Five Techniques for Loading Flat File Data into Oracle Tables
Five Techniques for Loading Flat File Data into Oracle Tables
Mingguang Xu Office of Institutional Research The University of Georgia SQL Loader } External Table } Oracle Warehouse Builder } Toad Data Loading Wizard } SQL Developer } Comes with Oracle server and client install } Traditional } Can be used on either server side or client side } Easy to build into a Unix/Linux script } Need to write a control file } A feature starting from Oracle 9i } Pros: flat files can be treated as tables } Cons: make database less portal } Use case: server log file, auditing files } Pros: technically simple: Step 1. create or replace directory ext_table_dir as ‘/ext_table_data’; Step 2. create table ext_table (col1 varchar2(5),….. ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL ( TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY ext_tab_data ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ( col1 CHAR(5),…… ) LOCATION (‘file1.txt',‘file2.txt') ) PARALLEL 5 REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED; Cons: Data less portable, but good for Server side log files. } } Pros: generate DDL for new table matching the flat file structure; generate control file Cons: have to learn how to use the tool; only generate control file Pros: generate control file; can be scheduled as a job } Cons: the target table must be pre-exist in DB } Pros: intuitive; can directly use excel file } Cons: cannot be programmed } OWB } Toad } SQL Developer } OWB Demo OWB Demo OWB Demo Step 1. import flat file OWB Demo Toad SQL Load Wizard Demo Toad SQL Load Wizard Demo SQL Developer Demo: case 1, load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo: case 1, load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 1: load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 1: load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 1: load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 1: load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 1: load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 1: load data into a new table SQL Developer Demo - case 2: load data into an existing table Questions? Email to: