annual report
annual report
CORPO RATE RE PORT 2012 CORPO RATE RE PORT 2012 IN DEX 4PRESENTATION 5/9 CORPORATE INFORMATION 6/ 7Background 8 Group Companies 9 The Group in figures 10/ 12 SOCIAL AREA 11 11 12 12 Corporate Responsibility Quality and Environment Prevention and Safety Human Resources 13/ 71 BUSINESS AREAS 14/ 57Construction 58/ 63Property 64/ 67Concessions 68/ 71 Services 72/ 79INTERNATIONAL 72Brazil 74/ 75Colombia 76/ 77Peru 78/ 79Romania 80/ 81 COMPANY DIRECTORY 2/3 Presentation > What is now Grupo Moyua dates back to 1927, when the company “Construcciones Carlos Moyua” was established. Over 85 years have passed since then; an extensive career with countless actions, covering all branches of construction. All these works have led to the growth of a group that has built its career on efficient work, trust in people and prudent financial management. The construction has been complemented by other activities and businesses. At present, besides building, Grupo Moyua also carries out property developments, operates administrative concessions, rents out machinery and provides road maintenance services. Grupo Moyua closed the year 2012 meeting the objectives set to consolidate the current business areas (construction, property, concessions and services) at national and international level and that was despite the current economic crisis, which is particularly patent in Spain. Construction contracts awarded abroad in 2012 have strengthened the Group’s presence in countries such as Peru, Colombia and Romania. The international turnover has doubled compared to the previous year and the portfolio of international projects now represents 25% of the construction portfolio, thus offsetting the fall in domestic market. The income obtained from the Group’s car parking concessions in rotation has increased by 10 %. In this year, the company “Serkom, gestión y servicios, S.L.” was established with the aim of unifying in one company all the services that Grupo Moyua currently provides to its clients as well as with the idea of helping the Group’s youngest division to grow, following the guidelines of the current strategic plan. Property development has found a place in Colombia to develop its activity . To date “Moyua Inmobiliaria Colombia , SAS” promotes three residential buildings in Bogotá. The challenge for the future is to continue working with hope and a Group spirit in a combined and coordinated way, consolidating our business areas and extending the field of action in a prudent and selective way in order to ensure that 50% of Grupo Moyua’s income comes from activities other than construction. // THE CHALLENGE FOR THE FUTURE IS TO CONTINUE WORKING WITH OPTIMISM AND GROUP SPIRIT, IN A COMBINED AND COORDINATED WAY, CONSOLIDATING OUR BUSINESS AREAS AND EXTENDING THE FIELD OF ACTION IN A CAREFUL AND SELECTIVE WAY// corpo raTE INFOR MA TION 6/ 7BACKGROUND 8 GROUP COMPANIES 9 THE GROUP IN FIGURES Aitor Abaunz Ayastuy President 4/5 5 BACK GROUND The property area took on more importance in the mid 1990’s and maintained a high level of activity in the country’s decade of economic growth. In 2012 the company Moyua Inmobiliaria Colombia was established. With registered address in Bogotá, its purpose is the development of real estate projects in Colombia. The operation of the concession for the Artxanda tunnels in Bilbao, which got underway in 1998, marks the start of a new business area for the Group: administrative concessions. The current management and operation of a number of parking spaces of more than 4,500 units is the result of a firm commitment to this activity. / In 1956 the geographical scope was extended and it began to work in more towns in the Deba Valley area, at a time of great economic development in Gipuzkoa, particularly in the corporate world. With the award of the contract to dredge Mutriku Port, in 1964, Moyua began an extensive career in marine works and this division became one of the construction company’s strong points. In the month of January 1968, the individual company became a public limited company, taking on the name of Construcciones Moyua, S.A. and locating its registered office in the same town of Oñati. It was from that moment that the Company extended its field of action to the area of influence of the provincial capital of Gipuzkoa, where it moved its headquarters in 1973 and gradually extended to other areas of the Basque Country and Navarre, when it began to experience significant growth in its activities by taking on new larger scale projects with greater technical complexity. In 1977, Construcciones Moyua began the construction of the first Hypermarket in the Basque Country (Mamut Shopping Centre in Oiartzun). Since then, large companies in the sector, such as Eroski and Carrefour, continue to collaborate with Moyua for the construction of their shopping centres. Grupo Moyua dates back to 1927, when the company “Construcciones Carlos Moyua” was established. Its work as a small-scale general contractor was mainly carried out in the town of Oñati (Gipuzkoa). At the beginning of the 21st century the diversification was now a reality that required commercial and organisational restructuring. For this reason, in 2005 the commercial company “Grupo Moyua Development, S.L.” was established. In the same year, the affiliated company “Geotunel, S.L.” was established with the main corporate purpose of the construction, maintenance and repair of all kinds of underground constructions. In 2009, it acquired a majority share in the commercial company “Excavaciones y transportes Orsa, S.L.” which mainly focused on road surfaces and paving and in 2010 the company “Activa M&O Construcción” was established, to cover the South-American international market. In this year, the company “Serkom, gestión y servicios, S.L.” was established with the aim of unifying in one company all the services that Grupo Moyua currently provides Moyua Group to its clients as well as with the idea of helping the Group’s youngest division to grow, following the guidelines of the current strategic plan. The objective for the future is to make the Group grow by consolidating the current areas of business (construction, property, concessions and services) at national and international level. / In 1983, Gipuzkoa Regional Council awarded Moyua the construction of the road from Oñati to the Aranzazu Sanctuary. This was the first important road construction project for a construction company that has played a part in the construction of the main road infrastructures of the last decade in the Basque Country, such as the “Navarre Dual carriageway”, the “Vitoria/ Gasteiz – Eibar Motorway” and the “Second Donostia/San Sebastián ringroad”. The desire to create a property development company to complement the construction company in carrying out its own projects, took shape in 1988 when Larrain, S.A was established. 6/7 CROUP COM PANIES THE grOup IN FIGURES COMPANIES BY BUSINESS AREA CONSTRUCTION Construcciones Moyua, S.L. Bycam servicios, edificios e infraestructuras, S.A. Geotunel, S.L. Excavaciones y Transportes Orsa, S.L. Activa M&O Construcción, S.A. PROPERTY CONCESSIONS Larrain, S.L. Concha Parking, S.A. Moyua Inmobiliaria Colombia, S.A.S. Gipuzkoa Parking Siglo XXI, S.A. San Bartolomé Muinoa, S.A. Aparcamientos Guipuzcoanos, S.L. SERVICES Turnover 2012 117 MILLION EUROS Serkom, gestión y servicios, S.L. Suministros y Alquileres Bilbao, S.A. Net assets 2012 90 MILLION EUROS SC Rumobar S.R.L. Gaztelu Txuria, S.L. Arroyo Varela, S.L. Construction portfolio as of December 2012 176,40 MILLION EUROS Activa Brasil M&O Construcao Ltda. Activa Perú M&O Construcción S.A.C. Concessions portfolio as of December 2012 212 MILLION EUROS Activa Colombia M&O Construcciones S.A.S. Geotunel Filco, S.A.S. VN Argelia. SC Orsa Asfalt, S.R.L. Workforce comprising MORE THAN 1000 PEOPLE Morsa Asfalt, S.R.L. Asfaltos del Ebro, S.A. 8/9 SO CIAL AREA / CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY / At Grupo Moyua we are aware that our activities must be carried out with a focus on responsibility, sustainability and a respect for the needs and concerns of the society in which we operate. Our work has a clear impact on social development and the environment, which is why we have identified the needs of all of our company’s Groups of Interest: Clients, Society, Workers, Shareholders, Partners… Environmental Policy. Similarly, Grupo Moyua is a member of Spain Green Building Council, an association that develops the LEED model, and is a member of the IHOBE Eco-Efficiency in the Basque Company Programme 2010-2014, applying the Sustainable Building and Development Guides published by this body. . In order to guarantee that this commitment is carried out efficiently, in our internal and our external relations, we have defined a series of principals that constitute our / QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT 11 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 11 QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT 12 PREVENTION AND SAFETY 12 HUMAN RESOURCES / In its awareness of the importance of Quality, the Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention when meeting and applying the needs of clients and other interested parties, Grupo Moyua has implemented an Integrated Management System based on international standards, ISO 9001:2008 “Quality Management Systems - Requirements” and ISO 14001:2004 “Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use” and the standard OHSAS 18001:2007 “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems” in order to achieve benefits for all interested parties, with the Management’s commitment to work towards continuing improvement, the prevention of contamination and occupational accidents. With this, we aim to obtain the complete satisfaction of our current clients and show potential clients our capacity to provide products and services in accordance with the specifications, which are environmentally friendly and present no risk to the health of our workers. Throughout 2012, the environmental and quality objectives proposed by the Management have been met, among which we can highlight the implementation of an Intranet and the Management of own fillers. In addition, in February of that year, audits were conducted by an Accredited External Company (AENOR), leading to the renewal of Quality and Environment Certificates until 2015. 10 / 11 Social area / HEALTH AND SAFETY / For more than 10 years, Grupo Moyua has made a clear commitment to safety by employing experts in Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) dedicated exclusively to this area. This has allowed us to tackle the Health and Safety problems of our activities in a direct, technical and professional way. Throughout 2012, Construcciones Moyua’s Own Prevention Service has successfully passed its 4th Biannual Regulatory Legal Audit without any major incidents to report. It has also renewed the OHSAS18001: 2007 “Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems” certificate for the next three years. This certificate is voluntary and complements the regulatory certification of our PRL systems required by law. The following are some of the most significant aspects of the Prevention Service in 2012: • Diversification into new areas with specific legislation and regulations, such as the conservation of road infrastructure and those related to the mining industry. In the first case, special emphasis has been placed on signalling and effective protection of maintenance patrols. In the second, we have carried out the full adaptation and legalisation to the requirements of the General Regulations of Basic Standards of Mining Safety for both machinery and staff. BUSI NESS Areas • Performing noise and gas hygienic measurements. • Introduction of High visibility clothing to all company workers. • Commissioning the PRL module on the corporate intranet. 14/ 57construction 20/ 27Building / HUMAN RESOURCES / The single most important element of Grupo Moyua’s entire strategy is, without a doubt, people management. The Personnel Department manages the hiring and keeping up to date of the professional abilities of all the Group’s workers, from the management to the junior staff. The correct management of the abilities of our workforce and the development of our employees’ professional career is one of the greatest challenges in order to guarantee our company’s competitiveness. 14/ 19Roads 28/ 33Marine For that reason, training is a decisive factor in our performance, and the Personnel Department works in close contact with all the Technical, Prevention and Quality and Environment Departments to identify the needs and propose training actions and standard or tailor-made courses for the full range of situations that may arise in the development of our activities. 34/ 39 Tunnels 40/ 45 Railway 46/ 53Urban 54/ 57 Surfaces 58/ 63PROPERTY 64/ 67CONCESSIONS 68/ 71SERVICES 12 / 13 Construction RO ADS MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ BI-3739 road in Sestao _ Subijana By-pass in Álava _ Edge road in Riberas de Loiola in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Third lane A-8 motorway Basauri section in Iurreta _ Second Donostia/San Sebastián ring-road _ N-1 relief road in Gaintxurizketa _ AP-1 Motorway Eskoriatza section in Arrasate _ Ballonti arterial road Portugalete – Marconzaga section in Cueto _ Extension to six lanes of A-8 motorway Oiartzun – Irun section _ Esplanade and access to Karraspio beach in Lekeitio / Grupo Moyua has an extensive career, with a major part of its vast experience being carried out in the Road infrastructures sector, where in the first quarter of last century it started its activity by participating in the construction of the primary infrastructures that would compose the first interurban networks of the province of Gipuzkoa, taking on projects of increasing scope, and growing at the same rate as the State’s structural development. This extensive career allows us to hold a prominent place within Basque civil works and to present an extensive curriculum of Road construction works that have transformed our geography and our way of connecting to the world. The following are the most significant awards of the year: The construction of the GI-632 by-pass between the Urretxu/ Legazpi and Bergara intersection (connection to the AP-1), section: semi- intersection Antzuola-Bergara and execution of the Autzagane bypass in Bizkaia. The most important road infrastructures completed in the year are the Subijana by-pass for Alava Regional Council and the BI-3739 _ New Mutriku - Deba connection in GI-638 _ AP-1 Motorway. South Bergara - Arrasate _ Txorierri dual carriageway. Larrabetzu – Erletxe section _ Donostia/San Sebastián relief road in Hernani via hospitals _ AP-1 Motorway North Bergara – Eibar section _ Southern by-pass in Hernani _ N-I intersection Lasarte - A-8 motorway Aritzeta _ Maltzaga Intersection on N-634 _ A-8 motorway underpass in Zuatzu in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Bilbao eastern by-pass _ Access to Getaria port _ Leizaran dual carriageway _ Lasarte intersection on the CN-I _ New access to Ondarroa port _ Widening of the N-I between Idiazabal and Beasain in Olaberria _ New access to Burumendi beach in Mutriku _ Ugaldebieta III-2, dual carriageway access to Bilbao port _ La Avanzada relief road sections A and C _ Stabilisation hillside CN-634 Getaria - Zumaia _ Arama by-pass _ Pasajes de San Juan road in Hondarribia _ Miraballes - Castillo Elejabeitia BI-2522 road _ N-1 relief road Tolosa - Ikaztegieta section _ Ugaldebieta solution Sestao - Portugalete section _ Castillo Elejabeitia to Orozko BI-3513 road _ Arantzazu Gi-3591 road _ Amezketa road _ Extension and improvement of access to Bermeo port 14 / 15 Construction Roads 3 1 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 Second ring-road in Donostia/San Sebastián. Urumea Intersection A8 Errenteria Intersection 16 / 17 Construction Roads 1 1 2 3 4 2 6 5 7 Vitoria/Gasteiz Eibar Motorway. North Eskoriatza - Arrasate Section 4 Vitoria/Gasteiz Eibar Motorway. Arrasate - Bergara Section South subsection 5 Vitoria/Gasteiz Eibar Motorway. North Bergara - Eibar Section 6 Vitoria/Gasteiz Eibar Motorway. North Bergara - Eibar Section 7 8 Subijana Morillas Road. 3 8 18 / 19 CONSTRUCTION Buil DING MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ SUMMA Aldapeta School for the Order of the Company of Mary our Lady in Donostia/San Sebastián _ New Donosti Gas headquarters in Donostia/San Sebastián _ San Juan de Dios Hospital in Bilbao _ Csi Transformados S.A. factory in Lesaka _ “Hegalak” adapted sports centre in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza de Ferrerías car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Pl. Cataluña car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza Vinuesa car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Miramón Park Building 4-C 100 in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Ucin steelworks in Bayonne Port _ Carlos SANTAMARÍA Centre of the UPV/EHU in Donostia/ San Sebastián _ Sestao compact mini steelworks _ Pl. Cervantes car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ 155 social housing homes in Zabalgana in Vitoria/Gasteiz _ Amr Industrial premises in Hernani _ Gerontology Centre in Zumaia / Grupo Moyua has extensive experience in the construction of all types of residential and nonresidential buildings. Its innovative nature led it to build the first Hypermarket in the Basque Country in 1977 and to subsequently build all of the most relevant Centres in the region. In recent years, it has completed various emblematic construction works that highlight the wide range of buildings developed. This is the case of the Carlos Santamaría Library of the University of the Basque Country, Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce, the gerontology centres of Zumárraga and Zumaia, the renovation of San Telmo Museum, the car park and “Hegalak” adapted sports centre, next to La Concha beach, Summa Aldapeta school for the Order of the Company of Mary our Lady in Donostia/San Sebastián and San Juan de Dios Hospital in Bilbao. Among the most significant works started in the year are the construction of UsandizagaPeñaflorida Secondary School, the construction of 176 social housing units on plot Salburua RCP-7A in Vitoria and the renovation of the Tabacalera Building, which will convert the old tobacco factory into an international centre of contemporary culture, in Donostia/ San Sebastián. _ Ulma industrial building and offices in Oñati _ Eroski Garbera Hypermarket in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Pryca hypermarket and car park in Oiartzun _ Viveros San Antón building and offices in Getaria _ Jareño Cultural Centre in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Eibar History Interpretation Centre _ Municipal sports centre and car park in Egia in Donostia/San Sebastián _ San Telmo Museum in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza de Los Marinos car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Gerontology Centre in Zumarraga _ Max Center Hypermarket in Barakaldo _ Okendo car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Rowing Club in Hondarribia _ Eroski Hypermarket in Portugalete _ Covered pelota court in Bº Bidebieta in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Oncology Institute in Miramón in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Portalea School of Music in Eibar _ Gamarra Social Building in Vitoria/Gasteiz _ Armas Museum in Eibar _ Plaza Euskal Herria car park in Lezo _ 45 detached houses in Torrelodones in Madrid _ Fatronik Building (Miramón) in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Vinuesa car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Basque Government Administrative Building in Bizkaia Plaza in Bilbao _ Lamourous Gerontology Centre in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Soroaundi homes in Andoain _ Extension of Gaindu building in Elgoibar _ Sagües car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Asteasu municipal sports centre _ Eroski Shopping Centre in Leganés _ Boulevard in Vitoria/Gasteiz _ Exhibition Centre (B.E.C.) in Barakaldo _ Forum Sport Bilbondo building in Basauri _ Technology Park building in Derio _ Artzabal homes in Usurbil _ Social housing (Olaketa) in Irun _ Social housing in Lazkano _ Social housing in Legorreta _ Iberdrola Building in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Las Esclavas car park and development, Bº Antiguo in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Alza Technical Construction Institute in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza del Sauce car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza del Triangulo car park in Tolosa _ Plaza de Zuloaga car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza de Los Etxeberri car park in Amara in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Ordizia municipal sports centre _ Plaza de Urdaburu car parks in Lezo _ Auto Adama building _ Ibarra pelota court and municipal sports centre _ New Krafft buildings in Andoain _ Azkoitia sports centre _ Elgoibar sports centre _ New Town Hall in Anoeta _ Deba sports centre _ Building for new El Diario Vasco rotary press in Donostia/San Sebastián _ De Goizper S.Coop. building in Antzuola _ Okendo car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Viteri School in Hernani _ Getaria sports centre _ Marques de Valdespina Square and garages in Ermua _ Renovation of Hotel María Cristina in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Building B-310 (Zuatzu Industrial Estate) in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Bilbondo- Eroski Hypermarket in Basauri _ Plaza Berria car park in Tolosa _ Rotok building in Errenteria _ Car pool in Igara in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Arana Old People’s Home in Vitoria/Gasteiz _ Eroski Hypermarket in Vitoria/Gasteiz _ Renovation of Unceta Palace in Bergara _ Ibaeta Parish Church in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Caja Laboral Popular building in Calle Dato in Vitoria/Gasteiz _ Industrial buildings in Txirrita Maleo in Errenteria _ Mamut Hypermarket in Oiartzun _ Ur-Kirolak facilities (Loiola) in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Alto Deba shared slaughterhouse in Oñati _ 280 homes and commercial premises in Aritzbatalde in Zarautz _ Eroski Urbil Hypermarket in Usurbil 20 / 21 Construction Building 1 2 3 1 4 El Boulevard Shopping Centre in Vitoria/Gasteiz 2 Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce in Donostia/San Sebastián 3 Carlos SANTAMARÍA Centre of the UPV/EHU in Donostia/San Sebastián 4 Adapted Sports Centre in Donostia/ San Sebastián 22 / 23 Construction Building 1 2 5 6 3 1 2 3 4 Renovation of San Telmo Museum in Donostia/San Sebastián 5 6 7 Company of Mary School San Bartolome in Donostia/San Sebastián 4 7 24 / 25 Construction Building 1 2 3 1 4 5 Peñaflorida Secondary School in Donostia/San Sebastián 2 Basque Secondary School in Barakaldo 3 Municipal Sports Centre in Sestao 4 5 Bentades Basque Secondary School in Mungia 26 / 27 Construction Ma ri ne MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ Renovation of La Cofradía Quay in Bermeo Port _ Repair of breakwater on Saturraran beach _ Repair of Urazurrutia quay in Bilbao _ Northern quay and docks in southern area of Getaria port _ New beach and swimming pool in Mutriku _ Repair of Ondar Beltz breakwater in Mutriku _ Consolidation of port dikes in Mundaka _ Repair of Barrika dike _ Repair of seawall in Bermeo / In 1966, through its main construction company, Grupo Moyua began its first marine construction work in Mutriku Port (Gipuzkoa). This project would set the future path for Construcciones Moyua, making it the outright leader among the companies created and developed in the Basque Country in the construction of marine works. Indeed, Construcciones Moyua has been a pioneer in Euskadi and at international level in dike construction with stone blocks, which started to be built in our region in the 1960’s, from the intensive collaboration between the well-known Civil Engineer, Ramón Iribarren, and the Founder of Construcciones Moyua, Pedro Zubiaguirre, adapting the aggressive Cantabria coastline and adjusting it to make the relationship between the coastal towns and the sea possible. From that time to the present day, Moyua has constructed dikes and retaining solutions in Hondarribia, Donostia/ San Sebastián, Orio, Getaria, Zumaia, Ondarroa, Bermeo, Mutriku; which has allowed it to acquire extensive experience, with the backing of highly specialised staff. This year saw the completion of the reconstruction works of the walls and structures of Urazurrutia Quay in the Bilbao estuary, the renovation works of La Cofradía Quay in Bermeo Port and the management of the new beach and pool in the Burumendi Port in Mutriku. _ Repair of port quays in Ondarroa _ Coastal wall on N-634 in Getaria _ Elantxobe port quay _ Marina in Orio _ Remodelling of port platform in Elantxobe _ Quay on left bank of estuary in Orio _ Replacing the Zurriola dike in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Reinforcing the Kai Arriba dike in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Western extension of Donibane quay in Pasaia _ Reinforcing the Paseo Nuevo with blocks in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Repair of ramp in Donostia/San Sebastián port _ Repairs to Paseo del Faro in Zumaia port _ Regeneration of estuary breakwater in Deba _ Extension of port area in Getaria port _ Breakwater, paving, Promenade and Road - Orio _ La Virgen dike in Plentzia port _ Coastal wall in Sagües area of Donostia/San Sebastián _ Extension of northern dike in Hondarribia port _ Ref. Kai Arriba Dike and Rep. Jarana Quay in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Redevelopment of breakwater No.2 in Bilbao port _ Southern dike Getaria port _ Repair of coastal wall on Paseo Butrón in Hondarribia _ Repair of wall on Paseo Nuevo in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Widening of Egidazu dock in Ondarroa _ Breakwater No. 3 in Santurce, Autonomous port of Bilbao _ Breakwater and southern quay in Hondarribia port _ Breakwater left side of Deba estuary _ Environmental restoration of Plaiaundi (Txingudi) in Irun _ Development and assembly of the Peine Del Viento in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Widening of the coastal quay in Mutriku port _ Extension of northern dike in Getaria port _ Repair of port breakwaters in Zarautz _ Demolition end of southern quay in Getaria _ Underpinning of dikes in Getaria port _ Reconstruction of coastal wall in Mutriku _ Breakwater and dike in Zumaia _ Repair of jetty in Donostia/San Sebastián port _ Regeneration of La Zurriola beach in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Dike in Getaria _ Dredging Mutriku port _ Breakwater and dike on La Zurriola in Donostia/San Sebastián 28 / 29 Construction Marine 1 1 3 2 4 Breakwater, dike and regeneration of La Zurriola beach in Donostia- San Sebastián 2 Dikes and coastal walls in Getaria 3 Breakwater in Zumaia 4 Protection dike, fishing port and marina in Orio 30 / 31 Construction Marine 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 New beach and swimming pool in Mutriku 4 Urazurria Quay 32 / 33 Construction tun nels MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ Santa Barbara HSR Tunnel on the Levante section La Encina - Mojente junction _ Pedralba Tunnel N-260 Vía Pirenaica Sabiñanigo Fiscal section _ Ferreries Tunnel relief road C-25 Espinelves Stª coloma section _ Pedralba emergency gallery Vía Pirenaica N-260 Sabiñanigo - Fiscal section _ Buc Tunnel relief road C-25 Espinelves - Stª coloma section _ Agro HSR Tunnel Silleda - Dornelas section _ El Bordar Tunnel conditioning C-25 Seo de Urgell Andorra _ Arriaran HSR Tunnel Basque Y west Beasain section / Grupo Moyua, through its part-owned subsidiary Geotunel, has one of the fundamental mainstays of its in activity in the perforation sector. Geotunel focuses its activity in the excavation and support of tunnels and gallerias using conventional means, and it performs slope support and special foundations as a complement, all of this with a harmonious workforce that is highly skilled in handling modern and specialised machinery, in constant renewal. The result of this experience is a series of more than fifteen kilometres of tunnels and galleries, which include some of the most important High-Speed projects in Spain. The latest awards have been the construction of Requejo Tunnel, the Madrid-Galicia high-speed train line, O CañizoTunnel, Galicia high-speed train, in Ourense and the Zumarraga Tunnel of the HSR of the Basque Country “Y”. With these awards there were 10 tunnels under construction in late 2012. _ Expiz mine exploitation gallery _ Itola HSR Basque Y Tunnel West Beasain section _ Loinaz HSR Basque Y Tunnel West Beasain section _ Pigot Tunnel relief road C-25 Espinelves Stª Coloma section _ Liedena Tunnel Pyrenees dual carriageway A-21 section 4 _ Mojente HSR Tunnel of the Levante section La Encina – Mojente junction _ Redondela HSR Tunnel and gallery Redondela Soutomayor section _ Arteako HSR Basque Y Tunnel Amorebieta Amorebieta section _ Orranpe HSR Basque Y Tunnel Amorebieta Amorebieta section _ El Rellón Tunnel El Cantábrico dual carriageway A-8 Otur - Villapedre section _ Burata HSR Tunnel and Gallery Orense - Amoeiro section _ Pico de Siero HSR Tunnel León - Asturias Campomanes - Pola de Siero section _ Canfranc underground laboratory for the University of Zaragoza _ Gurutzetxiki AP-1 Tunnels Arrasate - Eskoriatza section _ Santiago HSR Tunnel Boqueixón - Santiago section _ Mazorros HSR Tunnel Boqueixón - Santiago section _ Coto Formigueiro HSR Tunnel Galicia Orense Amoeiro section _ Vilaltarreo HSR Tunnel Galicia Ordes - Queixas section _ Ikastaundii Tunnel on AP-1 south Bergara - Arrasate section _ A. Medorra HSR Tunnel Galicia Ordes - Queixas section _ Deba Tunnel on GI-638 Deba - Mutriku section _ Peña María Tunnel on N-1 Condado de Treviño _ Gordexola Tunnel El Kadagua corredor _ Reinforcement of Itxaspe tunnel landslide in Deba Bilbao - Donostia/San Sebastián railway _ Lezarri Tunnel on AP-1 north Bergara - Eibar section _ Artxanda Tunnel in Bilbao _ El Espiño Tunnel in Orense _ O Cañizo Tunnel in Orense _ Requejo Tunnel in Zamora _ Montezkue Tunnel in Tolosa _ Beasain Tunnel _ Eguskiza HSR Basque Y Tunnel Abadiño - Durango section _ Mendigain HSR Basque Y Tunnel Abadiño - Durango section _ Menditxo Tunnel 2nd ring-road in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Aritzeta Tunnels 2nd ring-road in Donostia/San Sebastián section A-8 - El Urumea intersection 34 / 35 Construction Tunnels 1 3 4 3 Espiño Tunnel 4 O Cañizo Tunnel 5 6 Requejo Tunnel 1 2 5 6 Menditxo Tunnel. Second ring-road in Donostia/San Sebastián 2 Vilartarreo Tunnel in A Coruña 36 / 37 Construction Tunnels 3 1 4 5 1 2 Zumarraga Tunnel Antzuola-Ezkio Itsaso East Section 2 Liédena Tunnel in Yesa 3 4 Montezkue Tunnel and Gallery Tolosa-Hernialde Section 5 Loinaz Tunnel Beasain West Section 38 / 39 Construction RAIL WAY / Grupo Moyua participates in the construction of all kinds of railway infrastructures, particularly those developed for the High-Speed Railway (HSR), in which it carries out earthmoving, tunnels and important structures to obtain the advanced railway platforms to provide communications links between countries and people’s mobility. MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ Durango Central Station _ Bilbao Metro Kabiezes section _ Euskotren Station in Eibar _ Shed for Araso Euskotren in Irun In this period we have completed for Euskal Trenbide Sarea, Durango Central Station, Eibar station and the Araso sheds and workshops in Irun. _ Platform for HSR West Beasain section We also continued with the construction of the Santurtzi-Kabiezes line for Bilbao Metro. _ Euskotren Station in Durango _ Platforms for HSR, Amorebieta - Amorebieta section _ Platform for HSR section, Abadiño - Durango _ Closing of facilities at Deba Station _ Abando - Olabeaga tracks for Feve. Bilbao _ New train tracks and pits Maritime Station in Santurce 40 / 41 Constructionn Railway 1 2 2 5 6 1 2 3 4 Araso Shed in Irun. 5 6 Mañaria HSR 7 West Beasain HSR 7 3 4 42 / 43 Constructionn Railway 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 2 5 6 Durango Station 3 44 / 45 Construction Ur baN MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ Munto development - Orio _ Kale Zaharra development - Oñati _ Sector19 development, Arechavaleta and Gardelegi Vitoria _ Txirrita-Maleo Industrial Estate development in Renteria _ Plaza de Cataluña development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Kale Barria development - Oñati _ Plaza Cervantes development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ North Araso development - Irun _ Uba complex development in Donostia/San Sebastián / Through its construction companies, Grupo Moyua has a significant record in the developments chapter, in which, over more than 60 years, it has participated in the development of new sectors that have gradually defined our current urban and industrial environment. This year, Moyua Construcciones was awarded Phase II of the development works of the SUE-10-5 sector of Galarreta in Hernani and the cycle path from Oñate to Zubillaga. _ Remodelling of Plaza Aita Donosti in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Grupo Anunciación development - Sestao _ Eroski development - Portugalete _ Channelling of the Antzuola irrigation channelAntzuola _ Lugaritz development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Walkway in Lartzabal - Renteria _ Wastewater station in Güeñes. _ Lezama development. _ Mungia development. _ Channelling of River Granada in Getxo _ Development and reinforcement of Paseo Nuevo in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Musakola Neighbourhood development - Arrasate _ Ingemar development - Usurbil _ Pedestrian walkway between Santurtzi and Zierbena _ Miramon development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Zuatzu development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Aritzbatalde development - Zarautz _ Benta Berri development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Amara annexe development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Walkway over Donostia/San Sebastián by-pass in Anoeta _ Villas sector development 2nd phase - Hernani _ Herriko Enparantza Old Quarter development Renteria _ Plaza de Zuloaga development _ Markola development - Renteria _ Villa Trelles development on Miraconcha in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Alterations to the seafront of La Zurriola in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Errotaburu Industrial Area development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ C/ Iturriaga development - Hernani _ Plaza de los Soldados development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Lamourous development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Riberas de Loiola development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Oteiza Sculptural Pº Nuevo in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Amara Zaharra development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Goiko Errota Bridge - Elgoibar _ Ikastola Usabal Bridge - Tolosa _ Encarnación Park development - Bilbao _ Plaza Sarriegi development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Renovation Kale Nagusia - Hernani _ Esser Business Park development - Mendaro _ Sagüés Area development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Getaria – Zarautz pedestrian path _ Plaza de los Fueros development - Oñati _ Munto Aiete development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza del Sauce development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Redevelopment Old Quarter in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza Easo development in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza del Triángulo development - Tolosa _ Plaza de los Etxeberri development in Amara in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Drainage and paving of Donostia/San Sebastián port _ Development and football pitch Beriyo Sports Centre in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Restoration Navarra Bridge - Tolosa _ Bridge of River Deba old slaughterhouse - Bergara _ Plencia Bridge _ Cantilever La Concha beach in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Cycle track in Oñate _ Orona (Galarreta) in Hernani _ Promenade and car park Hondarribia marina _ Regeneration and development Arrigunaga Beach Getxo 46 / 47 Construction Urban 1 1 Road Viaduct edge Donostia/San Sebastián 2 Riberas de Loiola in Donostia/San Sebastián 3 4 Mikel Laboa Walkway in Donostia/San Sebastián 2 3 4 48 / 49 Construction Urban 1 2 6 3 4 5 1 2 3 7 Cycle path in Oñati 4 5 Pedestrian path Zarautz – Getaria 6 Sector 19 development in Vitoria/Gasteiz 7 North Araso development in Irun 50 / 51 Construction 1 3 Urban 2 4 1 2 5 Development of sector SUE-10-5 of Galarreta 3 Plaza Cataluña in Donostia/San Sebastián 4 Plaza Cervantes in Donostia/San Sebastián 5 Plaza de Santa Catalina in Donostia/San Sebastián 52 / 53 Construction sur fa ces / Excavaciones y Transportes Orsa, a Moyua Group company, specialises in the execution of road surfaces with a list of works completed including the most important roads of northern Spain and Romania. One of Orsa’s unique characteristics concerning its activity is its ability to execute the “complete package of road surfaces”. That is, it has the required means and know-how to execute all the structures and types of road surface packages, such as: stabilizing the bottom of excavations and crowning embankments, manufacture and laying of cement stabilised soil, manufacturing and laying of asphalt and the execution of complementary concrete works. Therefore Orsa offers global solutions that make it a highly regarded company with the different authorities that manage the road infrastructure. As a result of this, and as Orsa in turn has a great innovative spirit that makes its unique in innovative and environmental technologies, such as the “recycling of existing road surfaces” for which it has state-ofthe-art equipment. MOST RELEVANT WORKS _ BI-3739 road in Sestao _ Subijana By-pass in Álava _ Edge road in Riberas de Loiola in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Third lane A-8 motorway Basauri section in Iurreta _ Second Donostia/San Sebastián ring-road _ N-1 relief road in Gaintxurizketa _ AP-1 Motorway Eskoriatza section in Arrasate _ Ballonti arterial road Portugalete – Marconzaga section in Cueto _ Extension to six lanes of A-8 motorway Oiartzun – Irun section _ Esplanade and access to Karraspio beach in Lekeitio _ New Mutriku - Deba connection in GI-638 _ AP-1 Motorway. South Bergara - Arrasate _ Txorierri dual carriageway. Larrabetzu – Erletxe section _ Donostia/San Sebastián relief road in Hernani via hospitals _ AP-1 Motorway North Bergara – Eibar section _ Southern by-pass in Hernani _ N-I intersection Lasarte - A-8 motorway Aritzeta _ Maltzaga Intersection on N-634 _ A-8 motorway underpass in Zuatzu in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Bilbao eastern by-pass _ Access to Getaria port _ Leizaran dual carriageway _ Lasarte intersection on the CN-I _ New access to Ondarroa port _ Widening of the N-I between Idiazabal and Beasain in Olaberria _ New access to Burumendi beach in Mutriku _ Ugaldebieta III-2, dual carriageway access to Bilbao port _ La Avanzada relief road sections A and C _ Stabilisation hillside CN-634 Getaria - Zumaia _ Arama by-pass _ Pasajes de San Juan road in Hondarribia _ Miraballes - Castillo Elejabeitia BI-2522 road _ N-1 relief road Tolosa - Ikaztegieta section _ Ugaldebieta solution Sestao - Portugalete section _ Castillo Elejabeitia to Orozko BI-3513 road _ Arantzazu Gi-3591 road _ Amezketa road _ Extension and improvement of access to Bermeo port 54 / 55 Construction Surfaces / Excavaciones y Transportes Orsa, a Grupo Moyua company, bases its speciality on: 3 1 _ Manufacture and laying of road asphalt surfaces _ Manufacture and placing of concrete structures _ Manufacture of cement surfaces _ Laying stabilised surfaces _ Recycling road surfaces _ Fixed and mobile plants, transport fleet, laying and compacting equipment, concrete pavers for sliding formwork A clear commitment to innovation and quality. It has its own laboratory equipped with the latest technology for the analysis of road surfaces. 2 1 4 5 Manufacture and laying of hot mix asphalt 2 Stabilising the bottom of excavations and embankment terraces 3 Recycling of existing road using tar and cement. 4 Execution of complementary concrete elements using formwork mould 5 Manufacture and laying of cement surface 56 / 57 PRO PER Ty MOST RELEVANT PROMOTIONS _ Errotaburu in Donostia/San Sebastián 405 social housing homes, 122 subsidised homes and 18 semidetached subsidised homes _ Aritzbatalde in Zarautz 175 social housing homes / The desire to create a property development company to complement the construction company in carrying out own projects, took shape in 1988 with the setting up of the company Larrain, S.A. The property area took on greater importance in the mid 1990’s and maintained a high level of activity in the country’s decade of economic growth. _ Martin Santos in Donostia/San Sebastián 24 homes _ Komportarri in Donostia/San Sebastián 55 homes _ Sector 2 in Lazkao 16 social housing homes The activity was mainly developed in the residential sector, covering the promotion of private homes as well as social housing. _ Burua Hostel in Legorreta 30 social housing homes We have a young and dynamic team, trained for the management of the entire property process in the broadest sense: the purchase of land in any possible state of urban development; obtaining developed plots via the corresponding urban instruments; and finally, the promotion of the building work and subsequent commercialisation of the different resulting property products. _ Artzabal in Usurbil 122 private homes and 48 social housing homes The geographical area of action mainly focuses on the Basque Country; the internationalisation process began in 2007 with the purchase of land in Bucharest. In 2011, Grupo Moyua took the strategic decision to enter the Colombian market for the development of the residential property activity, making the most of the knowledge that it obtains about the country from its construction subsidiary Activa Colombia. It currently has three promotions underway in the city of Bogotá. _ Ensanche in Andoain 77 private homes and 89 social housing homes _ Lamourous in Donostia/San Sebastián 20 homes _ Torrelodones - Madrid 166 semi-detached and terraced houses _ Parque de la Encarnación in Bilbao 261 private homes and 266 social housing homes _ Lugaritz in Donostia/San Sebastián 40 homes in blocks and 17 semi-detached homes _ San Bartolomé in Donostia/San Sebastián 534 homes _ Gipuzkoa 18 - Zigordia 39 in Zarautz 24 private homes 58 / 59 Property 1 2 3 1 4 5 Komportarri in Donostia/San Sebastián 55 private homes 2 Lugaritz in Donostia/San Sebastián 57 private homes (17 semi-detached) 3 Soroaundi II Ensanche in Andoain. 27 private homes 4 Txitibar II Ensanche in Andoain 38 private homes 5 Torrelodones - Madrid 166 semi-detached and terraced houses 60 / 61 Property 1 3 4 5 2 1 2 Lamourous in Donostia/San Sebastián 20 private homes 3 4 San Bartolomé in Donostia/San Sebastián 534 homes 5 Artzabal in Usurbil 170 homes (48 social housing homes and 122 private homes) 62 / 63 Con ce ssi ons MOST RELEVANT CONCESSIONS _ Concha car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Cataluña car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Oquendo car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza del Padre Vinuesa car park in Donostia/San Sebastián _ Plaza del Triangulo car park in Tolosa / The concessions area is a strategic commitment by Grupo Moyua that has great development and future potential. Its activity consists of the management and operation of all kinds of infrastructures and it involves close collaboration between the public and private sectors, whereby this last sector provides the experience and capacity to take and manage risks. This activity linked to the construction area as in most cases there is a construction phase prior to the operation of the concession. These are long-term activities, which, based on the company’s financial capacity, are capable of providing stability in future income. The Group has extensive experience in the management of car park concessions, with 2,650 resident parking places and 2,140 in rotation. This year, the income obtained from the Group’s concessions of car parks in rotation has increased by 10%. 64 / 65 1 1 2 2 La Concha car park in Donostia/San Sebastián 3 Plaza Cataluña car park in Donostia/San Sebastián 4 Extension of Okendo car park in Donostia/San Sebastián 3 4 66 / 67 SER vi ces / The Services area is the Group’s youngest division. With this area it aims to continue with the diversification established in the current strategic Plan, to make the most of the Group’s synergies and to offer a comprehensive service to our clients. / SERVICES AND CONSERVATION / Serkom, Gestión y Servicios Grupo Moyua, S.L. is the Grupo Moyua services company, created to address the need to provide a comprehensive service to the life cycle of an infrastructure culminating in its conservation, as well as to address the execution of all kinds of Urban and Environmental Services.. Urban Services Street Cleaning Beach Cleaning Cleaning of streets, roads and, in general, all public spaces contained in a city. Collection, removal, transport and dumping or authorised processing of any waste deposited on a beach, levelling and conditioning of sand on a beach, as well as the screening and probiotic processing of this sand. Waste Collection Collection of urban waste generated in a town and its transport to a processing plant. Management of green areas Management of green areas, as well as the execution of work related to gardening and construction or remodelling of green areas. Water Network Management Management of the pipes and elements that make up a city’s drainage system, as well as carrying out repairs on this network. Cleaning Buildings Cleaning offices, different rooms, halls and other communal areas. Conservation of Infrastructures Road Conservation and Maintenance Work and services required to ensure normal conditions of road safety. Conducting studies, management, monitoring and establishing information and support to the operation in response to emergencies that occur. Urban Conservation Corrective Maintenance for the conservation of pavements and pedestrian areas. Repair, renovation, and maintenance of any element or construction that falls in the category of street furniture. Port Conservation General maintenance, conservation and operation works, repair of dikes, work with divers, sand and mud cleaning, site control, mowing plots, etc. Conservation of Railway Lines Cleaning factory works, ballast cleaning, clearing and cleaning, levelling and alignment of the road, sounding of the road, etc. Building Conservation and Maintenance Corrective Maintenance: Resolving the incidents arising from breakdowns or others in homes or buildings. Renovation Works: Conditioning homes or buildings. Preventive Maintenance: Checking significant elements of a building with limited access, such as roofs, facades, etc. Conservation and Maintenance of Water and Drainage Systems Conservation and maintenance works of water mains, irrigation channels, sewers, drains, marine outfalls, tanks, reservoirs and underground galleries. 68 / 69 Services / MACHINERY HIRE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Conservation and Maintenance of Countryside and Gardens Waste Treatment and Management Conservation and maintenance of countryside, gardens, parks and other green areas, which include pruning, replanting, clearing, watering, fertilising, phytosanitary treatments and other agricultural and forestry work. Treatment and conversion of rubbish, glass, paper and other urban waste, via transport and dumping in rubbish tips and transport to processing plants. Restoration of Coastal Ecosystems This service solves the problems associated with bad weather on maritime facades, dune ridges that protect the promenades and buildings located on the seafront, recovery of beaches by adding sand, etc. Cleaning and Conditioning Riverbeds and Riverbanks Conservation and protection of banks, removal of excess sediment, removing obsolete structures, construction of small structures such as deflectors, fish ladder and solid retainers, selective clearing of vegetation, etc. Demolition Waste Treatment and Management Treatment of mixed construction and demolition waste, which includes collection, processing at plant to separate the materials for their reuse and sending the remaining fraction to the rubbish tip. / Ours services are based on the hire, repair and sale of machinery, as an agile, versatile and professional company, capable of giving a solid answer in a competitive market, concerned with giving the client the elements that they require, in perfect conditions of use and maintenance and as quickly as possible. We have a very wide range of products: Generating sets, dumpers, mini-diggers, compressed-air and compacting machinery, forklift trucks, telescopic handlers, machinery for concrete, lifting platforms, submersible pumps, containers, toilets, huts and Conservation y Maintenance of Purification Plants Conservation and maintenance of purification plants, including their machinery and installations. Road Safety Vehicle Contention Systems Reinforcing Road Surfaces Replacing contention elements is one of the most frequently performed operations on roads as a key element in road safety, such as security barriers on the roadside and in the central reservation, parapets, shock absorbers designed for frontal impact, braking areas for long slopes, etc. These operations are undertaken to ensure the good condition of the road surface. This will ensure the level of driving vehicles remains at a high level of road safety. It includes milling, repairing, recycling existing road surface, asphalting, etc. Road Markings Painting or repainting of road markings on a road network. In some cases, they are simple replacements of existing ones, worn out by the traffic and bad weather or loss of reflectance, while in other cases road surface reinforcements and patching have been carried out that now require painting. Signalling and Guidance In this type of operation we will include the total or partial replacement of a signal, which is composed of a set of symbols or legends, the surface on which they are written and the supporting element/s. 70 / 71 Inter Na TIO nal / Brazil / At the beginning of the year, we finished the restoration works of the surface of runways and aircraft yards at Usiminas Airport in Santana do Paraíso in the state of Minas Gerais. The runways are already in full operation. 1 In the last quarter of the year, other maintenance contracts were awarded for the runways. / The first incursion abroad occurred in 2008 . The Group company Excavaciones y Transporte ORSA, S.L. through its subsidiary SC Morsa Asfalt, SRL was awarded its first contracts as a subcontractor to large European companies in manufacturing and laying asphalt mixtures. In this period, it was also awarded the construction of the Dr. Celso Charuri Vocational Training Centre for ProVida in the state of Minas Gerais, the execution of the office building and access control for the company AGC Vidros de Brasil in Sao Paulo and the construction of the Machinery Centre and offices for Liebherr in Sao Paulo. These are works of different types and awarded by different clients. It was in 2010 when the Group’s international focus became more patent, when it took on the South American market with the help of the company Activa Construction M&O, S.A. and its subsidiaries in Brazil , Colombia and Peru. 2 3 The construction contracts obtained in 2012 have strengthened Grupo Moyua’s presence in these four countries , doubling the international turnover on the previous year. Similarly, and supporting the internationalisation strategy, this year, the subsidiary, based in Bogotá “Moyua Inmobiliaria Colombia, SAS”, was established and began its first promotions, and the company “Geotunel Filco SAS” specialising in all kinds of underground constructions was also established. In short, 2012 was a step forward in diversification by geographical areas reflected in the company’s strategic plan. 4 73brazil 74/ 75colombia 1 Maintenance contract for the runways of Usimina Airport 76/ 77Peru 2 78/ 79romania Professional Training Centre for ProVida in the state of Minas Gerais 3 AGC Vidros de Brasil in Sao Paolo 4 Machinery Centre for Liebher 72 / 73 International / Colombia / In 2012, the Group consolidated its introduction in this country in which two of the companies in which it has a shareholding are working: 5 1 / Moyua Inmobiliaria Colombia, S.A.S. is an invested company in which 100% is owned by Grupo Moyua and it has the aim of developing real estate projects in Colombia. · Activa Colombia · Moyua Inmobiliaria Colombia Three residential projects are currently being developed in Bogotá. Promotions in progress: _ King David Av. 127 Project 56 apartments in Bogotá D.C. 2 _ Ronda Project 45 apartments in Bogotá D.C. _ Nuba Project 30 apartments in Bogotá D.C. / Construction company for civil and building work performed for public and private clients. Three works are in progress awarded by the Ministry of Transport of Colombia through the National Roads Institute (INVIAS) and a residential building in Bogotá Works completed: 3 1 Emergency works on the Apia-Vitervo road in Risaralda y Caldas _ Emergency works on the Santa Cecilia-Pueblo Rico road in Risaralda _ Emergency works on the Mocoa-San Juan de Villalobos road in Putumayo 6 7 2 Emergency works on the Santa CeciliaPueblo Rico road in Risaralda _ Emergency works on the Mocatan Bridge in Risaralda. 3 4 _ Construction of 45 apartments of the “Ronda” project in Bogotá D.C. 4 Emergency works on the Mocoa-San Juan de Villalobos road in Putumayo 5 Nuba Apartments 6 Ronda Apartments 7 King David Av. 127 Apartments 74 / 75 Internacional / Perú / Grupo Moyua’s introduction in the Andean country has had a strong effect on this year with the construction of a large number of works . 5 Works completed: 1 _ Economax Villa Marina – Zorro (Lima). Supermercado Tottus Campoy – San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima) _ Economax San Miguel – Leopardo (Lima). Hiraoka Shop– Independencia (Lima) _ 156 Homes in ‘Puerta de Hierro’ Condominium. Surco (Lima). Plaza Vea Armadillo – Chorrillos (Lima) _ Plaza Vea Acho Supermarket. Antílope (Lima). _ Plaza Vea Paita Supermarket. (Paita). _ Plaza Vea Cuzco Arzobispo Supermarket. (Cuzco). _ Plaza Vea Cajamarca Supermarket. Castor (Cajamarca). _ 1st Extension of Real Plaza Shopping Centre - Chiclayo. PROMMART. 3 4 Dive Motors Distribution Centre – Lurin (Lima) 5 8 6 Commissions of the Congress Building (Lima) 7 8 9 Real Plaza Shopping Centre – Chiclayo _ Awarded in October, the building of Commissions of the Congress of the Republic “José Santos Atahualpa” (Lima). Centro Comercial Plaza Vea Antílope – Distrito Rimac (Lima) 9 10 11 12 2 4 7 Homes –Puerta de Hierro Condominium (Lima) _ 2nd Extension of Real Plaza Shopping Centre - Chiclayo. OESCHLE. 1 3 2 _ Tottus Campoy Supermarket– San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima). _ Supermarket Plaza Vea Super Iglesias Supermarket. Armadillo – Chorrillos (Lima). 6 10 11 12 76 / 77 International / ROmania / Grupo Moyua is present in Romania through the Romanian company Orsa Asfalt SRL, whose sole shareholder is the company Excavaciones y Transportes Orsa belonging to the Group. The main activity carried out in Romania by Asfalt Orsa is related to executing asphalt road surfaces, for which it currently has an asphalt plant in Sibiu and all the asphalt laying and compaction machinery associated. And machines for stabilizing, recycling, milling and cement surface laying that allow Orsa Asfalt to carry out the following work in Romania: manufacturing and laying of hot mix asphalt, stabilised with cement or lime, recycling of surfaces with cement and asphalt and laying of surface cement. This has enabled Orsa Asfalt to contribute to the execution of major infrastructure in the area of Sibiu as a subcontractor for large companies like Impregilo , Strabag or Vectra among others; Sibiu-Sebes Motorway for Impregilo, Rehabilitation of DN14 between Sibiu - Medias for Strabag and Sibiu By-pass for Vectra. Orsa Asfalt has been able to enter the local market and execute street development works for different municipalities as a general contractor. We can consider as our clients, the town councils of Sibiu, Cristian and Cisnedie, among others. At this level, Orsa Asfalt currently has a broad portfolio of private clients such as other construction companies in the area that require asphalting work: Geiger, Terra, Europan. Other clients focusing on industrial activity have also requested Orsa Asfalt’s services to execute 4 5 1 1 6 7 Production Plant in Sibiu 2 2 3 Asphalting Ion Sior Street in Sibiu 3 Winter road management assistance in Sibiu 4 Asphalting E 81 Motorway Sibiu Sebes 5 8 Development and asphalting of Takata industrial buildings in Sibiu development work at their premises: Takata, Boromir, Gasolineras OMV, Continental, are some of these. In view of 2013, and in light of the award of major road works across the Romania, Orsa Asfalt is developing a plan for growth based on the introduction of more asphalt plants in areas where these major works will be carried out: Corredor Sebes - Sibiu, Deva - Oradea, Deva - Lugoj. Works completed: 6 7 _ Surface reinforcement and renovation works in the area of Tilisca. Re-asphalting DN 1 in Sibiu _ Alesd road in the region of Oradea. Milling for widening of DN 14 in Medias _ Construction of Cisnadie Street in Sibiu. _ Orastie - Sibiu motorway pk 43+000 to pk 65+000 for Impregilo. _ Renovation of the dn1 between pk 0+000 and 26+150 for ohl. _ Renovation of the Sibiu - Siguisoara road for Strabag. 8 9 Stabilising for widening of DN 14 in Medias 9 10 10 Development and asphalting of streets in Sibiu _ Facilities in Sibiu (Cement Surface Plant and Mobile Asphalt Plant. Intrame UM200). 78 / 79 COM PA NY DI REC TO RY HEADQUARTERS GRUPO MOYUA DESARROLLO, S.L. Paseo de Errotaburu, 1-5ª Planta 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (Spain) Tel.: + 34-943317600 NATIONAL CONSTRUCCIONES MOYUA, S.L. Paseo de Errotaburu, 1-5ª Planta 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Tfno.: +34-943317600 APARCAMIENTOS GUIPUZCOANOS, S.L. C/ Ronda, 1 1º Izda. 20001 Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Tfno.: +34-943297103 BYCAM SERVICIOS, EDIFICIOS E INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. C/ Santiago de Compostela, 12 3ª Planta. Oficinas: H e I 48003 Bilbao (Bizkaia) Tfno.: +34-94 4597290 SUMINISTROS ALQUILERES BILBAO, S.L. P.I. Sangroniz. Iberre Kalea, 5 -Pb1 48150 Sondika (Bizkaia) Tfno.: +34-944710022 administració LARRAIN, S.L. Paseo de Errotaburu, 1-4ª Planta. 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Tfno.: +34-943213388 INTERNATIONAL ACTIVA BRASIL M&O CONSTRUÇÃO LTDA Rua Jandiatuba, 143 - Cj.401-403 Sao Paulo-SP. Brasil Tfno.: +55 11 2386 0700 EXCAVACIONES Y TRANSPORTES ORSA, S.L. C/ Elbarrena, 2-2ª Planta. Polígono Lanbarren ACTIVA PERU 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa) M&O CONSTRUCTION, SAC Tfno.: +34-943629144 Avenida Comandante Espina, 560 planta 7 Miraflores. GEOTUNEL, S.L. Lima 18. PERU Centro Empresarial Innobak Tfno.: +51 1 713 0230 C/Junqueral, nº 13 2º Oficina 10 48903 Barakaldo (Bizkaia) Tfno.: +34-944970507 ACTIVA COLOMBIA M&O CONSTRUCCION SAS Avenida 15, nº 122-69 Oficina 404. Torre C. ACTIVA M&O CONSTRUCCION, S.A. Edificio Torre Barón TV. Calle Gobela, 17-Bajo Bogota D.C. - Colombia (Urbanización la Florida) Tfno.: +57 1 213 6670 28023 Madrid Tfno.: +34-911517100 MOYUA INMOBILIARIA COLOMBIA, SAS Calle 100, Nº 19-61, Oficina 506 Serkom gestión y servicios Bogota D.C. - Colombia grupo moyua, s.l. Tfno.: ++57 1 621 4888 Paseo de Errotaburu, 1-5ª Planta 20018 Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) ORSA ASFALT S.R.L. Bdul. Vitoriei, 70 C CONCHA PARKING, S.A. Sibiu 550024 C/ Ronda, 1 1º Izda. Tfno.: +40 569233477 20001 Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Tfno.: +34-943297103 VN ARGELIA 48 Avenue Iman el Chafir. GUIPÚZCOA PARKING SIGLO XXI, S.A. El Mouradia Alger C/ Ronda, 1 1º Izda. Tfno.: +213 21690707 20001 Donostia/San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) Tfno.: +34-943297103 80 / 81