bassmart - Bassilichi
bassmart - Bassilichi
COMPANY PROFILE BASSMART THE BEST WAY TO UNDERSTAND WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO – updated: january 2015 INDEX > PROFILE 1 OFFER 2 PARENT COMPANY 3 BASSILICHI GROUP 4 E-TICKETING: FUNCTIONS 5 E-TICKETING: FEATURES 6 MULTI-STORE E-COMM PLATFORM 7 E-COMMERCE REFERENCES 13-14 MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTS 15 ART ON TABLETS 16 AUDIO/VIDEO GUIDES KIOSK 17 MULTIMEDIA GUIDES 18 MERCHANDISING 19 RECHARGEABLE FIDELITY CARDS 20 APP FOR TOURISM, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND E-COMMERCE 21 CUSTOMERS 22 SPONSORSHIP 2010 - 2013 23 CERTIFICATIONS 24 1. PROFILE BassmArt is an organization which specializes in implementing high-tech projects and services for the historic and artistic heritage, culture and leisure. It is a global consultant for developing cultural projects, where it supports the customer in their technological, strategical and growth choices. WORKS WITH: Museums Cultural Institutions Sports Associations Public Administration Trade Show Exhibition Areas Companies > 2. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - PRO F ILE B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - O F F E R OFFER BassmArt’s offer is characterized by integrated technological solutions: •E-ticketing •Call centre and activities focused upon CMR •Management and strategic event consultancy •E-commerce •Merchandising •Multimedia products •Interactive multimedia information points for museums and exhibitions •Learning experiences centered on the use of new means of communication (audio and video guides) •Merchandising •Rechargeable fidelity cards •APPs for tourism, cultural heritage and e-commerce > 3. B A S S M A RT PRO F I L E - PARE NT C O MPANY PARENT COMPANY 4. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - BA SSILI C HI G ROU P BASSILICHI GROUP Recognized player in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Bassilichi serves as a strategic partner for Banks, Industry and Public Administration thanks to an offering that covers the following three areas: Payment Systems Business Services Security BassilichiCEE BassmArt BassilichiCEE Banja Luka BassilichiCEE Podgorica 100 % 100 % ArsBlue 51% 80% 95% Consorzio Triveneto 62 26% 90% 39% ABS Technology Moneynet Fruendo 100% 60% 51% Krene Moneynet Direct holdings of Bassilichi Indirect holdings of Bassilichi through its subsidiaries Partially owned companies: Alfazero (37,72%), Bassnet (49,68%), Sparkling18 (10%), ICT Logistica (33,38%), K. red (50%), RS Records Store (30%) 5. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - E-TI C KETIN G : F U NCTI O N S E-TICKETING: Features The main functions offered by the ticketing system: •Sale of tickets and season tickets via Internet, both with numbered seats and open seating; •Integration with an attendance control system; •Individual and/or group bookings with pricing according to the user profile and for time slots; •Attendance statistics in real time; B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - E-TI C KETIN G : F E ATU RE S E-TICKETING: Functions •Complete management of ticket and season ticket reservations by credit card; 6. Polo Museale Statale Fiorentino Polo Museale Statale Fiorentino Mens Sana Basket •Legal and accounts reporting; •Fiscal and non-fiscal management. Piantina Teatro Ticketing management for events with numbered seats: satisfies the requirements of theatres, cinemas, arenas, sports stadia and arenas. The main functions: • Configuration of events and/or the theatre or museum season; • Configuration of advance sales and management (also totally independently by the organiser) of allocations to be assigned to the various channels (Internet, call centres, sales outlets, etc.); • Functions of selling, fast selling (best seat), group bookings, seat reservations at various access levels also based upon the individual operators; • Management of any type of season tickets, fixed-day or open, integrated season tickets for various attractions; • Continuous monitoring of pre-sales and statistics in real time with online access by individual operators also with ad hoc displays; • Fulfilment of all fiscal and administrative obligations and production of respective reports (taxation and accounting); • Data and statistics reports; • Maximum customisation of entrance tickets with insertion of sponsor logos and other graphical elements also when issuing the tickets; • Possibility to buy theatre tickets through an interactive map that offers a preview of the stage seen by the booked place. Ticketing management with open seating: for ticket purchases at museums, exhibitions, concerts and trade fairs. The following services are available upon request: • Admissions in dedicated time slots for individuals and/or groups or schools and/or associations; • Admissions for time slots on established capacity; • Setting of specific deadlines for the booking phase configured on individual box offices or individual operators. 7. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - THE M U LTI-STORE E- COMM PL ATFO RM 8. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - THE M U LTI-STO RE E- CO MM PL ATFO RM THE MULTI-STORE E-COMM PLATFORM Bassmart has decided to enter the online sales market with an ambitious project: the Multi-Store E-Comm platform, whose added value and strategic qualifying element, as well as its most notable innovation, is represented by the ability to profile and share the platform user database. By applying a strategic privacy policy to individual stores, it is possible to build a contact database of the shared marketplace pertaining to the core business of the various stores managed, profiling individual contacts based on purchases made and, therefore, on tastes/habits/interests, etc., of the online buyers. The purchasing habits of each customer are analyzed from the database of each store and, after having been supplemented with targeted marketing activities designed by our Project Team, are made available to those stores whose business appears to have points in common with the above mentioned purchasing habits. This activates a “virtuous cycle” whereby each store contributes to update the central database and, at the same time, receives from it information that is consistent with its specific business (of course, stores handling the same type of goods are excluded from this “process”). The Multi-Store E-Comm platform makes it possible to create successful case histories for each single store managed thanks, on the one hand, to the work of a specifically designated team of professionals (able to ensure achievement of the objectives and to maximize the conversion of sales for each sector), and, on the other, to the opportunities that can be acquired by joining the marketplace. 9. B A S S M A RT PRO F I L E - THE M U LTI-STORE E- COMM PL ATFORM THE MU LTI-STO RE E- C O MM PL ATFORM 10. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - THE M U LTI-STO RE E- CO MM PL ATFO RM THE MULTI-STORE E-COMM PLATFORM SOCIAL NETWORK BLOG STRATEGIC APPS ONLINE GAMES SURVEYS CONTESTS WITH PRIZES The innovation of the Multi-Store E-commerce platform is the ability to share and multiply, according to a “perpetual motion” process, users collected in a centralized database. VIRAL MARKETING ON-LINE The process features the following activities: 30.000.000 USERS 0 < 100 > 3 0 < 78 > 1 < 20 > 230 < 70> 80 DESIGN < 7 04 0 > <9 10 >0 ART < 50 140 > High-quality user profiling by the platform through analysis and processing of the collected data. All this will make it possible to carry out direct marketing activities using a database of user that have been profiled by the platform, with a high conversion rate. The process activities will be repeated in a “perpetual motion” action, generating additional contacts/profiles that will produce new sales. 3.000.000 USERS <1 0 >30 • Customized activities and Seo & Sem campaigns designed for individual stores and archiving of all information resulting from sales and from user registration. • User affiliation and recruitment through targeted web marketing activities, such as sweepstakes, viral marketing, blogs, strategic apps, online games, social networks, etc., enabled by the platform on the net. CRAFTSMANSHIP FOOD FASHION PUBLISHING TECHNOLOGY TICKETS 11. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - THE STRENGTHS OF THE MULTI-STORE E-COMM PLATFORM THE STRENGTHS OF THE MULTI-STORE E-COMM PLATFORM ARE: • Creation of the web store: creation of highly customized e-commerce stores from the point of view of communication, in order to enhance the products offered by each store with the aim of achieving the highest conversion level on sales. • Analysis of the target user and product identification: advice on analyzing the reference target user of each individual store and on selecting the catalog products with those ‘appeal’ features that are consistent with the results of the study performed. This is a strategic activity, essential for the success of the online store. • Development of the project media plan: a detailed report will be developed for each store containing all the activities included in the media plan suitable for achieving the objectives identified in the business plans prepared by each company. • Strategic web marketing activities for each store: fully outsourced management of specific web marketing activities for launching the e-commerce platforms, consisting in indexing and ranking activities on search engines, in social media marketing activities by a specifically assigned team of writers and in managing PPC campaigns on Google/ Facebook and intercepted banner circuits considered strategic for individual stores. • Monitoring activities: once the online store has been launched, monitoring is essential to ensure achievement of the objectives specified in the company’s business plan. A series of regular reports will allow our team of professionals to intercept any critical issues and, through targeted actions, to implement operational decisions aimed at overcoming them. • Dedicated “pick & pack” logistics support: option of using an integrated logistics support service for warehousing products, handling orders, packing and shipping. • Flexible membership in the Multi-Store E-Comm platform. In fact, membership in the platform is open to: a) already open stores that want to operate in virtual marketplaces; b) companies in a start-up phase whose objective is to offer also online sales in their services; c) stores already present on the Web, even if managed by other platforms, that decide to use the Multi-Store E-Comm platform as a result of a strategic choice and/or for convenience. 12. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MULTISTORE E-COMM PLATFORM TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MULTISTORE E-COMM PLATFORM • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete management of products included in the platform Complete integration of the product data cards Management of shipping costs Multichannel payment system Sales support for both physical and digital products Automatic customer and post-sales assistance Web marketing services and management of social networks aimed at maximizing the profitability of the Client’s business Integrated e-mail marketing follow-up autoresponders Sales management towards any geographical area Complete management of logistics operations Fully web-based platform Structure developed in php programming language Use of a mysql database 13. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - E- C O MME RC E RE F E RE NC E S POLO MUSEALE STATALE FIORENTINO (Florence State Museum Network) On behalf of its parent company Bassilichi, BassmArt manages various business opportunities created for the Florentine State Museum Network ranging from the electronic ticket office to e-ticketing, from multimedia guides to merchandising and e-commerce. The most recent development was the activation of the Museum Network’s online store. 14. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - E- C O MME RC E RE F E RE NC E S MANDRAGORA Another important collaborative effort based on an e-commerce platform was developed with Mandragora, a publishing company that also specializes in managing museum bookshops and events. 15. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - MU LTIME D IA PRO DUCTS MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTS The CD-ROM created by BassmArt was created as an innovative and versatile tool to accompany visitors on a virtual tour of the Accademia Gallery. The interactive multimedia technology allows for a virtual tour of the whole museum, proceeding room by room, through high resolution images. Available in Italian and English, this product allows for a 360° view of the room being visited. Particularly useful are the supplementary information files, enhanced by audio clips and images which, thanks to the zoom function, allow for the most important works in the Gallery to be fully appreciated. 16. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - ART O N TABLETS ART ON TABLETS The BassmArt multimedia tablet guides, available in five languages, are marked by complete in-depth information, and combine the breadth of a catalog with the liveliness of a digital product. The graphic reconstruction of the walls, which makes all the exhibited works “clickable”, is an effective compass for navigating in a complex and rich museum gallery. Text, audio and images immerse visitors in a world of art in which every work finds its rightful place. The quality of the texts and the information is certified by the Florence State Museum Network Superintendence. The first experience in this field was the multimedia tablet guide service provided by BassmArt to the Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments of Palazzo Pitti. 17. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - AU D I O/ VID E O GU ID E S KI OSK AUDIO/VIDEO GUIDES KIOSK The audio guide kiosk, in multilingual version which can be used with token dispensers, offer visitors the opportunity to decide upon their preferred duration of listening and viewing, while showing the remaining time available. Accessible thanks to their touch screen mode, they also allow visitors to choose the starting point of the tour. Equipped with stereo headphones and large monitors, they enable tourists to make a virtual visit to the site of interest, providing in-depth and detailed descriptions and insights. Their elegant design, which is fully customizable, means they will not be out of place in fine historic buildings. 18. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - MU LTIME D IA GU ID E S MULTIMEDIA GUIDES Available in multilingual version, it is a touch screen handheld device with a large display (approximately 2.8’’) and a modern design. It has an extremely simple interface which can be used by those who are unfamiliar with technological equipment. The system is based on RFID technology, which uses TAGs, i.e. very small sophisticated devices positioned in the places of interest, which can be placed both inside the attractions and along external routes. The interaction (of the handheld device with the TAGS) makes it possible, each time, to use multimedia content to describe the location, the monument or site in which the visitor is located. As the text can be displayed directly on the video of the handheld device, the tool can even be used by the deaf. The system was also created so as to offer specific functions, for example, videos providing information on the culture, traditions and crafts of the location. The first example was the multimedia guide system created for the Municipality of Siena, as part of the “La città del Sì” (“The City of Yes”) project, upon the occasion of celebrations for the 7th Centenary of the Constitution of Siena. The visitor had four different options for the route around the city and was assisted by a map identifying the pre-chosen tour. 19. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - ME RC HAND I SIN G IL MERCHANDISING BassmArt, which has always focused upon cultural heritage, specializes in managing and developing merchandising and visual merchandising activities. BassmArt products are on sale at stores in some of the main Italian museums. Thanks to their exclusive and original content, they have proven themselves over time to be the perfect corporate gift. As a guarantee of the high quality of the products, which draw their inspiration strictly from the particular museum context, it holds certification from the Authority or the Client which has granted them its approval (Office and Department of Historical and Artistic Heritage, Public Administration, Manager’s Museum and Technical Committee of Art Exhibition). 20. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - RE C HARG E ABLE F ID E LIT Y C ARDS RECHARGEABLE Fidelity Cards BassmArt, in synergy with other companies of the Bassilichi group, is able to develop Monetics projects which assist visitors in their enjoyment of an event or trade show, confirming that it is possible to link tradition with technological innovation. In particular, BassmArt creates rechargeable magnetic stripe cards combined with supplying POS terminals fitted with SIM GPRS and notebooks with external barcode scanners for reading and managing the afore-mentioned cards. The system provided to the Customer is configured so that the devices allow the cards to be recharged and the service paid for. The cards can usually be purchased both online and at the show’s website, and the cards can be recharged also by way of SMSs from mobiles, smartphones and tablets. Finally, the system allows for financial reporting through a data centre which manages, in real time, the authorisation and registration flows relating to the payment transactions and recharges. The system is therefore extremely versatile and can be “customised” based upon the various requirements of the Client. These solutions have been used for shows such as the Florence Ice Cream Festival (25-29 May 2011) and Wine Town (2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions). BassmArt also had a hand in creating the Florence card, an innovative project which allows direct access to 33 museums in the Florence area (State Museums and Civic Museums): in this case BassmArt developed the application for managing the card fitted with RFID technology and supplied the POS terminals, positioned in the museums belonging to the circuit. 11 21. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - APP FO R TOU RI SM , C U LTU R AL HE RITAG E AND E- C O MME RC E APP FOR TOURISM, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND E-COMMERCE BassmArt is able to develop informative apps for tourism and spare time (museums, cultural events, local festivals). Through this application, you can get information and curiosities about the history, the origins and characteristics of the place, the festival or event being run, but you can also interact with the payment systems in order to buy products and/or services connected to the event “e-commerce, merchandising (e.g. tickets, entry cards, gadgets)”. THE APPLICATION ALLOWS YOU TO: • Consult descriptive texts and display images; • Obtain information regarding accommodation, initiatives and services made available to the user; • View possible routes accessible to visitors, calculated on the basis of the georeferencing system; • Consult an image gallery to be shared through the main Social Networks (Twitter, Facebook). AN APP EXAMPLE: application created for the festival of “The Descent of the Candle Bearers - Sassari”. 22. B A SS M A RT P RO F I L E - C USTO ME RS CUSTOMERS THE STATE MUSEUMS OF FLORENCE • Uffizi Gallery • Accademia Gallery • Palatine Gallery and Royal Apartments • The Museum degli Argenti (The Medici Treasury) • Boboli Gardens • Gallery of Moderrn Art • Costume Gallery • Porcelain Museum • Museum of San Marco • Museum of the Medici Chapels • Bargello National Museum • Museum of Palazzo Davanzati • Archaeological Museum • Museum os Semi-Precious Stones works • The complex of Medici villas: La Petraia, Poggio a Caiano, Castello, Cerreto Guidi FLORENCE MUSEUMS • Museum Galileo • Museum La Specola • Palazzo Medici Riccardi SIENA MUSEUMS • The Complex of Santa Maria della Scala of Siena and Palazzo Squarcialupi • Civic Museum • Torre del Mangia • Duomo of Siena E-COMMERCE • Firenze Musei Store • Mandragora FERRARA • Palazzo dei Diamanti TEATRI • The Teatro La Fenice of Venice Siena Theatres: • The Teatro dei Rozzi • The Teatro dei Rinnovati • The Accademia Musicale Chigiana Palazzo Chigi Saracini SPORT • Mens Sana basketball 23. B A SS M A RT PRO F I L E - SP O N SO RSHIP 2 010 - 2 013 SPONSORSHIP 2010 - 2013 2010 • CUS Siena Volleyball • “I mai visti X” (“The Unseen X”) Exhibition – Self-Portraits – Sala Reali Poste, Uffizi Gallery • Visit Art – biannual magazine on the arts of Florence and its surroundings • Wine Town – wine tasting tour through the historic buildings of Florence 2011 • Chiesa Santa Felicita in Florence - contribution to new interior lighting system • Educational The Next Stop at the MAXXI in Rome Reflections on Contemporary Art • Florence Ice Cream Festival • “I mai visti XI” (“The Unseen X”) Exhibition – Unveiled Faces - Sala Reali Poste, Uffizi Gallery • Art Charity Project - Ivan Theimer for V.A. Misericordia of Florence in Piazza Duomo • Visit Art – biannual magazine on the arts of Florence and its surroundings • Wine Town – second edition 2012 • “Monteriggioni and its territory – an experience of the Tuscan lifestyle – Castel Bigozzi” - Editoral Project of The University of Florence Arts • Visit Art – biannual magazine on the arts of Florence and its surroundings • Wine Town – third edition 2013 • Wine Town – fourth edition • Teatro Puccini – light installation by Maurizio Nannucci 24. P R E S E N TA ZI O N E B A SS M A RT - C E RTIF I C ATI O N S CERTIFICATIONS QUALITY, ETHICS AND ENVIRONMENT BassmArt is certified ISO 9001 from 2013. The ISO 9001 is a certification that is given to companies that guarantee a certain standard of quality of products and services and are constantly trying to improve the satisfaction of their customers and their processes.