New-look Tigers coming at you


New-look Tigers coming at you
Heads up!
New-look Tigers coming at you
August 31, 2016
Galion High School
2016 Fall Sports
2 Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Galion Inquirer
New era begins for Galion football
By Chad Clinger
GALION — It’s that time of year.
Kids are going back to school,
everything will soon be pumpkin
flavored and it’s time for high school
football. This year things are a bit
different in Galion, but different isn’t
always a bad thing.
When the season kicked off this
year for the Galion Tigers, the was
under the leadership and guidance of
a new head coach.
Matt Dick took over on the gridiron
for Galion after his most recent stint as
offensive coordinator at Fredericktown
High School. Dick held that title the
last six years before accepting the job
at Galion. Prior coaching staff experience also includes four years as an
assistant coach for the Madison Rams.
Joining Dick on the Galion sidelines
are Todd Roston, Mike Marshall, Isaac
Keinath, Mike Moore, Brent Tyrrell
and Jimmy Hart.
Chris Hawkins left the Galion program to take over at nearby Ontario
High School, ending last year 8-3
overall and 5-2 in the conference. The
Tigers made a playoff push, but were
bounced in the first round by Milan
To say this is a rebuilding year for
the young Tigers football team would
not be too far off.
While Dick appeared confident the
team will come together, it would be
difficult for any coach, let alone a firstyear head coach, to take on the task
that has been laid before him.
The Tigers have just seven returning
letterwinners on each side of the ball
and only eight starters returning . Fifteen players graduated in 2015.
Those facts haven’t altered the optimism of the new coach. When asked
about the main goals for this season,
Dick simply stated “(to) come together
as a team, challenge for a league title
and continue our playoff streak.”
And on Aug. 26, in the season opener vs. Bucyrus at Heise Park Stadium,
the Tigers passed their first test with
flying colors. Dick unveiled a potent
offense and an opportunistic defense in
an easy 49-7 win over Bucyrus.
But there is a lot more work to be
The playoff streak Dick is referring
to is four consecutive playoff appearances.
“It’s going to be all about finding our
identity, for the week ahead of us and
for the year,” he said.
When it comes down to action on
the field, Tiger fans can expect to see a
team that remains versatile.
“It is all about balance. The team
may be very run heavy one half and
pass heavy the next,” he said.
Senior Chase Cooke will once again
be under center for the Tigers. He
will be looking to throw to his favorite
targets, Harrison and Caleb Ivy. The
entire offense is learning a new system. And the offensive line has been
On the other side of the ball, it is a
similar situation.
With the new coach comes a new system to learn. It may take some time to
adjust, as much of the defense is comprised of new starters. While it may
take a game or two for the defense to
adjust, there is also some good news,
as in the return of inside linebackers
Garrett Kuns, Bobby Gilbert and Ryan
As for the Tigers chances in the
league this season, coach Dick has
learned that the Mid-Ohio Athletic
Conference is a good football league.
“I can tell you after watching film
that it is a very competitive,” he said.
“Week in and week out you have to be
prepared and play well to win.”
Dick is new to the Red (Big School)
Division of the MOAC as the his previous team, the Freddies, were in the
Blue (small school) Division. The
Tigers will not find themselves in Red
Division action until they travel to
Delaware to take on Buckeye Valley in
Week 3. The MOAC opens for Galion
in Week 2, at Cardington.
Reach Chad Clinger at 419-468-1117 ext. 2048
Galion Inquirer
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 3
Tigers pitching two new squads this year
Soccer now a varsity sport at Galion High
By Chad Clinger
GALION — Something
new is happening at
Galion High School this
This will be the first
time Galion High School
has fielded a soccer team.
The boys and girls each
have a team this year. In
fact, Galion is the first
school in Crawford County to field anything other
than a club team.
Both s0ccer teams will
be wearing the familiar
blue and orange, which
will come in handy,
because of the matches for
both squads will be away
games. Galion will practice in between behind the
high school and middle
school, but will not be
able to host matches there
The boys team is
coached by John Stewart,
the girls by Eric Palmer
This is Stewart’s first
varsity-level coaching
experience. He and the
team are building from the
ground up, so experience,
or lack of experience, will
be a factor.
“We want use the
experience to grow as a
team and individuals,” he
said. “We will learn some
things about the game
of soccer and have some
The boys varsity team
includes 11 boys. Some of
them have never played
competitive soccer .
Palmer also is a rookie
varsity level soccer coach,
but has seven years of soccer coaching experience
under his belt.
His team has 16 players,
with the majority freshmen and sophomores.
“The team is really
focused on the fundamentals and improving each
and every day,” Palmer
Both coaches hope the
fact Galion is now playing
varsity soccer, will help
the growth of youth soccer in the community.
Regular season action
starts for both teams Aug.
19. Both teams will play
at Highland, the girls at 5
p.m. and the boys to follow.
(Photos courtesy Photorama)
Reach Chad Clinger at 419-468-1117
ext. 2048
All A
304 Sixth Ave.
Galion, OH 44833
Good Luck
Offices in: Galion, Ontario, Mansfield, Mt. Gilead,
Cardington, Shelby, Sandusky and Tiffin
4 Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Here we go again!
Soccer, football coach
new to Galion this year
It’s been some 20 years since
I’ve covered any athletic events
as an employee of the
Galion Inquirer. I did
that for maybe 15 years,
ending sometime around
1995. I don’t miss the
long weekends. But I do
miss the players, coaches
and even some of the
I’ll soon be covering
some games, or matches, Kent
or meets because it’s that Editor
time of year once again.
I just have to remember
how to do that.
A lot has changed since 1995.
A lot more has happened in the
local sports world I graduated
from Galion High School in
The football stadium at Heise
Park has changed a lot. The
cinder track I ran on is now allweather. It’s now called Unckrich Stadium, named after Ferd
Unckrich, who for years was
president of the Galion athletic
boosters club and spearheaded
money-raising campaigns to
help Galion’s athletic teams.
Ferd also was the man behind
Galion’s Pickle Run Festival and
was known as Mr. Pickle
to many.
A new sprinkler system
will help keep the stadium
grass green and luxurious.
The inside of the stadium
has been enlarged and has
received a major makeover
or two since 1978. The
high school wrestling team
even has a practice facility
in the stadium. Compared
to when I first entered that
stadium in the mid-1960s when
my dad was a coach, and later
taped ankles before every game,
it is quite luxurious.
But some things never
change. The smell of a football lockerroom — it’s hard to
describe — will never change.
A new pressbox is partially
complete and should be in play
by Week 4, when the Tigers play
Galion Inquirer
Fall sports season never fails to bring excitement
their second home game of the
season. That pressbox will not
only serve the football and track
teams, but also the baseball
team. New lights were installed
a few years ago at the stadium
and the interior has received a
complete makeover.
The tennis courts between
the Heise Park pool and Gill
Avenue have been removed
and that area is now a parking
lot. The new tennis courts are
across the street from the baseball fields, on Payne Avenue.
The golf team still plays at
that course across from Amann
Reservoir. What used to be
Galion Country Club is now
Sycamore Hills Golf Course.
But the course is still one of the
finest around. There also is a
girls golf team at Galion High
The cross country teams still
have their meets at Amann
Reservoir. And Galion still
plays host to one of the most
successful cross country invites
in Ohio. The Galion Crosss
Country Festival has been know
Kade Dyer
gains extra
yardage with
a well-placed
Gram Dick
on opening
night of
high school
season at
(Don Tudor | Galion Inquirer)
to include more than a 1,000
runners and some out-of-state
Are you still stuck on Amann
— instead of Amann’s — Reservoir? So am I. Apparently,
I’ve been saying it wrong for
decades. But so have most who
live around here.
An old friend, John Renock,
stopped in the Inquirer a couple
weeks ago to say hello and
to give me some story ideas.
He also informed me that the
official name of that body of
water off Ohio 309 is Amann
Reservoir. I’m told the name has
been changed on the sign out
there. And it is called Amann
Reservoir on the City of Galion
website. So …. I guess I’m going
to start calling it Amann, too.
Although I promise I’ll revert to
my old ways a time or two.
Galion’s volleyball program
remains a success. The thing I
notice first is the players dress a
See HERE | 6
Youth could be an issue for Galion tennis
By Chad Clinger
GALION — Despite its
youth, Galion High School’s
girls tennis team is looking
to be better than last year.
“We want to improve
on last year’s record and
become more and more competitive every match,” said
Coach Bob Roesch.
Roesch is getting a coaching assist this year from
Terry Gribble. The two
have coached the team for
six years previously. The
Tigers’ boys tennis coach,
Joe Pawsey, is also lending a
hand with this year’s squad,
made up entirely of freshmen and sophomores.
The 14-girl team includes
three returning letterwinners: Kaylyn Gimble, Kiersten Gifford and Marissa
They will provide the leadership for the squad.
“The team has made
good progress through the
first two weeks of practice”
Roesch said.
However, the Tigers will
need to show plenty of
improvement if they hope
to contend in the Mid-Ohio
Athletic Conference.
Reach Chad Clinger at 419-468-1117 ext.
2016 Galion Girls Tennis.
(Photo courtesy Photorama)
Galion Inquirer
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 5
Galion cross country teams seek a competitive edge
By Chad Clinger
GALION — Galion’s
boys and girls cross
country teams enter this
season once again with
a familiar face as their
coach. George Guins,
now in his 48th season
as a cross country coach,
wants to take his teams to
the next level, to compete
for league honors with
the runners he is sending
out on courses throughout Ohio.
Looking to improve on
their fifth-place finish in
the Mid-Ohio Athletic
Conference last season,
the boys team returns a
few key letterwinners.
Juniors Luke Eisnaugle,
E.J. Ronez and seniors
Lucus Conner and Colin
McCullough look to
anchor a team that finds
itself varying in experience and skill levels.
Along with the leadership
provided from those four,
a few newcomers to the
team — Braxton Tate and
Matt Sparks — are looking to come in and make
an impact.
“We return a lot of
young letterwinners and
they will have to step
up if our boys team is to
have any success,” Guins
The girls team returns
everyone from last season, when the Tigers
year finished sixth in the
“We have a large senior
class that needs to step
up and take on some leadership roles,” Guins said.
The girls return several
letterwinners from last
year’s squad. Sophomore
Sari Conner, junior Ashlie
Sallee and seniors Lauren
Higgins and Megan Zier
look to provide the leadership push that coach
Guins is seeking. Senior
Theresa House is one
new member of the team
that could come in and
help make a difference.
As for the overall
outlook for this running
season, coach Guins says
that “both teams will have
to get more competitive.”
The Tigers began their
season at Marion Aug.
25. The first time that
teams will be at home is
Sept. 17 for the annual
Galion Cross Country
Reach Chad Clinger at 419-4681117 ext. 2048
(Photos courtesy Photorama)
2016 Galion Boys Cross Country.
2016 Galion Girls Cross Country.
Moose Lodge 303
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6 Wednesday, August 31, 2016
(Photos courtesy Photorama)
2016 Galion Boys Golf Team.
Galion Inquirer
2016 Galion Girls Golf Team.
Tiger golfers look for improvement over 2015
By Chad Clinger
GALION — The Galion Tigers boys
golf team has been quite busy already
this season. They’re ahead of all other
fall sports teams when it comes to
matches played and tournaments
But there is still plenty of golf to
remain and coach Bryce Lehman, entering his fifth year as Galion’s golf coach,
is expecting more this year as his team
if full of golfers with plenty of varsity
From page 4
lot better today than they did in
1978, and 1995 for that matter.
The player positions have different names, and each team now
includes a libero, or a defensive
specialist. And yes, I had to
look up the definition of libero.
The game played when I was in
high school has only a passing
resemblance to the faster, more
powerful game played today.
One big difference today is
the addition of soccer to the list
Lehman expects to better last season’s
overall record of 6-11. Galion was 4-10 in
the Mid-Ohio Atheletic Conference.
He says this is a legitimate goal
because his team lost no key players
from the 2015 squad.
“We need to lower scores and eliminate the big number scores on one or
two holes per match,” he said.
Key returning players are Jack McElligott (second-team Mid Ohio Athletic
Conference last season), Nick Kruger
(honorable mention MOAC.), Brevin
Owens, Mitch Dyer, Kaleb Harsh and
Matt Kingseed.
of sports Galion High School
offers. This is the first season
for soccer in Galion, and there
are boys and girls team. As
Galion does not have a soccer
field available yet for home
matches, this year they will
play all matches on the road.
Their practice facility is the
green space between Galion
High School and Galion Middle
Now, what else hasn’t
George Guins is still Galion’s
cross country coach. To say he
loves what he does is an understatement. George has been
The Tigers’ home matches are at Sycamore creek, formerly Galion Country
Girls squad still young, but looking to get
This fall will mark the third season
that Galion High School has sent out a
girls golf team to compete.
And while the program is still very
young, coach Mark Barriers is looking
for improvement over last year’s 3-21
overall mark.
Although Galion lost golfers Reagan
Wells and Karrisa Rinehart to graduation, the team returns four girls from a
coaching runners for 48 years.
His first year in Galion was
my senior year in high school.
He had been at Bucyrus High
School before that. I doubt
there are any coaches in Ohio
with more tenure than George.
The only other coach still
around from my high school
days is Bob Roesch, who is
coaching the girls tennis team.
I first met Bob when I was a
freshman in high school. He
was my football coach. Bob has
coached a lot of sports and a
lot of teams since he came to
George and Bob are two of
year ago, Returning players, all letterwinners, include junior Alexis Chaplin,
who received her first varsity letter last
season. Senior Greer Gledhill, who with
two letters, is expected to provide some
leadership this year, Shae Ness (most
improved last season) and Abby Barre
(most valuable golfer last year and honorable mention in the Mid-Ohio Athletic
New to the squad this season are
senior Brooklyn Potter and junior Macy
Reach Chad Clinger at 419-468-1117 ext. 2048
the finest men I’ve ever met.
Thanks for what you’ve done
for Galion City Schools and
this community.
Galion’s head football coach
is Matt Dick. He comes from
Fredericktown and replaces
Chris Hawkins, now coaching
at Ontario. I don’t know a lot
about the football team, nor its
new coach, but judging from
the first practice I watched,
these players are going to be in
The boys soccer team is
coached by John Stewart, the
girls by Eric Palmer.
Bryce Lehman is the boys
golf coach. Mark Barrier is the
girls coach.
Jamie Valentine is the volleyball coach.
Guins coaches both cross
country squads.
You can learn more about
Galion’s fall athletic teams in
an upcoming special insert to
the Inquirer.
And when you get the opportunity, get out and support
these student/athletes as often
as you can.
Russ Kent is editor of the Galion Inquirer,
Morrow County Sentinel and Bellville Star.
Email him with comments or story ideas at
Galion Inquirer
Wednesday, August 31, 2016 7
Tiger volleyball team must find chemistry
By Chad Clinger
GALION — When the Galion
High School volleyball takes to the
courts this season, they will be looking to further build on last year’s
success, in which they finished with
a record of 17-8 overall and 10-4 in
conference play.
The Tigers are once again led
by head coach and Galion alumni
Jaime Valentine, who is starting
season No. 8 as the varsity coach.
Rounding out the coaching staff this
season are Kristi Hardy and Bradlee
Saterfield, also Galion High School
Galion does have some touch
losses to replace.
The Tigers graduated Taylor Valentine (All-Ohio D3, District 6 first
team, MOAC first team and Player
of the Year) and Bradlee Saterfield
(MOAC second team and District 6
first team).
Valentine is looking for strong
performances this season from from
Marisa Gwinner (MOAC second
team, District 6 third team) and Ashley Flowers (MOAC honorable mention). Returning letterwinners also
include Gabby Abouhassan, Chloe
McCleese, Dusty Thomas, Callie Wildenthaler and Kasidee Sinclair.
Valentine said her team’s greatest
strength this season will be “Our
2016 Galion High School Volleyball.
senior leadership and the experience
that we have on the court. And we have
been focusing on our team chemistry and
understanding our best in-system and outof-system offensive options to start the
Reach Chad Clinger at 419-468-1117 ext. 2048
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(Photo courtesy Photorama)
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8 Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Galion Inquirer