
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Practical Supply Sources For Business Start-Ups
And Established Entrepreneurs
Products For
Written By:
Consolidated Merchandise
Copyright © 2005
All rights are reserved.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Table Of Contents
Acknowledgements……………………………………………Page 4
Reporting Fraud………………………………………………..Page 5
Spotting Fake Merchandise…………………………………..Page 13
Legal Stuff And Disclaimers………………………………….Page 14
A Word About Auctions……………………………………….Page 15
A Warning About Surplus And Salvage Dealers…………...Page 19
What You Need To Know About Surplus Dealers……...….Page 22
A Few Words About Wholesalers And Resellers…………..Page 27
Getting Your Resale Certificate………………………………Page 28
Auctions Clothing………………………………………………Page 29
Auctions Computers…………………………………………...Page 30
Auctions Electronics…………………………………………...Page 32
Auctions General Merchandise……………………………….Page 33
Auctions Government………………………………………….Page 37
Business Resources…………………………………………...Page 39
General Merchandise Surplus Dealers & Direct Sources….Page 49
Electronics Surplus…………………………………………….Page 57
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Consumer Electronics Wholesale……………………………Page 59
Clothing Wholesale…………………………………………….Page 83
Computers Wholesale…………………………………………Page 111
DVDs Wholesale……………………………………………….Page 126
Fragrances Wholesale………………………………………...Page 142
General Merchandise Wholesale…………………………….Page 148
Import-Export Resources……………………………………..Page 168
Jewelry Wholesale……………………………………………..Page 176
Search Terms…………………………………………………..Page 198
Software Wholesale……………………………………………Page 201
Tools & Building Supplies Wholesale………………………..Page 206
Video Game Wholesalers……………………………………..Page 220
Watches Wholesale…………………………………………….Page 227
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Page 4
I would like to thank Phyllis from the Buffalo Bargain Store for her due diligence,
and editing skills which has made this version of the Ultimate Guide possible.
Extended thanks goes out to James Mann, my web designer who has put up with some
of my crazy ideas, and my impatience.
He has gone above and beyond the call of duty, and has helped me more than I
probably deserve. You can find his services and FREE Seven Day E-Course here….
I would also like to thank all those who have purchased the guide, and profited from it.
Additional praise goes out to the people who have suggested wholesale and surplus
companies that I could add to my guide. I thank you all..
Robert C. Potter
The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Reporting Fraud Page 5
And thanks for purchasing “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale”. This is
the last resource that you will ever need for Surplus, Salvage, Wholesale, OffPrice Apparel, and Computer Resellers.
However you sell your product, there is a supplier that will fit your needs…
Accept for some of the information contained within the “Business Resources”
section of this guide, all of the business listings are in a “click & go” format.
This information is accessible through hyperlinks only. It is up to you whether or
not you want to pick up the phone, write a letter, or send a fax for information that
may not be present within their respective websites.
The listings contained in the “Ultimate Guide” are as up to date as possible. If you
find a dead link or outdated contact information, please e-mail me at my Website and let me know where you found them.
I cannot vouch for each and every listing in this guide…
To say that every company will provide you with a stable and honest business
experience is impossible to predict. Even companies that have “stellar” reputations
will sometimes render bad service.
Make sure that you “read & heed” all of the warnings and stipulations that are
presented in this guide. If you are interested in Surplus & Salvage merchandise,
please make sure you read “A Warning About Surplus & Salvage Dealers,” before
you buy any salvage products.
If you would like to do a background check on a company of interest, or feel that
you have been a victim of fraud, the resources listed below will help you find the
appropriate agency in which you can file a complaint, or perform your “due
diligence” before you purchase from any of the listed companies.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Agency Name: Better Business Bureau
Web Address:
Description: If the company you want to investigate is a member of the BBB, they
should have complaints on file. While the BBB is a first step in the exploration of a
business, they do not have much “teeth” in terms of bringing action against a particular
This may seem obvious, but make sure that you specifically ask if there are any
complaints against the business in question. Sometimes, if you “don’t ask, they won’t
tell”! In addition, just because a company has a clean record with the BBB, does
not mean that they are a good company to deal with.
Agency Name: United States Postal Inspectors
Web Address And Complaint Form Link
Description: All companies have to communicate. Most will have telephones,
mailing addresses, P.O. Boxes, and e-mail addresses. Mail and wire fraud is the bread
& butter of Postal Inspectors. This link will take you to the online form where you can
register a complaint about a company if they have ripped you off, or committed fraud.
Also, contact your local Post-Master to see what course of action could be taken if the
company is within your area. Local Post-Masters should be able to tell you if the
company you are dealing with has any complaints against them.
Agency Resources:
Web Address:
Description: A forum that includes important information, announcements,
and others who are fighting back against scams. Topics include, but not limited to:
counterfeit cashier's check scams, ATM scams, dating scams, postal order – money
order scams, dinner party scams, fake bank – escrow scams, romance scams, identity
theft, and much more.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Agency Name: Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC)
Web Address:
Description: An agency that is partnered with the FBI. Their mission is to
address fraud that occurs over the Internet. They also work with the IRS and Postal
Agency Name: Eaton County List Of Worldwide Prosecutors
Web Address:
Description: Importing and Exporting takes a lot of experience and an
understanding of foreign business practices. I would not suggest that anyone deal
in overseas trade without such experience. Court systems outside the United States
can move in a slow and unorthodox manner.
It is hard to get your money back from most overseas concerns. However, if you are
a victim of overseas fraud, you can find the prosecutor for just about any city or
country around the world by going to Eaton County’s list of prosecutors from around
the world.
Agency Name: FTC Consumer Protection
Web Address:
Description: This site provides information about certain scams and rip-offs that
are taking place within the consumer marketplace. If you need to file a complaint
about any company that has dealt you a bad hand, you can do so at the Federal
Trade Commission Consumer Protection website.
Agency Name: Gieschen Consultancy
Description: This site measures counterfeit activity throughout the world. You
can find out if a company you want to deal with is in engaged in product
counterfeiting. Review their counterfeit research, daily/monthly counterfeit reports,
and press releases, all available for free on the home page.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Forum Website: Address:
Description: It is the only forum that I know of that literally gives you “The
Good, The Bad, And The Ugly”, of the Surplus and Salvage industry. It is
FREE to join.
It use to be “” but it is now “Wholesale University.” See their
“Register” link at the top of the homepage. Please become involved with the
forum before you buy and Surplus or Salvage products.
Agency Name: National Internet Fraud Watch
Web Address:
Description: Web site for Internet marketing fraud. You can file a complaint,
get information about Telemarketing Fraud, Fraud Against the Elderly, Scams
Against Businesses, etc.
Agency Name: Attorney General’s Offices Nationwide
Web Address:
Description: If you cannot find the Consumer Protection Agency within your
state, you can contact the AGO’s office. lists every office in all
fifty states.
Agency Name: Secret Service Financial Crimes Division
Web Address:
Description: Well, it’s the Secret Service! Need I say more? Go to their website
for further information about the types of financial crimes they investigate.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Safety Guide: Legal Consumer Guide
Description: The Legal Consumer Guide has the same basic
information as the Consumer Protection Agency.
There is a consumer safety guide, links to banking authorities, state
insurance regulators, local consumer protection offices, trade
organizations and state security administrators.
Agency Report: The Rip-Off Report
Web Address:
Description: This site deals with all types of rip-offs, plus provides a
public complaint forum. You can enter a company name into their search
engine to see if anyone has posted negative comments.
Consumer Agency: Consumer Sentinel
Web Address:
Description: Get the facts on consumer frauds from Internet cons,
prize promotions, work-at-home schemes, and telemarketing
Background Checks:
Web Address:
Description: Only 25.00 dollars per year for unlimited searches. Their
database offers Drivers License Check, Civil Court, Professional
Background information, and much more.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Court Resources:
Web Address:
Description: Learn about when you should take someone to small claims
court. If you are clueless on how to use small claims to get your money back,
then this site will help.
Law Enforcement:
Web Address:
Description: Find just about any law enforcement agency in your state,
from sheriff's department to drug task forces.
Legal Resources: Find
Web Address:
Description: You will find just about any lawyer, for just about any type of
case or class action lawsuit.
Background Checks:
Web Address:
Description: You can search a single record for 7.95. Business background
checks are 24.95. Great information at a cheap price.
Surplus Products Forum:
Description: A forum, listing good and bad surplus dealers. Basically the
same as, but a smaller, less commercialized forum.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Web Address:
Description: Schemes, Scams, Frauds. Explains how Con artists
steal your savings and inheritance, through telemarketing fraud,
investment schemes and consumer scams.
Web Address:
Description: The Netcheck Commerce Bureau was established in
1995 to promote ethical business practices worldwide and to increase
consumer and corporate confidence in purchasing products and
services on-line on the Internet.
Background Checks:
Web Address:
Description: Case Breakers provides access to public records, that
allows you to perform detailed background checks for business or
personal use.
Background Checks:
Web Address:
Description: Get INSTANT results on background checks and
criminal records searches for a fraction of the cost of traditional record
checks! Since 1997, Rapsheets has provided millions of criminal record
searches for business and individual users. We also build custom
criminal records databases based on corporate needs.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Scam Forum:
Web Address:
Description: Just about every scam on the planet is talked about in this
forum. Contest Scams, Corporate Scams, Government Scams, Hotel Scams,
Internet Scams, Insurance Scams, Investment Scams, Lottery Scams, Mail
Order Scams, MLM-Pyramid Scams, Religious Scams, Retail Scams, Used
Car Scams, Work At Home Scams, and Product Reviews.
Internet Fraud: United States Department Of Justice
Web Address:
Description: The Department Of Justice explains the different types of
Internet Fraud.
Web Scams:
Web Address:
Description: Top 20 Internet and email scams to watch out for. Find out
how to protect your self from Phishing scams, Internet fraud and Nigerian
email scams.
Consumer Feedback:
Web Address:
Description: Feedback made simple. Read, Rate, and Write complaint
letters about the nation’s leading companies. They include letters about larg
corporate concerns such as: Cingular Wireless, Wal-Mart, AT&T Wireless,
Sprint PCS, Tracfone Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Burger King, Capital One
Financial, Dell Computer Corp., McDonald's, Wendy's, Sears, T-Mobile,
America Online, Best Buy, Home Depot Inc., Bank of America, KFC and
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Spotting Fakes Page 13
Fake Diesel Jeans:
Web Address:
Description: This Fake Diesel jeans page shows how to distinguish between an
authentic pair of jeans and a fake pair.
Fakes Forum:
Web Address:
Description: A forum that is dedicated to the buying, selling, and identifying real
designer jeans from fake and knockoff merchandise.
Fake Jewelry: FTC Article About How To buy Jewelry
Web Address:
Description: Buying jewelry can be fun, exciting and confusing. Whether you're
considering a gift of jewelry for someone special or as a treat for yourself, take
some time to learn the terms used in the industry. Here's some information to help
you get the best quality jewelry for your money, whether you're shopping in a
traditional brick and mortar store by catalog or online.
Fake Handbags:
Web Address:
Description: Just how do you tell a fake Louis Vuitton or Gucci bag from the real
deal? Find out how to take home the genuine article every time with this
indispensable guide to spotting the fakes. When you land on the homepage of, click the “Fashions” tab at the top of the website. In the search
window, type in “spotting fakes.” It will take you to an article entitled: “Faking It: How
To Spot A Fake” By: Alice Temple.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Legal Stuff And Disclaimer Page 14
No portion of this guide, in whole, or in part, shall be photo copied, electronically, or
mechanically reproduced, or altered in anyway without permission from:
Robert C. Potter author of the Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale.
Web Address:
The “Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale” is for educational and informational purposes
only. We make no guarantees, either expressed, or implied, as to the validity of any third
party listings. It is up to the individual to understand the business practices of any of the
company listings presented in “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale.”
Robert C. Potter, “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale”, it’s company, website,
marketing material, or webmaster, will not be held personally or financially liable for claims
or misrepresentations made by any first, second, or third party companies or listings.
Any comments or recommendations, favorable, or unfavorable, are purely at the
discretion of the author. The author, Robert C. Potter, will not be held personally or
financially liable for any purchasing transactions an individual engages in as a result
of favorable recommendations. Please consult a personal business professional
before you purchase any resale, wholesale, surplus, or closeout products.
Robert C. Potter, its webmaster, promotional advertising, or company officers, make no
statements of income. Individual results will vary. Robert C. Potter, his company, website,
or webmaster, will not be held personally or financially liable for any individual who
experiences fraud, misrepresentation of merchandise, or the lose of income as a result of
purchasing products or services listed in “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale.”
Robert C. Potter will not be held personally or financially liable for errors, omissions,
inaccuracies, clerical mistakes, dead or broken uniform resource locators (URL’s), or
computer viruses contained within “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale,” ebook,
Adobe Acrobat PDF format. We are not responsible for any hardware or software failures
that may result from downloading or using the “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale”
on your computer.
By reading or using the information contained in “The Ultimate Guide To Products For
Resale” you abide by and accept the terms and conditions set forth within the legal stuff &
disclaimer portion of “The Ultimate Guide To Products For Resale”. Any similarity to
people, companies, entities, living, or dead, is purely coincidental.
All rights are reserved. Copyright © 2005
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
A Word About Auctions Page 15
Auctions should not be overlooked as a resource to find products for resale.
Purchasing wholesale and surplus property lots can be the start of a successful
business. But, some words of caution apply.
Besides the usual Government Auctions, there are other bidding venues listed in
this guide that will allow you purchase a variety of products. Some online auctions
are also unique for their potential to attract fraudulent sellers…
With some auctions you are at a disadvantage from the standpoint that you cannot
physically inspect the items until you “bid &buy”.
The door is wide open for individuals and companies to misrepresent the quality
and the quantity of the product.
Unless you are there to physically inspect the merchandise, you are basically
purchasing your potential resale product “site unseen.”
This might not apply to Ebay and other auctions that provide feedback ratings.
However, if you are going to purchase any merchandise from a State, Federal, or
local Government Auction, your presence is definitely required.
In addition to the above revelations, I would like to share with you some other
“points to ponder” when you attend any Government or wholesale auction.
Wholesale & Retail Liquidation Auctions
These auctions cover the gamut in terms of product variety, quality, quantity, and
price structure. You can find wholesale lots of just about anything on Ebay.
While Ebay has feedback ratings that will give you some reasonable assurance (no
guarantee of course) of what a seller is like, other wholesale lot auctions do not.
If you plan on bidding on wholesale lots that do not provide a feedback rating, then I
would suggest that you start out with small lots first.
Don’t jump into buying multiple pallets, or truckloads of resale merchandise unless
you are there to, once again, inspect the merchandise…
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
I would suggest that you do the following before you “bid & buy” from any
wholesale lot auction that you cannot physically inspect. Read the help section (if
there is one) and find out all the terms and conditions.
Read the fine print carefully.
The Devil is always in the details. Be aware of all fees that are involved with
buying and selling wholesale lots. Make sure that you write down the total weight
of the item after you “bid & buy.”
Some wholesale lot auctions tend to overcharge for shipping, and you want to
make sure that you are not gouged on the price. Make sure that you call the
company who shipped your merchandise to make sure that your weights match.
Also, never spend more than you can afford to loose…
Find out what kind of buyer protection an auction house will provide. What will
happen should you get bad product, or encounter a seller who does not deliver?
Will they go after that seller on your behalf?
What type of buyer protection do they offer, if at all? Where it applies, use
a credit card or Escrow service. Make sure any service that you use (Credit Card,
PayPal, Escrow Service) provides buyer protection. Ask the seller or auction
house when they intend to ship the product. Also, ask for a shipping or tracking
Government Auctions
“Secret Government Auctions”, “Buy A Jeep for A 100 Dollars”, “Man Buys Yacht
At Government Auction For Fifty Dollars”.
Ok, I maybe paraphrasing here a bit, but you get the idea. You may have seen
these advertising headlines in the classified section of some select newspapers
and magazines. They have been around for sometime now, and the sales pitch is
still working.
It just goes to show you that people will believe the hype before they will
investigate the truth. If you think that you are going to buy large ticket items like
cars, boats, and houses for “pennies” on the dollar then just stay home!
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
The reality is that auctions, Federal, or State, in some cases, will not start out with
low bid prices. Most will have a minimum. Government officials are no fools.
They want to make as much as the market can bare. The best price you can hope
to pay for any large ticket item such as a car, motorcycle, jewelry, or plane is about
50% of the retail price.
Also, the competition for goods can be pretty steep. There are some people who
make their living from attending Government auctions.
You also have to have a lot of cash on hand. There is a certain timetable for both
payment and shipping.
If you don’t have the cash or the transportation within 24 to 48 hours, you loose the
bid. The item then goes back up on the auction block.
Police/Sheriff Auctions
About two years ago I was in the market for a vehicle. Going through the usual
channels of car shopping, I figured that I would check out some Police and Sheriff’s
auctions to see if I could find any bargains.
I found a Sheriff’s auction that was selling a two-year-old vehicle with 20,000 miles.
The first bid was 1000 dollars….Wow!
Well, needless to say I was excited. I looked at some of the closing prices for past
auctions, and noticed that most of the vehicles were going for about a third of the
Blue Book value.
I thought that I had found the “Golden Goose” of used car sales!
Then I read a small paragraph on the website that caught my eye. It basically said:
“Sold As Is, With, Or Without Liens.”
I completely forgot about the possibility there could be loans outstanding on the
vehicle. So, I called the office and asked if there was a “lien” on my newfound prize!
They told me yes, and let me know what the “VIN” number was (Vehicle
Identification Number).
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
I then went to my local Department of Motor Vehicles and they looked up the VIN for
me. They let me know what financial institution was holding the title.
When I got a hold of the loan department, the gentlemen on the other end of the
telephone told me that 8000.00 was owed on the vehicle, and if I won the car, he
would be there to collect!
While breathing a sigh of relief, and realizing that I just dodged a “financial bullet,”
I came to understand the truth about my potential bargain. When certain law
enforcement agencies confiscate a vehicle, it does not mean that the debt is
“arrested” as well.
People that commit crimes can have car loans, and when they are seized, whoever is
holding the title, or note, needs to be paid. While there was a warning about liens on
the website, it did not get into details, nor did it specify that the loan officer would be
waiting for me ready to collect the 8000 dollar debt.
Let me say that this does not apply to all auctions…
But, I would inquire with any State, Local, or Federal auction about whether or not you
are responsible for liens or outstanding debts on vehicles and real estate. You can
avoid financial headaches by making a few simple phone calls to the respective
State Surplus Property Auctions
You can find some bargains at your State Surplus Property auctions. Chairs, desks,
Computer and general office equipment are usually the better buy. What you have to
keep in mind is that most auction items offered by the state are usually items that no
one wants. Other state agencies and non-profits get first “crack” at any desirable
The leftover merchandise is then sold or auctioned off to the general public,
via the State Surplus Property Department. I have been to a few State Surplus
Auctions that deal in office equipment and computer items. If you are a computer
technician, or recycler, you might hit pay dirt here.
Most of the equipment is either broken beyond repair, or so badly outdated
that it can’t be used in the current technological environment. Furniture can be
a good bargain. However, every state can differ in the quality aspect of their
merchandise and should not be overlooked as a source of supply.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
A Warning About Surplus & Salvage Dealers Page 19
While there are some bargains to be had in the Surplus, Salvage, & Liquidation
industry, a word of warning and some general guidelines must be heeded before you
purchase product from any Surplus dealer, or company.
For the uninitiated, I will give you a basic overview of what dealers and brokers do.
Surplus dealers, and brokers, are any individual or company who buys surplus,
overstock, shelf-pulled, reclaimed, customer returned, dead stock, factory
cancellations, closeout, or salvage product merchandise.
They then resell those products to individuals and businesses. S&S dealers
purchase these products from manufacturers, retailers, distributors, reclamation
centers, and just about any business that has secondary, slow moving, outdated, or
salvage merchandise for sale.
S&S dealers carry various product lines in differing stages of quality. The problem
with some S&S dealers is that far to often they misrepresent the quality and the value
of the merchandise they are selling.
You can avoid “purchasing pitfalls” if you follow some simple rules when dealing with
those involved in the business. For instance, I would suggest that before anyone
starts purchasing surplus product that they first joining two industry forums:
Wholesale University
Both are FREE to join. All you have to do is register! They are the only forums I
know of that are the “ombudsman” of the Surplus & Salvage industry.
You can find out about most companies in the S&S business, and whether
or not they have good reputations. It will save you time and money to become a
member of both forums.
At the very least, it will provide you with good insight into the Surplus and Salvage
Industry. Besides joining the above-mentioned forums, some other suggestions and
warnings should be taken into consideration as well. Please scroll down to the
next page (Page 20) and read the following guidelines. Do not overlook it!
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
If this is your first time buying surplus merchandise, then I would only suggest
that your first buying transaction be from companies who sell by they case or
You never want to start out buying a more than that if you are new to the Surplus
& Salvage business. Do not buy truckloads of any product site unseen (more on
that subject later).
A good S&S dealer will take his time cultivating a new customer, and will work
with that person anyway he can. When it’s possible, ask for, and pay for
Also, a good S&S dealer will represent the product he is selling in an honest and
forthright manner. You should be assured that the merchandise that reaches
your door is exactly as advertised.
While some S&S dealers are notorious for deceptive practices, brokers who
represent S&S dealers, and companies, can be just as fraudulent.
For example, suppose you were a business owner and you needed “The
Amazing Universal Widget” for your retail store, flea market, or online auction.
It’s a hot selling item and the surplus broker mentions that he knows where he
can get the product within five days, brand new overstock, and retail ready.
You’re excited about cashing in on the momentum that “The Amazing Universal
Widget” has produced for your competition.
What’s even more intriguing is the price. The broker tells you that it’s a dollar per
piece for 1000 pieces.
You know that you can sell them for at least 15.00 dollars, affording you a
handsome profit. You agree to a delivery date and pay the broker your money.
You can’t wait till the product arrives, and the sound of the cash register making
that “Ka-Ching” sound is extremely intoxicating.
The day arrives and the “Deal Of The Century” has just landed at your door. You
eagerly rip through the boxes.
Your excitement suddenly turns to disgust, when you find nothing but damaged
or broken merchandise.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
After a quick inventory of the 1000 widgets you received, you find that only 10% (100
widgets) are worth selling. The other 90% are ready for the garbage. Instead of
making a 14,000 profit you are now looking at only 1500.00!
After taxes, shipping expenses, and overhead, your 1500.00 profit is now about
1000.00! At best, you have broken even. At worse, you might even loose money.
What your broker didn’t tell you is that…..
A). He doesn’t work with the company directly, or has a “loose”
relationship with the businesses he sells for.
B). He is only repeating to you, what was told to him, about a
particular product.
C). He has never seen the product, and never physically inspected it
prior to shipment.
D). What the broker didn’t know was that the “good deal” he was
passing along to you, was just some companies salvage, or
broken customer returns.
It is amazing to me how some people loose all of their reasoning skills when an
S&S dealer, or broker tells a prospective buyer that they can sell them current, in
demand, brand name products at flea market prices. Equally amazing is the fact that
some people will hand over thousands of dollars just on the promise of such goods.
If you think that you will get a Gucci Handbag, a Sony Laptop, or any product that is
in the current retail product stream for 50 dollars per item, well, I have a bridge in
Brooklyn I can sell you! Any dealer or broker who had access to such deals would
not be selling them to potential S&S customers.
He would be selling them in volume through different marketing channels, not to
Ebay sellers and online retail stores. Don’t get me wrong, you can get some
designer items and computer merchandise for lower than retail prices. But, rarely, if
ever, will you pay below wholesale or liquidation prices for the “latest and greatest”
fashion or technology.
Also, there are some items that will never be available via the wholesale and surplus
supply chain. Some companies have very tight distribution channels, and will destroy
their product before they let it out to he secondary market.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
In summary, I would like to submit to you a list of rules that you must heed
before you purchase any surplus or salvage merchandise. Please make sure
you read this section before you buy anything surplus or salvage!
What You Need To Know About Surplus Products And Dealers!
Salvage is just a fancy name for junk. You can get “junk” in all product categories,
but those with high resale value such as electronics, and computer hardware seem
to make up a good portion of “junk” products being sold to unsuspecting buyers.
Unless you are an electronics technician, or small appliance repairman, stay away
from “salvage electronics”. Whether you are buying a pallet, or a case, always ask
about the condition of the items you are purchasing.
Are they first quality? Second quality? Irregulars? Is it overstock, liquidated, reclaimed,
shelf pulled, or salvage goods?
Stay away from customer returns if possible. Depending on the product, and unless
you physically inspect the items that you are going to purchase, some customer
returns can be as bad as salvage goods.
You want to purchase first quality overstock, overrun, closeout, and liquidated
If it is clothing, what is the condition of the items? Ripped, stained, without buttons?
Are they bundled, baled, retail ready, pre-packed in plastic? If you are buying a mixed
load of clothing, ask how much is brand name, and how much is off brand clothing
Do not buy baled clothing unless you are there to inspect it. You can hide a lot
of sins in a bale, and there is no way of knowing what type of clothing is inside
unless you physically open it.
Always purchase clothing that is in Gaylord boxes, or box lots that can be open
to inspection.
If you are a beginner to the business, I would suggest that you do not buy any
“salvage” product, unless you fully inspect the quality of the merchandise.
I would ask what percentage of the items you are purchasing will be throw away.
This would be more of a question for someone who is buying a truckload, but small
purchases as well as pallet buyers should be concerned as well.
When you purchase items from an S&S dealer, in most cases a certain amount
of product will be useless and have to be thrown away.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
That is just the nature of the business. You can expect to “toss” about 10 to 20% of your
investment in the “dumper” unless you are told otherwise. Even with good, clean,
overstock and closeout items there will always receive some items that are unsaleable.
There are various opinions among dealers concerning the actual percentage of
throwaway merchandise. They might say that 10 to 20% is too low. I would say that if
you have to throw away more then that, say, 50% of your investment in the product,
then you should not do business with that particular dealer or company again.
When you have to physically throw away any portion of your purchase, the impact of
literally “tossing money” in the dumpster will give you a hefty case of buyer’s remorse.
I have mentioned it before, but it is worth repeating.
If you are a beginner to this business I would start out buying by the case, or, at
the most, a pallet. You want to make sure that the person you are dealing with is
trustworthy and can supply you with good product in “small doses” first.
Don’t let anyone talk you into buying a truckload right away. There are some dealers
that will tell you: “You are nobody unless you buy a truckload”.
Everybody is somebody, but you would be nowhere and broke if you listen to pressure
tactics like that. Even if the person on the other end of the phone wants to be your best
friend, do not get talked into truckload or multiple truckload purchases.
You would be surprised how many people have been taken for thousands, just because
the person on the phone “seemed honest and up front about what they were selling.
If you are considering buying truckload quantities of product, which I would not
suggest if you are just starting out, then you must….
“Fly Before You Buy, So You Don’t Purchase And Die”
If the person or company that you are dealing with is not in your immediate geographic
area, I would suggest that you buy a plane ticket and visit the facility. I would personally
inspect every piece, case, bundle, or pallet that I was purchasing.
Then, if I could not watch the truck being loaded myself, I would hire an inspection
company to supervise the load in my absence. It would be easy for any company to
switch the product when you are not there.
You might say: “Well Bob, I think that is a little extreme and I really don’t have the time
to do that. Also, the company I am dealing with won’t let me inspect the merchandise.
Do I really have to go through all that for just a truckload of Polo Shirts?”
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
My answer would be yes! You won’t be in the Surplus & Salvage business long if you
decide to make blind truckload purchases. I would rather loose a few hundred
dollars on a plane ticket, than spend 25,000 dollars on a few truckloads of junk!
This is how people “purchase and die.” They spend their entire life savings on just one
truckload of junk, financially “eliminating” them from expanding their business any
Any S&S dealer, or company, who would not let me visit and inspect the merchandise
before I buy it, would not be a company I would deal with. Also, this goes for every
large purchase that I would make in the future.
I don’t care if you have been doing business with the greatest guy in the Surplus &
Salvage business for twenty plus years—inspect, inspect, inspect!
S&S dealers will sell or broker product from other dealers, reclamation centers, and
distributors. Let’s say that you want to buy a product from a dealer that you found on
the web, or talked to on the phone.
He will tell you, or you will notice from his website, that the item that you want to
purchase has a FOB point in Ohio even though the company is based in New Jersey.
My advice would be to only buy from those S&S dealers who “own what they sell”. By
the time the dealer “inquires about acquiring” the product that they don’t own, it could
be sold, or not available anymore.
Furthermore, the dealer is selling you a product that is based on someone else’s word.
In most cases, he does not know the condition of the product. Another S&S favorite is
the wire transfer.
While some legitimate S&S dealers do this as a normal course of business I, however,
think that it is anything but normal. As a rule, I would not wire transfer one thin dime
into anyone’s account. The only exception to this rule is if you are dealing with a major
reclamation center like Genco or Federated Stores.
If your purchase is 10,000 dollars or better, these institutions will require you to wire
transfer money into their account.
When dealing with individual S&S dealers, I would suggest that you seek out
companies that will accept credit cards, or Paypal if you are a beginner or intermediate
buyer of surplus.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Also, any Escrow service or payment vehicle that will give you
buyer’s protection would be preferred. An Escrow company that
has a decent reputation is:
Don’t let anyone tell you that they had a bad experience with
Escrow companies. That is a red flag.
They either don’t have the product that they are advertising, or
they are not very confident in the quality of the merchandise that
they are selling you.
What a credit card will do is buy you time. You will have about 25 days till you get
your bill, and about 60 days to challenge the charges. Hopefully, your product
should arrive before then. If someone sells you junk, you can petition your credit
card company to do a charge back. Remember, you can cancel a check.
You can “charge back” on a credit card, but it is hard to pull a wire. I should
know. I wired 10,000 dollars to a textile manufacturer in India. I tried to get a
collection agency, the bank, the New Delhi Police, even my Congressman to
help me get my money back. All failed.
The money went into the “abyss” never to be seen again. The only way to get
your money back from a wire transfer is to have the company you sent the
money to, transfer it back to your account.
Another practice that you should become familiar with is the art of “Cherry
Picking”. This why I suggest that you take a “Train, Plane, or Automobile” to the
For instance, a few years ago I went to visit a dealer that was about 50 miles
from my place of residence.
I was told that I would find great first quality buys. When I visited the warehouse,
I found that these great pallet buys were nothing but salvage and damaged
What happens with some dealers is that when a load of merchandise comes into
their warehouse they will “Cherry Pick” the items.
They will go through each pallet and “Pick” the good items, while throwing the
salvage merchandise back on another pallet. In turn, they sell these junk pallets
to unsuspecting buyers.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Some other red flags about bad S&S dealers…
No phone number in which you can get in touch with company.
They only list an e-mail address as their method of communication.
They never answer e-mails to your questions about their products and
Their address is a private mail drop, or a P.O. Box.
There is no address where you can go and physically inspect the items.
If a phone number is listed, when you call, you either get an answering
machine, no answer at all, or you never get a call back.
There is only an 800 number and an e-mail address.
They never answer e-mails to your questions about their products and
Outrageous minimum purchase prices.
Example: A dealer wants you to purchase up front, 2500.00 dollars worth
of merchandise based on only a description and no option to physically
inspect the items.
The S&S Dealer never returns your e-mails in a timely manner, or at all.
Don’t let anyone in the S&S business charge you for the right to view their
While most S&S companies do not have catalogs, some do, and they will
try to extract payment for it. I knew of one company that wanted 49.95 for
right to view and order their product.
Another red flag! While prices for catalogs, and other promotional
materials can be justified from wholesale, and large distribution
companies, rarely, if at all, are they justified in the S&S business.
Inventory moves constantly so it is neither cost effective, or timely, to send
out printed material to customers…
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
A Word About Wholesalers & Resellers Page 27
Out of all the sources of “products for resale,” these types of dealers will yield the
most promise. No haggling and traveling to view the merchandise. Most companies
should honor your returns if you are unsatisfied with the purchase. No sniping, or
sitting by the computer waiting for an auction to end. However, I do have a few words
of advice.
A sign of a good reseller, or wholesaler, will require you to supply a Resale
Certificate. This, to a certain degree, eliminates a lot of the general public. The
wholesaler knows that you are buying for “resale” and not as a general consumer.
While the resale certificate will get you in the door to most wholesalers and resellers,
others will require more information such as credit reports, references, etc.
Furthermore, most wholesalers will have a minimum purchase price in order for you
to become a customer. Hopefully, I have given you enough sources that will enable
you to find a supplier that will fit your “price & product” needs. Not all companies will
require you to spend thousands of dollars and the keys to your car!
The usual spending minimum is around 100 to 500 dollars. You always want to “buy”
as close to the source as possible. That means buying from a distributor who has
imported, or purchased factory direct. The most “perfect of purchases’ would be to
buy directly from the factory.
However, most factories will not want to “undercut” their distributors, and will refer
you to them. In addition, most people with a modest budget cannot afford the
expensive minimum purchase price that some manufacturers will require.
Most wholesalers, distributors, and resellers are one step away from the original
source. If you buy from a company that is not “close” to the source you wind up
getting “closer” to retail pricing, diminishing profit. For instance, Maxam Wholesale,
Premier Products, are direct distributors (I have included them in this guide).
You may have seen their products on Ebay. Leather Jackets, Knives, Cookware,
Radar Detectors, are a part of their product line. There are people who will buy from
these companies and call themselves “wholesalers”. They in fact are not. They are
known as “sub-wholesalers”. These are the companies that you want to stay away
Where it is possible, you should always use a credit card or escrow service with
buyer protection. Make sure that you are covered should you not like the product or
service that you receive. Never wire cash to any wholesaler, below wholesaler, or
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Getting Your Resale Certificate
Page 28
When you buy product from any legitimate wholesaler, or reseller, you will need a
TAX ID number. Different states have different names for them such as: Sales & Use
Number, Certificate of Resale, Sales & Use Tax, Certificate Of Authority, etc.
You can get a Tax ID from your State Department Of Revenue. Other names for
the Department of Revenue are: “The Department of Treasury”, “The Department
of Taxation”.
Please note that you do not get this number from the Federal Government, but from
your state office. If you are not sure how to find the appropriate office for your state,
you can go to this website:
Also, this website will tell you what type of certificate you need, and how long they
last. All fifty states are represented on this website, and some states don’t even
require that you have one:
Your Certificate of Resale, or whatever it is called in your state should not be
confused with being incorporated. You do not have to be incorporated to get your
Reseller ID. If you are selling a product that has liability potential get in touch with an
insurance agent or liability lawyer. Any type of incorporation, or product with the
potential to harm needs professional and legal advice. Also, see an accountant or
lawyer for any tax and business advice that you might need.
Once you have your ID, you can go to your bank and get a business checking
account. I started mine for 100.00 dollars. Your banks operational procedures may
vary. All the paperwork involved in getting this number does not take that much time.
I cannot speak for all states, but I got my number in less than twenty minutes. I went
right to the office, dropped off the paperwork, and they issued me the number on the
spot. Other states might require that you send in the forms and wait for the number.
The Wholesaler that you are buying from will not charge you sales tax once you
receive your Reseller ID. You will, however, have to add up your sales and inventory
purchases at the end of the month, or quarter, whatever you choose, and then pay
your sales tax to the state.
If you have any questions, or are the slightest bit confused about the procedure the
state is more than happy to explain the process and tell you how to fill out the proper
forms. States are always happy with the prospect of people who will be contributing
to their coffers!
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Clothing Auctions Page 29
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: The business to business online apparel marketplace that offers
live auctions and in stock merchandise for at once delivery direct from major
manufacturers. Shirts, jackets, Men’s & Ladies clothing and golf apparel, sold in
large wholesale lots only. Be careful here. This is a capital-intensive auction.
Name of
Web Address:
Description: All types of clothing. From Men’s to Children. This is an auction
for volume purchasers of clothing, apparel, and accessories. All merchandise is
sold in lots only.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: The only auction that I know of that auctions fashion. Items like
Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, and Versace, are just a few of the featured
Name Of Auction:
Description: The Clothes Off Our Back Foundation is a 501c3 organization that
hosts charity auctions showcasing today's hottest celebrity attire. Items are put up
for bid to the public with proceeds going to benefit children's charities. Search the
auctions for your favorite stars items.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Computer Auctions Page 30
Name of Auction: Hewlett Packard/Compaq Auction-UK.
Web Address:
Description: All types of hardware by both HP and Compaq
computers. The bidding starts at a “pound”. I would inquire as to whether or
not you can bid from the United States. There might be restrictions on what
they can sell to people bidding outside the United Kingdom.
Name of Auction: (Wholesale)
Web Address:
Description: carries refurbished and
reconditioned electronic and computer items. This is a large lot
B2B auction. Be careful with this one. Read the “Terms and Conditions”
section of the website before you sign up and bid.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: All types of computer equipment. Monitors, Notebooks,
Servers, and PC Systems. They are located in Ontario, Canada. Please
inquire before bidding if you are outside of Canada.
Name of Auction: Synapse Micro Dealers Auction
Web Address:
Description: Consumer electronics, and computer accessories. This
auction provides some really good deals. You need a resllers certificate for
this auction.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: General computer equipment. You will need your Reseller
ID to sign up for this one.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Yes, Dell has their own auction site if you didn’t know that
already. If you are looking for an off lease Laptop, or refurbished computer
equipment this is the auction for you. Make sure you read “Site Terms Of
Use’ before you sign up and bid. They do not require a Reseller ID.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Computer Parts. CPU’s, Motherboards, Modems,
Keyboards, Scanners, Sound Cards, Monitors, etc. You will not need a
Reseller ID for this auction.
Name Of Auction: (United Computer Exchange)
Web Address:
Description: United Computer Exchange is an Internet market forum
specializing in volume-seller-to-volume-buyer transactions of computer
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Electronics Auctions Page 32
Name of Surplus Dealer:
Web Address:
Description: As their website states: “ “ is affiliated with a
major national electronics retailer. They specialize in the liquidation of damaged,
devalued, returned, obsolete, overstock, and salvage merchandise. Remember what I
told you about “salvage electronics”, stay away if you are not an electronics recycler,
or have any experience in small appliance repair.
Tech Liquidators are pretty good at stating what they have and the condition that it is
in. Make sure that you understand the difference between all the product categories
that they carry. If you are not an electronics technician, or cannot visit the facility to
physically see what you are buying then this is not for you! This is a high priced
electronics auction. Proceed with caution.
Name Of Auction: Motorola Wholesale Auctions
Description: Motorola Wholesale gives resellers access to premium refurbished Motorola
handsets and end-of-life equipment through Dutch auctions on eBay. You can sign up here
for early notification of their auction listings.
Web Address:
Name Of Auction: Motorola Wireless Wholesale
Description: Wireless-Wholesale gives resellers access to premium refurbished handsets
and end-of-life equipment through Dutch auctions on eBay! Sign up at this website to
receive email notifications when new auctions are posted!
Web Address:
Page 32
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
General Merchandise Auctions Page 33
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Well, the big “O” has jumped into the auction business. I think that most
of us know what Overstock carries. Just about everything that appeals to consumers.
From electronics to clothing and housewares.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: All types of surplus equipment, clothing, cameras, electronics, cars and
real estate from pubic institutions, schools, state surplus, and Universities in all 50
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Online Banking Equipment Auction. Safes, ATM Machines
Kiosks, Parts, and Wells Fargo Auctions.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Wholesale Lots. Yes, Ebay may seem obvious. But for those who do
not know, (maybe you) they do have a Wholesale Lots section. Everything you can
think of in terms of product. You can find some good deals here and then resell them on
the auction circuit.
Page 33
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Dovebid is a used equipment and business inventory auction. They
sell entire business inventories for corporations like Apple, K-Mart, and various
companies that need to get rid of inventory, or are going out of business. This is a
capital-intensive auction. It would be better if you were “on site” for this one.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Everything from Agriculture, Aviation, Building, Computers, Food &
Beverage, Boats, Textiles, Mobile Homes, Metals, Pulp & Paper. Hence the term
“Salvage”. Make sure that you read the “About Us” section and know what you are
getting yourself into.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Everything Golf.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Fine Art and Antiques.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Everything Pottery
Page 34
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Wine Auctions.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Dolls & Collectibles.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Comic Book Auction
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Guitars, Guitars, Guitars!
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Tools
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Cigars
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Everything from antiques to electronics. They have some very
good items up for sale.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Real Estate and Business Liquidation Auctions from around
the world.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Live business liquidation auctions from all over the United
States. Items range from Jewelry, to Electronics, Computers, and Real Estate.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Restaurant Equipment auctions throughout the United States.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: The leading auction for stock lot, and overstock merchandise.
Just make sure that you understand all of the terms of conditions of the
auction format.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Government Auctions Page 37
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Whatever the Government has to offer! New, seized, and
surplus items offered by Uncle Sam. You can find just about any type of goods,
by any Government agency. Once again, this is an “as is”, “where is,” auction.
Be careful, ask questions, and go to a few auctions to get an idea of how they
work before you think about bidding.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: This is more of a source guide. You can get e-mails delivered to
your inbox when an auction of your choosing is listed. Right now it is free to
join. The same information that any Government auction site can offer.
Name of Auction: United States Treasury Auctions
Web Address:
Description: Real Estate, Cars, and just about anything that the Treasury
Department seizes. Be careful here. Find out about any liens or money owed
on property or vehicles.
Name of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Government is a subsidy of Liquidity Services.
They are contracted to sell surplus for the Department Of Defense. You will
need a reseller ID for this auction.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Find Government surplus from local and federal government agencies
throughout the fifty states.
Name Of Auction:
Web Address:
Description: Today’s law enforcement agencies have property rooms full of
stolen or forfeited goods. The rightful owners are not easily identified, and once
property is no longer needed as evidence, it must be disposed of properly.
Enter Property Bureau. Founded and managed by former police officers, Property
Bureau harnesses the power of the Internet to quickly move items out of police
property rooms, reduce personnel costs and generate revenue well beyond
traditional police auction methods. This is the auction where you can find such
Name Of Auction: USTreas.Gov
Web Address:
Description: The Internal Revenue property auctioned at this site has been seized or
acquired for non-payment of internal revenue taxes.
Name Of Auction: Government Services Administration
Web Address:
Description: Your Official Link to Government Surplus, Seized and Forfeited
Property. The GSA has just about everything you can think of. From Tug Boats, to
Real Estate, and Electronics.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Business Resources Page 39
Name Of Resource: Nike Factory List
Description: This list is courtesy of the New Mexico State University College Of
Business Administration & Economics. Some of the students were concerned about
where their Collegiate Apparel was being made.
This is the list of factories that they visited. Also, I am not sure if they approved of
what they saw or not. I don’t know how you feel about importing from these
factories, but if you want collegiate apparel this would be a start.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: The World's Leading Online Marketplace for Used & Surplus Industrial
Machinery & Equipment.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Trade leads from around the world. They do charge a fee to join. Be
careful here. There are a lot of overseas offers. If you are not familiar with Import/Export, I
would just be careful.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers. All types of buy and sell leads. Be
careful with some of the offers. There are some good deals here, but some fraudulent
ones as well.
Web Address:
Page 39
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Description:, has a complete list of thrift shops and
antique shops across the US.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Place Classified ads in Newspapers and Magazines across the
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Get buying leads for your products. This service qualifies leads for
those businesses or individuals that want to buy your product or service. They do
charge a fee for these leads.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Find a trade show anywhere in the world.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Want to find an outlet store near you? This is the website where
you will find it. Outlet Bound's Location Search will display all the factory outlet
centers in a selected state. You can use this resource to find products for resale.
Page 40
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Description: Largest directory of American Manufacturers. There is also a
Global Thomas Register for overseas companies.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Major Comic Book distributor.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: Resellers Source Kit (Computers Only)
Description: If you want to just concentrate on Computer purchasing, this
site lists just about every Computer Reseller in the United States and
Canada. They charge 99.00 dollars a year to access their wholesale
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: If you are looking for any type of trade magazine within a
certain industry you can find it here.
Web Address:
Page 41
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Description: Free trade magazines!
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: Used. Recycle.Net
Description: Just about any category of product that is capable of being
used, and then used again! From clothing to lawn furniture and computers.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Trade show listings for the United States, and China.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Fashion International Trade Show. Website that helps
companies with major and emerging brands of clothing and fashion
accessories to have first entry into the Chinese marketplace.
Trade show does take place in China. They have over 2000 Master
Licensee’s attending. Seminar topics include: Understanding the Chinese
Distribution System. How To Promote Your Brands In China. How Chinese
Department Stores Choose Brands. The Ins & Outs Of Licensing Your
Brands in China. How To Protect & Manage Your Brands In China.
Web Address:
Page 42
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Description: is a wholesale buyer's guide for the toy
and hobby industry.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: Surplus Closeout Finder
Description: Find Surplus deals through this search engine. Be
careful—its Surplus & Salvage!
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: is a website dedicated to closeout items.
It’s free for buyers, and about 40.00 per month if you want to get a
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Free wholesale listings site.
Web Address:
Page 43
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Description: Web Portal for everything wholesale.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Spanish Wholesale Magazine.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Web Portal to find wholesale suppliers worldwide. Be
careful here. Experienced import/export only.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Trade Publication for Wholesale Merchandise.
Web Address:
Page 44
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Description: Increase your import leads, or sell your product overseas
courtesy of Uncle Sam. You pay fifty dollars a year for the privilege. With the
subscription, you can either find “qualified” international buyers, or you can find
trade lead opportunities.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Your Independent source for flea market related wholesale
goods and distribution services.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: CLOSEOUT NEWS is the industry trade paper for the Surplus
& Salvage Industry.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: Resale Network
Description: Web Portal dedicated to the clothing, consignment, and resale
Web Address:
Page 45
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource: Sporting Goods Dealer
Description: Online Trade Magazine for the sporting goods industry. If you want
to concentrate on Sporting goods, this is the place to start your research.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: ATAFA is an importer/manufacturer/distributor of sports and
entertainment products. See their wholesale section for pricing and available
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: National Sporting Goods Association
Description: The Guide (available online and in hard copy) lists more than 8,000
manufacturers of sporting goods products. Each company listing includes a contact
name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail and website address when available.
Name Of Resource:
Description: Find dealers and Sports Representatives in the Sporting Goods
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Your online source for cosmetic supplies, services, and resources.
Web Address:
Page 46
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource: Global Trade Specialist
Description: This service helps you get your product manufactured in China at factory
direct prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: Trade Lead website for all things made in China. Experienced
Import/Export only.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: This is a research service that you can use to get information on just
about any type of business, wholesaler, or product. It is however very expensive. It is
also an overseas company (UK).
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: American Wholesalers & Distributors Directory
Description: A comprehensive guide offering industry details on more than 27,000
wholesalers and distributors in the United States. By: THE GALE GROUP. YOU CAN
Name Of Resource: Manufacturing & Distribution USA
Description: A listing of Manufacturers and Distributors throughout the US. By THE
LOCAL, LARGE PUBLIC, OR UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. It is very expensive and I would
not advise that you purchase it. If you do want to buy it, I would suggest, that you go to and get it used.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource: Encyclopedia of Associations
Description If you want to find out about associations or trade groups of a
specific industry, or product, this is the publication for you. By: THE GALE GROUP.
Name Of Resource: Directory of United States Importers 2003
Description: Well, the title is sort of self-explanatory. I have not found this in my
library. I am going to assume that only a very large Public or University Library will
carry this information. It is published by the “Journal Of Commerce”. The ISBN
Number is: ISBN: 1891131273 . It is very expensive to buy. Even used, the price
is 240.00! You can purchase it at
Name Of Resource:
Description: Douglas publications produces business to business magazines,
database directories, websites, and newsletters.
I would suggest that you visit the website, and look over some of the information
under their “database directory.”
I would not suggest that you buy any of them (unless of course you afford it) but
check your library to see if they have them as a reference guide.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Description: The premier website for the Surplus & Salvage Industry. Find every
S&S dealer within the United States.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
General Merchandise Surplus Dealers & Direct Sources Page 49
Name of Surplus Dealer: American Science & Surplus
Type Of Merchandise: All types of science & lab equipment, toys, electronics,
magnets, office supplies, and house & garden. While this company is not exactly a
wholesale company, it has enough “quirky” items that make it unique.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: This company buys and sells unclaimed items from
airline passengers.
Web Address
Name Of Surplus Dealer: Sacs Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: 40,000 Square foot warehouse of all types of general
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer:
Type of General Merchandise: Jacob’s deals with store returns and
liquidations. They are supposedly the main surplus, overstock, and returns
contractor for Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club merchandise. You need to get in touch with
them and understand exactly what they sell, and the quality of their merchandise.
They do sell a lot of salvage merchandise. Be Careful here!
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name of Surplus Dealer: American Merchandise Liquidators
Type of General Merchandise: All sorts of distressed, overstock, and shelf
pulled merchandise. They have some good clothing buys. Please join before dealing with any Surplus, Liquidation, or Salvage Dealer.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: T-Shirts, Clothing, Fans, Furniture, Electronics,
Tools, Toys, Dollar Items, Pet Supplies, and Hardware.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer: H&J Closeout, Inc
Type of General Merchandise: Wholesale, Below Wholesale, Closeout,
and Surplus merchandise. Howie Chernawsky is your contact for H&J. He has a
pretty good reputation in the business. Once again, remember that he is a
surplus dealer. Always inquire about the quality of the merchandise you are
purchasing. What is good about “Howie” is that he has small lots for sale.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer: MBK Wholesale Distributors
Type of Merchandise: They deal in wholesale, below wholesale, import
and bankrupt goods. Bill and Marci Weston are your contacts for MBK wholesale.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer: QVC Liquidation Department.
Type of Merchandise: General Merchandise sold by the QVC
network. This webpage explains the quality of their Liquidated Goods.
Read and understand the terms, conditions, and quality of the items that
they sell.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Books, Music CD’s, Dollar Store Items,
Cassette Tapes, Paper Goods, and Video Tapes.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer: Solomon’s Bargain Center
Type Of General Merchandise: A little bit of everything. From
Furniture to Electronics. They have been in Jacksonville, Florida for
sometime. They have a flawless Ebay feedback rating. There seller ID is: They are Surplus & Salvage dealers, so ask questions and
purchase small.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer:
Type of General Merchandise: Pallets of general merchandise.
Electronics, hardware, clothing, Sports, toys, infant products. Robert
Winkoff is your contact.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Discount Wholesalers, Inc
Type Of Merchandise: Mostly surplus clothing and department store
returns. Remember what I told you about returns. Be careful here.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: RJ’s Discount Sales
Type Of Merchandise: Food and Electronics surplus. Be careful here.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Surplus and Overstock merchandise. Features
luggage brands from Kenneth Cole, Lucas and Wilson. Other items include
swimwear, lingerie, cookware, and appliances.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: The hottest TV products are available from this
website. They cater to small retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: STK International
Type Of Merchandise: We are dedicated to helping you buy the general
merchandise you need for your business at the lowest price so you can enjoy
higher profit margins. STK brings over 20 years of import buying experience to the
table and that translates into Super Buying Power.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: GDCCommodities
Type Of Merchandise: Based in Fresno California, GDC is one of the largest
surplus, closeout, overstock, suppliers of cased groceries, closeout canned
goods, banana box groceries, surplus goods, electronics, toys, and just about any
general retail merchandise product you can think of.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: The Fenning Group combines expertise with
experience to provide top quality services in the areas of content liquidation, asset
recovery, hotel salvage services, and demolition contracting operations.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: Universal Hotel Liquidators
Type Of Merchandise: HOTEL SURPLUS OUTLET acquires and liquidates
fine furnishings and fixtures from top rated hotel and lodging facilities, such as the
Hilton. Locations in Florida and Connecticut.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: JMS Business Machines
Type Of Merchandise: JMS Business Machines has been in business since
1987 and serves a two-fold purpose in the business machine industry. Primarily
we are a wholesaler of used copying equipment that we sell to other dealers,
distributors and wholesalers.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Prako is a resource for buying and selling customer
returned and excess merchandise. We buy returns and excess inventories from
catalog companies, department stores, manufacturers, and e-tailers and sell them
by the trailer load.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Direct Surplus Souce: Federated Stores
Description: Federated consists of Macy’s, Burdines, Rich,
Lazarus, Goldsmith, Bon Marche, and Bloomingdale’s stores.
These stores have overstock, shelf-pulls, surplus, and salvage
goods. Federated’s liquidation program sells those goods
through this program.
They have several return centers. Two in New Jersey, and one in
Los Angeles, CA. This is one of the reclamation centers (direct
sources) where most Surplus & Salvage dealers get their
The other is Genco. Get on their product mailing list, and ask
them for information about becoming a new buyer.
You need to visit the facility before you buy any merchandise
from them. Remember, this is Surplus, Overstock, Floor Stock
BE CAREFUL! Make sure you understand the types of product
that sell, and the risks that are associated with purchasing this
type of merchandise. See contact information below.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Federated Stores Liquidation Program
East Coast Central Returns Center
11 Perina Blvd
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
Phone: (856) 489-6161
Fax: (732) 661-3043
Federated Stores Liquidation Program
Divisional Job-out Program-Furniture
35 Continental Drive
Wayne, NJ 07470
Phone: (973) 305-3465
Fax: (732) 661-3052
Federated Stores Liquidation Program
West Coast Central Returns Center
3880 North Mission Road
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Phone: (323) 227-3188
Fax: (323) 227-3108
Name Of Company: The Mazel Company
Description: The Mazel Company in 1975 as a wholesaler of closeout
merchandise. Today Mazel is one of the nation’s largest closeout
wholesalers serving over 1,000 different customers in several classes of
Web Address:
Name Of Company: CSS Incorporated
Description: C.S.S. Inc. is a national leader in closeouts, although we
are NOT just closeouts anymore. We have over 25 years of experience in
the closeout business. " Name Brands At Closeout Prices " is what we
give our customers each and everyday.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Direct Surplus Source:
Description: Genco is one of the largest reclamation centers
in the country.
Their product lines vary, and you can find Housewares,
Electronics, Domestics, Hardgoods, National Brands, etc.
They have Return Centers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and
They sell refurbished, overstock, returned, salvaged, and
liquidated products from major retailers.
I would not suggest their auction, or buying from them in
quantity, for beginners.
It is not for the faint of “financial” heart. You can wind up
getting burned by salvage and damaged merchandise.
You really need to go to their facility and talk to their personal.
Do not buy any salvage electronics from them unless you
have electrical, or technical knowledge of appliances and
When you get to the website go to “Genco Online
MarketPlace”. It will take you to their online auction section.
Genco also sells products via Ebay. They list their products
under two User ID’s: Chancedeals & RetailSurplus.
Once again DO NOT get involved with this company unless
you visit the facility and know what you are getting into. You
have been warned!
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Surplus Electronics Page 57
WARNING!: You are now venturing into dangerous purchasing
territory! The following dealers sell Surplus, Salvage, Store
Returned, and Liquidated Consumer Electronic merchandise!
Hence the term SALVAGE! Be very, very, careful! Remember
what I told you about Salvage Electronics. If you are not a
recycler, or if you don’t have a clue about small appliance repair,
You must visit, talk to, understand, listen, and ask questions
about this particular merchandise. I would not advise a “buying
beginner” to purchase recklessly! Always strive for first quality
overstock, refurbished, and closeout electronic merchandise.
Name of Surplus Dealer: Lotano & Speedy
Type of Merchandise: Electronics. They have a decent reputation, but,
as mentioned, “be careful out there”! Their specialty is Customer Returns,
Store Displays, and closeout of consumer electronics. Kent Speedy is your
contact for LSI Distributors.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer: Brandywine Liquidators
Type of Merchandise: Mainly Electronics. Brandywine does carry other
general merchandise items.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: ™ is affiliated with a major
national electronics retailer. We specialize in the liquidation of damaged,
devalued, returned, obsolete, overstock, and salvage merchandise.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Surplus Dealer: Appliance Warehouse
Type Of Merchandise: Appliance Warehouse is a quantity buyer of working
appliances, and a wholesale supplier of recycled appliances.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Electronics. Pallets are made up of Customer Returns,
Shelf-Pulls, Over-Stock, Closeout items etc. Remember this is electronics, so be
careful and inspect the items if possible.
Web Address:
Name of Surplus Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Buy 4 Less Electronics Inc., is a wholesale
distributor/broker of name-brand Consumer Electronics, Photo, and Computer
products. They sell product below wholesale cost to large and small retailers
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: Gateway Refurbished Products
Type Of Merchandise: Remanufactured PCs and other electronic items from
Gateway. Resellers interested in Remanufactured Gateway PC's call 888-423-3683.
Web Address:
Name Of Surplus Dealer: Appliance Warehouse
Type Of Merchandise: New and Used Appliances. Over 2000 units in stock, The
Appliance Warehouse offers the lowest prices. I know it has the same name as the
other appliance warehouse listed here, but they are different companies.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Consumer Electonics Wholesale Page 59
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Direct2Wholesale is a network of business to
business auction sites that connects reputable manufacturers and retailers
with qualified buyers of surplus inventory.
When you buy from Direct2Wholesale, you are buying and receiving shipment
directly from the large manufacturer or retailer.
Find various consumer electronics including audio, home theater equipment,
computers, computer components, data storage equipment, and other
technology equipment.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: New Age Electronics
Type Of Merchandise: New Age is a one-stop-shop for name-brand consumer
technology and office products supporting the retail channel. We support retailers,
VARs, dealers, wholesalers, and e-tailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Almo Electronics Distributors.
Type Of Merchandise: Almo is one of the largest distributors in the United
States of Consumer Electronics, Major Appliances, High-end Kitchen Appliances,
Professional Audio & Video Products, and the Phillips product line. They supply with Phillips products.
Go to the bottom right hand side of the page, and click on the “Help Center” link.
After you reach that page, see the “Opening An Almo Account” link, to find out how
you can start purchasing from them.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Just about every type of car audio product on
the planet! They are authorized dealers of LUX Mobil Tech, MBQuart,
Boss Audio Systems, Panasonic, Crystal Mobile Sound, JVC, Kenwood,
and much more. See their “Dealer Account” link on the bottom left hand side of
their website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Unity Electronics
Type Of Merchandise: Consumer electronics and computer equipment.
They will also dropship. Scroll down to the bottom of their homepage and click
on their “Reseller” link for more information about volume purchasing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your direct source for 220v products. Everything
from VCR’s to Plasma screens. See their: “For Wholesale Purchase Click Here”
link on the front of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Whoelsaler:
Description: Wholesale consumer electronics. They also have closeout
items, and a drop shipping program.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: National distributor of high quality aftermarket
cellular accessories. This is their business to business website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Progressive Concepts, Inc., has all types of home
security, mobile, and wireless phones. See their “Corporate/Government” link at
the top right hand side of their homepage. They cater to retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Ramko Distributing
Type Of Merchandise: Ramko Distributors Inc., is a full service National
Electronics Distributor specializing in 12 volt products. They do drop-ship.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Consumer Electronics to Dealers ONLY!
They Distribute Mobile Video Products, Car Audio Products, Motor Sport
Accessories, Neon & Auto FX, Car Audio Accessories, Radar Detectors, CB
Radios, and much more.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Oxygenergy Electronics is a manufacturer of
their own, and other branded digital cameras. They accept businesses of
all sizes.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Specialty Marketing, Inc.
Type Of Merchandise: Specialty has been a one-stop distributor of
consumer home and automotive audio/video products, as well as custom
home, audio, and video wiring products. Our major market areas include all
the states east of the Mississippi River, with continued growth pushing us
toward nationwide status. Call or e-mail if you want to become a dealer.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: D&S Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: We specialize in the marketing of large
quantities of closeouts, overstock, reconditioned, discontinued and as-is
merchandise -- selling to the largest leaders in the industry such as mail
order companies, retail chains, shopping networks and premium
Web Address:.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: C. B. Distributing is a wholesale electronics
distributor. They sell to retailers only.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Best Price Audio & Video has been a toprated electronics distributor and reseller since 1982. Their website mentions
that they sell to Educational & Governmental agencies, and retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Price, gives you the opportunity to
compare prices from just about every electronics retail store in Japan. It is
equivalent to the American version of Their English translation
page is up and running.
If you are looking for popular electronics products that you want to import,
and then resell, this could be a good source. Be careful, and read what the
site has to offer before you purchase anything. One encouraging sign is
that they let you use PayPal..
A word of a caution as usual! Please check to see that before you buy any
product from Japan, that the electrical outlets are compatible with US
outlets. At the very least, you want to know if you can use a universal
converter to power any item you want to order.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry Plasma Displays, LCD flat
panel Monitors. Active Light will partner with resellers.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: The Douglas Stewart Company
Type Of Merchandise: The Douglas Stewart Company is the largest
distributor and marketer of computer products, consumer electronics and student
supplies to service the educational market exclusively.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Simba Electronics
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale only distributor of electronics. Batteries,
Tapes, Film, Cameras, Watches/Clocks, Audio, Telephones, Home Appliances,
Office Equipment, TV/VCR, Remote Controls, Audio Accessories, Video
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale distributor of consumer electronic
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: KrystalVision is a stocking distributor of Plasma
Screens, LCD Monitors, and Projectors.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Farah Trading
Type Of Merchandise: They are a distributor and exporter of electronics.
They handle new, used, refurbished, customer returned, salvaged, surplus,
closeouts and overstocked inventory. Remember, they are not only wholesalers,
but surplus dealers as well. Be careful here. Visit if you can, and see the
merchandise. If you can’t then buy one pallet, or one case at a time.
Web address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Projectors. They sell business and Home Theatre
projectors. Click on to “sitemap”. Then, under “Programs”, go to “Reseller
Programs” if you want to be come a dealer.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Audio Warehouse
Type Of Mechandise: Distributor of 12 VOLT Auto Electronics and
Accessories. Items include Radios, CD Players and Changers, Dash kits,
Antennas, Security Systems, Mobile Video, Radar, Neon, Strobe Lights, Speaker
Boxes, Amps, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: CWR Electronics.
Type Of Merchandise: CWR Electronics is a wholesale drop-shipper of
consumer electronics.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Dealer/Distributor of Digital Cameras, APS
Cameras, 35mm equipment, Lenses, Binoculars, Flashes, and Tripod
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Electronics wholesaler & retailer located in
New York City. They are an authorized reseller of major brands. They also
drop ship.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale car and home audio. Dealers and
Resellers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: M. Rothman & Company
Type Of Merchandise: National Distributor with annual sales in excess
of $100 million. 26 major lines. 30 million in inventory. Process 400,000
individual drop ship orders per calendar year. They service a wide variety of
customers. Contact them for any further information.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: The Wholesale House
Type Of Merchandise: The Wholesale House is a large wholesaler of
audio equipment. This site is not the best in terms of describing their
product line. They do list the brands they sell like FUSION, but , there is no
pricing information on the site itself. You need to contact them and order
their catalog. They are wholesale only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Full Discount Wholesalers carries over
300 product lines of professional audio, video, and lighting products.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Kenon Refurbished Electronics
Type Of Merchandise:. Focuses mainly on car and home audio i.e.
amplifiers, equalizers, crossovers, cassette and CD player head units, car
DVD and monitors, speakers, DVD/VCR Combos, and DVD Home Theatre
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything from Car Electronics to Video
Games. See their “Wholesale Direct” link on the left hand side of their
homepage. They also have clearance items.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale source for all the latest electronic gadgets,
such as Ipods, Xboxes, etc. See their wholesale link at the top of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Supersonic, a division of Mason Camera & Electronics
Corp. is a wholesale distributor - for export and domestic market, specializing in
factory refurbished consumer electronics. We carry brand names as Panasonic,
Quasar etc..
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: One of the larger distributors of electronics of all
varieties. Including, but not limited to, Car Audio, Performance Parts,
Radar Detectors, and Home Theatre Systems.
To learn about the becoming are reseller, click on the “” link. If you want to know more what they sell, just go to the
Audio-Warehouse website.
Wholesale Website:
Main Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: WYNIT is a leading national distributor of computer
peripherals and consumer electronics, with specialties in digital imaging, outdoor
electronics, photo identification/security products and video editing equipment and
WYNIT's corporate headquarters is located in East Syracuse, NY and we have
multiple warehouses providing coast to coast coverage. The company’s products
are sold for resale to a broad range of customers, from the nation’s largest retailers
to the smallest specialty stores. WYNIT sells only to resellers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Mobile and Home Audio wholesalers. When you get to
the site click on the “Earthquake” logo. You will then come to a page that gives you
a choice between “Mobile” and “Home” audio. Click the “Mobile Audio” link, and
look under the “Tech Support” section. You will see a “Becoming A Dealer” link, if
you want further information on selling their products.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Zreiss Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: Over the past 15 years, Z Reiss & Associates Inc., has
become the preferred "single source supplier", for hundreds of camera, electronic &
hi-tech retailers nationwide. They are Master Distributors of Photo, Digital Imaging,
Computers & Peripherials, and Consumer Electronics.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: OCI is one of the largest Distributors in the Western
United States. OCI has been distributing name brand Consumer Electronics,
Personal Care Products, large and small Appliances since 1985. Currently, OCI
distributes over 30 major brands. See their “credit application” link at the top of
the page, if you want to sign up for an account.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Import, Export, Wholesale & Rental for Video, Audio
Equipment, TV, DVD Players, and more. They carry brands like Phillips,
Kenwood, and Pioneer. They are located in Singapore.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Cal-York is an international electronics distributor of
refurbished consumer electronics. We are located in Vernon, CA. We assure that
all products sold by Cal-York are under warranty direct from the manufacturer. Our
main product lines are PHILIPS, MAGNAVOX, and SANYO along with many other
consumer brands.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: At iNet Electronix we are committed to bringing our
customers the best bargains on the internet as well as fast and honest service.
With hundreds of name brand consumer electronics we're sure you will find what
you're looking for here at our store. See their “wholesale section” at the left hand
side of the page. Located in Virginia.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They have everything from washing machines to
PDAs, Computers, DVD Players, and everything in between. They literally are
“Jumbo”. Go to the “New Users Register Now” section of the website to find
about buying wholesale from them.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Koby International is a full service car audio/stereo
consumer electronics distributor and wholesaler
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: ReCellular is a world leader in buying and selling
used cell phones in bulk. We carry all brands and technologies, as well as
accessories and other types of refurbished wireless equipment.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Like the name implies, everything for your car
audio needs. See their “Wholesale Link” on top of their homepage.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: H.L. Dalis is the nation's oldest, multi-line
wholesale distributor of consumer electronics, industrial electronics and
related products. We are a prime specialty supplier to many industries,
including the cellular, automotive, broadcast, sporting military and marine
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a consumer electronics manufacturer
headquartered in the heart of New York City. This company would be
for someone who has the financial means to buy direct. They have DVDs,
MP3 Players, Radios, Televisions, Speakers, Telephones, Earphones,
Headphones, and much more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Verite Distributors Group
Type Of Merchandise: They sell wholesale production and postproduction television equipment, as well as distributors of consumer
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Just about everything you can think of that has to
do with car audio equipment. See their “Become A Dealer” section on the top
of their homepage.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: National Electronics
Type Of Merchandise:. Welcome to National Electronics, Inc. Your onestop shop for all your wholesale distribution needs. We carry the most
extensive product lines in the US. We are the largest distributor of
Multisystem 110/220v products in the East Coast. Give us a call today to see
how we can help you.
Web Address:
Name Of Whoelsaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are wholesale distributors of 12 Volt
automotive products and accessories. They only sell to resellers with proper
resale tax documentation.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: ALTON International
Type Of Merchandise: Car Audio & Video products. Their complete
product line is on the landing page of their website. You also have to have a
resale certificate in order to purchase from them.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry all brand names of car audio and
video equipment. They sell to retailers, exporters, importers, distributors,
wholesalers, etc. See their “Placing Orders” link at the top of the webpage.
Web Address:
Page 73
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Global Suppliers of wholesale and
retail GSM phones, accessories and computing equipment. See their
contact information if you want to purchase from them. Their terms
and conditions for purchasing wholesale are not on the website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Nirav Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: Nirav Corporation is a wholesale distributor,
specializing in the export, wholesale and retail of consumer electronics from
most of today's top electronic manufacturers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Wholesale Wireless
Type Of Merchandise: Cellular Phones and Accessories. New, Used,
Refurbished, Liquidations, Closeouts.
Web Adress:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A San Franciso Based Wholesaler Of
Consumer Electronics and Accessories.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We have been serving Government,
Educational, and Corporate customers through the World Wide Web for
over 5 years. We accept school, college, university, government and
corporate purchase orders. We can meet the needs of institutions large
and small.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Golden Power Source Industries
Type Of Merchandise: Golden Powersource Industries Limited, has
been manufacturing car cassette players and car CD player for 15 years .
They are in involved in the manufacturing & exporting of a wide range of
CAR AUDIO PRODUCTS including Car CD Player, Car Radio Cassette,
Car Speaker, Bass tube, etc. They are located in Hong Kong..
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Thunderball Marketing Incorporated
Type Of Merchandise: Everything Consumer Electronics. Digital
Cameras, Music Equipment, Car Stereos, Mp3 Players. See their
instructions about becoming a dealer, under “new dealer” application on
the right hand corner of the front page of the website.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Complete line of Consumer Electronics.
From Televisions, to GPS Units, Radar Detectors, VCR’s, Cordless
Phones, Paper Shredders, Two Way Radios, Car Audio, and much
more. You have to go to their “Dealer Log-In” section on the front
page, where there will be instructions on how you can become a
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Audio, Home Theater Products, Mobile
Audio, Video Accessories, Camcorder, Camera Accessories. They
have a drop-shipping program if you want to set up your own website
and become an “etailer.” See their “forms & information” link at the top
of their main index page if you want to get involved with their drop
shipping program.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: DBL Distributing
Type Of Merchandise: DBL Distributing is the largest wholesaler
of consumer electronics accessories in the United States. They offer
two types of accounts. One account is for people who want to stock,
and own their product.
The other is a drop-shipping program so that you can have an
“inventory-less” business. See their “Get An Account” section of the
website for further information.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: PickSend Distributing is a wholesale
distributor of consumer products for small to medium size retail stores,
mail order catalogs and e-commerce operations. PSD specializes in
pick and pack distribution, filling the niche of the smaller retailer that
struggles to meet manufacturer minimum purchase levels.
See their “setup-account” section for further information about their
wholesale drop-shipping program. They carry major brands such as:
Black & Decker, Baush & Lomb, Coleman Kids, Motorola, Sunbeam,
Bushnell, Repel, Wenger, and many more.
You must be a customer to access prices, and product descriptions.
However, if you are interested in becoming a customer, e-mail
customer service and ask them if you can have a temporary password
to access the types of products they carry. They list brand information,
but you cannot access “product types” unless you get a password.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry Digital Cameras, Vacuums, Braun
Shavers, Audiovox, Gameboy Advance, and much more. They are closeout
and returns distributors of electronics. They do accept credit cards. Buy small
if you are a beginner, and visit if you can to see their merchandise.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Speakers, Subwoofers, Amplifiers. Signal
Processors, Enclosures. Go to their “Dealer Area” on the left hand side of
their homepage. When you click on the Dealer Area, then click “Contact Us,”
and see their “Request To Be A US Dealer” link.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Bluz Brothers
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Consumer and Professional Electronics.
High Fidelity Components, Loud Speakers, Car Audio, and more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Outer Limits Car Audio carries: Subwoofers,
Amplifiers, MP3, CD and Cassette Players, X-Overs, Mobile, Videos,
And Accessories, and much more. They deal with over 50 top of the
Line Car Audion Brands. They have some good prices, and are wholesale
to the public, with a 25 dollar minimum purchase.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Factory sealed DJ and Car Audio equipment at the
lowest possible prices. We sell our equipment for personal use or for resale.
Our DJ equipment comes with valid factory warranties and manuals. They do
drop-ship. See their “Open A Dealer Account” on the left hand side of the
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: East West Import Services
Type Of Merchandise: Providse brand name consumer products &
innovative products. They offer a wide selection of products in Electronics,
Entertainment, Cameras, Toys, Hobby, Kitchenware, Bath Accessories, etc.
Even though they are located in Canada, they warehouse and send their
product from Florida. Drop shipping program is available.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: TeleDynamics® is a wholesale supply house of
telecommunication products, home/office equipment, digital imaging, general
audio and consumer electronics such as GPS products and FRS/GMRS
We stock the newest products from the top manufacturers such as
Panasonic, AT&T, Sony, Magellan, Uniden, Motorola and 60 other leading
brands. See their “Click Here If You Want To Be A Dealer” on the front of
their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The stock thousands of batteries for thousands
of applications. See their “Dealer Section” for more information about
becoming a dealer.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We are specialized in closeouts and refurbished
brand name consumer Electronics & related Accessories. Be careful here,
they are closeouts and refurbs.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: M&M Merchandisers is a wholesale distributor.
Their inventory includes musical instruments, home audio, video equipment,
car audio electronics and installation accessories.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry MTX, Pioneer, and other car audio
brands. You need to e-mail them to get a password, so you can view their
product line. If you want to become a dealer, they have an online form under
“Dealer App” link at the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Audio & Video Electronics distributor. When you
go to their homepage, enter “Click Here To Enter Site.” They will allow guest
logins, and the password is listed on the page.
When you type in the password, you should be greeted by “Welcome Guest
Visitor.” You will then see at the bottom left hand corner of the page: “Click
Here To View Products.”
You will then be taken to a page where you will see a “Products Tab.” You
will also see their “Great Pricing On Closeouts,” section as well. They cater
to retailers, and online retailers.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Audio Sound Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: Car Audio, and Security products. If you would like
to become a dealer, then got to their “resources” section on top of their home
page, and you will see their dealer credit application link in PDF format .
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: CB Distributing is a wholesale electronics
distributor specializing in CB Radios and accessories. They sell to retail
establishments only. They also have other consumer electronics in addition to
CB radios.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Mobile Audio equipment and accessories. They sell
“Navigation In Car Entertainment” systems. If you want to become a dealer you
will have to scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and click the “Become A
Dealer” link. You will have to e-mail them for further information.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesale:
Type Of Merchandise: A business-to-business e-community where
worldwide companies in mobile phone industry meet and trade. We provide
global database of mobile phones distributors and manufacturers for buyers.
You need to register to get access to their forum, and list of suppliers.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: ParkTel USA carries most major cell phone brands.
They carry both 850 and 900 frequencies. Merchandise designated for the
US and Canadian market is 850/1800/1900. They have an office in New York,
and in Dubai. Experienced importers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Global Suppliers is your source for wholesale and
retail GSM phones, accessories, and computing equipment. See “Click Here
To Go Mobile” section of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: This is a buy and sell forum for all types of new and
used Cellular Phones. Registration is free. Just be careful with some of the
offers. Do not wire money into anyone’s account, and make sure you ask a lot
of questions about the offers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Or Merchandise: This is a large Business To Business trade board
for the buying, selling, importing, and wholesaling of Mobile Phones. Read their
“Fraud Watch” section before you become of member of the forum.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Clothing Wholesale Page 83
SIDEBAR: Before you proceed to the Wholesale Clothing
section of this guide, three websites should be noted.,, are an absolute must
see before you buy any “Designer Duds.”
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, LLC is a direct
importer of designer luxury handbags and accessories from Europe.
We sell to the individual consumer as well as many wholesale
customers who purchase volume for resale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Smith Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale distributors of Hanes 1st quality,
closeouts, and slight irregulars.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: This is the website for women’s fashion buyers.
Use their search engine to find fashion trade shows around the country. They
should also list the companies that participate in the shows. You can use that
information as a source of supply for your company, auction, or online store.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise:, sells sneakers, but more
importantly, they have a gallery of pictures that identify “fake sneakers”.
You might ask yourself why would you want that information?
Well, if you are buying from any company that mentions that they have
“authentic” Nike, Reebok, Jordans, etc., you can use this picture gallery
to identify the fakes. When you get to the first page of this website, scroll down
to the link that states “Fake Shoes”. From there you can find another link to
the gallery.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Mechandise:. Our strong connections and extended network
makes us able to provide every kind of merchandise like clothing. Leather
goods, shoes and accessories, both from the best International designers
and/or our Private Label.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything for baby. Wholesale to established
businesses and websites. They drop-ship as well.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Coutoure is a retail site, but you can e-mail them
and ask them about bulk quantities and volume buys. They carry a lot of major
designer brand jeans
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: This is not exactly wholesale information, but one of
the largest databases of fashion designers. Click on the “Fashion Designers”
section located at the top of the web page.
From there you will see “Bios & Info”. Click onto that link, and you will have
access to just about every high fashion designer on the planet. They do charge
a fee to access further information about a particular designer, about 4.95 per
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: The Immediate Resource
Type Of Merchandise: The largest supplier of Plus Size, Missy Suits,
Dresses, Hats, and special occasion clothes. They cater to retailers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Their whole site is dedicated to designer jeans.
They claim to carry authentic product. If you specialize in designer jeans, then
you will know the difference. Use a Credit Card here.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: This site was created for both the small and large
reseller. They carry Gucci, Prada, Fendi, and Christian Dior handbags.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Primary business is to sell and develop
designer inspired handbags, jewelry, belts, sunglasses, and wallets.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Any type of blank white t-shirts, sweatshirts,
fleece, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Consolidated sells store stocks, excess
inventory, manufacturers overruns, irregulars and damages, and catalog
goods. Contact them for specific clothing requests. Visit their warehouse if
you are in Dallas, Texas.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: American Top Leather specializes in the
manufacturing and wholesaling of quality leather apparel for Bikers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Licensed dealer of Harley Davidson
products. They have a 100 dollar minimum.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: T-Shirts, Tye Dyes, and Licensed apparel.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of hunting and military clothing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Made in the USA T-shirts with CoolMax,
a Dupont Product. You have to e-mail them and ask about getting
on their closeout mailing list.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Western Wear.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Pine Apparel offers Dresses, Sportswear,
Sweaters, Novelty, Mother of the Bride, Suits and Special Occasions.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: NAFTATradersInc.
Type Of Merchandise: CloseoutWarehouse has changed their name to
NAFTA Traders. They carry all types of shoes and sneakers. One of the
largest distributors in the US. They cater to flea market vendors and small
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Resource: This is a web portal that features Italian Clothing and
Accessory manufacturers. A one-stop marketplace where wholesale buyers
can purchase directly from Italian Manufacturers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Children’s Wholesale Apparel is a wholesale
distributor of first quality children's clothing to retail stores Worldwide. They
have no minimum purchase.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell all types of wholesale lingerie to
businesses, including retail stores, outlets, exporters, boutiques, Ebay
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Baseline is a wholesale distributor of men's,
women's, and boy's t-shirts, jeans, sweats, golf shirts, and licensed
blankets and throws. They specialize in name brand off-price goods
including closeouts, irregulars and store returns as well as first quality
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Join us for the most reliable source of supply
for authentic, high-end luxury branded surplus merchandise available
anywhere on a wholesale basis.
We supply all the top European luxury brands on an as-available basis.
Because we stock the hard to get, high-end brands, and our prices are very
low, we tend to sell out of inventory very quickly. Join our priority mailing
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Leather apparel wholesaler.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Stork’s Choice guarantees lower prices
on 1st Quality Disposable Diapers delivered direct from their factory.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All brands that you can think of. They are
huge suppliers of off-price apparel. Mens, Ladies, Childrens, Special
Sizes, and Accessories.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Generic, Designer, and Urban apparel
for Men, Woman, & Children. Wholesale orders are welcome.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Handbags and purses made in Italy.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturer of Western shirts.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Supplier of Children’s off-price apparel.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Mechandise: One of the largest off price apparel dealers in
California. If you want it, they got it. Minimums can be high though.
They carry Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Mechandise: Large wholesaler and manufacturer
of woman’s intimate fashion. Bras, Panties, Gowns, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Albert Limited
Type Of Merchandise: You have to register to see their product line.
They do require a reseller number.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale clothing, designer handbags, and
wallets. At, we stand behind our merchandise and we
guarantee 100% authenticity on every product we sell or your full money
back. It's that simple.
All of our products come with all the necessary authenticity paperwork, labels
or cards, dust bag and or box. They claim that their merchandise is imported
from Italy and offered at 30%-80% below retail. See their Wholesale
Products link on the bottom left hand side of the website.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Off-Price Woman’s apparel. Dresses, Pants Sets,
Skirt Sets.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Liquid Fashion is a wholesaler, and liquidator of
designer Apparel. Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria's Secret, and more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Bennetts Clothing
Type Of Merchandise: We offer a full line of clothing and footwear to
businesses, organizations and government agencies, with volume discounts on
most regular-price items.
They have True Religion and Seven Jeans. See their “contact us” link at the top
of their website and scoll down to “coporate sales” to contact them about bulk
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Area Fashions
Type Of Merchandise: Designer Handbags by Ferragamo, Mark Jacobs,
Fendi, Prada, and Versace. All of their merchandise claims to be Authentic,
Brand New and in Perfect Condition GUARANTEED.
They have a seven day return policy. You need to sign up for their wholesale
deals. See their “register” link at the top of their homepage, and contact them
about wholesale prices and information.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Hawaiian surf wear. Wholesale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Bati Agency
Type Of Merchandise: They stock, and represent some major brands
of clothing and accessories such as Gucci, Diesel, Dolce & Gabbana, Juicy
Couture, Kenzo Lonsdale, Tommy Hilfiger and Versace. When you get to
their homepage, click the Union Jack “enter” link (it means the English site)
on the bottom right hand side of the page.
When you enter the page, you will see a link for the word “produced” on the
top left hand side of the page. Click that link, and then click onto the banner
“Stock Firme” for their brand names. They are located in Italy.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We’re open to distributors, swap meet vendors,
e-retailers, retailers, outlet stores, discount stores and ebayers at below
wholesale price. 100 piece minimum purchase.
We carry DKNY, Tommy Hilfiger, XOXO, Liz Claiborne, Polo, Ralph
Lauren, Kenneth Cole, Calvin Klein, INC, Charter Club, Style & Co. and
much more to name a few.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Marlo Bags and accessories. Ego Handbags
and accessories. Marlo Sport. Kulanui Hawaiian Sunwear. They cater to
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Specializes in closeout and end of tour Rock,
Country, and novelty t-shirts. You need to e-mail them to get a price
list. They have a 100.00 minimum.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Nassiri Incorporated's corporate headquarters is
based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. We are a supplier of brand name apparel
to the world's leading fashion stores.
Nassiri has brand name men's, women's and children's clothing; and
accessories available for immediate delivery. Over 30 years of rock solid
loyalty and reliability for vendors and buyers makes Nassiri a name
synonymous with wholesale apparel.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale and Retail Leather Jackets, Wallets,
Bomber Jackets, Leather Jackets, Boots, Plus Size Jackets, for Men,
Woman, Children, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry Expressions hair accessories for
children and all ages and adults.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: represents top manufacturers
of licensed sports merchandise and apparel. They have items for
NASCAR, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, and over 140 colleges.
They are a sales rep organization and not a direct distributor. In other words,
they will place the order for you direct from the factory.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Distributor of shoes. Brands including
Coleman, Totes, Beverly Hills Polo, Court Master, Bill Blass, Caribbean
Casuals, as well as their signature shoe, “Faps” footwear line.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale golf shirts by just about everyone.
Tommy Hilfiger Golf, Nike Golf, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Name Brand Clothing, Urban Clothing Big & Tall
at wholesale prices.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Closeouts on Dickie workpants
and clothing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturer of fashion and hair accessories,
personal care, bath & body products, jewelry, and cosmetics.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Made In Italy Imports is a wholesale and retail
supplier of Italian-made designer apparel for women and men. We stock
clothing, shoes, fashion accessories and leather goods from the most
prestigious Italian fashion designers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: First quality, and second quality jeans
from manufacturers in Mexico. They are located in El Paso, Texas.
They do carry some brand name jeans. You can purchase by the
carton online. If you need jeans manufactured, they can contract a
Mexican Manufacturer to make the type of product you want.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a manufacturer of baseball caps, tote
bags, duffel bags, beanie caps, and visors. They do have high minimums,
but the prices are fantastic if you can buy in bulk.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The Marketplace of the Shoe Manufacturers
from Vigevano, Italy. Find just about any shoe made in Italy.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Sells brand names like Nike, Adidas, Reebok,
Fila, Converse, Puma, Skechers, Asics, Starter, Log Athletic, Sharper
Image, Doc Martens. 50% off wholesale. They also have apparel. They sell
their items in pre-packs of 12 to 36.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: While this is not a wholesaler, it is however a
website where you can find just about any clothing, fabric, and yarn supplier
around the world. There is a fee to join, but if you are interested in finding
overseas sources for any of these types of products it might be worth it.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesale:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a New Jersey based wholesale clothing
distributor of sweatshirts, sweatpants, t-shirts, fleece shorts, warm ups, denim,
denim overalls, white athletic shirts, thermal underwear, flannels and PVC
jackets. They sell in pre-packs, and cartons.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Kansas City based wholesaler of men’s,
woman’s, and children’s nationally branded apparel and accessories.
They have clothing production partners in over 17 different countries.
They have sales offices in Dallas, NY, Kansas City, Seattle and
Minneapolis. You have to contact them for the type of brand and product
that you are looking for.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Fendi and Gucci Handbags, as well as other
designer products. This is their retail site, but, see their
Corporate/Volume sales link at the top right hand side of the page. EMail them with the quantities and the type of product that you need.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your low-cost source for Wholesale Handbags,
Wholesale Purses, Wholesale Jewelry & Wholesale Hair Ornaments
Web address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything for baby. They are located in Jamaica
New York. See their ordering link about minimums.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturer of baby clothes located in China.
They accept wholesale inquires from just about anyone. You have to contact
them via e-mail if you want to get more information about pricing an minimums.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Spanish overstock clothing website. They carry
brand names like Nike, Diesel, Abercombie, etc. You have to register to find out
more about their products and pricing. They cater to wholesalers only. I would be
careful here, and ask a lot of questions before you buy. Experienced ImportExport buyers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Girly
Type Of Merchandise: As the site mentions, “Jeans Are Their Thing.” They
carry Seven, and True Religion designer jeans. E-Mail, or call them for wholesale
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a brand name off-price apparel
dealer. You can get Men’s, Boys, Ladies, Junior, Missy, Petit, Plus Size, and
just about any clothing item you can think of. Inquire about clothing items that
aren’t listed.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Le Grandi Firme Linternazionale
Type Of Merchandise: Le Grandi Firme Internazionale is a wholesale
supplier of leading Italian name brand designer clothing. We are located in
northern Italy, Canada, and south Florida.
With over 35 years experience in the Italian clothing industry, we can offer
merchandise at and below wholesale prices. Please Note: We are not
Agents or Brokers. We are located in northern Italy, Canada, and south
Florida. We import directly from Italy, and own what we sell.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: CERI International offers high quality handbags
at wholesale prices. Our quality assured handbags, purses and tote bags
come directly from carefully chosen manufacturers. Therefore, you'll find our
products to feature the latest fashion and to be offered at the best prices
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Comeco Incorporated
Type Of Merchandise: is a wholesale purse, belts, and
fashion accessories company. Comeco Inc is a leader in wholesale fashion
handbag and accessories.
Here you will find our latest products from authentic Elvis Presley and
Marilyn Monroe handbags to fashion handbags, belts and fashion
For over 20 years our mission is to provide a one-stop shop for wholesale
handbags, purses, belts, sunglasses, and fashion accessories
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Their own brand of specialty design handbags.
Wholesale only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale and closeout specialist of licensed
and non-licensed sports hats.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Le Firme Designer Wholesale
Type Of Merchandise: Luxary Design Italian Fashions and accessories.
They are located in Canada, and have very high minimums. You really have
to have money to buy from them, or you can visit their locations. This
supplier is for someone who can afford to spend about 100,000 dollars
Canadian. See their wholesale link at the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Piero Tucci, established in 1972, designs and
creates handmade leather goods. In addition to our own labels, we carry and
sell fine leather items from Armani, Borbonese, Versace, YSL (Yves Saint
Laurent), Moschino and many other well-known Italian luxury brands.
They are located in Florence Italy. If you want to inquire about wholesale, or
volume purchasing, click their “Company Profile” link at the top of their
homepage. At the bottom of the page you will see:
For Trader: If you are interested in our items we have a special price-list for
large quantities. Please contact us at
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Azaryan Unlimited Inc
Type Of Merchandise: This website caters to retailers, wholesalers and
entrepreneurs for affordable, and profitable clothing, handbags, jewelry, and
accessories online. Prices vary from 30% to 70% below wholesale prices. We
offer the best in closeout clothing, wholesale clothing and off price apparel.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Authentic designer handbags direct from Italy.
Importing luxury designer brands such as Balenciaga, Chloe, Fendi, Prada,
Gucci, Marc Jacobs, Burberry, Celine, Luella, Coach, Chanel, Hermes, etc.
Speciallizing in hard to find,unique, and 'it' handbags. Contact Melinda, who
owns this site, and ask to get put on her mailing list. She can get you just about
any designer handbag you need.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Shoe Balance
Type Of Merchandise: Generic shoe and sneaker wholesaler. Choose from
our wide variety of athletic shoes and boots available in men’s, women’s, and
children’s sizes. Our prices are competitive and our product is superb.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are Virginia manufacturers of the following
brands: Paradise Kittens, Johansen, Natural Bridge, and Capps Footwear.
See their “About Us” section to contact them about becoming a dealer.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Zapateria Cuevas
Type Of Merchandise: Distributors of cowboy boots imported from Leon,
Guanajuato Mexico. When you get to the site, click the “English” link at the
bottom of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Jills Consignment Shop
Type Of Merchandise: Jill’s Consignment shop sells designer handbags,
clothing, and jewelry. Brand names such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci,
Hermes, David Yurman, and much more. Some of the prices are really good,
because most of the items are slightly used. It would be a good place to look for
designer resale product. Visit her shop if you are in Florida.
Web Address;
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Innerwear-NYC
Type Of Merchandise: Innerwear-NYC is an off-price apparel importer and
wholesale distributor specializing in ladies intimate apparel, providing sourcing and
price advantages to wholesalers and retailers in the off-price apparel market.
They get most of their items factory direct. See their current listings if you want to
order clothing items off the website. There is a minimum piece order (50 to 100) for
most items. They carry Victoria Secrets line of clothing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale deals on Ubran wear, such as Rocawear,
Bad Boy, Sean John, Phat Boy, Snoop Doog, Def Jam, Seven Jeans, and
Makaveli. You can order product right from the website. Below wholesale, sold in
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Discover the way Apparel Offprice Buying can focus on
learning your particular needs for the market you serve. We help buyers find current
quality merchandise at 20-60% below wholesale and can ship immediate as you
need. Contact them if you have a particular clothing item that you want sourced.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Marketplace of Italian fashion clothing suppliers. If you
are a retailer, wholesaler, or a department store buyer of apparel and furniture
manufacturer, or the owner of an Internet Shop, this is your best source for genuine
“made in Italy fashions, textiles, and leather merchandise.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturer of handbags located in Catania, Italy.
All handbags are made by hand. Contact them about wholesale prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesalers of brand name swimwear for women.
From store owners to online entrepreneurs, our wholesale swimwear section is
especially designed for retailers in search for the right line of swimwear, swimsuit
clearances and closeouts. If you are seriously interested in buying swimwear at
wholesale prices you will find this section ideal
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Luna Estrella Fashion
Type Of Merchandise: Luna Estrella Fashion is a wholesale
company of 100% authentic high end designer handbags. We are a wholesale
company (We sell in bulk to other sellers). To get the prices on our website you
must buy in bulk! We have no minimum but , you cannot buy less than five
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Stocklot is a wholesale of closeouts branded
clothing located in Italy with different clients worldwide. You can find the best
WHOLESALE CLOSEOUTS of original italian brands on our site.
We deliver everywhere in the world. Stocklot is perfect also for ebay
marketplace sellers thanks to our liquidation closeouts products. Be
careful here, they are in Italy.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The Fruit of the Loom Wholesaler Listing provides
a complete list of wholesalers that carry FTL products, the product categories
they offer, locations, addresses, and phone numbers.
So to locate a wholesaler, you can either use the alphabetical listing to find a
particular wholesaler, the zip code directory to find the wholesalers closest to
you, or click on the quick reference map below to find wholesalers in a specific
state. It's simple and quick!
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Davidson Mills
Type Of Merchandise: They sell Hanes Shirts and Jerseys. Their market
niche has been to provide top quality irregular garments at a significant
savings to their customers.
They buy directly from the mills, grading the garments themselves, and selling
directly to screen printers, embroiders, and retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All major brands of blank shirts and sweatshirts.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Textile Fashion and sourcing service located in
Italy. They can source branded Italian clothing items. You have to contact
them and ask them about the type of branded items you are looking for.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: R.G. Riley
Type Of Merchandise: R.G. Riley offers only close-outs and graded
irregular fleecewear and knitwear. We feature the Hanes, Hanes Her Way,
Just My Size, and other labels from the leading mills.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: In business for ten years, they carry just about
type of designer jeans, sunglasses, and much more. See their wholesale
link at the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: MJR
Type Of Merchandise: Even though they do not mention it on their
website, they are, as of this writing, the exclusive seller of Victoria
Secrets catalogue returns. They carry other other brands as well. See
their wholesale link at the top of their homepage for purchasing
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: First quality closeout t-shirt supplier. They carry
almost the entire Jerzee line, and many items from major mills like Gildan,
Hanes, and Fruit Of The Loom.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: AlbertLimited Import-Export
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale designer clothing and urban wear.
You need to register to get access to their product, and price list. You can
order right off the website. You will need your Tax ID, or Resale Certificate
number for this site.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of purchases Overstock and
Shelf Pulled Apparel directly from the Nation's Largest Department Store
chains. We also import and wholesale designer, brand name apparel from
many manufacturing countries around the world.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They specialize in buying and selling wholesale
clothing, wholesale shoes, and wholesale general merchandise. Prices range
from 50% to 80% off major retailers wholesale cost. They have contracts with
many major department stores, specialty shops, manufacturers and
distributors to sell off their end of season closeouts, surplus, overstocks,
liquidations, cancellations, insurance claims and customer returns in bulk.
They grade, re-pack and then resell to small retail store entrepreneurs, major
discount chain stores, exporters, international distributors, Internet based
retailers, brokers and non-profit organizations. You will have to inquire as to
the particular brand names that they sell. Some brand names they are not
allowed to advertise. Be careful here, they basically are surplus dealers.
Read their products descriptions for pallet buys carefully. Remember what I
said about mixed clothing lots. They carry footwear as well.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Apparel Trading International
Type Of Merchandise: Men’s, and Women’s liquidations and closeouts.
Includes designer clothing labels. See their “Buying Opportunities” link to find
out their current clothing listings.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Below Wholesale Inc
Type Of Merchandise: Below Wholesale Inc. is an International off-price
children’s clothing wholesaler. They offer quality apparel for children at
discounts of up to 70% off. They carry brands like Christian Dior.
Click on the “Below Wholesale” logo when you get to the landing page, to get
to their products and ordering page. They sell in pre-packs the can be ordered
right off their website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: This company is located in Miami Florida, and is a
closeout and liquidation dealer of branded, and unbranded clothing, and
accessories. Read all of their instructions before buying. This is a “fly & buy”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: VF Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: VF Corporation is one of the world´s largest
apparel companies. They supply stores like Wal-Mart. If you are a retailer, this
is the company for you. The carry a lot of major brands. Contact them for
further information.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: IT Holdings
Type Of Merchandise: Distributes Ferré, Malo, Extè - under license
agreements with D&G, Versus, Versace Jeans Couture, Just Cavalli, C’N’C
Costume National. If you have a specialty boutique, or are thinking about
dedicating your store to luxury goods, this is a major player in terms of
designer supply. See their “FAQS” at the top of their homepage to find out
how to purchase product from any of their divisions. They are in Italy.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: T-Shirt Wholesale Blanks Division provides bulk tshirt pricing at any quantity for businesses and individuals who need quality
garments for retail, screen printing, or embroidery services.
We have designed our web site to be user friendly so our valued customers
can easily find and purchase what they are looking for. They have no
minimum purchase price.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Amtrat International
Type Of Merchandise: Amtrat International Corporation sells brand
name shoes from leading major department stores, including returns,
closeouts, overstocks, clearance, and irregular shoes. Our product selection
includes Nike, Reebok, Fila, Timberland, New Balance, Adidas, Candies,
Hokus Pokus, Steve Madden, and other leading shoe brands.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Belts, Wallets, and Handbags. brands include
Tommy Hilfiger, Kenneth Cole, Nine West, Michael Kors, Sean John, Steve
Madden, Fermi&Telsa, XOXO, Chinese Laundry, and Mudd.Our customers
include retailers, internet retailers, wholesalers, exporters, ASI companies.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Computers Wholesale
Page 111
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: Before you proceed to the Computer Reseller
listings, I want to give you a search engine resource that will help you find just
about any price, on any piece of computer hardware. There will be a lot of
retail prices, but you can find some companies that are selling their products
so cheap, that you can buy them for resale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Esys Wordwide.
Type Of Merchandise: Desktop, CPU, and Laptop Reseller. Everything
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Surplus Computer, Audio, and Home Theatre
merchandise. They have great Ebay feedback.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Computer Servers, Routers, and Storage products
by HP, Nortel, DEC, Cisco, and 3Com.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: American Computer Resources
Type Of Merchandise: American Computer Resources, Inc. is an
international distributor of IBM, Compaq, Toshiba and Other Name Brand
Computers and Peripherals! According to ACR, when wholesalers, wholesale,
they call American Computer Resources.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Buyers and sellers of volume
liquidated computer hardware.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Computers, Laptops, and Accessories. They sell
to wholesalers and dealers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturer of computer cable. Wholesale only.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry just about everything computer. They
have established relationships with top manufacturers. You need a reseller ID
to purchase from them. See their “New Customer” section.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: PCW Wholesale
Type Of Merchandise: Desktops, Servers, Notebooks, Tablet PC’s all
things computers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Refurbished computer systems, of most major
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Desktops, Servers, Workstations, Gaming,
Industrial and Commercial.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: C.A. Robinson Company
Type Of Merchandise: C.A. Robinson & Co., Inc. is a major distributor of
PC Systems and Components. Its 60.000 square foot facility, housing a large
inventory of brand name and OEM components and sub-systems, provides our
clients with a one stop solution to their PC needs.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Dell Financial Sales
Type Of Merchandise: Dell sells off-lease computers through this website.
See their “contact us” link at the top of their homepage. Once you get to the
contact page, you will see their “Buying In Volume” information.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: E.T Company
Type Of Merchandise: Everything computer. Refurbished Laptops,
Monitors, Printers, Electronic Dictionaries, Laptop Docking Stations. See their
wholesale section.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Daiwa is the national distributor of Microsoft OEM,
Pandex, MSI, ECS, Panasonic, SMC, Gnet, KDS, BenQ, Thermaltake, and
HIS in Canada.
It also positions itself as a value-added reseller of microcomputer business
solutions provided to commercial corporations, government sectors and
education institutions.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Distributor of computer components, software and
systems to all types of resellers.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Just about everything in the computer world. Scanners,
MP3 players, Printers, Motherboards, Controllers, Joysticks, Keyboards, CPU’s,
and Speakers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Used and Liquidated Computers. They have a retail
store in Denver, Colorado. They are not a wholesaler, but you can check out their
“Products & Prices” link at the top of their homepage, and check out their liquidation
specials. If you want to make a large purchase, they would probably be more than
willing to accommodate you.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Electrograph is the largest distributor of plasma
displays in the U.S. We offer the latest display technology products, from plasmas
to peripherals, and we have the knowledge to pull them all together to create
profitable solutions for our more than 3,000 reseller partners.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Extensive inventory of used computer equipment. They
carry Desktops, Laptops, CPUs. You don’t have to e-mail them for pricing. They
have it online.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are the largest supplier of computer
equipment on the planet. They supply online and offline retail stores. See their
reseller section.
Web Addresss:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a large provider of IT products. Software,
hardware, and just about everything computer. They serve retailers and
resellers. Go to the “Doing Business With” section of the website for more
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Experts in Asset Recovery and Remarketing. They
are large volume sellers and buyers of computer equipment.
Web Address:
Name Of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: Asset Recovery is one of the largest buyers,
sellers, and re-marketers of used, recovered, and second hand hardware.
Check their inventory list for what is available. If you want a particular
product, e-mail your requests to them. Inquire about bulk purchases.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry a large variety of used computers,
monitors, laptops, printers, networking equipment, off-lease computer
equipment, and accessories. They purchase equipment from around the
world. They have three overseas warehouses. Make sure you check their
inventory list. You have to e-mail them for prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell only used computers, used
laptops, and related equipment made by major manufacturers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Just about every refurbished and
off-lease type of computer equipment you can think of.
Web Address:
Name Of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: They recover, and sell, new and refurbished
computer equipment of all types. Go to their “Buy and Sell” section for
further information.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Computer Reseller: Mega Com Technologies
Type Of Merchandise: Specializes in the recovery and selling of
Laptops, Servers , Desktops, Monitors, Printers, Accessories, and
Rackmount Systems.
Web Address:
Name Of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: Ace Traders buys and sells new and used
computers, peripherals. They sell wholesale and export.
Web Address:
Name Of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell refurbished computer equipment to
companies and individuals.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Gled Distributing
Type Of Merchandise: GLED specializes in providing turnkey IT
solutions for ISVs, education, government, major end users and resellers
that have repeatable needs of IT hardware and services.
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Well, if you want a Laptop with the “Union
Label” than this is the site for you! Laptops and Desktop systems
made in the “Good Old USA!”. Contact them about
wholesale/reseller information.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Batteries and accessories for Notebook
Computers, Desktop Computers, Utility Meters.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell off-lease and used Laptop
accessories, peripherals, components, and parts. They also manufacturer
adapters for laptops.
Web Address:
Name Of Manufacturer: Quanta Computer Incorporated
Type Of Merchandise: Leading designer and manufacturer of
notebook computers. Also makes CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, CD-RWs,
Liquid-crystal display TVs, and mobile phones.
Quanta customers include Apple, Dell, Gateway, Hewlett-Packard,
Matsushita, Electric Industrial, and Sony. Make sure you click the
“English” button on the left hand side of the site.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Manufacturer: Compal Electronics
Type Of Merchandise: Original design manufacturers of Notebooks,
Monitors, PDA’s, and Mobile Phones, with customer service branches in
Taiwan, China, South Korea, the U.S.
Web Address:
Name Of Manufacturer: Inventec Corporation Taiwan
Type Of Merchandise: Original design manufacturer of Notebooks,
Servers, LCD TVs, and Software. They produce products for Hewlett
Web Address:
Name Of Manufacturer: Arima Computer Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: Original Equipment Manufacturer and designer
of Notebook Computers, Multi-Media, Portable DVD Players, Consumer
Electronics and Smart Phones. They manufacture products for Hewlett
Web Address:
Name Of Manufacturer: Twinhead Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: They are one of the top Notebook manufacturers
in Taiwan. They manufacture laptops for American computer distributors.
When you get to their homepage, click the “United States” button, and go
to their “sales partner” link to find out more about purchasing from this
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Manufacturer: Wistron Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: Wistron manufactures by design. Products
include notebook computers, desktop PCs, personal digital assistants,
and servers. Provides services and products to Dell, Hewlett-Packard,
and Microsoft.
Web Address:
Name Of Manufacturer: Clevo Computer Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturers of Notebook computers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell refurbished, and reconditioned
American Power Conversion Uninterruptible Power Supplies.
All units come with a one-year warranty. Resellers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Honor Computer Distributing
Type Of Merchandise: Honor International is a wholesaler of computers
sytems and components. We are on the top 100 distributors listed in VAR
Business Magazine.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesalers and exporters of computer products.
New, used, and refurbished PC’s, Notebooks, Monitors, Components, and
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Computer products and accessories.
Web Address:
Name Of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: Computer accessories, hard drives, flat panel
monitors, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Computer Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: Resellers of all things computer. Hard Drives,
Systems, Servers, and Notebooks. Click onto their “Services” section to view “B2B
Account Sign Up,” and “Reseller Price” information.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell refurbished computer equipment. They
sell to wholesalers, dealers, and resellers. Typical minimum purchase is
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Network Liquidators is your online source for
discount, used, refurbished, and new open box network equipment. Buy, or
sell, used, refurbished, Cisco Systems, Extreme Networks, F5 Networks, and
Sun Microsystems equipment at up to 90% off list.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Computer system builder and computer parts
distributor. See their reseller sign section.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Laptop Distributor. See their reseller section on
the website for further information.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Computer accessories. This link will take you right to
their reseller information.
Web Address:
Name Of Exchange:
Type Of Merchandise: A Dealers only B2B business exchange for
telecommunications equipment. To join this trade board, their online registration
form requires that you have two business references before you can join. Serious
resellers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: Computer asset recovery company. They claim to be
Western New York's largest asset recovery provider. They carry new and used
computer equipment. See their “Equipment Sales” link, and then go to “Dealer &
Retail” sales to inquire about any item you might have an interest in.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell quality used and refurbished computer
equipment throughout the world. See their new account registration link to find
out more about purchasing from them. Their minimums are pretty high.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell refurbished laptops from IBM, Dell,
Compaq, E-machines, Toshiba and more. We make your purchase easy by
allowing you to select by processor, by brand or by price. See their “Reseller”
link at the top of the page to find out about purchasing from them.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: BDI Laguna
Type Of Merchandise: BDI Laguna sells a full line of Toshiba products
You can join their Target Account Program, and fill out their application to carry
their products from the link provided here. For serious resellers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Reseller: Jigar Systems Inc
Type Of Merchandise: JSI provides wholesale quantities of new, used and
refurbished computers, peripherals and electronics. They export to anywhere in
the world. They act as a clearinghouse for distributors, OEM's, and retailers.
We purchase their excess overstocks, liquidations and refurbished equipment.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: There are over 700 used, and refurbished
computer resellers. It is one of the best free resources for finding
computer “products for resale.”
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
DVD Wholesale Page 126
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: DVD Region Explanation & Maps
Before I get into the DVD wholesale listings, a point of information. If you do not know
about the different “Region Designations” of DVDs this will help. You want to try and
purchase (if possible) Region 1 DVDs, factory sealed or slightly used.
Also, be careful of “B Rated” titles. They are usually (B Rated) titles that are obscure
and not good sellers. In addition, you want to be cautious when buying “wholesale”
lots of 100 or more. Some wholesalers will tell you that they will contain “some stars”
or “featured celebrities.” There have been a lot of bad movies that feature very good
Just be careful and understand what titles and “featured” actors you are buying. Also,
beware of Asian knockoff’s with subtitles. You would want to stay away from anything
that is produced overseas. You can tell most DVD knockoff’s by the fact that a
particular DVD title is being offered to you while the movie is still playing in the theatre.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: The National Association of recording Merchandisers
is a non-profit trade association with 1000 members including retailers, wholesalers,
and distributors of pre-recorded music in the US. Join if you want to find more
wholesalers in the music category.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Entertainment Resource, Inc. (ERI) is a national distributor
which provides a single-source solution for managing all aspects of the sale and
marketing of entertainment product software products.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource: Amazon-Top Sellers-DVD.
Type Of Information: Another Information resource that I would like to share
with you is Amazon’s Top Ten Selling DVDs. If you want to know what the top
selling DVDs are, they are listed at! Updated hourly.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A huge supplier of DVDs, VHS, and just about
anything entertainment. They sell mostly to retailers, but if you have an online
store I would inquire about whether or not you can purchase from them.
When you get to their homepage, see their “FAQ & Feedback” link at the top of the
page. When you click that link, you will be taken to a page that mentions: “Click
here for our FAQ list.” Scroll down to: “Retailer/Distributor Info.”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesalers: Baker & Taylor Inc
Type Of Merchandise: A leading supplier of books, movies, and information
products to libraries and retailers. See their retailers link at the bottom of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry popular Hollywood DVD titles that have
been edited to remove offensive language and graphic violence. See “Becoming
A Dealer” at the bottom of the page.
Web Address:
Page 127
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Extensive database Video And DVD titles. Twenty
percent discount on used Videos/DVD purchases over two hundred and fifty
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The nations largest distributor of DVD hardware
and software. Largest distributor of all things entertainment.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video’s, DVD’s, CD’s,, appeals
to everyone. Home-based auction businesses and online retail stores.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Music CD’s and music related products. Wholesale
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Delta Entertainment
Type Of Merchandise: Delta Entertainment Corporation was founded over
30 years ago and we have gone on to become one of the world’s top
independent music & video labels. Large retailers like Costco, Sam’s Club,
Circuit City, Best Buy, B.J.s, and Walmart, not to mention hundreds of smaller
retailers, trust Delta to supply them with high-quality products.
Web Address:
Page 128
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: If you like Asian actors and films, this is the website
for you. See their “Wholesale Section” on the left hand side of the page for
further information.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale DVD’s. See their “Become Our Dealer
Link” if you want to carry their products. Minimum purchase is 50 DVDs.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: DVD Wholesaler. Minimum purchase is 20 DVDs.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Supplier of DVDs, Video, and Video Games. They
are large volume sellers. They do have small lots from time to time. E-Mail them
and ask about their small lot purchases.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Moonlight Entertainment
Type Of Merchandise: The best place on Earth for Resellers, Retailers &
Vendors to get incredible bulk deals on overstock, closeout & surplus media.
Whether you own a small online business, vending machine route, media
auction, or a large retail chain, we can supply the demands of your bulk media
needs for just pennies on the dollar.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: J’s Records & Tapes.
Type Of Merchandise: He had more music and tapes then DVDs. J’s
has been around for about 20 years. No order is too big, or too small for “J”.
He will deal with all types of buyers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Music CD’s and DVD’s.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Warner/Elektra/Atlantic Corporation
Type Of Merchandise: Just about everything to do with entertainment.
This is their reseller-login page. You cannot get a User ID unless you have
an account, or are a business partner.
They cater to Music Wholesalers and Retailers. If you are a retailer, or own
a music shop, then this is the B2B site for you. Here are the stipulations
from their site….
“Please note: To obtain a User ID, you must be a WEA Business Partner or
WEA Customer Account (music wholesaler/retailer) or Advertising/Press.
All requests will be authenticated. Additionally, user accounts are available
ONLY within the United States.”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Pro Video Online
Type Of Merchandise: Pro Video Warehouse is a distributor of all
major studio video movies, DVD's, and video games. We distribute video
movies on VHS and DVD and games on PlayStation 2, XBOX, and
Gamecube. We sell, buy, and lease video movies and video games to the
video business industry.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Computer Gallery
Type Of Merchandise: They are a Wholesale Supplier / Drop Shipper
PC Software, Video Games, Accessories
Name Of Wholesaler: VPD Online
Type Of MerchandiseVideo Products Distributors, Inc. (VPD), based
in Folsom, California is one of the nation's leading wholesale distributors
of pre-recorded DVDs, VHS and related products.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Mechandise: All types of DVDs, and entertainment products.
Even though they mention that they only sell to Government, and
Libraries, they do sell the wholesalers. They sell to Ebayer’s and all types
of wholesale buyers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of The Merchandise: One of the leading distributors of
Entertainment PC Software, DVDs, and Music. They cater to Wholesalers,
E-Tailers, and large retail concerns. Go to the “New Customer” section to
find out how to buy from them.
Web Address:
Page 131
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The FLASH staff consists of knowledgeable
representatives that bring you a combination of experience in video
manufacturing, distribution, and retail.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale and Liquidated DVDs.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Software, Video Games, and DVD items. See the
“Dealer” link at the top of the page for more information on buying wholesale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Closeout and Liquidation of DVD’s, Audio CD’s and
Video Games.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: While this is not exactly a dvd wholesaler, this site is
a DVD search engine that will let you find the cheapest priced or quickest
delivered Region 0,1,2,3 and 4 DVDs for your part of the world.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A2ZCD’s sells Map CDs, Documentary CDs, Bundle
Packs, Feature Films, Educational CDs, History CDs, and more. There is not
much here in terms of in popular movies.
But, if you are interested in Educational and Business Opportunity CD’s, and
DVD’s, then this is the site for you. They have a drop-shipping program, which
you can access under the “Quick Links” section of their website, located on the
left hand side of their homepage..
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A wholesale and retail DVD movie and video game
company specializing in new and past blockbuster movies and video games.
They sell DVD's and video games to both wholesale and retail business owners.
See their “Wholesale” link on the left hand side of their homepage. Their
minimum purchase is only 20 pieces.
Web Address:
Page 133
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Image Entertainment
Type Of Merchandise: Major player in the Video and DVD wholesale and
retail market. They have relationships with, Wal-Mart, and just
about everyone who sells digital media.
If you have a retail store, or a chain of stores, then this is the supplier for you.
See their “about us” link at the bottom of the page. From there you can click
onto their “contact us” link, and inquire about wholesale purchasing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: MUSIC Video Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: MVD specializes in producing, releasing,
marketing, and distributing music-related DVDs for worldwide release. There
is no company that focuses on music DVD like MVD. In fact there is no
company in the world like MVD.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Super D Phantom Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: Super D is the only Worldwide One-Stop stocking
all CD's & DVD's from the USA and 24 countries in one warehouse. See their
“Become A Customer” link at the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise:, is a supplier of video products
for re-sellers, rental stores and wholesalers since 1990.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell new and pre-owned DVDs. See their
wholesale link at the top right corner of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: NewTown Video Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: Newtown Video Distributors has been selling used
and new DVDs and Videos for over 15 years. Contact them if you have any
special orders or requests.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Tapeworm is one of the leading independent
distributors of premiere quality home entertainment products. We distribute to all
major retailers, sub distributors, bookstore chains, catalog companies, schools
and libraries in the US and Canada.
Our major customers include Blockbuster Video, Hollywood Video, Musicland,
Tower, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Alliance Entertainment, and Video Product
Distributors. You need to contact their sales department if you have the budget to
order from them. They carry a variety of titles.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: WIT Entertainment
Type Of Merchandise: For over 10 years W.I.T. has been distributing video
games, consoles, software, accessories, DVD movies, as well as the latest
consumer electronics products.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Koch Entertainment Distribution
Type Of Merchandise: KOCH Entertainment Distribution is an
Independent Distributor of music and video product. We are a wholesaler to the
record retail industry. We also sell to various non-traditional retailers across the
country. They are located in NY state. See their FAQ section if you need more
information about the types of products they sell.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Video Group Distributors Inc.
Type Of Merchandise: Welcome to your #1 source for new & previously
viewed videos and games. We stock one of the largest inventories of "A" and
"B" titles, and games, in the industry. You don't have to call different suppliers
to get what you need. You won't lose your shirt either, as all our stock is very
competitively priced.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: First Video Exchange supplies DVD and VHS titles
for video retailers nationwide. If you want to start a Video Store, they can supply
any quantity you need for your store. If you are an online retailer, I would
contact them to see if they will stock non “brick & mortar” establishments.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Welcome X to Wholesale's website
dedicated to servicing qualified re-sellers only. Great prices and reliable
shipping for Rental Video, sell-thru and DVD. You'll benefit from signing up!
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: DVD Japanese animation. Titles include Studio
GhibliDetective Conan, Robotec, One Piece, Gundam, Galaxy Express, Hkibaru
No Go, Deraemon, City Hunter, Sailer Moon, Lupin The Third, Tenchi Muyo, YuGi-Oh, and much more. Go to their “Contact Us” section and see their “Bulk
Order” inquiry e-mail address.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Central Park Media
Type Of Merchandise: Central Park Media is one of the largest distributors
of Japanese animation in the United States. We produce 4 lines including U.S.
Manga Corps, Central Park Media, Software Sculptors, and Asia Pulp Cinema
labels. They cater to retailers. See their “retailer info” link on the front left hand
side of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Sell DVDs in all categories. To find out about their
wholesale and bulk prices, go to their “FAQ” section on the top of the page.
Go to question eleven, or “Q11 Does you company offer wholesale pricing?’
There is an e-mail where you can inquire about bulk purchases.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: MediaExchange123
Type Of Merchandise: Our company was formed in 1999 to serve the needs
of the wholesale DVD industry. We offer competitive prices and a huge selection
of DVD's to our customers by combining the buying power of our wholesale,
internet and retail businesses and supplementing our selection of DVD's by
purchasing previously viewed DVD's from the public."
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale video games and PC software.
SOS’s mission is to deliver high value discount PC software, and discount
Video Game products to Resellers, Retailers and Consumers. See their
“Reseller Increase Your Profits” link on the right hand side of their hompage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All titles and types of VCDs. See their “Wholesale
Section” at the top of their webpage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Japanese Animation. Titles include: Ghost In The
Shell, Trigun, Wolf’s Rain, Lupin III, and much more. When you get to their
homepage, under “Services” on the right hand side of the page, see their
“Wholesale,” or “Drop-shipping” link.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: ROW Entertainment
Type Of Merchandise: ROW Entertainment was founded in 1973 and is
Canada’s largest wholesale distributor of CD's, DVD's, Video Games and
Accessories. Thirty years has taught us how to offer the best price, service and
selection. Along with wholesaling and Internet fulfillment, ROW Entertainment
also owns and operates 102 traditional retail locations under the banner of CD
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Discorama was established in 1976, wholesale
CD's, DVD's and Books at discounted prices. After you search their site to see
the type of products that they offer, go to their “Wholesale Login” page on the
right hand portion of their website.
Click that link, and once you get to their wholesale page, scroll down to the
bottom of the page. You will see their “Membership Form Online” link, and fill it
out if you want to become a customer. They do require a Resale Certificate
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Super D Phantom Distributors
Name Of Wholesaler: Super D is the only Worldwide One-Stop stocking all
CD's & DVD's from the USA and 24 countries in one warehouse. They are also
the largest CD importer in the USA .
When you get to their website, see their link “Select Your Profile” and to find out
if you fit into any of their customer categories. If you do not fit into a specific
market category, then click their “Special Markets” link in the drop down menu.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wit Games, has DVDs, Cameras, Consoles &
Video Games. All of their inventory is listed on Adobe Acrobat PDF format
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Welcome to Sellers-Depot.Com!! We are an
online/offline Wholesale Dept. specializing in the liquidation of merchandise.
We are determined to bringing our clients all of our products at BELOW
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Arrow Distributing
Type Of Merchandise: Arrow Distributing Company is a rack jobber that
provides merchandising, distribution and inventory management services to
college bookstores, mass merchants, hyper-markets and public libraries.
We supply our accounts with 100,000 titles of Compact Discs, DVD and VHS
Movies, Pop Culture Products and Audio/Video/ Computer Storage and
Accessories. They are for large brick and mortar institutions, and retail
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Galaxy Music Distributors is a full-line "OneStop" stocking an extensive line of Compact Discs, DVDs, DVD-Audio,
SACD, Audio Cassettes, and Accessories. Our fully computerized
Distribution Center allows us to stock the deepest catalog in the industry.
With over 265,000 titles in our database
Their customer base consists of thousands of Independent Music Retail
Stores, Internet Fulfillment Companies, Specialty Stores, Jukebox Operators,
Mass Merchants, Food and Drug Stores, Educational Institutions, and
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wax Works is one of the leading entertainment
wholesale distributors in the nation. We service video retail, specialty stores
and libraries.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Japanese Anime wholesale. See their
“Wholesale” link at the top of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Image sells its product to retailers and
distributors. Some of the Company's key customers include,
Best Buy, Ingram Entertainment, The Musicland Group, Tower Records &
Video and Transworld Entertainment.
You have to own a retail store in order from them to talk to you. See their
“Contact US” link at the top of the page. When you access that page, see
“Wholesale Sales” or “Becoming An Image Retailer”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Entertainment Liquidators Of Canada
Type Of Merchandise: Entertainment Liquidators currently supplies
close-out software and platform game products to a variety of customers in
Canada and the United States. We offer titles from many different publishers.
Kids’ stuff, educational and gaming software are among our strongest
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Fragrances Wholesale Page 142
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: The is an important resource. The
Alexander List (featured in the website) is a complete list of every product in the
perfume industry. It includes suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. They do
charge 20.00 per month for the privilege.
If you are specifically interested in the fragrance industry, this is the site for you.
If you want to join, click the “Log On” button, located on the front page of the
website. You will then get instructions on how to join.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Janco Distributors Inc., is a major distributor of
brand name Colognes, Perfumes, Lotions, Powders and related items.
They sell to retailers and distributors all over the United States.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a wholesaler/retailer of designer fragrances
and cosmetics.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Fragrant Paradise
Type Of Merchandise: This company sells oils that have the same
fragrance as designer brands. You can buy them by the pound.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale distributor of brand-name perfumes
colognes, gift sets, testers, miniatures, samples, bath and body.
They have an in stock warehouse inventory of over 5000 products. Their
wholesale price list for each product is on their website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Parlux Fragrances
Type Of Merchandise: Is an established, international designer,
manufacturer and marketer of prestige fragrances and related products. They
distribute brands to carefully targeted to department and specialty stores, such
as Burdines, Foley's, Lord & Taylor, Macy's, Parisian, Proffitts, Robinson-May,
Hechts/Strawbridge, Elder Beerman, Carson's, Filenes, Rich's, Lazarus,
Goldsmith's, Dillard's and Bloomingdales. If you have a specialty store, then
this is the distributor for you.
Web Address:
Page 143
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Wholesale
Type Of Merchandise: Scented Body Lotions, Shower Gels, Body
Sprays, Handmade Soaps, Bath Bombs, Bath Salts. Wholesale to small and
medium sized businesses.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Fragrances include: Calvin Klein, Dolce &
Gabbana, Lancome, Christian Dior, Versace, Cartier, Chanel, Kenzo, Gucci,
and more. See their “Wholesale Trade” section at the top of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Importer and distributor of fragrance and
personal care product lines from Europe. Fragrances such as Catherine
Memmi, Cote Bastide, Diptyque, Edith Mezard, Fragonard, Marie Papier,
Miller Harris, and WaterL'eau.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell all things designer fragrance.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a wholesaler of Name Brand
Fragrances, Perfumes, and Body Lotions at up to 80% off retail.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: America's largest discount fragrance and
cosmetic chains. You will need your reseller ID for purchasing from They do take wholesale orders.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your source for the finest in discount perfume,
wholesale fragrance and men's cologne! Contact them for their wholesale
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: YZY Perfume Distributors
Type Of Merchandise: This company specializes in the import and
export of exclusive french fragrances. The sell wholesale and wholesale
to retail.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Over 5,000 original brand name fragrances,
perfumes and colognes at up to 75% off retail prices. They claim to have
perfumes, colognes, and fragrances are 100% genuine brands. See their
customer service section to get about how you can purchase from them
Web address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Developed in the UK, Men-U is a revolutionary
new line of high performance, ultra concentrated men's shaving, skin care,
hair & shower products in handy travel size bottles. Simple and effective
products made just for guys.
See their “Where To Buy” link at the top right hand portion of their
homepage. When you get to that page, scroll down to the bottom of the
page and see their “Wholesale” link. They are are United Kingdom based
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Skin Care, Hair Care, Fragrance, Sun Care,
Shaving products, for both men and women, under the California North
brand name. See their “wholesale” link at the bottom of their homepage.
They sell to spas, retail shops, boutiques, health spas, salons and resorts.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler: MarthasWholesale
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale lots of Men and Women’s fragrances.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Fragrances Of Ireland
Type Of Merchandise: Fragrances of Ireland are the creators of a unique
collection of Irish perfumes, colognes, soaps and toiletries. You may now buy
direct from our perfumery in County Wicklow. After you proceed to threw their
“Enter Site” link, see the “Wholesale Order” link at the top of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Wholesaler: Men and Women’s perfume, bottles, and atomizers.
See their “wholesale order” section of the right hand side of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your one-stop solution for authentic brand name
fragrances. They already sell at wholesale prices. Ask about quantity sales.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
General Merchandise Wholesale Page 148
Before I get into the listings of General Merchandise, I would like to share
with you a web portal that could be helpful to some of you, depending on
your current business or financial situation. The drawback of this service is
that is costs 49.95 to join. For six months it’s about 277.00. The source is
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: Buylink has over 6000 Vendors, and 24,245 Retailers in
their database. You can use this source if you want to find “wholesale to retail”
suppliers. They do charge a fee for the privilege.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Large Distributor of gift items. Products range from
housewares, giftware, family apparel, toys, collectibles, and much more.
You can order their catalog for free. They also have an online catalog with
prices. Prices are low enough to be considered wholesale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Collectible Knives, Cosmetics, Lord Of The Rings
Swords and Axes, Jewelry, Sunglasses, Tools, Toys, etc.
Web Address:
Page 148
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: General Merchandise Supplier. BRANDSWAY
INTERNATIONAL is a leading distributor and wholesaler of general
merchandise to the convenience store trade.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: General Merchandise. It is free to join. AGS is one
of the larger wholesalers. Everything from giftware, electronics, software, and
video games.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: As Seen On TV products. The “infomercial”
product specialists. If you are interested in this type of product, then
this is the site for you! See their B2B Wholesale program at the bottom
of the page if you want to start selling their product.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Another direct source distributor of general
merchandise. About the same as AGS, but they have over 500 different items.
They have been around since 1950.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler: Premier Products
Type Of Merchandise: Cameras, Car Audio and Accessories, CB’s,
Police Scanners, Telephones, Toys, Tools, and just about everything
else! Premier is a direct distributor. They have been around for about
twenty years, and have over 9000 customers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell top quality jewelry, watches, sunglasses
and other products at up to 90% Off Retail Prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Donna Kelly, Aviator, Geneva, Time Force,
Men’s, Women’s And Children’s Watches. They also have mini-clocks, stainless
steel jewelry, customizable and promotional gifts.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of General Merchandise. Candy,
Sunglasses, Scooter, Ball Caps, Disposable Lighters.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: According to their Website: offers
over 3500 products at wholesale prices. FREE membership is open to all.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of General Merchandise. Clothing,
DVD’s, Lighters, Blair Golf Shirts, Collectibles, etc. Membership is free.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Novelties, Lighters, General Merchandise. They are
drop-shippers as well.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: MLS Group Inc is importer and wholesale distributor
of high quality houseware products. Our product line includes coffee makers,
thermos flasks, cookware and tableware sets, kitchen utensils and vacuum food
saver containers. Drop Shipping is available. They do not require a Resale
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Well, it’s Biglots only wholesale. If you have ever
been to a Biglots store, then you know what they carry. This site has
some basic general merchandise. Make sure you have your Reseller ID.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The Premium Connection is one of the largest
importers and distributors of wholesale gifts & gadgets in America.
Web Address:
Name Of Address:
Type Of Merchandise: Battery operated toys and gadgets. See their
reseller icon, if you are interested in the products.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Discount Wholesalers
Type Of Merchandise: Clothing, Cosmetics, and HBA items.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Meubles Finca De Atlixco
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturers of Pine, Forged Iron and
Hand Painted Mexican furniture.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Concord Enterprises Inc.
Type Of Merchandise: One of the largest import/export dollar store
wholesale distributors in the United States. We offer over 10,000 of the best
dollar products at our 800,000 sq. ft distribution center in Los Angeles, CA. We
supply to dollar store owners, grocery chains, drug chains, convenient stores,
general stores, gift shops, and specialty stores.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Orman, Inc
Type Of Merchandise: A direct importer of Christmas and Halloween
Decorations, supplying the independent retail trade for over 75 years.
Wholesale only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Glow in the dark sticks, and necklaces.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler: All Glow Sticks
Type Of Merchandise: Light sticks and glow necklaces for all
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are an importer and distributor of quality made
Russian glassware. They carry vases, bowls, dishes, glasses, candle holders,
home decor accessories, glass sculptures and figurines. To open an account,
the “register here” link is on the front of their homepage..
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Chef Craft carries chrome kitchen tools that are
made of heavy steel, triple chrome plated, with welded construction, but still
priced for the dollar store. They have wall programs for the dollar store, and
point of purchase displays for the grocery store.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Emily Pearlman Pottery
Type Of Merchandise: She is an artist that makes pottery products such
as her Iris line, boldly patterned Black with Stained Clay line, and a new
Textured line. If you are interested in artistic pottery products, you might want to
check out her site. You have to call her to find out about her wholesale prices.
See the wholesale link on the left hand side of her homepage.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: All Wholesale Fiesta Dinnerware
Type Of Merchandise: They specialize as a wholesale distributor of
Genunie Fiesta merchandise. See the “Business Registration Here” link on the
top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Importer and Wholesaler of Artificial Flowers,
Country Gifts, Primitives, Mini Berries, Home Decor, Home Fragrance, Crafts
and Bath & Body Products. They also have closeout items.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Terra-Cotta flower pots and crafts.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A. A. Importing Company is your source for fine
quality antique reproductions. They carry porcelain, depression glass, painted
furniture, bronzes, lamps, decorative accents and collectibles. They are
wholesale to retail only.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler: Champa Ceramics
Type Of Merchandise: Champa Ceramics is dedicated to providing unique,
high quality pottery, made in Vietnam. Skilled craftsmen, some with over twenty
years of experience, hand form, glaze and fire the pots. Finally, the product is
shipped directly to our Seattle warehouse for distribution. See their “Ordering”
link to find out how you can purchase wholesale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: At JD Yeatts, we import thousands of quality items
from all over the world. We sell exclusively to qualified dealers. Our products
range from lawn & garden, candles, toys, giftware, seasonal items, closeouts,
hammocks hardware, and house wares. You need to contact them in order to
get a password to their site.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Hicks, Inc. is a national wholesale distributor of
fishing, hunting, marine, archery, and other outdoor products. These products
are furnished to retail stores throughout the United States. Hicks holds trade
shows twice a year where dealers come to see new items and purchase
products for the upcoming seasons.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: A.C. Kerman
Type Of Merchandise: They are wholesale distributors of name brand
sporting products. They sell fishing, marine, camping, paintball, flashlights,
knives, skateboards and many other items at wholesale prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Maurice Sporting Goods
Type Of Merchandise: Maurice Sporting Goods is an established
Wholesale distributor of Wholesale Fishing Tackle, Wholesale Fishing
Reels, Wholesale Hunting, Wholesale Camping, Wholesale Gift, and other
outdoor sporting and athletic goods. We are the largest Wholesale Sporting
Goods Distributor in the country, offering our customers true nationwide
service through our network of four warehouses. They also have closeout
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Green Supply Inc is a wholesale distributor of
hunting supplies located in Vandalia, MO within a 20,000 square foot
warehouse. They off products from 150 manufacturers, including over 18,000
different items.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Electric Scooters, Gas Scooters, Choppers,
Pocket Bikes, Super Bikes and Dirt Bikes. See their “Become A Dealer”
link at the top right hand side of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Baron Motorcycles, Inc. is a manufacturer and
importer of motorcycles, scooters and ATV’s, located in Plymouth, MN. All our
bikes meet or exceed DOT requirements and our 150cc engines have been
tested and certified by EPA and we're CARB certified for sales in California.
We’re seeking dealers in the United States for distribution of our products. Our
dealer prices are very competitive and our quality is unmatched. Our bikes are
shipped in semi-disassembled or fully assembled state. Drop shipping is
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A wholesaler and distributor for all China-made
merchandise. Products include, Auto Accessories, Sun shades, Steering wheel
covers, Seat Cushions, Car Cover, Booster Cables, DC-AC Inverter, Electric
Bike, Electric Scooter, Furniture, including chairs, coffee table, office furniture,
foldable table, etc. See their “Become A Distributor” link on the bottom of their
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The Hometex Collections offers the U.S. market a
complete line of quilts and other patchwork items, table and bed linens, and
needlepoint tapestry products.
From the simplest placemat to the most complex quilt, the Hometex Collections
reflects the artistic pride and superb needlework passed down from generation to
generation in the villages of China.
See their “Wholesale Price Inventory Close-Out Items” link on the left hand side of the
their homepage if you want a price list of their closeout items.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: LIBRA an innovative business-to-business
wholesaler dealing exclusively in brand name CLOSEOUT merchandise.
Since 1987 we have been buying and selling closeouts of all kinds, including: excess
and obsolete inventories, premium overstocks, buy backs, and stock lots.
LIBRA Inc. deals in many exciting product categories, specializing in housewares,
glassware, licensed goods, seasonal merchandise and plastics.
Some of our best closeouts come from industry leading manufactures including:
Rubbermaid, Anchor Hocking, Graco, Mirro, Little Tikes, and Packerware.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Catskill gifts is wholesale fulfillment center. They
will sell wholesale and will also drop-ship. No minimum, no monthly fees, no
membership fees, and low prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are wholesalers of Die-Cast Cars, Dolls &
Playsets Educational & Musical, Gifts, Radio Controlled Cars and Novelities.
They have a 150.00 minimum. See their “FAQ” for further information.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Western Hats, Saddle Bags, Outerwear, Wallets,
Shirts, T-Shirts, Wallets, Hats, John Deere items. Wholesale only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: PCR Distributing Company
Type Of Merchandise: PCR DISTRIBUTING is a wholesale only company,
making Japan-related products available to qualified businesses. Products such
as T-Shirts, Sim Games, Anime, Study Aids, etc.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: SportSource is your source for thousands of products
from over 15 top sporting goods manufacturers. If you want a sporting goods
product with your company logo on it, this is the company for you..
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Hayes Specialty Importers
Type Of Merchandise: Direct Importer of Novelties, Toys and Gifts. Hayes
Specialties Corporation provides merchandise to distributors, retailers, schools,
and other non profit organizations. Our prices ensure a healthy profit for everyone.
Too many products to list here. Click their “Contact Us” link at the top of their
homepage, to get their price list, or credit application.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Cigars, Cigars, Cigars! Samplers, Name Brands, and
anything to do with Cigars. See their “Wholesale” link at the bottom of the
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Regent Products is a supplier of direct imports,
domestic general merchandise and name brand closeouts. We offer the largest
and most diversified assortment of quality products. Their minimums are very high
however. They require a minimum of 1000.00
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Product: One of the only sites I know of that sells Western Stage
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Major Comic Book distributor.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Bulk Candy distributors.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Broken, bulk, Peppermint candy.
Web Address:
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Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a wholesaler and exporter of used
appliances. They have locations in New Mexico and Ohio.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: Riata Manufacturing
Type Of Merchandise: Victorian and Spanish Colonial Architectural
Castings. They have furniture, clocks, and other items that are in
the Spanish style. They are located in El Paso.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: MGA Entertainment
Type Of Merchandise: Toy Distributor. Toys and items that are licensed by
MGA. See their “B to B Sales” link at the bottom of their homepage. They have a
500 dollar minimum.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of used appliances. They sell wholesale,
and export.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name of Wholesaler: Yolk Shing Industry
Type Of Merchandise: They manufacture high chairs, strollers, joggers,
walkers, bathing tubs, and other baby products. Located in Taiwan.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Pearl Lin Cycle Co.
Type Of Merchandise: Mountain Bikes, Baby Strollers, Baby Walkers.
Be Careful, they are located in Taiwan. Experienced Import/Export only.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Your source for used fitness equipment.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturers rep’s for several
textile companies. Linens, Kitchen Towels, etc. Wholesale only.
Web Address:
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Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturers and distributors of sunglasses.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale & Retail sunglasses.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Replica sunglasses wholesaler.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Crafts produced by individual artists.
Web Address:
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Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Games, Toys, Die-Cast, Trading Cards.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Western & Mexican Blankets, Saddles, and all
things Western. Wholesale only.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: Sameness Industrial Company
Type Of Merchandise: Baby strollers and joggers. They are located
in Taiwan. Be careful, this is an overseas supplier. Experienced importers
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything that has to do with knives, swords,
daggers, tools, and collectibles. Wholesale only.
Web Address:
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Name Of Resource:
Type Of Product: Ceiling fans, Lighting, Furniture, Weather Vanes,
Decorative Mirrors.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of Tiffany Replica lamps. They are not
wholesalers in the traditional sense, but you can click on to Aunt Betty’s
bargains to see their clearance items. You could find some lamps for resale.
Also, they are direct importers, so you might want to ask them if they do
wholesale, even though it is not listed on their site.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of candles. Wholesale only.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Import-Export Resources Page 168
WARNING! If you are not familiar with the risks associated with
Overseas Commerce, then I suggest that you read this section
Importing products from countries like China has been the way some
companies have stayed viable over the years.
However, just like surplus and salvage purchasing there are a few
things to consider before you decide to take the plunge.
Most overseas companies will want you to wire money into their
accounts. This is commonly referred to as: T/T, or Telegraphic Transfer.
Simply put, it is a wire transfer. Most Chinese and other overseas
manufacturers and distributors will also want you to purchase by the
You might want to send payment via T/T for samples, but I would not
send a large amount of money to any overseas company unless you
hopped on a plane and visited their factory or distribution center.
I realize that most of you don’t have the time to do that, and I will
provide you with some resources that will help you investigate overseas
companies of interest.
However, unless you are prepared to visit the “country and
company” you want to import from, keep in mind that importing
can be risky if you are not prepared to investigate your source
The following page will explain the different methods of payment when
dealing with overseas companies, how to check the credit worthiness of
a company you plan to deal with, and a few legal other legal resources.
Also included are all the Import-Export trade boards and trade leads
that will help you find just about any product, from anywhere around
the world.
Any offer that is available on an overseas Trade Board must be viewed
with caution, and must employ the appropriate fact checking
Page 168
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Understanding And Using Letters Of Credit Part One
Payment Method: Letters of credit accomplish their purpose by substituting the
credit of the bank, for that of the customer, for the purpose of facilitating trade. There
are basically two types: commercial and standby.
Web Address:
Understanding And Using Letters Of Credit Part Two
Payment Method: The purpose of this document is to provide a general
understanding of letters of credit, their use and application. The topics covered are the
General background information, types of letters of credit, common problems with
letters of credit, procedures for establishing letters of credit, general tips for both
buyers and sellers.
Web Address:
Tools Of Payment In Exporting And Importing
Payment Method: Explains Letters Of Credit, Documentary Collections, Check
and Bank Draft, and Telegraphic Transfer.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Import-Export Resource: Asian Corporate Credit Corporation
Type Of Service: Obtaining business credentials, and background information
on overseas companies can be a daunting task. The Asian Credit Corporation can
help. This service is based in Taiwan. To find out the type of checking services they
provide, go to “Products” and to view the type of service that fits your needs.
You then need to go to their “Support” link at the top of their home page. Under the
“drop down” menu, click “How To Subscribe,” and fill out their online form. They do
not list their prices on the website, and once you fill out the form they will contact
This website might be a little more difficult when it comes to obtaining information
about their services, but if you are planning on purchasing product from an
overseas company, the information they provide, could prove to be very valuable.
You would find out if the company is credit worthy, and if they are worth doing
business with.
Web Address:
Import-Export Resource: The International Trade Data System
Type Of Information: If you are unfamiliar with import-export trading terms that
apply to overseas trade, this Government website lists a Glossary of International
Trade Terms.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Import Export Resource:
Type Of Information: Your one stop website for all types of Import-Export
information. Their resources include: Global Trade Statistics, Currency Converter,
Multi-Language Converter, World Time Clock, ExportID, Dispute Resolution,
Shipping/Freight Information, Guide To Business In China, Trade Terms Dictionary,
Country Regional Information, Trade Show List, Fraud News Report, which also
includes: African Bank Transfer Fraud, Immigration Fraud, Internet Crimes Group,
Internet Scambusters, List Of Denied Persons, and much more.
Web Address:
Resource: US Government Export Portal
Type Of Information: provides online trade resources and one-onone assistance for your international business, whether you’re just starting or
expanding your global sales. This is the US Governments website for those of you
who are interested in exporting your products or service.
On their website you will find Export Basics, Partners & Trade Leads, Market
Research, Counseling & Advocacy, Export Assistance Services, Trade Events,
Export Finance, Shipping Documentation & Requirements, Pricing, Quotes &
Negotiations, Help With Trade Problems, and much more.
Web Address:
Resourse: Basic Guide To Exporting
Type Of Information: Information reviews just about everything you need to
know about exporting your products, including, but not limited to: Determining
Your Products’ Export Potential Assessing Your Company’s Export Readiness
Developing An Export Plan, and much more.
Web Address:
Page 171
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Type Of Information: With online trade leads and business opportunities, brings together exporters and importers of US Goods and
services. They are a division of the US Department Of Commerce, US
Commerical Service.
When you get to the homepage, click “US Partners Find International
Business Partners.” Go to their link if you want to learn more about
the US Commercial Service.
Web Address:
Resource: Import-Export Bank
Type Of Information: The Import-Export Bank is committed to the support
of small business exporters. In fact, about 85% of the Bank’s transactions
support small businesses. Small businesses can access all Import-Export
Bank products, including specialized small business financing tools such as
our working capital guarantee and export credit insurance.
Our working capital guarantee and insurance products enable small
businesses to increase sales by entering new markets, expand their borrowing
base, and offer buyers financing while carrying less risk.
Often, small-sized exporters do not have adequate cash flow or cannot get a
loan to fulfill an export sales order. The Import-Export Bank’s working capital
guarantee assumes up to 90% of the lender's risk so exporters can access the
necessary funds to purchase or produce US-made goods and services for
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Trade Leads And Overseas Product Resources
Page 173
WARNING! Before you proceed to the following “Trade Leads
And Overseas Product Resource” section, please make sure
that you perform the proper research and company
background checks on any overseas business you might plan
to purchase from! Please visit the listed website resources if
you are unfamiliar with import and export procedures and
practices! View the trade leads here with caution!
Trade Site:
Type Of Products: The Global Source website is for people who are large
volume importers. Large volume importers are defined as a container load of
merchandise. You can find just about any product that is made in China. They
also publish specialty products catalogs, and hold trade shows in China.
Web Address:
Trade Resource: Hong Kong Trade Council Sourcing Guide
Type Of Information: The Sourcing Guide is the online business platform
in cooperation with thousands of suppliers from Hong Kong, Chinese
mainland, Taiwan and Macau, and the Greater China Region. They provide
live product-demo videos, virtual factory tours, product photos and more than
100,000 vendor listings. Sourcing Guide is an easy way for global trade
buyers to source quality suppliers and products.
The mission of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) is to bolster
trade by creating and facilitating international opportunities for Hong Kong
companies. With our global databank of buyers and business contacts, plus
an overseas office network, we act as a global marketing arm for Hong Kong
companies, as well as their eyes and ears in world markets.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Trade Resource: Exporters.Com.Sg
Type Of Information: Over 200 Trade Networks of Manufacturers,
Suppliers, Exporters & Importers.
Web Address:
Trade Resource:
Type Of Information:, developed and
administered is a B2B portal specifically designed to assist Chinese
companies to conduct business with the world market. They try to provide
a user-friendly and efficient means of locating and dealing with
international business partners.
Web Address:
Trade Resource:
Type Of Information: Trade Easy is an international trade enabler
based in Hong Kong. Trade Easy currently has 12 offices in the People’s
Republic Of China, with a total staff of 380, including two regional head
offices in Guangzhou and Beijing. generates over 30,000 inquiries each month, with a buyer
community of over 200,000 from over 200 countries. More than 4,000
buyers and sellers meet in our offices face to face to examine product
samples, negotiate contracts, and carry out business deals.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Trade Resource: International Leather Market Place
Type Of Information: One of the largest leather exchanges in Australia.
Ostrich Leather, Exotic Leather, Ostrich Shoes, Finished Leather, Suede Leather,
Cowhides, Shoe Leather, Split Leather, and just about everything, well, leather!
Web Address:
Trade Resource: ATP Asia Business Trade And Publishing Post
Type Of Information: A master list of Asian and Pacific Rim Trade Boards.
Web Address:
Trade Resource:
Type Of Information: is a search engine that will help
you find just any product manufacturer and distributor in China. They also have a
buyers assistance service which is available for FREE.
Web Address:
Trade Resource:
Type Of Information: Vietpartners connects your business with the leading
partners in your industry in Vietnam.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Jewelry Wholesale Page 176
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale jewelry and gifts offering
European sterling silver jewelry wholesale.
Web Address:
Type Of Information: If the wholesale listings in this guide
are somehow not enough, (they should be!) then you can go
over to Jeweler Central and find any jeweler, or wholesaler across
the United States.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Family owned HPS is one of the
largest suppliers and buyers of estate jewelry in Manhattan.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Fine antique, estate, period
pieces, and signed jewelry selling to the trade.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Wholesale Jewelry and Accessories
Type Of Merchandise: Assorted Jewelry. Butterfly Jewelry, Cosmetics,
Body Jewelry, Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings, and Pendants.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Candela Jenwelry, Inc.
Type Of Merchandise: Jewelry manufactured in 8K, 9K, 10K, 14K and
18K gold. CJI supplies many retail jewelry chains, independent jewelers,
catalog retailers and wholesalers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: SILVER SUN wholesale JEWELRY is a leading
wholesale jewelry distributor in Thailand. They sell Sterling Silver jewelry at
competitive prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale body jewelry & accessories.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We specialize in estate jewelry, out-of-pawn
items, and auctions.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry bone beads, cloisonne beads,
sterling silver beads, gold filled beads, glass beads, Czech pressed
beads, seebeads, acrylic, and plastic beads.
Web Adress:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are Manufacturers, Direct Importer
& Distributors of Fashion Accessories and a lot more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Sundancer Jewelry
Type Of Merchandise: A quality manufacturer of Handcrafted
Southwestern Style Indian Jewelry.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Bethel International
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesalers of Jewelry, Wedding Items, and
Handbags located in North Carolina. Originally started as a small family
business, Bethel International Inc., is considered one of the largest
wholesalers on the East Coast.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Gold by the Inch manufactures advanced
technology 14 karat gold (overlay) chain by the inch.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Gold by the Inch in over 138 Different Chain
Styles. Austrian Crystal & Rhinestone, Jewelry Chains, Diamond Cut
Charms, and much more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your direct source for 14k gold jewelry, cubic
zirconia, gold chains, earrings, bracelets, men's rings, and promise
rings at wholesale prices!
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Product lines ranges from 10k, 14k, 18k
Gold jewelry, platinum jewelry, diamond jewelry, and custom jewelry.
Over 7000 different jewelry items in all. See their “reseller application”
link at the bottom of the page.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Basically the same as Gold By The Inch.
Jewelry Gold chain wholesaler.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturers and Importers of Fashion
Accessories. They carry Sterling Silver, Body Jewelry, Solid Gold Items.
They sell to wholesalers and retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Jade Jewelry. Some very nice hand carved
jade pieces set in gold and silver.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale source for jewelry, cosmetics,
novelties and fashion accessories online.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Body Jewelry and Accessories.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Fashion Jewelry.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Charms, Pendants, Earrings, Bracelets,
Chains, Baby Jewelry, Rings & Watches.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry mostly Italian charms. They do
not have minimums.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Surplus Masters is basically a surplus
dealer. I include them in the Jewelry section, because they seem to have
a larger supply than most surplus dealers. Please be careful here. They
are surplus dealers. Visit if you can, buy small
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Bangkok Shopping Online is a major fine
jewelry manufacturer producing over 5000 rings, bracelets, earrings, and
pendants for distribution worldwide.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Rings & Things is a wholesale mail order
supplier of beads, jewelry, charms, cord, polymer clay, rainbow crystal,
jewelry display items, and other jewelry components.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Rings, Diamonds, Diamond Bangles, Links,
Ropes, and Chains wholesale. They also drop-ship.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Handcrafted gold necklaces and bracelets,
enhanced by diamonds. They sell to established retailers.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Arlecchino Jewels
Type Of Merchandise: ARLECCHINO JEWEL produces and
sells top-quality 18K and gemstone Italian jewelry. They also have beads. They
are located in Italy.
Web Address:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Diamond cut bracelets.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: BOCI Employers Federation
Type Of Information: This is a website that lists more than 150
jewelry manufacturers and designers located in France. The
information is free, and you can use their search engine to find
the types of jewelry that you want. The only drawback is the
fact that most of the websites are in French without English
Translations. There are some sites that have the “English
Option” however.
For those sites that don’t provide that option you can use
Google’s language translator to decipher the webpage from
French to English. In addition, you can e-mail the companies
that you are interested in and ask them if they have catalogs in
English. This is a good source to find specialty overseas jewelry
products that no one else is selling.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: Another web portal in which you can find
jewelry and watch manufacturers in France.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource: The Hong Kong Jewelry & Jade
Type Of Merchandise: The Hong Kong Jewelry & Jade Manufacturers
Association was first formed to lift an embargo on jade by the US. It is a
great resource for finding Jewelry sources in Hong Kong.
Go the the “Members Directory” and click onto the “Ordinary Members”
section of the drop down menu. Most, if not all, of the listed websites are in
English, or have English translations.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Exporter and Wholesaler of Precious & SemiPrecious Stones and fine Gold Jewelry. They are located in Hong Kong.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of piercing and body jewelry. They have
a 99.00 dollar minimum.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale sterling silver jewelry and rings.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: This is another great website that will let you find
just about any type of jewelry manufacturer, or distributor on planet earth!
This is a great resource.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise:. Byfashion (M.I.Corp Group) is a producer and
distributor of costume jewelry and fashion accessories. Originally from Italy
and now also in the U.S. (New York).
When you reach their homepage, click the “English” link at the bottom of
the page. See the information link at the top of their homepage (once you
land on the English translated webpage) for further information.
You can order small quantities to verify the quality of their product.
Minimum order: (Sample order) $120,00 - 20% off from the wholesale
price list and minimum 3 pieces per article / item, mix in at least 2 colors.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Jewelry manufacturers and distributors. We
have over 4581 items currently in stock and 3355 custom made items
available. See their wholesale link at the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Cosmic Creations
Type Of Merchandise: Cosmic Creations is a Canadian based wholesaler
of Swarovski crystal, Feng Shui prisms, crystal Chakra balls, Zodiac Pyramids,
Swarovski crystal beads, pewter giftware, celtic jewelry, talismans, and many
other souvenirs and gift items.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Garuda Jewelry And Craft
Type Of Merchandise: A Canadian / USA manufacturer, direct importer
and wholesaler of jewelry, gift, home furnishing, and beach wear clothing. Our
wholesale distribution corporate office located in Canada, and we have
warehouses both in Canada and the state of Washington.
We wholesale to U.S., Canada and overseas. For U.S. customers, you can take
advantage of the favorable exchange rates! We welcome any resellers in the
US, Canada, or overseas, big, or small. Our minimum order is Cdn$100 or
US$100, any combination of handicrafts, jewelry, or clothing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A leading distributor/supplier to retail & wholesale
jewelry companies. Wholesale sterling silver jewelry, body jewelry, costume,
fashion jewelry, watches & fashion accessories. They also drop-ship.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: JewelryMax, imports sterling silver and fashion
jewelry from manufacturers around the world. Our high quality wholesale
jewelry are competitively priced and proven to sell.
They have a diverse selection of quality wholesale jewelry that appeals to a
wide variety of customer tastes. From high class wholesale Sterling Silver
Jewelry, Cubic Zirconia Jewelry, Swarovski Crystal Jewelry, Semi-Precious
Stone Jewelry, to cheap wholesale costume jewelry lines.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Body Jewelry and Fashion Accessories. See
their wholesale link at the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: An authorized factory dealer of imported beads
Czech Republic Beads. Our buyer travels overseas to the Czech Republic to
hand-select the bead stock. We deal directly with the biggest and finestquality factories.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Diamonds, Inc
Type Of Merchandise: The Price Point Leader. Wholesaler and
manufacturer of Diamond Jewelry. This is a Flash site, so if you are a dial-up
user, be patient. When the page finally does load, click the “skip intro” link at
the bottom of the page. You will have to fill out their online access for, or see
the link for their credit application.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Deckwell Gold Limited
Type Of Wholesaler: Deckwell is one of the largest jewelry exporter and
wholesaler in Hong Kong. See their “English” version on the bottom portion of
their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Worldwide wholesaler of Diamond and Fine
Jewelry. See their: “Become a reseller and receive lower prices along with
benefits” link on the front of their homepage
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Milson’s
Type Of Merchandise: Milson’s Findings, the premier distributor of gold
findings and castings to the jewelry trade. For over 40 years we have
dedicated ourselves to serving our customers with quality items, quick service,
and two generations of expertise! Now that same level of expertise is available
to you over the Internet.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: MK Diamonds & Jewelry
Type Of Merchandise: Loose diamonds and diamond Jewelry. Go to
their dealer login link at the bottom of their homepage. When you click that
link, you will see: “For new dealers, please fill out our dealer request form”
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They feature Swarovski Briolette in Crystal AB
with Metallic Blue, Olivine, Emerald, and Colorado Topaz. To access other
products that Emily carries, you have to go their “Products” link, and register
for their catalog access. You have to have a reseller ID to get their catalog.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Fine antique, estate, period and signed jewelry,
To the trade. The wholesale Fine Jewelry Marketplace is here!
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Buy Direct Gold or Diamond jewelry plus
Geneva watches. They have a loose diamond inventory allows you to buy
diamonds at wholesale price. They also have 14kt, 18kt, gold chains and
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Juvenile Jewelry, and Jewelry for Baby, Child,
and Mother too! See their wholesale link at the top of the page.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: By fashion (M.I.Corp Group) is a producer and
distributor of costume jewelry and fashion accessories. The business started
in Italy (Milan) then opened a branch in New York. When you get to their
homepage, make sure you click the “English” link on the bottom of the page.
Once you click that English link, and get to the landing page, click on to one
of the product listings, and you will see pictures of the jewelry items on the
right hand side of the website. At the top of the photos, you will see…
“Wholesale Price List And Online Order Form.”
You then have to fill out the form in order to see the wholesale price list.
They cater to resellers, wholesalers, and retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Seleon international jewelry wholesalers,
bringing you the best in design and quality. Manufacturing for and catering to
retailers around the world.
We confidently offer the best prices and stand behind all our items. We are
your "One-Stop" jewelry warehouse. Guaranteed satisfaction, quality and
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We are manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer of
Jewelry Pins and Brooches. We offer you the most variety of imitation
ornaments at a great price. See their “Wholesale” link.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We are a leading wholesale jewelry company with
a wide variety of fashion and sterling silver jewelry. Store owners can
purchase from our complete wholesale line (registration required) or store
shoppers can purchase from a selection of our featured items.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your inquisitive search for a wholesale amber
company has led you to the right place! Twelve years of intrigue with this
golden gem known as Baltic amber has brought Vessel International to its
place as one of the foremost amber jewelry wholesalers in the United States
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale and Discount Body Jewelry and
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They offer quality Italian Charms at an affordable
wholesale prices. Contact them for quantity orders.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesler: Yehuda Diamond Company
Type Of Merchandise: Loose diamond and diamond Jewelry
company. Under the “Quick Link” section of their homepage, click their
“Retailer Application” link to see if you qualify to buy from them. They sell
to established retailers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Gold Misers Jewelry sells Gold Jewelry &
Diamond Rings at wholesale prices to the public. Including: Gold Eagles,
Gold Earrings, Gemstone Earrings, Gold Bangles, Gemstone Pendants &
Slider Pendants, 24k Gold Wafers, Diamond Rings, and much more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Olavi Export
Type Of Merchandise: They are an Internet wholesaler of body
jewelry & Pewter jewelry manufactured in Thailand selling directly to
customers around the world. They do not have a price list on their site,
and you will have to contact them in order to obtain wholesale pricing.
They take Paypal, and they have a 300 dollar minimum.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Jewelry designs by Guy Laroche, Feraud,
Diamanti, and Auro Design. See their “Dealer Inquiry” link on the top left
hand side of their homepage. You have to have a retail store, and be in
with the Jewelers Board of Trade. They will not sell to wholesalers,
discounters, or online retailers. Brick and Mortar Retailers only.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Body Jewelry. See their wholesale link on the
front page of their website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They are a high volume sterling silver wholesale
jewelry distributor. Their inventory includes: Silver Rings, Earrings, Bracelets,
Necklaces, Chains, Pendants, Charms, Wholesale Silver Rings, Cubic Zirconia
Rings, Earrings, and Marcasite Jewelry.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale loose diamonds offered to the public at
liquidation prices for the purpose of personal or resell. Our goal is simply to carry
the largest variety of wholesale diamonds and colored gemstones including
rings, pendants and earrings.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale diamonds, and diamond jewelry.
They have been around for 58 years, based in New York City.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: R.H. & Company
Type Of Merchandise: Welcome to R.H. & Company, the world's largest
supplier of Turquoise &Coral. For over 35 years, we have set a standard for
quality and service that designers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers
have come to trust. See their “Become A Wholesaler” link on the top right hand
corner of their website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Always Charming
Type Of Merchandise: Always Charming we carries over 8000 different
Italian charms. We have many different styles of Italian charms, from 18kt gold
Italian charms to silver Italian charms. See their “Wholesale Accounts” link on
the left hand side of their website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Correia’s Jewelry Store
Type Of Merchandise: Diamond brokers based in the Caribbean that sell
Wholesale Diamonds, and Jewelry items at Discounted Duty Free prices. Their
inventory includes: Diamond Rings, Diamond Jewelry, Diamond Engagement
Rings, Diamond Earrings, Loose Diamonds, and Diamond Wedding Rings
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesaler of Patriotic Jewelry, Fashion Jewelry,
Wedding And Engagement, Precious Pearls & Gems, Silver Jewelry, and much
more. They sell to Auction sellers.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Welcome to Hannah D's online wholesale store!
Be prepared for an incredible online shopping experience. Here you will find a
huge selection of Trendy Fashion Jewelry, Watches, and Handbags all at
wholesale prices.
We offer the same high fashion style as department stores, malls, and styles
you see in fashion magazines. While our designers are busy staying on top of
current trends, our factories maintain a quality associated with high-end
We have a low pricing structure, which allows re-sellers a 200-400% mark up.
Once you receive your first order we think you will be amazed at the quality,
style, and appearance of our jewelry!
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry jewelry necklaces, bracelets,
pendants, make from pearls, and Austrian Crystals. They have a 500
dollar wholesale minimum.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They have a complete line of Chokers, Bracelets,
Necklaces, Wallet Chains, Rings, Leather Straps and Hip Hop Necklaces
made from Base Metal, Steel, Pewter, Rubber and the finest Leather. Most
products are available with Chrome, Sterling Silver, and Antique finishes. Our
imported products include Pukka, Wood, Glass, Shell and Hemp Chokers.
Wholesale link is at the top right hand portion of their homepage.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Factory Direct Italian charms as low as twelve
cents each!
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Creates and sells Wholesale Fashion Jewelry,
Semi-Precious Sterling Silver Jewelry, Leather Cuff Bracelets, Chandelier
Earrings, Beaded Necklaces, Bridal Jewelry, Chain Necklaces, Hoop Earrings,
Turquoise Earrings, Beaded Earrings, Single Drop Earrings, and much more.
They welcome wholesale orders, and custom requests.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Start you own business with their 99.00
starter pack of jewelry. They sell Costume Jewelry, Rings, Right
Hand Rings, Earrings, Jlopez CZ Rings, Jessica Simpson CZ Rings
Silver CZ Rings, Toe Rings, CZ Necklaces, CZ Earrings, CZ Pendents,
and Hand Cut Cubic Zirconias! Build your own Ring, Pendent, or
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Aaura is one of the largest importers of Italian
gold in the country. They sell to jewelry retailers, and wholesalers. See their
“Order” section.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
MS Designs is a wholesale supplier of gold and silver plated imitation jewelry.
They have a huge selection of Gold, Silver and Rhodium plated bangles, earrings,
hoops, chains, bracelets and pendants.
You can view their products online. If you want to download their wholesale
catalog, go to the “Catalog” link at the top of their webpage, and you will see their
link “Please Click Here To Download Our Wholesale Catalog.”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Sarina's Charms sells Italian charms and Italian
charm bracelets. They have a wide variety and selection, including dangle Italian
charms, gold and silver charms, custom laser charms, and authentic Italian
charms. See their: “Looking for the Wholesale Italian Charm Store” link on the
front of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Chaotic Trading is a manufacturer and wholesaler of
body jewelry and fashion accessories. They carry the newest UV-products as well
as hand-carved horn & bone jewelry. They are located in Bali Indonesia.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: GemShow 7
Type Of Merchandise: Gemstones, Cubic Zirconia Gems and Jewelry. See
their “Deep Discounts –Wholesale Closeouts” link at the top left hand side of their
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Search Terms Page 198
If you feel that you still need more supply sources, then the following
list of over 100 keywords and phrases should help you find just
about any product you are looking for. You can substitute any of the
given phrases, or words, with your own particular product of interest.
For instance…
“Resellers Only + Electronics”
“Asset Recovery + Computers”
“Jewelry + Wholesale Only”
Traditional wholesalers set up web-sites to accommodate their
existing customer base, and do not depend on the Internet as their
sole source of advertising. They do not optimize their web-sites, so
that they can be found by just a general Internet search.
These specialized search terms will help you find such sources of
supply that are not easily found by using traditional search methods,
and common keywords such as “Wholesale” and “Surplus.”
1) Asset Recovery
2) Asset Recovery Management
3) Government Auctions
4) Surplus Property
5) Surplus Centers
6) Discontinuation Centers
7) Distribution Centers
8) Computer Closeouts
9) Computer Resellers
10) Return Centers
11) Reclamation Centers
12) Refurbish Distributors
13) Department Store Distribution Return Centers
14) Surplus Property
15) Seized Property
16) Recovered Property
17) Store Returns
Page 198
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
18) Salvage Sales
19) Storage Sales
20) Storage Lien Auctions
21) High Tech Assets
22) Repossessed Assets
23) Discontinued Merchandise
24) Discontinued Goods
25) Discontinued Lines
26) Freight Auctions
27) Excess Inventory
28) Truck Depot Auctions
29) Remarketing
30) Remarketers
31) Surplus Inventory Auctions
32) Surplus
33) Overstock
34) Shelf Pulls
35) Public Auctions
36) Overgoods
37) Overgoods Management
38) Reverse Engineering
39) Recovery Management
40) Reverse Logistics
41) Materials Processing
42) Lien Sales
43) Lien Auctions
44) Liquidation Markets
45) Truck Line Salvage Auctions
46) Jobbers
47) Trucking Container Auctions
48) Shipping Container Auctions
49) Wholesale Agents
50) Service Suppliers
51) Insurance Reclaim
52) Used Appliances
53) Wholesaler
54) Wholesale Distribution
55) Dealer To Liquidator
56) Trade-In-Programs
57) Resellers
Page 199
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
58) Batch Transactions
59) East Coast Wholesalers Association
60) West Coast Wholesalers Association
61) Wholesale Sales Representative
62) Sales Engineers
63) Commission Merchants
64) Locating a Reseller
65) Resellers Only
66) Retail Industry Suppliers
67) Closeout Media Products
68) Dealer Price List
69) Goods For Resale
70) Consumer Electronic Suppliers
71) Value Added Resellers
72) Buy In bulk
73) Directory + Jewelry
74) Directory + Clothing
75) Directory + Wholesalers
76) Liquidation Brokers
77) Closeout Brokers
78) Electronics Brokers
79) B-Goods
80) Stocking Distributors
81) Vendor Registration + Electronics
82) Vendor Registration + Jewelry
83) Trade Shows
84) Dealers Only
85) Contract Manufacturers
86) Original Design Manufacturers
87) Wholesale Distribution Firms
88) Insurance & Freight Claim Auctions
89) Computer Lessors
90) Reconditioned Goods
91) Jobbers +Apparel
92) Buybacks
93) Overproduction
94) Cancelled Orders
95) Repossessed Merchandise
96) Authorized Dealers
97) China Sneaker Manufacturers
98) Bankruptcy Sales
99) Online Distributors
100) Nike Factory List
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Software Wholesale
Page 201
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale software.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Software Media
Type Of Merchandise: The place for all of your personal and business
software needs. See their resellers link at the top of the homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale software sold to teachers and teaching
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything software.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Largest reseller of software on the Internet.
They have software deals starting at 0.99 cents.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Software Distribution Unlimited is a wholesaler
of high quality, high margin, computer software. They purchase large
quantities of publisher's overruns, remainders and channel returns of the
hottest computer software on the market.
Web Address:
Name Of Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: This company sells Virtual MP3 software.
Visual MP3 features CD Ripper, MP3 Organizer, Karaoke MP3 Player, ID3
Tag Editor, and more. See their “Reseller Only” section.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: ROI Inc., is a leading supplier of overstock and
surplus software.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Merisel is a leader in software licensing sales,
offering more than 23,000 products from leading manufacturers such as
Corel, Macromedia, Microsoft, Network Associates, and Symantec. Go to
their reseller section if you want them to be your supplier.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Action Software Inc, is an exclusive wholesale
software distributor.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Wholesaler: Sale of used IBM compatible software.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale and Discount Software.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Reseller:
Type Of Merchandise: Volume software sellers. They cater to
business and government accounts.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: CD Rom wholesale software distributor.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesaler of Infastructure and Computer
Security Software. See their “partners” link at the top of their homepage.
When you click that link, go to “Reseller Program Application,” for more
information about purchasing.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games, Business Technology,
Graphics, Children’s, Education, and Computer Accessory software.
To find out about being a Reseller, go to their FAQ link at the top of their
landing page. Under “Company Info” see their “Reseller Information”
and sign up to start purchasing from them.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Software resellers. They carry Game, Accounting &
Business, Education, Kids, Desktop Publishing & CAD, Microsoft, Utlities,
Home & Office software. See their “Dealers & Resellers” link on the left
hand portion of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: EMS Old Software Bought And Sold
Type Of Merchandise: They buy and sell old software, from Adobe to
Wordstar. See their “Place And Order” link.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: River Deep is one of the fastest growing education
software companies in the United States, with a wide range of respected
products being used in more than 45,000 schools in over 20 countries worldwide.
See their “Become A River Deep” reseller on the bottom right hand side of their
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Save money on all your software needs. Buy
software at wholesale software prices on line. Discount software, Norton AntiVirus 2003, Microsoft all software. We accept Visa, Master Card, American
Express, and Paypal.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Tools & Building Supplies Wholesale Page 206
Name Of Wholealer: Castle Wholesalers
Type Of Merchandise: Castle Wholesalers offers you a complete line of
Power Tools. Our Products include: Drills, Cordless Drills, Saws, Reciprocating
Saws, Circular Saws, Cordless Screwdrivers, Routers, Sanders, and many
others. Several of our Vendors are: Dewalt, Black & Decker, Milwaukee Electrical
Tools, Delta, Porter Cable, Dremel and Makita.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturer & Exporter of Air Tools. They are
located in Taiwan.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Manufacturers Sales Company is a reseller of power
tools and over 5000 hand tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell hand tools, powertools, home and garden.
See their “bulk lots, blowout specials” for resale products.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Closeout tool distributor. Be careful here, they
are surplus.
Web Address:
Name of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They can order container loads of
tools directly from China. Domestic ordering is online.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Router Bits made in the USA. Contact them for
wholesale prices and purchases.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Johnson Enterprise Tools
Type Of Merchandise: Quality Discount Tools. Air tools, Automotive
Tools, Routers, and Power Tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything from abrasives to air tools. See their
“B2b” link that the top of their homepage, if you want to buy wholesale.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: DRC Distributors deals solely in surplus,
closeouts, and manufacturer’s liquidations of tool accessories, hobby
supplies, and abrasives. Wholesale to public.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Stanley Tools Authorized Auctions
Type Of Merchandise: Even though this should be in the tool auction
section of the guide, I thought it would be appropriate to put this link here.
You can find some good wholesale lots for resale of Stanley tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Master Wholesale Inc., carries tile saws, tile
tools, stone-working, masonry tools, and clothing. Also, a full range of
Power and Mechanic tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Power tools, hand tools, and accessories.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Tool House Inc. has been in business since
1984 serving the Cincinnati tri-state area. Tool House serves Industrial,
Construction and Retail Customers. Please feel free to contact us even if all
you need is a little advice. Serving you is our main goal.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Largest supplier of tools and just about anything
hardware. See their “Vendor” link on the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: B.E. Atlas Company
Type Of Merchandise: B.E. Atlas Co., is a full line wholesale hardware
distributor stocking over 30,000 items from over 950 manufacturers
nationally and internationally.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The Internet direct sales division of a major US
manufacturer of coated and bonded abrasives. Purchase industrial grade
abrasives factory direct.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: IMA Tool
Type Of Merchandise: Stocking wholesaler/distributor of over 200
brands of tools. From Power Tools to Hand Tools.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Wholesale Tool
Type Of Merchandise: They carry it all. From abrasives to welding tools.
They do want credentials if you want to be a wholesale customer. See their
FAQ section, and scroll to the question: “How do I establish a Wholesale
Tool credit account?”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything from Air Tools to Wrenches. They
are wholesale to dealers only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry a lot of tools for garage and
specialty mechanic shops.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Industry
Type Of Merchandise: China Hongda Electric Power Tool
Manufacturing Company, is a manufacturer and exporter of electric impact
drills, hammers, blowers, cut-off machines, power planers, and mini-electric
angle grinders.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Over 100,000 products. See their “Distributor” link if
you want further information about selling their products.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Distributor of Marine and Industrial Products. They
also carry hand, power, and machine tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Discount tools. Bench-top Machines, Compressors,
Cordless Tools, Demolition Hammers, Door Hanging Tools, Drills, Drill Presses,
Dust Control, Grinders, and much more.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Sunny International is a direct importer and
wholesaler of tools. Hand tools and electric tools in most major brands.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: TFC North America
Type Of Merchandise: TFC North America Inc. supplies and distributes
high quality industrial grade, low cost products to consumers and business
throughout North America and the Caribbean. We carry many different products
and maintain over $10,000,000.00 dollars in inventory. Please call us or send
us a e-mail with your inquires every item will be discounted a minimum of 20 to
70% from the published list price.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Name Brand Tools. Drills, hammers,
hand tools and socket sets, etc.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Closeout and Liquidated Tools. Wholesale only.
There is a 300.00 minimum.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: A national distributor of Milwaukee, Porter
Cable, Makita, SK Tool, Allied, and other name brand tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Power tools, air tools, wrench sets, and much,
much, more. Wholesale only. They drop-ship as well.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale tools, automotive, hardware, and
just about everything in bwetween.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale merchandise distributor that will
drop-ship one item at a time, or in bulk. All types of power and hand tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Information: A huge database of manufacturers,
exporters and suppliers of hand tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything from compressors to table saws.
Contact them for dealer or reseller information.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: All types of power and hand tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: carries a huge
selection of closeout Tools. Click on this link to view our inventory or Tools.
Or complete the form on the right, to request more information on Tools.
Visit our special page to get the best deals on salvage merchandise.
Be careful here, they are surplus dealers. Go and visit if you are buying
in any quantity.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Ridge Rock Tools
Type Of Merchandise: Ridge Rock Tools Inc. is a direct importer and
wholesale distributor with over 20 years of experience. We distribute all across
the United States as well as Central America, Canada and Mexico. Ridge
Rock is very competitive and efficient. We provide a wide variety of all types of
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They supply brand name tools at below wholesale
prices. Our direct import business gives you the ability to purchase at prices
well below the average wholesale price.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everything from Air Tools, to Wrenches.
They also have DROPSHIPPING services.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Everise Tools Industrial is a professional
manufacturer and exporter for various kinds of power tools, accessories,
cutting tools, hand tools and combined tool sets. Everise also specializes in
designing various packaging for tools products to meet different demand and
promotion occasion of the buyers. They are based in China. Experienced
import-export only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The Endeavor Tool Company was started by
seven partners in 1996, they invented, and distribute, the “Gator Grip” line of
tools. This product has been advertised through Infomercials.
They also sell the “Fast Grip” Magnetic Tape Holder, and the “Perfect Cut”
Professional Hair Trimmer. If you want to carry their products, go to their
“Distribution” link on the left hand side of the homepage. Click on the “United
States Distribution” link, and contact “US Sales.”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale Power Tools Store, with Cordless
Drills, Routers, and more. They sell to wholesalers, retailers, and they also
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: EDM Wholesale
Type Of Merchandise: EDM Wholesale has tools, and other items as
well. They are one of Ebay’s top 100 sellers. They sell individual items for
the average buyer, but also case lots that are perfect for retailers, flea market
vendors, and other re-sellers.
Web Address:
Page 215
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Discount Tool Warehouse Supplier of Power, Cordless
Hand Tools, Air Tools, Compressors and Compressor Accessories. Automotive
Tool Sets, Sockets, Wrenches, Wood Working Tools, and Supplies for the shop or
We take pride in the selection of Discount Tools we bring to our customers. Our
competitive prices are hard to beat throughout the Internet. Start your own Tool
Business today. Let us help! We do all the shipping! No inventory to buy.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Quality tools, at discount prices. Over 40,000 hand
and power tools. See their “Credit Application” link on the left hand side of their
website, under “Information,” if you want to purchase from them.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: KR Tools, Inc. has been a leading supplier of high
quality hand tools, hardware accessories and tool sets for over 30 years. See their
“Bulk Tools” link on the left hand portion of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They have all types of air tools, power tools, cordless
drills. They carry Dewalt, and Milwaukee brands. Go to their “Wholesale Toolbox”
link under the “Can’t Find It?” section on the right hand side of their homepage .
Some prices are low enough to be considered wholesale.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Drop Shipper of name brand power tools.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Hugh Distributor of Power Tools and building
supplies. See their “credit application” link if you want to purchase from them.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Hardware and Tools. Scroll down to the bottom
of the page to see this link: “Wholesale Division: For Multiple Quantity
Purchasing for Volume Orders Link To Wholesale Catalog And Pricing.
Since We are Wholesale Distributors for our Vendors We have very
competitive prices for Volume Purchasers.”
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Industrial Recovery Group
Type Of Merchandise: Industrial Recovery Group are Buyers/Sellers of
Surplus Pipe, Valves, Fittings, Flanges, Forged Steel Fittings,
Instrumentation Fittings, Tube Fittings. Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast
Iron, Malleable Iron, Brass, and Exotic Alloy. See their “Items For Sale” link
on the top left hand side of the web page if you want to purchase from them.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We invite you to explore the world’s leading online
wholesale channel for quality building products. Build Direct is a global company
currently doing business in 20 countries on four continents. Anyone meeting our
minimum order size may buy from us.
Order size is typically either by full pallet or by container, depending on the
product. They sell the following product categories: Laminate Flooring, Bamboo
Flooring, Wood Flooring, Tile Flooring, Roofing, Lighting, Countertops, and
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We at the Black Market Carpet group operate
multiple warehouses in the United States stocking a vast array of flooring
products from manufacturers around the world. This gives us the purchasing
power and allows us the best prices on flooring products which we pass on to
you in savings.
We purchase products from all points of the globe, direct from the factory so you
know you're getting the absolute, rock bottom price. From our vast line of
products, to rapid delivery to your door, we promise to give you the best price
and the ultimate in service.
We specialize in selling carpet, pad, vinyl, tile, and paint to the large volume
users such as apartment complexes, hotels, motels, large retailers, or anyone in
between, you can start saving today so check our prices and then call us for a
quick shipping quote. It's that easy!
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
full-line wholesale hardware distributor, providing products, retail programs, and
support services to independent retailers.
Headquartered in Plymouth, Minnesota, United services dealers from it’s 400,000
square foot distribution center located in Milbank, South Dakota, and delivers to
locations in eighteen states. A complete merchandise assortment of over 55,000
items are stocked in the Milbank distribution center.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Just about everything in surplus flooring. Featuring:
Flooring, Doors, Stonework, Surplus, and more. Purchasing by the pallet or
truckload only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: is a wholesale tools supplier
that will drop-ship one item at a time directly to your customer's doorstep.
Simply copy our pictures and descriptions or add your own, name your price and
sell our products through online auctions or add our entire inventory to your new or
existing website, and watch your business grow.
There's no need for you to buy anything until you have it sold. We will drop-ship it
directly to your customer. It's that simple..
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Video Games Wholesale Page 220
Name Of Wholesaler: Video Games Liquidator
Type Of Merchandise: Check out our huge selection of games,
systems and accessories by clicking on one of the Category links in the
left hand column, or you can search for an item or title in the search
window. They have a 34,000 feedback rating on Ebay.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Namco Nation
Type Of Merchandise: If you are a retail store owner of video
games, then this is the supplier for you. They cater to retail store owners.
If you have an online store, I would contact them as well. See their
“retailers” link at the bottom of the page. Once you click into that page,
see their “need authorization” link to obtain access to their products.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Fillpoint is an authorized First Party
distributor for Sony Playstation2, Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Game Cube,
Sony Playstation, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64, and Sega
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Jack of All Games, the largest video game
distributor in the United States. We combine a wealth of gaming industry
knowledge and experience with proven distribution expertise to ensure
that the hottest game titles reach national retailers as quickly as
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name of Wholesaler: Nintendo International Distributors List
Type Of Merchandise: Nintendo Distributors across the US, and the
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Hong Kong Toys
Type Of Merchandise: Exporter and Wholesaler of Video Games and
accessories. Under the “Customer Service” section of the website, click on to
the “Exclusive Distributors” link to get more information about purchasing
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. They claim to be the number one
source for Video Games and accessories. This website only lets you access
their e-mail feature. You will have to contact them in order to get more
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Electro Source is one of the leading distributors of
video game software, hardware, and accessories in the United States. They
have an inventory of over 6000 items. See their “Become A Vendor” link at the
bottom of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: World Deals, Inc
Type Of Merchandise: World Deals Inc. is an Import/Export wholesale
company based in New York. Within the United States, we sell our products
primarily to wholesalers and importers. We also export products to companies
all across the world.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games & Accessories. Wholesale only.
There is a 400.00 minimum.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Game Center Distribution
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games & Accessories. Over 500 titles.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games & Accessories. Tommo
maintains an extensive catalog of video games and related merchandise
for all of today’s top gaming systems.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games & Accessories. Offers video
games and some consumer electronics direct from Hong Kong. See their
wholesale info under the “Services Section” located on the left hand side of
the Website.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Entertainment One
Type Of Merchandise: Canadian Video Game and DVD distributor.
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. They carry new and used
video games. They stock all titles, for all systems, as well as accessories.
Call for additional titles, pricing, and availability. Wholesale inquiries are
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. They carry a variety of video
games and related products. They are wholesale only with a 500 dollar
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: New Video
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale only Video Games Distributor.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: StrategicMarketingPartners
Type Of Merchandise: For the past 15 years, we have proudly
represented the highest quality software and video game publishers and
accessory manufacturers to all North American resellers and distributors.
They supply major retailers. If you have a retail video or DVD store, than
this is the supplier for you.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: The
Type Of Merchandise: Video Game wholesale distributor. Sells
wholesale lots of video games.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. Wholesale application link is at the
bottom of the web page.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesalers:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. My Video Games is a leading
wholesaler of video games, movies, and DVDs. They sell to video stores,
libraries, electronic and specialty retailers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell to resellers. Used Video Games,
Accessories, Systems, DVDs, VHS Movies, and Game Systems.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: New and Used Video games. See “We Are Now
Accepting Wholesale Applications” at the bottom of the page.
Web Address:
Name Of Resource:
Type Of Merchandise: Are you tired of paying 50 to 60 dollars for a game
and then selling it back to the same retailer you purchased it off of, but for a
fraction of the cost? alleviates this issue by allowing you
to trade your game for true market value. That's right, purchase a game from a
store and you can trade it online for the current market value allowing you to pick
up similarly priced games whenever you want.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Play Station Gamer
Type Of Merchandise: Games for Play Station, Play Station 2, Game Boy
Advance, Xbox. They also carry DVD. Special Pricing Available for Reseller or
Bulk Order. As low as US$2.50 each.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Regal Games
Type Of Merchandise: Regal Games.Com, a subsidiary of Eagle
Entertainment is a wholesale Video Game Distributor based in Hollywood,
Florida. For over a decade we have been doing our best to find the most
complete selection of video games, even the most difficult special requests,
and offering them at wholesale prices to Video Stores & Commercial outlets
across the country.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They have been developing and publishing video
games since 1986. See their “Distribution” link on the left hand side of the page
if you want to purchase from them. To get a price list, you must send them a
request from company letter head.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Here you can find hundreds of new and used video
games and accessories for over 30 video game systems! They also carry Dance
Dance Revolution games and dancepads. See their wholesale link at the bottom
of the page under “Information.”
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Array Distribution
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. See their “Dealer Application” link
on the front of their homepage if you want to purchase from them.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video Games. SOS’ mission is to deliver high
value discount PC software and discount video games products to Resellers,
Retailers and Consumers at everyday sale prices. See their “resellers
increase your profits” link at the top right hand side of their homepage. They
drop-ship as well.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Your complete source for all your gaming needs.
Alliance is a full service game distributor serving retailers all around the world.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Royal Electronics
Type Of Merchandise: Royal Electronics carries a full inventory of new,
older games including such that are difficult to find.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Video game systems, accessories, and games.
See their “Wholesale Contact” link on the left hand side of their home page
under “Contact Us.”
Web Address:
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Watches Wholesale Page 227
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale watch distributor.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: E-Watch
Type Of Merchandise: Public Wholesale for Watches and Key Chains.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry Gold Geneva Watches. You have to
contact them for wholesale prices.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Watch Rings, Fun Wrist Watches, Pendent,
Necklace Watches.
Web Address:
Name Of Watch Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Interwatches Inc. has been a family owned
business for more than 20 years. We specialize in high quality pre-owned and
brand new watches (Rolex, Omega, Cartier, Patek Philippe, and more) and
Jewelry (antique, estate and modern).
Web Address:
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Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Watch Wholesalers is a watch distributor located
in Houston, Texas.
Web Address:
Name of Wholesalers:
Type Of Merchandise: Closeout prices on brand name watches. Up to
60, 70, and 90 percent off on most brands. Minimum order is only five
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Robert Maron, Inc
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesale watches, buy, sell, and trade. Robert
Moran sells ultra-rare, high-grade and vintage Swiss watches.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Finest
Type Of Merchandise: Finest Watches is a watch retailer and wholesaler
based in Encino, California, USA. Finest Watches buys, sells and trades both
new and pre-owned watches from a vast network of suppliers, dealers and
collectors worldwide.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Art Of Time
Type Of Merchandise: Vintage Watches, Antique Watches, Preowned
Watches, Used watches & Complicated Wrist Watches Bought & Sold Brands
such as Rolex, Omega, Cartier, Patek Philippe, IWC, Audemars Piquet,
Breitling, Vacheron, Panerai, Hamilton, Longines.
Web Address:
Page 228
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesaler of watches, such as Adidas, Anne Klein,
Bangle, Citizen, Diesel, DKNY, and Fossil Watches.
See their “Wholesale Department” link on the top of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Tickers Watch and Clock Company is a wholesale
distributor of fashion watches, mini clocks, and novelty timepieces.
Our products sell well in retail stores, shopping mall carts/kiosks, and flea
markets. We also supply custom watches and timepieces with your logo on
them, perfect for corporate gifts and promotions.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Wholesaler of Watches Now Available Online! Watches West a factory direct distributor of world famous timepieces and fine
jewelry with operations based in Los Angeles County for over 30 years.
See their “Request Dealer Application-Wholesale Volume Orders Only” link
onthe front of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Swiss Supply Direct
Type Of Merchandise: High end Swiss Watches. They cater to resale
buyers and retail purchases. Swiss Supply ONLY Sells Factory Original
Diamond Set Watches. Every Watch We Sell Comes With A One Year Limited
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesale:
Type Of Merchandise: Below wholesale distributor of fashion watches.
Low minimum orders. See their “closeout” section on the front of their
Web Address:
Web Address: Movado Group Inc
Type Of Merchandise: This is the same company that carries the
Movado brand. They recently purchased the luxury Swiss watch brand
Ebel, and also carry Tommy Hilfiger, Concord, Coach, and ESQ watches.
See their “contact us” link on the front of their landing page, for more
information about how to purchase from them. They cater to jewelers, and
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They carry G-Shock, Baby-G, and Path Finder
Watches. They only sell to Resellers.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Our lowest prices ever on hundreds of Tag,
Omega, Movado, Concord, Raymond Weil, Rado, Gucci, Cartier, Hamilton,
Seiko, Bulova, Accutron and other name brand watches. Watch
wholesalers since 1983.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: Acoola Watch Shop
Type Of Merchandise: Online orders for Russian Pilot mechanical
chronographs including collectibles. B2B offers. Wholesale prices for buying 10
or more pieces.
Web Address:
Name Of Watch Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: Bernard Company is one of the online leaders in
fine Swiss watches at unbeatable prices with unmatched service. Even though
they are not traditional wholesalers, they do have items that are 70% off the
retail price.
High quality Swiss time pieces do not lend themselves to traditional “bulk”
wholesale prices because of their expense and availability. I would inquire
about buying multiple timepieces, should you want to sell this particular line of
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Gables Pawn and Jewelry proclaim to be one of
the nation's largest wholesalers and retailers of pre-owned, high grade watches
such as Rolex, Cartier, Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron &
Constantin, Breitling and many others.
They buy, sell and trade all types of watches and jewelry. Their inventory is
listed on their website. You can call or e-mail them about the item you are
interested in
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Watch Dealer:
Type Of Merchandise: They specialize it Vintage Watches. Timepieces
from 1900 to 1970. From Rolex Watches, to Omega Heuer watches, Hamilton
Breitling Chronographs, Gruen, LeCoultre watches, Longines, Movado watches,
GP, IWC, Illinois, Ulysse, Nardin, Zodiac, Minerva, and many other vintage
Once again, they are not wholesalers in the traditional sense, because they have
expensive, one of a kind items that don’t require that they sell in bulk. However,
they do have time pieces such as Rolex, that are 50% of the retail price.
Remember, if you have the money to buy such expensive items, merchants will
usually make a deal. If you are interested in high end time pieces “for resale”
than this might be a supply source for you.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Jewelry Wholesalers has offered the best in fine
jewelry, timepieces and antiques at the best possible values, and our online store
is no exception. Our virtual showroom of bracelets, diamond rings, pre-owned
Rolex watches, estate pieces and other fine jewelry is available to you 24-hoursa-day from the comfort of your home or office.
Every new and pre-owned piece of fine jewelry we offer has been meticulously
inspected by our Master Jewelers and Gemologist to ensure that you’re getting
the best possible value. From diamond rings to antique lapel pins, you’ll save
thousands over retail and other so-called wholesale jewelry stores.
Web Address:
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The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler: WFN Enterprises
Type Of Merchandise: They specialize in new, and estate top name watch
brands. They claim that their watches come from their original manufacturers, or
from liquidated stock of jewelry stores. Please read their “Ordering Info” link
located at the bottom of their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Solsuno is a watch with no hands, no numbers. Only
lights. The time is given by 138 true LED lights. See their “Buy Bulk Online” link
at the bottom of the webpage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: If you are a fan of Russian Watches, and Army
Watches, and other Russian inspired time pieces, than this is the site for you.
They carry Titanium Watches, Russ Army Watches, Military Watches, and
Vostock Vip. See their “Wholesale” link on the left-hand side of their home page.
They also drop-ship. See their “Drop-Shipment” link at the top right hand side of
the website.
Web Address:
Name Of Watch Dealer: Bernard
Type Of Merchandise: Bernard Company is one of the on-line leaders in
fine Swiss watches. We strive to bring you unbeatable prices with unmatched
service. Complicated. Classic. Elegant. Exotic. Famous name brands. Priced at
up to 70% or more off retail! New and pre-owned watches.
Web Address:
Page 233
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: They sell Personalized Watches, Gift ideas for
men, gift ideas for women, Mother's Day, Father's Day, specialty watches,
novelty watches, Freemasonry, Masonic, fraternity & sorority watches, Black
fraternity & sorority greek watches, NFL football watches, college NCAA football
watches, polar bear watches, red hat watches, custom watches & more.
You can view their products online, but you have to call them to find out
about wholesale prices. See their “Wholesale” section on the right hand side of
their homepage.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: One of the oldest and largest wholesalers of fine
vintage and modern pre-owned watches in the United State. They specialize
in Pre-Owned Rolex’s. They sell to jewelry retailers and traders only.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Finest Watches is a watch retailer and wholesaler
that buys, sells and trades both new and pre-owned watches from a vast
network of suppliers, dealers and collectors worldwide.
If you want to learn more about their products, then go to their “Learn” link at
the top of the page. If you want to purchase from them (wholesale) then you
have to go to their “About” section, also at the top of their homepage, and
contact Haim Malka
Web Address:
Page 234
The Ultimate Guide To Products for Resale © 2005 All Rights Reserved.
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: We are offering high quality discount watches at
wholesale prices directly from our wholesale warehouse. They are not
wholesalers in the true sense, but if you don’t have a Resale Certificate, 70%
off retail on some of their items, might be just as good as wholesale.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: The best online store to buy genuine brand name
watches at wholesale-discount prices. All watches in our store are new, in
original box, genuine and authentic watches, we do not sell refurbished or used
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler: Jewelry Impressions
Type Of Merchandise: We are Master Distributors and one of the largest
Wholesalers of watches. As we continue to increase our business and develop
new customer channels, we can now pass on our high-volume, low-unit price
directly to you.
Web Address:
Name Of Wholesaler:
Type Of Merchandise: Mira Miami is a leading importer and distributor of
watches and electronics. They have three warehouses, in New York, Los
Angeles and Miami. See their “Contact” link to find the location you would want
to purchase from them. Their product catalog is online.
Web Address:
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