Canadian Union of Skilled Workers
Canadian Union of Skilled Workers
Sack Goldblatt Mitch 9/5/2012 3:25:44 PM PAGE 1/003 Fax Server Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP Lawyers 20DundasSt,M'..Suite 1100,1'.0. Box IXü.Torouio,ON MSüZG8 T 416.977.6070 FAX COVER PAGE FAX NO.: TO: 1-6 13-995-5086 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission DATE: 9/5/2012 3:23:42 PM OUR FILE #: 12-110 NO.OF PAGES: 3 FROM: Lorne A. Richmond 4 16-591-7333 MESSAGE: (including this cover) FROM FAX: See attached. (Please call Julia Barton at 416-93-6409 $'>'ou do not receive the entire trammission) The coiiteiits of this fax are confidentid aiid are iiiteiided oiily for the recipieiits iiaiiied above. Iii addition, the coiiteiits of this fax iiiay be protected by solicitor aiid clieiit or other legally recogiiired privilege. If you have received this fax iii error, please coiitact us (collect if iiecessary) to m i g e to retuni tlie fax to us at our eqeiise without iiiakiiig a copy. The accideiital disclosure or üaiisiiiissioii of this fax to aiiyoiie otlier iiiaii the recipieiits iiaiiied above does iiot coiistitute a waiver of aiiy privilege wliicli iiiay attach to this coiiiiiiuiiicatioii.Tliaiik you for your Co-opentioii. Sack Goldblatt Mitch 9/5/2012 3 : 2 5 : 4 4 PM PAGE 2/003 Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP Lawvers 20 Dundas St. W., Suite 1100, P. O. Box 180, Toronto, ON M5G ZG8 T 416.977.6070 Fax Server L. A . Richmond Direct Line: 416-979-6407 Fax: 416-591-7333 Our File No. 12-1 10 September 5,2012 Via Facsimile Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 280 Slater Street P.O. Box Station B Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5S9 Dear SirMadam: Re: Canadian Union of Skilled Workers Response to Fit For Duty Drug Testing We act for the Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (“CUSW)” CUSW represents construction electricians and linemen in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. It has several hundred members in Ontario employed in the electrical power systems sector of the construction industry which encompasses all of the nuclear plants. CUSW represents electricians, linemen and related trades at all of the nuclear plants in Onîario who are employed by the owners, Ontario Power Generation Inc. and Bruce Power LP and their various contractors. CUSW and its predecessor have represented workers on nuclear sites since the nuclear plants were constructed and consistently ever since. CUSW has reviewed the CNSC’s Drug and Alcohol testing proposals. We have also reviewed the submissions of the Power Workers’ Union. CUSW fully endorses the Power Workers’ Union submission and adopts its submissions as its O W . CUSW is not aware of a single safety incident arising at the nuclear plants due to substance abuse. CUSW of course, has had experience with individual members with drug or alcohol problems. CUSW assists union members through our health and welfare programs and if the issue involves an employer, the matter is dealt with on an individual basis involving the member, the union and the employer. We have had no complaints from our employers about drug or alcohol abuse. There simply is no basis to impose intrusive drug testing on our members particularly where there is no evidence of any existing problem and where testing would not and cannot establish current impairment in the case of drugs. Random testing is abhorrent on a human rights basis and has never been accepted by arbitrators or labour boards in Canada. The TORONTO * OTTAWA Sack Goldblatt Mitch 9/5/2012 3 : 2 5 : 4 4 PM PAGE 3/003 Fax Server Sack Goldblatt Mitchell LLP Lawverr CNSC proposal is clearly ideological one and not one based on evidence or the current labour relations law. CNSC should leave this area to those who have experience in labour relations and workplace safety. The proposal is so flawed that one can only conclude that it is being proposed for public relations purposes and to punish and humiliate workers. CUSW will continue to oppose this attack on our members and members of other unions by the CNSC. C.C. Mr. J. Mulhall 2