ASCIDIANS OF THE BERMUDAS N. J. BERRILL MCGILL UNIVERSITY,MONTREAL The ascidians of the Bermuda islands have already been described by Van Name (1902) and a revision published by the same author in 1921 under the title “¿The Ascidian Fauna of the West Indies.― In view of this the present paper is confined to a brief account of the fauna as a whole, a description of several new species, and a few notes upon certain other forms. The ascidians of the Bermudas are almost identical, species for species, with those of the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, and there is little doubt that, together with the bulk of the Bermuda fauna, they have been carried there from those regions by the west Atlantic drift. Like ascidians throughout the world, their habitat is determined as a compromise between two factors, their ability to withstand wave action and exposure, and their need for a good flow of well oxygenated water. They may accordingly be divided into three groups, those to be found only under stones, those attached to the upper surfaces of stones, or to various corals and sea-fans, and those found beyond the outer reefs. Apart from such classification of habitat further description such as specified localities is practically unnecessary. Species found under stones in one locality are likely to be found in similar positions through out the islands. The same holds true for forms that are attached to exposed surfaces. The material upon which this paper is based was obtained through the facilities of the Bermuda Biological Station, St. Georges, and also through the assistance of LOuis Mowbray, Esq., of the Government Aquarium. FAUNA LIST Aplidium (Amaroucium) bermudae (Van Name) Aplidium (Amaroucium) exile (Van Name) Tri4idemnum savignii (Herdman) Trididemnum orbiculatum (Van Name) Didemnum candidum Savigny Didemnum (Polysyncraton) amethysteum (Van Name) Leptoclinum macdonaldi (Herdman) Lissoclinum fragile (Van Name) Polycitor (Eudisknna) olivaceus (Van Name) 77 on corals under stones on algae, under stones under stones under stones, on corals under stones on corals, etc. under stones on stones, corals, etc. 78 N. J. BERRILL Polycitor (Eudistoma) convexus (Van Name) Polycitor (Eudistoma) clarus (Van Name) Polycitor (Eudistoma) capsulatum (Van Name) Clavelina picta (Verrill) Clavelina oblonga Herdman Cystodytes dellechiaiae (Della Valle) Distaplia (Holozoa) bermudensis (Van Name) Perophora viridis Verrill Perophora bermudensis n.sp Ecteinasci4ia turbinata Herdman Ecteinasci4ia conklini n.sp Ecteinascidia conklini var. minuta Ascidia nigra Savigny Asci4ia curvata Traustedt Botryllus schlosseri (Pallas) Botrylloides niger (Herdman) Symplegma viride Herdman Polyandrocarpa (Eusynstyela) tincta (Van Name) Polycarpa obtecta Traustedt Styela partita (Stimpson) Pyura vitlata (Stimpson) Microcosmus exasperatus Heller on corals, etc. on stones, corals, etc. on corals, etc. on sea-fans, wrecks, etc. under stones, on corals on corals, stones, etc. under stones, on corals under stones under stones on stones, corals, wrecks under stones under stones on stones, etc. under stones under stones on and under stones under stones under stones on stones, corals, reefs on stones, corals, reefs on stones under stones, on reefs The Bermuda fauna is exceptionally rich in members of the family Perophoridm. Two well-known forms, Ecteinascidia turbinata and Perophora viridis, are common. Their close relationship, however, is emphasized by the discovery of transitional types. These new forms may frequently be found growing under the same boulder as those two species. Inasmuch of immature as the existing descriptions zooids, a somewhat detailed species; such an account other forms. also forms of Ecteinascidia turbinata are account is made here of this a basis for comparison of the Ecteinascidia turbinata Herdman. This species was originally described by Herdman from material collected at Bermuda by the Challenger expedition. Large orange colonies develop attached to the upper surfaces of rocks where currents are relatively strong. The essential organization of the zooid is shown in Fig. 1. The structures shown here for the first time are the heart, and the gonads with their ducts. The heart is of the same relative size and length, and is in the same relative position as in species of Ascidia or Phallusia. The gonads develop in the intestinal ioop on the left side, as in Pero phora, the ovary being surrounded by a ring of testicular lobes. The vas deferens during its distal course follows the intestine and they open together some distance short of the atrial siphon. The oviduct, on the other hand, is relatively short and wide. It passes @ .@ ASCIDIANS OF BERMUDAS 79 0'. ..@ 0)0) .-@,a 0) ‘¿.5 - @ C) .@E —¿ 0) .0 @ I, Cs .0 .0)0) a -@ a 1. @ ‘¿.0 .@.o ‘¿u s.. @ ..@ 0)5 2 ‘¿5 .@ ‘¿C.,. 80 ‘¿ N. J. BERRILL from the ovary to the dorsal lamina, opening beyond it into the atriäl cavity of the right side. A single egg at a time is forced up the duct. During this brief passage it becomes greatly elongated thrOugh compression, rapidly regaining its spherical shape as it emerges. The above features are generic, the characters of specific importance being as follows,—the tendency to grow on the exposed surfaces of rocks, the red or orange colour, the proximity of the atrial to the branchial siphon, the possession by the adult zoöid of about thirty rows of stigmata, and the formation of tadpole larvae with twelve rows of stigmata. The breeding season extends from about June first to August or September. Ecteinascidia conklini n. sp. This species was at first mistaken for young colonies of E. turbinata. The generic features are identical with those of E. turbinata. The specific differences are the following: it is found side of rocks, the colour is green or yellow-green ring around the siphons, sometimes absent; the only on the under with but a thin red atrial siphon is long and placed some considerable distance from the branchial siphon; the rows of stigmata in the zoöids average about twenty in number, while smaller tadpoles are formed with but six rows of stigmata; the eggs are smaller, and the breeding season commences about one month later than Ecteinasci4ia that conklini of E. turbinata, var. minuta under identical conditions. n. sp. This form was found with mixed colonies of E. conklini typica and Perophora viridis. It differs from the type species in a few minor features only, which nevertheless seem worthy of recording. It is smaller; the number of rows of stigmata in the zooid rarely exceeds fifteen; the atrial siphon is short and close to the branchial siphon while both bear prominent ridges, and the eggs and larv2e are smaller although other. The breeding E. conklini in the former, Perophora possesses six rows of stigmata season as far as is known coincides the most definite and minuta E. turbinata tadpole as in the with that of typica. Probably typica the from tending is but very bermudensis feature E. turbinata distinguishing is the curvature to form a secondary slightly curved loop. both E. conklini of the intestine The intestine of in comparison. n. sp. This species forms mixed colonies with the common Perophora viridis, both growing in great profusion on the under surface of stones where there is a good circulation of water. ASCIDIANS 81 OF @ __________ @ L @Q.. 9@K@ @ I°1V( LU (19fl LL -@ (9 @.fl.u ‘¿@ 2@'@ ‘¿2 - . 4)._@ 4) @ I @ 0 cc .@°E'@ cc N 5 4) ‘¿2 4) a 0 ‘¿@5:U'@ ! @ @ @ ‘¿U “¿cc CS :2@5@ S N ,@ 04)EN ‘¿@ a.@ ,@ -@ 82 N. J. BERRILL Perophora viridis has a greenish tinge, as its name implies, and both oozoöid and blastozoöid have four rows of stigmata. Perophora listen is similar in that the greenish colour is quite absent, but it forms by no means such dense colonies. Perophora annectens differs from both these species in that it has but three rows of stigmata. Perophora bermudensis possesses blastozooids with five rows of stigmata (although the oozoid has but four) and is accordingly unique. It may be readily distinguished from P. viridis with which it is usually entangled, by the absence of any green colour and the somewhat larger size of the zoöids. Its structure is shown in Fig. 3, and it is seen that not only are there five rows of stigmata but that about a third of the stigmata of FIG. 3. A, blastozoöid of Perophora bermudensis n.sp. B, oozoöid of Ectein ascidia conklini or else a blastozooid of Perophoropsis herdmani Lahille. the first and second rows are common to both. in the smallest and youngest blastozoöids discernible. This condition prevails in which stigmata are Perophoropsis herdmani Lahille. This form was described by Lahille in 1890 from Banyuls and has not been rediscovered. It differs from species of Perophora in that there are at least ten rows of stigmata. It is a genus therefore inter mediate between Perophora and Ecteinascidia. At Bermuda, mixed with colonies of Perophora viri4is, P. bermu densis, and Ecteinascidia conklini, were found individuals corresponding in structure to Perophoropsis; these are shown in Fig. 4. ASCIDIANS OF BERMUDAS 83 There is, however, another possibility. It was determined in the case of Ecteinascidia tunbinata, E. conklini, Perophora bermudensis, Clavelina lepadiformis, Botryllus gigas, and Botrylloides leachii, that in developing blastozooids the number of rows of stigmata, while yet non-functional although perforate, equals or may slightly exceed the number of stigmata rows in the zooid from which they arose. In no case was it less than that number. This statement is probably true for ascidians as a whole and will form the subject of further investi gation. This phenomenon accordingly rules out the possibility that the Perophoropsis-like forms were young blastozoöids of Ecteinascidia; while the fact that the oozoöid of E. turbinata possesses from the start twelve rows of stigmata makes it impossible that they are young oozooids of that species. With E. conklini the case is different. The oozooid first becomes active with but six rows of stigmata, and ac cordingly it is possible that the forms in question are slightly-grown individuals of this type, especially as they were solitary and without budding stolons, although occurring not far from one another. An other feature which supports such a contention is that the individual stigmata are but species. Whether half the they length of those are blastozoöids of Ecteinascidia or oozoöids, or Perophora they are probably but half-grown. Provisionally, therefore, these perophorids will be assumed to be young oozoöids of Ecteinascidia conklini rather than the Perophoropsis of Lahille. If this is the case, then it should be noted that additional rows of stigmata appear in the oozooid when the stigmata of the original six rows are merely a fourth of full adult size, and cannot be distin guished from those first six rows. Genus Clavelina. There is some confusion as to the number of species of Clavelina to be found in the Bermuda and West Indian region. From material taken on the Challenger expedition at Bermuda Herdman described a form that he named Clavelina oblonga. In 1900 Verrill, in his general account of the fauna of the Bermudas, described an ascidianunder the name Diazona picta. In the account of the Bermuda ascidians published by Van Name in 1902 this last was changed to Rhodozona piclaon the ground that itdiffered materially from the type of Diazona and was intermediate in character between Diazona and Clavelina. In his later account (1921) of the ascidian fauna of the West Indies Van Name includes both these forms under Clavehna oblonga, the Diazona picta of Verrill being considered to be large colonies and Herdman's Clavelina oblonga young colonies of 84 N. J. BERRILL one and the same species. This he describes as a form in which the zoöids of a young colony are almost completely separated from one another but which in older colonies become enclosed for their greater part in a common gelatinous test. Such a conclusion is believed to be the result of two factors, the study mainly of preserved material, and of material collected not later than May, that is, of material somewhat immature. Preservation destroys pigmentation and in these two forms results shrinkage of the thoracic part of the zoöids. These forms are believed to be both clavelinids distinct species. On this assumption then the in a tremendous but also to be quite one should be known as Clavelina oblonga Herdman and the other as Clavelina picta (Verrill). It is hoped that the following descriptions will show this to be the case. Clavelina oblonga Herdman. Clavelina picta (Verrill). Habitat. Habitat. Attached to the under-surface of stones near low-water level, very rarely in more exposed positions. Attached to sea-fans, corals, submerged wrecks, etc., from low-water level to a few fathoms; never found under stones; a good flow of water seems to be necessary. Breeding season. Breeding season. End of April until August. End of June until August or September. Form of colony. Number of zoöidsrarely exceeds 40, usually much less. They are at tached to a basal stolon, but other wise are separated from one an other. Budding occurs throughout breeding season so that zoöids of all sizes are to be found. Pigmentation. Test crystal-clear. Branchial sac with flecks of white pigment near its anterior end. Abdominal region yellowish. colony In living perfectly state transparent. whole Form of colony. Colonies usually possess more than 40 zooids and may have as many as 1000. The zoöids are embedded in a common test, which is usually divided into corms. During the summer the thorax of each zooid extends beyond the common test, at other times it is usually completely embedded. Budding does not occur during the breeding season or the months preceding it and so the size of the zoöids is very uniform in any one colony. Pigmentation. Test unpigmented but slightly opaque. En dostyle, dorsal lamina, and peripharyngeal bands densely coloured with purple or carmine cells.They alsoextendthroughoutthe ab domen and then accumulate in the ends of the test vessels. They appear in the late embryo in such places and the oozooid is as highly coloured Egg and tadpole as the blastozoöids. Egg and tadpole size. size. 0.31mm. diameter(egg). 0.49 mm. diameter (egg). 2.25 mm. total 3.30 mm. total length (tadpole). length (tadpole). Post-larval development. Post-larval development. Tadpole and young oozooidhave Tadpole and young oozooid fromthefirst, two rowsofdefinitive first, four rows of definitive stigmata. other species of Clavelina have from stigmata. have but two. the All ASCIDIANS 85 OF BERMUDAS Clavelina oblonga usually occurs in groups of two or three during May and increases in number throughout the breeding season until about forty zoöids of various size may be found in one colony. This was found to be the case in both 1930 and 1931, and the implication is that the oozoöid forms a few winter statoblasts which regenerate and give rise to the type of colony just described during the following spring, while such a colony dies off at the end of the summer, failing to form a second generation of statoblasts. That is, the life-cycle is completed within 18 months; otherwise, large colonies should be found similar to those of Cksvelina lepadiformis, which is not the case. That Clavelina picks was originally taken to be a diazonid is due C FIG. 4. A, colony of Clavelina oblonga Herdman. B, C, egg and tadpole of same. D, partof a colonyof Clavelina picta(Verrill). E, F, egg and tadpole ofsame. G, H, eggand tadpoleof Clavelina lepadiformis. The eggs and tadpoles are drawn to the same scale. to a superficial similarity in type of budding. In Diazona violacea budding by abdominal strobilation occurs after the breeding season has ended, and only then. So that every autumn each zooid forms eight or ten compact bodies which regenerate slowly through the winter and spring to become sexually mature in the late summer; the process is then repeated. Therefore the zoöids are uniform in size and remain embedded in the common test, although the anterior part of the thorax of each extends separately during the late summer. In Clavelina picks winter statoblasts are formed after the breeding season and apparently at no other time. The oozooid probably forms about ten such bodies. These regenerate, grow and become sexually 86 N. J. BERRILL mature during the winter and spring. They carry on these processes close together within the test of the oozoöid, and so remain within a common test. resulting in During the the formation late summer during the these processes following year are repeated, of a colony composed of about ten corms, each containing ten or more zooids. This may be repeated a third year to form massive colonies. During maturity the anterior parts of the zoöids extend from the common test just as in Diazona, and as in Diazona they contract and degenerate after the breeding season while the thoracic extensions of the test are sloughed off. Thus, apart from the difference in budding, strobilation of the abdomen in Diazona and the formation of post-abdominal extensions in Clavelina, the cycle is much the same in the two genera and it is understandable that a superficial similarity results. The separation of the zoöids in large colonies of Clavelina lepadiformis in contrast to the condition in C. picks is due probably to the very thin test of the former, so thin that when the statoblasts grow into new individuals they form independent vertical extensions of it from the first. Budding in these forms will be the subject of a much more detailed investigation. Svmplegma vinide Herdman. This species was described first by Herdman from material collected at Bermuda by the Challenger expedition, and has since been dis covered throughout the West Indies, and in the East Indies from the Philippines to the Red Sea. A full description with illustration of a zoöidis given by Van Name (1921). This form has at various times been included in the Styelida@ and in the Botryllida@. A few additionalobservationsmade at Bermuda merely emphasize its relationship to both these groups. In fact it so completelybridgesthegap,both initsadultstructure and organization and in its development, between these two families that their main tenance as distinct families is an unnatural classification. It is accordingly proposed that the Botryllida@ be subordinated within the Styelithe, either as a sub-family or merely as constituent genera. The method of budding in its fundamentals is identical in the Polystyelida@, Symplegma, and Botryllida@. Symplegma resembles polystyelids such as Polyandrocarpa, Dis tomus, or Stolonica inasmuch as each zoOid has its own atrial siphon, common cloacal cavities not being formed. Its general anatomy resembles that of Polyandrocanpa or Polycarpa except that its in dividuals are much smaller. Correlated with this reduction is a ASCIDIANS diminution number in number of polycarps of rows of stigmata. lids only in the absence 87 OF BERMUDAS (to Its structure of common cloacal a single polycarp) and in differs from that of botryl cavities, and consequently in the lack of obvious systems in the colony. In other words, common cloacalcavities and the arrangement of zooidsintosystems are the only major features that separate the botryllids from other styelids. Apart from these two characters Symplegma is so similar to Botryllus and Botrylloides that it exhibits the same degree of variation in colour and form of whole colonies. These varieties are even more definite and constant in Symplegma than in the Botrylliche, the commoner A C D B FIG. 5. A, colony of Symplegma viride stolonica n.y. B, colony of Symplegma viride typica. C, zoöid of stolonica. D, zoöid of typica. E, F, G, tadpoles of Symplegma viride, Distomus variolosus, and J3otryllus gigas, respectively, drawn to the same scale. colour varieties being,—green, black and white, and orange. green and white, green and brown, With the exception of the last, all colonies sheet-like are very compact and as in botryllids, the adult zooids being pressed together, young buds appearing in large numbers together with clusters of ampulla@ at the colony margin. The orange variety, however, is different. Instead of the budding stolons being very short, they are even longer than in Stolonica socialis, with the result that the zoöids are often widely separated from each other while the individual zooids assume a comparatively vertical position. It may, in view of this difference, be worth recognizing the orange 88 N. J. BERRILL form as a definite variety. If so, it is suggested that it be named Symplegma viride stolonica. The essential unity of such forms as Symplegma, Botryllus, and Distomus is perhaps best shown in the study of the development. The tadpole of Symplegtna is almost identical with those of Dis tomus, Stolonica, and Styelopsis, except that it is somewhat smaller. It has the same degree of organization; it has the same single but composite sense organ (probably developed from the otolith after the primitive eye was lost, an otolith and eye being found only in Styela itself); and in Symplegma and Distomus there is a long anterior mental process surrounded by a ring of ampulke. Botryllus and Botrylloides both produce tadpoles with a similar mental process and ring of ampulke, there being eight ampulke in each of these genera and also in Sympiegma. While the botryllid tadpoles are the more highly organized, the young oozoOids developing from these and from tadpoles of Symplegma are hardly to be distinguished. Altogether there are greater differences between a genus such as Styela and the polystyelids than there are between these last and the botryllids. REFERENCES LAHILLE, F., 1890. VAN NAME, W. G., Recherches 1902. sur les Tuniciers The Ascidians des côtes de France. of the Bermuda Islands. Toulouse. Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sci., 11: 325. VAN NAME, W. G., 44: 283. 1921. Ascidians of the West Indies. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.,