tirolfanfängerinnen e 2012-04 v1.1.indd
tirolfanfängerinnen e 2012-04 v1.1.indd
Tyrol for beginners A guide for immigrants towards a better understanding of the general social environment in Tyrol Tirol für AnfängerInnen · Englische Ausgabe An info booklet by JUFF – Integrationsreferat des Landes Tirol (Integration Department of the State of Tyrol) Content A warm welcome to Tyrol! 2 Introduction 3 Integration WITH immigrants in Tyrol 5 1. Interesting facts about Austria 8 2. Settlement and Residency 11 3. Naturalization 17 4. Work 19 5. Housing 23 6. German Courses 24 7. Education 27 8. Health 32 9. Family 34 10. Information – support – help 40 11. Leisure, culture, sport 48 12. Adress list 49 Corporate Information: Owner, editor, publisher: Office of the Government of Tyrol. Integration Department Responsibility for content: HRin Dr. Waltraud Fuchs-Mair. Editor: Mag. Johann Gstir (Integration Department), Mag.a Eulamie Esclamada, Mag.a Julia Abermann, Mag.a Veronika Bayala, Mag.a Manuela Weiler, Mag.a Esra Pinar Etakpofe, Hans Jakob Hergesell. Information: Integration Department of the State of Tyrol, Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · 6020 Innsbruck · Tel. +43 (0)512/ 508-2858 Fax +43 (0) 512 / 508-35 65 · E-Mail: · Internet: Coverdesign and layout: Birgit Raitmayr | Innsbruck · Photos interior part: Circus · 3rd Edition 04-2012 A warm welcome to Tyrol! Every society functions according to certain rules that are only partly fixed as laws and regulations. A lot of things are acquired unconsciously in the course of time. This is inherently easier for people who are born here. In contrast, people who have only recently come to live in Tyrol are confronted without preparation with collections of rules and regulations that are difficult or even impossible to understand. Particularly when starting with assumptions of the conditions and experiences that prevail in another country or are shaped by it. In many cases it takes years for it to become clear how certain systems work and what expectations from people are associated with them. At the same time however the understanding of how a society works – together with the knowledge of the language of the country – is an essential prerequisite to finding a place in it and surviving successfully. The quicker the way a society functions is recognised, the better are the chances: for one’s own career or the children’s education; for opportunities to learn German; for meeting locals; for learning from each other; for participating in community and social life – in short: for integration. With this “Signpost” into Tyrolean society we wish to facilitate your access into Tyrol and thus increase all the opportunities for a positive integration process. Not everything can be explained in a way that is easy to understand in a short text. So for all the topic areas we have also gathered the addresses of the most important information centres where you can obtain information that is more tailored to your own specific needs. With this we are hoping to hand you a small reference book that will help you to overcome initial difficulties more quickly. At the same time it is a welcome greeting to Tyrol. We wish you all the best as you integrate into but also as you enrich our society. Gerhard Reheis, Provincial Government Member responsible for integration and the team of the Integration Department of the State of Tyrol 2 Introduction Again and again in the integration WITH immigrants programme we are faced with lack of knowledge of the system on the part of migrants. Very often this causes enormous problems for this group for example if it concerns questions of health or the education of their children. But it is almost always a limiting factor in integration into our society. In compiling this guide for immigrants, we have tried to anticipate and answer the fundamental questions of “newcomers” to our society. But a lot of this information is certainly also useful for immigrants who have been living here for some time because they are often not familiar with the formal and informal rules of our society in all areas of life. At the same time we wanted this to stimulate debate with the new home country of Tyrol or Austria. Our “Signpost” can by no means answer all questions; the demands of finding one’s way about within a new society are too many and varied and the space in a small booklet too small. Neither do we want to do the work of the many information centres that can give much more extensive assistance with their facilities. The aim is that, by reading our booklet, a basic understanding of the way Tyrolean society works can be obtained. I would like to thank the Local Authority Office of the town of Vienna and the Integration Centre of the Deaconry Refugee Service of St. Pölten on whose experiences we have been able to draw. The contents of this brochure have been prepared with great care. However, we do not assume any guarantees for errors or deviations e.g. due to changes in laws. For the editorial department Mag. Johann Gstir, Head of the Integration Department of the State of Tyrol 3 4 InTeGRATIOn wITH ImmIGRAnTS In TyROL The Integration Department of the State of Tyrol The Integration Department of the State of Tyrol is a part of the Tyrolean regional government office. It is working towards promotion of the Integration WITH Immigrants programme into our society. Among other things it wishes to a create awareness among the domestic population and the immigrants of the logic and necessity of integration. a to be aware of legal and emotional barriers against integration and work (together) towards their removal. a coordinate and promote the many and varied projects and initiatives towards integration in Tyrol. It is essential to work together with the various people and institutions in Tyrol that deal with the topic of integration – administration, local authorities, institutions, organizations, initiatives and individuals. The Integration Department is also an agency of the Integration Advisory Board that advises the regional government particularly Gerhard Reheis as member of the government responsible in matters of integration. Abendbrot Nichts ist so, wie es scheint: Auf den ersten Blick ein Halbmond, auf den zweiten ein Stück Brot. Aber welches Brot? Ein Fladenbrot? Und wer hat es geteilt? Das sind die Fragen. Antworten bekommt nur, wer öfter als einmal hinschaut. 5 The integration programme “Integration WITH Immigrants in Tyrol” Tyrol has developed a good plan for the important future task of integration. Specialists from the most varied sectors of society have contributed to it as have also representatives from regions and local authorities, locals and immigrants. This “Integration WITH Immigrants in Tyrol” programme is based on a wholesociety understanding of integration that is aimed at the inclusion and integration of all inhabitants of the state and at their equal right to participate at a social, structural and cultural level. So integration touches all areas of the life of the society – work, education, politics, administration, housing, health, religion, sport, culture, etc. Three basic principles are to guide integration policy in Tyrol: Integration means living with diversity Tyrol offers the people living here a home in which they experience respect for different ways of life and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. In a modern, diverse society we have to ask ourselves how we can redefine the valuable concept of home country and allow immigrants to have a share in it. This includes respect and appreciation of different ways of life and also 6 of various cultural backgrounds and religious convictions. With integration it is not a matter of standardization but of reconciling diversity and difference. That demands from all participants that they are prepared to be responsive to each other. The boundaries of our legal system and human rights are not challenged by this. Integration means using potential Equal opportunity and a fair access to society’s resources are the prerequisites for the optimum development of human potential and the participation in community and political life. Immigrants can contribute much to a good development of our society by their multilingualism and their knowledge of various cultures. But we must develop this potential together by offering them and their children equal opportunities to develop their talents and capabilities. For this to happen we must remove existing discriminations (structures, prejudices…), on the other hand immigrants must seize the opportunities – for example by a good education for their children. Finally immigrants can and should play a more active part in our society. Tyrol’s integration policy wants to enable, promote and challenge. Integration means constructing the future All people and all private and public institutions assume responsibility in this communal and ongoing process of integration and play a part according to their resources in the most varied sectors of society. Integration concerns us all – individuals and institutions, locals and immigrants. We are all called upon to make our contribution for this important issue for the future of our society. Everywhere people meet, integration happens – or fails, with negative consequences for us all. Integration is furthermore an ongoing task – our society is constantly changing, there will always be immigration, diversity is the norm. The essential things are reciprocal interest in each other and the effort to understand what moves others and what is happening in the State. More than 40 proposals for action will make sure that the Tyrolean integration plan becomes a reality in the next few years and moves the work of integration forwards. You can find more information about Tyrolean integration policy and the integration programme on: Kuhmel Dieses Tier entstand im Sommer 1903, als der Senner Alois B. ein Kamel schnitzte, obwohl er noch nie eines gesehen hatte – eine Kuh m it Höckern: Was sich die Leute alles zusammenreimen, wenn sie keine Ahnung haben … 7 1. Interesting facts about Austria 1.1. General information N a t i o n a l h o l i d a y : 1. Ma< O f f i c i a l l a n g u a g e : German. In the federal states of Carinthia, Burgenland and Styria, Slovene and Croatian are also accepted. C u r r e n c y : Euro C l i m a t e : central European transitional climate C a p i t a l : Vienna F o r m o f g o v e r n m e n t : Parliamentary democracy A r e a : 83.853,3 km² N u m b e r o f i n h a b i t a n t s : 8,23 million (2005) 1 Po p u l a t i o n d e n s i t y : 99 inhabitants per km² 2 R e l i g i o n : 73,6% Roman Catholic, 4,7% Protestant, 4,2% Muslim, 12% none E c o n o m y : Very strongly characterized by service sector (esp. tourism) L a n d s c a p e : ca. 60% mountainous. G r o s s n a t i o n a l p r o d u c t (G N P ) : 245,1 billion € (2005); 29.770 €/inhabitants 3 N a t i o n a l D a y : 26. October Federal states and capitals: Source: Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria. „Österreich konkret – Zahlen & Fakten“ (2005), S. 11. 1 Source: Statistik Austria – Statistisches Jahrbuch 2007 [Official statistics on Austria], P. 40. 2 Source: Statistik Austria – Statistisches Jahrbuch 2007 [Official statistics on Austria], P. 43. 8 3 Source: Statistik Austria – Statistisches Jahrbuch 2007 [Official statistics on Austria], P. 304f. 1.2. Politics 1.4. Religion H e a d o f S t a t e : Federal President who is elected for 6 years directly by the people 73.6% of the population belong to the Roman Catholic Church and 4.7% to one of the Protestant churches. Around 339 000 embrace various Muslim denominations i.e. approx. 4.2% of the population. About 180 000 Christians are members of Orthodox churches. About 8 140 people are of the Jewish faith. (Census 2001); according to the Jewish (religious) Community in Vienna there are actually 15 000. A little over 10 000 people embrace Buddhism that was recognized as a religious group in 1983. About 12% of the population do not belong to any of the religious groups recognized in Austria. 4 H e a d o f g o v e r n m e n t : Federal Chancellor S y s t e m : democratic republic, representative democracy P a r l i a m e n t : National Assembly with 183 members that is elected every 4 years and the Federal Assembly with 62 members that is elected by the State Parliaments. Austria is a federal republic. The nine federal states each have a state parliament and a state government. 1.5. Bank Holidays 1.3. Culture Austria is well known for its cultural past and present. The nation of culture brings its tradition to the most diverse areas. Beautiful architecture, palaces and castles recall the pomp and grandeur of a bygone age. Austria still today draws interested people from all over the world with its choice of exhibitions, theatres, cabarets and concerts. Large and small festivals and the love of Austrians for tradition and custom make life here colourful and varied. 1. January - New Year, 6th January – Epiphany, end of March/beginning of April – Good Friday, Easter Day and Easter Monday, 1st May – national holiday, end of May/beginning of June – Ascension Day, Whit Sunday and Whit Monday, middle of June – Corpus Christi, 15th August – Assumption, 26th October – National Day, 1st November – All Saints’ Day, 8th December – Immaculate Conception, 24th December – Christmas Eve, 25th December Christmas Day, 26th December – St. Stephen’s Day. The exact dates of the national holidays of the most common denominations can be read in the annually published in- 4 Source: Statistik Austria – Statistisches Jahrbuch 2007 [Official statistics on Austria], (Data from census 2001), P. 54. 9 tegration calendar (issued by the Integration Department of the State of Tyrol). 1.6. Interesting facts about Tyrol Tyrol has been inhabited for centuries and therefore has a long history and tradition. Formerly the people lived primarily from agriculture. It has been possible to show that mining took place from very early on (as far back as 4000 BC). Since 1363 Tyrol has belonged to Austria. Innsbruck is the state capital and its landmark is the “Goldene Dachl [Golden roof]”. On the basis of the beautiful scenery, characterized by mountains and valleys and the good sports facilities Tyrol is a favourite holiday destination. Innsbruck has twice been the venue of the Winter Olympics (1964 and 1976). Tyrol has just under 700 000 inhabitants. About 120 000 people live in the state capital Innsbruck that considers itself to be a sport, cultural and university town. At the end of 2005 a total of 71 211 people lived in Tyrol who did not have Austrian nationality. That corresponds to approximately 10.2% of the resident population (697 435). The largest group of migrants comes from Germany, followed by the former Yugoslavia and Turkey. 5 Tyrol has a state governor, a state government and a state assembly (36 members) that is elected every 5 years. Tyrol is divided into nine districts (Bezirke): Innsbruck, Innsbruck-Land, Schwaz, Kufstein Kitzbühel, Imst, Landeck, Reutte, Lienz. Each district has a district governor who is responsible for district affairs. 5 Source: Landesstatistik Tirol - Tirol Daten 2006 [Official Statistics on Tyrol] (“Tirol-Folder“), P. 2. 10 2. Settlement and Residency 2.1. Entry, residency and settlement – Authorities in charge 2.2. Possibilities of residency and settlement in Austria At the first level, responsibility for all matters regarding residency rests with the District Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) or the City Magistrate in the case of Innsbruck. These authorities are responsible for documenting the community residency and settlement legislation for European Economic Area (EEA) citizens (nationals of EU member states, Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) and Swiss nationals who are on par with EEA citizens, in the form of a registration certificate (Anmeldebescheinigung) or residence card (Aufenthaltskarte). They issue and extend residence titles (Aufenthaltstitel) for third-state nationals (= non-EEA or Swiss nationals) for stays that are expected to exceed six months. The documentation of the residency and settlement of EEA citizens and issuance of residence titles is set out in the Settlement and Residency Act (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz; NAG), while the issuance of visas for shortterm stays not exceeding 6 months is governed by the Alien‘s Police Act (Fremdenpolizeigesetz; FPG). Applications for visas and initial applications for residence titles must normally be submitted abroad in person, while applications for extension to residence titles must be submitted to the local authority in Austria. EEA and Swiss nationals, as well as their dependants (even if they are third-state nationals), have the right to residency and settlement due to community regulations. EEA nationals wishing to stay in Austria for more than 3 months must apply for a registration certificate at the local authority within 4 months of entry into Austria. To obtain a registration certificate, they must submit proof of identity, proof of health cover and secure means of subsistence. Dependants from third states wishing to join the EU citizen(s) will receive a residence card that is valid for 5 years; a permanent residency card can subsequently be issued upon request. Residence titles are awarded to dependants from third states: Residence titles in the form of temporary residence permits are issued for a variety of purposes for temporary stays that will nevertheless exceed 6 months (for example, university students and scientists). With regard to immigration or settlement in Austria, i.e. for a longer-term or permanent stay in Austria, residence titles are issued for various purposes in the form of a settlement permit, and also additional residence titles in the form of a Red-White-Red Card or a RedWhite-Red Card plus since 1 July 2011. Settlement and temporary residence permits are generally subject to quotas, i.e. are only available in limited quantities. Following a five-year period of legal 11 Temporary limited stay Temporary settlement Unlimited settlement eFA and Swiss nationals (stays exceeding 3 months) R e s Temporary residence permits i d e n c e t Settlement permit i t l e Permanent stays e.g. family dependant Permanent residence in the eU e.g. Red-white-Red Card (3 pillar system) Permanent residence for family dependants Documentation Registration certificate Residence card (for family dependants) e.g. eU blue Card (EU mobility) and uninterrupted settlement in Austria, fulfilment of Module 1 and 2 of the integration agreement (German knowledge at B1 level) and other prerequisites, such as sufficient income and living space, permanent residence in the eU or permanent residence for family dependants can be awarded. This status confers an entitlement to permanent and unrestricted residency in Austria. Third state nationals wishing to reside in Austria for tourism purposes or to earn an income (seasonal and harvest workers) for a maximum of 6 months generally require a visa, which must be applied for at an Austrian representation (embassies, consulate). A travel visa (C Visa) would be issued in the first case, and a residence visa (D Visa) in the second case. Important! a All third state nationals must provide 12 proof of elementary knowledge of the German language at the A1 level when they first apply for settlement in Austria prior to entry. However, exceptions may apply. In general, only confirmation provided by a testing institution recognised by the Austrian Integration Fund (Österreichischer Integrationsfonds; ÖIF) will be accepted. For mwore information, please contact the ÖIF. At the authority‘s request, confirmation that is not prepared in German must be submitted with a German translation or in a notarised form. The Language Diploma (Sprachdiplom) or course report card may not be older than one year at the time of submission. a The cost for a residence title is currently EUR 100.00. A personalisation fee will also apply in the event that additional identification services are required. 2.3. Frequently asked questions regarding residency – settlement – integration agreement 2.3.1. I would like my family to join me Subsequent family immigration of third state nationals Subsequent family immigration is limited to the immediate family. That includes the spouse or registered partner (must be 21 years of age) as well as unmarried children under 18 years of age, including adopted and step-children. Subsequent family immigration is generally subject to a quota. Dependents of Austrian citizens This type of immigration is not subject to a quota. The immediate family is issued with a r e s i d e n c e t i t l e “ F a m i l y m e m b e r ” , if they fulfil the general issuing conditions. Other dependants of Austrian citizens who do not belong to the immediate family, such as parents, children over 18 years of age, grandparents or life partners, will receive a „ s e t t l e m e n t p e r m i t – dependent“ (Niederlassungsb e w i l l i g u n g – A n g e h ö r i g e r ) , if they fulfil the general conditions and the Austrian citizen bringing them into the country provides a declaration of responsibility (mandatory). However, this type of authorization excludes paid employment. Dependants of EEA and Swiss citizens with right to freedom of movement For dependants of EEA citizens, a distinction must be made whether they are themselves EEA citizens or thirdcountry nationals. Swiss nationals are treated in the same way as EEA citizens, and the law treats their dependants in the same way as dependants of EEA citizens. Dependants of EEA citizens/Swiss nationals who are third-state nationals are authorized to settle in Austria. Close family members joining the EEA national will receive a residence card issued for 5 years. A quota–free „ s e t t l e m e n t permit – family member“ (Niederlassungsbewilligung – Ang e h ö r i g e r “ ) can be issued to other family members (e.g. life partner) if they meet the general conditions for issuance. A permanent residency card must be applied for after 5 years. 2.3.2. I would like to have my residence title extended Important! A residence title can be extended at the earliest 3 months prior to its expiry date, and you must submit the application in a timely manner before the expiry date. Applications submitted after the expiry date of the residence title are considered initial applications and you will be required to submit the application to the Austrian representation abroad that has quota space etc. 13 14 2.3.3. When will I get an unlimited residence title? 2.3.4. How do I change the purpose of my residence? If you have been entitled to settle in Austria without interruption during the last five years, and you have fulfilled the requirements of Module 1 and 2 (knowledge of German at B1 level) of the integration agreement, you can apply for the residence title Pe r m a n e n t r e s i d e n c e i n t h e E U or the Pe r m a n e n t r e sidence for Family Depend a n t s . The permanent residency card must be renewed every 5 years. Such renewals do not involve another review of whether you meet the requirements for issuance, similar to an initial application (such as income or living situation). A lack of prerequisites (no income, no accommodations, no health insurance etc.) will not have any legal consequences. At this point, a downgrade, refusal of residency or expulsion can only take place on account of certain criminal acts! In general, it is important to note that residency will already be considered entrenched after 5 years of legal residency; this status guarantees better residency protection, regardless of whether a permanent residence in the EU residence title is in place! However, it is recommended that you seek legal advice in the case of foreseeable difficulties. If you are absent from the EEA for more than 12 months, it is possible that your right to residency and settlement will lapse. In such a case, please contact the authority or legal advisor in advance. During the validity of your residence title you can make an application for a change of purpose from within the country. If you fulfil the requirements, you will receive the residence title you have applied for; however, if you do not fulfil the requirements, you will not receive the requested residence title but the refusal will not affect your existing right of residence. 2.3.5. What is the integration agreement? The objective of the integration agreement is to help third state nationals wishing to settle in Austria obtain sound German-language skills from the beginning. It aims to enable them to participate in society and the country‘s economic and cultural life. The integration agreement consists of an obligatory Module 1 (knowledge of German at the A2 level), which must be fulfilled within 2 years. If proof of A2 knowledge can already be provided after 18 months, and a German integration course has been completed, a portion of the costs for the course may be reimbursed by the federal government under certain conditions (see 6.2.1. below Federal Government – Integration Agreement). B1 level language skills (Module 2 of the integration agreement) are necessary to obtain an unlimited residence title “ Pe r m a n e n t r e s i d e n c y i n t h e E U “ or “ Pe r m a n e n t r e s i dency for Family Dependants“ and Austrian citizenship. Please contact the settlement authority in charge to obtain information on where and when you have to provide evidence of completion of the integration agreement, and whether you qualify for a federal government subsidy. The old regulations (IV-V pursuant to NAG 2005) of the “Tirol für AnfängerInnen“ (Tyrol for Beginners) brochure still apply to third state nationals that signed the integration agreement before 1 July 2011. All applications submitted by 30 June 2011 must be completed pursuant to the old integration agreement (A2 GER). Important! You must fulfil these by no later than 30 June 2013 (without literacy course) or 30 June 2014 (with literacy course), even if the original time for fulfilment was longer. 2.3.6. Do I have to fulfil the integration agreement? In principle, all third-country nationals are required to fulfil the integration agreement. Some exceptions apply. Please contact the settlement authority in charge. agreement within 2 years. If you are unable to fulfil the integration agreement for any reason, please contact the authority without delay e.g. to make a justified application for postponement. Otherwise you may be subject to administrative penalties and might lose your right of residence and will have to leave. Important! aa The current provision that the integration agreement must be fulfilled within 5 years no longer applies as of 1 July 2011. The integration agreement must now be fulfilled within 2 years. aa It is not sufficient to merely submit proof of having passed an examination for German, but that you are actually learning to speak German sufficiently well! The authority is entitled to verify your language skills: If you do not have the required knowledge, the authority may make an official determination (by way of a notification) that you did not fulfil the integration agreement. Information Bezirkshauptmannschaft (BH) (District Council), P. 60 2.3.7. What happens if I do not fulfil the integration agreement? Stadtmagistrat (City Council) Innsbruck, Residency matters, P. 95 With the issue or renewal of a residence title, you commit to fulfil the integration ZeMiT (Centre for Migrants in Tyrol), P. 102 15 Helpful links on the internet: (Federal Government information page) (Tyrol Bar Association) (Integration of refugees) (Deserters and Refugees Advisory Service Vienna; NGO that gives advice on alien and asylum rights problems.) (NGO working against racism) 16 3. Naturalization Austrian citizenship is acquired by parentage or by award. Citizenship may also be extended to the spouse or registered partner and children under certain conditions and by way of the corresponding application. During the evaluation procedure for the awarding of citizenship, the authority verifies that the applicant meets the legal criteria: General naturalization requirements aa Proof of legal and uninterrupted residency in Austria - generally 10 years, in some cases after 6 years (e.g. persons entitled to asylum, EEA nationals and Swiss nationals, spouses or registered partners of Austrian citizens). aa Clean conduct (no court convictions, pending criminal proceedings, serious administrative offences) aa No pending procedure to terminate residency, no pending deportation order, no legally valid ban on residency, no deportation order by another EEA country or Switzerland and no entry prohibition associated with a deportation order, and no issue of a deportation order in the last 18 months aa Positive attitude towards the Republic of Austria and commitment to the basic values of a European democratic state and its society aa Sufficiently assured means of support; did not receive basic or minimum income in the last 3 years prior to awarding of citizenship aa Renunciation of current citizenship aa Proof of knowledge of Austria‘s democratic order and history as well as the history of Tyrol (you will receive a folder containing information about important Austrian and Tyrolean events and facts to prepare for the relevant test). aa Proof of knowledge of German (at B1 level) A general overview regarding the procedure is outlined below. Further detail cannot be provided due to the large number of special provisions. Please contact your personal advisor at the Citizenship Department for more information. Application and investigations After an initial interview and the application, the Citizenship Department carries out the appropriate investigation via the District Authority (or City Magistrate in the case of Innsbruck) and the police and Security Directorate for Tyrol. Assurance After completion of the investigations and a positive evaluation, the applicant is assured of the award of citizenship by way of a formal notification, provided he or she renounces his/her current 17 citizenship within 2 years Citizenship can only be awarded once the applicant provides proof that he or she has renounced the current citizenship or has obtained permission to do so, and following possible subsequent investigations by the authorities. Costs and award The exact costs must be calculated for each individual case and must be paid at the end of the process. Citizenship is awarded as part of a ceremony (presentation of certificate and citizenship oath). Renunciation As some states, among them Turkey, only agree to a renunciation of citizenship after the conferment of a new citizenship, such cases of renunciation of former citizenship are subject to particular monitoring by the the Department via a “renunciation list” (Entlassungsliste). If the former citizenship is not renounced within 2 years of obtaining Austrian citizenship, Austrian citi- 18 zenship must be withdrawn by way of notification. Dual citizenship and loss of Austrian citizenship The former citizenship may not be readopted once Austrian citizenship has been awarded. In this case, Austrian citizenship would be automatically withdrawn. Dual citizenship is not normally possible. Important! The initial interview, which provides extensive information and advice, is considered absolutely necessary! Please arrange a date for this initial interview by phone! Information Citizenship Department of the State of Tyrol (Abteilung Staatsbürgerschaft des Landes Tirol) P. 56 Government assistance website: 4. Work The dependent employment of foreign nationals is regulated by the A c t G o v e r n i n g E m p l o y m e n t o f F o reigners (Ausländerbeschäftig u n g s g e s e t z o r A u s l B G ) . This also includes employee-like employment, such as freelance contracts. Generally excluded from the AuslBG are recognised refugees, persons entitled to protection (subsidiary), EEA citizens and Swiss nationals on par with same and their dependants, foreign correspondents, researchers, religious professions, persons in diplomatic service. Freedom of trade in the labour market according to the AuslBG applies to third state dependants with a residence title permanent residence in the EU, family dependant, permanent residence for family dependants, with a settlement permit – unlimited, a Red-White-Red Card plus or a settlement certificate (old legal situation). Key personnel (Section 12 AuslBG) & Red-White-Red Card As of 1 July 2011, key personnel may commence work in Austria without a quota: Highly-qualified staff, experts in professions with shortages, other key personnel, university graduates and those entitled to an EU Blue Card (Blaue Karte EU). The AMS (Public Employment Service) in Vienna is the cen tral contact point and inspection authority for all applications from abroad. The process takes approximately 8 weeks. Qualifications are verified according to a criteria catalogue (education, age, professional experience, German language skills etc.) using a point system. Professions where shortages exist are defined by decree, whereby the first decree is expected to be issued no earlier than May 2012. If you have completed university studies in Austria, you can also access the labour market without the point system. However, the employment must be commensurate with your education. You only require proof of an employment contract, whereby the salary/wage paid by the company must exceed a certain minimum (45% of maximum assessment basis, currently EUR 1,890.00 gross). A Red-White-Red Card for 12 months is issued to key personnel committed to a specific employer. If you were employed 10 months following your qualification, you are entitled to a Red-White-Red Card plus, which gives you unlimited access to Austria‘s labour market. Third state dependants with a temporary residence permit or limited settlement permit generally require a permit pursuant to the AuslBG (note exceptions!). To this end, the AuslBG provides for an e m p l o y m e n t p e r m i t ( B e schäftigungsbewilligung), a work permit (Arbeitserlaubnis) and a C e r t i f i c a t e o f E x e m p t i o n ( B e f r e i u n g s s c h e i n ) . The responsibility for awarding these permits rests with the department for foreign employment at the responsible RGS (regional business office) of AMS Tyrol. 19 Important! According to the association agreement between the EU and Turkey, Turkish employees have some special rights according to theAuslBG and also the NAG, which cannot be outlined here. Please obtain the appropriate legal advice. 4.1. Permits in accordance with the Act governing the Employment of Foreigners (AuslBG/Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz) 4.1.1. Employment permit S c o p e : gives authorization for a given activity at a clearly defined place of employment state; any professional activity V a l i d i t y : can be carried out 2 years or for the duration of the apprenticeship A p p l i c a n t : the foreign employee Important issuing conditions: aa at least 52 weeks in a permitted employment during the last 14 months 4.1.3. Certificate of Exemption (Befreiungsschein) Scope: across Austria, valid for all professions V a l i d i t y : 5 years V a l i d i t y : one year, extension possible for a further year A p p l i c a n t : the future employer Important issuing conditions: aa Observation of wage and working conditions in the business concerned aa Presentation of a valid residence title or visa aa Examination whether the position can be filled with earmarked workers under the agency of the Public Employment Service 4.1.2. Arbeitserlaubnis S c o p e : valid for a particular federal 20 A p p l i c a n t : the foreign employee Important issuing conditions: aa at least 5 years of permitted employment in Austria during the last 8 years aa completion of the last full school year prior to the end of the compulsory schooling period in Austria, whereby one parent was employed 3 years during the last 5 years aa If you hold a Certificate of Exemption and have resided in Austria for at least 12 months, your spouse/registered partner and your unmarried children under 18 years of age are also entitled to a Certificate of Exemption 4.2. You have a permit to work in Austria but still no job the desired employer does not contact you. 4.2.2. Take action yourself Looking for work is exhausting and often frustrating. In any case it is essential to be proficient in the German language and if possible to acquire additional qualifications. If you have already completed training in your home country you must find out whether you can have your certificates, diplomas etc. recognized in Austria (“nostrification”/Nostrifizierung). A further important possibility of finding work is to take action yourself. This strategy is often more successful than an application to a job advert. You send your application to companies where you would like to work or ask around your acquaintances whether anyone has work for you or knows who might need staff. 4.2.1. The search for job vacancies 4.3. You have found a job – what does your employer expect from you? Job vacancies can be found in the newspaper (“job ads”), on the internet (“online job markets”: e.g., at the AMS, from recruitment agencies and on advertisements in shops (e.g. “notice board” in the supermarket). You can ring the desired employer or send a written application. This should contain a Curriculum Vitae/CV, letter of application and certificates. After that you will sometimes be contacted and perhaps invited for a job interview. But sometimes Information Chamber of Labour of Tyrol (Arbeiterkammer Tirol AK), P. 58 Labour Market Promotion of the State of Tyrol (Arbeitsmarktförderung des Landes Tirol), P. 56 Public Employment Service (AMS Arbeitsmarktservice), P. 50 BIZ – professional information centre of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce aa Punctuality aa Reliability: If you cannot get in to work, ring up! aa If you are absent through sickness, obtain a sick note from the doctor to say how long you will be off work. When you are better, you must get it certified. aa Dealing with superiors: Follow the in(Berufsinformationszentrum der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol), P. 102 Equal treatment advocacy (Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft) P. 77 Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB/Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund ), P. 90 Centre for Migrants in Tyrol (ZeMiT/ Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol), P. 102 21 structions of your superior, whether a man or a woman. If you are unable or do not wish to do that or you have the feeling that your rights are being infringed, talk to your superior about it. 4.4. What do I do if I am sacked or have no job? 4.4.1. Unemployment benefit from the Public Employment Service (AMS) If you have been employed for some time, you are at the same time insured against unemployment. You have a claim to unemployment benefit if you are unemployed, have registered as unemployed and have paid contributions for a certain length of time to the unemployment insurance system. While you are drawing this money you can look for another job. Note: It is recommended that you find out about the further AMS assistance at the nearest AMS office or the Centre for Migrants. 22 4.4.2. Retraining In some cases you can also receive support for retraining and further education from the AMS. Talk to your AMS personal adviser about it. 4.4.3. “Update training support” (Bildungsgeld update) (Labour Market Promotion of the State of Tyrol/ Arbeitsmarktförderung des Landes Tirol) The State of Tyrol is promoting measures to improve professional qualification. Austrian nationality is not a requirement for the receipt of training funds. Please contact the Labour Market Promotion Department of the State of Tyrol or the course provider for more detailed information. 4.5. You feel discriminated against as a “foreigner” The Equal Treatment Act 2004 prohibits unequal treatment on the grounds of sex, ethnic origin, religion or creed, age or sexual orientation. There is help, do not be afraid to accept it. If you have problems, contact e.g. the equal treatment officer or the Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer/AK). 5. HOUSInG Advice For questions to do with tenancy law or signing a tenancy contracts the tenants’ protection organizations, the Austrian Tenants’ Association (Mieterschutzvereinigung) and the Austrian Tenants’ Protection Organization (Mieterschutzverband) or the Chamber of Labour (AK) will advise you. Financial support If the family income is very low, there are some possibilities of support in the housing area. The support on offer in the local authorities is however very varied and stretches from rent allowances to affordable social housing. However you have to have lived for a certain length of time (mostly 3 – 5 years) in the local area to be able to claim the appropriate allowances. You can get more details from the Local Authority Office (Gemeindeamt) of the Local Authority where you live. Information and advice Chamber of Labour (AK) legal and consumer politics department, P. 58 LocalAuthorityOffice (Gemeindeamt) where you live (Registration office/ Meldeamt) Mietervereinigung Österreich (Austrian Tenants’ Association) – Tyrol section, P. 89 Mieterschutzverband Österreichs (Austrian Tenants’ Protection Association) – Tyrol association P. 89 Stadtmagistrat (City Administration) residents’ registration office, P. 95 Centre for Migrants in Tyrol (ZeMiTZentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol), P. 102 Milch & Honig Im Paradies fließen Milch und Honig, heißt es. Aber der Punkt ist: Das Paradies hat seine Grenzen. Und jetzt aufgepasst: Wer nie über den Tellerrand hinausschaut, kommt nicht weiter. Weitsicht öffnet neue Horizonte. 23 6. German Courses For many reasons it is important for migrants to learn German. Knowledge of German makes life easier: it helps when looking for work, shopping, at the doctor’s etc. Also the German language is really important when dealing with nursery school, school and Austrian people. The easiest and best way to learn German is to try to come into contact with the Austrian population and at the same time attend German lessons. In Tyrol there are various course providers. Please note! Not every German course is a language course that is recognized for the fulfilment of the integration agreement. If you have to fulfil the integration agreement you should enquire from the provider if the course is valid towards fulfilment of the integration agreement or if the institution is authorized to offer integration courses. That is important for the examination and for partial reimbursement of the costs. 6.1. Where do I get information about German courses? Integration Department (Integrationsreferat) The Integration Department of the State of Tyrol offers general information about German language course providers and also the possibility of financial assistance. All over Tyrol the most varied public and private institutions offer German courses. Enquire directly from the provider if the German course is suitable for 6 24 you. The larger institutions also offer a grading test so that you can attend the course suitable for you. A few places also offer literacy courses. You will find a list of course providers at the end of the section. 6.2. Where can I get financial support? 6.2.1. Federal authorities (Bund) If you have to fulfil the integration agreement and belong to one of the groups entitled to assistance you will receive a voucher from the authority issuing the residence title. This voucher is handed over to the course provider at the start of the course, collected together with the course certification after the end of the course and for all the participants of a course passed on to the relevant authority. After that the course organizer receives a sum of money that is then passed on to the participants. Reimbursement conditions Note that this assistance is only paid under certain circumstances: The courses must be completed at a certified institute and within a certain period of time. 6 If the German course is completed within 18 months of signing the integration agreement the Federal Authorities will pay a contribution of 50%, after 18 up to 24 months 25% of the course contribution will be paid. If the course is still not completed after 2 years the au- thorities will not pay and you will have to bear the total cost yourself. 6.2.2. The State of Tyrol Integration Department If you are not obliged to fulfil the integration agreement, you will receive no financial support from the Federal Authorities. As however learning German is in every case important, the State of Tyrol will support immigrants living legally and permanently in Tyrol who do not fall under the integration agreement and who are not in employment. The financial assistance is aimed primarily at women and young people who arrived before 1.1.1998. The exception are children and young people up to the age of 15 years (of compulsory school age). Extent of financial assistance: Ca. 50% of cost of course. With reference to Labour Market Promotion (Sachgebiet Arbeitsmarktförderung) The support for German language courses within the framework of the update programme – see Point 4.4.3. “update training grants” (State of Tyrol Labour Market Promotion) – is also a possibility for migrants who are in employment. Also people returning to work, people partly self-employed and people on unpaid leave who have their main place of residence in Tyrol can apply for an update grant. Please note the more detailed guidelines for the possibility of reimbursement. Extent of financial assistance: Ca. 30% of cost of course. Tip: Austrian citizenship is not required for the grants. You can get further information about it from the Labour Market Promotion (update programme) 6.2.3. Public Employment Service Tyrol (AMS) Migrants with their main place of residence in Tyrol who are registered as either unemployed or seeking work and who have already worked and paid contributions into the unemployment insurance can receive a grant of up to 100% for their German course. Discuss it with your AMS personal adviser and he will give you more detailed information. 25 Information Assistance providers Labour Market Promotion of the State of Tyrol, P. 56 Public Employment Service (AMS), P. 50 Integration Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF – Integration), P. 52 Local providers Caritas Integration House (Caritas Integrationshaus), P. 67 Women from all countries (Frauen aus allen Ländern), P. 75 Inlingua Language School, P. 78 Innsbruck college German courses (IHD), P. 79 International Language Centre of the University of Innsbruck (ISI), P. 80 Austrian Integration Fund (Österreichischer Integrationsfond), P. 91 Sprachinsel – forum for intercultural learning, P. 94 Tyrol Education Forum (Tiroler Bildungsforum), P. 95 Multicultural Association (Verein Multikulturell), P. 100 26 Tyrol-wide providers of German courses Vocational Training Institute (BFI Berufsförderungsinstitut Tirol), P. 61 Adult Education Centres of Tyrol Lifelong Learning (Tiroler Bildungsforum), P. 95 Adult Education Tyrol (VHS Volkshochschule), P. 101 Tyrol Business Development Institute (WIFI Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut), P. 101 Note: You will also find addresses of German language course providers in the telephone directory. An up-todate list of German language course providers is obtainable from the Integration Department of the State. 7. Education So that you can actively participate in the schooling of your children and gain insight into where and how you can continue your education, it is advantageous if you acquaint yourself with the Austrian education system. 7.1. Pree-school So that children can come into contact with the German language and other Austrian children before they go to school, there are institutions for even small children where they can learn German easily through play. Nurseries and nursery schools N u r s e r i e s : for children up to 3 years N u r s e r y s c h o o l s : for children between 3 and 6 years. Particularly for children whose mother tongue is not German, nursery schools represent an important preparation for school. 7.2. Compulsory education in Austria In Austria all children between the ages of 6 and 15 must attend school. Attending a state school is free; however you do have to pay school fees for private schools. Your child must attend lessons during school hours regularly and punctually, you are responsible for that as guardian. The child is only allowed to stay away from lessons when attending school is not possible because of an ill- You can get information about the nearest childcare provisions from: Education Department of the State of Tyrol, P. 51 Family Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF-Familienreferat), P. 51 Local (City) Authority Office – school/nursery department The list of nursery schools, daycare and nurseries can also be downloaded from, Education Department Note: Nursery schools and nurseries are not free of charge. They are however as a rule very reasonably-priced because the State and the Local Council bear most of the cost. ness of the child or of the parents. You are obliged to notify the school of absence from lessons. 7.3. Branches of the education system in Austria As can be seen from the diagram below, Austria has a differentiated school system both vertically and horizontally. As in other German-speaking countries 27 there is a longstanding tradition of initial vocational training after compulsory education. After attending primary school (Volksschule) there are two possible avenues for continuing education: attending the secondary school (Hauptschule) or attending the general selective secondary grammar school (Gymnasium). The Hauptschule lasts four years and after than students attend either the Polytechnische Schule (technical college) which then equips them for a vocational training on the job and at a berufsschule (vocational college). Ac- cording to ability and inclination they can also continue their school career in the senior classes of a general senior school (Oberstufengymnasium = sixth form college) or a vocational middle or senior school (vocational sixth form college). The selective grammar school is eight years. After the fourth year transfer to a vocational middle or senior school is an option. Both the general college and the senior college finish with the school leaving Certificate (matura) which allows entry to a university or institute of higher education. selective secondary school (AHS) Key-Stage 3 (KS 3) (ISCED 2) equivalent to selective secondary school (KS4) + sixth form (ISCED 3A) A levels certificate equiv. technical stream of sixth form college (BHS) (ISCED 3A/4A) apprenticeship certificated equivalent to NVQ Level 3 universities (ISCED 5A/6) technical universities (ISCED 5A) foundation courses (ISCED 5B) colleges/academies/institues of higher education(ISCED 5B) primary school (ISCED 1) technical college (ISCED 3B) vocational A Level-equivalent certificate non-selective secondary school (ISCED 2) apprenticeship (ISCED 3B) A levels certificate equivalent special school general KS 4 course at secondary school c o m p u l s o r y e d u c a t i o n 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 age 6 year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Source: ibw – Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft [Institute for educational research of the economy: The Austrian education system. A short introduction []·and [ _ prioritaeten.pdf] 28 For children with special educational needs there are various types of special schools and the possibility of integrated education. More details under Point 7.3.1. Integration of students with special educational needs. The school advisory service of the State Education Authority for Tyrol will be pleased to advise non-German mother tongue parents and students with questions and problems at school. Brochures are available there in various languages. 7.3.1.Integration of students with special educational needs The statement of “special educational needs” is the requirement for special school provisions. The reasons for a statement of special educational needs are as varied as the necessary provisions. The main reasons are: aa Massive developmental delays aa Learning difficulties aa Behavioural difficulties aa Sensory impairment aa Physical disability aa Mental disability Lack of knowledge of the language is no reason for attending a special school! Children with a statement of special edu- cational needs have lessons adapted to them in their own school – a special school. Sometimes however they are integrated into the mainstream school system. Classes with children with special educational needs receive a support teacher who is able to deal especially with the needs of these children. 7.3.2. After-school supervision (Schulische Nachmittagsbetreuung) Since the start of the school year 2006/07 there has been a great increase in what was previously on offer under the heading of “After-school supervision”: the running of full-day schools. Fullday school systems (= full-day schools/ Ganztagsschulen) consist basically in a lesson and a supervision part. The two parts can be either held separately (e.g. in the morning lessons, in the afternoon supervision) or intermixed (alternate phases of lessons and supervision). (Voluntary) school afternoon supervision in turn means supervision by teachers with homework and with recreational activities and also individual lessons for the children. Pupils at the general compulsory educational establishments and the lower years of the general senior schools are entitled to supervision. The deciding factor whether schools are run as full-day schools i.e. as schools with afternoon supervision is the number registering for afternoon supervision (at least 7 pupils on at least 3 days of the week), whether the requirements in terms of space are present in the 29 schools and what other supervision provisions e.g. daycare centres) can be used in the vicinity. More information can be obtained from the free service lines of the State of Tyrol (Tel.: 0800-800-501) or the AK Tyrol (Tel.: 0800-225522-1515). In Austria lessons are taught in German but children of migrants have the possibility of having lessons in their mother tongue in compulsory education. According to the finding of linguistics it is very important for children to be able to speak their mother tongue in order to be able to learn a second language properly. At the present time in Tyrol lessons are on offer in Turkish, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, and Hungarian (Russian and Arabic are planned). The school management can give you information about this., and also from bodies and private foundations, partly through the localities. In addition the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture grants support for the participation in school activities. The State of Tyrol does not promote school activities but helps families when their child starts school at the compulsory school age „Help for starting school“ (Schulstarthilfe) from the State Family Section). The benefit is paid out annually in autumn and is linked with Austrian or EU-State citizenship and income. Application forms for benefits are available in the relevant schools. You can obtain further information from your children’s school or from the Tyrol education signpost on the home pay of the state education authority for Tyrol (, submenu benefits and grants (Beihilfen & Stipendien). 7.3.4. Religious education 7.3.6. Learning support Religious education is compulsory in Austrian schools. All pupils who belong to a legally recognized church or religious community are obliged to attend the religious education lessons of their faith. Alongside Catholic, Protestant and Christian Orthodox, Islamic religious education is also offered. Again the school management can give you information about this. Learning support is the supervision of children (and young people) outside school for assistance with the completion of homework and other school demands. The aim is the improvement of their school performance and thus access to better vocational training. This includes support with learning and doing schoolwork and also the integration of elements of play for relaxation, language improvement (particularly for German as a second language), for mutual acquaintance and understanding and for developing a feeling of togetherness. In Tyrol there are numerous learning support workers. Note:You will find a list of learning support 7.3.3. Mother tongue lessons 7.3.5. Assistance There are financial assistance, support and grants for pupils from the State and the Austrian Federation (www.bmukk. 30 providers on: gesellschaft-und-soziales/integration/ lernhilfe or you can find out about provision from the Integration Department of the State of Tyrol. 7.4. Adult education For people who as adults would like to continue their education, there are all sorts of possibilities that are however for the most part have associated costs. On the one hand evening classes and adult education centres, Bfi and WIFI offer a lot of courses on the most varied subjects, on the other hand a professional training programme within the framework of the AMS funding can be accessed. Professional training programmes are funded by the most varied places. Information Chamber of Labour of Tyrol (AK/Arbeiterkammer): Baby’s best start – parent-child programme for learning the German language, P. 58 Labour Market Promotion of the State of Tyrol, P. 56 Public Employment Service (AMS), P. 51 Vocational Training Institute (bfi Tyrol), P. 61 District Education Authority and State Education Authority for Tyrol (Bezirksschulräte und Landesschulrat für Tirol), P. 86f BIZ – professional information centre of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce (Berufsinformationszentrum der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol), P. 102 Eurobiz, P. 73 Family Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF-Familienreferat), P. 51 Local Authority Office (Gemeindeamt bzw. Magistrat) State Education Authority for Tyrol – school advisory service for foreigners, P. 87 Austrian Students’ Union (Österreichi sche Hochschülerschaft (ÖH) – Foreign Students’ Section, P. 91 Educational psychology – educational counselling of the State Education Authority for Tyrol, P. 88 Tyrol coordinator for teaching Islam, P. 98 Verein Multikulturell, P. 100 Business Development Institute (WIFI/ Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut), P. 101 Centre for Migrants in Tyrol (ZeMiT), P. 102 Learning support providers: Kufstein Academy, P. 50 Caritas Integration House, P. 66 Youth Red Cross Tyrol (Jugendrotkreuz Tirol), P. 82 Sprachinsel (Language Island) – forum for intercultural learning, P. 94 Marienheim Foundation, P. 95 31 8. Health In Austria it is obligatory to have legal health insurance. It covers most of the cost of medical treatment, medicines and stays in hospital. Normally you and your dependents are already insured by the fact that you are employed. If you or anyone in your family has health problems, first seek out a general practitioner (Arzt/Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin) (exceptions: optician and dentist). He or she will examine you and then decide if further examinations (by a consultant or in a hospital) are necessary. A hospital is only the first port of call in a real emergency! 8.1. Your rights as a patient It is often not easy to understand medical language. Cultural differences often add to the difficulty. For this reason we would like to inform you what rights you have as a patient and what recourses you have if problems arise. aa Right to treatment and care: You have the right to appropriate and adequate services in the area of health. aa Right of information: You have the right to be informed truthfully, understandably and completely about the state of your health or your illness. aa Right of self-determination: You can as a matter of principle only be medi- 32 cally treated with your consent. There are exceptions in emergencies, in the area of psychiatry and in fighting epidemics. aa Right to attention to dignity and integrity: Your privacy and private space must be sufficiently protected, the duty of confidentiality with respect to your data must be adhered to and death with dignity safeguarded. aa Right to support: by the autonomous and independent Patients’ Representative Service. If you need an interpreter, you should bring someone you trust with you. Please consider however that if your children help with the translation, they may be emotionally out of their depth with someof the subject matter. In hospitals there are to some extent well functioning interpreting services. 8.2. Health checks for adults From the 19th year everyone living in Austria is entitled to a free health check once a year. Frequently, in the course of these, illnesses can be diagnosed in the early stages and often cured in time. You can have the health checks carried out at any general practitioner’s and also at the specialist‘s. The check is painless and only takes up a small amount of time and an appointment. Information Hospitals, P. 85 Surgery for migrant women at the Women’s Hospital (Frauenklinik) Innsbruck, P. 86 Red Cross – Tyrol State association, P. 92 Ombudsman for medical liability questions for Tyrol, P. 93 National Insurance Agency for The Trades (SVA), P. 94 Tyrol Area Health Insurance Office (TGKK), P. 96 Tyrol Patients’ Representative Service, P. 97 Note: Take a careful note of which health insurance you are insured with and if you are not yet insured, which would be the best option for you and your family. Every employer is obliged to insure his/her employee! 8.3. Psychosocial problems It is happening more and more that people have physical problems for which no physical cause can be found despite numerous investigations. Investigations have shown that these physical difficulties such as constant headache or depression are often caused by among other things the cultural and social environment. The particular and new situation of living in a foreign country is not always easy to deal with. Also the climate and mentality of the people of the surroundings, of the new family, of the work colleagues etc. can be a great strain on the psyche. These “mental” illnesses or problems should however be taken just as seriously as physical illnesses. Very often seeing a specialist (psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst, etc.) is a good way to face up to one’s problems with professional support. Information Ankyra – centre for intercultural psychotherapy, P. 58 Doppel S – self help group for eating disorders, P. 70 Eating disorders – Unterland (Essstörungen – Unterland), P. 73 Society for Mental Health (Gesellschaft für psychische Gesundheit), P. 77 HPE – help for family members of mental patients, P. 78 Eating Disorders Network: anorexia – bulimia – obesity, P. 90 Hospital psychiatric departments, P. 85 Tyrol Psychosocial Care Service (PSP/ Psychosozialer Pflegedienst Tirol), P. 92 Psychologists and psychotherapists in the telephone directory Cross-cultural outpatient clinic at the University Psychiatric Hospital of the LKH Innsbruck, P. 86 33 9. Family 9.1. Family planning and pregnancy Are you pregnant? – congratulations! During pregnancy regularly attending a clinic or the surgery of a gynaecologist for the sake of your health and that of your child is necessary from the third month of pregnancy at the latest. It is very important to be constantly under medical supervision as only then can the appropriate treatment be carried out at the right time at the slightest sign of a danger to health. Information AEP-Family counselling service (AEPFamilienberatung), P. 49 BASIS – Women’s Centre in Außerfern, P. 59 Caritas advice centre, P. 65 Family and social advice centre reg. association, P. 74 Therapeutic families, P. 77 Insieme association for the promotion of advice centres, P. 79 9.1.1. The mother and child passport (Mutter-Kind-Pass) The examinations and findings intended in the mother and child passport are important preventive checks for mother and child. In addition the Mother and Child Passport forms the basis for the entitlement to child benefit (Kinderbetreuungsgeld) in the full amount 34 Ante-natal classes are offered in many different institutions such as e.g. in the state hospitals in Volkshochschulen (Adult Education Centres) and also in Parent and Child Centres and by selfemployed midwives. You will find information about this on: Multicultural family counselling at the Multicultural Association, P. 100 Tyrol social services (Tiroler Sozialdienst), P. 97 Parent-child-centre (Eltern-KindZentrum), P. 72 Parent-child-club Innsbruck (ElternKind-Treff Innsbruck, P. 73 Z6 Youth, family and drug counselling, P. 103 Centre for marriage and family issues, P. 103 from the child’s 21st month. You will receive your Mother and Child Passport from your gynaecologist, your general practitioner, in the district health offices (Bezirksgesundheitsämtern), in the outpatients departments of the district insurance offices, the hospital outpatients departments with maternity units and in the pregnancy advice centres. If you are in employment, you must 9.1.2. Pregnancy and employment law aa Inform your employer without delay about the pregnancy and the expected delivery date In the event of a pregnancy, employment law provides for some mechanisms to protect you from possible dismissal or other negative consequences. As these regulations are subject to constant changes, we would only like to give a short overview here. You can obtain more detailed information from the service centres listed below. aa present a medical certificate to your employer if required, aa within the 4th week before the start of the protected maternity leave (Schutzfrist) indicate this to your employer and aa inform your employer if the pregnancy ends prematurely. Schutzfrist (protected period) means that employees are not allowed to work in the last eight weeks before the birth and for eight weeks after the birth. Maternity benefit is linked to this period. Information Chamber of Labour of Tyrol (AK), P. 58 Baby drop-off box/Babynest, P. 59 First Love Clinic (First Love Ambulanz), P. 75 Hospitals, P. 85 Parental leave Mothers and fathers who are employees have a legal right to leave (= absence from work without pay) up to the child‘s 2nd birthday if they live in the same household as the child. The minimum length of leave is three months. If you take leave, you have protection from dismissal and redundancy that lasts until four weeks after the end of the leave. Take Care!! You must inform your employer directly that you want to take leave. Applying for child benefit is not sufficient. Surgery for migrant women at the Women’s Hospital (Frauenklinik) Innsbruck, P. 86 National Insurance Agency for the Trades (SVA/Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft), P. 94 Tyrol Area Health Insurance Office (TGKK/ Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse), P. 96 35 9.2. Financial support for families 9.2.1. Family benefits (Familienbeihilfe) and child deductions (Kinderabsetzbetrag) Family benefits and child deductions are financial support from the state for families with children. Family benefit must be applied for by the mother from the relevant tax office of the place of residence, the deduction is paid out at the same time with the family benefit and a separate application need not be made. Persons who have their place of residence or their usual residence in Austria are entitled to family benefit independent of their income and employment. It can be drawn at maximum up to the completion of the child’s 26th year. From the child’s 18th year his/her own income must however not exceed a certain amount. From the third child you are entitled in addition to multiple child supplement (Mehrkindzuschlag). The family credit is paid out six times a year in two-monthly instalments. You can obtain further information about the amount of the benefit also the forms from the tax office. Information Local tax office (Wohnsitzfinanzamt), P. 75 Helpful links on the internet: Federal Ministry of Finance help site on the internet Federal Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection 9.2.2. Childcare allowance (Kinderbetreuungsgeld) For all children born after 1.1.2002 childcare allowance is received. Unlike parental leave benefit, the childcare allowance is also granted to people who were not employed or compulsorily insured (homemakers, students, persons in marginal employment). This area too is subject to constant changes and so we recommend that you enquire directly from your relevant health insurance office. 36 Information National Insurance Agency for The Trades (SVA), P. 94 Tyrol Area Health Insurance Office (TGKK), P. 96 Helpful links on the internet: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection internet help site 9.2.3. Childcare benefit (Kinderbetreuungsbeihilfe) If you have to have your child looked after because of your employment, there is support from the Public Employment Service (AMS) or the State of Tyrol. Childcare benefit from the Public Employment Service (AMS) Childcare benefit is given to those who need a nursery place for their child because Childcare benefit from the State of Tyrol – Family Department (Kinderbetreuungshilfe des Landes Tirol – Familienreferat) This benefit is paid to mothers and fathers who are single parents and have to have their child looked after out of the home to be able to go to work and who no longer get support from the AMS. The allowance is linked to income levels. The basis for calculation is the net income. aa they intend e.g. following a course of further education, Important: Before applying to the Family Department of the State of Tyrol, support must be requested from the AMS! You can obtain the application form from the Family Department or on the State home page. aa despite working their economic circumstances have dramatically deteriorated, 9.2.4. Tyrol CHILD BENEFIT PLUS (Tiroler KINDERGELD PLUS ) aa they want to take a job, aa significant changes to their working hours, aa the previous carer has dropped out. The child must live in the same household and be under 15. There is a sliding scale of childcare benefit and it depends on the gross (family) income. Information Public Employment Service (AMS), P. 50 Tyrol Child Benefit Plus is a financial supporting service for parents of children between the age of 3 and school enrolment age and is not linked to income levels. As from the age of 4 attendance at an officially recognized child care place must be verified. You can obtain further information and the application form from the Family Department. Family Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF-Familienreferat), P. 51 37 9.3. Tax advantages for families Within the framework of the income tax return („tax adjustment“) there are various possibilities for families (e.g. in the form of deductions, special expenses or extraordinary expenses) to get back from the state tax already paid. This can also be worthwhile for individuals. In the latest Tax Reference Book (Steuerhandbuch) 2007 you can obtain valuable information about free services or tax concessions. This reference book is available in several languages in every tax office. Information Local tax office, P. 75 Helpful links on the internet _ start.htm Download of form Home page of Federal Ministry of Finance 9.4. Family pass (Familienpass) With the free Tyrol family pass families have the option of obtaining alongside family assistance also concessions for leisure activities. The most important advantages: aa Ye a r ’ s s u b s c r i p t i o n t o t h e Ty r o l F a m i l y M a g a z i n e A magazine from the Family Section that comes out 4 times a year with lots of tips on all family topics, from bringing up children to suggestions for communal leisure pursuits. aa M o r e i n f o r m a t i o n for family pass holders about current familyfriendly activities and assistance from the State and the Federal Government. Reductions of up to 50% from firms offering concessions all over 38 Tyrol: leisure facilities (from open air pools to ski lifts), restaurants, shops, etc. aa F a m i l y s e c u r i t y p a c k a g e An insurance for accidents in the home for the parent running the home. Reimbursement of the costs for family help up to 3 months if the net family income is below a certain level. aa S u b s i d i e s f o r h o l i d a y a c t i v i t i e s For certain holiday activities subsidies are granted if the net family income is under the designated level. Information and orders Family Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF-Familienreferat), P. 51 9.5. Childcare establishments Forms of childcare The State of Tyrol has set up a childcare hotline on the free telephone number: 0800-800-508. Specialists give information about the approx. 1 000 childcare establishments in Tyrol and help in the choice of a suitable place. Here you can find out which childcare establishment is the best for your needs and those of your child. The hotline is available on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9am – 7pm, on Thursday from 9am – 8pm and on Saturday from 9am – 6pm. You can also obtain information about childcare provision in the Childcare data base: The following forms of childcare are available: Note: Find out in good time about the childcare possibilities in your vicinity, inspect the establishments personally and speak to the people in change and with the parents of other children about their special needs. Do not forget to register your children in good time! Information Family Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF-Familienreferat), P. 51 Tyrol State Education Authority, P. 86 C r è c h e s (Kinderkrippen): for children under 3 N u r s e r y s c h o o l s (Kindergärten): for children of 3 and above Ta g e s m ü t t e r u n d Ta g e s v ä t e r : look after several children in their own home in the family association (childminders). P l a y g r o u p s (Kindergruppen): participation of parents normally required. B a b y s i t t e r : intermittent childcare in the child’s own normal environment. H o n o r a r y g r a n d p a r e n t s (Leih omas und Leihopas): older people who look after children. Afternoon childcare for schoolage children (Nachmittagsbetreuung schulpflichtiger Kinder): daycare centres, private childcare and after-school clubs. Save the child (Rettet das Kind), P. 92 Centre for marriage and family issues, P. 103 Helpful links on the internet: 39 10. Information – support – help For many of life’s circumstances by which one is to some extent taken by surprise there are a range of institutions available giving advice, information and support. Under this heading we would like to briefly address a few central themes and offer you a rough overview of where you can find suitable people to talk to and what special provisions there are for migrants in these areas. aa H o w m a n y injured/patients are there? aa W h a t i n j u r i e s /illnesses are present? aa Wait to answer any questions and do not hang up immediately!! 10.2. Young people 10.1. In an emergency Important emergency telephone numbers: aa Ambulance............... 144 aa Emergency doctor.....141 aa Police......................... 133 aa Fire service.................122 The emergency numbers can be rung free from all telephones. You do not need an area code and they also work in a power cut! Misuse of these emergency numbers is an offence! Wichtig sind folgende Angaben: aa W h o is calling? aa W h e r e did it happen? aa W h a t happened? 40 Migration is a challenge for all those involved and linked with cultural and social adjustments. That also affects young people who sometimes have problems coping with what can be a difficult situation. It is then not uncommon for family conflicts to develop that can no longer be resolved within the family. Numerous institutions are available for support. 10.2.1. Jugendschutzgesetz (Youth Protection Act) Children and young people too would like to have fun, meet friends, attend events and go out. Then questions arise for them and their parents: “Who is allowed what, how long – and within what framework does the Youth Protection Act operate?” All measures and provisions have the aim of promoting the healthy mental and physical development as well as the abilities of children and young people. For that to succeed all those involved must assume responsibility. Information and bro- chures can be obtained via the Youth Section of the State of Tyrol, the children and young people’s advocacy or the Info-Eck (State information service for young people). Going out times Children up to the 14th year can remain up to 10pm in public places (streets, stations) or attend public events without an accompanying adult. In the company of a supervising person they can attend public events up to 12pm. Yo u n g p e o p l e (up to 16) may remain in a pub up to 1am without an accompanying adult. It is not until after the age of 16 that there are no longer legal limitations. Yet the following applies: the guardians may continue to draw the boundaries tighter! Consumption of alcohol C h i l d r e n a n d y o u n g p e o p l e up to the age of 16 are not allowed to buy alcoholic drinks or consume them in public places. It is also not permitted to give them alcoholic drinks! There is a blanket prohibition for persons under 18 of giving, buying or consuming of spirits and mixtures that contain spirits, independently of whether they are ready-mixed (e.g. alcopops) or selfprepared. Tobacco Tobacco must not be given to K i n d e r u n d J u g e n d l i c h e under the age of 16. They are not permitted to buy tobacco or consume it in public. Nor must children and young people buy tobacco or alcoholic drinks even if these are intended for the personal use of their parents or other people! Information Tyrol Chamber of Labour (AK), Youth Section, P. 58 Educational guidance centre of the State of Tyrol, P. 56 First Love Clinic, P. 75 Info-Eck – Tyrol information for young people, P. 53 Youth facilities, P. 80 Youth Department of the State of Tyrol (JUFF-Jugendreferat), P. 53 Youth welfare of the State of Tyrol (Jugendwohlfahrt des Landes Tirol), P. 54 Tyrol children and young people’s advocacy (Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft Tirol), P. 83 Tyrol Child Protection Centre (Kinderschutzzentrum Tirol), P. 83 Crisis Intervention Centre (KIZ/Kriseninterventionszentrum), P. 84 Advice hotline (Rat auf Draht Hotline): Tel.: 147 Z6 Youth, family and drug counselling, P. 103 41 10.3. Women and girls There are a range of problems that can particularly affect women and girls: Equal treatment of women and men, sexual harassment at work, experience of abuse, violence in the family, etc. As a matter of principle, men and women have equal rights in Austria. Any oppression of women and girls is strictly prohibited. To promote the equality of women at work and in society there is “equal rights legislation”. A great variety of organizations devote their work to the fight against inequality and try to give assistance to women affected. Information Women’s Department (JUFF-Frauenreferat) of the State of Tyrol, P. 52 Equal treatment advocacy P. 77 Zusätzliche Informationen im Internet (information for immigrant women) (various items of information for women on the net) See also advice centres under Point 10.4. Violence in the family 10.4. Violence in the family Violence must under no circumstances be a means of enforcing private or public interests. Many women but also children and young people are at the mercy of physical and/or mental abuse. It does not have to be like that – there is help! Obtain free and anonymous advice. The staff of the advice centres are experienced advisers on violence and abuse who can offer legal and psychosocial support and advice. 10.4.1. Genital mutilation Genital mutilation (circumcision) of baby girls, young girls or women is serious physical mutilation and often leads to 42 constant pain, impairment of physical functions and to physical and psychological damage. When giving birth the women and not uncommonly their children are endangered. In Austria genital mutilation is an offence – consent is not possible. From a legal point of view, genital mutilation represents bodily harm and is punished with a term of imprisonment of up to 10 years. Also fathers and mothers who have their daughters genitally mutilated abroad are committing an offence. Non-Austrian citizens must expect to be deported if they are convicted. Information BASIS (Reutte), P. 59 DOWAS for women, P. 71 EVITA – advice centre for women and girls in Kufstein, P. 73 Family and men’s advice centre Klartext, P. 74 Women Help Women (Frauen helfen Frauen), P. 76 Women Against Rape, P. 76 10.5. Men For men too there are various institutions that offer help with problems and devote themselves to the role, work, family and violence problems of men. The advice centres will help you with your concern and refer you on if this is necessary. East Tyrol Women’s Centre, P. 76 Intervention Centre for Violence against Women, P. 80 Tyrol Child Protection centre, P. 83 KIZ – Crisis Intervention Centre, P. 84 Manns-Bilder (men’s advice centre) in Innsbruck and Wörgl, P. 88 Advice hotline: Tel.: 147 Tyrol women’s refuge, P. 96 Information Family and men’s advice centre Klartext, P. 74 Manns-Bilder (men’s advice centre) in Innsbruck and Wörgl, P. 88 Men’s Forum of the diocese of Innsbruck, P. 69 10.6. Homelessness For people who have lost the roof over their heads the following organizations offer help: BARWO – Association for the homeless (tearoom, assisted living, street work), P. 98 DOWAS, S. 70 DOWAS – Chill Out, S. 71 DOWAS for women, S. 71 Association for Social Projects Schwaz – teabar, P. 100 43 10.7. People with addiction problems By addiction in medicine is meant the compulsive craving for certain substances or modes of behaviour that temporarily eases discomfort and produces desired sensations The substances or modes of behaviour are consumed or retained although negative consequences for the affected person and others are linked with them. Both the consumption of psychoactive substances such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs or medicines and also modes of behaviour such as gambling, eating, watching television or working can take on compulsive traits of an addictive nature. The transitions from enjoyment, consumption, misuse, addiction and dependence are blurred but do not build up on each other. Information Alongside centres active in prevention there are also institutions that give emergency aid for acute problems and others again who mentor drug addicts, offer work, provide accommodation, supply clean syringes or offer therapy. Drug walk-in centres, P. 72 Innsbruck social services (ISD/ Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste) – walk-in drug prevention clinic, P. 79 KIT – contacts, information, therapy, P. 84 KOMFÜDRO of Caritas, P. 67 Abrakadabra of Caritas, P. 64 Kontakt + Co, P. 85 Alcoholics anonymous, P. 58 Mentlvilla of Caritas, P. 68 BIN – advice, information and aftercare for dependency disorder, P. 62 Hospital psychiatric departments, P. 85 BIT – mentoring – integration – tolerance (Begleitung – Integration – Toleranz), P. 63 44 Z6 drug advice centre, P. 103 10.8. People with disabilities Care allowance (Pflegegeld) The care allowance represents a targeted allowance to partially cover the extra expense involved in caring for the disabled or the elderly. Note: Depending which state you come from, you are entitled either immediately or when your main residence has been in Tyrol for three years to claim care allowance from the State of Tyrol. Disabled pass ( B e h i n d e rt e n p a s s ) The disabled pass serves as proof of disability (independent of the type of disability). It is made out in three languages (English, French and German) and is to some extent also recognized abroad. It does not give entitlement to a financial allowance. However, by showing the disabled pass you can obtain reductions at various events. D i s a b l e d c a r p a r k i n g These car parking spaces are recognizable by an extra sign with the disabled symbol. Only vehicles with disabled passes are allowed to park in such spaces. Information Disabled advisory council of the City of Innsbruck, P. 60 State of Tyrol office of Federal Social Services; branches in the districts, P. 64 Municipal office State of Tyrol social advice for people with disabilities; advice centres in the districts, P. 55 Erdapfel Den Erdapfel gibt es bei uns nicht seit Menschengedenken. Er kam auf Grund eines kulturellen Austausches ins Land und wurde schließlich heimisch. Heute sind Erdäpfel ein nicht wegzudenkender Bestandteil unserer Küche. Multikulturelle Vielfalt bereichert. 45 10.9. The elderly The care of the elderly is becoming increasingly important in our society. For this reason we are informing you briefly about the most important possibilities for the care of the elderly and about initial contacts who can give you more detailed information. gives an injection, baths the patient and also helps with housework. “Meals on wheels” (“Essen auf Rädern“) is a facility for these people, delivering them a meal at lunchtime every day. The care allowance (see Point 10.8 People with disabilities) can provide a significant contribution to partially cover the costs. Care in the community (Amb u l a n t e B e t r e u u n g ) The aim of care in the community is to support the elderly as long as possible in their usual surroundings with professional help. This is what most people want. At regular intervals a home care assistant comes and e.g. administers medication, C a r e a n d n u r s i n g h o m e s In the event that more intensive care becomes necessary and this can no longer be carried out at home a range of care and nursing homes are available. Find out in case of need where there are care and nursing homes near you and where there are places available. Information Social department of the State of Tyrol, P. 54 Chamber of Labour (AK), social policy department, P. 58 State of Tyrol office of Federal Social Services; branches in the districts, P. 64 46 Local (City) Authority Office Care home advocacy of the State of Tyrol, P. 55 Innsbruck social services (ISD), P. 79 Social and health parish in the locality of residence, P. 94 10.10. People in financial need Information There are more and more people who find themselves in financial need. If you have already fallen into the debt trap, try and get into contact with a debt advisory service as soon as possible. The staff will help you draw up a sensible financial budget. Chamber of Labour of Tyrol (AK), P. 58 Caritas advice centre, P. 65 Family Department (JUFF-Familienreferat) of the State of Tyrol), P. 51 Debt advisory service, P. 93 Basic Subsistence Fund of the State of Tyrol, P. 54 Tyrol Social Fund, P. 57 47 11. Leisure, culture, sport In Tyrol there is a varied choice of ways of spending your leisure time. That is the reason that many tourists come both in summer and winter to take advantage of this choice. Local recreation areas on the doorstep, barbecue sites, wonderful walking trails can all contribute to pleasant ways of spending your leisure time. A comprehensive range of cultural activities (museums, theatres, open air events) are available. In cafes and restaurants you can enjoy local and foreign delicacies. Numerous libraries, sports clubs and associations offer variety. Alongside sport and football clubs there are also charitable associations such as the voluntary fire service that helps out in the event of a fire. Numerous social associations also contribute to the functioning of our society and could not exist without honorary members. Particularly in the City of Innsbruck there are also migrant associations that can help you integrate into Tyrol society. For young people there are youth centres in many localities. They offer young people another place between home, work and school. Here you can make friends, meet or just play. Young people are supervised by qualified staff in the youth centres and if necessary also 48 counselled. You can find out about opening times, range of activities etc. directly from the establishments. There are youth sections of larger organizations such as e.g. the Alpine Association (Alpenverein), Nature Lovers (Naturfreunde), Scouts, Red Cross. In addition to meaningful ways of spending leisure time they also offer a forum for young people (and children) to talk about and express opinions about their interests (private, school, job, social). In addition many schools offer extra free time activities (e.g. chess option, volleyball, etc.) You can find out more from the notice boards at the schools or directly from the staff involved. At the Local Authority Office of your locality you can find out what associations there are in your community, what these associations do and how you can join. Information Local Authority Office Minorities initiative, P. 78 Youth facilities, P. 80 Migrants’ associations Schools 12. Adress list AEP – Arbeitskreis Emanzipation und Partnerschaft (AEP – Emancipation and Relationship Workshop) The areas of activity of the AEP include: aa public women's library, aa AEP-Information (feminist magazine for politics and society) and aa Family advisory service: they give advice ·· on all social and legal issues of maternity protection, ·· on family planning matters, ·· about contraception and desire to have children, ·· for pregnancy dilemmas and accidental pregnancies and ·· for relationship difficulties and sexual problems. AEP-family counselling service 6020 Innsbruck · Müllerstraße 26 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 37 98 Email: · Internet: AIDS-Hilfe Tirol (Tyrol AIDS assistance) aa Advice on HIV infection and development of AIDS aa HIV antibody test and hepatitis test (free and anonymous) aa Comprehensive support of those affected and their family members All services offered are anonymous and free! 6020 Innsbruck · Kaiser-Josef-Straße 13 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 36 21 Email: · Internet: 49 Akademie Kufstein (Kufstein Academy) Integration and Culture Centre · 6330 Kufstein · Anton-Karg-Straße 22 · Tel.: 05372 / 68 9 18 AMS – Arbeitsmarkservice (Public Employment Service) aa Subsistence in accordance with the unemployment insurance legislation aa Referrals to and support with search for apprenticeships and jobs aa Job information in the job info centres of the Public Employment Service aa Booklets on choice of career, training and retraining (own booklet for young migrants – Fit into the future) aa Courses on career choice and career preparation, qualification and mobilization steps, courses for lower secondary school leaving certificate, qualification steps aa Individual financial assistance Note: In cooperation with the Centre for Migrants (ZeMiT/Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol) at certain times mother tongue advice is given. 6020 Innsbruck · Andreas-Hofer-Straße 44 ·Tel.: 0512/ 58 46 64 Email: · Internet: Opening times: Mon – Fri 8am – 4pm Regional offices: Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck · Schöpfstraße 5 Tel.: 0512 / 59 03 Email: Advice in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English and German: every Tues 8 – 12am. Advice in Turkish, Kurdish, English, German: every Thurs 8 – 12am. 50 Kufstein 6333 Kufstein · Oskar-Pirlo-Straße 13 Tel.: 05372 / 64 8 91 Email: Advice in Turkish and Kurdish: every 4th Monday in the month 9 – 12am Kitzbühel 6370 Kitzbühel · Wagnerstraße 17 Tel.: 05356 / 62 4 22 Imst 6460 Imst · Rathausstraße 14 Tel.: 05412 / 61 9 00 Email: Landeck 6500 Landeck · Innstraße 11 Tel.: 05442 / 62 6 16 Email: Lienz 9900 Lienz · Dolomitenstraße 1 Tel.: 04852 / 64 5 55 Email: Reutte 6600 Reutte · Claudiastraße 7 Tel.: 05672 / 62 4 04 Email: Advice in Turkish and Kurdish: every 3rd Monday in the month 9.30 – 12am Schwaz 6130 Schwaz · Swarovskistraße 22 Tel.: 05242 / 62 4 09 Email: Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung (Office of the Government of Tyrol) Abteilung Bildung (Education Department) 6020 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 7 – 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-2550 · Email: Abteilung JUFF – Familienreferat (Family Department) aa Childcare benefit aa Children’s playgroup assistance aa Family pass aa Tyrol CHILD BENEFIT PLUS Important: Before applying for childcare allowance from the Family Department support must be sought from the AMS! 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 Tel.: 0512 / 508-3572 and DW 3636 (Info hotline family pass) · Email: Internet: and 51 Abteilung JUFF – Frauenreferat (Women’s Department) aa Affirmative action for women aa Measures for genuine equality of men and women aa Project info/advice/mentoring of women’s groups and initiatives aa Educational work, public relations and info booklets 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-3581 Email: · Internet: Abteilung JUFF – Integrationsreferat (Integration Department) aa Awareness raising regarding opportunities of immigration aa Financial support for language learning and literacy aa Library with focus on migration and integration aa Subsidies for integration projects Note: If you do not have to fulfil the integration agreement but would still like to do a German language course, you can apply for funding here. The assistance contribution is up to 50% of the course costs. 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-2858 Email: · Internet: 52 Abteilung JUFF – Jugendreferat (Youth Department) aa Supervision, education and information for people in youth work aa Measures for protection of young people aa Assistance for children’s and young people’s centres (rooms, projects, holiday activities,...) aa Young people’s waiting room (Jugendwarteraum) at the main station on lesson days aa Loan of play equipment for play days and play sessions 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-3594 Email: · Internet: Info-Eck – Jugendinfo Tirol (Info-Eck – info for young people Tirol) Information for young people 6020 Innsbruck · Kaiser-Josef-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 04 41 Email: ·Internet: Oberland 6460 Imst · Lutterottistraße 2 Tel.: 0 54 12 / 66 5 00 Email: Wörgl 6300 Wörgl · Martin Pichler Straße 23 Tel.: 050 / 6300 / 645-0 Email: Abteilung JUFF – kult & co (JUFF – kult & co Department) Advice centre for questions of religion and belief 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-2996 Email: · Internet: 53 Abteilung Jugendwohlfahrt (Youth Welfare Department) The services of the Youth Welfare Department range from the wide-ranging services of the Youth Welfare Centres via drop-in family support, residential support, fostering, and educational counselling to child protection, crisis intervention, emergency beds and street work. Note: Info folder also available in Turkish and Serbo-Croatian. 6020 Innsbruck · Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 25 ·Tel.: 0512 / 508-2642 · Email: Internet: jugendwohlfahrt Abteilung Soziales (Social Department) aa Advice centre for people with disabilities aa Help with securing means of subsistence aa Help in particular life situations in the area of medical care aa Payment of costs for a simple burial 6020 Innsbruck · Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 3/II ·Tel.: 0512 / 508-2590 or 2592 Email: ·Internet: Grundsicherungsfonds (Basic Subsistence Fund) (previously: Sozialhilfefonds) Financial help to tide over extraordinary circumstances (in the form of a subsidy towards rent or financial assistance) 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512/ 508-2619 or -2620 Email: 54 Heimanwaltschaft (Care home advocacy) aa Advice and information together with the rights and responsibilities of care home residents aa Clarification of failings and resolving of issues in nursing homes. aa Acceptance and processing of complaints in the area of accommodation, medical care, support and personal care in care and nursing homes and also putting forward improvement plans. aa Mediation in disputes 6020 Innsbruck · Sillgasse 8/III · Tel.: 0800 800 504 (free phone) Email: Sozialberatung für Menschen mit Behinderung (Social advice centre for people with disabilities) Advice for clients and family aa on the Tyrol rehabilitation legislation (e.g. advice on services, help with application, support on implementation of measures) aa for all matters that are connected with a disability (e.g. care allowance, pension, financial problems) 6020 Innsbruck, Zeughausgasse 3/III · Tel.: 0512 / 57 06 40 · Email: Internet: Regional advice centres BH Schwaz: 6130 Schwaz Tel.: 05242 / 69 31-5968 BH Kufstein: 6333 Kufstein Tel.: 05372 / 606-6043 BH Kitzbühel: 6370 Kitzbühel Tel.: 05356 / 62 4 40 BH Lienz: 9900 Lienz Tel.: 04852 / 66 33-6541 55 Abteilung Staatsbürgerschaft (Citizenship Department) Award, retention and establishment of citizenship 6020 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 7 – 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-2362 Email: · Internet: Abteilung Wohnbauförderung (Housing Assistance Department) The following financial assistance is guaranteed independent of Austrian nationality: aa Rent in a state-aided accommodation aa House renovation/extension of living area The following assistance is granted to individuals if they have had their main residence in Tyrol for at least 5 years: aa Housing benefit aa Rent and annuity benefits 6020 Innsbruck · Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 3 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-2732 Email: · Internet: Erziehungsberatungsstelle des Landes (Educational guidance centre of the State) aa It offers information and advice on all areas that have anything to do with parents, young people, children, nursery school, school, child development, child welfare, separation, puberty, adolescence, youth welfare etc. aa Therapy 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 40 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 57 77 or 57 20 93 Email: Internet: Note: There are offices in Schwaz, Brixlegg, Kitzbühel, Kufstein, Lienz, Steinach, Imst, Landeck and Reutte. 56 Sachgebiet Arbeitsmarktförderung (Labour Market Promotion Area) In addition to many other services these are of particular importance for migrants: aa “Update” training grants (assistance for further education) aa Education assistance (grants for living costs during training and further education) aa Education loans (assistance with course costs) aa Apprentice subsidy (assistance for apprentices according to need) Note: All applicants for assistance must prove a main residence in Tyrol at the time of submission of the application. Austrian citizenship is not necessary. 6020 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 7 – 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-3557 Email: Internet: Tiroler Hilfswerk (Tyrol social fund) aa Support for people in need of help aa Help in particular life situations – for extraordinary difficulties that may have their cause in the personal, social or economic circumstances of the individual. 6020 Innsbruck · Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-3692 Email: 57 Ankyra – Zentrum für Interkulturelle Psychotherapie – Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst (Ankyra – centre for intercultural psychotherapy – Deaconry refugee service) Offers interpreter-supported, culture-sensitive and trauma-specific psychotherapy, psychosocial and medicinal/psychiatric counselling for refugees and migrants with interpreting requirements. Counselling and further education is offered to staff of organizations and authorities who work with psychologically disturbed refugees and migrants. 6020 Innsbruck · Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 41 29 Email: · Internet: Anonyme Alkoholiker (Alcoholics anonymous) aa Information and advice for those affected and their families aa Anonymous and free 6020 Innsbruck · Zollerstr. 6 · Contact telephone for North Tyrol: 0664 / 51 65 880 (7 – 10pm) Internet: Arbeiterkammer (AK) (Chamber of Labour) Tyrol Chamber of Labour is the public representation of interests of the employed blue and whitecollar workers. It offers legal advice on work and social matters, consumer protection, housing and rent law, representation in court, support, subsidies, assistance and grants. Only AK members are entitled to this service. They are people who are employed, in other words all blue and white-collar workers and certain groups of contract staff including apprentices. For that reason migrants can mostly access the advice and support service of the Chamber of Labour. 6010 Innsbruck · Maximilianstraße 7 · Tel.: 0800-22 55 22 (free phone) Internet: Opening times: Mon – Fri 8 – 12am, Mon 2 – 4pm and Wed 1 – 5pm (personal advice) Note: Every 1st Monday in the month from 9:30–12:00am there is an advice service in Turkish, Kurdish and German at the AK Landeck 58 District offices Imst: 6460 Imst · Rathausstraße 1 · Tel.: 05412 / 63 3 73-0 Kitzbühel: 6370 Kitzbühel · Rennfeld 13 · Tel.: 053 56 / 66 6 55-0 Kufstein: 6330 Kufstein · Praxmarerstraße 4 · Tel.: 05372/ 62 7 01 Landeck: 6500 Landeck · Malser Straße 11 · Tel.: 05442 / 62 4 58 Lienz: 9900 Lienz · Beda-Weber-Gasse 22 · Tel.: 04852 / 62 4 74 Reutte: 6600 Reutte · Mühler Straße 22 · Tel.: 05672 / 62 2 14-0 Schwaz: 6130 Schwaz · Dr.-Dorrek-Straße 3 · Tel.: 05242 / 62 3 79 Telfs: 6410 Telfs · Moritzenstraße 1 · Tel.: 05262 / 62 2 68 Babyklappe/Babynest (Baby drop-off box/babynest) The possibility for women who would not like to avail themselves of the offer of giving birth anonymously to drop of their baby anonymously District hospital Lienz · 9900 Lienz · Emanuel-von-Hibler-Straße 5 · Tel.: 04852 / 606-0 Email: BARWO See Verein für Obdachlose (Association for the Homeless) BASIS aa Women’s, relationship, family, living and legal advice and advice on violence in the family aa Psychotherapeutic counselling aa Advice for pregnant women and on pregnancy dilemmas aa Young women's projects aa Support of self-help groups 6600 Reutte · Planseestraße 6 · Tel.: 05672 / 72 6 04 Email: · Internet: 59 Behindertenberatung des Landes Tirol (State of Tyrol Disability Advisory Service) See Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Soziales (Office of the State Govern ment of Tyrol Social Services Department) Behindertenbeirat der Stadt Innsbruck (Disabled advisory council of the City of Innsbruck) aa It is the contact for individuals and all disabled organizations, institutions and associations. aa Its remit is to do everything so that people with disabilities enjoy the same rights as the able-bodied and can participate everywhere. The council dictates policy and administration where discrimination is happening in daily life and makes suggestions how this can be changed. 6010 Innsbruck · Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 21 · Tel.: 0512 / 5360-1912 Email: Bezirkshauptmannschaft (BH) (District Council) The BH is responsible for residence matters. However for the district of the City of Innsbruck the City Council of Innsbruck is responsible. 60 BH Imst 6460 Imst · Stadtplatz 1 Tel.: 05412 / 6996-0 Email: Internet: BH Innsbruck Land 6020 Innsbruck · Gilmstraße 2 Tel.: 0512 / 5344–5140 Email: Internet: BH Kitzbühel 6370 Kitzbühel · Hinterstadt 28 Tel.: 05356 / 62131-0 Email: Internet: BH Kufstein 6330 Kufstein · Boznerplatz 1 – 2 Tel.: 05372 / 606-0 Email: Internet: BH Landeck 6500 Landeck · Innstraße 5 Tel.: 05442 / 6996-5506 Email: Internet: BH Lienz 9900 Lienz · Dolomitenstraße 3 Tel.: 04852 / 6633-6622 Email: Internet: BH Reutte 6600 Reutte · Obermarkt 7 Tel.: 05672 / 6996-5690 Email: Internet: BH Schwaz 6130 Schwaz · Franz-Josef-Straße 25 Tel.: 05242 / 6931-5931 Email: Internet: Bezirkskrankenhäuser (District hospitals) See Krankenhäuser (Hospitals) Bezirksschulrat (District education authority) See Landesschulrat für Tirol (Tyrol State Education Authority) BFI – Tirol Bildungszentrum (BFI Tyrol education centre) aa Offers a wide range of courses and seminars (you can obtain the Tyrol BFI course programme free of charge!) – special German language courses for every level aa free German-grading appointments aa the Tyrol BFI is certified by the Austrian Integration Fund for carrying out literacy and German language courses (important for fulfilling the integration agreement) 6010 Innsbruck · Ingenieur Etzelstr. 7 · Tel.: 0512 / 59 6 60 Email: · Internet: Note: Regional offices in Kufstein, Kitzbühel, Lienz, Schwaz, Wattens, Telfs, Imst, Landeck and Reutte. 61 BIN – Beratung, Information und Nachsorge bei Abhängigkeitserkrankung (BIN – advice, information and aftercare for dependency disorder) Care for problems connected with alcohol and medication: aa clarification of the present situation as well as support in overcoming the problems aa providing contacts to suitable specialist organizations aa For family members: information and directing to support facilities Branches 62 6060 Hall in Tirol · Schmiedtorgasse 5/I Tel.: 05223 / 53 6 36 Email: Internet: 6460 Imst · Pfarrgasse 7 Tel.: 05412 / 62 8 07 Mobile: 0650 / 582 45 35 Email: 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 13/III Tel.: 0512 / 57 30 54 Email: 6370 Kitzbühel · Rennfeld 15 Tel.: 05356 / 72 3 24 Email: 6330 Kufstein · Alois-Kemter-Straße 5 Tel.: 05372 / 67 0 19 Email: 6500 Landeck · Malserstraße 44/1 Tel.: 05442 / 64 8 12 Mobile: 0650 / 582 45 39 Email: 9900 Lienz · Rosengasse 12/II Tel.: 04852 / 73 4 50 Email: 6600 Reutte · Untermarkt 11 Tel.: 05672 / 73 2 88 Mobile: 0650 / 980 74 97 Email: 6130 Schwaz · Swarovskistraße 15/I Tel.: 05242 / 73 7 98 Mobile: 0650 / 884 71 10 Email: 6380 St. Johann · Bahnhofstr. 7 Tel.: 05352 / 67 6 42-10 Mobile: 0664 / 231 19 99 Email: 6410 Telfs · Obermarkt 43/III Tel.: 05262 / 66 6 60-10 Mobile: 0650 / 884 71 11 Email: 6300 Wörgl · Bahnhofstraße 49 Tel.: 05332 / 70 5 11-10 Email: BIT Begleitung – Integration – Toleranz (BIT mentoring – integration – tolerance) Counselling for problems connected with illegal drugs: aa advice with questions on the subject of drug threats and dependency aa psychotherapy aa psychosocial counselling and care aa referral to residential detox and rehab clinics and continuing social support facilities aa aftercare after detox or rehab Tyrol drug addiction counselling (Drogen Suchtberatung Tirol) 6111 Volders · Kirchgasse 6 · Tel.: 05224 / 51 0 55 Email: · Internet: Branches 6060 Hall · Schmiedtorgasse 5/3 Tel.: 05223 / 55 1 70 Email: 6460 Imst · Pfarrgasse 7 Tel.: 05412 / 62 8 05 Email: 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 13/2 Tel.: 0512 / 57 36 07 Email: 6370 Kitzbühel · Rennfeld 15 Tel.: 05356 / 66 3 44 Email: 6330 Kufstein · Alois-Kemter-Straße 5 Tel.: 05372 / 66 5 88 Email: 6500 Landeck · Malserstraße 44 Tel.: 05442 / 62 7 15 Email: 9900 Lienz · Rosengasse 12 Tel.: 04852 / 67 0 46 Email: 6600 Reutte · Untermarkt 11 Tel.: 05672 / 71 5 73 Email: 6130 Schwaz · Swarovskistraße 15/I Tel.: 05242 / 72 1 23 Email: 6380 St. Johann · Bahnhofstraße 7 Tel.: 05356 / 66 3 44 Email: 6410 Telfs · Obermarkt 43 Tel.: 05262 / 68 3 70 Email: 6300 Wörgl · Bahnhofstraße 19/II Tel.: 05332 / 70 5 82 Email: 63 BIZ – Berufsinformationszentrum der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol (BIZ – professional information centre of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce) See Wirtschaftskammer Tirol (Tyrol Chamber of Commerce) Bundessozialamt Landesstelle Tirol (Federal Social Services Tyrol State Office) The Federal Social Services funds and coordinates a wide range of facilities with the purpose of enabling people with disabilities to have equality of life without barriers. The Federal Social Services also supports a range of measures to improve the mobility of disabled people and barrierfree access to businesses and establishments, including aa models of integrated professional training for disabled apprentices aa family information centres for family members of disabled children aa funding for companies who employ people with disabilities 6020 Innsbruck · Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3 · Tel.: 05 / 99 88-7199 Email: · Internet: Caritas As an organization which is part of the Catholic Church, Caritas is active locally and internationally. Caritas works for people who need long- or short-term help. Help is provided without reference to the origin, religion or a personal responsibility. Help is particularly intended for those people who otherwise would only receive insufficient help or none at all. Caritas has many subsidiary organizations that offer help in the most varied situations. 6021 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 16 · Tel.: 0512 / 72 70 Email: · Internet: Abrakadabra Legal and hourly work for adults who take drugs or are on a drug substitution programme. 6020 Innsbruck · Karmelitergasse 4 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 85 47 Email: 64 Bahnhofsozialdienst (Railway station social service) Not aimed at any particular group of people but for people in the most varied problem situations: aa Conversation, advice, information (e.g. financial expenses, work, housing, debts) aa Short-term financial help, services (contact and short-term safekeeping of documents, hygiene articles, post deposit address, post escort, sandwiches and tea, etc.) aa Help for travellers in difficulties aa Referral to sleeping facilities 6020 Innsbruck · Südbahnstr. 1a · Tel.: 0512 / 58 13 05 · Email: Beratungszentrum (Advice centre) Counselling and help in acute emergency situations: aa Counselling for pregnant women/pregnancy dilemmas aa Adoption referral and support aa Marriage, family and life counselling aa Legal advice in matters of family and criminal law 6021 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 16 · Tel.: 0512 / 72 70-15 Email: 65 Caritas Integrationshaus (Caritas Integration House) Services offered: aa Accommodation for people in emergency situations: Short-term emergency accommodation or permanent accommodation for homeless and displaced persons, asylum seekers, refugees, illegal immigrants, addicts, students, the employed, women, men and families. aa Multicultural festivities, “Long live the world” festival (Es-lebe-die-Welt-Fest), Dinnerclub International aa Culture groups aa Ecumenical prayer room aa Learning support 6020 Innsbruck · Gumppstraße 71 · Tel.: 0512 / 36 11 15 Email: Internet: and Familienhilfe (Family assistance) Caritas family assistance offers bridging assistance for families, households and single people in difficult life situations. The family assistants fit their support flexibly round the relevant need. Their activities include the areas of education, care and household tasks. 6021 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 16 ·Tel.: 0512 / 72 70-45 Email: 66 KOMFÜDRO Komfüdro is a low-threshold contact and entry point for drug users. Services offered: aa Needle exchange (1:1 free) and sale aa Safer use and safer sex advice aa Medical advice (Monday 12:30am – 3pm) aa Café with hot/cold drinks and snacks at cost price aa Hot meals aa Shower and washing facilities aa psychosocial counselling and care aa Services offered specifically for women: Special opening times, leisure activities, further education facilities aa Work with family members 6020 Innsbruck · Ing.-Etzel-Straße 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 14 03 Email: Opening times for women only: Tue 3 – 4:30pm Note: Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays! 67 Mentlvilla Mentlvilla is an emergency shelter for drug addicts, -dependents and homeless people. aa Basic services (bed, food, clothing, hygiene articles) aa Health work (needle exchange, hygiene advice, health information, basic sociopsychiatric care) aa Social work (advice, counselling, care, crisis intervention, work with family members) aa Informal education work (promotion of life skills) 6020 Innsbruck · Mentlgasse 20 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 43 51 E-Mail: Opening times: Mon – Fri 5pm – 10am (closed from 10am – 5pm) On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays open all day! Chill Out See DOWAS Christlich-Muslimische Dialoggruppe (Christian-Muslim dialogue group) aa Interreligious events, dialogue visits, further education aa Guided visits to mosques, churches and monasteries aa Counselling/networking on religious/cultural topics 6020 Innsbruck · Karl-Rahner-Platz 1 ·Mobile: 0650 / 512 18 67 Email: · Internet: 68 Diözese Innsbruck (Diocese of Innsbruck) Familienreferat (Family Section) The Family Section of the Diocese supports families in many types of life situations: aa Counselling and help for couples and families aa Dealing with society and church topics with respect to the family 6020 Innsbruck · Riedgasse 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 22 30-511 Email: · Internet: Frauenreferat (Women’s section) aa Contact point for women’s issues in the Catholic church aa Educational and spiritual services offered aa Information, socio-political women’s issues 6020 Innsbruck · Riedgasse 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 22 30-530 and -515 Email: · Internet: Männerforum der Diözese Innsbruck (Men’s forum of the Diocese of Innsbruck) aa Educational events aa Constitution of men’s groups and men’s initiatives aa Contact, information point and special section for men’s issues Andreas Cia 6423 Mötz · Am Setzberg 14 ·Tel.: 05263 / 20 1 15 · Mobile: 0650 / 352 51 35 Email: · Internet: 69 Doppel S – Selbsthilfegruppe Essstörungen (Doppel S – self help group for eating disorders) aa Services offered by self-help groups: Help looking for treatment, literature list, meeting for information exchange after agreement by phone, mail contact 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 43 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 71 98 (Tyrol self-help/Selbsthilfe Tirol) Email: DOWAS Durchgangsort für wohnungs- und arbeitssuchende Menschen (DOWAS transit point for people looking for work and accommodation) Advice centre for matters of subsistence, search for work and accommodation. The services offered are in particular: aa Eviction prevention aa Help looking for accommodation and renting aa Assistance with authorities and official departments aa Setting up a post and AMS address or contact point in order to establish a confirmation of primary residence. aa Debt settlement measures aa Obtaining and safekeeping of documents aa Sheltered accommodation 6020 Innsbruck · Leopoldstraße 18 ·Tel.: 0512 / 57 23 43 Email: · Internet: 70 DOWAS – CHILL OUT CHILL OUT is a low-threshold establishment for homeless young men and women (main target group 14 to 19 years) and consists of three areas: aa Anlaufstelle (Entry point): Covering of various basic needs, low-threshold counselling and care. aa Beratungsstelle (Advice centre): Help provided with subsistence, search for and receipt of accommodation, search for work and training, drug problems and debt settlement. aa Wohnbereich (Housing area): Provisional accommodation with ongoing support. The aim of the services of CHILL OUT is to develop, together with the young people, a life outlook corresponding to their needs and potential. 6020 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 8 ·Tel.: 0512 / 57 21 21 ·Email: DOWAS für Frauen (DOWAS for women) DOWAS for women is a first contact point for women (and their children) in crisis situations, with existential problems and for homeless women. The services offered are in particular: aa Advice and support e.g. with financial problems, with contact with various official departments aa Support with the search for and rent of accommodation, eviction threat, conflict with landlords, organization of childcare, search for work and problems at work aa Supervised living facilities (transitional accommodation and life skills living communities) Note: If necessary an interpreter will be provided for advice sessions, information folder in German, Turkish, and Bosnian-Serbo-Croatian (BKS) on: Advice centre: 6020 Innsbruck · Adamgasse 4/2 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 24 77 Email: Living community: Tel.: 0512 / 29 54 98 · Email: 71 Drogenambulanzen (Walk-in drug clinics) aa Substitution (replacement treatment) when the criteria/conditions are fulfilled aa Diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental problems aa Advice and support on matters of livelihood, insurance, housing, work, court Drogenambulanz I der Universitäts-Klinik Innsbruck (Drug clinic University Hospital Innsbruck) 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 35 Tel.: 05 / 05 04-24750 Email: Drogenambulanz II (Drug clinic II) 6300 Wörgl · Bahnhofstraße 19 Tel.: 05332 / 70 2 00 Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus Hall (Psychiatric Hospital Hall) 6060 Hall · Thurnfeldgasse 14 Tel.: 05223 / 508-0 Internet: Fachbereich Drogenentzug (Specialist department Drug Withdrawal) Tel.: 05223 / 508-63 1 30 Email: Fachstation für Alkohol- und Medikamentenabhängige (Specialist unit for alcohol and medication dependency) Tel.: 05223 / 508- 63 1 40 (addiction hotline) Email: Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie Abteilung III (University Psychiatric Hospital Department III) Therapie- und Gesundheitszentrum für Alkohol- und Medikamentenabhängige (Therapy and health centre for alcohol and medication dependency) 6162 Mutters · Nockhofweg 23 Tel.: 0512 / 54 83 53 E-mail: Eltern-Kind-Zentrum (Parent-child centre) Advice on pregnancy issues, everything to do with birth, baby care, education, with family problems, returning to work, topics of developmental psychology, experiences of loss, etc. 6020 Innsbruck · Amraser Straße 5 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 19 97-0 · Email: Internet: and _ 00.htm 72 Eltern-Kind-Treff Innsbruck (Parent-child club Innsbruck) Offers comprehensive information on the topics of pregnancy, birth and baby. In addition interesting courses, breast-feeding groups with appropriate specialist advice are offered and the expectant and new mothers can also have the opportunity to talk to like-minded people. 6020 Innsbruck · Adamgasse 4 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 06 50 ·Mobile: 0676 / 842 487 500 Email: · Internet: Essstörungen Unterland (Eating disorders – Unterland) Self-help group that meets regularly to exchange experiences.. 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 43 ·Tel.: 0512 / 57 71 98 · Email: Available by phone: Tue – Fri 9 – 12am Eurobiz aa Jobcentre with information about jobs and training in Austria and Europe aa Information about au pair posts and work experience abroad 6020 Innsbruck · Schöpfstraße 5 · Tel.: 0512 / 59 03-710 ·Email: EVITA Frauen- und Mädchenberatungsstelle (EVITA advice centre for women and girls) aa Advice and counselling for women and girls in difficult life situations aa Workshops on violence prevention in schools aa Accompanying of victims of sexual and physical abuse through the process from charges right to the conclusion of the proceedings aa Lectures, topic evenings and women’s groups on specific subjects 6330 Kufstein · Oberer Stadtplatz 6 · Tel.: 05372 / 63 6 16 Email: · Internet: 73 Familien- und Männerberatungsstelle Klartext (Family and men’s advice centre Klartext) aa Issues of marriage and visiting rights for fathers, accompanying on visits aa Advice for relationship difficulties, with bringing up children, school problems, violence in the family. aa Sexual advice, medical advice aa Support when speaking to official departments and authorities (possibility of a German-Turkish speaking interpreter) aa Café for child visits in Unterland: Facilitating/enabling contact visit by noncustodial parent by neutral support worker (for Turkish parents, German-Turkish speaking female support worker) 6130 Schwaz · Fuggergasse 4 · Tel.: 05242 / 71 7 04 · Mobile: 0650 / 600 34 34 Email: · Internet: Familien- und Sozialberatungszentrum e.V. (Family and social advice centre reg. Association) Focuses: aa Family planning aa Sexual, youth and divorce counselling aa Pregnancy counselling aa Marriage guidance and relationship counselling 6300 Wörgl · Anichstraße 27 · Tel.: 05332 / 73 7 58 Counselling: Mon 3 – 7pm 6370 Kitzbühel · Lindnerfeld 7 · Tel.: 05356 / 63 4 01 or 71 8 20 Counselling: Thurs 3 – 7pm and by appointment 6330 Kufstein · Oberer Stadtplatz 5 · Tel.: 05372 / 63 5 90 Counselling: Wed 3 – 7pm and by appointment 74 Finanzamt (Tax office) Tax office Innsbruck · 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 32 · Tel.: 0512 / 505 Tax office Kitzbühel · 6370 Kitzbühel · Im Gries 9 · Tel.: 05356 / 64 3 66 Tax office Kufstein · 6333 Kufstein · Oskar-Pirlo-Straße 15 · Tel.: 05372 / 69 41 Tax office Landeck · 6500 Landeck · Innstraße 11 · Tel.: 05442 / 601 Tax office Lienz · 9900 Lienz · Dolomitenstraße 1 · Tel.: 04852 / 66 66 Tax office Reutte · 6600 Reutte · Claudiastraße 7 · Tel.: 05672 / 62 4 31 Tax office Schwaz · 6130 Schwaz · Archengasse 10 · Tel.: 05242/ 69 62 First Love Ambulanz (First Love Clinic) The First Love clinic is a walk-in entry point for teenagers between 12 and 19 years old. Advice offered by two gynaecologists and a nurse on issues to do with the topics of love, relationships, sexuality, contraception and pregnancy Note: Anonymous, free and unbureaucratic. University Hospital for women’s medicine (Universitätsklinik für Frauenheilkunde), Clinical Department for Gynaecology, Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 35 (HNO building) · Tel.: 05 / 05 04-23068 Email: · Internet: Frauen aus allen Ländern Frauen aus allen Ländern (Women from all countries) aa Culture, educational and advice initiative for women aa Literacy courses, German courses aa Women’s cafe aa Great variety of courses aa WenDo for young women 6020 Innsbruck · Schöpfstraße 4 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 47 78 Email: · Internet: Advice café: Wed 2 – 6pm; culture café: Fri 7 – 11pm 75 Frauen gegen VerGEWALTigung (Women Against Rape) aa Psychosocial counselling for women and young women from the age of 16 affected by sexual violence and their families aa Accompanying through proceedings, self-help group, self-assertiveness workshops aa Organization of self-defence courses Note: Advice sessions are free and anonymous; translations are possible 6020 Innsbruck · Sonnenburgstraße 5 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 44 16 Email: or Internet: Frauen helfen Frauen (Women Help Women) aa Free information, advice and help for women and girls aa Women’s refuge, transitional accommodation, family help clinics 6020 Innsbruck · Museumstraße 10a · Tel.: 0512 / 58 09 77 Email: · Internet: Frauenzentrum Osttirol (East Tyrol Women’s Centre) Information, counselling and accompaniment with relationship conflicts, separation/divorce, economic and social problems, life crises, violence and also job, life and career planning (careers guidance, training, going back to work, work/life balance). 9900 Lienz · Schweizergasse 26 · Tel.: 04852 / 67 1 93 Email: · Internet: 76 Gesellschaft für psychische Gesundheit (Society for Mental Health) aa Therapeutic living communities aa Employment initiatives aa Domplatz meeting place – leisure and contact club (Domplatz 2, 6020 Innsbruck) Note: in the various districts there are also a range of associations for mental health 6020 Innsbruck · Karl-Schönherr-Straße 3 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 51 29 Email: · Internet: Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft (Equal treatment advocacy) aa Advice and support for people who feel they are discriminated against within the meaning of the Equal Treatment Act aa Administrative criminal proceedings Equal treatment advocacy for women and men in the world of work Regional office for Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Salzburg 6020 Innsbruck · Leipziger Platz 2 · Tel.: 0512 / 34 30 32 · Email: Heilpädagogische Familien (Therapeutic Families) aa Advice in family matters (once a week also in Turkish) aa Care of families with disabled children (foreign languages also possible) aa Accompaniment and help for families with disabled children to official departments aa Therapeutic rehabilitation 6020 Innsbruck · Mentlgasse 12a · Tel.: 0512 / 58 00 04 · Email: 6500 Landeck · Schrofensteinstraße 2a · Tel.: 0 54 42 / 64 7 61 77 Heimanwaltschaft des Landes Tirol (Care home advocacy of the State of Tyrol) See Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Soziales (Office of the State Government of Tyrol Social Services Department) HPE Hilfe für Angehörige psychisch Kranker (HPE – help for family members of the mentally ill) aa Advisory interviews, group meetings, lectures 6020 Innsbruck · Karl-Schönherr-Straße 3 · Mobile: 0676 / 948 23 70 Email: · Internet: Initiative Minderheiten (Minorities initiative) aa Mouthpiece for minorities aa Cultural events (music, literature,...) aa Integrative events 6020 Innsbruck · Klostergasse 6 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 67 83 Email: · Internet: Inlingua – Sprachschule (Language School) 6020 Innsbruck · Südtirolerplatz 6 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 20 31 Email: · Internet: Innsbrucker Hochschulkurse Deutsch (IHD) (Innsbruck college German courses) aa Intensive and extension language courses aa Social and cultural programme 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 52 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 72 33 Email: · Internet: 78 Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste (ISD) (Innsbruck social services) aa Residential complexes for the elderly and care homes (permanent, short-term, daycare) aa Mobile home medical care, home help, therapy meals provision aa Childcare Social service aa Help for the homeless aa Social centres in the individual town localities (information and advice centres) 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 24 · Tel.: 0512 / 93 001/ 71 80 Email: · Internet: Ambulante Suchtpräventionsstelle (ASP) (Addiction prevention clinic) The team offers various therapy options and offers support during and after a residential stay. In addition it advises and informs parents, children and young people as well as family members of addicts. 6020 Innsbruck · Haydnplatz 5 · Tel.: 0512 / 93 001/ 74 40 Email: · Internet: Insieme aa Advice on seeking work, unemployment and problems at work aa Advice for mothers without training who are going back to work aa Pregnancy counselling aa Counselling of expectant mothers with social and economic difficulties 6020 Innsbruck · Templstraße 2/III · Tel.: 0512 / 57 67 49 Email: · Internet: 79 Internationales Sprachenzentrum (ISI) (International Languages Centre ISI) Structured foreign languages at university level 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 52f, Bruno-Sander-Haus, 1st Floor (room. 60118) Tel.: 0512 / 507-4681 or -4684 · Email: · Internet: Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt an Frauen (Intervention centre for violence against women) The intervention centre is a victim protection unit that offers advice, support and help based on the law for the protection from violence in the family. aa Risk assessment and safety plan aa Legal and psychosocial care and support aa Accompanying to court, to the executive forces such as the police or other facility; accompaniment during the proceedings aa Support and help right up to the end of the violent situation Note: The consultation is confidential free and can also be accessed in Turkish, English and Italian. 6020 Innsbruck · Museumstraße 27/III · Tel.: 0512 / 57 13 13 Mobile phone service: 0664/ 450 71 05 (Mon – Fri 5 – 8 pm) Email: · Internet: Jugendeinrichtungen in Gemeinden mit hohem MigrantInnenanteil (Youth facilities in localities with a high proportion of migrants) The activities offered at the youth centres range from the most varied sports or cultural leisure activities and also excursions and trips to various events (discos, concerts). As a meeting place they represent an important young people‘s advice and care centre. 80 Park in 6060 Hall · Thurnfeldgasse 10 · Tel.: 05223 / 41 9 17 · Mobile: 0669 / 17 41 91 71 Email: · Internet: Streetwork Hall 6060 Hall · Saline 17 · Mobile: 0676 / 835 845 -330, - 331, -332, -333 Email: · Internet: Young women’s room: Wed 2 – 5pm Jugendzentrum Friends & Fun (Youth centre Friends & Fun) 6460 Imst · Lutterottistraße 2 · Tel.: 05412 / 61 1 69 · Email: Jugendzentrum O-Dorf 6020 Innsbruck · An-der-Lan-Straße 40 · Tel.: 0512 / 89 02 76 Email: · Internet: Jugendzentrum Pradl (Pradl Youth Centre) 6020 Innsbruck · Pradler Platz 6b · Tel.: 0512 / 89 02 85 Email: · Internet: Jugendwarteraum (Young people’s waiting room) 6020 Innsbruck · Hauptbahnhof · Tel.: 0512 / 58 63 62 Email: · Internet: Jugendfabrik Kufstein (Kufstein Youth Factory) 6330 Kufstein · Feldgasse 12 · Tel.: 05372 / 63 2 30 Email: · Internet: Jugendtreff L.A. Jump In (L.A. Youth Meeting Jump In) 6500 Landeck · Schulhausplatz 7 · Tel.: 05442 / 68 6 88 Email: · Internet: Jugendzentrum „Smile“ Reutte (Reutte Youth Centre “Smile”) 6600 Reutte · Mühlerstraße 36 · Tel.: 05672 / 72 3 07 · Email: Jugendtreff „X-Dream“ Schwaz (Schwaz Youth Meeting “X-Dream”) 6130 Schwaz · Winterstellergasse 5 · Tel.: 05242 / 64 7 15 · Email: Jugendzentrum St. Johann i. T. (Youth Centre St. Johann i. T.) 6380 St. Johann i. T. · Pass-Thurn-Straße 3 · Tel: 05332 / 64 4 44 · Email: 81 Jugendzentrum „Xx“ Telfs (Telfs Youth Centre “Xx”) 6410 Telfs · Obermarktstraße 23 · Tel.: 05262 / 62 3 42 · Email: Jugendzentrum Blaike (Blaike Youth Centre) 6176 Völs · Blaike 6 · Tel.: 0512 / 93 35 09 · Email: · Internet: Jugendzentrum „Space“/St. Paulus (“Space”/St. Paulus Youth Centre) 6020 Innsbruck · Reichenauer Straße 72 · Tel.: 0512 / 34 42 91 Email: · Internet: Jugendzentrum Z6 (Z6 Youth Centre) 6020 Innsbruck · Dreiheiligenstraße 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 08 08 Email: · Internet: JUBOX Jenbach 6200 Jenbach · Sportplatz 11 · Tel.: 05244 / 93 2 25 · Email: Jugendzentrum Kitzbühel (Kitzbühel Youth Centre) 6370 Kitzbühel · Vogelfeld 3 · Tel.: 05356 / 71 6 91 Email: · Internet: Jugendzentrum Wattens (Wattens Youth Centre) 6112 Wattens · Volderer Weg 22b · Tel: 05224 / 55 0 15 Email: · Internet: Jugendzentrum Wörgl (Wörgl Youth Centre) 6300 Wörgl · J.-Steinbacherstraße 19 · Mobile: 0699 / 17 82 61 59 Email: Jugendzentrum „Big Banana“ Zirl (Zirl Youth Centre “Big Banana”) 6170 Zirl · Am Anger 14 · Tel.: 05238 / 53 7 28 · Mobile: 0664 / 181 85 78 Email: · Internet: Jugendrotkreuz Tirol (Tyrol Red Cross Youth) The Red Cross Youth is the youth organization of the Red Cross aa Learning support for children of non-German mother tongue Rennweg 1 (Hofburg) · 6020 Innsbruck · Tel.: 0512 / 58 24 67 Email: · Internet: 82 Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft Tirol (Tyrol children and young people’s advocacy) aa Advice, support, help, referral for children and young people with the most varied problems aa Confidential, anonymous and free 6020 Innsbruck · Sillgasse 8 · Tel.: 0512 / 508-3792 Email : · Internet: Kinderschutzzentrum Tirol (Tyrol child protection centre) Entry point for sexual, physical and mental abuse and also neglect of children and young people: aa Supportive measures for getting out of an abusive situation aa Protection of the child from further abuse aa Involvement of the contact person, the responsible attachment persons of the child and involved social institutions aa Counselling and psychotherapy aa Information and awareness raising on the topic of abuse for people who work with children and young people Kinderschutz Imst (Imst child protection) 6064 Imst · Dr. Pfeiffenberger-Straße 14 Tel.: 05412 / 63 4 05 Email: Internet: Kinderschutzzentrum Innsbruck (Innsbruck child protection) 6020 Innsbruck · Schöpfstraße 19 Tel.: 0512 / 58 37 57 Email: innsbruck@kinderschutz-tirol Kinderschutztentrum Lienz (Lienz child protection) 9900 Lienz · Amlacher Straße 2 (Dolomitencenter) Tel.: 0482 / 71 4 40 Email: Kinderschutz Wörgl (Wörgl child protection) 6300 Wörgl · Bahnhofstraße 53 Tel.: 05332 / 72 1 48 Email: 83 KIT – Kontakte – Information – Therapie (KIT – contacts, information, therapy) aa Entry point for drug-endangered and –dependent young people and members of their family aa Contact talks, advice aa Prevention, prophylaxis aa Aftercare for former clients 6020 Innsbruck · Mentlgasse 12 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 27 27 Consultation times: Mon 3 – 6pm, Wed 10am – 1pm, Thurs 3 – 6pm and by telephone appointment on 05242 / 64 5 62 or 05272 / 66 47. KIZ – Kriseninterventionszentrum (KIZ – crisis intervention centre) Help for children and young people in distress. aa Consultation in person, by phone or email (also anonymous) for young women and men and members of their families in crisis situations – conversations also with interpretation an option aa Emergency shelter, refuge and protection from abuse for children and young people between the ages of 12 and 18 6020 Innsbruck · Pradler Straße 75 (courtyard entrance) Tel.: 0512 / 58 00 59 · E-Mail: · Internet : Availability: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year KOMFÜDRO See Caritas Komfüdro 84 Kontakt+Co aa Addiction prevention programme for the world of work, school, family and young people aa Education events and workshops on addiction prevention aa Specialist library and digital press archive 6020 Innsbruck · Bürgerstraße 18 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 57 30 Email: · Internet: Krankenhäuser (Hospitals) Bezirkskrankenhaus Hall in Tirol (District Hospital Hall in Tirol) 6060 Hall in Tirol · Milser Straße 10 · Tel.: 05223 / 502-0 Bezirkskrankenhaus Kufstein (District Hospital Kufstein) 6330 Kufstein · Endach 27 · Tel.: 05372 / 69 66-0 Bezirkskrankenhaus Lienz (District Hospital Lienz) 9900 Lienz · Emanuel-von-Hibler-Straße 5 · Tel.: 04852 / 606-0 Bezirkskrankenhaus Schwaz (District Hospital Schwaz) The District Hospital Schwaz provides an interpreting service if required. 6130 Schwaz · Swarovskistraße 1 – 3 · Tel.: 05242 / 600-0 Email: · Internet: Bezirkskrankenhaus Reutte (District Hospital Reutte) 6600 Ehenbichl · Krankenhausstraße 39 · Tel.: 05672 / 601-0 Email: · Internet: Bezirkskrankenhaus St. Johann (District Hospital St. Johann) 6380 St. Johann · Bahnhofstraße 14 · Tel.: 05352 / 606-0 Email: · Internet: Krankenhaus Kitzbühel (Hospital Kitzbühel) 6370 Kitzbühel · Hornweg 28 · Tel.: 05356 / 601-0 85 Krankenhaus St. Vinzenz Zams (Hospital St. Vinzenz Zams) 6511 Zams · Sanatoriumstraße 43 · Tel.: 05442 / 600 Email: · Internet: Landeskrankenhaus Hochzirl (State Hospital Hochzirl) Special medical unit for internal medicine and acute neurological aftercare 6170 Zirl · Anna-Dengel-Haus · Tel.: 05238 / 501-0 Landeskrankenhaus Innsbruck (State Hospital Innsbruck) The State Hospital Innsbruck provides an interpreting service if required. 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 35 · Tel.: 05 / 05 04-0 · Internet: Cross-cultural outpatient clinic at the University Psychiatric Hospital Appointments: 05 / 05 04-23 6 48 (8 – 10am) (phone for appointment) Surgery for migrant women at the Women’s Hospital (Frauenklinik) University Hospital for women’s medicine Tel.: 05 / 0504-23060 · Consultaton: Tue 1 – 2:30pm (only if appointment arranged by phone) Landeskrankenhaus Natters (State Hospital Natters) 6161 Natters · In der Stille 20 · Tel.: 0512 / 54 08 Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus Hall (Psychiatric Hospital Hall) 6060 Hall · Thurnfeldgasse 14 · Tel.: 05223 / 508-0 · Internet: Landeskrankenhäuser (State hospitals) See Krankenhäuser (Hospitals) Landesschulrat für Tirol (Tyrol State Education Authority) The State Education Authority is the federal educational authority at state level. 6020 Innsbruck · Innrain 1 (Andechshof) · Tel.: 0512 / 52 0 33-0 Email: · Internet: 86 Schulberatungsstelle für AusländerInnen (Educational advisory service for foreigners) For issues and problems at school for parents or pupils with non-German mother tongue the option exists of going to the advisory service for help and advice. 1. individual consultation and help aa Advice and help in school career matters aa Mediation between school and home aa Advice on moving to a special school/integration aa Cooperation with the educational psychologist aa Interpreting and translation activities for school establishments 2. General information and public relations work aa Information activities at parents’ evenings aa Assistance at school events aa Events about culture of origin and integration possibilities aa Cooperation with public places, associations and institutions Contact persons Ms Daniela Dupor (Bosnian/Kroatian/Serbian) · Tel.: 0512 / 520 33–115 Email: Ms Azade Tuncer (Turkish) · Tel.: 0512 / 520 33–114 · Email: 87 Bezirksschulrat (District Education Authority) The District Educational Authority is the educational authority of the Federation for the area of a political district. The responsibility encompasses the execution of first level of the federal competences for general compulsory education. Abteilung Bildung (Education Department) 6020 Innsbruck · Heiliggeiststraße 7 – 9 · Tel.: 0512/508-2550 Email: · Internet: Schulpsychologie (Educational psychology) The focus is formed by the work with pupils, parents and teachers. The educational psychology advisory centres that are also present in the districts make an effort for a basic psychosocial provision near where people live. They offer a wide and lowthreshold range of services (advice, treatment, crisis intervention, email consultation), that can be accessed without having to overcome great organizational and bureaucratic barriers. The consultation itself is free, however it is recommended to telephone beforehand. Centre office Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck · Müllerstraße 7 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 65 61 Email: · Internet: Manns-Bilder Advice for men and young men on the most varied topics: Relationship problems, violence, education, visiting rights, alimony, joint custody, marriage law and maintenance obligations, sexuality, coming out, contact difficulties and difficulties at work or at school. 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 11 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 66 44 Email: · Internet: 88 Mietervereinigung Österreich – Landesstelle Tirol (Austrian Tenants Association – Tyrol section) aa Advice on all issues to do with housing aa Representation of tenants in conflict resolution procedure (arbitration board and district court) aa Regular delivery of tenants’ magazine Note: Turkish interpreting every 1st Tuesday in the month 6020 Innsbruck · Adamgasse 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 24 31 Email: · Internet: Branches: 6060 Hall · Oberer Stadtplatz 8 6460 Imst · Am Grettert 4 6500 Landeck · Maisengasse 20 6330 Kufstein · Kempterstraße 1 · Tel.: 05372 / 62 6 82 (ÖGB-Sekretariat) Mieterschutzverband – Landesverband Tirol (Tenant’s Protection Association – State of Tyrol association) aa Advice on housing law, rent and ownership contracts aa Examination of bills for running, heating and maintenance contributions. aa Support with contract termination and eviction proceedings and also with other legal disputes to do with housing. aa Advice on subsidies for house building (advice on housing grants) 6020 Innsbruck · Salurnerstraße 18/III · Tel.: 0512 / 57 40 35 Email: · Internet: 89 Netzwerk Essstörungen: Anorexie – Bulimie – Adipositas (Eating Disorders Network: anorexia – bulimia – obesity) aa Initial information for young people and adults with eating disorders aa Advice and assistance in the search for treatment options aa Establishment of a guided self-help group aa Annual “eating disorders” conventions, accessible for those affected, their family members and experts 6020 Innsbruck · Templstraße 22 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 60 26 Email: and Internet: ÖGB – Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (Austrian Trade Union Federation) aa Free legal advice and legal protection from the relevant trade unions aa Courses and seminars for further education aa Solidarity insurance (professional liability insurance for trade union members) aa Unemployment support aa Subsidized entrance tickets for cultural and sports events aa Free and anonymous advice for those affected by bullying Monday and Tuesday 5 – 6pm ÖGB Landesorganisation Tirol 6010 Innsbruck · Südtiroler Platz 14 – 16 · Tel.: 0512 / 59 7 77 Email: · Internet: Note: Mother tongue consultations Croatian, Serbian and Slovene: Monday & Thursday (all year) 08.30 – 11.30am Turkish: Monday & Thursday (all year) 1 – 3pm 90 Österreichische Hochschülerschaft (ÖH) – Referat für ausländische Studierende (Austrian Students’ Union – Department for Foreign Students) The foreign students’ department is a section especially for foreign students. It informs, advises and helps with everything that affects student life in Innsbruck such as e.g. aa Acceptance requirements at Innsbruck University aa Registration for study, tuition fee, grant options aa Residence permit, working in Austria aa General advice on life as a student The ÖH foreign students‘ section has issued a brochure that addresses initial „foreignness“ in Innsbruck and makes university life easier ÖH-Center Innsbruck · 6020 Innsbruck · Josef-Hirn-Straße 7/II · Tel.: 0512 / 507-4917 Email: · Internet: Österreichischer Integrationsfonds (Austrian integration fund) The aim of the Austrian Integration Fund is the language, professional, social and cultural integration of successful asylum applicants and migrants in Austria and Europe. The core areas are: aa Care and support in everyday life as a signpost in Austria aa Promoting language as the key to Austrian society aa Help with the search for work aa Support in housing aa Promotion of dialogue aa Informing the population 1030 Wien · Schlachthausgasse 30 · Tel.: 01/ 710 12 03-0 Email: · Internet: 91 Psychosozialer Pflegedienst (PSP) (Tyrol Psychosocial Care Service) aa Care of the mentally ill aa Sheltered housing and hostels aa Work initiatives ,training for work 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 4 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 27 50-0 Email: · Internet: Note: Local offices in the districts Psychiatrisches Krankenhaus Hall (Psychiatric Hospital Hall) See Krankenhäuser (Hospitals) Rettet das Kind (Save the child) aa Substitute grandparents who look after children 6020 Innsbruck · Krippengasse 4 · Tel.: 0512 / 20 24 13 Rotes Kreuz – Landesverband Tirol (Red Cross – Tyrol State association) aa Culture-specific further education for paid and voluntary workers in health professions The brochure “Red Cross-health information“ is also available in Turkish and Serbian. This brochure is available as a download on 6020 Innsbruck · Sillufer 3a · Tel.: 0512 / 33 6 03-0 Email: · Internet: 92 Schiedsstelle für Arzthaftpflichtfragen für Tirol (Ombudsman for medical liability questions for Tyrol) For complaints about treatment by a doctor or other staff in the public health system. The procedure is free only the solicitors costs have to be paid by you. Members of the ombudsman‘s office include a judge as president, lawyers, doctors and representatives of the treatment recipient. 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 7 · Tel.: 0512 / 52 0 58-160 Email: · Internet: Schuldnerberatung (Debt Advisory Service) aa Strategies for paying off debts aa Negotiations with creditors aa Representation in personal bankruptcy Note: There are leaflets in Turkish and Croatian on the essential elements of debt clearing. 6020 Innsbruck · Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 23/5 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 76 49 Email: · Internet: Regional office Imst · 6460 Imst, Christian-Plattner-Straße 6 Tel.: 05412 / 63 8 30 · Email: Regional office Wörgl · 6300 Wörgl · Bahnhofstraße 37 Tel.: 05332 / 75 5 04 · Email: Schulpsychologie Educational psychology) See Landesschulrat für Tirol (Tyrol State Education Authority) Sozialberatung für Menschen mit Behinderung (Social advice centre for people with disabilities) See Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Soziales (Office of the State Government of Tyrol Social Services Department) 93 Sozial- und Gesundheitssprengel (Social and health parish) In Tyrol almost all localities belong to a parish that provides the various support services in health and social areas. You can find further information on: Note: Find out from your social parish what services are offered. You can find out the address of the relevant social parish from your Local Authority Office. Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft (SVA) (National Insurance Agency for The Trades) The National Insurance Agency for The Trades is responsible for the health and pension insurance of tradesmen and freelance workers. Landesstelle Tirol · 6020 Innsbruck · Klara-Pölt-Weg 1 · Tel.: 0512 / 53 41-0 Email: · Internet: Sprachinsel – Forum für interkulturelles Lernen (Language Island – forum for multicultural learning) aa Homework supervision and learning support in particular for pupils in compulsory education of non-German mother tongue aa German – early learning for nursery and pre-school children aa German preparatory courses for pupils in compulsory education and also courses for pupils new to the system aa Literacy courses and extracurricular courses for mothers Sprachinsel I & Vereinsbüro (Language Island I & association office 6020 Innsbruck · Südtiroler Platz 6 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 35 30 Email: · Internet: Sprachinsel II (Language Island II) · 6020 Innsbruck · Kaiser-Josef-Straße 5 Registration in association office (Tel.: 0512 / 58 35 30) Sprachinsel Schwaz (Language Island Schwaz) · 6130 Schwaz Volksschule Hans Sachs · Franz-Josefstraße 26 6130 Schwaz · Volksschule Johannes Messner · Johannes Messner-Weg 8 Registration in association office (Tel.: 0512 / 58 35 30) 94 Stadtmagistrat Innsbruck (Innsbruck City Council) 6010 Innsbruck · Maria-Theresien-Straße 18 · Tel.: 0512 / 5360 Email: or · Internet: Aufenthaltsangelegenheiten (Residency matters) Tel.: 0512 / 5360-1028, 1030, 1032, 1034 Email: Frauenförderung, Familie, Senioren (Promotion of women, family, the elderly) Tel.: 0512 / 5360-4204 · Email: Melde- und Einwohnerwesen (Registration and inhabitants affairs) Tel.: 0512 / 5360-1202 · Email: Schulverwaltung (Education administration) Tel.: 0512 / 5360-4205 · Email: Stiftung Marienheim (Marienheim Foundation) Learning support for children of non-German mother tongue and German language courses for migrant women. 6020 Innsbruck, Peter-Mayr-Straße 1b · Tel.: 0512 / 52 0 30-10 Email: · Internet: Tiroler Bildungsforum (Tyrol education forum) The Tyrol education forum (TBF/Tiroler Bildungsforum) is a facility of the Austrian adult education service at local level. There are at present 98 local branches in Tyrol that are run by honorary managers. The event and course programmes extend from courses in the areas of language sport and movement, music, EDP and creative arts to educational trips and cultural events. 6020 Innsbruck · Sillgasse 8/III · Tel.: 0512 / 58 14 65-0 Email: · Internet: 95 Tiroler Frauenhaus (Tyrol women’s refuge) The women’s refuge offers a safe haven for abused women and children. The service includes protection and housing and also advice and support in psychological, legal, health and social work matters. 24 hour emergency phone number: 0512 / 34 21 12 · Email: Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse (TGKK) (Tyrol Area Health Insurance Office) aa Prevention and coverage in the case of illness aa sick pay, sick leave (Krankengeld, Krankenstand) aa Maternity, maternity benefit aa Guidelines for obtaining free prescriptions (Befreiung von der Rezeptgebühr) aa Benefit fund (Unterstützungsfonds) 6020 Innsbruck · Klara-Pölt-Weg 2 · Tel.: 05 / 91 60-0 Email: · Internet: Tiroler Hilfswerk (Tyrol Social Fund) See Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung (Office of the Government of Tyrol) 96 Tiroler Patientenvertretung (Tyrol Patients’ Representative Service) aa Representation of the rights and interest of patients of healthcare facilities that fall within the remit of the State; processing of complaints aa Highlighting of defects and grievances with respect to the care of patients and working towards their removal aa Information in connection with the patients’ rights and obligations aa Establishing “binding patient provisions” (free) 6020 Innsbruck · Sillgasse 8/III · Tel.: 0512 / 508-7700 Email: · Internet: Opening times: Mon – Thurs 8 – 12am and 2 – 5.30pm, Fri 8 – 12am and by appointment Tiroler Sozialdienst (Tyrol social services) Focuses: aa Children’s day centres aa Pregnancy counselling aa Youth and family counselling aa Child psychology counselling aa Crisis accommodation, living community for young women aa Trips for the elderly 6020 Innsbruck · Pradler Platz 6a · Tel.: 0512 / 34 52 82 Email: · Internet: 97 Familienberatungsstellen (Family counselling centres) 6020 Innsbruck · Pradler Platz 6a · Tel: 0512 / 34 52 82 · Counselling: Wed 5 – 7pm 6430 Ötztal-Bahnhof · Erich-Schaber-Weg 1a · Tel.: 05266 / 87 4 91-22 · Counselling: Mon 5 – 7pm 6600 Reutte · Innsbrucker Straße 5 · Tel.: 05672 / 63 3 52 · Counselling: Thurs 3 – 7pm 6511 Zams · Alte Bundesstraße 2 · Tel.: 05442 / 67 4 68 · Counselling: Tues 1 – 3pm Kindertageszentren (Children’s day centres) 6020 Innsbruck · Pradler Platz 6a · Tel: 0512 / 34 52 82 6130 Schwaz · Lahndachgasse 7 · Tel.: 05242 / 62 2 50 Tirol Koordinator für den Islamunterricht (Tyrol coordinator for teaching Islam) Mr Samir Redzepovic 6060 Hall · Zottstraße 7 · Tel.: 0664 / 144 28 99 · Email: Verein für Obdachlose (BARWO) (Association for the Homeless) The Association for the Homeless has different options for the varying needs of homeless people and so joints under one room BARWO, Streetwork and the teabar. 6020 Innsbruck · Kapuzinergasse 43 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 07 03 · Email: BARWO und Betreutes Wohnen (BARWO and assisted living) aa Support, careers advice, search and application for work aa Help with contact with official departments and authorities aa Subsistence 6020 Innsbruck · Kapuzinergasse 43 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 17 54 · Email: 98 Streetwork aa Ongoing presence on the streets aa Outreach social work and help in detached setting aa Visits to emergency accommodation, squats and also hospitals and penal institutions aa Referral for addiction problems aa Support for visits to official departments (AMS. Social services, housing department, etc.) aa Subsistence 6020 Innsbruck · Kapuzinergasse 45 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 73 66-5 Mobile: 0650 / 577 36 65 or 0650 / 577 36 66 · Email: Teestube (Tea bar) aa Entry point and somewhere to go for the homeless aa Provision of medical assistance aa Storage of belongings aa Facilities for cooking, showering and laundry aa Post and money administration aa Work projects aa Counselling sessions and referral 6020 Innsbruck · Kapuzinergasse 45 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 73 66 · Email: 99 Verein für Sozialprojekte Schwaz – Teestube (Association for social projects Schwaz – teabar) Day centre and advice centre for people looking for work and accommodation. aa Help for people in various emergency situations (separation and divorce, debt problems, loneliness, alcohol and drug dependency), useful postal delivery address aa Lunch, shower facilities aa Support with visits to official departments and authorities, doctors and therapy centres, public and private (social) facilities 6130 Schwaz · Ludwig-Penz-Straße 21 · Tel.: 05242 / 67 6 54 · Email: Social counselling centre Ried 6272 Ried im Zillertal · Pfarrheim · Mobile: 0664 / 536 30 13 · Email: Verein Multikulturell (Multicultural Association) The Multicultural Association is a non-profitmaking association with a multicultural focus and has been in existence since 1993. The main aim is the promotion of intercultural dialogue. Services and projects: aa Careers and education advice for young migrants and their parents aa EU youth projects, national and international aa German language lessons for beginners and advanced, children and adults aa PC courses for young people and adults aa Homework supervision for children with a migrant background aa Radio Mosaik – a non-commercial regional radio programme in German aa Radio Gökkusaği – a non-commercial regional radio programme in Turkish 100 aa Organization of cultural events aa Media-Workstation – a training programme for young migrants in radio, film, photography and new media aa «Mona» Internet portal – Migration Online Austria – Multicultural Association 6020 Innsbruck · Mentlgasse 7 · Tel.: 0512 / 56 29 29 Email: · Internet: VHS – Volkshochschule (VHS – Adult Education Centre) The adult education centres offer courses of the most varied sorts on a basically somewhat lowthreshold level. Alongside many other courses, literacy and German language courses for migrants are also offered. 6020 Innsbruck · Marktgraben 10 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 88 82-0 Email: · Internet: Note: Branches in the districts WIFI – Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut (Tyrol Chamber of Commerce) The Chamber of Commerce is the representation for the interests of the self-employed. 6020 Innsbruck · Egger-Lienz-Straße 116 · Tel.: 05 / 90 90 577 77 Email: · Internet: Note: Branches in the districs Wirtschaftskammer Tirol (Tyrol Chamber of Commerce) The Chamber of Commerce is the representation for the interests of the self-employed. 6020 Innsbruck · Meinhardstraße 12 – 14 Service-Point-legal advice: 05 / 909 05-1111 Service-Point-advice on business startup: 05 / 909 05-2222 101 BIZ – Berufsinformationszentrum der Wirtschaftskammer Tirol (BIZ – professional information centre of the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce) The BIZ offers free careers and education counselling sessions for young people from 13 to about 25 years of age with the following options: aa Drawing up a profile of interests aa Educational paths after the Hauptschule (basic secondary school), AHS-Unterstufe (lower classes of higher secondary school and Matura (senior school certificate) aa Career options after the Polytechnische Schule (technical college) aa Development of career plans 6020 Innsbruck · Egger-Lienz-Straße 116 · Tel.: BIZ: 05 / 909 05-72 53 Tel.: Education department: 05 / 909 05-7302 · Email BIZ: Email Education department: · Internet: ZeMiT – Zentrum für MigrantInnen in Tirol (Centre for Migrants in Tyrol) Help, advice and information: aa In matters of the Act Governing the Employment of Foreigners (AuslBG), the Aliens’ Police Act (FPG), Settlement and Residence Act (NAG) and the Unemployment Insurance Act (ALVG) aa To get and keep a work or training place aa About training and assistance measures related to job market policy aa On social and work law, accident and pension insurance aa In dealing with authorities, filling in forms and drafting appeals Written information material about the duties of the advice centre and the Public Employment Service in the relevant mother tongue Note: Consultations take place English, German, Turkish, Kurdish, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. It is essential to phone for an appointment! 6020 Innsbruck · Blasius-Hueber-Straße 6 · Tel.: 0512 / 57 71 70-0 or 57 71 72-0 Email: · Internet: 102 Zentrum für Ehe- und Familienfragen (Centre for marriage and family issues) Marriage, relationship, family, life counselling, sexual counselling (also in schools), education and legal advice. 6020 Innsbruck · Anichstraße 24/2 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 08 71 Email: · Internet: Z6 Jugend-, Familien- & Drogenberatung (Z6 Youth, family and drug counselling) Counselling for aa Problems with parents, siblings, friends, teachers aa Anxiety, excessive demands, experience of violence and exclusion aa Issues of relationships, sexuality, contraception, pregnancy, separation aa Problems with training, work, school, housing, money Information and advice in connection with drugs aa For legal matters and problems with police and the law aa Issue of free condoms and pregnancy tests aa Help and support to come off drugs aa Counselling of family members and support with seeking a solution together Note: Counselling is voluntary, free and anonymous Z6 Youth Centre 6020 Innsbruck · Dreiheiligenstraße 9 · Tel.: 0512 / 58 08 08 or 0512 / 56 27 15 Email: · Internet: 103 Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung · JUFF-Integrationsreferat