NPS Newsle er - Nepal Physical Society


NPS Newsle er - Nepal Physical Society
Nepal Physical Society
P.O.Box. 2934, Tri-­‐Chandra Campus, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Nepal NPS NewsleCer NPS Newsletter
IN THIS ISSUE Title Editorial NPS News Seminars Talks/Scien9fic Visits Physics Related News NPS Execu9ve Board Volume 34
Issue No. 1
Page No. 1 2 4 6 9 10 EDITORIAL
Welcome you all NPS members on the 32nd Annual
Convention! We wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous
New Year 2016! May you have a great and a wonderful time
This year becomes a very difficult time to us. Massive
Earthquake occurring on Baishakh 12 and 29, 2072 struck
our country that has destroyed much of her entire nation.
Along with many Nepalese, our two NPS members also lost
their lives in the earthquake. We were not able to enter the
NPS office for four months because of the building was
levelled as an unsafe due to the earthquake. As life had
started to become a normal condition, we announced to
organize 32nd NPS convention on 22-23 Ashwin 2072. The
situation again became horrible due to Taraian movement
and boarder blockade from southern neighbour as a reaction
of promulgation of Nepal Constitution 2072. Consequently,
the convention was pending and took time to organize this
convention as we were waiting for the recovery of the
normal situation in Nepal. We, on behalf of NPS executive
committee, would like to apologize for not being able to
organize the convention in time.
Last year, NPS held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at
the Central Department of Physics, Kirtipur. Since the last
year publication of the NPS newsletter, some noteworthy
events have been transpired. We organized a couple of
scientific talks and seminars. Some of our NPS members
have acquired great achievements, and have involved on
several research activities including conference and seminar
organization on collaboration with the national and
international institutions.
January 2016
(Magh 2072)
NPS has published a Journal of Nepal Physical
Society (JNPS), a peer review research journal.
The main objective of the journal is to
encourage Nepalese physicists to publish their
research articles and to highlight the recent
findings in the field of physics. We have
included original and high-quality relevant
research articles from the fields of physics. This
is one of the great achievements of the NPS
Furthermore, the NPS sent a team of five
Nepalese Physics Champions along with two
members as a team leader to participate in the
46th International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in
Mumbai, India. This team also participated on
Asian Physics Olympaid 2015 (APO15) held in
China. The most of the NPS effort has been
devoted for the selection procedure for IPhO
participants, the top 5 candidates throughout the
country. We are thankful to all professors/
faculties and NPS members who supported for
the selection and tutoring of the students.
Without their cherished support, it would have
been almost impossible to complete such tasks.
We highly appreciate the contribution of Prof.
Dr. Devendra Raj Mishra for his constant
involvement and guidance for the selection and
training for the participants. We are also grateful
to Mr. Basant Kumar Gautam, NPS life member,
for his cooperation to obtain the travel grant for
the IPhO participants.
On behalf of the NPS executive committee, I
would like to thank all the NPS members for
their significant supports to make the NPS
accomplishments successful. Finally, any
comments, queries, suggestions, and
correspondences are highly appreciable.
Narayan P. Chapagain, Ph.D.
Editor, NPS
1 NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
The 31st Annual Convention of NPS
The 31st annual convention of Nepal Physical Society was
held at the Central Department of Physics, Kirtipur on 26th
Paush, 2071. The theme of the convention was
"Opportunities and Challenges of Physics Education in
Nepal, 2071". The ceremony was chaired by Prof. Dr.
Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi, President of NPS. The convention
was inaugurated by chief guest Prof. Chirika Shova
Tamrakar, Dean, Institute of Science and Technology,
Tribhuvan University. In her speech, she focused the
importance of science and demand of Physics education
and research. The President Prof. Nakarmi also delivered
the welcome speech. Secretary of Society Prof. Dr. Indra
Bahadur Karki highlighted on the theme of seminar and
history of NPS. During the programme, Past President of
NPS, Prof. Dr. Devendra Raj Mishra shared his experience
and suggested to have more interactions of society with the
Government of Nepal and wished for further development
of the society.
The theme session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Shekhar
Gurung and seven papers were presented by 1. Prof. Dr.
Shesh Kanta Aryal. 2. Prof. Dr. Lok. N. Jha, 3. Mr. Basant
K Gautam, first Personal Secretary of Prime Minister of
Nepal, 4. Prof. Dr. Sitaram Byaut, 5. Prof. Dr. Udaya Raj
Khanal, 6. Prof. Dr. Pradeep K. Bhattarai, and 7. Prof. Dr.
Binil Aryal, HOD, CDP, Kirtipur. The scientific session was
also chaired by Prof. Dr. Shekhar Gurung and during the
session, five papers were presented. 1. Dr. Rajendra
Adhikari, USA, (Electronic and structural properties
of LaO d-doped SrTiO3), 2. Dr. Madhav Pd Ghimire (First
principles investigation on the electronic and magnetic
properties of mixed-valent NaCr2O4), 3. Manoj K Thapa,
PhD Scholar (Impacts of Aerosols in Solar Radiation), 4.
Dr. Gopi Chandra Kaphle, Assoc. Prof., TU (Electronic
and Magnetic Properties of Elements, Binary and Ternary
Alloys), and 5. Dr. Rudra Aryal, Asst. Professor, Franklin
Pierce University, USA, (Study of Aerosol particles and
Optical properties).
After the scientific session, the annual general body
meeting of the society was held under the chairmanship of
the President, Prof. Dr. Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi. The annual
reports were presented by Secretary of NPS, Prof. Dr. Indra
Bahadur Karki. The audit reports of the regular expenses of
NPS was presented by treasurer of NPS, Prof. Dr. Nilam
Publication of Journal of
Nepal Physical Society (JNPS)
Editorial Board of NPS has published the peer
review journal, the Journal of Nepal Physical
Society (JNPS). NPS used to publish the
research articles and conference proceedings
as an integral part of its activities since its
inception. However, the publication of the
journal could not be continuing on regular
way. The present issue of the publication is a
novel start toward the publication of a peer
review journal of the NPS. We have taken the
ISSN number of the JNPS and also it is
available in online in NepJol. Present issue of
the JNPS comprises of original research
articles contributed by our NPS members,
university faculties, researchers, and students
on contemporary issues in all the domain of
physics. The articles incorporated in this
journal are rigorously reviewed by the national
and international experts in their respective
fields. We, on behalf of the editorial board of
Nepal Physical Society, would like to thank
reviewers for their esteemed suggestions and
feedbacks to standardize the articles.
The Nepal Physics Olympiad
(NePhO) is an annual national
competition in physics for +2 and ALevel students. It involves individual
t h e o re t i c a l a n d e x p e r i m e n t a l
competitions in physics. The 10th
NePhO-2016 exam will be held at the
d i f f e re n t c e n t e r s ( B i r a t n a g a r,
Kathmandu, Birganj, Bharatpur,
Pokhara, Butwal and Mahendra
Nagar) organized by Nepal Physical
Society on Saturday, February 20,
2016 (Falgun 8, 2072).
NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
46th the International Physics Olympiad Participation
Nepal Physics Olympiad Committee (NePhO), a subcommittee of NPS, conducted national level preselection test exam for higher secondary school
Graduates for the participation in 46th International
Physics Olympiad on 5-12 July 2015 in Mumbai,
India. The test was held on 24th Magh 2071 (Feb. 07,
2015). It was conducted in Tri-Chandra Campus,
Ghantaghar, Biratnagar, Birgunj, Bharatpur,
Nepalgunj and Mahendranagar. About 400 students
appeared in the test. NePhO selected top 21 students
for further training. Those students were trained for
one week before a final test. After the final test, top
five students were selected as a Nepalese Physics
Champions for the participation of 46th IPhO 2015 in
Mumbai, India.
The Nepalese Champions are: Mr. Bibek Kumar
Pandit , Mr. Prabhat Devkota, Mr. Satish Wasti , Mr.
Aayush Kumar Shah, Mr. Ajoy Mishra. Team leaders
are Dr. Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi and Mr Bablu Kant
The Nepal IPhO team performed in competition very
well and Mr. Bibek Kumar Pandit, was awarded
Honorable Mention Title. We extend our hearty
congratulation to the winner. Furthermore, we would
like to thank Prof. Dr. Devendra R Mishra, Prof. Dr.
Sekhar Gurung, Prof. Dr. Sitaram Byaut, Prof. Dr.
Udaya R Khanal, Asso. Prof. Ishwar Koirala, Asso.
Prof. Dr. Narayan Adhikati, Asso.Prof. Dr. Raju
Khanal, Dr. Sanju Shrestha, and other teachers for
their supports for tutorial and training classes to the
IPhO team. We are also very grateful to Mr. Basant
Gautam, NPS life member, for his kind support to get
the financial assistant for the IPhO participants at
Mumbai, India
Nepalese team also participated on the 16thAsian
Physics Olympaid (APHO16) held on May 3-11 in
Hangzhou, China. A team of five members from
Nepal: Rajesh Sharma Poudel, Prashant Shrestha,
Bipin Lekhak, Bidhan Pandey and Biplov Adhikari
were participated and Bablu Kant Thakur was the
team leader in the event.
Talk Programs
•  Prof. Dr. Kedar Lal Shrestha, Former VC of NAST, delivered a talk on "Research on Physics: Past
and Present" on 9th June 2015 at Department of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus.
•  Prof. Dr. Lok Narayan Jha, former Head, CDP, T.U., gave a talk on “Teaching and Research in
Physics in Tribhuvan University” on 26th June 2015 at the Department of Physics, Patan Multiple
•  Dr. Amba Datt Pant, Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Japan delivered a talk on "Hydration effect on
electron transfer in cytochrome c protein monitored byµSR" on Sep.7, 2015 at the Department of
Physics, Patan Multiple Campus.
•  Mr. Krishna Raj Adhikari, PhD Scholar, IOE, Pokhara, gave the talk program in at the Department
of Physics, Patan Multiple Campus on “Influence of Work Function of Front Contact and Working
Temperature on Perovskite Based Solar Cells”.
A Colloquium on Particle Physics
A colloquium on “Voyage to the heart of matter & why Nepal should get on board” was organized at the CV
Raman Auditorium of Kathmandu University on January 7, 2016. The speakers in the program were Dr. Kate
Shaw from International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy and Dr. Suyog Shrestha, & Dr. Joerg
Stelzer from European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland. The program was attended by
faculty, staffs and students of School of Science and Engineering.
3 NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
Conference and Seminar
Seminar on Plasma Physics
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Nepal
A one-day seminar on plasma physics was organized on
27th of December 2015 to mark 10th year of the
establishment of Plasma Physics Laboratory at the
Department of Natural Sciences, School of Science,
Kathmandu University (KU), Dhulikhel. The main
objective of the program was to review the progress
made in teaching and research in plasma physics in the
past 10 years and set-up goals for the future.
The program was held at the CV Raman Auditorium Hall
at KU, Dhulikhel. Prof. Suresh Raj Sharma, Founder VC
of KU was the Chief Guest of the program. The opening
ceremony was chaired by Prof. Bhola Thapa, Registrar
of KU. Other distinguished persons present in the
program were: Prof. Sitaram Adhikari (Founder
Registrar, KU), Prof. Bhadraman Tuladhar (Founder
Member, KU) Prof. Mohan B. Gweali (Dean, School of
Science, KU), Mr. Mukunda Prasad Upadhyay (Chief
Administrative officer, KU), Prof. Sanjay Nath Khanal
(Controller of Examination, KU), Prof. Lok Narayan
Jha, Prof. Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi, and Prof. Homnath
Poudel from Tribhuvan University.
The Chief Guest and Chairman of the program jointly
launched the bulletin of Plasma Physics Laboratory. It
was followed by welcome speech by Prof. Deepak
Prasad Subedi, Associate Dean, School of
Science and also the organizer of the event.
Prof. L.N. Jha, briefly outlined the
development in teaching and research of the
subject in Nepal. Prof. Gewali highlighted the
qualities of a good teacher and importance in
inspiring young generation. Similarly, Prof.
Adhikari, Prof. Tuladhar, Chief Guest Prof.
Sharma, Prof. Thapa, and Prof. Khanal
delivered their speeches and presentations.
The second part of the program was devoted to
presentations of research work by research
scholars and students from various institutions
and was chaired by Prof. Lok Narayan Jha.
Altogether eleven papers, including two
posters, were presented covering various areas
of research.
The second part of the program was devoted to
presentations of research work by research
scholars and students from various institutions
and was chaired by Prof. Lok Narayan Jha.
Altogether eleven papers, including two
posters, were presented covering various areas
of research.
4 Group photo of the Guests and Par4cipants 4 NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
Congratulations !!!
•  NPS would like to express a wholeheartedly congratulation and extend best wishes to recently PhD
graduates in Physics, Dr. Nilam Shrestha and Dr. Khem Narayan Paudyal from TU in 2015.
•  HoD of CDP, Prof. Dr. Binil
Aryal is nominated as a SENATOR of TU ASSEMBLY, the highest
body of Tribhuvan University.
He is representing 13 central departments of IoST, TU. NPS
congratulates Prof. Aryal for this achievement. He is also the member of Academic Council of TU
and Faculty Board Standing Committee member of IoST, TU.
•  NPS Congratulate to Prof. Dr. Bhadra Pokharel, IOE, TU, as being elected as a President of IEEE.
Hearty congratulations to the following members of NPS who have been recently promoted to
the Professor and Associate Professor of Physics, Tribhuvan University.
Professors of Physics:
1.  Dr. Indra Bahadur Karki,
2.  Dr. Nilam Shrestha Pradhan
3.  Dr. Anant Panthi
4.  Dr. Narayan Prasad Adhikari
5.  Dr. Saroj Nepal
6.  Mr. Nawendra Kumar Nidhi
7.  Mr. Hom Nath Poudel
8.  Dr. Purna Bahadur Chanda
9.  Dr. Tika Bahadur Katuwal
10. Mr. Arun Kumar Shrestha
11. Mr. Manoranjan Kumar Dutta
12. Dr. Raju Khanal
13. Mr. Lekh Nath Subedi.
NPS would like to request all its
members to provide the physics
related articles,
outstanding achievement, recent
developments and activities to the
Editorial Board of NPS.
Associate Professors of Physics:
1.  Dr. Bhawani Dutta Joshi
2.  Dr. Birendra Lal Karna,
3.  Narayan Prasad Rijal
4.  Hare Ram Mishra
5.  Dilli Pd. Sapkota
6.  Janak Ratna Malla
7.  Radhakrishna Pandey
8.  Arjun Limbu
9.  Jhak Prasad Baral
10. Shiv Kumar Das
11. Bhesh Raj Adhikari
12. Prakash Man Shrestha
13. Umakant Kherel
14.  Dr. Gopi Chandra Kafle
15.  Bhanubhakta Sapkota
16.  Keshab Pd. Prasain
17.  Yamun Pd. Yadab
18.  Beni Madhav Dhungana
19.  Khimananda Neupane
20.  Shiv Narayan Yadab
21.  Lakchhe Bahadur K.C.
22.  Rabindra Singh Mahat
23.  Dilip Kumar Jalan
24.  Dharma Bandhu Poudel
25.  Ram Hit Yadab.
• Useful websites for physicists : h8p://­‐-­‐-­‐calendar.aspx SSPSSR Quants PhD Scholarship at University of Kent in UK.
www. csc. ed u . cn /l ai h u a ( C h i n e s e Government PhD Scholarship programs) h8p:// h8p:// h8p:// h8p:// (American Physical Society) 5
NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
Talk Programs, Scientific Visits and Research Activities
•  Prof. Dr. Raju Khanal Participated in the
“Regional Train-the-Trainers Course on
Transportation Safety and Compliance
Assurance Regime of Radioactive Material” held
in Quezon City, Philippines during 20 to 28 July
2015. Dr Khanal Attended the “IEEE EDS
Governance Meeting” in Singapore during 30
May to 1 June 2015. Presented the activity report
of EDS Nepal Chapter
•  Prof. Dr. Narayan Adhikari participated and
presented a paper entitled "Adsorption of
molecular hydrogen/s on Pd/Pt decorated
graphene: a first-principles method of
calculations" in the APS March Meeting, 2-6,
March 2016 in San Antonio, TX. Prof. Adhikari
also participated and presented a paper entitled
"Electronic structure of MoS2/Graphene
heterostructures " in the 2nd Bose Conference,
during 3-4 December, Dhaka. In addition, He
also participated and presented a paper entitled
"Graphene: an alternative source to store
hydrogen" in the conference Functional materials
today andtomorrow in Calcutta, India during Oct
28-31, 2016.
•  Prof. Dr. Deepak Prasad Subedi, Professor of
Physics at the Department of Natural Sciences,
School of Science, Kathmandu University
participated in the "Regional Workshop in Optics
and Photonics (ALOP)" organized National
Centre for Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University
(QAU), Islamabad, during December 07-11,
2015 as a resource person.
•  Dr. Khem N Poudyal, NPS Editorial member,
and Assoc. Prof. Manoj Kumar Thapa
participated 5th International Science Congress
which was organized by International Science
Congress Association (ISCA) under the auspices
of Nepal Chemical Society (NCS) and Central
D e p a r t m e n t o f C h e m i s t r y, Tr i b h u v a n
University(T.U.) jointly on 8th and 9th December
2015 at Central Campus, Trbhuvan University,
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
• Dr. Narayan P. Chapagain, Editor of NPS,
visited to Utah State University (USU) and Utah
Valley University (UVU), UT, USA (October
2014-February 2015) for his collaborative
research projects. Dr. Chapagain delivered a talk
on “Electrodynamics of low-latitude Ionosphere”
at Utah Valley University, UT, USA, on January
23, 2015. In addition, Dr. Chapagain presented
talks on “Space Weather at Low-Latitudes and
Possibility of its Forecasting” on International
School/Workshop on Recent Trends in Space
Science & Technology, Kirtipur, Kathmandu,
Nepal, 16-22 June 2015.
• Dr. Madhav Prasad Ghimire, succeeded in
receiving the prestigious Alexander
von Humboldt Research Fellowship in Germany
(2015-2017) for his research proposal entitled
"Theoretical Investigations on Magnetic Doping
of Weak Topological Insulators”.
• Dr. Bhawani Datt Joshi, Associate professor,
Siddhanath Sc. Campus Working in "Study of
polymorphism of drugs in the solid state using
vibrational spectroscopy and quantum chemical
methods" at University of Ceara, Fortaleza,
Brazil under CNPq-TWAS post doctoral
fellowship 2014.
• Mr. Swapan Kumar Chakrabarti, a senior
faculty member of the Department of Physics,
MMAM Campus (T.U.), Biratnagar and a Life
Member of NPS, participated in the 8th
International Congress on Industrial and Applied
Mathematics held at Beijing, August 10 -14,
2015. ICIAM is organized under the aegis of the
International Council for Industrial and Applied
• In connection with the celebration of SAARC
Charter Day the SAARC university (South Asian
University) organized an International
Conference on mathematics at New Delhi
(India), December 8-12, 2015. Eight candidates
along with Mr Chakrabarti participated from
6 NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
Talk Programs, Scientific Visits and Research Activities
•  International Conference on Recent Trends on Space Science & Technology Kirtipur, Kathmandu on
16-22 June, 2015, was Jointly Organized by B.P. Koirala Memorial Planetarium, Observatory and Science
Museum Development Board, Ministry of Science, Technology & Environment, Government of Nepal,
and Institute of Science & Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
B.Sc. IV year (Physics) lab orientation program is held in Bharatpur Multiple Program, Bharatpur during
9-14 Magh 2072. This program is inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor of TU, Prof. Dr. Tirtha Raj Khaniya.
There were 70 physics faculties as participants from 28 colleges all around the nation. Six resource
persons, lead by Prof. Dr. Binil Aryal, conducted the 24 experiments of B.Sc. fourth year. This program
was organized and coordinated by the IoST, TU and CDP, TU.
•  A full day (09:00-17:00) master class on 'Experimental Particle Physics' was organized at CDP on 9 Jan
2016. The resource people were Dr. Kate Shaw (ICTP, Italy), Dr. Joerg Stelzer (CERN, Geneva) and Dr.
Suyog Shrestha (Ohio State University, USA). They conducted hands-on session on ATLAS data analysis.
Fifty students and 10 faculties of CDP participated the program
Nepal Physical Society suffered this year from a tragedy: the loss of life of the late Prof. Surdharsan Rishal,
Life Member of NPS. He died at the age of 78 on Aswin 20, 2072. Prof. Rishal was Founder Member and Vice
President of Nepal Physical Society. He was one of the most respected and popular teacher, an excellent
administrator in Nepal. Prof. Rishal did his M.Sc. in Physics in 2016 and then joined at Tri-Chandra College as
a Lecturer in Physics. He continued his service as an Professor in Physics from Amrit Science College. Prof.
Rishal served as a deputy registrar in Tribhuvan University (2029-2036) and also as a Registrar of Tribhuvan
University (2048-2051). He was honoured by several awards such as a senior scientist from NAST and
Fanindra Lohani Award from Nepal Physical Society.
NPS and Amrit Science Campus jointly organized
condolence program in the name of Late Prof. Rishal at
Amrit Science Campus, Lainchaur on Aswin 24, 2072.
Senior professors, faculties, NPS members, campus
chief, students and non--‐teaching staffs were attended
the program. The society expressed condolence to the
family and closet friends on sudden death of Prof.
Rishal, and heartily pray that his soul finds peace. His
close friends and colleagues highlighted the late Prof.
Rishal’s biography, his contribution to the university,
physics community and the whole nation.
The Society also suffered from the loss of lives of two NPS members, Maheshwor Khanal, a faculty in Physics
from Kathmandu Bernhardt College, Balkhu, and Rajendra Joshi, a faculty in Physics from Kasthamandap
College, caused by earthquake on Baishakh 12, 2072. NPS organized condolence and expressed our deep
sorrow on sudden demise and heartily prayed that their soul finds peace. We also expressed our heartfelt
condolence to all the victims who died in the disaster earthquake and we prayed to god that their departed soul
7 would take rest in heaven.
NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
List of Winners of Prof. Phanindra
Prasad Lohani Award – 2045:
1. Prof. Uma Prasad Shrestha (2047)
2. Prof. Dr. Shankar Prasad Pradhan (2049)
3. Dr. Narayan Hari Joshi (2054)
4. Prof. Dr. Chaytannya Bd. Shrestha (2056)
5. Prof. Ram Dev Manandhar (2058)
6. Prof. Kedar Lal Shrestha (2060)
7. Prof. Sudarsan Risal (2062)
8. Bed Keshav Shrestha (2064)
9. Dr. Bishnu Man Shrestha (2066)
10. Mrs. Durga Devi Basnyat (2068)
11. Prof. Nirmal Prasad Shrestha (2070)
12. Prof. Uttam Lal Pradhan (2072)
List of Winner Prof. Dr. Kedarnath
Khanal Memorial Physical Science
1.  Mr. Giri Raj Joshi (2061)
2.  Mr. Bikas Sharma (2062
3.  Mr. Subas Chandra Nepal (2063)
4.  Mr. Machchhindra Koirala (2064)
5.  Mr. Kamal Dhungana (2065)
6.  Mr. Keshav Shrestha (2066)
7.  Mr. Yubaraj Malakar (2067)
8.  Mr. Sandip Aryal (BS 2068)
9.  Mr. Anil Adhikari (2069)
10.  Mr. Dipak Bahadur Karki (2070)
11.  Mr. Gautam Gurung (2071)
12.  Mr. Sabin Regmi (2072)
Western NPS Chapter Activities
•  The Himalayan physics, 5th volume has been published. It a joint effort from Department of Physics Prithvi
Narayan campus Pokhara in association with Nepal Physical Society Western Chapter. It is an annual
•  A fund has been established by Mr Pabitra Mani Poudyal, a retired HoD and Associate Professor. PN Campus
Pokhara on the memory of his late wife Gauri Poudyal. It worth Rs one lakh fifteen thousands. The prize will be
awarded annually to one student and a physics teacher within western development region. The fund has been
collected on the initiation of NPS Western Chapter and Physics Department of PN Campus, Pokhara.
•  A survey was conducted to estimate the indoor radon
concentration (222Rn) at five different districts of
Nepal over a period of three months using time
integrated passive detectors; CR-39 based on type
two Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD)
technique. An article entitled “Indoor Radon Survey
In Nepal Using Passive Technique Solid State
Nuclear Track Detector has been published by Shah
Buddha R, Thapa Dinesh, Mulmi Dipendra D
(NAST) and Dahal Kul P (PN Campus) in an
international journal of Clinical and Biomedical
Research (ISSN 2395 -0471), 2015;1(4), 7 -13.
•  A picnic program organized by NPS Western Chapter
and Department of Physics on Paush 11, 2072.
NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald won 2015 Physics Nobel Prize Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics to the two
experimenters, Takaaki Kajita of Tokyo University, and Arthur McDonald of Queen’s University in
Kingston, Ontario for their discovery that neutrinos oscillate in flavor. After photons, neutrinos are
the most abundant particle in the universe. Their ubiquity, however, comes with an infinitesimal
propensity to react with matter. Every second, trillions of neutrinos—some created in the Big
Bang, some spewing from distant supernovas, some emanating from inside the Sun—stream
through our bodies without our noticing.
Detecting neutrinos is hard. Measuring their mass and some other properties is harder still. Kajita's
and McDonald's teams designed, built, and ran huge experiments that sought to determine one of
the most important neutrino properties of all: whether the particle oscillates among its three flavors
—electron, muon, and tau.
Kajita was team leader at the Super-Kamiokande neutrino observatory at Hida Japan. McDonald
directed the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, near Toronto, Canada.
The affirmative and conclusive confirmations from the two facilities, obtained almost two decades
ago, constituted proof that at least one neutrino eigentstate is endowed with mass. That finding has
profound implications for physics. It requires that the standard model of particle physics, which
had originally presumed neutrinos to be massless, be extended.
The finding also suggests that the solution to one of the biggest outstanding problems in physics—
the preponderance of matter over antimatter—might be found in the nature and behavior of
•  The story of neutrino oscillations involves not just particle physics, but also nuclear physics and
astrophysics. Wolfgang Pauli proposed the existence of a new neutral particle in 1930 to preserve
the conservation of energy, momentum, and spin in beta decay. Whatever it was, the hypotheical
particle—dubbed the neutrino by Enrico Fermi—was evidently light, fast, and feebly reactive.
9 NPS Newsletter
Vol. 34
No. 1
January 2016
Nepal Physical Society
Executive Board (2070-2072)
Prof. Dr. Jeevan Jyoti Nakarmi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Narayan P. Chapagain
Immediate Past President: Prof.
Dr. Shekhar Gurung
Executive Members:
Asst. Prof. Drabindra Pandit
Vice-Precident :
Assoc. Prof. Kul P. Dahal
Asst. Prof. Indra B Bhandari
Secretary :
Prof. Dr. Indra B. Kakri
Joint Secretary:
Asst. Prof. Bablu Kant Thakur
Prof. Dr. Nilam Shrestha
Asst. Prof. Jhulan Powdel
Asst. Prof. Kishor Gyawali
Editorial Boar Members:
Assoc. Prof. Khem Poudyal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hari P. Lamichhane
Contact Address:
Nepal Physical Society
P. O. Box 2934 Tri-Chandra College Ghantaghar,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Acknowledgement: NPS is extremely grateful to Ministry of Science and Technology,
Shinhadarabar, Kathmandu, for providing travel grants to participate 46th IPhO, 2015, in
Mumbai, India.