Philadelphia Posters (Sub
Philadelphia Posters (Sub
Sub-Area 1: West Philadelphia 62nd 52nd St. Recommendations (Cont.) issues Land Use • Pedestrian safety and comfort • Explore reuse and redevelopment options for the former Acme distribution site. The large nature of this site represents a unique opportunity for a neighborhood with few large parcels available. • Bus and trolley stop access and amenities • Unsafe interaction between cars, trolleys, and buses • High vehicular speeds • Traffic congestion and backups • The intersection of 52nd and Lancaster Avenue deserves special consideration. Renovation and/or redevelopment of properties abutting this intersection can help improve the image of this important gateway location. • Lack of turn lanes at major intersections • Drivers facing a large amount of visual information Ave s St Berk rt ba Ho St n St t id S d St St gto Arlin Eucl St 56th h S t 59t Mann Music Center Merion St xon St 51s t • Install wayfinding signage along 52nd Street to identify destinations such as the Park West Town Center and Fairmount Park amenities. Park West Town Center 50t h * Me rio St Av e st n 51 St 50 th St Pa Recent or Ongoing Development St 51st St t 52nd S ga St Conesto t Master S t 55th S Open Space Opportunities St Vodges 56th St Ithan St Connector Streets Harlan • Install transit amenities including benches, shelters, trash cans, and route signage for the SEPTA Route10 trolley and Route 52 bus. Consolidate transit stops as feasible at the intersection of Lancaster Avenue and 52nd Street to permit easy access and transfers. Bicycle St en n Wa rr xo St See simulation of this area Wayfinding St er St Landmarks t Media S Frazier k Wanama School Pa St St St St Hobart Recommended Hanna PedestrianElementary Improvements St d St St Heston Elementary School Allison Frazier 58th St t Alden S er St 59th St Revitalization Opportunities 57th St k Wanama t 60th S od St Edgewo * Gateways & Visual Terminations Recent or Planned Pedestrian Improvements Av e Transit St e wne Av Intersection Improvements bia Ave St Hunter Lansdo LEGEND n lum St J 53rd St 61st St n St Robinso Source: DVRPC, PENNDOT, SEPTA, TANA. Hirst St Rd t Felton S Marlyn DRAFT 62nd St Feet od Rd 64th St o Wynnew 1,000 lo so Co ble Wa y St 63rd St 64th St 750 cel fer n St efferson S • Simplify and clarify traffic control information for drivers. sto • Enhance existing green spaces and explore opportunities for new open space. Scrub vegetation should be removed from hillsides and replaced with more formalized plantings which are appealing yet easy to maintain. • Investigate unique opportunities for placemaking. The restoration and lighting of the stone railroad embankments and tunnel at 56th and Lancaster could transform these existing elements into distinctive landmarks. Pa xon nti St tewart Hunter He Jef Mo t gton S ton St 500 Overbrook Plaza St Haddin Hadding a S t 54th St d St PHILADELPHIA Oxford St Dunlap 59th St Redfiel Felton Intersection and Roadway St Jefferson Vio l Bi Rd Nassau * 53rd St t Oxford S ine St 30 le L Wi lto n Overbrook High School nda een d Rd St Turner hor Lin de li/ T nw oo Ox Pao ia Ave Columb St se St Concour St d for r 52nd Street D Ab erd * Ter Tu Line Clifford Acme Distribution Site wyd e Av St r rn e Cyn Le 250 h St on n ba • Improve the look and feel of Lancaster Avenue by beautifying the properties that front on US 30. Reasonable sign and storefront regulations can help make commercial properties more attractive to shoppers, while landscaping and uniform edge treatments can enhance parking lots. Peac 0 rst St 0 Ln y3 Hazelhu • Improve the sidewalks on the bridge over the Paoli/Thorndale line toward Wynnefield and consider refreshing or replacing the mural along the bridge. Upland Way at 57th Street/59th Street/Berks Street • Restripe the east approach to include an exclusive left-turn lane for Berks Street. This can be accomplished by removing the on-street parking and moving the bicycle lane against the curb between 59th Street and the access drive to the ACME distribution site. St urst h l e Haz Wa y Ge Ave Columbia • Streetscape improvements such as sidewalks, high visibility crosswalks, street trees, pedestrian scale lighting, and street furniture. Continue current streetscape improvements on US 30 between 52nd Street and 59th Street and along 59th Street. Lancaster Avenue at 52nd Street • Stripe lane control markings through the intersection to clarify what movements are allowed from which lanes. Explore adding additional time to the eastbound lead phase, especially in the AM peak hour. d rges Hw Pedestrian • Use curbing to define access driveways that are located within the influence area of the intersections along Lancaster Avenue, 52nd Street, and 59th Street. lan Mon Ave Geo M US oo Wynnew Recommendations Up ery tgom St alv e Av • High volume of pedestrians crossing to access Overbrook High and Beeber Jr. High. • Vehicles turning right onto Upland Way from 59th Street and directly left onto Berks Street. e St ill H s ge r o Ruby ern t 62nd S Upland Way at 57th Street/59th Street/Berks Street Pierce-Phelps e St Mors Mors St • Pavement markings not visible through this complex intersection. e St Mors St 53rd St • High volume of eastbound traffic making left-turns onto 52nd Street from a shared lane. 54th St Evaluate intersection as future redevelopment is considered • Encourage the redevelopment of vacant and underutilized parcels along this stretch of Lancaster Avenue. The south side of US 30 can better accommodate a mix of uses that includes resident-oriented and pedestrian-oriented shopping and services that cater to neighborhood needs while the north side may remain more automobile-oriented, with stores and parking designed to serve motorists. Par ksid e A ve non Leba 52nd St n lvi th iel df St d 62n • Fifth highest crash location along the US 30 corridor. 59 Re St rd Lancaster Avenue at 52nd Street lv Ma am lfo Sa • Vehicular access management ern ah o Wo d o Wo e Av 57th St st re dc Gr • Access to rail stations and transit stops e bin e Av Me • Bicycle infrastructure and maintenance Beeber Junior e Av High St th t 58 r S ke ma na Wa • Effect of potential redevelopment on roadways • Consider periodic street sweeping of bicycle lanes to prevent debris buildup. Stripe bicycle lanes along 59th Street between Lancaster Avenue and Upland Way to connect the existing lane network. Sub-Area 2: Overbrook Farms City Avenue to 62nd Street Recommendations issues Pedestrian • Traffic congestion and backups • Complete the sidewalk network by constructing or improving sidewalks in the areas highlighted on the sub-area map. • High vehicular speeds • Pedestrian safety and comfort • Bus and trolley stop access and amenities • Install pedestrian amenities at key unsignalized intersections to improve pedestrian circulation. • Drivers facing a large amount of visual information • Vehicular access management • Install curb ramps and high visibility crosswalk markings along with countdown pedestrian signals at all signalized intersections along Lancaster Avenue and the signalized intersections along City Avenue between Lancaster Avenue and Drexel Road. • Bicycle infrastructure and maintenance rb Me ok Blancoyd Rd ro d Bn ok ro rb Me Ln Merion St. Charles Borromeo Seminary • Consider prohibiting right-turns on red to reduce vehicle/pedestrian conflicts. r rb Rd e Ov k oo Intersection and Roadway e Av th wo St od Rd LOWER MERION • Simplify and clarify traffic control information for drivers. 58 ne yn W • Use curbing to define access driveways that are located within the influence area of the intersections along Lancaster Avenue. 1 Rd l e Land Use ex Dr • Explore redevelopment options for the vacant land adjacent to PECO substation near the intersection of 62nd and Lancaster. rd 63 * Overbrook Station PHILADELPHIA St US Hw y 30 US 1 wy H Intersection improvements being studied by Overbrook Farms Club • Install wayfinding signage to identify Overbrook Farms business district and Overbrook station on the Paoli/ Thorndale line. Utilize signage to help link Lancaster Avenue and nearby neighborhoods to recreational areas such as Morris Park. St Up ne rt Li ba le Ho da rn ho i/ T ol Pa * Palmer Seminary • Transform plaza at 62nd and Lancaster near Malvern Loop into pocket park with additional plantings and places to sit. ay d W lan rch u Ch Rd lvi Me e bin e Av St 59 th St df d iel St LEGEND St Source: DVRPC, PENNDOT, SEPTA, TANA. Wayfinding Gateways & Visual Terminations Recommended Pedestrian Improvements Connector Streets Landmarks Open Space Opportunities Revitalization Opportunities n er lv Ma e Av St Recent or Planned Pedestrian Improvements d Rd th 66 DRAFT * Intersection Improvements oo Wynnew Feet 600 nd 450 62 300 * • At the Malvern Loop, install shelters over the bus stop benches and maintain the landscape and planters along Lancaster Avenue. 63rd St 150 Re Dr Rd t d S St e l xe • Consider comprehensive strategy for revitalizing the 63rd Street Commercial Corridor. The Master Plan Strategy for 63rd Street contains a useful framework for discussing land use, streetscape and placemaking elements, traffic calming, and façade improvements. Transit 62n th rris o M To ark P 64 Ov 0 St St e Av am ah Gr rd ok ro erb lfo Sa o rw e Sh Our Lady of Lourdes Rd e Av t s cre od Wo 30 od n d o Wo ern lv Ma e Av • Restore or replace Overbrook Farms gateway signage at City Avenue and Lancaster Avenue. Similarly, deteriorating placemaking banners throughout Overbrook Farms area should be repaired or replaced.