LOdzkie RegiOn
LOdzkie RegiOn
LOdzkie Region investment offers in the centre of poland in the centre of europe Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a great pleasure to invite all companies from the East and the West, from the North and the South to the Lodzkie Region – the place of good business environment, economic growth and attractive investment climate. Please allow me to present some our business sites and locations with the hope that these offers will encourage You to invest in our region. Witold Stępień Marshal of the Lodzkie Region Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region Investor & Exporter Service Center Al. Pilsudskiego 8, 90-051 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 663 30 26 Fax: /+48 42/ 663 30 02 E-mail: info@lodzkie.pl ul. Moniuszki 7/9, 90-101 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 40 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: przedsiebiorczosc@lodzkie.pl www.investin.lodzkie.pl, www.coie.gov.pl www.lodzkie.pl contents 001 Lodzkie region – key facts _____________________________________________________________ 002 District belchatowski _____________________________________________________________________ 004 District brzezinski __________________________________________________________________________ 004 District kutnowski _________________________________________________________________________ 005 District laski __________________________________________________________________________________ 006 District leczycki _____________________________________________________________________________ 006 District lowicki ______________________________________________________________________________ 007 District lodzki wschodni _______________________________________________________________ 007 District opoczynski ________________________________________________________________________ 008 District pabianicki ___________________________________________________________________________ 009 District pajeczanski _______________________________________________________________________ 009 District piotrkowski _______________________________________________________________________ 010 District poddebicki _________________________________________________________________________ 010 District radomszczanski _______________________________________________________________ 011 District rawski ________________________________________________________________________________ 012 District sieradzki ____________________________________________________________________________ 012 District skierniewicki ______________________________________________________________________ 013 District tomaszowski _____________________________________________________________________ 014 District wielunski ___________________________________________________________________________ 014 District wieruszowski ____________________________________________________________________ 015 District zdunskowolski _________________________________________________________________ 016 District zgierski ______________________________________________________________________________ 016 002 introduction key facts kutnowski łęczycki łowicki zgierski poddębicki Skierniewice brzeziński skierniewicki rawski Łódź zduńskowolski pabianicki łódzki-wschodni sieradzki tomaszowski łaski Piotrków Trybunalski bełchatowski wieruszowski opoczyński piotrkowski wieluński Marshal of the Lodzkie Region: Witold Stępień Area: 18,219 sq km Population: 2.5 million people Population density: 140 people per sq km Economically active: 1.6 million people Capital of the Region: Lodz (0,72 million inhabitants) Number of districts: 24 Number of cities with disgtricts status: 3 (Lodz, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Skierniewice) Number of communes: 177 Gross Regional Product (2012): ca. 22 billion EUR Number of companies (2013): 237,000 Average monthly gros wage (2013): ca. 815 EUR Regional budget, projected (2013) Revenues: 854,8 mln PLN Expenditures: 895,9 mln PLN Unemployment rate (2013): 13,9% Exports (2012): ca. 3,8 billion EUR Imports (2012): ca. 6 billion EUR Natural resources: brown coal, kaolin clays, gypsum, limestone, marl, gravel, clay, thermal waters, quartz and foundry sands, travertine Number of students: 110,000 Number of higher education institutions: 27, including 21 private Selected higher education institutions: • Lodz University, • the Technical University of Lodz, • the Medical University in Lodz, • National Higher School of Film, Tv and Theatre in Lodz, • Music Academy in Lodz • Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz • the School of Arts and Design in Lodz Major towns and cities: Belchatow, Kutno, Pabianice, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Radomsko, Sieradz, Skierniewice, Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Wielun, Zdunska Wola oraz Zgierz. Special Economic Zone: the Lodz Special Economic Zone (1,277 ha) and its subzones in the municipalities of Aleksandrow Lodzki, Brojce, pajęczański radomszczański Kleszczow, Koluszki, Ksawerow, Opoczno, Paradyz, Slawno, Strykow, Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Ujazd, Widawa, Wielun, Wola Krzysztoporska, Wolborz, Wroblew, Zychlin and in cities Belchatow, Konstantynow Lodzki, Kutno, Leczyca, Lowicz, Lodz, Ozorkow, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Radomsko, Rawa Mazowiecka, Sieradz, Skierniewice, Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Zdunska Wola, Zgierz. Industrial and Technological Parks: • Belchatow and Kleszczow Park of Industry and Technology, • Kutno Park of Agriculture and Industry, • Lodz Regional Park of Science and Technology (BioNanoPark), • Boruta-Zgierz Park of Industry. International Airport: the Wladysław Reymont Airport in Lodz Selected international investors: ABB, AIG Lincoln, Amcor, BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte, BSN Gervais Danone, Coco Kunststoffwerk, Corning Cable System, DELL, Business Support Solutions, Citi Handlowy, ECE Projektmanagement, Euroglas, Fuji Seal Group, Fujitsu, Foxconn, GE Power Controls, Gillette Poland International Ltd., Hutchinson, IKEA, Icopal, Indesit, LG Group, Mercedes, Merloni Elektro-domestic, Metro AG, Nibco, Nordea, Saint-Gobain, Philips, Procter & Gamble, SouthWestern BPO, Steijn Design, Süd Wolle, Tate & Lyle, Toyota Boshoku, Veka. Investors by country: Austria, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, UK, USA. Regional partnerships (by country): Austria (Styria), Belarus (Vitebsk Oblast), The Czech Republic (South Moravia), France (Le Nord), Spain (Murcia), Russia (Leningrad Oblast), Sweden (Orebro), Ukraine (Chernivtsi, Odessa, Vinnytsia and Volhynia Oblasts), Hungary (Csongrad), UK (West Midlands), Italy (Piedmont). introduction 003 The largest administrative division in Poland is the region, voivodship – wojewodztwo – essentially the Polish version of a province. There are 16 regions in total, ranging in size from 9,412 sq km (Opolskie) to 35,558 sq km (Mazowieckie). On the next pages there are some examples of the investment offers classified according to the districts. More sites, locations and production hall offers of different districts and communes are available in: These are further subdivided into 314 powiats (powiaty), or “districts, counties”, including 65 cities with powiat status. the Investor and Exporter Service Centre, Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region, ul. Moniuszki 7/9, 90-101 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 50 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: marek.kudla@lodzkie.pl Contact person: dr Marek Kudla. The smallest administrative division is the gmina, or “community, municipality”, of which there are 2,479. The list with all districts of the Lodzkie Region, their area, population and websites is below. Districts in the Lodzkie Region District Area (sq km) Population (in thousands) Website www 971 358 886 618 774 987 858 1.039 489 804 1.429 881 1.443 647 1.491 756 1.026 926 577 369 855 113 32 101 50 52 81 67 78 119 53 90 41 116 48 119 37 119 77 42 70 166 powiat-belchatowski.pl powiat-brzeziny.eu kutno.pl lask.com.pl leczycki.pl powiat.lowicz.pl lodzkiwschodni.pl opocznopowiat.pl powiat.pabianice.pl powiatpajeczno.pl powiat-piotrkowski.pl poddebicki.pl radomszczanski.pl powiatrawski.pl powiat-sieradz.pl powiat-skierniewice.pl powiat-tomaszowski.pl powiat.wielun.pl powiat-wieruszowski.pl powiatzdunskowolski.pl powiat.zgierz.pl 294 68 33 737 77 49 lodz.pl piotrkow.pl skierniewice.net.pl Belchatowski Brzezinski Kutnowski Laski Leczycki Lowicki Lodzki Wschodni Opoczynski Pabianicki Pajeczanski Piotrkowski Poddebicki Radomski Rawski Sieradzki Skierniewicki Tomaszowski Wielunski Wieruszowski Zdunsko Wolski Zgierski Cities with district status: Lodz Piotrkow Trybunalski Skierniewice M. Kudla, Marshall’s Office of the Lodzkie Region. 002 004 investment offers district BELCHATOWSKI Location Site name: Cieplownicza Zone, Town – Municipality Belchatow, District Belchatowski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 1,6950 ha. The shape of the site: square. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price (PLN/m2) including 23% VAT: 166,05 PLN/m². Owner(s): The Industry and Technology Park Belchatow Klesz-czow Limited Liability Company Valid zoning plan: No. Zoning: Industry. Land specification Soil class with area [ha]: Bi – 1,695 ha. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: Yes. Closed heating system. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: Yes. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): commune road – Z class – 6 m wide, interregional road nr 484. Nearest motorway / national road [km]: National Road Nr 8 – in 3 km distance. Railway line [km]: non electrified railway track – 50 m, electrified railway track Piotrkow Trybunalski – 25 km. Railway siding [km]: Rogowiec – 15 km and Piotrkow Trybunalski – 25 km. Nearest international airport [km]: Lodz – W. Reymont Airport – 60 km. Nearest province capital [km]: Lodz 60 km. Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary) [m]: Yes, on the spot. Voltage: 15 kV. Available. Capacity: 1,5 MW. Gas: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 50 m. Calorific value 31 MJ/Nm3. Pipe diameter 160 mm. Available capacity 3600 m3/h. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Available capacity: 200 m3/24h. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Availa-ble capacity: 200 m3/24h. Treatment plant: Yes. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): in 50 m. Comments The land is a sub-zone of Lodz Special Economic Zone. On the plot will be built production storehouse for potential investors with back-up facilities (like social premises and offices) and internal roads. The project is supported with European Founds. Offer prepared by Halina Zimnowodna, Service to external investors; Phone: +48 44 733 51 44; e-mail: h.zimnowoda@um.belchatow.pl; EN. Contact person Halina Zimnowodna, Service to external investors; Phone: +48 44 733 51 44; e-mail: h.zimnowoda@um.belchatow.pl; EN. district BRZEZINSKI Location Site name: Jezow. Municipality: Jezow. District Brzezinski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 89,17 ha / 220,25 acres. The shape of the site: trapeze. Possibility for expansion the area (short description): 27,00 hectares/66,69 acres, in this 2 plots (which are owned by individual persons) of the area 10,22 hectares/25,24 acres and the plot which is owned by Jezow Municipality of the area 16,78 hectares/41,45 acres. Property information Approx. land price (PLN/m2) including 23% VAT: Investment areas – 20-50 PLN/m², Farmland – 20 000-25 000 PLN/ha. Owner(s): 78,64 ha/194,24 acres Agricultural Property Agency of the Treasury, 27,31 hectares/67,46 acres – Jezow Municipality, 10,22 hectares/25,24 acres – private property. Valid zoning plan: Yes. The local zoning plan of Jezow Municipality, approved by Jezow Municipal Council’s resolution number XXXI/195/02 of March 14,2002 (Official Journal Lodz Province nr 99 position 1697 of May 7, 2002). Zoning: 10 NU, ZI The area of waste management facilities. The Solid Communal Waste Utilization Plant is being designed with technical infrastructure facilities (in this Local Sewage Treatment and Storm Water), commuting and access to pedestrians, green insulation and other objects of active protection against the nuisance. Impact range objects limited to the boundaries. Land is partially drained. R-agricultural areas Transformer station is established by plan (designed). Accessibility from the accessible road marked with the symbol of 18KD.25EE – Electricity equipment land. Land specification Soil class with area: R IIIb-0,03 ha, R IVa – 68,6275 ha, R IVb – 39,4603 ha, R V – 2,6173 ha, Ps IV – 2,9343 ha, Ps V – 0,1546 ha, Lz – 0,5472 ha, N – 0,04 ha, Ł V – 0,62 ha, Ł V – 1,14 ha. The area of 91,64 ha is changed in other occupancy and this area is not used as an agricultural land. Differences in land level: about 10 m. Present usage: land is used for agriculture, in a part it is a brown field investment offers 005 district Brzezinski – follow-up land. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: Missing values. Were geological research done: Yes. An opinion was issued by the Office of Geology and Sociology GEOTECHNIKA in Lowicz in March 2011. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Existing infrastructure Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): 4 unpaved roads marked in the local zoning plan as 15 KD, 21 KD, 18 KD, 17 KD wide 9-10 m. Provincial road number 705 marked as 12 KW width about 20 m. Nearest motorway / national road: Motorway A2, (Strykow) – 30 km, B-road number 72 – 2,5 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km: Warsaw and Płock. Railway line: Przylek Duzy is 5 km away, Rogow is 6,8 km away, Koluszki is 15 km away. Railway siding: Rogow is 6,8 km away, Koluszki is 15 km away. Nearest international airport: Lodz – 44 km, Warsaw – 90 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz – 36 km. Electricity: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 700 meters. Process connections and transfer Available capacity 200 m³/24h. Former station are included in the local development plan. Voltage: 110 KV. Available capacity: Without restrictions after the construction GPZ. Gas: No. Gas shortage in Jezow. Water supply: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 1,4 km. Sewage discharge: No Connection point (distance from boundary): 1,8 km. Available capacity: 100 m³/24h. Treatment plant: in Jezow by the sewage network. Telephone: Yes. Comments No. Offer prepared by Halina Swaczyna, Manager; Phone: +48 46-875-53-71, +48 609 101 914; e-mail przetargi@jezow.pl. Contact person Tomasz Piechota, Mayor of the Municipality; Phone: +48 46-875-53-71, +48 603 696 131; e-mail: jezow@jezow.pl. district kutnowski Location Site name: land nr. 760 in Krosniewice. Town – Municipality Krosniewice, District Kutnowski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 0,4498 ha. The shape of the site: Square. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes. Next land Nr. 761/1, 05458 ha. Property information Approx. land price (PLN/m2) including 23% VAT: ca. 13,00 PLN. Owner(s): Municipality Krosniewice. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: industrial area. Land specification Soil class with area: 0,4498 ha, IVa i IVb. Differences in land level: 5 m. Present usage: rural. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 1,5 m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings, other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): will be constructed. Nearest motorway / national road: A2 – 35 km. National Road Nr 2 – 200 m. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km: river ports Wloclawek – 40 km, Plock – 60 km, Warsaw – 130 km. Railway line: 2 km. Railway siding: in Krzewie ca. 2 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz ca. 60 km, Warsaw ca. 130 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz – 60 km. Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): ca. 120 m. Voltage: 15 kV. Available capacity [MW]: no limits. Gas: No. Water supply: Yes. Connection point Ø 160 mm (distance from boundary): under construction. Available capacity (m3/24h): no limits. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point Ø 200 mm (distance from boundary): under construction. Available capacity (m3/24h): no limits. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 80 m. Comments No. Offer prepared by Dominika Turkowska – inspektor ds. gospodarki nieruchomościami gminy; Phone: +48 24 25 23 024; e-mail: grunty@krosniewice.pl Contact person Dominika Turkowska – inspektor ds. gospodarki nieruchomościami gminy; Phone: +48 24 25 23 024; e-mail: grunty@krośniewice.pl 006 investment offers district laski 001 Location Site name: Okup Wielki, Municipality Lask, District Laski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 10 ha. The shape of the site: rectangle. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes, up to 17 ha. Property information Approx. land price (PLN/m2) including 23% VAT: 55 PLN/m². Owner(s): Wlodzimierz Kubiak – one owner, private person. Valid zoning plan: No. Zoning: conditions for development of warehouse and logistic center. Land specification Soil classes with area [ha]: status changed from agricultural land. Fallow lands 10 ha. Differences in land level 2 m. Present usage: no users. Soil and underground water pollution: No contamination of groundwater and surface water. Waste materials on site: No. Underground water level: below 10 m. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Building height limit: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Asphalt road with the width 12 m. National road NR12 and 15 in a distance of 500 m .To the junction with road S8 – 5 km. Railway line: Borszewice 1,5 km. Railway siding Borszewice 1,5 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz – W. Reymont Airport 35 km. Military airport in Lask – 10 km. Nearest province capital [km]: Lodz 37 km. Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary) [m]: Yes, on the spot. Voltage: 15 kV. Available capacity 0,7 MW. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 10 km. Water supply: Yes. For living and social purposes, 13 m3 per day. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Sewage discharge: No. Collection of sewage from outflow tanks to the treatment plant in Lask. Connection point (distance from boundary): no data. Treatment plant: Yes, in Lask. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): In the road , to the end of the site. Comments In the autumn of 2007 were made geological investigations (drilling) on the site, and the soil was proved stable. The area is characterized by a simple soil-water conditions. The area in the spring of 2008 was selected to the Lodz Special Economic Zone. The city authorities create a friendly atmosphere all the investments in its territory. It is proposed to exempt from property tax for several years. At the past growing small trees and shrubs which were cut in accordance with permission the Mayor of the Lask. Offer prepared by Wlodzimierz Kubiak – owner of the site; Phone: +48 607 901 616; e-mail: wlodzimierz.kubiak@wp.pl. EN. Contact person Wlodzimierz Kubiak – owner of the site; Phone: +48 607 901 616; e-mail: wlodzimierz.kubiak@wp.pl. EN. district leczycki Location Site name: land Nr. 399/63. Town Leczyca, District Leczycki, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 6,9655 ha. The shape of the site: triangle. Possibility for expansion (short description): only land Nr. 324, 323, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332. Total area: 3,11 ha. Property information Approx. land price (PLN/m2) including 23% VAT: 30-50 PLN + VAT. Owner(s): 1. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: industry and services. Buildings are allowed up to 10 m height. Land specification Soil class with area: different. Differences in land level: 1 m. Present usage: no data. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: no records. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: Yes. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): under construction. Nearest motorway / national road: A2 ca. 10 km, E1 ca. 0,4 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: in Leczyca, ca. 0,5 km. Railway siding: in Leczyca ca. 0,5 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz 40 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 40 km. investment offers 007 district Leczycki – follow-up Existing infrastructure Electricity: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 130 m. Voltage [kV]: no records. Available capacity [MW]: no records. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 130 m. Water supply: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 130 m. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 400 m from the national road E1. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 400 m from national road E1. Comments No. Offer prepared by Offer prepared by Miroslawa Kopalak, Inspector; Phone: +48 24 721 03 29; e-mail: mkopalak@leczyca.info.pl. Contact person Michal Kowalkiewicz, manager in the City Promotion Office; Phone: +48 24 721 03 41, +48 605 588 746; e-mail: promocja@leczyca.info.pl, English and German. district lowicki Location Site name: Lowicka Wies. Town Lowicz, District Lowicki, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 14,46 ha in III neighbours areas; I – 1,1647 ha; II – 9,1167 ha; III-4,2 ha. The shape of the site: rectangular. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes. Property information Approx. land price (PLN/m2) including 23% VAT: 45 PLN gross. Owner(s): Lowicz Commune. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Grounds of production buildings, storages and warehouses. Land specification Soil class with area: Soil class V, VI, pasturage class IV. Differences in land level: Flat terrain – 87-88 meters above sea level. Present usage: Agricultural. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 1-1,5 m above groundwater level. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Local road – 16 m wide. Nearest motorway / national road: Main road No 14. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: 1,5 km Lowicz Glowny. Railway siding: No. Nearest international airport: Lodz 45 km, Warsaw 85 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 55 km. Transport links Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Close to boundary. Voltage [kV]: 15 KV. Available capacity [MW]: 2 MW. Gas: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Close to boundary. Pipe diameter [mm]: 160. Available capacity (Nm3/h): 200. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Close to border. Available capacity (m3/24h): 600. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Close to border. Available capacity (m3/24h): 1000. Treatment plant: Yes. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Close to the border. Comments No. Offer prepared by Jarosław Majka, Phone: +48 46 830 91 42, e-mail: jaroslaw.majka@um.lowicz.pl. Contact person Boguslaw Bonczak; Phone: +48 46 830 91 52; e-mail: bonczakb@um.lowicz.pl. Michal Zalewski; Phone: +48 46 830 91 49; e-mail: michal.zalewski@um.lowicz.pl. district lodzki wschodni Location Site name: Tourism & Leisure Center by the river Miazga. ul. Chopina 21. Town, Municipality Justynów / Andrespol, District Lodzki Wschodni, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 35,8 ha. The shape of the site: Irregular. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: No data. Owner(s): Municipality Andrespol. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: tourism and recreation and services. 008 investment offers district lodzki wschodni – follow-up Land specification Soil class with area: no data. Differences in land level: no data. Present usage: disused. Soil and underground water pollution: no data. Underground water level: no data. Were geological research done: no data. Risk of flooding or land slide: no data. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Ecological restrictions: Nature 2000 area. Buildings / other constructions on site: Yes. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Local, ground road. Nearest motorway / national road: No data. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Nowy Bedon, 0,5 km. Railway siding: No data. Nearest international airport: Lodz 20 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 15 km. Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): no data. Voltage [kV]: no data. Available capacity [MW]: no data. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 280 m. Pipe diameter [mm]: no data. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: no data. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): no data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: no data. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 250 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: no data. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 280 m. Comments No. Offer prepared by Rafal Frankiewicz, Inspector; Phone: +48 42 213 24 40; e-mail: ue@andrespol.pl. Contact person Rafal Frankiewicz, Inspector; Phone: +48 42 213 24 40; e-mail: ue@andrespol.pl. district opoczynski Location Site name: town Drzewica, District Opoczynski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 1,0 ha and 1,2 ha. The shape of the site: rectangular. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 20-30 PLN/m². Owner(s): Municipality and town Drzewica. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: industrial, tourism and recreation – services. Land specification Soil class with area: V & VI class. Differences in land level: 2,5 m. Present usage: disused. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 1,7 m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Local road 6 m. Nearest motorway / national road: 100 km Strykow A2, 10 km to national road Nr 12 and Nr 48. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: in Drzewica, 2,5 km. Railway siding: in Drzewica, 2,5 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz 100 km, Warsaw 100 km Nearest province capital: Lodz 90 km, Warsaw 100 km, Kielce 80 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the premises. Voltage: 0,36 kV. Available capacity 80 KW. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 20 km in Opoczno. Pipe diameter [mm]: no data. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: no data. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 10 m. Available capacity 400 m3/24h. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 300 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: no data. Treatment plant: Yes. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 100 m. Comments No. Offer prepared by Małgorzata Binkowska, expert; Phone: +48 48 375 79-82, e-mail: pr@drzewica.pl; Phone: +48 500 070 096. Contact person Janina Prasek, manager for municipality real estate; Phone: +48 500 070 283, +48 48 375 67-93; e-mail: rol@drzewica.pl. investment offers 009 district pabianicki Location Site name: Street Ks. Janika-Kościelna. Town, Municipality Konstatnynow Lodzki, District Pabianicki, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 4,8 ha. The shape of the site: Irregular. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 120 zł/m². Owner(s): Municipality Konstantynow Lodzki. Valid zoning plan: No. Zoning: Production and services. Land specification Soil class with area: Industrial zone – 4,8309 ha. Differences in land level: After fill upping ponds – around 1 m. Present usage: Fallow. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: Different, dependant on the exact location (max. 1 m under ground level in spring). Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: Archeological zone on the northern side of the complex. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Koscielna Street (local Road, asphalt, 6 m wide) from the Lodzka Street (national road). Nearest motorway / national road: Motorway A2 – ca. 20 km, national road – ca. 5 km, planned express road S-14 – 1,5 km Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Lodz 7km. Railway siding: Lodz 7 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz 6 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 2 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 400 m. Voltage [kV]: Power line 15 kV. Available capacity [MW]: After modernization of the power line power capacity will be minimum 5 MW. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary) Along ks. Janik Street and Lakowa Street. New gas pipeline will (Ø150) will be build by the end of 2012. Pipe diameter [mm]: DN100 and DN200. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: 10k m3/h. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): High energy natural gas. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): On the plot. Available capacity [m3/24h]: Ø 200. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): On the plot. Available capacity [m3/24h]: no data. Treatment plant: Yes, 2 km. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): On the plot. Comments No. Offer prepared by No data. Contact person Przemysław Krygier, Phone: +48 42 211 11 73 ext. 144, +48 693 480 147; e-mail: ue@konstantynow.pl; EN. district pajeczanski Location Site name: Trebaczew. Town & Municipality Dzialoszyn, District Pajeczanski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 35 ha. The shape of the site: Irregular. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 30 zł/m². Owner(s): 80 private persons. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Production and services, parking area. Land specification Soil class with area: V & VI class. Differences in land level: no records. Present usage: Fallow. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: No. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Undeground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Local road, asphalt. Nearest motorway / national road: Motorway ca. 20 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Trebaczew 300 m. Railway siding: Trebaczew 500 m. Nearest international airport: Lodz W. Reymont 20 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 20 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 200 m. Voltage [kV]: Power line 220 kV. Available capacity [MW]: no records. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): no records. Pipe diameter [mm]: no records. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: no records. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): no records. Water supply: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 200 m. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 300. Available capacity [m3/24h]: no records. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 300 m. 010 investment offers district Pajeczanski – follow-up Comments No. Offer prepared by Karolina Gawlak, referent; Phone: +48 43 843 74 60; e-mail: kgawlak@wp.pl. Contact person Danuta Kusnierczyk, kierownik Wydziału GP; e-mail: danutakusnierczyk@wp.pl. district piotrkowski Location Site name: Daszowka, Municipality Moszczenica, District Piotrkowski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): ca. 72 ha (14 plots). The shape of the site: rectangular. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes, with site Jarost by national road Nr 91. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 50 zł/m² . Owner(s): Many (14) private persons. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: To be zoned for production, logistics and storage. Land specification Soil class with area: III and IV. Differences in land level: 5 m. Present usage: Agricultural. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: no records. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: Yes, gas pipeline. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): no records. Nearest motorway / national road: national road nr 91, national road nr 8, motorway A1 – 2,5 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Jarosty – 2,5 km. Railway siding: Baby – 14,5 km, Piotrków Tryb. – 9 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz W. Reymont 45 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 45 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the premises. Voltage [kV]: Power line 15 kV. Available capacity [MW]: 5 MW. Gas: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Pipe diameter [mm]: 4000 mm. Avai-lable capacity [Nm3/h]: no records. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): no records. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): On the plot. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 1000 m3/24h. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No. Comments No. Offer prepared by No data. Contact person No data. district poddebicki Location Site name: No data. Town, Municipality Uniejow, District Poddebice, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 2,0 ha. The shape of the site: Irregular, close to rectangular. Possibility for expansion (short description): Can be expanded, land in proximity of ca. 8 ha. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 40 zł/m². Owner(s): Municipality Uniejow. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: To be zoned for leisure SPA, sport, healthcare. Soil class with area: V class. Differences in land level: negligible (40 cm). Present usage: Agriculture. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 1 m underground level. Were geological research done: Yes. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: Yes, nature 2000. Buildings / other constructions on site: Yes. Land specification investment offers 011 district Poddebicki – follow-up Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): local road 6,5 m. Nearest motorway / national road: Motorway A2 – 10 km, national road Nr 72. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Kludna 12 km. Railway siding: No. Nearest international airport: Lodz W. Reymont Airport 60 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 60 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No records. Voltage [kV]: LN 15 KV. Available capacity [MW]: No records. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No records. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 20 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 75 m3/24 h. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 75 m3/24 h. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): Possible optical fiber line connection. Comments No. Offer prepared by Roman Kowalewski, Real Estate Department, Town Office in Uniejow; Phone: +48 63 2889768, +48 63 2888192. Contact person Roman Kowalewski, Real Estate Department, Town Office in Uniejow; Phone: +48 63 2889768, +48 63 2888192. district radomszczanski Location Site name: No name. Municipality Borowiec / Wielgomlyny, District Radomszczanski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 23,21 ha . The shape of the site: Oval. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes, by buying land from private owners. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 5 zł/m². Owner(s): Municipality Wielgomlyny. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Recreation. Land specification Soil class with area: V class – 1,5 ha. Rest of land are forests and water. Differences in land level: 4 m. Present usage: Fishing farm. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: Average. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes – water tank. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Asphalt, cured road. Width – 4 m. Nearest motorway / national road: No. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: No. Railway siding: No. Nearest international airport: Katowice – 100 km, Lodz – 120 km. Nearest province capital: Kielce and Lodz 120 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Voltage [kV]: 0,38 kV. Available capacity [MW]: No data. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Pipe diameter [mm]: No data. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 2 km. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Treatment plant: Yes. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Comments Described land is 23,21 ha of which 16,5 ha is water tank. The rest of this area is forest. Approximately 1.5 ha is suitable for development. This is a very picturesque area, ideally suited for recreational purposes. Offer prepared by Wielgomlyny Municipality Office – Mrs. Anna Milc; Phone: +4844 787-10-87, ext.105; e-mail: urzad@wielgomlyny.pl. Contact person Bailiff of Wielgomlyny Municipality Mr. Bogdan Witaszczyk; Phone: +4844 787-10-87; e-mail: urzad@wielgomlyny.pl. 012 investment offers district rawski Location Site name: Babsk, Studzianek, Golyn. Town Biala Rawska, District Rawski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 200 ha. The shape of the site: Polygon. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes, up to 400 ha. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 20-50 zł/m². Owner(s): Many private persons offering from 1 ha up to 14 ha. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Production, warehouses, storage & services. Land specification Soil class with area: III, IV, & V class. Differences in land level: 155-170. Present usage: Agricultural. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 30 m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on the site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Country road carriageway, width 6 m. Nearest motorway / national road Nr 8: on the plot. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Huta Zawadzka 10 km. Railway siding: Skierniewice 30 km. Nearest international airport: Warsaw 70 km and Lodz 70 km. Nearest province capital: Warsaw 70 km, Lodz 70 km. Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Voltage [kV]: 15 kV. Available capacity [MW]: No data. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Pipe diameter [mm]: 400 and 250. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): On the plot. Available capacity [m3/24h]: Max.450 m3/24h. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): – . Available capacity [m3/24h]: – . Treatment plant: No. Telephone: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): On the plot. Comments No. Offer prepared by umig@bialarawska.pl; Mrs Dorota Niezabitowska-Pawlikowska; Phone: +48 46 81 59 377 ext. 113; e-mail: d.pawlikowska@bialarawska.pl; English, Russian and Mrs Krystyna Grad, Phone: +4846-81-59-377 ext. 118; e-mail: k.grad@bialarawska.pl. Contact person Mrs Dorota Niezabitowska-Pawlikowska, Phone: +4846- 81-59-377 ext. 113; d.pawlikowska@bialarawska.pl, English, Russian. district sieradzki Location Site name: Sieradz Complex IV and V. Town Municipality Sieradz, District Sieradzki, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 7,27 and 5,17 ha. The shape of the site: No data. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 47,99 PLN. Owner(s): Municipality of Sieradz. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Production & service area. Land specification Soil class with area: Soils of low quality classes. Differences in land level: 2 m. Present usage: Arable cultivation – De-farmed. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: Below 4 m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: No. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on the site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Existing-national road No 12, 14–7 m wide (Dworska Street), Planned express road S8 (5 km). Nearest motorway / national road: Planned express road S8 (5 km). Distance of 1,3 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: 60 m from the area border. Railway siding: 2 km. Nearest international airport: W. Reymont Airport Lodz 55 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 55 km. Existing infrastructure Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): on the plot. Voltage [kV]: 15/0,4 kV. Available capacity [MW]: About 15 MW. Gas: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 80 m. Pipe diameter [mm]: 225 mm. Available capa- investment offers 013 district Sieradzki – follow-up city [Nm3/h]: 100-3,000. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Water supply: Yes – Ø 90 mm, 160 mm. Connection point (distance from boundary): 200 m from the border. Available capacity [m3/24h]: According to establishments with the Municipal Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Company Ltd. Sewage discharge: Yes – Ø 200 mm. Connection point (distance from boundary): in the area. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Treatment plant: No – distance from the Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant 4 km. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): In the area borders. Comments Both sites are included into the Lodz Special Economic Zone, Subzone Sieradz (CIT exemptions up to 70 %). Real Estate Tax exemptions possible. Depends on the number of new jobs. Offer prepared by Lodz Special Economic Zone, Investment Development Department, phone +4842-275-50-55 or 54 or 51 or 52, e-mail: info@sse.lodz.pl Contact person Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region, Department of Entrepreneurship, Investors’ and Exporters’ Service Centre (COIE), ul. Moniuszki 7/9, 90-101 Lodz, Poland Dr Marek Kudla, senior specialist, Tel.: /+48 42/ 291 98 50, Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 , e-mail: marek.kudla@lodzkie.pl, German, English, Italian and Bulgarian speaker, Tel.: /+48 42/ 291 98 40, Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 e-mail: przedsiebiorczosc@lodzkie.pl district skierniewicki Location Site name: No name Plot no. 1/4 i 1/6 area after military training ground, District Skierniewicki, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): No data. The shape of the site: Oval. Possibility for expansion (short description): By buying land from private owners. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 5 zł/m². Owner(s): Municipality Wielgomlyny. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Recreation. Land specification Soil class with area: V class – 1,5 ha. Rest of land are forests and water. Differences in land level: 4 m. Present usage: Fishing farm. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: Average. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes – water tank. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Asphalt, cured road. 4 m wide. Nearest motorway / national road: No. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: No. Railway siding: No. Nearest international airport: Katowice – 100 km, Lodz – 120 km. Nearest province capital: Kielce and Lodz. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Voltage [kV]: 0,38 kV. Available capacity [MW]: No data. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Pipe diameter [mm]: No data. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 2 km. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Treatment plant: Yes. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Comments Described land is 23,21 ha of which 16,5 ha is water tank. The rest of this area is forest. Approximately 1,5 ha is suitable for development. This is a very picturesque area, ideally suited for recreational purposes. Offer prepared by Wielgomlyny Municipality Office – Mrs. Anna Milc; Phone: +4844 787 10 87, ext.105; e-mail: urzad@wielgomlyny.pl. Contact person Bailiff of Wielgomlyny Municipality Mr. Bogdan Witaszczyk; Phone: +4844 787 10 87; e-mail: urzad@wielgomlyny.pl. 014 investment offers district tomaszowski Location Site name: ORZESZKOWA I, Town Municipality of Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 12,12 ha. The shape of the site: Irregular similar to square. Possibility for expansion (short description): Yes; by 1,55 ha of private land and 1,87 ha of city’s land. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: No data. Owner(s): Town Municipality of Tomaszow Mazowiecki. Valid zoning plan: No. Zoning: in the study of conditions and directions of the area development this land is designated as “multifunctional, trade and production development zone”. Soil class with area: V and VI class. Differences in land level: Flat area ± 7 m. Present usage: Fallow. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 2-4m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: Yes, very little. Underground obstacles: Yes, gas pipe line. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Aerial power line 110 kV. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Land specification Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): Asphalt roadway, width: ca. 40 m. Nearest motorway / national road: motorway E-67 Warsaw-Wroclaw 0,1 km, national road no. 48 – 2 km, road 713 – 1,5 km Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Yes. railway station – 2 km. Railway siding: Yes. Tomaszow Mazowiecki – 4 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz – 54 km, Warsaw – 110 km. Nearest province capital: Warsaw 110 km and Lodz 54 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Voltage [kV]: 15,0 kV and 110 kV. Available capacity [MW]: No data. Gas: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Pipe diameter [mm]: 100 mm in the Zawadzkiej Street. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Water supply: Yes, only for social and industrial purposes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Treatment plant: Yes. Capacity 88.000 m3/24h. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Comments The area belongs to the Lodz Special Economic Zone. The area is in industry zone of the city, near to the Ceramic Paradyz Plant and close to the big housing estate with 15 thousand inhabitants. Offer prepared by Jakub Olczyk, export in the City Promotion Department, Phone: +48 44 724 23 11 ext. 276; e-mail: olczyk@tomaszow-maz.pl Contact person Monika Tazbir (German and Italian) Jakub Olczyk (English). City Hall of Tomaszow Mazowiecki, ul. P.O.W. 10/16, 97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki, POLAND; Phone: + 48 44 724 23 11 w 274, 276, Fax. + 48 447 24 23 11 w 276; e-mail: strategia@tomaszow-maz.pl; www.tomaszow-maz.eu. district wielunski Location Site name: the portion of land number 4/9, Town and Municipality of Wielun, District Wielunski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 2,82 ha. The shape of the site: similar to an isosceles trapezoid. Possibility for expansion (short description): No (the land nearby is used for farming). Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 35 PLN/m2. Owner(s): Town Municipality of Wielun. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: production and service areas, low, green areas, open water areas. Land specification Soil class with area: permanent meadows ŁIII – 2,2273 ha, permanent meadows ŁV – 0,4854 ha, trenches W – 0,1116 ha. Differences in land level: No data. Present usage: fallow lands. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: No data. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No data. Underground obstacles: No data. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes, course of medium voltage lines110 KV and course of medium voltage lines 15 KV. Ecological restrictions: No data. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): local road – width about 18 m. Nearest motorway / national road: state road nr 8 – 1,5 km and state road nr 43 – 2 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. No. Railway line: Yes. Distance investment offers 015 district wielunski – follow-up 0,7 km. Railway siding: Yes. Immediate neighborhood of a piece of land for railway siding. Nearest international airport: Lodz – 100 km, Warsaw – 240 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 100 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes, in the adjacent lane road. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Voltage [kV]: No data. Available capacity [MW]: No data. Gas: No, to be done in the future. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Pipe diameter [mm]: No data. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Water supply: No, in the adjacent lane road. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Sewage discharge: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Comments No Offer prepared by Kamila Jakubowska, Phone:: +48 43 886 02 54, E-Mail: jakubowska@um.wielun.pl Contact person Kamila Jakubowska, Phone:: +48 43 886 02 54, E-Mail: jakubowska@um.wielun.pl district wieruszowski Location Site name: Lututow – plot nr. 55 , Municipality Lututow, District Wieruszowski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 10,9 ha. The shape of the site: similar to triangle. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 25 PLN/m2. Owner(s): County Wieruszowski. Valid zoning plan: No. Zoning: no data. Land specification Soil class with area: R IIIa – 1.61ha, R IIIb – 2.89 ha, RIVb – 2.46 ha, RV – 2.57 ha, ŁIII – 1.30 ha, PsV – 0.04 ha. Differences in land level: 10 m. Present usage: complex of agricultural secondary schools. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: – 3,5 m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes, course of medium voltage lines 110 KV and course of medium voltage lines 15 KV. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: Yes. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): national road Nr 14 – ca. 25 m wide, local road Nr 230 – about 4 m wide. Nearest motorway / national road: national road Nr 14 – 1,5 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. Wroclaw – Odra 105 km, Sieradz – Warta 35 km. Railway line: No. Railway siding: Yes. Jozefow 15 km. Nearest international airport: Wroclaw – 105 km, Lodz – 106 km. Nearest province capital: Wroclaw – 105 km, Lodz 106 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Voltage [kV]: 15 kV. Available capacity [MW]: No data. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): No. Pipe diameter [mm]: No. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Water supply: No. Connection point (distance from boun-dary): 200 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: pipe Ø 160 mm. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 200 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: pipe Ø 200 mm. Treatment plant: Yes. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 200 m. Comments No. Offer prepared by Marian Zych, inspector; Phone: +48 62 78 13 385; e-mail: mzych@powiat-wieruszowski.pl. Contact person Miroslaw Urbas, V-ce Head of County Wieruszowski; Phone: +48 62 78 42 299, +48 601 156 309 016 investment offers district zdunskowolski Location Site name: Spacerowa Street, ZWOLTEX Sp. z o. o., Town Zdunska Wola, District Zdunskowolski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): 12,22 ha. The shape of the site: Square. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: The price is negotiable. Owner(s): Zwoltex Plc Ltd. Valid zoning plan: No data. Zoning: trade and production development zone”. Land specification Soil class with area: No data. Differences in land level: 2 m. Present usage: Production and warehousing. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: 3 m. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: Yes. Own power lines, water supply and sewerage. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Own steam pipe line. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: Yes. Production hall, 6500 sq. m. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): county and municipal roads from 6 to 8 m wide. Nearest motorway / national road: A2- 50 km, national road – 1 km. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. Wroclaw River Port – 165 km. Railway line: Yes. Zdunska Wola – 1 km, Zdunska Wola Karsznice – 4 km. Railway siding: Yes. Zdunska Wola – 1 km, Zdunska Wola Karsznice – 4 km. Nearest international airport: Lodz – 40 km. Nearest province capital: Lodz 45 km. Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): In the area. Voltage [kV]: 15 kV and 400 V. Available capacity [MW]: 4 MW. Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary): 100 m. Pipe diameter [mm]: No data. Available capacity [Nm3/h]: No data. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: No data. Water supply: Yes, own deep well of water treatment plant. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 100 m3/h. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 100 m3/h. Treatment plant: Yes. Capacity: No data. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): No data. Comments The offer was prepared on the 24th. April 2012. Offer prepared by Mrs. Monika Wojtczuk, Inspector, Department of Social Affairs and Business Support, District Office in Zdunska Wola; Phone: +48 43 823 22 04 ext. 108, English; e-mail: w.is@powiatzdunskowolski.pl. Contact person Mrs. Monika Wojtczuk, Inspector, Department of Social Affairs and Business Support, District Office in Zdunska Wola; Phone: +48 43 823 22 04 ext. 108; English; e-mail: w.is@powiatzdunskowolski.pl. Mr. Eugeniusz Rutkowski – Prokurent; e-mail: erutkowski@zwoltex.pl. district zgierskI Location Site name: ul. Kopernika 30 a, Czackiego 10-16. City Glowno, District Zgierski, Lodzkie Region. Area of property Max. area available (as one piece): Approx 3,3 ha. The shape of the site: Rectangle. Possibility for expansion (short description): No. Property information Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 56 PLN/m2. Owner(s): City Glowno. Valid zoning plan: Yes. Zoning: Industry, area of storage and logistic development. Land specification Soil class with area: Class IV, VI. Differences in land level: Flat area ± 1,5 m. Present usage: Agricultural. Soil and underground water pollution: No. Underground water level: No data. Were geological research done: No. Risk of flooding or land slide: No. Underground obstacles: No. Ground and overhead obstacles: Yes. Ecological restrictions: No. Buildings / other constructions on site: No. Transport links Access road to the plot (type and width of access road): communal road. Nearest motorway / national road: The site is situated 12 km from junction of the A2 and A1 highway. Sea and river ports located up to 200 km. Plock: 90 km. Railway line: Yes. Glowno – 2,5 km. Railway siding: No. Nearest international airport: Lodz – 35 km Nearest province capital: Lodz 35 km. investment offers district zgierski – follow-up Existing infrastructu re Electricity: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 50 m. Voltage [kV]: Yes, 110 KV. Available capacity [MW]: No data Gas: No. Connection point (distance from boundary). Pipe diameter [mm]. Available capacity [Nm3/h]. Calorific value (MJ/Nm3). Available capacity [m3/24h]. Water supply: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 5 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 100 m3/24h. Sewage discharge: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 10 m. Available capacity [m3/24h]: 100 m3/24h. Treatment plant: No. Telephone: Yes. Connection point (distance from boundary): 20. Comments No. Offer prepared by Cezary Bakalarz, real estate inspector, City Hall of Glowno, Tel. +48 42 719-11-42, e-mail: cbakalarz@glowno.pl Contact person Adam Olejniczak, Head of Real Estate and Geodesy Department, City Hall of Glowno, Tel. +48 42 719-11-42, e-mail: aolejniczak@glowno.pl usefull phones Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region Al. Piłsudskiego 8, 90-051 Lodz, Poland www.lodzkie.pl Marshal’s Front Office Phone: /+48 42/ 663 30 26, /+48 42/ 663 30 01 Fax: /+48 42/ 663 30 02 E-mail: info@lodzkie.pl Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region Department of Entrepreneurship Mr Janusz Baranowski, Head of the Department ul. Moniuszki 7/9, 90-101 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 40 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: przedsiebiorczosc@lodzkie.pl Russian speaker www.lodzkie.pl Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region Department of Entrepreneurship Investors’ and Exporters’ Service Centre (COIE) ul. Moniuszki 7/9, 90-101 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 40 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: przedsiebiorczosc@lodzkie.pl Ms Izabela Kozlowska, Chief Specialist Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 49 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: izabela.kozlowska@lodzkie.pl English speaker Ms Joanna Niedzwiecka, Chief Specialist Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 51 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: joanna.niedzwiecka@lodzkie.pl English speaker dr Marek Kudla, Chief Specialist Phone: /+48 42/ 291 98 50 Fax: /+48 42/ 291 98 41 E-mail: marek.kudla@lodzkie.pl German, English, Italian and Bulgarian speaker Lodz Special Economic Zone ul. Ks. Tymienieckiego 22/24, 90-349 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 676 27 53 Fax: /+48 42/ 676 27 55 E-mail: info@sse.lodz.pl www.sse.lodz.pl/en Lodz Regional Development Agency ul. Tuwima 22/26, 90-002 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 664 30 40 Fax: /+48 42/ 664 37 50 E-mail: kontakt@larr.lodz.pl www.larr.lodz.pl Lodz Regional Park of Science and Technology ul. Dubois 114/116, 93-465 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 684 44 44 Fax: /+48 42/ 684 50 00 E-mail: biuro@technopark.lodz.pl www.technopark.lodz.pl Lodz Chamber of Commerce and Industry ul. Tuwima 30, 90-002 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 250 54 50 Phone: /+48 42/ 250 54 51 Fax: /+48 42/ 630 39 79 E-mail: biuro@izba.lodz.pl www.liph.com.pl/ger.php Regional Tourist Organisation of the Lodzkie Region ul. Sienkiewicza 67, 90-009 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 638 59 57, 663 77 33 Fax: /+48 42/ 662 09 72 E-mail: biuro@rotwl.pl www.rotwl.pl Entrepreneur Service Centre ul. Moniuszki 7/9, 90-101 Lodz, Poland Phone: /+48 42/ 230 15 50 www.cop.lodzkie.pl Regional Chamber of Commerce Lodz ul. Wieckowskiego 13, 90-721 Lodz, Poland Phone/Fax: /+48 42/ 203 66 82 E-mail: sekretariatrig@gmail.com Regional Office of the Lodz Region in Brussels Referat ds. Współpracy Międzyregionalnej Square Marie-Louise 2 1000 Brussels Phone: +32 2 230 90 77 Fax: +32 2 231 15 87 British International School of the University of Lodz ul. Pomorska 161 90-273 LODZ Mobile: +48 504 262 731 E-mail: interschool@interschool.uni.lodz.pl www.interschool.uni.lodz.pl Conceived and written by: dr Marek Kudla