featuring 42 bands including headliners
featuring 42 bands including headliners
$4.95 FEATURING 42 BANDS INCLUDING HEADLINERS: Rob Paparozzi Page 7 Pieces of a Dream Page 12 20 T H FE A ST N IV N AL IV PR ER OG S RA AR M Y Toni Lynn WashingtonPage 8 “WE LOVE YOU MADLY” Table of - Duke Ellington CONTENTS ROB PAPAROZZI by Susan O’Kane Friday 7 TONI LYNN WASHINGTON by Paul Richards Saturday 8 JSJBF programs are made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and by funds from the National Endowment for the Arts. JSJBF receives support from: 12 CD 101.9 RED BANK JAZZ & BLUES FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Bunberry Company CD 101.9 DW Smith, LLC International Paper Company New Jersey Department of Travel & Tourism PlanetConnect, Inc. Salvation Army of Asbury Park Woman’s Club of Red Bank 13 and from many other generous friends. VENDOR MAP 14 PERFORMER INFORMATION 16 HELPING HANDS BOOTHS 21 THIRD STAGE by Kati Beddow Brower 22 JAZZ & BLUES PLANNER 24 PIECES OF A DREAM by Ron Steelman Sunday ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES! Your advertisement belongs in Jazz & Blues Notes! For jazz and blues bands, it’s a great way to keep your name out there for potential bookings. For retailers, venues and service providers, it’s an unparalleled means of reaching a sophisticated audience that makes jazz and blues music a key part of its life. For everyone, it’s a great way to support the important work of the Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation. To view the rate card and technical specifications go to: www.jazzandbluesnotes.com For more info Call Peggy at 732-933-0541 or email to peggy@jsjbf.org ISSUE SPACE DEADLINE ARTWORK DEADLINE Fall - RiverFest Winter - First Night Spring - Musician Services Summer - Jazz & Blues Festival 6/15 9/15 2/15 4/15 6/29 9/29 2/28 4/28 JERSEY SHORE JAZZ AND BLUES FOUNDATION A quarterly publication of the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Foundation © 2005 Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation PO Box 8713 Red Bank, NJ 07701 732 933-0541 info@jsjbf.org www.jsjbf.org STAFF Ron Steelman, Executive Editor Leigh Stoecker, Graphic Design & Production Peggy Buck, Ad Sales D.M. Davenport, Ad Design & Production Suzie O’Kane, Contributing Editor COVER PHOTO: Ron Steelman BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dennis Eschbach, President Fred Reilly, 1st Vice President Steve Pszczola, 2nd Vice President Steve Chrepta, Treasurer Mel Lowe, Secretary Pat Arochas Fletcher Barkley Jerry Cafone Tom Cuchiarra Jeff Ginsberg Gene Iadanza Patti Wade JSJBF ADVISORY BOARD Nicky Coppola, Past President Mark North, Past President Cheryl Cummings - Executive Director, Brookdale Network Michelle Farlow Hon. Joe Kyrillos, Jr. Senator, 13th Senatorial District Hon. Edward J. McKenna, Jr. Mayor, Red Bank, NJ Hon. Adam Schneider Mayor, Long Branch, NJ T.J. Wheeler Numa C. Saisselin - CEO Count Basie Theatre JSJBF MEETING SCHEDULE Monthly membership meetings are held at 8 pm, on the third Wednesday of each month at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa, One Ocean Blvd., Long Branch. Meetings begin with business and end with a jam session open to all. Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 3 Letter from the JSJBF NEW & RENEWING MEMBERS PRESIDENT NOTE TO ALL JSJBF MEMBERS: GREETINGS FROM THE JERSEY SHORE JAZZ AND BLUES FOUNDATION Please send your current email address to info@jsjbf.org so that we can keep you up-to-date on jazz and blues news as it happens. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and members of the Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation and all of this year’s sponsors, we’d like to welcome you to the 20th Anniversary CD101.9 Red Bank Jazz and Blues Festival, presented by Washington Mutual Bank. This event is the largest free music festival on the east coast and will feature many talented musicians from the USA and Canada. This year’s festival showcases harmonica player and Blues Brothers front man Rob Paparozzi featuring Bernard “Pretty” Purdie, blues diva Toni Lynn Washington, the smooth jazz sounds of Pieces of a Dream. These, along with some of the area’s finest jazz and blues musicians, will perform for us throughout the weekend. You’ll find something for the entire family at the Festival. Our restaurants will present a great selection of delicious foods and Artisan’s Alley features crafters and artists from around the world. Stop by the new and expanded Harbor Stage where you’ll find kids activities and an expanded Jazz and Blues in the Schools stage. We’ll present blues educator and musician TJ Wheeler, and feature hands-on workshops and special performances for young and old alike all weekend long. The Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to preserve, promote and perpetuate jazz and blues in New Jersey through performance and education. Each year, the Foundation sends a member band to compete in the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, sponsored by the non-profit Blues Foundation. For the second year, JSJBF will be participating in an International Blues Exchange, hosting the Blues Berry Jam this weekend. This August, we’ll be sending Sandy Mack and the Mackettes to participate in FestiBlues International de Montreal. Our Jazz and Blues in the Schools programs, scholarships and musicians support programs all rely on members, grants and corporate support to accomplish these goals. Visiting our website, www.jsjbf.org. is a great way to learn more about the Foundation’s year round activities and programs. WELCOME NEW INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY MEMBERS James Rick Robert Richter Gary Lespenasse James Barkley Kerri Long Frank Buonaiato Laura Cummings Hilton Stein Joe and Sue Buccellato Cathrine Carris Mary Gilligan Theresa Strunck Norma Eichlin Michael Lippens Cliff Bloodgood Kathleen Ligon Johnny Federico Vance Villastrigo John Fernandez …AND NEW ARTIST MEMBERS Queen Tipsy Dorothy Sikora & Robert Elinson Jazz Band Rosemary Conte Jazz Band Nite Cap Juke Joint Jonny Big Bad Wolf The Lauren Hooker Jazz Quartet Daniel Savini The Sandy Sasso Band Castle Brown Band\South Saturn Delta A-Z for Kids OCA Records Yes, It’s Time to Join, It’s Time to Renew This Festival would not be possible without the generous support of all our sponsors. We are especially grateful and want to thank The New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Smooth Jazz CD101.9, and Washington Mutual Bank. Be sure to visit all the sponsor booths and take advantage of the fine services and opportunities they’re proud to share with you. We’d also like to thank the Honorable Mayor Ed McKenna, who has been a great supporter and friend of JSJBF for many years. Thanks also go out to the Special Events Committee, staff and employees of the Borough of Red Bank for their hard work and cooperation in making this event possible. And many thanks to all of the volunteers who give of their time and effort to help present this Festival to you. Enclosed is my tax-deductible, one-year membership fee. Please send my JSJBF membership card, T-shirt (first time members pick up at meeting), subscription to Jazz & Blues Notes, invitations to special events and more, to: Be sure to visit our Festival Stores - located next to each stage - to purchase t-shirts, hats and CD’s. Our Mega 50/50 tickets will be on sale all weekend and the winning tickets will be picked Sunday at 4:30. Help us keep this proud tradition going; become a Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation member. We sincerely hope you enjoy the music and activities and continue to support the Festival. Thank you for keeping Jazz and Blues alive!! Account Number:__________________________________________________________ SINCERELY, DENNIS ESCHBACH, PRESIDENT 4 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Name: __________________________________________________________________ Street: __________________________________________________________________ Town: ________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _______________ E-mail: _______________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Individual: $35 Family: $50 (One T-shirt only) Band: $65 (One T-shirt only) Full-time Student: $20 Lifetime Member: $300 Businesses $100 and up New member Renewal My company has a matching gift program. A form is enclosed. Charge my: Mastercard Visa American Express Security Code: _________________________ Expiration date: ______________________ Billing Address: ___________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________________ My check to Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation is enclosed: Mail completed coupon to: Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation PO Box 8713 Red Bank, NJ 07701 You may also fax to 732 933-9455 or join online through the membership page of www.jsjbf.org First Time Members T-shirt Size M L XL XXL Pick up T-Shirt at meeting. I’d love to get involved, please contact me. ALL ABOUT JSJBF The nationally renown Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival and its more than 150,000 music fans, international headliners and scorching newcomers is only a part of what JSJBF offers its members and the entire music community. www.jsjbf.org www.RedBankFestival.com Heritage and Future The Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation began informally back in 1988 when a few local music fans met in a nite club and plotted out the first Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Festival. Since then JSJBF has grown in numbers and range of activities. Our goal is to preserve, promote and perpetuate jazz and blues in the Jersey Shore region, through performance and education. Jazz ‘N’ Blues In the Schools We offer a variety of in-school, educational assemblies, clinics and workshops. Our performers and presenters bring musical history to life, help school bands bend the standards into jazz or blues, offer writing guidance and much more. Volunteer music educators provide weekly classes to the next generation of headliners enrolled in JSJBF’s Youth Jazz & Blues Ensemble. Scholarships and Awards Having lost jazz and blues comrades both young and old, we honor and celebrate jazz musician Tal Farlow and promoter Michael Goforth with memorial scholarships that ensure that the music they loved will play on through talented young performers. The annual Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes artistic integrity over the course of a career. The Award of Merit honors a New Jersey resident for extraordinary support of jazz or blues. Benefit Performances & Community Events Each year JSJBF’s Harpin’ Help raises funds to benefit a local charity. Throughout the year, JSJBF assists local organizations by arranging music for community events. Jazz & Blues Notes Quarterly newsletter offers informative and entertaining writing on our favorite music and the folks who make it, great event coverage and photos of all the fun. The Big Picture Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation members receive: - Monthly alerts about upcoming events and news of importance to members. (You’ll want to receive these emails!) - Discounts on JSJBF events and at area music venues. - United Teletech Credit Union membership eligibility. - Affinity Credit Union membership eligibility. - JSJBF T-shirt for new members. - Subscription to Jazz & Blues Notes, and more. JSJBF Supports Its Member Bands - Performance opportunities - Promotional packages - CD compilation - Booking incentives with local clubs - www.jsjbf.org link to your band site, and more Check Us Out Monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday each month, at a location that offers live jazz or blues. What other meetings start with business at 8 pm, and end with a jam session open to all? WWW.JSJBF.ORG is your link to the music, the bands, the festivals and fund raisers, a calendar of the best jazz and blues at the shore and beyond, plus a wealth of links to interesting and helpful sites. Pitch in and help JSJBF’s many active volunteers are serious about enjoying the music and supporting JSJBF’s projects and events. Who says you can’t have fun while working hard with a bunch of great people? Opportunities include events, promotional activities, fund raising, outreach, educational programs and more. How do we get it all done? JSJBF is run by an elected board of trustees, committees, and other volunteers. A core staff provides professional management and operational support. JSJBF is a NJ nonprofit 501(C)(3) organization. JSJBF connects musicians and fans with the jazz and blues scene well beyond the Jersey Shore. We sponsor bands to play at festivals and music events in other parts of the U.S., and have recently begun an international band exchange. JSJBF is a member of the Blues Foundation and the Monmouth County Arts Council. Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 5 6 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Rob Paparozzi Headlines CD 101.9 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival Friday Night! Friday headliners - CD 101.9 2006 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival, Rob Paparozzi (right) and the Hudson River Rats, featuring legendary drummer, Bernard “Pretty” Purdie (left). BY SUSAN O’KANE Rob is recognized as one of the most highly acclaimed harp players on the blues scene today and will be appearing with his band, “The Hudson River Rats”, featuring Bernard “Pretty” Purdie, the world’s most recorded drummer! In addition to his work with the locally renowned Hudson River Rats, Rob also tours and performs as lead vocalist and front man for “Blood Sweat & Tears”, and tours internationally with the “Blues Brothers Band” with such notable musical talents as Steve Cropper, Matt Murphy, Lou Marini, Leon Pedarvis and Eddie Floyd. The New York / New Jersey area is fortunate to have its fair share of prominent musical talent and we are delighted that you will be headlining the opening night of the festival this year! I have been involved with the JSJBF for many years and have always enjoyed performing at their events such as The Red Bank Festival and Harpin’ Help. I’ve come to know many musicians in the Jersey Shore area over the years, such as Pat Karwan (we grew up together in Linden, NJ and Pat gave me guitar lessons!), Bob Boyd, Bobby Bandiera, Southside Johnny and Bruce Springsteen. I did a few shows with The Boss in 1971 at The Sunshine in Asbury Park as well as in Long Branch and other venues in NJ. I met Bruce via Pat Karwan. I LOVE the Jersey Shore and even have a second home in Little Egg Harbor. What do you consider your recent most significant career highlights? Last fall, I got to work with two of my musical heroes! Dolly Parton came to New York to promote her new CD and hired me to play with her on TV (Conan O’Brien and The View). Then, last November I was asked to perform with Randy Newman at the Kennedy Center in DC. That was a total honor and a blast! What projects are in the works? I’m excited about being a ‘freelance’ player able to play with many great artists and well known bands. I also can be heard every morning on the CBS Early Show – My harmonica starts the show every day playing STING’s “Brand New Day.” I just sang and played on a new national jingle for SCOTCH 3M, “Blue Painters Tape.” It’s funny; the words are “Take it off, You’re gonna like what you see!” Who do you consider to be your greatest influence? Musically, I have a few: Louis Jordan, Bobby Darin, Little Walter and Paul Butterfield, Toots Thielemans and The Beatles. Boy, I could go on for days, but these are MY biggies! Whose music inspires you today? I like John Mayer, Norah Jones and lots of the new songwriter/singers. Tell us about your band, The Hudson River Rats. The Hudson River Rats were actually started by two players from Matawan, NJ. I had worked with their Mom, Rosemary Conte, who is a great jazz vocalist, and her sons, John and Steve Conte. We started the band in 1986 and it’s gone through many changes. We played in NY in the 80’s as a Blues band and started attracting special guests like Phoebe Snow, Cyndi Lauper, David Johanson and Julian Lennon. Today the band is a rotation of the following players: John Korba, Glenn McClelland, Ed Alstrom on Keyboards and Vocals Guitar: George Naha Bass: Bailey Gee and Will Lee Drums: Bernard Purdie Sax: Chris Eminizer I noticed you are currently featured on NJ Comcast - REAL ROCK TV- NJ Presents on CH-26 (Public Access). Is this or other video material available commercially? The only Video/DVD available currently is through www.bernardpurdie.com. He has a DVD of me and him in Japan with a Japanese version of the band. The stuff on Comcast ‘Real Rock’ is my own personal footage. I understand you conduct master classes for harmonica. Do you teach locally with regular students as well, or is this strictly seminar format? I used to teach harmonica privately at The Turtle Bay Music School in NYC. Now I mostly organize seminars and teach master classes. Where can people come out to hear you live? Summer Touring will continue with The Blues Brothers and Blood Sweat & Tears, as well as with Bernard Purdie. I also enjoy working with The Ed Palermo Big Band playing the music of Paul Butterfield and The Electric Flag. Just send me an email to chromboy@earthlink.net and get on my list. I send out an E-Newsletter of our whereabouts. I play lots of the New Jersey venues; Crossroads in Garwood, Shanghai Jazz in Madsion, and Trumpets in Montclair. + Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 7 Interview: Toni Lynn Washington Saturday Night! BY PAUL RICHARDS Where were you raised and how did you get your start in singing? I grew up in Southern Pines, North Carolina, it’s a small town located mid-way in the state. Although the surrounding area has grown, the town hasn’t changed very much over the years. I started singing when my parents relocated from Southern Pines to Boston. I got interested in music from listening to the radio. I knew at an early age that I really loved music. Was your family supportive of your music career? Yes, they were quite supportive. It was back in the Rhythm and Blues era when entertainers like the great Ms. Ruth Brown, Laverne Baker and Joe Williams were popular. They had a style that I really liked and that I adapted. Who are some of your other influences? Oh, I have so many! Johnny Adams is one and he left us way too soon. I used to sing Jazz as well. I love Nancy Wilson, Sarah Vaughn, and Ella Fitzgerald. The list Saturday headliner, 2006 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival – just goes on and on with all the great entertainers that I really admire. Blues singer Toni Lynn Washington, Boston’s “Queen of the Blues.” Who do you listen to now or what new artists inspire you? Luther Vandross, he was second to none. I also love Robert Cray, but there’s whole bunch out there. You have been nominated for the WC Handy award, how do you feel about that? Over the past several years that I have been nominated and the great Ms Etta James, one of my all time favorites, has been winning…and I think it’s well deserved. She is wonderful and I’ve been following her career since back when she was just a teenager. I am so grateful and honored to be nominated along with these great performers like Ms. James and Ms. Erma Thomas. Besides your upcoming headline performance at the Red Bank Jazz and Blues Festival, what other things are happening for you? Well, we’ve got some tours coming up mainly in Europe. We usually go there in the summer and perform at the festivals. I think we’re going to have a really good summer. Of course we’re looking forward to performing at the Red Bank Festival and hope everyone will come to hear us. Thank you Ms. Washington for taking time away from your busy schedule to talk with us today, I have one last question, why do you do what you do? Because I have a passion for it… plus I have a family to take care of! What really keeps me going is my love for the music. I’m so thankful that at this point in my life I’m having such a great time doing this. Thank you so much. + 8 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 9 June 30 THE BORDERS PROJECT w/Joe Hughes and Patti Bramson July 29 KILLER BLUES BAND w/violinist Perry Leandro August 25 SANDY SASSO (jazz vocalist) June 17 August 26 9pm-1am FREE Every Saturday Night June 10 - SaRon Crenshaw June 17 - Mickey Jr. June 24 - Moose & the Bullet Proof Band Saturdays July 1 to August 26 - T.B.A. Ocean Place Resort & Spa One Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch, NJ 10 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Interview: Pieces of a Dream Sunday Night! BY RON STEELMAN The band Pieces of a Dream first made their mark in Philadelphia’s music scene in 1976. Keyboardist James Lloyd and drummer Curtis Harmon were mentored by the late sax man, Grover Washington Jr., who loved their work and became their record producer when they were still in high school. Over the last 30 years, they’ve recorded many albums for Elektra Records, EMI/Blue Note, and now, the Heads Up label released their 2006 album, “Pillow Talk.” I recently spoke to keyboardist James Lloyd, hoping to find out a little bit more about what makes them tick. Congratulations on thirty years in the business and on your new album. I’m sure many things have changed over that much time. Are you still based in Philadelphia? Actually, no. We’re spread all over. I live in Youngstown, Ohio. The others live in Cleveland, Jersey, D.C., New York, AND Philly! Thirty years performing and touring! How has all that traveling affected you? Do you still have to live out of a suitcase? No. Luckily, we don’t have do long tours anymore. We go out for two or three dates over a couple of days and then we all get to go home the same week. I know you’ve had a few changes in the band’s personnel over the years, but essentially, you 12 Spring 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes guys have such a long performing relationship. Is it hard to stay fresh and to be jazzed about your music? No way. On the one hand, some of us have played together for such a long time, it’s like second nature for us – like breathing. But on the other hand, we feed off of each other in performance. We’re all very energetic on stage and so we tap into each other’s energy. And, of course, the audience gives us energy and focus as well. Do you ever change things in performance? I mean, do you stray from the way you recorded certain songs? Do the other band members and the audience ever inspire you to change an arrangement? Oh, yes! Definitely (big laugh) We’re very spontaneous. That’s Sunday headliner, 2006 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival – one thing that our live shows are Smooth Jazz wizzards, Pieces of a Dream – (from Left) kind of known for. You never know Drummer Curtis Harmon and Keyboardist James Lloyd). what’s going happen. We’re I guess this might be like asking a parent always trying to experiment with something which child is his favorite, but do you have a different from the way we recorded it. We feel favorite composition of yours that you’re like if we play it exactly the same way we did particularly proud of? on the CD, then the audience could just listen I would say, “Night Vision” from our CD to that at home. We are so pleased that the Acquainted With the Night. That’s a song that I audiences keep coming to our live performwrote, oh, it must have been, like seven years ances. We try to make it worth it for them to before we even released it. I guess for some come out of their houses and join us for somesubconscious reason I was saving it for the thing really “live.” right moment. It’s funny. I had to move and so I was going through a box of some old cassette What’s the biggest change in your work over tapes…I mean actual cassette tapes. I the years? listened to one old tape and said, “Hey, I I don’t think it’s any one thing. It’s think it’s remember when I wrote that.” So I dusted it more that we are constantly evolving, off and filtered it through new sensibilities. I changing every day. I guess what’s kept experimented by looking at it with new eyes “Pieces” around all this time, is the fact that and seeing how I would treat that song today. we adapt to the times. And yet, at the same It was a fun process. I submitted it and it made time, we try to hold true to ourselves and our it. We still play that song today. fan base. I know, for me, I’m constantly writing and producing for other performers. Working James, we’re sure looking forward to your on all those other musical projects also helps appearance at the Red Bank Jazz & Blues to keep me fresh and energized. But I think Festival on Sunday, June 4th. the key to our evolution is just listening to Thank you. We’ll be there! Along with all the what is happening today, and then writing pieces of Pieces of a Dream! + from the heart. 2006 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JUNE 2 – 5 pm - 10 pm SUNDAY, JUNE 4 – Noon to 6 pm Marina Stage 5:00-5:50 pm 6:00-6:50 pm STYLE OF MUSIC B.D. Lenz Rick Fink and His Gas House Gorillas 7:10-8:10 pm Roxy Perry New York Blues Queen 8:30-10:00 pm National Act: Rob Paparozzi & the Hudson River Rats featuring Bernard “Pretty” Purdie Jazz, Funk, Latin Jazz, Blues, Rock-a-billy, Swing Blues Blues/Jazz Riverfront Stage 5:15-6:05 pm Big Ed and the Dixie Cats 6:20-7:20 pm 7:40-8:40 pm Tom Timko and Friends SaRon Crenshaw New Orleans Dixieland Jazz/Blues Jazz Blues Harbor Stage 5:00-6:00 pm 6:05-7:35 pm T.J. Wheeler Blues & Jazz Education & Performance Youth Improvisation Showcase Blues & Jazz Marina Stage 12:00-12:40 pm 12:50-1:40 pm 2:00-3:05 pm 3:25-4:20 pm 4:40-6:00 pm STYLE OF MUSIC Jazz, Swing World Beats with heavy Percussion 2:40-3:40 pm Bluesberry Jam International Blues Exchange 4:00-5:00 pm Soul Project New Orleans Jazz & Blues 5:20-6:30 pm The Chuck Lambert Band Chicago Blues, Texas Blues 6:50-8:10 pm Alexis Suter Blues, R&B, Gospel and Soul 8:30-10:00 pm National Act: Toni Lynn Washington Blues Riverfront Stage 12:46-1:45 pm 2:05-3:05 pm 3:25-4:25 pm 4:50-5:50 pm 6:10-7:10 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Terraplane Blues Blues T.J.Wheeler Blues Andrea Brachfeld and Phoenix Rising Jazz/Standards Moose & The Bulletproof Band Blues BD Mylo & The Go Daddys Jazz, Blues, R&B Gordon James Brass Jazz, Latin, R&B The Harris Brothers Horns Mike Logan The Tonemasters The Roger Girke Band featuring Mikey Junior Jazz Jazz Jump Blues Blues Harbor Stage 12:00-12:40 pm 12:45-1:25 pm 1:30-2:10 pm 2:15-2:55 pm 3:00-3:50 pm Marina Stage STYLE OF MUSIC Blues Blues, Funk, R&B Jazz Blues Jazz Riverfront Stage 12:30-1:20 pm 1:40-2:30 pm 2:50-3:40 pm 4:00-4:50 pm SATURDAY, JUNE 3 – Noon to 10 pm 12:00-1:00 pm Swingadelic 1:20-2:20 pm Entrain T.J.Wheeler Full Circle Sandy Sasso Karwin Patrix Band National Act: Pieces of a Dream 3:55-4:45 pm Isis Tribe Drums/Dance/Rhythm Gary Struncius and Debbie Lawton Family Pat Karwin Education & Performance Everald Williams Jazz Sax, Instruction & Performance Richard Reiter - Drum Circle World Rhythm, Audience Participation T.J. Wheeler Interactive Blues/Educational The Festival AFTER HOURS: The Party Continues - Various Festival performers will sit in with two hot host bands starting at 10pm FRIDAY: Ashes 33 Broad St., Red Bank. Host Band: Guitar virtuoso Karwin Patrix (KarwinPatrix.com) SATURDAY: Walt Street Pub 180 Monmouth St. across from Red Bank train station. Host Band: The Incinerators Harbor Stage 12:00-12:45 pm 12:50-1:35 pm 1:40-2:25 pm 2:30-3:15 pm 3:20-4:00 pm 4:05-4:45 pm 4:50-5:30 pm 5:35-6:25 pm 6:30-7:50 pm Miss Sherri from Honey Child Music Family Yosi Family Sandy Mack Blues “How To” Jerry Topinka Jazz “Blues Queens” - Kati Brower Blues/Educational Outside the Box Youth Blues Gary Wright and Philly Ray Proctor Blues/ Education/Performance T.J. Wheeler Interactive Blues/Educational Youth Improvisation Showcase Blues & Jazz Nancy Desmarais (Blues Berry Jam) from '05 Jason Ricci, from ‘05 Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 13 Festival Map Presented by Washington Mutual Additional Sponsors: Atlantic Highlands Charters, LLC Comfort Inn of Middletown Courtyard by Marriott of Red Bank Monmouth Health & Life Holiday Inn of Hazlet Marriott Vacation Club Molly Pitcher Inn New Jersey Monthly Sunrise Suites Hotel of Tinton Falls 14 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes SPONSOR MANAGERS Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 15 Performer Information Alexis Suter Alexis has been a staple of underground Garage scene since the early 90’s and the first African-American woman signed to SONYEPIC (Japan). Her legendary Club Shelter anthem “Slam Me Baby” distinguished her as a genuine underground star. Her first love is Gospel music, and Alexis’ solos with New York’s acclaimed Total Praise Gospel Choir. From performances at BB King’s legendary club in New York City and Levon Helm’s Midnight Ramble, to nationally syndicated shows, such as The Jane Pauley Show (NBC), Alexis connects instantly with the heart and soul of the true urban everyman. Andrea Brachfeld and Phoenix Rising Big Ed and the Dixie Cats Bluesberry Jam This Canadian group happily returns again this year at popular request. The band is made up of vocalist Nancy Desmarais, Olivier Hottin/ bass, Nicolas Piquet/harp, Eric Maher/ guitar, and Sabastien Dubois on keyboards. Blues Queen Kati Beddow Brower (singer) with Matt Wade (piano/guitar) Kickin' Kati Beddow Brower and her young, but oh so talented, piano man Matt Wade take the audience through a timeline of classic blues songs and the early Empresses who sang them. You'll be sharing company with We are a five piece band with flute, piano, bass, drums and percussion playing mostly original music as well as standards. B.D. Lenz Hailed as one of the top 20 “up and coming”jazz musicians of New Jersey by the NewarkStar-Ledger, and recently featured in the NewYork Times, noted guitarist B.D. Lenz leads a hard-wailing band. His third CD release entitled Simple Life was released in the Entrain Spring of 2003. Noteworthy appearances include: News12, Panasonic Village Jazz Festivals (NYC) EAT’M Showcase (Las Vegas), Black Dog Jazz Festival (VA), NJPAC Absolut Sounds ofSummer (NJ), House of J&B (IN), Westfield Jazz Festivals (NJ), Black Potatoe Festival (NJ), Morristown Community Theater, Trumpets, Wetlands, 55 Bar, Conduit, Stanhope House, Crossroads, and Katmandu . BD Mylo & The Go Daddys “BD Mylo and the Go Daddys reside in a musical place where the tidewaters of the Mississippi wash up at the foot of Beale Street. Fusing blues, soul, rock and jazz into a style uniquely their own, this 6-piece group delivers with a heartfelt passion of artists on a mission, taking audiences on a musical trip through the roots of American music. The band currently has airplay on Z88.9 FM and has performed on the same bill as Tony Trishka, Geoff Achison, Billy Hector, Emory Joseph, and Paul Cebar and the Milwaukeans. 16 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Ma, Bessie, Alberta, Big Mama, Memphis Min, and Billie. Sit back and enjoy some history in the music that makes this country jump. Kati created Local Commotion Walking History in the fall of 1993 and its mission is to integrate performance with education, going beyond the scope of historical text. She is a proud member of the Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation and is also a committee member and representative of the JSJBF's Educational Programs. lcommotion.com Matt Wade is 17 years old and a junior at Pt. Pleasant Boro High School. He's a talented and dedicated musician who plays piano, drums, guitar, and jazz organ. Matt's the drummer for the blues band "Outside The Box" and keyboardist in a jazz and blues duo. Matt is also a songwriter whose most recent composition "Keepin' It Clean" won the "New Jersey Shouts Down Drugs" songwriting competition for Ocean County. Chuck Lambert Band, The “The Chuck Lambert Band is a 5-piece powerhouse blues band. While drawing upon the influences of many Blues genres, such as Chicago and Texas-style blues and Kansas City jump, they also inject an original perspective into their performances. Playing the blues for over 40 years, Chuck Lambert complements his fiery guitar playing with compelling vocals. Chuck delivers string after string of blues “”bullets,” ”but he can also sound as soft as an acoustic 12-string guitar.” Entrain Entrain the eclectic Martha’s Vineyard-based six piece band was formed by drummer Tom Major in 1993. Entrain is also conga/djembe/ trombonist Sam Holmstock, saxophonist Klem Klimick, bassist Lenny Bradford, and guitarist/ keyboards/vocalist Alex Howland. Their collective resume includes stints with such diverse players as Chuck Berry, Flor De Cana, Southside Johnny, Gil Scott-Heron, Carly Simon, and NRBQ. Entrain has recorded five albums, shifting effortlessly between musical styles - from rock, blues, calypso and ska, to zydeco, jazz and funk often within the same song. “The whole Entrain concept is based around the drums and infectious rhythms. Once we’ve got that....everything goes, anything goes,” explains Major. www.entrain.com Everald Williams Everald Williams finds the saxophone very flexible. With his alto and soprano saxes he’s able to play many styles of music like jazz, blues, gospel, and classical. Williams has won the Newark Bears Talent Competition in 2005 and has played as far away as the Virgin Islands. He gives back to many communities with such programs as Stop the Killing (stop gang violence), teaching for JCBC Musical Program, and the Academic School of Music, as well as privately. He has volunteered his time and talent for the JSJBF Youth Ensemble Program. Full Circle “Full Circle Band is a six piece unit specializing in Blues, Funk, R&B and Jazz. The culmination of these styles consistently leaves audiences filled with musical satisfaction. Formed in 1998, the northern New Jersey Band members have performed with and opened for such nationally known acts as: BB King, Otis Rush, Bobby Brown, Kool & the Gang, Jimmy Rodgers, Lowell Fullson and Tutu Jones.” Gary Struncius and Debbie Lawton Gary and Debbie met in a coffeehouse in the 1970’s and began performing together in 1979. They perform traditional and contemporary folk music ranging from Anglo-American ballads to blues and country to original compositions. Gary plays guitar as their voices blend in harmony. Debbie has also learned to play the spoons, dulcimer, and enjoys teaching them to children. Gary and Debbie often perform at schools, museums and festivals around the tri-state area. The duo has been performing at the Red Bank Jazz and Blues Festival at the Harbor Stage (formerly the Children’s Stage) for many years. This year they will perform and lead an onstage workshop in spoon playing. Join in for the fun!” R&B, Pop and World Beat music. James states, “my music is both funky and lyrical; the arrangements are hip and polished and the flugelhorn and muted trumpet are perfect for conveying the passion of my compositions”. Harris Brothers, The The Harris Brothers were brought up on the North Shore of Boston. They began playing together in grade school and were touring Europe by the time they reached high school. Don has toured with James Taylor and Bill has worked as multi-reed player on OffBroadway shows and as a session player for jingles. The Harris Bros Horns have recorded or performed their unique brand of tight horn Gary Wright has been playing blues and reggae professionally Michael Logan since 1973. He was inducted into the Jersey Shore Jazz & Blues Hall of Fame and has been favorably compared lines to CD’s by artists as varied as Maxi Priest, Patty Smyth, Robbie Dupree, Destiny’s to Howlin’ Wolf with his vocal style. He has Child, Celine Dion, Jose Feliciano, Warren Hill , played guitar with Guy Davis, Louisiana Red, Peter White, Average White Band, Spyro Gyra, Big Bill Morganfield, Jimmy Vivino and Hubert Avenue Blue and Deep Fried Funk Society. Sumlin, among many other guitar giants, as he Gordon James Composer, flugelhornist and trumpeter Gordon James, is a seasoned performer and bandleader. James has a unique style of music projecting a special appeal to the listener, blending the worlds of Jazz, Latin, Hip Hop, Jerry Topinka began playing guitar in May of 1954, quickly displaying a passion for the instrument. Jerry studied with two of the top guitarists of the time—Al Caiola and Joe Cinderella. At the age of 16, Jerry was playing professionally, and in 1964 was playing in a jazz club in Bergen County. Les Paul would stop by every Saturday night to hear Jerry play. Today, Jerry can be seen playing with Les Paul in NYC at the Iridium Club. In addition to a busy performing schedule, Jerry continues to teach and owns a music school at the Academy of Musical Arts in Morganville. Jerry continues to record, write, and play with his trademark energy and passion. Come hear his music and learn about jazz guitar.” Karwin Patrix Band (aka Pat Karwin) Gary Wright and Philly Ray Proctor gives a most authentic Delta blues feel. Philly Ray Proctor listened intently as a child to recordings by Nina Simone, Count Basie, Joe Williams, Ray Charles and Little Jr. Parker. Eight years ago, he began playing harmonica and since that time became a doctor of blowing his harps. Gary and Ray are both members of Terraplane Blues. Come hear them play and speak about the instruments they play.” Jerry Topinka Isis’ Tribe African rhythms by young people. Drums, chanting, and dancing engage this five-piece troupe. Sister Isis heads the group of young people who also sing in the Asbury Park Choir. Isis’ Tribe participates in local festivals and events. They have performed at a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina in Asbury Park. The drum group has also played at the Red Bank Jazz and Blues Festival in 2004 and 2005, and at the Red Bank First Night .The group’s rhythms get the audience up and moving and they can’t stop! Isis will be doing an onstage rhythm workshop with audience participation. “Karwin Patrix came into this world 50 years ago and wasted his first 7 years of life by not playing guitar. He picked up his first guitar and has been playing for the last 46 years. He has been writing, singing, recording, and touring with various bands for the last 33 years. In that time, he had received two gold records, none of which really matters because he feels The Karwin Patrix Band has been the best thing he has ever done. It just feels right. The Newark Star Ledger states: ”...an original band who’s style combines R&B, soul, blues, Texas swing, etc. Fans of Bonnie Raitt, BB King, Boz Scaggs, and Little Feat will enjoy their sound.” On the Harbor Stage Pat will perform his music and a guitar demonstration. Mike Logan Acoustic and electric bass player, Michael Logan, is also a composer, having been awarded grants from the New York and New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He’s composed for both the symphony and for jazz compositions. Mr. Logan has played with/recorded for many noted artists, just to name a few: Marian McPartland, John Hicks, Junior Mance, Gerri Allen, Winard Harper, Benny Green, Jimmy Ponder, Howard Johnson, and Etta James. Miss Sherri from Honey Child Music “Miss Sherri’s passion for music and children is an incredible combination,” says Laurie from Rumson. Sherri is creative, interactive and Performer Information - Continued motivational. She is the proud owner of Honey Child Music...New Jersey’s premier early childhood music center; offering parent/child classes, birthday parties, private lessons and many innovative classes for kids ages 3 mos. and up. Her latest award winning CD: “Jelly Belly Boogaloo” has been endorsed by Julie Clark found of Einstein Baby Co. Sherri recently opened up for Elmo and Gordon from Sesame Street! http://www.honeychildmusic.com/ and more, demonstrate a constant evolution through the contemporary jazz scene. It’s that kind of innovation and eclecticism that keeps Pieces of a Dream fresh and authentic in a jazz world that’s ever-changing. “We will always be true to ourselves and our roots,” says Lloyd, “and at the same time try to stay in touch with the times.” Moose & The Bullet Proof Band Can all the members of a large group communicate with each other simultaneously and have a great time doing it? According to Richard Reiter, that’s the purpose of the “Ellard-James Boles (Moose) is a veteran blues singer, writer and musician. He has played and recorded throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe with such legendary performers as Lou Reed, Greg Allman, Stevie Ray Vaughn, David Bowie, Buddy Miles, James Cotton, Lonnie Brooks, Junior Wells, C. J. Chenier, John Belushi, Steve Marriott, and Steve Miller. Moose discovered his love for music, specifically the blues, as a young boy. He sang in church choirs at age seven. He got his first taste of the blues from his father, a guitarist and song writer who had jammed with Muddy Waters. Richard Reiter - Drum Circle Outside the Box “Outside The Box” comprised of high school students, has been playing Jersey Shore venues since November 2004. They play blues and rock like “old-time” players. Members Jeff Cafone (guitar/vocals), Mark Masefield (keyboard), Warren Thieleman (bass guitar), and Matt Wade (drums) have performed at such clubs as NYC’s A&M Roadhouse, and the Jersey Shore’s own Stone Pony, and twice at the The Red Bank Jazz and Blues Festival. SaRon Crenshaw The band Pieces of a Dream first made their mark in Philadelphia’s music scene in 1976. Keyboardist James Lloyd and drummer Curtis Harmon were mentored by the late sax man, Grover Washington Jr., who loved their work and became their record producer when they were still in high school. Over the last 30 years, they’ve recorded many albums for Elektra Records, EMI/Blue Note, and now, “Pillow Talk,” their fourth for the Heads Up label, was released this year. The twelve-song set marks the ongoing journey that has taken the band to countless corners of the jazz landscape. The mix of styles and sensibilities – jazz, R&B, funk, hip-hop, house Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Rob Paparozzi & The Hudson River Rats featuring Bernard “Pretty” Purdie New Jersey-based frontman, singer, and harmonica player Rob Paparozzi has been a blues performer since 1967. But Rob is far from being strictly a blues musician. In fact, he’s at home playing a wide range of music, ranging from rock to blues to jazz to pop. This versatility is reflected in the long and remarkably diverse list of major artists Rob has worked with, including B.B.King, Dr. John, Bruce Springsteen, Whitney Houston, Carole King, Roberta Flack, Culture Club, Cyndi Lauper, Randy Newman, Jimmy McGriff, and James Galway. Most recently, Rob has been touring the world with the Original Blues Brothers Band, as well as Blood Sweat and Tears. Rob and Bernard Purdie (the world’s most recorded drummer) have been a dynamic duo for years now, working together in a number of bands all over the world. Rob’s Broadway, movie, and television credits are so numerous we can’t list them all here! Rodger Girke Band featuring Mikey Junior, The Pieces of a Dream 18 originally performed by artists like Fats Waller, Tiny Bradshaw and Moon Mullican. “Spiritual Drumming” workshops he leads for both adults and children. Participants explore drumming and percussion in an atmosphere of fun, openness and spirituality. Reiter, is a nationally recognized jazz musician (saxophone, flute, clarinet), who has recorded with such artists as Marshall Hawkins, Buck Hill, Jimmy Hopps, Stan Rubin, Joe Carson and Mother Scott. Reiter recently traveled to Dakar, Senegal (West Africa) where he performed with many “”Afro-Pop” ”bands.” Rick Fink and His Gashouse Gorillas Rick has recruited some of the best “roots” musicians in the New York Area. In addition to their own swinging compositions, the Gorillas can be heard putting a fresh spin on songs The Roger Girke Band is based in Wilmington, Delaware, and has been building a name for itself playing blues venues and festivals in the Northeast for the past five years. However they are hardly beginners at their craft. In fact, band leader, vocalist, and guitarist Roger Girke is a veteran of the east coast music scene with over 2,500 live performances spanning the last 30 years. Roxy Perry New York Blues Queen “My gigs are not for wallflowers or the fainthearted. We have huge fun.” – R. P. Roxy has refined and streamlined her big-city brand of blues to guarantee total abandon, she takes the party from the city to the nation. -Blues Revue Magazine Sandy Mack For many years Sandy Mack has organized the awe inspiring ‘Harpin’ Help’ concert that aides local charities, combining incredible harp players, musicians, and ‘giving’ all in one. This year Sandy will be appearing with a few of his musical buds to show how the harmonica can fit in nicely with a live band. The show is entitled “Playing blues harp for fun & profit or how to make your harmonica sound a lot less annoying to everyone else within earshot”. He’ll be divulging many of his favorite top secret tricks to all in attendance and demonstrating some dos and don’ts. Join Sandy for an onstage Blues “How To” performance and workshop. Sandy Sasso ”Hard swinging with the ability to be soft and smooth. Sasso kicks vocal ass.......”. -Jazz Times Review SaRon Crenshaw A guitarist and vocalist, SaRon plays Jazz and Rhythm & Blues. He plays a guitar signed by B.B. King, named Lucille Gibson. From the mid-70s into the 80s Mr. Crenshaw played bass for several bands throughout New Jersey, New York, and South Carolina. Then, living his dream, he played guitar and shared the stage with talented recording artists like: Lee Fields, Roy Roberts, Denise Lasalle, Bobby Rush, Jessie James, Tyrone Davis and Chuck Robertson. And now, SaRon is in the process of recording his second CD. all about. They take you back to those juke joint times and have you forgettin’ all your worries and feelin’ what it’s like to have a passionate time. T.J. Wheeler T.J. performs on a variety of stringed instruments, including a 1 string Diddly Bow, National Steel guitar, mandolin, and a unique Bluesy Jazzy approach on the 7 string archtop guitar. Throw in a washboard played with tap shoes, a blue kazoo and a voice rich in nuances from a gumbo of influences ranging from Charles Brown to Mississippi John Hurt and you’ve got T.J....a one man Juke Joint! He is executive director of the New Hampshire-based Blues Bank Collective, Soul Project Terraplane Blues This displaced New Orleans band has been in the area since Hurricane Katrina. Come hear one of the best bands from New Orleans. Swingadelic! Swingadelic is the New York City Metropolitan Area’s greatest “little big band” — playing a mixture of swing, jazz, jump blues, and some Latin sounds for the listening and dancing pleasure of people of all ages. We have taken the traditional music of Duke Ellington, Count Basie and the masters of jump blues, tossed in a little soul jazz organ, and come up with our hip new sound of today. They perform sophisticated, classic standards à la George Gershwin and Cole Porter. Terraplane Blues Think sweaty dancers, raunchy rhythm, mean slide guitar, heartfelt vocals, gritty harp and loads of fun...This is what Terraplane Blues is www.bluesbankcollective.org, which is an outreach organization whose goal is to educate about the history of the blues. In 1993 he won the WC Handy “Keeping the Blues Alive Award,” and in 2001, the National Music Foundation Award. Tom Timko and the Horn Dogs Tom Timko is a 9 piece high energy Jazz/Rock group featuring a 4 piece horn section. style, while keeping plenty of the gritty “Chicago and Texas” shuffles in the mix. Their show is a pure unadulterated BLUES PARTY, paying homage to the style of masters from T-Bone Walker and Eddie ”Cleanhead” Vinson, to Albert King and Count Basie. The core lineup includes guitarist Ronnie Rauso, not often seen without his big fat archtop in hand, Dave Post always accompanied by his stand up bass, Tommy T-Bone Stinson on piano and organ, and Bobby ”Blues” Marchie holdin’ down the beat. Toni Lynn Washington “Toni Lynn Washington’s career spans four decades and stretches from coast to coast. Toni has shared the stage with numerous blues/soul legends including Jackie Wilson, Sam & Dave, Big Joe Turner, and Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland. With a voice and vocal technique that lies somewhere between Dinah Washington and Mavis Staples, Toni sings as if you were the only one in the audience. “She proves that her presence is powerful — and lasting — as she squeezes every ounce of emotion out of each lyric with confidence and grace.” – Duke Robillard ”One of the best female singers working in the R&B and blues idioms.” - Frank Hadley, Downbeat. Toni formed her band in 1992 with pianist/musical director, Bruce Bears. Ms. Washington has been nominated five times for the W.C. Handy Award for Blues/Soul female vocalist of the year, and received the Boston Blues Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999. Toni Lynn’s latest CD is ”Been So Long.” Tonemasters, The Yosi “Over the years a Tonemaster gig has become synonymous with a Get down, footstompin’ good time blues party. Their mix of swingin’ good time blues has been a favorite of tri-state audiences since 1994. Finding a stylistic niche not often heard on the local blues circuit, they mix West Coast “Jump Blues” with a more sophisticated ”Uptown” Multi-award-winning children’s singer-songwriter, Yosi, will perform his hit songs from his latest CD’s. Get on a chugging train, wiggle like a worm in a “Hole in The Ground”, act like “Six Little Monkeys”, look out for some “Stinky (shoes) Blues” & make “Friend’s Around The World!” Yosi’s songs can be heard daily on XM & Sirius Satellite Radios.“ + Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 19 20 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes Helping Hands Booth The Brookdale Network’s Helping Hands program provides an incredible network of support for non-profit organizations in Monmouth County. The Helping Hands booths at the CD 101.9 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival are an excellent opportunity to share their programs and services with people of the communities that they serve so well. Volunteers can learn more about these worthy organizations, listed below, and how they can become more actively involved. “On behalf of my entire staff, we’re thrilled to coordinate with the non-profit organizations throughout Monmouth County that provide a better quality of life to all of our residents in so many different ways. Being able to offer these organizations an opportunity at the RBJBF is such a pleasure, and in the true spirit of what a community event should be all about.” Says Cheryl A. Cummings, Executive Director of The Brookdale Network (Brookdale Public Radio/ 90.5 The NIGHT, Brookdale Television and Brookdale’s Performing Arts Center) who coordinates the Helping Hands booths each year. Special thanks goes to Michele McBride, Morning Host/Public Affairs Coordinator of Brookdale Public Radio and Joe Palmer, Radio Intern , D.W. Smith Associates, Planetconnect, and… sponsors of the Helping Hands booths. COUNT BASIE LEARNING CENTER 732/747-4426 www.thecommunityymca.org Contact: Ramona Johnson countbasie@att.net (SATURDAY BOOTH all day) CHILDREN’S CULTURAL CENTER 732/842-7177 www.thecommunityymca.org Contact: Trisha Schaffer – Executive Director (SATURDAY BOOTH all day ) RED BANK YMCA 732/741-2504 www.thecommunityymca.org Contact: Kristen Weber E-mail: cymca@aol.com (SATURDAY BOOTH all day) CLEAN OCEAN ACTION 732/872-0111 www.CleanOceanAction.org Contact: Kari Jerminson E-mail: SandyHook@CleanOceanAction.org (SATURDAY BOOTH 4-9:30PM ) 2006 BIG BROTHERS/BIG SISTERS OF MONMOUTH COUNTY 732/544-2224 www.bbbsmonmouth.org Contact: Debi Heptig E-mail: bbbsa@aol.com (SATURDAY 11:30-4:30PM) SEPARATE BOOTHS AT THE EVENT MONMOUTH COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL www.monmouthartscouncil.org (will share a booth w/Rivercenter for the weekend) Mary Eileen Fouratt – Ex Dir. (732) 212-1890 E-mail: mef@monmouthartscouncil.org SPCA 732/542-1063 www.monmouthcountyspca.org Contact: Laura MacInnes (FRIDAY NIGHT BOOTH ) PREVENTION FIRST 732/663-1800 www.preventionfirst.net Gianna Verdoni – Ex. Dir. & CEO 732/663-1800 x219 mangelini@preventionfirst.net (FRIDAY NIGHT BOOTH ) THE WOMEN’S CLUB OF RED BANK Mission: The MCAC shall promote and assist a wide range of cultural organizations and programs within the county by offering services which: Create a sense of community among the diverse artists and arts organizations of Monmouth County. Facilitate partnerships among members of the Council, local government, human and social service organizations, businesses and the educational community, and provide access to the arts for all citizens throughout Monmouth County. 732/462-7170 www.redbankwomen.org Contact: Christina Hardmann 732/610-5684 (SUNDAY BOOTH) Advocate to the public, the educational community and elected officials the important role the arts play in the economy, as well as in the quality of life of Monmouth County. TWO RIVER THEATRE COMPANY Provide technical assistance to Monmouth County artists and arts organizations and assist in the promotion and development of arts education.” 732/345-1400 www.trtc.org Contact: Brian Critchley (SATURDAY Noon – 4pm) 180 MONMOUTH COUNTY WOMEN’S CTR 732/787-6503 www.180nj.org Contact: Cindi Westerdorf (SATURDAY 4-9:30PM) RED BANK RIVERCENTER (will share booth w/MC Arts Council for the weekend) Harriet Cook (732) 842-4244 www.redbankrivercenter.org + SURFRIDER FOUNDATION 732/974-7966 www.surfrider.org/jerseyshore/ Contact: Robin Bowden (FRIDAY NIGHT) WELLNESS COMMUNITY 732/263-0444 www.thewellnesscommunity.org Contact: Ilene Winters (SUNDAY BOOTH) MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION 732/923-6888 www.mhcf.org Contact: Robin Siegal (SUNDAY Booth) Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 21 Third Stage at Festival Offers Expanded Family Fair BY KATI BEDDOW BROWER A home doesn’t always have rooms, windows, and doors. For many African Americans “home” meant the music of blues and jazz. It was a refuge after the hardships they had been through, where they could go to and no one could touch ‘em ‘cause they were “home.” For those who are willing to listen, this “home” has been given a place in our own American backyard. However, it has yet to be elevated to the level of importance that it deserves. It has influenced so many areas of our American music and society, and has migrated across the seas to people all over the world. To many this blues and jazz music has also become a “home.” And yet, so many of us still don’t know about the roots of this music and how it has changed what we hear today. It is part of an extraordinary history, and we owe it to ourselves to learn more about it. The Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation Education Committee realize the importance of making programs available for a variety of students, young and old. Our goal is to share all we know about this rich musical history so that others might also come home to this music. In this year of 2006 we have taken two very important steps to further our goal. First, on the JSJBF website – www.jsjbf.org – the public can see the many types of programs we offer to schools and other organizations. We have a group of knowledgeable performers who can present diverse programs in jazz and blues. Some of our presenters are JSJBF members who are professional musicians with extensive backgrounds. The programs are Yosi 22 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes broken into several categories: single performer presentations, trios, and beginner or extensive workshops. Integrated into the single performer program is song and history. The workshops can be simple or complex depending upon the knowledge of the students. “Hands on” workshops, such as our Musician in the House program, provide inspirational instruction to your school band. One special workshop lets you experience the great singers of jazz and blues, the queens and kings of a past era. We even offer a workshop to make a small instrument (how would you like to make a diddly bow?). The best part is that these programs are funded by grants and are absolutely free to the organizations that book them. It doesn’t get any sweeter than that! An enterprise that is so dear to many of those who are involved, is our Mentor program. Professional musicians dedicate their time and efforts to teach young people who wish to play an instrument. The program guides the protégés and lets their desire to play come to fruition. The mentorship is also absolutely free to students. Our programs have been presented at many locales throughout the years. In 2005 and 2006, our guest presenter, T. J. Wheeler, did “a whole lotta” sharing with Monmouth County schools, libraries, clubs, senior facilities and Ocean County Schools. Wheeler’s explicit understanding of blues and its players is phenomenal. Anyone who has seen him knows he certainly has let us experience his “home.” It’s a place that is real comfortable! Katie Brower Secondly, many of these programs will be showcased at our CD 101.9 Red Bank Jazz and Blues Festival 2006. In recent years we have tried to make the Children’s Stage area a place not only of fun, but of knowledge as well. Newly named, the Harbor Stage will be steaming with new workshops and performers. Each year we will have a few children’s performers, because this friendly little stage is a great place to introduce the little ones to a concert format. The whole family will enjoy the rich and tasty sounds of other Harbor Stage performers, such as T.J. Wheeler! That’s right, he’s back, and you won’t want to miss him! This year we have outstanding workshops for drums, harmonica, spoons and a drum circle. Then there will be a workshop on the life and songs of female classic blues singers, and young bands expressing the modern day blues…and so much more! The activity tent, becoming bigger and better each year, will be bursting with musical things to do. You can make shakers and noisemakers to play along with the bands! There will also be a ‘color the guitar’ contest for those who are 12 and under. If you are a principal, a teacher, a member of the PTA, or someone who likes to acquire knowledge through experience, then come explore the activities at the Harbor Stage. The JSJBF Education Committee wants 2006 to be the start of something that will continue to grow! We want to start bringing more people into our “home.” And you don’t have to knock; you can just come right on in. + Outside the Box The Harbor Stage Jerry Topinka TJ Wheeler Miss Sherri Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 23 Sunday 11 JUNE 18 25 LONG BRANCH’S JAZZ & BLUES ON THE BEACH SERIES Every Sunday! at 7 pm 6/25 - The Chuck Lambert Band 7/2 - Philadelphia Funk 7/9 - Supreme Court 7/16 - Go Daddies 7/23 - Sandy Mack 7/30 - The WIllie Mitchel Collaboration 8/6 - Valeris Adams 8/13 - Swing Sabrosa 8/20 - Blues Day 8/27 - Voodudes West End Park, Long Branch FREE! Tuesday 13 MEMBER M19 EETING & JAM20 6/21 at 8:30 p.m. One Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch 26 27 Wednesday Thursday 14 REC15 KLESS 21 28 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 24 Monday 12 MEMBER M17 EETING & JAM18 7/19 at 8:30 p.m. One Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch 19 24 25 26 31 1 2 7 AUGUST 8 MEMBER M14 EETING & JAM15 8/16 at 8:30 p.m. One Ocean Boulevard, Long Branch 21 28 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes 22 29 9 16 23 Friday 16 STEAMY NIGHTS The Borders Project w/ Joe Hughes & Patti 22 Bramson 6/30 at 8-11pm The Woman’s Club of Red Bank, 164 Broad St. 29 donation: Suggested $10, proceeds go towards scholarships 6 13 RECKLESS STEAMY NIGHTS Killer Blues Band w/violinst Perry20 Leandro 7/28 at 8-11pm The Woman’s Club of Red Bank, 164 Broad 27 St. Suggested donation: $10, proceeds go towards scholarships 3 LONG BRANCH BEACHFEST 2006 30 31 9/2 at 3:00-10:00p.m. The Great Lawn, Long Branch, NJ FREE! OCEAN PLACE BLUES BY THE BEACH Every Saturday! at 9 pm - 1 am 6/17 - Mickey Jr. 23 24 6/24 - Moose & The TGIF MUSIC SERIES Bullet Proof Band AT PIER VILLAGE 7/1 - TBA Soul Project 7/8 - TBA 7/15 - TBA 30 6/23 at 7-8:30pm 1 Long Branch, NJ 7/22 - TBA 7/29 - TBA 8/5 - TBA 8/12 - TBA 7 8 8/19 - TBA 8/26 - TBA TGIF MUSIC SERIES Ocean Place AT PIER VILLAGE Resort Sandy Sasso One Ocean 14 15 7/7 at 7-8:30pm Boulevard, Long Branch, NJ Long Branch FREE! JULY 21 28 4 REC10 KLESS STEAMY NIGHTS Sandy Sasso 8/25 at 8-11pm The Woman’s Club 17 of Red Bank, 164 Broad St. Suggested donation: $10, proceeds go towards24 scholarships Saturday 17 11 18 25 1 22 TGIF MUSIC SERIES AT PIER VILLAGE Gordon James 7/21 at 7-8:30pm 29 Long Branch, NJ 5 TGIF MUSIC SERIES AT PIER VILLAGE The Voodudes 8/4 at 7-8:30pm 12 Long Branch, NJ TGIF MUSIC SERIES AT PIER VILLAGE 19 Palermo Chelsea 8/18 at 7-8:30pm Long Branch, NJ TGIF 26 MUSIC SERIES AT PIER VILLAGE Billy Hector 9/1 at 7-8:30pm Long Branch, NJ 2 SEPTEMBER A proud sponsor of the 2006 Red Bank Jazz & Blues Festival Jazz and Blues Notes Summer 2006 25 26 Summer 2006 Jazz and Blues Notes 4 Days - This September Music, Art, Food, Drink...Ahh! Top contemporary, jazz & blues artists 3,000 preferred seats VIP seating & sponsor preferred seating VIP lounge viewing areas Children’s rides & activities Wine tasting Arts & crafts festival Commerce pavilion Community stage Food & beer Excessive free parking SEPTEMBER 7 - 10, 2006 TICKETS $25 & UP For reservations, sponsorships & marketing opportunities call 732-933-9473