined with 40 members of the
Algonquin Club. We look forward to holding future
events with our AC neighbors.
Time To March To Dinner ~
Bagpiper Gerry Davidson
Outgoing president Rich Matlak presents a
President’s Award for Fundraising to Marjorie
Kahn and COL Dean Saluti
LEXINGTON, MA 02420-1499
10 June 2012
Greetings to the Association of the First Corps of Cadets,
This past year has been another highly successful and adventurous year for the Active First Corps of
Cadets Military Police Battalion even though none our elements were deployed overseas. The 747th MP
Company was awarded the Massachusetts Meritorious Unit Commendation for their exemplary unit
performance in the response to the tornados affecting the Greater Springfield area in June of 2011.
Additionally, this company’s commanding officer, CPT Anthony J. Ortega, who served concurrently
during this period as our full time support battalion training officer, was one of only 27 Company Grade
Officers across the entire U.S. Army to be presented with the General MacArthur Leadership Award by
U.S.Army Chief of Staff, General Raymond T. Odierno.
In September of 2011, we participated in the MP Regimental Week at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri in
the most profound way. Through the generous donation of our Museum Curator and Association
Member, Craig Brown, our unit installed a permanent plaque dedicated to the service and sacrifices of
our First Corps MP Units at the National Military Police Memorial Grove. This plaque now serves as a
focal point depicting the magnitude of First Corps Service at the home of the MP Regiment.
MP Regimental Week 2011 was also momentous as our Warfigher Team consisting of SSG Joseph W.
Pieczarka (747th MP Co), SPC Alexander G. Machado (772nd MP Co), and SPC Vincent M. Amenta
(972nd MP Co) recorded the top reserve component finish in the history of the International MP Team
Competition. Despite substantially less resourcing than their active duty counterparts, these First Corps
MP Warriors excelled in every event through their unyielding professionalism and determination.
Although the truly remarkable accomplishments listed above seem almost impossible to top, the
proudest moment for our Active First Corps of Cadets in this past year was yesterday when we
dedicated the Drill Hall in the Taunton Armory to our fallen comrade SPC Matthew M. Pollini who was
killed in the line of duty in Al Kut Iraq, 22 January 2009. Through the collective commitment and
generosity the of 772nd MP Company Personnel past and present and our Association Membership, we
have ensured that his service and sacrifice will forever inspire our formation.
Finally, I am writing this just weeks before we launch our 972nd MP Company overseas beginning our
organization’s third full unit rotation in the Global War on Terrorism. Command Sergeant Major
Branley and I have the utmost confidence in the leadership and soldiers of this unit and we are certain
they will continue to point the way as the First Corps of Cadets of the 21st Century.
Lieutenant Colonel of Military Police
To: Members of the AFCC
From: Richard Matlak, President
Re: Annual Report to the Membership, 2011-12
Date: June 1, 2012
As of April 1, 2012, the date of our last annual meeting, COL Tom Finn is the new
president of the AFCC and we are fortunate to have a man of his dedication,
leadership, and talent at the helm. Tom was to have been the president two years ago,
but was mobilized, voluntarily, to Afghanistan and I sought to keep things going
until his return.
This past year has been a good one for the Association. Of most importance, we have
kept our eye on the organizational mission in supporting the active unit, in preserving
the history of the FCC through housing its historical and contemporary artifacts in
the beautiful museum that we maintain, and in providing meaningful events for the
Obviously, our dues of $50 per annual member cannot do all of the above. Although
managed masterfully by AFCC member and former treasurer, Mike Finer, neither
can our modest endowment generate enough supplemental income to cover operating
expenses. Thus, fund-raising primarily through events has become the life blood of
our organizational economy. To keep us in the black, our secretary Dean Saluti has
made our routine events increasingly profitable through expert management,
aggressively sought sponsorships, and attaining favorable rates from our venues. It is
important to note that Dean’s success has not come at the expense of the membership
by charging more at the door. We do not want cost to deter members from attending
our unique events. In fact, some of our most meaningful events, are free, such as the
wreath laying ceremony at the FCC monument in Mt. Auburn Cemetery on
Memorial Day.
Photos throughout this newsletter provide a snapshot of the events of 04/2011 –
04/2012. You may be surprised, and I hope pleased, to see that many photos and
stories highlight the accomplishments and significant events of the 211th MP
Battalion (FCC) as well. At our last annual meeting, CSM Bill Davidson was
voted onto the Board as second vice president. Soon, we will be opening in the
Museum rooms dedicated to the war time artifacts of the 211th MP Battalion (FCC).
In word, picture, and deed, the AFCC and the FCC have united to mutual advantage.
In this Newsletter you will find a listing of AFCC and FCC events for 2012-13 open
to the membership. Please come as often as you are able.
Supporting the Troops
with Distinction
Chris Ormonde, AFCC member and nephew
of BOD member Ron Brennan, recently
received the Commander’s Award for his work on
parachute technology at Natick Labs. Chris was
also recognized by the Royal Australian Air Force.
Congratulations again to Chris Ormonde for
his well-deserved recognition.
Jack Obusek, Dtr of Natick Army Lab presents the
Commander’s Award to Ormande
The Australian Plaque
Forscom Commander Visits The AFCC Museum
BOD Member MG Joseph Carter hosted an informal reception for FORSCOM commander General David M. Rodriguez and the TAGs of
New England on March 7, 2012. The beauty and significance of our Museum, attributable to our curator Craig Brown, our assistant curator
Arthur Gagnon, and to our housekeeper John O’Brien, provided a stunning setting for the stars!
From L to R are: BG Brent M. Boyles (ME),
MG Patrick J. Murphy (NY), MG Michael D. Dubie
(VT), General David M. Rodriguez (FORSCOM),
MJ Joseph C. Carter (MA), MG Kevin R. McBride (RI),
and MG Thaddeus J. Martin (CT)
From L to R are: 2VP John Silva, President Tom Finn,
General Rodriguez, MG Joe Carter, and John O’Brien
WWII FCC Vets Honored
The 211th MP Battalion (FCC) honored brothers Seth and Charles Hamblin during Annual Training for their service with the 211th Coastal
Artillery (FCC) during WWII. Long time AFCC member and past president, Lenny Wolfe, located the brothers living on Cape Cod and
worked with LTC Brett Conaway and CSM Brian Branley to provide a memorable ceremony for the brothers. The Hamblin brothers, both
PFCs during World War II, were presented with a plaque designed by AFCC member Dirk Burrowes comparable to the inscribed marble
plaques he provides annually to the honorees of the Veterans Recognition Event. The ceremony was held at Camp Edwards on May 8, 2012.
Lenny Wolfe reports that the Hamblin brothers were overwhelmed with appreciation. The gratitude of the entire AFCC goes out to Lenny
for the loving regard he has shown for the history of the 211th Coastal Artillery (FCC) and its sole survivors.
L to R:
CSM Brian Branley,
Charles Hamblin,
Seth Hamblin,
LTC Conaway
AFCC members
Ron Wolf and
Lenny Wolfe escorting
the Hamblin brothers
(Current as of 15 May 12)
2012 - 2013
May 12
BOD Meeting
14 May
Memorial Day
28 May
Mt. Auburn Cemetery
AHAC June Day
4 Jun
SPC Matthew Pollini
9 Jun
Taunton Armory
BOD Meeting
11 Jun
972nd Send-Off
25 Jun
Castle Island
Jun 12
Jul 12
No Scheduled
BOD Meeting
Aug 12
BOD Meeting
6 Aug
Sep 12
BOD Meeting
10 Sep
6th Annual VAFCC
Golf Tournament & Auction
24 Sep
BOD Meeting
1 Oct
Semi-Annual Meeting
21 Oct
Museum MP Room
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
4 Nov
BOD Meeting
5 Nov
Veteran’s Recognition Event
11 Nov
BOD Meeting
3 Dec
Christmas Party
9 Dec
Jan 13
BOD Meeting
7 Jan
Feb 13
BOD Meeting
4 Feb
New Member Meet & Greet
24 Feb
Mar 13
BOD Meeting
4 Mar
Apr 13
Annual Meeting
7 Apr
Giggles, Saugus MA
Oct 12
Nov 12
Dec 12
COL Tom Finn
AFCC President (2012-2014)
Duty, Honor, Country
CPT Anthony Ortega, 747th MP Company Commander and full time battalion
training officer, was one of 27 recipients of a 2012 General Douglas MacArthur
Leadership Award. CPT Ortega was selected from a field of thousands of junior
officer nominees from active, national guard, and reserve Army units. He was presented
the award at the Pentagon by Army Chief of Staff, General Raymond T. Odierno.
Gen. Odierno, CPT Ortega, and William Davis, Executive Director of the
General Douglas MacArthur Foundation
LTC Conaway recognizing Craig Brown at the MP Ball
Dedicated to Past, Present
and Future Soldiers of the FCC
During MP Regimental Week in September 2011,
LTC Brett Conaway and CSM Brian Branley
accompanied by Cheif Ed Steadman, AFCC treasurer,
attended the dedication ceremony for the 211th MP
Bn (FCC) plaque at the MP Grove at Fort Leonard
Wood. The plaque was generously donated by AFCC
curator Craig Brown.
From L to R: CSM Costa, LTC Conaway, CSM Branley, and
Chief Steadman
Monstrat Viam
association of the first corps of cadets
227 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
During MP Regimental Week, the 211th
MP Warfighter Team achieved the highest
reserve component finish in the 20-year
history of the International MP Team
Competition! Congratulations to the
great competitors pictured.
Top left photo: L to R:
SPC Vincent Amenta, 972nd MP Company;
SPC Alexander Machado, 772nd MP Company; and
Team Leader SSG Joseph Pieczarka,
747th MP Company