The Fraud of Fluoridation
The Fraud of Fluoridation
Natur al Medicine The New Zealand Journal of Issue 10: August - November 2013 Rethinking Circumcision Healing The Leaky Gut The Cardiovascular Benefits of Turmeric Did Polio Really Disappear? The Scourge of Sugar How Mammography Is Accelerating The Epidemic of Cancer AIDS: The Seleno-Enzyme Solution (Part 2) The Amish Don’t Get Autism – and They Don’t Get Vaccinated Price: $NZ9.90 $AUS8.95 £5.99 The Fraud of Fluoridation Can Antidepressants CAUSE Addiction? Electricity and Your Health Integrative Breast Cancer Treatment Options The Healing Properties of Pineapple Cancer Breakthroughs Va c c i n e U p d a t e s Health Freedom News Great Home Remedies Health Alerts Reviews MUCH MORE 2 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 Legendary Name in Juice Extraction Gently crushes & squeezes for nutritious juice The revolutionary OSCAR produces more juice and delivers more nutrients than other juicers. NEW MODEL! AVAILABLE IN BURGUNDY, WHITE OR CHROME Juic one ing is h of th thin ealthie e st gs do f you c or y an bod our y! Stylish, quiet to operate, easy to clean and with a 25 YEAR WARRANTY on the motor & gearbox! 5 years on all other parts. Create a ‘Living Juice’ full of vital enzymes and nutrients. For a FREE info pack contact Tasman Trading Coy. or visit us at 0800 584 2464 (0800 JUICING) Transdermal* Magnesium is the safest and most effective way to take magnesium *“Transdermal Magnesium Therapy offers a stunning breaktrough in medicine. It’s an entirely new way to supplement magnesium that naturally increases DHEA levels, boosts cellular magnesium levels quickly, relieves pain, and brings down blood pressure. Magnesium chloride oil, delivered transdermally, brings a quick release from a broad range of conditions. Magnesium chloride is one of the best kept secrets, not only in natural medicine, but in the world of allopathic medicine, where it is used in emergency rooms to save lives.” – Dr Mark Sircus life For information and/or ordering this remarkable new product, see our website or ring us on (03) 970 0422 (New Zealand) • 07 5535 9753 (Australia) 4 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine Contents 8 Guest Editorial: The Fraud of Fluoridation 11 Letters 18 Health Freedom News 20 Health News Alerts 29 Vaccine News 40 Rethinking Circumcision 43 Why Glyphosate Should be Banned 45 An Introduction to Osteopathy 48 Reader’s Story: How I Recovered from Cancer – Naturally 50 The Politics of Cancer Prevention 53 Hyperthyroidism: A Natural Therapies Approach 55 Electricity and Health 58 Homoeopathy: Carcinosin 60 Nutrition: The Healing Properties of Pineapple 63 Cancer: Integrative Breast Cancer Options 66 How X-Ray Mammography Is Accelerating The Epidemic of Cancer 68 Healing Skin Cancers with Black Salve 72 Magnesium Deficiency: A Cause of Avoidable Health Problems 75 Selenium Medicine 76 Natural Alternatives for Depression 77 Fragrance: A Growing Health and Environmental Hazard 81 The Scourge of Sugar (Part 3) 84 Native NZ Medicinal Herbs: LACEBARK 87 Breakthroughs: AIDS – Seleno-Enzyme Solution: Part 2; Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome; “Leaky Gut” – A Precursor to Illness 95 Reviews: Stay Healthy by Supplying What’s Lacking in Your Diet; The NourishingTraditions Book of Baby and Child Care diabetes. COVER: Lotus is not commonly used in western medicine. Recent scientific research has been conducted on the chemical and medicinal properties of various parts of the lotus plant. Results support its use in traditional medicine. Scientific research on lotus provides evidence in support of many of its traditional medicinal uses to treat diarrhoea, fungal infections, fevers and conditions skin. Alcohol extracts of the rhizomes have also been shown to display as many as seven different kinds of therapeutic activity. The most notable is its anti-bacterial activity and hence use for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhoea and syphilis. Rheumatoid arthritis is also reported to respond well to treatment with lotus, as do certain kinds of Preliminary studies on the ancient lotus seeds report the presence of an enzyme called L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase which may play a role in anti-ageing through their repair of proteins. If substantiated by further studies this would support the long-held traditional belief among Asian cultures that lotus is the symbol for fertility and re-birth. Little is known about the toxicity of the different parts of lotus and it is generally considered a safe plant which is widely used as a food. Although an alkaloid known to affect the heart called nelumbine occurs in the leaves, fruit stalks and seeds, no cases of adverse reaction have been found in the literature. MORE: ISSN 2324-1551 (Print) ISSN 2324-156X Publisher: The Full Court Press, Ltd. PO Box 44-128, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 1246 New Zealand Editors: Katherine Smith, Jonathan Eisen Telephone: + 64 9 521 1904 Email: Web: Contributing Editors: Lady Carla Davis, Allison Roe, Julie Smith, Wilfried Wank Subscriptions and Special Sales: Jenny Hammond PO Box 55315 Eastridge, Auckland 1146 Tel 09 478 5838 Email: NZ Advertising: Pip Oxlade Tel: 07 829 3001 Email: Distributors: NZ: Gordon and Gotch Ltd., Private Bag 106 603 Auckland Tel +64 9 979 3000 AUSTRALIA: Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd 37-49 Browns Rd, CLAYTON VIC 3168; Tel +61 2 9972 8800 UK and EU: Ian R Crane <> Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, in electronic format. Please query us first. Disclaimer The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine is published for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher or staff. We do not endorse any modalities of treatment for any illness, disability or disease, and encourage our readers to seek out a competent health professional for any treatment required. We take no responsibility for the use to which information contained in any of the articles published herein is put by the reader, and caution the reader that self-medication may have unintended consequences and that the advice of a competent health professional is always advisable. ADVERTISING POLICY: We do not accept advertisements for products that contain aspartame and other artificial sweeteners as well as other products that contain ingredients that may be harmful to health. However, readers are urged to do their own due diligence when choosing health and personal care products and related services. Please note that we do not publish “advertorials”, in order for the reader to be assured of objectivity on the part of the writer and this Journal. You have doubtless heard of UNCENSORED.* Ever read it? THINK FOR YOURSELF Think for yourself Think for yourself ISSUE #25 September – December 2011 PRICE: $NZ9.90 $A8.95 $US8.00 Issue 30: January – March 2013 PRICE: $NZ9.90 $A8.95 $US8.00 £4.99 €5.99 New World Order The Agenda to Legalise Paedophilia ISSUE 32: JUNE – SEPTEMBER 2013 Price: $NZ9.90 $A8.95 $US8.00 £4.99 €5.99 • STORY Page 30 IN THIS ISSUE 13 25 UNCENSORED #25: September – December 2011 Mass Terror Attacks: THINK FOR YOURSELF Issue 9: September - December 2007 hurricane sandy – why is he REALLY espionage technology a HAARP production? pushing for war? 25 13 1 MUCH MORE Think for yourself ALL INSIDE JOBS? Price: $5.95 (Canada $6.95) Former Head Of Starwars Program Claims: : ISSUE 27: March - June 2012 PRICE: $NZ9.90 $A8.95 $US8.00 £4.99 €5.99 How to Stop World War 3 Many people are now warning that a war on Iran could trigger World War 3. Indeed, a “low intensity” war is already going on – with years of “demonising” propaganda, a massive military buildup, assassinations, crippling sanctions,“Stuxnet” viruses and industrial and military sabotage. For many years Israel has been pressing the US to bomb Iran, to get the “real” war started – a war that could well turn nuclear. Now, insane though this may be, it seems they are on the verge of succeeding. Pilots, engineers, architects, air traffic controllers, leading scientists, MDs, ex-CIA analysts and even a former Reagan top official all agree that 9/ was an inside job. The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter now says that the official version of 9/11 is a “conspiracy theory”, and that the 19 “Arab highjackers” didn’t do it. His main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney. 7 1 2 What will it take to stop it? • WHAT YOUR DOCTOR WILL NEVER TELL YOU UNCENSORED HISTORY • SCIENCE • TECHNOLOGY • MEDIA • HARD NEWS • SUPPRESSED ARCHAEOLOGY • 9/11 TRUTH Also In This Issue • US Martial Law Update • Did This Illuminati Card Game Predict the Future? • The Last Dirty Secret of World War 2 • Was Fukushima a False Flag Operation? • What Your Doctor Will Never Tell You • Whose Solar System Is This? – NASA’s UFOs Revealed • Are Chemtrails Real? •The Greek Revolution Begins• Cannabis: Miracle Drug of the 21st Century w UNCENSORED 9: September-December 2007 7 447 0 23505 Now, many people believe that Bush and Cheney will try to pull off another inside job to bring in Martial Law. Can they be stopped in time? Story: Page 28 0 w the absurdities of Think for yourself Think for yourself. 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The evidence for a diabolically ingenious fraud – one that has fooled the world for 100 years – is most intriguing. And, to cap it all off, like the good crime story it is, it encompasses misdirection and unforeseen twists, with one logical “surprise” following the next – until the proof is revealed at the end. Hint: A large passenger liner indeed sank that night, but it wasn’t the Titanic. Or Celtic? ... Much More WHAT YOUR DOCTOR WILL NEVER TELL YOU UFOs • HISTORY • SCIENCE • TECHNOLOGY • MEDIA HARD NEWS • SUPPRESSED ARCHAEOLOGY • 9/11 TRUTH THE “ZION” LONDON OLYMPICS • FASCISM COMES TO AMERICA FUKUSHIMA: URGENT RADIATION UPDATE • 9/11 FAKERY EXPOSED THE ELECTRIC UNIVERSE • THE BIBLE MORALITY OR? • WAS WORLD WAR 2 AN ILLUMINATI PLOT? MUCH MORE ... w Think for yourself Special Cancer Section – Page 85 Think for yourself. ISSUE 14: January – March 2009 Price: $NZ9.90 $A7.95 $US5.95 €5 £5 Obama’s Secret Agenda Whatever Happened to North Korea? 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Introduction For the past few months, the big news on the health front has been the long overdue resurgence of the fluoride issue, as people in New Zealand and around the world are finally awakening to the fact that their governments have been poisoning them. This issue of the NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has an especially good article by Lady Carla Davis on “The Fluoride Fraud”. We strongly recommend you read it – especially if you still think that fluoride has somehow, magically, become a “nutrient”. Literally. What it is, of course, is a magical nutrient for the bank balances of dentists and fluoride exporters everywhere. That’s because, as dentists are well aware, fluoride actually embrittles and weakens teeth and sends a lot of business in their direction. (Did you really think that dentists would be recommending something that would hurt their business?) We invite your responses to this and any other article you wish to send us a letter about. We all take electricity for granted, but can it, too, be harmful? And if so, can its harmful effects be mitigated? Paul Waddell, one of New Zealand’s leading experts in the field, has a ground breaking article about just this, and we recommend it highly. We are being inundated with everyeverything from Wi-Fi to EMR to “Dirty Electricity” on a daily basis, and there is good reason to believe that it has a great deal to do with our soaring cancer rate. What can we do about it? The hour is late but the options are there. Then lying to them repeatedly (serially) about its properties, telling them that it is “safe and effective” – much the same way that they have been lying to them about vaccines, chemotherapy, Ritalin and a host of toxic, mind altering psychotropics marketed as “anti-depressants” or “antipsychotics” – to name but a few of the thousands of drugs “The fluoride industry knows how and procedures that have difficult it is to dispose of this waste had disastrous effects on the health of the people. product legally – if they didn’t put it in the water supply.” But back to fluoride, which is now in the world spotlight as the anti-fluoride movement gathers momentum against this toxic The fluoride industry knows how difficult it is to dispose of this waste element being added to the public product legally – if they didn’t put it water supply. in the water supply. Many people who have grown Fluoride is one of the biggest all time docile and tractable believing what cons the world has ever seen, and they read and hear in mainstream the people are now seeing through still don’t quite understand that it, and wondering how many health government “health departments” problems they and their families have do not exist to protect the health of suffered are directly related to years the public. This self-inflicted naivety persists despite decades of evidence of ingesting this industrial waste product. that these departments are merely subsidiaries of the corporations and Speaking of “cons”, we are running industries that are poisoning the an article called “Rethinking people in the first place. Circumcision” – a well thought-out piece dealing with a topic that is They still believe the tv pundits who virtually taboo in polite circles. When disparage people who have the facts, the science and all the rational you come to think of it, circumcision is barbaric genital mutilation, inand moral arguments. itiating a lifetime of negative consequences from the pain and trauma Weird, eh? inflicted on the helpless infant. In this issue you will find some really useful information about so-called “psychiatric” drugs, promising treatments for so-called “intractable” illnesses like the dreaded MRSA bacterium, and how mammography may actually be accelerating the breast cancer epidemic. In fact the entire issue is devoted to bringing to light the kind of information you or someone near and dear to you probably will be able to use either right now or at least in the not too distant future. We have thoroughly enjoyed putting this issue together for you and hope that you find it as stimulating and as useful as we have. Goodness knows, it is high time we got serious about taking responsibility for our own health. I mean, if we don’t, who else will? The System? – Jonathan Eisen, Publisher Guest Editorial The Fraud of Fluoridation by Lady Carla Davis, MPH Specialising in Nutrition For over 60 years the fluoridation debate and policy has been controlled largely by the American Dental Association (ADA). Since its inception in the 1950s the ADA has carried out a relentless barrage of high pressure propaganda, government influence, and bullying through their corporate spin doctors. With a single focus on teeth and little or no expertise on other health issues, they continuously quote endorsements, support, and recommendations from government agencies (whose main objective is to protect industries and their products) to convince the public that fluoridation it is safe. Anyone who questions or exposes a different view or finding about fluoridation, is bullied, denigrated, vilified, and muzzled. Independent research has been sabotaged or suppressed. Prominent researchers and scientists have been forced to lie about their findings. Those who refused to lie and told the truth, have been fired and professionally destroyed. Organisations, citizens, and local councillors who speak up about being harmed and object to being treated/ medicated against their will, are labelled quacks and extremists! The long-term safety of fluoridation has never been scientifically determined. (Endorsements, support, and recommendations from various agencies are not scientific.) Plus, there is a big difference between a corporate scientist who is paid to produce a certain result and an independent scientist who is beholden to no one. A true scientist will always question or challenge doubtful findings. Every well educated scientist and physician knows that one must consider at least two generations to determine the effects and safety of a substance, product, or chemical before pronouncing a conclusion. Sometimes it takes two or more generations for harm or genetic damage to show up. Just because people have been consuming a substance for 60 years, doesn’t 8 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 mean it is safe. Especially when NO independent studies or research have been conducted to monitor possible side effects. Look how long it took, against fierce corporate opposition, to expose the the harm from tobacco, pesticides, radiation, and asbestos. Presently, most health agencies, including the ADA, National Academy of Scientists, the American Medical Association (AMA), American Medical Assoc. of Paediatrics, admit that the dose of fluoride a baby receives on fluoridated tap water formula, exceeds the amount known to cause harm. “Exposing a child to chemicals during the first 6 years of its life that will harm that child’s learning capability, self control, and have effects of brain function that are life long [is inexcusable]. To permit that to happen when you know it is happening and not to interfere by stopping the use of something like fluoride, which makes it worse, is immoral. It is evil to harm children by poisoning them during the first 6 years of their life once you know you are doing it.” – Roger D. Masters PhD, Professor Emeritus Dartmouth College Why then is this toxic waste byproduct still being forced down our throats by government agencies and various councils at our expense? The fact that this harmful policy has been allowed to continue for so long, and so much effort and money being spent to mandate it and convince people, ministers, and councillors, that it is good for our teeth and safe, just goes to show the extent of corruption in government. To learn more about the sinister history of fluoride see: FLUORIDEGATE 4 min. 53 sec. (trailer) (full documentary) 1 hr. 4 min. 53 sec. And, the interview with: Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride’s Deadly Secret 1-5 watch?v=Ie6gJHqkSgc There has been NO scientific investigation in Australia of possible relationship between consumption of fluoridated water and: • Lowered IQ in children (Yet, there are 35 human studies alone, indicating that fluoride is a neurotoxin, which can lower children’s IQ) • Disruption of the second teeth (orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry are big business) • Fluorosis (which weakens the enamel and bones) • Arthritic symptoms and joint pain in adults • Increased bone and hip fractures • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid or Hyperthyroidism (over active thyroid) • Thyroid tumours/nodules (now an epidemic along with obesity) • Pineal Calcification • Earlier onset of puberty • Dementia • Prematurely aged skin (fluoride breaks down collagen) • Development of moles and other skin disorders • Cancer • Mental illness Nor have studies formally investigated the many anecdotal reports that some individuals are highly sensitive to fluoride (and develop gastrointestinal, neurological and skin conditions from exposure.) If you don’t look, you don’t find. However, the absence of studies, does NOT mean the absence of harm. Editor’s note: For a comprehensive list of studies relating to fluoride induced health problems please visit The chemicals - fluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride – used to fluoridate drinking water are industrial waste products from the phosphate fertilizer industry. Of these chemicals, fluorosilicic acid (FSA) is the most widely used. FSA is a corrosive acid which has been linked to higher blood The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine lead levels in children. A recent study from the University of North Carolina found that FSA can – in combination with chlorinated compounds – leach lead from brass joints in water pipes, while a recent study from the University of Maryland suggests that the effect of fluoridation chemicals on blood lead levels may be greatest in houses built prior to 1946. Lead is a neurotoxin that can cause learning disabilities and behavioural problems in children. (24-28) How many millions of people are ill or have died because of persistent denials and obstruction from the industry, in collusion with the very government agencies who are supposed to protect the public? Government agencies, such as the EPA, FDA, CDC, etc., that are supposed to protect the public, instead protect big industries and their products. Hence, they have no credibility. Plus, it is well known that there is a revolving door policy between big industry and powerful government positions. Corporate plants are given top positions in government, and then, government personnel move on to highly paid corporate executive positions. One example was D. Rumsfeld, President of G.D. Searle & Co (makers of Nutrasweet) sold to Monsanto; CEO of General instrument Corp. (HDTV); Chairman of Gilead Sciences (developers of Tamiflu, used for the flu pandemic); and Govt. Advisor & Sec. of Defence. SEE “The Aspartame Resource Guide” by Dr. Betty Martini, in The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine pages 48-51, Issue, 8, Children represent approximately 20% of the Queensland population. Out of that percent, less than half are reported to have dental decay. WHY in the world would Council members vote to spend millions of tax dollars to treat the whole population, for what ails less than 10%?? What ever happened to common sense? Not only is this ludicrous and irresponsible, but is is UNETHICAL! August - November 2013 With these simple statistics readily available it is bewildering why some ministers, mayors, and council members persist on maintaining the status quo. In light of the overwhelming independent, scientific evidence, clearly showing fluoride to be harmful to many sectors of the population, their integrity comes into question. What is even more sinister is the way the Australian/American/New Zealand Dental Association aggressively promotes fluoridation as the “cure all” for dental decay, and then, tries to convince everyone that it is safe. According to every scientific directory of chemicals, fluorosilicic acid/fluoride is a highly toxic POISON! Perhaps, the ADA is afraid of being sued like the manufacturers of asbestos have been. Or, perhaps, they are being heavily funded to dispose of this highly toxic waste and convince everyone it is safe and good for us, so that we pay for all the disposal costs involved. In addition to the huge increase in water rates to pay for this multi-million dollar gimmick, disposal of industrial waste, the high costs of orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry, skin repair (fluoride breaks down collagen), endocrine disorders, obesity, bone and joint problems/pain, mental health, lower IQ, and dementia have never been factored into the overall cost. Obviously, there is good reason why long-term independent health studies have NOT been conducted in fluoridating countries. However, the harm being done is clearly visible in every sector of the population. One doesn’t have to be an expert, doctor, dentist, or scientist to see that young people from fluoridated areas have fluorosis, crooked and buck teeth, poor bone structures, and moles all over their bodies. In addition lower IQs and behaviour problems are a common occurrence. Mental illness and dementia are increasing at an alarming rate. Yet, the two most common phrases 9 “How many millions of people are ill or have died because of persistent denials and obstruction from the industry ...” verbalised by the medical profession are “We don’t know what causes it.” and “There are no cures.” How convenient! These are the same so called “experts” who exposed us to DDT, Thalidomide, DES, mercury amalgam fillings, unprotected X-rays, leaded gasoline, tobacco, and asbestos. Then, for decades they assured us that their deadly products were safe. Some may remember when doctors were used in ads to convince us smoking was good for our health. These so called “experts” (murderers) had trucks full of DDT go through neighbourhoods and swimming pools spraying children to prove it was safe. watch?v=uf6KkjBCoVU Exposure to fluoride is no different than exposure to second hand smoke! If something causes harm to any sector of the population, it is unacceptable to force exposure of it on everyone. If the so called “experts” were really concerned about our teeth, they would have promoted good nutrition and not allowed highly sugared junk foods with damaged fats/oils and sodas into our schools, decades ago! Good nutrition, along with the avoidance of refined sugary junk foods and carbonated drinks, is the only sensible solution to dental decay. Fortunately, now the truth is unfolding. Many highly qualified independent scientists, doctors, researchers, dentists, and journalists are speaking out and producing overwhelming evidence from independent studies/ research, which clearly contradicts the safety and effectiveness claims of fluoridation by the so called “experts.” In fact, the evidence is so compelling that whistle blowers are putting their jobs, lives, and careers at risk to tell the truth. We are now beyond the debate of fluoride’s effectiveness and safety. The UNETHICAL and ABUSIVE policy 10 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine of forced fluoridation MUST STOP! In addition, those responsible for all the damage done and soaring medical costs, from forced fluoridation, must be held accountable and prosecuted for their fraud! Contact your local council and voice your opposition to forced fluoridation. Remind them what happened to Queensland Premier Anna Bligh (who was voted out after instituting compulsory fluoridation) and that this is an important election issue. Websites & Links: • • • • ww.fluorideinformationaustralia. • • www.fluorideinformationaustralia. • • pages/Results.aspx?k=fluoride • effects-of-fluoride-on-humanhealth-can-damage-the-brain-andbones/5321568/ ADA Says Fluoridated Tap Water is Not Safe for Babies! / Books: The Case Against Fluoride by Paul Connett, PhD, James Beck, MD, PhD, H. S. Micklem, DPhil Secret 1-5 • watch?v=Ie6gJHqkSgc/ • watch?v=1P3G_5u8aug/ Firewater • • www.firewaterfilm. com/2013/01/13/welcome-to-therevamped-fire-water-website/ The Great Culling • Editor’s note: New Zealanders who would like to end fluoridation should contact Aucklanders who specifically want to help with their local campaign should visit nz. Australians can link to www. (Readers in other countries should see www. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lady Carla Davis studied Iridology and nutrition under the late Dr. Bernard Jensen, PhD. Lady Davis had a private practice as a naturopath specialising in nutrition and iridology in Maui, Hawaii, Boca Raton, Florida and Rarotonga, Cook islands, for three decades. She also worked for many years with her husband, the late Sir Thomas Davis, KBE, in the diplomatic and medical/scientific fields. Lady Davis served as a Nutrition Advisory Board Member for Let’s Live magazine in the United States. She is a contributing editor of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine. g Health and Nutrition Secrets by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, MD Fluoride – The Ageing Factor by Dr. John Yamouyanous, PhD Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price...DDS. It is available here: ebooks02/0200251h.html Documentaries: Fluoridegate - The Film Dr. Russell Blaylock: Fluoride’s Deadly August - November 2013 LETTERS Epsom Salts Dear Katherine: In the latest issue [#9] of your magazine there is an item on Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) to which you appended the advice, “Epsom salts should be added to your bath water and not taken internal.” Why do you say this? In Adelaide in 1980 I attended a seminar given by a dry land ecologist, who said that Australian soils were so deficient in magnesium that everyone should be taking a supplement. I began taking Epsom salts internally. Later that year I found I had grown an inch in height, even though I was in my mid-40s. Later on I began taking a range of magnesium supplements. In my mid-60s a doctor said an X-ray of my spine looked like that of healthy teenager. If a person takes too much magnesium sulphate internally, a sort of diarrhoea may result. This is not much of a problem, and is fixed by lowering the intake. At the moment I fill a 10-litre galvanised bucket with water and allow it to sit for at least 24 hours. The chlorine outgases, while at the same time the water picks up zinc. I decant the water into clear 2-litre glass flagons, into which of each I add a half-teaspoon of magnesium sulphate. Doing things this way, all day long small amounts of zinc and magnesium trickle through my system, which is better than taking one or two large doses. As well, being dissolved in water means these minerals are wellabsorbed. quite severe osmotic diarrhoea and consequent dehydration if the dose is too high, it was not something I wanted to encourage people to do. Fluoride Bad For Athletes “With the Sydney 2000 Olympics over, the scribes are analysing results. One important statistic not reported in the media was that the source of drinking water was bottled water, not Sydney’s fluoridated tap water. That was reserved for Sydney people in their homes and not safe for visiting athletes and their representatives. However, all that aside, Australians are branded “great sports”, they drink their fluoridated polluted tap water and pour money into the coffers of international, overseas fertiliser factories. We not only pay for the stuff, but help the factories rid themselves of the fluoride waste toxic pollutant, not otherwise permitted to be dumped anywhere. Dumping fluoride pollutants into drinking water supplies was considered some years ago, a great commercial idea, ignoring the fact that it had never been a scientific medical discovery, through normal medical research nor has passed today’s necessary Government testing. It was, and still is, an untouchable process, protected by the U.S. Government. An untouchable process now protected by law in Australia. Fluoridation untouchable? Yes, by law we cannot take a case against fluoridation to the Supreme Court. (Victorian Fluoridation Act 1993).” http://www. fluor york_review/critiques/2001_glen_ walker.htm – Name and address supplied Back Pain: Causes and Cures Ed note: I was aware that some people do self-medicate successfully with Epsom salts; however as taking Epsom salts internally can cause Why isn’t the work of Hans Kraus MD better known? President Eisenhower invited Kraus to present his work at the White House. He wanted Kraus’ The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 work taught in schools. The Kennedy White House invited him to come in and diagnose and treat President Kennedy who was disabled by decades of severe back pain. Within two years, “incurable” Kennedy was pain-free and was playing golf. Kraus’ treatment: simple tests of muscle strength and flexibility followed by specific exercises to fix problems. No drugs and no surgery in spite of the fact that Kraus was trained as an orthopedic surgeon. In addition to US presidents, Kraus was sought out by professional athletes and movie stars like Greta Garbo and Katherine Hepburn. In spite of this, Kraus’ work was rejected by medical and educational “professionals.” In the 1950s, he was even accused of being “Un-American” for pointing out the then-obvious degeneration of the state of health of America’s young people. Like many of the professional thugs in the US who put their personal interests above the interests of the people they’re supposed to serve, the gym teachers found Kraus and his clinically verified work to be an irritant. You can read more about Kraus in the book JFK’s Secret Doctor. Chapter 30 details how the gym teachers union, which goes by the fancy name of American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, ran an elaborate campaign to paint Kraus – a refugee from Nazi Austria – as a Nazi for suggesting that instead of running softball and dodge ball games, gym teachers should learn how to teach children how to exercise properly. See more at: http://www. dpuf 11 LETTERS Childbearing Patterns and Breast Cancer Dear Editor, Thanks for a great magazine, recent issues of natural medicine on the topic of breast cancer completely ignore the main reason of what used to be commonly known as the working women’s disease. A study reported in Science News October 1992 by Kathy Facleman and Malcolm Pike from the Southern Californian School of Medicine in Los Angeles, blames the epidemic rates of breast and other female cancers on a fact of modern day life. The average American woman starts menstruating at age 12 and typically gives birth to one or two infants. She breast feeds for three months. Pike estimates she will ovulate a whopping 450 time in her lifetime. By contrast a women who lived 200 years ago, would have started menstruating at 17, delivered eight babies and breast feed each for two years. Therefore our foremothers ovulated fewer than 150 times during their reproductive life. Pike shows that pregnancy and lactation provides a crucial resting period for the ovaries, that the female sex glands that produce not only eggs but also several powerful hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone. Each month as a women’s body readies itself for pregnancy the ovaries secrete oestrogen and progesterone, which tells the breast cells to start dividing in preparation for milk production. In years past women went through the cycle less frequently because they were either pregnant or breast feeding. Other interesting studies show that women that have a full pregnancy 12 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine before the age of 18 have only one third the breast cancer risks of women whose first child is delayed until 30 years old or never has a child. A recent CASH study involving about 9000 women revealed that women with the least breast cancer were those that had a longer breast feeding experience. CASH researcher Peter Layde M.D reports “We found that women who breast fed a total of two years or more had nearly a third less breast cancer than women who did not breast feed”. For the sake of our women’s health our society needs to radically change its attitude to the value of having children. Thanks, M Smit Editor’s comment: This is a good point; certainly children are not adequately valued – nor are mothers given the respect and support that they deserve, given the importance of their role to the future of our society. However, the small number of children borne by women in modern Western countries is not solely to blame for increased breast cancer rates; some countries such as Japan have low birth rates and low breast cancer rates. (Japan has had a low birth rate for many years yet had a low rate of breast cancer. Protective foods such as iodine rich seaweeds probably play a role here, as well as the fact the oral contraceptives were illegal in Japan until the late 1990s. Most Japanese mothers also breast feed their babies.) In the West, it may not be the low birth rate per se that is helping to increase the number of women with breast cancer, but the technologies used to control fertility (such as oral contraceptives, the injectable contraceptive Depo Provera, abortion etc) which are commonly used and are associated with increased risk of breast cancer. (Abortion is legal in Japan but typically acupuncture is used to terminate the pregnancy very early in the first trimester, reducing the risks of increased oestrogen exposure due to the pregnancy. Moreover, the Shinto August - November 2013 religion recognises the spiritual needs of mothers who have lost children whether through miscarriage or induced abortion, thereby facilitating emotional and spiritual healing.) Mercury Exposure in NZ Primary School Hi Katherine and Jon, Here’s one for your interest: At the area primary school where I went (Rangiora) during the early 70’s they had a training centre included for young trainee dental nurses. These days they practice on dummies at Otago (I think) but back then we were it. If there was a slight brown patch on your tooth, it was drilled and filled with amalgam. Me and most other kids I know who went there have all carried a real mouthfull of amalgam all our lives (comparative to others) because of this training. There was not one tooth in my mouth that didn’t have amalgam in it (all gone now). Here’s the real kicker though, to keep us from getting bored during the long hours of practising, they used to tip a vial full of mercury into our hands to play with. Good eh! Cheers, Deane g Electrohypersensitivity Misunderstood, Unrecognised To the Editor, What is unseen isn’t always unreal, and to find that something unseen is in our environment can cause great pain to some people, make bees and birds lose their ability to navigate and can damage the cells and DNA of everyone in its path – makes me wonder as we all should – what on Earth is going on? As someone who feels the effects of the artificial electromagnetic radiation in our environment today, I can related to the experience of Alice described in the article [on electrosensitivity] that you published LETTERS in issue 8. I have experienced my share of incredulous looks and even complete denial from people who do not understand the bio-electrical nature of life and therefore how the artificial, modulated frequencies from cell phones and other wireless devices are harmful to our health. LIke the discovery that washing one’s hands before preparing food gets rid of unseen, harmful bacteria, the discovery that switching off cell phones and other wireless devices gets rid of harmful electromagnetic radiation is one for which our children may be very grateful. M. Clough g Article on Electrosensitivity Helpful I had an email this morning from an ES [electrosensitivity] sufferer who was becoming quite debilitated by her neighbours’ Wi-Fi (which was strong enough for her to detect in her own home) and yesterday approached them with the article from issue 8 of The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine. There had been other approaches – to no effect, the additional difference this time being the article. She met them this morning while walking in the neighborhood and they informed her they are investigating getting a timer installed to switch off the Wi-Fi at night. She was elated. enough to slip into a pocket, which has been for many years now. Over the last three years, I have developed a small number of skin Health Reporter Ignores Invitation to Cover Protest at Auckland Hospital [ED NOTE: This letter was originally sent to the health reporter for the NZ Herald.] Dear Martin, cancers (basal cell carcinomas I think they are called) near both these sites within 60mm of the phone location only. There are no other growths on any other parts of my body. Earlier in my life they tried to remove kidney stones under fluoroscopy. By today’s rates, I received a high dose of radiation, and I wondered if this was a precursor and the cellphone RF triggered the growths. Also: I always use my cellphone on my left ear and I have a number of dark “aging spots” also in that same area. I have removed several but more are developing! It may just be a coincidence! I don’t use a cellphone much if I can help it these days or use hands free. I have used the 2.5 gigahertz portable phone more on that ear but also am now avoiding its use! Regards, Darryl g I understand that you are the NZ Herald’s health reporter so I was wondering if you might be interested in being at the Auckland Hospital this Saturday [September 15, 2012] at 12 noon for a campaign being led by Allan Smith, the Waikato farmer whose life was saved by intravenous Vitamin C in 2009. Please see here for details id=48 I am a supporter of patients’ rights and the need for the Auckland Hospital to take seriously, patients demands to be treated as they wish, with such therapies as intravenous Vitamin C. There is plenty of peer reviewed published scientific evidence to support the regular use of this safe registered medicine yet the Auckland Hospital even turned down our neighbour’s family’s demands for it to be used on one of their family members. This family member died even though their life could have quite possibly been saved from a hospital acquired infection by the Kind regards, A.G. g Cell Phone Link to Skin Cancers? Hi Katherine, In relation to the letter in issue 9 (“Horror Mobile Phone Incident”): Personally I have carried a 900 megahertz and now a dual frequency cellphone near only two parts of my body since cell phones became small The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 13 LETTERS use of IV Vitamin C – yet the doctors refused to even try it. I have been told by close family members of other patients that they too been refused this very basic safe medicine and also died. Perhaps elderly family members don’t matter to the doctors so they let them die instead of trying “everything” that they claim to have already done and evidently haven’t. For goodness sake – even Captain James Cook realised that something in limes and sauerkraut was saving his sailors from the ravages of scurvy – yet he didn’t wait for scientific validation before he procured barrels of raw, Vitamin C rich, sauerkraut for voyages when fresh limes would have been scarce. Yes, scurvy is alive and well here in 21st New Zealand. Vitamin C deficiency can present itself as a multitude of signs and symptoms including viral and bacterial infections such as influenza and meningococcal infections, yet many doctors are choosing to remain ignorant of some very basic effective nutritional medicine that even an 18th sea captain knew something about and was prepared to stake his own life, and that of his crew, on it. Maybe the history of New Zealand would have been very different if it hadn’t been for Captain Cook’s wife who encouraged her sea voyaging husband to take these valuable supplies with him. Perhaps we’d all be speaking Dutch now – and maybe that would be a good thing as the Netherlands has the highest level of child health care in the OECD yet New Zealand lags ashamedly behind at number 28 out of 30 countries. Please go and see what Allan Smith has to say and report back to over 1/4 of New Zealand’s population what all the fuss is about. New Zealander’s deserve to know the truth about how the medical system is letting people die and that it is very risky to be a patient in Auckland Hospital especially if you don’t have a devoted wife and three persistent, burly sons to fight for you. 14 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine Kind regards, Caroline Marshall BHSc Naturopath-nutritionist-medical herbalist [ED NOTE: No one from The NZ Herald attended the protest. However, Vincent Eastwood from Guerrilla News Media filmed the protest and you can see footage of an interview that he did with Allan Smith at this link JgRM] g Removal of WiFi from School Improves Children’s Learning, Behaviour On the bright side my then 6.5 yr old daughter went from a spelling age of 6.1 (being funded remedial teaching) to having a spelling age of 7.5 in 3 months with no more need for remedial help. When I got her improvement stat in September, Wi-Fi had been switched off for 4 months. Coincidence? Possibly except dramatic behavioral changes were expressed with regard to three other children in her class of 12 students by parents speaking to me, it is very possible that others noted changes in mood, concentration, general health and behaviour and did not connect with the reduction of EMR and RF. I have also halted Genesis from putting a “smart meter” in our house in Brighton – for now. Hi Katherine, Cheers, We were able to stop the use of Wi-Fi at our daughter’s school last year. We had a really hard time but were fortunate to be part of a small rural school so us threatening to remove our children was (I assume) the main driver for the outcome we achieved. Lucy Thomson-Ryan I am happy to talk to you to share our experience. I have attached correspondence I had with the school. Be assured that no member of staff or the board (well the skeleton crew as it remained on the night) thought we were anything other than scaremongers even with the huge amount of research I provided. My emails to the board provided hypertext links so that they could ‘just click’ to the study or webpage I referenced. I asked one female board member who referred to herself as a ‘scientist’ what research she had done and she refused to answer – I took that as none! The two elected board members along with the two full time teachers at the school were the only people with voting rights, as one elected board member with children did not attend and the other was refused the ability to vote as he was my husband, the remaining do not have even one child between them at our school. August - November 2013 [ED NOTE: An article about Wi-Fi by Anne Gastinger featured in issue 5 of this journal and may now also be read at this link www.naturalmedicine. For information on the health, privacy and other issues associated with “smart meters” please see (which also gives advice on how to get an unwanted smart meter removed) or www.stopsmartmeters. or www.stopsmartmeters. if you are in Australia or the UK respectively. A comprehensive article about “smart meters” by Don Maisch PhD also featured in issue 8 of this journal.] g HPV Vaccination IMPORTANT info for EVERY mother and young girl concerning the HPV vaccine Gardasil: Whether you believe that vaccines are beneficial or not, even as more and more information becomes available about the dangers of vaccines like gardasil, there is an essential question at play here. Who has custody of your LETTERS children, you or the government? Cannabis Tincture At every turn, we see that the government is willing to inject YOUR children with questionable and dangerous vaccines, with or without your permission or knowledge, and if necessary, against your will... Video: Interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock: http://www.brasschecktv. com/page/5383.html Editor: There is good news for your eyes, and one day there will be further good news, when governments get out of our way and do the right thing. But until then, victims will be left to the mercy of ophthalmologists, who often use deadly eye drops during procedures, and prescribe equally dangerous drugs for aftercare. Some of the side effects are: – Brasscheck Milk To the Editor: I am very concerned about the UHT milk being provided by Fonterra for NZ children in schools. I do not believe it is very nutritious and according to both Dr Mercola and the Health Ranger (Mike Adams) who discuss the health dangers of pasteurised cows milk, I believe we might be seeing an epidemic in childhood diseases if this ‘Milk in Schools’ is allowed to grow unchecked. In my opinion it is a way for Big Business to ramp up milk sales while at the same time creating a market for a low quality milk product. Their 20,000 empty UHT packets go to Thailand Rubbish Dumps for “recycling”!! – Anon Fluoride Dear Editor: The pro fluoride people should learn properly about the subject before they spout their opinions. There is a big difference between the natural element fluoride and the hydrofluorosilicic acid they put in the water which is a poison taken from the fertiliser factories and aluminium smelters. There is “poison” written on the outside of the sacks and workers have to be fully suited up for protection before it is added it to the water. Do we want to keep fresh water or do we want to be poisoned? The answer is simple We want fresh water. Congratulations to the Mayor of Hamilton and councillors for their great decision to stop fluoridating Hamilton’s water supply. – Margaret Parry The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine • retinal detachment • spontaneous tendon rupture • peripheral neuropathy • acute kidney failure • muscle, bone and joint problems • destruction of connective tissue • blood clots • seizures • severe eyesight problems, including • blindness • bone and joint problems These side effects explain why some people become dangerously ill, and even die of “unexplained causes”, after having “simple” treatments by an ophthalmologist. It also explains why these treatments, often repeated at the urging of the specialists, lead to the above side effects. Unfortunately, side effects can take time to surface, so victims don’t understand why they are so ill and ophthalmologists and Big Pharma don’t get the blame, or the lawsuits, they deserve. To give an idea of the kind of drugs our ophthalmologists prescribe willy-nilly, one is so dangerous that 60% - 70% of people using them become seriously ill, and their irises, no matter the colour, turn black, never to return to their original colour! An ophthalmologist assured me these drops were safe. Apparently, he did not consider what else a drug so powerful that it can dye your irises might do to the rest of your body. My advice: don’t trust any of them, and bear in mind that Bausch and Lomb eye drops have been recalled due to contamination with black spots they think may be printer’s ink. There is, however, really good news and it could save your eyes and simultaneously eliminate the billions August - November 2013 of dollars we are squandering on “approved” treatments that don’t help, and frequently cause life-threatening, permanent damage. This simple cure will save people from the pain, expense and extreme danger of conventional treatments. This panacea is cannabis tincture, an all-purpose medicine that has been known for decades to be the best treatment for glaucoma, for intractable pain, and for so many other health scourges that there isn’t room to list them all. It has been used with huge success for thousands of years, it does not make you “high”, and it is only illegal because of – you guessed it – the unholy trinity of Big Pharma, Big Medicine and Big Government. These enormously wealthy, powerful agents of malevolence are united in their efforts to stop legalization. But no matter how many lies they tell and no matter how much money they spend trying to discredit this ancient, herbal medicine, they cannot suppress the truth forever. Cannabis tincture is producing wonderful results around the world. Growing it and using it for healing will have to be legalized eventually, or millions will continue to suffer and die unnecessarily. Most European countries have legalized cannabis for medical use, and the USA finally gave in to extreme pressure and legalized it in 20 states, with more to follow. Australia, backward as usual, is fighting legalisation with breathtaking stupidity: it is legal to use cannabis in Australia for medical use, but it is illegal to import it, or grow it, or make it into a tincture. So, how are we expected to use it? We suggest you put this question to your political representative. And, while you are at it, remind him or her that cannabis is a powerful, all-purpose medicine that will take healthcare out of the grasp of Big Pharma and put it firmly where it belongs – in the hands of patients. This is a reason politicians and governments are fighting legalization, tooth and nail. – Anon 15 16 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine August - November 2013 17 Health Freedom Report By Katherine Smith Worldwide, threats to health freedom are being met with vigorous opposition. Threat to food security in Europe A proposed “reform” of laws within the European Union that regulates seeds and other forms of plant propagation material such as seed potatoes threatens the EU food supply. According to the UK Soil Association (which promotes organic agriculture) “the proposed new EU regulation on the marketing of plant reproductive material will put the future of our plant biodiversity at risk. It will have a disastrous effect on the availability of rare varieties and farmers’ varieties, and stop the exchange and selling of traditional seeds.” (http://www.soilassociation. org/news/newsstory/articleid/5217/ press-comment-proposed-euregulation-concerning-seedvarieties) According to Science Insider: The proposal will now be discussed and amended by member states and the European Parliament; the commission estimates that the legislation will enter into force in 2016. ( scienceinsider/2013/05/overhaul-ofeu-seed-regulations-.html) Threats to freedom of choice regarding vaccination The Australian Telegraph paper recently launched a “No Jab, No Play” campaign calling for the government and early childhood education centres to discriminate against unvaccinated children. The paper stated that we are demanding “The state government amend the Public Health Act 2010 to allow childcare centres to ban unvaccinated children” and for the government to stop paying childcare rebates and family tax benefits to parents who decide against vaccinating their children. Mike Adams of pointed out that despite the paper’s 18 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine claims to have the best interests of children at heart, the Australian Telegraph has run ads for companies that supply vaccines, including Pfizer, its unethical promotion of vaccination could be motivated by financial self interest. (http://www.naturalnews. com/040301_Australian_Telegraph_ medical_child_abuse_vaccinations. html) On May 29, The Daily Telegraph reported: “In a win for The Sunday Telegraph and The Daily Telegraph, whose No Jab, No Play campaign called on the state government to ban non-immunised children from daycare facilities, Health Minister Jillian Skinner has amended the Public Health Act to make the checking of vaccine records compulsory – and to give staff the power to turn away those who aren't up to date. “Parents will only be able to apply for exemptions if they have GP advice that shows jabs would be harmful to the child or if it is against their religion.” However, this reporting is wrong: the actual law passed simply requires parents to produce either a vaccination certificate or conscientious objection certifcate when enrolling a child in a childcare centre. In the USA, public action has prevented the passing of a law that would have reduced parental choice concerning vaccination. Public opposition to a proposed law which would have made it legal for doctors to vaccinate children under the age of 16 year with HPV and/or Hepatitis B vaccines without parental consent meant that the legislation was withdrawn.(http://www.naturalnews. com/040508_vaccines_parental_ consent_medications.html) Successes such as the defeat of the bill which would have made it legal to vaccinate underage children without parental consent has roused the ire of the vaccination industry. Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation and WHO August - November 2013 have joined up to fund a new project to monitor the efforts of groups which want to maintain freedom of choice concerning vaccination. You can read the full story at this link: news/13/062413_Bill-Gates-andThe-WHO-Team-Up-To-CounterNegative-Stigma-Attached-ToVaccines-With-Public-Surveillance. shtml. A paper on this new initiative was published in The Lancet: journals/laninf/article/PIIS14733099%2813%2970108-7/abstract Medication choice under attack In the USA, the Alliance for Natural Health has rallied its supporters about draft legislation from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) that they believed would limit access to some medications prepared by compounding pharmacies including low dose naltrexone and personalised hormone replacement products. The ANH reported that some significant changes have been made to the legislation but more needs to be done to ensure health freedom. (http:// Victory for pure water advocates in NZ Fluoride Action Network NZ (www. and local activists in Hamilton won a significant victory for the people of Hamilton in June when the Hamilton Council voted seven to one to remove fluoride from the city’s water supply. The decision was made after a tribunal process in which proponents and opponents of fluoride were invited to supply written information and give presentations to the councillors. However, the disssenting councillor has called for city-wide referendum on this issue, so activists have more work to do. To help with the campaign connect up with OPINION A Terminal Case of Conflict-ofInterest Disorder By James P. Hilton “Thirty years ago, Henry Gadsden, the head of Merck” said his long time “dream” was “ make drugs for healthy people so that Merck could sell to everyone...drug companies are systematically working to widen the... boundaries that define illness... As more and more of ordinary life becomes medicalized, the industry moves ever closer to Gadsden’s dream.” – Pulitzer Prize winning authors Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels In medical circles the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (or DSM) is known as as the bible of psychiatric disorders. And because gigantic potential for amassing power and getting rich come with creating more “conditions” some doctors nervously joke how the book “doubles” in size with each new addition. Not so long ago Lisa Cosgrove, an associate professor at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and a residential research fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University conducted an investigation into financial linkages between DSM-IV panel members (the rule makers of this so-called “bible”) and the pharmaceutical business. And surprise, surprise! You’ll never guess what she and her team turned up: Not just one or two, or even half the doctors, but a disgusting 100% of the members on these panels drafting the rules (on which laws are based) concerning things like “Mood Disorders”, “Schizophrenia” and “Other Psychotic Disorders” had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies!! One Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School reportedly received $1,000,000 dollars from “consulting” and drug company work between 2000 and 2007. That translates into a million reasons for crooks in white lab coats to turn a blind eye to thousands of horrendous, fully documented side effects and to instead give a green light to push yet more poison (psychiatric drugs) – even on innocent children. As far back as May of 2006 The Times Online ran a story entitled, “Drug Companies Inventing Diseases to Boost Their Profits.” One item, published in the journal, Public Library of Science Medicine documented how “Pharmaceutical companies are systematically creating diseases in order to sell more of their products... and [are] promoting nonexistent illnesses or exaggerating minor ones ...” The report cited “restless leg syndrome” [and] ... “ordinary shyness... as a social anxiety disorder.” A few of the more controversial diagnostic labels that can now be legally pinned on any person using the Diagnostic and Statistical “We have a form of care where we’re using these drugs in an ever more expansive manner, and supposedly we have better drugs and they’re the cornerstone of our care, so we should see decreasing disability rates. That’s what your expectation would be. Instead, from 1987 until the present, we saw an increase in the number of mentally disabled people from 3.3 million people to 5.7 million people in the United States. In that time, our spending on psychiatric drugs increased to an amazing degree. Combined spending on antipsychotic drugs and antidepressants jumped from around $500 million in 1986 to nearly $20 billion in 2004. So we raise the question: Is the use of these drugs somehow actually fueling this increase in the number of the disabled mentally ill? When you look at the research literature, you find a clear The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine Manual of Mental Disorders are “Reading Disorder,” “Disorder of Written Expression,” “Mathematics Disorder,” “Herbal Remedies Disorder”, “Orthorexia Nervosa” (a supposed obsession with healthy eating), and perhaps my all time favorite, “Noncompliance With Treatment Disorder”. Now math was not my best subject, but I could easily be in the running for five out of six of those. Guess that’s one way to bully us all into either buying their stinking “products” or else have us locked away in an institution for not buying them! Way back at the founding of our republic, Dr. Benjamin Rush, the very first U.S. Surgeon General and co-signer of the Declaration of Independence penned the following prophetic words: “Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship.” Looks like Dr. Rush hit the nail straight on its head. Today America is teetering on the brink of that sad time he could have only imagined in his wildest dreams. And now the corrupt medical drug pushers are coming, stethoscopes dangling, pills in hand, to hook your kids. ABOUT THE AUTHOR James P. Hilton, EMT-P is a wellness professional and has been a medical educator for 32 years. He is a member of numerous professional associations and taught Advanced Cardiac Life Support for the American Heart Association for over 20 years. He has written 10 books. g pattern of outcomes with all these drugs – you see it with the antipsychotics, the antidepressants, the anti-anxiety drugs and the stimulants like Ritalin used to treat ADHD. All these drugs may curb a target symptom slightly more effectively than a placebo does for a short period of time, say six weeks. An antidepressant may ameliorate the symptoms of depression better than a placebo over the short term. What you find with every class of these psychiatric drugs is a worsening of the target symptom of depression or psychosis or anxiety over the long term, compared to placebo-treated patients. So even on the target symptoms, there’s greater chronicity and greater severity of symptoms. And you see a fairly significant percentage of patients where new and more severe psychiatric symptoms are triggered by the drug itself.” – Robert Whitaker SOURCE: psychiatric_drug.html August - November 2013 19 Health News Alerts Calcium Supplements Increase Heart Attack Risk by 86% By Sayer Ji, Founder New research published in the journal Heart has confirmed the findings of two controversial studies on calcium supplementation and heart attack risk published in the British Medical Journal last year, and which found a 24-27% increased risk of heart attack for those who took 500 mg of elemental calcium a day.[1] [2] The results of this newest review, involving 24,000 people between the ages of 35 and 64, were even more alarming. Those participants who took a regular calcium supplement increased their risk of having a heart attack by 86% versus those who took no calcium supplements at all. Why Do We Obsessively Consume Rock, Bone And Shell Calcium? People really should not be so surprised at the idea that calcium supplementation may be toxic to cardiovascular health. After all, many subject themselves to coronary and cardiac calcium scans in order to ascertain their risk of cardiovascular events and/or cardiac mortality. This is because we know that calcium of the 20 The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine wrong kind in the wrong place can result in serious adverse health effects. There are, in fact, quite a few people in the field of nutrition who have long warned against supplementation with elemental calcium; which is to say, calcium from limestone, oyster shell, egg shell and bone meal (hydroxylapatite). The seemingly universal popularity of taking elemental calcium supplements results from the promotional efforts of conventional health “experts” and organizations like the National Osteoporosis Foundation (whose corporate sponsors include the calcium manufacturers Oscal and Citrical). Also, the World Health Organization created a radically new definition of “normal” bone density in 1994 when it took the 25-year old young adult standard (which is peak bone mass in a women’s life cycle), also known as the “T-score,” and applied it to all women, irrespective of their age. This resulted in redefining the normal and gradual loss of bone mineral density that comes with aging as a disease, essentially medicalizing a non-condition. It also resulted in millions of women being coerced into taking unnecessary (and dangerous) “bone-building” drugs and inorganic calcium supplements to drive bone mineral density higher, by any means necessary. Suddenly, healthy women were being told they had a disease called “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis,” even while their bone mineral density was normal for their age, gender and ethnicity (which would have been clear as day, had the age-mediated “Z-score” been used). Moreover, the #1 and #2 cause of death in women are heart disease and cancer, respectively, with heart attack and breast cancer being the primary causes of morbidity and mortality. Inorganic or “elemental” calcium, when not bound to the natural co-factors, e.g. amino acids, lipids and glyconutrients, found in “food” (which is to say other living beings, e.g. plants and animals), no longer has the intelligent delivery system that enables your body to utilize it in a biologically appropriate manner. Lacking this “delivery system,” the calcium may end up going to places you do not want (ectopic calcification), or go to places you do want (e.g. the bones), but in excessive amounts, stimulating unnaturally accelerated cell-division (osteoblasts), resulting in higher bone turnover rates later in life. For a comprehensive list of Vegetables with high calcium levels, visit the page on the topic. REFERENCES [1] BMJ 2010; 341 doi: 10.1136/bmj.c3691 (Published 29 July 2010) [2] Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women’s Health Initiative limited access dataset and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2011;342:d2040. Epub 2011 Apr 19. PMID: 21505219 SOURCE: http://www. August - November 2013