the bulletin - Skye Terrier Club of America
the bulletin - Skye Terrier Club of America
Spring 2015 THE BULLETIN THE OFFICIAL QUARTERLY OF THE SKYE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA GCh. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Best of Breed, Group 1, Best In Show Eukanuba National Championship December 13, 2014 RBIS, BISS GCH Jay-Roy Byrne ‘N Hot For You Westminster Kennel Club New York, New York Select Dog Byrne finished 2014 as the #3 Skye Terrier in breed & group points Byrne exemplifies the qualities as called for in the Standard: Long, Low and Level Bred by: Robyn Hand Jay-Roy Skye Terriers Owned by: Diana G. & Kelly J. Salandro SkyePatch Skye Terriers Handled by: Sarah Karger-Krickeberg Kelly Salandro Spring 2015 Page 1 The Skye Terrier Club of America (STCA) was founded in 1938 to protect and preserve the Skye Terrier. Our AKC-member club is comprised of responsible breeders, owners and exhibitors of Skye Terriers. Recognizing that the quality and reputation of all Skye Terriers rests solely in the hands of their owners, breeders and exhibitors, the members of the Skye Terrier Club of America abide by, and are guided by, a Code of Ethics. Visit our website at: OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Karen Turnbull 19548 East Maranatha Rd Maxwell, NE 69151 (303)902-3220 VICE PRESIDENT Michael Koss 2530 Cambridge Hills Rd Cummings. GA. 30041 (770)205-6052 SECRETARY Karen L. Sanders 11567 Sutters Mill Circle Gold River, CA 95670 (916)631-8716 TREASURER Julie Ordner 5319 184th St. W. Farmington, MN 55024 (651)338-4568 AKC DELEGATE Stephen Hersey 46 Moulton Road Hampton, NH 03842-2154 (603)926-6915 DIRECTORS Patricia A. Flanagan 5200 Bushnell Campbell Rd Kinsman, OH. 44428 (330)272-6601 Ellen Lehman 1132 - 26th Street Santa Monica, CA 90403 (310)393-0800 Michael Pesare 180 Marsh Creek Rd Gettysburg, Pa 17325 (717)334-3356 Laura R. Tiktinsky 5240 Marston Road Atlanta, GA 30360 (770)395-7620 STANDING COMMITTEES AKC Gazette Correspondent: Travis Wright Awards and Statistics: Sondra Langley Breeder Referral: Al Smith The Bulletin Editor: Pat Flanagan Challenge Trophies: Elaine Hersey Ethics: Catherine Nelson Health: Kirsi Sainio Historians: Michael J. Pesare and Robyn Hand Judges/Breeders Education: Coordinator: Michael Koss; District Members: Michael Pesare (east), Karen Sanders (west), Karen Turnbull (Central) Judges Selection: Chair& Initial Ballot:: Judy Davis Members, Final Ballot: Laura Weber, Priscilla Zeller Legislation: Yvette Alley Membership: Elaine D. Hersey Nominating (2014):Steve Hersey, Peggy Kopf Alternates: Laura Weber, Judy Davis, Julie Ordner Parliamentary Advisor: Walter Nelson Pedigree Book: Gregory Anderson Public Education: Darlene Sumner Rescue: Chair: Yvette Alley, Members: Beth Willis. Cheryl Schuman & Susan Lockwood National Specialty Coordinators: Karen Turnbull & Karen Sanders Standing Rules and Motions: Karen Sanders & Karen Turnbull Member Relations: Carol Fink Ways and Means: Vacant Website & Facebook Page: Vacant SPECIAL COMMITTEES Illustrated Standard: Illustrator: Cathy Nelson Operating Budget: Chair: Pat Flanagan Members: Karen J’Anthony, Michael Koss & Karen Turnbull Regional Club Presidents: Potomac Skye Terrier Club: Michael J. Pesare Skye Terrier Club of Southern California: Carol Simonds Page 2 Spring 2015 THE BULLETIN T h e O f f i c i a l Q u a r t e r l y o f t h e o f A m e r i c a E d i t o r : P r i n t i n g : J u d y D a v i s , P a t S k y e T e r r i e r C l u b F l a n a g a n D a v i s P r i n t i n g , Y u b a C i t y , C A Special Features Eukanuba Results……………………………………………….6 Inside this Issue Meet The Breeds at Eukanuba…………………………….5 Meet The Breeds at Westminster……………………….10 Advertisers Westminster Results…………………………………………..6 Cragsmoor……………………………………………………..C 2-3 Gleanntan…………………………………………………..........8-9 Gold River………………………………………………….. C 5,6,7 High Road…………………………………………………………...C1 Of Wallaces Coven…………………………………………..C 8-9 Poorhill…………………………………………inside back cover Rover Run……………………………………………………………11 Royalist…………………………….. ……………………….C 10-11 Regular Features Seamist………………………………………………………………...7 Serendipity……………………………………………………….C 12 Advertising Policy for the Bulletin ............................. 20 Breeders’ Directory ................................................... 19 Bulletin Ad Submission Procedures……………………..18 Skyepatch……………………………………..inside front cover Talakan……………………………………………………………..C 4 Calendar…………………………………………………………….20 Committees.................................................................. 1 Editor’s Desk................................................................ 3 Membership……………………………………………………….17 Officers & Directors ..................................................... 1 Presidents Message……………………………………………..4 STCA Board Minutes……………………………………...12-17 STCA Notices………………………………………………………..4 The Bulletin (ISSN 1072-8899), the official newsletter of The Skye Terrier Club of America, is mailed quarterly to STCA Members, AKC- approved judges and the AKC library. Subscriptions are available to non-members for $20.00 (US) or $30.00 (Foreign) per year. Single copies are available from the Editor at $3.00 per copy. Spring 2015 Page 3 From the Editor’s Desk I’d like to start out by apologizing to the membership for this issue coming out so late. We had a few “glitches” that needed to be handled. One of which was that the choice to send everyone one last hard copy of The Bulletin before going to availability online. Those of you that have sent back the information as to whether you would rather receive The Bulletin as a hard copy and have paid the up charge will continue to receive it in this manner. You will also be able to access The Bulletin online as well as the folks that have opted to receive it online only. You will need to go to the STCA web page, click on the drop down box for The Bulletin, place the “username” and the “password” that was provided with the letter insert (which came with the mailing of this issue). If you have any issues please contact me. The judges will also be able to view The Bulletin online and they have a separate username and password to use. The fact that we have made the decision to go online will save the club a huge amount of postage money so that we may continue to provide the membership with our publication. This winter saw a lot of attention given to our breed with the Best In Show at Eukanuba and the Reserve Best In Show at the Garden that Charlie (GCh. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie) won. The Skye Terrier certainly could use the attention it has received and we are hoping that this will promote the breed to those that are not familiar with it. We need new people to become involved so that our breed continues to flourish. We need to positively mentor those that do show an interest. And with the promise of several litters in the US this year that should give those breeders that opportunity. In closing I’d like to remind people that the next deadline date to get your ads or articles in is fast approaching. It is May 12. I realize that doesn’t give everyone much time between this issue and the next but I must adhere to the deadline date so that the next issue goes out on time before the Southern California Skye Terrier Club specialty in June. Best wishes for everyone out there in the show ring. Hoping everyone has a great year!!! Contact Info: Pat Flanagan Bulletin Editor 5200 Bushnell Campbell Rd. Kinsman, Ohio 44428 (330) 272-6601 Dear STCA Officers, Directors, Club Members and Friends, Sometimes unexpected surprises are the best and I received just such a surprise in December when reading my Winter Issue of the Bulletin to discover I had received the President's Award. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Montgomery specialty weekend to accept the award. I understand from reading the Bulletin a standing ovation followed the announcement of the President's Award and I thank you all. I received an additional pleasant surprise on Christmas Eve, when a beautiful plaque arrived - just in time for Christmas. I would like to thank you all for your support and I am honored to receive the award. In appreciation, Karen J’Anthony Page 4 Spring 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I had hoped to start this first 2015 and Spring Issue off with a positive message and that will still be my intention, but I’m afraid it’s now become a bit of a “Good News, Bad News” story. But first let’s talk about all the good news! It seems like Skye’s are popping up everywhere! Is this going to be the year or the Skye! Are you feeling it too? I’m sure we can attribute most of this to the amazing success of the fabulous Charlie, AKA GCH CH Cragsmoor Goodtime Charlie, owned by member Gene Zaphiris, and Matt Stander, who among his path of wins includes winning not only BIS at Eukanuba, but also Reserve BIS at Westminster for the entire world to see! He gave us all a night to remember and had us all cheering on the edge of our seats! Case in point….Jay and I recently stopped at a rest stop in very rural Colorado to exercise two of the Skyes and a family poured out of a minivan and excitedly screamed “Wow are those Skye Terriers! We loved Charlie! Can we pat them! They couldn’t have been more thrilled if the dogs had been rock stars! And, the dogs loved the attention and we gave them a breed card (and everyone wanted one like they were a prize!) as a reminder of their visit, and we made friends of the breed, so that’s how it goes, and that’s how it works….it’s just all feeling good for the breed right now. And there are other good things going on...AKC’s Family Dog Magazine just did a lovely feature article on Skyes. If you didn’t see it, you can view it on the AKC website. Also, Showsight magazine will be doing a feature in their upcoming April issue. The magazines are feeling it too….Skye’s are “of the moment”! And I’ve heard of a couple of litters on the ground already for 2015 and of more litters on the horizon which is great news so I’m looking forward to seeing more puppies, and the numbers rising for this year which is going in the right direction and so important for our endangered breed! It all such great news and such a great start to the year! The STCA is also off to a good start too for 2015! We had some positive progressive changes, a great specialty and successful fund raising events last year. We’re working on a beautiful new website and if you can believe it we’ve even started tweeting! We’ve evolved! We’ve seen several new members so we’re actually going against the trend of most clubs these days. I’ve actually had other breed clubs ask me what we’re doing…they’re actually interested in the STCA and what we’re up to! So I was feeling optimistic for our breed and club until…. The bad news….just as I was writing this I got the news that AKC released the numbers for 2014 and Skyes slipped once again down to the 171 rank….10 places down from last year and 10 places from the bottom. Yes folks we dropped down again. I posted this news on Facebook and it generated a really thoughtful and passionate discussion with great insight by many of you who are members of the STCA. I think with the current interest in the breed and passion of our breeders and owners, I’m looking forward to not ever having to post this sad news again. I hope we’re turning the tide and that the STCA driven by all of you, who are the stewards of the breed, we can work hard to assure that the will breed survive and thrive. Let’s all make 2015 and the Year of the Skye! STCA Notices Notice to Breeders The Skye Terrier Club of America Breeder Referral Program is a service available to member breeders currently in good standing of the club (i.e. dues paid). Our Referral Committee receives the names of people who have contacted the AKC with interest in our breed. If you currently have or anticipate a litter, please contact: Fran Johnston 643 King Row Road Oxford, PA 19363 Phone: (610) 932-2052 E-mail: silverspun The STCA also maintains a listing of all Skyes that have been and currently are bred and registered with the AKC. This listing includes commercial breeders as well. STCA member breeders may contact Rebecca Jackson at (515) 663-9567 for more information. Send a Card to a Club Member Do you know a club member who is ill, or has suffered a recent loss of a family member? Contact Carol Fink at (707) 944-8871 or e-mail: and she will send an appropriate card to the member. Spring 2015 Page 5 AKC/EUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW WEEK 2014 By Karen Sanders The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show Week of events in Orlando has become a major event in the dog show calendar, second only to Westminster week in New York and of course for Terrier lovers, the Montgomery County Kennel Club Weekend in Philadelphia. It typically draws most of the top dogs from this country as well as many from overseas and the 2014 event was no exception. Events offered something for almost every dog lover including obedience and agility events; three days of all-breed conformation competitions prior to the AKC/Eukanuba show; a day of individual breed specialties; special major competitions for owner/handlers and breeder/ owner/handlers; special attractions including the very popular dock diving competitions; and finally, a two day “Meet The Breeds” event at the AKC/Eukanuba show sponsored by the AKC and put on by the individual Breed Clubs. The AKC has worked very hard to make this annual event extremely attractive both for the exhibitor and the public and having attended the Florida event twice now, I’d recommend highly recommend it to all. Special rates are generally negotiated with area hotels for attendees and their dogs and there are a variety of properties available close to the show site and within easy driving distance of the airport. The venue, the Orlando Orange County Convention Center, is huge, but everything is on one floor with easy access to everything although attendees need to be prepared to do a lot of walking. Exhibitor parking was a breeze with well managed loading/unloading space directly adjacent to the grooming areas and while you can pay for assigned grooming space (if needed), there was most ample free space to be found. There were a good many vendors offering a wide variety of goods and services, a huge area was set aside as a food court, and restrooms were large and convenient. Best of all from an exhibitor perspective, the show rings themselves were very large affording plenty of room for the dogs to move and lots of room for those around the ring to just watch the judging. Judging results are included separately but as many of you may know, a Skye Terrier, GCH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie, took top honors at the AKC/Eukanuba show, going all the way to Best In Show. Needless to say, this was a terrific honor for the breed and for Charlie’s owners, breeders and handler alike, and a statue of him will be added to the special AKC/Eukanuba Best In Show trophy. As everyone is well aware, Skyes are an increasingly rare breed; consequently, the Skye Terrier Club of America Board of Directors supported the Meet The Breeds program by sponsoring a booth at this event which runs the Saturday and Sunday of the AKC/ Eukanuba National Championship Show. This year’s booth was designed and put together by Darlene Sumner who participated in the AKC Agility Championship event and blown up photos of Skyes doing many things including obedience, agility, conformation and just having a good time made up the booth décor. Traffic at the booth was very heavy both days and the breed materials and information we made available were all well received. Booth staffing included Darlene and other attending STCA members including Bobbi Koseff Lubliner and husband Bud, Harvey and Melissa Walfish, Sue and Frank Falvey, and new STCA AKC Delegate Steve Hersey who was in Orlando to attend his first AKC Delegates’ Meeting. Needless to say, our Skyes were regularly on display to meet and greet everyone stopping by and were, as always, a very big hit. In closing, many thanks must go to all those who worked hard to support the breed and the club by their participation in this event. With our numbers getting so low, it’s critical that we all take advantage of available opportunities to showcase and educate the public about the wonderful advantages of being owned by a Skye! Page 6 Spring 2015 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship December 13, 2014 JUDGE: Mrs. Loraine Boutwell Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . 1/W/BW 7 GOLD RIVER BESDAM GREAT EXPECTATIONS. RN221136/03. 12/03/2010. BREEDER: Karen L. & William T. Sanders Jr.. By GCH Talakan Trumpeter Swan-CH Gold River I Get Around. OWNER: Barbara Koseff Lubliner & Karen L. Sanders. Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches . 1/R 12 FAIRE SKYES THANKS FOR THE MAGIC MEMORIES. RN262505/02. 11/28/2013. BREEDER: Maryanne Gallagher. By Ch Finnsky Gladiator-Ch Faire Skyes Magical Piper.OWNER: Michelle Shiue & Maryanne Gallagher. 2 14 NAHODKA IZ KOPILOCHKI. RN268761/01. 12/14/2013. BREEDER: Kate Devyatka. By Gran Priiz Psov Grada-Antaris Goldenskye Istoriya Lyubvi. OWNER: Michelle Shiue. A 18 CRAGSMOOR GOODTIMES AT BANNERDOWN. RN259209/03. 08/18/2013. BREEDER: M Stander & E Zaphiris & K Sainio & L Cornelius. By Ch Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman-Of Skyeline Dream With Me. OWNER: E Zaphiris & M Stander & K Sainio & L Cornelius. AGENT: Larry Cornelius PHA, AKC Reg. Handler. Amateur-Owner-Handler Bitches . 1 10 SOLANA FOXY LADY. RN258727/04. 09/28/2013. BREEDER: Michelle Shiue. By Ch Kishniga's HMS Maxmus-Ch GCH Blasphemous Rumours dell'Antica Caledonia. OWNER: Susan Ritvo Falvy & Michelle Shiue. Open Bitches . 1/W JAM 16 KUHL BREEZE LUCY IN THE SKYE WITH DIAMONDS. 24725904. 11/09/2012. BREEDER: Deborah Ridley & Demia Divis & Eric Ridley. By Ch Talakan Trumpeter Swan-Ch Kuhl Breeze Lil' Less Talk. OWNER: Elline Melissa Walfish & Harvey Walfish & Brett. Best of Breed Competition . A 5 CH GCH SOLANA DEMOLITION MAN. RN212117/04. 09/05/2010. Dog. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Cry Havoc Shadow Of The Thin Man-Ch Solana Almost An Angel. OWNER: Michelle Shiue. AGENT: Brenda Lee Combs. SEL 8 CH SOLANA FEED OUR FAME. RN258727/02. 09/28/2013. Bitch. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Kishniga's HMS Maximus-Ch Blasphemous Rumours dell'Antica Caledonia. OWNER: Michelle Shiue. BB/G1/BS 9 GCH CH CRAGSMOOR GOOD TIME CHARLIE. RN229961/01. 05/29/2011. Dog. BREEDER: Eugene Z Zaphiris & Matthew H Stander. By Ch Finnsky Oliver-Ch Gragsmoor Adell Goodwoman. OWNER: Victor Malzoni Jr & Cragsmoor Kennels Reg. AGENT: Larry Cornelius PHA, AKC Reg. Handler. OS BOBBBE 16 CH GCH GOLD RIVER AS YOU LIKE IT. RN221136/02. 12/03/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Karen L. & William T. Sanders. By Ch GCH Talakan Trumpeter Swan-Ch CH Gold River I Get Around. OWNER: Karen L. & William T. Sanders Jr.. 2015 Westminster Kennel Club New York, New York February 10, 2015 JUDGE: Dr. Jerry Klein. Best of Breed Competition. A 6 GCH ROYALIST SNOKNIGHT O KUHLBREEZE. RN 12051805. 06-02-06 By Ch Lairdoglen The Highlander - Ch Lairdoglen Amazing Grace. Dog. Owner: Karen Jennings Turnbull & Eric Ridley & Deborah Ridley, Maxwell, NE 69151. Breeder: Karen Jennings & Laura Mebes. OS 7 GCH GLEANNTAN FIRST LADY OF THE SKYES. RN 23444603. 12-19-11 By Ch Jayroy Railway American Anthem - Ch Gleanntan Glorious Legacy. Bitch. Owner: Gleanntan Knl, Gettysburg, PA 173257121. Breeder: Gleanntan Knl. (Michael J Pesare, Agent).B/G1/RBIS (1 GC Pts) 8 GCH CRAGSMOOR GOOD TIME CHARLIE. RN 22996101. 05-29-11 By Ch Finnsky Oliver - Ch Cragsmoor Adell Goodwoman. Dog. Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr & Cragsmoor Kennels Reg, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. Breeder: Eugene Z Zaphiris & Matthew H Stander. (Larry Cornelius, AKC Registered Handler PHA). SEL 9 GCH JAY-ROY BYRNE 'N HOT FOR YOU. RN 10852704. 03-12-06 By Ch Olivia Noble Skye Lord - Ch Jay-Roy Olivia Wild Infatuation. Dog. Owner: Diana G & Kelly J Salandro, Youngstown, OH 445128025. Breeder: Robyn Hand. (Sarah Krickeberg, Agent). Spring 2015 Page 7 Seamist Knight To Remember “Graham” He’s on his way! Greater Lowell Kennel Club Terrier Group 3 Thank You Judge Mrs. Anna Katona Greater Lowell Kennel Club Bred-By Exhibitor Terrier Group 1 Many Thanks to Judge Mrs. Christine Calcinari (Ch. Seamist Big Man In Town, CD, BN, RE, THD x Ch. Faireskyes Seamist Believe In Magic, RN) Seamist Skye Terriers Elaine and Stephen Hersey - Hampton NH Phone: (603) 926-6915 Page 8 Spring 2015 Introducing Dexter’s daughter, “Sunny” Gleanntan Ocean of Light Sire: Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker - Dam: Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy In her very first time in the ring, 5.5-month old “Sunny” earned: BEST IN SHOW (AKC Beginner Puppy) under judge Mrs. Nena Dee “Sunny” is out of the Skye Terrier Club of America 2013 Top Producing Dam, Ch. Gleanntan Glorious Legacy who is the litter sister of Multi-Group Winning and Westminster KC BOB (2013) GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce Gleanntan Kennels, Reg. Classic Skye Terriers - Since 1970 Michael J. Pesare & Maida Connor Roxan L. Rohrich Website: Sunny is breeder/owner handled by: Michael J. Pesare Gleanntan Kennels Spring 2015 Page 9 Dexter Ch. Dexter Jetser Bohemia Skywalker In his first shows out as a Special, this exciting young male has earned the attention of judges and breed experts. Group 2 - Shenandoah Valley KC - March 7, 2015 Judge: John (Tom) Ward Gleanntan Kennels, Reg. Classic Skye Terriers - Since 1970 Michael J. Pesare & Maida Connor Roxan L. Rohrich Website: Bred by: Jaroslava Serak Bohemia Skywalker Prague, Czech Republic Page 10 Spring 2015 AKC Meet the Breeds - Westminster KC Weekend - New York City By Michael J. Pesare My wife, Maida Connor and I joined with Sue Chandler to coordinate the Skye Terrier Club of America booth at the AKC Meet the Breeds event on Saturday, February 14, 2015. This year's Meet the Breeds moved from the Javits Center to Pier 92 in New York City. Previously, the event was held over two days. This year, the AKC made the superb decision to make the event a one-day event and to hold it just prior to the Westminster KC show. I think this was an excellent decision that capitalized on the media attention that Westminster attracts. Prior to the event, the AKC was hoping for 15,000 attendees. However, we heard that the event sold out prior to the end of the day and it is estimated that upwards of 20,000 people attended. Our Skye booth was absolutely swamped from 10 a.m. through the closing at 5 p.m. Another advantage that we enjoyed was the fact that the breed booths were organized in reverse alphabetical order. So, the “A” breeds were at the rear of the Piers building and the Skye booth was very close to the entrance of the building. This definitely helped our exposure! The Skyes participating were: 2013 Westminster BOB winner, GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Gaelforce - "Cooper", GCH. Ch. Gleanntan Wonderful Wizard of Oz - "Gus", Gleanntan Oh My Goodness - "Mellie" and 5month old pups, Gleanntan Ocean of Light - "Sunny” and Gleanntan IHopeUDance - "Ally”. As you can see in the photos, the Skyes were a delightful attraction and they handled the attention with confidence. Another photo in the series shows our appearance on nationally broadcast “Fox and Friends”. A few weeks prior to the Meet the Breeds event, we were invited to join three other breeds for an appearance on Fox and Friends just prior to the start of the event. After getting the booth set up at 6 a.m. on Saturday, I headed over to the Fox studio with "Cooper" and his daughter, "Ally". Our appearance went well, though the camera person got us mixed up with the Bedlington Terriers. A heartfelt thanks to Maida Connor and Sue Chandler! We’ve been manning the Meet the Breeds booth for a number of years now and every year we tweak our pres- Spring 2015 Page 11 C1 C2 Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Pictured on the front and back cover is the Top Winning Skye Terrier in the History of the Breed, Ch. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie. Breaking the bred record held by his housemate Ch. Cragsmoor Buddy Goodman. Charlie, is the result of a frozen semen breeding, sired by our Westminster group winner Ch. Finnsky Oliver and out of the number one Skye terrier bitch, Ch. Cragsmoor Adele Goodwoman, a litter sister to Buddy. He is pictured on the front cover winning Best in Show at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Dog Show, the largest entry dog show in America under judge Mr. Ronald Menaker after winning best of Breed under judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell and the Terrier Group under judge Mrs. Karen Wilson. He is pictured on the back cover, winning Reserve Best In Show at the Westminster Kennel Club under judge Mr. David Merriam after winning best of Breed under judge Dr. Jerry Klein and the Terrier Group under breeder judge Dr. John Reeve-Newson. C3 He completed his first full year of campaigning, as the Number One Skye Terrier (all breed points), Number One among all Terrier breeds and Number Three among all breeds. He was the 2014 Purina Show Dog of The Year, winning 111 Group Firsts. As of this writing , Charlie has won over 50 All Breed Best In Shows. Judge: Mrs. Karen Wilson In addition to all the success we achieved in the show ring, we were honored to be named the 2014 American Kennel Club Terrier Breeders of the Year. Judge: Dr. John Reeve-Newson Charlie is co-owned by Victor Malzoni, Jr. Handled by Larry Cornelius & Marcelo Veras Breeders & Owners Eugene Z. Zaphiris Cragsmoor Kennels. Reg. Matthew H. Stander Oyster Bay Cove, NewYork 11771 C4 C5 SHE’S A CLASSIC IN FORM AND FUNCTION GCH GOLD RIVER AS YOU LIKE IT Best of Opposite Sex & Best Bred By Exhibitor Skye Terrier AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show December 14, 2014 Many Thanks To Our Judge Mrs. Loraine Boutwell, for this honor. Tillie went on to finish 2014 as the #3 Skye Terrier Bitch, Breed Points in very limited showing. The Skyes of Gold River Karen & Bill Sanders 11567 Sutter’s Mill Circle Gold River, CA 95670 C6 A TRULY FANTASTIC FINISH! MEET NEW CHAMPION GOLD RIVER BESDAM GREAT EXPECTATIONS SHOWN ONLY ONE OTHER WEEKEND AS A YOUNGSTER, SAM WENT BEST OF WINNERS AT FOUR STRAIGHT SHOWS FOR FOUR MAJORS INCLUDING THE AKC/EUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW UNDER JUDGE LORAINE BOUTWELL (PICTURED ABOVE.) HE WENT ON TO FINISH AT HIS NEXT SHOW NOT ONLY GOING BEST OF WINNERS AGAIN, BUT BEST OF BREED AS WELL FOR HIS FIFTH MAJOR PLUS A BRED BY EXHIBITOR GROUP 2 PLACEMENT ALL UNDER JUDGE KATHI BROWN AT THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERRIER SHOW (PICTURED CENTER) ON FEBRUARY 12, 2015. Sam is Owned & Adored by Bobbi Koseff Lubliner Besdam Skye Terriers Lake Worth, FL C7 THEN THERE WAS THE ICING ON THE CAKE! THRU FEBRUARY 2015, SAM IS THE #1 SKYE TERRIER BREED POINTS AND THE #2 SKYE TERRIER GROUP POINTS AT THE DENVER PLUM CREEK KC SHOWS ON FEBRUARY 13 & 14, 2015, SAM COLLECTED NOT ONLY BEST OF BREED PLACEMENTS, BUT GROUP 3 AND 4 PLACEMENTS INCLUDING THE PICTURED PLACEMENT WITH JUDGE ANNE KATONA. Sam is equally Adored, Co-owned & Handled by His breeder Karen Sanders The Skyes of Gold River Gold River, CA C8 Following in the footsteps of her brother............. Multi CH Bad Medicine Of Wallace's Coven CH American Tradition of Wallace' s Coven at Jay-Roy X CH Shawn-Rae Lady Fleming PR Champion: Pan-American Champion; Latin American Champion; FCI International Champion (awaiting confirmation) San Juan Winner '14; Belgian Winner '14, Amsterdam Jeugdwinster '14 Bred and loved by Ms. Shalini K. Ahuja Skye Terriers “Of Wallace’s Coven” Charlotte, NC Loved and Handled by Josh K. Actor “Druidsong” Charlotte, NC C9 Taking the world by storm......!!! Multi CH Blaze of Glory of Wallace's Coven CH American Tradition of Wallace' s Coven at Jay-Roy X CH Shawn-Rae Lady Fleming American Champion; PR Champion: Pan-American Champion; Latin American Champion; FCI International Champion (awaiting confirmation) San Juan Winner '14. PR Grand Champion; Belgian Winner '14 Bred and loved by Ms. Shalini K. Ahuja Skye Terriers 'Of Wallace's Coven’ Charlotte, NC Co-owned and loved by Ms. Kelly A. Case Myrtle Beach, SC C10 C10 C11 C3 C12 Page 12 Spring 2015 Skye Terrier Club of America Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting Minutes November 18, 2014 Call to Order and Roll Call The Vice-President, Mickey Koss, called the meeting to order at 8:03 PM, EDT, with all Board members present except the President, Karen Jennings Turnbull, who missed the meeting due to illness. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the October 3, 2014 Board Meeting and Annual Meeting were not available for review; however, the Secretary indicated she would send them out to the Board as soon as possible following this meeting for review and approval. PRESIDENT’S REPORT None submitted SECRETARY’S REPORT The following items were accomplished: Received paperwork from AKC that our new Delegate, Steve Hersey, has had his credentials approved and he will be seated at the December Delegates Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Paperwork was sent to the AKC requesting approval to permanently retire the Glamoor Kennel prefix so that it could not be used by anyone else. Worked with individuals planning to attend the AKC Eukanuba National Dog Show Week in Orlando to organize the club’s “Meet The Breeds” Booth. Continued to complete necessary items connected with the 2014 MCKC Skye Terrier Club of America National Specialty Show weekend. Received a letter from the Hon. David Merriam identifying the silver plate punch bowl donated by Bob Flanders and planned for offering as a specialty show trophy as having been won at the Albany Kennel Club in 1965 for Best in Show by CH Jacinthe de Riclaine, owned and handled by Walter Goodman. AKC DELEGATE’S REPORT (To be voted on at the December 12, 2014 Delegates Meeting) 1. FIELD TRIAL RULES AND STANDARD PROCEDURES FOR RETRIEVERS CHAPTER 14, RULES FOR RETRIEVER TRIALS. 2. CHARTER AND BYLAWS OF THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Proviso If approved by the Delegate body, the amendment to ARTICLE XIX, with concurrent rescinding of all current Field Trial Rules, will become effective immediately upon the Board of Directors of The American Kennel Club adopting all of the current Field Trial Rules as Regulations, with the Executive Secretary then authorized to change all cross-references within these documents from rules to regulations as applicable. 3. RULES APPLYING TO DOG SHOWS DOG SHOW ENTRIES, CONDITIONS OF DOGS AFFECTING ELIGIBILITY, CHAPTER 11 Following discussion, it was agreed to go with the AKC recommended actions on the above items. TREASURER’S REPORT Outgoing Treasurers Report · All funds closed and sent to Julie · Checking Account closed and sent to Julie · Money Market closed and sent to Julie · Quick Books backed up and sent to Julie · Working with Julie getting PayPal changed over Incoming Treasurer’s Report Totals are through November 17, 2014 Funds have been transferred to Think Bank Mutual via Julie Ordner Amounts include interest paid via TD Bank Karen Turnbull will be the secondary signature on STCA accounts Spring 2015 Page 13 Julie will continue working with Quick Books Checking $ 2,888.69 Money Market $ 23,458.35 Rescue Fund $ 1,576.83 Trophy Fund $ 1,598.62 Illustrated Standard $ 155.12 Specialty Fund $ 1,618.05 Pay Pal Transfer in progress $ 1,546.57 (need to determine where these funds should go) COMMITTEE REPORTS None submitted UNFINISHED BUSINESS STCA Website – It was agreed there needs to be additional coordination in the further development and maintenance of the new STCA website. Steve Hersey agreed to serve as the coordinator between new Website Chair Beth Willis and Website Developer, Karen Norteman. Proposed Standing Rule For Official Club Communications – The Secretary will send out a copy of the rule previously approved at the October 3, 2014 Board Meeting. Public Education Committee – Darlene Sumner has agreed to serve as the new STCA Public Education Program Committee Chair. NEW BUSINESS Specialty Show Awards of Merit – On a motion by Karen Sanders and second by Laura Tiktinsky, it was agreed to amend National Specialty Show Award of Merit selection criteria to exclude Select Dog and Bitch placements. NEXT MEETING DATE: It was agreed that the next Board meetings will be held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. ADJOURN: On a motion by Pat Flanagan and second by Julie Ordner, the Board agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 PM EST. Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sanders, Secretary Skye Terrier Club of America Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting Minutes January 20, 2015 (Approved As Amended February 24, 2015) Call to Order and Roll Call The President, Karen Turnbull, called the meeting to order at 8:13 PM, EST, with all Board members present except the VicePresident, Michael Koss, who later joined the meeting at 8:24 PM, EST, and Director Michael Pesare. Director Ellen Lehman left the meeting at 8:45 PM, EST, due to a prior appointment. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the November 18, 2014 Board Meeting were approved as submitted following a motion by Pat Flanagan and second by Ellen Lehman. Confirmation of previous email approval of the October 3, 2014 Board Meeting minutes and recommended approval of the October 3, 2014 Annual Meeting minutes was given following a motion by Pat Flanagan and second by Laura Tiktinsky. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Due to recent health issues and the Holiday Season, my club tasks have been limited, but have included the following: · Worked with new Treasurer Julie Degnan Ordner to transfer and set up new accounts in Minnesota. · Worked with artist DiAnne Cooper to help with beginning shipments of sculptures. There are just a few remaining sculptures left. If we can sell those then we will be able to raffle the one that has been gifted the STCA by William Berry. · Correspondence with Morris & Essex re: the STCA 2015 Supported Entry. · I had a phone conference with the AKC Family Dog magazine answering breed information for an upcoming issue featuring Charlie and his recent wins and highlighting our breed! · Made inquiries about an exciting possible fund raising/trophy project that can additionally give Skyes some great visibility with the general public. Also worked on some other additional fund raising opportunities for 2015. · Worked with Secretary Sanders on the 2015 Dues mailings insertions. Page 14 Spring 2015 SECRETARY’S REPORT · Received AKC approval to retire Glamoor Kennel prefix to prevent future use. · Participated in STCA “Meet The Breeds” Booth at AKC Eukanuba National Specialty Show weekend. Other participants included Booth Designer & new STCA Member Darlene Sumner; Bobbi Koseff Lubliner & husband Bud; Melissa & Harvey Walfish; Sue & Frank Falvey; and new STCA AKC Delegate Steve Hersey. A write up of this event and photos will be sent to Pat Flanagan for The Bulletin. · Submitted paperwork to AKC to have a “Meet The Breeds” booth in New York in conjunction with the Westminster KC Show. Mike Pesare has been designated as the club coordinator for this event. · Prepared and sent to AKC an updated listing of club officers and key committee chairs · Prepared and filed paperwork for the 2015 STCA National Specialty Show to be held Sunday October 4, 2015 with the MCKC Show. · Prepared a letter to the membership to be mailed with the annual dues notice advising members of: 1)Revisions to the Judge Selection Standing Rules; 2)Clarifications regarding how the club provides official notifications to members; and 3) Changes in how The Bulletin will be distributed beginning with the Spring 2015 Issue. · Signed the contract for the Thursday Night Dinner at the Holiday Inn as part of the 2015 STCA MCKC National Specialty Show Weekend and mailed a copy to Julie Ordner for payment of the deposit. (The contracts for a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn and the Awards Dinner to be held again at the Talamore Country Club were signed over the 2014 Specialty Show Weekend.) · Wrote a “Thank You” letter to William Berry expressing the club’s gratitude to him for his donation of one of the DiAnne Cooper sculptures. · A “Thank You” letter was sent to Laurie Brown, niece of late STCA Lifetime member Chuck Brown, in appreciation of her donation of auction items from Chuck’s estate. A check for a portion of the profits was also included which Laurie plans to donate to a homeless men’s shelter in Los Angeles in Chuck’s memory. AKC DELEGATE’S REPORT AKC Lifetime Achievement Awards · Conformation – Edd E. Bivin · Companion Events – Robert J. Squires · Performance – Jeannie L. Wagner Recommendations on Point Schedule · Points towards championships would be awarded for all four Group Placements, rather than just a Group 1. · Acknowledged the 81 low entry breeds by combining single dog entry with single bitch entry to award one point Star Achiever Award · New exhibitors are only staying in the sport on average 6 shows. If they don’t win something within 6 shows they are dropping out. Therefor if you win 6 Blue Ribbons but no points you will receive a Star Achiever Award Certificate. NOHS Update · NOHS op in by clubs was defeated · NOHS remains a requirement Judging Approval Process Recommendation · If applicants have met ALL requirements, and apply for as example, 6 breeds, they will be awarded the 6 breeds and not just 1 or 2. CGC Recommendation · Looking to create a new class “Urban CGC” this is in its early stage and no particulars were given. Agility Clubs · Opted not to become a member club, they will remain stand alone. Obedience & Rally · Stewards will be able to exhibit even for the class they are stewarding for. No timeframe for when this will take effect. · Open and Utility Title holders will NOT be able to compete for a Beginner Novice Title. TREASURER’S REPORT - Totals are through January 17, 2015 Ø Checking $4,349.85 Ø Money Market $23,464.41 Ø Rescue Fund $2,081.94 Ø Trophy Fund $1,409.33 Ø Illustrated Standard $157.03 Ø Specialty Fund $730.11 · Roughly 60% of Membership dues have been processed to date. · $500 generated in Bulletin surcharges both domestic and foreign. COMMITTEE REPORTS Spring 2015 Page 15 UNFINISHED BUSINESS · STCA Website Status – Pat Flanagan will be meeting with Website designer Karen Nordeman to discuss putting the Bulletin on line. A new box will be added to the site for the Skye Store. · Standing Rule on Official Club Communications – Without objection, the wording for the new Standing Rule on Official Club Communications was approved. The new rule will be placed in the Miscellaneous Section L and will read as follows: “While general club information will continue to be posted in The Bulletin, on the STCA website, on the Skye Terrier Central Station and Club Facebook pages or on the members only Yahoo e-group, individual communication with members will be either as required in the STCA Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, or by private email or personal letter only. Members are responsible for ensuring that all personal member information is current and that the club Treasurer, who maintains the official roster, is notified as soon as possible of any changes so that all of the club data bases can be updated.” · Public Education Committee – New Committee Chair Darlene Sumner was commended again for her work on the club “Meet The Breeds” Booth at the AKC/Eukanuba Show Weekend in Orlando, FL last December. NEW BUSINESS · Pay Pal Fee Guidelines – On a motion by Mickey Koss and second by Julie Ordner, it was approved to have Julie develop language governing the payment of Pay Pal fees to the effect that all actual Pay Pal fees must be paid before any club transaction can be completed. · STCA Facebook Pages – Following considerable discussion, it was approved following a motion by Laura Tiktinsky and seconded by Pat Flanagan, that a note be placed on the official club Facebook page reminding participants that communications need to be courteous at all times and must be in keeping with the STCA Code of Ethics. · Morris & Essex Supported Entry Trophies – Karen Turnbull presented some ideas for this year’s Specialty Show Weekend trophies including Morris and Essex and will work on this project with Trophy Chair Mickey Koss. It was also agreed to continue supporting entries at the Hatboro shows. · Fundraising Projects – Karen Turnbull reported that new “50 Shades of Grey” TShirts will be ready for sale at the same time as the movie release on February 14, 2015. She also discussed several other possible fundraising ideas including a new limited edition print. NEXT MEETING DATE: It was agreed that the next Board meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, rather than Tuesday, February 17, 2015, as both the President and Secretary would be travelling, and February 17 is the Terrier Breed, Group and Best In Show date at Westminster. ADJOURN: On a motion by Mickey Koss and second by Pat Flanagan, the Board agreed to adjourn the meeting at 10:54 PM EST. Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sanders, Secretary Skye Terrier Club of America Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting Minutes February 24, 2015 Call to Order and Roll Call The President, Karen Turnbull, called the meeting to order at 8:09 PM, EST, with all Board members present. Review and Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the January 20, 2015 Board Meeting were approved as amended following a motion by Mickey Koss and second by Pat Flanagan. PRESIDENT’S REPORT - The following tasks were performed for the month of February: Discussion with Julie Ordner about expanding Social Media for the STCA, and especially adding Twitter in time for Westminster. A decision was made to push the idea forward via email for Board approval. Discussion with Judges Education Committee Chair, Koss re: Mentoring rules and issues. Ordered and received the Fifty Shades of Grey Tee Shirts and launched sales to coincide with the Movie premier. Sold and shipped shirts for Shades of Grey, at both Denver shows and through internet sales. Worked with Treasurer Ordner to develop and implement new Paypal instructions for payment on club purchases. Page 16 Spring 2015 Continued to work with Family Dog magazine writer to finalize article on Skyes. Attended Finance Committee meeting. SECRETARY’S REPORT – Activity to February 24: Received AKC confirmation that our 2015 MCKC Specialty Show, Regular Classes & Sweepstakes, has been approved. Worked on letters to judges and the general membership advising them on how to access the Bulletin online beginning with the Spring 2015 issue. Notified AKC of Specialty Show to determine Crufts eligibility. Received communication from Garden State Terrier Club that Mitch Weiss will be providing some trophies for the supported entry in memory of Janet. Received notice from AKC that they have updated our club officer and committee chair listings on the AKC website. AKC DELEGATE’S REPORT - Next meeting March 10th; Two items on the agenda: 1. Vote on the proposed amendment to Chapter 11, Section 1, of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows – Dog Show Entries, Conditions of Dogs Affecting Eligibility, which changes the time frame of when the limited registration must be removed for a dog to compete in a breed competition. 2. Read on the proposed amendment to Chapter 2, Sections 1-16, of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows – Making Application to Hold a Dog Show, in which with the deletion of Section 2, brings the Rules into compliance with current operating procedures. Changes to Section 3, requires clubs to (1) hold events in their territory to retain exclusivity and (2) only provides exclusivity for a defined period of time surrounding the show date. Additionally, an appeals process is outlined for clubs that believe permission to hold a show within another club’s territory has been unreasonably withheld. The deletion of Sections 5-7 removes outdated and repetitive language. Sections 8-16 will be renumbered. Changes to new Section 14 allows clubs to have digital copies of documents. TREASURER’S REPORT REPORT - Totals are through February 22, 2015 Checking $5,334.26 Money Market $23,464.41 Rescue Fund $2,331.94 Trophy Fund $1,698.38 $459.83 Illustrated Standard Specialty Fund $-652.21* Roughly 90% of Membership dues have been processed to date. $665.00 collected in Bulletin surcharges to cover postage. 2015 Rescue donations to date $765 2015 Illustrated Standard (Educational Materials) donations to date $120 2015 Trophy donations to date $850.17 *Bank records do not reflect the negative balance shown in the ledger. The Specialty Fund is borrowing from Checking to cover two outstanding checks to the Holiday Inn, Kulpsville and Whitetail Screen Print for Shades of Grey T-Shirts. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget Committee – Chairperson Pat Flanagan reported that the Budget Committee had met and decided that in order to best track income and expenditures, separate balance sheets would be developed for the Montgomery Weekend and the Bulletin. Items for sale in the Skye Store will also be listed on the club website including item photos and descriptions; they will then be able to be placed in a “shopping cart” for purchase. Finally, it was agreed on a motion by Mickey Koss and second by Pat Flanagan to give website designer Karen Nordeman the password for the club Pay Pal account so she can set up the website for shopping; when she has completed this work, the password will be changed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS STCA Website Status – It was decided there is a need to add more candid photos of Skyes involved in everyday family type activities to the website to attract more interest to our breed. Shades of Grey Tee Shirt Update – Karen Turnbull reported that the new “Shades of Grey” Tee Shirts were selling very well. Lady of Skye Sculpture Update – Karen Turnbull reported that just two sculptures remain for sale. When all sales are complete, the club will receive our commission for the piece. AKC Family Dog Skye Article update Pay Pal Fee Guidelines Update Transition to Placing Bulletin on Website Westminster Meet The Breeds Update Spring 2015 Page 17 NEW BUSINESS AKC Breeder Heath Statement - The AKC Online Breeder Classifieds has been set up to inform and educate prospective puppy buyers so they may find a responsible breeder. Soon, the AKC will be posting a description from each Parent Club of their health screening recommendations. For many clubs, the screenings are the basis for their CHIC qualification. We are requested to supply that recommendation to AKC. AKC Canine Health Conference Social Media – Julie Ordner expressed her thanks to everyone for their quick response to the STCA Twitter page set up right before Westminster and briefly comment on the activity there. She’d like to create a Pinterest site. She finds this format is very personal and user friendly, mostly driven by photos and sharing of photos. In the future it would be nice if we had a blog associated with the website with blogs written and shared by members who submit articles. Help For Pets in San Diego County* NEXT MEETING DATE: It was agreed to suspend the meeting following the “Lady of Skye” Old Business item without completing the balance of the agenda due to extreme static over the conference call line and that the items not covered would be carried over to the next meeting. It was further agreed that prior to the next meeting, the Secretary would look into getting a new Conference Call line established. Finally, it was agreed that the next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. ADJOURN: On a motion by Steve Hersey and second by Mickey Koss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 PM EST. Respectfully Submitted, Karen Sanders, Secretary MEMBERSHIP The following individuals have made application for membership in the Skye Terrier Club of America. STCA members may send letters of objection to STCA Membership Chair, Elaine D. Hersey, 46 Moulton Road, Hampton, NH 038422154 within thirty (30) days of publication of this issue of The Bulletin. Objection letters will not be published or distributed to the membership. However, in keeping with STCA Standing Rule H-2, applicants and sponsors will be notified of the objections and provided opportunity to comment. Application for Foreign membership Jana Pickova Langmyran 511 Vange Sweden 74020 Sponsors: Karen Turnbull Mickey Koss New Members Judith Tabler 1011 Lanley Hill Drive McLean, VA 22101 Brice Wonders PO Box 106 Kirkwood, PA. 17536 Susan Chandler 30 David Scott Drive Wayne, NJ 07470 Cynthia Crysdale & Ed Shirley 144 Allen Drive RR4 Warkworth, ONT KOK3KO Canada Page 18 Spring 2015 Advertising Policy for THE BULLETIN (As Revised March 11, 2008 ) ADVERTISING POLICY - General Advertising is limited to dogs owned, co-owned or bred by Skye Terrier Club of America (STCA) members and to Commercial Ads. For Commercial ads, dogs may be pictured but may not be identified. All ads including photos and text must be submitted directly to, and in the format prescribed by the Editor, with payment in full; ads not meeting these requirements will not be published. A $25 surcharge will be levied on every “insufficient funds” check received for payment of advertising or any order placed with the STCA. Only those titles and wins awarded by the AKC or by registries both domestic and foreign with studbooks recognized by the ACK may be advertised. STCA member ads may be typeset. Copy not camera-ready will be suitably prepared by the Editor. Every effort will be made to assure accuracy; however, The Bulletin cannot be responsible for copy in ads so prepared. Kennel names/ logos may appear in any typeface or script. All Commercial ads must be submitted camera-ready. ADVERTISING POLICY – Covers & Preferred Pages Cover Policy: Front and Back Covers will be offered only to winners of STCA National Specialty Shows, Regional Club Specialty Shows, the Westminster K.C. show and the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show. All advertised dogs must be owned, co-owned or bred by STCA members. The rates for these covers include the color cover page plus one additional inside black and white page with an additional picture. Each cover page will contain only a picture of the winning dog, the dog’s AKC registered name, and the name and date of the show where the win occurred. The inside page should include descriptive copy along with the additional photo. Each issue is mailed in a protective envelope to insure that both the front and back covers remain free from postage marks. Winners must signify their acceptance of a Cover Page ad by submitting payment to the Editor within fourteen (14) days of their wins. If payment is not received within this timeframe, the Cover Page will be offered to the next eligible advertiser. Actual ad copy need not accompany the ad reservation and early payment but must be received by the Editor by the published issue deadline. Following is the order of eligibility for STCA offerings of the Front and Back Covers of each issue: Spring Issue: AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show and Westminster K.C. Best of Breed winners will rotate covers with the Front Cover offered to the AKC Show winner in even numbered issue years and to the Westminster K.C. winner in odd numbered issue years. The Back Cover will then be offered to the winner not eligible for the Front Cover. Should the Best of Breed winner decline to take the offered cover or be ineligible, the cover will then be offered to the Best of Opposite Sex winner. Summer, Fall and Winter Issues: The Front and Back covers for these issues will be offered to the winners of the Potomac Skye Terrier Club Specialty (Summer), the Skye Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty (Fall) and the Montgomery County K.C. STCA National Specialty Show (Winter). The Front Covers will be offered to the Best of Breed winners and the Back Covers will be offered to the Best of Opposite Sex winners. In the event any of the winners declines to purchase the offered cover or is ineligible, the covers would then be offered in sequence to the winners of Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners and Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. Exceptions: Should there be two specialty shows held during the same quarter, there will be a coin flip to determine which Specialty Best of Breed winner will be offered the Front Cover and which will be offered the Back Cover. Should none of the winning dogs specified in the Cover Policy opt to purchase the Back Cover, it may be purchased for general advertising in the same manner as a preferred page ad. Preferred Page Ads: Preferred Page ads include the Center Spread, the Front and Back Inside Covers and the Back Cover (when not taken by a Specialty winner). Ad acceptance will be determined on a first come, first served basis by e-mailing a reservation to the Editor no earlier than 12 Noon Eastern Time on the earliest mailing date(s) listed below. Actual ad copy need not accompany the reservation but must be received by the Editor by the published issue deadline. The Editor will notify accepted advertisers by return e-mail and payment for the ad must be received by the Editor within seven (7) days of e-mail notification. Members are advised to select a second choice preferred page or a regular page in the event their first choice is not available. Any overpayment will be refunded by the STCA Treasurer following publication of the issue. If payment is not received timely, the Editor will so notify the advertiser and contact the next advertiser following the same process. ADVERTISING RATES Front Color Cover: Back Color Cover: Inside Front Cover (Color): Center Spread: Center Spread in color when avail. Inside Back Cover: (Color): Full Page: Half Page (One Photo): Quarter Page (One Photo): Breeders Directory Listing: Whelping Box: $265.00 $200.00 $100.00 $130.00 $250.00 $100.00 $60.00 $45.00 $35.00 $25.00 Per Year No Charge CONTRACT RATES – For STCA Members Only For four (4) issues of the same ad, paid in advance: Full Page $200.00 Half Page $140.00 Quarter Page $120.00 COMMERCIAL RATES – For Products and Services Full Page $155.00 $95.00 Half Page Quarter Page $75.00 PUBLICATION DEADLINES To insure timely publication of The Bulletin, deadlines will be strictly enforced. Issue One - Spring March 9 Issue Two - Summer May 12 Issue Three - Fall August 8 Issue Four - Winter November 3 Earliest Dates to Mail Preferred Page Ads: Issue One - Spring: February 8 Issue Two - Summer: April 13 Issue Three - Fall: July 10 Issue Four - Winter October 5 EDITORIAL STATEMENT The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the STCA membership, its Officers and Directors or the Editor. The Editor and the Officers and Directors of the STCA are not responsible for the accuracy of photographs or advertising copy. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse any material submitted for publication. No article, portion of articles or artwork may be reprinted without the written permission of the Editor. Spring 2015 Page 19 The Breeders Directory Jay-Roy Skyes Seamist Skye Terriers Robyn Hand 4934 Millstone Road Glen Campbell, PA 15742 Phone: (814) 845-2431 E-mail: Striving for Quality Not Quantity - Skyes since 1982 Puppies Occasionally Elaine & Stephen Hersey 46 Moulton Road Hampton, NH 03842 Phone: (603) 926-6915 E-mail: Website: Breed, Obedience, Rally, TDI & Companion Gleanntan Kennels, Reg. Michael J. Pesare & Maida Connor Roxana L. Rohrich 180 March Creek Rd. Gettysburg, PA 17325 Phone: (717) 334-3356 E-mail: Website: Classic Skye Terriers since 1970 Home of Multiple National & Regional Specialty Winners All-Breed Best In Show Winners and Top Producers Puppies occasionally for loving, caring homes Newcomers welcome Of Wallace’s Coven Shalini K. Ahuja PO Box 2929 Washington, DC 20013 Phone: 202-436-2960 E-mail: Legends are not created; they are born. Puppies are available occasionally for very loving homes. Skyes of Rover Run Carol & Janice Simonds 1941 Indian Valley Road Novato, CA 94947 Phone: (415) 897-1144 E-mail: Skyes Since ‘65 - Where the Creams Are! Talakan Skyes Judy Davis 4556 Dresser Road Yuba City, CA 95993 Phone: (530) 674-2682 Fax (530) 671-1918 E-mail: Skyes of outstanding quality and temperament Puppies occasionally The Skyes of Gold River Karen & Bill Sanders 11567 Sutters Mill Circle Gold River, CA 95670 Phone: (916) 631-8716 We strive for the Best in Soundness, Type & Temperament Skyes since 1976 Marwyn Skye Terriers, Reg. Olivia Skyes Olga Smid & Romana Johnson 46593 Longview Lane West Coarsegold, CA 93614-8711 Phone/Fax: (559) 641-6168 E-mail: Website: Since 1944 - reg’d 1948 129 Homebred Champions– Multi World & Europe Winners - Best In Show, Best In Specialty Show Winners Over 550 Winning Titles All Over The World. Life is for Living, Skyes are for Loving! Cheryl Schuman, Meg and Baylie Smith 275 Hughey Lane Batesville, AR 72501 Phone: 870-793-0637 or 479-445-2453 Email: or Since 1982 Puppies occasionally to loving homes "Three Generations of Loving This Heavenly Breed" Faire Skyes Kennel Maryanne K. Gallagher 635 Melville Street Rochester, New York 14609 Phone: 585-482-9837 Email: Skyes for pet and show homes Long, Low & Level Page 20 Spring 2015 SKYE CALENDAR 2015 May 12 Deadline for Summer Issue June 20 Skye Terrier Club of Southern California Specialty We encourage members to send items to be included in the Skye Calendar STCA 5 2 0 0 Bulletin B u s h n e l l K i n s m a n , Members-New Skye Owners Please send us the name and address of new Skye owners. We’d be happy to send them a complimentary issue of The Bulletin. As A Gift 4 issues per year $20, U.S. delivery; $30, foreign delivery. Check or money order in U.S. currency only, please. Time To Renew The Treasurer will send you an invoice separately when you receive your last issue. C a m p b e l l O H R o a d 4 4 4 2 8 Submission Requirements of Ads All ads including photos, text and payment in full must be submitted directly to the Editor by postal mail, hand delivery or e-mail in accordance with the deadlines of the Bulletin policy. Photos. Unless originals are submitted, photos must be scanned at 300 DPI and reduced in size to no larger than 4x6 inches and saved in either PNG or JPEG format before being e-mailed or saved to compact disc. PNG is preferred for clarity of the b&w printed photo. Layout. Ads may be submitted in hardcopy, typeset and saved on a compact disc, or saved as a PDF document, and then e-mailed, keeping the size of the file as small as possible. Copy not camera-ready will be suitably prepared by the Editor. To maintain the publication schedule, it is important advertising be submitted as required by this procedure. The Editor will make every effort to assist advertisers in ensuring proper submission of electronic files. In the event appropriate formatting of an electronically submitted advertisement cannot be achieved without delaying publication printing and mailing, the advertisement once appropriately formatted will be placed in the next available issue for publication. Ahoy, Me Hearties! Nonsuch Jack Sparrow has arrived! Welcome to America Me Matey! Loved & adored by his new servants: at Poorhill Venita Henson Lovingly bred by: Kennel Nonsuch Skye Terriers Ronnie Watt South Africa THE BULLETIN THE OFFICIAL QUARTERLY OF THE SKYE TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA GCh. Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie Best of Breed, Group 1, Reserve Best In Show Westminster Kennel Club February 10, 2015