FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT “Preparing all students to succeed in a changing world” REGULAR GOVERNING BOARD MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, January 23, 2013 John D. Piazza Education Center District Office Complex 9680 Citrus Avenue Fontana, California 92335 (909) 357-5000 5:00 PM – Closed Session 6:30 PM – Open Session BOARD OF EDUCATION BarBara L. Chavez Lorena Corona Leticia Garcia Sophia Green Henry (Gus) Hawthorn SUPERINTENDENT/BOARD SECRETARY Cali L. Olsen-Binks 1 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2013 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons wishing to speak to the Board of Education regarding any item on the agenda or during the opportunity for public comment are requested to fill out a card to address the Board, which are available on the tables in the foyer, and adhere to the instructions therein. Speakers are cautioned that under California law no person is immune from liability for making intentionally false or defamatory comments regarding any person simply because those comments are made at a public meeting. Individuals who require disability-related accommodations or modifications, including auxiliary aids and services, in order to participate in the Board meeting should contact the Superintendent or designee in writing at least two days before the meeting date. (Board Bylaw 9320) Board members receive their agenda and materials on Fridays prior to each meeting to provide ample time for review and response to any questions they may have regarding specific items prior to voting at the meeting. NOTICE REGARDING DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AT OR PRIOR TO MEETINGS: In accordance with California Government Code Section 54957.5, any writing or document that is a public record, relates to an open session agenda item, and is distributed less than 72 hours prior to a regular meeting will be made available for public inspection in the Office of the Superintendent at the District Administration Office during normal business hours at the address listed above. If, however, the document or writing is not distributed until the regular meeting to which it relates, then the document or writing will be made available to the public at the location of the meeting, as listed on this agenda. This means that documents presented to the Board at the meeting may become public records subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act. I PUBLIC MEETING – 5:00 P.M. GOVERNING BOARD CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL ____ L. Corona ____ L. Garcia ____ S. Green ____ G. Hawthorn ____ B. Chavez 2 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 II ADOPT AGENDA Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ III OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS The Governing Board welcomes and encourages public comments. Members of the public commenting on items on this closed session agenda are asked to limit their comments to five (5) minutes so that as many as possible may be heard. (Education Code §35145.5, Government Code §54954.3) CLOSED SESSION With respect to every item of business to be discussed in Closed Session pursuant to law: A. STUDENT EXPULSIONS (Education Code Section 48918(c)) 1. B. C. (1) Middle School Students (3) High School Students LABOR RELATIONS (Government Code Section 54957.6) 2. Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Designated Representative: Mark McLaughlin Employee Organization(s): Police Officers Association United Steelworkers Local 8599 3. Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Designated Representative: Cali Olsen-Binks Employee Organization(s): Fontana Teachers Association PERSONNEL MATTERS (Government Code Section 54957) 4. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release One (1) Certificated Employee(s) One (1) Classified Employee(s) 3 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 D. E. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code section 54956.9(a)) 5. Victoria Cotton v Fontana Unified School District Case No. CIVDS 1001926 6. Patricia Rainwater v Fontana Unified School District WCAB# ADJ332898: SBR0332899 LIABILITY CLAIMS (Government Code Section 54956.95) 7. Claimant: Angel Ibarra Agency Claimed Against: Fontana Unified School District OPEN SESSION IV REPORT OUT FROM CLOSED SESSION V PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VI MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING (Corrections, Deletions, Additions, Approval) 8. The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve the December 12, 2012 regular / organizational meeting minutes (Ref. A). DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ VII RECOGNITIONS / REPORTS 9. Fontana Unified School District Audit Report 2011-2012 Fiscal Year 10. After School Education and Safety Program 11. LEA MediCal Billing Options Program 4 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 VIII OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS At this time, members of the public may address the Board on items not on the agenda. When called for comment, please state your name at the podium and limit your remarks to five (5) minutes. IX CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION SESSION: All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Board of Education to be routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no discussion of these items prior to the time the Board considers the motion unless members of the Board, the administrative staff or the public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar. Consent Calendar Items (Ref. B – K) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve Consent Calendar Items as submitted in References B through K of the agenda. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ A. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES 12. Williams’ Settlement County Report of Findings (Ref. B) 13. Williams Uniform Complaint Report Summary (Ref. C) 14. Tracie Zerpoli, Director Career Tech Education to be designated as an additional Custodian of Records for the Fontana Unified School District (Ref. D) 15. Fundraisers (Ref. E) 15.1 Students at Mango Elementary School to participate in the Jump Rope for Heart Program for charity: The Heart Association for the 2012/13 school year 15.2 Students at Mango Elementary School to participate in the Pennies for Patients program for charity: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society School & Youth Program for the 2012/13 school year 5 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 15.3 Students at Henry J. Kaiser High School to participate in the 1World to participate in fundraising for Fontana Community Assistance Program during the remainder of the 2012/13 school year 16. Payment to employees specified by the Secondary Instruction Department as having attended professional and staff development group trainings and/or activities and whose attendance at these trainings and/or activities has been reviewed and certified as correct by the Associate Superintendent of Instructional Services: #12/13-292 Secondary Mathematics (Math) Cadre Workshops, January 28, 2013 – May 30, 2013, not to exceed $6,100.00 to be paid from Secondary Instruction Unrestricted Lottery Funds (Ref. F) 17. Ratify payment for the utilization of services to Juan Arana, the spouse of district employee Diane Arana to bake and decorate (1) sheet cake and (100) cookies for the CST Celebration at Wayne Ruble Middle School, cost not to exceed $190.00 (Ref. G) 18. Student Trips (Ref. H) 18.1 Overnight trip for approximately six students of Henry J. Kaiser High School to attend the California Youth in Theatre Day in Sacramento, California, March 12–13, 2013 18.2 Overnight trip for four students from the Summit High School Regional Occupation Program (ROP) to attend the Young Worker Leadership Academy in Berkeley, California, February 7-9, 2013 18.3 Overnight, out-of-state trip for approximately 50 students of Harry S. Truman Middle School to travel to Washington D.C. for an educational tour through Worldstrides, June 10–15, 2013 6 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 18.4 B. Overnight trip for approximately 65 students from the Fontana A. B. Miller High School Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program to visit prospective State Colleges and Universities from Los Angeles to Sacramento, March 6 – 10, 2013 BUSINESS SERVICES 19. Notices of Completion (Ref. I) 19.1 Citrus Continuation High School - Increment 2, Category #6-Rough Carpentry, under Bid No. 09/10-1324, completed by Tomahawk Builders, Inc., on December 13, 2012 for a total cost of $1,741,476.36 19.2 Fontana Middle School Modernization, Category #7 – Gymnasium Equipment, under Bid No. 10/11-1341, completed by California Facility Specialties, Inc. on May 8, 2012 for a total cost of $104,982.00 19.3 Removal & Replacement of Fascia Board at South Tamarind Elementary, under Bid No. 12/13-1371i, completed by Fisher Contractor, Inc., on December 1, 2012 for a total cost of $133,755.75 19.4 Purchase order numbers 135038, 135037, 133766 and 131544 under Bid No. 11/12-1358i, Purchase and Installation of Chain Link Fencing and Gates at Various Sites, completed by Westbrook Fence, Inc., for a total cost of $34,020.50 19.5 Bid No. 12/13-1373i, Asphalt Repair Work at Maple Elementary School, completed by Superior Paving Company, Inc. dba United Paving Company, on January 5, 2013 for a total cost of $50,793.00 7 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 20. Ratify payment registers for fiscal year 2012/13 General Fund (01) – Unrestricted and Restricted 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 2023 2025 2029 2030 2032 2033 2034 2035 2037 2038 2039 2046 2049 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2059 2061 2062 2063 2067 2068 2069 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2081 2082 2083 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2100 2102 2104 2107 2108 2109 2110 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2120 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2134 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2212 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2233 2234 2235 2238 2239 2240 2252 2253 2254 2266 2267 2268 2269 2271 2272 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2282 2283 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2301 2304 2306 2307 2309 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2322 2323 2324 2328 2330 2331 2333 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2342 2344 2345 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2368 2369 2379 2383 2384 2385 2386 2388 2389 2391 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2402 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2412 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2435 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2446 2447 2448 2449 2459 2465 2467 2469 2470 2472 2473 2474 2475 2477 2489 8 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 (Ref. J) 20. Adult Education Fund (11) – Unrestricted Restricted 2106 2213 2229 2284 2401 2403 2410 and Child Development Fund (12) – Restricted 2016 2024 2077 2078 2079 2080 2101 2133 2156 2172 2173 2231 2241 2281 2353 2387 2392 2411 2413 2434 2464 2105 2300 2471 Child Nutrition Fund (13) – Restricted 2005 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2308 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2451 24522453 2454 2455 2457 2230 2262 2450 2466 2045 2261 2377 2458 Deferred Maintenance Fund (14) – Unrestricted 2171 2251 2298 2414 2462 Building Fund (21) – Restricted 2007 2009 Capital Facilities Fund (25) – Restricted 2065 2245 2373 2381 2479 School Facilities Fund (35) – Restricted 2006 2480 2481 2482 2483 Special Reserve Fund (40) – Restricted 2375 Cash for Component Units Fund (48) – Restricted 2008 2064 2103 2247 2248 2250 2468 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 Worker’s Compensation Fund (67) – Restricted 2048 2050 2121 2136 2137 2232 2310 2329 2332 2352 2380 2476 2478 C. HUMAN RESOURCES 9 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 (Ref. J) continued D. OTHER 21. Donations (Ref. K) The Cal Poly Pomona Foundation donated $1,724.00 to Oak Park Elementary School and $2,000.00 to Oleander Elementary School The Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice donated two computers, one printer and books with an indicated value of $2,120.89 to South Tamarind Elementary School Coca-Cola Refreshments donated $44.54 to Almond Elementary School, $23.52 to Date Elementary School, $26.36 to Maple Elementary School, $62.19 to Tokay Elementary School, and $26.81 to Wayne Ruble Middle School Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf donated refreshments with an indicated value of $70.00 to Sequoia Middle School Craig Baker donated Elementary School $1,000.00 to Oleander The Donorchoose.ORG TEAM donated miscellaneous school supplies with an indicated value of $540.41 to Harry S. Truman Middle School Edison International donated $105.00 to Almond Elementary School, $550.00 to Maple Elementary School, and $60.00 to Virginia Primrose Elementary School General Mills Box Tops for Education donated 298.30 to Citrus Elementary School, $437.40 to Cypress Elementary School, $609.10 to Redwood Elementary School, and $321.66 to Shadow Hills Elementary School Horace Mann donated $40.00 in gift cards to Sequoia Middle School John McGovern & Associates/CSGA donated clothing with an indicated value of $8,560.00 to Fontana Unified School District JP Morgan Chase & Co. donated $15.00 to Poplar Elementary School 10 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 21. Just Give donated $22.00 to Tokay Elementary School Lifetouch National School Studios donated $70.00 to Fontana Middle School, $300.00 to Oak Park Elementary School, $930.51 to Redwood Elementary School, $256.00 to Shadow Hills Elementary School, and $150.00 to West Randall Elementary School (Ref. K) continued Mary Feldstein donated $25.00 to Sequoia Middle School The Molina Foundation donated books with an indicated amount of $4,130.10 to West Randall Elementary School School Portraits by Kranz, Inc. donated $400.00 to Oleander Elementary School Superior Grocers donated $1,000.00 to Fontana Middle School, $1,000.00 to Hemlock Elementary School, and $1,000.00 and a $10.00 gift card to Oleander Elementary School The Target Field Trip Grants Program donated $700.00 to Live Oak Elementary School The University of California Berkeley donated $1,000.00 to West Randall Elementary School U Sav-Mor Paint Supply donated paint with an indicated value of $216.28 to the Fontana High School ROP – Auto Collision class The Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program donated $323.08 to Randall-Pepper Elementary School and $36.00 to Virginia Primrose Elementary School X DISCUSSION/ACTION SESSION Each district division with items for Board action, first reading, and second reading are listed in this section of the agenda. An individual motion will be taken on each item. Agenda materials that have been distributed to the Board less than 72 hours before each meeting will be available for public inspection at the District Office during regular business hours. 11 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 A. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES 22. Public Hearing (Ref. L) This item is for the Board of Education to hold a public hearing regarding the petition for establishment of the Fontana Leadership Academy within the Fontana Unified School District boundaries (provided under separate cover) and accept the petition for review. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 23. Resolution (Ref. M) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 13-02 recognizing February 2013 as Black History Month as submitted in Reference M of the agenda. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 24. Second Reading Board Policies (Ref. N-O) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt the second reading of revised Board Policies as submitted in References N through O of the agenda. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 24.1 Board Policy Procedures 1312.3, 24.2 Board Policy 5117, Interdistrict Attendance 12 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 Uniform Complaint (Ref. N) (Ref. O) 25. Contract Increases (Ref. P - Q) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve increase to contracts as submitted in References P through Q of the agenda and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign related documents. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 26. 25.1 Increase of $35,500.00 to the contract with Alliance Bus Lines Inc. for the 2012/2013 school year, new estimated amount of $60,000.00, to provide transportation services for SELPA special needs students to nonpublic schools (Ref. P) 25.2 Increase of $7,460.00 to the contract with Hope Inc. for the 2012/13 school year, new estimated amount of $100,160.00, to provide additional support services to a student in a non-public school (Ref. Q) Plans and Budgets (Ref. R) The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the Schoolwide Single Plans for Student Achievement and Categorical Budgets for: Beech Avenue, Canyon Crest, Chaparral, Cypress, Date, Dorothy Grant, Hemlock, Juniper, Kathy Binks, Live Oak, Locust, Mango, Maple, North Tamarind, Oak Park, Oleander, Palmetto, Poplar, RandallPepper, Redwood, Shadow Hills, Sierra Lakes, South Tamarind, Ted J. Porter, Tokay, Virginia Primrose, and West Randall Elementary Schools; Alder, Almeria, Fontana, Harry S. Truman, Sequoia and Southridge Middle Schools; Fontana A.B. Miller, Fontana, Henry J. Kaiser, Jurupa Hills, and Summit High Schools; and Eric Birch and Citrus Continuation High Schools pursuant to SB 374 and Education Code 64001 (h) as provided under separate cover. Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 13 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 DISCUSSION and/or ACTION B. BUSINESS SERVICES 27. Audit Report (Ref. S) The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education accept the 2011/12 Audit Report as completed by the firm of Nigro & Nigro, PC and provided under separate cover. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 28. Agreement (Ref. T) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an agreement with Daniel F. Johnson Forensic Services Inc. to provide a Scope of Repair for electrical issues at Summit High School in the amount of $54,450.00 and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign necessary documents. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 29. Resolution (Ref. U) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 13-01, authorizing the utilization of Neopost USA, Inc. WSCA Contract #ADSPO11-00000411-4 for lease of mail equipment as submitted in Reference U of the agenda. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 30. Lease Contract (Ref. V) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve a 63-month lease contract with Neopost USA, Inc., utilizing Western States Contracting Alliance WSCA) Contract #ADSPO1100000411-4, for mail equipment at a cost of $2,940.00 per month (plus sales tax), and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign necessary documents. Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 14 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 DISCUSSION and/or ACTION C. HUMAN RESOURCES 31. Personnel Recommendations (Ref. W) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve personnel recommendations as submitted in Reference W of the agenda. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ D. OTHER 32. Contract Increase (Ref. X) The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an increase of $23,000.00 to the contract with the law firm of Jones & Mayer; new contract amount $27,000.00. DISCUSSION and/or ACTION Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 33. CSBA Delegate Assembly Appointed Representative (Ref. Y) DISCUSSION and/or ACTION This item is for the Board of Education to appoint one of its members to serve on the California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly for a two-year term beginning April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015. Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 34. Job Description (Ref. Z) This item is for the Board of Education to consider the current Associate Superintendent of Business Services job description as submitted in Reference Z of the agenda and recommend changes to the job description as a body. Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 15 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 DISCUSSION and/or ACTION 35. Associate Superintendent Vacancy (Ref. AA) of Business Services DISCUSSION and/or ACTION This item is for the Board of Education to consider the option of using an independent firm for the searching, recruitment, and filling of the District’s Associate Superintendent of Business Services position. Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ 36. Board Member Request (Ref. BB) This item is for the Board of Education to discuss the parameters in which an audit of the District’s Business Services Division would be conducted and the selection process for an auditor if action to conduct such an audit is taken by the Board. 37. Board Member Request (Ref. CC) This item is for the Board of Education to discuss the parameters in which an audit of the District’s Human Resources Division would be conducted and the selection process for an auditor if action to conduct such an audit is taken by the Board. 38. Board Member Request (Ref. DD) This item is for the Board of Education to delegate authority to the Superintendent to contract for Supplemental Early Retirement Program services with Keenan and Associates to determine the viability of offering a SERP that would result in a savings to the District. Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ XI CORRESPONDENCE 16 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 DISCUSSION and/or ACTION DISCUSSION and/or ACTION DISCUSSION and/or ACTION XII SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS BY ADMINISTRATORS XIII SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS XIV SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS BY SUPERINTENDENT XV ADJOURNMENT Motion made by ____ seconded by ____ vote ____ Next regular meeting: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 17 Fontana Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Agenda January 23, 2013 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD DECEMBER 12, 2012 MEETING MINUTES The Fontana Unified School District Board of Education held a regular and its annual organizational meeting on December 12, 2012, in the John D. Piazza Education Center, 9680 Citrus Avenue, Fontana, California. President Chavez called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. with the following members present: Kathleen (Kathy) Binks, Leticia Garcia, Sophia Green, Vice President Henry (Gus) Hawthorn, President BarBara L. Chavez. Call to Order / Members Present The Board adopted the meeting agenda with the following change: Agenda Adopted Corrected the adoption date of the resolution in Reference V from December 14, 2012 to December 12, 2012. Motion made by S. Green, seconded by K. Binks, and carried on a 5-0 vote. President Chavez called for public comments pertaining to closed session agenda items; there were none. As provided by law, the Board convened to closed session at 5:09 p.m. for consideration of the following: STUDENT EXPULSIONS (Education Code Section 48918(c)) Five (5) High School Students See Report from Closed Session STUDENT REINSTATEMENTS (Education Code Section 48918(c)) Four (4) High School Students See Report from Closed Session LABOR RELATIONS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Designated Representative: William Wu, J.D. Employee Organization(s): Fontana Teachers Association Police Officers Association See Report from Closed Session Ref. A Closed Session (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) PERSONNEL MATTERS (Government Code Section 54957) Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release Closed Session, continued One (1) Classified Employee See Report from Closed Session One (1) Certificated Employee No reportable action was taken One (1) Classified Management Employee No reportable action was taken CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code section 54956.9(a)) Parents on Behalf of CS v Fontana Unified School District See Report from Closed Session Parents on Behalf of CC v Fontana Unified School District See Report from Closed Session Case No. R09-79 – In the matter of the Appeal of prior year adjustment(s) for redevelopment agency (RDA) pass-through payment(s) for fiscal year(s) 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 by Fontana Unified School District before the Education Audit Appeals Panel, State of California No reportable action was taken President Chavez reconvened the meeting to open session at 6:46 p.m. and reported the following actions taken in closed session: The Board approved a settlement for the litigation matter of Franklin & Smith v Fontana Unified School District in the amount of $2,000.00. Motion made by K. Binks, seconded by S. Green, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board approved a settlement for the litigation matter of CS v Fontana Unified School District in the amount of $2,000.00. Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by K. Binks, and carried on a 5-0 vote. 2 Open Session / Report from Closed Session (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) The Board took action to uphold the decision of the arbitrator to dismiss Employee #17091, Police Officer, for just cause. Motion made by S. Green, seconded by G. Hawthorn, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Report from Closed Session, continued The Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Police Officers Association and Fontana Unified School District as related to Article 32 – Salaries and Benefits, to rescind the provisions pertaining to furlough hours for the MOU signed on September 14, 2012. Motion made by K. Binks, seconded by G. Hawthorn, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board approved the findings of the Administrative Hearing Panel to expel two high school students AC and EM, as well as to expel and suspend the expulsion of three high school students JA, BAS, and TH. Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by S. Green, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board approved the recommendation of the Reinstatement Committee to reinstate four high school students EG, DG, JQ and DR. Motion made by S. Green, seconded by G. Hawthorn, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by a student of Henry J. Kaiser High School. Cali L. Olsen-Binks, Superintendent, requested the audience remain standing for a moment of silence in recognition of the following persons who had recently passed away: Maurice Pearson, a 2nd grader of Oleander Elementary School; Neida R. Langhorn, First Grade Teacher at South Tamarind Elementary School; Christine McWilliams, a teacher at Chaparral Elementary School; Jeanne Banning, former employee and the mother of Sherri Sebo, School Police Dispatch Supervisor; Beatrice Christy, former employee; Antonia Cuadras, former employee; Martha Sargent, former employee; the father of Barbara Alva, a teacher at Summit High School; the father-inlaw of Vyria Aviles, a Buyer in the Purchasing Department; the father of Stephen Knox, LAN Analyst for the Technology Department; the grandfather of Lourdez Ramirez, a kitchen assistant at Sierra Lakes Elementary School; the father of Jeffery Strycula, a teacher at A. B. Miller High School. 3 Pledge of Allegiance (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) The Board approved the November 14, 2012 regular meeting minutes. Motion made by K. Binks, seconded by G. Hawthorn, and carried on a 5-0 vote. President Chavez called the organizational meeting to order at 6:51 p.m., and thanked outgoing Board Member Kathy Binks for her 25 years of service to the District. Ms. Binks stepped down from the dais and was presented with a certificate of appreciation by Assemblymember Norma Torres. The Oath of Office was administered to BarBara L. Chavez, reelected Board Member, and to Lorena Corona, newly elected Board Member. President Chavez called for a recess at 7:13 p.m. Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by S. Green, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Previous Meeting Minutes Organizational Meeting Oath of Office Recess / Reconvene President Chavez reconvened the meeting at 7:22 p.m. The Board elected Henry (Gus) Hawthorn as President for the year 2013. President Elected Motion made by L. Corona, seconded by B. Chavez, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Board Member Garcia made a motion to nominate Board Member Green for Vice President, motion was seconded by Board Member Green and failed on a 2-3 vote; B. Chavez, L. Corona, G. Hawthorn opposed. The Board elected BarBara Chavez as Vice President for the year 2013. Motion made by L. Corona, seconded by G. Hawthorn, and carried on a 3-2 vote; L. Garcia, S. Green opposed. 4 Vice President Elected (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Board President Hawthorn made a motion to nominate Board Member Corona as Representative to attend the Annual Meeting of County Committee on School District Organization; Board Member Corona declined the nomination. Representative to Annual Meeting Selected The Board selected BarBara Chavez as Representative to attend the Annual Meeting of County Committee on School District Organization. Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by L. Corona, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Vice President Chavez adjourned the organizational meeting at 7:29 p.m. Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by L. Corona, and carried on a 5-0 vote. President Hawthorn called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Henry J. Kaiser High School CIF Football Champions NOTICE: In accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Fontana Unified School District Board of Education meeting minutes are a record of the actions taken, not what was said. The names and/or number of persons who spoke during the public comments session and their topics are listed below. Replays of meetings may be viewed via the district’s website, and recordings may be purchased by contacting the Technology Department. Copies of documents given to the Board at the meeting may be requested by contacting the Superintendent’s office. Michael Tahan congratulated Kathy Binks on her 25 years of service, and congratulated Board Members Chavez and Corona on their election. Kyle Crowther, Tony Gutierrez and Pat Mazzulli congratulated Board Members Chavez and Corona and expressed that they looked forward to working together to move the District forward. 5 Organizational meeting Adjourned Regular Meeting Recognitions / Reports Public Comments (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Kyle Larick presented the 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. 21st Century Schools Leadership Award to Superintendent Olsen-Binks. Brandy Segal shared information on the Community Alliance For Fontana Students (CAFFS) Christmas stocking program for needy families. The Board approved the following Consent Calendar Items. Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by S. Green, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Public Comments, continued Consent Calendar Items Expenditure not to exceed $8,000.00 for registration, meal, hotel, mileage and related travel costs for the four District English Learners Advisory Committee Officers to attend the California Association for Bilingual Education 2013 Conference, February 13-16, 2013 in Long Beach, California Expenditure Students at Oleander Elementary School to participate in the Pennies for Patients program for charity: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society School & Youth Program for the 2012/13 school year. Program Participation a. Overnight trip for 25 students of the Fontana A. B. Miller High School Boys Basketball Team to attend the Junior Varsity/Varsity Boys Basketball Holiday Tournament in Palm Springs, California December 27–29, 2012 Student Trips b. Overnight trip for 100 students from the Henry J. Kaiser High School AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program to visit prospective colleges in Central and Northern California March 1721, 2013 c. Overnight trip for 150 fifth grade students of Oleander Elementary School to attend the Outdoor Science Camp in Forest Falls, California January 14-18, 2013 No. 12-60 concerning the review of the Annual and Five-Year Reportable Developer Fees Report for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012, and the findings thereon, in compliance with Government Code Sections 66006 and 66001 (copy attached to official minutes) 6 Resolution (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Termination of authorized agent status for Alejandro Alvarez, Associate Superintendent of Business Services as of November 30, 2012 and approve submission of County Form No. 4 to the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, District Financial Services Division Authorized Agent Status a. Rejected the claim in the amount of $550.00 submitted by Joyce Bright as recommended by the Fontana Unified School District Risk Management Department Claims b. Approved Employee Personal Property Reimbursement Claim in the amount of $50.00 submitted by Robert de Jonge per Board Policy 4156.3 (a) (b) (c) (d), 4256.3, 4356.3 c. Rejected the claim in an undetermined amount submitted by The Law Offices of Robert Sarvian on behalf of Blanca Garnica, as recommended by the Fontana Unified School District Risk Management Department d. Approved the claim in the amount of $291.28 submitted by Mark Martinez, father of A. M. (student at Jurupa Hills High School) as recommended by the Fontana Unified School District Risk Management Department e. Rejected the claim for an undetermined amount submitted by The Law Office of John Henry on behalf of J. R., a student at Juniper Elementary School as recommended by the Fontana Unified School District Risk Management Department f. Approved Employee Personal Property Reimbursement Claim in the amount of $50.00 submitted by Keith Wingson per Board Policy 4156.3 (a) (b) (c) (d), 4256.3, 4356.3 No. 2 to the contract with Tomahawk Builders for Citrus Continuation High School Project, increase $14,704.99, new contract sum $1,741,476.36 Change Order a. Notices of Completion Citrus Continuation High School - Increment 2, Category #10-Sheet Metal, under Bid No. 09/10-1324, completed by United Contractors, on September 6, 2012 for a total cost of $287,948.00 7 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) b. Removal & Replacement of Roof Systems at Fontana High School F & W Wings only, under Bid No. 11/12-1363R, completed by Cabral Roofing & Waterproofing Corporation, on August 17, 2012 for a total cost of $303,156.50 c. Purchase order numbers 132929, 133325, 133326, 133762, 133763, 133764 and 133765 under Bid No. 11/12-1358i, Purchase and Installation of Chain Link Fencing and Gates at Various Sites, completed by Westbrook Fence, Inc., for a total cost of $11,800.75 Ratified for fiscal year 2011/12: Notices of Completion, continued Payment Registers General Fund (01) – Unrestricted and Restricted 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1634 1635 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1645 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1668 1669 1672 1673 1674 1675 1678 1679 1683 1684 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1697 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1708 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1728 1729 1730 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1753 1755 1756 1757 1758 1760 1761 1762 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1788 1789 1790 1791 1793 1794 1796 1797 1804 1813 1814 1848 1850 1851 1852 1853 1857 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1865 1866 1873 1874 1875 1886 1888 1890 1893 1895 1899 1901 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1916 1917 1918 1919 1921 1922 1923 1924 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1949 1953 1954 1955 1956 1961 1962 1963 1964 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1991 1992 1993 1994 2002 1631 1654 1665 1680 1694 1709 1723 1738 1750 1763 1774 1785 1798 1854 1867 1896 1911 1926 1938 1950 1965 1976 1987 1632 1655 1666 1681 1695 1710 1724 1740 1751 1764 1775 1786 1799 1855 1870 1897 1912 1927 1939 1951 1966 1977 1988 1633 1656 1667 1682 1696 1711 1727 1741 1752 1765 1776 1787 1802 1856 1871 1898 1913 1928 1940 1952 1967 1978 1989 1894 1900 Adult Education Fund (11) – Unrestricted and Restricted 1638 1644 1670 1699 1731 1902 2004 Child Development Fund (12) – Restricted 1637 1686 1700 1707 1754 1759 1792 1903 1948 8 1868 1869 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Child Nutrition Fund (13) – Restricted 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1815 1881 1882 1883 1887 1995 1996 1653 1876 1997 1732 1877 1998 1805 1878 1999 1806 1879 2000 1807 1880 2001 Cash for Component Units Fund (48) – Restricted 1821 1824 1825 1828 1832 1838 1840 1841 1842 1843 1847 Payment Registers, continued Deferred Maintenance Fund (14) – Unrestricted 1636 1835 1872 1904 Capital Facilities Fund (25) – Restricted 1817 1831 School Facilities Fund (35) – Restricted 1818 1845 1849 Worker’s Compensation Fund (67) – Restricted 1646 1687 1698 1722 1725 1726 1800 1801 a. Ratified an Intern Program contract with Point Loma Nazarene University, for the term of November 9, 2012, through August 31, 2015. b. Point Loma Nazarene University, for students enrolled in fieldwork courses to observe in classrooms within district schools, no cost involved, effective November 9, 2012, through August 31, 2015. c. Point Loma Nazarene University, to provide student teaching experience within district schools, no cost involved, effective November 9, 2012 through August 31, 2015. Accepted the following, with appropriate letters of appreciation to be sent. Citizens Business Bank of Fontana donated office furniture with an indicated value of $1,000.00 to the District Coca-Cola Refreshments donated $58.79 to Almond Elementary School, $77.33 and $53.72 to Beech Avenue Elementary School, $43.14 to Kathy Binks Elementary School, $26.85 to Hemlock Elementary School, $32.40 to Maple Elementary School, $19.60 to Redwood Elementary School, $32.63 to Southridge Middle School, and $53.90 to Wayne Ruble Middle School 9 Contracts Donations (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Costco donated a $50.00 gift card to Harry S. Truman Middle School Edison International/Edison Gifts donated $90.00 to Sierra Lakes Elementary School Donations, continued The Dorothy Grant Parent Teacher Association donated $2,100.00 to Dorothy Grant Elementary School Inland Empire Healthcare Group donated $425.00 to the District to help cover student transportation costs of the Youth Summit on October 10, 2012 held at Fontana High School JP Morgan Chase & Co. donated $80.00 to Poplar Elementary School Lifetouch National School Studios donated $797.19 to Almond Elementary School, $869.98 to Randall-Pepper Elementary School and $157.00 to West Randall Elementary School Maben Vending donated $68.80 to Citrus Elementary School Oriental Trading Company, Inc. donated $8.80 to West Randall Elementary School Regency Theatres donated received movie tickets from Regency Theatres with an indicated value of $40.00 to Harry S. Truman Middle School The 7 -Eleven Store #18975 donated $200.00 to Alder Middle School The Sierra Lakes Elementary School Parent Teacher Association donated $1,041.91 to Sierra Lakes Elementary School The Target – Take Charge of Education Program donated $138.94 to Poplar Elementary School and $54.72 to Randall-Pepper Elementary School The Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program donated $276.93 to Randall-Pepper Elementary School DISCUSSION/ACTION SESSION The Board approved the first reading of revised Board Policy BP1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures, in order to be in compliance with the required statements requested by California Accountability & Improvement System (CAIS). Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by B. Chavez, and carried on a 5-0 vote. 10 First Reading Board Policy (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) The Board approved the first reading of revised Board Policy 5117, Interdistrict Attendance. First Reading Board Policy Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by B. Chavez, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board approved the revised bylaws for the After School Education and Safety Program Citizen Advisory Committee for Excellence to include language that nine members present would constitute a quorum for meetings, and that membership would be discontinued for those that miss two meetings without a valid excuse. Bylaws Revised Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by L. Corona, and carried on a 4-0-1 vote; B. Chavez recused. The Board approved the Community Advisory Committee officers: Chairperson-Susana Maciel, Vice Chairperson-Brandy Segal, and Secretary-Debbie Robak-Nutter. Community Advisory Committee Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by G. Hawthorn, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board accepted grants listed in “a” and “b” below. Grants Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by L. Corona, and carried on a 5-0 vote. a. “Every 15 Minute Program” Grant at Jurupa Hills High School for the 2012/13 school year; award amount of $9,999.99 b. “Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation Commitment to Music Education” Grant Program at Henry J. Kaiser High School for the 2012-2013 school year; donation of musical instruments with a retail value of $18,000.00. The Board approved a Positive Certification of the Fontana Unified School District's First Interim Financial Report for the General Fund as of October 31, 2012. Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by L. Corona with recommendation for bi-annual report on expenditures tied to Proposition 30, motion carried on a 5-0 vote. 11 First Interim Financial Report (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) The Board adopted the second reading of new Board Policy 3511.1, Integrated Waste Management (copy attached to official minutes). Second Reading Board Policy Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by L. Garcia, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Pat Mazzulli commented on the mandatory leave of absence by union request per Ed. Code 44987 item listed on the last page of the certificated personnel recommendations and questioned why this had not been done in the past. Attorney Medina shared that the Board had asked for clarification on the Ed Code, which stated that approval had to be made by the Board and the practice being adopted was now consistent with the statutory language. Personnel Items The Board approved certificated and classified personnel recommendations as amended and noted, and a copy of the official actions taken is inserted below. Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by L. Corona, and carried on a 5-0 vote. CERTIFICATED EMPLOYMENT Name Victor R. Chaidez Assignment Teacher Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date Pending Employment Process Sommer Barnett-Mendoza Lisa M. Cordova Substitute Teacher GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-05/28/13 Virginia K. Lockett Substitute Teacher GeneralUnrestricted 01/07/13-05/28/13 Adult Education Teacher GED, ASE, ESL, ABE (2012/13) NTE 1,216 hours total (Site will monitor hours) (Adult Ed.) 01/07/13-06/30/13 Robert J. Larsen Virginia Porter Suyen Urbina Christina Webb Vivian Leos Judith Quon Cheri Veilleux Adult Education See list below Scott Iliff Chin-Ju (Jenny) Otterman Carrie Routh Kyle Wallis 12 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name Instructional Services/ROP Rosa Aguilar Jennifer Howell Michelle Willis Assignment Funding Effective Date Adult Ed-ROP Spring 2012/13 NTE 380 hours total (Site will monitor hours) GeneralRestricted (ROP) 01/07/13-05/30/13 See list below ROP Spring 2012/13 NTE 8,500 hours total (Site will monitor hours) GeneralRestricted (ROP) 01/07/13-05/30/13 Rosa Aguilar Elaine Bison Maria Camacho Kerry Gephart Cheryl Halter Ronald LaChase, Jr. Sandy Luna Andrew Shipway David Westbrook Daniel Armenta Maria Boucher Prachel Carter Margaret Greenhalge Kenneth Janetsky Vivian Leos Michael McGinnis Christopher Stallworth Linda Williams Brian Barnhart Betty Brooks Denise Donovan Molly Griffin Mario Juarez Mark Lewan Heather McHale Brian Suggs CERTIFICATED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Name Adult Education See list below Assignment Funding Effective Date Adult Education Teacher GED, ASE, ESL, ABE (2012/13) NTE 1,216 hours total (Site will monitor hours) (Adult Ed.) 01/07/13-06/30/13 David Baker Michael A. Garcia Wendy Lu Timothy McCaffrey Christian Preciado Duran Valdez Arturo Cerda Herbert Gomez Luz Martin Michele Mower Gorge Santiago Leah Watson-Rodgers Patricia Connors Albar Inzunza Mika Matsukawa Vicki Pizano Nazle Spence Crystal Whitley Instructional Services/Career Technical Education Artie Casas F.A.S.T. Teacher NTE 10 hours Instructional Services/ROP Sandy Luna General10/01/12-05/30/13 Restricted (District Perkins) ROP Additional Hours for Student Assessments and Personal Learning Plans NTE 150 hours GeneralRestricted (ROP) 12/13/12-05/30/13 See list below ROP Spring 2012/13 NTE 8,500 hours total (Site will monitor hours) GeneralRestricted (ROP) 01/07/13-05/30/13 Antonio Alvarado Antonio Fresquez Nicole Robinson Ray Brinkle James Griffin Sergio Rodriguez Anthony Clark Robert Moreno Marty Van Kooten 13 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Assignment Instructional Services/Special Services See list below Persistent Vacancy NTE 30 hours each Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED-DIS) 10/01/12-06/30/13 David Gorman Gail Smith Jason Houghton Karolyn Tessitore Tony Papin Fontana High Gregory Michaelis Robert Moreno Skills USA Teacher NTE 37 hours each GeneralRestricted (Carl Perkins) 11/01/12-04/30/13 Intervention Coordinator NTE 100 hours each GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Girls Volleyball-Head Coach $362.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-11/08/12 Emiko Hotchi Girls Volleyball-Assistant Coach $260.30 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-11/08/12 Leandra Marchis Tutor NTE 50 hours GeneralRestricted (EIA/LEP) 09/01/12-05/24/13 Michele Patterson ASSETs Program Instructor NTE 35 hours GeneralRestricted (ASSETs) 11/08/12-05/24/13 Diana Rasmussen ASSETs Program Instructor NTE 30 hours GeneralRestricted (ASSSETs) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Cross Country-Assistant Coach $520.60 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/16/12 Jonathan Catalan Girls Tennis-Assistant Coach $520.60 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 10/29/12-11/09/12 Michelle Griffith Cross Country-Head Coach $725.00 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/16/12 Jurupa Hills High September Bullock Christopher Cole Joshua Godinez Mary Malloy Henry J. Kaiser High Clifford Dodds Summit High Justin Betz 14 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Summit High (continued) Michelle Griffith Assignment Funding Effective Date Track & Field-Assistant Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 Joann Hester Girls Basketball-Freshman Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 Robert Peterson Girls Tennis-Head Coach $1,812.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 10/29/12-11/30/12 Marco Torres Swimming-Assistant Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 Bruce Tuttle Swimming-Head Coach $3,625.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 Kristi Whitcomb Volleyball-Head Coach $362.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 10/29/12-11/02/12 Intramural Activities Coordinator $659.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-01/10/13 Intramural Activities Coordinator $659.00 stipend each GeneralUnrestricted 02/12/13-04/12/13 Tutor NTE 40 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/15/12-05/24/13 Site Coalition Coordinator NTE 30 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/01/12-05/24/13 Tutor NTE 18 hours each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/12/12-05/24/13 Donavon Giesking Jayant Sethna Gary Gonzalez (12) Technology Support Teacher NTE 50 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Alder Middle Imelda Carranza Imelda Carranza Brian Cavazos Guy Hensley Almeria Middle Jessica Cifelli Fontana Middle Jason Duguay Christina Gamst Daniel Quiroga Sequoia Middle See list below Leslie Carter Lisa Hayes (12) Southridge Middle Brian Connor 15 01/07/13-05/24/13 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Southridge Middle (continued) Cindy Gray Assignment Funding Effective Date AVID Coordinator NTE 50 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 David Wade Attended Conference “Excellerating the ELL” NTE 2 days GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 07/23/12-07/24/12 See list below Tutor NTE 60 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-01/17/13 Brian Bolda Anna Maria Lemos Lori Payne Jeanette Coates Troy Liggins Patricia Ubrun Patricia Cordura Carol Notti Debra Washington See list below PLC Leaders NTE 55 hours each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Sara Dvorak-Torres (15) Arlett Gutierrez Gayle Kosmerchock (15) Patricia Ubrun David Gabonay (15) Tammy Howell Erika Monteleone Cindy Gray (15) Lorne Jennex Stacie O’Neil Professional Learning Community NTE 20 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/08/12-05/24/13 PLC Planning NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/13/12-05/30/13 Janet Beigle Christine McWilliams Mary Elizabeth Danapilis Linda VanHavermaat Tutor NTE 30 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Accelerated Reader Coord. NTE 10 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Mathematical Practices Training NTE 6 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/01/13-05/31/13 Amber Barrett Vickie Boucher Richelle Halbrook-Puente Jane Boever Jeri Bravo Joanne Iavello Harry S. Truman Middle Juanita Johnson Matthew Torres Chaparral Elementary See list below Cynthia Au Rachel Joiner Dorothy Grant Elementary Marie Belt Melanie Ruiz Juniper Elementary See list below Donna Baker Barbara Booth Maria Aurora Cunag 16 01/07/13-05/24/13 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Assignment Juniper Elementary (continued) See list below Mathematical Practices Training (continued) NTE 6 hours each Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/01/13-05/31/13 Sue Kind Dorothy Macey Eunice Pelak Theresa Robinson Steven Tuttle Maria Kuhlberg Monique Martinez Brunilda Quinones Christy Smeins Ann Upton Elizabeth Lohman-Rivera Bharathi McLaughlin Ramona Reed Judy Taft Jennifer Velasco Live Oak Elementary Ignacio Abreu Jose Ledesma Helen Slaughter Staff Collaboration NTE 12 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/06/12-04/30/13 Tutor NTE 16 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/12/12-02/28/13 Tutor NTE 24 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/14/13-03/15/13 Betsy Gullick Stacy Lebrun Elonda Willis Sheila Harris Donna Sanchez Kinder Parent Workshops NTE 9 hours each GeneralRestricted (Target Grant) Jeanette Campbell Hsin-Min Lee Ascencion Davis Patricia Ragan Elizabeth Ingram See list below Kinder PLC Collaboration NTE 5 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Jeanette Campbell Hsin-Min Lee Ascencion Davis Patricia Ragan Elizabeth Ingram Randall-Pepper Elementary Carolyn Cardenas Donna Clement Parent Workshop Presenter NTE 6 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/14/12-05/24/13 Tutor NTE 24 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/16/12-05/24/13 Maple Elementary Melanie Tessman North Tamarind Elementary See list below Nancy Baker Nancy Jacus Suzanne Van Heerde Palmetto Elementary See list below Redwood Elementary Karen Leubner Blanca Rubio Melanie Smith 17 01/01/13-05/31/13 01/01/13-05/31/13 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Sierra Lakes Elementary Deborah Torres-Gore Assignment Funding Effective Date Tutor NTE 10 hours GeneralRestricted (EIA/LEP) 10/18/12-11/15/12 See list below Tutor NTE hours as indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Jennifer Allen (45) Shelly Durbin (15) Barbara Maddox (41) Christine Omar (13) Noreen Sands (75) Deborah Arnold (67.5) Kimberly Egeland (74) Teresita Martinez (49) Susan Richter (13) Felicita Cervantes (54) Kimberly Lucas (43) Deborah Morrison (13) Kathleen Robertson (27) Character Counts Trainer Prep NTE 5 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/19/12-01/18/13 See list below Tutor NTE 35 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-03/14/13 Michelle Butler Joy Combs Elsa Massey Michelle Cardenas Eva Hernandez Lorraine Chatigny Lori Inostroz See list below Character Counts Training NTE 6 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Mary Banneck Michelle Butler Lorraine Chatigny Monica Critchfield Patricia Hathor Lori Inostroz Kimberly Monroe Donald Spuhler Nancy Birdwell Michelle Cardenas Lola Collins Rhodylyn Danby Eva Hernandez Elice Irineo Charles Pilgrim Julie Tay Laura Boulware Judy Carmello Joy Combs Teresa Feger Janice Iles Elsa Massey Robyn Scott Tokay Elementary Michelle Cardenas Lorraine Chatigny Teresa Feger 01/19/13-01/26/13 TEACH OUT OF CREDENTIAL AUTHORIZATION Name Fontana High William Alexander Paul Beal Keri Bernstine Brandon Colbrunn Leslie Cook Abel Soto Banda Assignment/Location Ed. Code Effective Date Teach/Coach PE: Cross Country Drama, Technical Theatre & Theatre Productions Mathematics-Grades 9-12 Teach/Coach PE: Baseball English-Grades 9-12 Teach/Coach PE: Soccer 44258.7(b) 44258.7 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 44263 44258.7(b) 44263 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 18 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) TEACH OUT OF CREDENTIAL AUTHORIZATION (continued) Name Jurupa Hills High Megan Barnes Eric Martin Edward McMillon Wayland Peak Respp Relatores Marcelo Tecera Carlton Wong Assignment/Location Ed. Code Effective Date Teach/Coach PE: Soccer Teach/Coach PE: Volleyball Teach/Coach PE: Football Teach/Coach PE: Baseball Teach/Coach PE: Basketball Teach/Coach PE: Tennis Teach/Coach PE: Marching Band 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year David Showalter Michael Spinuzzi Teach/Coach PE: Marching Band Teach/Coach PE: Football Teach/Coach PE: Volleyball Teach/Coach PE: Soccer Teach/Coach PE: Football Teach/Coach PE: Track & Cross Country Teach/Coach PE: Soccer Teach/Coach PE: Baseball 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year Fontana A. B. Miller High Amber Bareswill Kristen Fuller Timothy Gepford Marcus Soward Teach/Coach PE: Volleyball Teach/Coach PE: Softball Teach/Coach PE: Soccer Teach/Coach PE: Football 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year Teach/Coach PE: Softball Teach/Coach PE: Soccer Teach/Coach PE: Pep/ Dance Squad TV/Video Production Teach/Coach PE: Marching Band Teach/Coach PE: Tennis Teach/Coach PE: Basketball 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 44263 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year 2012/13 school year Henry J. Kaiser High Anthony Allmond William Cardosi Clifford Dodds Sean Greiner Bryan Griggs Raymond Navas, Jr. Summit High Mitzi Aguilera Jonathan Catalan Jesse Cerda Sandy Flores Jeffrey Lakatos Robert A. Peterson John Viencek PREVIOUS CERTIFICATED BOARD AGENDA ITEM REVISIONS Name Additional Assignment Carli Norris Jurupa Hills High Assignment/Location Funding Effective Date Volleyball-JV Coach From: $1,301.50 split stipend To: $2,603.00 full stipend (Revision to stipend amount only – Board Action date of 11/14/12) GeneralUnrestricted 07/01/12-06/30/13 Frank Martinez Fontana A. B. Miller High GeneralUnrestricted 07/01/12-06/30/13 Football-Freshman Coach From: $1,301.50 split stipend To: $2,603.00 full stipend (Revision to stipend amount only – Board Action date of 09/19/12) 19 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CERTIFICATED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Name Liza Maura Etrata Assignment/Location Teacher, Fontana High Effective Date 12/01/12-01/31/13 MANDATORY LEAVE OF CERTIFICATED ABSENCE BY UNION REQUEST PER ED. CODE 44987 Name Nancy Hofrock Assignment/Location Teacher, Citrus Continuation High Effective Date 12/13/12 (1 day) RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF CERTIFICATED RESIGNATIONS Name Alejandro Alvarez Milton J. Swift Assignment/Location Associate Superintendent, Business Services Teacher, Fontana Middle Effective Date 12/02/12 01/01/13 CLASSIFIED PROMOTIONS Name/ Assignment Miriam Sanchez Attendance Clerk Henry J. Kaiser High Kristopher S. Stevens Coordinator, Safety & Security School Police Services Range/Step Hours/Work Year 10-3 8 hours/203 days Mgt. 50-1 8 hours/12-months Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 01/07/13 GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12 CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT Name/ Assignment District Ricardo Arroyo School Site Aide (South Tamarind Elementary) Rosa L. Bishop School Site Aide (North Tamarind Elementary) Winifred L. Cochrane Sub Clerk Typist Dora Fetzer Sub School Police Dispatcher Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day Various(According to work assignment) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Step 1 NTE 40 hours/week 20 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name/ Assignment District (continued) Paola Iniguez School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) Blanca Jimenez School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) Jaime Orozco Sub Kitchen Assistant Mercedes Rocha Center Monitor Vanessa Rodriguez Sub Kitchen Assistant Nan Sanchez Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year GeneralRestricted (State Preschool) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Various(According to work assignment) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year NTE 8 hours/day 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day 8-1 10-1 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day Iris Tejeda School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Jenna Wallace School Site Aide (Juniper Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Melissa Zarate School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year 13-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $659.00 stipend ea. season GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Citrus Cont. High Melissa M. Carroll Teacher Aide (SH) (For duration of funding) Fontana High Matthew Busch Band Assistant (Fall & Winter) John Gerald Boys Basketball-Asst. Coach 21 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name/ Assignment Jurupa Hills High Hanna Raubolt Softball-Freshman Coach Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Henry J. Kaiser High Crispo Laguna Softball-Assistant Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Fontana A. B. Miller High Monique Barragan Pep Squad Advisor (Fall & Winter) GeneralUnrestricted 08/06/12-06/30/13 $2,900.00 stipend each season Theresa Irvin Assistant Pep Squad Advisor (Fall & Winter) GeneralUnrestricted 08/06/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend each season GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 Anthony Loa Dance Comp. Team/ Head Assistant Angel Saenz de Viteri Boys Soccer-JV Coach Summit High Ralph Beatty David McElroy, Jr. Gerard Palmer Track & Field-Asst. Coach $2,083.00 stipend each Connie Flores Softball-Freshman Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend William Fortune Track & Field-Asst. Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,603.00 stipend James Guerrero Baseball-Assistant Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Summit High (continued) Adrian Lopez Baseball-Freshman Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Manuel Parra Baseball-JV Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Alton Washington Track & Field-Head Coach GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $3,625.00 stipend 22 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name/ Assignment Southridge Middle Kristell Aro Castillo Teacher Aide (SH) (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date 13-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) Pending Employment Process Poplar Elementary Denina R. Garcia Teacher Aide (SH) (For duration of funding) 13-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) Pending Employment Process Virginia Primrose Elementary Myra R. Avendano Teacher Aide (SH) (For duration of funding) 13-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) Pending Employment Process CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT – WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS Name/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Instructional Services/Special Services Yaritza J. Renteria WorkAbility Student-TPP NTE 8 hours/day NTE 80 hours total (Fontana High) Dale R. Dougherty WorkAbility Student-TPP Victor Garcia, Jr. WorkAbility Student-SH (Henry J. Kaiser High) Ricardo Padilla WorkAbility Student-SH Miguel A. Rodriguez, Jr. WorkAbility Student (Jurupa Hills High) Kaylah T. Brooks Ray M. Chairez, Jr. Linda R. Coronado Jose A. Juarez WorkAbility Student Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 80 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 30 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 15 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 40 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 40 hours total each 23 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT – WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS (continued) Name/ Assignment (Fontana A. B. Miller High) Joel A. Garcia Edward S. Jin WorkAbility Student-SH Donovan L. Lessey Jessica E. Lopez Anthony J. Martinez WorkAbility Student Anthony Ocasio, Jr. WorkAbility Student-SH Range/Step Hours/Work Year NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 30 hours total each Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 40 hours total each NTE 5 hours/week NTE 30 hours total CLASSIFIED REDUCTION IN FORCE REEMPLOYMENT/RECALL RATIFICATION Name/ Assignment Erik N. Felt Warehouse Worker Business Services/Purchasing/ Warehouse Range/Step Hours/Work Year 15-4 8 hours/12-months Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 11/26/12 CLASSIFIED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Name Adult Education Esther Zamora Assignment Funding Effective Date Intermediate Clerk Typist (GED Examiner) GeneralRestricted (CalWorks) 12/13/12-06/28/13 Kitchen Assistant (Opening Year Meeting) GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 08/02/12 only Jaimie R. Hernandez Dianna A. Toscano Kitchen Assistant (Peak Load Assistance) GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12-06/30/13 District Janet E. Aguirre Sub Kitchen Operator GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Business Services/Food Services Sonya Allen-Martin 24 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name District (continued) Erica Blanco Assignment Funding Effective Date Sub Health Assistant Various(According to work assignment) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Kimberly A. Campbell Sub Snack Bar Attendant GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Donald K. Christensen Sub Warehouse/Child Nutrition Driver GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Alejandra Gomar De Gutierrez Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) (Additional hours needed for Interpreting/Translating) Various(According to work assignment) 10/01/12-06/30/13 Kylie Green Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Various(According to work assignment) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Destiny S. Kehoe Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Various(According to work assignment) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Melissa A. Montanez Sub Clerk Typist Sub Guidance Technician Various(According to work assignment) 12/13/12-06/30/13 Carmen D. Ramos Sub Clerk Typist Various(According to work assignment) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (CCTR) 12/13/12-06/30/13 College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Instructional Services/Early Education Karla R. Arias Associate Teacher/ Early Head Start (Provide support to CCTR Infant/Toddler Program) Jurupa Hills High Stephanie M. Guzman Sheyla M. Pulido Jonathan A. Scott Robert J. Tarbaux Ruthann M. Zamora 25 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Henry J. Kaiser High Jacqueline K. Del Castillo Samantha A. Herrera Alejandra Lopez Assignment Funding Effective Date College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/17/13 Jarel Perry Boys Basketball-Asst. Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 Lauren Tibbels Volleyball-JV Coach $208.30 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-11/08/12 College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Laura S. Ortega Gilbert D. Villegas College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Maria G. Perez School Outreach Liaison (Additional hours) GeneralUnrestricted 10/01/12-06/30/13 Delia R. Ramos Guidance Technician (Translator/Interpreter) Various(According to work assignment) 10/01/12-06/30/13 Football-Assistant Coach $145.00 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/09/12 Cesar Villalobos Football-Head Coach $461.40 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/09/12 Jose D. Villegas Bilingual Aide (Tutor in Homework Center) GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP) 12/13/12-05/24/13 Alton Washington Football-Assistant Coach $362.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/09/12 Larry Whitcomb Volleyball-Assistant Coach $260.30 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 10/29/12-11/02/12 Elizabeth U. Young College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Fontana A. B. Miller High James E. Bingham Alejandra C. Torices Summit High Brandon Lallande Jimmy Maestas David McElroy Gerard Palmer 26 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Summit High (continued) See list below Assignment Funding Effective Date Football-Assistant Coach $290.00 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/09/12 Christopher Chaddick Juan Ornelas Christopher Goodson Darnell Pugh Mark Mercado College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-04/30/13 Harry S. Truman Middle Jonathan A. Scott College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Sierra Lakes Elementary Debra L. Bennett Tutor/Monitor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/17/13 Alder Middle Heather A. Hernandez Selina M. Herrera Amaryllis M. Vaskez CLASSIFIED ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS – WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS Name/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Instructional Services/Special Services (Fontana High) Jesus D. Bedolla Alvarez Luis R. Hernandez Ricardo M. Ortiz Arizmendiz WorkAbility Student-TPP NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 80 hours total each Carmen C. Bejar WorkAbility Student-TPP (Fontana A. B. Miller High) Laura Solis WorkAbility Student-TPP (Summit High) Adrian E. Angulo WorkAbility Student-TPP Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (TPP) 12/13/12-05/24/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 80 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 80 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 12/13/12-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 80 hours total 27 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) SHORT-TERM CLASSIFIED ASSIGNMENTS Name/ Assignment LaJuana M. Alcott Clerk Typist Adult Education Range/Step Hours/Work Year 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Teresa Arrieta-Morales Spanish Language Translator Instructional Services/ Special Services Jennifer M. Garcia Clerk Typist Adult Education 14-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 60 hours total Timothy P. Gonzales Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) Instructional Services/ROP 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Olivia J. Lopez Payroll Technician Business Services/ Fiscal Services Mgt. 67-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Natalie Marquez Clerk Typist Human Resources (Classified) 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Funding GeneralRestricted (CalWorks/ Adult Ed.) Effective Date 12/13/12-06/28/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (Adult Ed.) 12/13/12-06/28/13 GeneralRestricted (CNA Budget) 12/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralUnrestricted 11/13/12-06/30/13 GeneralUnrestricted 12/03/12-06/30/13 VOLUNTARY CLASSIFIED REASSIGNMENT - DEMOTION Name/ Assignment Yadira Moreno From: School Community Liaison Locust Elementary To: Community Aide Citrus Cont. High Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding GeneralUnrestricted 12-6 3 hours/203 days Effective Date 01/07/13 11-6 6 hours/203 days CLASSIFIED POSITION DELETIONS Name/ Assignment Delete 1 position: Bilingual Aide Chaparral Elementary Range/Step Hours/Work Year 11-5 2 hours/203 days 28 Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP/SBCP) 12/13/12 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED POSITION DELETIONS (continued) Name/ Assignment Delete 1 position: Delivery Driver Henry J. Kaiser High Range/Step Hours/Work Year 14-6 2.5 hours/203 days Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12 CLASSIFIED POSITION CREATIONS Name/ Assignment Create 2 positions: Kitchen Assistant Instructional Services/ Early Education (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year 10-1 2 hours/12-months Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (CCTR) 12/13/12 CLASSIFIED POSITION DELETION/CREATION Name/ Assignment Delete 1 position: Administrative Secretary Instructional Services/ Special Services (Vacant Position) Create 1 position: Senior Secretary II Instructional Services/ Special Services Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date Mgt. 67-1 8 hours/12-months GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12 17-1 8 hours/12-months GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12 RATIFICATION OF CLASSIFIED POSITION CREATION/PLACEMENT PER EDUCATION CODE 45113 Name/ Assignment Intermediate Clerk Typist-2 yr. Beech Avenue Elementary (Incumbent: Anna Ruiz) Range/Step Hours/Work Year 12-6 6 hours/203 days Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 11/27/12 INCREASE IN CLASSIFIED HOURS/DAY Name/ Assignment Bilingual Aide Chaparral Elementary (Incumbent: Rosalba Torrez) (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year 11-5 From: 3 hours/203 days To: 5 hours/203 days 29 Funding GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP/SBCP) Effective Date 12/13/12 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) INCREASE IN CLASSIFIED HOURS/DAY (continued) Name/ Assignment Delivery Driver Henry J. Kaiser High (Incumbent: Edward Gonzalez) (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year 14-6 From: 5 hours/203 days To: 7.5 hours/203 days Funding GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) Effective Date 12/13/12 Kitchen Assistant 10-2 Eric Birch Cont. High From: 4 hours/203 days (Incumbent: Veronica DeLeon) To: 4.5 hours/203 days (For duration of funding) GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12 Kitchen Assistant Eric Birch Cont. High (Incumbent: Adela Mayoral) (For duration of funding) GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 12/13/12 10-5 From: 2 hours/203 days To: 2.5 hours/203 days CLASSIFIED VOLUNTEERS Name Assignment/Location Volunteer List 2012-13 Various (copy attached to official minutes) Effective Date 12/13/12-06/30/13 PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED BOARD AGENDA ITEM REVISIONS Name/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Funding Employment Nickolas Aguirre GeneralFootball-Assistant Coach From: $1,450.00 split stipend Unrestricted Henry J. Kaiser High To: $2,900.00 full stipend (Revision to stipend amount only – Board Action date of 10/17/12) Employment-Work Experience Students (Adult Education) Brian J. Santizo Cameron Wright From: WorkAbility Student NTE 8 hours/day each To: WorkAbility Student (SH) NTE 20 hours total each (Revision to position title only – Board Action date of 11/14/12) Additional Assignments Gregory Nelson Fontana A. B. Miller High GeneralRestricted (SPED) Football-Freshman Coach GeneralFrom: $1,301.50 split stipend Unrestricted To: $2,603.00 full stipend (Revision to stipend amount only – Board Action date of 09/19/12) 30 Effective Date 10/18/12-06/30/13 11/15/12-06/30/13 09/20/12-06/30/13 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED JOB DESCRIPTION REVISIONS Position/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Associate Teacher/ [No change to Range] Early Head Start Instructional Services/Early Education (copy attached to official minutes) Funding Effective Date 12/13/12 CLASSIFIED LEAVE OF ABSENCE Name Tania Aceves Assignment/Location Teacher Aide (SED)-2 positions (Fontana A. B. Miller High) Effective Date 11/14/12-05/24/13 Patricia Gensel Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) Dorothy Grant Elementary 11/26/12-05/27/13 Kasia Pennington Kitchen Assistant Fontana High 11/20/12-03/30/13 (Intermittent Leave) RELEASE DURING CLASSIFIED PROBATION RATIFIED Name Employee #17411 Assignment Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) Hemlock Elementary Effective Date 11/28/12, end of day Employee #19292 (Armanda D. Madrid) Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) Instructional Services/Special Services 11/28/12, end of day ACCEPTANCE OF CLASSIFIED RESIGNATION RATIFIED Name Charlotte A. Savage (Service Retirement) Assignment/Location Administrative Secretary Instructional Services/Special Services Effective Date 12/01/12 CLASSIFIED RESIGNATIONS Name Ryan A. Diaz Assignment/Location Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) Wayne Ruble Middle Effective Date 11/12/12, end of day Janet Johnson (Service Retirement) Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) Palmetto Elementary 12/03/12 Marcel Stuhrmann District Safety Officer School Police Services 11/27/12, end of day 31 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) CLASSIFIED RESIGNATIONS (continued) Name Jason T. Wessely Assignment/Location Police Officer School Police Services Effective Date 12/04/12 The Board adopted Resolution Number 12-61, adopting a Countywide Vision for San Bernardino County (copy attached to official minutes). Resolution Motion made by L. Garcia, seconded by S. Green, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board approved costs for Board Member Elect Lorena Corona’s attendance at the California School Boards Association (CSBA) Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, November 29 through December 1, 2012, total estimated cost of $2,060.60. Conference Costs Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by L. Garcia, and carried on a 5-0 vote. The Board authorized the estimated annual payment amount of $5,637.60 for lifetime health and welfare benefit premiums for Kathleen (Kathy) Binks as provided in Board Bylaw 9250. Payment Motion made by G. Hawthorn, seconded by B. Chavez, and carried on a 5-0 vote. Superintendent Olsen-Binks shared that she had received many holiday cards. Correspondence William Wu, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, commented on funds raised by the department and donated to School Police for needy families, thanked Board Member Binks for her service, congratulated Board Vice President Chavez, Board Member Corona and Board President Hawthorn, and expressed his gratitude for everyone, especially the Superintendent. Administrator Comments Oscar Dueñas, Associate Superintendent of Instructional Services, shared that the District was one of 539 being honored by the College Board on its AP Honor Roll, commented on the Federal Program Review, congratulated Board Member Corona, Board Vice President Chavez, and outgoing Board Member Binks. 32 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Billy Green, Chief of School Police, shared that on the upcoming Saturday the Department’s officers would be taking 20 needy students shopping on their own time, provided information on the upcoming FLIP graduation, and announced that the program had been awarded the annual MAGNA award from the National School Boards Association. Administrator Comments, continued Board Member Corona thanked Fontana residents for giving her the opportunity to serve, it was an honor and a great responsibility, she knew she could not do it on her own and needed the team; she thanked Superintendent Olsen-Binks for her time meeting with her. She looked forward to serving the community the best she could, thanked her friends and family, Board President Chavez, and noted she was taking on the challenge of meeting the high expectations. She commented that Board Member Binks was quite an example to follow, a woman who could never be replaced, and she would be asking her for guidance. She welcomed her colleagues to contact her and share their experience; she was looking forward to learning and hoped for a wonderful year ahead. Board Member Comments Board Member Green commented that she had attended the California School Boards Association (CSBA) workshop and brought materials to pass on to President Hawthorn. While there she had attended a workshop presented by Attorney Medina on employee rights concerning social media and asked Ms. Medina to share some of that information. Ms. Medina commented that employees had no obligation to provide employers with passwords to their personal social media accounts, that she had also made presentations on bullying, and offered to provide those for the District website. Board Member Green asked for an item on the next agenda to have a Business Department audit; with a new leader coming in she would like to have it clean. She commented that a parent who had an appointment on Monday and took time off work without pay was kept waiting an hour. She also had received a citizen’s complaint about materials from Redwood Elementary School; Superintendent Olsen-Binks responded that the issue had been brought to her attention and the discrepancy had been found, it was difficult to determine the timeline, staff had realized the issue and talked with principals regarding having a check and balance system in place to ensure that things were being done correctly, and that Purchasing staff had spoken with the Redwood principal and things were moving forward. Board Member Green requested an agenda item for monthly reports by the attorney, and asked if the cost of a recall election was included in the current budget. Superintendent Olsen-Binks responded that the cost was not in the budget, and that a specific amount could not be obtained from the Registrar of Voters Office. 33 (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Board Member Green commented on a complaint or information she believed all Board members had received on their email and for the second time she had received knowledge that unauthorized people had printed copies of complaints Board members had received. The information was sent to five board members; she had forwarded hers to the Superintendent. The person who had sent the complaint called her that day and said someone from a phone number which she read out called them and the person was an employee of this district; Board Member Green asked how unauthorized persons could have copies of information sent to the Board. The person also received another call from a person related to someone sitting on the dais; Board Member Green read the phone number out. Attorney Medina interrupted and recommended not to give phone numbers out in public, but ask to look into whether the Superintendent had asked someone to look into the concern. Board Member Green responded that she had brought the subject up because the person who wrote the email said the calls were not to talk about her concern but to threaten or bully the person, it was not like the Superintendent had given an employee direction to investigate; the numbers came with intimidation and she wondered if that could become a liability for the district. Attorney Medina replied that was a factual question; she would have to take a look and determine if the individual had decided to share the concern with members of the community, and if Board Member Green would share the numbers with her and the Superintendent they would follow up. Board Member Garcia congratulated the Kaiser and all sports team coaches and staff and wished everyone in the District a happy holiday; she was looking forward to the next year. There was a bill by Alex Padilla being revisited in the next legislative session, and as she would be testifying at that session she would provide the information to the Superintendent and invited the other Board members to attend. She brought materials back from the CSBA conference that she would share at the next meeting and spoke of spending time with Board Member Corona and Superintendent Olsen-Binks while there and of conversations at one of the sessions regarding students and how curriculum is delivered, and if it was being delivered to all students in ways they could accept and use. Board Vice President Chavez asked about the procedure for rearranging seating of the Board Attorney. Attorney Medina offered that the best approach was to have the Board work as a body; Board rules had delegated certain authorities to the President but the best practice was to have consensus; it was a slippery slope when individual members gave certain directives. Board Vice President Chavez indicated she would revisit this for the next time. 34 Board Member Comments, continued (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) Board Vice President Chavez then thanked Ms. Segal and CAFFS for helping with the Christmas Parade; she walked in the parade to express her gratitude to the community for her re-election, and extended an invitation for people, especially parents, to visit schools and see the amazing things going on there. She said she learned from the campaign who her real friends were, and those who wanted to cause harm; God had protected her and she was there to serve all of you. Board Member Comments, continued Board President Hawthorn thanked Kathy Binks for her years of service not only on the Board but in the community, the Boys and Girls Club and the boys home that she and her husband had operated for numerous years. He thanked the District Management and the unions for providing supplies for the reception, and noted the only cost not covered was the electricity for the lights, which would be on anyway and he believed was a legal expense. He welcomed Board Member Corona as a great addition to the Board and noted her outstanding personal history; she was a great example for a huge number of kids in the community. Board President Hawthorn congratulated the Kaiser High School football team on its CIF championship and wished everybody a wonderful holiday season; he was reminded about the diversity of the community and country, which was something to be celebrated. He reflected on attending the funeral of one of his coworkers who was from Nigeria and thought about diverse connections in his own life. He wondered how the District communicated to students the diversity around and how to help them to truly appreciate that diversity when they had limited opportunity to travel; what was woven into the curriculum or to take virtual trips. Superintendent Olsen-Binks welcomed Board Member Corona and noted she was glad to have Board Vice President Chavez return; with one new Board Member there was another opportunity to move forward with a new body to work together. She celebrated the two grants that were accepted on the agenda, the CIF championship and College Board information, and reflected on the sad moment of mourning when hearing the number of persons passing away; schools had been grieving the loss of colleagues and the student, the staff trained to support and help had done an outstanding job in talking to school staff and students, district administrators and teachers on assignment had gone out to relieve classroom teachers, and all staff had worked together to support one another. At the reception that afternoon many had been still suffering, but the Fontana Unified family was a reminder of priorities and how blessed they were for their life and health. She wished everyone well and encouraged all staff to enjoy the holidays and their families, and to renew themselves. 35 Superintendent Comments (Governing Board Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2012) President Hawthorn adjourned the meeting at 9:19 p.m. Motion made by S. Green, seconded by L. Corona, and carried on a 5-0 vote. FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Date Gus Hawthorn, Board President Cali L. Olsen-Binks, Superintendent 36 Adjournment Consent Calendar Session Items Reference Pages FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Williams’ Settlement County BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Report of Findings Consent Calendar Session ____________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: California Education Code Section 1240 requires that the Superintendent of County Schools visit all deciles 1-3 schools (Williams’ schools) and report to the District his findings. This report serves as the District’s report for the 2012-2013 school year visitations. There were no findings to report in the following areas: Instructional Materials, School Accountability Report Card (SARC), Teacher Assignment and Monitoring, California High School Exit Exam Intensive Instruction and Services. In the area of School Facilities there were 3 findings of extreme deficiencies and 18 findings of good repair deficiencies. In prior years, schools were able to correct deficiencies the day of the Williams’ visitation. This is no longer the case. Further, through the Superintendent of County Schools’ review, it was determined that Fontana Unified School District complies with the terms of the Valenzuela Settlement Legislation and Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA). FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board as information only. KMackinney:Ib Attachment Ref. B Williams Report of Findings School Year 2012‐2013 School Name Alder MS Almeria MS Chaparral Citrus ES Date ES Fontana HS Fontana MS Fontana (A.B.) Miller HS Kaiser (Henry J.) HS Maple ES North Tamarind ES Palmetto ES Randall Pepper ES Redwood ES Ruble (Wayne) MS Sequoia MS South Tamarind ES Tokay ES Truman MS West Randall ES School Facilities Instructional Extreme Good Repair Materials Deficiencies Deficiencies *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I *N/I None Observed *N/I *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed *N/I None Observed SARC N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I N/I Teacher Assignment Monitoring No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings No Findings CAHSEE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/F N/A N/F N/F N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A *N/I = No Insufficiences Observed FindingsN/I=NoInaccuraciesN/A=NotApplicableN/F=NoFindings FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Williams Uniform Complaint Report Summary BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session ____________________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: Districts with identified Williams’ schools must submit a Uniform Complaint Report to the County Superintendent of Schools on a quarterly basis. During the second quarter, there were no complaints filed in the following areas: Instructional Materials, School Facilities, Teacher Assignment Monitoring, and California High School Exit Exam Intensive Instruction and Services. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board as information only. KMacKinney/ib Attachment Ref. C Williams Settlement Legislation Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary For submission to school district governing board and county office of education District Name: Fontana Unified School District Quarter covered by this report: October - December 2012 Number of complaints received in quarter Number of complaints resolved in quarter 0 0 0 0 0 0 Teacher Vacancy and Misassignments 0 0 0 CAHSEE Intensive Instruction and Services 0 0 0 Totals 0 0 0 Number of complaints unresolved Instructional Materials Facilities Ms. Kimberly MacKinney UCP Contact: Title: Director Board Submission Date: Submitted by: Title: Kimberly MacKinney Director, Secondary Instruction Entered On Date: Rpt. 1.1 01/23/2013 01/07/2013 Page 1 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Custodian of Records BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 5, Section 431(a) which states: Local governing boards shall designate a certificated employee as Custodian of Records. Such employee shall be charged with district-wide responsibility for implementing board policies related to pupil records. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve Tracie Zerpoli, Director Career Tech Education to be designated as an additional Custodian of Records for the Fontana Unified School District. ODueñsd/td Ref. D FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Fundraiser BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Current regulations consider Parent Teacher Association (PTA) funds public funds because they are raised through the district’s tax identification number under nontaxable status and any fundraising that occurs should be for the benefit of the PTA and not for other organizations. Any donations to outside charities or non-profit agencies are generally prohibited because it would be considered a gift of public funds. However, a Board of Education may take action to approve students to organize a fundraising event if the event is clearly identified as raising funds to donate to the designated charity and if all donations are in the payment goes directly to the charity and is not deposited into the PTA account. Students at Mango Elementary School would like to participate in the Jump Rope for Heart program for the non-profit organization charity: The Heart Association. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve students at Mango Elementary School to participate in the Jump Rope for Heart Program for charity: The Heart Association for the 2012/13 school year. JAngle/bv Ref. E FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Fundraiser BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Current regulations consider Parent Teacher Association (PTA) funds public funds because they are raised through the district’s tax identification number under nontaxable status and any fundraising that occurs should be for the benefit of the PTA and not for other organizations. Any donations to outside charities or non-profit agencies are generally prohibited because it would be considered a gift of public funds. However, a Board of Education may take action to approve students to organize a fundraising event if the event is clearly identified as raising funds to donate to the designated charity and if all donations are in the payment goes directly to the charity and is not deposited into the PTA account. Students at Mango Elementary School would like to participate in the Pennies for Patients program for the non-profit organization charity: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Students will donate pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, or more, to assist their class in their fundraising efforts. The collection box will be placed in the front office and securely locked away overnight. At the end of the 3 week period, prizes and awards are given to the classrooms and the school. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve students at Mango Elementary School to participate in the Pennies for Patients program for charity: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society School & Youth Program for the 2012/13 school year. JAngle/bv FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Fundraising Activity BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Current regulations consider Associated Student Body (ASB) funds public funds because they are raised through the district’s tax identification number under non-taxable status and any fundraising that occurs should be for the benefit of the ASB and not for other organizations. Any donations to outside charities or non-profit agencies are generally prohibited because it would be considered a gift of public funds. However, a Board of Education may take action to approve a student organization to organize an individual fundraising event if the event is clearly identified as raising funds to donate to the designated charity and if all donations are paid directly to the charity and is not deposited into the ASB account. 1World, a student organization at Henry J. Kaiser High School focused on global leadership and service, would like to raise funds and hold product drives for the nonprofit organization Fontana Community Assistance Program (CAP) that provides resources to Fontana citizens facing economic crisis. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve students at Henry J. Kaiser High School to participate in the 1World to participate in fundraising for Fontana Community Assistance Program during the remainder of the 2012/13 school year. KMacKinney FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Payment BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Goal #3 of the Fontana Unified School District states, “Every student will be provided with a quality education by highly qualified staff who will be continuously trained in teaching strategies, support programs and staff development activities.” The Department of Secondary Instruction will be offering (5) 2 hour Secondary Mathematics (Math) Cadre Workshops to Middle School Math Teachers and (5) 2 hour Secondary Mathematics (Math) Cadre Workshops to High School Math Teachers, January 28, 2013 – May 30, 2013. Teachers will help facilitate information, learn new strategies, develop a problem bank for Common Core State Standards, and share ideas with colleagues. Teachers as a whole will be helping the Fontana Unified School District launch into the Common Core generation and SMARTER Balanced Assessments. Secondary Mathematics (Math) Cadre Workshops – These workshops are for Middle and High School Math Teachers. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Not to exceed $6,100.00 - Secondary Instruction Unrestricted Lottery Funds RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve payment to employees specified by the Secondary Instruction Department as having attended professional and staff development group trainings and/or activities and whose attendance at these trainings and/or activities has been reviewed and certified as correct by the Associate Superintendent of Instructional Services: #12/13-292 Secondary Mathematics (Math) Cadre Workshops, January 28, 2013 – May 30, 2013, not to exceed $6,100.00 to be paid from Secondary Instruction Unrestricted Lottery Funds. KMacKinney:sj Ref. F FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Payment BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Board Policy 3310 reads “that no member of the Board, officer or employee of this school district shall be interested financially in any contract entered into by the Board without prior full disclosure and Board approval.” Wayne Ruble Middle School utilized the services of Juan Arana, spouse of employee Diane Arana to bake and decorate (1) sheet cake and (100) cookies for their CST Celebration. The price and labor offered by Mr. Arana was discounted far below what could be purchased elsewhere and he will accept a purchase order as payment. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Not to exceed $190.00 – Site Donation Account RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education ratify payment for the utilization of services to Juan Arana, the spouse of district employee Diane Arana to bake and decorate (1) sheet cake and (100) cookies for the CST Celebration at Wayne Ruble Middle School, cost not to exceed $190.00. KMacKinney:sj Ref. G FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Student Trip BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: As provided in Board Policy 6153, Field Trips, “The Board of Education recognizes that school sponsored trips are an important component that can supplement and enrich the classroom learning experience”. The Administrative Regulation to the policy outlines the types of trips requiring administrative and/or board approval. The California Educational Theatre Association is hosting the California Youth in Theatre Day in Sacramento, California, March 12 - 13, 2013. Approximately six students of Henry J. Kaiser High School have the opportunity to attend where they will perform for members of congress and meet with local legislators to bolster support for art in the school. Students will also be attending workshops in dramatic crafts. The students will miss 1 day of school. The trip requires an overnight stay, and will be chaperoned by the Henry J. Kaiser High School Drama Teacher. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Approximately $1,300.00 – Henry J. Kaiser High School ASB Funds RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an overnight trip for approximately six students of Henry J. Kaiser High School to attend the California Youth in Theatre Day in Sacramento, California, March 12 – 13, 2013. KMacKinney:sj Ref. H FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Student Trip BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: As provided in Board Policy 6153, School-Sponsored Trips, “The Governing Board recognizes that field trips are important components in the instructional program of the school”. The policy also denotes that all trips involving out-of-state or overnight travel shall require prior approval of the Board. Four students from Summit High School ROP (Regional Occupation Program) have the opportunity to take a trip to visit UC Berkeley in Berkeley, California on February 7-9, 2013 for the Young Worker Leadership Academy, presented by the California Commission on Health and Safety. The main purpose of this trip is to encourage students to build leadership skills, learn about issues affecting young people and job safety. The trip requires an overnight stay of 2 nights and students will miss two days of school. The four students will be chaperoned by 1 ROP teacher an employee of the Fontana Unified School District. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None - Donations RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an overnight trip for four students from the Summit High School ROP (Regional Occupation Program) to attend the Young Worker Leadership Academy in Berkeley, California, February 7-9, 2013. TZerpoli: bv FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Student Trip BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: As provided in Board Policy 6153, School-Sponsored Trips, “The Governing Board recognizes that field trips are important components in the instructional program of the school”. The policy also denotes that all trips involving out-of-state or overnight travel shall require prior approval of the Board. Approximately fifty students of Truman Middle School have the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. from June 10 – 15, 2013 for an educational tour through “Worldstrides”. Worldstrides is the largest and most trusted educational student travel company in the country. They have provided a variety of educational travel programs to more than two million elementary, middle, and high school students since its inception in 1967. The purpose of this trip is to provide students with an extraordinary educational experience. Students will have the opportunity to visit several historical sites such as the White House, Capitol Hill, Independence Hall, Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building. The trip will be chaperoned by one Fontana Unified School District certificated employee for every 10 students who attend. The trip will take place during off track time, therefore, students and teachers will not miss any days of school. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Approximately $1,967.00 per person – Fundraising and Personal Funds RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an overnight, out-of-state trip for approximately 50 students of Harry S. Truman Middle School to travel to Washington D.C. for an educational tour through Worldstrides, June 10–15, 2013. KMacKinney;sj FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Student Trip BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: As provided in Board Policy 6153, School-Sponsored Trips, “The Governing Board recognizes that field trips are important components in the instructional program of the school”. The policy also denotes that all trips involving out-of-state or overnight travel shall require prior approval of the Board. Approximately 65 students from the Fontana A. B. Miller High School AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program have the opportunity to take their annual trip to visit prospective colleges in Northern California, March 6 – 10, 2013. The main purpose of this trip is to encourage students to maximize their academic success and prepare for admission and attendance to four year colleges and universities. Many students in the AVID program are the first members of their family to attend college. The students will miss 3 days of school. The trip requires an overnight stay, and will be chaperoned by 5 certificated employees of the Fontana Unified School District. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Approximately $16,000.00 – Fontana A. B. Miller High School ASB Funds RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an overnight trip for approximately 65 students from the Fontana A. B. Miller High School Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program to visit prospective State Colleges and Universities from Los Angeles to Sacramento, March 6–10, 2013. KMacKinney;sj FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Notice of Completion BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: In February 2010, bids were awarded by category for Citrus Continuation High School – Increment 2. In order to close the previously approved work, a Notice of Completion must be accepted by the Board of Education. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None – allows release of remaining retention funds in the amount of $174,147.64, 10% of $1,741,476.36 total contract amount. Fund 21 – General Obligation Bond (restricted) RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept a Notice of Completion for Citrus Continuation High School - Increment 2, Category #6-Rough Carpentry, under Bid No. 09/10-1324, completed by Tomahawk Builders, Inc., on December 13, 2012 for a total cost of $1,741,476.36. JRowland:va Ref. I FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Notice of Completion BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: In November 2010, bids were awarded by category for the Fontana Middle School Modernization project. In order to close the previously approved work, a Notice of Completion must be accepted by the Board of Education. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None – allows release of remaining retention funds in the amount of $10,498.20 10% of $104,982.00 total contract amount. Fund 21 – General Obligation Bond (restricted) Fund 48 – CFD COPs (restricted) RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept a Notice of Completion for Fontana Middle School Modernization, Category #7 – Gymnasium Equipment, under Bid No. 10/11-1341, completed by California Facility Specialties, Inc. on May 8, 2012 for a total cost of $104,982.00. JRowland:va FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Notice of Completion BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: In December 2012, an informal bid was awarded to Superior Paving Company, Inc. dba United Paving Company, for asphalt repair work at Maple Elementary School. This project is now complete. In order to close the previously approved award, a Notice of Completion must be accepted by the Board of Education. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None – allows release of remaining retention funds in the amount of $2,539.65, 5% of $50,793.00 total contract amount. Fund 35 – State School Facilities Program (restricted) RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept a Notice of Completion for Bid No. 12/13-1373i, Asphalt Repair Work at Maple Elementary School, completed by Superior Paving Company, Inc. dba United Paving Company, on January 5, 2013 for a total cost of $50,793.00. JRowland:bc FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Notice of Completion BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: In August 2012, a bid was awarded for the removal and replacement of fascia board at South Tamarind Elementary School. In order to close the previously approved work, a Notice of Completion must be accepted by the Board of Education. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None – allows release of remaining retention funds in the amount of $6,687.79, 5% of $133,755.75 total contract amount. Fund 14 – Deferred Maintenance Fund (restricted) RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept a Notice of Completion for Removal & Replacement of Fascia Board at South Tamarind Elementary, under Bid No. 12/13-1371i, completed by Fisher Contractor, Inc., on December 1, 2012 for a total cost of $133,755.75. JRowland:va FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Notice of Completion BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: In July 2012, Informal Bid No. 11/12-1358i was renewed to Westbrook Fence, Inc., for the purchase and installation of chain link fencing and gates at various sites on an “as needed basis” throughout the District for the 2012/2013 school year. The following purchase orders are now complete. In order to close these purchase orders and release retention, a Notice of Completion must be accepted by the Board of Education. Purchase Order No. 135038 135037 133766 131544 Site Elementary #32 (Fontana) A.B. Miller High (Dorothy) Grant Elementary Jurupa Hills High Total $372.00 $360.00 $620.00 $32,668.50 Completion Date 12/31/12 12/31/12 11/29/12 12/10/12 FISCAL IMPLICATION: None – allows release of remaining retention funds in the amount of $1,701.03, 5% of $34,020.50 total contract amount. Fund 14 – Deferred Maintenance (restricted) Fund 48 – 2007 COP & Fund 21 – 2006 GOB (restricted) RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept a Notice of Completion for purchase order numbers 135038, 135037, 133766 and 131544 under Bid No. 11/12-1358i, Purchase and Installation of Chain Link Fencing and Gates at Various Sites, completed by Westbrook Fence, Inc., for a total cost of $34,020.50. JRowland:bc FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Payment Registers BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: Payments are made to vendors for the purchase of goods and services received throughout the fiscal year. Board of Education approval is required for these payments. FISCAL IMPLICATION: $10,288,572.26-Unrestricted and Restricted Funds as noted below in the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education ratify payment registers for fiscal year 2012/13 as submitted. General Fund (01) – Unrestricted and Restricted 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2029 2030 2032 2033 2034 2035 2037 2038 2054 2055 2056 2057 2059 2061 2062 2063 2073 2074 2075 2076 2081 2082 2083 2085 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2100 2102 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2120 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2134 2138 2144 2145 2146 2147 2149 2150 2151 2152 2160 2161 2162 2163 2165 2166 2167 2168 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2196 2197 2198 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2212 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2238 2239 2240 2252 2253 2254 2266 2267 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2282 2283 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2301 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2331 2333 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2342 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2383 2384 2385 2386 2388 2389 2391 2393 2399 2400 2402 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2431 2432 2433 2435 2437 2438 2439 2440 2447 2448 2449 2459 2465 2467 2469 2470 2489 Ref. J 2019 2039 2067 2086 2104 2122 2139 2153 2169 2185 2199 2214 2227 2268 2285 2304 2322 2344 2365 2394 2409 2426 2441 2472 2021 2046 2068 2087 2107 2123 2140 2154 2170 2186 2200 2215 2228 2269 2286 2306 2323 2345 2366 2395 2412 2427 2442 2473 2022 2049 2069 2088 2108 2124 2141 2155 2174 2187 2201 2216 2233 2271 2287 2307 2324 2354 2368 2396 2415 2428 2443 2474 2023 2052 2071 2089 2109 2125 2142 2158 2175 2188 2202 2217 2234 2272 2288 2309 2328 2355 2369 2397 2416 2429 2444 2475 2025 2053 2072 2091 2110 2126 2143 2159 2176 2189 2203 2218 2235 2274 2289 2311 2330 2356 2379 2398 2417 2430 2446 2477 Adult Education Fund (11) – Unrestricted and Restricted 2106 2213 2229 2284 2401 2403 2410 Child Development Fund (12) – Restricted 2016 2024 2077 2078 2079 2080 2101 2241 2281 2300 2353 2387 2392 2411 2105 2413 2133 2434 2156 2464 2172 2471 2173 2231 2230 2350 2255 2351 2256 2377 2257 2450 2258 2451 2259 2452 Cash for Component Units Fund (48) – Restricted 2008 2064 2103 2247 2248 2250 2468 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 Worker’s Compensation Fund (67) – Restricted 2048 2050 2121 2136 2137 2232 2310 2329 2332 2352 2380 2476 Child Nutrition Fund (13) – Restricted 2005 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2260 2261 2262 2308 2347 2348 2453 2454 2455 2457 2458 2466 2045 2349 Deferred Maintenance Fund (14) – Unrestricted 2171 2251 2298 2414 2462 Building Fund (21) – Restricted 2007 2009 Capital Facilities Fund (25) – Restricted 2065 2245 2373 2381 2479 School Facilities Fund (35) – Restricted 2006 2480 2481 2482 2483 Special Reserve Fund (40) – Restricted 2375 SKillian:agl 2478 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: Donations BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: /13 Consent Calendar Session BACKGROUND: The district routinely receives donations from company programs developed to provide support to schools or as an offshoot from profits derived from sales and services at the schools, as well as donations from individuals. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Donations provide support to the District and have a positive financial impact. RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept donations as listed below and send appropriate letters of appreciation: The Cal Poly Pomona Foundation donated $1,724.00 to Oak Park Elementary School and $2,000.00 to Oleander Elementary School The Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice donated two computers, one printer and books with an indicated value of $2,120.89 to South Tamarind Elementary School Coca-Cola Refreshments donated $44.54 to Almond Elementary School, $23.52 to Date Elementary School, $26.36 to Maple Elementary School, $62.19 to Tokay Elementary School, and $26.81 to Wayne Ruble Middle School Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf donated refreshments with an indicated value of $70.00 to Sequoia Middle School Craig Baker donated $1,000.00 to Oleander Elementary School The Donorchoose.ORG TEAM donated miscellaneous school supplies with an indicated value of $540.41 to Harry S. Truman Middle School Edison International donated $105.00 to Almond Elementary School, $550.00 to Maple Elementary School, and $60.00 to Virginia Primrose Elementary School General Mills Box Tops for Education donated 298.30 to Citrus Elementary School, $437.40 to Cypress Elementary School, $609.10 to Redwood Elementary School, and $321.66 to Shadow Hills Elementary School Horace Mann donated $40.00 in gift cards to Sequoia Middle School Ref. K John McGovern & Associates/CSGA donated clothing with an indicated value of $8,560.00 to Fontana Unified School District JP Morgan Chase & Co. donated $15.00 to Poplar Elementary School Just Give donated $22.00 to Tokay Elementary School Lifetouch National School Studios donated $70.00 to Fontana Middle School, $300.00 to Oak Park Elementary School, $930.51 to Redwood Elementary School, $256.00 to Shadow Hills Elementary School, and $150.00 to West Randall Elementary School Mary Feldstein donated $25.00 to Sequoia Middle School The Molina Foundation donated books with an indicated amount of $4,130.10 to West Randall Elementary School School Portraits by Kranz, Inc. donated $400.00 to Oleander Elementary School Superior Grocers donated $1,000.00 to Fontana Middle School, $1,000.00 to Hemlock Elementary School, and $1,000.00 and a $10.00 gift card to Oleander Elementary School The Target Field Trip Grants Program donated $700.00 to Live Oak Elementary School The University of California Berkeley donated $1,000.00 to West Randall Elementary School U Sav-Mor Paint Supply donated paint with an indicated value of $216.28 to the Fontana High School ROP – Auto Collision class The Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program donated $323.08 to Randall-Pepper Elementary School and $36.00 to Virginia Primrose Elementary School COlsen-Binks:cs Discussion/Action Session Items Reference Pages FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: The Fontana Unified School District was presented with a charter school petition for establishment of the Fontana Leadership Academy on Friday, December 28, 2012. In accordance with Education Code section 47605(b), the Fontana Unified School District Board of Education must hold a public hearing on the provisions of the charter school within thirty (30) days of receipt to consider the level of support for the petition by teachers employed by the District, other employees of the District and parents. The petition was submitted in binders, has been provided to each Board member, various District staff members, and is posted with the agenda on the District website, FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to hold a public hearing regarding the petition for establishment of the Fontana Leadership Academy within the Fontana Unified School District boundaries and accept the petition for review. ODueñas/td Ref. L FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Resolution BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: In 1926 African American scholar Carter Godwin Woodson organized the first Negro History Week as an initiative to bring national attention to the contributions of African Americans throughout American history. He chose the month of February to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, as well as the anniversary of the founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Renamed Black History Week in 1972, the observance was extended to become Black History Month in 1976. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 1302 recognizing February 2013 as Black History Month. ODueñas/td Attachment Ref. M Resolution 13-02 Fontana Unified School District Board of Education WHEREAS, in 1976 the observance of Black History Week in February was extended to become Black History Month; and WHEREAS, during February, lectures, exhibitions, banquets, cultural events, and television and radio programming celebrate the achievements of African Americans; and WHEREAS, students of Fontana Unified School District participate in learning experiences to expand their knowledge of the contributions of African Americans throughout American history; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Fontana Unified School District Board of Education recognizes February as Black History Month and encourages appropriate education and participation in related activities. ADOPTED January 23, 2013 Henry (Gus) Hawthorn, President BarBara L. Chavez , Vice-President Lorena Corona Leticia Garcia, Sophia Green FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Board Policy BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: At the December 12, 2012 meeting of the Fontana Unified School District Board of Education, the Board approved the first reading of revised Board Policy 1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures. It is now being presented for second reading adoption. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt the second reading of revised Board Policy BP1312.3 Uniform Complaint Procedures. KMacKinney;ib attachment Ref. N Community Relations BP 1312.3(a) UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES The Board of Education recognizes that the district's district has the primary responsibility to insure compliance comply with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The district shall investigate any complaints alleging failure to comply with such laws and/or alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying and shall seek to resolve those complaints in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures. The district shall use the uniform complaint procedures to resolve any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying in district programs and activities based on actual or perceived characteristics such as age, ancestry, color, ethnic group identification, gender expression, gender identity, gender, mental or physical disability, nationality, national origin, race, or ethnicity, religion, sex, or sexual orientation, or on the basis or a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. (cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities) (cf. 4031 - Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment) Uniform complaint procedures shall also be used to address any complaint alleging the district's failure to comply with state and/or federal laws in adult education programs, consolidated categorical aid programs, migrant education, career technical and technical education and training programs, child care and development programs, child nutrition programs, special education programs, and the development and adoption of the school safety plan. (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan) (cf. 1312.1 - Complaints Concerning District Employees) (cf. 1312.2 - Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials) (cf. 3553 - Free and Reduced Price Meals) (cf. 3555 - Nutrition Program Compliance) (cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program) (cf. 6171 - Title I Programs) (cf. 6174 - Education for English Language Learners) (cf. 6175 - Migrant Education Program) (cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education) (cf. 6178.1 - Work-Based Learning) (cf. 6178.2 - Regional Occupational Center/Program) (cf. 6200 - Adult Education) Procedures outlined by AR 1312.3 will be used to investigate and resolve any Uniform Complaint. The Board prohibits any form of retaliation against any complainant in the complaint process. Participation in the complaint process shall not in any way affect the status, grades, or work assignments of the complainant. The Board encourages the early and informal resolution of complaints at the site level whenever possible. BP 1312.3(b) UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES (continued) In investigating complaints, the confidentiality of the parties involved and the integrity of the process shall be protected. As appropriate, the Superintendent or designee may keep the identity of a complainant confidential to the extent that the investigation of the complaint is not obstructed. (cf. 4119.23/4219.23/4319.23 - Unauthorized Release of Confidential/Privileged Information) (cf. 5125 - Student Records) (cf. 9011 - Disclosure of Confidential/Privileged Information) The district's Williams uniform complaint procedures, AR 1312.4, shall be used to investigate and resolve any complaint related to the following: 1. Sufficiency of textbooks or instructional materials 2. Emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health or safety of students or staff 3. Teacher vacancies and misassignments 4. Deficiency in the district's provision of instruction and/or services to any student who, by the completion of grade 12, has not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination (cf. 1312.4 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures) (cf. 6162.52 - High School Exit Examination) (cf. 6179 - Supplemental Instruction) Legal Reference: (see next page) BP 1312.3(c) UNIFORM COMPLAINT PROCEDURES (continued) Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 200-262.4 Prohibition of discrimination 8200-8498 Child care and development programs 8500-8538 Adult basic education 18100-18203 School libraries 32289 School safety plan, uniform complaint procedures 35186 Williams uniform complaint procedures 37254 Intensive instruction and services for students who have not passed exit exam 41500-41513 Categorical education block grants 48985 Notices in language other than English 49060-49079 Student records 49490-49590 Child nutrition programs 52160-52178 Bilingual education programs 52300-52490 Career technical education 52500-52616.24 Adult schools 52800-52870 School-based program coordination 54000-54028 Economic impact aid programs 54100-54145 Miller-Unruh Basic Reading Act 54400-54425 Compensatory education programs 54440-54445 Migrant education 54460-54529 Compensatory education programs 56000-56867 Special education programs 59000-59300 Special schools and centers 64000-64001 Consolidated application process GOVERNMENT CODE 11135 Nondiscrimination in programs or activities funded by state 12900-12996 Fair Employment and Housing Act PENAL CODE 422.6 Interference with constitutional right or privilege CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 3080 Application of section 4600-4687 Uniform complaint procedures 4900-4965 Nondiscrimination in elementary and secondary education programs UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 6301-6577 Title I basic programs 6601-6777 Title II preparing and recruiting high quality teachers and principals 6801-6871 Title III language instruction for limited English proficient and immigrant students 7101-7184 Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 7201-7283g Title V promoting informed parental choice and innovative programs 7301-7372 Title V rural and low-income school programs Management Resources: WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights: Policy adopted: revised: revised: revised: February 5, 2003 May 6, 2009 October 17, 2012 December 12, 2012 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Second Reading Board Policy BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: The Fontana Unified School District contracts with the California School Boards Association for maintenance of its Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. Part of this service includes tri-annual policy updates to keep existing policies current and bring new ones forward as necessitated by changing legislation. Board Policy 5117 Interdistrict Attendance was part of the July 2012 CSBA Policy Update packet. The Education Code provides a number of options under which a student may attend school in a district other than the district where he/she resides. Under an “interdistrict attendance permit” pursuant to Education Code 46600-46611, a student may attend school in a different district when both the district of residence and the district of proposed attendance agree. The first reading was approved at the December 12, 2012, Board meeting and is now being presented for second reading adoption. New language in the policy is underlined; deleted language is shown in strikethrough text. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt the second reading of revised Board Policy 5117 Interdistrict Attendance. DMarmo/sy Attachment Ref. O Students BP 5117 Interdistrict Attendance The Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians of students who reside in one district may, for a variety of reasons, choose to enroll their child in a school in another district. (cf. 0520.3 – Title I Program Improvement Districts) (cf. 5111.12 – Residency Based on Parent/Guardian Employment) (cf. 5116.1 – Intradistrict Open Enrollment) (cf. 5118 – Open Enrollment Act Transfers) The Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians of students who reside in one district may, for a variety of reasons, choose to enroll their child in a school in another district. Interdistrict Attendance Permits The Board may enter into an agreement with any school district, for a term not to exceed five school years, for the interdistrict attendance of students who are residents of the districts. (Education Code 46600) The agreement shall specify the terms and conditions under which interdistrict attendance shall be permitted or denied. It also may contain standards agreed to by both districts for reapplication and/or revocation of the student’s permit. (Education Code 46600) Upon receiving a permit for transfer into the district that has been approved by the student’s district of residence, or upon receiving a written request from the parent/guardian of a district student who wishes to enroll in another district, the Superintendent or designee shall review the request and may approve or deny the permit subject to the terms and conditions of the interdistrict attendance agreement. Transportation The district shall not provide transportation beyond any school attendance area. Upon request, the Superintendent or designee may authorize transportation for interdistrict transfer students to and from designated bus stops within the attendance area if space is available. Limits on Student Transfers Out of the District to a School District of Choice The Superintendent or designee may limit the number of student transfers out of the district to a school district of choice based on the percentages of average daily attendance specified in Education Code 48307. In addition, transfers out of the district may be limited during a fiscal year when the County Superintendent of Schools has given the district a negative budget certification or when the County Superintendent has determined that the district will not meet the state’s standards and criteria for fiscal stability in the subsequent fiscal year exclusively as a result of student transfers from the district to a school district of choice. (Education Code 48307) (cf. 3100 – Budget) (cf. 3460 – Financial Reports and Accountability) Although students generally must attend school in the district where their parents/guardians reside, the Governing Board recognizes justifiable reasons for occasional interdistrict transfers. Upon request, the Board may accept students from another district and may also allow students who live within the district to attend out-ofdistrict schools. Interdistrict attendance may be approved for reasons such as the following: 1. When child care needs of the student are met by a parent/guardian, relative or sitter not in the district of residency. (Education Code 46601.5) 2. When special mental or physical health needs of the student are certified by a physician, school psychologist or other appropriate school personnel. 3. To complete a school year when parents/guardians have moved out of the district during that year. 4. To let seniors attend the same school they attended as juniors, even if their families moved out of the district during the junior year. 5. When there is valid interest in a particular educational program not offered in the district of residency. 6. To allow students to remain with a graduating class in either 5th, 6th, 8th, or 12th grade provided there is a promotions/graduation for that year at the school of attendance. Interdistrict transfers may be granted on a space available basis only. Interdistrict transfers may occur on a student-for-student basis when equal numbers of students transfer between two districts. The district of origin shall issue individual interdistrict attendance permits, valid for a specific time period (one to five years), verifying district approval for students transferring out of the district. These permits become valid when signed by an authorized representative of the district of future attendance. The district of attendance shall stipulate how and why, and under what conditions the permit may be revoked. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for signing all permits on behalf of the district. If an interdistrict attendance transfer is granted under Education Code section 46600, students will not need to reapply for an interdistrict transfer, and the student shall be allowed to continue to attend the school in which he or she is enrolled, except as specified below. If the student’s district of residence and the district of attendance have entered into an interdistrict agreement, the agreement may contain standards for reapplication that may not allow continued attendance. The agreement may also stipulate terms and conditions under which the interdistrict permit may be revoked. Neither a district of residence nor the district of attendance may rescind existing transfer permits for pupils entering grade 11 or 12 in the following school year. Transportation shall not be provided for students attending interdistrict attendance agreement. Transportation for special education may be provided through the SELPA agreements. A request for an interdistrict transfer into Fontana Unified School District can be initiated at the office of Child Welfare and Attendance. Decisions regarding interdistrict transfers shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent or designee. Once a student is granted an interdistrict transfer and assigned to a school, that school becomes their school of residence. They are eligible to continue in the attendance stream of that school through middle and high school as long as their interdistrict transfer is in effect or until it is terminated. Continued interdistrict attendance from outside the district is conditional upon the students' conduct and school work demonstrating compliance with the district's discipline, attendance, and academic standards and the ability to benefit from the district's educational program. The district shall not knowingly accept students who reside in another district without an interdistrict attendance permit. However, such permits will not be required for students enrolling in ROC or ROP, or for students who have been expelled from other districts. (cf. 5111.1 - District Residency) The parent/guardian of a student who is denied a transfer shall be notified in writing, given specific reasons for the denial, and informed of the appeal process which might be pursued. The Child Welfare and Attendance Office shall have available the following forms: 1. Request form on which parent/guardian gives all information needed for a decision on whether or not to grant a permit. 2. Interdistrict attendance permit which specifies time period and terms of the approval. 3. Denial form which incorporates a choice of reasons for denial and information on the entire appeal process. Legal Reference: EDUCATION CODE 41020 Annual district audits 46600-46611 Interdistrict attendance agreements 48204 Residency requirements for school attendance 48300-48315 48316 Student attendance alternatives 48350-48361 Open Enrollment Act 48900 Grounds for suspension or expulsion; definition of bullying 48915 Expulsion; particular circumstances 48915.1 Expelled individuals: enrollment in another district 48918 Rules governing expulsion procedures 48980 Notice at beginning of term 52317 ROP, enrollment of students, interdistrict attendance ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS 87 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 132 (2004) 84 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 198 (2001) GOVERNMENT CODE 6250-6270 Public Records Act ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS 84 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 198 (2001) 87 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 132 (2004) COURT DECISIONS Walnut Valley Unified School District v the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, (2011) 192 Cal.App.4th 234 Crawford v. Huntington Beach Union High School District, (2002) 98 Cal.App.4th 1275 Management Resources: CSBA PUBLICATIONS Transfer Law Comparison, Fact Sheet, March 2011 WEB SITES CSBA: California Department of Education: Policy FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT adopted: January 18, 1995 Fontana, California revised: April 15, 1998 revised: June 4, 2008 revised: September 7, 2011 revised: FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Contract Increase BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: The Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Department entered into a contract with Alliance Bus Lines, Inc. for the 2012-2013 school year in the amount of $24,500.00 for transporting special needs students to and from school. The SELPA Department is requesting that the Board of Education approve an increase to the contract in the amount of $35,500.00 for an estimated total of $60,000.00 with Alliance Bus Lines Inc. in order to transport special needs students to non-public schools. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Original Contract Amount: Estimated Increase: Total Estimated Contract Amount: $24,500.00 $35,500.00 (Special Ed Program Specialized Funds) $60,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an increase of $35,500.00 to the contract with Alliance Bus Lines Inc. for the 2012/2013 school year, new estimated amount of $60,000.00, to provide transportation services for SELPA special needs students to non-public schools and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign related documents. DRust/im Ref. P FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Contract Increase BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: On July 1, 2012 the Board of Education approved a contract with Hope Inc. for the 2012/13 school year to provide special education services to a student in a non-public school. The Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Department is requesting that the contract be increased in the amount of $7,460.00 from the original contract of $92,700.00 to an estimated total contract amount of $100,160.00 in order to provide the student with additional support services. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Original Contract Amount: Estimated Increase: Total Contract Amount: $ 92,700.00 $ 7,460.00 (Educational/Related Services) $100,160.00 RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an increase of $7,460.00 to the contract with Hope Inc. for the 2012/13 school year, new estimated amount of $100,160.00, to provide additional support services to a student in a nonpublic school and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign related documents. MSouthworth/im Ref. Q FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Instructional Services ITEM TITLE: Plans and Budgets BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Under SB 374, each school operating specified categorical programs must consolidate any plans that are required by those programs into a single plan, to be known as the Single Plan for Student Achievement. The Single Plan must be aligned with district goals for improving student achievement, must prescribe strategies for achieving those goals, and must address how funds provided by the specified categorical programs will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils to the level of the performance goals established by the Academic Performance Index, pursuant to Education Code 52052. The Single Plans for Student Achievement and their related budgets for the schools below have been read for quality and legal compliance as outlined in SB 374 and Education Code 64001. The School Site Councils have approved the Single Plans for Student Achievement and the corresponding budgets in accordance with SB 374 and Education Code 64001 (g). The governing board of the school district must also review and approve the Schoolwide Single Plans for Student Achievement and Categorical Budgets for: Beech, Canyon Crest, Chaparral, Cypress, Date, Dorothy Grant, Hemlock, Juniper, Kathy Binks, Live Oak, Locust, Mango, Maple, North Tamarind, Oak Park, Oleander, Palmetto, Poplar, Randall-Pepper, Redwood, Shadow Hills, Sierra Lakes, South Tamarind, Ted J. Porter, Tokay, Virginia Primrose, and West Randall Elementary schools; Fontana, Harry S. Truman, Sequoia and Southridge Middle Schools; Fontana A.B. Miller, Fontana, Henry J. Kaiser, Jurupa Hills, Summit High Schools and Eric Birch and Citrus Continuation High School pursuant to SB 374 and Education Code 64001 (h). These documents are available for review by contacting the Categorical Programs Office. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends the Board of Education approve the Schoolwide Single Plans for Student Achievement and Categorical Budgets provided under separate cover for: Beech, Canyon Crest, Chaparral, Cypress, Date, Dorothy Grant, Hemlock, Juniper, Kathy Binks, Live Oak, Locust, Mango, Maple, North Tamarind, Oak Park, Oleander, Palmetto, Poplar, Randall-Pepper, Redwood, Shadow Hills, Sierra Lakes, South Tamarind, Ted J. Porter, Tokay, Virginia Primrose, and West Randall Elementary schools; Fontana, Harry S. Truman, Sequoia and Southridge Middle Schools; Fontana A.B. Miller, Fontana, Henry J. Kaiser, Jurupa Hills, Summit High Schools and Eric Birch, and Citrus Continuation High School pursuant to SB 374 and Education Code 64001 (h). LR/dlb Ref. R FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Audit Report BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Education Code 41020.3: By January 31st of each year, the governing body of each local education agency shall review, at a public meeting, the annual audit of the local education agency for the prior year, any audit exceptions identified in that audit, the recommendations or findings of any management letter issued by the auditor and any description of correction or plans to correct any exceptions or management letter issue. This review shall be placed on the agenda of the meeting pursuant to Section 35145. A representative from the firm of Nigro & Nigro, PC will present the 2011/12 Audit Report to the Board of Education. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education accept the 2011/12 Audit Report as completed by the firm of Nigro & Nigro, PC. SKillian:agl Ref. S FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Agreement BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Daniel F. Johnson Forensic Services Inc. (DFJ) has been retained through Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Rudd & Romo (AALRR), Terry Tao Esq. and Joseph Rossini Esq. on behalf of the District to provide services pertaining to the electrical issues at Summit High School. DFJ has discovered several electrical issues that need repair. DFJ is to provide the District a Scope of Repair of the electrical issues at Summit High School. The Scope of Repair will be a tiered scope in multiple phases and prioritized from most crucial to least crucial. The purpose of the Scope of Repair is to create a document that the District can send out for bid. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Total Cost: $54,450.00 Fund 48 (CFD COPs) - restricted RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an agreement with Daniel F. Johnson Forensic Services Inc. to provide a Scope of Repair for electrical issues at Summit High School in the amount of $54,450.00 and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign necessary documents. RCopeland:jm Ref. T FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Resolution BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Public Contract Code Section 12110 allows the District to utilize existing contracts through the State of California without formally bidding. This allows the District to keep within District standards, as well as save time and cost. For the District to utilize the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) for lease of mail equipment, the Board of Education must adopt the attached resolution. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education adopt Resolution No. 1301, authorizing the utilization of Neopost USA, Inc. WSCA Contract #ADSPO11-000004114 for lease of mail equipment. JRowland attachment Ref. U RESOLUTION #13-01 OF FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT APPROVING THE LEASE OF MAIL EQUIPMENT FROM NEOPOST USA, INC. OFF WESTERN STATES CONTRACTING ALLIANCE (WSCA) CONTRACT #ADSPO11-00000411-4 WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 12100 Department of General Services is authorized to purchase or lease equipment on behalf of school districts and other local governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the purchase or lease of such goods and services by the Department of General Services are to be made upon the same terms conditions and specifications at a price lower than the District can obtain through its normal acquisition procedures; and WHEREAS, the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) has contracts for such equipment which the District intends to lease; and WHEREAS, based upon the facts identified below and information presented to the Board of Education, it is in the best interest of the District to lease equipment from Neopost USA, Inc., who currently has a contract in good standing with WSCA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: SECTION 1. FACTS SUPPORTING PURCHASE OFF CMAS Neopost USA, Inc. has provided mail equipment and services on mail equipment for several years. They provide us with excellent service and are aware of the District’s standards and needs. Based on the equipment to be provided by Neopost USA, Inc., it has been determined that the price to be obtained through WSCA is lower than if the District were to competitively bid the equipment. SECTION 2. FINDINGS: The Governing Board, upon consideration of the facts identified in Section 1 above, and upon the information provided at the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted, hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the District to utilize the Neopost USA, Inc. WSCA Contract No. ADSPO11-00000411-4 for lease of mail equipment. ********** I, Cali L. Olsen-Binks, Secretary of Fontana Unified School District Board of Education, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by the governing board of the District at a legal meeting of said board duly and regularly held on January 23, 2013. Date:____________________________ Secretary:__________________________ Signature FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Business Services ITEM TITLE: Lease Contract BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: The current mail equipment was purchased in 2007 and is in need of replacement. Neopost USA, Inc. has presented a lease proposal to replace all existing equipment with new updated equipment at a lower lease payment than we are currently paying. The new equipment would bring in new technology, including a web-based accounting system and electronic return receipt capabilities, which will reduce costs of certified mail document processing. We are leasing existing equipment for $4,393.54 per month with twelve (12) months left on the current lease. The new equipment would be leased for $2,940.00 per month over 63 months. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Total cost: $2,940.00 per month (not including tax) Funding: General Fund – unrestricted RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve a 63-month lease contract with Neopost USA, Inc., utilizing Western States Contracting Alliance WSCA) Contract #ADSPO11-00000411-4, for mail equipment at a cost of $2,940.00 per month (plus sales tax), and authorize the Director of Purchasing to sign necessary documents. JRowland Ref. V FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Human Resources ITEM TITLE: Certificated Personnel Recommendations BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Goal number three of the Fontana Unified School District, Quality Staff Providing Quality Services, is supported by Board of Education approval of personnel recommendations at regular meetings of the board. These recommendations contain actions such as hiring, promotions, changes in assignments, retirements, resignations and terminations involving certificated, classified, and other categories such as school site aides, substitute employees, and others, and are consistent with board policy and law. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Varies according to actions contained in each agenda. RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve and/or ratify the following Certificated Personnel Recommendations. EMPLOYMENT Name Melanie A. Delgado-Oramas Assignment Instructional Support TeacherIntervention/Read 180 Palmetto Elementary Funding GeneralRestricted (Title I/SBCP) Effective Date 01/07/13 Julia M. Hammond Instructional Support Teacher Intervention/Read 180 Cypress Elementary GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13 Keisha N. Haylock Teacher, Temporary Contract Instructional Services/ Special Services GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/07/13 Gustavo Pinon Teacher, Fontana Middle GeneralUnrestricted 01/08/13 Celena E. Salazar Preschool Teacher-3.5 hours/day Temporary Contract Redwood Elementary General02/14/13 Restricted (State Preschool) Ref. W Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 2 of 13 January 23, 2013 EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name Nicole S. White Adult Education Robert J. Larsen Chin-Ju (Jenny) Otterman Carrie Routh District Vanessa M. Chavez Vanessa Razo Victoria J. Reza Cynthia L. Hurte Assignment Instructional Support Teacher 75% Contract Mango Elementary Funding GeneralRestricted (SBCP/Title I) Effective Date 01/14/13 Testing Facilitator NTE 300 hours total (Site will monitor hours) (Adult Ed.) 01/23/13-06/30/13 Substitute Teacher GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-05/28/13 Substitute Teacher-Retiree GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Effective Date 01/14/13 RESCISSION OF LAY-OFF Name Gabriela A. Hildenbrand Assignment Preschool Teacher-4 hours/day Randall-Pepper/Head Start Funding GeneralRestricted (Head Start) Sandra G. Renteria Preschool Teacher-7 hours/day Cypress/Mango Elementary General01/14/13 Restricted (State Preschool) Celena E. Salazar Preschool Teacher-3.5 hours/day Redwood Elementary General02/14/13 Restricted (State Preschool) ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Name Adult Education David Baker Assignment Funding Effective Date Lead Teacher NTE 50 hours (Adult Ed.) 01/23/13-06/30/13 David Baker Leah Watson-Rodgers Testing Facilitator NTE 300 hours total (Site will monitor hours) (Adult Ed.) 01/23/13-06/30/13 See list below Professional Development NTE 200 hours total (Site will monitor hours) (Adult Ed.) 01/10/13-06/30/13 David Baker Michael A. Garcia Albar Inzunza Wendy Lu Timothy McCaffrey Arturo Cerda Herbert Gomez Robert J. Larsen Luz Martin Michele Mower Patricia Connors Scott Iliff Vivian Leos Mika Matsukawa Chin-Ju (Jenny) Otterman Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 3 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Adult Education (continued) See list below (continued) Assignment Funding Effective Date Professional Development NTE 200 hours total (Site will monitor hours) (Adult Ed.) 01/10/13-06/30/13 Vicki Pizano Christian Preciado Baudelio Santana Kyle Wallis Crystal Whitley Bonnie Poliakon Judith Quon Nazle Spence Christina Webb Virginia Porter Carrie Routh Suyen Urbina Leah Watson-Rodgers Instructional Services/Career Technical Education Timothy Gepford MIC-F.A.S.T. Teacher PLC Jenny Hutchings NTE 5 hours each Stephen Mann Evelyn Saldana General01/24/13-05/30/13 Restricted (District Perkins) See list below Additional Hours for CTE Articulation Teachers NTE 10 hours each General01/23/13-05/30/13 Restricted (District Perkins) Curtis Dison Mary Santini Timothy Hannon Lori Wilson Jennifer Karpinski See list below Additional Hours for CTE Articulation Teachers NTE 5 hours each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). General01/23/13-05/30/13 Restricted (District Perkins) Antonio Alvarado Betty Brooks Curtis Dison Timothy Hannon Shenee Logiudice (10) Sergio Rodriguez Lori Wilson Elaine Bison Artie Casas (10) Cynthia Figueiredo Eric Horwitt George Mendoza Adam Rubio (10) Ray Brinkle Anthony Clark Tina Green Jennifer Karpinski (10) Kathy Phillips Mary Santini (10) Instructional Services/Categorical Programs See list below SES Instruction Advisor NTE 55 hours each David Baker Ana Diez Aurora Lopez Cindy Rodriguez Jeannette Brown Tammy Fleming Jacqueline Piddington GeneralRestricted (Title I) Mary Dickerson Felix Jones Abigail Querubin-Villareal Instructional Services/Professional Development Joshua Godinez Preparation Hours for Professional GeneralDevelopment/BTSA Trainings Restricted NTE 4 hours (Title II) Sue Kind 01/24/13-04/30/13 Preparation Hours for Professional GeneralDevelopment/BTSA Trainings Restricted NTE 30 hours (Title II) 01/24/13-05/24/13 12/13/12-05/24/13 Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 4 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Assignment Instructional Services/Professional Development (continued) See list below BTSA Support Provider $3,000.00 stipend each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (Title II) 10/01/12-05/31/13 Amber Barrett Thomas Prentiss II ($1,500.00) Joshua Godinez Jacob Scott Sue Kind ($1,500.00) See list below BTSA Support Provider $750.00 stipend each GeneralRestricted (Title II) Lisa Alexander Ellen Eastwood Lindsey Hernandez Melody Stanhope Carlos Avina Pamela Farris Carrey Kim Tiffany Walker Lauren Brewart Karah Fraise Elizabeth Lohman-Rivera Eric Birch Cont. High Celia Castro Steven Whitley CELDT Administration/Scoring NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (EIA/LEP) 07/01/12-06/30/13 Steven Whitley (45) Charlotte Yale-Provost (60) Tutor NTE hours as indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (EIA/SCE) 02/01/13-05/31/13 See list below Tutor NTE 60 hours each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (Title I) 02/01/13-05/31/13 Celia Castro Jean Shaw Frederick Daenitz Steven Whitley (15) Suzanne Miller Citrus Cont. High Nancy Hofrock Magdalena Vazquez Jane Warner 1/6th Position Assignment NTE 1 hour/day each at per diem rate GeneralRestricted (EIA/SCE) 01/07/13-02/15/13 Nancy Hofrock Magdalena Vazquez Jane Warner 1/6th Position Assignment NTE 1 hour/day each at per diem rate GeneralRestricted (EIA/SCE) 04/15/13-05/24/13 Susan Jensen 1/6th Position Assignment NTE 1 hour/day at per diem rate GeneralRestricted (EIA/SCE) 01/07/13-04/09/13 Cross Country-Head Coach $362.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/09/12 Cross Country-Assistant Coach $260.30 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/09/12 Fontana High William Alexander Abraham Avendano Joseph Costa 01/01/13-05/31/13 Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 5 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Fontana High (continued) Leah Gomez Assignment Funding Effective Date Girls Volleyball-Head Coach $362.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/0/12-11/08/12 Paul Jamerson 1/6th Position Assignment NTE 1 hour/day at per diem rate GeneralUnrestricted 10/01/12-12/14/12 Ernest Price CTE Externship NTE 35 hours GeneralRestricted (Carl Perkins) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Volleyball-Assistant Coach $260.30 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-11/08/12 Randy Bertok Boys Soccer-Assistant Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/07/13-06/30/13 Rhonda Cinquemani Scott Neilsen Cross Country-Assistant Coach $780.90 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/23/12 David Crump Joseph Kramer Eric Martin Football-Assistant Coach $1,087.50 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/23/12 Sam Dodd Track & Field-Assistant Coach $2,083.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Edward McMillon Football-Head Coach $1,384.20 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/23/12 Jason Peach Tutor NTE 80 hours GeneralRestricted (Title I) 10/04/12-05/24/13 Esperanza Sanchez Establish Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC) NTE 50 hours GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Omar Shaheed Track & Field-Assistant Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Gary Smead Technology Coach NTE 20 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Jurupa Hills High Megan Barnes Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 6 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Henry J. Kaiser High Wiliam Cardosi Richard Gallardo Bryan Griggs Lance Ozier Assignment Funding Effective Date Football-Assistant Coach $1,450.00 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/30/12 Salvadora Dhillon ASSETs Club Instructor NTE 20 hours GeneralRestricted (ASSETs) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Susan King Girls Tennis-Head Coach $1,812.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 10/29/12-11/30/12 Leandra Marchis Tutor NTE 50 hours GeneralRestricted (EIA/LEP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Shawn Morrissey Tutor NTE 75 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Christian Preciado (70) Crystal Whitley (40) ASSETs Program Instructor NTE hours as indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (ASSETs) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Valeriana Rundlett Girls Tennis-Assistant Coach $1,301.50 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 10/29/12-11/30/12 Philip Zelaya Football-Head Coach $1,845.60 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/30/12 See list below 1/6th Position Assignment NTE 1 hour/day each at per diem rate GeneralUnrestricted 01/07/13-05/31/13 Abeer Abdou Kathleen Cabrera James Maiorca, Jr. Anthony Allmond Linda Cox Sean O’Connor Andrea Buchanan Amanda Garcia Dave Ungerer Softball-Assistant Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Raul Diaz Baseball-Freshman Coach $2,083.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Kristen Fuller Softball-Head Coach $3,625.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Frank Martinez Baseball-Assistant Coach $2,603.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Fontana A. B. Miller High Paola Cortes Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 7 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Assignment Fontana A. B. Miller High (continued) Andrew Schile Baseball-JV Coach $2,083.00 stipend Funding Effective Date GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Carl Perkins Internship NTE hours as indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (Carl Perkins) 07/01/12-06/30/13 See list below 1/6th Position Assignment NTE 1 hour/day each at per diem rate GeneralUnrestricted 01/07/13-05/25/13 Jonathan Catalan Jennifer Karpinski Valerie McClellan Sandy Flores Jeffrey Lakatos Jane Strayhorn Silvia Guzman Carrete Jade Laygo Alder Middle Vincent Dunlap Myrna Russell SOAR Planning NTE 3 hours each GeneralUnrestricted 11/26/12-05/18/13 Independent Study Coordinator NTE 2 hours per student GeneralUnrestricted 11/26/12-05/24/13 Tutor NTE 50 hours each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Brian Bolda (25) Alison Lowder (25) Christopher Fisher Thomas Reasin David Fox Patricia Ubrun Canyon Crest Elementary Darla Heusinkveld (6) Nicole Ortiz (29) Tutor NTE hours as indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 12/13/12-06/30/13 Tutor NTE 4 hours GeneralRestricted (Title I) 12/13/12-06/30/13 PLC Planning NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-05/30/13 Tutor NTE 50 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Sweeta Bahramand Tammy Chew Laura Howell Amy Bennet Graciela Garcia Peggy Jetton-Rangel Summit High Ray Brinkle (1) Jennifer Karpinski (20) Sequoia Middle Gina Copeland Southridge Middle See list below Darla Heusinkveld Chaparral Elementary Kimberly Abernathy Lance Skelton Citrus Elementary See list below Nenita Angio Lynnette Browning Stephanie Gonzalez Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 8 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Citrus Elementary (continued) See list below (continued) Assignment Funding Effective Date Tutor NTE 50 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-06/30/13 John Johnson Argelia Sanchez Cristy MacMillan Maria Tisnado-Candor Felicia Noel Veronica Villasenor GATE Enrichment Teacher NTE 15 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/05/12-05/30/13 Julie Boon Teresa Garcia Student Intervention Coordinator NTE 40 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Elmo Kelley GATE Coordinator NTE 20 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/31/13 Heidemarie Taber SIP Coordinator NTE 20 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-03/15/13 See list below PLC Site Guiding Coalition Team NTE 13 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/31/13 Misty Duttenhefer Debra Moncayo Dawn Juhas James Senneff Margaret McNerney Heidemarie Taber See list below PLC Teacher Collaboration NTE 15 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Christine Archer Michelle Danganan Misty Duttenhefer Teresa Garcia Joann Hansen Elmo Kelley Lori Montigel Sarah Puchalski James Senneff Patricia Woods Julie Boon Phillip Douma Arthur Eustance Angelina Grogan Yvette Hinojosa Margaret McNerney Sandra Nunez Morena Rodriguez Heidemarie Taber Rebekah Cherniss Maria Duenez Kathy Eustance Charles Haenny Dawn Juhas Debra Moncayo Daniel Perez Gloria Sanchez Rachel Wheeler Tutor NTE 14 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Bridgette Barnett DeeAnn Grip Claudia Taylor Deanna Coleman Oralia Hernandez Stacey Williams Cypress Elementary Brenda Bennett Date Elementary See list below Anna Arellano Jacqueline Gladney Debra Sharp 01/07/13-05/31/13 01/24/13-05/24/13 Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 9 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Dorothy Grant Elementary Marie Belt Assignment Funding Effective Date Tutor NTE 25 hours GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP) 01/24/13-06/30/13 PLC Site Collaboration NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-05/24/13 EL Site Monitor $1,000.00 stipend GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 08/06/12-05/24/13 GATE Enrichment Teacher NTE 6.5 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Bonita Brown Rosa Pizano Janice Sealey Mary Vansant Tutor NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Jerry Bruner Janice Sealey Mary Vansant Patricia Yeary Homework Outreach NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 June Gephart Rosa Pizano Janie Sealey Patricia Yeary Tutor NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 See list below Tutor NTE 10 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Marie Ballew Rosa Pizano Patricia Yeary Bonita Brown Janice Sealey June Gephart Mary Vansant EL Site Monitor $500.00 stipend GeneralRestricted (EIA/LEP) Hemlock Elementary MaryBeth Barron Anastasia Gaspar Live Oak Elementary Lynnette Browning Mango Elementary Marie Ballew Graciela Fuerte Maple Elementary Rosa Hernandez 01/07/13-05/24/13 Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 10 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Maple Elementary (continued) See list below Assignment Funding Effective Date PLC Site Guiding Coalition NTE 15 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 08/01/12-06/30/13 Alice Daily Melissa McCoy Kristen Vasquez Erin Gerber Danielle Stute Rosa Hernandez Melanie Tessman Grade Level Planning-PLC NTE 20 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 08/06/12-05/24/13 Accelerated Reader Coord. NTE 10 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/30/12-05/24/13 Heather Davis GATE Coordinator NTE 10 hours GeneralResticted (SBCP) 11/30/12-05/24/13 Kathlene Long Sam Maestas April Tristan Kinder Team EL/Math Collaboration NTE 14 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/13/12-05/24/13 See list below Site Guiding Coalition Team NTE 7 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/13/12-05/24/13 Jason Coffield Jennifer Nycum April Tristan Heather Davis Micaela Ramiez Christopher Gomes Marcelyn Scott See list below Tutor NTE 14 hours each GeneralRestricted (SBCP) David Adlington Christopher Gomez Kathlene Long Micaela Ramirez Ryan Shipman Jason Coffield Tamara Hernandez Sam Maestas Melissa Rodriguez April Tristan Heather Davis Tracy Hofmann Pamela Nicholas Maria Carla Sangalang Tutor NTE 57 hours GeneralRestricted (EIA/LEP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 GATE Tutor NTE hours as indicated in ( ). GeneralRestricted (GATE) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Poplar Elementary Graciela Arellano Nancy Banales Kim Huwald Virginia Primrose Elementary Jason Coffield Sierra Lakes Elementary Isela Ortega Shadow Hills Elementary Debra Gane (10) Tami Isgett (3) Laura Lyons (6) Susan Preciado (6) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 11 of 13 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Assignment Shadow Hills Elementary (continued) See list below Tutor NTE 22 hours each unless otherwise indicated in ( ). Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Maritza Alvarez Larua Lyons (32) Doris Baker (16) Alison Merritt Debra Gane Christine Munsterman Tutor NTE 35 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-03/31/13 Tokay Elementary Verlene Kirby ASSIGNMENT CHANGES Name Gwendolyn R. Curtis Assignment/Location From: Teacher, Temp. Contract To: Teacher, Henry J. Kaiser High Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 01/071/3 Kenneth R. Mitchell II From: EmploymentTemporary Contract To: School Psychologist Instructional Services/ Special Services GeneralRestricted (SPED-PSY) 01/07/13 Christopher Persky From: Teacher, Alder Middle To: BTSA Support Provider/ Consulting Teacher (BTSA/PAR) Instructional Services/ Professional Development GeneralRestricted (Title II) 01/22/13 Location Funding Effective Date Fontana High General01/07/13 Restricted (Safe & Supportive Schools Grant) Redwood Elementary/ Tokay Elementary General01/24/13 Restricted (State Preschool) POSITION CREATIONS Position Title Create 1 Position: Instructional Support Teacher/ Community Liaison Safe & Supportive Schools Create 2 Positions: Preschool Teacher Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 12 of 13 January 23, 2013 WORK YEAR CHANGE Name Cindy Gruber Assignment/Location Speech-Language Pathologist Instructional Services/ Special Services From: 80% Contract To: 60% Contract Funding GeneralRestricted (SPED) Effective Date 01/14/13-06/30/13 REVISION OF JOB DESCRIPTION Position Title Coordinator, Educationally Related Mental Health Services (See Attachment #1) Location Instructional Services/ Special Services Funding GeneralRestricted (SPED) Effective Date 01/07/13 PREVIOUS BOARD AGENDA ITEM REVISION Name Additional Assignment Kelly Navas Jurupa Hills High Assignment/Location Funding Effective Date Tutor NTE 113 hours GeneralRestricted (SBCP) From: 01/07/13-05/23/13 To: 11/21/12-05/23/13 (Revision to effective date only – Board Action date of 11/14/12) PREVIOUS BOARD AGENDA ITEM RESCISSION Name Employment Virginia K. Lockett Assignment/Location Funding Effective Date Substitute Teacher GeneralUnrestricted 01/07/13-05/28/13 (Rescind employment – Board Action date of 12/12/12) LEAVE OF ABSENCE Name Lisa Edmiston Assignment/Location Teacher, Fontana Middle Effective Date 01/10/13-05/07/13 Wendy Lopez Teacher, Jurupa Hills High 01/07/13-02/28/13 EARLY RETURN FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE Name Jayant Sethna Assignment/Location Teacher, Sequoia Middle Effective Date 01/07/13 Certificated Personnel Agenda Page 13 of 13 January 23, 2013 MANDATORY LEAVE OF CERTIFICATED ABSENCE BY UNION REQUEST PER ED. CODE 44987 Name Nancy Hofrock Assignment/Location Teacher, Citrus Continuation High NTE 3 days Effective Date 01/25/13 04/05/13 05/31/13 RATIFY ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATIONS Name Carolyn N. Flora Assignment/Location Teacher, Fontana Middle Effective Date 12/14/12, end of day Brando A. Gorlero Teacher, Henry J. Kaiser High 01/06/13 Crystal M. McMaster Teacher on Assignment, Academic Intervention Instructional Services/Categorical Programs 12/04/12 Susan M. Morris Teacher, Wayne Ruble Middle 12/15/12 Vicki J. Pizano Adult Education Teacher 01/09/13 Brian S. Suggs CTE/ROP Teacher 12/13/12 WWu/sv ATTACHMENT #1 BOARD AGENDA DATE JANUARY 23, 2013 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB DESCRIPTION TITLE: Coordinator, Educationally Related Mental Health Services CATEGORY: Educational REPORTS TO (BY TITLE): Director, Special Services SALARY RANGE: Management Range 14 DESCRIPTION: Under the general direction of the Director of Special Services, responsible for the organization, coordination, design and implementation of mental health services for students with IEPs, and supervision of mental health professionals. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES (ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS): Provide case management services to students with IEPs who have mental health needs Conduct student observations and intervention or assessment, and interpret relevant data Provide parent, teacher and administrative support and education through conferencing and inservice Organize and manage a mental health clinic. Supervise and coordinate field work experiences for counseling interns Collect data for state and federal reports Lead in all aspects of the development, coordination and operation of programs and services to students with IEPs who have mental health needs Evaluate effectiveness of services provided in meeting students’ and district needs Attend meetings and conferences as related to areas assigned Work closely with all district departments to maximize program success Conduct direct and indirect supervision of staff Recruit, interview and recommend for hire classified and certificated staff Work collaboratively with others Travel to Residential Treatment Centers, in and out of California, to evaluate student progress Perform other duties as assigned FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Job Description Coordinator, Educationally Related Mental Health Services Page 2 QUALIFICATIONS: Credentials and Experience: Must possess a Pupil Personnel Services, Clinical or Rehabilitative Services, Education Specialist or School Nurse Services Credential, or equivalent. Must possess or be eligible for a California Administrative Services credential. Possession of Marriage, Family & Child Therapist, or Social Worker, Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist License desired required. Minimum of three years of experience in a successful counseling, psychology, nursing, teaching and/or program-wide leadership experience desired. License Required: Possession of a valid and appropriate California Driver’s License. Insurability by District Liability Insurance Carrier may be required. May be required to provide own transportation to sites during workday. Knowledge of: Special Education services, laws and regulations and programs Psychological foundations including biological bases of behavior, cultural diversity, child and adolescent development, human exceptionalities, human learning and social bases of behavior District educational programs and strategic objectives and priorities Leadership, human relations and communication skills Ability to: Plan and perform multiple activities Provide effective staff development in areas assigned Provide support to assigned staff, instructional and administrative Function as a positive, contributing member of an educational team Collaborate effectively with colleagues and professionals within the district and with outside agencies FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Job Description Coordinator, Educationally Related Mental Health Services Page 3 Incorporated within one or more of the previously mentioned performance responsibilities, which are essential functions of this job description, are the following essential physical requirements: Ability to work at a desk, conference table and/or in meetings of various configurations. Ability to circulate for extended periods of time. Ability to see for purposes of reading laws and codes, rules and policies, and other printed matter, and observing students. Ability to communicate so others will be able to clearly understand normal conversation. Ability to understand speech at normal levels. REGULAR WORK YEAR: 210 days Created: Revised: 06/06/2012 01/23/2013 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Human Resources ITEM TITLE: Classified Personnel Recommendations BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Goal number three of the Fontana Unified School District, Quality Staff Providing Quality Services, is supported by Board of Education approval of personnel recommendations at regular meetings of the board. These recommendations contain actions such as hiring, promotions, changes in assignments, retirements, resignations and terminations involving certificated, classified, and other categories such as school site aides, substitute employees, and others, and are consistent with board policy and law. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Varies according to actions contained in each agenda. RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve and/or ratify the following Classified Personnel Recommendations. PROMOTIONS Name/ Assignment Sonya L. Allen-Martin Secondary Kitchen Operator Fontana Middle (For duration of funding) Nichole A. De La Loza Teacher Aide (SH) Instructional Services/ Special Services (For duration of funding) Julia H. Garcia Kitchen Operator Ted J. Porter Elementary (For duration of funding) Anna A. Ruiz Senior Secretary I Summit High Range/Step Hours/Work Year Effective Date 01/24/13 15-1 8 hours/204 days Funding GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) 01/24/13 13-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 14-3 8 hours/203 days GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13 16-3 8 hours/229 days Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 2 of 14 January 23, 2013 PROMOTION/ASSIGNMENT CHANGE Name/ Assignment Norma A. Yauney From: Bilingual Aide Almeria Middle To: Bilingual Aide Harry S. Truman Middle (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year 11-5 3 hours/203 days 11-5 6 hours/203 days Funding GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Effective Date 01/24/13 Funding Effective Date GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process Various(According to work assignment) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year EMPLOYMENT Name/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Business Services/M&O/Custodial La Juana M. Alcott Custodian 12-1 8 hours/12-months Galet E. Flores Custodian Jimmy G. Gibson Custodian Robert E. Watson Custodian District Maricela T. Aparicio Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) 12-1 8 hours/12-months 12-1 8 hours/12-months 12-1 8 hours/12-months 8-1 10-1 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day Staci Bell School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Elvira Cardoso School Site Aide (Virginia Primrose Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Amaris A. Cordova School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Eric Godoy School Site Aide (Canyon Crest Elementary) NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 3 of 14 January 23, 2013 EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name/ Assignment District (continued) Wesley Johnson Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Christopher LeFay Sub Custodian Nicole Luna-Szuch School Site Aide (Cypress Elementary) Maria Medina Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Alicia Pennington Sub Kitchen Assistant Regina Sanchez School Site Aide (Cypress Elementary) Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date Various(According to work assignment) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year 12-1 NTE 8 hours/day Various(According to work assignment) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year Various(According to work assignment) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year NTE 6.5 hours/day GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process for the 2012/13 school year GeneralUnrestricted/ Restricted (SBCP) Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted/ Restricted (SBCP) Pending Employment Process 8-1 10-1 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day 8-1 10-1 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day Instructional Services/Library Services Brandice D. Mello Library Specialist 14-1 (Almond Elementary) 8 hours/207 days Jane L. Ogle Library Specialist (Sequoia Middle) 14-1 8 hours/217 days Fontana High Brett Axelson Football-Freshman Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $1,041.50 split stipend Anthony Cockrell Boys Basketball-Asst. Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Xavier Guevara-Goss Boys Basketball-Fresh. Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 4 of 14 January 23, 2013 EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name/ Assignment Jurupa Hills High Japti Del Carmen Gonzalez Cruz Girls Soccer-JV Coach Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Enrique Diaz Boys Soccer-JV Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Edgar Rivera Band Assistant (Spring) GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $659.00 stipend Rogelle Zamora Band Assistant (Winter) GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $659.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $659.00 stipend 11-1 5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $1,041.50 shared stipend Fontana A. B. Miller High Sheldon Lewis Boys Basketball-Fresh. Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Jorge Martinez Softball-Assistant Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Mario A. Mejia Boys Soccer-Assistant Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Gregory J. Nelson Girls Basketball-Fresh. Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Danielle Sinclair Wrestling-JV Coach GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Alisia Vargas Meza Girls Soccer-JV Coach $2,083.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Henry J. Kaiser High Jonathan Cubos Band Assistant Leticia A. Magana Bilingual Aide Stacie Regis Asst. Pep Squad Advisor (Winter) Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 5 of 14 January 23, 2013 EMPLOYMENT (continued) Name/ Assignment Fontana Middle Lucero Marin Katlynn Martinez Claudia Rosas Morelos College Tutor Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Pending Employment Process for 2012/13 school year NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 170 hours total each Sequoia Middle Lesley A. Williams Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) (For duration of funding) 10-1 5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-IDEA) Pending Employment Process Kathy Binks Elementary Christina B. Alvarez Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) (For duration of funding) 10-1 5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCN) Pending Employment Process Cypress Elementary Sandra Acentares Bilingual Aide (For duration of funding) 11-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SBCP) Pending Employment Process Locust Elementary Jameel K. Askins Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) (For duration of funding) 10-1 5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCN) Pending Employment Process Oak Park Elementary Melissa A. Amlung Teacher Aide (Sp Ed) (For duration of funding) 10-1 5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (SPED-IDEA) Pending Employment Process GeneralUnrestricted Pending Employment Process West Randall Elementary Sandra P. Cruz Elementary School Secretary I 16-1 8 hours/219 days EMPLOYMENT – WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS Name/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Instructional Services/Special Services Angelica J. Borja WorkAbility Student-TPP NTE 8 hours/day NTE 160 hours total Antonio R. Gonzalez Rigoberto Leon, Jr. Cindy T. Nguyen WorkAbility Student-TPP NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 80 hours total each Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 6 of 14 January 23, 2013 EMPLOYMENT – WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS (continued) Name/ Assignment (Eric Birch Cont. High) Dustin W. Ellis WorkAbility Student (Fontana A.B. Miller High) Stephanie C. Vaquedano WorkAbility Student (Summit High) Natalie C. Beltran WorkAbility Student Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 40 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 40 hours total GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 40 hours total ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS Name District Kristell Aro Castillo Assignment Funding Effective Date Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Myra R. Avendano Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Melissa M. Carroll Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Selena M. Diaz Rosalba Gonzalez Govea Gilbert H. Grunheid Child Care Provider Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Elvira Gonzalez Child Care Provider Various(According to work assignment) 10/01/12-06/30/13 Marlyn L. Gonzalez Child Care Provider Various(According to work assignment) 11/15/12-06/30/13 Ireri Hernandez Child Care Provider Various(According to work assignment) 09/01/12-06/30/13 Lawanda A. Hodges Sub Associate Teacher/ Early Head Start Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 7 of 14 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name District (continued) Donn A. Peacock Alisha M. Smith-Guardado Assignment Funding Effective Date Sub Tutor/Monitor Sub Aide Sub Teacher Aide (SH, SED) Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Sub Associate Teacher/ Early Head Start Various(According to work assignment) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Instructional Services/Early Education Lawanda A. Hodges Associate Teacher/ GeneralAlisha M. Smith-Guardado Early Head Start Restricted (Additional hours to support (CCTR) CCTR Infant/Toddler Program) Fontana High Vanessa Castillo 01/24/13-06/30/13 Girls Volleyball-Asst. Coach $260.30 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-11/08/12 Ariana I. De Dios Ivan E. Gaeta Diann Martinez Bravo College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Mario Echeverria Jacqueline Javier Daniel P. Schwarz College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Daniel L. Lopez College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/01/12-02/28/13 Daniel D. Schwarz College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/01/12-12/14/12 See list below College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 11/01/12-05/24/13 Abraham F. Alvarado Kerry L. Hernandez Julio C. Montiel, Jr. Shantelle M. Garcia Rudy Miranda, Jr. Rigoberto S. Guerrero Athena A. Montiel College Tutor GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Cross Country-Asst. Coach $624.90 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/23/12 Jurupa Hills High Stephanie M. Guzman Sheyla M. Pulido Jonathan A. Scott Jose Lara Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 8 of 14 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Jurupa Hills High (continued) Tony Lim Assignment Funding Effective Date Volleyball-Head Coach $290.00 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/01/12-11/08/12 Regina McClellan Girls Basketball-Fresh. Coach $2,083.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 Phirun Son Cross Country-Head Coach $870.00 extra stipend (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/23/12 Robert J. Tarbaux Ruthann M. Zamora College Tutor GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/07/13-05/24/13 See list below Football-Assistant Coach $870.00 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/23/12 Joshua Augustus Victor Landry Brent Hanson Mark Monroy David Hanson Alexander Whitsell Henry J. Kaiser High Nickolas Aguirre Christopher Garcia Jonathan Urquizu Football-Assistant Coach $1,160.00 extra stipend each (CIF Playoffs) GeneralUnrestricted 11/05/12-11/30/12 Michael Young College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/17/13 Fontana A. B. Miller High James E. Bingham Alejandra C. Torices College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Diane B. Cabrera Joel Herrada Laura S. Ortega Gilbert D. Villegas College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Airam Quiroa Softball-Freshman Coach $2,083.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 01/24/13-06/30/13 College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/25/13 College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Almeria Middle Raymond Arias Jonatan P. Ballesteros Guadalupe R. Mandujano Carlos J. Paredes Joanna Lopez Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 9 of 14 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Wayne Ruble Middle Brittany A. Cinque Assignment Funding Effective Date College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Yvonne Cinque Intramural Activities Coord. $659.00 stipend GeneralUnrestricted 03/11/13-05/10/13 Marlen G. Covarrubias Jessica J. Rendon College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-02/28/13 Sequoia Middle See list below College Tutor GeneralUnrestricted/ Restricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Isac Fonseca Anacany Hurtado Susana M. Gomez Lauren M. Tibbels Jesus Higuera Southridge Middle Maria J. Gamboa Canul College Tutor GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/07/13-05/24/13 Elementary School Secretary I (Support for Interpreting) GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/24/13-05/30/13 Intermediate Clerk Typist-2 yr. (Support for Translating/ Interpreting Services) GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/24/13-05/30/13 Community Aide (Provide written translation For ELAC and SSC Meetings) GeneralRestricted (Title I) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Library Specialist (Accelerated Reading Program) GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Bilingual Aide (Provide Translating/ Interpreting Services) GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP) 01/24/13-05/24/13 Elementary School Secretary I GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP) 01/24/13-05/31/13 Chaparral Elementary Marleen Rosas Silvia P. Valdez Date Elementary M. Teresa Eaton Dorothy Grant Elementary Michael A. Apodaca Mango Elementary Veronica Areas-Lloyd Maria E. Vaquera Fabiola Ramirez (Provide Translating/ Interpreting Services) Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 10 of 14 January 23, 2013 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name Tokay Elementary Cristina Nakata Assignment Funding Effective Date Bilingual Aide (Translate for Parent Conferences/Meetings) GeneralRestricted (SBCP) 10/01/12-05/24/13 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS – WORK EXPERIENCE STUDENTS Name/ Range/Step Assignment Hours/Work Year Instructional Services/Special Services Diamond Ruiz WorkAbility Student-TPP NTE 8 hours/day NTE 44 hours total Funding Effective Date GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 (Adult Ed.) Brian J. Santizao Cameron Wright WorkAbility Student-SH GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED) 01/24/13-06/30/13 (Eric Birch Cont. High) Sarah Hargrove WorkAbility Student (Jurupa Hills High) Kaylah T. Brooks Linda R. Coronado Kristian K. Fortune WorkAbility Student-TPP (Summit High) Gladys Gonzalez WorkAbility Student-TPP NTE 5 hours/week each NTE 10 hours total each NTE 8 hours/day NTE 40 hours total NTE 8 hours/day each NTE 80 hours total each NTE 8 hours/day NTE 80 hours total SHORT-TERM ASSIGNMENTS Name/ Assignment Donald K. Christensen Mail Courier Business Services/ Mail Services Range/Step Hours/Work Year 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Hortencia N. Garcia Clerk Typist Instructional Services/ Enrollment Center 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 11/26/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (Lottery) 01/28/13-03/31/13 Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 11 of 14 January 23, 2013 SHORT-TERM ASSIGNMENTS (continued) Name/ Assignment Martin Gomez Mail Courier Business Services/ Mail Services Range/Step Hours/Work Year 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Priscilla Heredia Clerk Typist Instructional Services/ Enrollment Center 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Eva M. Molina Clerk Typist Instructional Services/ Enrollment Center 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 11/19/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (Lottery) 01/28/13-03/31/13 GeneralRestricted (Lottery) 01/28/13-03/31/13 GeneralRestricted (SPED-SDCS) 12/12/12-06/30/13 GeneralRestricted (Lottery) 01/28/13-03/31/13 GeneralRestricted (ROP) 01/24/13-06/30/13 Funding Effective Date 11-1 6 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (EIA-LEP) 01/24/13 Create 2 positions: Preschool Aide Redwood Elementary (For duration of funding) 10-1 3 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (State Preschool) 02/19/13 Create 2 positions: Preschool Aide Tokay Elementary (For duration of funding) 10-1 3 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (State Preschool) 02/19/13 Astrid A. Ramirez Cabrera Teacher Aide (SH) West Randall Elementary 13-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Joseph C. Santos Clerk Typist Instructional Services/ Enrollment Center 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total Julie Thounskane Clerk Typist Instructional Services/ Career Technical/ROP 10-1 NTE 8 hours/day NTE 240 hours total POSITION CREATIONS Name/ Assignment Create 1 position: Bilingual Aide Jurupa Hills High (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 12 of 14 January 23, 2013 INCREASE IN HOURS/DAY Name/ Assignment Kitchen Assistant Almeria Middle (Incumbent: Alma Araujo-Olivas) (For duration of funding) Range/Step Hours/Work Year 10-3 From: 3 hours/203 days To: 3.5 hours/203 days Funding GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) Effective Date 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant 10-5 Palmetto Elementary From: 3.5 hours/203 days (Incumbent: Guadalupe Flores) To: 4 hours/203 days (For duration of funding) GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant Maple Elementary (Incumbent: Vivian A. Fregoso) (For duration of funding) 10-1 From: 2.5 hours/203 days To: 3 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant Sequoia Middle (Incumbent: George Garcia) (For duration of funding) 10-2 From: 4 hours/203 days To: 4.5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant Virginia Primrose Elementary (Incumbent: Carol J. Kisella) (For duration of funding) 10-7 From: 6 hours/203 days To: 6.5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant Palmetto Elementary (Incumbent: Ana L. Rojas) (For duration of funding) 10-4 From: 3.5 hours/203 days To: 4 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant Fontana Middle (Incumbent: Maria E. Urrutia) (For duration of funding) 10-6 From: 3 hours/203 days To: 3.5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Assistant Poplar Elementary (Incumbent: Kristine Valencia) (For duration of funding) 10-4 From: 2.5 hours/203 days To: 3 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 Kitchen Operator Canyon Crest Elementary (Incumbent: Irma Garcia) (For duration of funding) 14-6 From: 7 hours/203 days To: 7.5 hours/203 days GeneralRestricted (Child Nutrition) 01/24/13 VOLUNTEERS Name Volunteer List 2012-13 (See Attachment #1) Assignment/Location Various Effective Date 01/24/13-06/30/13 Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 13 of 14 January 23, 2013 PREVIOUS BOARD AGENDA ITEM REVISIONS Name/ Assignment Employment Fontana High John Gerald Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding GeneralUnrestricted 12/13/12-06/30/13 $2,083.00 stipend Yvette Gomez GeneralPep Squad Advisor From: $2,083.00 each season Unrestricted (Fall and Winter) To: $2,900.00 each season (Revision to stipend amount only – Board Action date of 11/14/12) 11/15/12-06/30/13 From: Boys Basketball-Asst. Coach To: Boys Basketball-JV Coach Effective Date (Revision to position title only – Board Action date of 12/12/12) Jurupa Hills High Bridgette Berekmeri Girls Soccer-Assistant Coach GeneralFrom: $2,900.00 stipend Unrestricted To: $2,083.00 stipend (Revision to stipend amount only – Board Action date of 11/14/12) Additional Assignments District Rosa Avila Camacho Child Care Provider VariousAngelica Hernandez (According to Irma Gloria Morales work assignment) Luz Vizcarra (Revision to effective date only – Board Action date of 11/14/12) 11/15/12-06/30/13 From: 10/07/12-06/30/13 To: 09/07/12-06/30/13 JOB DESCRIPTION REVISION Position/ Assignment School Police Dispatcher School Police Services (See Attachment #2) Range/Step Hours/Work Year Funding GeneralUnrestricted Effective Date 01/24/13 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Name Kimberly M. Gadberry Assignment/Location Teacher Aide (SH) Virginia Primrose Elementary Effective Date 01/07/13-05/24/13 Brenda B. Higuera Custodian Business Services/Facilities/M&O/ Operations/Custodial 12/05/12-06/30/13 (Intermittent) Sylvia Price Kitchen Assistant Henry J. Kaiser High 11/02/12-11/01/13 (Intermittent) Classified Personnel Recommendations Page 14 of 14 January 23, 2013 PLACEMENT ON 39-MONTH RE-EMPLOYMENT LIST Name Jeffery S. Connelly Assignment/Location Custodian Business Services/Facilities/M&O/ Operations/Custodial Effective Date 01/04/13, end of day RATIFICATION OF RELEASE DURING PROBATION Name Employee #18956 (Phillip A. McElroy) Assignment District Safety Officer School Police Services Effective Date 12/14/12, end of day RESIGNATIONS Name Maricela T. Aparicio Assignment/Location Teacher Aide (SH) Virginia Primrose Elementary Effective Date 01/11/13 Stephanie F. Bailey Associate Teacher/Early Head Start Instructional Services/Early Education 01/12/13 William W. Wu, J.D. Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources 01/06/13, end of day MMcLaughlin/sv ATTACHMENT #1 BOARD AGENDA DATE JANUARY 23, 2013 VOLUNTEER LIST - EFFECTIVE 01/24/13-06/30/13 Last Name First Name Location Aceves Jennifer Tokay Elementary Ahn Eun Sierra Lakes Elementary Alas Johnny Hemlock Elementary Alejo Geraldine Mango Elementary Alvarez Erika Virginia Primrose Elementary Andrade Gladis South Tamarind Elementary Barraza Vanessa Virginia Primrose Elementary Bermudez Laura Hemlock Elementary Bulat Sarah Randall Pepper Elementary Chaidez Marisol Southridge Middle School Contreras Braulio Henry Kaiser High School Coronado Alma Date Elementary Delao Yvette Juniper Elementary Felix Salomon Jose Kaiser High School Gallegos Laura Poplar Elementary School Galvan Maria Oak Park Elementary Garcia Jessica South Tamarind Elementary Gomez Cindy Chaparral Elementary Gonzalez Luz Elena Poplar Elementary School Granados Maria Sierra Lakes Elementary Guevara Ana Hemlock Elementary Hampton Bradley Fontana Middle Hernandez Maria Ted J Porter Elementary Holland Veronica Dorothy Grant Elementary Johnston Silvana Canyon Crest Elementary Juarez Maria Virginia Primrose Elementary Komolafe Oluwayemisi Kathy Binks Elementary Lewis Cheyna Virginia Primrose Elementary Lyles Gloria South Tamarind Elementary Martinez Stephanie Live Oak Elementary Mejia Mario AB Miller High School Mendez Domaris Locust Elementary Mendoza Piedad Cypress Elementary Pichette Amy South Tamarind Elementary Pinell-Hernandez Lisa Sierra Lakes Elementary 1 of 2 ATTACHMENT #1 BOARD AGENDA DATE JANUARY 23, 2013 VOLUNTEER LIST - EFFECTIVE 01/24/13-06/30/13 Last Name First Name Location Ramirez Bernadine Fontana High School Rivera Melissa West Randall Elementary Riveros Angel Oleander Elementary Robles Julio Cesar Sequoia Middle School Robyn Heather Sierra Lakes Elementary Rodriguez Adrian South Tamarind Elementary Rodriguez Diana West Randall Elementary Ruiz Sabrina Mango Elementary Rumbo Robbie North Tamarind Elementary Sanchez Gayshea Cypress Elementary Soto Iris Cypress Elementary Stanley Maria South Tamarind Elementary Torres Frank Oak Park Elementary Velasquez Estrada Yesenia Ted J Porter Elementary Ybarra Gloria Fontana High School 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT #2 BOARD AGENDA DATE JANUARY 23, 2013 FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB DESCRIPTION TITLE: School Police Dispatcher CATEGORY: Operational REPORTS TO (BY TITLE): Dispatch Supervisor SALARY RANGE: Management Range 72 (No shift differential) Police Officers’ Association/School Police Dispatcher DESCRIPTION: Performs dispatch and clerical work involved in School Police Services, has responsibility to represent management including extended hours is subject to work rotating shifts and extended hours, and monitors district communications to insure the safety of district personnel working in the evenings, weekends or holidays and to protect the property interests of the district against unforeseen events such as fires, earthquakes or other natural disasters or crimes against the District, students, and staff. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES (ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS): Answers all incoming phone and radio calls and determines if the services of School Police Services are required. Prioritizes multiple requests and makes effective decisions while under time pressure constraints. Makes appropriate decisions in emergency situations, notifying personnel as needed. Operates two-way radios as applicable in public safety. Have a working knowledge of police terminology and be able to communicate effectively with other police agencies. Maintains a chronological log of all activities. Reviews dispatcher logs from prior shifts to stay abreast of activities in the department. Inputs all crime report information into computer program and generates reports. Fontana Unified School District School Police Dispatcher Page 2 Receives and processes newly-issued citations. Processes new district employees and student assistance identification cards. Compiles information and prepares reports. Maintains a complete and up-to-date filing system. Takes incoming alarm calls and notifies appropriate personnel when emergency repairs are needed. Monitors officers’ safety. Takes written requests from site staff to get into schools to work. Perform other duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: Credentials and Experience: Equivalent to the completion of the 12th grade. Valid First Aid and CPR Certificates issued in conformance with the American Red Cross recommendations and guidelines for CPR, First Aid, and emergency care desirable. Possession of P.O.S.T. 120 hour Dispatcher Certificate. Type at 35 wpm. Operate video display terminal and related equipment. One year of public safety dispatch experience preferred but not required. License Required: Possession of a valid and appropriate California Driver’s License. Insurability by District Liability Insurance Carrier may be required. May be required to provide own transportation to sites during workday. Knowledge of: Two-way radios. Police terminology. Proper communication techniques. California Penal Codes. Report preparation and format. Modern office skills including typing, filing and business correspondence; correct English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Pertinent school district, Education code, local and state laws, local ordinances. Fontana Unified School District School Police Dispatcher Page 3 Ability to: Speak clearly, concisely, and courteously on the radio and to act independently and efficiently under emergency conditions. Keep clear and accurate records and radio traffic logs. Operate two-way radio. Exercise good judgment in a wide variety of situations requiring sound immediate decisions often on an emergency basis in stressful situations. Work irregular hours with a minimum of supervision. Operate a variety of computer equipment. Develop and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted during the course of work. Understand and carry out oral and written directions. Maintain a professional manner at all times. Compute and compile information and generate reports. Incorporated within one or more of the previously mentioned performance responsibilities, which are essential functions of this job description, are the following essential physical requirements: Ability to work at a desk, chest-high counter and in meetings of various configurations. Ability to stand for extended periods. Digital dexterity to operate office equipment. Ability to read printed matter and computer screens. Ability to communicate so others will be able to clearly understand a normal conversation. Ability to understand speech at normal levels. Ability to bend, twist, stoop, and reach. Ability to lift and carry 10 pounds. REGULAR WORK YEAR: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: 10/18/99 03/15/01 05/17/01 09/18/08 01/23/13 225 Days 12 months FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Police Services ITEM TITLE: Contract Increase BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Specialized professional legal services are required to ensure that the District is compliant with Federal, State and local laws and regulations. Currently, the District contracts with the law firm of Jones & Mayer to provide legal services including representation of the District as the police legal advisor to the Police Chief on legal matters arising out of the law enforcement profession and any employment matters arising from the Fontana Unified School District as an employer. The original contract, which was entered into in July 2012, was not to exceed $4,000.00. Due to the fact that there is a current employee case in arbitration, it has been necessary to increase the contract by $23,000.00; new total contract amount not to exceed $27,000.00. FISCAL IMPLICATION: $27,000.00 to be paid out of the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: The Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approve an increase of $23,000.00 to the contract with the law firm of Jones & Mayer; new contract amount $27,000.00. BPGreen/sls Ref. X FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: CSBA Delegate Assembly Appointed Representative BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: According to the California School Boards Association’s Bylaws and Standing Rules, the Fontana Unified School District Board of Education is entitled to appoint two representatives to CSBA’s Delegate Assembly for two-year terms. These positions are currently held by Board Member Leticia Garcia and Board Member Sophia Green. Board Member Garcia’s term expires on March 31, 2013; Board Member Green’s term expires on March 31, 2014. There are two Delegate Assembly meetings each year, one in May prior to CSBA’s Legislative Action Conference in Sacramento and one preceding the CSBA Annual Education Conference and Trade show in November / December. Delegates are required to attend these two meetings each year. In accordance with CSBA Bylaws, CSBA does not pay the travel expenses associated with Delegate Assembly meetings. Appointed representatives are required to complete appointment and biographical sketch forms that will need to be returned to CSBA by the deadline of Friday, March 15, 2013. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Travel expenses associated with Delegate Assembly meetings. RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to appoint one of its members to serve on the California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly for a two-year term beginning April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2015. COlsen-Binks/cs Ref. Y FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: Job Description BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: The Associate Superintendent of Business Services plays a key role in the District. The position is currently vacant. When such a vacancy occurs, it is an opportunity to revisit the current job description before advertising the open position. FISCAL IMPLICATION: None RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to consider the current Associate Superintendent of Business Services job description and recommend changes to the job description as a body. COlsen-Binks:cs attachment Ref. Z FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JOB DESCRIPTION TITLE: CATEGORY: REPORTS TO (BY TITLE): SALARY: WORKYEAR: Associate Superintendent, Business Services Certificated or Classified Management Superintendent To Be Determined by Contract Twelve Months DESCRIPTION: The Associate Superintendent, Business Services is responsible for providing leadership and supervision for the overall business services of the District including budget development and control, transportation, child nutrition services, finance and accounting services, purchasing, warehouse, print shop, benefits, and risk management departments. This individual also provides district-wide leadership in matters related to facilities, maintenance and construction by planning, directing, and coordinating the District’s facilities, maintenance and construction programs. PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES (ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS): • • • • • • • Provides effective business services to support and facilitate the basic educational programs of the District. Provides accurate, timely budget information to the Superintendent and the Board of Education. Develops and implements a communication system that presents the budget to the Superintendent, Board of Education, and the community in an understandable, usable format. Develops, evaluates, and makes recommendations to the Superintendent regarding administrative policy governing the operation of the Business Services Division. Interprets the risk management and benefits programs’ philosophies, and policies of the District to staff. Assures that the District’s financial records are accurate and in compliance with County, State, and Federal legal and auditor guidelines. Plans, directs, and coordinates the District’s facilities program and acts as an advisor to the Superintendent on such matters. Associate Superintendent, Business Services Fontana Unified School District Page 2 • Develops and recommends facilities, maintenance and operations policies, regulations and administrative procedures for the Superintendent’s review and administers same upon adoption by the Board of Education. • Plans, develops, implements, and evaluates operational procedures and guidelines to ensure an effective and efficient business service support in the areas of facilities, maintenance and operations. • Interprets the facilities program, philosophy, and policies of the District to students, staff, and the community. • Maintains current knowledge of all local, State, and Federal legislation related to facilities, construction and maintenance. • Evaluates annually the performance of subordinate employees and counsels with them on their individual development. • Coordinates use of facilities for community usage. • Serves as a member of the Superintendent’s Cabinet, attends Board of Education meetings as a resource to the Board. • Serves, upon assignment by the Superintendent, as a resource person to all divisions, departments and schools in the District. • Reviews, observes, and monitors the performance of personnel for the departments within the Business Services Division. • Provides direction, supervision, systems development, monitoring of the District’s budget, accounting, payroll, warehousing, purchasing, inventory control, transportation, child nutrition services, and print shop. • Responsible for all District contract agreements. • Directs and manages bid and acquisition procedures for the procurement of District material and services to ensure legal compliance. • Oversees, directs, and provides advice on the District’s financing projects. • Reviews, analyzes, and evaluates pending legislation, legal mandates, regulations, and guidelines that may affect the District and recommends a course of action to the Superintendent. • Performs such tasks and assumes such responsibilities as may be assigned by the Superintendent. Associate Superintendent, Business Services Fontana Unified School District Page 3 OUALIFICATION: • Experience (Classified and Certificated): Training and coursework in administration, accounting, business management, personnel management, economics, facilities, maintenance and new school construction, school or real estate law or a closely related field. • Knowledge of fiscal and/or operational management including fiscal analysis, budget planning and preparation, and the management of fiscal records and operational support units • Demonstrated leadership skills • Ability to write quickly, succinctly, and accurately , EDUCATION AND CREDENTIALS (CERTIFICATED): + Appropriate Administrative Credential • Master’s Degree • Certificate of Completion of State Approved Chief Business Official (CBO) Training Academy EDUCATION (CLASSIFIED): • Appropriate Administrative Credential • Bachelor’s Degree • Master’s Degree • Certificate of Completion of State Approved Chief Business Official (CBO) Training Academy CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT: • Insurability by the District’s liability insurance carrier. Incorporated within one or more of the previously mentioned performance responsibilities, which are essential functions of this job description, are the following essential physical requirements: • Ability to work at a desk, conference table or in meetings of various configurations • Ability to circulate for extended periods of time • Ability to see for purposes of reading laws and codes, rules and policies, and other printed matter, and observing students • Ability to hear and understand speech at normal levels • Ability to communicate so others will be able to clearly understand normal conversation FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: Associate Superintendent of Business Services Vacancy BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: The Associate Superintendent of Business Services plays a key role in the District. The position is currently vacant. In executive positions such as this, districts can elect to use a search firm to seek out viable candidates. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Estimated cost: $15,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to consider the option of using an independent firm for the searching, recruitment, and filling of the District’s Associate Superintendent of Business Services position. COlsen-Binks:cs Ref. AA FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: Board Member Request BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: At the December 12, 2012 Board of Education meeting, Board Member Sophia Green requested an audit of the District’s Business Services Division. As such an audit would require substantive resources, the Board is being asked to consider the fiscal and personnel impact of the request upon other District priorities, and provide direction to the Superintendent. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Undetermined RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to discuss the parameters in which an audit of the District’s Business Services Division would be conducted and the selection process for an auditor if action to conduct such an audit is taken by the Board. COlsen-Binks:cs Ref. BB FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: Board Member Request BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Board Member Sophia Green has requested an audit of the District’s Human Resources Division. As such an audit would require substantive resources, the Board is being asked to consider the fiscal and personnel impact of the request upon other District priorities, and provide direction to the Superintendent. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Estimated amount: $12,500.00. RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to discuss the parameters in which an audit of the District’s Human Resources Division would be conducted and the selection process for an auditor if action to conduct such an audit is taken by the Board. COlsen-Binks:cs Ref. CC FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Fontana, California Superintendent Office ITEM TITLE: Board Member Request BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: 01/23/13 Discussion/Action Session BACKGROUND: Board Member Sophia Green has requested a review of the process used in the Request for Qualifications for selecting a Supplemental Early Retirement Program services provider. The District conducted the RFQ from four vendors known to facilitate SERPs. These four vendors were the only vendors known in the area to facilitate this work. All four vendors contacted by the Business Services Division submitted responses prior to the established deadline. Business Services reviewed the proposals as soon as they were all received and sent notification to the vendors of who they had selected. The experience and compensation rates were examined, and the Business Services Division determined that Keenan and Associates was the least expensive vendor with equal experience in providing a SERP. The selection was based on this information. FISCAL IMPLICATION: Undetermined RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Board of Education to delegate authority to the Superintendent to contract for Supplemental Early Retirement Program services with Keenan and Associates to determine the viability of offering a SERP that would result in a savings to the District. COlsen-Binks:cs Ref. DD