URS Voices SUMM_12b .indd


URS Voices SUMM_12b .indd
S U M M E R 2 012
What is Your
One Thing?
National Merit Scholars
Success Stories
Stats and Stars
Dear Ursuline Community,
As we celebrate the end of another school year and the coming of summer, we
are once again so proud of the 168 young women we are sending into the world
beyond the halls of Ursuline. They have grown so much, in every way, from
the nervous freshmen they were four years ago. This is our sacred mission: to
change the world through the education of our students. Both their hard work
and the commitment of their parents and our faculty make the fulfillment of that
mission possible, year after year. This year, our graduates were awarded more
than $22M in scholarships to hundreds of colleges and universities. We rejoice
for them and we will miss them.
In the past few months, we’ve contacted many of our former National Merit
scholars to find out where their journeys have taken them since they left
Ursuline. What inspiring stories came back to us! We hope you enjoy reading
about their accomplishments in this issue of Voices.
A while back, editor Robin Galvin sent an email and posted on FaceBook a
request for alumnae to respond to this prompt: What is the one thing about your
Ursuline education that has served you the best in your life after high school?
Arriving at just One Thing was a difficult assignment for many, but we’re proud
to share their observations with you. By the way, what is YOUR one thing?
Finally, the year-end was, as always, filled with awards, traditions like the
Mother Daughter Luncheon, and activities galore. We hope that as you read
about them in Voices, you get a true sense of the vitality of our beloved school on
every level, and feel the pride those of us who are blessed to work here feel on a
daily basis.
May your summer bring joy, relaxation and respite. We ask God to bless the
members of our school community with peace and purpose.
Sharon Redmond,
Voices is published three times a year to report
school and alumnae news to parents, alumnae
and friends of Ursuline Academy.
Robin Anzinger Galvin '65, editor.
Ursuline Academy Development Department
5535 Pfeiffer Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
Phone: (513) 791-5794
2011-2012 Board of Trustees
Patricia Fox Alderson
Gary M. Breissinger
Adrienne Berning Kessling '82
Sr. Lucia Castellini OSU
Monica Donath Kohnen
Sr. Ellen Doyle OSU
Tamara Kearney Lanier '95
S. Kay Geiger
Alan H. McCoy
Patrick C. Gilligan, treasurer
Sr. Ruth Podesta OSU '50
Brian D. Hendy
Harold Robertson
Dianne Kreuzman Hill '73,
Brian A. Ross, vice-chair
Kathleen Broderick Selker '73
Mary G. Hobson, chair
Judy Wildermuth Wells '78
Sharon L. Redmond,
Thomas M. Barhorst,
Mary Bender,
Assistant Principal
Development Department
Tim Ranaghan
Director of Development
Donna Scheidler Gruber '75
Director of Alumnae & Parent Relations
Lori Haines
Director of Special Events
Laura Johnson
Coordinator of Annual Giving
Ursuline graduates are crowned with a laurel wreath at commencement, and have been for longer than anyone can remember. This
symbol of victory is especially fitting for the young woman on the
cover, Marisa Reddy, who was crowned by her mother,
Dr. Usha Reddy. Marisa was the recipient of the Archbishop
McNicholas Award, Senior Scholar Award, National Merit Scholarship, was named a Presidential Scholar Finalist, and will attend
the University of Virginia as a Jefferson Scholar.
S U M M E R 2 012
Marianne Lang
Director of Communications & Public Relations
Mary Alice Redden LaPille '76
Development Services Manager/Webmaster
Emily Lorentz
Administrative Assistant
Design: Anne Shannon Graphic Design
Printing: The Jos. Berning Printing Co.
S I X M O N T H S AG O …
Good day, Ursuline women! The next issue of Voices will
focus on “The One Thing.” Your mission this time, should you
choose to accept it, is to think back over the few or many
years ago that you were at Ursuline, and identify, yes,
The One Thing that you carried away from your education
that helped you most in your life after high school. Maybe
it was that you were well prepared for college; maybe your
service experience set you on a life-long path; maybe some
treasure of wisdom revealed itself over the years that guided
you with your family/friend relationships, your profession,
your world view. If you had to name The One Thing
about UA that has most influenced or affected your later
experiences,The One Thing that makes you glad you went
to Ursuline, what would it be?
“It is simple to believe in an early or
steady bloomer, but it takes a lot of
encouragement and faith to believe
in the late bloomer.”
– M A R G A R E T A R M B RU S T ' 6 2
I am grateful for many things but especially for Sister
Elizabeth at Oak St. Ursuline. Without her I’d never have
become a professional artist or a published art historian. As I
began my junior year, everyone else was winning art awards
and I wasn’t. She said “You love art, so stick with it for the fun
of it.” Thanks to her, in my junior year I won ten Scholastic
Key awards and a National Medal. In my senior year I won 12
of them, and another medal that I gave to her as a memento
when she retired to Brown County. It is simple to believe in
an early or steady bloomer, but it takes a lot of encouragement
and faith to believe in the late bloomer.
When I first read the request to all alums asking us to share
the one special reason that made us glad we went to Ursuline,
I started to laugh. How could anyone possibly choose just one?
There are so many…a sense of community…sisterhood…
strong, independent women…belief in self…Christian values…lifelong friendships…all these and many more are a part
of each of us as Ursuline graduates!! I hold all of these reasons
dear to my heart but I wanted to offer something I’ve looked at
as a wonderful gift to me from my years spent at Ursuline.
I spent 13 years at “that old gray building on that great highway” and, no, I am not a slow learner for those of you too
young to remember. When I entered Ursuline I was five years
old and a kindergartner. Ursuline was K through 12, and there
were boys through the 4th grade. I don’t know how many of us
can still lay claim to this 13 year achievement, but I have dinner
with about 10 or 12 from my class as often as I can and we still
have a lot to say to each other.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
“That great highway” I referred to was and still is known as
Reading Road. It’s not so great anymore, but in the 50s and 60s
when I was a student, it was a “happening” place. Ursuline’s
location in those days was in the middle of everything that was
fun, interesting and exciting. Before all of the suburban shopping centers were built and neighborhoods began to expand far
to the north of the city, downtown Cincinnati was the place to
go for shopping, restaurants, movie theaters, concerts, plays,
museums—you name it, it was there. Ursuline was only a
couple of miles from all that and you could hop on a bus right
in front of school and be at any of those places in a matter of
minutes. CCM was just across Reading Road and up the hill
on Oak Street. We really weren’t far from Eden Park, the Art
Museum and Krohn Conservatory. Our competition, St. Ursula, was just a stone’s throw away in East Walnut Hills. I will
always remember the time John F. Kennedy was campaigning
for President on Fountain Square and we were able to go from
school to hear him speak. At Christmastime we would leave
school at the end of the day, take the bus downtown and go
window shopping to see all the Christmas decorations and then
warm ourselves up with hot chocolate at Wiggins restaurant.
Not only was Ursuline, as a building, in the perfect place, but
it was a building filled with friends who came from all over
our city. It was an incredible opportunity to meet and become
BFFs with girls from every neighborhood. When I turned 16,
because my father was an automobile dealer, I was incredibly lucky to have my own car. My parents said it was just so I
could help them do the driving required for a family with seven
children. Whatever the reason, I took full advantage of my
good fortune and became a taxi service for many of my friends
along the way. I drove the “highways and byways” delivering
my friends and sometimes their younger siblings, safely home
at the end of the day! Because of these experiences, I grew to
know and love each and every part of my city in all its beauty
and glory. To this day when my husband wants to find a back
road to avoid the traffic on the expressway, I can point the way!
I guess what I’m trying to say is that Ursuline gave me the
chance to know, embrace, and fall in love with my city and to
share a lifetime of friendship with women I may never have
known if it had not been for that beloved old building in
Walnut Hills.
“Ursuline gave me the chance to know,
embrace, and fall in love with my city
and to share a lifetime of friendship.”
– PA M S W E E N E Y S C H N E I D E R ' 6 5
S U M M E R 2 012
I proudly share the “couple” of things that I took from Ursuline.
I always felt loved and safe at school. The sisters and teachers
taught and cared for me and my classmates as if we were a
family. I always wanted to be a teacher, to be just like the sisters
who taught me. I taught for 23 years and have been a principal
for 11 years. But when I graduated in 1971, I believed I could
be anything I wanted to be, even though I was a woman. I
believed that I could make a difference in the world and in
the lives of the students I would care for just like the loving
sisters did for me. I am eternally grateful for the person I have
become and I believe the Ursuline Sisters and teachers should
get the credit. I am most grateful and proud to be an Ursuline
“When I graduated in 1971, I believed
I could be anything I wanted to be, even
though I was a woman.”
– C AT I E H O M A N B L U M ' 7 1
I would say the one thing that I took away from my education at
UA was the camaraderie that existed between the students and
the sense of teamwork and unity in all that we did.
“…the sense of teamwork
and unity in all that we did.”
Lizzie Gula
The one thing I think I learned at Ursuline that I have carried
through my life is to keep an open mind about myself. Reflect
and learn. Thank you and God bless Ursuline.
My years at Ursuline gave me a sense of belonging, of caring,
of long-lasting friendship, and the wish to use the wonderful
gifts God has given me to make life a little happier for those
around me.
“My years at Ursuline gave me a
sense of belonging.”
– M A RY L O U D U L L E B OY L A N ' 4 5
I am not sure if I have passed the time for a response, but if not,
would like to offer that the One Thing I took away from my UA
education that helped the most after high school was the ability
to tune out the noise, look inside myself, and do what is right.
For me this takes on a broad meaning – as basic as the ability
to literally block out noise and study in a crowded library or as
complex as the ability to sort through a multitude of issues in a
time of pressure in order to come up with the right decision.
Thanks for asking for our input!
The most important thing I took from my time at Ursuline can
be summed up in one sentence: “You are an Ursuline girl with
markers; the possibilities are endless.”
The one thing about Ursuline that
most affected my life— in a word —
“Confidence.” I couldn’t begin to have
done my job over the years without the
quiet confidence that I was doing the
right thing with the information I had at
the time.
One thing I received from my days at Ursuline which I’ve
become aware of as enriching and enjoyable is choral music.
On an early trip to Russia I joined in singing a Russian ballad—
though in English—that Sr. Gertrude taught us. These weekly
class music sessions, the practices for graduation and the chapel
music celebrating the liturgical seasons have all stayed with me.
There was a variety of music literature we were exposed to and
that is a strong legacy for which I am so grateful.
The One Thing that came to my mind was art teacher Josy
Trageser. Ms. Trageser always had passion for two things:
her students and her art. I truly enjoyed being one of her students. She encouraged my creativity, inspired me to try and try
and try to get it right, she praised and critiqued my art every
step of the way, and celebrated with me the final product.
Ms. Trageser taught me to celebrate my creativity, to keep trying until it was right, and to respect not just art but learning. It
was her love for her students and her passion for learning that
was one of a few influences that inspired me to be a teacher.
I want my students to leave my classroom every day the way I
felt when I left hers.
“I want my students to leave my classroom
every day the way I felt when I left hers.”
– PAT R I C I A H U G H E S - F I T Z G E R A L D ' 9 1
Sylvia Hendon '61
One day I didn’t show up for Press Club/working on the
newspaper because I had something else I thought was more
important and wanted to do. Instead of talking with Sister
Jane, the moderator, I skipped out because I was afraid. This
lack of dependability cost me a one-month suspension from the
paper. I was crushed, and to this day I remember it’s better to
be upfront and honest than try to avoid a hard thing.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
My One Thing is that I was well prepared for college.
I graduated in 1953, an age when women were expected to:
graduate from UA; take home economics in college (while
scoping out a good man to love); marry; have children and play
bridge. Thanks to Sister Gabriel and my Mother & Father,
those were not my goals. I attended college, married, had a
family and then returned to college! The education and confidence I gained from Ursuline, my husband, and my parents gave
me the courage to pursue my goals. Sister Gabriel was most
probably the most confident, courageous woman I have ever
met! She is my idol!
S U M M E R 2 012
I believe my One Thing I took away was self confidence in
front of crowds. Some of this came from Dramatics with Mrs.
Smith going back to the fourth grade. It also came from the
many great classroom discussions in high school especially in
Sr. Joan’s and Sr. Jane’s classes. This ability helped me in
college classes and in offices I held. Later, I used it as a fashion
show commentator and then in my 24 years of politics as a
local councilman. I learned to organize my thoughts and communicate them to others and I owe it all to UA.
My education at UA literally gave me my profession. I was
fortunate enough to have Sr. Joan Brosnan as my English
teacher for both junior and senior years. She gave me my love
for English Literature so I became an English teacher who was
fortunate enough to spend the last 31 years of my career teaching English at UA. I am thankful to all the Ursuline women
who have graced my life-religious, lay, staff and students for the
nurturing environment that UA provides. Now I am happily
retired, but UA remains a significant part of my life.
“I learned to organize my thoughts and
communicate them to others and I owe
it all to UA”
“I am thankful to all the
Ursuline women who have
graced my life…”
– J U D I O S B E R G E R YO U N G ' 6 1
One thing: environment of high expectations.
The TWO things I am so glad I learned at UA are French which
has helped me in my leisure travels, as well as menus (!) and
calligraphy. I still use both.
I’m fresh out of Ursuline, thus my memory is a whirlwind
of “The (Many) Things” that I learned from UA. However,
Ms. Schellhous gave me a piece of advice sophomore year
that I will never forget. I had confessed to her that whenever
I was doing something that wasn’t homework, I felt guilty;
everything else seemed like a waste of time, even reading. She
stopped me there, looked at me hard, and said, “Reading is
never a waste of time. If you’re reading, you’re doing homework.” That was one of the best things I could have heard at the
time, and it still is today. Thank you, Ms. Schellhous, for that
piece of advice and many others.
Letty Lavely '63
The “one thing” that has served me well and given me many
years of enjoyment was learning choral music at Ursuline. I
was delighted to see my UA choral director, Sister Cecilia
at our recent 50th Reunion. I have continued with the singing
at every stage of my life: in glee clubs and small groups during
college, at colleges and coffee houses during the '60’s and now
in a church choir. I’ve passed this tradition on to my daughter,
Becky, who was in an acappella group in college, and now heads
for the karaoke microphone every chance she gets. So, many
thanks to Sister Cecilia for teaching me to read music and for
passing along her love of choral music.
My attending Ursuline was the premise of my sense of pride
and honor that has carried me through my personal and business endeavors.Yes, I could go on and on but there it is a
nutshell. Let Meredith Schmitt '14 know her aunt says Hi.
Josephine Kosmalski Mckenrick '98
and her wanderlust
S U M M E R 2 012
The one thing that I learned at
Ursuline was that great thought,
great adventure doesn’t require
four walls. The one thing Ursuline
gave me was European wanderlust. I’ve been back numerous
times since that first adventure in
Spain with Señora Risdon and
Señora Palmer. A part of my
heart will always be in Europe.
It is from the unending love and support at Ursuline that I feel I can challenge my limits…and succeed. And,
what inspires me most is this model
allows me to offer the same support
to people in my life. Each teacher
helped me believe that if every child
had so much love and support to
believe in their dreams, they can and
will become their best – and that is
what they deserve.
Meera Ramamoorthy '04
“It is from the unending love and support
at Ursuline that I feel I can challenge my
limits…and succeed”
– M E E R A R A M A M O O RT H Y ' 0 4
Although there are many “things” that Ursuline did for me,
the one that stands out the most occurred in Father Larry’s
[Tensi] Community Service class. I remember intentionally choosing to volunteer at Montgomery Care Center. I had
always enjoyed older adults and was very close to my grandfather who had just passed away. I will never forget visiting one
of my first residents, her name was Trudy and she had asked
for a glass of water. I went to get it for her and when I came
back in her room, her face lit up (like she hadn’t seen me just
moments before) and I thought to myself this is the place for
me. I could not believe just my presence could make someone’s
day. Flash forward twenty years, a BA and a MHSA later and I
am still working in long term care. But now I am the Administrator for Highlandspring and The Barrington in Ft. Thomas,
Kentucky. I oversee the daily operations of a 140 bed SNF and
108 bed Independent and Assisted Living Campus. I feel such
a huge sense of purpose with the work I do each day. Ursuline
taught me you can do meaningful work and fulfill the “purpose”
God has for you. The “One Thing” Ursuline gave me means
everything to me.
“Ursuline taught me you can do meaningful work and fulfill the “purpose” God
has for you.”
– M O L LY T H U M A N N B I S C H O F F ' 9 1
Ursuline all-school gatherings almost always included an
address by Mrs. Speaks or Ms. Redmond making some remark about how we were all strong, intelligent, capable young
women. At the time, I was bored by this. Sure, sure, sure,
“strong, intelligent, capable young women” — got it. But in
retrospect, the reason that I was bored by this was because I believed it. I had no doubt that I, and everyone else in the room,
fit that description. As I’ve progressed in life, studying biology
in college, then pursuing a career in the male-dominated field
of biomedical research, I’ve realized that not every woman has
this belief about herself. It never occurred to me not to aggressively pursue an advanced degree or a high-powered career.
After all, I knew that I was strong, intelligent, and capable. So
it may sound strange to say that the one thing that matters most
was a tired phrase that didn’t interest me at all, but it may very
well have shaped the woman that I am today.
Confidence. In one word that is the “one thing” (among many,
many others!) that Ursuline instilled in me. All my friends and
UA graduates that I know all share the same quality of confidence. I believe it is from the independence that we were given
as students at Ursuline. We became confident in our abilities as
students and leaders, which has helped us succeed in college,
jobs and life. I have three sons and my only regret is that I don’t
have a girl to send to Ursuline!
Shannon O’Meara Cameron '90 and Family
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
As I reflect on my years at Ursuline, I can pinpoint one thing I
learned that has influenced all areas of my life—confidence. At
Ursuline, I had the constant support from the whole Ursuline
community. Teachers allowed mistakes to be learning experiences. I was allowed to voice my opinions, and more than
anything else, I was allowed to be myself. I was amazed to
find how many people were not comfortable with themselves
in college, and I am grateful that Ursuline has given me that
confidence. Looking back, I realize that I was not fully formed
as a person when I left Ursuline; rather, Ursuline gave me the
confidence I needed to go out in the world and find who I am.
I am not afraid to show my intelligence, and I am not afraid to
admit when I am wrong. I am not afraid to be different from
others. Ursuline gave me a confidence that has helped me become the stronger and more capable woman that I am today.
Emily Spotts '11
I believe the one thing that I have taken away from Ursuline
that has mattered the most is a belief in myself as a strong
woman who can persevere through difficult schooling,
particularly in the male-dominated field of mathematics. I
draw strength from the belief in our abilities and strength that
the teachers at Ursuline instilled upon us as students, when I
encounter obstacles that seem impossible to surmount. I am
certain that without this, I would not have made it through
my nearly five years thus far of graduate school at Vanderbilt
University in the mathematics Ph.D. program.
Anneliese H. Spaeth '03 in Antibes
S U M M E R 2 012
The One Thing I took away from Ursuline is the concept that
to whom much is given, much is expected. I learned this from
multiple faculty members throughout my four years. I discovered that going to a high school like Ursuline was a privilege,
not a right. I was not entitled to any of the lifelong friendships,
the sense of sisterhood, or the rigorous coursework that prepared me for college; rather, I was lucky to have received it.
With that knowledge in mind, I chose my career path. I teach
urban high school students, and my content area is English. I
try to give them a high school experience that prepares them
for college and the real world, similar to the one I received
at UA. They are not fortunate or lucky enough to have the
resources I did, and I work with them to get them to a point
where they feel ready to tackle Shakespeare and eventually
college. I relate material that they don’t find accessible or
relevant to their lives; this quarter, we are learning elements of
Shakespearean language through Tupac and Kanye. Most days, I
think my students teach me more than I teach them, although
I would never admit that to them. I never would have chosen
this career and this school environment if I hadn’t taken my
One Thing away from UA. The awareness that God was kind enough to bless
me with the opportunity to go to UA
and allow me to learn life lessons from
my teachers and friends propels me to
creatively teach my students. I don’t
do it because I have to; I do it because I
want to. I do it because to whom much is
given, much is expected.
Ginny Walters '07
There are many “things”, but one thing I think that has stuck
with me after leaving Ursuline is the lasting quality of the
friendships I made at UA. I can’t tell you the number of people
I became friends with in college, and in jobs since college that
I spent crazy amounts of time with (almost to the point where
some people joked that we should become roommates) that I
haven’t spoken to in years. But, my friends from UA are a constant in my life. I know that I can always pick up the phone and
talk. I know that every year on December 26th, I can go have
lunch with what used to be a great group of girls (and has now
become an amazing group of women) and the conversations
will pick up like no time has passed, like we all live within a
short drive of each other (although now we are scattered across
the country), like we are all sitting at the same corner table in
the Cafe with the radio blaring Sir Mixx-a-Lot in the background. Just like all those days years ago when conversations
started and paused depending on how many free mods we had
together, and then picked right back up again. No one I know
or work with can claim this special bond. I attribute it to the
freedoms we experienced while within those walls. The freedoms with our time management, the freedoms in crafting our
schedules (yes, we had required classes, but the electives were
ours to sample), the freedoms to try and to do and experience,
to fail sometimes but triumph in others. The freedoms to really shape ourselves during that crucial time of definition—we
could become anyone we chose. We could truly be ourselves
and by extension BE Ursuline. We embodied the soul and
spirit of the school and St. Angela’s mission. That mission and
spirit was ignited within our souls and we were able to nurture
it during our four years and that still thrives today.
I was a transfer student to UA my junior year from a public
school system. UA pushed me to reach my potential more than
I would have if I had stayed in public school. It was too easy to
“coast” in public school. I graduated UA in 1993, and I remember starting college at Ohio U in the fall and thinking that UA
was harder than college. Without a doubt, UA prepared me for
college. But more than that, my time at UA gave me confidence that I could succeed no matter what I chose to do. That
has followed me through life and I don’t think I would have had
that same confidence if I hadn’t transferred to UA.
Thanks for the chance to share! Hope all is well on Pfeiffer
Road…I drive by each morning as I take my daughter (she is
now 3 ½) to day care.
“… my time at UA gave me confidence
that I could succeed no matter what I
chose to do”
Ms. Letty Lavely’s senior English project was one of the most
impactful Ursuline experiences for me. Not only did she teach
me a process for organizing my writing, she never stopped
preaching about “verb subject agreement.” Not only did this
serve me well during undergraduate and graduate school writings, I find myself applying those same principles in my marketing career in the promotional materials I develop and the press
releases I send to the media.
– B E C C A M A S L OW M A R K S O N ' 9 3
I learned how important it is to be a leader, have respect
for others and their viewpoint but stay strong in my beliefs.
The One thing that I value most about my Ursuline education
is the confidence that was instilled in each students through the
faculty, students and community.
Molly O’Shea Davis '93 and her husband Bob in front of their new restaurant,
the Firehouse Grill
Kate Youmans '00
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
Alexandra Kessling with her mom, Board
member Adrienne Berning Kessling '82
Event Chairs:
Cash Sponsors:
Denny Carroll and
Julie George
The Roehr Agency
Cincinnati Sports Medicine
Elite Chiropractic
Meder Specialties
Modern Office Methods
Barb & Joe Rohs
Fr. Jack Wessling
President Sharon Redmond greets runners at the breakfast following the run.
The 4th Annual Run for the Lions 5K was held on a crisp
beautiful spring day which began with a Mass celebrated by
our own Father Jack Wessling. The 338 Run/Walk participants enjoyed a lovely blue sky while they made their way
through the 3.1 mile course. Students, current UA families,
alumnae, and community runners all joined in, showing their
spirit and love for Ursuline. The event concluded with breakfast, music and awards. Our top runner was Michael Dehring, husband of Asst. Athletic Director Colleen O’Brien
Dehring '93, with a pace of 5:33/m and a time of 17:12.
Emily Lotterer '13 was the fastest UA student and Connie
Gessing Haglage '75 the fastest alumna. Congratulations
to all of the runners/walkers, and a big thank you to all of the
volunteers and sponsors.
Event: Fleet Feet
Food: First Watch
City BBQ
Runners of all ages take off!
Save the date for next year’s
event on Sunday, April 21, 2013.
President Sharon Redmond, left, with a group of student runners, all from the
class of 2015: Lauren Haney, Katherine Edmondson, Becky Hagedorn, Mary
Hickey, Tori Heyob, Anne Debbane, Mary McGrath amd Amanda Grigas.
S U M M E R 2 012
Shauna Whelan receives Sr. Xavier
Ladrigan Excellence in Education Award
President Sharon Redmond,
Shauna Whelan, and
Principal Tom Barhorst
Emcee Mike Brown with one speedy alum, Connie Gessing Haglage '75
Congratulations to English teacher Shauna Whelan who
received the Sister Xavier Ladrigan Excellence in Education
Award at the school’s annual Faculty & Staff Recognition Dinner
on May 23rd at the Cooper Creek Event Center. Ms. Whelan has
been teaching at Ursuline for seven years and was nominated by
parents, her peers, and students.
First Place winner Mike Dehring with children Aiden, Colin and
Caitlin, and Colleen O'Brien Dehring '93
In presenting the award, President Sharon Redmond shared
letters of nomination from a parent, a colleague and a student.
“Because of Ms. Whelan’s coaching and guidance, we have
watched our daughter blossom. Ms. Whelan cares about the students. Great teachers make a difference in the lives of students,
and this gifted teacher inspires and encourages a love of learning,
while caring about the students.”
A colleague wrote, “Ms. Whelan has unending passion and energy
for the teaching profession. Give Ms. Whelan a task, and it is
researched, give her a challenge and she rises to it. And oh, how
Ursuline has benefitted from this drive.”
Board member Brian Ross was the man to beat in his age category
Emcee and parent Mike Brown congratulates the student winner Emily Lotterer '13, with Barb Rohs.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
A student describes her nominee as one “who has knowledge of
the material and is extremely thorough.” And stated that she, the
student, quickly realized the abundance of knowledge that she
could learn and perhaps that was why she listened so intently, or
why she always participated in class discussions. But in the end
she admitted that what she really wanted to do was to impress
her teacher and to gain the respect of Ms. Whelan. This student
ends her letter of nomination by stating that Ms. Whelan is her
role model. a simple truth that the faculty member will probably
never realize – until now...
Congratulations Ms. Whelan! Ursuline is blessed to have you
as a member of our community. The award is named for
Sr. Xavier Ladrigan who was an outstanding educator and
chiefly responsible for Ursuline’s move to Blue Ash. The award
is given each year to a current faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to a specific area of responsibility,
as well as other areas of school involvement; and the recipient
must have been at Ursuline for at least three years.
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Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny greets an especially dapper young man!
Ursuline was swarming with youngsters and alums on the
day of the annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 31st. Adults
enjoyed breakfast treats and a good cup of coffee while children searched high and low for candy filled eggs. As a project
adopted by the freshman class, UA’s youngest alums-to-be
served as helper bunnies amidst all the activity.
Board member Tamara Kearney Lanier '95 with children Sidney and Tatiana
Clockwise: Bill Hendricks, Maria Kellison, Audrey Hendricks
with grandmother Sue Kellison, Sarah Kellison Hendricks '00
with baby Billy
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Sisters Meg Schneider Lynch '96 and Kate Schneider George '93 with Addie & Diegan Lynch
and Joshua & Zachary George.
After the searching is finished comes the fun task of emptying the eggs of
their tasty contents.
Pure stealth gets the prize!
Kelly Gleason Privett '97
with baby Evelyn sporting
her new bib
Freshmen helpers Cary Blandford, Abby Fair, Grace Kelly, Zoe Kraemer, Becky Hagedorn, Carmen Carigan, Emily Nash and Taylor Brokamp
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
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Mother Daughter Luncheon
A record 957 guests attended the Mother Daughter Luncheon
& Fashion Show hosted by the Ursuline Academy Mothers’
Club on April 1, 2012. UA students and the newest members
of the Ursuline family, the Class of 2016, enjoyed sharing the
day with their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, friends and
members of the UA faculty and staff.
The senior models rocked the runway along with several
senior moms; Sharon Redmond, Tom and Susan Keller
Barhorst '91, Jenny Grathwohl Breissinger '88, Colleen
O’Brien Dehring '93 and their very cute children, students
from Moeller and St. X; and Fr. Jack Wessling (who elicited a lions’ roar from the crowd when he “Tebowed” on the
runway.) Eight retailers provided the dazzling fashions and
accessories ranging from attractive “fun in the sun” clothing to
stunning prom dresses.
Math teacher Jenny Grathwohl
Breissinger '88 with daughter
Spectacular purple, yellow and Ursuline green decorations
emphasized the April Fools’ Day theme, “Foolish for Fashion,”
as guests checked out the $2,500 Grand Raffle prize, 46 gorgeous Basket Raffle baskets, and exciting new merchandise at
the UA Boutique. April Fools’ Day surprises included a flash
mob preceding the runway show, courtesy of the UA Dance
Team, and what apparently were mashed potatoes served for
dessert in aluminum trays that turned out to be delicious
The event was held at Oasis Conference Center, and raised
approximately $28,000 to support the mission of Ursuline
Academy. This event sold out for the second year in a row.
Principal Tom Barhorst with Joey and
Susan Keller Barhorst '91
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Abby Secker '12 twirls in a pretty prom dress
Perennial favorite, the dashing
Fr. Jack Wessling
President Sharon Redmond with daughter Kelly
Jennifer Cone '12 joins all of the models in the fashion show finale
Students eye their favorite baskets for the popular Basket Raffle
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
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Athletic Hall of Fame
Congratulations to our Athletic Hall of Fame
inductees for 2012
Laurie Massa '72, Volleyball and Basketball; Helene
Phalen Thiss '87, Soccer; Lindsey Biddle Eckstein
'00, Track & Field; and the 1999 Golf State Championship
Team – Jenny Clarke '00, Carrie Farnham '00, Lainie
Kiefer Davis '00, Erin McAfee Louis '01, Jenny McGraw '00, Jenny Salmon '02, and Abbey Stansel '01.
Their coach was Marianne Utz-Sahms '78. The athletes
were honored at an induction ceremony on April 28th that
included a social hour, speaker Debbie Black, Assistant
Women’s Basketball Coach at The Ohio State University—
and the recognition of each inductee. Congratulations to
our new honorees – we are proud of all of you!
Helene Phalen Thiss '87 and Lindsey Biddle Eckstein 000
(Not pictured: Laurie Massa '72)
Members of the 1999 Golf Team from left- Jenny McGraw '00, Abbey Stansel '01, Carrie Farnham '00, Jenny Salmon '02, Lainie Kiefer
Davis '00, Coach Marianne Utz Sahms '78, Erin McAfee Louis '01. (Not pictured: Jenny Clarke '00)
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Iris Brewer selected as
Prep Volleyball Academic All Americane
Senior Iris Brewer was selected as a Prep Volleyball Academic All American. Iris was on the Highest Honorable
Mention list. There are only 95 players across the country
recognized for this award. Iris was a First Team All-League,
Second Team All-District and Third Team All-State performer.
Brewer, a Wingate University signee, had 809 assists in 2011
for one of the best teams in Ohio. She added 120 kills, 182
digs and 57 blocks. In the classroom, Brewer has a 4.37
weighted GPA in Ursuline’s highly competitive academic
environment and scored a 31 on her ACT. “Her GPA is a
testament to her unwavering dedication to academics and her
steadfast work ethic,” said UA coach Jeni Case.
Iris Brewer
Kelsey Albrinck '11 and Sarah Kessler '09 in the 1N8 boat (first novice - 8 rowers) as it finished
FIRST across the finish line at the Big 10 Women's Rowing Championship on May 13, 2012, in
Indianapolis, IN. Way to row, girls!
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
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Spring Sports Awards
Congratulations to all of our student athletes and coaches for a great season! Nearly half of Ursuline's
students participate in our outstanding athletic program during their high school years.
Track & Field
GGCL – 2nd Place
LaRosa’s Classic – 2nd Place
Walnut Hills Inv. – 2nd Place
Coaches Classic – 6th Place
Megan Mcauley, Head Coach
Caleb Gaus, Asst. Coach
Dom Davolio, Asst. Coach
Mary Showman, Asst. Coach
Patty Klaus, Asst. Coach
1st Team
Sydney Bell
Miranda Grigas
Katrina Maricocchi
Kelly Martin
Christine Fredrick
2nd Team
Sarah Byrne
Madi Kennard
Mary Grace Monzel
Megan Kowalski
Honorable Mention
Kelly Fuller
Grace Kelly
GGCL champions- reserve gold
1st Team
Jen Holbrook
Erin Honebrink
Claudia Rafi
ToddVollmer, Head Coach
Chuck Gagel, Asst. Coach
Erin Rafi, Asst. Coach
Jenny Gagel, ErikaWells, reserve gold
2ND Place Ohio State & National Championship – Kick
2nd Place Ohio State & National Championship – Production
GGCL 2nd Place
1st Place Ohio State Championship – POM
1st Place National Championship – POM
Gold Medalist – Senior AAA For all routines
POM – Highest Score of the day in Senior Division for all
Teams & Categories
Brenda Elmore, Director
Stacey Lesher, Asst. Director
Sandy Moeller, Asst. Director
Ali Kessling,Team Assistant
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2nd Team
Emily Lotterer
Abbey Main
Madi Nelis
Kate Olson
1st Team
Emily Byrd
Hannah Mehrle
Danielle Stiene
2nd Team
Molly Inman
Tricia Moser
Abby Wulf
Brian Eve, Head Coach
Heather Frietch, Asst. Coach
Doyle Calvi, Asst. Coach
Ken Eve, Official Scorekeeper
This note and photo from Michele Gottschlich,
mother of Missy Gottschlich '10:
My daughter, Missy asked me to forward this pic to
you of a recent reunion of Missy and her UA classmate
Desirae Ball '10 at the University of Dayton Arena
earlier this year. Missy, a cheerleader for UD, was
rooting for the opponent when Dez, a SLU basketball
player, was on the court. Dez had an outstanding
game and it is remarkable that Missy didn’t get
fired from the UD cheer squad.
Desirae Ball '10 and Missy Gottschlich '10
UA celebrates its 12 senior athletes who have signed national letters of intent
or committed to play their sport in college!
Front row from left: Zoe Curry, Wittenberg - Div III Soccer; Mika Suntay - University of Dayton, Div I Golf; Erika Wolfer, Eastern Kentucky
University - Div I Soccer; Haley Chapline, St. Louis University - Div I Field Hockey; back row - Meghan Garanich, Bucknell University - Div I
Golf; Iris Brewer, Wingate University - Div II Volleyball; Sydney Bell, St. Lawrence University - Div I Ice Hockey and Track and Field; Megan
Tenhundfeld, Seton Hall - Div I Golf; Lana Bonekemper, University of Iowa - Div I Soccer; Noelle Langenkamp, Western Kentucky University Div I Volleyball; Carley DePasquale, Canisius College - Div I Lacrosse (Not pictured: Kate Reilly, Colgate - Div I Volleyball)
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
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Golf Outing
Golf Classic Chair Nancy Young with
Boosters President Debi Sampsel
It was a lovely day for the annual Ursuline Golf Classic, chaired
this year by Nancy Young and coordinated by UA alum and golf
coach Marianne Utz-Sahms '78. The golf outing and related
sponsorships are the major funding source for the athletic program. This annual event has contributed to UA’s success on the
court, on the field, on the course and in the pool. In the past, the
proceeds from the outing and related sponsorships have contributed to student athletes, coaches and each and every program. In just
the last few years alone, these funds have been used to contribute
to the new gym, purchase the banners and record boards in the
new gym, and purchase weight room equipment. Funds also provide leadership training for our varsity teams, support the semiannual Hall of Fame Evening, provide support and education for
our coaches, and fund the Marianne Utz Sahms Scholarship, which
awards scholarships to three to five senior athletes each year.
President Sharon Redmond with Board members
Gary Breissinger and Dianne Kreuzman Hill '73
Many thanks to the volunteers and sponsors who will be
acknowledged in the Honor Roll of Donors in September.
Chair Nancy Young, center, with volunteers Susan George, left,
and Sharon Jenkins
Go to the Web!
is your best bet for the most up-to-date
information about all things UA!
S U M M E R 2 012
Ursuline honors retiring
Faculty and Staff
On May 23rd the annual Faculty & Staff Recognition Dinner
was held at Cooper Creek Event Center. Honored at the dinner were five retiring faculty/staff members: Geri Wiehe Academic Scheduler, 42 years at UA; Ruthanne Palmer Spanish teacher, 37 years at UA; Jan Abernathy - Guidance
Counselor, 34 years at UA; Carol Dettenwanger - Guidance
Counselor, 33 years at UA; and Pam Wilson - Assistant to
President Sharon Redmond, 18 years at UA.
Congratulations to all for your many years of service and
dedication to the mission of Ursuline Academy.You will all be
greatly missed and fondly remembered!
Batesville Indiana resident
wins Car Raffle
Ursuline Academy’s Car Raffle was a huge success for the
third year in a row. Tickets sold at a steady speed over
12 weeks, reaching 2,057 tickets sold and generating a
net profit of more than $79,000. The money generated
by the raffle helps to offset the “GAP,” the actual cost of
the Ursuline experience vs. tuition. For each student it
is nearly a $2,351 GAP. All students receive this financial
assistance in addition to any merit or need-based scholarships they may be awarded. This is only possible through
the generosity of our alumnae, parents and friends who
continue to support Ursuline Academy.
Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winner Debbie
Nobbe, of Batesville Indiana. Debbie has decided to forgo
the car option and is thrilled to accept the $15,000 cash
prize. Congratulations to our $100 student winner,
Olivia Desch '14 and to the nine other $100 winners.
Thank you to all who helped
make the raffle so successful.
From left: Pam Wilson, Geri Wiehe, Carol Dettenwanger, Ruthanne PalmerStanding: President Sharon Redmond and Principal Tom Barhorst.
(not pictured: Jan Abernathy)
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
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From left - Nicole Stagge '11 and Claire Barrett '11, Meghan Stifel, Steffi Homan,
Mrs. Diane Rose, Megan Fleming, Abby Meehan, Katie Kaes, and Marisa Pike.
Not pictured: Lianna Brown and Kaitlin Burnam.
On May 7th two members of the class of 2011— Claire
Barrett and Nicole Stagge, visited with Mrs. Diane Neyer
Rose’s '74 AP chemistry students. Class was held outside in
the Centennial Garden. Claire is studying Chemical Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, and Nicole is at Butler University pursuing a degree in Pharmacy. The four seniors in AP
Chemistry this year—Megan Fleming, Stephanie Homan,
Meghan Stifel, and Katie Kaes—all plan to major in Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry or a related field of study so
these alums were able to answer their questions about college chemistry classes. The alums also discussed how Ursuline
helped their transition to college and about their plans for the
future including study abroad, networking with other women in
scientific fields and balancing academic and social life.
Dreading those College Application Essays?
Ursuline Teacher Offers Assistance
Katie Sylvester '99
Mrs. Marilyn Parks Herring’s '68 English
IV-Honors students were delighted to welcome
Katie Sylvester '99 to class on April 20. Katie
is an official recruiter for the Peace Corps and
also served as a PC volunteer in Zambia from
2004-2006. She vividly described the joys and
challenges of living in a foreign culture, and
reminded us again that human beings share
more similarities than differences.
UA English teacher Shauna Whalen (who is the recipient of the
2012 Sister Xavier Ladrigan Excellence in Education Award) will
teach The College Application Essay Course, a week-long summer
course that helps students craft their best college essays possible. The
focus of the course is on the personal statement and shorter essay for
the Common Application. However, the skills and techniques gained
in the course will guide students through the writing of the rest of
their college essays.
At the beginning of the course, students receive a comprehensive
course pack that contains sample essays, advice from admission counselors, tips for all types of writing prompts, and mini writing lessons.
During the course, students read sample essays from students who
have been awarded scholarships and accepted into top schools and
then proceed through the writing process of their own essays with
guidance from the instructor.
For schedules, information and registration:
S U M M E R 2 012
Faculty Summer Plans
Shauna Whelan, English, and Carmen Thiemann, world
languages, will accompany 12 UA Spanish students who will be
traveling to our Sister School Villa Maria Academy in Santiago,
Chile in June.
Lynda Hoffman-Jeep, world languages and Jill Halahan,
math & administration, will accompany 17 UA German
students who will be traveling to our Sister School St. Ursula
Gymnasium in Aachen, Germany in June.
Susan Keller Barhorst '91, biology, will be taking a 2 week
graduate course on the new social media tool called Pinterest.
She’ll learn how to set up subject bulletin boards for her biology class, research boards created by other teachers, and see
how her students can post assignments or projects to the class
board for sharing and discussion. It is being offered through
SOITA (Southwest Ohio Instructional Technology Association).
Patrice Trauth, art, plans to immerse herself in the Renaissance and Etruscan art during a trip to Florence and Tuscany/
Kim Brewer, coordinator of multicultural activities, community service coordinator Kira Hinkle '05 and art teacher
Jeanine Boutiere '01 are going on the mission trip to the
Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota They will accompany
18 UA students.
After a year of activities culminated in a rousing Spirit Week, Student Council presented
President Sharon Redmond with a check for $25,000 to be used for scholarships.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
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Once a scholar…
Sharon Redmond, president, got to wondering this very
thing over the past few months. In this case, the “they” were
students from the past several years who had qualified as
National Merit scholars while at UA. Did they ever respond!
Below are their responses, which came floating into Pam
Wilson’s (Ms. Redmond’s trusted assistant) email, a true
treasure trove of accomplishments.
Nellie Debbeler '04
I attended The Ohio State University on a
full-tuition scholarship I received through my
selection as a National Merit Finalist. In June
2008, I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science
in Physics and also with a Bachelor’s of
Science in Business Administration, majoring
in accounting.
While an undergraduate student at Ohio State, I participated
in undergraduate physics research (briefly); participated
in an international internship program in accounting in
Dublin, Ireland; and completed two internships with
PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of the “Big 4” accounting firms.
I also taught pre-Calculus to my fellow undergrads (Math 130
at Ohio State) and tutored in the Mathematics and Statistics
Learning Center.
As I was finishing my undergraduate program, I applied
for and was accepted to Ohio State’s Master of Accounting
(MAcc) program, and was awarded a full-tuition-plus-stipend
fellowship for my studies. I graduated from the MAcc in June
As the MAcc program came to a close, I was nominated for
and selected as a Post-graduate Technical Assistant (PTA) at
the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in Norwalk,
Connecticut. I was one of about 12 students in the country, per
year, selected for this prestigious one-year position. The FASB
sets accounting standards, often called “generally accepted
accounting principles” (GAAP), for the United States. US
GAAP is required by the Securities and Exchange Commission
S U M M E R 2 012
to be applied by publicly traded companies in the United States,
and is applied by many other entities by choice even if they
aren’t publicly traded. My experience as a PTA was incredibly
interesting; I had the chance as a recent graduate, and as a
person just beginning her career, to participate in this industry
at the highest level in a meaningful way.
After the FASB, in August 2010, I moved to New York City
to work for KPMG (a different one of the “Big 4” accounting firms). I currently work for KPMG as a Senior Associate
in the Accounting Advisory Services group. My role involves
responding to accounting inquiries from internal and external
clients, often related to transactions the clients are undertaking
and the accounting consequences thereof.
My current career plan (always subject to change!) is to stay
in New York and with KPMG for the time being. My work
requires me to think critically, and I find it challenging and enjoy the company of the people I work with. I think I may have
some success convincing my sisters (Monica, UA 2006, and
Grace, UA 2009) to head to this part of the country as well,
which would make me significantly more likely to stay put for
the time being.
Ursuline laid an incredibly strong foundation for all of the work
that has followed in my career, and I have been able to reconnect / stay connected with some Ursuline girls in my life in
New York.
Katie Ciliberti '05
I earned a Bachelor of Science from Vanderbilt University (2009). I majored in Human &
Organizational Development with minors in
English and Spanish. While at Vanderbilt I applied for and was accepted into the ENGAGE
program – Early Guaranteed Acceptance for
Graduate Education. This ensured my acceptance into Vanderbilt University’s Law School
after graduation. I studied abroad for a semester in Madrid,
Spain through the “Vanderbilt in Spain Program.” I studied in
London for a “Maymester” – a 4 week program. I worked at a
YMCA summer camp in Taipei, Taiwan, during June and July of
2007. I assisted with English classes as well as cultural activities.
As part of my major, I completed a semester-long internship in
the marketing department of Southwest Airlines in Nashville. I
graduated summa cum laude and was on the Dean’s List every
semester. I won the “Statistics Prize” for excellence in an introductory statistics course.
I currently attend the University of Michigan Law School, and
will be graduating in May of this year. I expect to graduate cum
laude. After my first year of law school I worked as a Summer
Associate for Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP in Cincinnati.
After my second year I worked as a Summer Associate for
Jenner & Block LLP in Chicago, IL. This year, I was honored to
serve on the executive board of the law school’s 87th Annual
Henry M. Moot Court Competition. I was selected to be, and
served as, an Associate Editor and later a Contributing Editor
for Michigan Law Review. I was inducted into the Pi Kappa Phi
honor society for being in the top 10% of the graduate students
at the University of Michigan.
I have accepted a full-time position at Jenner & Block for postgraduation. I plan to move to Chicago in August or September
and I expect to begin work in October 2012. My career plan is
to begin at Jenner & Block and see where it leads. If I enjoy it
enough, I could spend my entire career there. However, I
remain open to pursuing a firm in another city (probably Cincinnati) or perhaps even another type of legal employment.
I look back very fondly at my time at Ursuline and I enjoy
keeping up with the goings on through the newsletters. I hope
everyone there is well!
Allison Cottrell '05
I graduated with a BA in International Studies,
Cum Laude, from Wright State University in
2009. During my senior year at WSU, I was also
fortunate to spend a quarter abroad living with
a host family and studying the French language
in the city of Pau, France.
However, after graduation from college I decided I did not
want to pursue the field of International Affairs after all, so I
went back to what I had originally been passionate about when
I graduated from Ursuline—theater. I got my foot back in the
door working for a year at Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park,
and I am now living in New York City and working as a stage
manager on Broadway and Off-Broadway shows. My job on
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
“Spider-man: Turn Off the Dark” was only for three months (up
until the show’s opening night), so I am not still on the production staff there—though that was certainly a thrilling experience!
The achievement I am most proud of since college was getting
my “Equity card” this past fall. Actors’ Equity Association is the
name of the union representing both professional stage actors
and stage managers, but one can only gain membership into
the union by being signed onto an AEA contract by a producer.
Therefore, young theater hopefuls often dream of “getting
their Equity card” one day, which confers a certain amount of
professional status and sort of signifies having “made it” in the
field. I became an Equity Stage Manager this past fall, working
on a play called “Milk Like Sugar” at a theater company called
Playwrights Horizons. Next month I will begin work on the 5th
play that I have worked on at Playwrights Horizons
(http://www.playwrightshorizons.org). That play will be
called “Rapture, Blister, Burn”.
Outside of my job, I enjoy being involved with an inter-denominational church in NYC called Forefront Church. I also share
an apartment with fellow UA alum Elise Turner '05! When
we were seniors at UA and co-producers of the fall musical
“Oklahoma!” we used to plan how someday we would live together in NYC and both pursue our theater dreams—and here
we are actually doing it!
Throughout high school the one dream that I always had was to
move to NYC and to make a living as a stage manager, and I am
proud to say that I am living out that dream.
Believe it or not, there was one day this past fall when I was rehearsing a play and literally ran into Ron Blankenbuehler in
the elevator! His son, Andy, was rehearsing a different musical
down the hallway and he had come to town to visit him. I know
he has retired from doing Ursuline’s musicals and plays, but it
was great to re-connect with him. Elise and I reminisce often
about memories of “Oklahoma!” and “42nd Street” spent with
him in UA’s theater.
I always look forward to reading each issue of “Voices”, and
think of my time spent at UA fondly!
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Isabella Biedenharn '07
I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Boston
College in May 2011 with my BA in English
and in Communication. In my Communication major, I graduated with honors after
writing an Honors Thesis my senior year
entitled, “Kanye West’s Use of the Diatribe:
Offensive ‘Scumbag’ or Modern Day Cynic?”
In 2010 I was also one of five recipients of the
Dean’s Scholar Award, and was nominated for this by professors in both of my majors.
I volunteered with a group called “Loyola Volunteers” throughout my four years at BC, where we visited a youth center in a
housing development and tutored and built relationships with
the kids there, ages 9-18. I also worked at another site called
Ellis Memorial where we helped young students with their
homework and provided a safe place for them to spend their
after-school hours as their parents finished work.
Currently, I work as Executive Assistant & Communications
Coordinator for a nonprofit called Boston After School &
Beyond. We work with the City of Boston, Boston Public
Schools, and leading after-school organizations in Boston to
ensure that every child has the opportunity to participate in a
program and reach their full potential. I live in Boston,
Massachusetts (as you may have guessed).
After working for one or two years, I plan to return to graduate school to study Journalism or English, and hopefully end up
in a career with a focus on writing.
I miss Ursuline but live vicariously through the experiences of
my sister Gabi, UA '13.
Rosie Elefante '05
I have a bachelors of science in engineering
degree in Biomedical Engineering from Case
Western Reserve University where I graduated
summa cum laude.
After learning about Ethicon Endo-Surgery
through Ursuline’s engineering class, I had summer internships
at Ethicon Endo-Surgery in Summer 2006 and Summer 2007.
I also did a summer abroad in Urbino, Italy in 2008.
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I’ve been living in Madison, WI for three years (since graduating in June 2009). I moved to Madison to work at Epic, the
nations #1 electronic medical record software vendor. At Epic,
I'm now working in management in the Problem Solving division. It’s a fast-paced job, with travel all over the United States
to our over 200+ customer sites. It’s pretty cool, considering
our software touches over 40 million patients in the US alone
(about 40% of the US population).
I enjoy traveling in my spare time, and I went to Kenya in 2010
with Jess Berens '05 to visit Steph Dawes '05. I’m currently
planning a trip to the coast of Maine for this summer with my
sister Heather Elefante '08.
Alison Weber '07
I graduated from the University of Chicago
this past June with a BA in Biological Sciences
and a minor in Computational Neuroscience. During my time at UChicago, I spent a
quarter abroad in Vienna studying European
history and German. In my junior year, I
received an NIH fellowship to support two
years of undergraduate research and led a project that investigated the neural basis of texture perception. In November, I
had the opportunity to present my findings at a conference in
Washington, D.C. As of January, I’m living in Cincinnati again
and working as a math tutor for grades K-12 during my “gap
year” and will start a PhD program in the fall, studying computational neuroscience at either UC San Diego or the University
of Washington (I haven’t quite made my decision yet).
Hope all is well back at UA!
Caitlin Kane '06
In terms of degrees, I received a BA in English literature from the University of Cincinnati and a subsequent MEd in Curriculum
and Instruction with a focus on secondary
English language arts, drama, and literacy,
also from UC. I was named the top female
graduate of UC’s College of Arts and Sciences and am currently
working on getting my master’s thesis published.
I was recently awarded a U.S. Fulbright grant to teach English
and do research in Bulgaria. I am currently living in Haskovo,
Bulgaria enjoying that wonderful adventure and the incredible
opportunity to travel abroad!
Next year, I am planning on teaching special education with
Teach for America in Chicago, but my long term career goals
include pursing a PhD. in Performance Studies and moving on
to teach and do research at the university level. While my focus
for the past few years has been on teaching, I have been continuing my work in theatre (which Ms. Redmond will likely
remember from my time at UA) and have received a couple of
awards and some critical recognition for my work as a director
in Cincinnati—it is the combination of this experience with my
teaching that I hope to pursue in the future.
I have also volunteered at a variety of arts events, with Habitat
for Humanity, the Homeless Coalition, and as a tutor at a number of local schools. In Chicago, I’m hoping to dedicate a good
portion of my time to volunteering with arts literacy programs
and women’s centers.
I think this covers everything that you have asked for! I hope
that it is helpful and that all is well at UA!
Chelsea McGill '08
I was accepted for a second year of the CLS
in Dhaka, and I’m waiting to hear about an
ETA Fulbright in Bangladesh. I graduate in
May with a B.A. in Sociology/Anthropology.
Just for future reference, when will the next
symposium be? I know they happen every
four years, but I’ve lost track. I would be
happy to speak if I’m in the country.
Christina Mondi '10
Currently a sophomore at the University
of Notre Dame: B.A. Psychology, University of Notre Dame (projected 2014);
Minors in Catholic Social Tradition and
Science, Technology, and Values.
I will be studying abroad at St Andrews
University (St Andrews, Scotland) in the Spring of 2013.
I work as the Senior Student Assistant at the John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values; as a Research Assistant
in Community-Based Learning and Moral Education at the
Center for Social Concerns; and as a Research Assistant in the
Psychology Department’s Development & Psychopathology
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
My volunteer activities have included: 2011 Summer Service
Learning Program – The Astor Home for Children (Rhinebeck,
New York); Officer, Special Friends Club of Notre Dame;
Elementary School Tutor, Center for Social Concerns; Mentor,
Reading for Life; Farley Hall Council.
Future career plans or goals: I’m only a sophomore, so we’ll
have to see where life takes me! Tentatively: after graduating
from Notre Dame, I hope to pursue doctoral studies in Clinical
Psychology. I would like to eventually do clinical work and research with at-risk children and families. I am very interested
in pediatric mental illness, the cyclical nature of mental illness
in families, and public advocacy and education about children’s
mental health issues.
Awards or honors achieved: 2011 McPartlin Essay Award (for
“best research paper in the freshman class”); College of Arts &
Letters Dean’s List – fall 2011
Elizabeth Linke '05
I graduated from UA in 2005 and earned a
Bachelors degree in Elementary Education
and Human & Organizational Development
from Vanderbilt University in 2009. While at
Vanderbilt, I did part of my student teaching in Cambridge, England, in a prekindergarten equivalent classroom. I taught in
England for two months during the summer
of 2008 (an amazing experience). Also during my time as an
undergrad, I was involved in Alpha Chi Omega and held several
leadership positions in the sorority: Panhellenic Delegate and
Collegiate Recruitment Information Chair. I was also a member of three honor societies at Vanderbilt, including Kappa
Delta Pi, an education honors fraternity. I graduated Magna
Cum Laude in May 2009. After Vanderbilt, I moved to Boston
for two years, where I taught kindergarten (2009-2010) and
preschool (2010-2011) at a Department of Defense school on a
military base (Hanscom Air Force Base) near Concord, MA.
Currently, I am living in Columbus and working on a Masters
degree in Human Development & Family Science at Ohio
State. I am a Teaching Associate for an undergraduate Human
Development course, and I am a research assistant on a Center
for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood grant. I am
also designing a research study to compare different approaches
to facilitating emergent literacy development in preschool children and will work with undergraduates next year to implement the study in several Columbus preschool programs.
S U M M E R 2 012
After graduate school, I plan to pursue an advanced degree in
Curriculum & Instruction, focusing on early childhood curriculum development. I am interested in working for a school
district as a curriculum consultant or for a curriculum company, helping to develop preschool and kindergarten curriculum
Helen Hobson '04
Ellen Funk '08
Current City: New York, NY (have been
here since graduating UVA in 2008)
I am finishing up my senior year at
Centre College in Danville, KY. I am
an elementary education major and
am currently student teaching in a 5th
grade classroom. Throughout my time at
Centre, I have engaged in many activities
that have broadened my horizons and
made me a better educator. Last January,
I studied Catalunyan culture and politics
in the north of Spain, south of France, and Andorra. This past
January, I completed a month long internship with the K-4
Curriculum Director for Sycamore Community Schools in
Cincinnati. Another large part of my college life has been service. As part of the Bonner Scholars Program, a national service
and leadership program, I have engaged in service throughout
my four years here. Experiences like volunteering at a local
after school program and working with the Heart of Kentucky
United Way have really helped me to become part of the community in which I am living. My experiences in this program
have led me to want to be the best person and professional that
I can. To this end, I worked at Stepping Stones Day Camp this
past summer. It was an eye opening experience that has influenced who I am tremendously.
Work Experience: Investment Banking at Jefferies &
Company for 2 years; Hedge Fund Experience for 1-1/2 years
at Citadel; currently interviewing for new position at other
Hedge Funds.
When I graduate in May with my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, I plan on returning to Cincinnati and finding
a teaching position. In a few years, I will go back to school
for my Master’s Degree (possibly in either administration or
counseling). I also hope to find some way to become involved
in Ursuline again. I miss it greatly and would love to find something to do that would allow me to spend more time there and
give other girls the same great experience that I had.
College: University of Virginia; Double
Major History & Economics; Deans List
Honors; Sorority Kappa Alpha Theta;
Member Student Council Arts Committee
Career Objectives: To remain in finance and New York for
the next 3-5 years before moving back to Cincinnati where I
plan to work and raise a family.
Volunteer Experience: Volunteer through New York Cares
with children grades 1-5 doing after school activities that range
from art projects to math homework.
Laura Wooley '07
I graduated cum laude from Temple University with a degree in Sociology and a minor
in Spanish in May. After studying abroad in
Barcelona senior year, I’m waiting to hear
back from the Spanish government in the
next few months about where I’ll be placed
for the next year when I move back to teach
in Spain. As far as my living situation, I’m back in Cincinnati
working for Apple while I save money and figure out what’s
going to come next. Right now, I’m most excited about being
recently promoted to Associate Editor at the magazine I work
for, Autostraddle.com, a politics and culture website for gay
women. I started working for them as in intern in college and
so I’m thrilled to be more involved.
I’m so proud to be an Ursuline girl in the world!
Lauren George '10
I am currently a sophomore at OSU, majoring in Industrial and Systems Engineering
with a minor in Statistics (inspired by Jenny
Breissinger – loved AP Stats with her). I
am in the university honors program and
S U M M E R 2 012
participated in the Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors
program as a freshman where we spent an entire quarter building a robot. As a part of the OSU Honors program, I participated in the London Honors program a quarter long class that
concluded with a 10 day study abroad trip to London over
winter break (December 2010).
This past summer, I worked as an intern for GE Aviation in
Cincinnati with their Information Technology Leadership
Program. I had previously interned there while at UA, so it
was good to go back. I still work for GE as a part-time student
while studying in Columbus. I will be back at GE in Cincinnati
again this summer, but this time in the engineering department. This past winter break (December 2011), I traveled to
Santiago, Chile to visit the exchange student I hosted while at
UA, Manuela Jimenez. It was really great to catch up with her,
finally meet her family and friends, and get to know the country she lives in. I love to travel, so next fall I will be studying in
Luxembourg for the semester, with some fellow UA grads who
go to Miami University.
At OSU, I am involved in many organizations. I still continue my work with Relay for Life, although the enthusiasm
at OSU surrounding Relay is considerably lesser than that of
UA’s. I also volunteer for Engineers for Community Service
as a Phone-A-Buckeye tutor – high school and middle school
students can call in and get free homework help in math and
science. I am a member of Society of Women Engineers,
where I am planning an event called Mr. Engineer, which will
be a comedic male pageant raising money to support SAT/
ACT prep at local Columbus schools. I am also a member of
Alpha Pi Mu, the Industrial Engineering honorary; Women in
Engineering – I just received an Outstanding Academic Award
at our awards banquet; Institute of Industrial Engineers; and
the National Society of Leadership and Success.
Before I started at OSU, I was invited to participate in the
Leadership Collaborative – a week long experience for about
80 members of the incoming freshman class – thanks to my
involvement and leadership while at UA. We spent a lot of time
focusing on leadership qualities and our strengths, and many
of the people I met there are now some of the greatest leaders
around campus.
I’m not entirely sure what the future holds for me. Ideally,
I can combine my engineering degree, my love of traveling,
and my desire to help others in some way – that would be my
dream job.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
Lauren Huff '04
Academically, I have received a BA in Biology from DePauw University, graduating in
2008. I attended medical school at the
University of Cincinnati and graduated in
May. I will start residency in pediatrics at
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in late
June/early July.
Lynn Bresnahan '03
I hope all is well at UA! Below are my
responses to your questions. I would be
interested in future events/symposiums to
introduce students to different STEM majors
and careers. Studies, internships, assignments abroad BS in Chemical Engineer from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. While at RPI, I was a teaching assistant for an undergrad lab course, worked in a lab as an
undergrad research assistant for biodiesel research, graduate of
RPI’s Professional Leadership Program, was a founding member of RPI’s chapter of the engineering sorority Alpha Omega
Epsilon, and heavily involved in different volunteer groups
around campus.
Current positions or continuing education: I am a process engineer for Kimberly-Clark at our manufacturing facility
in Tulsa, OK where we make toilet paper and paper towels.
However, I started with K-C at our research and development
headquarters in Neenah, WI where I worked on new product
development and spent 4 years traveling to our different manufacturing locations rolling out those products.
Current residence: Tulsa, OK, USA (though some days it
feels like its own country.)
Current or past volunteer experiences: Habitat for
Humanity, Relay for Life. Currently, I am the secretary for the
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Tulsa Chapter and heavily
involved in our outreach activities which center around getting
young girls excited about math and science and interested in
entering one of the STEM fields.
Future career plans or goals: Continue developing my
engineering skills with an eye to moving into either technical
management or operations management.
S U M M E R 2 012
Marie Magner '08
I graduated in May with a theatre degree
with honors standing from Loyola University Chicago from which I received
a full-tuition scholarship. Since January
2009, I have worked for the LUC Annual
Giving Fund’s call center which we call
Phonathon. I went from being one of 100
callers to one of six supervisors to one
of two managers who oversee the entire
organization. I hope to begin a career that continues in this
vein; I want to help a university grow and reward hard working
candidates with financial assistance.
In my downtime at my current residence in Chicago, I have
joined the Loyola Women’s Rugby Club. This year we reclaimed
our titles as Chicagoland champions in the Chicago Area Rugby
Football Union against teams including DePaul, Northwestern,
and University of Chicago and placed third in our Midwest Regionals. I know that every opportunity that I have been offered
has come from Loyola which I was only able to attend because
of the preparation I received at Ursuline.
Molly Smith '09
I am still currently studying at the
University of Cincinnati. I am in my
third year as an architecture major in
the DAAP program. Next year will be
my final year in the program, and I will
be applying to a number of graduate architecture programs around the country
as well as the Peace Corps, just as an
additional option.
This past year I had my first internship at a design firm in Philadelphia for six months from June to December. CLR Design
specializes in the design of zoo exhibits, and are even responsible for the master planning of the Cincinnati Zoo. I was able to
help design and produce architectural drawings for a number
of exhibits around the world, including the Philadelphia Zoo,
the Salt Lake City Zoo, and a new zoo in development in Saudi
Arabia. I am considering returning to CLR after graduation as a
career path as well.
tinually named one of the top firms in the world in ArchDaily
Magazine, and has completed some amazing work all over
the world. The firm is certainly taking a chance on hiring me,
considering I speak very little Turkish and know no one in the
city yet, but I am very excited for this challenge and hope to
learn a lot. I will be living and working in Istanbul for five
months, then will return to Cincinnati to finish up my last year
of school.
While at UC, I am an honors student as well as a DAAP Ambassador, meaning I help out with the recruitment of high school
students interested in the college.
My future goals are not entirely certain, as I have not yet decided if I will go to graduate school, start working, or join the
Peace Corps (if accepted) right after graduation.
Allison Webb '08
Marquette University, in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, graduating May 2012
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology minor in
Alpha Chi Omega sorority, formerly Vice President
of Intellectual Development
Alpha Chi Omega’s philanthropy: Domestic
Violence Awareness
Order of Omega, Greek honor society, Vice President
of Programming
Rho Lambda, Panhellenic honor and leadership society,
Vice President of Finance
Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematics honor society
Summer 2010 - Marquette University Summer Research
Program, studying how a microRNA in C. elegans affects its
developmental timing pathway
Summer 2011- Texas A & M University Research Experience
for Undergraduates Program, studying how two zebrafish transcription factors bind and interact
In two weeks I will be starting my second internship at Sanal
Architecture/Urbanism in Istanbul, Turkey. The firm is con30
S U M M E R 2 012
Graduate School:
Ohio State University doctoral program for Biochemistry,
incoming August 2012
University Fellowship; National Institute of Health Cellular,
Biochemical, and Molecular Sciences Training
Program fellowship
Future Career Goal:
To work in either a university or industry setting performing research on genetic diseases in order to find a cure and/
or treatment for diseases such as spinal muscular atrophy or
Parkinson’s disease.
Current Residence:
Milwaukee, WI, soon to become Columbus, OH
Anneliese Spaeth '03
Department of Mathematics,
Vanderbilt University
Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Summa Cum Laude, B.S. Mathematics,
B.S. Applied Physics, Honors Program,
May 2007
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
M.S. Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, December 2009
Ph.D Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, expected by
August 2012
Advisor: Alexander M. Powell
Harmonic Analysis and Applied Harmonic Analysis
Frame Theory
Quantization Algorithms
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention, 2006
Vanderbilt University Arts and Sciences Deans Select Award,
Mathematical Contest in Modeling: Consortium for
Mathematics and its Applications, Meritorious Winner, 2007
Robert F. Cissel Award for Outstanding Mathematics Majors,
2005, Xavier University, Cincinnati
The Frederick A. Hauck Physics Research Award 2005, Xavier
University, Cincinnati
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
Clare Boothe Luce Scholarship for Women in Science,
St. Francis Xavier Scholarship, 2003-2007, Full Tuition Merit
Scholarship, Xavier University, Cincinnati
Theodore A. Kent - Bozhidar Kantarjiev Award for outstanding
Freshman physics student, 2004 Xavier University, Cincinnati
Phi Beta Kappa Member
Ohio Academic Scholarship, Ohio Board of Regents
Funded Teaching As Research Fellow, CIRTL
(The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching,
and Learning)
Vanderbilt University, 2009-2010
SUNY Potsdam Mathematics REU 2006
In addition to the CV, I should mention that in college, I studied abroad during the summer in both Eichstätt, Germany at
the University of Eichstätt, as well as in Ireland in a program
run by Xavier University. Additionally, in graduate school I
participated in an internship near Antibes, France (on the coast
in the south of France) for a few months one summer. Yesterday, I verbally accepted a job for a tenure track assistant professorship at Huntingdon College, which is a liberal arts school
in Montgomery, Alabama. I am EXTREMELY excited to have
found a job (particularly one that I am excited about) since the
job market is very bad in math currently, believe it or not! My
plan is to defend my thesis to obtain my Ph.D. in Mathematics
from Vanderbilt University this August, and then begin teaching
in Montgomery the same month. My general areas of study
would broadly be defined as harmonic analysis, signal processing and analog to digital signal conversion. I would be more
than enthusiastic about possibly coming back and addressing
the current Ursuline students!
Carolyn Johnson '11
Studies, internships, assignments abroad:
I am majoring in Information Systems at
the University of Cincinnati in the Lindner
Honors-PLUS Program. This summer, I will
be co-oping at GE Aviation in the ITLP (formerly IMLP) program. I do not have my exact
assignment yet, but you can find out more
information about the program here:
Current positions or continuing education: Finishing
my first year as an Information Systems major at UC
S U M M E R 2 012
Current residence: Cincinnati, Ohio
Current or past volunteer experiences: At UA, I was
involved in Canned Food drive, the STOP AIDS Walk, as well
as other projects. At UC, I am a Bearcat Buddies tutor. This
involves going to a local public school and tutoring students in
math and/or reading. I am also a part of a social sorority that
puts on events to raise money for our philanthropy: ProKids.
Additionally, I was elected the Service Chair of my sorority.
My job is to notify the other members of volunteering opportunities as well as help my sisters get more involved.
Future career plans or goals: Ultimately I would love to
end up as a CIO of a Fortune 500 company or start my own
business. It’s a little too early to tell what will happen though,
so we’ll see how my co-op goes!
Awards or honors achieved:
– Lindner Honors-PLUS scholarship
– Cincinnatus Excellence scholarship
– UC Alumni Scholarship
Chrissy Callan '06
Studies, internships, assignments
abroad: As part of my senior year of college
(BFA Costume Design from The Theatre
School at DePaul University, 2010), I studied
for a quarter at the Central School of Speech
and Drama in London, UK. I was on professional assignment through the school at the Watford Palace
Theatre for their production of Cinderella, in the Fall of 2009.
Current positions or continuing education: Currently
I am a costume designer for film and TV, based in Los Angeles.
My position varies based on which production I am working
on, so I have attached a current resume for more information. At the moment I am working on location in Philadelphia
in the costume department as an assistant on “After Earth”
starring Will Smith and Jaden Smith. Before this project, I was
the costume supervisor on an independent feature, “Electrick
Children,” which just premiered at the Berlin Film Festival and
will have its U.S. Premiere this month at SouthBySouthwest in
Austin, TX. Here is the trailer: http://vimeo.com/36104775.
My own costume designs have been seen on short film and on
So You Think You Can Dance (click for videos).
S U M M E R 2 012
Feature Films
AFTER EARTH | 2013, Columbia Pictures | Costume PA |
Lisa Lovaas, Supervisor
Cast: Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Isabelle Fuhrman, Zoe Kravitz,
Sophie Okonedo
ELECTRICK CHILDREN | 2011, Live Wire Films | Costume
Supervisor | Stacey Berman, CD
Cast: Rory Culkin, Billy Zane, Julia Garner, Liam Aiken, Cynthia Watros, John Patrick Amedori
BORN TO RACE | 2011, American Cinema Int’l | Set Costume Intern | Bianca White, CD
Cast: Joseph Cross, John Pyper-Ferguson, Brando Eaton, Erik
King, Sherri Stringfield
METH HEAD | 2011, Film McQueen | Set Costumer (Day) |
Martha Gretsch, CD
Cast: Lukas Haas, Blake Berris, Necar Zadegan, Theo Rossi
THE LXD Season 3 | 2011, Hulu/Paramount | Key Costumer
| Allison Leach, CD
TRUE BLOOD Season 4 | 2011, HBO | Additional Costume
PA | Debra Beebe, Supervisor
CHARLIE’S ANGELS Pilot | 2011, ABC | Costume PA |
Philip Hayman, Supervisor
OUTLAW COUNTRY Pilot | 2011, Fox | Costume PA |
Janet Ingram, Supervisor
BENT Pilot | 2011, NBC | Costume PA | Karen Bellamy,
NO ME HALLO | 2011, Univision | Set Costumer | Terri
Middleton, CD
Short Film
NEW YEARS EVE | 2011, AFI | Costume Designer | Eddie
O’Keefe, Director
THE ELIMINATOR | 2011, SpritClips | Costume Designer |
Tyrrell Shaffner, Director
THE CARRIER | 2010, Story Arc Ent. | Costumer | JR Hawbaker, CD
Cast: Rita Wilson, Anna Paquin, Chad Michael Murray
PHILIPPE’S SANDWICH | 2010, Silverstar Prods. | Costumer | Jenna Wright, CD
Live Performance
THE LXD (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) | 2011, Extraordinary 7 Productions
Guest Performance, So You Think You Can Dance | Costume
Corporate Convention for Forest Pharmaceuticals, Anaheim,
CA | Costume Designer
Re-Launch for BMW Mini, Beijing | Asst. Costume Designer |
Allison Leach, CD
Opening Act for Glee Live! 2011 Tour | Costumer | Allison
Leach, CD
BFA Costume Design, Summa Cum Laude | DePaul University
| Chicago, IL | 2010
Quarter Abroad | Central School of Speech and Drama | London, UK | 2009
Related Skills
Illustration, Aging/Dyeing, Millinery, Garment Construction
& Pattern-making.
Current residence:
West Hollywood, CA
Future career plans or goals: My immediate goal is to get
into one or both of the costume unions in LA, which will allow
me to work in more positions on studio projects and earn
better wages.
Lauren Huddleston '06
Since my time at UA, I graduated cum laude
from Georgetown University in December
2009. While at Georgetown, I worked
for Congresswoman Jean Schmidt in her
DC office, at the global law firm Dewey &
Leboeuf, and in the admissions and development departments at the University. I was
honored to be selected to speak on behalf of alumni relations
at a convocation. I serve as the alumni fundraising chair for the
class of 2010 and have raised over $35,000 for the school since
my senior year of college. I will graduate from The Ohio State
University Moritz College of Law and the John Glenn School
of Public Affairs with a JD and MA in the Spring of 2013.
At law school, I serve on the Student Bar Association as the
orientation chair. I currently work as a law clerk for the Ohio
Senate majority caucus in the office of President Pro Tempore
Keith Faber.
Awards or honors achieved: Summa Cum Laude for my
BFA in Costume Design.
I am so grateful for what my Ursuline education has helped
me to achieve. I would love to be added to the listserv for the
alumni newsletter to better keep up with everything happening
on Pfeiffer Road!
Michelle Q. Phan '08
Katy Evans '03
It is always great hearing from Ursuline! I
am currently in my senior year at Loyola
University Chicago, earning my BS in Bio
with a Molecular emphasis and minor in
Neuroscience. I just finished a busy year
of medical school interviews and will let
you know where I end up next year when
I make my decision – probably Northwestern or Columbia. Some of the highlights of my college career have been rooming with two other
UA 08 girls (Lindsey Brockman and Michelle Amiott)
for the past two years, going on medical missions in the jungles
of Vietnam and Honduras, and working as an EMT on Loyola’s
campus for the past three years.
After Ursuline, I went to Boston College, where I majored in English and was a
member of the Honors Program. I spent my
junior year at Oxford University, where I
studied English Literature and Modern History (such an exciting year!). After graduation, I returned to England to do an MA in Literary Theory at
Kings College, London.
I am looking forward to the Class of 2008’s Reunion next year.
I know I am speaking not only for myself but others as well
when I say that I love receiving the monthly newsletter. Thanks
for keeping the UA family connected.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
These days I’m back in Boston. I’ve been fortunate to work
for the last 3.5 years for Boston University, first in the African
American Studies Program (one of the oldest in the country)
and now for BU’s Editorial Institute, where I work with Archie
Burnett and Sir Christopher Ricks. I’m also a part-time doctoral student in American Studies at BU.
I’m actually in DC right now doing some archival work and
visiting a fellow UA alum, Emily Carroll, and we’ve been
reminiscing about our great times at Ursuline!
S U M M E R 2 012
Lindsey Brockman '08
I am living in Chicago IL and am working
on a 5 year masters program at Loyola. This
May I’ll graduate with my BS in Math and
Computer Science, and May 2013 I’ll be
graduating with my MS in Software Engineering. I was also just offered a 10 week
internship position at Lakeshore Interactive
as a Software Developer Intern. Prior to that
I was working at Fifth Third Bank.
I’m hoping that after I finish school I’ll be able to get a full time
position as a Software Developer.
I hope all is still going well at Ursuline! I still try to keep in
touch with some of the current students that I know, as well as
the girls I graduated with.
Sarah Dettenwanger '04
B.A. in Linguistics at Georgetown University,
also studied abroad at King’s College
London for one semester
M.S. in Sociolinguistics at Georgetown University focusing on courtroom/trial language
J.D. candidate from Duke Law
I’ve interned with the Center for Applied Linguistics, Public
Defender Service for the District of Columbia, Legal Aid of
North Carolina, ACLU Capital Punishment Project,
Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility,
Wake County Public Defender Office, FairWinds Partners and
others. I also work with Duke’s Innocence Project working on
developing our work with forensic science.
Pauline Osinska '05
I currently live in Durham, NC.
After UA, I studied psychology at the University of Cincinnati. During that time, I did a
semester in cognitive science at Eotvos Lorand
University in Budapest, Hungary. I graduated
magna cum laude from UC in 2008. After
graduating I got a job as a Clinical Research
Coordinator at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center. I worked for a lab that studied the effects of
traumatic brain injury on children and adolescents from 2008
to 2011. I’m currently working on a Master of Public Health
(MPH) in Health Policy and Administration at the University
of Illinois at Chicago. I have a research assistantship with an
organization called CeaseFire. They work on reducing violence
in communities around Chicago. There is a documentary about
them called The Interrupters, which was shown at Sundance
Film Festival and one of the workers was interviewed on the
Colbert Report! I hope to continue living in Chicago after I
graduate and aspire to work on health policy in the area of
obesity prevention.
I hope to work in a public defender office, work on capital
cases or something involving indigent defense.
Maria Bergh '06
Not much has changed, I’m still working on
those two Masters in Architecture and Community Planning at UC’s DAAP program,
graduating this spring (working in Harrisburg
in winter of 2011 was an internship as part of
the Masters program).
Over the last six years I’ve worked as a coop student in Portland, OR; Seattle, WA; NYC; Orange, TX; Harrisburg, PA; and
Columbus, OH, so those are all good job leads, but perhaps
my first choice at the moment is a single-year fellowship position with MASS Design Group in Butare, Rwanda, designing
and building a Women’s Hospital in Burundi as well as other
regional healthcare and educational facilities with local labor
and materials. I haven’t heard back yet from the first round (I
should in the next week or two, so cross your fingers) but I
would be thrilled to have this opportunity.
My work in Orange, TX was volunteer work running a nonprofit that rebuilt after Hurricane Ike, which was the big storm
that shut down power here in Cincinnati in the early fall of
2009. We demolished water damaged interiors and structurally
S U M M E R 2 012
unsound foundations or roofs to rebuilt homes that were, to be
honest, more in need from years of deferred maintenance than
the storm itself. To do this we hosted skilled, semi-skilled, and
unskilled laborers from around the country, preparing food and
maintaining the “headquarters” to welcome these guests. They
taught us almost everything we knew, which we then taught
to others, a fantastic experience! I learned to safely demo,
re-frame, test and re-wire circuits, hang and finish drywall, do
fine carpentry, finish ceilings, lay roofing and tiles. The nonprofit, Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders, has since returned to
Mississippi as money for rebuilding went dry in Texas though
the need remains. One of the shocking moments on this assignment came when FEMA called my employer and asked to
talk to me; they had read an article I wrote for UC’s student
newspaper on my work and wanted a) to correct my terminology—FEMA trailers was not, apparently, the appropriate way
to refer to those shelters, and b) to know if I had a source for
appliances, which were the last piece of the puzzle for returning displaced families to refurbished homes. The shock of a federal agency asking me, a senior in college at the time, for free
stuff completely knocked the sense out of my head. I didn’t
have a source, but surely this could have been done.
As I go forward, I hope to unite architecture, writing, and art
to raise awareness of the impacts of our lifestyle decisions on
the social and ecological environment we live in. I look up to a
lot of architects who have had success in working with neighbors to make their communities places of pride and joy, as well
as planners who developed the idea of social capital to understand how mixing of social groups and creative use of existing
resources can lead to renewal opportunities. And, finally, I
draw on spiritual support from the work and writing of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, and increasingly John Dun Scotus to
grow in my understanding of calling, joy, peace, and justice.
I look back to Ursuline, Angela Merici and Julia Chatfield with
great respect as I realize how few female role models I have to
look up to in my profession even today, and at what a great role
education and compassion at home and in every day life have to
do with the “technical” “political” and “structural” changes that I
am trying to make with my “professional” life. It really is a synthesis of personal values and professional skills, and the former
is undoubtedly the most important. Because of this I’m trying
to balance a desire for even more! education with an understanding that there is an education in doing waiting for me.
In my “free time” I’m trying to carve out time to train for the
Flying Pig Marathon this spring (we’ll see...I’m waiting to see
if I can get back into regular training after a week off due to
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
preparations for this quarter’s final reviews before I pay the
entry fee), drawing heavily on my UA training in Swimming,
Cross Country, and Track experience.
Lauren Brilli '05
I graduated from Washington University in
St. Louis in 2009 summa cum laude with a
bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering. My undergraduate research resulted
in two middle-author publications. Upon
graduation, I entered the Medical Scientist
Training Program (MSTP) at the University
of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, which is
a combined MD/PhD program. I am now in my third year of
this program, having completed two years of medical school
and nine months of graduate school.
I am currently working toward my PhD, which will be in developmental biology. My lab works in kidney development and
regeneration, and we use zebrafish as a model system.
Upon completion of my MD and PhD degrees, I plan to incorporate both clinical and research aspects into my future career.
Clinical specialties I am considering at this point are pediatrics
and obstetrics/gynecology.
Elizabeth Ranz '04
I attended Vanderbilt University with a
small scholarship from the National Merit
program after graduating from Ursuline in
2004. I graduated from Vanderbilt in 2008
magna cum laude, with a B.A. in Economics
and minors in both Corporate Strategy and
Sociology. While at Vanderbilt I was active in
the Kappa Delta sorority, was a peer mentor, volunteered for
Better Decisions (a one-on-one mentoring program with women currently living in a halfway house that are looking to better
their lives afterward), and participated in various volunteer
opportunities and fundraisers through my sorority. During the
spring semester of my junior year I studied abroad in Florence,
Italy with a focus on Italian language and Art History.
After graduation I moved from Nashville to Richmond, VA
for a job as an investment banking analyst with Harris Williams & Co. I worked in Richmond for two years with a focus
on mergers and acquisitions, and then in 2010 transferred to
S U M M E R 2 012
the company’s Philadelphia office for a year. In the summer
of 2011 I moved to New York City because I had always had a
desire to live in NY and felt it was a good transitional time to
do so. I now work as a Senior Financial Analyst in Corporate
Finance for ANN, Inc. (the parent company of the retail brands
Ann Taylor and LOFT). I live in Manhattan with fellow UA
grad Helen Hobson '04 and we both spend a lot of time with
our other friend from UA, Mollie Horan '04.
We all still look back very fondly at UA and I can honestly say
that the friends I made in high school continue to be my friends
for life (despite the fact that many of us are all over the country). In fact, this summer I am going to be a bridesmaid in the
wedding of Jen Rose '04 (currently in Chicago), along with
Mollie Horan '04 and Lauren Stenger '04.
Wendy Goodwin Ramalingam '03
I’m sorry it has taken me a while to get
back to you. Things have been hectic as I
am wrapping up medical school and preparing to move back to Cincinnati in the
upcoming weeks.
I would like to let you know what I have
been up to since graduating from UA. I am attaching my CV
because that pretty much includes everything up through
December 2011.
Other updates include a global medical elective in Barcelona,
Spain from January 27-February 26, 2012.
I will be returning to Cincinnati this summer to begin my residency in Orthopaedic Surgery at UC Health at University Hospital. This is a five year training program. I am really excited
to move back to the Cincinnati area with my husband, Suraj,
and chocolate lab, Kobe. We just purchased a house in Hyde
Park. I am also excited because I will be in Cincinnati for my
youngest sister, Violet’s, senior year at UA, and I will hopefully
be able to attend many of her soccer and basketball games.
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.
Iowa City, Iowa. August 2008 – present
- Doctor of Medicine, Anticipated May 2012
- Research Distinction Track
University of Cincinnati College of Engineering.
Cincinnati, Ohio. September 2003 – June 2008
S U M M E R 2 012
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Summa cum laude, Distinguished Honors Scholar,
Biomechanics Track
Ursuline Academy, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- August 1999 – June 2003 Ursuline Senior Scholar
(awarded to top 3 students in class of 138)
Ponseti Biochemistry and Cell Biology Laboratory.
Iowa City, Iowa. June 2008 – August 2010
- Summer Research Fellow
- Mentors: James Martin, PhD, Joseph Buckwalter, MD,
and Todd McKinley, MD.
• Developed and implemented a test method for
measuring the production of reactive oxygen
species in impact-injured bovine articular cartilage
using fluorescence microscopy.
• Demonstrated that blocking the electron transport
chain in cartilage reduces production of reactive
oxygen species and cell death following impact
• Developed and implemented a test method for
quantifying ATP content in bovine articular
The Procter and Gamble Company. Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Research and Development Intern. Oral Care.
June 2007 – September 2007
• Developed and implemented test method for
validating product efficacy for a new line of
Crest toothpaste.
• Tested product efficacy using human subjects in a
controlled research experiment.
Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. A Johnson & Johnson MD&D
Company. Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Manufacturing Development Center Co-op.
September 2006 – March 2007
• Facilitated meetings and completion of supply
chain implementation for the production of a
minimally invasive surgical product.
• Interacted with component suppliers and
completed component qualification for a plastic,
injection-molded component.
• Performed patent searches, maintained intellectual
property, and created a patent landscape for device
reprocessing techniques.
• Researched current products and surgical
techniques to determine the clinical considerations
important for the development of a new medical
• Supported team in the execution of engineering
builds and pilot to prepare for product launch.
• Chosen by R&D Co-op Team to be the Co-op
Coordinator and lead the organization of co-op
volunteer and learning activities.
• Planned and executed first Co-op Leadership
Workshop networking opportunity.
- Research and Development Co-op.
September 2005 – March 2006
- Designed and developed mechanical test fixtures
and improved existing tissue holding fixture for use
in tissue lab experiments.
- Performed mechanical testing on MTS testing
systems using TestWorks to verify device design
requirements and evaluate prototype components.
- Researched, coordinated with suppliers, and
performed comparative testing to find a suitable
tissue substitute for the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Developed statistical analysis skills using MiniTab
to analyze test data.
- Developed personal, technical, and professional
engineering skills by working on a cross-functional
team, consisting of sales & marketing, regulatory,
quality, R&D, MDC, and pre-clinical team
University of Cincinnati Biomedical Engineering
Department. Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Senior Design Project, Group Leader
September 2007 – March 2008
• Designed a dual-seal hemostatic valve for use in
interventional radiology procedures to prevent
loss of hemostatic pressure within catheter during
instrument exchanges.
• Developed and implemented mechanical testing
for materials and components to meet design
- Research Assistant
June 2004 – September 2004
• University of Cincinnati Women in Science and
Engineering Program.
• Performed tissue engineering research through
mechanical testing of soft tissue grafts, specifically
porcine small intestinal submucosa.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
Alpha Omega Alpha
April 2011 – present
- University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine –
Alpha Chapter
- President 2011-2012 academic year
Iowa Medical Innovation Group
April 2011 – present
- Team member
• Participated on a cross-functional group of
engineering, business, law and medical students
to design and develop patent and marketing plans
for an innovative medical device product.
Intensive Academic Tutor
May 2009 – present
- One-on-one tutoring for medical and physician
assistant student peers
• Biochemistry, Human Organ Systems, Pathology,
Foundations of Clinical Practice IV
American Medical Women’s Association
August 2008 – present
- Co-President 2009-2010 academic year
• Organized group activities and meetings
throughout academic year.
• Volunteered with Rape Victims Advocacy Program
at their annual Clothesline Project to raise
awareness about victims of sexual violence.
• Organization and execution of college-wide
clothing sale to raise money for the Rape Victims
Advocacy Program and Girls on the Run of
Johnson County, Iowa.
• Volunteered at local elementary school Science
Night to educate students about the human body.
- National member
Bean Community Leadership
May 2009 – May 2010
- Learning Community Treasurer
• Responsible for managing community funds and
charitable donations to the Shelter House of Iowa
• Organized meals for monthly community
• Participated in organization and implementation
of community activities such as Jump Rope for
Hope and Homeless Panel to raise awareness about
homelessness in Iowa City.
Academic Liaison Committee
- Medical Gross Human Anatomy, Committee
Chairperson August 2008 – December 2008
- Medical Pharmacology
S U M M E R 2 012
August 2009 – December 2009
• Worked closely course directors throughout the
semester to address concerns with the course and
serve as a liaison between the course directors and
our medical school class.
• Generated final report evaluating each course and
presented those results to the college’s Medical
Education Committee.
Girls on the Run Johnson County
March 2011 - present
- Running buddy
• Partner with elementary school girl to run
practice and race-day 5K.
Martin JA, Martini A, Molinari AS, Ramalingam WG,
Buckwalter JA, McKinley TO. Mitochondrial Electron Transport and Glycolysis are coupled in Articular Cartilage. Under
review for publication in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.
College of Engineering Commencement Marshall, Ranked 1st
in College, University of Cincinnati – June 2008
Herman Schneider Medal for cooperative education achievement, University of Cincinnati – June 2008
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, University of Cincinnati – June 2006 – June 2008
Cincinnatus Presidential Scholarship (full ride), University of
Cincinnati – September 2003 – June 2008
National Merit Scholar – 2003
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Scholarship,
Valley of Dayton, Ohio – May 2003 and May 2008
Ohio Academic Scholarship – September 2003 – June 2008
Running, basketball, tennis, skiing, travel
Goodwin W, McCabe D, Sauter E, Reese E, Walter M, Buckwalter JA, Martin JA. Rotenone prevents impact-induced
chondrocyte death. J Orthop Res. 2010 Aug; 28(8):1057-63.
Shearn JT, Juncosa-Melvin N, Boivin GP, Galloway MT,
Goodwin W, Gooch C, Dunn MG, Butler DL. Mechanical
stimulation of tendon tissue engineered constructs: effects on
construct stiffness, repair biomechanics, and their correlation.
J Biomech Eng. 2007 Dec; 129(6):848-54.
Ramalingam WG, Martin JA, McKinley TO. Mitochondrial
Activity in Chondrocytes: ATP Content in Bovine Articular
- Short Talk Poster presentation at the 56th Annual
Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. New
Orleans, Louisiana. March 7, 2010.
- Poster presentation at the 2009 Medical Student
Research Day. Iowa City, Iowa. September 11, 2009.
Goodwin W, McCabe D, Stroud N, Buckwalter JA, Martin JA.
Targeting Oxidant Production in Injured Cartilage by Inhibiting Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain Activity.
- Podium Presentation at the 55th Annual Meeting of the
Orthopaedic Research Society. Las Vegas, Nevada.
February 23, 2009.
- Poster presentation at the 2008 Medical Student
Research Day. Iowa City, Iowa. September 5, 2008.
Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Iowa Carver College of
Medicine Alpha Chapter – April 2011
S U M M E R 2 012
Senior Mother-Daughter Luncheon
This wonderful event which punctuates the end of senior year
is presented as a gift to seniors and their mothers by the Mothers’ Club. The luncheon began with Mass celebrated by Father
Jack Wessling, always a blessed experience, but this Mass
included some very special moments. The mother-daughter
vocal team of Megan Fitzwater and Laurie Wyant Zenni
sang For Good from Wicked, leaving only a few dry eyes, and
senior Noor Saeed gave a beautiful reflection on mothers and
daughters. Another luncheon highlight was the presentation of
the letters the seniors wrote to their mothers.
Mothers’ Club Board members help distribute letters the seniors wrote to their
mothers: Laurel Stein, left, and Amy Mehrle, kneeling.
Mothers & daughters from the '70s. Front, left – Stephanie Lang, Katharine
Rolfes, Emily Duderstadt, Allison Ventura, Laura Schoettmer; Jackie Kegley Lang '79,
Karen Alf Rolfes '79, Jacqueline Smith Duderstadt '79, Nancy Champlin Ventura '74,
Sara Schoettmer '71; Third, left – Kit Weymouth Bublitz '77, Beth Schneider Naylor '79,
Mary Tolle Court '76, Cathy Cullinane Martin '74, Sally Westerbeck Myers '74; Fourth, left
– Kathryn Bublitz, Brynne Naylor, Laura Court, Kelly Martin, Grace & Meredith Myers
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
Mothers & daughters from the '80s. Front left – Katie Kaes, Becca Mock, Taylor
Snelling, Natalie Stubbers, Brittany Muldoon; Second left – Anne Marie Kollman Kaes '82,
Sarah Pflum Mock '82, Margi McCarthy Snelling '83, Lynn Brockman Stubbers '81, Julie
Eimermacher Muldoon '84; Third left – Emma Heise, Dina Hacker Heise '85, Kathleen
Smith, Elizabeth Mueller Smith '84, Deborah Conboy Graumlich '83, Emily Graumlich.
S U M M E R 2 012
Great Year for
Dance Team
The Ursuline Academy Dance Team won several 1st and 2nd
place trophies in the Showcase America Unlimited (SCAU)
State and National championships within its size division
(AAA) at the State Nationals on April 14 and 15. This is the
third consecutive year for the team to win state and national
titles. In their third season as a dance team, the 37-member
team competed at the SCAU-sanctioned event at the Bank of
Kentucky Center under the leadership of Director Brenda
Elmore, Assistant Directors Stacey Lesher and Sandy
Moeller, and Team Captain senior Molly Frost. The State
and National results are: 1st Place Ohio State Championship –
POM; 1st Place National Championship – POM; 2 nd Place
Ohio State and National Championship – Kick; 2nd Place Ohio
State & National Championship – Production; Gold medalist –
Senior AAA for all routines; highest score of the day in Senior
Division for all Senior Teams (regardless of size or category) at
State and Nationals portion of competition with POM routine.
Dance Team members are: Ashley Abbate,Courtney
Arand,Kristen Beck,Erica Behrens, Kennedy Carstens, Carmen Carigan, Danielle Driscoll,Tiffany Elmore, Makiah Estes,
Molly Frost (Captain),Hanna Geisler, Maria Geisler, Ashley
Gray Maria Hale,Jesse Haskamp,Clair Hopper, Maddie Johnson, Ali Kessling, Elizabeth Kiley, Erin Kochan, Katie Korneffel, Perry Littlejohn, Rebecca Meford, Chrissy Pan, Angela
Pan, Spencer Peppet, Marissa Pike, Grace Ries, Kaylyn Robinson, Laura Schoettmer, Jennifer Schoewe, Taylor Seitz, Audrey
Seminara, Megan Toomb, Rachel Treinen, Jennifer Welch, and
Carly Williford.
Captain Molly Frost received 3rd place out of all senior captains for leadership. Her scores were compiled throughout the
competition season. Three of the dancers applied for scholarships and won the following: Makiah Estes $500, Molly
Frost $1,000, Laura Schoettmer $1,000.
S U M M E R 2 012
Stats & Stars
Ritu Narayan was selected by her classmates to give the commencement address
From left – Principal Tom Barhorst, Angela Bird, Lindsey Johnstone, Ritu Narayan,
Kathleen Smith, Megan Fleming, Marisa Reddy, and President Sharon Redmond
Ursuline Academy celebrated its 168 seniors as they received
their diplomas at the school’s commencement exercises on
May 30 in the school gymnasium. Congratulations to the
entire Class of 2012 for their spirit, service and scholarship.
Their efforts were rewarded this year with 90% of the
class earning more than $22.8 million in college
scholarships. In addition, there were several special awards
given at the ceremony. The graduate who best exemplifies
the spirit of Ursuline with her generosity, service, attitude
and overall demeanor, was awarded to Lindsey Johnstone.
The graduation address was delivered by Ritu Narayan,
Senior Scholar Awards (the top three seniors in the class)
were awarded to Megan Fleming, Marisa Reddy,
and Kathleen Smith. The Archbishop McNicholas
Memorial Gold Medal Award – was awarded to Marisa
Reddy, for her scholastic achievement and service to others;
the Christian Leadership Award, which is given to a
graduate who demonstrates Gospel values in her personal and
school community life, was awarded to Angela Bird; and
the Centennial Spirit Award, which is given to a who was
chosen by her class.
The ceremony ends with linked arms and the singing of the school song
The Parent Associations once again provided yard signs for each graduate
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
To read about reunion classes (years ending in 2 and 7)
go to www.ursulineacademy.org, click top banner on
Alumnae, then Alumnae Reunion, and then on
Reunion Class Notes.
Maryann Furmann Burwinkel '53
Cincinnati, OH
Maryanne and her husband Hank recently received the
“JOINED HEARTS IN GIVING” award from the Ohio Department of Aging, for the volunteer services they participate
in – both separately and together. The parents of seven children and grandparents of 24, the two have been very active
in social justice and community outreach activities, and have
served such institutions as Habitat for Humanity, Hospice of
Cincinnati, St. Robert Bellarmine Church, Mary Magdalene
House, Working in Neighborhoods, Good Samaritan Hospital,
10,000 Villages, Cub Scouts and Boys Scouts.
L to R: Bonnie KantorBurman, Director of the
Ohio Department of Aging,
Maryann Furmann
Burwinkel '53, Hank
Burwinkel, and Karen
Kasich, First Lady of Ohio
Kathy Broderick Selker '73
Cincinnati, OH
Kathy Broderick Selker '73
UA Board of Trustee member Kathy
Broderick Selker '73 was chosen as one
of this year’s YWCA Career Women of
the Year. A total of eight women were
honored for business acumen, leadership
and community service. Kathy is the
first woman owner and CEO of Northlich, a brand and marketing agency with
100 employees at offices in Cincinnati,
Columbus, Cleveland and New York
and $25 million in annual billings.
S U M M E R 2 012
Jennifer Neyer Berg '79
Loveland, OH
Hi everyone – wanted to share some good news with you. I
have been offered and have accepted a position as Executive
Director for the Leadership Council (http://www.leadershipcouncil.us/default.aspx?history). Click here for details of who
they are, and the communication below. I will be working P/T,
from my home, which will allow me great flexibility to still be
involved in other activities as well. This position is a great fit
for me, and it will allow me stay connected with the not-for
profit (NFP) community, which I have truly enjoyed during my
work with Impact 100. I hope to grow the Leadership Council
membership, so if you are involved in NFP’s, you just might be
hearing from me!
Katie Stowe Monroe '88
Cincinnati, OH
I’ve been living in Cincinnati for eight years, having lived and
worked in New York City for the previous eight. Last year on
May 7, I had the good fortune of marrying Mr. Murray Monroe,
Jr. My UA classmates who attended the wedding were Julie
Hadden Orr, Nora Buzek, Kate Babb Shone, and Julie
Quatman Morrison. On February 17th this year, Murray
and I welcomed our first child, Miriam Aniela Monroe. Miriam
is doing great and providing her parents with many hours of
joy. Having been the marketing and communications director
for Cowan’s Auctions in Cincinnati, I left that position to be
Miriam’s full-time mom. I must say that this new role has been
the most challenging and rewarding of my life.
Maggie McAlister Ruiz '93
Los Angeles, CA
In January of this year, I married Stephen
Ruiz in Napa Valley, California. I’m a
writer for a toy company. I also maintain a fashion and etiquette blog called
nabelManners.com. My husband is a
technology consultant and an all-around
wonderful guy. We reside in Los Angeles,
CA, where I’ve lived since I graduated
from DePauw University in 1997. I’d love
to hear from UA classmates! My email address is
Megan Lloyd Joiner '97
New Haven, CT
Megan was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist Ministry in
June this year. The ceremony was broadcast live at The Universalist church in West Hartford, Connecticut.
Kelly Gleason Privett '97
Cincinnati, OH
I currently live in Cincinnati with my husband of 10 years,
Joshua Privett, and 3 kids, Elaine (6), William (3), and Evelyn
(7mo.). When I am not chasing after them I am busy with my
own dental practice in Springboro, OH where I practice family
dentistry. I graduated from The Ohio State University College
of Dentistry in 2006. I can’t believe it has been 15 years since
high school!! I am looking forward is seeing everyone soon.
Suzanne Rutishauser Yorke '98
Blue Lake, CA
I co-hosted a fun, new wildlife mystery show called Wild Scene
Investigation. It aired March 31st at 10ET/9CT/7PT on Nat
Geo Wild. I attached the flyer for the show, and here is a link
to some clips from the episodes:
Wild Scene Investigation was produced for Nat Geo Wild by
Icon Films, a television production company in Bristol, England. Wild Scene Investigation is an 8-part series filmed in the
U.S. and the U.K., and two back-to-back 30-minute episodes
aired in early spring and continued for four consecutive weeks.
My love for the nature world blossomed at UA in 9th grade Biology and AP Biology under the wonderful instruction of Mrs.
Evelyn Dietz. I graduated from
the University of Dayton with a
Bachelor of Science in Biology in
2002, and last May I completed
my Master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
in Biological Sciences. My graduate work focused on tropical plant
ecology, and I studied woody
vines in Panama and Costa Rica
under the guidance of Dr. Stefan
Shannon Boyle '00
Washington, DC
Shannon was featured in a Jan. 24, 2012 Washington Post
article about how wise it is for D.C. restaurants to own their
own building. Susan started her own bakery, Uncle Chip’s,
five years ago, but she previously rented space to operate her
business. She unveiled her little café on North Capitol Street
NW in D.C. in early January, which analysts say is a wise
move for D.C. restaurateurs. Shannon spent years refining her
chocolate chip cookie recipe before starting Uncle Chip’s in
2007 as a mail-order business. When she was ready to open
a storefront she found dissatisfaction in lease options; on Jan.
3, 2012 she opened her storefront next to a barbershop and a
hair salon. The neighborhood is light on foot traffic, but Shannon compensates with her wholesale and mail-order sales.
Elizabeth Edwards '00
Cincinnati, OH
Elizabeth was the featured speaker at the Covington Business Council’s monthly luncheon last month where she spoke
about “Creative Strategies for Economic Development.”
Elizabeth is the founder of Metro Innovation and author of
“Startup: The complete Handbook for Launching a Company
for Less.”
Lauren Wilson '02
Denver, CO
2011 was a busy year for me! I earned my PMP last March
and have worked as a Project Manager for a Cincinnati based
company, CBTS, supporting GE for 4 years now. I got
engaged in July and can’t wait to marry Aaron Millisor in September of 2012! I also moved to Denver, CO and have been
taking full advantage of the outdoor activites it has to offer.
Hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze another trip back to Ohio for
our 10th Reunion!
Kristyn N. Childs '03
Croton, OH
I wanted to share with you that I received my Masters in
Business Administration from Capital University in Dec.
2011. Since completing my MBA I’ve been focused on work
(five years at J.P. Morgan in May) and planning my Aug. 25
Suzanne Rutishauser Yorke '98 flyer for
Wild Scene Investigation on Nat Geo Wild.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
Wendy Goodwin Ramalingam '03
Pleasant Plain, OH
Things have been hectic as I am wrapping up medical school
and preparing to move back to Cincinnati in the upcoming
weeks. I would like to let you know what I have been up to
since graduating from UA. My updates include a global medical elective in Barcelona, Spain from January 27-February 26,
2012. I will be returning to Cincinnati this summer to begin
my residency in Orthopaedic Surgery at UC Health at University Hospital. This is a five year training program. I am really
excited to move back to the Cincinnati area with my husband,
Suraj, and chocolate lab, Kobe. We just purchased a house in
Hyde Park. I am also excited because I will be in Cincinnati for
my youngest sister, Violet’s, senior year at UA, and I will hopefully be able to attend many of her soccer and basketball games.
nati. Her sister Julie Broderick '07 was her maid of honor,
and the following '04 grads were in the wedding party: Laura
Duggan Canfield, Danielle Wood, and Katie Dillhoff.
Rohan Krehbiel '05
Lexington, KY
Rohan has earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics
from the University of Kentucky in May 2009 and her Master of
Science degree in Nutrition from Appalachian State University
in May 2011. She is now a Registered Dietitian living in Lexington, Kentucky and working for God’s Pantry Food Bank as their
Youth Services and Nutrition Coordinator.
Elaine Whitaker '05
Cincinnati, OH
Alena Neton Shoemaker '03
Somerville, MA
Since graduating from UA, I went to John Carroll University
for college, Ohio State University College of Medicine (graduated 2011), and am now in a Family Medicine residency just
north of Boston. The residency is housed in a community
health center named the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center. The population we serve is predominantly underserved
immigrants from Latin America/Carribean. I’m learning
Spanish while learning medicine – with the hopes to be able to
use both skills to be a primary care doc in a similar community
when I finish (2014).
Sarah Broome '04
Baton Rouge, LA
Sarah is doing “radical” things to reshape the charter school
model in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Last month, the East Baton
Rouge Parish School Board voted to approve her project,
“Thrive,” as the first charter school of its kind to be established
in Louisiana. The school is based on an education model that
Sarah had spent a year developing. It incorporates rigorous
academics in what she calls a “holistically nurturing” residential
setting, aiming to effectively and rapidly bring up to date those
students who have essentially been left behind by some of the
under-serving public schools in Baton Rouge.
Elaine and her quartet, The Fortune Cookies, recently took
first place in the Young Women in Harmony Rising Star regional
competition. Next October they’re competing at the Sweet
Adelines International Competition in Denver. Locally you can
catch Elaine with the Cincinnati Sound Chorus at the World
Choir Games in July.
Kat Mills '07
Hoboken, NJ
Kat graduated Magna Cum Laude from Syracuse University in
May 2011 with a BA in Illustration, with High Honors. Kat’s
mother says, “We are very proud of her and her accomplishments; as a direct result of her guidance and encouragement
from the teachers at Ursuline. Thank you Mrs. Burton!” She
spent a semester in Florence, Italy studying art, and while there,
took advantage of travelling all over Europe, including Belgium,
where she reunited with her good friend from Ursuline,
An-Sofie Verrijssen '07, who is in medical school.
Kat works for Dun and Bradstreet as a Junior Designer at their
Innovation Lab, Product Design and Development Center in
Manhattan and Short Hills, NJ, and resides in Hoboken, NJ.
Kat is also doing some free-lance work on the side for Writer’s
Bloq, where she designed the website for up and coming writers. To take a peek at some of her work, go to:
Katie Broderick Forsgren '04
North Carolina
Katie will began her residency in Internal Medicine at Duke
University Medical Center this summer. She also married
Mike Forsgren on Aug 6, 2011 at Bellarmine Chapel in Cincin-
S U M M E R 2 012
Erika Kohnen '08
Cincinnati, OH
This past winter, Erika played a key role in winning the final,
decisive match for her college squash team in the B Division
Women’s National Team Championship; Brown defeated
Williams 5-4.
success instilled in me by Ursuline Academy. I am thankful
every day for the skills and friends I gained in my time there. I
wish you the best of luck in continuing to further the vision of
St. Angela through preparing deserving girls to become successful women.
Holly Gruber '11
Cincinnati, OH
Erika Kohnen on right holding trophy
Marie Magner '08
Chicago, ILL
Holly recently returned from a mission trip to Haiti. In her own words
Holly describes her experience.
“I went on a life-changing Mission
Trip through UC where I attend
college, a couple of weeks ago. My
service trip to Haiti was the best experience in my life thus far. Spending
just a week there put into perspective how truly blessed I am. The
most amazing thing is that though it is a country with extreme
poverty, the people there are continually holding onto any happiness and hope possible. I’ve never met sweeter children than
the ones I met in Haiti. They would immediately reach out for
our hands, hugs and even tell us that they loved us. By the end
of the trip I wanted to adopt them all! I would welcome the opportunity to go back again someday.”
I hope you are all doing well. I got a bit of
news recently and thought I’d pass it along.
I graduated in May from Loyola University
Chicago; and was contacted by Chicago
Kate Smidl '11
Shakespeare Theater with a job offer as a
West Chester, OH
Subscription Sales Representative. I know
A recent issue of The Ohio State University included Kate
my success is largely attributable to the
Smidl '11 in its 2012 Leadership Awards article. The Office of
Student Life recognizes outstanding students for their leadership and involvement. Kate was one of nine freshmen at The
Ohio State recognized for the Outstanding First Year Student
Award. Kate is majoring in Speech and Hearing Sciences.
She is a research assistant for the OSU Children’s Learning
Research Collaborative. She is a member of the Health and Human Sciences Scholars Program, Mirrors Sophomore Honorary,
NSSLHA (National Student Speech Language Hearing Association), member of OSU Relay for Life Central Committee,
volunteer at James Cancer Center, Buckeye Buddy, member of
Delta Delta Delta sorority, Service Chair at Delta Delta Delta
sorority, member of OSU Swim Club, OSU marathon club.
Kate ran in two marathons this year and maintains a 4.0 GPA.
UA prepared her well for success in college.
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
Sara (Peach) Graham '74
Reverand Steve Rodgers 10.22.11
Tiffany Wilson '03
Mike Robben 12.10.11
Jean Geoppinger '83
Dean McCoy 4.30.11
Katie Broderick '04
Mike Forsgren 8.06.11
Katie Stowe '88
Murray Monroe 5.07.11
Brittany Gagel '04
Chris Gofney 7.23.11
Maggie McAlister '93
Stephen Ruiz 1.27.12
Stephanie Sheldon '04
Jim French 7.11.11
Jaime Lichtenhaus '00
Mike Carle 3.26.11
Amelia Uecker '07
Charles Desch 1.06.12
Jenny McGraw '00
Courtney VanSickle 5.26.12
Michelle Wirth '07
Aaron Detroit 10.02.11
Katie Broderick Forsgren '04 & her maid of
honor & sister, Julie Broderick '07
Jean Geoppinger McCoy '83 & her new
husband, Dean
Jaime Lichtenhaus Carle '00 - Pictured are the bridal party which included the following Ursuline Alums:
L to R, 1st - Sara Woroncow '14, 2nd - Paige Lichtenhaus '06, 4th - Bonnie Valerius Kramer '01,
5th – Jaime Lichtenhaus Carle '00, 6th - Elizabeth Brauer Haase '00 & 8th - Cristy Cunningham '00
Stephanie Sheldon French '04
with her husband Jim
Tiffany Wilson Robben '03 and her new husband Matt (standing
above Tiffany), along with her proud family
Katie Stowe Monroe '88
Miriam Aniela 2.17.12
Heather Hemsath Folzenlogen '91
Andrea Leigh 2.01.12
Samantha Curran Dwinell '95
Keira Ryann Dwinell 12.07.11
Tamara Kearney Lanier '95
Tatiana Valentina 12.01.11
Katie Adick Wolowiec '96
Bradley Harrison 12.19.11
Alecia Kellett Lewkowich '97
Anthony Paul 5.14.12
Proud grandparents Susie Keating Lame '76 & her husband, John
pictured with their grandsons, Andy & Charles Patrick, shortly after
Charles’s arrival! Andy & Charlie are the sons of Brian & Katie
Lame Axe '02
Keira Ryann, daughter of Samantha
Curran Dwinell '95
Lea Ann Chambers Fracasso '98
Nick Peter III 2.26.12
Emily Smith Yuffee '98
Robert (Robbie) Smith 1.02.12
Julie Duggan Sutton '99
Harry Wilson 5.06.11
Meg Sweeny Harrison '00
Henry Thomas 2.22.12
Katie Lame Axe '02
Charles Patrick (Charlie) 3.17.12
Robbie Smith, son of Emily Smith
Yuffee '98
Robert (Robbie) Smith with his sister, Berret, and brother, Zachary.
Mary Jill Meyer Winstel '02
Natalie Sophia 2.19.11
Laura Duggan Canfield '04
Noah Duggan 2.03.12
Nick Peter II, son of Lea Ann Chambers Fracasso '98
Henry Thomas, son of Meg Sweeny Harrison '00
Tamara Kearney Lanier '95 & her daughter,
Tatiana Valentina
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
Pinky Brannen Kopf '60
Gemechu Theodore “Theo” Kopf arrived in Washington Dulles
Airport and became a citizen of the US on September 24, 2011. Our
daughter, Kristy and I made two trips to Ethiopia in 2011…one to
meet this wonderful little boy when he was 6 months old (July 2011)
and go to the Addis Abba Courthouse as his adoption was finalized;
the second was after all the paper work was completed in September
to pick him up and go to the US Embassy to get their stamp of approval. We than took a 17 ½ hour flight back to the USA. He is definitely a wonderful addition to our family! Not only did his “Grandma”
go to Ursuline but his Great Aunt Barb Brannen Beitman '75 as
well as cousins Cara Beitman '07 and Bree Beitman '14, who
will be a junior at Ursuline in the fall. Aunt Heather Kunkel Kopf
went to Ursuline as a Freshman before moving to Louisville. Kristy
is a single mother and works for Oak Hills High School as an Art
Teacher. Theo loves to be around his cousins Georgia, Gus, and Lilee
Kopf. We are so fortunate as to have all of our children and grandchildren living near us in Hyde Park and Madeira.
Pinky Brannen Kopf '60 with grandson Gemechu Theodore “Theo” Kopf
In Memoriam
We extend our deepest sympathy to the following students and alumnae:
Judith Willey Franz '57 (5.14.2012)
Ann Collins Keller ’60 (6.12.2012), sister of Mary
Collins '67
Nancy Pellman Sigward '61 (4.16.2012), sister of Carol
Pellman Larcher '56; grandmother of Abigail Sigward '14 &
Macy Sigward '16
Grace Iacullo Wetterman '65 (5.19.2012)
Suzanne Slack Ciaccia '68 (6.5.12)
Deborah Brockman Keeton '69 (5.8.2012)
Abigail Konerman Wagers '93 (1.14.2012)
Myrtle Bladh (6.9.2012), grandmother of Kelsey Bladh '04
and Kirsten Bladh '08
Corinne Bollman (3.11.2012), mother of Nancy Bollman
Chalifoux '75 & Barbara Bollman Salyers '78
Fred Brandel (4.27.2012), grandfather of Elizabeth Brandel
'05 & Elise Kitchen '08
Mollie Claybon (4.22.2012), grandmother of Lori
Claybon '94
California Joy Combs (Cali) (12.17.11), infant daughter of
Lauren McGraw Combs '98; granddaughter of Anne Scheidler
McGraw '68
Don Cosgrove (5.27.2012), father of Courtney Cosgrove
Muse '81; brother of Rosemary Cosgrove Baele '50
Jean K. Dessart (1.17.2012), mother of Debra Dessart
Hickey '65 & Nancy Dessart Liebman '67; grandmother of Erin
Hickey '93, Meghan Hickey '95 & Kristen Hickey '99
Gerald Altenau (3.10.2012), father of Kimberly Altenau
Bathe '85
Adele Dolan (9.16.2011), mother of Patricia Dolan
Kennedy-St.Clair '61, Barbara Dolan Meinert '62, Maridel
Dolan Felger '68 & Maureen Dolan Schwab '73
Robert Baldwin (5.19.2012), brother of Patricia Baldwin
Hyman '47 & Sue Baldwin O’Dea '61
Dolores “Dee” Feeney (12.31.2011), grandmother of Mary
Ernst '13
Robert Beiersdorfer (4.5.12), father of Ann Beiersdorfer
Brenner '89 & Amy Beirsdorfer Hartford '90
Rosella Freson (5.29.2012), grandmother of Jennifer Freson
'99 & Nicole Freson '03
S U M M E R 2 012
James Geoppinger (5.23.2012), brother of Sr. M. Rita
Geoppinger S.N.D. '59, Sr. M. Cathryn Geoppinger S.N.D.
'61 & Dorothy Geoppinger Ciok '62; brother-in-law of Jewel
Gieseling Geoppinger '58
Brandon Gromada (6.2.12), brother of faculty member
Elizabeth Gromada
Walter Gross (5.31.2012), father of Linda Gross Rindler '88
& Karen Gross Majors '90
Phyllis Ann Hallahan (3.12.2012), grandmother of
Meaghan Stakelin '04
Robert Harrison (5.26.2012), father of Ellen Harrison
Foley '81
Charles Haskamp (5.28.2012), grandfather of Jessie
Haskamp '13
Raymond Huseman (5.23.2012), father of Bridget Huseman
Robinson '94
Bessie Mefford (10.9.2011), grandmother of Rebecca
Mefford '15
Marjorie Mustard (3.18.2012), mother-in-law of Barb
Neyer Mustard '76; grandmother of Emily Mustard '04,
Bridget Mustard Sparks '05, & Becca Mustard '07
Sharon O’Meara (4.6.12), mother of Shannon O'Meara
Cameron '90 & Courtney O'Meara Teague '95
Lloyd Opp (10.16.2011), grandfather of Jennifer Strietman
Lydia “Lee” Opp (6.8.2011), grandmother of Jennifer
Strietman '15
Mary Repasy (5.13.2012), mother of Julie Repasy '70
Anna Mae Ruberg (1.10.2012), grandmother of Kerry
Ruberg '01
Vidal Sassoon (5.9.2012), husband of Rhonda Carper
Sassoon '69
Christopher M. Jackson (2.9.2012), son of Kay Schrand
Jackson '74; grandson of Betty Riedinger Schrand '51; nephew
of Laura Schrand Heidelberg '76
George Schaller (1.12.2012), father of Susan Schaller
Vaughan '68
Todd Jones (1.25.12), brother of Tammy Jones Anderson '81
Catherine Schlechter (4.30.2012), grandmother of Kathryn
Schlechter '07
Robert “Bob” Kemper (2.3.2012), brother of Patricia
Kemper Hart '50; uncle of Phyllis Kemper O.S.U. '67
K. William Kitzmiller (3.2.2012), father of Sue Kitzmiller
Blaney '74
Leo Koelker (6.25.11), father of Nancy Koelker
McCarthy '83
Norbert Koopman (4.4.12), husband of Jean Wellbrock
Koopman '53 & father of Jeanne Koopman '85
Jennifer Marie Korb (2.12.2012), daughter of Dian Vieth
Korb '61
Edward Lacey (12.20.12), father of Ann Lacey Rizer '76 &
Mary Lacey Fannin '82
Joan Madden (4.11.2012), mother of Kristin Madden
Valenti '77
Helen Massa (4.28.2012), mother of Laurie Massa '72 &
Barb Massa Hammer '78
Carroll McHargue (5.3.2012), father of Diane McHargue
Sundrup '74
Edward Showman (11.21.2011), grandfather of Pam
Showman '11
Louis Spadafora (3.30.2012), husband of Jeanne Strouth
Spadafora '49
John Michael Tarbutton (3.8.2012), husband of Eileen
Pfefferle Tarbutton '79
Charlotte Teismann (6.6.2012), grandmother of Jill
Arlinghaus ‘95
Jack Twyman (5.30.2012), father of Julie Twyman Brockhoff
'80 & Michele Twyman Guttman '85
Ruth Vonder Ahe (3.5.2012), grandmother of Emily Saul
Reder '03
Cyriac Wegman (5.13.2012), grandfather of Christa
Cianciolo Guinn '02
Robert Wulf (5.4.2012), grandfather of Abby Wulf '12
Randall Young (5.2012), father of Cory Young '97
Dorothy McLean (4.7.2012), grandmother of Megan
McLean Hulme '89 & Molly McLean VanMeter '93
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
S U M M E R 2 012
Class of 2012 College Acceptances
This year, our graduates were awarded more than $22M in scholarships to hundreds of colleges
and universities. We rejoice for them and we will miss them.
– Sharon Redmond, President
Virginia Bailey, Loyola University (IL)
Jennifer Cone, Indiana University
Rebecca Freudiger, University of Cincinnati
Grace Hermanns, Ohio University
Chelsea Baltes, University of South Carolina
Laura Court, University of Dayton
Molly Frost, The Ohio State University
Alicia Hirnikel, Miami University
Kristen Beck, University of Dayton
Zoe Curry, Wittenberg University
Meghan Garanich, Bucknell University
Molly Hoffman, Otterbein University
Sydney Bell, St. Lawrence University
Danielle Dailey, Miami University
Morgan Geiger, University of Colorado
Jennifer Holbrook, The Ohio State University
Marissa Bell, Whitman College
Giana Dawod, Johns Hopkins University
Julia Geraci, Murray State University
Stephanie Homan, The Ohio State University
Amaryllis Biduaka, Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology
Carley DePasquale, Canisius College
Erin Gibbons, Indiana University
Erin Howett, University of Tennessee
Mary Deters, University of Alabama
Maria Gittings, University of Cincinnati
Molly Inman, Otterbein University
Angela Bird, Saint Mary's College
Anna Dewey, University of Michigan
Annalee Gordon, Miami University
Hannah Jarvis, Indiana University
Elizabeth Bittner, Rhodes College
Madison DeWitt, Indiana University
Emily Graumlich, Miami University
Abby Jaspers, University of Cincinnati
Lana Bonekemper, University of Iowa
Emily Duderstadt, Wittenberg University
Lisa Green, Saint Louis University
Christine Jaun, University of Notre Dame
Kelsey Boyd, University of Cincinnati
Clare Egan, University of Dayton
Kaitlyn Gronauer, University of South Carolina
Corinne Jenkins, University of Alabama
Claire Brehm, Ohio University
Makiah Estes, The Ohio State University
Alexis Grycko, University of Dayton
Colleen Johns, The Ohio State University
Iris Brewer, Wingate University
Maya Farhat, Xavier University
Smiti Gupta, The Ohio State University
Lindsey Johnstone, Xavier University
Kathryn Bublitz, Ohio University
Katherine Finke, Miami University
Anastasia Hall, Ohio Northern University
Morgan Jones, University of Cincinnati
Anna Burkett, Ohio University
Sarah Fitzpatrick, The Ohio State University
Marlena Hansen, University of Cincinnati
Rian Jones, University of Cincinnati
Kathryn Carrier, Indiana University
Megan Fitzwater, University of Colorado
Jaikin Harrell, West Virginia University
Katherine Kaes, University of Notre Dame
Melissa Carroll, Miami University
Monica Flanigan, Case Western Reserve University
Corinne Havey, Saint Louis University
Alexandra Kalkhoff, University of South Carolina
Haley Chapline, Saint Louis University
Megan Fleming, University of Notre Dame
Emma Heise, Towson University
Olivia Karle, Ohio University
S U M M E R 2 012
You See Photography Inc.
Colleen Kelly, Ohio University
Maria Minnie, Miami University
Katharine Rolfes, Bucknell University
Tatiana Tomley, The Ohio State University
Rachel Kelly, University of South Carolina
Rebecca Mock, Xavier University
Amanda Rolfes, Elon University
Kara Trusty, University of Tennessee
Anna Kerr, University of Cincinnati
Tricia Moser, University of Cincinnati
Ellen Rootring, Calvin College
Allison Ventura, University of Cincinnati
Rachel Kim, University of California
Kirsten Mosko, University of Cincinnati
Julie Ruehl, University of Alabama
Linda Venturato, University of Cincinnati
Katie Korneffel, University of Dayton
Brittany Muldoon, High Point University
Margaret Rusconi, The Ohio State University
Nicole Volpenhein, Ohio University
Megan Kowalski, University of Cincinnati
Grace Myers, The Ohio State University
Noor Saeed, Xavier University
Dusty Waltz, University of Michigan
Lindsay Krammes, The Ohio State University
Meredith Myers, The Ohio State University
Haley Scheffler, DePaul University
Dakota Kulis, Xavier University
Ritu Narayan, Michigan State University
Laura Schoettmer, University of Kentucky
Savannah Weatherington, The Ohio State
Katherine Kurz, University of Tampa
Brynne Naylor, University of Notre Dame
Abigail Secker, The Ohio State University
Katherine Webster, University of Dayton
Stephanie Lang, University of Cincinnati
Megan O'Brien, University of Notre Dame
Megan Skelly, Clemson University
Kristen Weickert, Miami University
Noelle Langenkamp, Western Kentucky University
Josephine O'Connell, University of Dayton
Elizabeth Smidl, Otterbein University
Kathryn Weinheimer, University of Georgia
Caroline Littlejohn, University of Cincinnati
Erica Olkes, University of Arizona
Kathleen Smith, University of Cincinnati
Karen Wernke, The Ohio State University
Caitlin Mack, Xavier University
Kasey O'Neill, Saint Mary's College
Taylor Snelling, Xavier University
Lauren Wersel, Ohio University
Nicole Mackey, North Park University
Madison Oravec, The Ohio State University
Amanda Sosnowski, University of Notre Dame
Taylor Westerfield, The Ohio State University
Morgan Main, University of Cincinnati
Katherine Pawlukiewicz, University of Richmond
Claire Soupene, Loyola University (IL)
Emily White, University of South Carolina
Meagan Majchszak, University of Alabama
Mallory Perazzo, University of Colorado
Ashley Stieber, University of Cincinnati
Diana Wiebe, Ohio University
Loretta Malloy, Fordham University
Andrea Pham, The Ohio State University
Meghan Stifel, The Ohio State University
Kaitlyn Wojtaszek, Lehigh University
Kelly Maloney, University of Dayton
Renee Prows, The Ohio State University
Hannah Stoker, The Ohio State University
Erika Wolfer, Eastern Kentucky University
Kaitlyn Manley, College of Charleston
Allison Purdy, University of Cincinnati
Natalie Stubbers, Xavier University
Abigail Wulf, Michigan State University
Katrina Maricocchi, The Ohio State University
Madeline Rafi, James Madison University
Madison Stuhlreyer, The Ohio State University
Emily Marshall, Miami University
Madeleine Rayome, University of Cincinnati
Nitika Subramanian, Baylor University
Jessica Zinnecker, Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology
Kelly Martin, Clemson University
Marisa Reddy, University of Virginia
Michelle Suntay, University of Dayton
Katherine McCormack, University of Colorado
Katherine Reilly, Colgate University
Lisa Tagariello, Miami University
Carly McFarland, University of Kentucky
Allison Robben, Miami University
Christina Tefend, University of Cincinnati
Mary McShane, Clemson University
Catherine Roberts, Pennsylvania State University
Megan Tenhundfeld, Seton Hall University
Alexandra Migely, University of Dayton
Allison Rohan, University of Cincinnati
Lyndsey Tierney, Indiana University
Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati
Non-Profit Org.
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If you are receiving this magazine at your home instead of at your alumna daughter’s, please send
us her address. Call (513) 791-5794 or email mlapille @ursulineacademy.org
Calendar of
Upcoming Events
Freshman Orientation
Aug. 22
Generations Breakfast
Aug. 16
President’s Mass & Dinner
Fall Musical
Oct. 4
Nov. 9-11
Entrance Test
Nov. 17
Ultimate Auction
Nov. 17