February Newsletter 2016


February Newsletter 2016
Inside this issue:
Mrs Stansfield’s Article 1
Miriam’s Fundraising
Library News
What’s on at the Regal 3
Work it Wednesdays
Disco Inferno Review! 4
Term Dates
Miriam’s Fundraising
Montage of Disco
Inferno photos!
Creative Writing
John Ferneley Newsletter
Spring 1 2015
Mrs Stansfield’s Article
The importance of imagination
reading and thinking about unicorns!!
One of the most exciting events this
week, was a Year 7 creative writing
workshop, involving around ten of
our most talented, budding writers.
Topics discussed included how to
construct a plot; various alternative
narrative structures; plot twists and
cliff hangers. The students got going
on starting stories, sharing ideas and
developing exciting twists in existing
plots. The creativity and imagination
required for the ideas and discussion
that took place is ever so slightly
breath-taking!!Even though I'm an
English teacher, I find creative writing
about the hardest thing to do. I used
to love it as a child but I think it gets
tougher as we get older. Maybe we
suppress our imagination as grown
ups; maybe we get out of practise.
I'm planning to do a health check on
mine over half term - it's absolutely
essential to have a lively imagination
if you work in Education - I'll do some
Term Dates 2016 – 17
Parents have ben enquiring about
term dates for the next academic
year. These are available on our website and will differ from the Leicestershire County Council term dates. All
schools within the Mowbray Education Trust will be following the same
Fantastic fundraising
At Christmas we had a pop-up fair
and cake sales.
The events team were busy in the last
week of the Autumn Term taking a
travelling pop-up fair of ‘guess how
many baubles in the tub?’, ‘balance
the 20p on the orange’ and a more
traditional student-friendly raffle.
Thanks must go to the army of cake
bakers that provided us with plentiful
supplies that were sold at break
times. All monies raised were collated
for the college charity, Cystic Fibrosis
Trust, and a grand total of £142.12
was collected.
Miriam Culy loses her locks for charity!
On 23rd January Miriam
Culy, in Year 9, cut 14
inches off her hair to
raise funds for the Little
Designed and edited
by Amy Healey and
Miriam Culy
Princess Trust! I was
aiming to raise around
£200 but so far I have
raised an incredible
£626.80 and that is not
including gift aid! It is a
really good way to do-
nate to charity and I
everyone has been really supportive of me. I
want to say thank you to
everyone who has sponsored me; friends, family
and staff. The Little Princess Trust is such an
amazing charity. The
Little Princess provides
real hair wigs, free of
charge, to boys and girls
across the UK and Ireland that have lost their
own hair through cancer
treatment. The Little
Princess Trust was set
up in memory of Hannah
Tarplee, a little girl from
Hereford who
Continue reading on
page 4
Page 2
Library News
The competition team
The book talking
Scholastic Business School Competition.
Here’s the team of students who took
part in the national competition based
around the Scholastic Book Fair. Each
year a team of Year 8 students volunteer to take part in the Scholastic Business School Competition.
This year’s team consisting of Amy
Healey, Ellen Clark, Rebecca Matthews,
Ben Robson, and Ben Thompson, with
Alexia Agrafioti helping out, did really
well. They reached the finalist stage
with just six other schools and were
chosen to be Highly Commended. The
judges commented that the standard
of entries far exceeded their expectations and that they had all been hugely
impressed by the level of commitment
and entrepreneurism. They said our
team of students’ understanding and
representation of finances was particularly impressive, and the handwritten
notes and planning clearly portrayed
the students’ individual initiative.
Well done!!!
First Story Competition
Three girls from JFC entered the First
Story Competition, this is a national
competition and this year “Echoes”
was the subject to write a story or poem on. Millie Clay, Cerys Chaplar and
Anne-Marie Hopkins entered a story or
a poem and each of them received
from the organisers of the competition
cash of £10 for being the chosen submitted entries from JFC. We have yet
to find out the final result of this competition. Next year will you write a story?
Year 9 Book Talking
On Monday 25th January Jo Sennitt
from Library Services for Education
came in to talk to all
our Year 9 students during their English
lessons. Jo read extracts from a variety
of books and talked about a number of
other books during each session. A
number of different genres were covered to try to cater for all tastes. We
are trying to inspire the students to
read for pleasure and try a different
genre from their normal one. Jo read a
few “cliff hanger passages” to whet the
students appetites. All the books are
stocked in the college library and after
the sessions we had students rushing
to take the books out so they could be
the first to read them.
Creative Writing Workshops
We have organised a few creative
writing workshops for a selection of
students – updates will follow on page
Library Reading Group
Harriet Parker with the assistance of
Mrs Newman is starting a book reading
group for Year 7 students on Tuesdays
straight after school until 4.15. We
have some spare places so if any Year 7
students are interested and would like
to join in pop into the Library and
speak to Mrs Newman.
Page 3
What’s on at the Regal Cinema?
Friday 12th February
The Danish Girl (15) 6.00pm
Our Brand Is Crisis (15) 6.00pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Friday 19th February
Saturday 13th February
Snoopy And Charlie Brown (U) 3.45pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Spotlight (15) 6.00pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Saturday 20th February
The Revenant (15) 8.30pm
Our Brand Is Crisis (15) 8.45pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Sunday 14th February
The Revenant (15) 5.15pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Spotlight (15) 8.30pm
When Harry Met Sally (15) 5.00pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Monday 15th February
Snoopy And Charlie Brown (U) 3.45pm
Our Brand Is Crisis (15) 6.00pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Tuesday 16th February
Snoopy And Charlie Brown (U) 2.45pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
The Danish Girl (15) 8.00pm
Wednesday 17th February
Snoopy And Charlie Brown (U) 3.45pm
The Danish Girl (15) 6.00pm
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Thursday 18th February
Snoopy And Charlie Brown (U) 3.45pm
Sunday 21st February
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12A)
Spotlight (15) 5.00pm
The Revenant (15) 7.45pm
Work it Wednesday
Come down to Work it Wednesdays all
lunch every Wednesday in the sports
hall. No need to bring any kit, just
come in your uniform. This term’s activity is Zumba. Have some fun with
your friends and get fit at the same
Page 4
Disco Inferno Review
The cast for Disco Inferno worked incredibly hard
last term, rehearsing for the 1970’s inspired show
Disco Inferno! There was energy and enthusiasm
every single night and each night brought a great
reaction from the audience. The high standard of
the show reigned on with the singing, dancing and
enthusiasm from this year’s performance. Disco Inferno was the show all about soul, featuring a devilish plot, but with all the glam from the 1970’s. Featuring songs such as ‘Celebration’, ‘Crocodile Rock’,
‘Play that funky music’ and of course ‘Disco Inferno’
everybody was ‘Burn baby burning’ and we surely
made it ‘A night to remember’. By the finale performance even the audience were up on their feet doing ‘YMCA’. There was not a single person in the
cast or back stage crew who didn’t work hard and
everybody should feel proud of themselves for the
standard the show brought back. Personally, I have
heard so much positive feedback, one of my teachers even described it as ‘probably the best school
production that I have seen,’ and she says she
doesn’t like musicals!
“Once again John Ferneley students stepped up and
delivered an outstanding performance of Disco Inferno. Their commitment, passion and enthusiasm
makes putting on the show very easy. Every single
cast member gave their all on show nights and I am
extremely proud of every single one of them! Roll
on next year’s show!” – Mrs Richards.
Photo montage and article by Miriam Culy, Year 9,
Disco Inferno cast member, Student leadership Publicity Team.
compromise on either our vision or standards.
We are therefore not planning changes for this
September and please be reassured that we will be
seeking full involvement from all stakeholders as we
consider future changes.
Miriam’s Fundraising Continued
sadly lost a short battle with cancer in June 2005.
Her parents found it difficult to obtain a suitable wig
in a child’s size – they had one specially made for
Hannah but it was very expensive. After Hannah
died, with the modest amount of money donated
from friends and family, her parents chose to set up
a charity with support of the school and her friends.
This was so that as many children as possible who
needed help would benefit and receive a real hair
wig free of charge. What myself and others who cut
their hair for The Little Princess Trust is really appreciated. If you want to find out more about the charity, or donating your hair, there is information and
videos on their website; http://
www.littleprincesses.org.uk. If you wanted to sponsor me, go on my webpage which is open until 23rd
https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/miriamculy1 .
If you do something for charity before next half
term email me at jfcstudentpublicity@gmail.com
and you could be in the next School newsletter.
Miriam Culy, Year 9,
Student Leadership Publicity Team.
As you may know, over the last few months we
have been seeking feedback on our school uniform.
Thank you so much for all the responses we have
had. Interestingly, views are very varied and lots of
issues have been raised that need to be carefully
worked through to ensure that we do not
Page 5
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Creative Writing Workshop
at JFC
The workshop
On Monday 1st February, Jo Sennitt from
Leicestershire Service for Education came
into JFC to lead Creative Writing Workshops for selected students in years 7 and
“The random story generator was
Her main aim was to encourage students
to immerse themselves into storytelling
and develop their own creative writing
skills. Jo bought in various props as inspiration with the first exhibit, please see
below, generating lots of interest and
amazing story ideas.
“Would have liked it to last all day”
“Educational but FUN”
“We learnt stuff”
“Can’t wait to do it again”
“I was intrigued the whole way
“My only disappointment was we didn’t have time to finish the story”
After the introductory session, the students moved on to focus on the essentials More workshops are arranged next
of plot and character. It was a fun and
very creative day with fantastic feedback
Mrs Newman, Librarian
from those who took part. One student
commented, ‘I really liked it, better than I
thought, I loved all the activities and
would love to do it again.’
Students in year 7 valued the experience
and said it had helped to develop their
creative skills; believing their writing to
benefit in the long term.
Feedback from our year 9 students was
equally as positive, many found the session to be inspiring offering great tips and
advice on how to develop their own story
Planning our stories