topic 11 animals - IES Santísima Trinidad
topic 11 animals - IES Santísima Trinidad
Contents: 0.- Pictogram and Full name: …………………………………………………… Vocabulary Date: …………………………………………………………… 1.- Animal classification Class: …………………………………………………………… 1.1- Invertebrates 1.2- Vertebrates School: ………………………………………………………… 2.- Mammals Teacher: ……………………………………………………… 3.- Fish 4.- Birds 5.- Amphibians Webgraphy: 6.- Reptiles 7.- Activities 1.- 2.- 3.- A B - backbone: columna vertebral - beak: pico - bone: hueso - breathe: respirar - butterfly: mariposa C - cartilages: cartílagos - cell: célula - closed: cerrado - cod: bacalao - cold-blooded: de sangre fría - crab: cangrejo - crow: cuervo D E F - feather: pluma - fin: aleta - flamingo: flamenco - fly: volar - fur: pelo, pelaje G - gills: agallas, branquias - give birth: dar a luz H I J - jellyfish: medusa K L -land: tierra -lay eggs: poner huevos -lizard: lagarte -lots of: muchos, montones de M - mammals: mamíferos - main: principal N - nurse: amamantar O - ostrich: avestruz P R - ray: raya - robin: petirrojo S -skin: piel -smooth: liso, fino -snail: caracol -spider: araña -stimuli: estímulos T - toad: sapo -tuna: atún V W -warm-blooded: de sangre caliente - webbed feet: pies palmeados -wet: húmedo, mojado - wing: ala -worm: gusano - world: mundo Y -young: crías 1.- Animal classification There are lots of different types of animals in the world. Some animals are similar while others are different. Animals are multicellular organisms with eukaryotic cells. They are heterotrophic. Most animals reproduce sexually and have got the capacity to respond to stimuli. There are two main groups of animals: invertebrates and vertebrates. 1.-1 Invertebrates Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. Animals like butterflies, worms, flies, spiders, snails, crabs and jellyfish are invertebrates. 1.-2 Vertebrates Vertebrates are animals with a backbone. Vertebrates have got some characteristics in common. They have an internal skeleton, a digestive system, a closed circulatory system, a respiratory system and a symmetrical structure. They can be classified into five groups: mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. 2.- Mammals Mammals are animals that have hair or fur, breathe air, give birth and nurse their young with milk and are warm-blooded. They live on land. Some mammals are humans, cats, dogs, cows, monkeys, bears, whales and dolphins. 3.- Fish Fish have scales, fins and tails. They live in water and breathe through gills. Their skeletons are made of bones or cartilage. They are cold-blooded. Some fish are sharks, cod, rays, salmon and tuna. 4.- Birds Birds have wings and feathers. Many birds can fly but the penguin and the ostrich cannot. Birds breathe air, have beaks and lay eggs. They are warm-blooded and have two legs . Crows, flamingos and robins are types of birds. 5.- Amphibians Amphibians have smooth and wet skin. They breathe with gills and lungs. They live in water and on land. Most amphibians lay many eggs in water. They are cold-blooded and they have webbed feet. Frogs, newts and toads are amphibians. 6.- Reptiles Reptiles have dry skin and scales. They breathe air and lay eggs. Some reptiles are snakes, crocodiles and lizards. 7.- ACTIVITIES. Activity one. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word. There are two main types of animals _____________ and ________________. Vertebrate animals are divided into _________ groups: ___________________, ______________, _______________, ______________ and reptiles. Activity two. Find the name of these images in the wordsearch Y L L B L T O I Z V T N F M O T J K U J T B K M Z H Z C U S Y S T J N Q B R L X Q M L J O R V R R C G O R J E J B F S R P V T U E W S T Y Q A B T Y V V Q T L D A K Q U Z B R J P N U T S W V T A M N X I A P Z N T W M P E C E R Q C S R F H H O H P H H N B G H M J V H V X R A V N C Y T P Z G I L L S R N L N W X S F D A O T X B G I G E I Q Z J G M Q A T F T I L N N G C U Q F G K I X F H S E G E A Y X I P A A N H A Q R E Z J P I E N O B K C A B R L D Activity three. True or False? Correct the false statements. 1.-Worms haven’t got backbone. _____ _______________________________________ 2.- Reptiles have got a closed circulatory system. _____ _________________________ 3.- Amphibians are warm-blooded. _____ ______________________________________ 4.- Toads have got webbed feet. ______ ______________________________________ Activity four. Finish the sentences in a logical manner. 1.-Animals are heterotrophic because _______________________________________ 2.-Crabs are invertebrates because ____________________________________________ 3.-Mammals live _______________. Some mammals are __________________________ 4.-Fish breathe ________________ and live ____________. Some fish are ___________ ________________________. 5.- Amphibians live ________________. Their skin is __________________. Some amphibians are ______________________________ 6.- Birds lay ____________ and fly with their _____________. 7.- Reptiles breathe _______ and lay __________. Their skin is ____________________