

The Cambodia daily
All the News Without Fear or Favor
Monday, March 28, 2016
Volume 64 issue 8
2,000 riel/50 cents
Amid Latest
Sex Scandal,
Many Recall
Piseth Pilika
By alEx WillEmyns
and K im C han
The cambodia daily
Piseth Pilika was the most famous
classical dancer and actress in Cambodia. a film starlet in the 1980s, she
reached new levels of fame in the
1990s as the face of the booming
karaoke music-video industry.
so her gruesome murder on the
morning of July 6, 1999—gunned
down in front of Phnom Penh’s
o’Russey market while standing
beside her 7-year-old niece—sent
shock waves through the country,
not least because no one was ever
Rumors swirled in the following
months that the star had been ordered killed by the wife of a highranking official who was infuriated
after discovering she was having
an affair with her husband.
Then the popular French weekly
L’Express dropped a bombshell: an
article built around diary entries
written by Piseth Pilika, apparently
recounting her yearlong tryst with
Prime Minister hun sen and the
discovery of the affair by his wife,
Bun Rany.
The story quoted poems allegedly written by Mr. hun sen to Piseth Pilika, and the diary mentions
gifts he gave her, including a house
in Phnom Penh and hundreds of
thousands of dollars deposited into
a bank account, funds which the
diary says Ms. Rany froze.
The prime minister and first lady
staunchly denied the claims, blaming opposition leader sam Rainsy for
fabricating the story—Mr. Rainsy’s
sister-in-law worked for L’Express
—but never followed through on
Continued on page 7
Piseth Pilika
Supporters of ousted Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh climb pillars of the Unknown Soldier Monument
in Yemen's capital of Sanaa during a rally yesterday protesting the one-year anniversary of Saudi-led
airstrikes against Saleh's Houthi allies.
Hun Manet Pulls Out of US Parade Amid Protest
By aun PhEaP
The cambodia daily
Prime Minister hun sen’s eldest
son, hun Manet, announced yesterday that he would not be attending a Khmer new Year parade he
was invited to in Long Beach, California, in the face of vocal opposition from some of the community’s
according to the Long Beach
Press-Telegram, Lieutenant General Manet was invited to join next
month’s parade by the Cambodian
Coordinating Council, a local group
that organizes community events,
following a request from the city’s
Cambodian Consulate.
But on Tuesday, the paper reported, some 200 protesters demonstrated outside the Long Beach
City Council building to have it denounce Lt. Gen. Manet’s visit and
to get the premier’s son disinvited.
The protesters threatened to boycott the planned festivities if Lt. Gen.
Manet showed up.
The pushback against the prime
minister’s son followed a protest
staged by some Cambodian-americans against Mr. hun sen himself
during a meeting between U.s.
President Barack obama and
asean leaders in California last
month. Members of the local Cambodian community—the largest
outside of Cambodia—accuse Mr.
hun sen and his family of running
Continued on page 6
Red Tourism and Selfie Sticks in Mao’s Hometown
By Emily Rauhala
The WashingTon PosT
shaoshan, China - on a sunny, justspring morning, clusters of families line up in front of Mao Zedong’s butter-yellow childhood
an octogenarian fan of the former dictator shuffles in front of a
velvet rope and fixes his teary eyes
on the camera: Click. sisters in
matching Red star caps tilt their
heads and purse their lips. Click. a
rosy-cheeked toddler waves a Chi-
nese flag. Click.
here in the knitted hills of hunan
province in central China, in the
town where China’s Great helmsman was born and raised, is the
heart of the Red Tourism trade, a
sector that peddles nostalgia and
amnesia both.
Fifty years after the start of the Cultural Revolution, pilgrims arrive by
bus, train or car to trail megaphonetoting guides through refurbished
relics and restaurants serving local
dishes a la Mao. over the course
The Daily Newspaper of Record Since 1993
of this year’s Lunar new Year holiday, a reported half-million people
made the trip.
shaoshan’s sites are heavy on
details about Mao’s childhood, his
preferred cuts of pork, and the trials
and triumphs of the Communist
Party’s early days. The famine that
killed tens of millions is scarcely
mentioned; the ravages of the Cultural Revolution don’t rate.
It’s not, as many imagine, that visitors don’t know about the upheaval
Continued on page 2
The Cambodia daily
monday, maRch 28, 2016
ANd AlSo
Man Arrested Over Video Rental
a wanted north Carolina man
was arrested this week on charges
he failed to return a Vhs tape to a
video store 14 years ago, police said
last week.
James Meyers, 37, of Concord,
was driving his daughter to school
when he was pulled over for a broken brake light, according to a video
Meyers posted on YouTube.
Meyers said officers ran his driv-
ContinuEd fRom PagE
of the era—they do. But the extended clans who flock to shaoshan see
those awful times as part of a larger,
still-unfolding story.
“Chairman Mao brought the
country together,” said Li Ermin,
29, the cap-clad woman posing for
a selfie with her sister. “he is why
we’re here.”
shaoshan, like Mao, means different things to different people—and
different things in different times.
Jude Blanchette, author of a
forthcoming book on Mao’s influence on contemporary China, to
be published by oxford University
Press, said the town is, and has
long been, a “proxy” for the political climate of the country—a place
to “take the nation’s pulse.”
when The new York Times visited shaoshan in 1982, just a year
after the party ruled that Mao bore
“chief responsibility” for the Cultural Revolution, the flow of tourists
had gone from thousands to a few
hundred a day. Then, in the aftermath of the Tiananmen square massacre, Beijing marshaled Maoism
to unite the fractured nation, sending “work units” on study trips to
In 1993, The washington Post’s
er’s license and told him he had an
outstanding arrest warrant for not
returning a movie to J&J Video in
salisbury, north Carolina.
The Concord Police department
confirmed the arrest, saying the warrant was issued February 28, 2002
by the now closed video store and
signed by a magistrate.
Instead of arresting Meyers at the
scene, police allowed him to report
later that day to be served the warrant.
Lena sun found evidence of the economic transformation underway.
“shaoshan now has 2,240 private entrepreneurs, the highest percentage
of any county or city in the province,”
she noted. People sold Mao tie clips
and “Rolexes” on the street.
In the years before Xi Jinping
took power, Maoism enjoyed another revival thanks in no small part
to former Chongqing party boss Bo
Xilai. But Bo was purged, and
months later the police crashed a
Maoist gathering in shaoshan, a
sign that the party was worried, still,
about things getting too Red.
Blanchette likens the challenge
of marshaling Mao’s legacy to a
“Goldilocks problem.”
“You need to get the right amount
and the right kind of Maoism: too
cold and the party loses part of its
legitimizing story, too hot and you
get permanent revolution,” he said.
Today’s shaoshan shows this dynamic at play. since assuming office
in 2012, President Xi has quickly
consolidated power, becoming what
some scholars have called “the most
powerful leader since Mao.”
To do so, he has leaned heavily,
if selectively, on the former leader,
showing reverence as required,
picking out the parts of history that
resonate with his vision for the present and playing down the rest.
one of Xi’s signature projects is
n nEw YoRK - Facing a growing outcry, Tribeca Film Festival co-founder
RoBERt dEniRo has decided to remove a controversial anti-vaccine film
from the gathering’s lineup. Just a day after the actor revealed he had
pushed for a showing of the film, titled “Vaxxed” and directed by anti-vaccine
activist andrew wakefield, de niro reversed his position. “My intent in
screening this film was to provide an opportunity for conversation around
an issue that is deeply personal to me and my family,” de niro said in a
statement saturday. “But after reviewing it over the past few days with the
Tribeca Film Festival team and others from the scientific community, we
do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for.”
The movie alleges a cover-up by the U.s. government over vaccines increasing the risk of autism—a position that has been widely discredited
and criticized for leading to a dangerous drop-off in vaccinations. (LAT)
an anti-corruption campaign that
has seen thousands of officials arrested. In shaoshan, a museum recently opened an exhibit on Mao’s
anti-corruption efforts.
as part of the nation’s “great
rejuvenation”—one of Xi’s favorite
buzzwords—the Communist Party
“forged iron discipline, and built a
steel great wall of anti-corruption,”
reads the display.
But even as the party draws a line
from Mao to Xi, it can’t afford to let
the former shine too bright. The
“Mao did not grow up in
the big house I imagined.
Our chairman came from
an ordinary family, too.”
—Bai Jinyuan
current chairman of the Communist Party wants absolute loyalty.
neo-Maoism is seen as a threat.
of course, most people who
make the trip to shaoshan don’t
come to ponder rectification campaigns or debate Xi’s evocation of
“socialist core values.”
Visitors here said touring Mao’s
old stomping grounds was simply a
chance to think about how far they
had come and to reflect on what
they hope to achieve. In addition to
Little Red Book selfie sticks, the
gift shop sells tomes such as “Mao
Zedong Teaches networking.”
some came looking for a way
back to a more egalitarian and spiritually fulfilling time. China’s economy may have grown by leaps and
bounds over the past 30 years, said
wen shuchao, 45, but “spiritual
culture” has not kept up.
wen, who stopped by shaoshan
on his way from his home in henan
to the southern city of Guangzhou,
where he works, said he worries
about the country’s growing wealth
gap. Mao’s era may have been poor,
he said, “but everyone was poor.”
over a meal of Mao’s favorite
dishes, the Bai family said they
came to shaoshan because, for the
first time, they could. seven members of the family packed into an
sUV and drove from China’s far
northeast to the south, stopping at
points of interest along the way.
The matriarch, Bo shurong, was
a Red Guard during the Cultural
Revolution and still loves Mao. her
younger son, Bai Jinyuan, 45, said he
liked the central Chinese scenery.
The kids seemed to enjoy the food.
For Bai, shaoshan is a lesson in
how far a life can take you. “Mao did
not grow up in the big house I imagined,” he said. “our chairman came
from an ordinary family, too.”
International Brief -----Bangladesh Asks US, Philippines to Help Recover $81M
A man sells souvenirs bearing the images of Chinese President Xi Jinping
and China's late Chairman Mao Zedong at Tiananmen Square in Beijing
earlier this month.
dhaKa, Bangladesh - The new governor of Bangladesh’s central bank has
sent formal letters to the new York Fed, as well as central bank and
money laundering chiefs in the Philippines, asking them to help recover
its stolen $81 million, a senior central bank official said yesterday. The
news came as Finance Minister abul Maal abdul Muhith said the government was waiting to hear the recommendations of an investigation
committee to decide whether the central bank should file a suit against
the Fed after one of the biggest cyber heists in history. Unknown hackers
breached the computer systems of Bangladesh Bank in early February
and attempted to steal $951 million from its account at the U.s. Federal
Reserve Bank of new York, which it uses for international settlements.
some attempted transfers were blocked, but $81 million was transferred
to accounts in the Philippines belonging to casino operators. The central
bank official told reporters that Fazle Kabir, who became governor a week
ago, had asked the new York Fed for help to investigate if there had been
any lapses or whether it had any involvement in the heist, the official said.
monDay, marCh 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
Kem Sokha: CNRP Must Turn Focus to Commune Elections
B y K ang S othear
The CamboDia Daily
Deputy opposition leader Kem
Sokha on Saturday brushed off
protests from a group of students
demanding he respond to claims
that he had a series of extramarital
affairs, telling CNRP faithful to
prepare for next year’s commune
Speaking at the CNRP’s second
biennial convention since its creation as a unified opposition in July
2012—less than a month after its
two constituent parties lost the last
commune elections—Mr. Sokha
said the result of next year’s vote
was all-important.
“Most importantly, the CNRP
is focused on preparing itself for
the elections. The grassrootslevel election in 2017 is the bridge
for the CNRP to reach victory in
the national election in 2018, and
to lead Cambodia in the near future,” Mr. Sokha said.
The commune elections, scheduled for July 2017, will be the first
popular elections since the disputed 2013 national election, the first
in Cambodia’s modern history in
which the ruling party faced a
united opposition.
Mr. Sokha said CNRP members had to be prepared for interference from the ruling party as
elections near.
“Please remember, our competitor knows that most of Cambodia has turned to support the
CNRP, and so they will not let us
win easily, and they will not provide [us] the opportunity to work
freely,” he said.
“I also appeal to all political
competitors to compete with equality and dignity, avoiding violence and taking state power to
press competitors.”
CPP spokesman Sok Eysan said
Mr. Sokha had nothing to fear, and
that the new National Election
Committee (NEC) would ensure
elections run smoothly.
“Nobody will press them, but in
the case that a few cases happen
due to a small number of [ruling
party] members, they have the
right to file a complaint to the
NEC...and this body will put in
place fines,” he said.
Outside Saturday’s convention
in Phnom Penh’s Chroy Changva
district, a group of students who
have been following Mr. Sokha to
events over the past month continued to protest his refusal to respond to their questions.
The students demanded he clarify whether it is his voice in dozens
of leaked telephone calls allegedly
between him and mistresses, or
Siv Channa/The Cambodia Daily
Deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha speaks on Saturday during a
CNRP convention in Phnom Penh.
whether he wishes to claim it is
not. The CNRP has adopted a policy of “don’t answer, don’t respond
and don’t argue” in response to
the claims.
A brief scuffle between the students and some CNRP supporters
broke out on the perimeter of the
convention on Saturday, but it was
quickly managed by police.
Opposition leader Sam Rainsy, in
exile to avoid arrest over a defamation conviction, appeared at the
convention via Skype.
“We will re-organize agricul-
ture to raise the standard of living
of farmers to be better-off like
those in neighboring countries.
Within this objective, we will distribute land collected by the cancellation of land concessions to general farmers,” Mr. Rainsy said.
Prime Minister Hun Sen last
year accused Mr. Rainsy of seeking
class warfare through such a policy, but Mr. Rainsy said redistribution would only occur with an
independent tribunal established to
hear cases of alleged land-grabbing
under the CPP government.
The Cambodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
Man Handed
18 Years for
B y G eOrGe W riGht
the cambodia daily
A Cambodian-American man
was sentenced to 18 years in jail in
Alaska on Thursday for attempting
to sexually exploit children in Cambodia and attempting to arrange a
child-sex tourism trip, according to
a statement released by the U.S.
Justice Department on Friday.
Jason Jayavarman, 45, of Anchorage, was convicted of the crimes in
March last year.
During the trial, evidence was
presented showing that over the
course of 12 trips to Cambodia
between 2010 and his arrest in
2013, Mr. Jayavarman produced
videos of himself engaging in sexual acts with a person he believed to
be a child before sending the material back to the U.S.
Mr. Jayavarman—a former
owner of a youth hostel in Alaska
—was in the process of planning a
group trip to Cambodia to sexually abuse children as young as 12,
the Justice Department said, but
was stopped after an anonymous
tip-off to the organization Crime
Stoppers sparked an undercover
FBI operation.
“Trial evidence demonstrated
that Jayavarman explained to one of
the other potential travelers—who
was an undercover FBI agent—
how to groom a child for sex, avoid
law enforcement detection and record high quality ‘mementos’ of the
sexual abuse,” the statement said.
After identifying Mr. Jayavarman,
the FBI contacted local child-protection NGO Action Pour Les Enfants
(APLE) to help find his possible victims in Cambodia. Once APLE
identified and located the victims,
the FBI conducted interviews with
According to court documents
cited by the KTVA 11 news outlet
last year, following his arrest in
August 2013, Mr. Jayavarman confessed to engaging in sexual acts
with at least one young girl in Cambodia and justified the abuse by
claiming that “it is cultural” in the
Neither APLE representatives
nor officials from the Interior
Ministry’s department of antihuman trafficking and juvenile protection could be reached yesterday
regarding any further investigation
into Mr. Jayavarman’s time in
Police Officer Shot After Shooting Police Chief
B y B en S Okhean
the cambodia daily
A commune police chief and a
municipal serious crimes police
officer were hospitalized with
gunshot wounds sustained in a
Friday-night shootout in Phnom
Penh that ensued when the
allegedly drug-addicted municipal
officer tried to rob his mother.
Deputy Daun Penh district serious crimes police chief Yin Sophal
said yesterday that the mother of
Sin Sothearith, 32, the municipal
serious crimes police officer, called
Wat Phnom commune police on
Friday night to complain that her
son was using drugs.
He said the mother told police
that her son had locked himself
inside her bedroom to rob her
and that she had placed a padlock
on the outside of the door to prevent him from escaping.
Mr. Sophal said the commune
police chief, Born Sam Ath, sent
two officers to help her and eventually arrived himself. He said all
three went to the house unarmed,
believing the suspect was not
The mother had removed the
padlock from the door by the
time the officers arrived, he said,
explaining that as Mr. Sam Ath
was approaching the house, the
son came out and shot him.
“He shot the commune police
chief in the left chest. It was about
two centimeters from his heart. He
was lucky; if the bullet had hit his
heart he could have died,” Mr.
Sophal said.
“When the commune police
chief fell to the ground, [Mr.
Sothearith] kicked his neck and
tried to shoot him to death, but the
commune police officers convinced
him not to. But the suspect did not
listen and pointed his gun at the
Mr. Sophal said a group of military police officers soon arrived and
shot Mr. Sothearith, once in the
buttock and once in the left shoulder, before taking him into custody.
“He is a drug addict, and we
found three small bags of methamphetamine with him,” he said.
Mr. Sophal said both injured
men were sent to the emergency
unit at Calmette Hospital, where
Mr. Sam Ath remained as of
“The suspect’s condition is better than the police chief’s; he was
transferred from an emergency
room to a normal [room] yesterday,” he said. “I asked him, ‘Why
did you shoot the commune police chief?’ He said, ‘Because he
pointed a gun at me.’”
Mr. Sophal said Mr. Sothearith
would be sent to court to face
charges once he had recovered.
Eng Sorphea, who heads the
municipal police’s serious crimes
bureau, said Mr. Sothearith was a
first lieutenant and had been with
the force since 2009.
“He had not committed any
crime since he worked at the unit.
He looked like a normal person,”
he said.
Soldier Shoots at Loggers After Failed Extortion
B y S ek O dOm
the cambodia daily
A soldier who had been hired to
guard a parcel of land belonging to
the Defense Ministry in Pursat
province was arrested on Saturday
after he confronted a group of loggers with an assault rifle because
they refused to pay him hush
money, local police said.
The man, Min Khan, 50, was
identified by deputy provincial
police chief Keo Sokunthea as a
soldier working for the Defense
Although he was supposed to
be guarding the ministry’s land in
Phnom Kravanh district’s Santre
commune, he was also earning
extra money on the side by extorting money from illegal loggers who passed through the
area, according to Em Run, the
police chief in neighboring Krakor district.
On Saturday, however, his sideline operation backfired when
Mr. Khan stopped four makeshift
trucks transporting hardwood
logs and attempted to charge
each vehicle’s driver 3,000 riel
(about $.75) to pass through, Mr.
Run said.
When the drivers refused to
pay, Mr. Khan allegedly brandished his AK-47 assault rifle and
discharged one shot in the air
and another one at the ground,
hitting 38-year-old logger Nhan
Vuth in the foot.
“He was guarding the land with
a gun—it seemed like he was
guarding a jewelry shop,” the
police chief said.
After the shooting, he said, the
other loggers called commune
police, who arrested the suspect—hiding out in a nearby
patch of forest—about two hours
later. However, by the time police
caught up with Mr. Khan, the gun
used in the shooting had already
been turned over to the military
commander in charge of the land,
Mr. Run said.
Mr. Run, along with other officials, declined to name the commander. He also said it was
unclear what the land was being
used for, but that the provincial
police would investigate the case
and try to determine who had
issued Mr. Khan’s gun.
Keo Sokunthea, the deputy
provincial police chief, said he
believed the gun had already been
sent on from the local commander
to the Defense Ministry but said
local police would ask the ministry
to send them a report on the
firearm and how Mr. Khan came to
be using it while off duty.
“I will request to have them
investigate who owns it or who
gave it to the suspect to use,” he
Defense Ministry officials could
not be reached.
monday, march 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
National Briefs ------
Koreans Busted at Airport Smuggling Smartphones
Three South Korean nationals were arrested at Siem Reap International Airport on Saturday night after landing with more than 400 contraband smartphones in their luggage, local authorities said yesterday.
Kong Sokpheallakun, the airport’s head of customs, said authorities arrested the first man, who had just disembarked from a flight from
South Korea, at about 11:30 p.m. after a scanner alerted them to the
more than 100 Apple and Samsung smartphones in his suitcase. He
said the man informed them of two more colleagues, who were apprehended 15 minutes later with another 300 phones between them.
“When we found out that two more were coming, we asked to check
their suitcases and found 300 smartphones, and they didn’t have permission to import them legally,” he said. He referred additional questions to the Customs Department. The department’s public relations
chief, Bou Bunnara, said he only knew what was being reported in local
media. “I haven’t received the report yet, so I will see tomorrow if they
will be only fined or if they will face jail,” he said. (Sek Odom)
Four Kilograms of Drugs Seized in Border Drug Bust
More than 4 kg of drugs—about half heroin and half crystal methamphetamine—were confiscated from a Laotian man during a drug bust in
the border province of Stung Treng on Friday, police said. “We arrested
one Laotian man and confiscated 1,961.1 grams of methamphetamine
and 2,102.3 grams of heroin, totalling 4,063.4 grams for both,” said Pov
Sam Eng, deputy chief of the Interior Ministry’s anti-drug police department. The suspect, Kham Sainhavongsa, 46, had been driving in a Vigo
with two other Laotian men, who escaped into the forest, when he was arrested in Samakki commune at 5:50 p.m, according to Mr. Sam Eng, who
said the sting followed months of undercover work. “We have spent
many months trying to incite them to buy drugs from them so we could
arrest them and confiscate those two kinds of drugs,” he said. “This
group smuggled drugs across the border many times, but our anti-drug
police noticed them and pretended to be buyers and arrested them.” Mr.
Sainhavongsa was placed in pretrial detention yesterday after being questioned at the provincial court, Mr. Sam Eng said. (Saing Soenthrith)
UN Envoy Meets With Sesan
Villagers to Discuss Dam Site
B y B en S okhean
the cambodia daily
The U.N.’s human rights envoy
to Cambodia yesterday promised
villagers in Stung Treng province
who are set to be displaced by the
construction of the Lower Sesan
2 hydropower dam that she
would raise their plight with the
government, a village representative said.
Puth Khoeun, a representative
for about 240 families who have rejected compensation offers for
land they will lose to make way for
the massive energy project, said
Rhona Smith spent more than an
hour hearing the grievances of 60
residents during a meeting in Sesan district’s Srekor commune.
“Ms. Rona Smith said she came
to find out whether the news that
residents were to be forcibly evicted was true or not. This is the
truth,” Mr. Khoeun said. “She wanted to know the concerns of the residents and then she will bring the
concerns of the residents who are
affected by the dam site to inform
the government.”
Ms. Smith is over halfway
through her second fact-finding
mission to Cambodia, which is focused on the rights of women and
indigenous people. Many of those
affected by the controversial dam
—which is being built by Chinese
firm Hydrolancang International
Energy together with local conglomerate Royal Group—are indigenous Bunong minorities.
“In our place we are happy. If
we move to different places, we
are concerned about disease and
our children will face losing the
chance to study,” Mr. Khoeun
said. “Importantly, our residents
will lose their ancestral land that
our previous generations buried
here if we decide to leave.”
Due to go online next year, the
dam will block two key tributaries
of the Mekong River—the Sesan
and Srepok rivers—causing huge
environmental damage and affecting communities living downstream, according to to experts.
Ms. Smith will today meet with
provincial authorities to discuss the
dam, said Meng Kung, spokesman
for the provincial government.
“We will welcome her and are
happy to greet her during her visit,” he said.
The Cambodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
Artists Illustrate the Lost World of Ratanakkiri’s Hill Tribes
B y K uch n aren
m ichelle V achon
the cambodia daily
A year ago, artists Poy Chhunly
and Koeurm Kolab decided to visit Ratanakkiri province to paint hill
tribes living in the forests before
development and rubber plantations claimed the wilderness and
pushed them out.
Upon arriving near the provincial capital, they discovered they
were too late.
“It’s filled with concrete houses,
vehicles and motorcycles, paved
roads and ATM machines,” Mr.
Chhunly said.
So instead of the large paintings
of forest dwellers in lush surroundings they had first envisioned,
their series “Golden Land”—
being shown at the Sangker Art
Space and Gallery in Battambang
City—turned into works featuring
one person or object against a
plain background to reflect a landscape that has vanished.
“I saw a middle-aged indigenous
woman walking down the valley
with a big basket on her back,” Mr.
Chhunly said. “She looked really
lost because she couldn’t find any
forest products or leaves as the forest is gone and has been replaced
by rubber plantations.”
He painted the woman with her
face turned away from the viewer,
dressed in a sleeveless top and
smoking a small pipe, all brown
a kleptocracy rife with human
rights abuses.
On Sunday, Mr. Manet took to
his Facebook page to announce
that he would not be joining the
parade in order to avoid a confrontation between local factions
for and against him.
“I and my working group have
decided not to participate in the
parade because we don’t want to
see a conflict break out between
Khmer and Khmer, and especially to avoid any violence between
supporters and non-supporters
during the event, which would
cause our race to lose advantage,”
he said in his post.
“Khmer New Year is a special
occasion for our Khmer people
and should unite us in a desire to
support our race by working together to show the Khmer culture
and civilization to the American
people and other citizens,” he
added. “It is not the time for supporters and non-supporters to
show off their muscles, because it
continued from page
and beige tones against a goldenbrown background.
The hilltribe people they met
looked sad and sick, Ms. Kolab
said. Most of them said they lost
what land they once had to landgrabbing or creditors they could
not repay, she said.
“What they used to do for work
is now gone,” she said of lives that
relied on the forests. One of her
paintings shows bees hovering
above a mound of golden honey
against a yellow-gray background.
Ratanakkiri is well-known for the
honey its hilltribe people made.
But the province does not provide the shelter and security it once
During their trip, the artists
found themselves about 10 km
from the provincial capital of Banlung where a group of hilltribe
people were selling vegetables
and banana flowers on the ground.
“It was a shock to see this because it was not far from the provincial town full of motorcycle
shops and gold stores, and the indigenous people to whom the hill
tribe province used to belong now
looked like the newcomers,” Mr.
Chhunly said.
Both from Battambang province, Mr. Chhunly and Ms. Kolab,
32 and 28, respectively, studied at
the Phare Ponleu Selpak’s visual
art school in Battambang City,
where Mr. Chhunly launched
shows a break between Khmer
and Khmer and gives our race a
bad reputation.”
In an interview with local media
later in the day, Lt. Gen. Manet,
who has been put in charge of the
CPP’s international outreach efforts, clarified that he was not calling off his trip to the U.S. altogether.
“I will travel to the United States
of America during the upcoming
Khmer New Year as scheduled,
but I will not join the parade,” he
Lt. Gen. Manet added that he
would be attending other programs, but did not elaborate.
Touch Vibol, president of the
Cambodia National Rescue Foundation, which opposes the visit,
said Mr. Hun Sen’s son had no
business preaching unity.
“He is the wrong person to
preach about working together
when his ruling party has continuously harassed and intimidated
any opposition to them,” he said in
an online message.
“They don’t work together to
solve the border issues, illegal
land grabs, forced homelessness,
institutionalized corruption and
Koeurm Kolab
Acrylic painting by Koeurm Kolab
Phare’s animation studio, 1000
Hands, in the mid-2000s. In 2011,
the couple went to study in France,
where they specialized in 2D and
3D animation. They have now returned to teach animation at Phare.
The exhibition runs through
May 27.
other human rights violations. He
represents a party that has proven
to only care about self-enrichment
and preservation.”
Mr. Vibol said Mr. Manet was
also wrong to suggest that there
was a major split within Long
Beach’s Cambodian community,
claiming that the CPP’s supporters were in the clear minority.
“He seems to think we’re divided and fighting amongst ourselves
when that is very far from the
truth,” he said.
“The super-majority are united
against him and his father’s rule.
We will continue to fight, argue
and resist him and his father. Our
communities here are doing just
fine without the ruling party attempting to meddle in our daily
(Additional reporting by Colin
National Brief ------
Two Vietnamese Arrested With Air Gun Haul in Poipet
Two Vietnamese nationals were arrested at the Poipet International
Checkpoint on Friday after being caught attempting to smuggle 22 air
guns into the country from Thailand, police said yesterday. Nguyen
Hong Phuc, 37, and Bui Van Manh, 26, were detained at the border after
customs officials discovered they were carrying 16 air-powered handguns and six longer guns along with 78 bullets, said Chea Da, Poipet City
military police chief. “Our customs officials were checking their goods
from Thailand and found those airguns hidden inside their luggage. The
customs officials cooperated with our military police to arrest them and
confiscated those air guns,” Mr. Da said. The pair were sent to Banteay
Meanchey provincial military police station as officials prepared to send
them to court, he said. Ork Borin, provincial military police commander,
said the two men would be sent to court today. He claimed this was the
first time such weapons had been confiscated at the checkpoint. “This is
the first time that our customs officials and our border military policemen
have confiscated these air guns,” he said. (Saing Soenthrith)
monday, march 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
continued from Page
their public threat to sue the magazine for defamation.
The salacious story has suddenly resurfaced in online discussions over the past month as a
group of students and, more recently, Mr. Hun Sen himself,
have run a campaign to rebuke
deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha for his own alleged recent
With some claiming government involvement in the release
of dozens of phone recordings
purporting to be of Mr. Sokha
and his lovers—and Mr. Hun Sen
even claiming to possess photo
evidence on his smartphone—
information about the prime minister’s own alleged affair is being
spread among a mostly young
population of social media users.
A section of a documentary featuring the crime scene after Piseth
Pilika’s shooting, for example, has
been shared more than 13,800
times and viewed 370,000 times
on Facebook since it was posted
by the anti-government “Daily
News” page on March 9—a week
after the first alleged recordings
of Mr. Sokha’s calls leaked.
Then last week, after AntiCorruption Unit chairman Om
Yentieng launched an official inquiry into how Mr. Sokha got the
funds to promise his mistresses
houses, Chham Chhany, who curates a popular opposition Facebook page, publicly noted the
double standard.
“Unique in the world: The AntiCorruption Unit investigates love
stories,” the post says, going on
to ask why the Piseth Pilika case
did not receive the same level of
“Why don’t you investigate that?”
asked Mr. Chhany.
The popular “I Love Cambodia
Hot News II” page also posted a
photograph of the group of students who have led the campaign
against Mr. Sokha.
“I’m wondering! Why hasn’t this
group demonstrated in search of
justice for Piseth Pilika, Pov Panhapich, Touch Srey Nich as well?”
the page asked, referring to two
other starlets shot after rumored
“I did not sell myself to Samdech Hun Sen. We loved
each other like husband and wife.”
—diary entry allegedly written by Piseth Pilika
affairs with high-ranking officials, leaving them both partially
While no evidence has come to
light to prove that Mr. Sokha ever
actually bought homes for his alleged mistresses, a trove of documents purporting to show Mr.
Hun Sen’s largesse was released
on the Internet in 2002.
Three years after the publication
of the L’Express article, Piseth Pilika’s sister Sao Davina released the
documents onto a purpose-built
website, claiming they proved Ms.
Rany’s role in the killing.
The website remains online today and includes scanned images of
bank slips for amounts of $100,000
and $50,000 deposited by Piseth
Pilika under her birth name, Sao
Pily, and pages of the diary, which
claimed that the gifts came from
Mr. Hun Sen.
(Canadia Bank, with which the
deposits were allegedly made,
said yesterday that it could not
comment on the veracity of the
scanned bank slips, citing policies
on customer confidentiality.)
The scans of the diary entries
also recount Piseth Pilika’s concerns about Ms. Rany’s alleged
anger at discovering her romance
with Mr. Hun Sen, along with
claims she was forced “to give back
two houses Samdech Hun Sen
gave to me to his wife.”
“On Monday, April 26, 1999 at
7:30 a.m. I went to draw my money from Canadia bank but they
closed it and did not process the
money for [me] because there
was a order from Bun Rany, not
allowing it given to me because
it’s money her husband gave,”
one diary entry says.
“The total money was [illegible] dollars, but I could only draw
50 thousand dollars, and nearly
2,000 dollars interest,” continues
the entry, which includes an unclear number in the hundreds of
thousands of dollars.
In the final entry of the diary—
dated May 10, 1999—the star recounts being called to a meeting
with now-deceased National Police
Commissioner Hok Lundy at a resort outside of Phnom Penh.
“I went to meet Hok Lundy in
Kien Svay, a restaurant situated in
a quiet place. He told me to go
hide myself in any place for a
while, because Ms. Bun Rany
was very angry up to the point of
attempting to take my life,” it
“I did not sell myself to Samdech Hun Sen. We loved each
other like husband and wife,” it
says, before pondering her helplessness. “I thought that I do not
know whether they would spare
my life or kill me because the
earth is controlled by them. I have
only God.”
Mr. Yentieng, the anti-corruption
chief, declined to be interviewed
yesterday. However, as one of Mr.
Hun Sen’s closest advisers when
the L’Express story was published in October 1999, Mr. Yentieng at the time defended Ms.
Rany from the accusations.
“The publication of L’Express
dated Oct 7 about the death of Piseth Pilika has politically and intentionally charged Chumteav
Bun Rany Hun Sen who is innocent and practices Buddhism,”
Mr. Yentieng wrote in the government’s rebuttal, released the
same month.
“As a victim of this twist, Chumteav Bun Rany has decided today
to ask the law to find justice both
in Paris and Phnom Penh,” Mr.
Yentieng said.
Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan said yesterday
he was unconcerned that the recent campaign against Mr. Sokha’s alleged indiscretions had
rekindled an interest in Piseth Pilika, saying the claims had proven
“This issue is just an allegation
that the opposition party framed,”
the spokesman said. “It’s just an accusation, and there’s no evidence,
so it’s completely different from the
Kem Sokha affair.”
Mr. Siphan maintained that the
diary entries and bank slips uploaded by Piseth Pilika’s sister were
“I don’t think that’s real proof,”
he said. “Put it this way, I said it’s
an allegation, and the NGOs have
worked so hard on this issue to
frame the prime minister to discredit the prime minister for political purposes.”
“They have spent so long, and
they have never found proof.... If
it’s true, they should get their documents and bring it to the courts,”
he said.
“This is not a new one. This one
has been around so long already.
This allegation will not discredit
the prime minister.”
Yet the claims have proven persistent. In an August 2006 interview with L’Express, disgraced
and jailed former Phnom Penh
police chief Heng Pov, after losing his position in a power struggle, said the story was true.
“I was put in charge of the investigation as deputy chief of the
serious crimes police. As a result I
discovered that she had first had a
relationship with Hok Lundy who
then introduced her to Hun Sen,”
Mr. Pov was quoted as saying.
“But Bun Rany, the Prime Minister’s wife, found out about the affair between her husband and the
star. She was accusing Hok Lundy of having played the role of
matchmaker. He went to see her
in order to make peace, to tell her
that this was a passing fancy,” he
“I learned in the course of my
investigations that [Hok Lundy]
had pledged to separate Piseth Pilika and Hun Sen.”
Pang Sokhoeun, who runs the
pro-opposition Facebook page
“Khmer Sovannaphumi”—one of
the many to have recently posted
articles about Piseth Pilika—said
yesterday he believed the memories could cause issues for the
“People now tend to focus on a
national issue and social justice
for national interests more than a
personal one. It is also noticed
that some new generations have
never known this case before but
now the case is heard nationwide
among them,” Mr. Sokhoeun
(Additional reporting by Michelle Vachon and Sek Odom)
The Cambodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
Burma Military Display Highlights Army’s Continuing Power
B y S hiBani M ahtani
The Wall STreeT Journal
nAyPyiDAW - burma’s armed forces
put their might on full display yesterday in a yearly parade that reinforced the central role they will
continue to play despite the imminent handover of government to
a democratically elected administration directed by new ruling
party leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
The Armed Forces Day celebrations featured gleaming tanks and
jet fighters and ranks of spit-andpolish troops. Though the event
commemorates burma’s armed
resistance to the japanese in World
War ii, it has long sent a powerful
message of the important role the
commander-in-chief plays in politics during a half-century of dominance, even now as Suu Kyi’s party takes the stage.
Senior gen. Min Aung Hlaing,
the commander-in-chief, said the
armed forces, known as the Tatmadaw, “are the ones who ensure
the stability of the country at this
democratic transition” and have
“brought about the country to the
present situation” of democracy.
“The Tatmadaw has to be present in a leading role in national
politics” and will uphold the con-
stitution, he said.
The charter enshrines a quarter
of the parliament’s seats for the
military and gives them control
over key ministries. it also prevents Suu Kyi, a nobel Peace laureate whom many in burma regard as their rightful leader, from
attaining the presidency because
she has close foreign relatives.
Her two children are british and
so was her late husband.
The constitutional prohibition
has put Suu Kyi’s party, the national League for Democracy, in a
difficult position since sweeping
historic elections to parliament in
november. Suu Kyi has had to
put forward a confidant, Htin Kyaw, as president and her proxy.
Suu Kyi is expected to take on
cabinet portfolios, including the
Foreign Ministry.
both Suu Kyi and Htin Kyaw
were absent from the parade and
the nLD was represented by
more junior party members.
Suu Kyi was held under house
arrest for 15 years as the military
tried to crush her pro-democracy
opposition movement and has attended the parade only once, in
2013, in a reconciliation gesture
two years after a nominally-civilian
government comprised mostly of
former generals took office. Photos of her sitting among generals
irritated former political prisoners who still deeply distrust the
The parade underscores the
awkwardness of the power-sharing
agreement that the nLD will
have with the military as a partner
in governing burma. Their cooperation will be key to a successful
transition, but trust has been tenuous, particularly since the leaders of the armed forces have refused to budge on amending the
constitution to clear the presidency for Suu Kyi.
The billboards around naypyidaw on the way to the parade
grounds made it clear: “Tatmadaw and the people are in eternal
unity, anyone attempting to divide them is our enemy.”
Regional Brief ------
Chinese, Indonesian Navies Prepare for Joint Drills
beijing - Chinese ships left the port of Qingdao on Saturday to take part
in naval exercises off the coast of indonesia, China’s Ministry of
Defense said, a week after a dispute between the two countries over
contested waters in the South China Sea. in a notice posted on its website, the ministry said the Chinese navy flotilla will hold joint blue-water
training and conduct disaster relief exercises with 16 nations, including
indonesia, the U.S. and Russia. The exercises, run by the indonesian
navy, will begin at Padang and nearby islands on April 12. Last week,
indonesia attempted to detain a Chinese trawler it accused of fishing in
its exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea, prompting the
Chinese coast guard to intervene. Tensions have been rising in the
South China Sea as China continues to reclaim land and stake claims
over vast swaths of an important shipping corridor. Several Southeast
Asian countries have overlapping claims in the area, including Vietnam.
The ministry said in a separate notice that Defense Minister Chang
Wanquan was due to visit Vietnam on Saturday to participate in highlevel talks. (Reuters)
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016
Communications Officer
IUCN Cambodia Project Office
Our mission
“To influence, encourage &
assist societies throughout
IUCN, the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature, Cambodia Project Office in Phnom Penh
seeks to recruit a self-motivated and competent staff
for the position of Communications Officer. Directly
reporting to Deputy Head, Southeast Asia Group in
Hanoi, Vietnam and additionally to the Regional
Communications Manager in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Communications Officer will assist in the
programme communication, outreach, knowledge
integrity & diversity of nature & to management, and member relations of IUCN
Cambodia to help achieve its mission and objectives.
ensure that any use of
Specific duties include
natural resources is equitable
• Act as Communications Focal Point for the IUCN
Cambodia Programme.
& ecologically sustainable.”
• Develop, implement and monitor the IUCN
Cambodia Programme communications strategy.
• Ensure that IUCN branding, guidelines, and other
communications policies and procedures are strictly
followed by all staff and consultants.
IUCN is a membership
• Ensure effective communications are integrated
into all project concepts, proposals, budgets and
Union composed of both
work plans.
government and civil society
• Oversee all communication production to ensure
quality and adherence to IUCN guidelines.
organisations. It harnesses
• Develop and manage web content and digital
the experience, resources
• Support staff to prepare web stories that highlight
and reach of its 1,300 Member
project results and achievements.
organisations and the input
• Visit the field to carry out interviews and capture
information as the basis for web stories; update the
of some 15,000 experts.
Cambodia web site on a monthly basis.
IUCN is the global authority
• Translate selected material from Khmer to English
and vice versa.
on the status of the natural
• Proactively manage and monitor media relations.
world and the measures
• Distribute relevant global and regional press
releases to national media contacts.
needed to safeguard it.
the world to conserve the
The Successful Candidate will have:
• BA or MS in public relations, communications,
journalism, or related area;
• 5 years of related experience in working with
international organizations;
• Have good interpersonal, written and verbal
communications, problem-solving, organizational
skills, spreadsheet and word processing
software, multimedia software.
• Fluent in English written and verbal skills
• Willingness to frequently travel domestically with
some regional also required.
DUTY STATION: The position will be based in IUCN
Project Office in Phnom Penh
• This position is open for Cambodian nationals
only and is for a period of 1 year with the possibility of
extension. This position is classified as P1 in our
classification system, and the monthly salary is
commensurate with experience.
• We also offer an attractive benefit package.
To see the vacancy announcement and to apply
online, please use this link:
Applicants are requested to apply online through the
HR Management System, by opening the vacancy
announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.
Only short-listing candidates will be
notified for the interview
IUCN is an equal opportunities employer
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Department of Higher Education
Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement Project (HEQCIP)
Credit No. 4796-KH; Grant: No. H607-KH
Request for Expressions of Interest
National Consultant: Finance Management System Strengthening for HEIs
Since the introduction of public-private partnerships in 1997, the landscape of higher
education in Cambodia has been dramatically transformed. The total number of higher
education institutions (HEIs) has increased from less than 10 to 101 by 2013 (the number
of private HEIs increased from 1 to 62 during the same period). Increases in the number
of HEIs led to an increase in enrollments from around 10,000 in the early 1990s to
245,329 (of which 37.17% were females) in 2011-2012. There is growing concern that
the rapid increase in enrollments of student has not been accompanied by similar
changes in educational or institutional quality. On 7th September 2010 The Royal
Government of Kingdom of Cambodia, through the Ministry of Economy and Finance
(MEF), signed a Financing Agreement with the International Development Agency (IDA)
to fund implementation of the Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement
Project (HEQCIP). Total funding amounts to US$23 million. This sum comprises US$11.5
million IDA Grant and US$11.5 million IDA Credit. HEQCIP became effective on December
31, 2010. Overall responsibility for project management and implementation lies with
the Directorate of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
(MoEYS). The project is supervised by the World Bank. The contract is initially for (09)
months starting as soon as possible.
Key Tasks
Tasks will include but not be limited to:
1. As part of a project working team, support the International Finance Advisor to
develop a Financial Management Manual (FMM) for public HEIs, which will be
issued through a Royal Decree for Public Autonomous Higher Education Institutions.
The consultant will be required to:
- Arrange and attend meetings of the project working team to prepare the FMM
- Work with project working team members to write individual sections of the
FMM and prepare a consolidated draft manual
- Present the draft FMM to stakeholders, including the Directorate General of
Higher Education and the World Bank.
- Work with the project working team to revise the FMM and to prepare a final draft.
- Translate the FMM from English to Khmer
2. Provide training and hands-on support to a group of 9 public HEIs to strengthen
their financial management systems, by implementing short-term FM improvement
plans that have been developed and agreed with the HEIs. The areas of financial
management to be supported may include, but not be limited to: (i) Accounts
software, (ii) Financial procedures and internal controls, (iii) Annual financial
statements, (iv) Management accounting and financial analysis, (v) Financial
planning and budgeting, (vi) Finance staffing structures.
3. Develop tools and best practice guides that HEI staff can then adapt and use within
their HEIs; organise and conduct workshops for staff from supported HEIs on
relevant finance topics.
4. Conduct training and provide support to eligible public and private HEIs, so that
they may achieve the two Financial Management indicators within the HEQCIP
Project Development Objective (PDO) No. 1:
- Strategic financial plan in place
- Annual financial report reflecting the annual operational plan in place
Qualifications and Experience Required.
1. Masters degree in Accounting or Finance
2. At least 10 years of accounting or auditing experience
3. Practical skills in using computerized accounting software
4. Practical skills in conducting finance training
5. Demonstrated ability to prepare finance manuals
6. Demonstrated ability to prepare annual financial statements
7. Demonstrated ability to prepare budgets and long-term financial plans
8. Demonstrated ability to prepare internal financial reports and to conduct financial
9. Good skills in Microsoft excel and Microsoft word.
10. Fluent in written and spoken English and Khmer
11. CPA, ACCA or another professional accounting qualification
12. Knowledge and understanding of country system and PFM reform in Cambodia
How to apply
Expressions of interest should include specific reference to the Consultant’s ability to
meet the criteria in the full Terms of Reference which can be obtained from the Project
Manager at the address shown below.
Applicants are asked to supply: A covering letter in which relevant skills and experience
are specifically listed against each of the selection criteria.
The Consultant will be selected using the Individual Consultant method in accordance
with procedures set out in the Procurement Manual for Externally Financed Projects/
Programs in Cambodia issued under Sub-Decree 14 dated February 26, 2007 on
Promulgating of the Standard Procedure for Implementing the World Bank and the Asian
Development Bank Assisted Projects, and Section V of the World Bank’s Consultant
Guidelines May 2004, revised October 2006 and May 2010.
All applications should be sent to reach the address below by 17.00 (local time in
Cambodia) on 11 April, 2016 to: The Project Manager, Higher Education Quality and
Capacity Improvement Project, Project Procurement Unit Office, Department of Higher
Education, 169, Norodom Boulevard, 2nd Floor. Telephone +855 ( 0 ) 12 62 88 44
Fax: +855 ( 0 ) 23 72 65 13 Enquiries and applications by e mail are also accepted.
Please send to Mr. Sao Thou via email:
The Cambodia daily
monday, maRch 28, 2016
Missing Chinese Columnist Jia
Released From Police Custody
- a prominent Chinese
columnist has been released after
being detained earlier this month,
possibly in connection with an online letter critical of China’s president Xi Jinping, his lawyer said
Jia Jia, who writes a regular column for tencent Online, went
missing late on March 15, around
the time he was scheduled to
board a flight from Beijing to Hong
His lawyer, Yan Xin, told reporters earlier that police had detained
Jia at a Beijing airport.
Jia had warned former colleagues
of the danger of re-publishing an
open letter calling for Xi to resign.
Yan said yesterday it was “not
convenient” to elaborate on the
precise reasons for Jia’s detention.
He declined to confirm if it was related to the letter.
“He has been released and has
already returned home,” Yan said.
Yan said Jia was not available for
Yan told reporters earlier that Jia
said he had not written the letter
critical of Xi, but expressed concern that something could happen
to him because of his warnings to
colleagues about it.
Calls seeking comment from
Beijing police yesterday went
Xi has embarked on an unprecedented effort to clamp down on
the internet and censor opinions
that do not reflect those of Communist party leaders, including by
imposing tougher penalties for
what the government calls spreading rumors via social media.
the online letter, circulated
widely at the beginning of China’s
parliamentary session this month
and signed by “a loyal Communist
party Member,” blamed Xi for
“unprecedented problems.”
Jia’s disappearance had attracted international concern from
rights groups such as amnesty
a New York-based Chinese internet activist told reporters on Friday that China’s authorities had
detained three members of his
family in connection with the same
open letter.
“there is no reasonable excuse
for them to take away my parents
and my brother, no matter how
you look at it,” the activist, Wen
Yunchao, said in an interview, referring to authorities in China’s
southern guangdong province
where his family lives.
“i’ve told them very clearly i’m
not the author of the letter, i did
not aid anyone in broadcasting the
letter, and third, that i did not post
the letter on any website,” he said.
Reporters could not independently confirm this, and police in
guangdong province and Foreign
Ministry spokesmen were not
available for comment.
earlier this month, five Hong
Kong booksellers who had published books critical of China’s
leaders and went missing for three
months reappeared in mainland
their disappearance sparked
fears Chinese authorities were
overriding protections for Hong
Kong’s freedoms since its return
to China from British rule in 1997.
Many people in free-wheeling
Hong Kong and some foreign diplomats fear mainland agents illegally captured the booksellers, two of
whom are european citizens.
A soldier of the People's Liberation Army attends a training session in
Heihe, Heilongjiang province, China, on Saturday.
A worker picks up seaweed that has been covered with oil leaked from
a cargo ship off the shores of New Taipei City, Taiwan, on Saturday,
contaminating 2 km of water.
Pro-Chinese Hung Wins Back
Taiwan Nationalist Party Lead
- taiwan’s opposition Nationalist party picked as its new
leader a woman it had ditched as
its presidential candidate weeks
before January’s election after a
wave of criticism of her campaign.
pro-China Hung Hsiu-chu, a onetime schoolteacher known by the
nickname “Little Hot Chili pepper,”
won 56 percent of the vote, a Nationalist party spokeswoman said,
beating three other candidates.
She becomes the first female
leader of the Nationalist party, which
in January lost not only the presidency but also control of taiwan’s
parliament to the pro-independence
Democratic progressive party.
Hung’s victory marks a comeback for a woman who in October
was removed as her party’s candidate for the presidential election
after a campaign riddled with
gaffes and political attacks.
the change made no difference, however, as her replacement, eric Chu, still ended up being trounced in by tsai ing-wen of
the Dpp. tsai will take over as
president in May from Chinafriendly Ma Ying-jeou who had
held the position for the Nationalists since 2008.
Chu resigned as party chief after the defeat, forcing a leadership
“thanks to so many comrades’
support...[for] giving me a chance
to bend down and pick up the first
brick to lead the Nationalist party
to rebuild our home from the debris,” Hung told a news conference. “in the face of such a difficult
and hard future situation, as long
as we have courage, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome. please
join me and work with me,” she
Hung, who is widely seen as
supporting unification with China,
faces a tough job rebuilding support for the party. the popularity
of the Dpp has surged since 2014
when hundreds of students occupied parliament for weeks to protest trade pacts negotiated with
it was the largest display of antiChina sentiment the island had
seen in years.
“We hope both parties
can...ensure peaceful
development and
stability across the
Taiwan Strait.”
—Xi Jinping,
president of china
Chinese president Xi Jinping, in
his capacity as head of China’s
Communist party, sent a congratulatory message to Hung, according to a note released by the Nationalist party.
“We hope both parties can cement a foundation of mutual trust,
increase exchanges and interaction, and ensure peaceful development and stability across the
taiwan Strait,” Xi wrote in the
Known in Chinese as the Kuomintang, the Nationalist party
ruled China before fleeing to taiwan in 1949 at the end of a bloody
civil war with the Chinese Communist party. Beijing still views
taiwan as a renegade province.
monday, maRch 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
Ten Thousand Rabbits Shot in Donations Scandal Becoming
New Zealand Easter Pest Hunt Pain for Troubled Australia PM
- Hunting for chocolate
eggs is popular easter event, but
in new Zealand it was bunnies in
the firing line at an annual rabbitshooting event in one district where
they are regarded as pests.
Ten thousand rabbits were shot
by more than 300 hunters in 27
teams during the 24-hour “bunny
hunt,” which began on Good Friday. Among the hunters were a
few ferrets, according to organizer
eugene Ferreira.
Ferriera, 49, president of the
Alexandra Lions Club, said the
event had been running annually
for 25 years in the Central Otago
district and was organized after
rabbits—an introduced species—
developed immunity to poison.
“It’s a big fun event—hunters
are out and awake all night,” he
Ferreira said the rabbits were a
“very, very big problem” for farmers because they cause erosion
and eat crops, particularly carrots
and cauliflower.
In previous years, animal rights
activists have protested against
the hunt, but Ferriera said none
came this year.
However, Hans Kriek, executive director of animal rights organization sAFe, said his group was
“dead opposed” to the hunt.
“It’s inhumane,” he said. “It’s a
bunch of amateurs just going out
for a bit of a thrill kill.”
Culls, when necessary, ought to
be done by professional marksmen, he said.
Ferriera said animal activists
did not understand the scale of the
rabbit problem in the area.
“People see them as a pet to
keep at home until they come here
and realize for themselves what
we’re dealing with,” he said.
Ferriera said the weather was
“perfect,” this easter: temperate at
night, when most of the shooting
happens by torchlight, and sunny
during the days.
This year, the winning team,
“down south,” shot 889 rabbits,
beating “Hopper stoppers” with
The largest ever easter total
was 30,000.
Most of the dead rabbits will be
used as fertilizer. In the past, a few
rabbits were taken home to eat.
sydney - Australian Prime Minister
Malcolm Turnbull’s ruling Liberal
Party is embroiled in a financial
scandal, an unwanted additional
challenge for the leader as he takes
the major political gamble of calling an early federal election.
Turnbull, who has already
sacked three ministers over misdemeanors in the past few months,
faced calls on saturday to dismiss
Cabinet secretary Arthur sinodinos over donations made to the
ruling Liberal Party’s new south
Wales state branch.
The nsW electoral Commission said this week it will withhold
$3.3 million in public funding for
the party after it failed to disclose
the source of donations made in
the lead-up to an election victory in
Australia’s most populous state in
The commission ruled that the
party’s so-called Free enterprise
Foundation was used by senior
Liberal officials to disguise prohibited donors including property developers, who are banned from
making political donations to
nsW campaigns.
“If these people were illegally
donating to the Liberal Party when
Arthur sinodinos was in charge of
the money, then his position really
becomes untenable,” Jason Clare,
the opposition Labor Party’s communications spokesman said.
sinodinos, who was the state division’s finance director and treasurer at the time, said in its ruling,
the nsW electoral Commission
“used loose language which could
convey erroneous impressions.”
“I have never been accused of
corruption,” he said in an emailed
statement on saturday. “I deny
any wrongdoing or illegality.”
The affair adds to the pressure
on Turnbull just days after he
called an election for July 2, well
before it falls due in January 2017,
as he looks to capitalize on early—
but fading—popularity.
Turnbull has consistently led
opinion polls since he came to
power in a party-room coup last
year. His ruling Liberal-national
coalition has led Labor in recent
polls, but there are signs his honeymoon period may be ending.
One newspoll released on Monday showed Turnbull’s popularity
falling into negative territory for
the first time.
If successful, Turnbull’s highrisk election strategy will also clear
out Parliament’s upper house, the
senate, potentially giving the coalition a clearer passageway for favored bills.
Australia has become notorious
in recent years for its revolvingdoor political leadership. If Turnbull was to lose the election, Australia would have its sixth prime
minister since 2010.
The country’s looming election
campaign last week entered the
bizarre world of hit U.s. political
satire “Veep” when Turnbull was
caught using a meaningless slogan from the television show.
A day after setting the stage for
a possible election on July 2, Turnbull on Tuesday made numerous
references to “continuity and
change” in his government in media interviews, a reference to the
fact that he unseated his party’s
unpopular leader but plans to keep
many of his policies.
Within hours, an Australian
Broadcasting Corp reporter tweeted a photo of a fictional election
campaign bus in “Veep” emblazoned with the slogan “Continuity
With Change.”
“I am dumbstruck,” wrote “Veep”
star Julia Louis-dreyfus, of “seinfeld” fame, on Twitter.
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Public Financial Management Modernization Project
Grant No. TF015434
Capital Gain Tax Consultant
(International Consultant)
1. This Request for Expression of Interest follows the General Procurement
Notice for the Public Financial Management Modernization Project
that appeared in United Nations Development Business, issue 690
dated 16 November 2006.
2. The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) through the Ministry of
Economy and Finance (MEF) has received a Trust Fund Grant No.
TF015434 from European Union towards the costs of the Public Financial
Management Modernization Project (PFMMP).
The Ministry of Economy and Finance, General Secretariat, Steering
Committee of the Public Financial Management Reform (GSC), as the
implementing agency for PFMMP intends to use part of the proceeds
of the grants for the services of International Consultant of Capital Gain
Tax for General Department of Taxations (GDT). The consultant will (1)
Conduct an assessment of key elements of Capital Gain for individual
and business enterprises in Cambodia to reflect the economic growth;
(2) Assessment of the impact of CGT implementation related on
economic situation in Cambodia; (3) Advise the working group on key
term of taxation in CGT; (4) Provide technical guidance to the working
group on CGT based on the Cambodian context; (5) Document lessons
learned and commentary on Capital Gain Tax in Cambodia; (6) Prepare
policy briefs / notes for the implementation of Capital Gain Tax; (7) Any
other tasks related to the implementation of CGT in Cambodia
assigned by GDT.
3. The successful International Individual Consultant shall have the
following qualifications and experiences:
• Very well understanding of the Cambodian context, economic
situation and activities in both developed and developing countries.
• Master’s Degree or PhD’s degree in law, economic, international
economic development, taxation, economic policy or comparable
filed; extension knowledge of the tax policy and law and international
tax legal framework.
• A minimum of 5 years professional experiences CGT.
• Strong analytical skill on economic with the related issue and tax
policy and tax law.
• Good communication and facilitation skills.
4. The GSC of the MEF invites expressions of interest from qualified
and experienced international consultants to undertake the abovementioned services. The consultant shall be selected in accordance
with the procedures set out in Section V, Selection of Individual
Consultants under the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment
of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, published in January 2011.
5. Interested consultants in submitting their expressions of interest must
provide copy of their updated curriculum vitae, indicating personal
and technical skills, academic qualifications, experience in similar
assignments, and names of at least three (3) referees with contact
information (e-mail address, telephone or fax numbers).
6. Consultants may obtain copies of the detailed Terms of Reference
(in English) for the assignment from the address below during the
office hours from 08:00 to 11:30 hours and 14:00 to 17:00 hours or
through the website “”.
7. Expressions of interest must be submitted to the address below on or
before 7 April 2016, before 17:00 hours. Only short-listed consultants
will be notified.
Ministry of Economy and Finance, 2nd Floor (Central Building),
Room A, Street 92, Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
(855) 23 430 791
CC: /
េខមបូឌា​ េដលី
រាល់ដំណឹងទាំងអស់គ្មែនការភ័យខ្លែច ឬ លម្អៀង
The Cambodia daily
ូ ​ផវ
្លូ ​ភាទ​​មជាឈដ្ឋន
ា ​
ើ ​រឭ
ំ កករណី​ីពិសដ
ិ ​្ឋ ពិលកា
ី ​
Alex Willemyns និង​គីម​ចាន់​
ឺ​ ​អ្នក​របំ​​បៃពៃ ​ណី​
ៃី បៃ ល
ី បា
ៃ ញ​បផ
ំ ត
ុ ​នៅ​
បៃ ទៃ ស​ក ម្ពុ ជ​។ ​​ជ​តារភាពយន្ត ​សៃី ​វ័ យ​
ៃ ​កង
្នុ ​ទសវតៃសរ៍​ឆ​១
្នៃំ ៩៨០​​ភាព​លបៃ ​ល
ី បា
ៃ ញ​
របស់ ​អ្ន ក សៃី ​បន​​ឈាន​ដ ល់ ​ក មៃិ ត ​ថ្មី ​មួ យ​
្នុ ​ទសវតៃសរ៍​ឆ​១
្នៃំ ៩៩០​ខណៈ​​អក
្ន សៃ​ី
ៃ ​មុខ​​កង​
្នុ ឧសៃសាហកម្ម​​វីដៃ អូ​​តន្ត​ខ
ៃី រ៉អូខៃ ​
ហៃ តុ​​ដូច្នៃះ​ហើយ​​ទើប​​បន​​ជ​ករណី​ឃាត​
កម្ម​​ដរ៏​ ន្ធត់​​លើ​អ្នកសៃ​នៅ
ៃឹ ថទី​
្ងៃ ៦​​ខៃ​កក្កដ​​​
ៃំ ៩៩០​ដៃ ល​តវ​
ៃូ ​ខន់
្មៃ ​កាំភ្លង​
ើ ​បញ់​សម្លប់
ៃ ​
ុ ​ផសា
ៃ រ​អរ
ូ ឫសៃស​ី ក្នង
ុ ​រជធនី​ភព
្នំ ៃ ញ
្មួ ​ស​វ
ៃី យ
័ ​៧​ឆ​រ្នៃំ បស់​ខន
្លួ ​​បន​​បង្ក​ការ​​តក់​
ុ ​ទទា
ូ ំង​បទ
ៃ ៃ ស​​នោះ ​គ​ដោ
្មៃ ​
្ុ ​នស
ិ ស្ ត
ិ ​(ឆ្វង
្ ​)​ដ្ ល​អពា
ំ វ​​នាវ​​ឲយ្ ​លោក​កឹម​សុខា​​​ឆយ
្លើ ​តប​​ជា​សាធរណៈ​​ទៅនឹង​ការ​​ប្ក​ធយ
្ល្ ​ខស្ ្ អាត់​សឡ
ំ ្ ង​
ុ ​ជា​មយ
ួ ​អក
្ន ​គាទ
ំ ​្ CNRP និង​សន្តស
ិ ខ
ុ ​ក្នង
ុ ​ពធ
ិ ​ជ
ី ប
ួ ជុ​ម
ំ យ
ួ ​របស់គណ​​បក្ស​នៅ​រាជធនីភព
្នំ ្ ញ​កាល​​ពថ
ី ​សៅ
ុ ​ម៉ណ
ា ា ត​លុបចោល​ដណ
ំ ើ រទសាសនកិច​ទៅ
្ច ចូលរួម​ការ​ដង្ហ​ក
ា បា ន
ួ ​នៅអាមា រក
ិ ​
ុ ​ទក
ី ង
ៃុ ​ឡង
ុ ​បច
៊ិ ​បន​​ឲយៃ ដឹង​ថា​ឧត្តម​សៃនយ
ី ​៍
ី សៃ ល
ិ មិញ​ថា​លោក​​នង
ឹ ​មន
ិ ​ទៅ​ចល
ូ ​រម
ួ ​
រួ ម ​ការ​​ដ ង្ហៃ ​កៃ បួ ន ​នៅ​ខៃ ​កៃ យ ​នៃះ ​ដោយ​​
លោក​​នយក​​រដ្ឋ​មន្ត​ៃី ហ៊ន
ុ ​សៃ ន​បន​​បកា
ៃ ស​
នៅ​​រយៈ ​ពៃ ល​ប៉ុន្មៃន​ខៃ ​កៃយ​មក​​តារ​រូប​
ៃ ៃបួន​​សមៃប់​
ៃ បុណៃយ​ចូល​​ឆ​ខ
្នៃំ រ​
្មៃ ​ន​ពៃល​​
នៃ ះ ​តៃូវភរិយា​របស់​មន្តៃី​ជន់​ខ្ពស់​មួយ​រូប​
ៃំ ​បន្ទប
ៃ ព
់ ​ដ
ី ង
ឹ ​ថា​អ្នកសៃ​ម
ី ន​សហា
ួ ​
្ដី បស់​ខន
្លួ ​។
យោង​​តាម​​កាសៃ ត​Press -Telegram នៅ​​
៊ុ ​ម៉ណ
ៃ ត​កូន​បស
ៃុ ​ចបៃ ង​​របស់​
្មើ ​ណា​មក
្នៃ ​ត
់ វ
ៃូ ​បន​ចាប់​ខន
្លួ ​។​
ៃ ​បន​លៃ ច​ឮ​សុះសយ​​
្មៃ ​អាមៃ រិកាំង​​។
ុ ​តាម​​ការ​​អញ្ជញ
ើ ​ឲៃយ​​ទៅ​កាន់​​ទីកៃង​
ុ ​ឡុង​​
ៃ ើ យ​​​ដោយ​​សរ​​មន​​ការ​​
ី មជិក​មយ
ួ ​ចន
ំ ន
ួ ​កង
្នុ ​ចណោ
ុ ​ម៉ណ
ៃ ត​តៃវ
ូ ​បន​​អញ្ជញ
ើ ​ឲយៃ ​ទៅ​ចល
ូ ​
ុ ​បក
ៃឹ សា
ៃ ​សមៃប​សមៃល
ួ ​កម្ពជ
ុ ​​​ជ​កម
ៃុ ក្នង
ុ ​
មូ ល ដ្ឋៃ ន ​ដៃ ល​​រៀ ប​​ចំ ​ពៃឹ ត្តិ ការណ៍ ​នៅក្នុ ង​
សហគមន៍ ​ប ន្ទៃ ប់ ​ពី ​មន​​សំ ណើ ​ពី ​កុ ង ​ស៊ុ ល​
ុ ​បចា
ៃ ​ក
ំ ង
ៃុ ​នៃះ​។
ៃ ​ម
់ ក​ទសៃសនវដ្ដ​ី L' Express ចៃ ញ​ផសា
ៃ យ​​
ៃ ដព
៏​ ៃ ញ​និយម​របស់​បរំង​បន​ចុះ​
ួ ​ដៃ ល​​ដក​​សង
ៃ ​ស
ៀ វ​ភៅ​
កំ ណ ត់ ​ហៃ តុ ​ក ត់ ​តៃ ​ដោយ​អ្ន ក សៃី ​ពិ សិ ដ្ឋ
ី ​ ដៃ ល​ទន
ំ ង​ជរៀបរប់​ព​កា
ី រ​លច
ួ ​ជប
ួ ​
ា រ​ចាប់ខន
្លួ ជន​ជតិ​ករ
ូ ​ប
៉ា នា
ី ក់​ដល
ា នាំចល
ូ ​ទរូ ស័ព​ស
្ទ ត
្មា ហ្វន
ូ ​គច
ា ​ពន្ធ
អាជ្ញៃ ធ រ​មូ ល ដ្ឋៃ ន ​បន​លើ កឡើ ង​កាល
ួ ​លក់​នៃះ​ដល់​លោកសៃ​ី ប៊ន
ុ ​រ៉នី
ី ប់​ថ​សៅ
ៃ ព
់ ​ី
រដ្ឋមន្ត​ៃី ហ៊ន
ុ ​ សៃ ន​ និង​ការ​បៃក​ធយ
្លៃ ​រឿង​
ៃ ​ក
់ ណា
ពៃយដៃ ល​
ូ ​បន​ចាប់ខន
្លួ ​នៅ​អាកាស​យាន​ដន
្ឋៃ ​អន្តរ​
ូ ស័ពស
្មៃ ​ហន
្វូ ​គៃចពន្ធ​ជង​
ុ ​វល
៉ៃ ស
ិ ​របស់​ខន
្លួ ។
ៃ ណ
ៃ ​នៃះ​បន​មន​បស
ៃ រ​បន​ចាប់ខន
្លួ ​បរ
ុ ស​ទ​១
ី ​ដៃ ល​ទើប​តៃ​
ី ើ ង​ហោះហើ រ​មកពី​ករ
ូ ​ខ
៉ៃ ង​តបៃ ង
ូ ​
នៅ​ម៉ៃ ង ​បៃ ហៃ ល​​១ ១​និ ង ​៣០​នទី ​យ ប់ ​
ៃ ព
់ ​ម
ី ស
៉ៃ ន
ុី ​សន
្កៃ ​ផល
្ត ​ស
់ ញ្ញ​ប
ៃ ព
់ ក
ួ គៃ ​ព​ី
្ទ ក
៉ៃ Apple និង​Samsung ជង​១០០​​
ុ ​វល
៉ៃ ស
ិ ​របស់ជន​នៃះ​។
ខេមបូឌា​ ដេលី
តមកពីទំព័រ ១៣
លោក ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន សរសែ រផ្ញទៅ
ពិសិដ្ឋ ពិលីកា និងសៀវភៅកំណត់ហែតុ
មីន ពោលគឺមួយសប្ដែហ៍បន្ទែប់ពីខែសែ អាត់
តមគែ ហទំពរ័ មួយដែ លអះ អាងថា វាបញ្ជក់
កឹម សុខ បនបែ កធ្លយ
ែ ។
កម្មនែ ះ។
ូ នែ ការសន្ទនតមទូរស័ពរបស់
បន្ទែប់មកកាលពីសប្ដែហ៍មុន កែែយពី
ថាលោកសែី ប៊ន
ុ រ៉ន
ែ ី ជាប់ពាក់ព័នក្ន
្ធ ង
៊ ឃាត
គែ ហទំព័រនែ ះ នៅតែ ដំណើ រការរហូត
រៀ បរប់ អំ ពី កាដូ ដែ ល លោក ជូ ន អ្ន ក សែី
លោក ឱម យុន
ិ ទៀង បែធនអង្គភពបែឆង
៊ បែ ន្ន ហើ យរួមមនទំងរូបភព
ភ្នំ ពែ ញ និ ង បែែ ក់ រប់ សែ ន ដុ ល្លែ រ ផ្ញើ ចូ ល
ូ ការថា តើ លោក កឹម សុខ បនបែក
ែ តម
ឺ ដុលរ
្លែ និងបង្កន
ែ ដែ
់ ដក់បែក
ែ ៥មុ
ពិសិដ្ឋ ពិលីកា ដូចជាផ្ទះមួយនៅរជធនី
គណនីធនគរមួយដែ លសៀ វភៅកំណត់
តែែនះបញ្ជែក់ថាតែូវលោកសែី ប៊ុន រ៉ែនី
លោកនយករដ្ឋមន្តែី និងជំទវទី១ បន
ែ ចោលការអះ អាងទំងនែ ះដច់អហង្ករែ
ហើ យបនបន្ទស
ែ លោក សម រងែស៊ី ថាជាអ្នក
ើ ការសុប
ើ អង្កត
វិ ធី ណដើ មែ បី សនែ យាទិ ញ ផ្ទះ ឲែ យ សែី កំ ណន់
របស់លោកនះ លោក ឆំ ឆនី ដែ លជា
ែ ទំពរ័ ហ្វស
ែ ប៊ក
ុ បែឆង
ំ ដ៏មនបែជាបែយ
ភព មួយ បនលើ កឡើ ងជាសធរណៈ អំពី
់ រពីរ។
័ សៀវភៅកំណត់ហែ តដែ
ុ លអះអាងថា
កាដូទំងនះ ចែ ញពីលោក ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន។
(ធនគរកាណឌីយ៉ែ ដែ លទទួលបែក
ែ ់
" ហើ យបន្តចោទសួរថា ហែ តអ
ុ ្វី
ដែ ធនគរស្គន
ែ ទំងនះ បនឡើ យ ដោយ
L' Express ប៉ន
ុ មិ
្តែ នដែ លប្ដង
ឹ ទសែសនវដ្ដនែ
ី ះ
បនជាករណីអ្នកសែី ពិសដ
ិ ្ឋ ពិលកា
ី មិនទទួល
ួ ឡើ យ។
ី សៅ ពិលី និង
កក់នែ ះបននិយយកាលពីមែសល
ិ មិញថា ខ្លន
ំ អំពើពុករលួយសុប
ពីបទបរិហារកែ រ្តតម
្លែ ដោយអ្នកសែី ពិសដ
ិ ្ឋ ពិលកា
សរនះសរសែរថា "មនតែមួយក្ន៊ង
បែ ឌិ ត រឿ ង នែ ះ ដោយ សរ បង ប្អូ ន ថ្លែ សែី
របស់លោក សម រងែស៊ី ធ្វការ
ែ នែ បង្កន
ែ ដែ
់ ធនគរក្នង
៊ ទឹកបែក
ែ ចំ
់ នន
្ត កដក់ដូចគ្ន។
លោក ឆំ ឆនី ដែ លតែវ
ូ ដែ លកូនបែស
ែ ប
ិ បា
ែ យអំពភព
ពិតនែ បង្កន
ែ ់
ែ របស់
ិ ន)។
ការស្គែនសៀ វភៅកំណត់ហែ តុនះ ក៏
រឿ ងអាសែូវផ្លូវភែ ទនែ ះ បនផ្ទ៊ះឡើ ង
ចែបងរបស់លោក ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន គំរមប្ដង
ឹ ពីបទ
ួ បរម្ភរបស់អ្នកសែី
ដោលតមបែព័ន្ធអុីនធឺណិតក្ន៊ងរយៈ ពែ ល
មួយបនសួរថា "ហែ តអ្វ
ុ មិ
ី នសុប
ើ រឿងនះ
ប៊ុន រ៉ែនី ដែលដឹងរឿងអ្នកសែីមនស្នែហា
ែ ៗជាថ្មម្ត
ី ងទៀ តតមរយៈ ការជជែ កដែ ញ
១ខែ មកនែ ះ ខណៈ និសែសត
ិ មួយកែម
ុ និងថ្មៗ
នែ ះលោក ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន ផ្ទល
ែ បន
ើ ទន
ែ លោក កឹម សុខ អនុបធ
ែ នគណ
ំ ចំពោះ ការមនសែកំ
ី ណន់។
ខណៈ អ្នកខ្លះអះ អាងថារដ្ឋភិបល
្ធ ងការបញ្ចញ
ែ ខែសែ អាត់សំឡែ ងសន្ទន
បរិហារកែ រពាក់
បង្ហែះដោយឡែ ក
ទំព័រហ្វែសប៊ុកដ៏ពែ ញនិយមដែ លមន
ឈ្មែះថា I Love Cambodia Hot News II ក៏បន
បង្ហែះរូបថតនិសសែ ត
ិ មួយកែម
ុ ដែ លបនដឹកនំ
្ធ ការបែឆង
ំ លោក កឹម សុខ ដែ រ។
លែ ចឮសុសសយក្នង
៊ ចំណមអ្នកបែបែ
ែ ់
ែ ទំនក់ទំនងសង្គមដែ លភគចែន
ើ ជា
កាយ ទំពរ
័ នែ ះបនសួរថា "ឆ្ងលដល់
ហើ យ!
ឲែយ ពិសដ
ិ ្ឋ ពិលកា
ពៅ បញ្ញព
ែ ែ ជែ និង ទូច
ី ច
ិ ផង?”។
ូ បនបង្ហែះដោយទំពរ
័ បែឆង
ែ ៩
ី ខែ
ែ ប
ិ ល “Daily News” កាលពីថ្ងទ
៊ំ ពែែះមនបញ្ជពី
ែ ប៊ន
ុ រ៉ន
ែ ី មិនឲែយធនគរ
នែ ះបើ កលុយឲែយខ្ញ៊ំ ដោយសរវាជាលុយដែ ល
សៀ វ ភៅកំ ណ ត់ ហែ តុ នែះ ដែ ល មន
បន បន្ត ថា "លុ យ សរុ ប ទំង អស់ គឺ ជាលុ យ
របស់លោក ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន តែវ
ូ បនបញ្ចញ
ែ តម
ែ ប៊ក
ុ ចាប់
ុ គែ
្តែ បិទទ្វរ
ែ មិនឲែយខ្ញចូ
៊ំ ល មិនបើ កលុយឲែយ
ួ ឯកសរជាចែន
ើ ដែ លបង្ហញ
ែ ពីកាដូ
ដែ លបង្ហញ
ែ ពីទិដភ
្ឋ ពកន្លង
ែ កើ តហែ តបន្ទ
ែ ់
បនចែ ករំលែកតៗគ្នជាង
១៣.៨០០ដង និង
ែ ៧និង៣០នទីពែក
ឹ ខ្ញបន
សរសែ រចំនន
ួ ទឹកបែក
ែ រប់
សែ នដុលរ
្លែ ប៉ន
ុ ្តែ
កឹម សុខ ពិតជាបនទិញផ្ទះឲែយសែីកំណន់
ែ អ្ន
់ កសែី ពិសដ
ិ ្ឋ ពិលកា
ី តែវ
សៀវភៅកំណត់ហែ តមួ
ុ យមនខ្លម
ឹ សរ
ខណៈ គ្មន
ែ ភ័ស្តតង
ដើ មែបីបញ្ជក់
ែ ថា លោក
ជាឧទហរណ៍ មួយវគ្គនែ ភពយន្តឯកសរ
ទៅដក លុ យ របស់ ខ្ញ៊ំ ពី ធនគរ កាណឌី យ៉ែ
់ លធ្វឲែ
ើ យពួកគត់ពិការផ្នក
ែ ខ្លះនែ រង
វិ ញ ស្នែ ហាលួ ច លក់ របស់ នយករដ្ឋ មន្តែី
"បែគល់ផ្ទះពីរដែ លសម្ដច
ែ ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន ឲែយខ្ញ៊ំ
ែ អំពស
កំណន់របស់លោក ហើ យលោក ហ៊ន
ុ សែ ន
ែ ហ្វន
ូ របស់លោកនះ ព័តម
៌ នជុំ
ដោយការអះអាងថា អ្នកសែតែ
ី វ
ូ គែបង្ខឲែ
ំ យ
ដូច្នែះថា "កាលពីថ្ងច័
ែ ន្ទ ថ្ងទី
ែ ២៦ ខែ មែ ស
ើ បញ់បែហារ បន្ទប់
ែ ពមន
ថែ មទំងអះអាងថាមនភ័សត
្ត៊ ងរូបថតក្នង
លួចលក់ជាមួយលោក ហ៊ុន សែន អម
សំដៅដល់តរពីររូបទៀ តដែ លតែវ
ូ ខ្មន
ែ ់
តម ទូ រ ស័ ព្ទ រប់ សិ ប ភគ ដែ ល គែ អះ អាង
ថាជាសំឡែងរបស់លោក កឹម សុខ និងសែី
ិ ្ឋ ពិលកា
ចំពោះ កំហង
ឹ របស់លោកសែី
ី ធឺណត
ិ កាលពីឆ្ន២០០២។
ទសែសនវដ្ដី L'Express អ្នកសែី សៅ ដវីណ
ដែ លជាបងប្អន
ូ របស់អ្នកសែី ពិសដ
ិ ្ឋ ពិលកា
ែ ឯកសរទំងនែ ះពីបែទែ សបរំង
ុ ន
្មែ ឲែយពិតបែក
ែ ដនះ
ុ ន
្មែ ] ប៉ន
ុ ្តែ ខ្ញអាច
្លែ [ដែ លមិនដឹងថាប៉ន
ដកបនតែ ៥០.០០០ដុលរ
្លែ និងការបែក
ែ ជិ
់ ត
្លែ ប៉ណ
៊ សែ ចក្តបញ្ចប់
នែ សៀ វកំណត់ហែ តុ
េនះ ដែ លចុះកាលបរិចទ
្ឆែ ថ្ងទី
ែ ១០ ខែ ឧសភ
ខេមបូឌា​ ដេលី
តមកពីទំព័រ ១៤
ឆ្នាំ ​១ ៩៩៩តារ​​ភាព​យ ន្ត ​រូ ប ​នាះ ​បន​​រៀ ប​​
រប់​ឡើ ង​​វិញ​នូវ​ករ​​ហៅ​ឲាយ​ទៅ​ជួប​ជាមួយ​
លោក​ហុក​ឡង​​ឌ​ី អគ្គសង
្ន ករ​​នគរ​​បល​​ជាតិ​
ដា ល ​បត់ ​ប ង់ ​ជី វិ ត ​ទៅ​ហើ យ ​នោះ​​នៅឯ​​
ា ​មយ
ួ ​ក​រ
ា ជធានីភព
្នំ ា ញ។
ត់​ហា ត​ន
ុ ា ះ ​មន​​ខម
្លឹ សរ​​
គណៈរដ្ឋ​មន្ត​ាី បន​​នយ
ី សា ល
ិ មិញ​
ី ក​​ថ​"ខ្ញ​ត
ុំ វ
ាូ ​បន​​គា​ចាត់​តាង
ំ ​ជា​នយ​​រង​​
ដា ល​ថ​យុទន
្ធ ករ​​ន​ពាល​ថ​ៗ
្មី បាឆង
ំ ​រឿង​​
ា ​សើប
ុ ​អង្កត​
ា ​។​ជា​​លទ្ធផល​​ខ​ប
្ញុំ ន​​រក​​ឃើញ​​
ថ​​​លោក​​មិ ន ​ពាួ យ ​បរម្ភ ​ឡើ យ​ចំ ពោះ​​ករ​​
ូ ​ផវ
្លូ ​ភាទ​របស់​លោក​ កឹម​ សុខ​ បន​
ធ្វើ​ឲាយ​កមាើក​ឡើ ង​​ស​ជា​ថ្មី​នូវ​រឿ ង​ទាក់​ទិន​
នឹង​អ្នកសា​ី ពិសដ
ិ ​្ឋ ពិលក
ី នោះ​​ដោយ​​លើក​
ឡើ ង​ថ​ករ​​អះអាង​​នោះ​​គន
្មា ​មល
ូ ​។
្វា ​របស់​​គត់​​និង​​តារ​​ភាព​​យន្ត​​រូប​​នាះ។​​
ើ ​។​ គត់​ [លោក​ ហុក​ ឡងឌី]​
្តុ ង​​ទា​ ហា ត​ដ
ុ ច
ូ ្នាះវា​​ខស
ុ ​គ​ទា
្នា ង
ំ ​សង
ាុ ​
ួ ​លោក​ស​ដ
ាី ើ មបា ​ប
ា ​ថ
់ ​នរីមក
្នា ​់
លោក​ ផា ​ សុផ
ី ន​ នៅ​​តា​លើក​ឡើង​ថ
្ន ​ករ​​នគរបលរូបនា ះ​ បន​បន្ត​
់ បស់​កឹម​សុខ​"។
ត់​ហាត​ុ និង​បង្កន
ា ​ដ
់ ា ​ធនគរ​​
ុំ ន
ិ ​បន​​លក់​ខន
្លួ ​ឲយា ​សម្តច
ា ​ហ៊ន
ុ ​​សាន​​ទា​។​​​ សៀវ​ភៅ​កណ
យើ ង​​សឡា
ា ញ់​គ​ដ
្នា ច
ូ ​ប​ប
្តី ព
ា ន្ធ​​។​ខ្ញ​គ
ុំ ត
ិ ​ថ​ខ្ញ​ម
ុំ ន
ិ ​
ដា ល​បង្ហាះ​ដោយ​​បង​​បន
្អូ ​ស​រ
ាី បស់​អ្នកសា​ី
ួ ​គា​ជា​អក
្ន ​គប
ា ​គ
់ ង
ា ​ផាន​ដ​។
ី ​ខ្ញ​ម
ុំ ន​​
ុំ ត
ិ ​ថ​វា​​
ដឹង​ទា​ថ​តើ ​គា​នង
ឹ ​ទក
ុ ​ជវ
ី ត
ិ ​ឲយា ​ខ​្ញុំ ឬ​​ក​ស
៏ ម្លប
ា ​ខ
់ ​្ញុំ
ុ ​្តា ប៊ន
ុ ​រ៉ន
ា ​ី ភរិយ​របស់​
ា ន់​លោក​ ​ហក
ុ ​ ​ឡង​​ឌ​ី ថ​​
ករ​​ចោទ​​បាកន់​តា ​ប៉ុណ្ណាះ​ហើ យ​​វា​គ្មាន​
សៀ វ​កំណត់​​ហាតុ​​នាះ​​មន​​ខម​
្លឹ ​សរ​​បន្ត​​ថ​​​
ុ ​សា ន"។
ា ង
ំ ​រៀប​​ច​ឡ
ើ ង​ វា​​គន
ា ​ត
់ ា ​ជា​
ា ​។
់ ​គត់​បន​​បប
ា ​ឲ
់ យា ​ខ​លា
្លួ ​មយ
ួ ​រយៈ​​
្នា ​ព
់ យា
ា យម​​យក​​ជវ
ី ត
ិ ​របស់​ខ​"្ញុំ ។
លោក​ ហុក​ ឡងឌី​ ដា ល​ណាន​គ
ំ ត​​ទៅ
​ឲយា ​
ុ ​សា ន​បន​​ដង
ឹ ​រឿង​​សហាយ​​សន
្ម ​់
ថ​" ប ញ្ហា ​នាះ ​គឺ ​ជា​ករ ​ចោទ ​បា កន់ ​ដា ល​​
ពាាះ​លោកសា​ី ប៊ន
ុ ​ រ៉ន
ា ​ី ខឹង​ខង
្លាំ ណាស់​
ថ​ អ្នកសា​ដ
ី ប
ំ ង
ូ ​ឡើយ​​មន​​ទន
ំ ក់​ទន
ំ ង​​ជាមួយ​
ំ កាយ​រប
ូ ​នាះ​ បន​​មន​​បស
ុំ ន​​ទៅ​ជប
ួ ​ហុក​ឡង​​ឌ​ី នៅ​​កៀន​​
ា ​ជា​ភោជនីយដ្ឋន
ា ​មយ
ួ ​សត
្ថិ ​នៅ​កន្លង
ា ​ដ​៏
ា ទ
្ម ណ្ឌ​កមាត
ិ ​ធន
្ង ​ឲ
់ យា ​ទទួល​បន្ទក
ុ ​
ិ ​្ឋ ពិលក
ី ​គឺ​សទ
ុ ​ត
្ធ ា ​កង
្លា ​កយ
្លា ​។
នា ះ​សប
្លា ​ហ
ើ យ​"។
ទៀតថ​​ "ខ្ញ​ប
ុំ ន​​ដង
ឹ ​ចាញ​ព​ក
ី រ​​សើុប​អង្កត
ា ​
្ញុំ ​ លោក​ ហុក​ ឡង​​ឌ​ី បន​​សនាយា​
ិ ​្ឋ ពិលក
ី ​​ចាញ​ព​ហ
ី ន
៊ុ ​សា ន"។
ា ​សុឃឿន​ដា ល​ជា​មស
្ចា ​ទ
់ ព
ំ រ
័ ​
តា ​ពាះ​តា​បណ
មិនមា ន​ជា​ភស
័ ​តា
្តុ ង​​ពត
ិ ​ទា។​ករ​​បង្ហញ
ា ​អច
៊ី ង
ឹ ​
ហ្វាសប៊ុក​ "ខ្មារសុវណ្ណភូមិ"​ ជា​​ទំព័រ​ដាល​
ំ ​អំពើ ​ពុក​រលួយ​បន​​បដិសា ធ​​មិន​ឲាយ​
ា ប
ិ ល​​បន​​ខត
ិ ​ខ​ធ
ំ ​ក
្វើ រ​​យង
៉ា ​ខង
្លាំ ​
ចំណម​​ទំព័រ​ហ្វាសប៊ុក​ជាចាើន​ដា ល​​បន​​
លោក​ ឱម​ យិន
ុ ទៀង​ បាធាន​​អង្គភាព​​
ា ទា ​កល​​ព​ម
ី សា ល
ិ មិញ។​ទោះជា​​យង
៉ា ​
ុំ ត
ិ ​ថ​គឺ​ជា​ករ​​ចោទ​​បក
ា ន់​ហើ យ​អង្គករ​​
ុ ​បញ្ហ​ន
ា ា ះ​ ដើ មបា ​ទ
ី ម្លក
ា ​ក
់ ហ
ំ ស
ុ ​លើ​លោក​ ​ បង្ហាះ ​អ ត្ថ ប ទ​​ពាក់ ​ព័ ន្ធ នឹ ង ​អ្ន ក សាី ​ពិ សិ ដ្ឋ ​
ុ ​ សា ន​ ក្នង
ុ ​គោល​​បណ
ូ ​កត
ិ យ
្តិ ស​​
ឹ សា
ា ​ដជ
៏ ន
ំ ត
ិ ​របស់​លោក​ហ៊ន
ុ ​សា ន​​លោក​​ របស់ ​លោក​​នយក​​រ ដ្ឋ ​ម ន្តាី ​ស មាា ប់ ​គោល​​
ុ ទៀ ង​បន​​ករ​​ពារ​​លោក​​ស​ាី ប៊ន
ុ ​​រន
៉ា ​ី ​ នយោបយ​​"។
ពី​​ករ​​ចោទ​​បាកន់នា ះ​​ពា ល​​ទសាសនវដ្ដ​​ីL'Express​
ំ ​និង​ជា​ទំព័រ​មួយ​ក្នុង​
ា ​ទៀត​​ថ
ពិ លី ក​ក្នុ ង ​ពា ល​​ថ្មី ​ៗ ​នាះ ​បន​​លើ ក​​ឡើ ង​​
កល​​ពី​មាសិលមិញ​ថ​ ខ្លួន​ជឿ​​ថ​ ករ​​ចង​​ចាំ​
ា ល់​រដ្ឋភ
ា ិបល​​។​
្នុ ​សរ​​តាម​​អន
ីុ ​ធ​ឺ
ចុះ ​ផា សាយ​​អ ត្ថ ប ទ​​មួ យ ​នៅ​ក្នុ ង ​ខា ​តុ លា​ឆ្នាំ ​
"ពួក​គា ​បន​​ចំណាយ​​ពា ល​​ជា​យូរ​មក​​ហើ យ​​
្តា ​លើ​
លោក​ ឱម​ យិន
ុ ទៀង​ បន​​សរសា រ​នៅ​
ទា ...​បាសន
ិ ​បើ​វា​ជា​ករ​​ពត
ិ ​​​ពក
ួ ​គា​គរួ ​តា​យក​​
ា ​ប
់ យោ
ជន៍​ជាតិ​ជា​ង​រឿ ង​​ផល
្ទា ​ខ
់ ន
្លួ ​។​​​
ក្នុ ង ​លិ ខិ ត បដិ សា ធ​រ បស់ ​រ ដ្ឋា ភិ បល​​ដា ល​​
ចា ញ​នៅ​ខា​ដដា ល​នោះ​​ថ​"ករ​​ចាញ​ផសា
ា យ​​
្ងា ​២
ី ៨​ ខា ​
របស់​ទសាសនវដ្ត​ី L'Express ចុះ​ថ​ទ
ី រ​​សប
្លា រ
់ បស់​ ពិសដ
ិ ​្ឋ ពិលក
ី ​គឺ​ជា​
ា ន់​ពាក់​ពន
័ ​រ
្ធ ឿង​​នយោបយ​​នង
ិ ​
មន​​ចាតន​​លើ​លោកជំទាវ​​ ប៉ន
ុ ​ រ៉ន
ា ​ី ​ហន
៊ុ ​ ​
ហើ យ​​ពួ ក ​គា ​មិ ន ​ដា ល​​រ ក​​ឃើ ញ​​ភ័ ស្តុ ​តាង​​
្លួ ​ទៅ​កន់​តលា
ករ​​។​នា ះមិន​
មា ន​ជា​រឿង​​ថ​ទ
្មី ា ​ រឿង​​នាះ​វា​មន​​ជាយូរ​ឆ​្នាំ
មក​​ហើ យ​​។​ករ​​ចោទ​​បាកន់​នាះ ​មិន​អាច​​
ូ ​កា រ​ឈ
ុ ​ក
ា រ​​អះ អាង​​នាះ​​មន​​ករ​​បញ្ជក់​
ា ​តតាំង​​។​
សា ន​ ដា ល​គន
្មា ​ទោស​​កហ
ំ ស
ុ ​ និង​បត
ា ប
ិ ត្ត​ិ
្នុ ​កិច្ច​​សម្ភសន៍​
ី​ ា ​សីហា​ឆ្ន​២
ាំ ០០៦​​​
ុ ​ទៀង​បន​​មន​​បស
ពៅ​ អតីត​សង
្ន ​ករ​​នគរបល​រជធានី​ភព
្នំ ា ញ​
ុ ​ស
ថ​"ជា​​ជ ន​​រ ង​​គាះ ​នា ​ស្ថា ន ករណ៍ ​ដ៏ ​ស្មុ គ​
ា ​នាះ​លោក​​ជទា
ំ វ​ប៊ន
ុ ​រ៉ន
ា ​ី បន​​សមាច
ា ​
្ងា ា ះ​ ទុក​ឲយា ​ចបា
ា ប់​ជាអ្នក​រក​​យត
ុ ធ
្តិ ម៌​ឲយា ​
ុ ​ទក
ី ង
ាុ ​បរ
៉ា ស
ី ​និង​កង
ាុ ​ភព
្នំ ា ញ​"។
លោក​ ផា ​ សុផ
ី ន​ អ្នកនំ​ពាកាយ​ទស
ី ​ក
្តី រ​​
ួ ​ទសាសនវដ្ត​ី L'Express លោក​ ហា ង​
ដា ល​អបយស​​នង
ិ ​កព
ំ ង
ុ ​ជាប់​ពន្ធនគរ​​បន្ទប
ា ​់
ា ង​នៅ​កង
្នុ ​ករ​​បជ
ា ា ង​ដណ្តម
ើ ​
អំណាច​​គ​្នា បន​​លើក​ឡើង​ថ​ រឿង​​នាះ​ជា​
ិ ​។
លោក​ ហា ង​ ពៅ​ តាវ
ូ ​បន​​គា​ដកសាង​់
ា ទ
ា ា ស​ជាតិ​ និង​បញ្ហ​យ
ា ត
ុ ធ
្តិ ម៌​សង្គម​
៏ ន​​ករ​​កត់​សម្គល
ា ​ផ
់ ង​​ដារ​ថ​ ក្មង
ា ​ជន
ំ ន់​
ា ​មយ
ួ ​ចន
ំ ន
ួ ​មន
ិ ​ដាល​ដង
ឹ ​អព
ំ ​ក
ី រណី​នាះ​
ទា ​ព​ម
ី ន
ុ ​មក​​ ប៉ន
ុ ​្តា ឥឡូវ​នាះ​ករណី​នាះ​បន​
ូ ង
ំ ​បទ
ា ា ស​កង
​្នុ ​ចណ
ួ ​គា​"។
លោក​​ សុឃឿន​ បន​​បន្ត​ថ​ "ពល​​រដ្ឋ​គត
ិ ​
ិ ​្ឋ ពិលក
ី ​គឺ​ជា​បញ្ហ​ន
ា ទ
ិ ណ្ឌភាព​​
សង្គម​ ដាល​ធ្វើ​ឲាយខូច​បាព័ន្ធ​តុលាករ​ និង​
្ធ នុសសា ​កង
្នុ ​បទ
ា ា ស​ រីឯ​ករណី​របស់​លោក​ ​
កឹម​ ​សខ
ុ ​ គឺ​ដច
ូ ​ជា​ផានករ​​នយោបយ​​របស់​
ា ា ង​គណបកាស​សង្គាះ​ជាតិ​ និង​ជា​បញ្ហ​ា
ា ​ខ
់ ន
្លួ ​សទ
ុ ​ស
្ធ ធ"​៕​​
ុ ​និង​ស៊យ
ុ ឈាង
ា ​ដោយ​Michelle
Vachon និង​សា ក​ឧត្តម​)​
ខាមបូឌា​ ដាលី
ុ ​ម៉ណ
តមកពីទំព័រ ១៣
ុ ​្តែ កាល​​ព​ថ
ី ​អ
្ងែ ង្គរ
ែ ​ ​កាសែ ត​នែះ​បន​​
ធ្វើ​សែ ចក្តី​រយការណ៍​ថា​អ្នក​តវ៉ែ​បែហែ ល​​
្វើ តុកម្ម​នៅ​ខាង​​ក​អ
ែ គរ​​
កែុ ម ​បែឹ កែ សា​ក្នុ ង ​កែុ ង ​ឡុ ង ​ប៊ិ ច ​ស្នើ ​ឲែ យ ​ជំ ទាស់ ​
ដំណើរ​ទសែសនកិច​រ្ច បស់​ឧត្តម​សែនយ
ី ​ឯ
៍ ក​​​ហន
ត​ហើ យ​​ស​ក
ុំ ​ឲ
ុំ ែយ​​អញ្ជញ​
ើ ​កូន​​បស​
ែុ ​របស់​
បន​​ស មែែ ច ​មិ ន ​ទៅ​ចូ ល ​រួ ម ​ការ​​ដ ង្ហែ ​កែ បួ ន​
ជាតិ​ដែ ល​ជទា
ំ ស់​នង
ឹ ​ដណ
ើ រ​ទសែសនកិច​ន
្ច ែ ះ ​
កើ ត​ឡើង​រវង​​ខរ
្មែ ​និង​ខរ
្មែ ​ឡើយ​ហើ យ​ជា​
ហ៊ុ ន ​សែ ន​គ្មែ ន ​ការ​​ងរអ្វី ​តែូ វ ​និ យាយ​​អំ ពី ​
ិ ​ចង់​ឃើញ​ជម្លែះ​
ពិសែ ស​ដើ មបែ ​ប
ី ញ្ចៀស​​អព
ំ ើ ​ហង
ិ សា
ែ ​ណ​មយ
ួ ​
្ន ​គទ
ំ ​ែ និង​អក
្ន ​មន
ិ ​គទ
ំ ​ែ អំឡង
ុ ​ពត
ែឹ ​្តិ
ែ ​ថា​"បុណយែ ​ចល
ូ ​ឆ​ខ
្នែំ រ
្មែ ​គ​ឺ
ពែ ល​គណបកែស​កាន់​អណ
ែឹ ការណ៍ដែ
ែ ​ទុក​​នែះ​​​បែសិន​​
ែ តិ​សសន៍​របស់​យើង​ ដោយ​​ធ​កា
្វើ រ​​
ែ ទា
ំ ស់​ដណ
ើ រ​ទសែសនកិច​ក
្ច ន
ូ ​
បែុស​របស់​នយក​​រដ្ឋ​មន្តែី​រូប​នែះ ​ធ្វើ​ឡើ ង​​
ែ ​ព
់ ​ម
ី ន​​ការ​​តវ៉​ដោ
ខ្មរែ ​-អាមែ រិកាំងមួយ​ចន
ំ ន
ួ ​បឆ
ែ ំង​​លោក​​​ហន
៊ុ ​​​
សែ ន​ផ្ទល
ែ ​់ អំឡង
ុ ​កច
ិ ​ប
្ច ជ
ែ ​រ
ុំ វង​លោក​​បរ៉ក់​
អូប៉ែម៉ែ​បែធានធិបតី​សហរដ្ឋ​អាមែ រិក​និ ង​
មែ ដឹក​ន​អា
ំ​ ស៊ន
ែ ​នៅក្នង
ុ ​រដ្ឋ​កាលីហរ្វ័ ​ញ​កា
៉ែ ល​​
លោក​​បន​​លើ ក​​ឡើ ង​​នៅ​ក្នុ ង ​សរ​​តាម​​
័ ​អ
្ធ ន
ីុ ធឺណត
ិ ​ថា​"គត់​មន
ិ ​មែន​ជា​មនុសសែ ​
ែ ស​សមែប
ែ ​ប
់ ជា
ែ ​ពល​​រដ្ឋ​ខរ
្មែ ​
បើ ​ឧត្តម​សែនយ
ី ​ឯ
៍ ក​ ហ៊ន
ុ ​ ម៉ណ
ែ ត​ មន​​វត្ត​
សមគ្គ​ី ភាព​ឡើយ​។
ការណ៍​នោះ​​ដែ ល​​បណ្តែល​ឲែយ​ជាត​​ស
ែី ប
ូ ​នែះ​។
ុ ​អក
្ន ​តវ៉​ប
ែ ន​​គរ
ំ ម​​ធ​ព
្វើ ហិការ​មន
ិ ​ចល
ូ ​
ែុ ​របស់​លោក​​​
របស់​យើ ង​​ហើ យ​​យើ ង​គួរ​រួប​រួម​គ្នែ​ដើ មែបី​
្នែ ើ មបែ ប
ី ង្ហញ
ែ ​អព
ំ ​វ
ី បែបធម៌​ និង​អរិយធម៌​
ខ្មែ រ ​ដ ល់ ​ព លរដ្ឋ ​អាមែ រិ ក ​និ ង ​ព លរដ្ឋ ដ ​ទែ ​
ទៀ ត​​។​វ​​មិន​មែ ន​​ជា​ពែ ល​​ដែ ល​​អ្នក​គទ
ំ ែ​
្ន ​មន
ិ ​គំទែ​បង្ហញ
ែ ​សច់​ដ​រុំ បស់​ខន
្លួ ​ឡើយ​​​
ពី ពែះ ​វ​ប ង្ហែ ញ ​ពី ​ការ​​បែ ក​​បក់ ​រ វង​​ខ្មែ រ​​​
្មែ ​ហើ យ​ធ​ឲ
្វើ យែ ​ជាតិ​សសន៍​របស់​យើង​
ិ ​ល​"្អ ។
ដែ ល​​សម​​នឹង​និយាយ​​អំពី​ការរួប​រួមគ្នែ​នៅ​​
ំ ត
ិ ​បភ
ំ យ
័ អ្នក​ដែល​បឆ
ែ ង
ំ ​
ពួកគែ ​។​ពួក​គែ ​មន
ិ ​ធ​កា
្វើ រ​​រម
ួ ​គ​ដ
្នែ ើ មែប​ដោ
ែ ​បញ្ហ​ព
ែ ដ
ែំ ែ ន​​ការ​​ចាប់​យក​​ដ​ខ
ី ស
ុ ​ចបា
ែ ប់​​
ភាព​គ្មែន​ផ្ទះសំបែ ង​ដោយ​ការ​បង្ខំ​អំពើ ​ពុក​
រលួយជាលក្ខណៈ ​បព
ែ ន
័ ​្ធ និង​ការ​​រលោ
ំ ន​​
្ធិ នុសសែ ​ជាចែន
ើ ​ទៀត​​។​គត់​តណ
ង​​ឲយែ ​
គណ​​ប កែ ស ​មួ យ ​ដែ ល​​ប ង្ហែ ញ ​ថា​យ ក​​ចិ ត្ត ​ទុ ក​
ដក់​តែ ​រឿ ង​​ធ្វើ​ឲែយ​ខ្លួន​ឯង​​មន​​បន​និង​ការ​​
្លួ ​ឯង​​"។
លោក ​វិ បុ ល ​បន ​ថ្លែ ង ​ថា​លោក ​ហ៊ុ ន​​
ែ ត​ក៏​ខស
ុ ​ដែ រ​ដែ ល​​លើ ក​​ឡើ ង​ថា​មន​​
ី ​ឯ
៍ ក​ហ៊ន
ុ ​ម៉ណ
ែ ត​ដែ ល​ទទួល​
៊ិ ​ដោយ​​អះ ​អាង​​ថា​អ្នក​គំទែ​គណ​​បកែស​
៏ នៅ
ុ ​សហ​​គមន៍​ខរ
្មែ ​កង
្នុ ​រដ្ឋ​
ពី​ខែ ​មុន​។សមជិក​សហគមន៍​ខ្មែរ​ក្នុង​មូល​
ផែ សាយ ​ក្នុ ង ​សែុ ក ​នៅ​ល្ងែ ច ​ថ្ងែ ​ដ ដែ ល ​នែះ ​
កម្ពុ ជា​​​បន​​ចោទ​​បែ កាន់ ​លោក​​​ហ៊ុ ន ​​​សែ ន​​​
ុ ​កច
ិ ​កា
្ច រ​​អន្តរជាតិ​របស់​គណបកែស​បជា
ែ ​
ែ ​ប
ិ ល​​ពក
ុ ​រលួយ​ដោយ​​មន​​ការ​​រលោ
ើ រ​ទសែសន​កច
ិ ​រ
្ច បស​​លោ
ថា​​យើ ង ​មន ​ការ ​បែ ក ​បក់ ​និ ង ​ឈ្លែះ គ្នែ ​
ុំ ឹង​ធ​ដ
្វើ ំណើ រ​​
លោក​បន​លើកឡើ ង​ថា​“ខ្ញ​ន
ចែើនលើ ស​​លប់​រួម​គ្នែ​បែឆង
ំ ​គត់​និង​ការ​​
ែ ​ជា​សហគមន៍​ដ​ធ
៏ ​ប
ំ ផ
ំ ត
ុ ​នៅ​ក​ប
ែ ទ
ែ ែ ស​
ែុ ​គស
ែ ​គ
់ ង
ែ ​
ិ ​ម
្ធិ នុសសែ ​។
ី ​អា
្ងែ ទិតយែ ​លោក​ ហ៊ន
ុ ​ ​មណ
ែ ត​
សហរដ្ឋ​អាមែ រក
ិ ទាំង​អស​នោ
ះទែ ​។
ុ ​មន​​ចន
ំ ន
ួ ​តច
ិ ​។
ដែ ល​ខុ ស ​ពី ការ​ពិ ត ​ឆ្ងែ យ ណស់ ​។ ​មតិ ​ភាគ​​
បន​​បែើ ​បែ ស់ ​ទំ ព័ រ ​ហ្វែ ស ប៊ុ ក ​រ បស់ ​លោក​​
ទៅ​សហរដ្ឋ​អាមែ រក
ិ ​អឡ
ំ ង
ុ ​បណ
យែ ​ចល
ូ ឆ្នខ
ែំ រ
្មែ ​
កែ បួ ន ​នោះ​​ទែ ​ដើ មែ បី ​ចៀ ស​​វង​​ការ​​បែ ឈ ម​​
ប៉ុ ន្តែ ​ខ្ញុំ ​នឹ ង ​មិ ន ​ចូ ល រួ ម ​ការ​ដ ង្ហែ ​កែ បួ ន ​នោះ​​
គត់។​សហគមន៍​របស់​យើ ង​​នៅ​ទី​នែះ ​សុខ​
ែ ​ថា​លោក​​នង
ឹ ​ទៅ​ចល
ូ ​រម
ួ ​កម្ម​វធ
ិ ​ផ
ី សែ ែ ង​ៗ​
្នុ ​ការ​​រស់​​នៅ​បែចាំ​​
ឹ ​មន
ិ ​ទៅចូល​រម
ួ ​ការ​​ដង្ហ​ែ
មុ ខ ​គ្នែ ​រ វង​​កែុ ម ​នី មួ យ ​ៗ ​ក្នុ ង ​មូ ល ដ្ឋែ ន ​និ ង​
ុ តវ៉​ប
ែ ឆ
ែ ង
ំ ​រប
ូ ​លោក​​។
លោក​​បន​​ស រសែ រ​​នៅ​ក្នុង​សរ​​ប ង្ហែះ​
្វែ ប៊ក
ុ ​ថា​"ខ្ញ​ុំ និង​កម
ែុ ​ការ​​ងរ​​របស់​ខ​្ញុំ
ា រ​ចាប់ខន
្លួ ជន​ជតិ​...
តមកពីទំព័រ ១៣
្លែ ​ថា​បុរស​រប
ូ នែ ះ​បន​បប
ែ ​់
ពួកគត់​ពី​គូកន​ពីរ​នក់​ទៀ ត​​ដែ ល​តែូវ​បន​
្លួ ​១៥នទី​កយ
ែ ​មក​​ជាមួយ​ទរ
ូ ស័ព​្ទ
សន៍​ថា​ "​នៅពែ ល​
នៅពែ ល ​ខាង មុ ខ ​នែះ ​តាម ​ការ ​គែ ង ​ទុ ក​
ទែ ”។​ឧត្តម​សែនយ
ី ​ឯ
៍ ក​ហ៊ន
ុ ​ម៉ណ
ែ ត​បន​​
ុ ​្តែ មិន​បរិយាយ​​លម្អត
ិ ​ឡើយ​។​
ុ ​បែធាន​​មល
ូ ​នធ
ិ ​ស
ិ ង្គែះ​​
់ ង
ែ ​របស់​ឪពុក​គត់​។​យើ ង​នង
ឹ ​បន្ត​តស៊​ូ
ួ ​គត់​និង​ឪពុក​របស់​
សបែបាយ​​បើ ​គន
្មែ ​គណបកែស​កាន់​អណ
ថ្ង​រែ បស់​​យើង​​"៕​​សរុន
ែ ​ដោយ​ColinMeyn)​​
យើ ង​ដឹ ង ​ថា​ពួ ក គែ ​ពី រ នក់ ទៀ ត​ម កដល់
ឹ ពី​របស់​
ហើ យ​បន​រក​ឃើ ញ​ទរ
ូ ស័ព​ស
្មែ ​ហន
្វូ ​៣០០​​
យើ ង​​បន​សុំ ​ឆែ កឆែ រ​​វ៉ែ លិ ស ​រ បស់ ​ពួ ក គែ ​
គែឿ ង​​ហើ យ​ពួ ក គែ ​មិ ន ​មន​ការ​អ នុ ញ្ញែ ត​
នំចូល​នែះ ​តាម​បែព័ន្ធផែសព្វផែសាយ​ក្នុង​សែុក​
្ញុំ ិនទាន់​ទទួលបន​
ូ ​ដោយ​សប
ែ ​ចបា
ែ ប់ឡើយ​"។
របយការណ៍នៅឡើ យ​ទែ​ដូច្នែះ​ខ​ន
្ញុំ ង
ឹ ​មើល​
ដ្ឋែ ន ​គ យ​​លោក​ប៊ូ ​ប៊ុ ណ្ណែ រ៉ែ ​​បែ ធាន​ទំ នក់ ​
ែ ​់ ឬ​​បឈ
ែ ​សណ
ួ ​បន្ថម
ែ ​ទៅ​នយក​​
ទំនង​សធារណៈ ​របស់​នយក​ដ្ឋែន​នែះ ​បន​
នៅ​ថ្ងែស្អែក​ថា​តើ ​ពួកគែ ​នឹង​តែូវពិន័យ​ជា​
Volume 15, Issue 315
Monday, March 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
English Weekly
Fill in the Blank
Choose the word that best
completes each sentence.
1.) Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana met on
Friday with the National Assembly’s oppositionled human rights commission to discuss issues related to judicial ____ and court procedure, including government interference in
the court system and abuse of the pretrial detention system.
a. independence
c. courts
b. judges
d. case
2.) CNRP lawmaker Eng Chhay Eang, the
chairman of the commission, said the threehour closed-door meeting looked at procedural issues including ____ periods of pretrial detention, especially for minors, and the
processes used to resolve land-dispute cases.
a. short
c. fit
b. small
d. excessive
3.) Most recently, Khaou Phallaboth, the son of
construction ____ Khaou Chuly, was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday for
plotting to rape and murder his niece and sister
—who is married to Commerce Minister Sun
Chanthol. Mr. Phallaboth’s stepmother, Khaou
Seng Chanda, has also been sentenced to 20
years over the plot—which never came to
fruition—and is currently in jail.
a. firm
c. company
b. magnate
d. staff
4.) Mr. Chhay Eang said he had requested a
____ for Ms. Seng Chanda and asked Mr.
Vong Vathana to review the case of Mr. Phallaboth and his co-defendant and ex-girlfriend,
Lay Houng.
a. exception
c. pardon
b. law
d. meeting
COLLECT DUST - To be in a state of disuse
Sara’s bachelor of art’s degree in philosophy has been collecting
dust ever since she graduated.
SEE EYE TO EYE - To agree with someone about something
Though they disagreed on most political issues, John and Henry
saw eye to eye on the presidential race.
LAST WORD - The final point in an argument or decision.
Annie always insisted on having the last word in any argument.
Pick the antonym—the opposite—of the word in parentheses.
1.) A group of university students who have been pressing deputy opposition leader
Kem Sokha to publicly explain allegations of marital (infidelity), and who have filed
complaints with various government bodies accusing him of corruption and immorality, have arrived at perhaps their most unusual tactic yet: accusing Mr. Sokha of murder and human rights violations for asking his girlfriend to get an abortion.
a. cheating
b. faithfulness
c. adultery
2.) As the allegations of infidelity against Mr. Sokha have mounted, the identity of the
students crusading for answers has become an issue of intense public (speculation).
a. conjecture
b. consideration c. though
d. knowledge
3.) Although Mr. Chamroeun, 24, insists that he and his (cohorts) are simply university students with a passion for the truth, he travels around town in a Lexus LX470
SUV and is often accompanied by a black-clad companion who appears to act as a
a. enemies
b. companions
c. followers
Fill in the Blank:
1.) a, 2.) d, 3.) b, 4.) c
d. immorality
1.) b. faithfulness,
2.) d. knowledge,
d. disciples
3.) a. enemies
page 2
Monday, March 28, 2016
Unscramble each set of mixed-up letters, one
letter in each space, to form ordinary words.
1. _
rOBaYEk d
2. _ ____ _
3. ___ _ _
4. __ _ _ _ _ _
Now arrange the letters in the circles to find
the answer, as suggested in the following
Hint: These are all parts of a whole. You
may use it at work or at home.
answer: ____ _ _ _ _
are you clever enough to figure out this
mental puzzle?
ME a
a D S
How many words of two letters or more can
you make from the above letters? In each
word, each letter can be used only once.
There must be at least one nine-letter word
in your list. The answers will be in
next week’s edition.
8: good
12: very good
20 or more: excellent
Last week’s answers:
afterglow, waterlog, fleawort, floater,
flowage, gloater, refloat, falter, floret,
flower, forage, forget, galore, gelato, glower, golfer, loafer, lofter, towage, trowel,
after, aglow, alert, aloft, feral, fetal, flare
Wise Words
“I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I
know nothing.”
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.”
“Love is a serious mental disease.”
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
• Poor people have it. rich people need it. If you
eat it you die. What is it?
Word Scramble
1.) mouse, 2.) keyboard, 3.) monitor,
4.) processor; answer: computer
Riddle: Nothing
“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while
bad people will find a way around the laws.”
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in
a year of conversation.”
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you
end up being governed by your inferiors.”
“Courage is knowing what not to fear.”
Greek philosopher
Monday, March 28, 2016
page 3
Select the part that is not the
acceptable form in standard written English.
1.) Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday (a. hit) back at
those who criticized his recent reshuffling of cabinet
ministers for not being bold enough, (b. accused)
Cambodia’s cadre of political commentators of (c.
being) “the same old faces” themselves.
2.) The premier (a. announced) last week that eight
ministries would be (b. changing) hands, but while the
move was billed as a way to jump-start inefficient government bodies, several observers and opposition figures
(c. pointed) out that many of the officials involved just
(d. switching) places with each other while keeping
their ministerial positions.
3.) Mr. Hun Sen went on to (a. argued) that replacing
ministers regularly was not as important as (b. ensuring)
that existing officials (c. knew) how to incorporate new
ideas and reforms. He said Cambodia had (d. achieved)
strong economic growth over the past 10 years under
the leadership of many of the same officials who continue to run the government today.
4.) Mr. Hun Sen first (a. raised) the threat of a reshuffle
last month when he used a public speech to (b. criticized)
Ouk rabun, the agriculture minister, and Tram Iv Tek,
the minister of public works and transport, (c. calling)
their ministries “very slow” and (d. giving) them both
an F grade for poor performance.
5.) Mr. Hun Sen also revealed on Monday that he had
been (a. paying) close attention to this year’s hotly contended U.S. presidential primary race, (b. noting) that
the campaign was an unusual one due to the inclusion
of property magnate donald Trump, whose platform of
economic populism and opposition to mass immigration has (c. prove) unexpectedly popular with many
republican voters, even as it has (d. incurred) the loathing of party elders.
Select the Part
1.) b. accusing, 2.) d. switched, 3.) a. argue,
4.) b. criticize, 5.) c. proven
1.) d,
2.) b,
3.) a,
4.) a,
5.) c
Pick the word or phrase that most closely
matches the meaning of the word or phrase
in parentheses.
1.) On Monday, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced a
new phase of the Public Financial Management reform Program, a donor-assisted initiative established in
2004 to bolster the country’s ability to soundly manage
its budget. In a speech at the launch event, he touted the
government’s progress in making the budget-drafting
process more (accountable) to the public.
a. hidden
c. closed
b. unreliable
d. answerable
2.) But even as the government pushes ahead with new
reforms, its donors are warning that a continued lack of
budget (transparency) continues to undermine the overall effectiveness of the country’s financial performance.
a. opacity
c. obscurity
b. clarity
d. obstruction
3.) Cambodia still ranks poorly on global measures of
budget transparency. The International Budget Partnership’s 2015 Open Budget Survey, conducted every two
to three years, ranks Cambodia 95 out of 102 countries
for general budget transparency. Cambodia scored 8 out
of a possible 100 points for the quantity, level of detail and
timeliness of budget information provided to the public,
putting the country (on par) with Iraq and Burma.
a. equal
c. incomparable
b. different
d. unalike
4.) Son Chhay, a senior opposition lawmaker, said that
despite some progress in revenue collection, the government needed to continue (weaning) the country off international aid.
a. detaching
c. promoting
b. encouraging
d. increasing
5.) Government expenditure currently stands at about 5
percent of gross domestic product, compared to around
15 percent in neighboring Thailand and Laos, according
to World Bank data. Mr. Chhay said that, above all, any
new initiatives to increase revenues and boost spending
(efficiency) would be limited in their impact unless steps
were taken to eliminate the culture of secrecy surrounding how revenues are collected and spent.
a. impotence
b. ineptness
c. effectiveness
d. inadequacy
•traNslateD NeWs FrOM The Cambodia daily (PreViOus issues)
Group Warns Of Protests During
Hun Manet Visit
B y K uch N areN
aNd a NthoNy J eNseN
the cambodia daily
A Cambodian-American
activist group, which last
month s t a g e d a protest
against Prime Minister Hun
Sen during his first official
state visit to the U.S., has
warned of the possibility of
further demonstrations if
the premier’s eldest son visits the U.S. next month as
In a letter published on
Facebook yesterday, Vibol
Touch, the president of the
Cambodia-America Alliance,
said Hun Manet’s visit to the
U.S.—at the invitation of
a Cambodian-American civic
organization—would be met
with boycotts and protests
in Long Beach, California,
and Lowell, Massachusetts.
“We are dismayed that
Cambodia Town committee
members have invited General Hun as a special guest
to the annual Khmer Parade
in April,” Mr. Touch writes
in the letter, which is addressed to the mayors and
city councilors of Long
Beach and Lowell, as well as
Cambodia Town—an organization that advocates for
Cambodian businesses and
culture in Long Beach.
“Your constituents are
tor mented by your deci-
sions and have made plans
to boycott and protest any
event that includes General
Hun,” the letter says.
Veasna Roeun, vice president of the CambodiaAmerica Alliance, said it was
not yet clear what form demonstrations against Lieutenant General Manet would
“At the current moment,
Khmers from these two
communities are still deciding on the best and appropriate response to ensure
their message is loud and
clear,” he said in a Facebook
Lt. Gen. Manet could not
be reached for comment
CPP spokesman Sok
Eysan said that while it was
the protesters’ right to organize a demonstration, he
found their apprehension
over the visit misguided.
“His Excellency Hun
Manet will not bring an
army to fight there,” Mr.
Eysan said. “He will be
meeting and talking to
brothers and sisters to
inform them about the real
situation in Cambodia in
order to prevent a number
of bad individuals from
exaggerating and saying
bad things about the
Cambodian government.”
stage (v.) ​ធ្វើ,​រៀបចំ
boycott (n.) ពហិការ
dismay (v.) សាងាកចិត្ត
mayor (n.) អភិបាលកាុង,​ចៅហ្វាយកាុង
councilor (n.) សមាជិកកាុមបាឹកាសា
advocate (v.) តស៊ម
ូ តិ,​គាំទា
constituent (n.) សមាជិកក្នុងមណ្ឌលបោះឆ្នាត,​អ្នកបោះឆ្នត
torment (v.) រងគាាះ,​ធ្វឲ
ើ យា ក្តក
ា ហ
ា យ
apprehension (n.) ការយល់ឃើញ
misguided (adj.) យល់ខុស
exaggerating (gerund) ការបំផ្លើស
ុ ​សកម្មជន​នៅ​សហរដ្ឋ​អាេមរិក​ពម
ា ន​ធកា
្វើ រតវ៉​ា
ុ ពាល​បព
ំ ាញទសាសនកិច​រ្ច បស់​លោក​ហ៊ន
ុ ​ម៉ណ
ដោយ គុច ណារ៉ន
សកម្ម ជន ខ្មេ រ - អាមេ រិ កាំង មួ យ កេុ ម ដេ ល កាល ពី ខេ មុ ន បាន ធ្វើ ការ តវ៉េ បេ ឆំង
លោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្តេី ហ៊ុន សេន អំឡុងពេលបំពេញទសេសនកិច្ចផ្លូវរដ្ឋជាលើកដំបូង
ទៅកាន់សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក បានពេមនអំពីលទ្ធភាពនេការធ្វើបាតុកម្ម បេសិនបើកូន
បេុ ស ចេ ប ង របស់ លោក នាយក រដ្ឋ មន្តេី ទៅបំ ពេ ញ ទសេ ស នកិ ច្ច នៅសហរដ្ឋ អាមេ រិ ក
នៅក្នុងលិខិតមួយបង្ហេះនៅលើទំព័រហ្វេសប៊ុកកាលពីមេសិលមិញ លោក ទូច
វិបុលបេធានសម្ព័ន្ធមិត្តខ្មេរ-អាមេរិកកាំង បានលើកឡើងថា ការបំពេញទសេសកិច្ច
របស់លោក ហ៊ុន ម៉េណេត ទៅកាន់សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកតមការអញ្ជើញរបស់អង្គការ
ពលរដ្ឋខ្មេរ-អាមេរិកាំង នឹងតេូវឆ្លើយតបដោយការធ្វើពហិការមិនចូលរួមនិងការតវ៉េ
នៅទីកេុង ឡងប៊ិច រដ្ឋ កាលីហ្វ័រញ៉េ និងទីកេុង ឡូវ៉េល រដ្ឋ ម៉េសជូសេត ។
លោក ទូ ច វិ បុ ល បាន សរសេ រ នៅក្នុ ង លិ ខិ ត នេះ ដេ ល តេូ វ បាន ផ្ញើ ទៅកាន់
អភិបាល និងកេុមបេឹកេសាកេុងឡងប៊ិច និងកេុងឡូវ៉េលក៏ដូចជា កេុងខ្មេរ ជាអង្គការ
មួយដេលតស៊ូមតិសមេេប់ពាណិជ្ជករ និងវបេបធម៌ខ្មេរដេលមនមូលដ្ឋេននៅក្នុងទី
កេុងឡងប៊ិចថា “យើងមនការសេងាកចិត្តដេលលសមជិកគណៈកម្មការកេុងខ្មេរ
បានអញ្ជើញឧត្តមសេនីយ៍ ហ៊ុន ម៉េណេត ជាភ្ញៀវដ៏ពិសេសសមេេប់កេបួនដង្ហេរបស់
លោក ទូច វិបុល បានបន្ថេមថា “យើងរួមជាមួយខ្មេរ-អាមេរិកាំងនៅក្នុងកេុង
ខុ ស និ ង មិ ន បាន គិ ត ពិ ចារណាឲេ យ បាន តេឹ ម តេូ វ នៅក្នុ ង ការ ធ្វើ ជាម្ចេ ស់ ផ្ទះ សមេេ ប់
“សមជិ ក របស់ អ្ន ក រង ការ រិះ គន់ ដោយ សរ សេ ច ក្តី សមេេ ច របស់ អ្ន ក ហើ យ
យើ ង មន គមេេ ង ធ្វើ ពហិ ការ និ ង តវ៉េ បេ ឆំង ពេឹ ត្តិ ការណ៍ ណាមួ យ រួ ម ទាំង ឧត្ត ម
សេនីយ៍ ហ៊ុន ម៉េណេត ផងដេរ”។
លោក រឿន វសនា អនុបេធានសម្ព័ន្ធមិត្តខ្មេរ-អាមេរិកាំងបានលើកឡើងថា វ
មិ ន ទាន់ ចេ បាស់ នៅឡើ យ ទេ ថា តើ នឹ ង មន បាតុ ក ម្ម ក្នុ ង ទមេ ង់ បេ ប ណាបេ ឆំង នឹ ង
ឧត្តមសេនីយ៍ឯក ហ៊ុន ម៉េណេត នោះ។
លោក បាន លើ ក ឡើ ង ក្នុ ង សរ បង្ហេះ តម ហ្វេ ស ប៊ុ ក ថា “ក្នុ ង ពេ ល ឥឡូ វ នេះ
តេឹមតេូវ និងល្អបំផុតដើមេបីធានាឲេយបានថាសររបស់ខ្លួនចេបាស់លាស់ងាយយល់”។
ឧត្ត ម សេ នី យ៍ ឯក ហ៊ុ ន ម៉េ ណេ ត មិ ន អាច ទាក់ ទង សុំ អត្ថេ ធិ បេ បាយ បាន ទេ
លោក សុខ ឥសន អ្នកនាំពាកេយគណបកេសបេជាជនកម្ពុជាបានលើកឡើងថា
ខណៈវជាសិទ្ធិរបស់អ្នកតវ៉េនៅក្នុងការធ្វើបាតុកម្ម លោកយល់ឃើញថា ការយល់
ឃើញរបស់ពួកគេចំពោះការបំពេញទសេសនកិច្ចនេះ គឺជាការយល់ខុស។
លោក បាន មនបេ សសន៍ ថា “ឯក ឧត្ត ម ហ៊ុ ន ម៉េ ណេ ត នឹ ង មិ ន នាំទ័ ព ទៅ
លោកបានមនបេសសន៍បន្ថេមថា “គាត់នឹងជួបបេជុំ ហើយនិយយទៅកាន់
បង ប្អូ ន ដើ មេ បី ជមេេ ប ពួ ក គាត់ អំ ពី ស្ថេ ន ភាព ពិ ត បេេ ក ដ នៅកម្ពុ ជាក្នុ ង គោល បំ ណ ង
រារាំង កុំ ឱេ យ បុ គ្គ ល មិ ន ល្អ មួ យ ចំ នួ ន និ យយ បំ ផ្លើ ស និ ង និ យយ រឿង អាកេ ក់ អំ ពី
រដ្ឋេភិបាលកម្ពុជា”៕ ស៊ុយឈាង
• NOtes
the english Weekly is prepared by:
Justin Higginbottom
Kim Chan
The Cambodia daily • No. 7, Street 228
PhNom PeNh, Cambodia • tel: 855-23-426-602
MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016
Name of Country:
Name of Project:
28th March 2016
Kingdom of Cambodia
The Extension of Greater Phnom Penh Water Supply System (GPPWSS)
The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) has received funds from the
Agence Française de Development (the French Development Agency) towards the
cost of The Extension of Greater Phnom Penh Water Supply System (GPPWSS). It is
intended that part of the proceeds of these funds will be applied to eligible
payments under the contract for The Supply and Delivery of Fittings For Pipes and
The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority now invites sealed bids from eligible
bidders for the procurement of Fittings For Pipes and Accessories:
Item No.
A. Ductile Iron Fittings
A.1 Flange Spigot including EPDM flange Gasket Bolts and Nuts
DN 250mm
DN 300mm
DN 400mm
A.2. Flange Socket ( Seft Anchored Joint) included Gland, EPDM elastomer gasket, and
complete accessory for seft anchored joint.
DN 250mm
DN 300mm
A.3. Flange Branch on Double Socket Tee (Standard Joint ) and included standard gasket,
EPDM elastomer gasket, bolts and nuts for socket and flange
DN 400x250mm
DN 500x300mm
DN 1000x400mm
DN 1000x600mm
A.4. All Socket Tee ( Seft Anchored Joint ) included Gland, EPDM elastomer gasket, and
complete accessory for seft anchored joint.
DN 250x250mm
DN 300x300mm
A.5. Double Socket Bend ( Seft Anchored Joint) included Gland, EPDM elastomer gasket,
and complete accessory for seft anchored joint.
DN 250mm, 90degree
DN 300mm, 90degree
DN 400mm, 90degree
DN 500mm, 90degree
A.6. Double Flange Anchoring Pipe included EPDM flange gasket, Botls and nuts all side.
DN 80mm,L-0.6m
DN 100mm,L-0.6m
DN 150mm,L-0.6m
DN 200mm,L-0.6m
DN 250mm,L-1m
DN 300mm,L-1m
DN 400mm,L-1m
A.7. Flange Adapter included EPDM flange gasket, Botls and nuts.
DN 250mm
DN 300mm
DN 500mm
DN 1000mm
A.8. Double Flange Reducer included EPDM flange gasket, Botls and nuts.
DN 600x500mm
A.9 Collar (Express) included Gland,EPDM gasket, Bolts and nuts.
DN 250mm
DN 300mm
DN 500mm
DN 1000mm
A.10. Flange socket with Self Anchored Joint (indicated type or equivalent) complete and
including EPDM elastomer gasket, accessories for self-anchored joint and accessories
(gasket, bolts, nuts and washers) for flange.
DN 800 TF-Type joint; Flange: ……… (Indicate: Rotatable or fix) Nos.
B.1 Long Stub Flange(Stub End & MS Flange) including Gasket Bolts and Nuts
OD 90mm
OD 110mm
OD 160mm
B.2 Flange Adaptor for HDPE Pipe (Restrainer)
OD 90mm
OD 110mm
OD 160mm
B.3 Equal Tee (for Electrofusion)
OD 90mm (Electro)
OD 110mm(Electro)
OD 160mm(Electro)
B.4 Elbow 45 degree (Electrofusion)
OD 90mm
OD 110mm
OD 160mm
OD 225mm (Electro or with 2 coupling)
B.5 Elbow 90 degree (Electrofusion)
OD 90mm
OD 110mm
OD 160mm
OD 225mm
B.6 Reducer (Electrofusion)
OD 90 x 63mm
OD 110 x 63mm
OD 110 x 90mm
OD 160 x 110mm
OD 225 x 110mm
OD 225 x 160mm (or coupler both side)
B.7 Electrofusion Coupler
OD 63mm
OD 90mm
OD 110mm
OD 160mm
OD 225mm
B.8 Connector Joint
OD 90mm
OD 110mm
OD 160mm
OD 225mm
C.1.Double Flange Gate Valve (included Gasket Bolts and nuts both side)
DN 80mm
DN 100mm
DN 150mm
DN 200mm
DN 250mm
DN 300mm
C.1.2.Double Flange Butterfly Valve PN10 (included Gasket Bolts and nuts both side)
DN 400mm
C.2.Seft-Restrainer Dismantling Joint (included Gasket Bolts and nuts)
DN 80mm
DN 100mm
DN 150mm
DN 200mm
DN 250mm
DN 300mm
DN 400mm
C.3.Electromagnetic flow meter, complete with Transmitter, cables and mounting
accessories, included Batteries
DN 80mm, L-200mm
DN 100mm, L250mm
DN 150mm, L-300mm
DN 200mm, L-350mm
DN 250mm, L-450mm
DN 300mm, L-500mm
DN 400mm, L-600mm
C.4.Valve Box, (Brand PPWSA)
Valve Box
C.5.Manhole Cover, (Brand PPWSA)
Noventilated for Meter
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the
bidding documents at the office of Planning and Project Department, PPWSA #45,
Street 106, Srash Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. Phone
and Fax: 855 - 23 – 427657at 08H00 to 16H00 from Monday to Friday.
A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on
the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$100 and The method of payment will be cash, cashier’s check
or direct deposit to account no. USD 010-02-88-000001-0 at VATANAC Bank, Phnom
Penh. The document will be sent by registered airmail at an additional cost of US$40,
but PPWSA will not be held responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents
so mailed.
The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of
Contract are the provisions of the Agence Française de Développement’s Standard
Bidding Documents: Procurement of Goods.
Bids must be delivered to the above office on or before 15H00 pm (local time) on
18th May 2016 and must be accompanied by a bid security in an amount of
22,000.00 USD (Twenty-Two Thousand United State Dollars).
Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to
attend at 15H00 pm (local time) on 18th May 2016 at the offices of 2nd floor of
Commercial Department (Training Center),Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority,
#45, Street 106, Srash Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Phone and Fax: 855 - 23 – 427657.
Qualification criteria and Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.
The Cambodia daily
monday, maRch 28, 2016
After a Somber Week, Pope Stresses Hope at Easter Services
vATICAN CITy - After a Holy Week
blighted by bomb attacks in brussels, Pope Francis led the world’s
1.2 billion roman Catholics into
easter celebrations on saturday
night by urging them not to lose
hope in a gloomy world.
“let us not allow darkness and
fear to distract us and control us,”
Francis said in a homily at an evening easter vigil Mass in st. Peter’s
The Holy Week services leading up to easter, already the most
somber in the Christian liturgical
calendar because they commemorate Jesus’ betrayal and death
by crucifixion, have been further
dampened by the attacks in brussels that killed at least 31 people.
The pope condemned them
several times during the week and
at a Good Friday service in rome,
saying that followers of religions
who carried out acts of fundamentalism or terrorism were profaning God’s name.
but hope was the theme of sat-
Pope Francis arrives to lead the Easter Mass in St. Peter's square at the
Vatican yesterday.
urday night’s service. The pope
used the word about 20 times in
his brief homily, woven around
the Christian belief that Jesus rose
from the dead three days after his
“May the lord free us...from being Christians without hope, who
live as if the lord were not risen,
as if our problems were the center
of our lives,” he said.
At the start of the service, the
basilica was in darkness to signify
Jesus’ tomb before his resurrection. Then the pope, cardinals, bishops and members of the congregation lit candles and finally the
basilica’s lights were turned on.
In his fourth easter season since
his election in 2013, Francis also
baptized 12 adult converts to Catholicism, including six Albanians
and one Chinese national.
Italy has stepped up security at
what the government deems “sensitive sites” following the brussels
suicide bomb attacks by the Islamic state militant group.
Dozens of police have been
checking people several times as
they approach st. Peter’s basilica
and subjecting those with entry
tickets to body and bag searches and metal detectors. security
sources said police reinforcements
had arrived in rome from other
Italian cities.
I.s. has made threats against
Catholic targets in rome. last
year, a website used by I.s. ran a
photo montage showing the movement’s black flag flying from the
obelisk at the center of st Peter’s
On sunday the 79-year-old pontiff
delivered his twice-yearly “urbi et
Orbi” (to the city and the world)
blessing and message from the central balcony of st. Peter’s basilica.
Gallows Humor in Brussels as EU Gloomily Awaits British Vote
brussels - even before the shock
of last week’s deadly brussels
bombings, gallows humor had
taken hold in the square kilometer
around schuman roundabout,
the heart of the city’s european
It’s been a miserable start to the
year for the e.u., with the unresolved migration crisis poisoning
relations among member governments, negotiations to avert a british exit getting trickier, Greece’s
debt crisis dragging on, and Islamist militant attacks exposing serial
cross-border security lapses.
A succession of emergency summits of the 28 national leaders has
fueled an atmosphere of permanent crisis. And political weather
forecasters say worse storms may
be on the way.
Among staff working for e.u.
institutions, long used to being
unloved scapegoats for national
politicians, the mood oscillates between despondence and defiance.
“The e.u. is like the orchestra
that played on the Titanic,” Italian Prime Minister Matteo renzi
said in January, urging e.u. officials to redirect their focus to promoting growth and employment
instead of “this mistaken bureaucratic approach.”
Officials have been strictly instructed not to do or say anything
that may affect britain’s knife-edge
June 23 referendum on whether
to remain in the bloc.
legislation on issues from the
energy efficiency of electric kettles and toasters to the social rights
of workers have been put on the
back burner to avoid inflaming the
british debate.
After performing legal acrobatics to craft an agreement on a deal
to return asylum seekers to Turkey that is at the edge of international law, brussels is crossing its
fingers that it does not turn to dust
within weeks.
For two decades, a handful of
mostly british journalists and e.u.
officials led by journalists Geoff
Meade and Jacki Davis have
poked fun at the e.u. and at themselves in a charity Press revue,
which is one of the hottest tickets
in town.
More irreverent than the annual White House Correspondents’
Dinner, at which the u.s. president is supposed to be gently humorous about himself and the media and everyone dresses up in
tuxedos, the show is like a thermometer shoved under the armpit
of the eurocracy.
This year’s reading was a high,
perhaps terminal fever.
staged before a sell-out house of
officials, diplomats, lobbyists and
journalists, the sketches reflected
a foreboding that six decades of
“ever closer union” may be com-
ing to an end, at least with britain
and possibly with other member
They also highlighted e.u. officials’ awareness of their own unpopularity with the electorate and
their sense of unfairness that voters in many countries have turned
against the e.u. rather than blaming their own governments.
“let’s just reach one more impasse before the e.u. breaks
down,” was the refrain of a blues
that mocked acrimonious latenight negotiations that are the increasingly unwieldy union’s standard mode of governance.
In a sketch on David bowie’s
“space Oddity,” Major Tom adrift
among the stars sees the e.u.
from space as a ghostly, desolate
landscape after a brexit.
In another, Cameron anxiously
asked the senior british european
Commission official, Jonathan
Faull, who helped draft his agreement whether it was a good deal.
“It’s a good deal less than you
might have got,” Faull replied.
“but it’s a good deal more than
you deserve.”
That encapsulated the can’t-livewith-you-can’t-live-without-you
neurosis inside the brussels beltway about a country that stayed
out of the euro common currency
and the schengen zone of passportfree travel and has opted out of
much e.u. police and judicial
International Brief -----Belgium Calls Off ‘March Against Fear’ in Brussels
brussels - With the investigation over last week’s brussels bombing now
spanning several countries and increasing signs of links to the Paris attacks in November, belgian authorities called off a planned “march
against fear” in the jittery capital yesterday to relieve pressure on the police. The suicide bomb attacks targeting brussels airport and a rush-hour
metro train on Tuesday killed 31 people, including three of the attackers,
and injured hundreds more. The Islamic state militant group has
claimed responsibility. After a series of raids and arrests in belgium and
Gemany since the attacks, Algerian Djamal eddine Ouali, 40, was arrested by Italy’s DIGOs anti-terrorism police in southern Italy, Italian media said on saturday. The sky TG 24 television and other media reports
said he was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by belgium for producing and procuring false documents to be used in illegal immigration.
His name was found in documents in a raid in an apartment near brussels last October. (Reuters)
monday, maRch 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
Pakistan Says Captured Indian
Spy in Southwestern Province
ISlamabad - Pakistan made an offi-
cial protest to India on Friday after detaining a man it says is an
Indian spy who illegally entered
the country and was captured on
Thursday in the violence-plagued
province of baluchistan, Pakistan.
India’s foreign ministry spokesman confirmed that Pakistan’s
foreign secretary had taken up
the matter with the Indian High
Commissioner in Islamabad but
denied the man is a spy.
“The said individual has no link
with the Government since his
premature retirement from the
Indian Navy,” the spokesman
said in a statement. “We have
sought consular access to him.”
Tensions are already high between the nuclear-armed nations
after India blamed Pakistan-based
militants for a January attack on
an Indian air base, in which seven
military personnel were killed.
“[Pakistan] conveyed our protest and deep concern on the illegal entry into Pakistan by an
RaW officer and his involvement
in subversive activities in baluchistan and karachi,” Pakistan’s foreign ministry said in a statement
on Friday, referring to a message
conveyed to India’s ambassador.
RaW is India’s Research and
analysis Wing, the country’s main
external intelligence agency.
Pakistan believes India is supporting separatists in baluchistan
province, as well as militants fighting the state from the lawless tribal areas. It also sees India as
fuelling strife in the volatile city of
India denies any such interfer-
ence and has itself accused Pakistan of backing militants fighting
Indian security forces in its part of
kashmir, of helping militants to
launch attacks elsewhere in India
and of supporting the Taliban in
Pakistan say it only offers diplomatic support to the muslim people of kashmir living under what
it says is heavy-handed Indian
rule. It denies backing militant attacks in India.
a Pakistani military official in
baluchistan said the alleged
RaW spy was an Indian navy officer. another Pakistani official
gave the same information.
both declined to be identified
because they were not authorized
to give details of the incident to
the media.
One of the officials said the
man had been moved to Islamabad for interrogation.
The neighboring countries have
fought three wars since 1947, two
of them over kashmir, which
they both claim in full but rule in
baluchistan’s Interior minister
mir Sarfaraz bugti told reporters
the arrest “proved Indian involvement” in his province.
last year, defense minister
khawaja asif said the RaW was
determined to annihilate Pakistan.
“RaW has been formed to
undo Pakistan and to wipe Pakistan off the map,” asif said.
Pakistan Prime minister Nawaz
Sharif has sought to improve ties
with India since his election, but
his efforts are believed to have
caused friction with the army,
which considers relations with India its domain.
International Brief -----Head of Afghanistan’s Electoral Commission Resigns
kabul - afghanistan’s top electoral official resigned on Saturday, compli-
cating efforts to organize parliamentary elections for this autumn.
ahmad Yousuf Nuristani, who has repeatedly accused the government
of meddling in the electoral process, stepped down two years after himself being accused of failing to prevent fraud in a bitterly disputed presidential ballot. a spokesman for the Independent Election Commission,
which Nuristani chaired, said that he resigned in the “national interest,”
declining to comment further. President afghan Ghani accepted his
resignation. Nuristani was in charge of organizing the 2014 presidential
election, the country’s first democratic transfer of power, which
descended into near-chaos when both Ghani and his rival, abdullah
abdullah, claimed victory. It took months for both Ghani and abdullah
to agree to form a power-sharing unity government brokered by u.S.
Secretary of State John kerry. The pair agreed on electoral reform as a
prelude to holding future elections, but have made little progress owing
to disagreements over who should lead the reform. Parliamentary elections have been penciled in for October 15 against a backdrop of deepening economic crisis and a growing Taliban insurgency since the
departure at the end of 2014 of foreign combat troops.(Reuters)
The Cambodia daily
monday, maRch 28, 2016
Parents to Verify if Bomber is Girl Abducted by Boko Haram
abuja, Nigeria - The Nigerian gov-
ernment is sending parents from
the Chibok community of northeast Nigeria to Cameroon to verify whether a suspected female
suicide bomber is one of the
schoolgirls abducted by boko
Haram nearly two years ago.
Garba Shehu, spokesperson
for Nigerian President Muhammadu buhari, said the Nigerian
High Commissioner in Cameroon, Hadiza Mustapha, has been
in contact with Cameroonian authorities who have shown a willingness to assist the Nigerian
The abduction of about 270
schoolgirls by Islamic militants
from a school in Chibok on april
14, 2014, sparked international
outrage and the campaign #bringbackourgirls. While about 50 of
the girls managed to escape, 219
of them remain missing.
Military and local government
sources on Friday reported that
one of two girls arrested in northern Cameroon carrying explosives claimed to be one of the
missing Chibok schoolgirls.
The girls were arrested after
being stopped by local defense
forces in Limani near the northwestern border with Nigeria that
has been the target of frequent
suicide bombings thought to be
organized by boko Haram in
recent months.
“We hope that the Chibok parents will be able to identify the
girl and determine whether she is
indeed one of their missing students,” Shehu said in a telephone
interview in abuja on Saturday.
Shehu said the government
was keen to ascertain the girl’s
identity so she can be brought
back to Nigeria and possibly assist the government in investigations regarding the fate and
whereabouts of the other missing
Chibok girls.
He said the two parents from
Chibok selected to embark on
the trip to Cameroon are Yakubu
Nkeki, chairman of the Chibok
abducted Girls Movement, and
Yana Galang, the group’s women
leader, whose 16-year-old daughter Rifkatu is among the missing.
The trip is being arranged by
the Nigerian government in partnership with the Murtala Muhammed Foundation in Nigeria,
a non-governmental organization
that has been supporting the parents’ association and has offered
to partly sponsor the trip to avoid
any delays.
“If it is true, we are very happy a-
bout it. If we see her with our eyes,
we will know where our girls are,”
Galang said.
Shehu said the two girls will be
brought to Douala, Cameroon’s
largest city, today for further
checks into their identities.
Former president of Nigeria
Goodluck jonathan was criticized
for his slow reaction to the Chibok
abductions, seen as indicative of
his response to boko Haram. Mu-
hammadu buhari, who defeated
jonathan in a 2015 election, ordered a new investigation into the
kidnappings in january.
joint operations between Nigeria and neighboring countries
succeeded in driving boko Haram from many of its strongholds
last year but the Islamists have
stepped up cross-border attacks
and suicide bombings, many carried out by young girls.
People walk at Bakassi Camp for internally displaced people in
Maiduguri, Nigeria. A government push to strangle the Boko
Haram insurgency has shut down the cattle trade that sustained
the city, leaving many residents with no livelihoods.
monday, maRch 28, 2016
The Cambodia daily
Backlash Rises Against US State’s Transgender Bathroom Law
B y S andhya S omaShekhar
The WashingTon PosT
A new North Carolina law that
bars local governments from extending civil rights protections to
gay and transgender people is provoking a growing backlash from
businesses and others who say
the law is discriminatory.
American Airlines, Wells Fargo
and the U.S. National Basketball
Association were among those to
raise concerns about the law,
which was introduced and passed
Wednesday in a hastily called special session and signed by Republican governor Pat McCrory later
that day.
In a statement, McCrory said
legislative action was necessary to
prevent local governments from
enacting ordinances that overstep
their authority in a way that might allow “a man to use a woman’s
bathroom, shower or locker room.”
He tweeted that he had signed the
bill “to stop the breach of basic privacy and etiquette.”
In a statement Thursday night,
the NBA hinted it might move its
2017 All-Star Game and weekend
out of Charlotte.
“We are deeply concerned that
this discriminatory law runs counter to our guiding principles of equality and mutual respect and do not
yet know what impact it will have
on our ability to successfully host”
the events, the statement said.
LGBT rights groups said the
legislation, which many lawmakers had not seen before it was in-
troduced Wednesday, is blatantly
discriminatory against lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender people and condemned it as the most
extreme bill of its kind in the U.S.
With this measure, which was introduced to override a civil rights
ordinance passed last month in
Charlotte, the state’s largest city,
North Carolina becomes the first
U.S. state to ban students and others
from using restrooms that match
their gender identity if it clashes
with their birth certificates.
“Our community is angrier than
I’ve seen them in a long time, and
that’s easy to understand, given
that our legislature and our governor have just used our people as a
political wedge issue,” said Chris
Sgro, executive director of Equali-
ty North Carolina, an LGBT rights
Thursday evening, about 200
protesters blocked a downtown
Raleigh street in front of the governor’s mansion. Online, activists
nationally began a campaign to
start a boycott of North Carolina
and its businesses that did not
speak out against the measure.
Businesses, including large employers in the state such as American Airlines, responded to the call.
Charlotte is a major hub for the airline—the world’s largest—and
employs 14,000 people in the state.
“We believe no individual should
be discriminated against because
of gender identity or sexual orientation,” spokesman Ross Feinstein
Sanders Blows Out Clinton in Three Straight Democratic Votes
B y a nne G earan
The WashingTon PosT
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
scored huge victories in the Democratic caucuses in the Western
states of Washington, Alaska and
Hawaii on Saturday.
During an address in Wisconsin, Sanders thanked Alaska for “a
resounding victory.” He claimed
strong momentum in Washington state.
“We knew things would begin
to improve when we moved west,”
a smiling Sanders said to huge applause. The Washington results
came in as he spoke, and he drew
a deafening cheer when he read
the news aloud.
“That is what momentum is
about!” Sanders shouted.
“Don’t let anybody tell you we
can’t win the nomination or win
the general election,” Sanders continued. “We’re going to do both
those things.”
The delegates he captured in
the sweep dented but did not seriously damage front-runner Hillary
Clinton’s lead in the race for the
Democratic Party’s presidential
Winning all three states, however, buoyed his insurgent challenge,
as the contest moves back to large,
delegate-rich states in the Midwest and Northeast.
Clinton’s campaign conceded
that Sanders had the edge in all
three contests Saturday, but it
claimed that even the largest prize,
Washington, will make little difference in the dynamics of a primary
contest that she has long been favored to win. Clinton campaigned
in Washington for one day last
week, whereas Sanders spent sev-
Democratic US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks during a
rally at Safeco Field in Seattle on Friday.
eral days there. Neither candidate
campaigned in person in Hawaii
and Alaska.
Clinton did not campaign Friday or Saturday.
Sanders campaigned hard in
Washington, the most populous
state to vote Saturday, and one
well-suited to his populist economic message.
His supporters filled more than
15,000 seats at the Seattle Mariners’ baseball park on Friday
night, according to his campaign.
“Don’t let anybody tell you that
Hillary Clinton is the strongest
Democratic candidate to take on
the Republicans,” Sanders said. “It
is not true.”
A CNN/ORC survey last week
gave Sanders a 20-point lead over
Republican front-runner Donald
Trump in a head-to-head contest.
Clinton held a 12-point lead over
Trump in the same survey.
The rally Friday was the independent senator’s sixth such large
rally in the state, which offers 101
delegates. Hawaii offers 25 delegates and Alaska 16.
In all cases delegates are awarded proportionally, so Clinton will
still pick up delegates in contests
she loses. Overall, however, her
roughly 300-delegate lead over
Sanders may be reduced.
Sanders spent millions on television ads in the three states. One
ad featured Representative Tulsi
Gabbard, a Democrat from Hawaii, who is one of Sanders’s most
high-profile backers. Sanders’s
wife, Jane, campaigned for him in
Sanders hopes that momentum
from victories Saturday will carry
forward to a much-watched contest April 5 in Wisconsin, which
shares borders with two states—
Michigan and Minnesota—that
Sanders won over Clinton in previous contests. Wisconsin, however, also shares economic and demographic characteristics with
Ohio and Illinois, Midwestern
states that have gone for Clinton.
Both candidates are expected
to campaign in Wisconsin over
the next few days, but they are
both also looking ahead to contests later in April. The next big
prizes on the Democratic calendar are New York, which allocates
247 delegates on April 19 and
Pennsylvania, with 189 delegates,
on April 26.
A swath of four other Eastern
states also vote on the 26th: Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island
and Delaware together offer 195
Because of Clinton’s current
lead—1,223 pledged delegates to
920 for Sanders—and because
Democratic convention delegates
are distributed proportionally to
the primary results, Sanders will
have to win upcoming contests by
very large margins to catch up.
Clinton’s campaign manager,
Robby Mook, has predicted strong
performances for Sanders in the
current string of caucuses and primaries but told supporters earlier this month that it is nearly impossible for Sanders to make up
All eyes are on New York, where
Sanders hopes to collect large
numbers of delegates and embarrass Clinton in the state she represented as a senator for eight
Last Tuesday’s three contests,
however, illustrate the difficulty
for Sanders. He won in Idaho and
Utah, but fell short in Arizona.
He collected 73 delegates while
Clinton netted 55. Her overall
lead in pledged delegates remained above 300.
The Cambodia daily
monday, maRch 28, 2016
Syrian Army Drives Islamic State Out of Ancient Palmyra
beirut - Syrian government forces
drove islamic State group fighters
out of Palmyra yesterday, the army said, inflicting a major defeat
on the militants who seized the
desert city last year and dynamited its ancient temples.
the army general command
said in a statement that it had
restored security and stability to
the city in an operation it said
showed that i.S. was beginning to
retreat and collapse.
the Syrian Observatory for Human rights said there were still
clashes on the eastern edge of Palmyra, around the prison and inside
the airport, but the bulk of the i.S.
force had withdrawn and retreated
east, leaving Palmyra under President bashar al-Assad’s control.
Syrian state-run television broadcast from inside Palmyra yesterday
morning, showing largely deserted streets and several badly damaged buildings.
it quoted a military source saying Syrian and russian jets were
targeting i.S. fighters as they fled,
hitting dozens of vehicles on the
roads leading east from the city.
For government forces, the recapture of Palmyra opens up much
of Syria’s eastern desert stretching
Tourists take pictures at the ancient Palmyra theater in the historic city
of Palmyra, Syria, in this photograph from 2008.
to the iraqi border to the south
and the i.S. heartland of Deir alZor and raqqa to the east.
it follows a three-week campaign by the army and its allies
on the ground, backed by intensive russian airstrikes, aimed at
driving i.S. back.
russia’s intervention in September turned the tide of Syria’s
five-year-old conflict in Assad’s favor. Despite Moscow’s announcement that it was pulling out most
military forces two weeks ago,
russian jets and helicopters carried out dozens of strikes daily
over Palmyra at the height of the
Observatory Director rami Abdulrahman said 400 i.S. fighters
died in the battle for Palmyra,
which he described as the biggest single defeat for the group
since it declared a caliphate in
areas of Syria and iraq under its
control in 2014.
the loss of Palmyra comes
three months after i.S. fighters
were driven out of the city of ramadi in neighboring iraq, the first
major victory for iraq’s army since
it collapsed in the face of an assault
by the militants in June 2014.
i.S. has lost ground elsewhere,
including the iraqi city of tikrit last
year and the Syrian town of alShadadi in February. the u.S. said
the fall of Shadadi was part of efforts
to cut i.S.’ links between its two
main power centers: the cities of
Mosul in iraq and raqqa in Syria.
the Observatory said around
180 government soldiers and allied
fighters were also killed in the campaign to retake Palmyra, which is
home to some of the most extensive ruins of the roman empire.
i.S. militants dynamited several
monuments last year, and Syrian
television broadcast footage from
inside Palmyra museum yesterday showing toppled and damaged statues as well as several
smashed display cases.
Syria’s antiquities chief said
this week that other ancient landmarks were still standing and
pledged to restore the damaged
“Palmyra has been liberated.
this is the end of the destruction in
Palmyra,” Mamoun Abdelkarim
told reporters.
The Cambodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
PPSEZ to Make Final
Preparations for IPO
The Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) was given
clearance on Wednesday to begin
final preparations for listing on the
country’s stock exchange, according to a statement released by the
Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC). “After a meeting on both the technical
and policy issues, it has been decided to approve in principle the company’s request for an initial public
offering,” said the statement released late last week. “PPSEZ
would now need to pursue bookbuilding and undertake further
legal procedures for an official listing.” The book-building process will
set the final number of shares and
initial prices for listing, which would
require a final clearance from the
SECC. PPSEZ operates the 357hectare industrial park just outside
the capital and intends to issue 11.6
million shares—20 percent of the
company’s value—to support
expansion plans and debt repayments, according to a statement
published on the firm’s website in
December. The special economic
zone would become the fourth
stock listed on the country’s nascent securities exchange. (Kang
Construction of $4B
Indonesian Plant to Start
TOkYO - The construction of a $4 bil-
lion, 2,000-MW coal-fired power station in Indonesia will begin on April
1 after years of delay as land acquisitions are finally complete, Japan’s
Nikkei business daily said yesterday. PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia, a joint venture set up by Indonesian coal miner PT Adaro Energy
Tbk and Japan’s Itochu Corporation
and Electric Power Development
Co. Ltd., will build and operate the
Batang plant in Central Java. Neither Itochu nor Indonesia’s
Supreme Court has thrown out a
landholders’ lawsuit on technical
grounds, paving the way for the
government to take over the remaining land for the project. The
prospect of raising funds for the project were also good, the newspaper
said. Indonesia’s president Joko
Widodo hosted the groundbreaking ceremony of the project last August with great fanfare but no
ground was actually broken, with
dozens of landowners refusing to
give up their paddy fields. (Reuters)
Gov’t Approves Sihanoukville ‘Casino City’ Plans
B y H annaH H awkins
and B en s okHean
the cambodia daily
Malaysia-based company SV
International was granted permission by the Council of Ministers
earlier this month to begin the initial stage of grand plans to turn
part of Sihanoukville into a “casino city,” an official confirmed.
In a promotional video posted
online, the company said it aims to
bring “24-hour borderless online
betting games,” as well as a number of casinos and entertainment
venues, to the coastal city, which it
believes will help it reach “Macau
of Southeast Asia status.”
SV International’s founder and
group chairman, Alan Lim, said
yesterday that the implementation of the plans was just getting
underway. He said he planned to
return to Cambodia on Tuesday
to plot out further details and arrange a casino license.
“SV International has just started
business in Cambodia,” Mr. Lim
said. “Now the ongoing developments will be casinos, online casinos, hotels and also pawn shops.”
Construction on the company’s
first establishment, a $16 million
hotel on Street 705 set to reopen as
SV World casino, will begin in April
and is expected to finish by September, he said, adding that the
company’s customers had already
taken a liking to Sihanoukville.
“For the last few months, every
month we bring more than 300
members to Sihanoukville,” Mr.
Lim said. “Our members’ response
is that Sihanoukville is a very nice
place to travel, as the beach and
seaside is beautiful.”
Ros Phearun, a spokesman for
the Ministry of Finance, confirmed the government’s approval
of the company’s initial plans to
develop in Sihanoukville but said
SV International had not yet applied for a casino license with the
ministry or provided details of the
Preah Sihanouk provincial governor Yun Min also said he had
not received any detailed plans
from the company or Council of
Japan Looks to Kickstart ‘Fintech’ Revolution
TOkYO - A laggard in embracing the
“fintech,” or financial technology,
revolution, Japan is set to ease investment restrictions that could
free up the flow of capital in an
economy sitting on an estimated $9
trillion in individuals’ cash deposits.
Strict regulation, easy access to
credit due to rock-bottom interest
rates, and weak demand for innovative financial services from a riskaverse population that still prefers
cash to credit cards, have strangled
fintech’s advance in Japan.
Fintech ventures—usually startups leveraging technology from
cloud data storage to smartphones
to provide loans, insurance and payment services—raised $2.7 billion
in China last year, and over $1.5 billion in India, according to CB
Insights data. Ventures in the U.S.
attracted investment of around $7.4
In comparison, investment in
Japanese ventures reached only
around $44 million in the first nine
months of 2015.
Now, Japan’s financial industry
regulator hopes relaxed rules on
investing in financial ventures, and
a new system for regulating virtual
currency exchanges will pass
through parliament by May—a
first step in kickstarting the fintech
revolution in the world’s thirdbiggest economy.
“The law changes aren’t a goal,
but a first step,” Norio Sato, a senior
official at the Financial Services
Authority, told reporters. “Fintech
will have a big impact on financial
The changes, which will allow
banks to buy stakes of up to 100
percent in non-finance-related
firms, will free up Japan’s three
megabanks to enter into tie-ups
with fintech ventures developing
services including robotic investment advisory and blockchain, the
decentralized ledger technology
behind the bitcoin digital currency.
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial
Group, Mizuho Financial Group
and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial
Group have said they are eyeing
such investments, having previously been restricted to holding
stakes of only 5 to 15 percent in
Under pressure from weak
loan demand, the megabanks see
an opportunity to earn money
through fintech but are also aware
of its potential to disrupt traditional business models.
The unpromising fintech environment in Japan—which was
blindsided by the high-profile collapse of the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange in 2014 when hackers stole
an estimated $650 million worth of
the digital currency—has seen
some entrepreneurs go overseas
for funding.
Sales at Japan’s fintech startups
could jump to over half a billion dollars by 2020 as the use of technology such as blockchain increases,
Yano Research Institute said in a
The new rules the FSA is promoting on virtual currency exchanges could make Japan one of
the first countries to regulate bitcoin at a national level.
People wave flags as the first train of the new Hokkaido shinkansen,
or bullet train, bound for Shin-Hakodate Hokuto Station from Tokyo,
travels near Kikonai Station on Japan's northern island of Hokkaido,
on Saturday.
The CamBodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
How YouTube Is Shaping the 2016 US Presidential Election
B y D rew H arwell
the washington post
in the years since former U.s.
vice-presidential hopeful sarah Palin’s sound bites and the “Obama
girl” cemented 2008 as U.s.’ first
“YouTube election,” the world’s
most popular video site has proven
even more spellbinding—and powerful—than political campaigns
ever imagined.
in January, a political advertisement—actually, three—ranked
among YouTube’s 10 mostwatched ads for the first time in history, delivering millions more views
to campaigns than to the best commercials corporate america had to
and in the early caucus and primary states of iowa, New Hampshire, south Carolina and Nevada,
the streaming giant’s open pool of
reserved ad time did something it
had never done: it sold out, a sign
that candidates yearned so deeply
to reach voters’ mobile phones that
they wanted to snatch up every
YouTube second money could
Google’s video giant has become
not just the Web’s biggest petri
dish for the funny, weird and astronomically popular. With its 1 billion
viewers and cultural omnipresence,
it now offers campaigns a breadth
no hometown TV network can
Republican front-runner donald
Trump has been the most digitally
prolific, with more YouTube views
and videos about his campaign
than all other candidates, data provided by Google show. bernie sanders, Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz
follow, in that order, closely resembling the real-life race.
but YouTube’s digital populism
—hundreds of millions of hours
are watched every day—ensures
no campaign is ever in complete
control. Trump’s presidential an-
nouncement garnered 1.8 million
YouTube views—impressive, but
less than videos in which he is
thwapped by a bald eagle, exalted
by young “Freedom Girls” and ridiculed for 18 minutes of “idiotic
Even as Facebook and other
competitors have vied for video
content, YouTube’s audience
remains widespread: more 18-to49-year-olds watch its videos on
their phone than tune into any
cable network in the U.s., Nielsen
data shows.
but YouTube is far from a young
person’s playground: Google says
its surveys have found that more
than half of baby boomers and
seniors are watching online videos,
too. When the site recently unveiled a program offering advertisers first grabs at premium ad time,
the first to sign up was aaRP, the
powerful seniors’ advocacy group
long known for political-ad blitzes
on TV.
in an encouraging sign for campaign ad makers—and a reflection of how bizarre or amusing
this race has become—many
viewers are seeking out the same
political ads they only previously
endured during commercial
breaks. since april 2015, Google
data shows, americans have
watched 12,500 years’ worth of
YouTube videos about the 2016
issues and candidates.
For this year’s presidential race,
data from market researcher borrell associates show, campaigns
will spend nearly $300 million on
online ads—more than they’ll
spend on newspaper and radio ads,
Though broadcast TV remains
king, gobbling up $2 billion of ad
budgets, campaigns are increasingly turning to YouTube for its finer
precision in targeting voters and its
potentially viral popularity. Old-fash-
ioned commercials are pricey, timelimited and impossible to pass on,
while YouTube lets campaigns experiment with a wider range of
lengths, costs and talking points.
The most popular, with nearly 3
million views in January, featured
no mudslinging, and came from
the sanders’ campaign: a tearjerking spot set to simon and Garfunkel, in which the candidate
tours the american heartland.
“Well i’ve hit replay about 10
times now,” a YouTube commenter wrote. “anyone else?”
in 2004, before YouTube, presidential players’ online ad budgets
were less than 1 percent what they
spent on TV, and their digital work
was almost always designed to solicit donations, not to share talking
points, endorsements or upcoming
YouTube now staffs two advertising teams, for Republicans and
democrats, led by veteran political
operatives and staffed with former
campaign workers who will often
travel to candidates’ headquarters
to improve ad campaigns and seal
deals. The company would not say
how large those teams are, but said
they were similar in size to YouTube teams working with Fortune
500 conglomerates.
“When we’ve heard the ‘YouTube election,’ it was when campaigns were experimenting with
the technology for the first time,”
said Charles scrase, YouTube’s
industry director for government
and advocacy. “but there’s been a
massive shift the traditional
political mind chooses to advertise
Campaigns frustrated with
Trump’s cable-TV dominance have
even turned to their own YouTube
channels for unlimited airtime on
friendly turf.
“Politicians go where the eyeballs are,” said steve Grove, direc-
tor of Google’s News lab, and
“video is unique in the social media
realm: it’s sight, it’s sound, it’s a...
strong way to convince people that
your view is the right one.”
YouTube’s greatest power may
not be its ability to entertain fans,
but in reaching voters who least expect it. Kevin lepore, a 28-year-old
analyst living outside Chicago, was
scrolling through his phone one
morning on the train ride to work
when he stopped abruptly on
sanders’ “america” ad and, surprising himself, started tearing up.
a scant TV watcher, lepore had
seen few traditional campaign ads.
but upon watching it, he decided to
share the video on Facebook with
his mother-in-law in iowa, telling
her to “please consider” sanders.
“in the old days,” lepore said,
“you’d have only seen it from, you
know, 6 to 9 p.m., whenever
you’re watching TV. Now, it’s
but YouTube has also, with help
from the broader social-media
sweep, given the race a flare and
urgency perfectly attuned to what
Utah governor Gary Herbert this
month called modern politics’ “reality-TV voyeurism.” What came first:
The colorful, excitable chaos of our
electoral spectacle—or the technology precisely coded to stream,
share and multiply it across the
“You watch these pundits on
TV? That’s my grandfather’s medium. i’m not watching that. i’ll watch
it the next day on YouTube,” said
Carmen Villafane, a director at
Complex, the youth-culture magazine and digital platform that now
delivers debate coverage and interviews from the campaign trail
straight to its 1.2 million YouTube
subscribers. “The fact is that these
candidates have become memes,
and if it’s one thing that our audience loves, it’s memes.”
Pakistan, Iran Aim to Increase Trade Volumes to $5B by 2021
- Pakistan and iran aim
to increase annual trade volumes
between the two countries to $5
billion by 2021, Pakistani Prime
minister Nawaz sharif said on
sharif spoke at a business conference with iranian President Hassan
Rouhani, who arrived in islamabad
on Friday for two-day talks focused
on increasing Pakistan’s electricity
imports from iran, boosting trade
relations and reviving plans for a
gas pipeline between the two
“in the five year strategic action
plan signed yesterday, we have
aimed at boosting our bilateral
trade to the level of $5 billion by
2021,” sharif said.
“more land routes for trade on
our border, trade exhibitions, industrial and agricultural cooperation and mutual recognition of standards will boost trade,” he added.
Trade between Pakistan and
iran fell to $432 million in 2010 to
2011 from $1.32 billion in 2008 to
2009, according to the Trade development authority of Pakistan, after
western powers imposed sanctions
on Tehran aimed at halting a nuclear program they suspected was
aimed at developing a nuclear
most of the sanctions were lifted
in January in return for iran complying with a deal to curb its nuclear ambitions.
“iran has the capability to help
the development of the economic
infrastructure of Pakistan, including
roads, railways, dams and other
areas,” Rouhani said in his speech
at the Pakistan-iran business
iran currently exports around
100 mW of electricity to the areas of
Pakistan that border iran. Pakistan
is in the final stages of negotiating a
deal that will increase that to 1,000
mW, the ministry of Water and
Power has said previously.
Energy-starved Pakistan suffers
about 12 hours of power cuts per
day and is keen to import iranian
oil, gas, iron and steel.
iran is interested in Pakistani textiles, surgical goods, sports goods
and agricultural products.
Pakistan also plans to set up industrial sites in the impoverished
border area, especially for petrochemical storage, and link the infrastructure to a $46 billion project
with China dubbed the ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor.
monday, march 28, 2016
The CamBodia daily
British EU Exit Campaign Backed by 250 Business Leaders
london - The campaign for Britain
to leave the E.U. has been backed
by 250 business leaders including
the former chief executive of
HSBC, the Vote leave group said
on Saturday, hoping to counter the
view that U.K. businesses back
staying in the bloc.
The camps arguing for and
against Britain staying in the E.U.
ahead of a referendum on British
membership on June 23 have both
made the economic impact of a
“Brexit” a cornerstone of their
last month, the bosses at more
than a third of Britain’s biggest
companies including major oil
companies Shell and BP and its
largest telecoms group BT said
leaving the E.U. would put jobs
and investment at risk.
on Saturday, Vote leave, one of
the groups supporting a British
exit, unveiled its own list of backers including Michael Geoghegan,
former chief executive of HSBC
Group and Tim Martin, the boss of
pubs group Jd Wetherspoon.
“With our growing list of business supporters, Vote leave will
make that case that whilst the E.U.
might be good for big multination-
als, for smaller businesses it acts as
a job destruction regulatory machine,” Matthew Elliott, chief executive of Vote leave, said.
However, The Sunday Times
newspaper reported that two of the
well-known names on the list, John
Caudwell, founder of Phones4U,
and david Ross, the co-founder of
Carphone Warehouse, had not
signed up.
“You have to question how this
list has been compiled,” the paper
quoted a spokesman for Caudwell
as saying.
Vote leave also said it was forming a business council to argue
that E.U. membership was holding back business.
That group will be headed by
John longworth, who quit as
director-general of the British
Chambers of Commerce lobbying group after he spoke out in
favour of leaving the E.U., accusing Prime Minister david Cameron of trying to scare voters into
backing his case to stay in the
Meanwhile, The Times newspaper reported that hedge funds
were planning to use exit polls to
make big profits on the day of the
Under electoral law, it is illegal
to publish the results of such
polls while people are still voting,
but a private poll could allow
traders to exploit moves in the
currency market, with sterling expected to rise sharply against the
dollar on the back of an “In” vote
but decline if Britons vote for an
Sterling fell to multi-year lows
last week on a perceived rise in the
chances of an E.U. exit, and on
companies and fund investors
hedging against it, though the currency later steadied.
“There is a lot of interest around
Brexit, particularly from the big
U.S. funds,” one unnamed broker
told The Times.
The odds of a Brexit narrowed
on Tuesday as the Brussels bombings were seen boosting the “out”
cambodia securities exchange
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Grand Twins
foreign exchange
¥/US$ ..........................113.083
£/US$ ............................0.7077
HK$/US$ .......................7.7581
SwissF/US$ ...................0.9762
Source: L y H our E xcHangE
Sing$/US$ .....................1.3723
Euro/US$ ......................0.8954
SKoreaW/US$ .............1,169.15
//US$ .......................35.35
Riel/US$ ..........................4,010
local gold
LOCaL gOLd type (O’ruSSeI Market)
Source: L y H our E xcHangE
Canadia ($/damlung)..................1,470................1,480
Kilo ($/damlung) ........................1,470................1,480
99% ($/damlung) .......................1,450................1,460
97% ($/damlung) .......................1,410................1,420
26.67 damlung are
equal to 1 kg
The Cambodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
The Little Genocide: an Unsatisfactory Karadzic Conviction
B y t imothy
W illiam W aters
los angeles times
Bosnian­Serbs­with­genocide. And
hearts­and­minds­in­Bosnia’s­deep­ly­divided­society,­where polls­re­peatedly­show­that­opinions­about
The Military Takes a Hit as Corruption in South Korea Continues
korean joongang daily
Email your
MONDAy, MARCH 28, 2016
The Ca mbo d i a d a i l y
The Majority Hope to Escape the Republic of Dissatisfaction
By Ch o i Sa n g -y e o n
he Republic of Korea is the
republic of dissatisfaction.
Only 23 percent of those
with jobs are satisfied with their
work, a survey of 9,997 adults reported last month in the 2016 Korea Allied Economic Association’s
Annual Meeting showed. Only one
out of 10 people said they are adequately recognized for their work.
The real unemployment rate of
young people between the ages of
15 and 29 reached 35 percent.
Those in their 20s, 30s and 40s are
the first generations who are living
poorer lives than their parents, and
the country has earned the nickname “Hell Joseon” as a result.
It is no wonder more than 70
percent of people say they want
to migrate to another country if
possible. Dissatisfaction snowballs as time goes on, but this is
not the first time in the country’s
history that this has happened.
During his 24-year reign, King
Jeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty
made visits outside the palace 66
times and heard 3,355 verbal petitions from ordinary citizens. Those
who were illiterate could ring a bell
when the king passed by and were
allowed to raise their complaints.
When the petitions were unreasonable or petty, the complainer
was subject to a punishment of 100
floggings. But when the king made
his first outside trip, more than 50
petitions were filed. During King
Myeongjong’s rule, there were so
many petitioners that the government flogged them before listening
to complaints, but it was impossible
to quiet their dissatisfaction.
Now, a question arises. We are
living in an era within which ordinary people are extremely dissatisfied with our elections. But why
do the opposition parties lose?
Over the past decade, the ruling
Saenuri Party always won the
general elections, presidential
elections, local elections and all
During the seven general elections that took place over the past
30 years since democratization, it
lost control just once. The ruling
party appears to be damaged by
the current nomination crisis, but
the public has no doubt that it will
still win the upcoming election.
There are various theories.
One out of three people are from
Gyeongsang and one out of four
are from Jeolla, and regionalism
contributes to the situation. The
elderly are also sure supporters
of the ruling party and always re-
cord high turnout. Furthermore,
the election system is made up of
single-member constituencies in
which the winner takes all. It is
far from an even playing field.
The theories are right, but the
true reason is the incompetence of
the opposition. They fail to make
enraged voters head straight to the
polls. They should have lit a fire
using the heated public sentiment,
but the opposition parties seem to
only want to fight each other.
In the past, there were some
liberal issues such as debates on
free school lunches, but the oppo-
The Ca m bo d i a d a i ly
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sition parties are only left with
their own in-fighting with only 20
days before the election.
It is no wonder that university
students are planning their spring
trips to coincide with election day.
Ahn Cheol-soo used to be the hope
of the young, but his approval rating is only 5 percent among those
in their 20s and 30s who live in the
capital region. University students
and the young, therefore, created
their own political parties one after another, and they plan to “Occupy the National Assembly” this
It is frustrating that the opposition parties are also not telling the
public why they are fighting each
other. In order to break the longheld structure of the two-party system that relies on regionalism, a
new political party and new leader
are needed, Ahn has said. He is
right. But there is no way to find
out how the People’s Party is different from the Minjoo Party of
Korea. The People’s Party said it
will welcome all lawmakers who
are abandoned by the Saenuri Party and Minjoo Party. What does
that even mean?
Ahn used to say that his party has a liberal economic policy
and conservative national security
stance. He, however, is promoting
the Sunshine Policy largely to court
voters from Jeolla. We will have yet
another regional political party.
Some said the more Ahn works,
the more the Saenuri Party will
change. But the Minjoo Party is ignoring the situation.
The local election a decade ago
was the only one in which the opposition didn’t have an electoral alliance. At the time, the Uri Party
was completely crushed in the capital region, except for winning the
Guri mayoral seat. Four years ago,
voters in their 20s and 30s had a
turnout similar to that of elderly voters in the last general election and
the opposition formed an alliance,
but the playing field was still level.
And yet, the Minjoo Party and
People’s Party are just waiting to
see an opportunity to benefit from
the aftermath of the ruling party’s
nomination crisis. It is no wonder
that the Minjoo Party is criticized
for avoiding responsibility, and the
People’s Party is criticized for
avoiding reality.
Candidate registration was on
Thursday and Friday. Once a candidate is registered, the name will
stay on the ballot even after he or
she has bowed out from the race
after candidate consolidation. The
countdown has already begun.
The Cambodia daily
monday, march 28, 2016
Stripped Synthetic Organism Sheds Light on Nature of Life
washington - scientists on thurs-
day announced the creation of a
synthetic organism stripped down
to the bare essentials with the
fewest genes needed to survive
and multiply, a feat at the microscopic level that may provide big
insights on the very nature of life.
genome research pioneer J.
Craig Venter called the bacterial
cell his research team designed
and constructed the “most simple
of all organisms.” while the human genome possesses more
than 20,000 genes, the new organism gets by with only 473.
“this study is definitely trying
to understand a minimal basis of
life,” Venter said. But the researchers said that even with such a
simple organism, that understanding remained elusive.
they noted that even though
their organism has so few genes,
they were still uncertain about
the function of nearly a third of
them, even after more than five
years of work.
the researchers predicted their
work would yield practical applications in developing new medicines, biochemicals, biofuels and
in agriculture.
“our long-term vision has been
to design and build synthetic organisms on demand where you
can add in specific functions and
predict what the outcome is going to be,” said Daniel gibson,
vice president for Dna technologies at synthetic genomics inc.,
the company handling commercial applications from the research.
“i think it’s the start of a new
era,” Venter added.
Venter helped map the human
genome in 2001 and created the
first synthetic cell in 2010 with
the same team that conducted
the new research.
that 2010 achievement, creating a bacterial organism with a
man-made genome, demonstrated
that genomes can be designed on
a computer, made in a laboratory
and transplanted into a cell to form
a new, self-replicating organism.
having created that synthetic
cell, the researchers set out to engineer a bacterium by removing
unessential genes. the goal was
to use the fewest genes necessary for the organism to live and
Venter said initially “every one
of our designs failed” because they
took out too many genes and had
to restore some.
Venter said one lesson was that
to understand life, it is more important to look across the entirety
of a genome—an organism’s complete genetic blueprint—rather
than at individual genes.
“Life is much more like a symphony orchestra than a piccolo
player. and we’re applying the
same philosophy now to our analysis of the human genome, where
we’re finding most human conditions are affected by variations
across the entire genome” rather
than a single gene, Venter said.
the researchers said they created a minimal cell possessing
the smallest genome of any selfreplicating organism. they said a
cell with even fewer genes could
be possible although it might, for
example, reproduce excruciatingly slowly.
Microbiologist Clyde hutchison of the J. Craig Venter institute in La Jolla, California, lead author of the study in the journal
science, said the goal is to figure
out the functions of all the cell’s
genes and make a computer model to predict how it would grow
and change in different environments or with additional genes.
“it’s important to realize there is
no cell that exists where we know
the functions of all the genes,”
hutchison said.
the environmental group
Friends of the Earth expressed
concern about the research, citing the lack of government regulations specific to synthetic biology and gene-editing technologies.
“Living organisms like bacteria
are not machines to be rewired,”
said Dana Perls, an official of the
group. “not even the scientists
know the biological function of 149
of these genes, which raises safety
concerns. if we don’t fully understand the science, it is more difficult to manage biosafety concerns.”
the research might shed light
on the origins of life on Earth billions of years ago. “we may be
getting hints of some early fundamental mechanisms that coincide
with some of the most primitive
kind of life forms,” Venter said.
“i think as we get the ability to
explore further in the universe,
my view is wherever we have the
same chemical constituents,
which is almost everywhere, life
will happen,” Venter said. “But
that’s a philosophical point until
it’s proven.”