Wellbeing 2008 - brochures from Austria


Wellbeing 2008 - brochures from Austria
The revival of ancient knowledge
Sources of vitality
Asian-Austrian Encounters
Wellbeing 2008
Everything you have to know when planning a
health or wellness holiday in Austria 2008.
editorial. H
Petra Stolba
Austrian National Tourist Office
olidays in Austria. Where you can unwind
plants work wonders for the body and soul.
and get rid of all your tensions! Where you can
And while we replenish our energies we savour
get back in tune with yourself. We Austrians have
the natural local delicacies. Abstinence, though,
always strived for excellence – as can be seen in
is another option. Staying at a monastery helps
our cuisine and culture, where we have integrated
you find back to yourself – either in very modest
the best the world has to offer. Austria’s health and
or cosy settings. In Austria you relax in unspoilt
wellbeing oases are experts in Far Eastern healing
nature – but within easy reach of theatres,
techniques like Ayurveda, Qi Gong or Indonesian
exhibitions and concerts! I cordially welcome you
relaxation methods. But Austria also benefits from
and wish you great recovery and a wonderfully
a treasure trove of knowledge of ancient local
relaxing holiday in Austria.
relaxation and healing practices: Alpine brine baths
and geothermal waters and all kinds of herbs and
Yours, Petra Stolba
03 the revival of ancient knowledge
23 asian-austrian encounters
Autria’s traditional natural remedies are gaining popularity
Practices from all over the world – skilfully blended
06 health
26 wellbeing
What Austria’s provinces can offer
What Austria’s provinces can offer
16 sources of vitality
40 important addresses
Relaxing in quiet thermal spas and exciting adventure pools
1 Bathing in blossoms soothes and
invigorates body and mind
2 Europe’s hottest thermal spring
surges in Geinberg
The revival of
ancient knowledge
Natural remedies from long ago gain popularity
ineral water from deep under
Styria’s Bad Gleichenberg have alleviated
the earth’s surface, clean and
all kinds of ailments, among them skin
fresh high-Alpine air, pure salt from the
and respiratory diseases. The new spa
mountains: Austria is rich in natural
centre with its outstanding architecture
treasures and has a long tradition when
located in a marvellous old spa park has
it comes to using them for the wellbeing
the most efficient infrastructure you can
of its guests.
find in Austria.
Which of the numerous thermal springs
you will actually dive into depends on
Nature’s pharmacy never seems to
the particular components of the water:
run short of remedies and we gladly make
The sulphur waters of Vienna’s Oberlaa
use of them: Bathing in freshly cut peat
spa, for example, are a great remedy for
improves blood circulation and relieves
rheumatism and skin diseases.
ailments of the spine and joints – espe-
The spring of Bad Sauerbrunn in Burgen-
cially at the “black skin” bathing temple in
land is very rich in magnesium – known
Bad Reuthe. Here bathing is accompa-
as a great helper for joint and kidney
nied by soft music and light effects.
diseases. And for more than 170 years
Talking about unusual bathing habits:
the curative springs in south-eastern
How about trying goat milk with honey,
or rose and orange blossoms? This
wonderfully, given the numerous inherent
“Traditional European Healing" (TEH).
adventure for the senses is based on a
healing herbs. The brewery at Trachten-
This initiative launched in the Saalach
very old recipe and is said to have been
berg Castle even offers beer baths –
Valley of Salzburger Land has revived
used even by Empress Sisi to make
yeast is known to have a favourable
many old remedies and health treat-
her skin soft and smooth.
effect on skin and hair. And the Vino-
ments, among them spruce needle
therapy at the Loisium in Lower Austria
inhalations for colds or white cabbage
If you feel up to something more
applies the natural healing powers of
packs for strains.
rustic why not try a hay bath, offered at
grapes in different ways: from bathing in
Austria’s 66 organic health farms. For
fresh grapes to body peeling with herb
The “Traditional Styrian Medicine”
decades hay has been applied as a
(TSM), too, applies local natural prod-
remedy for numerous ailments. Its
Ancient knowledge of the power
ucts for regenerating the body, mind and
components have a stimulating effect on
of Nature in combination with new
soul: The Styrian Spa at the thermal
the connective tissue and the nervous
discoveries and state-of-the-art comfort
resort of Bad Waltersdorf offers apple
system; and moreover, a hay bath smells
are also the formula of success of the
purification massages with freshly
R E I T E R ´ S B U R G E N L A N D R E S O RT
Wellness at its best
SALT ON OUR SKIN. Salt peat packs,
offered at Vitalhotel Therme Geinberg (OÖ),
improve blood circulation and contribute to a
balanced pH value of the skin.
CURATIVE GALLERIES. Rock temperatures of up to 44 degrees and high humidity
within old mines have proved to have good
healing effects. Little wagons take you into
the interior of the mountain, where you
stretch out on a bed and let the atmosphere
have its curative effect.
ice-cold water up to the knees, cold and
warm baths, affusions and packs are helpful
with vein diseases or circular problems.
Highly recommended: the first Kneipp adventure resort in Scheffau in Tirol.
castle of Weikersdorf focuses on the natural
power of roses: Their bewitching smell helps
to relax and their precious oil has for long
been a secret recipe of soft skin.
VALLEY. It is used for baths, drinking cures,
affusions or inhalations: The medicinal effect
of brine is undisputed. The health resort of
Dürrnberg in Salzburger Land has an indoor
brine pool and a brine inhalation centre.
X U N D H E I T S W E LT, H O T E L L O I S I U M / C H R I S T I N E S C H A U M , O Ö T O U R I S M U S / T H E R M E G E I N B E R G
1 Relishing the sun – at Reiter’s
Burgenland Resort in Bad
2 Energy is easily restored in
the inspiring landscape of the
Waldviertel, where “Xundheitswelt“
is located.
3 Loisium Spa in Lower Austria
focuses on the healing and soothing
qualities of grapes
4 After a relaxing salt peeling the
skin feels silky and smooth
sign of Best Health Austria is awarded to
wellness and health establishments offering
efficient, enduring and provable health services to their guests. Certified by experts!
pressed apple juice and linseed oil or a
Mary) have especially committed them-
special massage with pumpkin seed oil
selves to health treatment and offer
which is typical of this region.
Kneipp cures and state-of-the-art healing
Traditionally, the country’s numerous
methods in their own health centres. The
monasteries offer a perfect retreat for
world’s oldest remedy, however, has been
body, mind and soul: Within their calm
applied for thousands of years without
and old walls people have always taken
any modification: pure air, free of aller-
refuge from their problems. Today many
gens as it can be found in many parts of
of them have an extensive offer to help
Austria – especially in the country’s
people to find back to themselves, gain
twenty declared climatic health
new zest for life and strengthen their
The monasteries Marienkron and the
Marienschwestern (Sisters of the Holy
Links related to this text…
can be found on page 11.
Air cures. Take a deep breath and recreate in one of the twenty climatic health
lower austria
resorts where the air is particularly clean and free of allergens. Exercising in oxygen-rich
air increases the body’s resistance and activates its metabolism. Physicians have even
discovered that merely staying at 1,500 metres is healthy for the whole body.
Best Health Austria – Wellbeing with Quality Seal
“I have a very simple taste,” Oscar Wilde once announced. “I am always satisfied with the best.”
o meet this demanding claim the establishments
listed below have been examined both by
independent experts and by guests and are allowed
to carry the following quality seal:
Wellbeing with a verifiable effect on health,
professional service, friendly and committed staff,
and guaranteed integration of regional and typical
resources as well as activity programmes in the
general offer. Yearly inspection of member
For detailed information and further certified
establishments please go to
www.besthealthaustria.com. Best Health Austria
Gesellschaft für Gesundheitstourismus mbH, A-9523
Landskron/Villach, Tel. +43 (0)4242/442 00-50
Among the best are the following certified
establishments listed in this brochure:
• Health Hotel Klosterberg (Lower Austria), page 6
• Warmbader Thermenhotel (Carinthia), page 21
• Alpen Therme Gastein (Salzburg), page 36
Therme Carnuntum ***
Kurzentrum Ludwigstorff
ealth, fitness and relaxation like in ancient Rome at the 3-star
wellbeing spa hotel at the gates of Vienna with the strongest iodinesulphur source in Austria: • just 50 km (45 min) from Vienna (A 4, B 9)
• accessible by public
transport (S7)
• in the Donau-Auen
National Park • in the
Archaeological Park
• outstanding, extensive therapy treatments
• indoor swimming pool •
sauna • fitness, massages
• Nordic Walking, Qigong;
overnight stay/breakfast
from € 49.– per person
Information & Reservations.
Kurzentrum Ludwigstorff, A-2405 Bad
Deutsch-Altenburg, Tel. +43 (0)2165/
626 17, Fax: +43 (0)2165/639 48
A different holiday
Fasting cures combined with hiking are designed to purify, get rid
of burdens and harmonize body, mind and soul – together with lots of
exercise in fresh and clean air. Breathing in, restoring oxygen, regaining
energy and recharging one’s batteries. Package: 10 days, double room,
per person from € 764.–
Summer of Wellbeing: July 25 – August 17, .2008, from € 45.–
Special offers: Pampering programme for ladies or gentlemen, Nordic
Walking, hiking week, detoxicating and purging.
Information & Reservations.
Gesundheitshotel Klosterberg****
A-3921 Langschlag 170
Tel. +43 (0)2814/82 76, Fax: -170
B E S T H E A LT H A U S T R I A , G E S U N D H E I T S H O T E L K L O S T E R B E R G , K U R Z E N T R U M L U D W I G S T O R F F, T V B PA Z N A U N - I S C H G L
The air in high-Alpine areas is particularly beneficial for persons who suffer from allergies. It relieves breathing
problems and helps to regenerate the respiratory system. But not only the stimulating climate of high-altitude
regions has a favourable effect on the organism. Staying at the climatic resorts of lower areas is extremely
healthy, too, and contributes largely to relaxation and recovery from the everyday stress and strain.
Getting into balance
Days of health in
Lower Austria.
A vast offer of health
holidays awaits you!
In the mood for a
weekend at a design
spa or a paradisiacal organic hotel?
Looking to spend a
few revitalizing days
at one of the professional establishments
for weight control, vascular treatment, stress management and back
problems? Or are you dreaming of an exotic short holiday with
Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine under expert supervision?
No matter how your holiday should look like – you will find your dream
hotel for some unforgettable days in Lower Austria under
lower austria
The Viennese Alps – ideal for
health and relaxation
he Viennese Alps, located 60
km south of Austria’s capital in
Lower Austria, are not only popular
for their beautiful and unspoilt
nature but also for their resorts
with special healing resources. In
Bad Schönau in the Bucklige Welt
region carbon acid is used to treat
circulatory and vascular diseases.
Establishments on the Semmering
are specialised in the treatment
of rheumatic complaints as well
as metabolic diseases, while the
health and wellness hotels in
Puchberg am Schneeberg and Reichenau an der Rax are specialised
in recreation with all the senses.
Information & Reservations.
Niederösterreich Information
A-1014 Wien, Postfach 10.000
Tel. +43 (0)1/536 10-6200, Fax: -6062
Dungl Medical-Vital Resort
Wellbeing at Molzbachhof
ow much does your health mean to you? Treat yourself to
some time out and secure your most valuable asset: your health.
Treatments at the Dungl Medical-Vital Resort are based on the
approved holistic Dungl method, which includes elements of traditional
Chinese medicine and regards the human being as whole entity.
A professional team of physicians and therapists, experienced both in
Eastern and Western healing techniques, attend to guests regularly
throughout their stay. The main focus lies on individual care and the
best possible selection of treatments.
he family-run Molzbachhof
lies in a quiet, lush green
landscape at the edge of a
forest, near the village of
Kirchberg in the Wechsel
region. Since the “Paradise
Garden“ with its Celtic circle
of trees, spiral of herbs and
walking paths lined with flowers
has been opened, Nature is brought right to the hotel’s doorsteps,
offering relaxation for all the senses.
The large waterfall, feeding from the pond at the centre of the complex,
inspires you to follow the natural transformation of water, the elixir of
life. A wellness oasis with an extensive range of treatment caters to
every wish. Regional specialties seasoned with selected herbs and
served by the landlord himself are a culinary highlight. Please request
our brochure or visit our homepage.
We look forward to welcoming you!
N I E D E R Ö S T E R R E I C H I N F O R M AT I O N , D U N G L M E D I C A L - V I TA L R E S O RT, W I E N E R A L P E N I N N I E D E R Ö S T E R R E I C H , M O L Z B A C H H O F
Information & Reservations.
Wiener Alpen in Niederösterreich
A-2801 Katzelsdorf, Schlossstraße 1
Tel. +43 (0)2622/789 60, Fax: -50
Information & Reservations.
Dungl Medical-Vital Resort
A-3571 Gars am Kamp
Hauptplatz 58
Tel. +43 (0)2985/26 66-0
Information & Reservations.
A-2880 Kirchberg/Wechsel
Tel. +43 (0)2641/22 03
Schroth cures. A Schroth cure is not understood as a diet but as a natural
healing method to ease diseases. Its founder was Johann Schroth (1798–1856), who
wanted to purge and detoxicate the body during a two- to three week health cure.
The cure alternates between so-called drinking and dry days. Drinking days, as their
lower austria
At the four Lower Austrian “Best Health” partner establishments a highly qualified team of professional physicians and
therapists offer you preventive and therapeutic concepts
according to sophisticated standards.
Healthy back week
Treatment of degenerative
afflictions of the spinal
Heart Holidays
“Tasting offer“ including
diagnosis, exercise therapy
and recreation
Health week
Discover your body at
the health resort Königsberg
Bad Schönau
“Yellow Gold“
One-week Health package
Hotel package and programme
• 7 nights including full board
Healthy and delicious breakfast
Menu of your choice
Reduction diet and whole food
Salad buffet
• Free access to the adventure
indoor pool, ceramic steam bath,
and whirlpool and sauna
Diagnosis & Therapy
• Preliminary examination
• Resting ECG
• Ultrasonic examination of the
• Ergometric walking machine or
• Basic laboratory check
• Individual nutritional
• 4x exercise training
• 2x partial massage
• Medicinal and nutritional
• Final medical counselling
including medical statement
and exercise recommendations
Hotel services and package
• 7 nights in luxury-class room
incl. half board
(delicious menus at your choice,
dietary recommendations, ...)
• Free access to the bathing
• Participation in the activity
programme of the week
Hotel services and package
• 7 nights incl. full board
• Access to the Roman spa
(on the day of departure until
closing hour of the pool)
• Sauna and steam bath
• Parking lot at the park deck
• Bath gown and bathing towel
during the entire stay
• One unit of solarium (8 min.)
Medical and therapeutic services
• Preliminary examination
including ECG
• Specific examination of the
blood vessels
(AngE oscillography)
• Nutritional counselling
• 5 x CO2 dry-gas piscine
• 5 x curative massage
• 5 electrophysical therapies
• Morning exercises, Nordic
Walking Tours
• Various health lectures
Medical and therapeutic services
• One medical examination
• 5 sulphur baths
• 1 massage with fragrance oil
(25 min.)
• 1 reflexology (25 min.)
• 2 sulphur mud packs
• 1 curative massage (25 Min.)
• 2 magnetic field therapies
From € 645.-
from € 591.-
Medical and therapeutic
• 1 medical check
• 1 diagnosis of the spinal column
by means of the “David-System”
• 2 back exercise training units
according to the “David System”
• 2 curative massages including
infrared treatment
• 2 underwater massages
• 2 peat baths or medicinal baths
• 2 parafango packs
• 1 biofeedback stress treatment
• 3 units of back exercises
• 1 Spineliner
From € 875.www.moorheilbad-harbach.at
Luxury hotel and luxury cuisine
• 8 days / 7 nights with healthy
half board
Leisure and fitness
• Access to the indoor swimming
pool & sauna
• Fitness course
• Running and Nordic Walking
• Set of maps of the “Xundwärts”
From € 877.www.herz-kreislauf.at
Leisure and fitness
• 2 guided Nordic Walking Tours
• One guided city tour
• Two wine-sampling menus
All prices including local taxes, Purchase tax from 2007. Subject to change and mistakes. Cancellation fees according to the Austrian hotel regulations.
name suggests, focus on the intake of sufficient liquid – even some wine is permitted. On the other days
raw and cooked vegetables, rice and bread are on the nutrition plan. The Schroth cure was once also called
“Bread Cure” because of this. Additional body packs stimulate the blood circulation and metabolism.
The Schroth cure is offered in many Austrian health establishments.
lower austria
New spa hotel at Bad Pirawarth
onsiderable overweight and continuous stress and pressure constitute a
substantial danger to your health. The Spa Hotel Bad Pirawarth has tackled
this wide-spread problem and developed the new Pirafit Method for weight
reduction and treatment of the burn-out-syndrome.
The therapy is tailored to the special needs of each person and constitutes a
holistic, individual and exclusive approach to a new and sustainable quality of
life. The Pirafit Method, which is administered only at the Pirawarth Prevention
Centre, places special emphasis on a lasting change in behavioural patterns
based on a different mental approach.
Our physicians and therapists elaborate an individual and carefully devised
treatment and consulting package for each client to attain “Pira Fitness” and a
new attitude to life. After the treatment, wellbeing and fitness acquired with the
help of our team can be easily continued and maintained independently.
K U R H O T E L B A D P I R AWA RT H , Ö S T E R R E I C H W E R B U N G / H I M S L L .
The therapy developed by our trained Pirafit staff is exactly tailored to meet
individual needs focusing particularly on a scientifically evaluated diet.
Pirafit – “Power Cure”
Services include:
• 7 nights (arrival and departure: Sundays)
• Single-room accommodation / full board
• Training of new strategies for the handling of excessive
demands in professional life
• Examination by medical specialists
• Body and behavioural therapy including stress
management (in groups)
• Body and behavioural therapy (individually)
• Psychological consultation (individually)
• Nutrition school “Eat and enjoy – the right food“
• Nutrition counselling
• Show cooking
• Creative group
• Stress release group
• Sub maximum test
• Power training
• Sports groups
• Final Sports consultation
• Ayurveda podiatry/neck treatment or massage or massage
at own option (during the prolongation week only)
• Free use of sauna, whirlpool, infrared cabin and indoor
swimming pool
Package per person: € 1,490.–
Prolongation week: € 1,260.–
Information & Reservations.
Kurhotel Pirawarth
A-2222 Bad Pirawarth, Kurhausstraße 100
Tel. +43 (0)2574/291 60, Fax: -48
Peat applications. Over thousands of years flowers, herbs and grasses of the
lower austria
natural habitat have been bogged in the soil. The special preconditions created highly
effective substances which are extremely beneficial to human health. Curative bog
treatments have a great healing effect and alleviate all kinds of complaints like gout,
Competence Centre for Spinal and Intervertebral Disc Diseases
Ambulatory for electro-physical medicine and hydrotherapy
The Nuhr Centre – an internationally recognized family-run health-care
establishment – was founded more than fifty years ago. Its great success
over the years is based on great expert knowledge both in medical and
treatment fields combined with regular therapies.
The ambulatory, which was state certified in 1972, is a competence centre
for the entire locomotive system and has been very successful in the
treatment of spinal and intervertebral diseases. The key of each treatment
is the 100,000 volt therapy, called ARSONVALISATION, which is a special
kind of high-frequency therapy specifically used as pain treatment.
Thanks to the Centre’s proximity to the Wachau Valley, the Waldviertel
region and Austria’s capital, Vienna, balanced excursion and sightseeing
programmes are possible in addition to intensive medical applications.
Indications: The private Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre Dr. Nuhr
specializes in the treatment of spinal and intervertebral diseases as well
as rheumatic complaints, circulatory disorders, central and peripheral
paralysis, treatments after strokes, neuro-vegetative disorders and
chronic pain. It furthermore focuses on post-operative treatments after
sports accidents and joint surgery as well as the implantation of
artificial joints.
Ambulatory contracting parties are the health insurance companies of
the BVA, SVA, VA, and SVB. All other health insurance companies provide
a reimbursement of expenses on application.
Information & Reservations.
A-3541 Senftenberg, Im Grund 40
Tel. +43 (0)2719/22 21-0, Fax: -224
info@nuhr.at, info@bandscheibenprobleme.at
Marktgemeinde Senftenberg
A-3541 Senftenberg, Neuer Markt 1
Tel. +43 (0)2719/23 19
Fax: +43 (0)2719/23 19-18
he idyllic community of Senftenberg is located in the lower Krems
Valley, 8 kilometres north of Krems on the Danube, embedded among
wine hills and forests. Its landmark is the ruined castle of Senftenberg,
located right above the parish church.
rheumatism or metabolic diseases. Depending on the type of ailment the curative bog is applied to
the body hot or cold. Hot bog is applied at thirty to 40 degrees Celsius. While enjoying the relaxing effect,
patients are covered with blankets or completely enwrapped. Cold mud packs have four to ten degrees
Celsius and are used particularly to purify the body and stimulate blood circulation.
Health Hotel Bad Reuthe****
xperience health as pleasure in Bad Reuthe with its natural
peat and and iron spring. The family-run hotel is specialized
in health and wellbeing, and offers many different treatments,
primarily for the back, muscles and joints. It offers treatments
with fresh peat, large health department, medical support,
experienced physiotherapists, massages. Extensive beauty offer,
activity programme and fitness. Magnificent mountain scenery.
New thermal complex with three large indoor pools and garden
pool (32° C also in winter). New bright sauna-wellness facility
with Hamam. Modern, simple design. Open all year round.
• medical supervision
• physiotherapy with experienced physiotherapists
• medical and special massages
• medicinal baths
• individually customized therapy programme
• thermal spa and garden pool
Information & Reservations.
Gesundhotel Bad Reuthe****
A-6870 Reuthe
Tel. +43 (0)5514/22 65-0, Fax: -100
A mouse click to your health holidays. Web addresses related to texts in this brochure.
For more detailed information on the providers and establishments
mentioned in the text please visit the following websites: www.oberlaa.at
(Wiener Kurmittelhaus Oberlaa), www.heilbad-sauerbrunn.at,
www.bad-gleichenberg.at, www.badreuthe.at, www.hotelmoisl.at,
www.farmholidays.com (organic and health farms), www.bierschwimmbad.com,
www.loisiumhotel.at, www.teh.at (Traditional European Healing),
www.heiltherme.at (Heiltherme Bad Waltersdorf), www.badwaltersdorf.com,
www.kloesterreich.at, www.marienkron.at, www.marienschwestern.at
For more detailed information on the providers and establishments
mentioned in the text please visit the following websites: www.thermen.at,
www.burgenlandtherme.at (Bad Tatzmannsdorf), www.dietherme.com
(Therme Stegersbach), www.hoteltherme.at (H2O Hotel-Therme-Resort
Sebersdorf), www.badwaltersdorf.com, www.thermenland.at (Styrian Spa
Region), www.blumau.com, www.alpentherme.com (Alpen Therme Gastein),
www.aqua-dome.at (Aqua Dome Tirol Therme Längenfeld)
For more detailed information on the providers and establishments
mentioned in the text please visit the following websites:
www.hotel-sonnhof.info, www.landhaus-carnia.at, www.allvedya.com
(Allvedya Health Centre), www.sivananda.at (Sivananda Yoga Seminarhaus),
www.hochschober.at, www.willidungl.info (Dungl Medical-Vital Resort),
Kneipp cures. The priest Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897) became particularly
famous for his water applications, the so-called hydrotherapy. To this day numerous
physicians recommend this therapy. The most popular element of this cure is wading
in cold water, but Kneipp’s water applications also involve cold and warm baths,
Burgenland Spa World
he Spa World and its member establishments place great importance
in offering high competence through top-quality health programmes
and well-trained therapists. The quality seal “Best Health Austria“ is stateapproved and valid across the entire European Union and is awarded to
wellness establishments, health centres, rehabilitation institutes and
medical establishments which meet clearly defined quality criteria. Hence
it is an important guideline if you are seeking orientation in the confusing
multitude of criteria all around Europe and longing to rely on guaranteed
performance according to standards which apply in all of Austria. Four
member establishments of the Spa World have already been awarded the
“Best Health Austria – Bronze” quality seal: GesundheitsZentrum Bad
Sauerbrunn, Health and Spa Hotel Bad Tatzmannsdorf, A*V*I*T*A Superior
Bad Tatzmannsdorf and Golf & Spa Resort Stegersbach.
Healing powers … the Bad Sauerbrunn Health Centre
focuses mainly on men’s health. Treatments are designed to ease
complaints of the locomotor and supporting apparatus as well as
urological and metabolic disease. The curative spring, called “Säuerling”,
and the natural carbon-acid gas are the two major healing agents.
Family paradise … Lutzmannsburg-Frankenau, the leading spa for
babies and small children, is a true family paradise boasting a very broad
offer. Three different spa sections, “Babyworld, “Funny Waters” and
“Silent Dome” cater to every need and taste.
Stylish cure … Bad Tatzmannsdorf focuses on a combination of spa,
thermal waters and sports. At the “Burgenlandtherme” you can enjoy the
healing warmth of the thermal water. At the “Health Resort” three natural
remedies are proven to be effective in the treatment of spinal problems
and cardiovascular diseases.
Boundless … Stegersbach spa makes you forget stress and everyday’s
cares. The thermal spring has a special effect on the skin and gives it a
silky feeling. The beauty and health oasis “Refugium” can also be highly
Information. Thermenwelt
Burgenland, A-7400 Oberwart
Waldmüllergasse 2–4
Tel. +43 (0)3352/313 13-0
T H E R M E N W E LT B U R G E N L A N D / M A N N I N G E R , S O N N E N T H E R M E L U T Z M A N N S B U R G - F R A N K E N A U , G O L F U N D T H E R M E N R E S O RT S T E G E R S B A C H , T V B W I L D E R K A I S E R / S C H E F FA U
packs and effusions. Venous diseases, calf cramps and cardio-circulatory diseases improve distinctively
with this natural method. This is why many wellness establishments include Kneipp treatments in their
standardized offer. Pastor Kneipp would have been highly satisfied, for he believed that “Everything
we need to stay healthy is provided by Nature”.
Health Centre Bad Sauerbrunn with the
new Bergmüller Competence Centre
he Health Centre of Bad Sauerbrunn, just 50 km south of Vienna, has been a place
of recreation and relaxation for more than 100 years. Rediscover what it means to live,
to laugh, to run and to savour your meals – at the idyllic spa Bad Sauerbrunn, at the foot of
the Rosalia mountains right at the edge of a forest and at the resort centre. Three natural
curative sources are at the patients’ disposal: the curative thermal spring for the bathing
tub to treat the supporting apparatus and locomotor system; the “Säuerling” spring rich in
magnesium, ideal for drinking cures and natural carbonic acid dry gas to ease circulatory
disorders, vein-related leg problems and functional and labile hypertension. Bad Sauerbrunn
is an exclusive spa complex far away from everyday stress and strain.
• Bergmüller Competence Centre for health care, cardio fitness and rehabilitation, slow
aging, weight reduction, sports, endurance & strength • Contract partner of Austrian Social
Insurance Companies and recognized Kneipp establishment.
PACKAGE: Relishing the spa with the Bergmüller Bonus
3 nights in a wellness room with healthy half board menu, free use of the spa complex, 1 full
body massage, solarium, active programme. Bonus: 1 x training at the cycling ergometer or
the treadmill with 4 lactate checks incl. heart frequency checks and training consultation.
P.p. from € 279.–. (Monday – Friday)
G E S U N D H E I T S Z E N T R U M B A D S A U E R B R U N N , B E Z A R D ( 1 ) , K L O S T E R U N D K U R H A U S M A R I E N K R O N , K U R - U N D T H E R M E N H O T E L B A D TAT Z M A N N S D O R F
Information & Reservations.
GesundheitsZentrum Bad Sauerbrunn
A-7202 Bad Sauerbrunn, Hartiggasse 4
Tel. +43 (0)2625/300-0, Fax: -820
Kneipp Centre Marienkron
Health & Spa Hotel*****
he convent and health centre are open to anyone seeking,
relaxation, spiritual strengthening and recovery. The health
programme includes any form of Kneipp application, graded diet and
fasting cures, varied remedial massages, exercise therapies and an
extensive relaxation scheme.
The routines at the health centre and the monastery are helpful for
getting used to a healthy life rhythm and improving the ability to cope
with stress and strain.
Guests return to
everyday life with a
new and positive
approach. In line
with the principles of
preventive medicine
the 4-grade-cure
appeases numerous
complaints and
improves quality of life.
reat yourself to
some time solely
for yourself and your
wellbeing, for relaxation in a pleasing and
lush ambience. The
health and thermal
complex of Bad
Tatzmannsdorf has
the ideal prerequisites
for a healthy holiday
with a range of contemporary therapeutic
facilities to modify your lifestyle with professional knowledge and
relaxing beauty treatments. Different from other crowded spa complexes, the “Realm of the Senses” – the hotel’s exclusive 4000 m2
thermal and sauna world – offers tranquillity and helps you to free
yourself from all tensions.
Information & Reservations.
Kneipp-Kurhaus Marienkron
A-7123 Mönchhof/Seewinkel
Tel. +43 (0)2173/802 05-0, Fax: -40
Information & Reservations.
Kur- & Thermenhotel, A-7431 Bad
Tatzmannsdorf, Elisabeth-A. 1
Tel. +43 (0)3353/89 40-7160
Bathing in hay. Hay from Alpine pastures is one of the oldest and best-proven
remedies. In the old days the farmers used to lay down in the freshly cut grass and fall
asleep. The next day, they felt fit and awake in spite of their exhausting work. The
aetheric oils of the various herbs quickly revitalized their tired bodies. Today, hay baths
Golf for connoisseurs
he interconnected golf area in the Lafnitz Valley in southern Burgenland is Austria’s
most extensive golf complex with a number of exceptional features: 34 holes,
190 hectares, 13.7 kilometres of golf courses, Simon Tarr Golf Academy and 300 sunny
days per year attract guests to the area around the Stegersbach spa resort.
The region’s distinctive features are wellness, wine, excellent cuisine and culture.
The golf area has been awarded two distinctions: “The Golf Course of the Year 2006”
and the “Superior Quality Sign” of the German Association of Golf Courses in July 2007.
Information & Reservations.
Golfzentrum Eulenwirt
A-8292 Neudauberg 18
Tel. +43 (0)3326/550 00, Fax: -800
Stegersbach Thermal Spa
wo different springs feed the thermal resort of Stegersbach which stimulate
relaxation of body and soul. The water feels soft and warm on your skin, conveying its
healing power, particularly for heart, circulation and joints. It eases tensions and articular
problems and has proved beneficial also with dry and irritated skin. The thermal pool
offers a wide range of attractions: cascades, sports, wave pool and children’s pools, a
wild brook and two slide tubes. The sauna complex extends on 1500 m2 where honey
and vitamin waters are used for dousing the hot stones. Individual beauty treatments,
thermal water applications and soothing massages are administered at the health
and beauty section of the spa.
Information & Reservations.
Therme Stegersbach
A-7551 Stegersbach, Thermenstraße 10
Tel. +43 (0)3326/500-120
Southern Burgenland –
immediately effective
ife in our times has become intensive – therefore intensive efforts are made to bring
you relaxation and regeneration. The thermal waters of Stegersbach, Austria’s
most state-of-the-art health and wellness resort, are the main basis for the extensive
health and beauty package. Pannonian specialties are served at typical restaurants
and the wine taverns offer delicious local treats, like venison, sausages, heavy red
wines, goose meat from local farmers. Austria’s largest interconnected golf complex
with 5x9 holes and attractive offers lies embedded in the soft hilly landscape.
Information & Reservations.
Südburgenland Tourismus
Tel. +43 (0)3326/520 52
Fax: +43 (0)3326/525 50
T H E R M E N G O L F S C H A U K E L L A F N I T Z TA L , T H E R M E S T E G E R S B A C H , S Ü D B U R G E N L A N D T O U R I S M U S , O Ö W E R B U N G / H Ö F E R
health .
are offered by a great number of wellness establishments. During the procedure you are packed in sweet
smelling hay, which has soaked in water. When you start sweating the hay begins to develop its complete healing
power, stimulating circulation and metabolism and initiating purification and detoxication. By the way, hay baths
are possible even when you suffer from hay fever: The pollen is bound by the water.
Wellness & Golf
he Balance Resort Stegersbach, a 5-star lifestyle hotel located in
the middle of the hilly landscape of Southern Burgenland, is – according
to the “Relax Guide” – one of Austria’s two top hotels offering a combined
golf and wellness programme. Unique design and an exclusive wellness
area extending on 2000 m2 as well as 10.000 m2 of garden terraces are
the main features of this house. Indoor, outdoor and adventure pools, an
extensive and exclusive sauna complex as well as beauty and massage
parlours are open only to hotel guests. The hotel’s location is unequalled –
on a hillcrest and directly at Austria’s largest golf course.
One night per person from € 117.– including half-board.
The “Gogers” – an insider tip
for individualists
he family-run design hotel Gogers lies within Austria’s largest golf
area and has been awarded several distinctions. With its 40 spacious
rooms (approx. 42 m2), each with terrace showing to the south, it is
the ideal place to relax. Culinary treats are served in the panorama
restaurant and on the magnificent terraces. The Gogers is a true paradise
for golfers but also for everybody wishing to indulge and recreate.
Price per person and night / double room: from € 60.50.
Information & Reservations.
Balance Resort Stegersbach
A-7551 Stegersbach
Tel. +43 (0)3326/551 55
D A S G O G E R S , B A L A N C E R E S O RT S T E G E R S B A C H , G O L F - & T H E R M E N R E S O RT S T E G E R S B A C H , H O T E L L A R I M A R
Information & Reservations.
Das Gogers
A-8292 Neudauberg 240
Tel. +43 (0)3326/552 22
Exactly for me!
Hotel Larimar****
• Overnights including
“Gourmet Buffet Breakfast”, lunchtime snack,
afternoon buffet,
5-course dinner (served
or buffet), welcome
cocktail, wine savouring
• -20 % on all services
at the “Refugium”
• Free use of the hotel
section of the thermal
complex of the Stegersbach spa including sauna, “SPAradise” and the
fitness centre “Power for Life” • 1 “Aqua floating” • Daily activity
programme • Rent of Nordic-Walking poles • reduced Green-Fee
(-20 %) at the Lafnitztal interconnected golf complex
he Thermal Spa and Golf Hotel Larimar**** offers a new type of wellbeing
and comfort in the Mediterranean ambience of southern Burgenland.
The design is characterized by soft contours and lines and an egg-like construction. The hotel name comes from the light-blue- turquoise Caribbean
gem called Larimar, which is used to support healing processes. 4 000 m2
reserved exclusively for hotel guests and a spa complex with thermal
spring, sauna complex, Larimar spa and a treatment and beauty section.
Larimar test-and-try offer: • 2 nights including Larimar half board
• 4.000 m2 Wellness and spa complex for hotel guests only
• Larimar Wellness programme • Access to the Stegersbach spa
Price per person/double room from € 220.–
3 nights per person/double room: from 297.70 (Thursday to Sunday)
4 nights per person /double room “Village”; from € 330.60 (Sunday –
Information & Reservations.
****Golf- & Thermenresort Stegersbach
A-7551 Stegersbach, Golfstraße 1
Tel. +43 (0)3326/500-140
Information & Reservations.
Hotel Larimar****
A-7551 Stegersbach
Tel. +43 (0)3326/551 00, Fax: -990
Sources of vitality
Quiet thermal spas and exciting adventure pools
Sauna Garden Eden “Spannonia” in Bad
Tatzmannsdorf where you can also relax
at a meditation garden. The thermal spa
of Stegersbach has some very original
The Sauna Garden at
Bad Tatzmanndorf
body peeling with the help of cleaner fish.
about the easing effects of hot ther-
The little ones will rejoice at H20 Hotel
mal springs and how to make use of
Thermen Resort Sebersdorf : A wave
them. Austria’s 28 public thermal spas
pool, the “Colorado River” or the “Blue
are continuously completed with new and
Lightening”, Austria’s largest double-tyre
state-of-the-art installations in order to
slide, will give you a hard time getting the
benefit even more from this fundamental
children out of the water.
natural power: A “lake and mine” sauna,
The Styrian Thermal Region boasts six dif-
for example, awaits the guests at the new
ferent thermal complexes. At the extensive
T H E R M E L O I P E R S D O R F, B U R G E N L A N D T H E R M E
attractions: a wild brook with a grotto and
he ancient Romans already knew
Recommended Spas
FOR YOUNGSTERS. Sonnentherme
Lutzmannsburg-Frankenau has special
offers for babies and small kids making it
the ideal place for young families. While the
youngsters will happily splash at the “Baby
World”, kids will be more attracted by the
“Funny Waters”. www.sonnentherme.com
of Upper Austria has both traditional thermal
complexes like Kaisertherme Bad Ischl, and
modern wellness centres. The Geinberg
thermal spa in the Innviertel region has a
Carribbean flair and Bad Schallerbach
boasts Austria’s first coloured light spa.
60.000 m2 thermal complex of Laa in the
Weinviertel region is one of Austria’s most
state-of-the-art spas with multi-sensual
installations like light displays and a brine
pool with underwater music.
The sunny province of Carinthia is rich in
natural thermal springs which, together with
the high-altitude climate, are particularly
effective. Therefore never forget your
drinking bottle on your hiking tour.
1 Water is our life elixir – at the
Loipersdorf Spa you experience it in
many forms
2 Relaxing on water beds after visiting
the spa and sauna of the Alpen
Therme Gastein
3 The “Whirl Yacht” at Eurotherme
Bad Schallerbach has space for up
to 8 persons
4 Youngsters having fun at the
Sunny Spa of Lutzmannsburg
A NEW REFUGE. 2,500 m2 of water surface and relaxation on three floors are at
your disposal at Stegersbach spa. Special
attractions: the original wine-cellar sauna,
the Turkish Hamam and the so-called
“Refugium”: a brand-new health and beauty
area with numerous wellness offers.
sauna complex at Bad Waltersdorf you
located at 1100 metres, boasts an
regain your energies in a calm ambience
“adventure dome” with multi-media
and the Rogner Spa at Blumau, designed
installations, colourfully lit glass and an
by Hundertwasser, has the region’s
open-air sauna world including a mountain
strongest healing spring. Cures include the
lake. The architecture of Aquadome in
burning of fragrant incenses, meditations
Tirol’s Oetztal mountains is also very
and special affusions. While the soft and
impressing: From an area of about
hilly landscape of this region will bring
50,000 m2 you have a breathtaking view
back your balance and harmony, you will
of the monumental peaks – which together
experience many breathtaking impressions
with the natural power of water becomes
when staying in the fascinating mountain
a truly elementary experience.
world of Salzburger Land and Tirol: The
Alpen Therme at Bad Hofgastein, one of
the most sophisticated thermal centres
Link tips on the text…
Can be found on page 11 of this magazine.
upper austria
Healing waters. The ancient Romans knew about the easing effects of thermal
waters. They made use of the thermal springs turning them into hubs of public life.
Today, thermal oases are still places of recreation. The warm thermal waters – with
temperatures up to 36° C are not only believed to have a regenerating and rejuvenating
Upper Austrian sources of health – a holistic approach
pper Austria’s healthy springs focus on wellbeing. Easing the body
and soothing the mind is not just a saying in the “Land of Passions”.
Custom-made health programmes, a number of state-of-the-art therapy
centres with outstanding medical expertise, exclusive wellness resorts with
fabulous cuisine and scenic inviting to outdoor activities and contemplation
– all these assets make Upper Austria particularly attractive for your to
health and recreation.
The region’s three health centres of the Sisters of Mary of Karmel have
perfect holistic health packages focusing on spirituality and the re-discovery
of natural remedies. They also include Kneipp cures, which have gained
popularity in the past few years, a fact that is hardly surprising, for the
healing effects of the five pillars, water, motion, healthy nutrition, medicinal
plants and way of living have proven effective for more than 100 years.
Increased resistance of the immune system, better ability of coping with
physical stress and easier achievement of everyday duties are the major
benefits of Kneipp applications.
Healthy throughout the year 2008
Water is the elixir of life – and the other seven health centres in Upper
Austria are well aware of it: The sulphur waters of the paradise-like
EurothermeResort and the Geinberg Spa are particularly helpful in the
treatment of back problems whereas the radon waters at Bad Zell are a
reliable remedy against rheumatism. The iodine-brine spring at Bad Hall
relieves eye diseases and Kneipp treatments have a long tradition at
the Gugerbauer Health Hotel and the Kurhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder in
Schärding. Bad Ischl is specialized in treatments with salt: Brine waters
are ideal for stress reduction and recharging vitality.
Oberösterreich Tourismus Information
A-4041 Linz, Freistädter Straße 119
Tel. +43 (0)732/22 10 22
O Ö T O U R I S M U S I N F O R M AT I O N , Ö S T E R R E I C H W E R B U N G / FA N K H A U S E R
Feel life with all senses. Find your balance and boost
your energy.
effect. Austria’s 28 public thermal spas also offer everything a recovery holiday should include:
Pool complexes, beauty spas, children’s pools, fitness equipment and wellness treatments like therapeutic
spas. Natural additives to the bathing water like salt, buttermilk or carbon acid are a matter of course.
After 15 minutes in 38 degree water you feel like a new person.
upper austria
Bad Hall – Kremsmünster
The health and culture region
ad Hall, located in the Upper Austrian Alpine foothills, is a popular
health resort, whereas the natural treasures of the neighbouring
village of Kremsmünster attract visitors from far and wide due to its
particular cultural treasures.
Europe’s most concentrated iodine-brine spring at Bad Hall is used
for a number of therapies. Kremsmünster, on the other hand, is a perfect
cultural counterpart with its famous Benedictine abbey and an unrivalled
collection of music instruments at Kremsegg Castle.
A great number of typical inns, cafés and wine and cider taverns make
this region attractive also from a culinary point of view.
The Alpine foothills lend themselves to health and activity programmes
like cycling, Nordic Walking, hiking and jogging. Excellently marked hiking,
cycling and Nordic-Walking trails are open all year round and can be
enjoyed on one’s own or on guided hiking and cycling tours. Golf addicts
will have a great time at the Herzog Tasilo Golfclub (Par 70) with 18-hole
golf course and a splendid panoramic view.
Special moments in Bad Hall
etting away from stress and strain and taking time out for
ourselves has become a luxury we hardly afford. The “Tassilo”
establishments in Bad Hall offer these precious qualities. A great
variety of treatment programmes under the supervision of doctors and
therapists can be enjoyed by everybody eager to attain and maintain
their health and wellbeing. They include iodine treatments for eye and
circulatory problems and attractive leisure facilities in the surrounding
35-hectare parkland.
T O U R I S M U S V E R B A N D B A D H A L L – K R E M S M Ü N S T E R , TA S S I L O K U R B E T R I E B E B A D H A L L
In the middle of this green oasis lies our 4-star hotel, renovated
and modernized in 2007/08 with great attention to every detail.
The unique location guarantees tranquillity and relaxation while the
carefully arranged wellness section is the ideal place to get away
from everything.
Information & Reservations.
Bad Hall – Kremsmünster
A-4540 Bad Hall
Tel. +43 (0)7258/72 00-0
info@badhall.at, www.badhall.at
Information & Reservations.
Tassilo Kurbetriebe Bad Hall
A-4540 Bad Hall, Kurpromenade 1
Tel. +43 (0)7258/30 84
Fax: +43 (0)7258/30 84-238
Brine. Salt is one of the Earth’s most important treasures and is not only used for
the seasoning of dishes. Many health and recreation spas focus on the healing effect of
salt crystals and make them part of their treatment programmes. Brine, actually saline,
can be used for drinking cures, whereas warm brine baths are beneficiary to the skin
upper austria
salzburger land
Geinberg Thermal Spa
he 4-star Hotel and Spa Lebensquell in Bad Zell close to the
Mühlviertler Alm region will take your senses on holiday. Exclusive
rooms, furnished according to the four elements fire, earth, water and
air, a Wellness Oasis with indoor and outdoor swimming pools, sauna,
massage banks, Jacuzzi, 6 different theme saunas and pleasing
beauty treatments will give you a luxurious break.
A radon spa and a whole-body cold chamber await you at the medical
treatment centre.
Information & Reservations.
Vitalhotel Therme Geinberg
A-4943 Geinberg
Tel. +43 (0)7723/85 01-3015
Information & Reservations.
Lebensquell Bad Zell, A-4283 Bad Zell,
Lebensquellplatz 1, Tel. +43 (0)7263/
75 15, Fax: +43 (0)7263/75 15-509
Spa Center Dr. Petershofer
Gastein Valley – an energy source
t the Spa Centre Dr. Petershofer vein problems and
varicose veins are effectively
treated with natural remedies,
such as curd body wraps and
special spa therapies:
• pain subsides • legs feel
lighter • swellings go back
• blood circulation improves
• inflammations heal.
Further offers:
• rheumatism cures
• bog cures • CO2-dry gas baths • ozone treatments with own blood
• Kneipp cures • fasting • Everything under medical supervision
• guided hiking tours • Nordic Walking • wonderful Alpine panorama
• excellent cuisine • quiet house • vein cure: 7 days full board and 12
cure treatments from € 514.–. Request the extensive brochure today!
Treat your heavy legs now!
ake a break at Hotel St. Georg and boost your energies with
waters of the Gastein thermal springs, which have been known for
their healing powers for thousands of years. Take a regenerative and
purifying cure according to Dr. Mayr, relish the sauna theme-landscape,
as well as special massages, shiatsu and Qigong or let yourself be rejuvenated at the beauty parlour. The kitchen will pamper you with delicious
meals, fine wines our diet customized especially for you. Prices include
morning gymnastics, Nordic Walking, Qigong, hiking tours, 25 % green
fee reduction for the
Gastein Golf Club.
Thermal package
(14 days):
From € 1085.–
Mayr test-and-try
from € 837.–
Beauty week:
from € 734.–
Information & Reservations.
Kurhaus Dr. Petershofer
A-4902 Wolfsegg
Tel. +43 (0)7676/73 03, Fax: -6
Information & Reservations.
Hotel St. Georg****
A-5630 Bad Hofgastein
Tel. +43 (0)6432/61 00-0
Fax: +43 (0)6432/61 00-61
info@stgeorg.com, www.stgeorg.com
H O T E L & S PA L E B E N S Q U E L L B A D Z E L L , V I TA L H O T E L T H E R M E G E I N B E R G , K U R H A U S D R . P E T E R S H O F E R , H O T E L S T. G E O R G , F E L S E N T H E R M E G A S T E I N / F O T O FA C T O RY
Relish and recover!
What a wonderful world. The wellness oasis in the Innviertel region
makes holiday dreams come true and offers Caribbean-style zest for
life served with Austrian charm. The 4-star Vitalhotel directly linked to the
spa complex boasts a number of attractive services. The three water
worlds – thermal, fresh and salt water – offer relaxation to your individual
preference. A special attraction is the unique Caribbean salt-water
lagoon with white sandy beach, lovely palm trees and pool bar.
3 wellness days,
2 nights incl.
extended half
board, use of spa
and sauna complex
(incl. on arrival and
departure days),
and much more!
From € 264.– per
person in double
and have a soothing effect. Face and body peelings with salt are used for beauty treatments,
whereas colds, respiratory diseases or allergies respond positively to saline treatments. An insiders’ tip:
Dürrenberg in Salzburger Land has an open-air brine inhalatory, where you can breathe fresh air mixed
with a salty sea breeze. And it does wonders.
he old-established Hotel Warmbaderhof***** is the ideal spot to give
body and mind a time off. Stylishly modernized rooms and exquisite
cuisine. The culinary competence of the Warmbaderhof kitchen is
demonstrated by the dishes prepared according to the Montignac-method,
focussing on a perfect composition of nutrients instead of dieting and
refraining from eating. The thermal area of the hotel directly linked to the
20 hectare park of the Thermal Resort Warmbad makes the hotel even
more appealing.
P R I VAT, WA R M B A D E R H O F, Ö W / N I E D E R S T R A S S E R
Regain beauty and wellbeing at the VIBE parlour named
after the Roman Goddess of springs
Pamper yourself at the “Vitality Centre” boasting a splendid view of the huge
hotel park. Facial treatments, whole-body peelings, purifying massages are
but a few treatment techniques on offer. If you prefer action to tranquillity
there is an extensive exercise and activity programme.
Relax in the viridescent glimmer of the Warmbad Fountainhead
When swimming in the 29.9°C waters of the spacious indoor thermal pool
of Warmbad Villach you can clearly see and feel the thermal spring spilling
from the gravel pool floor. There is hardly another place where you can
swim right over the well of a mineral spring.
Warmbaderhof*****, the perfect place for indulging, regenerating
and relishing in a stylish way.
Test-and-try days
For first-time visitors: Enjoy sweet idleness and wellbeing
and pamper yourself with a few relaxing days.
• 2 nights including half board
• Exercise and activity programme
• Wellness centre with indoor and outdoor pools, whirlpool, sauna area
and much more.
€ 168.– per person. Extension night € 84.– per person.
Information & Reservations.
A-9504 Warmbad-Villach
Tel. +43 (0)4242/30 01-0, Reservierung: -10
1 Meditating in the flower meadow in front
of the Ayurveda Country House Carnia
2 China in Carinthia: The Chinese Tower
of Hotel Hochschober at Lake
Turracher See
Practices from all over the world – skilfully blended
L A N D H A U S C A R N I A , H O T E L H O C H S C H O B E R / W W W. H O C H S C H O B E R . AT
he days when we had to embark on
Ayurveda-Landhaus Carnia in Carinthia
a long-haul journey for an Ayurveda
are two of many Austrian Ayurveda
fusion are long gone. Far-eastern healing
establishments where unspoilt nature
methods and applications are widely
helps to regenerate. The Allvedy Health
applied in Austria as well, where they are
Centre at Lossdorf in the Weinviertel was
combined with the local curing and
Europe’s first certified Ayurveda Health
relaxing practices. Basically both the
Centre and looks back on 25 years of
traditional Austrian and the ancient Asian
experience in this healing practice. The
wisdom are based on the same pillar:
food is organic and Ayurveda massage
Getting back to oneself and to nature.
oils are made from the establishment’s
Indian “Ayurveda” – the about 3,500-year
own, organic cultivations.
old “teaching of a long and healthy life” –
is also based on balancing energies or
Closely related to this philosophy is
re-establishing them, for example with
Yoga, which is more popular in Austria.
the help of the traditional cleaning ritual
It is based on a series of mental and
Pancha Karma, balanced Ayurvedic diet
physical exercises, which help to find
and special breathing techniques.
inner balance and to restore one’s energy.
The Sonnhof at Tirol’s Thierseetal or
The Sivananda Yoga Seminar Centre on
a southern slope of the Kitzbühel Alps
ceremonies it offers Asian motion and
The China-Vital-Centre of the Dungl
is quietly located right in the middle of
relaxing techniques and TCM (Traditional
Medical-Vital Resort in Lower Austria
nature and an ideal place to get to know
Chinese Medicine) applications.
offers a perfect combination of Chinese
TCM dates back 2000 years and
the “House of Quietness” directly on the
When travelling to Carinthia’s Nockberge
has been developed and improved ever
shore of the calm Kamp River, you will
you easily feel like in ancient China: A
since. Today it is highly esteemed also in
find an ideal place to regain your inner
4-storied authentic Chinese tower at an
Europe. This all-encompassing science,
balance and stimulate your energy flow.
altitude of 1.763 metres, directly at the
which includes acupuncture as massages,
If you prefer to relax during a delightful
picturesque lake Turracher See, is the
special nutrition and many different
massage, many of Austria’s health estab-
landmark of the Hochschober Hotel with
forms of body exercises, is characterized
lishments offer both the traditional meth-
its Asian health programme. Apart from
by its holistic approach and sustainable
ods and an ever growing number of Asian
a special tea house with authentic tea
techniques. Among the most popular
H O T E L H O C H S C H O B E R / W W W. H O C H S C H O B E R . AT ( 2 )
and Austrian healing practices. There, at
and practice the different methods of
Distant countries, very close
“Thalasso” (Greek thalassa = sea) is a
hydrotherapy with sea water, maritime air,
sun, algae, mud and sand. The beneficial
effect can be experienced at the Gugerbauer Health Hotel in Schärding/Upper
Austria. www.hotel-gugerbauer.at
Smelling and relaxing: The Pantai Luar
massage technique uses warm herbal oil
which is applied to the body. Afterwards a
little bag filled with scented herbs, limes
and coco fat is squeezed onto the skin.
Thermeninsel Berghofer,
warm waters, listening to underwater
music and relaxing with the soft stretching
exercises of Watsu (water shiatsu) – can be
best enjoyed at Health Centre
Rikatschwende in Dornbirn.
spa of Bad Waltersdorf a mixture of treatment methods from Austria, Japan, China,
America and Australia is used to fight the
dreaded burnout syndrome.
ORIENT IN CARINTHIA. Clear mountain spring waters, a warm and gentle
atmosphere and eastern architecture blend
perfectly at the only oriental bathhouse in
the Alps, the Hochschober Hamam.
V O R A R L B E R G T O U R I S M U S / D I E T M A R WA L S E R , AY U R V E D A H O T E L S O N N H O F
1 The local healing and wellness
practices are valuably endorsed by
Traditional Chinese Medicine
2 The skilful mixture and preparation
of tea invigorates body and mind.
3 Massages with Chinese bowls get
the whole body swinging and bring
deep relaxation
4 Perfect harmony: Yoga exercises
against the backdrop of the gorgeous
Tirolean mountain scenery
ones is Shiatsu, which means “pushing
balance body, mind and soul. Eastern
with fingers”. By softly pressing meridi-
theories are based on the belief that
ans, joints, muscles and sinews the natu-
humans have developed from sound –
ral self-healing powers are increased and
and in our language, too, we talk about
blockades of the energy flow released.
being in “unison”. Getting into harmony
and recovering one’s balance is easy
Sound massages, as practiced at
on a holiday in Austria.
Hotel Sowalda-Hus in Vorarlberg, have a
particularly relaxing effect. Singing bowls
making different sounds are placed
directly onto the body and are softly hit
with a bobbin. The sound oscillations
reach the subconscious and help to
Link tips on the text…
Can be found on page 11 of this magazine.
Acupuncture. The word acupuncture consists of two parts which already
describe the kind of treatment: “Acus” for the needle and “punctio” for pricking. The
insertion of the thin and long needles can hardly be felt, because the relevant puncture
site, which is always related to an organ or a function of the body, is softly massaged
Hotel Enzian / Lake Weissensee
he little paradise at the lakeshore offers everything that makes up a perfect holiday. Be welcomed by our friendly staff and experience the warm
hospitality of this romantic house. Next to the water, regeneration is particularly inspired by the sauna,
the herbal steam bath and a
generous resting room with
splendid panorama and fascinating view of the lake. In
winter, the frozen lake turns
into Europe’s largest natural
ice rink, an attraction especially for families. Its natural
beauty and the backdrop of
a fairy-tale winter landscape
will make this place
particularly attractive.
3 nights “Enzian Paradise”
from € 210.– p.p.
Information & Reservations.
Seehotel Enzian****
A-9762-Weissensee, Neusach 32
Tel. +43 (0)4713/22 21
Fax: +43 (0)4713/22 21-430
enzian@cieslar.at, www.cieslar.at
Central Burgenland
Sunshine Region
The region with the most sunshine days in Austria.
The Central Burgenland Sunshine Region offers a perfect blend of spa,
sports and wellness holidays.
Sonnentherme Lutzmannsburg-Frankenau is ideal for wellness fans.
Whether cycling, hiking or Nordic Walking – numerous trails lead
through the country past colourful fields, through shadowy forests and
dreamy villages. A cycling tour with picnic in the hills of the famous
Blaufränkisch wines including the sampling of the fine red wine at an
excellent vintager’s will delight every gourmet.
Cosy country inns and taverns also invite to stop by. Culture addicts are
sure to be delighted, too: Castles, palaces and museums and numerous
festivals and performances make the Central Burgenland Sunshine
region attractive throughout the year.
Information & Reservations.
Sonnenland Mittelburgenland Info
A-7361 Lutzmannsburg, Thermengelände 1
Tel. +43 (0)2615/871 71-2210
Fax: +43 (0)2615/879 47
info@sonnenland.at, www.sonnenland.at
That’s the advertising theme of
Austria’s southernmost province.
But apart from its cordial hospitality Carinthia has a lot more to
offer: For example more water.
Carinthia boasts a total of 200
bathing lakes, all of them with
drinking water quality and most
of them pleasantly warm. The
Klopeiner See, for example, is
Europe’s largest bathing lake,
its waters reaching 28° Celsius.
Lake Woerth reflects some of
Carinthia’s fun-loving temper:
Around Carinthia’s largest lake numerous events take place particularly
during the summer months. It’s here where the society, the party freaks
and the golf scene meet – most preferably dressed in white. Much more
quiet is life in the Carinthian section of the largest nature reserve in the
Alps – the Hohe Tauern National Park. Hiking tours and mountain bike
excursions are rewarded with magnificent views – of waterfalls, sunsets
and glittering lakes. Adventure lovers, too, will find everything their
heart desires. If you are up for some thrill simply sign up for rafting,
paragliding or canyoning. www.kaernten.at
S O N N E N L A N D M I T T E L B U R G E N L A N D I N F O , S E E H O T E L E N Z I A N , K Ä R N T E N W E R B U N G / R O D A C H , H O T E L H O C H S C H O B E R / W W W. H O C H S C H O B E R . AT
Carinthia, a province rich in water
immediately before pricking. This ancient healing technique of the Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) has become popular also in Europe. Here it is frequently used for the treatment of allergies
or respiratory diseases. They are a wonderful help also with sleeping disorders or for calming
stressed patients.
Health and beauty in
Carinthia’s Naturarena
arinthia’s Naturarena has a number of highlights in store for healthconscious guests in the valleys Gailtal, Gitschtal, Lesachtal, at lake
Weissensee and in the region of Nassfeld – Hermagor and Pressegger See.
Clean air, pristine landscapes and a stimulating climate due to the region‘s
proximity to the Mediterranean are but a few
reasons for choosing the area between the
Carnic and Gailtal Alps or the lakes Pressegger See and Weissensee for regaining
energy and zest for life. The sun shines here
in summer and winter more often than
anywhere else. These favorable conditions
have inspired hotels to include health programmes in their packages. You can choose
from different types of accommodations,
from family-run Kneipp guesthouses to
stylish 4-star hotels with beauty packages.
Life at its best
ellness at the organic hotel - light architecture, plain, elegant and
natural with warm colours and a wonderful view into the Gail Valley. Relaxing spring-water pool, natural forest-sauna, Hamam oasis and
colour Laconium, soothing massages at the organic spa, “Green Toque”
awarded cuisine, organic menus, organic wines, guided walking tours,
Nordic Walking and cross country instructions, Alpine skiing.
Wellness Days for bon vivants: 3 nights/4 days in double room,
3/4 board, 1 whole-body massage and herb pack from € 274.Information & Reservations.
Biohotel Daberer ****vital&spa
A-9635 St. Daniel, Gailtal
Tel. +43 (0)4718/590, Fax: -310
Information & Reservations.
Kärntens Naturarena
A-9620 Hermagor, Hauptstraße 14
Tel. +43 (0)4282/31 31-0, Fax: -31
N AT U R A R E N A K Ä R N T E N , S C H L A N K S C H L E M M E R H O T E L K Ü R S C H N E R , B I O H O T E L D A B E R E R , FA L K E N S T E I N E R H O T E L C A R I N Z I A
Wellbeing Holidays at the Slim
Gourmet Hotel Kürschner
Wellness: Massage, Alpine herbal bath and hay bath, La-Stone therapy,
thalasso and sauna complex with tepidarium, whirl pool, rocky adventure-pool
(30°–32° C) and much more. Culinary highlights: LowFat Vital diet and diet
for celiatic disease. Activities: Nordic and Power Walking, aqua gym, individual
training, cycling/MTB tours and guided hiking tours. Relaxation: 13.323 m2
park area, heated pool, hammocks, garden cultivated according to the principles of the 5 elements.
Children’s paradise: 1000 m2
playground with supervision
Kürschner Special: 5 days/
4 nights in double room ‘Cellon’
incl. board (Sun-Thurs), welcome cocktail, 1x hay bath and
1x herbal bath per person/
double room: € 220.- per person/single room € 270.-.
Information & Reservations.
Schlank Schlemmer Hotel Kürschner
A-9640 Kötschach-Mauthen, Schlanke Gasse 74
Tel. +43 (0)4715/259-0, Fax: +43 (0)4715/349
Space for Emotion!
Wellness. Lifestyle. Pleasure. Activity.
feeling of joy. A feeling of zest
for life. A feeling of relaxation.
The Falkensteiner Hotel Carinzia at
the foot of the Nassfeld, directly at
the valley station of the Millennium
Express train pampers you entirely.
The stylish and modern architecture
of the spa hotel fascinates its guests
with its exceptional dynamic and
blends harmoniously with the
enchanting landscape of the skiing
and hiking area of the Nassfeld.
Enjoy complete relaxation in the
2.400 m2 Aveda Acquapura Spa with pool and sauna complex, fitness
room and massage and beauty section. Outdoor fun in a fascinating
natural ambience (mountains, lakes and rivers) is waiting for you.
Information & Reservations.
Falkensteiner Hotel Carinzia ****
A-9631 Hermagor, Tröpolach 156
Tel. + 43 (0)4285/720 00
the kinderhotels
Watsu. A new term – although it is not a completely new creation. It is made up of
the words “water” and “Shiatsu”, a type of body treatment which combines Chinese and
Japanese techniques and has a very pleasing and healing effect. The patient lies in warm
water and is treated by a therapist according to the principles and positions prescribed
Exclusive freckles – exclusive holidays
hey are full of activity and fun, there are 46 of them spread across
Austria, Germany and South Tirol and they taste of an exciting summer time: The power packages for children and adults at the Kinderhotels.
Going on holidy with your seven-day old youngster? No problem. We take
care of babies from 7 days with particular consideration of their age and
requirements on at least 5 days a week.
Special retreat areas exclusively for parents! Parents love international dishes and fine wines. Hideaways as well as extensive wellness and
beauty areas are also highly appreciated. Kinderhotels have a special
formula of success: Relaxed parents – relaxed children. Feeling well is a
subject which does not need much study. Children become quickly aware
of what does them good. “Mummy, I’m getting a peeling!” is what parents
will hear at the world’s only Beauty and Wellness Centre for Kids. In a
pleasant atmosphere the strains and stress of school days are simply
massaged away in aroma or sound therapies, massages and cosmetic
treatments. Here the kids will learn more about their bodies and how to
take care of them, how to eat properly and how to do oneself and
others good.
Top quality is a matter of course. The mascot of the Kinderhotels, the
Smiley, guarantees that all quality criteria are met in the best possible
way. Because there’s one thing for sure:
A top holiday requires top quality.
Information & Catalogues.
Die Kinderhotels Europa
A-9580 Villach/Drobollach, Seeblickstraße 49a
Tel. +43 (0)4254/44 11, Fax: +43 (0)4254/45 55
D I E K I N D E R H O T E L S E U R O PA , R I C K AT S C H W E N D E A R C H I V / T R U M L E R
Staying at one of the Kinderhotels Europa could bring about freckles – which are a sign of how much fun your children are having
by Shiatsu. Already after a very short while a feeling of deep relaxation and weightlessness sets in. Watsu brings
release to the entire locomotor system and loosens blockages. The additional treatment effect of the water is an
increased blood circulation which in turn has a favourable impact on the joints. In Austria, excellently trained Shiatsu
and Watsu therapists offer their services at a number of wellness centres and guest appreciate them ever more.
Naturally! Wellbeing at the Bregenzerwald.
he Bregenzerwald is a holiday region for lovers of fine treats.
For people who enjoy going on discovery tours and who love the
tranquillity of nature. The enchanting nature is a special asset of the
Bregenzerwald region. Soft hills and imposing mountains blend harmoniously and the deep green meadows and silent forests bear a particular
fascination. Ambitious chefs prepare regional delicacies with cheese from
the Bregenzerwald Cheese Road and the friendly and committed hosts
know exactly how to pamper their guests. The health and wellness hotels
of the region offer natural peat baths, Kneipp cures, massages and
exercise therapies, beauty treatments and fasting cures. Ingo Metzler’s
body care products from whey and stallions’ milk distributed by the
Steuerer family are a particularly healthy innovation. The resorts of the
Bregenzerwald region organize special wellbeing programmes for the
summer and winter seasons which cater to the wishes of both activity
B R E G E N Z E R WA L D T O U R I S M U S ( 1 ) , C . L I N G G ( 2 )
lovers and bon vivants. Participation in most of the programmes is free.
Among the various activities offered every day are snow-shoe tours,
courses in Nordic Walking, special walking tours for all senses and much
more. For ages, water has had a magic attraction in this region and has
shaped its living and cultural areas – from tranquil mountain lakes to
rushing waterfalls. Numerous trails lead along and over waters or you
could even walk through them barefoot. And water might sometimes
play a part even at the famous Schubertiade Music Festival.
Bregenzerwald Guest Card
The Guest Card is offered to everybody spending at least three nights
at the Bregenzerwald. Between May and October it provides free entry to
public busses, cable cars and outdoor swimming pools, as well as price
reductions at many partner establishments.
Information and Reservations.
Bregenzerwald Tourismus
A-6863 Egg, Impulszentrum 1135
Tel. +43 (0)5512/23 65, Fax: +43 (0)5512/30 10
Hamam. The Hamam is also called Turkish bath and is actually a steam bath with
all facilities for washing your body with warm and cold water. In former times Hamams
served travelling people for their recovery from the strains of the journey. They were
places where you could pause and find back to yourself, where you could wash off
holidays in Tirol
Nature and our guests are
close to our hearts.
ordiality and hospitality are the
two characteristics the member
establishments of the “Tirolean Farm
Holiday” group are famous for. Around
400 certified farmsteads from all regions
of Tirol – from simple farm houses at
1,800 metres to exclusive manors in the
Inn Valley – offer their services to
holiday makers.
Responsible treatment of nature, maintenance of the local culture and keeping
animals in their natural environment are the
main focuses of Tirolean farmers.
Information and Reservations.
Urlaub am Bauernhof in Tirol
A-6020 Innsbruck, Brixnerstraße 1
Tel. +43 (0)5/92 92-1171
Fax: +43 (0)5/92 92-1179
uab@lk-tirol.at, www.bauernhof.cc
You, the guest, can feel this right on
the spot – many farmers even offer you the
opportunity to help in the grain fields or
stables. And your children will be in
seventh heaven.
Ask for our catalogue!
t is already the third generation of the Entner family who leads
the Wiesenhof with love and commitment. At the spa area, the so-called
“Karwendeltherme”, you will recover at the herbal sauna and the brine
steam complex with beneficial massages and baths. Treatments are
largely based on the local fossil oil which has a special healing effect.
Local specialities are also focused on by the hotel’s kitchen, where the
chef turns products from the area into culinary feasts.
The Wiesenhof is beautifully located at Tirol’s most picturesque lake.
The newly renovated rooms and suites are spacious so that our guests
have enough room for individual retreat. The new and homely lobby/bar
lends itself to spending a cosy evening. Extensive sports and leisure
facilities add to the extensive hotel offer and will make your holiday
Information and Reservations.
Der Wiesenhof
Familie Johannes Entner
A-6213 Pertisau am Achensee
Tel. +43 (0)5243/52 46, Fax: -48
info@wiesenhof.at, www.wiesenhof.at
U R L A U B A M B A U E R N H O F I N T I R O L , D E R W I E S E N H O F, E U R O T H E R M E R E S O RT B A D S C H A L L E R B A C H
Wiesenhof – the insider tip on Lake Achensee for bon vivants
the dust of the desert and restore for the journey to go. Today things are not much different – apart from the
desert dust. The Hamam has remained a place for recovery – nowadays however mostly from everyday stress
and the hustle and bustle of the city. Pleasant treatments, relaxing massages and purifying peelings are mostly
offered as pleasant additions.
salzburger land
Health in Salzburger Land
****Hotel “The
he Pfandler is located in an open and quiet surrounding and is
ideal for everybody looking for sports, nature, water, recreation and
pleasure wrapped in one single holiday package. Traditional hospitality
in a cosy atmosphere and comfortable and stylish ambience await you.
Treat yourself to the excellent cuisine and relax Tirolean-style in the
“Vitalwelt” wellness area. Recovery and recreation without limits.
„ G ' S U N D & V I TA L “ T R A U M H O T E L . . . L I E B E S R O T H - F L Ü H * * * * * , D A S P FA N D L E R , A R A B E L L A S H E R AT O N H O T E L J A G D H O F, G A S T E I N E R H E I L S T O L L E N
Information and Reservations.
****Hotel „Das Pfandler“
Familie Anton & Andrea Entner
A-6213 Pertisau/Achensee/Tirol
Tel. +43 (0)5243/52 23, Fax: -62
info@pfandler.at, www.pfandler.at
That’s how the author Carl
Zuckmayer (1896–1977)
once called his adoptive home
region, the Salzburger Land.
The province has a long history
of health and wellness treatments and boasts a number of
health establishments. For example the chic spa resort of Bad
Gastein with its curative gallery,
known as the most efficient
treatment method in the Gastein
Valley. A train takes you comfortably into the mountain, where
you relax on stretchers in about 38 ° C while your cells renew and the
healing process is stimulated. This, however, is by far not the only
attraction of the Salzburger Land province. Take, for example, the more
than hundred Alpine mountain refuges, where breakfast is served after
a sunrise hiking tour. Or the wide cultural offer: Alpine autumn, jazz
festivals, classical Mozart concerts or the famous Salzburg Festival are
just a few out of a number of cultural attractions. Needless to say, the
Salzburger Land is a paradise for body, mind and soul.
Detailed information at www.salzburgerland.com
Immerse into the “G’sund &
Vital” World of Wellbeing
ArabellaSheraton Hotel Jagdhof
et yourself be pampered at a “G’sund & Vital®“ Wellness Hotel or Studio or enjoy a vitalizing meal at a “G’sund & Vital®“ restaurant , with
ingredients professionally analyzed by dieticians who help you find out the
nutrition best suited for you (persons suffering from allergies and vegans
included). Look for detailed information at www.gsund.com and find out
all about attractive
holiday offers; you
can also take part in
the “G’sund & Vital®”
prize-winning game.
he hotel is located
at the heart of the
Salzkammergut golf region
and boasts an own 9-hole
golf course and further 12 to
18-hole courses in the near
It is ideally located at only
20 minutes from Mozart
City Salzburg, above the
legendary Fuschl Castle and
lake Fuschl, with 143 elegantly furnished rooms and suites and an
800 m2 wellness area.
Ask for your personal
birthday surprise, our
WellnessNEWS and
the new Wellness
Guide with vitalizing
Information and Reservations.
G’sund & Vital® Hans Hammerer GmbH
A-6951 Lingenau, Hof 229
Kostenlose Infoline: 00800 2535 2636
Fax: +43 (0)5513/62 42-6
office@gsund.com, www.gsund.com
Welcome to Salzburger Land, welcome to Lake Fuschl!
Relaxing massages, sauna, steam bath or brine gallery, ice grotto and
special adventure showers. Exclusive beauty treatments with products
by Shiseido, Carita and Biosel.
Information and Reservations. ArabellaSheraton
Hotel Jagdhof A-5322 Hof bei Salzburg, SchlossStraße 1, Tel. +43 (0)6229/23 72-0, Fax: -2531,
Resounding massages. While with a classical massage you will feel the
salzburger land
strong hands of the masseuse there is another type of massage where no hands
can be felt at all: Tibetan sound bowls are placed on your body and are softly struck
with a bobbin. The resulting vibrations have a calming and relaxing effect on the
A world-class spa: Alpen Therme Gastein
Sauna World – enjoy relaxing. “Sweating with a view” – generous sauna
complex with striking panoramic view, steam baths, whirlpools, Laconium,
mountain lake, water and sauna bar.
The six adventure worlds of the new Alpen Therme Gastein:
Ladies World – enjoy being a woman. An oasis for body and soul,
ladies’ saunarium tea bar, sun beds, professional beauty service, relaxing
Relax World – enjoy feeling well. An oasis of tranquillity with comfortably warm spa water, water massages, water bubble beds, regeneration
and wellness areas and sun lawns.
Sports World – enjoy getting fit. Health put to the test – top attendance
by sports physicians, performance diagnosis, individual attendance during
training, fitness center with endurance and strength training.
Family World – enjoy being a child. Fun for the whole family, multimedia
adventure dome, “lazy-river current channel”, black-hole rafting slide,
speed slide.
Gusto World – enjoy delicious cooking. Culinary delights in the spa
restaurant, at the Terrassen-Café-Restaurant, and in the spectacular sky
bar with 360° view of the Alpine panorama.
Alpen Therme Feel-well Days
2 nights including breakfast in ***hotel/
guesthouse, 2 x whole days free access
to the “Recreation & Wellness Spa”,
including sauna complex and aqua wellness, 1 wellness treatment, from € 116.-
Information and Reservations.
Kur- und Tourismusverband
A-5630 Bad Hofgastein, Tauernplatz 1
Tel. +43 (0)6432/33 93-260
Fax: -232, info@badhofgastein.com
Alpen Therme Gastein
A-5630 Bad Hofgastein
Sen.-W.-Wilflingplatz 1
Tel. +43 (0)6432/82 93-0, Fax: -14
A L P E N T H E R M E G A S T E I N , Ö W / FA N K H A U S E R , V O R A R L B E R G T O U R I S M U S / D I E T M A R WA L S E R
mmerse into Europe’s most state-of-the-art Alpine health and leisure
world in Bad Hofgastein. Extending over 32,000 m2 and with a unique
panoramic view of the glacier world of the Hohe Tauern National Park the
Alpen Therme sets new standards in the health, wellness and entertainment
whole body. After some time the separate tones blend into one single sound which extends to far
under the skin. Each bit of your body virtually starts to join in the vibration. The treatment makes
everyday stress and worries disappear almost on their own while the feeling of uneasiness
Arcotel Elisabethpark
harm has a name –
the wellness hotel
ARCOTEL Elisabethpark,
located amidst the fascinating mountain world
of the Gastein region, is
known for its proverbial
hospitality. All of the
115 spacious and
stylish rooms have large glass fronts offering a unique panorama of the
mountain world and the 7,500 m2 hotel park. The spa area with radon
water from the Gastein spring is ideal for giving body, mind and spirit a
relaxing break. Outdoor fans find a varied offer of leisure activities
against a breathtaking natural backdrop.
The nostalgic restaurant “Prälatur” with its romantic atmosphere is
specialized in Austrian delicacies and the casino constitutes a particular
attraction for night owls. The nearby Mozart City of Salzburg has an
extensive offer for culture addicts and shopping fans.
Information and Reservations.
ARCOTEL, Elisabethpark, A-5640 Bad
Gastein, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 5
Tel. +43 (0)6434/25 51-0, Fax: -10
Moisl’s Wonderful
Wellness World
As soon as you enter our house you will leave behind every stress
and strain. Immerse into the wonderful world of wellbeing, in Moisl’s
Wellness World “anno 1890.” Our large massage and beauty area
(St. Barth) pampers you with selected, delightfully fragrant essences.
Indulgent wellness baths are sure to cheer you up. We look forward
to welcoming you!
Alpine Wellness
Delight Days
Top price
3 nights, 4 day,
3/4 board
• 1 partial massage
• 1 stone oil bath
• 1 hay flower bath
€ 199.- per person
Information and Reservations.
Hotel Moisl, A-5441 Abtenau,
Markt 26, Tel. +43 (0)6243/22 32-0
Fax: +43 (0)6243/22 10-612
Schloss Fuschl
Alpine Spa House Hirt****
Enchanting past – magical future!
The hideaway in the Alps. Once the refuge of numerous artists, Haus
Hirt is nowadays fervently loved by a young, urban clientele. Awarded by
three “Relax Lilies” it offers Aveda beauty treatments and a wide scope of
therapies ranging from TCM to acupuncture massage and yoga. And on
top of all this the Gastein thermal spring sputters right to the house.
ts legendary history
and its wonderful
location lend the Hotel
Schloss Fuschl an
incomparable charm.
After extensive renovation it has renewed its
outstanding service and
noble historical flair as
one of the world-wide
most distinguished
hotels. Come visit the
“Old Masters”, the unique Schloss Fuschl collection. Let yourself be
pampered in one of the three toque-awarded gourmet restaurants and
relax in the extensive Schloss Fuschl Beauty Spa. Enjoy the enchanting view of the picturesque lake!
H O T E L S C H L O S S F U S C H L , H O T E L M O I S L , A R C O T E L , H A U S H I RT
salzburger land
Information and Reservations.
Hotel Schloss Fuschl, A-5322 Hof bei Salzburg
Schloss-Straße 19, Tel. +43 (0)6229/22 53-0,
Fax: -1531, schloss.fuschl@
arabellastarwood.com, www.schlossfuschl.at
Information and Reservations.
Alpine Spa Haus Hirt****, your hideaway
in the Alps, A-5640 Bad Gastein
An der Kaiserpromenade
Tel. +43 (0)6434/27 97, Fax: -48
info@haus-hirt.com, www.haus-hirt.com