October 2011


October 2011
Greetings from 2011President
Stephen Coffey
Greetings, Missouri Jaycees! WOW! What a month we
had. We started the month by holding our annual Fall State
Convention where we successfully elected to the new State
team for 2012. Congratulations to President-Elect Trisha and
her team. They will work hard for you! I want to thank all my
chapter presidents who came out and led their members
through the weekend -- a great time was had by all.
We had the privilege of hosting our National President,
Joanie Cramer, and what a whirlwind tour we had. We started
out the week with a business luncheon with the Springfield
Jaycees. We then headed over to Monett and met with
President Brittie and headed down to Cassville to lay some
ground work for an extension. We spent the evening with the Monett Chapter having dinner and
socializing with community members and local chapter members.
Volume 55
Issue 10
Tuesday we met with the Joplin Jaycees and took a tour of the city so that President
Joanie could take in the process of rebuilding going on after the tornado in May. We had a
business luncheon with the Mayor Pro Tem, President Shahida and MDVP Casey from the Joplin
chapter. We then headed to Kansas City for dinner with the Northland chapter and some of their
Wednesday we had a series of meetings and then headed off to Jefferson City where we
laid some ground work with Best Buy and Kohl’s for some membership recruitment. Wednesday
evening President Joanie took in some one-on-one time with the Jefferson City Jaycees. Thursday
we headed to Wentzville and had a meeting with the Wentzville Chamber Director. We then
headed to St. Charles and had a meeting with the O’Fallon chapter president and Region Director
Scott Tate.
Thursday afternoon I escorted President Joanie to the airport to see her off to her next
destination. This was an amazing opportunity and I wish it could have been shared by all but
unfortunately there is only so much time to go around. Well, luck would have it that President
Joanie has agreed to give Missouri some more time. We will be hosting her again in November and
we will be covering Region 2, Region 8 and possibly squeaking in a few visits here and there. If
you’re interested in further details or in having President Joanie possibly visit your chapter
meeting, social, or project, please email me at stephen_coffey72@yahoo.com or call me at 573353-5694 and let’s see what we can do for you.
Last month we also hosted GALS (Governmental Affairs Leadership Seminar) and had a
great time as did our national and international delegates. Thank you to everyone who traveled in
and gave their support to this event. I had the opportunity to finally see to a close the discussions
on moving our national headquarters from Tulsa, Oklahoma to St. Louis, Missouri. Yes, the United
States Junior Chamber is coming home! This will be another great asset to our membership so I
hope you all take advantage of this because many people put in many hours to make this happen.
With all this going on we still kept our eyes on the prize and once again the team met at the
State Service Center and reached out to each and every one of you and asked for your support in
getting our state to growth. And guess what? You did it once again! I thank each and every one of
you who continue to go the extra mile and help us keep this train rolling down the tracks.
It’s hard to imagine we have only 3 short months ahead of us and 2011 will come to a close.
I ask you to please stay the course and let us know what we can do to help you achieve your goals
and make your year as successful as you have helped make ours. Remember, there are more levels
of recognition out there than just my monthly incentives. There are challenges available and
national and state level awards up for grabs. If you’re unsure where you are tracking for award
recognition or you would just like some help mapping out the path, ask
your DD, RD, a State VP or myself and we can help you set the course.
I would like to leave you with this parting quote: “There is no such
thing as luck. Luck is where opportunity meets dedication and hard
work.” Thank you all for your kind attention and, as always, thank you for
your continued membership in this great organization.
Stephen Coffey
Stephen Coffey, 90th President
Stephen Coffey
90th State President
“No Day But Today!”
Chairman of the Board James Danley
I just wanted to extend my congratulations to you on another successful month of growth. As
you are aware, membership growth is extremely important to our state but even more important for
our local chapters. New members bring excitement and energy that we need so that we can continue to
be effective in our community. We always need new ideas and what better way to get them than from
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
new members. I am excited to see these new members being activated and I hope you encourage them
to participate in not only state events but in visitations to other chapters.
October is always a fun month because the weather changes, we get to visit Wonderland Camp,
and of course there are fun chapter projects. I know some chapters are doing festivals, trunk or
treats, haunted houses, and so on. I know the Jefferson City Jaycees are planning on taking the ghost
tour of the Missouri State Penn so you will want to watch for that information. Please make sure that
you communicate your chapter events to Joe Jerkins at jjerkins@aol.com so that we can include yours
with the others on the calendar. This will allow other chapters the opportunity to come and visit you as
well as your state team. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in the upcoming weeks.
Please remember that the State Planning Session is scheduled for Saturday, November 12.
Please come out and share your ideas and help develop the 2012 Plan of Action for the Missouri
Jaycees. We will have a business meeting at noon and it is very important that chapters come out and
participate. This is where we approve the budget for next year and the President-Elect will make her
appointments. The Jefferson City Jaycees will be hosting the Region 9
Meeting that day as well. They want to make sure that each of you are
invited to attend if you would like. We will have a chili cook-off so I am
certain there will be plenty of food to accompany our good times.
Remember to share your fun activities with others and invite
prospects to participate. Let’s grow again in October. “No Day But
James Danley
James Danley
James Danley
Chairman of the Board
Chairman of the Board
Vice President Lori Flax
I want to thank each chapter member that came out to the Fall State Meeting in Jefferson
City last month. We elected our 91st State President and the team for 2012. Congratulations to
President-elect Trisha O'Cheltree from St. Charles and Vice President-elect Kristen Johnson from
Monett. I was also elected to serve again as a Vice President and am honored to do so. I want to thank
each of you for your vote of support for all of us.
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
We need your help here in October as it is very busy. We have the Work Weekends at
Wonderland Camp. Corps Work Weekend is October 7-9 and All Region Work Weekend is October 1416. I look forward to seeing you come out to camp and I am certain we are
going to get a lot of work done and have a fun time as well. If you are
running a project in the next few months and would like the State Team to
attend, please let us know about it so we can get it on our calendars. Email
your information to me at lorijaycee@yahoo.com and I will get it
communicated out. I look forward to seeing you in my travels.
Lori Flax
Lori Flax
State Vice President 2011
Lori Flax
State Vice President
Vice President Julie Morff
Happy October, Missouri Jaycees! I am so excited to be going into October knowing that our
chapters pulled together last week and we grew. How exciting -- I feel the new energy in the chapters
and with fall comes some long waited projects, yes Haunted Houses. So with the Haunted Houses come
potential new members - be thinking of those in your community that would benefit from being a
Jaycee and don’t hesitate talking to people who are standing in line to enter your event. Who knows
you may just recruit someone to not only join your chapter but they could be the help you need at your
I cannot believe we only have three months left in 2011, wow has it went by fast. I wanted to
take this opportunity to tell you all Thank You so much for allowing me the honor of being one of your
State Vice Presidents this year. I know for a fact that this has been a growing opportunity for me and
I learned a tremendous amount of how things operate. As you wind down the 2011 year in your chapters
be thinking of those who are your up and coming leaders. Who are the ones who show potential for
moving forward? Encourage them and guide them and you might be surprised what happens. Someone
once encouraged me and look where I went. It’s been the best opportunity for me and I know that
many of the skills I gained in leadership roles and in the Jaycees have helped me in other areas of my
career. So again thank you all so much for believing in me.
Now to Trisha, Kristen, and Lori - congratulations on your elections and I know you will all do a
great job in 2012.
Sam Walton once said, “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of
their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” It’s true and
we all need to remember each time we are talking to members, new or old, respect and encouragement
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
goes two ways and the one who encourages others to have a voice, or think
outside the box is the one I respect more than the one barking orders.
I hope we all have a wonderful month and I hope to see you all very
Julie Morff
Julie Morff
State Vice President 2011
Julie Morff
State Vice President
Vice President Trisha O’Cheltree
Missouri Jaycees, you all are amazing! I want to thank all of you that came to the state meeting
in Jefferson City! We appreciate the discussions we had in our trainings and your involvement the
whole weekend! You chose to elect me as the 91st State President, which is truly an honor. I am
thankful for the opportunity and look forward to finishing this year strong and continuing success in
Did you all feel the excitement in the air that weekend? I know I did! I want to recognize Blue
Springs, Clayton Sargent for not only recruiting a new member, but getting that new member to drive
up to the meeting Saturday night. Many of you heard the message about membership. We ended
September at growth! Share the excitement, fun and the things you learned from that weekend with
your chapter. I saw a room full of motivated Jaycees, who can accomplish anything when they set their
minds to it!
Missouri Jaycees also had the pleasure of hosting the national
meeting GALS the following weekend. We had 9 chapters from across the
state attend. Thank you President Renee, Big Prairie Jaycees, for taking
the time to come. I know you had an event that day as well. We made
history that day by voting to move our national headquarters. It will be in
our backyard!!! Thanks to Joe Jerkins and Joe Chandler for putting
together a great meeting!
Don't forget we have Camp Work Weekends coming up this month
along with many haunted house projects by chapters across the state.
Hop in the car and visit the friends you made over the past month. There
are great projects in the last trimester that exemplify "Service to
Trisha O’Cheltree
State Vice President
State President-Elect
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
Humanity Is The Best Work of Life!" Let's show our communities who the Jaycees are and what we
do! And remember to ask people to join our organization so we can continue to service our communities
and do even bigger and better things for them.
Thank you all for everything you do. I look forward to seeing you in my travels. Please feel free
to contact me if you need anything.
Trisha O’Cheltree
Trisha O’Cheltree
State Vice President 2011
State President-Elect 2012
Wonderland Camp
October means Fall Work Weekends. I have seen the work list and there are over 50 items
so please come out and plan on helping us get the camp closed down for the winter. It takes a
phenomenal group effort to pull off the work we need completed and I know that we are just the
group to do it. Please bring with you members or even prospects that have never been to the camp
before. I am confident that the experience will bring them back each year for more. Please
remember your Wish List Items! Wonderland Camp is in great need of these items and together I
know we can supply many of their needs.
October 7-9 is the Corps Work Weekend. If you are planning on
participating in the Corps work weekend please RSVP to Barb Pellikann by
October 1st at bpell57247@aol.com or 314-604-6560. They want a headcount
so they know how much food to prepare. I know that $20.00 will get you an
amazing menu for the weekend. The following weekend October 14-16 is the All-Region Work
Weekend. The Missouri JCI Senate has offered to prepare our meals for the weekend so you can
count on some amazing food then as well. I have heard that we are going to
have Mexican food for lunch on Saturday and that Mike Gridley is smoking
some brisket for dinner. Please RSVP to me at j_danley2@yahoo.com or
573-353-5334 if you plan on attending the All-Region Work Weekend so I
can pass information to the Senate as well. We will have some friendly
team competitions during All Region Work Weekend so make sure you bring
some wish list items so that you can participate.
There are some fun things planned for these weekends so make
sure you put them on your calendar. Do not forget about the trail. We are
still raising money specifically to repair the trail and we are always taking
donations of supplies. Please contact me if you want to help with the trail
James Danley
Wonderland Camp
Program Manager
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
in anyway. If you have upcoming fundraisers for Wonderland Camp please make sure that you are
passing that information along to Joe Jerkins and/or myself so that we can get it on the State
James Danley
James Danley
Wonderland Camp Program Manager
State Service Center News
Here are the stats:
Total Billed in September 2011 =
Total Renewals
Total New Members
Total Extensions
Net (+/-)
120 (71%)
+4 ☺
Congratulations to the following for growing their membership in September:
Top Growth Chapter for September:
Weston Jaycees
David Knox, president
Additional Growth Chapters for September:
Monett +4, St. Peters +4, Big Prairie +3, Bowling Green +3, Fenton +3, Blue Springs
+2, Waverly +2, Columbia +1, Hermann +1, Mission Inn +1, West St. Louis Co. +1
Growth District Directors for September:
Kristen Johnson
Region 3, District 2
Melanie Wetter
Region 5, District 3
Nathan Barger
Region 5, District 4
Growth Region Directors for September:
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
Renewal Dues for 2011 will remain unchanged at $65.00, which is the same as dues for new
members. Click here for the Dues Computation Form. HOWEVER…chapters who submit their
renewals (with payment or open check on file) by the posted closeout deadlines will receive a
rebate credit of $5 per renewal. Remember…your May renewals are DUE to us at the end of April;
your June renewals are DUE to us at the end of May, etc. If you have any questions, please
contact Executive Director Joe Jerkins or any state officer.
Open Check Policy for Monthly Membership Dues
Hopefully, your chapter has been participating in the open check program for membership
closeouts! If not, please contact Joe Jerkins at (573) 634-2321 for more details. It is really
helpful when it comes to membership closeout when we must have a payment in hand before we can
turn in your membership to the national organization.
Chapter & Officers Directory
Please let me know if there are corrections for the Chapter and Officer’s Directory and I’ll update
the version that’s available for download from the website. Click the link above for the latest
version. Check back often to ensure you have the most recent contact information for everyone.
Chapter & Region Dues Billings
Dues Billing Reports for every chapter are now available online at www.mojc.org. Go to the
Membership area, and you can click on the Chapter reports, the Region reports or the Statewide
Monthly reports. You will not receive any direct billing notices from us or the national office.
These reports will always be available from our website so you can pull up the report and see
exactly who is due each month. These are in .PDF format and you can easily print these or save a
copy to your own computer.
Dues Billing Reports by Chapter – This report is intended for use by chapter officers. This
report lists every chapter alphabetically. Each chapter is then sorted chronologically to
show the members due for each month.
Dues Billing Reports by Region– This report is intended for use by Region & District
Directors. Same information, broken down by regions, then sorted chronologically to show
the members due for each month for each assigned chapter.
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
Dues Billing Reports by Month– This report is intended for use by state officers. It’s
broken down for each month, listing every chapter alphabetically and the members they
have due.
Joe Jerkins
Executive Director
The Monday Morning Memo is for informational purposes only. Any duplication or reproduction of any
information contained herein without express written consent of the Missouri Jaycees is strictly prohibited.
Wonderland Camp Wish List
Paper Cups (4,6,12 oz.)
Disinfectant Spray
Laundry Soap
Kleenex Handy Packs
Dixie Cups/Dispensers
Hair Brushes
Small Prizes
Air Freshener
Shaving Cream
Toilet Paper
Refill Liquid Hand Soap
Playground Balls
Bubble Wands
Air Pump
Lifeguard Rescue Tubes
Lifejackets (Adult Size)
Putting Golf Clubs
Crayola Markers
Pool Noodles
Air Pump
Karaoke CD’s
Little Red Wagons
Paper Towels
Batteries (AA & 9V)
Crystal Light or Sugar Free
Drink Mixes
Books (All Types)
Coloring Books
Play Dough
Plastic Spoons
Night Lights
Hand Sanitizer
Rubbermaid Containers
Mop Heads (Industrial)
Baby Wipes
Window Cleaner
Toilet Bowel Brushes
Swim Suits
Swim Trunks
Dust Pans
Fire Extinguishers
Trash Bags (5, 10, 30
Large Plastic Spray Bottles
Toilet Brushes
Paint Brushes
Paint Roller Refills
Echo 2 Cycle Oil
Leaf Rakes
Shower Hooks
Shower Curtains (6ft.)
Hot Water Heater Elements
Shower Rods (6ft.)
Shower Hoses (6’)
5 ½” and 7 ½ “ Circular
Saw Blades
Weed Whacker Line .080
Metal Shelving
Heads for GT2000 Echo
Weed Whip
3” Deck Screws
Hardware Storage Bins
Small Drill Bits
4’ and 8’ Fluorescent
Batteries Makita Drill (9.6)
3” Chlorine Tablets for
Hack Saw Blades
Small Trashcans
Sawsall Blades
Nuts, Bolts and Screws
Plastic Ties (All Sizes)
9V & AA Batteries
Toilet Paper Spindles
Christmas Lights
Stool Lids
Pill Crusher (Stone)
Kangaroo Tube Feeding
Machine and Supplies
Sweet Oil
Ivy Dry
Nose Spray
Feminine Pads
Pulse-Oxygen Machine
Syringes (All Sizes)
Non-Latex Bandages
Band-Aids (All Sizes)
Steri-Strip Band-Aids
Sharps Containers
Reusable Hot/Cold Pads
Ear Plugs
Accucheck Test Strips
Bed Pads
Ziplock Bags (All Sizes)
Ace Bandages
Neosporin Ointment
Rubbing Alcohol
Alcohol Pads
Pepto Bismal
Cold Medicine
Children’s Tylenol
CPR Face Masks
Non-Latex Gloves
Liquid Tylenol
Gauze Pads
Medicine Cups
Medical Tape
Cotton Balls
Arts and Crafts
Foam Pieces
Pony Beads
Tie Dye
Tempra Paint (all colors)
Construction Paper
Butcher Paper
Iron Beads
Wooden Cut Outs
Hole Punch
Wiggle Eyes
Coloring Books
Plastic Lace for Beads
Puff Balls
Scissors (Adult and Child)
Pom Poms
Plastic Masks
Die Cut Machine
Sony Digital Camera
Computer Disks
35 mm Color Film
Color Copy Paper
Ball Point Pens
Sharpies (Fine Point)
Cardstock Paper
Masking Tape
White Copy Paper
Highlighter Pens
Permanent Markers
Post It Notes
Copy Machine
Scotch Tape
Staple Guns and Staples
TTY Machine
Fax Machine
3 Whole Punch
3 Prong Folders
Kitchen/Dining Hall
Warming Ovens
Folding Chairs
Chair Racks
Table Racks
Food Processor
Annual Planning Session
Missouri Jaycees State Service Center
Jefferson City, Missouri
9:00 a.m.
November 12, 2011
9:00 a.m. -
9:30 a.m.
General Session & Orientation
Lower Level
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Planning & Goal Setting Forums
Lower Level
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Future Directions Committee
Media Room
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Personnel Committee
Joe’s Office
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Budget & Finance Committee
Joe’s Office
11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Constitution & Bylaws Committee
Media Room
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
General Membership Meeting
Lower Level
1:00 p.m.
Annual Planning Session
Missouri Jaycees State Service Center
Jefferson City, Missouri
12:00 p.m.
November 12, 2011
Call to Order
Roll Call of Chapters & Officers – Certification of a Quorum
Agenda Approval
New Business
A. Approval of 2012 Budget
Approval of Changes - Constitution & Bylaws
Approval of Changes - Internal & External Policy Rules
Stephen Coffey
Joe Jerkins
Stephen Coffey
Joe Jerkins
2012 Appointments
Trisha O’Cheltree
President-Elect’s Comments
Trisha O’Cheltree
Joe Jerkins
President’s Comments
Stephen Coffey
Adjourn with the Jaycee Creed
Kristen Johnson
The St. Louis Rams would like to invite all Jaycees members
to bring your friends and family to watch the Rams take on the
Seattle Seahawks!
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 @ 3:05 p.m.
Your $40 includes:
savings of $15/ticket
-Terrace Level Ticket
-$10 Food and Beverage Voucher
-Portion of the proceeds will benefit Jaycees
PHONE: Elizabeth Van Meter at (314) 425-0524
FAX: (314) 342-5399
MAIL: 901 N Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63101
groups that order together will be seated together
Order Today - Limited Tickets Available!
Name ______________________________________________ Chapter: _____________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________City, State, Zip_________________________________________
Phone # ___________________________________________ Email ________________________________________________
# of Terrace Level Tickets__________________ @ $40 = ___________ Total
Method of Payment:
Credit/Debit Card # ____________________________________________________ Expiration Date ___________________
Signature _________________________________________________________________________________________________
2012 Winterland Extravaganza
Hosted by the Jefferson City Jaycees
January 13-15, 2012
Country Club Hotel and Spa
Registration Information
Early Registration postmarked by September 30, 2011 $85.00
Registrations postmarked from October 1st thru December 31st $99.00
January 1, 2012 and onsite registrations
Partial Registrations
Friday Dance $25
Saturday Lunch $20
Sunday Breakfast $17
Saturday Banquet $38
Saturday Dance $25
Room Rate per Night $87.00
Call Country Club Hotel and Spa for your reservation and identify yourself as a
MO Jaycee 573-964-2200
For more information, call 573-645-0779 or send an email to
Mail Registration to: Winterland Extravaganza
C/O Sarah Jones
2211 Brandy Lane
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Make checks payable to “Jefferson City Jaycees”
Please, one person per sheet or attach a list of attendees:
Chapter: _________________________________________
Name: ___________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________