Final Programme
Final Programme
Under the patronage of Comune di Firenze Final Programme E M O C BE ISGE ANRTIFIED NER CE ACTITIO PR 00 NTS 1 Y L ON RTICIPA PA MITTED AD NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY AND FEMALE REPRODUCTION VENEZIA ITALY, 28-30 October 2010 2ND TRAINING COURSE IN GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF GYNECOLOGICAL AND REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY NEUROENDOCRINE DISEASES AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE CONTROL NEUROENDCRINE CHANGES FROM 40 YEARS ON THERAPEUTIC USE OF ESTRO-PROGESTINS DURING FERTILE AGE THE MENOPAUSAL WOMAN’S PATHOPHYSIOLOGY THE MENOPAUSAL WOMAN’S CLINICAL MANAGEMENT Speakers D Archer, B Benedetto, S Berga, J Bitzer, P Bouchard, M Brincat, G Creatsas, BC Fauser, JM Foidart, M Gambacciani, U Gaspard, AD Genazzani, AR Genazzani, A Graziottin, P Kenemans, M Lachowsky, A Milewicz, RE Nappi, S Palacios, N Panay, R Pasquali, F Petraglia, A Schindler, D Serfaty, T Simoncini, J Stevenson, J Studd List of contents Welcome note 4 The International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology 5 Gynendo News 6 The International Federation of the Societies of Gynecological Endocrinology 7 Congress Area Map 8 Registration and Secretariats 10 Scientific Secretariat - Organizing Secretariat Congress Secretariat Desk - Registration Fees General information 12 Lunch points - Coffee - Official languages Insurance - Certificate of Attendance Customer Satisfaction - Personal Data Protection Social Events 13 Scientific information Congress on-line - Computer Projection Preview Rooms - Oral Presentations Poster Session - Poster awards 14 List of the abstracts winners of the under 34 competition 15 Sponsors and exhibitors Exhibition Area Map, Company profiles 20 Continuous medical education UEMS, AMA, ECM, AMB, SGGG 28 Boards & assemblies 29 II Congresso Nazionale ISGE Italia Introduzione, Isge Italia, Segreterie, Programma scientifico, Crediti ECM 31 Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica 34 Scientific programme Programme at a glance Wednesday March 3rd Thursday March 4th Friday March 5th Saturday March 6th Sunday March 7th 37 38 40 43 59 75 86 Posters 93 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 4 Welcome in the awesome city of Florence, the centre of all Arts and Sciences, the city of Leonardo da Vinci and Lorenzo il Magnifico… And the World capital of Gynecological Endocrinology! The 14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology has doubled the number of submitted abstracts. We have here 100 brilliant and young scientists from all over the World that won a tight scientific competition being granted free registration and hospitality. We will diffuse the scientific sessions real-time with a unique Congress-online service, so that every participant will be heard in the farthest areas of the World with an impact that was not imaginable a few years ago. Plus, we have an effective e-mail bulletin, GynEndo News, that will be sent out every day from the Congress, with interviews, opinions and scientific contents, to make sure that all the subscribers that did not make it to Florence will have a share. But this was not enough. A new creature has seen the light, the International School of Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology. The School is devoted to develop education and to help clinicians to master the art of gynecological endocrinology. The first International course will be held in Florence, and it will open a series of itinerant courses that will bring education to everyone in the World. Our Society is thus lively and vibrant, and I am glad to welcome you here in this unique, fantastic city, to enjoy one of the best scientific events in our area... Andrea R. Genazzani President of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology ISGE Executive Committee (2008-2012) President A.R. Genazzani Pisa, Italy Treasurer B. Lunenfeld Tel-Aviv, Israel Executive Secretary T. Simoncini Pisa, Italy Members F. Al-Azzawi, Leicester, UK S. Berga, Atlanta, USA M. Birkhaeuser, Bern, Switzerland P. Bouchard, Paris, France M. Brincat, Malta N. De Melo, Sao Paulo, Brazil L. Devoto, Santiago, Chile J.M. Foidart, Liege, Belgium P. Kenemans, Amsterdam, Netherlands T. Maruo, Kobe, Japan M. Mendelsohn, Boston, USA A. Milewicz, Wroclaw, Poland F. Naftolin, New York, USA E.H.Y. Ng, Hong Kong, China F. Petraglia, Siena, Italy A.E. Schindler, Essen, Germany C. Simon, Valencia, Spain E. Simpson, Clayton, Australia N. Siseles, Buenos Aires, Argentina V. Smetnik, Moscow, Russia B. Tarlatzis, Thessaloniki, Greece B. von Schoultz, Stockholm, Sweden Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology The International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE) About the society The International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology is a non-profit organisation established in 1986 for the purposes of promoting science and research into all aspects of gynecological endocrinology and communication between scientists interested in these subjects. The Society operates through the monthly Journal of Gynecological Endocrinology, the monthly newsletter GynEndo News and the biannual World Congress, a major scientific event which allows a perfect integration of renowned faculty members with talented young scientists presenting innovative research. VOLUME BER 26 NUM ISHED 1 � PUBL MONTHLY ARY 2010 � JANU -3590 0951 � ISSN: GYNECOLO 12/21/09 8:57 PM CRIN GICAL ENDO xd DGYE_I_26_02_COVER.q Page 1 LOGICAGLY GYNECCO INOLO R O D EN Y 2010 MONTHLY � FEBRUAR 2 � PUBLISHED VOLUME 26 NUMBER OLOGY VOLUME ENDOCRINOLOGY GYNECOLOGICAL IETY AL SOC ERNATION THE INT GY RINOLO RNAL OF L ENDOC ICIAL JOU LOGICA THE OFF GYNECO 0 � ISSN: 0951-359 OF 26 No. 1 GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY Y OF ATIONAL SOCIET AL OF THE INTERN THE OFFICIAL JOURN ENDOCRINOLOGY GYNECOLOGICAL Now you are an ISGE Member Welcome to the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology. Registering to the World Congress you have automatically become a member of the Society for 2 years. In order to formalize your registration please come to the ISGE stand in the Exhibition Area for confirmation or go online on and insert the access code that you received together with the congress badge. Confirming for free your registration you receive A password for free on line access to the Gynecological Endocrinology Journal. Free access to the Congress On Line (see page n.12 for more information). GynEndo News, our monthly newsletter. Access to information and news related to the Society’s activities through our website www.gynecological The Gynecological Endocrinology Journal Registering to the World Congress, and confirming for free your ISGE membership at the ISGE Stand ( 19 , 20 , 21 ) or on www. you have been granted, for private use, the online access to the electronic edition of the Gynecological Endocrinology Journal (2 years). You are kindly requested to collect your access code at the ISGE stand. Gynecological Endocrinology, the official journal of ISGE, covers all experimental, clinical and therapeutic aspects of this ever more important discipline. It includes, amongst others, papers related to the control and function of the different endocrine glands in females, the effects of reproductive events on the endocrine system, the consequences of endocrine disorders on reproduction. 2010 VOLUME 26 JANUARY No. 2 FEBRUARY 2010 If you are interested in receiving the Print edition of the journal you can subscribe at the following prices: €95 one year (2010) €170 two year (2010 and 2011) Please contact our staff at the ISGE stand in the Exhibition Area; for all further information please contact the ISGE Secretariat at 5 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 GynEndo News 6 GynEndo News is the friendly e-mail bulletin of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology. The bulletin is sent monthly to a growing list of currently more than 30.000 subscribers. It is the voice of the Society and it carries in your mailbox opinions and news in Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology. After more than 40 issues, the bulletin is a lively forum, where the subscribers find cutting edge editorials from members of the ISGE Board, special editorials, freely available sessions of International Congresses, access to selected contents of our Journal, Gynecological Endocrinology, as well as news from the International scientific press and congress and course announcements in the broader area of Gynecological Endocrinology. It is thus the best tool to keep abreast of the speedy developments in our field and to be updated with science and clinical practice. The special GynEndo Daily that will be sent out every day from the ISGE Congress, with interviews, opinions summaries and scientific contents, will be a special event to ensure that all subscribers that did not make it to Florence will share a taste of this unique event. ER.qxd DGYE_I_26_02_COV 12/21/09 8:57 PM Page 1 MONTHLY 2 � PUBLISHED VOLUME 26 NUMBER � FEBRUARY 2010 But GynEndo News is changing. After the biannual congress, from April 2010, GynEndo News will have a totally renewed editorial strategy, providing all those who select to receive it with special educational contents developed from the Board of the teachers of the School of Gynecological and Reproductive Endocrinology. The new bulletin will therefore blend much more that before science with clinical practice, trying to provide the readers with cutting edge advances that have an impact on their daily clinical activity. So watch out for this new twist of this powerful electronic tool! If you already receive the bulletin look into your mailbox every month for this exciting series of new contents, and if you don’t, go visit now and subscribe to GynEndo News. It’s absolutely free and will be your invaluable source of update in Gynecological Endocrinology from now on… � ISSN: 0951-3590 GYNECOLOGICA GY L ENDOCRINOLO GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY OF ONAL SOCIETY OF THE INTERNATI THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL GICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY GYNECOLO VOLUME 26 No. 2 FEBRUARY 2010 News in science and clinical practice Abstracts from Gynecological Endocrinology Video lectures from the last congresses Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Last editorials published on GynEndo 2010 Placental Hormones and identification of jan pregnancy at risk Michela Torricelli and Felice Petraglia dec 2009 Progesterone, Thyroid Hormone and Relaxin in the Regulation of the Invasive Potential of Extravillous Trophoblasts in Early Placental Development Takeshi Maruo 2009 Post hoc MRI’s cannot justify the conclusions of WHIMS Frederick Naftolin, Jennifer King, and John H. Morrison nov oct 2009 Endometrial progesterone receptors and Levonorgestrel as emergency contraceptive Alberto Palomino and Luigi Devoto 2009 Special Issues Daily from the 8th congress of the European Society of Gynecology with interviews, articles and lectures from the congress sept The International Federation of the Societies of Gynecological Endocrinology (FISGE) In occasion of the 12th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology held in Florence, Italy, on 2-5 March 2006, The International Federation of the Societies of Gynecological Endocrinology (FISGE) has been established. The Federation is open to national societies of gynecological endocrinology as well as to focus groups of gynecological endocrinology of national or international societies of gynecology, obstetrics and/or endocrinology. The main purpose of the Federation is to unite all the societies of gynecological endocrinology and/or the above-mentioned focus groups interested in the study and the research of all aspects of gynecological endocrinology, aiming to improve the communication and the exchange of information related to the activities of each society, to promote the development of common scientific projects and to advance the interchange of young and senior researchers between those centres devoted to gynecological endocrinology all over the world. For all further information Palazzo dei Congressi 13 0 Ground Floor 7 Entrance9to Congressi 13 GynEndo news 7 Hall Onice or contact the ISGE Secretariat T. +39 050503985 F. +39 0502207028 7 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 8 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Congress Area Map Limonaia L da alfon Via V Congress Venue Firenze Fiera Piazza Adua, 1 50123 Firenze, Italy T. +39 05549721 F. +39 0554973237 Main Entrance Piazza Adua Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 3 9 1 0 25 Palazzo affari 9 Floor Palazzo dei congressi and Auditorium 10 3 3 Services 0 W PR L B 22 8 Conference Halls 1 2 3 4 4b 5 6 7 8 PR 2 2 4 16 17 18 19 20 B 1 21 1 12 13 7 Entrance to P.Affari Entrance to Hall Affari4 0 14 15 Entrance to Congressi 0 B 11 Hall Affari 1 Hall Affari 2 Hall Affari 3 Hall Affari 4 Hall Affari 5 Poster area Hall Auditorium Hall Onice Hall Verde Dedicated Rooms 9 4b Secretariat Internet Point Preview Room Lunch point Bar 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Il Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica Presidential Room GynEndo News Press room Open Curtesy room Private meeting room Private meeting room ESG/SEG Board room IMS Board room Biomedical room Faculty room Hall Belvedere Exhibition Area 5 10 11 PR 6 -1 11 11 W Palazzo Affari Palazzo Congressi 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 10 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Registration and Secretariats Congress website Scientific secretariat Angiolo Gadducci, Paolo Artini, Vito Cela, Franca Fruzzetti, Marco Gambacciani, Carlo Luchi, Patrizia Monteleone, Nicola Pluchino, Valeria Valentino Dept. of Reproductive Medicine and Child Development Division of Gynecology and Obstetrics “P. Fioretti” University of Pisa Via Roma 35 - 56126 Pisa, Italy T +39 050503985 F +39 0502207028 Organizing secretariat Biomedical Technologies srl Main Office and Accounting Via P. Cugia 1 - 09129 Cagliari, Italy T +39 070340293 F +39 070307727 Marketing and Communication Via Metauro 19 - 00198 Rome, Italy T +39 068546198 F +39 0685389063 Co-organizing secretariat Advanced Medical Education and Conventions S.A. Via alla Ramogna 12 - P. O. Box 845 - 6601 Locarno 1, Switzerland T +41 917521305 F +41 917519867 E-mail: Congress secretariat desk The Congress Secretariat is located on the ground floor of Palazzo Affari. The Secretariat observes the following opening hours Pre-congress courses Wednesday March 3rd 08.00 - 09.30 participants only 10.00 - 19.30 Thursday March 4th 07.30 - 13.00 14.00 - 19.00 Friday March 5th 08.30 - 13.00 14.00 - 19.00 Saturday March 6th 08.30 - 13.00 14.00 - 19.00 Sunday March 7th 08.00 - 13.00 Registration fees on site (20% VAT included) Delegate €650 Developing countries and East Europe €450 Residents, nurses and technicians €300 Accompanying persons €120 Daily registration €180 Registration for Office Operative Hysteroscopy “see and treat” Practical activities (P.82) €50 Registration fee for the delegates includes Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception Closing Ceremony Access to all sessions and exhibition area Congress kit Abstract Book (in CD version) CME credits and/or ECM Credits Coffee and lunches Lunch Ticket 2 Lunch Ticket 1 Friday March th 5 13.10/14.10 Thursday March 4th 13.10/14.10 Please collect with this ticket 1 Congress Bag at the Bags Desk Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology highly purified hFSH for follicular stimulation IBSA’s whole in-house manufacturing cycle, based on a patented purification process, provides a full range of highly purified, human-derived gonadotrophins (hFSH, hMG and hCG). Fostimon, IBSA’s HP-hFSH, is available in vials of 75 IU and 150 IU for subcutaneous administration. Please, check availability and specifications of marketing authorisation in your country. For further details see full prescribing information. IBSA Institut Biochimique SA Via del Piano, P.O. Box 266, 6915 Pambio-Noranco, Lugano, Switzerland Telephone +41 58 360 10 00 Fax +41 58 360 16 47, Fostimon 11 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 12 ance Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 General Information 3 1 0 25 Limonaia L Palazzo affari Lunch points 9 10 Floor Palazzo dei congressi Personal Data and Auditorium Protection Law no. 196/2003 Lunch bags will be distributed in the Limonaia. You will22 3 3 find luch tickets in your congress kit. Personal data collected directly and/or through third parties by controller and processor Biomedical Technologies. Main Office 8 Coffee in Cagliari Via Cugia 1, are processed in Get free coffee or hot drinks at any time during the printed, computing and telematic form for PR congress from the automatic beverage dispensers locat- fulfilling contractual and lawful obligations as well as for the effective handing of busi2 ed around the congress venue. 2 ness relations. The email addresses provided may be used by Biomedical Technologies to 4 Official Language send advertising materials on events similar 16 17 18 19 20 Official language of the Congress is English. Italian is to those subject of the present business relathe official language of the 2nd Congress of the Italian tions. The non-submittal of data, where no compulsory, will be evaluated from case to B Society of Gynecological Endocrinology. case by the controller and the resulting deci21 1 sions to be made will take into account the 1 importance of the required data in respect Insurance 4b business relations, management. Data The Congress Organizers cannot accept liability12for 13 of the 14 7 be disclosed in Italy and/or abroad, personal injuries, loss or damage to property belong- may strictly in accordance with the above-menEntrance ing to Congress delegates ffari their accompanying tioned purposes, and consequently procto P.A(or in15relation to the mentioned persons), either during or as a result of the Congress essed,Enonly trance to ressiother persons: professionals and ngby Co purpose, to e nc Florence. or during their stay Entrain 0 0 Hall Affari4 as well as by persons allowed to It is therefore recommended that delegates arrange their consultants access to your personal data according to Naown personal health, accident and travel insurance. tional or Community regulations. If necesB for the above-mentioned reasons, your sary, data may be disclosed to third parties. For the Badges 11 reasons, our partners and/or employees All registrants including registered accompanying per- same may process your data in their capacity of exsons will receive a badge. 5Your personal badge allows ecutors or processors. The persons concerned you access to all Sessions, Exhibition Area and Social PR may exercise all the rights set forth in art. 7 of Events. Please remember to always wear your badge, L.6n. 196/2003 (including the rights of data -1 corrections, updating, objects to data also during social events. If you have lost your badge, a access, 11 11 processing and cancellation). The processor new one can be purchased at the Congress Secretariat. “pro tempore” is the legal representative of theW company. Certificate of attendance You will find your certificate of attendance together with your badge. Please check it and in case you need any change come from Friday 5th 14.00 to the “New Registrations Desk”. Customer Satisfaction Inside your congress bag you will find the Customer Satisfaction Form. Please do not ignore it. It is a Compulsory Service as Biomedical Technologies is Quality Certified and moreover you help us to improve our services. Please hand it back to the CME Certificate desk. 2 2 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 4 16 a fond Social Events 17 18 19 20 13 B 1 21 1 4b 12 13 14 7 Entrance to P.Affari Entrance to Hall Affari4 0 15 Entrance to Congressi 0 Thursday March 4th B Opening ceremony and aperitif in the exhibition area. Drinks and snacks in the exhibition area Main Entrance in Palazzo dei Congressi. 11 5 PR 6 -1 11 11 Piazza Adua W Friday March 5th Social Evening “Arts in florence” Guided visit and cocktail at the Bargello museum. Please come to the Social Events desk to get your ticket with entrance and tour time. Only registered participants and registered accompanying persons may ask for the tickets. For organization and safety reasons please tick to the time assigned to you. No entrance will be allowed without tickets. social evening ce Arts in Floren Guided visit the and cocktail in eum Bargello mus Saturday March 6th Wine and cheese Poster Session in the poster area. Scopone wines, cheeses and salami welcome you together with the posters’ authors. Don’t miss! Speaker’s dinner upon invitation LID NOT VATRANCE FOR EN rance ticket Collect the ent e from with visiting tim nts desk the social eve on “first come Scheduling time . first take” basis tes ps every 15 minu grou in Entrance until 9.00 PM from 7.00 PM Palazzo Affari 5 0 Ground Floor -1 Floor 5 5 Poster Area da alfon Via V B 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 14 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 1 Scientific information 21 1 4b 12 13 14 7 Entrance to P.Affari Entrance to Hall Affari4 15 Entrance to Congressi 0 0 1 Congress on-line da alfon Via V The 14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology will be totally available in multimedia format through the web on Main Entrance and It consists in recorded Piazza Adua presentations of the Congress enjoyable through the web. Typing in your personal password, that will be given to you at the moment of the registration, you can access the scientific sessions and view the sequence of the slides of the presentations while hearing the speaker’s voice; it will be possible to stop, to go back, or see again what you consider more interesting at any time. Key Note To enter the Congress online you need the access code included in the congress kit. B Preview rooms Speakers of hall Auditorium, hall Onice and hall Verde are Limonaia kindly requested 5to hand over Palazzo affari their Powerpoint persentation at the slide center near hall Auditorium. -1 L Speakers of hall Affari 1, 2, 3, 4 are kindly requested to hand over their Powerpoint persentation at the slide center located on second floor of Palazzo Affari. Presentations must be brought at least one hour before their session. Speakers presenting 4 in the early morning sessions should ensure that they have handed over their slides during the previous afternoon. Oral presentations 11 25 9 10 3 Floor Palazzo d and Audit PR 63 22 11 11 W PR 2 2 16 17 B 1 1 4b Oral Presentations will last about 8 minutes each plus 2 minutes discussion. The presenters are kindly requested to respect the time Entrance to allotted for each presentation. Hall Affari4 12 0 0 Poster session The Poster Session will take place on Saturday March 6th from 17.10 to 19.30. During the The following contents will be available: Poster Session, Poster Authors should stand by Plenary Lectures their Posters for presentation and discussion. Plenary Sessions Main Entrance Posters must be set up on Saturday March 6th Sponsored Symposia Piazza Adua from 13.00 to 16.00 and dismantled the same Oral Presentations day from 19.30 to 20.00. The maximum size of the posters must be Computer projection Computer projection is provided in all con- 90cm x 90cm. ference rooms via direct link with the preview The organizers cannot be held responsible for room. No projection through own computers posters not removed on time. is allowed. Kindly bring your presentation on a multimedia support (CD-Rom, Pen Drive) Poster award as a PowerPoint file. Please remember that the Three posters will be awarded each with a free first slide of your presentation has to show registration to the 15th ISGE World Congress your photo along with the name underneath. (Firenze, March 8-11 2012) including a free No other software is accepted. No Slide Pro- accommodation for one person (overnight jector is provided. stay in a 3 stars hotel, double room). The awards will be given during the Closing Ceremony on Sunday March 7th. 13 Entrance to P.Affari Palazzo affari 0 Floor 5 5 -1 Floor 5 PR -1 11 5 Poster Area 1 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology List of the abstracts winners of the under 34 competition 2010 marks a new strategic effort of ISGE aimed at promoting education and participation where it is most needed… The Scientific Contest held for the first time this year has allowed 100 excellent young scientist of under 34 years to be supported by the Society to join us in Florence, by providing free registration and accomodation. The contest has been extremely tight, and although the scientific committee could select only 100 winners, the scientific level was so high that ISGE decided to support anyway those who did not get through, by providing a reduced registration rate to the congress. This is the first of a series of moves to help the young and the brightest to contribute to ISGE and to its lively Congress. the best 5 abstracts Plenary Session Winners under 34 Competition Symposium 4 march 2010, 16.30/18.30, hall Affari 3 Anti-Mullerian Hormone in the prediction of menopausal transition or menopause; a follow-up study Broer Simone L, van Rooij I, Scheffer G, Eijkemans M, Fauser BC, Broekmans FJ, (NL) Characterisation of early ovarian cancer biomarkers Meehan Katie, Rainczuk A, Fairweather N, Stephens A (AUS) The Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase & Stress on Cognitive Flexibility Sundermann Erin E, Mordecai K, Rubin LH, Eatough E, Savarese A, Maki PM (USA) Magnetic Resonance Elastography Allows Quantitative Assessment of Uterine Leiomyomas Taran Andrei F, Stewart EA, Chen J, Gostout BS, Woodrum DA, Felmlee J, Ehman DRL (USA) ER17p, a peptide corresponding to the regulatory platform P295-T311 of ER-alpha: role in actin cytoskeleton, migration and apoptosis Pelekanou Vassiliki, Kampa M, Gallo D, Notas G, Jacquot Y, Castanas E, Leclercq G, (B) 100 winning abstracts Swab Test and Transperineal Ultrasound in the evaluation of the Urinary Incontinence. Alvarez Nieto Jenny Maria (VE) Quality of life in menopause: outcomes derived from adhering to a monitorized physical exercise programme Andrés Patricia C, Godoy-Izquierdo D, Vélez M, Pérez-Fortis A, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF (E) Thyroid function and postpartum mood disturbances in Greek women Armeni Eleni, Lambrinoudaki I, Rizos D, Pliatsika P, Leonardou A, Sygelou A, Argeitis J, Spentzou G, Hasiakos D, Zervas I, Papadias C (GR) Plasma homocysteine levels in woman with polycystic ovary syndrome Atanasova Elena Atanasova A, Dimitrov GI (FYROM) Differences in characteristics of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in patients with immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (hpo) axis and polycystic ovarian syndrome Athanasopoulos Nikolaos, Tismaris P, Deligeoroglou E (GR) Human chorionic gonadotropin auc as a new parameter to predict the success of single-dose methotrexate in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy Aybatli Aysun, Balkanli Kaplan P, Sut N, Yuce MA, Cenk Sayin N, Varol FG (TR) Psycho emotional impact of women with provoked vestibulodynia Balasko Bridgette, Hall M, Lee M,Ventolini G (USA) Premenstrual syndrome in women with cushing syndrome Barac Marija M, Ivovic M, Tancic M, Marina L, Ivanisevic M, Arizanovic Z, Vujovic SZ (RS) 15 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 16 Effects of glucosamine alone and in association with chondroitin sulphate in epiphyseal growth plate on ovariectomized rats Bastos Wolff Roberta, Teixeira Gomes RC, Simões MJ, dos Santos Simões R, Ferraz Carbonel AA, Verna C, Chada Baracat E, Soares Júnior JM (BR) Aldosterone and renin plasma levels in young patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Benelli Elena, Bernini GP, Rinaldi E, Del Ghianda S, Cionini R, Burelli A, Monteleone P, Vitti P, Pucci E (I) Regulation of cyclin G2 degradation in ovarian cancer cells Bernaudo Stefanie, Rosman D, Peng C (CA) hCG: a pregnancy-related hormone stimulating angiogenesis and pericyte recruitment. Berndt Sarah, Blacher S, Perrier d’Hauterive S, Thiry M, Tsampalas M, Cruz A, Péqueux C, Lorquet S, Munaut C, Noël A, Foidart JM (B) Level of total testosterone (TT) and wide spectrum of steroids measured by mass spectrometry in adolescent girls with hirsutism and polycystic ovarian morphology Bogdanova Polina S, Kareva MA (RUS) Insulin resistance is associated with hyperandogenism and oligo-anovulation, but not with the ultrasonographic features of the ovaries, in the woman with polycistic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Bonin Cecilia, Tosi F, Di Sarra D, Spiazzi G, Bettinazzi F, Signori C, Forner S, Moghetti P (I) Expression of mRNA for placental growth factor (PlGF) and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF1α) in placental tissues during early pregnancy in sheep. Borowicz Pawel P, Grazul-Bilska AT, Johnson ML, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP (USA) WWP1, TGFβ and KLF gene expression levels as prognostic factors in cervical oncogenesis Botezatu Anca, Socolov D, Goia CD, Iancu IV, Huica I, Plesa A, Anton G (RO) Two and Three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of adenomyosis: correlation of sonographic findings to histology Brienza Letizia, Amoroso C, Di Giovanni A, Romeo V, Exacoustos C, Arduini D (I) Could SP cells be an indicator of progression to hormone non-responsive breast cancer? Britton Kelly, Harvey IJ, Stemke-Hale K, Lennard TWJ, Meeson AP (UL) Anti-Mullerian Hormone in the prediction of menopausal transition or menopause; a follow-up study Broer Simone L, van Rooij I, Scheffer G, Eijkemans M, Fauser BC, Broekmans FJ, (NL) The Role of Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha in Early Pregnancy Calleja-Agius Jean, Muttukrishna S, Brincat M, Jauniaux E (M) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 The levels of placental hsp27, a modulator of intracellular estrogen availability, are reduced in deliveries of small fetuses. Cañete Patricia, Monllor A, Pineda A, Cano A (E) Alternatively Spliced Progesterone Receptor (PR) Expression in Breast Cancer Cork David MW, Lennard TWJ, Tyson-Capper AJ (UK) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in patients with Turner syndrome. Czyzyk Adam ,Casarosa E, Luisi M, Podfigurna-Stopa A, Meczekalski B, Genazzani AR (PL) Characterisation of Osteopontin Function in the Human Endometrium. De Mello Natalie, Gonzalez D, Joels L, Conlan S, White J (UK) Development of postmenopausal hypertension in a rat model of diet-induced obesity: a link between cardiac endocrine function and fat mass. De Oliveira Belo Najara, Nery de Andrade E, Kelle Neves Gonçalves G, Caldeira de Oliveira TH, Silva Santos C, Leal Silva e Souza C, Mendes de Magalhães AC, de Jesus Soares T (BR) Characterisation of Mutations and Sequence Variants in Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene 2 (BRCA2) in a Group of Breast Cancer Patients in Sri Lanka De Silva Sumadee, Tennekoon KH, Karunanayake EH, De Silva JWN, Amarasinghe I, Angunawala P (LK) Analysis of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in patients with polycistic ovary syndrome: an echocardiographic study. Del Ghianda Scilla, Pucci A, Talini E, Giannini C, Benelli E, Burelli A, Rinaldi E, Vitti P, Pucci E, Di Bello V (I) Impact of increased body mass index on IVF outcomes Devesa Marta, Chueca A, Tur R, Rodriguez I, Coroleu B, Barri PN (E) Three-dimensional Coded Contrast Imaging : a new approach for automated sonographic tubal patency evaluation. Di Giovanni Alessandra, Exacoustos C, Szabolcs B, Romanini ME, Amoroso C, Romeo V, Zupi E, Arduini D (I) Pregnancy and Epilepsy. Diaz Linder , Zambrano B, Chacon G (VE) Polycystic ovarian disease does not enhance rescue of corpus luteum by administration of recombinant (r)hCG on the first day of the menses Domingues Thaís , Serafini P, Monteiro Rocha A, Leme Alves da Motta E, Yadid I, Coslovsky M, Fettback P, Domingues T, Homem de Mello Bianchi P, Carrilho E, Chada Baracat E (BR) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Effects of metformin with or without folate supplementation on homocysteine levels and vascular endothelium of women with polycystic ovary syndrome Falbo Angela, Materazzo C, Rocca M, Russo T, Zullo F, Palomba S (I) Effect of glucocorticoid treatment for foetal lung maturation on maternal capillary glycemia and ketonemia. Firquet Anne, Degée S, Pintiaux A, Foidart JM (B) The human endometrial Ishikawa cell line as model for detecting tissue-specific estrogenic effects Fischer Lara, Deppert WR, Nöthling C, Austermann-Hesse H, Zahradnik HP, Schäfer WR (D) Heparin and low molecular weight heparins modulate the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells Fluhr Herbert, Spratte J, Zygmunt M, (NL) Wii Fit: the new generation tool for improving balance, health and well-being for women? Fu Stephanie, Kuys S, Isles R, Nitz J (AUS) A multigenic combination of polymorphisms within ESR1, ESR2, FSHR, CYP19A1, NRIP1 and BMP15 genes are associated with the duration of fertility age in a Spanish population. Galliano Daniela, González I, Mendoza N, Eloy Ruíz J, Sánchez-Borrego R, Salamanca A, Malde J, Godoy D, Vélez M (E) Hemodynamic evaluation of healthy young women during use of an oral contraceptive containing 20 mcg of ethinyl estradiol plus 3mg of drospirenone Galvão Giribela Cassiana R, de Melo NR, Nieselbaum M, Guerra GM, Baracat EC, Marciano Consolim-Colombo F (BR) The endocannabinoid system controls endometrial plasticity Gentilini Davide, Besana A, Vigano P, Vignali M, Melandri M, Di Blasio AM, Busacca M (I) Expansion of trophoblastic spheroids is promoted by coculture with decidualized endometrial stromal cells and enhanced by HB-EGF and IL-1ß González Marina, Reimann K, Bamberger AM, Gellersen B (D) Duration of fertility age and multigenic combination of estrogen related genes: a propotional hazard model González Pérez Inmaculada, Mendoza N, Galiano D, Eloy Ruíz J, Marín L, Quereda F, Pérez-Fortis A, Mozas J, Sánchez-Borrego R (E) Nuclear factor-kappaB p65 and RelB peptides expression in human endometrium across the menstrual cycle González-Ramos Reinaldo, Rojas C, Rocco J, Poch A, Sovino H, Kohen P, Devoto L (RCH) Effect of lifestyle on vascular function and metabolism in post menopausal hypertensive and obese women. Gorlato Giulia, Nuzzo A, Chiurlia E, Origliani G, Battistini NC, Fantini G, Rossi R, Modena MG (I) 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Conception and altered semen parameters: retrospective analysis of 453 pregnancies. Grande Giuseppe, Milardi D, Bianchi A, Giampietro A, Pompa G, Merola AM, Astorri AL, Pontecorvi A, Lanzone A, De Marinis L, Marana R (I) Apoptotic Machinery in aging: gene expression profiles in oocytes and in cumulus cells by High Throughput Real Time PCR Guglielmino Maria Rosa, Vento M, Borzì P, Santonocito M, Ragusa M, Barbagallo D, De Palma A, Garofalo MR, Minutolo E, Scollo P, Di Pietro C, Purrello MV (I) Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin administration on follicular growth and ovulation in ob/ob and db/db mice. Habay Nathalie, Alvarez Gonzalez ML, Monget P, Foidart JM, Pintiaux A (B) Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein as a novel prognostic factor in obese breast cancer patients Hancke Katharina, Grubeck D, Hauser N, Kreienberg R, Weiss JM (D) Higher frequency of anti-thyroid antibodies in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion may stem from impaired vitamin D3 metabolism Hedayat Zeinab , Mohammadzade V, Javadi H, Sadeghi MR, Akhondi MM, Sadeghitabar A, Zarnani AH (IND) Disturbed estrogen metabolism in endometrial cancer Hevir Neli, Smuc T, Vouk K, Sinkovec J,Lanisnik Rizner T (SI) The effects of oestrogen on alternative splicing regulators in breast cancer cells Hong Elaine, Elliott D, Tyson-Capper A (UK) Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor and thyroid hormone receptor alpha expression in the uterus of cynomolgus macaques: effects of steroid hormone treatment Hulchiy Mariana , Lindén Hirschberg A, Cline JM, Sahlin L (SI) Effects of chlormadinone acetate (CMA)-containing oral contraceptive on premenstrual depressive mood Iozza Irene, Andò A, Ciotta L, Giunta G, Iemmola A, Rubbino G, Palumbo M (I) Premature ovarian failure and bone density Ivanisevic Maja, Barac M, Sljivancanin D, Vujovic S (RS) Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I , IGF Binding Protein-1 and Dinucleotide (CT) Repeat Polymorphism of the intron 2 of IGF-I Gene and Their Association with Birth Indices Jayanthiny Poopalapillai , Tennekoon KH, Karunanayake EH, Kumarasiri JM, Wijesundere APDeS (LK) The combined use of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and age to predict the ovarian response to controlled ovarian hyper stimulation in poor responders Jeve Yadava Bapurao, Fleming R (UK) 17 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 18 Receptor mediated agglutination of human spermatozoa by spermagglutinating factor isolated from Staphylococcus aureus Kaur Siftjit, Prabha V, Shukla G, Sarwal A (IND) Overweight and oligomenorrhea in adolescence - a preliminary study Kedikova Sesil, Sirakov M, Pavlova E, Boyadzhieva M (BG) Effect of Androgenic Activity of Zingiber officinale on Serum FSH, LH, Testosterone hormone and Spermatogenesis in Rat Khaki Arash (IR) Obstetric complications cluster in women with endometriosis among IVF pregnancies KuivasaariPirinen Paula , Hippeläinen M, Heinonen S (FIN) Metformin administration restores allopregnanolone response to ACTH stimulation in overweight hyperinsulinemic PCOS patients Lanzoni Chiara, Chierchia E, Rattighieri E, Santagni S, Campedelli A, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AD (I) Silencing of the JNK pathway maintains progesterone receptor activity in decidualizing human endometrial stromal cells exposed to oxidative stress signals Leitao Beatriz Belchior, Jones MC, Fusi L, Higham J, Lee Y, Takano M, Goto T, Christian M, Lam EWF, Brosens JJ (UK) The assessment of fetal heart failure with respect to the severity of fetal anaemia Luterek Katarzyna, Wielgos M, Szymusik I, Bartkowiak R, Filipiak KJ (PL) Obesity related lipid profile and altered insulin incretion in adolescent with PCOS Magnini Roberta, Fulghesu AM, Portoghese E, Angioni S, Minerba, Melis GB (I) Transferrin Receptor 1 protein expression and localization in human Intrauterine Growth Restriction placentas Mandò Chiara, Tabano S, Colapietro P, MarinoA, Pileri P, Parisi F, Avagliano L, Bulfamante G, Miozzo M, Cetin I (I) Maternal and placental pathology as main predictors in the quality of umbilical cord stem cells and the success of sampling and cryopreservation Marin Jan Andi, Calomfirescu M, Bohiltea R, Horhoianu I, Horhoianu V, Russu M, Nastasia S, IonescuTirgoviste C (RO) Potent AhR agonist from sauerkraut modulates the ER pathway Medjakovic Svjetlana, Zoechling A, Vollmer G, Zierau O, Kretzschmar G, Moeller F, Kolba S, Papke A, Opietnik M, Kosma P, Rosenau T, Jungbauer A, (A) Characterisation of early ovarian cancer biomarkers Meehan Katie, Rainczuk A, Fairweather N, Stephens A (AUS) Sexual function is impaired in patients with endometriosis Melis Irene, Arena I, Melis GB, Angioni S (I) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Female sexual dysfunction in young people at a public university in northern Peru Mezones-Holguín E, Escajadillo-Vargas N, Castro-Castro J, CórdovaMarcelo W, Blumel JE (PE) Expression of ghrelin and its receptor in endometriotic lesions Milewski Lukasz , Wojtowicz K, Roszkowski P, Kaminski P, Barcz E, Malejczyk J (PL) Detection of different kind of human papillomavirus in normal pregnancy and in pregnant women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Mohseni Meybodi Anahita, Haratian K, Zari Moradi S, Mansouri Z (IR) Aging plays a detrimental role on cardiovascular protection by estrogen Novensà Casas Laura, Novella S, Castillo N, Medina P, Segarra G, Hermenegildo C, Dantas AP (E) Colposuspension versus tension free vaginal tape during laparoscopic sacralcolpopexy: a retrospective study. Oppedisano Rosamaria , Venturella R, Materazzo C, Rocca M, Palomba S, Zullo F (I) Acaciaside-B-enriched fraction of Acacia auriculiformis possesses spermicidal as well as antiHIV activity with wide margin of safety Pal Durba , Sabde S, Ray H, Pal BC, Mitra D, Kabir SN (IND) Serum androgens are increased in the presence of MTHFR ala222val polymorphism in healthy postmenopausal women. Papadimitriou Dimitra, Kaparos G, Rizos D, Armeni E, Christantoni E, Tsakonas E, Creatsa M, Alexandrou A, Christodoulakos G, Lambrinoudaki I (GR) Exposure of rat pups to medical intensity ultrasound waves Pečlin Polona, Rozman J (SI) ER17p, a peptide corresponding to the regulatory platform P295-T311 of er-alpha: role in actin cytoskeleton, migration and apoptosis Pelekanou Vassiliki , Kampa M, Gallo D, Notas G, Jacquot Y, Castanas E, Leclercq G (B) Vaginal estriol to overcome side effects of aromatase inhibitors in adjuvant treated breast cancer patients Pfeiler Georg, Glatz C, Königsberg R, Geisendorfer T, Fink-Retter A, Kubista E, Singer C, Seifert M, (A) Serum kisspeptin concentrations in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea Podfigurna-Stopa Agnieszka, Luisi S, Petraglia F, Meczekalski B (PL) Analysis of candidate genes for primary ovarian insufficiency in a large cohort of women with primary or secondary amenorrhea Rossetti Raffaella, Cacciatore C, Marozzi A, Persani L, NIDO (Network Italiano per lo studio dei Difetti Ovarici) (I) Puerarin, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, disrupts embryo-uterine communication and inhibits implantation in rats Saha Piyali , Pal BC, Kabir SN (IM) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 The effect of soy isoflavones over mood and menopausal symptoms in mid-aged women with increased body mass index San Miguel Glenda , Schwager G, Chedraui P (EC) Polymerization of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1) Potentiates IGF-I Actions in Placenta Shibuya Hiromi, Keiji S, Mitsutoshi I (JP) Epigenetic Response of the Human Breast to Environmental Estrogens Snider Kara E , Huang Y, Zhou Y, Russo IH, Russo J, Fernandez SV (USA) Heparin modulates effects of TNF-a in human endometrial stromal cells by interference with NFkB Spratte Julia, Fluhr H, Zygmunt M (D) Laparoscopic modification of colpopexy technique performed with LSH, TLH, and after open hysterectomy. Stangel-Wójcikiewicz Klaudia , Wojtyś A, Migdał M (PL) In vitro assays for assessing anti-inflammatory effects of chlormadinone acetate in dysmenorrhoea Stuckenschneider Johanna (D) The Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase & Stress on Cognitive Flexibility Sundermann Erin E., Mordecai K, Rubin LH, Eatough E, Savarese A, Maki PM (USA) Activation and action of ezrin protein during the endometrial cycle and its potential role in embryo implantation Tan Orkun, Ornek T, Fadiel A, Naftolin F (USA) Magnetic Resonance Elastography Allows Quantitative Assessment of Uterine Leiomyomas Taran Andrei F, Stewart EA, Chen J, Gostout BS, Woodrum DA, Felmlee J, Ehman DRL (USA) Amenorrhea in schizophrenic women - Correlation with the pharmacodynamic particularities of both “typical” and “atypical” antipsychotics Tica Oana Sorina, Chirita A, Tica A, Barbu M, Berceanu C (RO) Increased kit ligand levels in human polycystic ovaries Tuck Astrud, Tilley W, Hickey T (AUS) Are We Missing Out Evaluation of Paternal Chromosomal Abnormality In Recurrent Miscarriage ? Varicocele and Sperm FISH Turp Ahmet (TR) Glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 Polymorphisms and the Risk of Recurrent Early Pregnancy Loss in Women with High Perceived Stress. Tutchenko Tetyana N. Tatarchuk TF, Gorovenko NG, Podolskaya SV, Shakalo IN (UA) Exercise and quality of life in menopause: comparisons between long-term active, initiaters, non-adhering and sedentary women. Vélez Mercedes Godoy-Izquierdo D, Andrés CP, Pérez-Fortis A, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF (E) 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology In PCOS preconceptional HOMA index identifies women at risk for gestational diabetes Veltman Susanne M van Haeften TW, Eijkemans MJC, de Valk HW, Fauser BCJM, Goverde AJ, (NL) The Sexual Life of German Medical Students: Investigation of the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and the impact of contraception Wallwiener Lisa Maria Wallwiener CW, Seeger H, Mueck AO, Bitzer J, Wallwiener M (D) Eventual proapoptotic or anti-apoptotic impact of aberrantly expressed Cx43 and Cx26 can depend on ER-alpha overexpression in endometrioid adenocarcinoma. Wincewicz Andrzej Sulkowska M, Kanczuga-Koda L, Koda M, Sulkowski S (PL) Breast cancer and pregnancy:theories and guidelines Zampetaki Charisti Delimpalta C (GR) Cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetic postmenopausal women Zelenina Tatiana A Vorokhobina N, Mamontov O (RUS) FIRENZE, ITALY MARCH 8-11 2012 UNDER 34 COMPETITION FREE 100 REGISTRATIONS WITH ACCOMMODATION Participants must be under the age of 34 by March 8th 2012 and must submit a maximum of 2 abstracts as first author on any of the Congress’ topics by November 21st, 2011 using the online form and checking the apposite box. The first authors of the accepted abstracts will pay the registration to the Congress €180 (instead of €600). The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts and select the 100 better works whose first authors will receive a voucher for free registration and accommodation in a 3 stars hotel, double room. 19 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 20 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Sponsor and Exhibitors Auditorium (Palazzo dei congressi) Opening hours Thursday March 4th 08.30 - 19.00 Friday March 5th 08.30 - 19.00 Saturday March 6th 08.30 - 17.30 31 30 29 1 25 24 2 28 23 22 21 3 12 27 4 5 13 20 6 7 19 18 26 17 34 35 16 15 33 38 36 Palazzo Affari, 3rd floor 9 32 10 11 37 Palazzo dei congressi Opening hours Thursday March 4th 08.30 - 19.00 Friday March 5th 08.30 - 19.00 Saturday March 6th 08.30 - 17.30 8 14 2 Exhibition Area 1 Hall Affari3 3 Hall Affari3 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Company Profiles List of exhibitors Alfa Wassermann Spa 21 18 99, 5 - 40133 bologna italy t.+39 0516489511 f. +39 051388593 Founded in 1948, Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. holds a prominent position in the Italian pharmaceutical market. Its activities include research, production and commercialisation of prescription drugs and selfmedication products. The head office and research laboratories are located in the company’s historical headquarters in Bologna, while the modern production plant located in Alanno (Pescara) also carries out contract manufacturing. The International Division is headquartered in Milan. The company, which employs over 670 people in Italy and over 1,200 worldwide, ended 2008 with a turnover of 273 million Euro and a 10.6% growth. The fact that over 60% of the company’s turnover is generated by its own products constitutes one of the strengths of Alfa Wassermann S.p.A. These products are the result of internal research and include several leading drugs in their relative market segments. via ragazzi del 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 25 26 27 Esaote Hra Hra Bracco Zambon System Biologie System Biologie Angelini Ethicon Women’s Health&Urology Johnson&Johnson Ferring Solvay Schering Plough Grunenthal General Electric Bruno Farmaceutici Velates Alfa Wassermann Besins Rottapharm Rottapharm Wyeth - Pfizer Bayer Schering List of exhibitors 1 2 3 Menarini Guidotti Finderm 28 29 30 31 34 Ibsa Theramex Laboratoire Theramex Laboratoire Theramex Nuskin Enterprises booksellers 32 Wisepress 33 Cic 35 Informa 36 Editrice Universo 38 Wichtig Editore scientific societies 19 ISGE 20 ISGE 21 ISGE 22 IMS 37 ESG/SEG Amgen (in collaboration with GSK) Amgen Europe GmbH Dammstrasse 23, Opus 105 6301 Zug, Switzerland t. +41 0413690495 cell +41 0787507331 Amgen, Inc. - Amgen, a biotechnology pioneer, discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. Our medicines have helped millions of patients in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other serious illnesses GlaxoSmithKline – one of the world’s leading researchbased pharmaceutical and healthcare companies – is committed to improving the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. For further information please visit 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 22 ACRAF s.p.a. Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 8 Viale Amelia, 70 – 00181 Roma t. +39 06910451 f. +39 0678332385 - Angelini is an Italian privately own Company committed in developing, manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical and wellbeing products worldwide. It is directly present in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Central-Eastern Europe and its products are being distributed worldwide, thanks to a network of partners and licencees. Angelini has discovered and developed benzydamine, an anti-inflammatory agent; Trazodone, an antidepressant agent and prulifloxacin, an antibacterial agent. The R&D pipeline currently includes projects in the fields of pain and inflammation. In the area of prescription drugs, Angelini operates in pain therapy, CNS, gynaecology, disinfection, cold&flu. In Italy the company is leader in self-medication and healthcare and is among the top five pharmaceutical companies. Angelini Group: 3.000 people. Turnover 2008: 1.2 billion euro. Bayer Schering Pharma AG 27 Müllerstr. 178, D-13342 Berlin, Germany t. +49 304681111 - f. +49 3046818074 Bayer Schering Pharma is a worldwide leading specialty pharmaceutical company. Our research and business activities are focused on the following areas: Women’s Healthcare, Diagnostic Imaging, General Medicine and Specialty Medicine. With innovative products Bayer Schering Pharma aims for leading positions in specialized markets worldwide. We would like to make a contribution to medical progress and strives to improve the quality of life. Building on almost 100 years of expertise Bayer Schering Pharma is today the leading provider in Women’s Healthcare. We focus on three key areas: Female Contraception, Menopause Management and Gynecological Therapy. Bayer s.p.a. Viale Certosa 130 - 20156 Milano, Italia t. +39 02.39781 Besins Healthcare SA 23 Avenue Louise, 287 - 1050 Brussels – Belgium +32 (0)2 649 43 00 – f. +32 (0)2 629 43 14 Besins Healthcare is a pharmaceutical company specialised in the development and worldwide diffusion of innovative drugs and food supplements for the well-being of men and women throughout their life. The company has established a strong reputation in gynaecology over the last 30 years and is a renowned actor in hormonal therapies for women and men. Besins Healthcare has its own manufacturing facilities, specialising in the production of innovative products in the fields of gynaecology, fertility & obstetrics, men’s health and nutrition. We would like to invite you to visit our site (www. to understand why Innovating for well-being is our claim. t. Bracco s.p.a. 4 XXV Aprile, 4 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) t. +39 0221772284 - f. +39 0221772759 via Bruno Farmaceutici 16 CIC Edizioni internazionali 33 Via delle Ande, 15 Roma -Italy t. +39 066050601 - f. +39 0660506040 Bruno Farmaceutici is an Italian pharmaceutical company headquartered in Rome having well-established products in various therapeutic areas . Bruno is the Italian market leader in the oral and injectable corticosteroid segment and has also innovative and unique products for pain management and in the area of the cardiovascular system. Further therapeutic targets are respiratory tract infections where Bruno markets a 4th generation injectable cephalosporin and external otitis having a ciprofloxacin containing product in an ear-drop formulation. Corso Trieste 42, 00198 Roma, Italy +39 068412673 - f. +39 068412688 - For several decades CIC Edizioni Internazionali has been a leading publishing house in the different specialties on medicine and surgery. We publish both books and periodicals, and in particular we are specialized in the publication of books and congress proceedings regarding Gynecology and Obstetrics. t. Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Eli lilly & Company Lilly Corporate Center - Faris Campus - 520 South Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46225 t. +1-317-276-2000 - Lilly, a leading innovation-driven corporation, is developing a growing portfolio of pharmaceutical products by applying the latest research from its own worldwide laboratories and from collaborations with eminent scientific organizations. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind., Lilly provides answers – through medicines and information - for some of the world’s most urgent medical needs. Additional information about Lilly is available at Esaote s.p.a. 1 Ethicon Women’s Health&Urology 10 Via Siffredi 58, 16153 Genova, Italy t. +39 010 65471 - f. +39 010 6547275 - Esaote is a global leader in research, production and marketing of medical diagnostic equipment and related services, focused on solving the medical needs of customers worldwide. More than 60,000 Esaote ultrasound, MRI and electromedical diagnostic systems have been installed worldwide since the company was founded in the1980’s. Via del mare 56, 00040 Pratica di Mare-Roma 06-91194210 - Fax 06-91194246 Among the Johnson&Johnson family of Companies, Ethicon Women’s Health&Urology is global leader in Incontinence’s treatment with TVT family of product and Pelvic Floor repair with recently launched Prolift+M mesh kit. Specifically to Minimally Invasive Gynaecology, EWH&U provides a wide range of solution for Uterine Disorders treatment withThermachoice Uterine Balloon System for endometrial ablation, Versapoint Bipolar System and Versascope Hysteroscopy System for See&Treat approach of intracavitary patologies as well as state-of-the-art Morcellator device for laparoscopic tissue morcellation. t. Ferring Pharmaceuticals 11 Via Senigallia 18/2 – 20161 Milano, Italy t. +39 02 64000143 - F. +39 02 64000155 Ferring Pharmaceuticals is a research-driven biopharmaceutical company devoted to identifying, developing and marketing innovative products in the fields of infertility, obstetrics, urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and osteoarthritis.Ferring’s marketing, medi- cal services and sales teams, led by corporate headquarters in Saint-Prex, Switzerland, operate from more than 40 countries and employ over 3000 people throughout the world, while treatments are available in more than 70 countries. Ferring is committed to a future where it will continue to provide new and innovative medicines by utilising existing and acquired skills and the development of pioneering technologies and, where necessary, through partnerships with academic institutes and other companies. Finderm farmaceutici srl 3 GE Healthcare 15 Via A. De Gasperi, 165/B - 95127 Catania t. 095 371122-370292 - f. 095 384539 - Finderm farmaceutici, based in Catania, was established in 1995 pursuant the brilliant intuition of its founder, Fabio Scaccia, who leads it to become one of the leading companies in the gynecological field in a very short time. Now, fifteen years after its foundation, with a turnover of more than ten million euro, it ranks among the first Italian companies. With its products – drugs, medical devices, cosmetics and food supplements – Finderm Farmaceutici takes care of the woman during all her life, from the adolescence to the menopause, without neglecting any of the daily problems and staying close to her during the pregnancy. Via Galeno, 36 - 20126 Milano t. 02 26001111 contact_addresses.html GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services that are shaping a new age of patient care. Our expertise in medical imaging and information technologies, medical diagnostics, patient monitoring systems, performance improvement, drug discovery, and biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies is helping clinicians around the world re-imagine new ways to predict, diagnose, inform, treat and monitor disease, so patients can live their lives to the fullest. GE Healthcare’s broad range of products and services enable healthcare providers to better diagnose and treat cancer, heart disease, neurological diseases and other conditions earlier. Our vision for the future is to enable a new “early health” model of care focused on earlier diagnosis, pre-symptomatic disease detection and disease prevention. Products At GE Healthcare, we believe an innovative idea can achieve transformational results. We focus on Ultrasound applications that will create new clinical 23 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 24 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 value for you and your patients. Then, we bring them to life through annual breakthroughs within our LOGIQ®, Vivid® and Voluson® product families. It’s all about giving you the freedom to see Ultrasound in brand new ways. Volume ultrasound. Compact ultrasound. Powerful IT solutions. All the latest technologies from GE -- designed just for you. Imagine the effect. OUR Committment At GE Healthcare, we strive to see life more clearly. We help predict, diagnose, inform, and treat, so that every individual can live life to the fullest. GE Healthcare is committed to serve the communities where we do business to provide our customers with innovative, high-quality products and services and to protect the health of our workers and our environment. Grünenthal Italia 14 Via Robert Koch 1/2 - 20152 Milano tel. 02 43051 - fax 02 430555 - Grünenthal GmbH is an independent, research-based and global pharmaceutical company. We specialised in the field of pain therapy, contraception and innovative formulations for established active substances. Grünenthal products are available in more than 100 countries, most of it are prescription medicines.. Together with highly specialised partners we are pressing on with the research and development of new active substances. For this we are concentrating on selected indications and the latest technological developments. We are intensively searching for innovative ways of improving pain, pain relief and reducing side-effects. IBSA Institut Biochimique SA 23 Via del Piano, P.O. Box 266, 6915 PambioNoranco, Lugano, Switzerland t. +41 58 360 10 00 - f.+41 58 360 16 47 - IBSA is an international pharmaceutical company headquartered in Lugano, Switzerland, delivering different therapeutic solutions for follicular stimulation and luteal support. IBSA’s unique, whole in-house manufacturing cycle provides a full range of highly purified, human-type gonadotrophins: hFSH (Fostimon), hMG and hCG. Other company’s franchises include osteoarthritis, painmanagement, dermatology and thyroid diseases. Informa Healthcare - Clinical Medicine 35 Johnson & Johnson Medical 10 A. Menarini 1 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 10017 t. 212-520-2710 - f. 212-520-2705 Informa Healthcare is the proud publisher Gynecological Endocrinology, the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology. The Journal covers the experimental, clinical and therapeutic aspects of this important discipline. Visit our booth for more information, and pick up your free sample issue. Informa Healthcare provides authoritative research and analysis, up-to-the-minute news, comment and debate for life science and medical markets. This dynamic publishing group offers a unique range of groundbreaking books and journals from leading authors in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine. Via del Mare 56 – 00040 - Pratica di Mare, Pomezia (Roma) t. +39 06911941 - f. +39 0691194290 Johnson & Johnson Medical is in Italy the most comprehensive company in the healthcare sector for the commercialization of medical devices and diagnostic under the following brands: Depuy Ethicon Endo-Surgery Ethicon Cordis Ortho-clinical Diagnostic Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Lifescan Biosense Webster Johnson & Johnson Medical has two sites in Italy in Pomezia and in Milan, for a total of 1.000 employees. Via sette Santi, 3 50131 Firenze (ITALY) t. +39 05556801 f. +39 055582771 Menarini was founded in 1886. In 1915 its headquarters were established in Florence. Menarini was born in 1886 in the small laboratory of the Farmacia Internazionale of Naples. In 1915 it was transferred to Florence, where its headquarters still reside. In 1964 the process of internationalization commences with the creation of Laboratorios Menarini in Barcelona, Spain. Scientific research at a qualitative international level starts in 1978 (with the implementation of patent for Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology medicines in Italy too. Menarini gave a significant contribution to this implementation). Menarini is present overall in 105 countries, directly in 54 countries worldwide and through agents-licenses in other 51 countries worldwide. Ranking of Menarini in the World among 4.641 companies: 36th Position Ranking of Menarini in Europe among 2.311 companies: 20th Position Laboratori Guidotti SpA 2 Via Livornese 897, 56122 La Vettola (Pisa), Italy t. +39 0509710392 - f. +39 0509710336 - Laboratori Guidotti S.p.A. is an italian pharmaceutical Company founded in 1914 in Pisa. Correct medical scientific information (carried out by forty hundreds and twenty reps and thirty-three area managers), continuosus development of scientific portfolio through clinical trials and research of new drugs are the keywords that today distinguish Laboratori Guidotti, a company whose objective is to constitute a permanent point of reference for the medical class. Guidotti develops two differents therapeutic areas: cardiology area and diabetes to and uses the term “Mission” to define its commitment in this way. Laboratoire HRA Pharma 3 15 rue Béranger- 75003 Paris – France t. +33 1 40 33 11 30 f.+33 1 40 33 12 31 - HRA Pharma is an emerging, privately-held European pharmaceutical company that designs products, devices and supporting services in niche areas of health and makes them available to doctors and patients worldwide. The company targets therapeutic gaps in the areas of reproductive health and endocrinology, and uses innovative marketing solutions and socially-conscious programs, such as contraception education in developing countries, to promote healthy management of drugs and diseases. A pioneer in emergency contraception, its product NorLevo was the first emergency contraceptive based on one type of progesterone to be approved for sale by health authorities. The company’s other product in this field includes ellaOne®, the first compound of a new generation in emergency contraception to be taken within five days of unprotected sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure. Headquartered in Paris, France and with local offices in Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain, HRA Pharma has built a strong network of R&D, manufac- turing, distribution and NGO partners which enables it to satisfy critical patient needs and improve patient health in over 50 countries across the globe. Visit www. for more information. Laboratoire Théramex - Merck Serono 30 31 6 Avenue Albert II BP 59 98007 MONACO CEDEX t. 00 377 92050808 - f. 00 377 92057000 - Merck Serono is the division for innovative prescription pharmaceuticals of Merck, a global pharmaceutical and chemical group. Merck Serono discovers, develops, manufactures and markets innovative small molecules and biopharmaceuticals to help patients with unmet medical needs. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, Merck Serono is active on all continents. Merck Serono has leading brands serving patients with cancer, multiple sclerosis, infertility, endocrine and metabolic disorders as well as cardio metabolic diseases. Théramex, a company of the Merck Serono division, has built a solid image in women’s health thanks to its expertise in gynecology. Théramex offers a large range of products for menopause and osteoporosis. New international perspectives will soon open to Théramex with contraception. Merck Serono Spa 29 Via Casilina 125 00176 ROMA t. 06 703841 - f. 06 70384643 Merck Serono is the division for innovative prescription pharmaceuticals of Merck, a global pharmaceutical and chemical group. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, Merck Serono discovers, develops, manufactures and markets innovative small molecules and biopharmaceuticals to help patients with unmet medical needs in specialists focused therapeutic areas, including neurodegenerative diseases, oncology, fertility, endocrinology and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Merck Serono has a strong presence in Italy: the Italian affiliate Merck Serono S.p.A. has about 630 employees working in three separate sites: the headquarters in Rome, the R&D site in Guidonia Montecelio (RM), and the production site in Bari. 25 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 26 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Max Mairhofer Consulting & Marketing Pfizer Italia S.R.L. Via Valbondione, 113 – 00188 Roma Independent Distributor Nu Skin 34 T. +39 0633182 - Enterprises Donau-Schwaben-Strasse 9, D 94036 Passau t. +43 676 43 72720 - f. +43 2235 42928 Since its founding in 1984, Nu Skin has demonstrated a distinctively different approach to business. We began with an innovative concept of premium quality products and a uniquely compelling global business opportunity. This helped NU SKIN expand into a global anti-aging beauty and wellness company. “All of the good and none of the bad” was our ambition from the beginning. The result is that the remarkable Nu Skin personal care range includes some of the most scientifically advanced products in the world of antiaging beauty. With nearly $1,3 billion in annual sales in 49 international markets, we are reaching our goals and setting the industry standard. Our Mission is to be a force for good throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives with rewarding business opportunities, innovative products, and an enriching and uplifting culture. Pantarhei Bioscience BV (PRB) PO Box 464, 3700 AL Zeist, The Netherlands t. +31 306985028 f. +31 306985021 - PRB develops patent protectable new drugs and treatment concepts based on existing compounds (drugs or endogenous human molecules) up to proof-of-concept (phase II) in the human. PRB is specialised in the area of Women’s and Men’s Health including hormonal contraception, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), infertility, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and cancer of reproductive organs such as the breast, the ovary and the prostate. PRB has currently prioritised the following projects: 1. Estetrol (E4 project): a fetal estrogen, suitable for oral contraception, HRT, including HRT in women with breast cancer and bone disease 2. Androgen Restored Contraception (ARC project): restoring testosterone levels in women using oral contraception 3. Zona Pellucida (ZP project): active immunization with zona pellucida antigens for the treatment of ovarian granulosa cell cancer 26 Pfizer: Working together for a healthier world At Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacturing of medicines for people and animals. Our diversified global health care portfolio includes human and animal biologic and small molecule medicines and vaccines, as well as nutritional products and many of the world’s best-known consumer products. Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Consistent with our responsibility as the world’s leading biopharmaceutical company, we also collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world. For more than 150 years, Pfizer has worked to make a difference for all who rely on us. Rottapharm Spa 24 Valosa di Sopra 9, 20052 Monza Italy - - Established in 1961, Rottapharm|Madaus is a pharmaceutical group headquartered in Monza with branches in more than 85 countries worldwide. In 2007, with the acquisition of the German pharmaceutical company Madaus Pharma, Rottapharm’s expertise in the genito-urinary area has been strongly improved: important synergies have been identified in this area, where the group is benefiting not only the ongoing clinical research activities but also the presence on the market of Madaus leading products. Rottapharm|Madaus R&D activities are currently focused on gynecology (with prescription drugs for HRT), urology (with URIVESC), personal care (with Saugella, leading brand for intimate hygiene) and nutraceutical segment (Estromineral line for the treatment of menopausal symptoms). via t.+39.039.7390.1 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Schering Plough s.p.a. 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 13 Centro Direzionale Milano Due Palazzo Borromin Via Fratelli Cervi snc - 20090 Segrate (MI) - ITALY t. +39 02 21018.1 - Schering-Plough is an innovation-driven, sciencecentered global health care company. Through its own biopharmaceutical research and collaborations with partners, Schering-Plough creates therapies that help save and improve lives around the world. The company applies its research-and-development platform to human prescription and consumer products as well as to animal health products. Schering-Plough products reach patients and caregivers in more than 140 countries. In human prescription pharmaceuticals, our core therapeutic areas include cardiovascular care, respiratory care, immunology and infectious diseases, oncology, women’s health, and central nervous system therapies. Solvay Pharmaceuticals Marketing&Licensing AG 12 Hegenheimermattweg 127 4123 Alschwil Switzerland +49 511 8570 - f. +49 511 8573120 Solvay has built an extensive expertise in hormone therapy, most of it relieving menstrual or menopausal symptoms in women. DUPHASTON® (dydrogesterone) is one of the leading progestogens worldwide. It is prescribed for a wide range of gynaecological conditions caused by progesterone deficiency, such as endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome and irregular or absent menstruation, but is also used by women struggling with infertility and habitual abortion. The FEMOSTON® (17beta estradiol/dydrogesterone) family with sequential and continuous combined regimens is an ideal choice for hormone replacement therapy due to the pure side effect profile of dydrogesterone leading to pure estrogenic action relieving menopausal complaints and due to several strengths on the market leading to individualilsation of therapy according to each patient’s need. It is marketed in over 60 countries worldwide. Solvay is worldwide number 2 in hormone replacement therapy. ANDROGEL® provides testosterone therapy to men whose bodies do not make enough testosterone. It is the first testosterone gel approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for therapy in men for conditions associated with absent or low testosterone. With the testosterone gel ANDROGEL® Solvay introduced its first transdermal hormone therapy for men in the United States.For more information visit t. System Biologie AG 6 t. +1 305 604 8980 - f. +1 305 604 8986 - System Biologie AG Laboratories is a Swiss based company working in research and development with low molecular compounds, specializing in Organic Engineering and systems biology. Main focus is prevention of cell damage, chronic illnesses and cancer. With locations and collaboration worldwide, we also work on cancer treatment with organic substances. We filed several patents for syntheses and drug targeting. Wisepress Medical Bookshop 32 Zambon Group s.p.a. 5 The Old Lamp Works 25 High Path Merton Abbey London SW19 2JL UK t. +44 20 8715 1812 f. +44 20 8715 1722 -, Europe’s leading conference bookseller, has a complete range of books and journals relevant to the themes of the meeting. Books can be purchased at the stand or, if you would rather not carry them, posted to you – Wisepress will deliver worldwide. Via Lillo del Duca 10 20091 Bresso (Milan) Italy t. +39 02 665241 - f. +39 02 66501492 Zambon is a leading pharmaceutical and chemical multinational with a reputation for inventive and innovative thinking, flexibility and customer focus. Operating directly on three continents - Europe, North & South America and Asia - with 2500 employees in 14 countries. Headquartered in Bresso and originally founded in Vicenza in 1906 Zambon Company S.p.A. is the holding company of the Zambon’s group , consisting of fine chemicals company ZaCh System, pharmaceuticals multinational Zambon S.p.A. and corporate venture specialist Z-Cube the corporate venture arm of the group Zambon, has achieved the launch of the three start-ups companies PharmEste s.r.l., SuppreMol GmbH and ProtAffin Biotechnologie AG based on highly innovative medicine projects. 27 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 28 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Continuous medical education 21 credits UEMS Credits (Europe) The European Accreditation Council for CME is an official body of the European Association of Medical Specialists (UEMS) being established by the UEMS Management Council meeting in October 1999. The UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialists) has assigned to the 14th World Congress of the Gynecological Endocrinology n.21 Continuous Medical Education European (CME) credits. These credits are valid for all European Community Countries and are recognized by the American Medical Association toward the Physician’s Recognition Award (AMA) for Canada and North American Countries. Certificate Certificates will be distributed at the ECM/UEMS certificate desk on Saturday morning from 10.00am onwards. All information will be available at the CME/ Certificates Desk. The handback of the Customer Satisfaction Form is compulsory to recieve the UEMS certificate and ECM. AMA conversion Physicians may apply to convert European credit into AMA credit by completing and returning the EACCME application, along with the appropriate application processing fee and documentation of the meeting Physicians have attended. Please check the UEMS website ( to ensure the activity attended is listed and marked as “Approved” before submitting the application. The credits are one-to-one 14 credits ECM Credits (italian delegates) Congress has been certified with 14 ECM credits. The course “Le varie età della donna: aspetti clinico-terapeutici nell’ambulatorio del ginecologo” has obtained 2 ECM credits. The course “Confronti clinici in contraccezione ormonale” has obtained 2 ECM credits. The course “Sindrome metabolica ed insulinoresistenza nella donna” has obtained 2 ECM credits. Pre-congress courses have been accredited with 4 ECM credits. The ECM accreditation of the “14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology” and the courses has been requested for Physicians specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Endocrinology and General Medicine. The scientific sessions with credits are highlighted on the Scientific Programme with the ECM sign ( ECM). In order to obtain credits from the Continuous Medical Education Programme the following steps are mandatory Attend a number of daily ECM sessions that cover the whole congress day for the entire duration the congress; Fill in the ECM Questionnaire that you will find at the ECM Desk of the Congress Secretariat; the Questionnaire is structured per scientific session, we kindly ask you to answer the questions related to the sessions you have attended; Fill in the Evaluation Form. Key note Kindly remember that the Questionnaire together with the Evaluation Form will have to be handed back to the ECM Desk before the end of the Congress. The Questionnaire has validity only when accompanied by the completed Evaluation Form. The ECM certificate will be sent to the participants, via post or email, after evaluation of the answers. Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Boards & assemblies 5 credits Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) The Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) credits 5 points to the attendees to the Congress; in order to obtain the credits the certificate of attendance should be presented to the AMB. 28 credits Swiss Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SGGG) Swiss Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SGGG) credits 28 points for the International Congress and 8 credits for the pre-congress courses. For information please contact the Swiss Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SGGG) ESG/SEG Executive Board Wednesday 3 - 14.45 - 16.30 Room 18, Palazzo dei congressi ISGE Executive Board Wednesday 3 - 17.00 - 19.30 Room 16, Palazzo dei Congressi ISGE Italia Executive Board Friday 5 - 07.45 - 09.00 Room 16, Palazzo dei Congressi Gynecological Endocrinology Editorial Board Friday 5 - 09.00 - 10.15 Room 16, Palazzo dei Congressi ISGE General Assembly Friday 5 - 19.20 - 20.00 Hall Affari 1 AGUI Executive Board Saturday 6 - 11.00 - 13.00 Hall Belvedere ISGE Italia General Assembly Saturday 6 - 12.40 - 13.10 Hall Affari 3 IMS Executive Board Sunday 7 - 09.00 - 17.00 Hotel Baglioni 29 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Cod. ZI.09.014 Essere subito disponibile può fare la differenza. Depositato presso AIFA in data 1/04/2009 30 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Prefolic è la forma fisiologica di trasporto dell’acido folico nel plasma, dove rappresenta la quasi totalità dei folati circolanti.1 Il pronto assorbimento nel tratto digestivo, la completa distribuzione tissutale e l’utilizzo come tale senza necessità di biotrasformazione ne consentono l’impiego in tutte le forme di carenza di folati.1 Bibliografia 1) Prefolic®. Riassunto delle caratteristiche del prodotto Il folato nella forma biologica attiva Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 31 II Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Ginecologia Endocrinologica Firenze, 4-7 Marzo 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 32 Cari amici Benvenuti al secondo congresso della nostra associazione. L’endocrinologia ginecologica ha avuto in questi ultimi due anni un ulteriore sviluppo sia nella ricerca di base e clinica che nelle applicazioni diagnostico terapeutiche. Sempre più la nostra disciplina pervade l’area della medicina di genere e come tale rivela risvolti sempre più incisivi nella quotidianità del vivere al femminile. Dall’adolescenza alla menopausa, dallo stress alla sindrome metabolica, dall’acquisizione del picco di massa ossea all’osteoporosi, dall’ovariectomia precoce al rischio di Alzheimer, negli ultimi due anni si sono scritte pagine importanti e il nostro bollettino è stato un mezzo prezioso per i nostri soci ed i nostri amici lettori che in così gran numero lo hanno scaricato dal nostro sito Il congresso quest’anno è articolato sui corsi di aggiornamento in lingua italiana, e sull’insieme delle sessioni sviluppate dalla società internazionale. La nostra seduta amministrativa ci permetterà di tracciare i piani di sviluppo del prossimo biennio per sviluppare il nostro ruolo di ginecologi endocrinologi per tutti gli aspetti della salute della donna. Con un caloroso benvenuto auguro a tutti di ritrovare nelle sale del nostro congresso quei contenuti che come nella precedente edizione hanno sempre caratterizzato il grande ruolo della endocrinologia ginecologica italiana. Un caro saluto, vostro Andrea R. Genazzani Presidente ISGE Italia Consiglio Direttivo Presidente A.R. Genazzani (Pisa) G. D’Ambrogio (Lecce) V. De Leo (Siena) A. D. Genazzani (Modena) S. Lello (Roma) C. Nappi (Napoli) R.E. Nappi (Pavia) M. Palumbo (Catania) T. Simoncini (Pisa) H. Valensise (Roma) Segreteria di Direzione T. 050503985 Segreteria scientifica Tommaso Simoncini Divisione di Ginecologia e Ostetricia Universitaria 1° “P. Fioretti” via Roma 67 - 56126 Pisa T. 050503985 F. 0502207028 Segreteria organizzativa Biomedical Technologies srl Sede legale e amministrativa Via P. Cugia 1 - 09129 Cagliari, Italy T +39 070340293 F +39 070307727 Ufficio Marketing e comunicazione Via Metauro 19 - 00198 Rome, Italy T +39 068546198 F +39 0685389063 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology II Congresso nazionale ISGE Italia 14 crediti programma scientifico Il programma scientifico del II Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Ginecologia Endocrinologica si inserisce all’interno del più ampio programma scientifico del 14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology. Gli iscritti a quest’ultimo potranno indistintamente scegliere se partecipare alle sessioni in lingua italiana qui presentate o alle altre sessioni del programma scientifico internazionale in lingua inglese. In particolare le sessioni in italiano saranno: hall affari 3 Venerdì 5 Marzo 08.30/10.30 - 11.00/13.00 Corso educazionale - BAYER ITALIA CONFRONTI CLINICI IN CONTRACCEZIONE ORMONALE 15.00/19.00 Corso educazionale - WYETH/PFIZER CONTROVERSIE CLINICOTERAPEUTICHE NELL’AMBULATORIO DEL GINECOLOGO Sabato 6 Marzo 8.30/12.30 Corso educazionale - GUIDOTTI SINDROME METABOLICA ED INSULINO-RESISTENZA NELLA DONNA 12.40/13.10 ASSEMBLEA GENERALE ISGE ITALIA Domenica 7 Marzo 8.30/10.30 Simposio organizzato da FIOG SOMMINISTRAZIONE DI ESTROPROGESTINICI CONTROVERSIE E CLINICAL EVIDENCE Crediti ECM Il Congresso ha ottenuto 14 crediti ECM. Il corso “Controversie clinico-terapeutiche nell’ambulatorio del ginecologo” ha ottenuto 2 crediti ECM. Il corso “Confronti clinici in contraccezione ormonale” ha ottenuto 2 crediti ECM. Il corso “Sindrome metabolica ed insulino-resistenza nella donna” ha ottenuto 2 crediti ECM. I corsi precongressuali hanno ottenuto 4 crediti ECM ciascuno. L’accreditamento ECM di “14th World Congress of the Gynecological Endocrinology” e dei corsi è stato richiesto per la categoria del Medico chirurgo specialista in Ginecologia e ostetricia, Endocrinologia, Medicina generale. Le sessioni scientifiche accreditate sono evidenziate nel Programma Scientifico con il simbolo ECM. Per ottenere i crediti del Programma Educazione Continua in Medicina è obbligatorio Frequentare un numero di sessioni giornaliere ECM che coprano l’intera giornata congressuale per l’intera durata del Congresso; Compilare il Questionario ECM in distribuzione al Desk ECM della Segreteria Congressuale (o all’esterno della sala per quanto riguarda i corsi accreditati); il Questionario è stato strutturato per sessioni scientifiche. Si prega di rispondere alle domande relative alle sessioni frequentate; Compilare la scheda di valutazione. Nota bene Il questionario ECM insieme alla Scheda di Valutazione, dovrà essere riconsegnato al desk ECM entro la fine del Congresso. La mancata compilazione della Scheda di Valutazione invalida il questionario. L’attestato ECM verrà inviato agli iscritti dopo aver valutato la verifica dell’apprendimento. 33 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 34 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Il Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica Il Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica è dal 2007 l’organo di informazione e formazione on-line della Associazione Italiana di Ginecologica Endocrinologica, strettamente collegata alla International Society for Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE). Il Bollettino con la sua cadenza bimestrale (6 numeri ogni anno) offre l’opportunità a tutti coloro che lo visitano o che ricevono le News Letters, di aggiornarsi e di arricchire la propria raccolta bibliografica sia con gli abstracts dei lavori più rilevanti appena usciti sulle riviste internazionali sia scaricando, gratuitamente, delle mini reviews. Le mini reviews sono la grande attrattiva del Bollettino. Scritte da esperti italiani, affrontano dalla A alla Z ogni aspetto sia clinico che diagnostico che terapeutico relativamente alla problematica clinica oggetto della mini review. Le mini reviews sono facilmente scaricabili dal sito come files pdf, stampabili o salvabili sul proprio PC, sempre pronte quindi per la consultazione e la let- il bollettino è online su e ti raggiunge ogni due mesi nella casella di posta tura. Possono essere anche stampate per offrire informazione alle proprie pazienti, al fine di migliorare la compliance e il gradimento delle scelte clinico-diagnostiche oltre che quelle terapeutiche. Lo scopo delle mini reviews è quello di offrire in poche pagine una overview clinico-pratica che possa essere di aiuto per l’attività professionale del ginecologo ma anche della paziente. I temi trattati sono sempre molto vari, spesso lontani tra loro ma sempre destinati a focalizzare l’attenzione sulla salute della donna, lungo tutto il percorso della sua esistenza da quando è bimba fino a quando sarà una anziana. Il Bollettino e le sue mini reviews sono una iniziativa che riteniamo possa essere sempre di grande gradimento ed utilità non solo per il ginecologo ma per tutti medici che in qualche modo sono dediti alla cura e alla salute della donna. Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 35 Le monografie pubblicate nel 2009 Endometriosi: trattamenti attuali Approccio diagnostico e terapeutico della amenorrea primaria e del ritardo puberale Metella Dei, Gilda Di Paolo°, Vincenzina Bruni e nuovi orizzonti terapeutici M.Vignali, C. D’Amico, M. Busacca PCOS e Diabete Mellito Tipo II E. Chierchia, S. Santagni, E. Rattighieri, C. Lanzoni, F. Ricchieri, A.D. Genazzani Isteroscopia e infertilità Stefano Angioni, Beatrice Vacca, Stefania Sanna, Gian Benedetto Melis Il deficit estrogenico come fattore di stress infiammatorio: un’ipotesi patogenetica unificata per l’aumentato rischio osteoporotico e Management del diabete gestazionale Herbert Valensise, Giulia Gagliardi, Francesco Altomare Aspetti endocrini, diagnostici e terapeutici delle menometrorragie in età perimenopausale Erika Rattighieri, Chiara Lanzoni, Susanna Santagni, Elisa Chierchia, Anna Lisa Campedelli, Valerio M. Jasonni, Alessandro D. Genazzani Le monografie pubblicate nel 2010 Il carcinoma mammario: diagnostica e trattamento cardiovascolare in postmenopausa chirurgico nella donna tra età fertile e Francesco S. Pansini, Carlo M. Bergamini premenopausa. Alberto Farinetti Il trattamento ormonale conservativo nelle pazienti giovani con iperplasia atipica o carcinoma endometriale Angiolo Gadducci, Roberta Tana, Giulia Zanca Il clomifene citrato nel trattamento della infertilità in ambulatorio: dalla scelta della paziente allo schema di trattamento. Paolo Giovanni Artini, Francesca Papini, Maria Ruggiero, Olga Maria Di Berardino, Vito Cela Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica Vol 4:1-9, 2010 ica Il carcinoma mammario: diagnost o nella donna chirurgic rari e/o e trattamento tardivi possono essere la linfoadenopatia sovraclaveare, la secrezione ematica o siero-ematicapausa. e premeno dal capezzolo, l’aspetto tra età fertile eczematoso-ulcerato del capezzolo nel morbo di Paget, l’edema Alberto Farinetti il carcinoma mammario: diagnostica e trattamento chirurgico nella donna tra età fertile e premenopausa. todica non è tuttavia indicata come esame diagnostico esclusivo (eccettuati i casi predetti), né come esame di screening, a causa dell’insoddisfacente sensibilità per le lesioni precliniche, del braccio3. cioè non palpabili (50% circa, quindi molto inferiore rispetFarinetti LaAlberto sensibilità diagnostica dell’esameChirurgiChe clinico è relativa- to alla mammografia, anche nelle donne giovani); Di Chirurgia generale e SpeCialità può essere Dipartimento integrato mente bassa (70%) per i tumori aventi diametro < 2cm. (T1) fatta seguire alla mammografia anche qualora i reperti clinicoDi moDena e reggio emilia univerSità e si riduce considerevolmente per lesioni di diametro inferio- mammografici non siano dubbi ed in questo caso l’associazione re al centimetro (lesioni che, d’altra parte, rappresentano ben migliora la sensibilità diagnostica globale, a scapito però della il 30-50% delle forme diagnosticate mediante mammografia specificità2 . Inoltre questa metodica viene utilizzata come guinei programmi di screening2); anche la specificità non è mol- da per diverse procedure interventistiche (reperimento preoto elevata. Di conseguenza, l’esame clinico da solo non con- peratorio, prelievo citologico ed istologico, agoaspirazione di sente assolutamente di escludere la presenza di un tumore e, linfonodi ormoalla gravidanza ed all’allattamento: gli ascellari ecograficamente sospetti in modo da evitare, oppuredicorrelate d’altra parte, la presenza un reperto clinico sospetto ovaio. deve totalità, in casodall’ di positività, introduzione l’exeresi del linfonodo sentinella). prodotti, per la quasi steroidei, sessuali con esseredelle ulteriormente morti niindagata test complementari. il 20% gli magnetica è una tecnica impiegata Peral- nella Ladonna, risonanza esponsabile a livello globale di oltre sessuali comprende, come Il gruppo degli 1 tro, giova ricordare mam- l’importanza dell’eormoni carcinoma same clinico inteso come Leeventuale normali cellule integrazione della mammografia e/o della ecografia per tumore nel sesso femminile , il autoesame e gli androgeni. il progesterone inci- estrogeni, dalla donna tanto per praticato su se stessa: ancoratutte oggi, no- molecole, che sono in particolare qualora non si possa fare ricorso all’approccio queste mario è nella donna il primo tumorenostante recettori per crescentemammarie diffusionehanno dei programmi di principali svi- di questa metodica, estremamente sensibinegli Stati Uniti illa triste screening,promotori dello bioptico; il limite denza quanto per mortalità: soltanto considerate i da tempo si calcola che del oltre iloramai 60% delle donne scopra di avere siuncomportano appannaggio car- le (95-100% come fattori per il carcinoma infiltrante7) è la scarsa specifimammario; primato concernente la mortalità è diventato cinoma mammario carcinoma luppo le del proprie mani; anche alla luce ascesa a seguito dell’af- con nel delle forte in cità, per amplificano, cui tumore il suo che impiego come primo esame in diagnostica fattori o broncogeno, carcinoma o condizioni gli eventi di rischio informazioni che può . fornire (tempo di comparsa tabagica2importanti l’entitàsi dell’ senologica tradurrebbe in un eccesso di falsi positivi, con fermarsi, tra le donne, dell’abitudine o dell’ intensità o di entrambe, della duratanel sensovolumetrica della lesione, fattori sua crescita diversi tempo), l’ e dagli conoscono secuzione si solo conseguente non richiesta di successivi controlli e biopsie inutili e Per il carcinoma mammario sulla ghiandola mammaria esercitata più influenza dell’autoesame deve essere fin d’ora che raccomandata dai medici ricordareperiodica . tempo ruolo, 7un di rischio: è nondimeno opportuno anche dagli androgeni, il cuicostose bensì dinon medicina 2 generale estrogeni, e dai medici è riconduspecialisti, che sono chiamati . indicazioni sono8: Le principali recente rivalutato ed anzi enfatizzato della metà dei casi di carcinoma mammarioad offriredal è stato di trascurato, donne ogni delucidazione in merito alle modalità a prescindere allesesso I. screening delle donne a rischio genetico (mutazione cibile ad alcun fattore di rischio noto, di esecuzione. 2 sistematiUna rassegna di BRCA 1 o BRCA 2) femminile e dall’invecchiamento . Tra dall’ tutteesame le metodiche diagnostiche la mammografia è aperta II. ricerca di carcinoma primitivo metastatico, occulto ca dei fattori di rischio viene generalmentequella che presenta la maggiore sensibilità, in particolare per i Il carcinoma mammario ma di sospetta origine mammaria, allorchè gli esami E dei fattori demografici: sesso ed età. tumori ilinrapporto fase iniziale: per questo tipo diCLASSIFICAZION lesioni la DELLA femminile: sensibilitàMAMMELLA convenzionali siano negativi. è appannaggio quasi assoluto del sesso CARCINOMA DEL raggiunge età la consente l’esplorazione in toto della mam- dei III. riguardail l’94%6: ciò che ricerca della carcinomi di multicentricità, multifocalità, bilateralità, istopatologica femmina/maschio è pari a 150:13. Per classificazione mella ie25-30 permette anni,di definire l’eastensione, la mono odue e multifocadonne dopo duttale in caso di carcinomi già diagnosticati con le indagiistotipi principali, neoplasia colpisce maggiormente le prevede mammella litàpresenta e l’eventuale un anbilateralità; infine 3 presenta un’eccellente speciod infil- e candidati ad intervento chirurgico in situ ni tradizionali salvo rarissime eccezioni . Il tasso d’incidenza lobulare, ciascuno dei quali può essere ficità, tumori 98%6. altri del glicirca di tutti ed anatoconservativo. più rari, con aspetti clinici damento peculiare, diverso da quello ed istotipièspeciali, sensibilità adellatrante, mammografia riproduttivi: particolarmente apormonali eLa IV. monitoraggio delle lesioni mammarie trattate con epiteliali non dipendenti da fattori prezzabile nelle tà mo-patologici con l’edonne sopra i 35-40 peculiari. anni e nelle donne il riveste la neoadiuvante (prechirurgica), specuisenza dubbio chemioterapia partire dai 25 anni, il tasso aumenta esponenzialmente duttale è quello che Il carcinoma presenta una significativa perimenocomponente adiposa, tende alla forma di periodo fino al seno gran lunga cialmente per quel che riguarda le dimensioni della clinica, essendo (come per gli altri tumori epiteliali) importanza maggiore contrario a ridursi 6 questo in (fino al 70%) anni); nel 53 caso i dei e cosiddetti 45 carcii Il “seni . tra lesione residua, che a volte può non essere ben diffequella con la prognosi peggiore pausale (compreso grosso modo nonché densi”6, anzi più comune che si riscontrano e subisce più spesso nelle donne giovani: in di crescere renziabilenella da aree fibrotiche o necrotiche. intervallo temporale l’incidenza cessa può, come il carcinoma lobulare, presentarsi duttale un nomava casi, mammografia malacon integrata crescere, aquesti con altre metodiche,a seconda che le cellule V. follow up della mammella sottoposta a chirurgia una lieve diminuzione, per poi riprendere ecografia 4 forma invasiva o nella forma in situ in primis. . basale deie/o radioterapia, in presenza di dubbio conservativa “rate” inferiore, dopo l’età della menopausa Gli esiti abbiano o meno superato la membrana neoplastiche diagnostici della mammografia una percentuavengono classificacir- differenziale tra recidiva e cicatrice nella diagnosi infiltrato lo stroma fibro-adiposo Esistono poi fattori di rischio genetici: dotti 6e, ti nelle mammarie è classi seguenti cinque : di conseguenza, neoplasie nondi malignile compresa tra il 5% e il 10% delle ciò che conferisce alla lesione il carattere risolto dagli esami tradizionali e non risolvibile il costante,normale. 3 quadro mammografico di sviluppare Il rischio» R1: si parla cito/istologico. con il prelievo strettamente legata a questi fattori . allo sviluppo del carcinoma duttale In riferimento » R2:delle quadro parenti benignotà.(nessun provvedimento) al numero VI.l’evalutazione pitelio duttale di impianti protesici. tappe: più a carcinoma mammario è proporzionale cancerogenesi di in di un processo » R3: quadro all’etàprobabilmente benigno (valore predittivo proporzionale pro- cito-istologici in lesioni evidenziaVII. guida per prelievi di primo grado affette ed inversamente 4 prima iperplastico, vale a dire abnormemente diverrebbe positivo 2%): richiede specie <umana un approfondimento . Nella diagnobiliA sua volta RM. cui queste hanno sviluppato la malattia poi displastico (iperplasia con atipie)2. solo con la sticonelle od unforme controlloliferante, ravvicinato. implicati relazione al sono stati individuati almeno due geni può essere lieve, moderata o grave in displasia » R4: sospettola(VPP nel braccio sitoquadro 2-70%): richiede il risconBRCA1, parametri dei della Il peso medicina nucleare nella diagnostica senolosulla base familiari del carcinoma mammario: grado di atipia delle cellule, stabilito trobraccio citologico lungo e/o istologico. posto nel gicadisidifferenziazione è grandemente accresciuto in virtù dell’introduzione di lungo del cromosoma 17 e BRCA2, che indicano la perdita anatomo-patologici » R5: della quadro positivo cancro o maligno di (VPP casi >70%): nurichiede rarissimi nei due rapporto nuove tecniche di estrema utilità: lo studio del linfonodo del del cromosoma 13 e coinvolto cellule (dedifferenziazione): aumento riscontro quasi delle nella citologico e/o istologico. 2 rischio ilsono sentinella, pleomorfismo che viene individuato tramite l’uso di radioisotopi e ipercromatismo nucleare, mammella maschile . Altri fattori di 6 meccanismo endocrino, cleo-citoplasmatico, . La mitoticoradioguidata localizzazione delle lesioni occulte della mamnucleare, elevatolaindice totalità riconducibili e coerenti con un cellulare, L’ecografia è l’esame di al controllo elezionepleomorfismo nelle donne giovani deputati sin- mella. in situ, vale a mediato dagli ormoni fisiologicamente tomatiche regolazione altro non è se non il carcinoma inferiore grave alla (donne di età displasia a 35 anni, il cui seno, free neoplastiche Un ruolo promettente è poi svolto dalla scintigrafia mamdi cellule francamente della ghiandola mammaria ed in particolare una proliferazione diresempre quentemente cicliche non siano esse“denso”, può essere indagato nel maria, che consiste nella somministrazione di farmaci oncotrodelle sue modificazioni anatomo-funzionali, migliore dei modi tramite la mammografia), in gravidanza e pi legati al tecnezio radioattivo (radiomarcati) i quali si accudurante l’allattamento; l’ecografia integra inoltre la mammo- mulano all‘interno della lesione neoplastica: questa metodica, grafia in presenza di reperti mammografici dubbi (evenienza che consente anche la visualizzazione di eventuali linfonodi che, come detto, si verifica più spesso in caso di mammella con ascellari {1} positivi, è senz’altro promettente, ma rimane a tutt’ogcomponente adiposa modesta, “densa“ appunto). Questa me- gi un esame integrativo, non convenzionale. 9 R L {3} Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica Vol 4:1-9, 2010 Palazzo affari Piano 3 3 9 Il Bollettino di Ginecologia Endocrinologica 3 Hall Affari 3 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 36 Welcome 14th World congress of Gynecological endocrinology March 4–7, 2010 · Florence, Italy Bayer Schering Pharma cordially invites you to our symposia on menopause and endometriosis management: Young at Heart March 5, 2010 . 15:00 –17:00 hall affari 1 (1st floor), Palazzo affari Innovation in Endometriosis Therapy March 6, 2010 . 11:10 –13:10 hall auditorium (ground floor), Palazzo dei congressi 14th World Congress of gyneCologiCal endoCrinology March 4 –7, 2010 . Florence, Italy Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 37 Scientific Programme Programme at a glance Wednesday March 3rd Thursday March 4th Friday March 5th Saturday March 6th Sunday March 7th 38 40 43 59 75 86 38 wednesday 3 Hall Auditorium 09.30 -18.30 Hall Verde thursday 4 Hall Auditorium 08.45 -10.15 New frontiers in art Hall Verde Stem cells Hall Affari 1 Hyperandrogenisms and reproduction (pre-congress course) Hall Affari 1 Climacteric medicine 10.35 -11.05 Testosterone and the breast Seamless healthcare for ageing patients Why is estrogen protective against cardiovascular disease, but not against stroke? 11.10 -13.10 Ibsa Fostimon, human type FSH; from New concepts on gonadotrophin Hormonal contraception for woman’s basic science to clinical practice signaling and man’s health Premature ovarian failure Hormonal regulation of cardiovascular 14.10 -16.10 Theramex Oral contraception: The achievement of 50 years of Hormonal research function 16.30 -18.30 Schering Plough Low–dose Ovarian cancer Obesity and gynecological contraception: why, how and how much endocrinology 18.30 -19.45 Opening Ceremony and Opening lecture 19.45 - 20.45 Aperitif friday 5 Hall Auditorium 08.30 -10.00 Association Française pour l’étude de la menopause When menopause comes too early 10.30 -11.00 11.10 -13.10 14.10 -15.00 15.00 -17.00 17.20 -19.20 Hall Verde Johnson & Johnson Medical Live reproductive surgery session Estetrol: a fetal estrogen for clinical use Gyne surgery under Theramex A woman’s journey: 3 main imaging conditions periods of a woman’s life through 3 therapeutic areas Should there be an international limit on Is there a role for the number of fertilized oocytes that are metformin in the implanted in a woman at one time? treatment of PCOS women? Merck Serono The future of fertility: Androgens individualised therapy in women Follicular growth, oocyte quality, embrio Female sexuality selection and endometrial receptivity: an unsolved puzzle Hall Belvedere Roundtable Discussion The Hot Flush: Benign Annoyance or Predictor of Neurological Vulnerability? 19.20 Hall Affari 1 Academy of Human Reproduction The future trends of induction of ovulation - dedicated to the late dr. Sheldon Segal Fertility preservation in woman with breast cancer: a need for a global strategy Breast cancer Diagnostic tools for menopausal symptoms Bayer Schering Pharma Young at heart From nature for menopause ISGE General Assembly Arts in Florence - visit to Bargello Museum saturday 6 Hall Auditorium 08.30 -10.00 Esg/Seg Polycystic ovarian-metabolic syndrome (pcos) from birth to postmenopause 10.30 - 11.00 Inflammation and endometriosis 11.10 - 13.10 Bayer Schering Pharma Innovation in endometriosis therapy 14.10 - 15.00 Is pcos a disease or an adaptation? 15.10 - 17.10 50 Years of ovarian stimulation with human gonadotropins 17.10 - 19.30 Poster session in Poster Area sunday 7 Hall Auditorium 08.30 - 10.30 Hall Verde Sobrage Health benefits of the extended use of oral contraceptives Hall Affari 1 IMS Unanswered questions on HRT Acupuncture in reproductive medicine Dydrogesterone in HRT New ultra - low dose regimen to come Woman’s health through menopause and ageing Are estrogens neuroprotective? Art: from basic science to clinical application Are progestins always needed to counteract effects of estrogens after menopause? Progesterone and progestins: their targets 11.00 - 13.00 Hall Affari 1 New mechanisms of steroid receptor signaling Testosterone and male sexual attitudes and behaviours Contraception in 2010 13.00 - 13.30 Closing Ceremony and Poster Awards 10.30 - 11.00 Hall Verde Hormones and female brain ageing wed thur Hall Affari 2 Hall Affari 2 Pathogenesis of preeclampsia: from immunology to angiogenesis inhibition Dydrogesterone - the missing link to improved maternal blood flow Current issues in preterm birth and placental function regulation Uterine fibroids: from the bench to the bedside New horizons in endometriosis fri Hall Affari 3 Hall Affari 4 Therapeutical use of hormonal contraception (precongress course) Hall Affari 3 Hall Affari 4 Targeting the endometrium with new Premature ovarian molecules: SPRMS and SARMS insufficiency Diagnosis and management of PCOS from birth to senescence Polycystic ovary syndrome Sierr Oocyte quality in biology of reproduction and human IVF Winners under 34 competition symposium Reproductive neuroendocrinology Androgens and hyperandrogenisms Breast cancer Hall Onice 39 Hall Onice Female sexual function and dysfunction Medically-assisted procreation Infertility Regulation of the endometrium Hall Affari 2 Hall Affari 3 Sociedad Argentina De Endocrinologia Bayer Italia Ginecologica Y Reproductiva Confronti clinici in contraccezione ormonale Ovarian ageing: impact for fertility preservation New aspects of OHSS Hall Affari 4 Hall Onice Polish group of G.E. Fertility and Hot topics in pregnancy in 2010 gynecological endocrinology Chronic anovulation Hormones and hormone receptors Patophysiology of PCOS Advances in contraception Clinical and therapeutical aspects of PCOS HRA PHARMA A new look at emergency Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis: contraception hormones or bisphosphonates? sat Endometriosis: from the bench to the bedside Endometrial hyperplasia and cancer Wyeth/Pfizer Controversie clinico-terapeutiche nell’ambulatorio del ginecologo Gynecological cancers Miscarriage and abortion Hall Affari 2 Ispog Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology at patient’s side Hall Affari 3 Guidotti “Sindrome metabolica ed insulinoresistenza nella donna” - Post-menarchal disorders and reproductive tract anomalies Hall Affari 5 and 4 Hall Onice Ethicon Women’s & Gynecological Urology - Johnson & endocrinology and Johnson medical infertility Karl Storz 8.30/13.00 AFFARI 5 See and Treat Frontiers in pregnancy Theoretical Part research 14.00/17.00 AFFARI 4 See and Treat Practical activities (special registration Advances in imaging needed) and surgery Hall Affari 2 Benign Gynecological disorders Hall Affari 3 Fiog Somministrazione di estro progestinici: controversie e clinical evidence Hall Affari 4 Hall Onice Menopause and cardiovascular disease Diseases of pregnancy Early pregnancy diagnosis and treatment Menopause, quality of life and osteoporosis Medical ethics – who writes the rules? sun SERMS 12.40-13.10 Assemblea generale isge italia Amgen in collaboration with GSK New concept for the treatment of postmenopausal Endocrine control of bone metabolism Are progestins effective for threatened abortion? 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 40 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Wednesday March 3rd Wednesday March 4th Hall AFFARI 1 HYPERANDROGENISMS AND REPRODUCTION 09.30/18.30 SCHOOL OF GYNECOLOGICAL AND REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY Chairpersons: Lunenfeld Bruno (IL), Tarlatzis Basil (GR) Genazzani Alessandro D (I) Pathophysiology and hormonal screening Battaglia Cesare (I) Ultrasound imaging: use in diagnosis and follow-up Lanzone Antonio (I) Medical treatment and management Tarlatzis Basil (GR) Surgical and ART treatment Devoto Luigi (RCH) Hyperandrogenism at and after menopause Kiesel Ludwig (D) Clinical cases: hyperandrogenic woman with hyrsutism, acne and no will of pregnancy Fauser Bart, (NL) Clinical cases: overweight patient with hyperinsulinism and oligo-amenorrhea seeking pregnancy Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 41 Hall AFFARI 3 THERAPEUTICAL USE OF HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION 09.30/18.30 SCHOOL OF GYNECOLOGICAL AND REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY Chairpersons: Foidart Jean-Michel (B), Naftolin Frederick (USA) Schindler Adolf (D) How to select the contraceptive for each specific woman Berga Sarah (USA) Oligo and amenorrhea Baird David (UK) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and dysmenorrhea Nappi Rossella (I) PMS, PMDD and catamenial disorders Petraglia Felice (I) Fibroids, endometriosis and functional ovarian cysts Lobo Rogerio (USA) Overcoming side effects Bitzer Johannes (CH) Clinical cases: Mood and sex in pill user Vujovic Svetlana (SR) Clinical cases: Irregular cycles and ovarian cysts Wednesday March 4th 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 42 FIRENZE, ITALY MARCH 8-11 2012 Professional Congress Organizer WWW.ISGE2012.COM Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Thursday March 4 43 th Hall Verde Hall Affari 1 Stem cells Climacteric medicine 10.35 -11.05 Testosterone and the breast Seamless healthcare for ageing patients Why is estrogen protective against cardiovascular disease, but not against stroke? 11.10 -13.10 Ibsa Fostimon, human type FSH; from New concepts on gonadotrophin Hormonal contraception for woman’s basic science to clinical practice signaling and man’s health Premature ovarian failure Hormonal regulation of cardiovascular 14.10 -16.10 Theramex Oral contraception: The achievement of 50 years of Hormonal research function 16.30 -18.30 Schering plough Low–dose Ovarian cancer Obesity and gynecological contraception: why, how and how much endocrinology 18.30 -19.45 Opening Ceremony and Opening lecture 19.45 - 20.45 Aperitif Hall Affari 2 Hall Affari 3 Hall Affari 4 08.45 -10.15 Pathogenesis of preeclampsia: from immunology to angiogenesis inhibition Targeting the endometrium with new Premature ovarian molecules: SPRMS and SARMS insufficiency 10.35 -11.05 Dydrogesterone - the missing link to improved maternal blood flow 11.10 -13.10 Current issues in preterm birth and placental function regulation 14.10 -16.10 Uterine fibroids: from the bench to the bedside 16.30 -18.30 New horizons in endometriosis Diagnosis and management of PCOS from birth to senescence Polycystic ovary syndrome Reproductive neuroendocrinology Sierr Oocyte quality in biology of Androgens and reproduction and human IVF hyperandrogenisms Winners under 34 competition Breast cancer symposium Today’s picks Opening Ceremony 18.30 Hall Auditorium Chairpersons: ANDREA R. Genazzani (I), Palumbo Giuseppe (I), Maruo Takeshi (JP), Lombardi Gaetano (I), Benedetto chiara (i), Vittori Giorgio (I) Mendelsohn Michael (USA) The biology of estrogen receptor action in cardiovascular health and disease Hall Onice Female sexual function and dysfunction Medically-assisted procreation Infertility Regulation of the endometrium Thursday March 4th Hall Auditorium 08.45 -10.15 New frontiers in art 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 44 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Thursday March 4th Thursday March 4th Hall Auditorium NEW FRONTIERS IN ART 08.45/10.15 PLENARY SESSION ECM Chairpersons: Scarselli Gianfranco (I), Zygmunt Marek (D) Devoto Luigi (RCH) The physiological function of progesterone receptor in the human ovulatory process Monteleone Patrizia (I) Role of thyroid autoimmunity in female infertility Fuji Haruko (JP) Blastocyst attachment is regulated by Eph-ephrin A system Tarlatzis Basil (GR) Chances for fertility preservation and ovulation induction in POF patients 10.35/11.05 PLENARY LECTURE Kenemans Peter (NL) Testosterone and the breast ECM Chairpersons: Ambrosini Antonio (I), von Schoultz Bo (S) 11.10/13.10 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - IBSA FOSTIMON, HUMAN TYPE FSH: FROM BASIC SCIENCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE Chairpersons: Revelli Alberto (I), Tarlatzis Basil (GR) Filicori Marco (I) FSH isoforms in human reproduction: an overview Gürgan Timur (TR) Highly glycosylated FSH: available clinical results and investigational issues Ménézo Yves (F) Effects of FSH stimulation regimens on the pattern of mRNA expression in human cumulus cells Aboulghar Mohamed (ET) Efficacy and safety of FSH drug products for ART in PCOS Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - THERAMEX MERCK SERONO 45 ORAL CONTRACEPTION: THE ACHIEVEMENT OF 50 YEARS OF HORMONAL RESEARCH Chairpersons: Bouchard Philippe (F), Genazzani Andrea R (I) Sitruk Ware Regine (USA) Hormonal creativity in contraception Bruni Vincenzina (I) How nomegestrol acetate leads to estradiol in a monophasic regimen? Jamin Christian (F) Metabolic consequences from such evolution Fruzzetti Franca (I) Achieving lower impact on hemostasis parameters 16.30/18.30 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - SCHERING PLOUGH LOW – DOSE CONTRACEPTION: WHY, HOW AND HOW MUCH Chairpersons: De Melo Nilson Roberto (BR), Scarselli Gianfranco (I) Nappi Rossella (I) Counseling in contraception: fundamental to a tailored approach Cagnacci Angelo (I) The benefits of intravaginal administration of hormonal contraception Nappi Rossella (I) The tolerability of intravaginal administration of hormonal contraception Benedetto Chiara (I) To “E” or not to “E”: contraception without estrogen 18.30/19.45 OPENING CEREMONY OPENING LECTURE Chairpersons: Genazzani ANDREA R. (I), Palumbo Giuseppe (I), Maruo Takeshi (JP), Lombardi Gaetano (I), Benedetto chiara (i), Vittori Giorgio (I) Mendelsohn Michael (USA) The biology of estrogen receptor action in cardiovascular health and disease Hall VERDE STEM CELLS 08.45/10.15 PLENARY SESSION ECM Chairpersons: Huhtaniemi Ilpo (UK), Petraglia Felice (I) Gil Sanchis Claudia (E) What do we know about endometrial stem cells? Enseñat Roberto (E) Reprogramming as a new approach to obtain patient specific stem cells Zhou Canquan (PRC) The establishment of human parthenogenetic stem cell line and its DNA methylation Eden John (AUS) Breast cancer stem cells Thursday March 4th 14.10/16.10 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 46 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Thursday March 4th 10.35/11.05 PLENARY LECTURE Naftolin Frederick (USA) Seamless healthcare for ageing patients 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION NEW CONCEPTS ON GONADOTROPHIN SIGNALING ECM Chairpersons: Eden John (AUS), Rees Margaret (uk) ECM Chairpersons: Alviggi Carlo (I), Tempone Antonio (RA) Huhtaniemi Ilpo (UK) Novel molecular mechanisms of gonadotrophin action Aittomaki Kristina (FIN) Gonadotrophin receptors: functional insights from genetic variants Zygmunt Marek (D) Vascular actions of gonadotrophins Sanchez Matias (RA) Breast actions of gonadotrophins Zaidi Mone (USA) Actions of gonadotrophins on the bone 14.10/16.10 PLENARY SESSION PREMATURE OVARIAN FAILURE ECM Chairpersons: MASSOBRIO MARCo (I), Smetnik Vera (RUS) Massobrio Marco (I) - Revelli Alberto (I) Genetics of premature ovarian failure Tempone Antonio (RA) Iatrogenic POF Fauser Bart (NL) Anti-Mullerian Hormone and other markers of residual ovarian potential Castelo-Branco Camil (E) Medical treatment for prevention of POF Morfín Julio (MEX) POF: definition, diagnosis and treatment 16.30/18.30 PLENARY SESSION OVARIAN CANCER Chairpersons: Franchi Massimo (I), Uzan Serge (F) Pecorelli Sergio (I) Hormones and ovarian cancer Barri Pedro (E) ART and ovarian cancer Gadducci Angiolo (I) Therapeutical approach to recurrent ovarian cancer Prat Jaime (E) Subclassification of ovarian cancer based on pathology and genetics Metka Markus (A) Antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive potency of phytosubstances: the isoflavone resveratrol and epigallocatechin ECM Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Hall AFFARI 1 PLENARY SESSION CLIMACTERIC MEDICINE ECM Chairpersons: Becorpi Angelamaria (I), Milewicz Andrzej (PL) Lello Stefano (I) Pharmacology of post-menopause and aging Brincat Mark (M) The ageing of connective tissues in women: the menopause crossing Gambacciani Marco (I) Personalized therapies in postmenopausal women Rees Margaret (UK) Managing the Menopause without oestrogen ECM 10.35/11.05 PLENARY LECTURE Lobo Rogerio (USA) Why is estrogen protective against cardiovascular disease, but not against stroke? Chairpersons: Mendelsohn Michael (USA), Selvaggi Luigi (I) ECM 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION FOR WOMAN AND MAN’S HEALTH Chairpersons: lello Stefano (I), Lobo Rogerio (USA) Fruzzetti Franca (I) Future perspectives for hormonal contraception and woman’s health Blithe Diana (USA) Current status of male contraceptive development Maia Hugo (BR) Hormonal contraception and the risk of cancer Serfaty David (F) Interest of LONG-acting reversible contraception Skouby Sven (DK) Metabolic actions of hormonal contraceptives ECM 14.10/16.10 PLENARY SESSION HORMONAL REGULATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTION Chairpersons: Angioli Roberto (I), Castelo-Branco Camil (E) Siseles Nestor (RA) HRT and CVS - an update Karas Richard (USA) Molecular mechanisms regulating rapid vascular dilation by estrogen receptors Vaughan Douglas (USA) Hormonal regulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and endothelial function in postmenopausal women Rosano Giuseppe (I) Metabolic therapy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the Perimenopausal Woman Lobo Rogerio (USA) The future of clinical cardiovascular trials of HRT in menopausal medicine Thursday March 4th 08.45/10.15 47 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 48 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 16.30/18.30 PLENARY SESSION OBESITY AND GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY ECM Thursday March 4th Chairpersons: Perino Antonio (I), Simpson Evan (AUS) Hirschberg Angelica (S) Hormones and the regulation of feeding behavior Berg Gabriela (RA) Abdominal adiposity, sex hormones and insulin resistance Milewicz Andrzej (PL) Polymorphisms of endocannabinoid receptors and serum adiponectin and obese phenotype in postmenopausal women Al-Azzawi Farook (UK) Management of obesity in gynecological practice Stevenson John (UK) Should all menopausal women with metabolic syndrome receive HRT? Hall AFFARI 2 08.45/10.15 PLENARY SESSION PATHOGENESIS OF PREECLAMPSIA: FROM IMMUNOLOGY TO ANGIOGENESIS INHIBITION Chairpersons: Branconi Francesco (I), Chedraui Peter (EC) Arck Petra (D) Immunology and implantation Lyall Fiona (UK) Mechanisms underlying failed trophoblast invasion in preeclampsia Redman Christopher (UK) Preeclampsia and the long arm of the innate immune system Foidart Jean-Michel (B) The molecular mechanisms of action of sVEGFRs in preeclampsia 10.35/11.05 PLENARY LECTURE Daya Salim (CDN) Dydrogesterone - the missing link to improved maternal blood flow Chairpersons: Arck Petra (D), Caruso Alessandro (I) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology PLENARY SESSION CURRENT ISSUES IN PRETERM BIRTH AND PLACENTAL FUNCTION REGULATION ECM Chairpersons: Redman Christopher (UK), Lyall fiona (UK) Challis John (CDN) Preterm birth and stress hormones López Bernal Andrés (UK) Prostaglandins and preterm birth Torricelli Michela (I) Preterm birth and neuropeptides Iwashita Mitsutoshi (JP) Regulation of placental function by insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and IGF-binding proteins Giles Warwick (AUS) The management of major forms of placenta percreta 14.10/16.10 PLENARY SESSION UTERINE FIBROIDS: FROM THE BENCH TO THE BEDSIDE ECM Chairpersons: Cicinelli Ettore (I), Clementi Wolfgang (a) Morton Cynthia (USA) Genetics of uterine fibroids Chegini Nasser (USA) MicroRNAs and fibroids Maruo Takeshi (JP) Nonsurgical treatments of fibroids: Selective progesterone receptor modulators Sciarra John (USA) Alternatives to hysterectomy Ben-Rafael Zion (IL) Uterine fibroids and ART – is there any Dilemma left? 16.30/18.30 PLENARY SESSION NEW HORIZONS IN ENDOMETRIOSIS Chairpersons: Busacca Mauro (I), Schenker Joseph (IL) Caserta Donatella (I) Environmental disruptors and endometriosis Zondervan Krina (UK) Genetics of endometriosis Osuga Yutaka (JP) Immune and inflammatory aspects of endometriosis Bulun Serdar (USA) Endometriosis and sex steroids Petraglia Felice (I) Endometriosis and peptides 49 Thursday March 4th 11.10/13.10 ECM 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 50 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Hall AFFARI 3 TARGETING THE ENDOMETRIUM WITH NEW MOLECULES: SPRMS AND SARMS 08.45/10.15 PLENARY SESSION ECM Thursday March 4th Chairpersons: daya salim (CDN), Marchionni Mauro (I) Bouchard Philippe (F) The SPRMS and SARMS Pintiaux Axelle (B) The impact of SPRMS on endometrial vascularization Marbaix Etienne (B) Molecular mechanisms of SPRMS on endometrial gene expression Williams Alistair (UK) The endometrial response to progesterone receptor modulators 10.35/11.05 PLENARY LECTURE Lunenfeld Bruno (IL) Diagnosis and management of pcos from birth to senescence ECM Chairpersons: Carmina Enrico (I), Messinis Ioannis (GR) 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME ECM Chairpersons: Ibáñez Lourdes (E), Lanzone Antonio (I) Dunaif Andrea (USA) PCOS: from genes to pathophysiology Hart Roger (AUS) Prenatal influences on female reproduction Palomba Stefano (I) Infertility and pregnancy Carmina Enrico (I) Metabolic issues and lifetime risks Messinis Ioannis (GR) Control of LH secretion in PCOS 14.10/16.10 PLENARY SESSION ORGANIZED BY SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI EMBRIOLOGIA RICERCA E RIPRODUZIONE OOCYTE QUALITY IN BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION AND HUMAN IVF Chairpersons: Coticchio Giovanni (I), Tatone Carla (I) Zuccotti Maurizio (I) Oocyte-derived regulators of early embryonic development Ledda Sergio (I) Cellular and biochemical criteria to assess oocyte quality Chigioni Sara (I) Domestic animal models as a tool to understand human oocyte maturation Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Focarelli Riccardo (I) A proteomic approach to the study of human oocyte microenvironment 16.30/18.30 PLENARY SESSION WINNERS UNDER 34 COMPETITION SYMPOSIUM Chairpersons: Naftolin Frederick (USA), Simoncini Tommaso (I) Broer Simone L, Van Rooij I, Scheffer G, Eijkemans M, Fauser BC, Broekmans FJ, (NL) Anti-Müllerian Hormone in the prediction of menopausal transition or menopause; a follow-up study Meehan K, Rainczuk A, Fairweather N, Stephens A (AUS) Characterisation of early ovarian cancer biomarkers Sundermann Erin E, Mordecai K, Rubin LH, Eatough E, Savarese A, Maki PM (USA) The Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase & Stress on Cognitive Flexibility Taran AF, Stewart EA, Chen J, Gostout BS, Woodrum DA, Felmlee J, Ehman DRL (USA) Magnetic Resonance Elastography Allows Quantitative Assessment of Uterine Leiomyomas Pelekanou V, Kampa M, Gallo D, Notas G, Jacquot Y, Castanas E, Leclercq G (B) ER17p, a peptide corresponding to the regulatory platform P295-T311 of ER-alpha: role in actin cytoskeleton, migration and apoptosis Hall AFFARI 4 08.45/10.15 Oral Presentations PREMATURE OVARIAN INSUFFICIENCY Chairpersons: Aittomaki Kristina (FIN), Luisi Stefano (I) Ayed W, Bouayed Abdelmoula N, Houiji D, Harzallah F, El Kamel Lebbi I, Zhioua F, Abdelhak S, Amouri A (TN) Clinical, Cytogenetic and Molecular Study in Premature Ovarian Failure. A Tunisian Study Dragojević-Dikić S, Vujovic S, (SRB - MNE) The influence of hormone replacement therapy(HRT) on fertility in premature ovarian failure(POF) patients Janse F, Knauff EAH, Niermeijer MF, Eijkemans MJ, Laven JSE, Lambalk CB, Fauser BCJM, Goverde AJ, (NL) Similar presentation of sporadic and familial premature ovarian failure (POF) Lipovac M, Rudelstorfer G, Imhof M, (A) AMH - an eligible marker of ovarian function for oncological patients undergoing ovarian tissue banking Moridi I, Fallahian M, Mahdian M, (IR) Does ovarian drilling precede premature ovarian failure in Clomiphene resistant PCOD patients? Pellatt L, Dilaver N, Heshri A, Galea R, Brincat M, Rice S, Mason HD, (UK) Mechanism of effects of raised AMH in anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome Russo L, Ferrarini E, Agretti P, Dimida A, De Marco G, Simoncini T, Vitti P, Pucci E, Pinchera A, Tonacchera M, (I) Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) Thursday March 4th Paffoni Alessandro (I) Parthenogenesis as a system to validate novel methodologies in human IVF 51 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Signori B, Di Gangi E, Peruzzi E, Mannini L, Dei M, Bruni V, (I) Bone mass in Primary Ovarian Insufficiency 52 Thursday March 4th Takagi K, Kawahara K, Ide S, Satoh S, Sanai H, (JP) Successful pregnancy after intermittent hormone replacement therapy in a patient with premature ovarian failure Vujovic S, Ivovic M, Tancic-Gajic M, Ivanisevic M, Barac M, Marina Lj, Stojanovic M, (SRB - MNE) Characteristics of women with “idiopathic” premature ovarian failure 11.10/13.10 Oral Presentations REPRODUCTIVE NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY Chairpersons: Genazzani Alessandro D (I), Meczekalski Blazej (PL) Athanasopoulos N, Tismaris P, Deligeoroglou E, (GR) Differences in characteristics of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in patients with immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis and polycystic ovarian syndrome Bacchi E, Zendrini G, Bonin C, Spiazzi G, De Cata AP, Moghetti P, (I) Role of body weight and training profile in menstrual dysfunction of professional and non-professional classical ballet dancers Czyzyk A, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Podfigurna-Stopa A, Meczekalski B, Genazzani AR, (PL) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in patients with Turner syndrome Gambera A, Nicosia F, Bomba M, Bonini L, Scagliola P, Sartori E, Pecorelli S, (I) Correlation between endocrine profile, heart rate variability and neuropsychiatric parameters in adolescents with anorexia nervosa and functional hypotalamic amenorrhea Maganhin CC, Rassi Mahamed R, Cavalcante Fonseca M, Rennó Guimarães C, Mendes Akiau D, Gasparini Fernandes LH, da Silva Ferreira C, Santos Alves MM, dos Santos Simões R, Haidar MA, Baracat EC, Soares Jr JM, (BR) Ovarian gene expression after melatonin supplementation on the adult female rats Malejczyk J, Jóźwiak J, Roszkowski P, Grzela T, Hyc A, (PL) Changes of natural killer cell cytotoxic activity and immunoregulatory cytokine production during menstrual cycle Massart F, Gaspari L, Marini F, Brandi ML, Saggese G, (I) No association between the TTTA repeats polymorphism of aromatase (CYP19) gene and the precocious puberty development Podfigurna-Stopa A, Luisi S, Petraglia F, Meczekalski B, (PL) Serum kisspeptin concentrations in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea Spinelli C, Di Giacomo M, Cariati E, Messineo A, (I) Ovarian lesions in children and adolescents: evaluation and management of 104 cases Tessaris D, Matarazzo P, Repici M, Fiore L, Lala R, Einaudi S, (I) Persistency of autonomous ovarian hyperfunction during adolescence and early adult age in female with McCune-Albright syndrome Tsampalas M, Berndt S, Gridelet V, Hagelstein MT, Charlet-Renard C, Munaut C, Foidart JM, Geenen V, Perrier d’Hauterive S, (B) The endometrial hCG/LH receptor: quantification throughout the menstrual cycle Zektser V, Ilovayskaya IA, Keda UM, Zakharova EY, Pankov UA, Melnichenko GA, Dedov II, (RUS) Pathogenetic aspects of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in women of reproductive age Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 14.10/16.10 Oral Presentations ANDROGENS AND HYPERANDROGENISMS Benelli E, Rinaldi E, Burelli A, Salvetti G, Del Ghianda S, Cionini R, Piaggi P, Monteleone P, Vitti P, Pucci E, (I) Dyslipidemia and polycistic ovary syndrome Berguio Vidotti D, Schnabel B, Secco M, Dale Cotrim Guerreiro da Silva I, (BR) Genetic analysis and cAMP measurement between lean and obese (ob/ob) anovulating mice Boldrini França Fernandes J, Soares Wellington GM, de Paula Martins MF, Silva de Sá Rui A, Ferriani RM, dos Reis C, Sales V, (BR) Hormonal oral contraceptive alone or associated with metformin on cardiovascular risk markers in polycystic ovary syndrome women Bonin C, Tosi F, Di Sarra D, Spiazzi G, Bettinazzi F, Signori C, Forner S, Moghetti P, (I) Insulin resistance is associated with hyperandogenism and oligo-anovulation, but not with the ultrasonographic features of the ovaries, in the woman with polycistic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Khaki A (IR) Effect of Androgenic Activity of Zingiber officinale on Serum FSH, LH, Testosterone hormone and Spermatogenesis in Rat Link K, Nordlöf H, Giwercman A, (S) Circadian and menstrual cycle variation of serum androstenedione Naessén S, Carlström K, Lindén Hirschberg A, (S) So similar and so different: Androgen status in bulimic women Papadimitriou D, Kaparos G, Rizos D, Armeni E, Christantoni E, Tsakonas E, Creatsa M, Alexandrou A, Christodoulakos G, Lambrinoudaki I, (GR) Serum androgens are increased in the presence of MTHFR ala222val polymorphism in healthy postmenopausal women Peruzzi E, Christopoulos P, Nannini S, Mannini L, Dei M, Bruni V, (I) Flutamide hepatotoxicity: our experience over 176 patients Rousset-Jablonski C, Plessier A, Lahlou N, Laromiguière M, Pichard C, Larger E, Gompel A, (F) Menstrual Cycle Disorders and Hormonal Alterations in Women with Vascular Liver Disease Stomati M, Potì E, Casarosa E, Potì M, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, (I) Low-dose oral deydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation in postmenopausal women 16.30/18.30 Oral Presentations BREAST CANCER Chairpersons: Biglia Nicoletta (I), Morfin Julio (ME) Pelekanou V, Laios I, Kampa M, Castanas E, Leclercq G, Larsimont D, (B) hERα36, a new variant of ERα: Expression and potential biological relevance in breast cancer Baumgärtner AK, Häusler A, Seifert-Klauss V, Schwarz-Boeger U, Kiechle M, (D) Breast cancer outcome in peri- versus postmenopausal women with or without hormone therapy prior to diagnosis Britton K, Harvey IJ, Stemke-Hale K, Lennard TWJ, Meeson AP, (UK) Could SP cells be an indicator of progression to hormone non-responsive breast cancer? Thursday March 4th Chairpersons: Berg Gabriela (RA), Palomba Stefano (I) 53 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Capittini C, Bergamaschi P, Guarene M, Cremaschi AL, Marchesi A, Genovese V, Romano B, Tinelli C, Cuccia M, Salvaneschi L, (I) Birthweight and cord blood haematopoietic stem cell content: is there a connection for cancer risk in adulthood? 54 Thursday March 4th Goglia L, Sanchez AM, Flamini M, Giretti MS, Baldacci C, Garibaldi S, Genazzani AR, Fu X, Simoncini T, (I) Progesterone enhances breast cancer cell mobility by the nongenomic activation of focal adhesion kinase Kampa M, Pelekanou V, Notas G, Sanidas E, Alexaki VI, Castanas E, (GR) Membrane acting androgens specifically modify early gene transcription in breast cancer cells Mozdarani S, Shahidi M, Mozdarani H, (IR) Repair kinetics of radiation induced DNA damages in leukocytes of breast cancer patients as a measure of breast cancer susceptibility Pfeiler G, Glatz C, Königsberg R, Vutuc C, Kubista E, Singer C, (A) Influence of the dramatic fall of HRT prescription on postmenopausal breast cancer incidence: the Austrian Data Tosi V, Pisaneschi S, Goglia L, Genazzani AR, Simoncini T, (I) Effect of dydrogesterone, dehydro-dydrogesterone, progesterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate on T47D breast cancer cell migration and invasion Hall ONICE 08.45/10.15 Oral Presentations FEMALE SEXUAL FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION Chairpersons: Nappi Rossella (I), Valentino Valeria (I) Balasko B, Hall M, Lee M, Ventolini G, (USA) Psycho emotional impact of women with provoked vestibulodynia Chedraui P, Rodríguez MC, Pérez-López FR, Schwager G, Hidalgo L, (EC) Assessment of sexuality after hysterectomy using the Female Sexual Function Index Firquet A, Pintiaux A, Zimmerman XY, Foidart JM, Beliard A, Albert A, Minon JM, Vincent C, Gerday C, Beekman L, Coelingh Bennink HJT, (B) Androgen deficiency during combined oral contraceptives Loto O, Adewuya A, Adewumi T, (WAN) Pattern and Correlates of Premenstrual Symptoms (PMS) amongst Nigerian University Students Melis I, Arena I, Melis GB, Angioni S, (I) Sexual function is impaired in patients with endometriosis Mezones-Holguín E, Escajadillo-Vargas N, Castro-Castro J, Córdova-Marcelo W, Blumel JE, (PE) Female sexual dysfunction in young people at a public university in northern Peru Moghasemi S, Ziaei S, Haidari Z, (IR) Female sexual dysfunction in Iranian postmenopausal women Wallwiener LM, Wallwiener CW, Seeger H, Mueck AO, Bitzer J, Wallwiener M, (D) The Sexual Life of German Medical Students: Investigation of the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and the impact of contraception Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 11.10/13.10 Oral Presentations MEDICALLY-ASSISTED PROCREATION Crha I, Ventruba P, Zakova J, Cadova K, Pohanka M, Huser M, (CZ) Luteal-phase GnRH agonist administration in IVF/ICSI cycles stimulated with the long GnRH agonist protocol Devesa M, Chueca A, Tur R, Rodriguez I, Coroleu B, Barri PN, (E) Impact of increased body mass index on IVF outcomes Fettback P, Serafini P, Monteiro Rocha A, Leme Alves da Motta E, Homem de Mello Bianchi P, Messias Gomes C, Domingues T, Carrilho E, Baracat EC, (BR) Administration of recombinant (r)hCG on the first day of the menses produces age independent rescue of the corpus luteum Guglielmino MR, Vento M, Borzì P, Santonocito M, Ragusa M, Barbagallo D, De Palma A, Garofalo MR, Minutolo E, Scollo P, Di Pietro C, Purrello M, (I) Apoptotic Machinery in aging: gene expression profiles in oocytes and in cumulus cells by High Throughput Real Time PCR Inaudi P, Petrilli S, Bruni L, Boni C, Battista R, Zerbetto I, Quadrifoglio M, Petraglia F, (I) Low-dose rFSH administration is effective and safe in PCOS women in IUI or IVF cycles Jeve Yadava B, Fleming R, (UK) The combined use of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and age to predict the ovarian response to controlled ovarian hyper stimulation in poor responders Kini S, Li HWR, Morrell D, Pickering S, Thong KJ, (UK) Evaluation of Anti-Mullerian hormone in predicting cumulative pregnancy outcome during assisted reproduction Koloda YA, Podzolkova NM, Anshina MB, Shamugia NL, Smirnova AA, Abliaeva ES, (RUS) Effect of overweight and obesity on assisted reproductive technology outcomes Niu ZH, Feng Y, Zhang H, Zhang AJ, Sun Y, Lu X, (PRC) Effects of exogenous luteinizing hormone on patients with relative LH deficiency after pituitary down-regulation during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation Santonocito M, Guglielmino MR, Vento M, Borzì P, Ragusa M, Barbagallo D, De Palma A, Garofalo MR, Minutolo E, Scollo P, Purrello M, Di Pietro C, (I) Identification and validation of molecular markers of human oocyte biological quality after vitrification Venetis CA, Kolibianakis EM, Toulis KA, Goulis DG, Papadimas I, Tarlatzis BC, (GR) Addition of rLH in patients undergoing ovarian stimulation with rFSH and GnRH analogues for IVF: a meta-analysis Pelekanou V, Kampa M, Gallo D, Notas G, Jacquot Y, Castanas E, Leclercq G, (B) ER17p, a peptide corresponding to the regulatory platform P295-T311 of ER-alpha: role in actin cytoskeleton, migration and apoptosis 14.10/16.10 Oral Presentations INFERTILITY Chairpersons: Gurgan Timur (TR), Viana gersia (I) Dinopoulou V, Stefanidis K, Makrinioti H, Mavromati D, Bletsa R, Loutradis D, Antsaklis A, (GR) Oct-4 expression in fetal cells recovered from the lower uterine pole Thursday March 4th Chairpersons: Enseñat Roberto (E), Monteleone Patrizia (I) 55 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 56 Dziadecki W, Radomska-Leśniewska M, Jankowska-Steifer E, Bablok L, Malejczyk J, Barcz E, (PL) The role of human neutrophil peptides 1-4 in pathogenesis of male genital tract inflammation Thursday March 4th Garzia E, Clauser R, Persani L, Borgato S, Bulfamante G, Avagliano L, Cetin I, Marconi AM, (I) Prolactin and pro-inflammatory cytokines expression at the feto-maternal interface in the first trimester implantation failure González Pérez I, Mendoza N, Galiano D, Eloy Ruíz J, Marín L, Quereda F, PérezFortis A, Mozas J, Sánchez-Borrego R, (E) Duration of fertility age and multigenic combination of estrogen related genes: a propotional hazard model Grande G, Milardi D, Bianchi A, Giampietro A, Pompa G, Merola AM, Astorri AL, Pontecorvi A, Lanzone A, De Marinis L, Marana R, (I) Conception and altered semen parameters: retrospective analysis of 453 pregnancies Kabir SN, Banerjee S, (IND) The size of ovarian follicular reserve impacts the expression of GDF-9 and NOBOX, and modulates the rate of follicular atresia Kaur S, Prabha V, Shukla G, Sarwal A, (IND) Receptor mediated agglutination of human spermatozoa by spermagglutinating factor isolated from Staphylococcus aureus Maragno L, Coppola F, Patria G, Pezzuto AC, Benegiamo A, Ferrari B, Nardelli GB, (I) Endometrial function during ART Papini F, Simi G, Di Berardino OM, Ruggiero M, Monteleone P, Cela V, Artini PG, Genazzani AR, (I) Fragmin administration in women undergoing program of assisted fertilization Shamsi MB, Venkatesh S, Kumar K, Talwar P, Kumar R, Mittal S, Dada R, (IND) ROS levels and DNA damage - association with poor sperm quality and Medically Assisted Procreation failure Viana G, Ruggiero M, Parisen Toldin MR, Valentino V, Papini F, Artini PG, Cela V, Genazzani AR, (I) Endometritis: hysteroscopic follow-up after antibiotic therapy in infertile patients 16.30/18.30 Oral Presentations REGULATION OF THE ENDOMETRIUM Chairpersons: Cela Vito (I), Pintiaux Axelle (F) Asaturova AV, Mogirevskaya OA, Kondrikov NI, (RUS) The efficacy of PTEN expression assessment in endometrial hyperplasia and other possible markers for endometrial precancerous process identification and prediction Botto de Barros Filho AM, Barbosa IC, Maia Jr H, Genes CC, Coutinho EM, (BR) Effects of subdermal implants of estradiol and testosterone on the endometrium of postmenopausal women Fluhr H, Spratte J, Zygmunt M, (D) Heparin and low molecular weight heparins modulate the decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells Fujiwara H, Fujii H, Takao Y, Horie A, Sato Y, Konishi I, (JP) EphrinA1 induces cell attachment and intercellular dissociation in Ishikawa cells Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Gentilini D, Besana A, Vigano P, Vignali M, Melandri M, Di Blasio AM, Busacca M, (I) The endocannabinoid system controls endometrial plasticity Hulchiy M, Lindén Hirschberg A, Cline JM, Sahlin L, (S) Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor and thyroid hormone receptor alpha expression in the uterus of cynomolgus macaques: effects of steroid hormone treatment Kovalenko Y, Kubyshkin A, Litvinova S, (UA) Role of nonspecific proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors in endometrial hyperplasia development Malenkovic G, Mandic A, Popovic M, Zikic D, Rajovic J, Tesic O, (SRB - MNE) Endometrial pathologies associated with Tamoxifen in breast cancer patients with postmenopausal vaginal bleeding Schaefer WR, Fischer L, Deppert W, Hanjalic-Beck A, Seebacher L, Stuckenschneider J, Zahradnik HP, (D) Effects of drugs and endocrine active chemicals on endometrial gene-expression biomarkers in vitro Singh M, Singh T, Singh H, (IND) Endometrial Tuberculosis- Case for Differential Diagnosis in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding In Late Reproductive Period Tan O, Ornek T, Fadiel A, Naftolin F, (USA) Activation and action of ezrin protein during the endometrial cycle and its potential role in embryo implantation Thursday March 4th González-Ramos R, Rojas C, Rocco J, Poch A, Sovino H, Kohen P, Devoto L, (RCH) Nuclear factor-kappaB p65 and RelB peptides expression in human endometrium across the menstrual cycle 57 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 58 Roma, 8-11 June 2011 Menopause Renaissance in the Eternal City: preventive and therapeutic strategies for healthy aging Professional Congress Organizer Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Friday March 5 59 th 10.30 -11.00 Estetrol: a fetal estrogen for clinical use Hall Verde Hall Belvedere 11.10 -13.10 Theramex A woman’s journey: 3 main periods of a woman’s life through 3 therapeutic areas 14.10 -15.00 Should there be an international limit on Is there a role for the number of fertilized oocytes that are metformin in the implanted in a woman at one time? treatment of PCOS women? 15.00 -17.00 Merck Serono The future of fertility: Androgens individualised therapy in women 17.20 -19.20 Follicular growth, oocyte quality, embrio Female sexuality selection and endometrial receptivity: an unsolved puzzle 19.20 Hall Affari 2 Hall Affari 1 Johnson & Roundtable Johnson Medical Discussion Live reproductive The Hot Flush: surgery session Benign Annoyance or Predictor of Gyne surgery under Neurological imaging conditions Vulnerability? Hall Affari 3 Academy of Human Reproduction The future trends of induction of ovulation - dedicated to the late dr. Sheldon Segal Fertility preservation in woman with breast cancer: a need for a global strategy Breast cancer Diagnostic tools for menopausal symptoms Bayer Schering Pharma Young at heart From nature for menopause ISGE General Assembly Hall Affari 4 Hall Onice 08.30 -10.00 Sociedad Argentina De Endocrinologia Bayer Italia Ginecologica Y Reproductiva Confronti clinici in contraccezione Ovarian ageing: impact for fertility ormonale preservation 10.30 -11.00 New aspects of OHSS Polish group of G.E. Fertility and Hot topics in pregnancy in 2010 gynecological endocrinology 11.10 -13.10 Chronic anovulation Hormones and Patophysiology of hormone receptors PCOS 14.10 -15.00 HRA PHARMA A new look at emergency Prevention of postmenopausal contraception osteoporosis: hormones or bisphosphonates? 15.00 -17.00 Endometriosis: from the bench to the Wyeth/Pfizer bedside Controversie clinico-terapeutiche nell’ambulatorio del ginecologo 17.20 -19.20 Endometrial hyperplasia and cancer Gynecological cancers Miscarriage and abortion Advances in contraception Clinical and therapeutical aspects of PCOS Today’s picks Roundtable Discussion 08.30/10.00 Hall Belvedere The Hot Flush: Benign Annoyance or Predictor of Neurological Vulnerability? Roberta Diaz Brinton (USA), Andrea R. Genazzani (I), Victor Henderson (USA), Pauline Maki (USA) Social Evening Arts in Florence Guided visit and cocktail at the Bargello museum. Please come to the Social Events desk to get your ticket with entrance and tour time. Friday March 5th Hall Auditorium 08.30 -10.00 Association Française pour l’étude de la menopause When menopause comes too early 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 60 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Friday March 5th Friday March 5th Hall AUDITORIUM When menopause comes too early 08.30/10.00 SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE POUR L’ÉTUDE DE LA MENOPAUSE Chairpersons: Lachowsky Michèle (F), Scemama Lydia Marie (F) Scemama Lydia Marie (F) Premature ovarian failure and gynecology Lachowsky Michèle (F) Premature menopause and patients Gambacciani Marco (I) Premature Menopause and metabolic alterations 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Genazzani Andrea R (I) Estetrol; a fetal estrogen for clinical use Chairpersons: Foidart Jean-Michel (B) 11.10/13.10 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - THERAMEX MERCK SERONO A WOMAN’S JOURNEY: 3 MAIN PERIODS OF A WOMAN’S LIFE THROUGH 3 THERAPEUTIC AREAS Chairpersons: Benagiano Giuseppe (I), Kenemans Peter (NL) Stevenson John (UK) Menstrual cycle Collins Peter (UK) Cardiovascular issue Graziottin Alessandra (I) Quality of life and sexuality 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Should there be an international limit on the number of fertilized oocytes that are implanted in a woman at one time? Chairpersons: Frydman Réné (F), Polatti Franco (I) Gianaroli Luca (I) — Tarlatzis Basil (GR) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 15.00/17.00 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - MERCK SERONO THE FUTURE OF FERTILITY: INDIVIDUALISED THERAPY 61 Friday March 5th Chairpersons: Artini paolo Giovanni (I), Barri Pedro (E) Genazzani Andrea R (I) Welcome and Introduction Carone Domenico (I) The need of a tailored therapy Revelli Alberto (I) Mild stimulation protocols: from super ovulation to natural IVF Alviggi Carlo (I) How to treat Poor/Hypo/Slow responders efficiently Ruvolo Giovanni (I) New insights in oocytes, sperm and embryo selection ECM 17.20/19.20 PLENARY SESSION FOLLICULAR GROWTH, OOCYTE QUALITY, EMBRIO SELECTION AND ENDOMETRIAL RECEPTIVITY: AN UNSOLVED PUZZLE Chairpersons: Devoto Luigi (RCH), Di Lieto Andrea (I) Horcajadas José (E) Molecular Diagnosis of Endometrial Receptivity Artini Paolo G (I) Human oocyte cryopreservation by Vitrification technique Picton Helen M (UK) In vitro models for understanding follicular growth and maturation Frydman Réné (F) How to choose the good embryos ? Ferraretti Anna Pia (I) Oocyte competence: the role of LH Hall BELVEDERE 08.30/10.00 Roundtable Discussion The Hot Flush: Benign Annoyance or Predictor of Neurological Vulnerability? Discussants: Roberta Diaz Brinton (USA), Andrea R. Genazzani (I), Victor Henderson (USA), Pauline Maki (USA) Hot flushes are the most frequently reported and recognizable symptom of menopause. Worldwide, there are currently more than 470 million women aged 50-plus. As the aging population expands, the occurrence of hot flashes and its health consequences will continue to be of clinical relevance. Prevalence of hot flash ranges from 60-82% of peri- to postmenopausal women in Western cultures whereas the prevalence in oophorectomized women is 90%. While reported hot flash frequency varies across cultures, a sizable proportion of women world wide can be anticipated to manifest the hot flash as part of reproductive senescence. The Round Table Discussion on “The Hot Flush: Benign Annoyance or Predictor of Neurological Vulnerability?” will consider current views on the hot flush and implications for neurological health. 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 62 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Hall VERDE PLENARY LECTURE Mettler Liselotte (D) Gyne surgery under imaging conditions LIVE SURGERY SESSION FROM PISA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Angioni Stefano (I), Cela Vito (I), Freschi Letizia (I), Litta Pietro (I), Pluchino Nicola (I), Tana Roberta (I), Teti Giancarlo (I) Hysterectomy, Subtotal hysterectomy, Myomectomy, Single port laparoscopic surgery, Office hysteroscopy 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Is there a role for metformin in the treatment of pcos women? 08.30/13.10 Friday March 5th LIVE REPRODUCTIVE SURGERY SESSION SPONSORED BY JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL Chairpersons in Florence: Mettler Liselotte (D), Scarselli Gianfranco (I) Chairperson in Pisa: Cela Vito (I) Chairpersons: Barri Pedro (E), Tranquilli Andrea (I) Dunaif Andrea (USA) — Genazzani Alessandro D (I) 15.00/17.00 PLENARY SESSION ANDROGENS IN WOMEN ECM Chairpersons: Dunaif Andrea (USA), Piccione Emilio (I) Sultan Charles (F) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: from clinic to gene, from gene to clinic Ibáñez Lourdes (E) Hyperandrogenism in adolescence Milewicz Andrzej (PL) Treatment of hyperandrogenism Smetnik Vera (RUS) The androgen-deficiency syndrome and related diseases Genazzani Andrea R (I) Androgen therapy in women: an unsolved puzzle 17.20/19.20 PLENARY SESSION FEMALE SEXUALITY Chairpersons: Colacurci Nicola (I), Lachowsky Michèle (F) Nappi Rossella (I) Brain control of female sexuality: neuroendocrine control Birkhaeuser Martin (CH) Sexual dysfunction after menopause: the place of androgen substitution Valentino Valeria (I) Assisted procreation and its impact on couple sexuality Bitzer Johannes (CH) How to promote the sexual health of the elderly couple Caruso Salvatore (I) Age and metabolic related structural changes in female clitoral cavernosal tissue ECM Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Hall AFFARI 1 THE FUTURE TRENDS OF INDUCTION OF OVULATION DEDICATED TO THE LATE DR. SHELDON SEGAL 08.30/10.00 63 ACADEMY OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION Friday March 5th Chairpersons: Naftolin Frederick (USA), Schenker Joseph (IL) Naftolin Frederick (USA) The Exquisite Choreography of Follicle Development and ovulation by the Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Ovary Lunenfeld Bruno (IL) Gonadotropins for Induction of Ovulation Frydman Réné (F) Can we identifie the so call good oocyte after ovarian stimulation for ART Shoham Zeev (IL) Luteal support in ART cycles: Why, with what, and for how long? Schenker Joseph (IL) Complications of Induction of Ovulation 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Uzan Serge (F) Fertility preservation in woman with breast cancer: a need for a global strategy Chairpersons: Benedetti Panici Pierluigi (I), Mueck Alfred (D) 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION BREAST CANCER Chairpersons: Panay Nicholas (UK), Zervoudis Stefanos (GR) Simpson Evan (AUS) Sex, aging, fat and breast cancer - an update Mueck Alfred (D) Role of estrogen metabolites in breast cancer Santen Richard J (USA) Aromatase and breast cancer von Schoultz Bo (S) Mammographic density to monitor the breast during hormone therapy Sismondi Piero (I) New frontiers in integrated therapy in breast cancer 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Diagnostic tools for menopausal symptoms Chairpersons: Brincat Mark (M), Capetta Piero (I) Chedraui Peter (EC) — Nachtigall Lila E (USA) ECM 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 64 15.00/17.00 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - BAYER SCHERING PHARMA YOUNG AT HEART Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Friday March 5th Chairpersons: Blake Jennifer (CDN), Foidart Jean-Michel (B) Gambacciani Marco (I) HRT Today – Recent Insights Otto Christiane (D) Effects of Drospirenone on Breast Tissue Rosano Giuseppe (I) Cardiovascular Aspects of Drospirenone Collins Peter (UK) Managing a Woman’s Cardiovascular Risk: a Gynecologists’ Guide 17.20/19.20 PLENARY SESSION FROM NATURE FOR MENOPAUSE Chairpersons: Facchinetti Fabio (I), Sjoberg Nils-Otto (S) Jungbauer Alois (A) Bioactive compounds recommended for nutrition of climacteric women Cianci Antonio (I) Isoflavones and lactobacilli for a natural approach to menopausal disorders Huber Johannes (A) Equol - an endogenous phytochemical for the menopause Nachtigall Lila E (USA) Clotting Issues in Oral Estrogen, Transdermal Estrogen and Femarelle Genazzani Andrea R (I) Neuroendocrine effects of DT56A (Femarelle™) administration Hall AFFARI 2 OVARIAN AGEING: IMPACT FOR FERTILITY PRESERVATION 08.30/10.00 SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY SOCIEDAD ARGENTINA DE ENDOCRINOLOGIA GINECOLOGICA Y REPRODUCTIVA Cortelezzi Marta (RA) Marcadores endocrinos de reserva ovarica (Endocrine markers for ovarian reserve) Nolting Manuel (RA) FOP: consecuencias reproductivas y no reproductivas (POF: reproductive and non reproductive consequences) Lombardi E (RA) Preservación de la fertilidad (Fertility preservation) Moses Nora (RA) Implicancias endocrino-metabolicas en mujeres mayores de 40 (Endocrine and metabolic implications of ovarian aging) 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Schenker Joseph (IL) New aspects of OHSS Chairpersons: Nachtigall Lila E (USA), Venturini Pierluigi (I) ECM Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION CHRONIC ANOVULATION ECM Friday March 5th Chairpersons: Kiesel Ludwig (D), Metka Markus (a) Naftolin Frederick (USA) Hormonal control of ovulation Meczekalski Blazej (PL) Neuroendocrine and endocrine aspects of hypothalamic amenorrhea Genazzani Alessandro D (I) Pathophysiology of chronic anovulatory syndromes Lanzone Antonio (I) Diagnosis and clinical management of menstrual irregularities and infertility Nappi Carmine (I) Long-term health consequences of chronic anovulation 14.10/15.00 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - HRA PHARMA A NEW LOOK AT EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION Chairpersons: Baird David (UK) Moreau Caroline (F) Emergency contraception: A real need for a second chance - Epidemiological evidence Glasier Anna (UK) ellaOne® Ulipristal Acetate: Improved efficacy - Clinical evidence 15.00/17.00 PLENARY SESSION ENDOMETRIOSIS: FROM THE BENCH TO THE BEDSIDE Chairpersons: Bulun Serdar (USA), DEssole salvatore (I) Scarselli Gianfranco (I) Epigenetic alterations in endometriotic tissue : the role of hox genes Kiesel Ludwig (D) Stem cells in endometrium and endometriosis Angioni Stefano (I) Pain in endometriosis: central sensitization or peripheral mechanisms? Schindler Adolf (D) Dienogest – a novel progestogen for the treatment of endometriosis Luisi Stefano (I) New treatment of endometriosis-related pain 65 ECM 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 66 17.20/19.20 PLENARY SESSION ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA AND CANCER Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 ECM Friday March 5th Chairpersons: Santen Richard J (USA), Sartori Enrico (I) Prat Jaime (E) From endometrial hyperplasia to endometrial cancer Sturdee David (UK) Hormonal control of endometrial hyperplasia Pélissier-Langbort Clara, Nathalie Chabbert-Buffet (F) Progestins treatment in premenopausal women Baird David (UK) Hormone treatment for the prevention and treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with preservation of fertility Hourvitz Ariel (IL) In vitro fertilization after endometrial adenocarcinoma Hall AFFARI 3 CONFRONTI CLINICI IN CONTRACCEZIONE ORMONALE prima sessione 08.30/10.30 EDUCATIONAL COURSE - BAYER ITALIA Chairpersons: Bruni Vincenzina (I), Massobrio Marco (I) Dei Metella (I) Contraccezione nelle fasce di età estreme Lello Stefano (I) Estroprogestinici e iperandrogenismo Paoletti Anna Maria (I) Contraccezione e sintomi premestruali Nappi Rossella (I) Contraccezione e flussi mestruali abbondanti 11.00/13.00 EDUCATIONAL COURSE - BAYER ITALIA CONFRONTI CLINICI IN CONTRACCEZIONE ORMONALE seconda sessione Chairpersons: Fruzzetti Franca (I), Melis Gian Benedetto (I) Candiani Massimo (I) Contraccezione ed endometriosi Caruso Salvatore (I) Contraccezione e sessualità Bruni Vincenzina (I) Contraccezione oggi. Quali estrogeni e quali progestinici? Fruzzetti Franca (I) Personalizzazione della terapia contraccettiva Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology DEBATE Prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis: hormones or bisphosphonates? Chairpersons: Smetnik Vera (RUS), Surico Nicola (I) gambacciani marco (I) — Christiansen Claus (DK) 15.00/19.20 EDUCATIONAL COURSE - WYETH/PFIZER CONTROVERSIE CLINICO-TERAPEUTICHE NELL’AMBULATORIO DEL GINECOLOGO Chairpersons: Nappi Carmine (I), Scarselli Gianfranco (I) Genazzani Andrea R (I) Il cervello femminile e le sue vulnerabilità nell’ambulatorio del ginecologo Nappi Rossella (I) Le problematiche sessuali e la pratica clinica: come riconoscerle e affrontarle Maffei Silvia (I) Cuore vasi e terapia ormonale: l’importanza di un inizio precoce Sismondi Piero (I) La mammella nell’ambulatorio del ginecologo Lello Stefano (I) Perché l’osteoporosi post-menopausale è di gestione del ginecologo? Perino Antonio (I) Infezioni vaginali e flogosi pelvica: un binomio non ancora risolto Hall AFFARI 4 HOT TOPICS IN GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 08.30/10.00 SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY POLISH GROUP OF GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY Czajkowski Krzysztof (PL) The role of progesterone in early pregnancy Jedrzejczak Piotr (PL) Fertility in ageing male Smolarczyk Roman (PL) Practical solution of hyperprolactinaemia in gynecological practice Meczekalski Blazej (PL) Hypoestrogenism in young women and its influence on bone mass density 11.10/13.10 Oral Presentations HORMONES AND HORMONE RECEPTORS Chairpersons: Jungbauer Alois (A), Mannella Paolo (I) Black SM, Sud N, Wiseman DA, (USA) Development of a peptide that attenuates the plasma membrane translocation of estrogen receptor alpha Cork DMW, Lennard TWJ, Tyson-Capper AJ, (UK) Alternatively Spliced Progesterone Receptor (PR) Expression in Breast Cancer 67 Friday March 5th 14.10/15.00 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Giannini A, Cubeddu A, Bucci F, Russo M, Daino D, Russo N, Merlini S, Pluchino N, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, (I) Progesterone counteracts estrogen-induced increases in central and peripheral BrainDerived Neurotrophic Factor in female ovx rats 68 Friday March 5th Kechagioglou K, Kolibianakis EM, Venetis CA, Chatzimeletiou K, Loutradi K, Tarlatzis BC, (GR) Association of human progesterone receptor polymorphisms with the probability of pregnancy: a systematic review Leitao BB, Jones MC, Fusi L, Higham J, Lee Y, Takano M, Goto T, Christian M, Lam EWF, Brosens JJ, (UK) Silencing of the JNK pathway maintains progesterone receptor activity in decidualizing human endometrial stromal cells exposed to oxidative stress signals Lucas C, Thackery L, Gonzalez D, Hopkins L, Davies C, Joels L, White J, Conlan S, (UK) The expression of the transcription factor WT1 (Wilms tumour suppressor gene) within the human uterus during decidualization Medjakovic S, Zoechling A, Vollmer G, Zierau O, Kretzschmar G, Moeller F, Kolba S, Papke A, Opietnik M, Kosma P, Rosenau T, Jungbauer A (A) Potent AhR agonist from sauerkraut modulates the ER pathway Sanchez AM, Zullino S, Flamini MI, Genazzani AR, Simoncini T, (I) Rapid signaling of estrogen to focal adhesion kinase in endothelial cells Tyson-Capper A, Kirby J, (UK) The role of endogenous ligands in modulating inflammation and TLR signalling events associated with preterm birth Tyson-Capper A, Robson S, (UK) Non-classical pathways are responsible for the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action of progesterone in human myometrial and amnion cells Vladic-Stjernholm Y, Vladic T, Blesson C, Ekman-Ordeberg G, Sahlin L, (S) Prostaglandin treatment is followed by a withdrawal of progesterone and androgen in the human uterine cervix Wilhelm F, Kovacs KA, Menyhárt Cs, Lengyel F, Szabó I, (HR) Estradiol activates Akt/protein kinase B in postmenopausal endometrium 15.00/17.00 Oral Presentations GYNECOLOGICAL CANCERS Chairpersons: Amunni Gianni (I), Gadducci Angiolo (I) Bellati F, Gasparri ML, Pernice M, Musella A, Donfrancesco C, Ruscito I, Visconti V, Benedetti Panici P, (I) Improvement of QoL after hormone replacemet therapy in cervical cancer survivors Benedetti Panici P, Napoletano C, Bellati F, Gasparri ML, Ruscito I, Pernice M, Pastore M, Antonilli M, Maffucci D, Nuti M, (I) Improvement of quality of life and immunological fitness targeting VEGF in platinum refractory ovarian cancer patient Cole LA, (USA) Hyperglycosylated hCG in tumor invasion Franchi V, Verrocchi F, (I) Nutritional status in oncological gynaecology. Which importance? Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Jadoon B, Sundar S, Kehoe S, Roamian K, (UK) Analysis of outcome in women with borderline glandular change Koutlaki N, Dimitraki M, Zervoudis S, Psillaki A, Sofiadou V, Nikas I, Grapsas X, Galazios G, Liberis V, (GR) Relation of body mass index and blood androgens levels to tumor prognostic factors among premenopausal women with breast cancer Laurelli G, Di Vagno G, Scaffa C, Iodice F, Gallo MS, Forleo F, Greggi S, (I) Conservative treatment of early endometrial cancer: preliminary results of a pilot study Puett D, Cui J, Eldredge JB, Miner BM, Warrenfeltz SW, Xu Y, (USA) Gene expression profiling of ovarian cancer cells post-activation of the LH receptor Wincewicz Andrzej, Sulkowska M, Kanczuga-Koda L, Koda M, Sulkowski S, (PL) Eventual proapoptotic or anti-apoptotic impact of aberrantly expressed Cx43 and Cx26 can depend on ER-alpha overexpression in endometrioid adenocarcinoma Wincewicz A, Wincewicz A, Sulkowska M, Koda M, Kanczuga-Koda L, Sulkowski S, (PL) STAT3, E-cadherin and apoptosis regulators: Bak and Bcl-xL in endometrioid adenocarcinomas of different ER-alpha immunoprofile Zafran N, Goldman S, Shalev E, (IL) Plexin B1 is differentially expressed in biopsies from normal and tumoral endometrium having tissue specific effect on in-vitro invasion 17.20/19.20 Oral Presentations MISCARRIAGE AND ABORTION Chairpersons: Gambacciani Marco (I), Spinillo Arsenio (I) Coccia ME, Spitaleri M, Riviello C, Rizzello F, Castellacci E, Caponi D, Mariani G, Scarselli G, (I) Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: the effectiveness of a new therapeutic approach El Kamel-Lebbi I, Ayed W, Bhouri R, Kacem O, Kileni O, Bouayed Abdelmoula N, Zhioua Fi, Amouri A, (TN) Male chromosomal implication in recurrent spontaneous abortions Essadi FM, Elmehashi MO, Elsaratie OA, (LAR) Efficacy of Low dose Aspirin & Low-molecular-weight- heparin treatment in women with recurrent first trimester pregnancy loss Hedayat Z, Mohammadzade V, Javadi H, Sadeghi MR, Akhondi MM, Sadeghitabar A, Zarnani AH, (IR) Higher frequency of anti-thyroid antibodies in patients with recurrent spontaneous abortion may stem from impaired vitamin D3 metabolism Horie A, Fujiwara H, Suginami K, Takao Y, Fujii H, Sato Y, Konishi I, (JP) Laeverin, a novel membrane-bound aminopeptidase, regulates early human placentation Russu M, Stănculescu R, Păun M, Nastasia S, Mubarack N, Marin JA, Lachanas I, (RO) Pregnancy outcome after preconceptional and during window of implantation Vaginal Micronized Progesterone administration in recurrent pregnancy loss Salvador S, Londero AP, D’Aietti V, Driul L, Fruscalzo A, Bertozzi S, Marchesoni D, (I) Short-term follow-up of voluntary abortion in an Italian centre: a prospective analysis of 186 cases Friday March 5th Karimi Zarchi M, Mousavi A, Behtash N, Modares Gilani M, Ghaemmaghami F, (IR) Fertility sparing in infertile women with endometrial cancer or complex atypical hyperplasia 69 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 70 Seremak-Mrozikiewicz A, Drews K, Barlik M, Kurzawińska G, Łukaszewski T, Mrozikiewicz PM, (PL) The Arg353Gln polymorphism of factor VII in women with recurrent miscarriages Friday March 5th Spitaleri M, Riviello C, Rizzello F, Castellacci E, Caponi D, Mariani G, Coccia ME, (I) Antithyroid antibodies and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Toulis K, Dimitrios G, Goulis Christos A, Venetis Efstratios M, Kolibianakis V, Harizopoulou RN, Tarlatzis BC, Papadimas I, (GR) Risk of spontaneous miscarriage in euthyroid women with thyroid autoimmunity undergoing in-vitro fertilization: a systematic review and a meta-analysis Turp AB (TR) Are We Missing Out Evaluation of Paternal Chromosomal Abnormality In Recurrent Miscarriage? Varicocele and Sperm FISH Tutchenko TN, Tatarchuk TF, Gorovenko NG, Podolskaya SV, Shakalo IN, (UA) Glutathione S-transferase M1 and T1 Polymorphisms and the Risk of Recurrent Early Pregnancy Loss in Women with High Perceived Stress Hall ONICE FERTILITY AND PREGNANCY IN 2010 08.30/10.00 Oral Presentations Chairpersons: Ferraretti Anna Pia (I), Horcajadas José (E) Carminati R, Giannice R, Patregnani C, Bertozzi R, Forloni G, Fogliani M, (I) Vaginal Salpingectomy as Surgical Treatment for Extrauterine Tubal Pregnancy: a Pilot Randomized Study Klimov V (UA) Autosensibilization to the progesterone and syndrome loss of pregnancy Marin JA, Russu M, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, (RO) Diabetes and obesity as complex metabolic disorders, and pregnancy outcomes Mohseni Meybodi A, Haratian K, Zari Moradi S, Mansouri Z, (IR) Detection of different kind of human papillomavirus in normal pregnancy and in pregnant women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Riviello C, Mello G, Jovanovic L, (I) Breastfeeding and Basal Insulin Requirement in Type 1 Diabetic Women Takao Y, Fujiwara H, Ueda M, Fujii H, Horie A, Konishi I, (JP) Human luteal cells express Monoamine oxidase-A during early pregnancy Tica Oana Sorina, Tica A, Berceanu C, Georgescu C, (RO) Abnormal pregnancies after clomiphene citrate 11.10/13.10 Oral Presentations PATOPHYSIOLOGY OF PCOS Chairpersons: Angioni Stefano (I), Pucci Enrico (I) Benelli E, Bernini GP, Rinaldi E, Del Ghianda S, Cionini R, Burelli A, Monteleone P, Vitti P, Pucci E, (I) Aldosterone and renin plasma levels in young patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Davydova GN, Melnichenko GA, Chebotnikova TV, (RUS) Clinical features of polycystic ovary syndrome Domingues T, Serafini P, Monteiro Rocha A, Leme Alves da Motta E, Yadid I, Coslovsky M, Fettback P, Domingues T, Homem de Mello Bianchi P, Carrilho E, Baracat EC, (BR) Polycystic ovarian disease does not enhance rescue of corpus luteum by administration of recombinant (r)hCG on the first day of the menses Falbo A, Materazzo C, Rocca M, Russo T, Zullo F, Palomba S, (I) Effects of metformin with or without folate supplementation on homocysteine levels and vascular endothelium of women with polycystic ovary syndrome Georgopoulos NA, Piouka A, Katsikis I, Saltamavros AD, Bakatselou K, Decavalas G, Panidis D, (GR) The relationship of Antimüllerian hormone (AMH) to LH and FSH serum levels and the impact of obesity, in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Lanzoni C, Chierchia E, Rattighieri E, Santagni S, Campedelli A, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AD, (I) Metformin administration restores allopregnanolone response to ACTH stimulation in overweight hyperinsulinemic PCOS patients Matteo M, Scillitani G, Noviello A, De Rosario F, Liso A, Massenzio F, Picca G, Greco P, (I) Reduced percentage of natural killer cells associated with impaired cytokine network in the secretory endometrium of infertile PCOS women Rinaldi E, Benelli E, Simoncini T, Del Ghianda S, Fiore E, Burelli A, Cionini R, Vitti P, Pucci E, (I) Glucose metabolism and adrenal activity Shebl O, Sommergruber M, Ebner T, Sir A, Tews G (A) Effect of ovarian drilling on serum AMH level in women with PCOS Spettu F, Daga A, Orrù A, Melis GB, Fulghesu AM, (I) AMH as a marker of ovarian activity in multifollicular ovaries Tuck A, Tilley W, Hickey T, (AUS) Increased kit ligand levels in human polycystic ovaries 15.00/17.00 Oral Presentations ADVANCES IN CONTRACEPTION Chairpersons: Blithe Diana (USA), Fruzzetti Franca (I) Ågren U, Duijkers IJM, Sommer W, Grob P, Mommers E, Korver T, (FIN) Impact of a Unique, Monophasic Combined Oral Contraceptive Containing Nomegestrol Acetate/17 Beta-Estradiol on SHBG and Androgenic Markers in Two Open-Label, Randomized, Comparative Studies Brache V, Cochon L, Jesam C, Maldonado R, Salvatierra AM, Levy DP, Gainer E, Croxatto HB, (DOM) Immediate preovulatory administration of 30mg ulipristal acetate significantly delays subsequent follicular rupture 71 Friday March 5th Campagna G, Ricciardi L, Bompiani A, De Cicco S, Tagliaferri V, Romualdi D, Guido M, Lanzone A, (I) Ethinylestradiol-chlormadinone acetate combination for the treatment of hirsutism and hormonal alterations of normal-weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome: evalutation of metabolic impact 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 72 Duijkers IJM, Klipping C, Grob P, Korver T, (NL) Effects of a Unique, Monophasic Combined Oral Contraceptive Containing Nomegestrol Acetate/17 Beta-Estradiol on Ovarian Function Friday March 5th Gaussem P, Alhenc-Gelas M, Thomas JL, Remones V, Aiach M, Scarabin PY, (F) Haemostatic effects of a new combined oral contraceptive, nomegestrol acetate/17ßestradiol, compared with those of levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol Heliövaara-Peippo S, Aalto AM, Grenman S, Halmesmäki K, Hurskainen R, Kivelä A, Teperi J, Tomas E, Tuppurainen M, Paavonen J, (FIN) The effect of hysterectomy or levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on quality of life among women with menorrhagia: a 10-year randomised controlled trial Pal D, Sabde S, Ray H, Pal BC, Mitra D, Kabir SN, (IND) Acaciaside-B-enriched fraction of Acacia auriculiformis possesses spermicidal as well as anti-HIV activity with wide margin of safety Saha P, Pal BC, Kabir SN, (IND) Puerarin, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, disrupts embryo-uterine communication and inhibits implantation in rats Saki G, Saki J, Kadkhodaei Elyaderani M, (IR) In vivo study the effect of Oxamate on LDH-C4 activity of sperm in Rat Sbano FM, Palomba S, Arduino B, Falbo A, Venturella R, Materazzo C, Annunziata G, Zumpano A, Zullo F, (I) Effectiveness of LNG-IUD in relation to FSH serum levels in patients with menorrhagia Wildemeersch D, Andrade A, Janssens D, (B) Review of clinical experience with the frameless LNG-IUS for contraception and treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding 17.20/19.20 Oral Presentations CLINICAL AND THERAPEUTICAL ASPECTS OF PCOS Chairpersons: Dei Metella (I), Pluchino Nicola (I) Capalbo A, Tiziano FD, Sagnella F, Morciano A, Martinez D, Moro F, Spettu F, Rienzi LF, Ubaldi FM, Brahe C, Fulghesu A, Apa R, Lanzone A, (I) The missense Ser312Asn variant of LHCGR gene is strongly associated with PCOS: a case-control Glinski L, Zuliani L, Bleve L, Azzolini S, Granzotto M, Ritunnano R, Maffei P, De Carlo E, Martini C, Sicolo N, Vettor R, Mioni R, (I) Insulin regulates both basal and stimulated gonadotropins secretion in PCOS patients: different effect of metformin, hypocaloric and low glucidic diet Huang W, Tao Y, Guo T, Li G, (PRC) Association between serum adipocyte factor and insulin resistance in PCOS Londero AP, Bertozzi S, Bernardi S, Driul L, Marchesoni S, (I) Policystic ovary syndrome and benign breast disease: two aspects of the same dysmetabolic condition Perini D, Fruzzetti F, Lazzarini V, Gambacciani M, Parrini D, Genazzani AR, (I) Comparison of effects of 3 mg drospirenone plus 20 mg ethinyl estradiol alone or combined with metformin or cyproterone acetate on classic metabolic cardiovascular risk factors in nonobese women with PCOS Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Rice S, Pellatt L, Ramanthan K, Whitehead S, Mason H, (UK) Metformin inhibits aromatase via an ERK-mediated pathway Rinaldi E, Del Ghianda S, Benelli E, Mannella P, Burelli A, Cionini R, Latrofa F, Vitti P, Pinchera A, Pucci E, (I) Autoimmunity and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Sanna S, Angioni S, Melis GB, Fulghesu AM, (I) Metformin effect in PCOS patients is not dose dependent Signori C, Bonin C, Di Sarra D, Bettinazzi F, Forner S, Moghetti P, (I) Metabolic features and uterine artery color doppler analysis in polycistic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and control women Talaei RZ, Pirkalani K, (IR) Genetic predisposition of polycystic ovarian disease: Report of clusters within 10 large families; inclusion of novel signs and describing male PCOD 73 Friday March 5th Ricciardi L, Campagna G, Bompiani A, De Cicco S, Tagliaferri V, Romualdi D, Guido M, Lanzone A, (I) Follicular function and metabolic assessment in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: Antimullerian hormone after insulin-sensitizing therapy 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 74 9 Scientific Programme Plenary Sessions Post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd after childbirth) Where does it come from? Origin and development (K. Wijma, S) How can we understand it? Theoretical models (S. Ayers, Sussex, UK) How and where do we meet it? Clinical appearance and prevalence (E-L. Ryding, S) What can professionals do? Clinical care and treatment (P. Slade, UK) Councelling for prenatal diagnosis Decision making after fetal pathology (A. Rohde, D) How to cope with uncertainty during pregnancy (C. Luchi, I) Prenatal counselling: Pregnant women‘s experiences and needs (S. Tschudin, CH) CongressParental after the unexpected finding of a International tyreactions abnormality chromosomal in prenatal diagnoscie tional Sosex tic testing (J. Pieters, NL) s of the Interna stetric Caesarean section on demand and mental disorders in obstetrics atic ObAdaptive som cho Pros and Cons from a medical point of view Depressive symptoms in Pregnancy and Puerperium Psy of (A. Tranquilli, I) (JF Navio, E) gy olo nec Should we follow the patient’sGy Pregnant women and mental illnesses (J.Alder, CH) and autonomy? (B. Maier, A) Oxytocin Women choice of mode of delivery: a matter of spray for post-partum depression ly Venezia, Ita 0, 2010 October 28-3 information (F. Facchinetti, I) Practical steps in counseling (H. Kentenich, D) Beyond somatic obstetrical complications Psycho-social predictors of preterm delivery (C. Benedetto, I) Mother-baby intervention, a proven strategy in attachment between mothers and babies (N. Petilon NL) Premature delivery and stress (C. Maggioni, I) (R. Natale, I) Attachment needs and disruptors in pregnancy and puerperium (A. Graziottin, I) Early detection of psychopathology in pregnant women; a new strategy to prevent worse (M. van den Berg, NL) Surgery E of female genitals MMdesign RY PROGRA“Designer Vagina”: Consensual declaration in referPRELIMINA ence to intimate surgery and its psychosomatic aspects (B. Wimmer-Puchinger, A) www.ispog201 Should we follow the patient’s wish? (A. Borkenhagen, D) Labiohypertrophy and Labioplastic Surgery; Psychosomatic implications (H. Wienerroither, A) Guidelines for gynaecologists and surgeons (M. Paarlberg, NL) “San Giovanni Evangelista” Jacopo Guarana 1762, Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista new preliminary programme available Venezia, Italy October 28-31, 2010 Professional Congress Organizer Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Saturday March 6 75 th Hall Auditorium Hall Affari 1 Sobrage Health benefits of the extended use of oral contraceptives IMS Unanswered questions on HRT Acupuncture in reproductive medicine 11.10 - 13.10 Bayer Schering Pharma Innovation in endometriosis therapy 14.10 - 15.00 Is pcos a disease or an adaptation? Art: from basic science to clinical application Are progestins always needed to counteract effects of estrogens after menopause? Progesterone and progestins: their targets Dydrogesterone in HRT - New ultra -low dose regimen to come Woman’s health through menopause and ageing Are estrogens neuroprotective? 15.10 - 17.10 50 Years of ovarian stimulation with human gonadotropins 17.10 - 19.30 Poster session in Poster Area Hall Affari 2 08.30 -10.00 Ispog Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology at patient’s side Hall Affari 3 Hall Affari 5/4 Hall Onice Guidotti “Sindrome metabolica ed insulino-resistenza nella donna” - Ethicon Women’s & Urology - Johnson & Johnson medical - Karl Storz 8.30/13.00 AFFARI 5 See and Treat Theoretical Part 14.00/17.00 AFFARI 4 See and Treat Practical activities (special registration needed) Gynecological endocrinology and infertility 10.30 - 11.00 Medical ethics – who writes the rules? 11.10 - 13.10 SERMS 14.10 - 15.00 Amgen in collaboration with GSK New concept for the treatment of postmenopausal 15.10 - 17.10 Endocrine control of bone metabolism Today’s picks Poster Session 17.10/19.30 Palazzo Affari -1 floor Hormones and female brain ageing 12.40-13.10 Assemblea generale isge italia Are progestins effective for threatened abortion? Post-menarchal disorders and reproductive tract anomalies Frontiers in pregnancy research Advances in imaging and surgery Saturday March 6th Hall Verde 08.30 -10.00 Esg/Seg Polycystic ovarian-metabolic syndrome (pcos) from birth to postmenopause 10.30 - 11.00 Inflammation and endometriosis 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 76 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Saturday March 6th Saturday March 6th Hall AUDITORIUM POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN-METABOLIC SYNDROME (PCOS) FROM BIRTH TO POST-MENOPAUSE 08.30/10.00 SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF GYNECOLOGY Chairpersons: Bouchard Philippe (F), Pélissier-Langbort ClarA (F) Sultan Charles (F) Pediatric origins of adult PCOS Palomba Stefano (I) Efficacy predictors for metformin and clomiphene citrate treatment in anovulatory infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome Barri Pedro (E) The IVF associated risks Chabbert Buffet Nathalie (F) PCOS in menopause Fauser Bart (NL) Cardio-vascular and metabolic risks 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Taylor Robert (USA) Inflammation and endometriosis Chairpersons: Maia Hugo (BR), Volpe Annibale (I) 11.10/13.10 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM - BAYER SCHERING PHARMA INNOVATION IN ENDOMETRIOSIS THERAPY Chairpersons: Blake Jennifer (CDN), Maruo Takeshi (JP) Hummelshoj Lone (UK) Challenges faced by the woman with endometriosis Petraglia Felice (I) Evidence-based medicine in endometriosis Mueck Alfred (D) Progestins - beyond a class effect: The special role of Dienogest Strowitzki Thomas (D) New evidence for a special progestin: Clinical data for Dienogest 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Is pcos a disease or an adaptation? Chairpersons: Bacchi Modena Alberto (I), Sultan Charles (F) Berga Sarah (USA) — Dunaif Andrea (USA) ECM Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 15.10/17.10 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology JUBILEE SESSION IN HONOR OF BRUNO LUNENFELD 77 Saturday March 6th 50 YEARS OF OVARIAN STIMULATION WITH HUMAN GONADOTROPINS Chairpersons: Buhler Klaus (D), Genazzani Andrea R (I) Fauser Bart (NL) Ovulation induction from the Fifties to the 21st century Schindler Adolf (D) Measuring hormone levels - in the Seventies and today Hackelöer Jochen (D) Controlling gonadotropin stimulation treatment in the 70’s and today Tarlatzis Basil (GR) Gonadotropin stimulation for ART: from urinary hMG to “pure” recombinant human (FSH-LH) preparations Lerner Liat (IL) Ovarian stimulation and cancer Lunenfeld Bruno (IL) Closing remarks Hall VERDE HEALTH BENEFITS OF THE EXTENDED USE OF ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES 08.30/10.00 SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE GINECOLOGIA ENDÓCRINA Maia Hugo (BR) Progestins and blockade of menstrual-related inflammation Bonassi Rogerio (BR) Clinical trials with extended regimens in Brazil Maia Hugo (BR) Extended regimens for the treatment of endometriosis 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Ng Ernest (UK) Acupuncture in reproductive medicine Chairpersons: Gil Sanchis Claudia (E), Zullo Fulvio (I) 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION ART: FROM BASIC SCIENCE TO CLINICAL APPLICATION Chairpersons: LERNER Liat (IL), Martinelli Pasquale (I) Magli Maria Cristina (I) Non-invasive assessment of oocyte quality and embryo viability Florio Pasquale (I) Growth factors and implantation: from basic research to clinical applications Gurgan Timur (TR) Is there any impact of different gonadotrophins on the success rates for IUI cycles? Shoham Zeev (IL) The role of LH in the stimulation protocols Volpe Annibale (I) Indications for the mild ovarian stimulation ECM 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 78 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Saturday March 6th 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Are progestins always needed to counteract effects of estrogens after menopause? Chairpersons: Palacios Santiago (E), Pelusi Giuseppe (I) Schindler Adolf (D) — Sturdee David (UK) 15.10/17.10 PLENARY SESSION PROGESTERONE AND PROGESTINS: THEIR TARGETS Chairpersons: Carta Gaspare (I), Schindler Adolf (D) Soderqvist Gunnar (S) Progesterone and progestins effects on breast tissue proliferation and breast cancer risk markers Schumacher Michael (F) Progesterone, new insights in Trauma Brain Injury Gaspard Ulysse (F) Management options of bleeding disorders in users of Progestin-only contraception Sitruk Ware Regine (USA) Vascular effects of progestins De Ziegler Dominique (F) A new subcutaneous progesterone in aqueous solution passed the ‘acid test’ of donoregg IVF Hall AFFARI 1 08.30/10.00 SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY INTERNATIONAL MENOPAUSE SOCIETY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ON HRT Chairpersons: de villiers tobie (za), Sturdee david (UK) Archer David (USA) The role of SERMs in gynecology Skouby Sven (DK) Is there justification for the widespread fear about the dangers of HRT? Villaseca Paulina (RCH) Treating urogenital atrophy: are local estrogens safe? Sitruk Ware Regine (USA) Are all progestins created equal? 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Mueck Alfred (D) Dydrogesterone in HRT - New ultra-low dose regimen to come Chairpersons: Bolis Pierfrancesco (I), Pines Amos (IL) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION WOMAN’S HEALTH THROUGH MENOPAUSE AND AGEING ECM Saturday March 6th Chairpersons: Ferrazzi Enrico (I), Siseles Nestor (RA) Panay Nicholas (UK) Long-term hormonal treatment in patients with POF Collins Peter (UK) Cardiovascular Risk assessment in Women - A European Perspective Pérez-López Faustino (E) Vitamin D and cardiovascular risk Pines Amos (IL) The cardiologic and metabolic aspects of HRT Studd John (UK) Why are physicians and psychiatrists unwilling to prescribe estrogens to women? 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Are estrogens neuroprotective? Chairpersons: Melcangi Roberto C (I), Studd John (UK) Henderson Victor W (USA) — Maki Pauline (USA) 15.10/17.10 PLENARY SESSION HORMONES AND FEMALE BRAIN AGEING ECM Chairpersons: Berga Sarah (USA), Garcia Segura Luis Miguel (E) Maki Pauline (USA) Effects of hormone therapy and botanical menopausal therapies on cognition in midlife women Henderson Victor W (USA) Hormones and female brain aging Melcangi Roberto C (I) Sex difference in neuroactive steroid levels of nervous system Pluchino Nicola (I) Gonadal steroid effects on brain neurosteroids and β-Endorphin Graziottin Alessandra (I) Depression and menopause: why antidepressant are not enough 79 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 80 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Hall AFFARI 2 Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology at patient’s side 08.30/10.00 Saturday March 6th SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PSYCHOSOMATIC OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Lachowsky Michèle (F) After breast cancer? Bitzer Johannes (CH) Patients with personality disorders in obstetrics and gynecology or Vulvodynia - a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge Facchinetti Fabio (I) Supporting the choice of mode of delivery Benedetto Chiara (I) Principles of communicating poor intrapartum events to parents and family Graziottin Alessandra (I) Placebo and nocebo effects: the psychosomatic perspective and clinical meaning 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Pickar James (USA) Medical ethics – who writes the rules? ECM Chairpersons: Ng Ernest (HK), Rizzo Nicola (I) 11.10/13.10 PLENARY SESSION SERMs ECM Chairpersons: Birkhaeuser Martin (CH), Nardelli Giovanni Battista (I) Palacios Santiago (E) Target organs for new SERMs De Villiers Tobie (ZA) SERMs and bone health Cano Antonio (E) Raloxifene action on the endothelium Goldstein Steven (USA) SERMs effects on the endometrium Panay Nicholas (UK) PhytoSERMS - maintaining benefits, minimising risks 14.10/15.00 SPONSORED PLENARY LECTURE - AMGEN IN COLLABORATION WITH GSK Gambacciani Marco new concept for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis Chairpersons: Christiansen Claus (DK) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 15.10/17.10 PLENARY SESSION ENDOCRINE CONTROL OF BONE METABOLISM ECM Saggese Giuseppe (I) Acquisition of bone mass during childhood and adolescence. Physiological and clinical aspects Huang Ko-En (PRC) Clinical relevance and molecular mechanism of androgen/androgen receptor actions on bone growth Brandi Maria Luisa (I) Can we prevent fragility fractures in pregnancy? Christiansen Claus (DK) The evolution of the use of markers of bone resorption and formation in clinical practice Yoles Israel (IL) Osteopenia, osteoporosis, fracture: when and how should we initiate treatment? Hall AFFARI 3 SINDROME METABOLICA ED INSULINO-RESISTENZA NELLA DONNA 8.30/12.30 EDUCATIONAL COURSE BY GUIDOTTI Chairpersons: Loverro Giuseppe (I), Mastrantonio Pasquale (I) Genazzani Alessandro D (I) Obesità: aspetti clinici e terapeutici nella donna Santini Ferruccio (I) Diabete tipo II e obesità Palomba Stefano (I) Metformina e sindrome metabolica in post menopausa Lanzone Antonio (I) Aumentata resistenza insulinica e gravidanza Fulghesu Anna Maria (I) The analysis of dose /response in Metformin treatment of adolescent PCOS subjects 14.10/15.00 DEBATE Are progestins effective for threatened abortion? Chairpersons: Arck Petra (D), Greco Pantaleo (I) Carp Howard (IL) — Facchinetti Fabio (I) Saturday March 6th Chairpersons: Marchesoni Diego (I), Pérez-López Faustino (E) 81 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 82 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 ECM PLENARY SESSION POST-MENARCHAL DISORDERS AND REPRODUCTIVE TRACT ANOMALIES Saturday March 6th 15.10/17.10 Chairpersons: Fedele Luigi (I), Sultan Charles (F) Deligeoroglou Efthimios (GR) Post menarchal menorrhagia Bruni Vincenzina (I) Weight loss-associated amenorrhea Paoletti Anna Maria (I) Therapies for acne and androgen excesses Creatsas George (GR) Hormonal contraception in adolescence Jasonni Valerio (I) Surgical strategies for the correction of vaginal agenesis Hall AFFARI 5 “See and Treat” – THEORETICAL PART (130 PARTICIPANTS) 8.30/13.00 EDUCATIONAL COURSE SPONSORED BY ETHICON WOMEN’S&UROLOGY JOHNSON&JOHNSON MEDICAL - OFFICE OPERATIVE HYSTEROSCOPY AND KARL STORZ ENDOSCOPIA ITALIA Bettocchi Stefano (I) Approching the “see and treat” phylosophy Angioni Stefano (I), Cela Vito (I), Di Spiezio Sardo Attilio (I) Experiencies in office hysteroscopy Discussants: Calzolari Stefano (I), Florio Pasquale (I), Franchini Mario (I), Luisi Stefano (I), Pluchino Nicola (I) Live Office procedures from University of Bari Hands on: Instrumentation Build up hysteroscopes, electronical controlled irrigation and suction device, bipolar generator; mechanical instruments and bipolar electrodes 14.00 - 17.00 Hall AFFARI 4 EDUCATIONAL COURSE SPONSORED BY ETHICON WOMEN’S&UROLOGY JOHNSON&JOHNSON MEDICAL - OFFICE OPERATIVE HYSTEROSCOPY AND KARL STORZ ENDOSCOPIA ITALIA “See and Treat” – PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES ONLY 30 PARTICIPANTS - SPECIAL REGISTRATION needed Tutors Angioni Stefano (I), Achilarre Maria Teresa (I), Calzolari Stefano (I), Cela Vito (I), Coppola Carmela (I), Dispiezio Sardo Attilio (I), Florio Pasquale (I), Franchini Mario (I), Luisi Stefano (I), Maricosu Giovanni (I), Pinto Lauro (I), Pluchino Nicola (I), Simi Giovanna (I), Spinelli Maria Luigia (I), Viana Gersia (I) Hands on: Hystero Trainer Vaginoscopy, technique of endometrial biopsy, technique of polipectomy, myomectomy and metroplasty with mechanical instruments and bipolar electrodes. Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Hall ONICE GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND INFERTILITY 8.30/10.00 83 Oral Presentations Bucci F, Giannini A, Cubeddu A, Russo N, Daino D, Russo M, Merlini S, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, (I) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: plasma and follicular fluid Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels Davydova Dedov II, Melnichenko GA, Chebotnikova TV, Davydova GN, Ilin AV, (RUS) Natural history and long-term consequences of PCOS Fuchs LFP, Maganhin CC, dos Santos Simões R, Soares Jr JM, Baracat EC, de Jesus Simões M, (BR) Melatonin affect adrenal of adult female pinealectomized rats: histomorphological and imunohistochemical aspects Grodnitskaya EE, Kurtser MA, (RUS) The homocysteine levels in women of reproductive period with polycystic ovary syndrome Muhaxhiri F, Kotori A, Hoxha M, Muhaxhiri A, Republic of Kosova Our experiences with the TRH-testing in infertile patients Ritunnano R, Cosma C, Zuliani L, Glinski L, Azzolini S, Bleve L, Granzotto M, Maffei P, Faggian D, Sicolo N, Vettor R, Mioni R, (I) Acute GnRH-analogue administration does not influence AMH secretion in PCOS patients Scagliola P, Gambera A, Turrina S, Bugari G, Iacobello C, Pecorelli S, Sartori E, (I) Anti-mullerian hormone evaluation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Suturina L, Labygina A, Kolesnikova L, Grebenkina L, Popova L, Lazareva L, Atalyan A, (RUS) Antioxidant insufficiency in women with endocrine infertility 11.10/13.10 Oral Presentations FRONTIERS IN PREGNANCY RESEARCH Chairpersons: Challis John (CDN), Luchi Carlo (I) Borowicz PP, Grazul-Bilska AT, Johnson ML, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP, (USA) Expression of mRNA for placental growth factor (PlGF) and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF1α) in placental tissues during early pregnancy in sheep Calleja-Agius J, Muttukrishna S, Brincat M, Jauniaux E, (M) The Role of Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha in Early Pregnancy Camilleri Agius R, Muscat Baron Y, Brincat M, (M) The effect of Dexamethasone on the Pre-eclamptic Process - a brief reprieve up to Day 4 post-dexamethasone? Cañete P, Monllor A, Pineda A, Cano A, (E) The levels of placental hsp27, a modulator of intracellular estrogen availability, are reduced in deliveries of small fetuses De Cata AP, Bonin C, Bettinazzi F, Signori C, Forner S, Travagliati V, Bonora E, Bonadonna R, Moghetti P, (I) Predictors of birth weight in babies of women with gestational diabetes Saturday March 6th Chairpersons: Baldi Elisabetta (I), Simi giovanna (i) 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Klimov V, (UA) Abnormality processes angiogenezise in pathogenesis of preeclampsia 84 Saturday March 6th Mandò C, Tabano S, Colapietro P, Marino A, Pileri P, Miozzo M, Cetin I, (I) Sodium coupled Neutral Aminoacid Transporter 2 (SNAT2) Intron1 methylation levels and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in IUGR placentas Matsuzawa Y, Keiji S, Mitsutoshi I, (JP) Improvement of insulin sensitivity to trophoblast cells improves trophoblast cell migration stimulated by insulin-like growth factor Mparmpakas D, Goumenou A, Harvey A, Karteris E, Gidron Y, (UK) Environment and genetics: How GR polymorhism and maternal attitudes predict low birth weight Poopalapillai J, Tennekoon KH, Karunanayake EH, Kumarasiri JM, Wijesundere APDeS, (CL) Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I , IGF Binding Protein-1 and Dinucleotide (CT) Repeat Polymorphism of the intron 2 of IGF-I Gene and Their Association with Birth Indices Reynolds LP, Borowicz PP, Redmer DA, Grazul-Bilska AT, Vonnahme KA, Caton JS, (USA) ‘Placental Programming’ and Fetal Growth Restriction Sato Y, Fujiwara H, Konishi I, (JP) Maternal platelets and placental vascular remodeling 15.10/17.10 Oral Presentations ADVANCES IN IMAGING AND SURGERY Chairpersons: Severi Filiberto (I), Strigini Francesca (I) Alvarez Nieto JM, (YV) Swab Test and Transperineal Ultrasound in the evaluation of the Urinary Incontinence Brienza L, Amoroso C, Di Giovanni A, Romeo V, Exacoustos C, Arduini D, (I) Two and Three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of adenomyosis: correlation of sonographic findings to histology Del Ghianda S, Pucci A, Talini E, Giannini C, Benelli E, Burelli A, Rinaldi E, Vitti P, Pucci E, Di Bello V, (I) Analysis of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in patients with polycistic ovary syndrome: an echocardiographic study Di Giovanni A, Exacoustos C, Szabolcs B, Romanini ME, Amoroso C, Romeo V, Zupi E, Arduini D, (I) Three-dimensional Coded Contrast Imaging : a new approach for automated sonographic tubal patency evaluation. Nanini C, Valentino V, Donati E, Genazzani AR, (I) Women Pelvic Floor: management and rehabilitation Oppedisano R, Venturella R, Materazzo C, Rocca M, Palomba S, Zullo F, (I) Colposuspension versus tension free vaginal tape during laparoscopic sacralcolpopexy: a retrospective study Shahinaj R, Manoku N, (AL) The value of the middle-cerebral-to-umbilical-artery pulsatility index ratio in the prediction of adverse neonatal outcome in the fetuses with IUGR and preeclampsia Simi G, Ruggiero M, Di Berardino OM, Artini PG, Angioni S, Pluchino N, Genazzani AR, Cela V, (I) Laparoscopy single-port surgery in gynecology: our experiences Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Stangel-Wójcikiewicz K, Wojtyś A, Migdał M, (PL) Laparoscopic modification of colpopexy technique performed with LSH, TLH, and after open hysterectomy Taavoni S, Haghani H, Fekrat M, (IR) Postoperative pain management in gynecology and postpartum wards in main referral hospirtal, Iran University of Medical Sciences Venturella R, Oppedisano R, Rocca M, Materazzo C, Zullo F, Palomba S, (I) Treatment of urinary stress incontinence during or following correction of pelvic organ prolapse Saturday March 6th Stoykova V, Markov D, Karagjozova J, Ivanov S, (BG) Second trimester Uterine Artery Doppler evaluation as predictor of hypertensive disorders in late pregnancy 85 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 86 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Sunday March 7th Sunday March 7th Hall Affari 1 08.30 - 10.30 New mechanisms of steroid receptor signaling Hall Affari 2 Hall Affari 3 Hall Affari 4 Benign Gynecological disorders Fiog “Somministrazione di estro progestinici: controvewrsie e clinical evidence” Menopause and cardiovascular disease Early pregnancy diagnosis and treatment Menopause, quality of life and osteoporosis 10.30 - 11.00 Testosterone and male sexual attitudes and behaviours 11.00 - 13.00 Contraception in 2010 Diseases of pregnancy 13.00 - 13.30 Closing Ceremony and Poster Awards Today’s picks Closing Ceremony and Poster Awards 13.00/13.30 Hall Affari 1 Chairpersons: Genazzani Andrea R (I) simoncini Tommaso (I) Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 87 Hall AFFARI 1 NEW MECHANISMS OF STEROID RECEPTOR SIGNALLING 08.30/10.30 PLENARY SESSION ECM Chairpersons: Huber Johannes (A), Schumacher Michael (F) Marino Maria (I) Steroid receptors at the cell membrane: what are they for? Simoncini Tommaso (I) Rapid signalling mechanisms of steroids on the cytoskeleton Vegeto Elisabetta (I) Sex steroids and inflammatory pathways in the brain Gravanis Achilleas (GR) Neurosteroid membrane signalling in neuronal survival García Segura Luis Miguel (E) Interactions of Estrogen Receptor ERα with IGF-I Signalling in the Brain 10.30/11.00 PLENARY LECTURE Maggi Mario (I) Testosterone and male sexual attitudes and behaviours 11.00/13.00 Chairpersons: Caruso Salvatore (I), Lunenfeld Bruno (IL) PLENARY SESSION CONTRACEPTION IN 2010 Chairpersons: Gaspard Ulysse (F), Patella Alfredo (I) Huber Johannes (A) Non-contraceptive effects of hormonal contraceptives: the ovary and the uterus Benedetto Chiara (I) Effects of hormonal contraceptives on the breast De Melo Nilson Roberto (BR) Contraception in Women with Cardiac Diseases Melis Gian Benedetto (I) Hormonal Contraception and premenstrual symptoms 13.00/13.30 Closing ceremony and poster awards Chairpersons: Genazzani Andrea R. (I), simoncini Tommaso (I) ECM ECM Sunday March 7th 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 88 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Hall AFFARI 2 Sunday March 7th 08.30/10.30 ORAL PRESENTATIONS BENIGN GYNECOLOGICAL DISORDERS Chairpersons: Milani rodolfo (I), Penna Carlo (I) Ajaya Maharajan P, Nicholls, (UK) Is there a correlation between symptoms and clinical assessment with endometriosis? Al-Jefout M, Dezarnaulds G, Cooper M, Tokushige N, Luscombe G, Markham R, Fraser IS, (HKJ) Endometrial biopsy for diagnosis of endometriosis: a double blind study Annunziata M, Duràn-Prado M, Luque R, Grande C, Deltetto F, Delpiano E, Camanni M, Ghigo E, Castaño J, Granata R, (I) Somatostatin, cortistatin and their receptors are expressed in endometriotic tissues and cells and inhibit PDGF-induced endometrial cell proliferation and motility Caponi D, Rizzello F, Mariani G, Riviello C, Coccia ME, (I) IVF-ET after laparoscopy for moderate-severe endometriosis. A case-control study Fritsch M, Keator C, Möller C, Slayden OD, (D) Survival and growth of human leiomyoma in a SCID mouse model Gori I, Staedler D, Matskevich AA, Hohlfeld P, Canny GO, (CH) Crosstalk between Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and Estrogen signaling pathways in endometrial epithelial cells Harirchian P, Kirchhoff D, Koch M, Zollner TM, Gashaw I, (D) Estrogen effects lesion composition and persistence in a syngeneic transplantation endometriosis mouse model Konrad L, Omwando CA, von Hobe AK, Sui C, Kloeppels K, Hersemeyer K, Tinneberg HR, (D) Are cell lines a suitable model for studying endometriosis Milewski L, Wojtowicz K, Roszkowski P, Kaminski P, Barcz E, Malejczyk J, (PL) Expression of ghrelin and its receptor in endometriotic lesions Ruggiero M, Viana G, Di Berardino OM, Papini F, Carletti E, Artini PG, Cela V, Genazzani AR, (I) Comparison between GnRH agonist and antagonist protocols for severe endometriosis in vitro fertilization cycles Seeber B, Faserl K, Sarg B, Kremser L, Golderer G, Lindner H, Wildt L, (A) Reduced ability to activate macrophages via Vitamin-D-Binding Protein may contribute to the pathogenesis of endometriosis Seitz C, Gerlinger C, Faustmann T, (D) The safety profile of dienogest in endometriosis: pooled analyses from the clinical study program Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 11.00/13.00 ORAL PRESENTATIONS DISEASES OF PREGNANCY Armeni E, Lambrinoudaki I, Rizos D, Pliatsika P, Leonardou A, Sygelou A, Argeitis J, Spentzou G, Hasiakos D, Zervas I, Papadias C, (GR) Thyroid function and postpartum mood disturbances in Greek women Ćetković A, Popović V, Miljić D, Đurović M, Pekić S, Doknić M, Micić J, (SRB - MNE) Kisspeptin in pregnancies with hypertensive syndrome as a potential predictor of adverse perinatal outcome Fernández-Alonso AM, Ferrando-Marco P, Dionis-Sánchez EC, Salmerón-González MD, Fernández-Alonso IM, Cuadros-López JL, Pérez-López FR, (E) Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin levels in first trimester pregnant women living in a sunny Spanish region Hazi GM, Procopciuc LM, Caracostea G, Iordache G, Dragatoiu Gh, Olteanu I, Stamatian F, (RO) Correlation between the TSHRc-Asp727Glu polymorphism and plasma TSH levels in Romanian preeclamptic women Kalogeropoulos SG, Papantoniou N, Koutroumanis P, Chatzi E, Daskalakis G, Mesogitis S, Antsaklis A, (GR) How does Gestational Weight Gain Affect Pregnancy Outcome in Obese Women? Luchi C, Schifano M, Nanini C, Sceusa F, Capriello P, Genazzani AR, (I) Detailed fetal anatomy assessment in the first trimester at 11, 12 and 13 weeks of gestation Naver KV, Lundbye-Christensen S, Gorst-Rasmussen A, Nilas L, Secher NJ, Rasmussen S, Ovesen P, (DK) Parity and Diabetes in a Danish Cohort Petrilli G, Blom JMC, (I) Psychopathology during pregnancy and postpartum: the importance of prenatal screening Pisaneschi S, Sanchez MA, Begliuomini S, Strigini FAL, Ghirri P, Boldrini A, Genazzani AR, Coceani F, Simoncini T, (I) Functional and molecular analysis of umbilical vessels endothelial cells of fetuses with normal growth and intrauterine growth restriction Veltman SM, van Haeften TW, Eijkemans MJC, de Valk HW, Fauser BCJM, Goverde AJ, (NL) In PCOS preconceptional HOMA index identifies women at risk for gestational diabetes Sunday March 7th Chairpersons: Florio Pasquale (I), Mello Giorgio (I) 89 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 90 Hall AFFARI 3 SOMMINISTRAZIONE DI ESTROPROGESTINIci: CONTROVERSIE E CLINICAL EVIDENCE 08.30/10.30 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Sunday March 7th SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZED BY FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DI OSTETRICIA E GINECOLOGIA Chairpersons: Bologna Maurizio (I), Cersosimo Luigi (I), Zinno Giulia (I) Scarselli Gianfranco (I) Introduzione Giorgino Francesco (I) Contraccettivi ormonali: effetto teratogeno nella gravidanza iniziale Lisi Franco (I) Progestinici e prevenzione dell’aborto spontaneo Del Pup Lino (I) Estroprogestinici e Carcinoma mammario Serra Giovan Battista (I) Appropriatezza prescrittivi e responsabilità professionale 11.00/13.00 PLENARY SESSION EARLY PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT ECM Chairpersons: Arduini Domenico (I), Shoham Zeev (IL) Luchi Carlo (I) Early Health: new Advanced Technology in Embriology using very high frequency probes 3D/4D Migliore Lucia (I) Abnormal folate metabolism and chromosomal segregation in mothers with Down syndrome offspring Facchinetti Fabio (I) Progesterone in threatened abortion and recurrent miscarriage prevention Simi Paolo (I) Prenatal diagnosis: past, present and future Carp Howard (IL) Biochemical and recurrent biochemical pregnancies: definition and management Hall AFFARI 4 MENOPAUSE AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE 08.30/10.30 Oral Presentations Chairpersons: Fulghesu Anna Maria (I), Maffei Silvia (I) Black SM, Kumar S, Sharma S, Sun X, Mintz JD, Hoyer PB, Stepp DW, (USA) Follicle depletion induced by 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide leads to endothelial dysfunction secondary to the uncoupling of NOSIII Boz N, Gulerman C, Guray Y, Korkmaz S, (TR) Is there any association between mild hypertension and hot flash experience among women? Clapauch R, Mecenas AS, Maranhão PA, Bouskela E, (BR) Impaired Microvascular Endothelial Function and Wall Stiffness in simultaneously diabetic and hypertensive postmenopausal women compared to controls: responses to acute Estradiol Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Fu S, Low Choy N, Nitz J, (AUS) Looking for the right balance - consideration of exercise approaches in the menopause transition, healthy ageing and early falls prevention Gorlato G, Nuzzo A, Chiurlia E, Origliani G, Battistini NC, Fantini G, Rossi R, Modena MG, (I) Effect of lifestyle on vascular function and metabolism in post menopausal hypertensive and obese women Hermenegildo C, Sobrino A, Oviedo PJ, Laguna-Fernández A, Bueno C, Monsalve E, Novella S, (E) Prostanoids release induced by estradiol differs in endothelial cells from vein and arterial origin Morales Alvarado L, Sanjuán A, Castelo-Branco C, (E) Effect of Androgenic and Antiandrogenic Acting Compounds in Macrophage Accumulation and Cell Replication in the Aorta of Oophorectomized Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits Novensà Casas L, Novella S, Castillo N, Medina P, Segarra G, Hermenegildo C, Dantas AP, (E) Aging plays a detrimental role on cardiovascular protection by estrogen Vélez M, Godoy-Izquierdo D, Mendoza N, Andrés CP, Pérez-Fortis A, González I, Marín L, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, (E) Predictors of exercise outcomes among initiators and regular exercisers menopausal women Zang H, Moritz T, Lundgren K, Norstedt G, Hirschberg AL, Tollet-Egnell P, (PRC) Effects of Estrogen and Testosterone Therapy on Serum Metabolites in Postmenopausal Women Zelenina TA, Vorokhobina N, Mamontov O, (RUS) Cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetic postmenopausal women 11.00/13.00 Oral Presentations MENOPAUSE, QUALITY OF LIFE AND OSTEOPOROSIS Chairpersons: Serra Giovan Battista (I), Stomati Massimo (I) Adami S, Cummings SR, McClung MR, Christiansen C, Siris E, Eastell R, Kutilek S, Reid IR, Zanchetta JR, San Martin J, Libanati C, Siddhanti S, Franchimont N, Wang A, Austin M, Boonen S, (I) The Effects of Denosumab on Risk of Fracture Over 3 Years Among Postmenopausal Women: The FREEDOM Trial Cubeddu A, Bucci F, Giannini A, Merlini S, Russo M, Daino D, Russo N, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, (I) HRT and paroxetine: the efficacy of the two treatments on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plasma levels in menopausal women Del Pup L, (I) Treatment of menopausal symptoms in estrogen sensitive gynaecological cancer patients 91 Sunday March 7th de Oliveira Belo N, Nery de Andrade E, Kelle Neves Gonçalves G, Caldeira de Oliveira TH, Silva Santos C, Leal Silva e Souza C, Mendes de Magalhães AC, de Jesus Soares T, (BR) Development of postmenopausal hypertension in a rat model of diet-induced obesity: a link between cardiac endocrine function and fat mass 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 92 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 Sunday March 7th Della Martina M, Magrini F, Rinuncini D, Vogrig E, Xodo S, Maurigh A, Ganzitti L, Fabiani G, Marchesoni D, (I) Identification of patients with a high risk for osteoporosis: analysis by FRAX® and phalangeal ultrasonography in a female population in North East Italy Fu S, Kuys S, Isles R, Nitz J, Australia Wii Fit: the new generation tool for improving balance, health and well-being for women? Godoy-Izquierdo D, Vélez M, Mendoza N, Pérez-Fortis A, Andrés CP, González I, Marín L, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, (E) Exercise and quality of life in menopause: physical, medical and psychological findings of a monitorized physical exercise programme Mendoza N, Presa J, Santalla A, Malde J, Ruiz J, Sánchez Borrego R, Quereda F, Gonzalez I, Salamanca A, (E) Food customs in the development of the hip osteroporosis: the importance of Mediterranean diet Moruzzi C, Leoni F, Di Florio C, Minisola G, D’erasmo E, Falaschi P, Lanzone A, Villa P, (I) Osteoporosis rate in menopausal female population by a bone mineral density diagnosis test after a prescription of glucocorticoid therapy for other disease: the EGEO study Sciacchitano SG, Savoca S, Rubino C, Ventura B, Panella M, (I) Hormonal alterations and Osteoporosis in women with Coeliac Desease Seifert-Klauss V, Wimmer T, Müller D, Schuster T, Goppel K, (D) Do elevated FSH-levels during perimenopause increase loss of bone density? Sisó Raber C, Castelo Branco C, (E) A poblational study of menopause and quality of life Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology List of Posters Palazzo Affari Poster Session - Saturday March 6th 17.10/19.30 5 0 Ground Floor -1 Floor 5 5 Poster Area BASIC SCIENCE 1 Effective methods in diagnostics of ovarian tumours Abdullaeva LM, Babadjanova GS, Nazarova DB, Republic of Uzbekistan 2 Review on the molecular mechanisms implicated in bladder cancer development and their association to treatment response Augoulea A, Maipa S, Boutzouvis S, Greece 3 The HLA Ancestral Haplotype AH8.1: from good intrauterine life to autoimmune diseases Capittini C, Bergamaschi P, Tinelli C, Martinetti M, Salvaneschi L, Cuccia M, Italy 4 Derivation of mesenchymal stem cells from human endometrial polyps Chen P-C, Ding DC, Taiwan 5 Characterisation of Osteopontin Function in the Human Endometrium De Mello N, Gonzalez D, Joels L, Conlan S, White J, UK 6 Real-time impedance analysis as a new tool for measuring hormonal and toxicological effects on human endometrial cell lines Deppert W, Fischer L, Nöthling C, Zahradnik HP, Schäfer W, Germany 7 The human endometrial Ishikawa cell line as model for detecting tissue-specific estrogenic effects Fischer L, Deppert WR, Nöthling C, AustermannHesse H, Zahradnik HP, Schäfer WR, Germany 8 A multigenic combination of polymorphisms within ESR1, ESR2, FSHR, CYP19A1, NRIP1 and BMP15 genes are associated with the duration of fertility age in a Spanish population Galliano D, González I, Mendoza N, Eloy Ruíz J, SánchezBorrego R, Salamanca A, Malde J, Godoy D, Vélez M, Spain 9 Estradiol reverses the ovariectomy-increased contractile effect of thromboxane A2 in aorta from senescence-accelerated mice Hermenegildo C, Novella S, Medina P, Dantas AP, Díaz A, Bueno C, Segarra G, Spain 10 Omental and subcutaneous adipose tissue steroid hormone level in women Kinoshita T, Watanabe Y, Honma S, Japan 11 Estradiol activates the Akt pathway in human uterine leiomyoma and promotes survival Kovács KA, Wilhelm F, Lengyel F, Bódis J, Hungary 12 Maternal and placental pathology as main predictors in the quality of umbilical cord stem cells and the success of sampling and cryopreservation Marin JA, Calomfirescu M, Bohiltea R, Horhoianu I, Horhoianu V, Russu M, Nastasia S, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, Romania 13 Thiazolidiones reduce the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and IL-8, secreted from cultured primary endometrial stromal cells McKinnon B, Bersinger NA, Mueller MD, Switzerland 14 Effects of simvastatin on the proliferation and apoptosis of human endometrial stromal cells from women with endometriosis Na Y-J, Moon SH, Joo JK, Kim HG, Lee KS, Republic of Korea 15 The importance of oncomarker CA-125 in diagnostics and treatment of patients with tumours of ovary Nazarova DB, Abdullaeva LM, Ashurova UA, Republic of Uzbekistan 93 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 94 16 Effect of Estradiol and Progesterone on Urocortins mRNA Expression in Cultured Endometrial Stromal Cells Novembri R, Bloise E, Aiello AC, De Pascalis F, Florio P, Petraglia F, Italy 17 Role of CRH-Receptors During in vitro Decidualization Process Novembri R, Borges LE, Bloise E, Aiello AC, De Pascalis F, Florio P, Petraglia F, Italy 18 CD40, CD40L and ADAM8 expression in endometriosis Panoulis K, Nieri E, Kaparos G, Augoulea A, Logothetis E, Creatsa M, Fotiou S, Greece 19 Extra-nuclear signaling of estrogen to wave1 controls neuronal spine formation through the actin cytoskeleton Sanchez AM, Flamini MI, Genazzani AR, Simoncini T, Italy 20 Effects of estrogen on breast cancer cell migration and invasion through focal adhesion kinase Sanchez AM, Flamini MI, Genazzani AR, Simoncini T, Italy 21 Heparin modulates effects of TNF-a in human endometrial stromal cells by interference with NF-kB Spratte J, Fluhr H, Zygmunt M, Germany 22 The influence of obesity on the sexual life of the menopausal women Tancic Gajic M, Nenezic A, Stojanovic M, Ivovic M, Marina L, Barac M, Arizanovic Z, Vujovic S, Serbia and Montenegro Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 25 Correction of insulin resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome Andreeva EN, Karpova EA, Derkach DA, Sheremetyeva EV, Russia 26 Features of psychological status and quality of life in patients with the syndrome PCOS Andreeva EN, Karpova EA, Sheremetyeva EV, Surkova EV, Derkach DA, Russia 27 Quality of life in menopause: outcomes derived from adhering to a monitorized physical exercise programme Andrés PC, Godoy-Izquierdo D, Vélez M, Pérez-Fortis A, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, Spain 28 Gynaecological correlators of health status, perceived health status and quality of life in menopause Andrés PC, Godoy-Izquierdo D, Vélez M, Pérez-Fortis A, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, Spain 29 Premenstrual syndrome in women with cushing syndrome Barac MM, Ivovic M, Tancic M, Marina L, Ivanisevic M, Arizanovic Z, Vujovic SZ, Serbia 30 Follow-up of hyperprolactinemic women with macroprolactinemia Barmina II, Dzeranova LK, Russia 31 Glucose tolerance abnormalities in Greek women with PCOS Basios G, Trakakis E, Peppa M, Chrelias C, Boutati E, Simeonidis G, Creatsa M, Salamalekis G, Skarpas P, Panagopoulos P, Kassanos D, Greece GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 32 Frequency of anticardiolipin antibody in patients 23 An Open-Label, Comparative Study of the Unique, Monophasic Combined Oral Contraceptive Nomegestrol Acetate/17 Beta-Estradiol: Impact on Adrenal and Thyroid Function Ågren U, Anttila M, Mäenpää-Liukko K, Rantala ML, Rautiainen H, Sommer W, Mommers E, Finland 24 Endometrial vessel characterisation in a mouse model of human endometrial transplantation exposed to levonorgestrel and a MMP inhibitor Alvarez Gonzalez M-L, Frankenne F, Beliard A, Evrard B, Jerome C, Galand C, Marbaix E, Foidart JM, Nisolle M, Belgium with SLE and it s correlation with clinical manifestation Basiri Z, Faridnia M, Gholyani M, Iran 33 Effects of glucosamine alone and in association with chondroitin sulphate in epiphyseal growth plate on ovariectomized rats Bastos Wolff R, Teixeira Gomes RC, Simões MJ, dos Santos Simões R, Ferraz Carbonel AA, Verna C, Baracat EC, Soares Júnior JM, Brazil 34 Hormone replacement therapy and calcitonin for postmenopausal women with bone mass loss Bazarra-Fernandez A, Spain Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 95 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 96 35 HPV and contraception Bazarra-Fernandez A, Spain 36 In female osteoporosis oestrogens are not the only cause Bazarra-Fernandez A, Spain 37 Turner syndrome and osteoporosis Bazarra-Fernandez A, Spain 38 Relationship between lipid profile and other cardiovascular risk markers and hormonal treatment in female-to-male transsexuals Becerra-Fernandez A, Menacho-Roman M, Perez-Lopez G, Lucio-Perez MJ, Asenjo-Araque N, Rodriguez-Molina JM, Spain 39 Natural and synthetic oestrogens and its benefits in breast formation in girls with primary estrogen deficient (PED) Belokon IP, Ozerova OE, Surcova LV, Uvarova EV, Russia 40 Bone mineral density markers in girls with primary estrogen deficiency (PED) Belokon IP, Kiseleva IA, Uvarova EV, Zaidiev KU, Russia 41 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor - a rare androgen secreting ovarian tumor in postmenopausal women: case report and review of literature Benelli E, Rinaldi E, Del Ghianda S, Cionini R, Burelli A, Cela V, Caruso A, Vitti P, Pucci E, Italy 42 Effect of adipose tissue transplantation on fertility restoration in obese anovulating mice ovaries Berguio Vidotti D, Pereira Júnior M, Dale Cotrim Guerreiro da Silva I, Silva I, de Jesus Simões M, Haidar MA, Brazil Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 47 Reproduction: immune response and dna integrity Brufman AS, Orellano EG, Garcia Rosasco MME, Argentina 48 Relation among BDNF, cortisol and estradiol in hypothalamic amenorrhoea Bucci F, Cubeddu A, Giannini A, Russo N, Russo M, Daino D, Merlini S, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, Italy 49 Weight loss impact on hypernadrogenism in overweight PCOS patients Bucuras DL, Anastasiu D, Craina M, Grigoras D, Romania 50 Fitoestrogens and breast tightness in menopause women on hrt Bulajic E, Serbia and Montenegro 51 Etiopathogenesis and treatment of hyperprolactinemia (HPRL) Bylykbashi E, Bylykbashi I, Zhaka A, Janushaj O, Albania 52 Profille of fats to women in menopause Bylykbashi E, Qafa I, Bylykbashi I, Janushaj O, Albania 53 Could LH/FSH Ratio After GnRH Stimulation Be Useful In the Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? Cajdler-Luba A, Lewandowski KC, Bienkiewicz M, Salata I, Lewinski A, Poland 54 A case of primary hyperparathyroidism in pregnancy Camilleri Agius R, Muscat Baron Y, Brincat M, Craus J, Attard A, Cachia M, Malta 43 The usage of oral hormonal contraceptives among adolescent population Berisavac M, Sparic R, Gudovic A, Markovic N, Serbia 55 Effects of metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemia on the gene expression of hyaluronan synthases I, II and III in mouse uterine Carozi Cristofani GC, Teixeira Gomes RC, Verna C, Malva Silva AI, dos Santos Simões R, Ferraz Carbonel AA, Bonciani Nader H, Soares Júnior JM, Brazil 44 Level of total testosterone (TT) and wide spectrum of steroids measured by mass spectrometry in adolescent girls with hirsutism and polycystic ovarian morphology Bogdanova PS, Kareva MA, Russia 56 New born weight´s predictability for body mass index and waist circumference in adolescents Carpintero P, Litterio G, Fusaro D, Campostrini B, Franchina M, Argentina 45 Menstrual Irregularity in Adolescents with Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome Bouzas I, Braga C, Leao L, Bouzas D, Brazil 57 Prevalence of HPV among Maltese women with abnormal Smear Tests Cassar OA, Spiteri D, Brincat M, UK 46 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS) in Adolescence: Clinical and Laboratorial Alterations Bouzas I, Braga C, Leoao L, Rodeiro D, Brazil Be part of our global network... Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 97 THE WORLD'S LARGEST IVF DIRECTORY including national and international sperm banks WWW.IVF-WORLDWIDE.COM is the largest and most comprehensive IVF-focused website for doctors, embryologists, nurses and social workers. We offer free and exclusive information to both the professional field and the general public. is built with the vision to give to its members the ability to locate IVF units anywhere in the world and to communicate directly with the unit. In addition will be home to a large section of educational material including recent publications, abstracts, PowerPoint presentations and newsletters. 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 98 58 Clinical phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome in population of Moscow Chebotnikova T, Melnichenko GA, Davydova GN, Russia 59 Assessing perceived control over hot flushes in climacteric women Chedraui P, Leimberg ML, PérezLópez FR, Mendoza M, Martínez MA, Vallarino V, Hidalgo L, Ecuador 60 Use of venlafaxine in climacteric syndrome Ciani V, Luisi S, Lazzeri L, Dores D, Dottarelli P, Castrogiovanni A, De Capua A, Petraglia F, Italy 61 The effect of different treatment modalities in post menopausal women suffering from osteoporosis in the Maltese population Cini Custò R, Cini C, Felice N, Muscat Baron Y, Brincat M, Malta 62 Treatment of hyperandrogenism by myo-inositol Ciotta L, Iozza I, Rubbino G, Iemmola A, Lizzio I, Teodoro MC, Palumbo M, Italy 63 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and allopregnanolone in the different phases of the menstrual cycles of women with premenstrual syndrome Cubeddu A, Giannini A, Bucci F, Daino D, Russo M, Russo N, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, Italy 64 The effect of smoking on inhibin B levels in normal fertile women Dafopoulos A, Dafopoulos K, Koutlaki N, Georgoulias P, Galazios G, Maroulis G, Liatsikos S, Zografou C, Tsikouras P, Limberis V, Greece 65 Salivary BDNF levels during menstrual cycle Daino D, Giannini A, Cubeddu A, Bucci F, Russo N, Russo M, Casarosa E, Merlini S, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, Italy 66 Manifestations of somatic disturbances in early post menopause in women after physiological and surgical menopause Daneva-Markova A, Antovska V, Stefanija A, Kiproska G, Republic of Macedonia 67 Calciuria and bone loss in premenopausal female patients with glomerulopathies and receive longterm immunosuppression de Deus RB, Nogueira Ferraz RR, Brazil Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 68 Efficacy of red yeast and berberin in women with altered lipid metabolism using hormonal contraceptives De Leo V, Morgante G, Musacchio MC, Disabatino A, Benvenuti C, Italy 69 TSH levels in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome according to body mass index de Paula Guedes Neto E, Silva de Moraes G, do Amaral Cristovam R, von Eye Corleta H, Francalacci Savaris R, Brazil 70 Comparisons of SF-12 and cervantes scales findings as indicators of outcomes on quality of life derived from a monitorized physical exercise programme in menopause de Teresa C, Godoy-Izquierdo D, Andrés CP, Vélez M, Pérez-Fortis A, González I, Marín L, Salamanca A, Mendoza N, Godoy JF, Spain 71 POF presenting as primary amenorrhoea Del Ghianda S, Rinaldi E, Benelli E, Giretti MS, Burelli A, Cionini R, Vitti P, Pucci E, Italy 72 Giant prolactinomas in women Delgrange E, Gustin T, Raftopoulos C, Maiter D, Belgium 73 Insulin resistance in the polycystic ovary syndrome: summary of current theories Delimpalta C, Zampetaki C, Greece 74 Myo-inositol administration in PCOS patients after IVF Di Berardino OM, Monteleone P, Valentino V, Ruggiero M, Papini F, Cela V, Artini PG, Genazzani AR, Italy 75 Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism in a woman with adrenal gland incidentaloma Di Sarra D, Bonin C, Piazzola E, Tosi F, Moghetti P, Italy 76 Premenstrual Syndrome: therapeutic impact of GnRH analogues and add-back therapy Dimitraki M, Koutlaki N, Zervoudis S, Psillaki A, Sofiadou V, Nikas I, Grapsas X, Galazios G, Liberis V, Greece 77 Combination therapy with spironolactone and metformin as compared to metformin alone in PCOS patients D’Orrico B, Fava A, Fico F, Fruci B, Mazza A, Belfiore A, Italy 78 Endometrial and Cervical Mucus Responses to a Unique, Monophasic Combined Oral Contraceptive Containing Nomegestrol Acetate/17 Beta-Estradiol Duijkers IJM, Klipping C, Grob P, Korver T, The Netherlands Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 79 Primary Amenorrhea and 46 XY Kariotype - 2 cases report Dumitrescu C, Chirita C, Carsote M, Ene C, Dumitrascu A, Vasilescu F, Terzea D, Poiana C, Romania 80 Correlation between body weight (epididymal fat) and permeaetion rate of serum leptin through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in male rats aged 8 months Ebrahimian F, Ebrahimian F, Sarkaki A, Amozegari Z, Iran 81 Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome amongst female first degree relatives: a common finding Edelstein S, van der Spuy ZM, Republic of South Africa 82 Etonogestrel implant in adolescents: bleeding pattern, efficacy and discontinuation rate Falbo Guazzelli CA, Teixeira de Queiroz F, Barbieri M, Torloni MR, Gasparoto LM, de Araujo FF, Brazil 83 LNG-IUS, effective contraception with health benefits Farris M, Bastianelli C, Italy 84 Intervertebral disc height in premenopausal women, treated and untreated postmenopausal women and postmenopausal women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures Felice N, Muscat Baron Y, Brincat M, Galea R, Calleja N, Malta 85 Metabolic syndrome factors in Caucasian Spanish postmenopausal women with severe climacteric symptoms Fernández-Alonso AM, Cuadros JL, Ándres-Nuñez CP, Pérez-López FR, López-Baena MT, Cuadros AM, Sabatel RM, García-León P, González-Carvajal FJ, Fernández Alonso IM, Spain 86 Are vigorous walking and keep-fit activities sufficient to improve strength, balance and mobility for middle-aged women? Fu S, Choy NL, Nitz J, Australia 87 Hemodynamic evaluation of healthy young women during use of an oral contraceptive containing 20 mcg of ethinyl estradiol plus 3mg of drospirenone Galvão Giribela CR, de Melo NR, Nieselbaum M, Guerra GM, Baracat EC, Marciano ConsolimColombo F, Brazil 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 88 Effects of a low dose combined oral contraceptive containing drospirenone (in a 24/4 regimen) on body mass index (BMI), insulin resistance (IR), and lipid metabolism of healthy young women Galvão Giribela CR, de Melo NR, Nisenbaum MG, Galvão Giribela AH, Machado Barbosa Neto C, Baracat EC, Marciano Consolim-Colombo F, Brazil 89 Evaluation and role of serum anti-mullerian hormone in women with premature ovarian failure Gambera A, Trussardi E, Fratus C, Bugari G, Iacobello C, Scagliola P, Pecorelli S, Sartori E, Italy 90 Subclinical hypothyroidism as ethiological factor of female infertility: our experience Giampietro A, Grande G, Milardi D, Astorri AL, Merola AM, Pompa G, Pontecorvi A, Lanzone A, De Marinis L, Marana R, Italy 91 Changes in central and peripheral content of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in female ovx rats treated with androgens Giannini A, Cubeddu A, Bucci F, Russo M, Daino D, Russo N, Merlini S, Pluchino N, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, Italy 92 Perceived health status in menopause: objective health indicators and health-related behaviors as contributors Godoy-Izquierdo D, Vélez M, Andrés CP, Pérez-Fortis A, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, Spain 93 Correlacion entre el volumen ovarico y el perfil reproductivo de pacientes con SOP Gonzalez N, Caceres M, Pizzi R, Centeno I, Venezuela 94 Side- view of users of emergency contraception in a health community area in the south of Granada (Spain) González Vanegas O, Andrés Nuñez P, Romero Espinar Y, Torrado Bardasano E, Caliendo C, Spain 95 Efficasy of metformin in hyperinsulinemic PCOS Greek adolescences Grammatikakis I, Trakakis E, Salamalekis G, Chrelias C, Patsouras C, Kassanos D, Greece 96 Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin administration on follicular growth and ovulation in OB/ OB and DB/DB mice Habay N, Alvarez Gonzalez ML, Monget P, Foidart JM, Pintiaux A, Belgium 99 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 100 97 Cerebral ventriculomegaly and secondary amenorrhea: therapeutic approach Habay N, Legros JJ, Schoenen J, Mouchamps M, Foidart JM, Pintiaux A, Belgium 98 Lipid changes associated with hypogonadotropic amenorrhea and effect of HRT Ilovayskaya IA, Zektser VY, Ilyin AV, Donina EY, Goncharov NP, Melnichenko GA, Dedov II, Russia 99 Effects of chlormadinone acetate (CMA)-containing oral contraceptive on premenstrual depressive mood Iozza I, Andò A, Ciotta L, Giunta G, Iemmola A, Rubbino G, Palumbo M, Italy 100Helping in low-calory treatment of overweight women with PCOS but without meaningful insulin-resistance Iozza I, Andò A, Ciotta L, Rubbino G, Canicola MC, Palumbo M, Italy 101Premature ovarian failure and bone density Ivanisevic M, Barac M, Sljivancanin D, Vujovic S, Serbia and Montenegro 102In vivo study the effect of oxamate on spermatogenesis and LDH-C4 activity in mouse Kadkhodaei Elyaderani M, Saki J, Saki G, Iran 103Overweight and oligomenorrhea in adolescence - a preliminary study Kedikova S, Sirakov M, Pavlova E, Boyadzhieva M, Bulgaria 104Parental administration of natural progesterone for hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) Lambos G, Dimitraki M, Koutlaki N, Zervoudis S, Nikas I, Mandratzi J, Sofiadou V, Grapsas X, Galazios G, Liberis V, Greece 105Serum Anti-Müllerian hormone and inhibins levels in women with secondary amenorrhea Lazzeri L, Luisi S, Ciani V, Podfigurna-Stopa A, De Pascalis F, Bellucci F, Meczekalski B, Petraglia F, Italy 106Vitamin D serum levels and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in uruguayan people more than 50 years old Lima S, Vaglio A, Chijani V, Hernández J, Martino I, Calegari M, Suárez R, Aleman A, Pagano S, Albanese M, Uruguay Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 107Chronic anemia and menstrual cycle abnormalities by nutritional behaviour disorders Londero AP, Bertozzi S, Fruscalzo A, Driul L, Marchesoni D, Italy 108Effects of melatonin on the ovarian gene expression of pinealectomized rats Maganhin CC, de Jesus Simões M, Cavalcante Fonseca M, Rennó Guimarães C, Mendes Akiau D, Gasparini Fernandes LH, da Silva Ferreira C, Santos Alves MM, dos Santos Simões R, Castello Girão MJB, Haidar MA, Baracat EC, Soares Jr JM, Brazil 109Melatonin decrease the proliferation of ovarian internal tecae cells of pinealectomized rats Maganhin CC, Cavalcante Fonseca M, Rennó Guimarães C, Mendes Akiau D, Gasparini Fernandes LH, dos Santos Simões R, Haidar M, Baracat EC, Soares JM Jr, Brazil 110Obesity related lipid profile and altered insulin incretion in adolescent with PCOS Magnini R, Fulghesu AM, Portoghese E, Angioni S, Minerba, Melis GB, Italy 111Metformin may ameliorate the fast insulin of female rats with estrous permanent Mahamed RR, de Jesus Simões M, dos Santos Simões R, Maganhin CC, Haidar MA, Leme Alves da Motta E, Cavalcante Fonseca M, Rennó Guimarães C, Mendes Akiau D, da Silva Ferreira C, Baracat EC, Soares Jr JM, Brazil 112Metformin may induce the emergence of luteal body in andronized rats Mahamed RR, Maganhin CC, Haidar MA, Gasparini Fernandes LH, Santos Alves MM, Rodrigues Armijo P, da Silva Ferreira C, dos Santos Simões R, Baracat EC, Soares JM Júnior, Brazil 113Transferrin Receptor 1 protein expression and localization in human Intrauterine Growth Restriction placentas Mandò C, Tabano S, Colapietro P, Marino A, Pileri P, Parisi F, Avagliano L, Bulfamante G, Miozzo M, Cetin I, Italy Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 114Effects of metformin on menstrual irregularity and pregnancy rate in lean and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome Maragno L, Calienno C, Trio C, Marra C, Ferrari L, Mignini Renzini M, Milani R, Italy 115Sexual function and different types of sexual desire in women with premature ovarian failure Martini E, Terreno E, Pisani C, Albani F, Tonani S, Santamaria V, Polatti F, Nappi RE, Italy 116Effects of natural dietary antioxidants on insulin secretion in obese female patients Martorana GE, Di Donna V, Leone E, Magini M, Raimondo S, Silvestrini A, Meucci E, Mele C, Pontecorvi A, Mancini A, Italy 117Multilocus analysis of estrogen-related genes in Spanish postmenopausal women suggests an interactive role of ESR2, NRIP1 and BMP15 genes in the pathogenesis of the hip osteoporosis Mendoza N, Presa J, Santalla A, Malde J, Ruiz J, Marín L, Sánchez Borrego R, Vázquez F, Martinez-Astorquiza T, Spain 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 124What is Werner Syndrome? Nölting M, Blanco G, Pérez Lana MB, Onetto C, Straminsky V, Galluzzo L, Argentina 125Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism male infertility - a local mini case-series Ong X, Hendricks MS, Loh SF, Singapore 126Effect of standard therapeutic regimens on adipose tissue hormones, clinical and metabolic characteristics in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Orbetzova M, Mitkov M, Pehlivanov B, Atanassova I, Bulgaria 127Genetic polymorphisms affect the lipidaimic profile of healthy postmenopausal women Papadimitriou D, Kaparos G, Rizos D, Armeni E, Christantoni E, Tsakonas E, Creatsa M, Alexandrou A, Christodoulakos G, Lambrinoudaki I, Greece 128Physical exercise and psychological variables related to health in menopausal women Pérez-Fortis A, Godoy-Izquierdo D, Vélez M, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, Spain 118Functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea in adolescents. Is too much stress to blame? Michala L, Sotiropoulou M, Michopoulos I, Drakakis P, Antsaklis A, Greece 129Metabolic variables after ten years of hormonal treatment in Spanish postmenopausal women Pérez-López FR, Fernández-Alonso AM, Cuadros JL,Cuadros AM, Sabatel RM, Chedraui P, Spain 119Ghrelin in insulin resistant women with pcos and diabetes mellitus type 2 Mitkov M, Orbetzova M, Nonchev B, Bulgaria 130Hyperandrogenism (HA) and metabolic syndrome (MS) in male transsexuals (FMT) patients Perez-Lopez GB, Becerra-Fernandez A, RodriguezMolina JM, Asenjo-Araque N, Lucio-Perez MJ, Spain 120High- Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) less than 50 mg/dl as a significant component of metabolic syndrome in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Moini A, Javanmard F, Eslami B, Iran 121Prevalence of gynaecological pathology among adolescents admitted at Guillermo Rawson General Hospital, San Juan, Argentina Molina S, Mazzanti Agustina Yanzón C, Argentina 122Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: from birth to adult life Myriokefalitaki E, Iavazzo C, Ntziora F, Bozemberg T, Paschalinopoulos D, Greece 123Correlation between genotype and hormonal levels in carriers and non carriers of 21-OH-deficiency Napolitano E, Manieri C, Restivo F, Composto E, Lanfranco F, Repici M, Pasini B, Einaudi S, Menegatti E, Italy 131Umbilical endometriosis with silent pelvic localizations in a young woman: surgical treatment and laparoscopic assistance Peruzzi E, Mannini L, Bruscoli G, Dini M, Bruni V, Scarselli GF, Italy 132Polycystic ovary syndrome, adiposity and inflammation Pignatelli D, Beires J, Portugal 133Polycystic Ovarian Disease: A Threshold model for the development and symptomatic progression Pirkalani KK, Talaei Rad Z, Iran 101 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 102 134Evaluation of functional hyperprolactinemia after Cabergoline in patients with breast disorders Poalelungi C, Jercălău S, Dobrescu R, Caragheorgheopol A, Badiu C, Romania 135Management in a case of male pseudohermaphroditism Poiana C, Carsote M, Virtej I, Gruia A, Grigoriu C, Chirita C, Terzea D, Banceanu G, Romania 136Effect of zolendronic acid in treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis Povoroznyuk V, Grygorieva NV, Vaóda VM, Dzerovych NI, Balatska NI, Ukraine 137Bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporotic fractures Povoroznyuk V, Vayda VM, Dzerovych NI, Ukraine 138Interrelation between bone mineral density and lipid profile in postmenopausal women Povoroznyuk V, Nishkumay OI, Ukraine 139Structural-functional state of bone in older women living in mountain region of Zakarpattya region Povoroznyuk V, Vayda VM, Vayda VV, Povoroznyuk VV, Ukraine 140Sex hormone- binding globulin (SHBG) and indices of insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Pradier SM, Leiderman S, Carbone S, Bonsergent S, Mongitore MR, Dicugno M, Maya AG, Moguilevsky J, Argentina 141Metformin effects on obese anovulating mice: genetic and protein evaluation Prado Correa LE, Azevedo M, de Jesus Simões M, Dale Cotrim Guerreiro da Silva I, Berguio Vidotti D, Haidar MA, Brazil 142The assessment of tolerance and effectiveness in reducing menopausal symptoms hormonal treatment containing 1 mg estradiol and 2 mg drospirenone Radowicki S, Skórska J, Kunicki M, Poland 143Retinol-binding protein 4 levels in postmenopausal women relationship with glyco-insulinemic and lipid metabolism Ricciardi L, Miceli F, De Cicco S,Tagliaferri V, Di Florio C, Lanzone A, Villa P, Italy Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 144Metformin & insulin signalling in the human ovary Rice S, Pellatt L, Bryan S, Whitehead SA, Mason HD, UK 145Relationship between Lipid profile, insulin-resistance and BMI in PCOS patients Ros Cerro C, Steinvarcel Valerga F, Castelo-Branco C, Spain 146Prevalence of high tsh levels and its association with lipoprotein alterations in the menopausal transition Rosales M, Siseles N, Berg G, Mesch V, Argentina 147Analysis of candidate genes for primary ovarian insufficiency in a large cohort of women with primary or secondary amenorrhea Rossetti R, Cacciatore C, Marozzi A, Persani L, NIDO (Network Italiano per lo studio dei Difetti Ovarici), Italy 148Juvenile gigantomastia associated to pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia of the breast: Tamoxifen Rossini G, Amato A, Bobbio L, Maciel A, Cabaleiro C, Argentina 149Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and ovulation induction: Case Report Rubbino G, Iemmola A, Giuffrida L, Iozza I, Ciotta L, Palumbo MA, Italy 150PCOS and PCOM: differences in human plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Russo M, Giannini A, Cubeddu A, Daino D, Russo N, Casarosa E, Merlini S, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, Italy 151Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in amenorrhoeic women Russo N, Giannini A, Bucci F, Russo M, Daino D, Cubeddu A, Merlini S, Casarosa E, Luisi M, Genazzani AR, Italy 152Treatment of labial adhesion in prepubertal girls with topical estrogen therapy Rusu L, Republic of Moldova 153Association of gestational diabetes and macrosomia in women who refer to mother and child clinics of Ahvaz Sadeghi S, Afshari P, Hekmat K, Iran Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 154Transdermal Hormone Replacement Therapy: the cardiovascular and breast cancer risk Salvagno F, Pertusio A, Gallo M, Massobrio M, Italy 155The effect of soy isoflavones over mood and menopausal symptoms in mid-aged women with increased body mass index San Miguel G, Schwager G, Chedraui P, Ecuador 156The Management of Patients with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) Sarbu Z, Republic of Moldova 157Ovulation and loss of bone density during the perimenopausal transition: the PEKNO study Seifert-Klauss V, Wimmer T, Müller D, Schuster T, Goppel K, Germany 158Melatonin effects on the VEGF on the ovaries of the pinealectomized rats Soares JM Júnior, Maganhin CC, dos Santos Simões R, Haidar MA, Baracat EC, Fonseca MC, de Jesus Simões M, Brazil 159Decrease of ovarian function in infertile clinic patients Sobek jr A, Tkadlec E, Hladikova B, Sobek A, Czech Republic 160In vitro assays for assessing anti-inflammatory effects of chlormadinone acetate in dysmenorrhoea Stuckenschneider J, Fischer L, Schaefer WR, Deppert WR, Seebacher L, Hanjalic-Beck A, Zahradnik HP, Germany 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 164The effects of hyperprolactinemia on the glycosaminoglycan content in the uterus of the female mouse along the different phases of the estrous cycle Teixeira Gomes RC, Verna C, dos Santos Simões R, de Jesus Simões M, Bonciani Nader H, Baracat EC, Soares Júnior JM, Brazil 165Amenorrhea in schizophrenic women - Correlation with the pharmacodynamic particularities of both “typical” and “atypical” antipsychotics Tica OS, Chirita A, Tica A, Barbu M, Berceanu C, Romania 166Correlation between Genotype and Phenotype / Hormonal Levels in Nonclassical Adrenal Hyperplasia Tuli G, Napolitano E, Menegatti E, Restivo F, Baldi M, Einaudi S, Grosso E, Migone N, Motta G, Manieri C, Italy 167Endocrinlogical, metabolic and clinic features of a six-cycle treatment with estroprogestin oral contraceptive monophasic formulation (OC) containing 30 mcg of ethinylestradiol (EE) plus2 mg of chlormadinone acetate (CMA) in non obese women with polycystic ovay syndrome Uras R, Orrù M, Molin Pradel NA, Marotto MF, Pilloni M, Guerriero S, Etzi R, Zedda P, Sorge R, Lello S, Melis GB, Paoletti AM, Italy 168Experience with LNG IUS Mirena in routine clinical practice Vasaraudze I, Rezeberga D, Latvia 161Iranian Midwives’ Role in Menopause Consultation Taavoni S, Iran 169The effect of foot-reflexology on hot flash in menopausal women Vasegh Rahim-Parvar FS, Shafee A, Iran 162Twenty four hours urinary Prolactin is the best marker for Prolactinoma with differentiating microadenoma from macroadenoma in terms of total Prolactin output Talaei RZ, Pirkalani K, Iran 170Levonorgestrel only emergency contraceptive pill. Evolution of use between 2001- 2009 period in the south of Granada health community area Vega Cañadas J, Andres Nunez PC, Teva García MJ, Cruz Martínez M, Rodriguez I, Spain 163Effects of metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemia on the hyaluronanic in mouse uterine along the different phases of the estrous cycle Teixeira Gomes RC, Verna C, dos Santos Simões R, Bonciani Nader H, de Jesus Simões M, Baracat EC, Soares Júnior JM, Brazil 171Establishment of an electronic registered system for users of emergency contraception Vega Cañadas J, Andrés Nuñez P, García León P, Teva García MJ, Cruz Martínez M, González Vanegas O, Spain 172Exercise and quality of life in menopause: comparisons between long-term active, initiaters, nonadhering and sedentary women Vélez M, GodoyIzquierdo D, Andrés CP, Pérez-Fortis A, Mendoza N, Salamanca A, de Teresa C, Godoy JF, Spain 103 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 104 173Immunohistochemical study of prolactin in lacrimal gland of female mice with hyperprolactinemia induced by metoclopramide during proestous Verna C, Teixeira Gomes RC, Bastos Wolff R, Soares Júnior JM, de Jesus Simões M, dos Santos Simões R, Baracat EC, Brazil 174The impact of an oral contraceptive containing 35mg ethinyl estradiol+2mg cyproterone acetate on plasma viscosity levels, insulin resistance and lipid profile in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Vervita V, Saltamavros AD, Karela A, Markantes G, Armeni A, Adonakis G, Decavalas G, Georgopoulos NA, Greece 175Relationship between TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and postmenopausal osteopenic or osteoporotic patients Vilariño ASI, Lioy G, Vilariño C,Urthiaghe M-E, Dotto J, Contreras Ortiz O, Argentina 176Human sperm morphometry after swim-up processing: a pilot study Vladić T, Kvist U, Sweden 177Treatment of menopausal disorders Voichenko N, Kuznetsova I, Mychka V, Kirillova M, Russia 178Clinical predictors of the development of postmenopausal osteoporosis Yermolenko T, Ignatyev O, Batsulya L, Ukraine 179Safety and Efficacy of Femarelle (DT56a) for the Management of Menopause Yoles I, Israel 180Comparison of oral Metranidazole and methanol extracts of Myrtus Communis Yousefinezhad F, Afshari P, Dabagh M, Iran 181Zoledronic acid in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in Russia Yureneva SV, Yakushevskaya OV, Gavisova AA, Smetnik VP, Sukchich GT, Russia 182Pilot study of using quinagolide in normoprolactinemiant patients with galactorrhea Zervoudis S, Iatrakis G, Galazios G, Liberis V, Tsikouras P, Koutlaki N, Navrozoglou I, Mastorakos G, Badiu C, Greece Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 183Plasma homocysteine levels in woman with polycystic ovary syndrome Atanasova E, Atanasova A, Dimitrov GI, Republic of Macedonia 183bis Efficacy, tolerability and anti-androgenic effects of an oral contraceptive containing Ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg and Chlormadinone acetate 2 mg (Belara®) Giuffrida L, Tomaselli I, Placenti NC, Valenti O, Garofalo G, Napoli C, Italy 184 Lipid and lipoprotein profile and insulin-resistence in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Cortelezzi M, Fenili C, Kozak A, Boero L, Schreier L, Berg G, Argentina GYNECOLOGY 184bis Vaginal lactic acid bacteria in B.V treated with oral and vaginal metronidazole and clindamaycin vaginal cream Afshari P, Nadaran Tahan M, Iran 185The analysis of clinical and angiogenic characteristics of patients with external genital endometriosis and infertility: restoration of fertility after the combined treatment Burlev VA, Shorohova MA, Ilyasova NA, Kulakova EV, Onishchenko AS, Russia 186Management of intermenstrual bleeding in women with the levonorgestrel intrauterine system Craus J, Agius R, Muscat Baron Y, Malta 187Amibimiasis extragenital Escobar M, Pérez MM, Mendoza D, Plata J, Venezuela 188Urogenital symptoms and risk factor among of postmenopausal women in sabzevar Iran Fazel N, Iran 189Isolated prepubertal ovarian cysts: an atypical form of McCune-Albright syndrome? Gaspari L, Paris F, Sultan C, France 190Peripheral precocious puberty in a newborn girl: a consequence of pesticide exposure? Gaspari L, Paris F, Sultan C, France 191Effects of VA111913, an orally available vasopressin V1a receptor antagonist in clinical development for the treatment of dysmenorrhoea, on vasopressin-induced human uterine artery contractions Igidbashian S, Hampton S, Handy R, Akerlund M, Sweden Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 192The effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) on ovary in rat(A light microscopic study) Khaki AA, Khaki A, Ozsezer Y, Iran 193Newear approaches for the treatment of uterine myomas Lapotka M, Belarus 194Complex without atypia endometrial hyperplasia in a 13-years-old woman Maglione A, Petruzzelli F, Italy 195Pyomyoma after spontaneous labor with purulent pelviperitonitis with E. Coli, without bacteremia, from the same bacterial agents Maglione A, Petruzzelli F, Italy 196Role of Cytokines and Oxyproline in the Progressing of Endometriotic Disease Makhmudova G, Russia 197Clinical outcome of transobturator tape procedure, one single centre experience Mihai D, Dumitrascu MC, Badea G, Albu R, Nichitelea R, Albu S, Mardare C, Horhoianu VV, Vartej P, Romania 198Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Ultrasonography Doppler Index in Ovarian Tumors Malignancy Prediction Moszynski R, Szpurek D, Michalak S, Krygowska J, Szubert S, Sajdak S, Poland 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 204Biologic Interpretation of Da Vinci’s Love Child Turp AB, Turkey 205Is history of previous Multiload 375 IUD expulsion a risk factor for levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device users? Ayrim AA, Öztürk Turhan N, Turkey 205bis Out Break treatment of H1N1 Influenza virus by propolis in women Ali Farid Mohamed Ali, Egypt REPRODUCTION 206hCG: a pregnancy-related hormone stimulating angiogenesis and pericyte recruitment Berndt S, Blacher S, Perrier d’Hauterive S, Thiry M, Tsampalas M, Cruz A, Péqueux C, Lorquet S, Munaut C, Noël A, Foidart JM, Belgium 207Adiponectin isoform distribution in serum and in follicular fluid of women undergoing IVF/ICSI treatment Bersinger NA, Wunder DM, Switzerland 208Human oocyte vitrification: our experience Carletti E, Casarosa E, Valentino V, Ruggiero M, Monteleone P, Cela V, Genazzani AR, Artini PG, Italy 199The first mPCR for detection of U. urealyticum, M. hominis and M. genitalium in sexually active women in Sofia, Bulgaria Ouzounova V, Ouzounova I, Mitov I, Bulgaria 209A pilot study of premature ovarian failure patients with infertility: intracytoplasmic sperm injection with their own oocyte Chen S, Chen X, Luo C, China 200Hysteroscopic diagnosis in abnormal uterine bleeding Papadia LS, Fiorentino N, Italy 210The role of androgen supplementation in ovulation induction in older women Claessens AE, Blanco Mejia S, Maroleanu M, Ryan EAJ, Canada 201Hysteroscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancyin the cesarean section scar Rubattu A, Rosas N, Cossu G, Nocco C, Italy 202Estimation of serum endoglin concentration in women with ovarian tumors Szpurek D, Moszyński R, Szubert S, Krygowska J, Michalak S, Sajdak S, Poland 203Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis Taavoni S, Iran 205 bis Sex chromosomal mosaicism in ovarian tissue in women with premature ovarian insufficiency and polycystic ovary syndrome Chernukha GE, Marchenko LA, Jahour NA, Butareva LB, Karseladze AI, Russia 211Role of hyperprolactinemia in fertility Demaliaj E, Cerekja A, Albania 212Ovary hyperstimulation syndrome in women undergoing IVF and ET procedures Dervishi Z, Krasniqi M, Shala S, Pllana T, Republic of Kosova 213Ovary hyperstimulation syndrome in women undergoing IVF and ET procedures- case report Dervishi Z, Krasniqi M, Pllana T, Shala S, Republic of Kosova 214FSHR: polymorphism in 307 and outcome in IVF Dolfin E, Guani B, Lussiana C, Restagno G, Mari C, Revelli A, Massobrio M, Italy 105 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 106 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 215The probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus, in the diet, increase fecundity in Danio rerio Gioacchini G, Maradonna F, Bizzaro D, Carnevali O, Italy 225Combined approach to fertility preservation in cancer patients Oriol B, Goppel K, Seifert-Klauss V, Kiechle M, Popovici RM, Germany 216The effect of GnRH antagonist usage in addition to gonadotropins on clinical pregnancy rates in ovulation induction protocols with IUI therapy Gonenc AI, Dansuk R, Kayaalti ES, Yucel O, Turkey 226Fertility preservation in patients with cancer Ortiz Murillo E, Cañete P, Crespo J, Cano A, Pellicer A, Sanchez M, Spain 217Expansion of trophoblastic spheroids is promoted by coculture with decidualized endometrial stromal cells and enhanced by HB-EGF and IL-1ß González M, Reimann K, Bamberger AM, Gellersen B, Germany 218Pregnancy-rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer artificial versus spontaneous cycle Hancke K, Isachenko I, Kreienberg R, Weiss JM, Germany 219Knowledge, Attitude and Performance of couples Referred to an Infertility Treatment Centers of Tehran toward use of Herbal Medicine Heidari M, Maleki H, Tayebi M, Akhondi MM, Sadeghi MR, Akhondzadeh S, Ramezanzadeh F, Iran 220Tecnique of embryo transfer using a syringeless catheter: optimal US visibility and easy-to-use Inaudi P, Petrilli S, Italy 221Review of Consecutive 1046 IUI Cases at Lahore Institute of Fertility and Endocrinology (LIFE), PAKISTANIrfan S, Khan YL, Pakistan 222 Recurrent Spontaneous Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) in a single patient: case report Korneeva IE, Kholnov AI, Ivanets TYu, Barkalina NV, Nazarenko TA, Russia 223Does the prevention of corpus luteum rescue caused by administration of hcg at early follicular phase improve IVF outcome? Messias Gomes C, Serafini P, Monteiro Rocha A, Leme Alves da Motta E, Yadid I, Coslovsky M, Fettback P, Domingues T, Homem de Mello Bianchi P, Carrilho E, Baracat EC, Brazil 224Cytogenetics of couples with recurrent ART failure and spontaneous abortions Mozdarani S, Mohseni Meybodi A, Mozdarani H, Iran 227Effectiveness of highly purified hMG versus recombinant FSH in patients with moderate male factor infertility undergoing in vitro fertilization/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection Öztürk TN, Pekel A, Ayrim AA, Bayrak O, Turkey 228ICSI outcome in severe oligoasthenozoospermic patients and its relationship to prewash progressive sperm motility Öztürk TN, Pekel A, Ayrim AA, Bayrak O, Turkey 229Sub-endometrial wave-like activity in infertile patients Parisen Toldin MR, Ruggiero M, Viana G, Di Berardino OM, Valentino V, Genazzani AR, Cela V, Artini PG, Italy 230Use of LH supplementation in IVF cycle Rubbino G, Iemmola A, Gulino FA, Giuffrida E, Leonardi E, Lenzi L, Iozza I, Ciotta L, Palumbo MA, Italy 231IVF pregnancy complications after severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) Saroyan TT, Krechetova LV, Ziganshina MM, Korneeva IE, Nazarenko TA, Sukhikh GT, Russia 232Effect of body mass index on in vitro fertilization outcomes in women Sathya A, Sathya B, Varma TR, India 233Is FSH day 3 a reliable marker of ovarian response? Spadoni V, Sagnella F, Martinez D, Moro F, Morciano A, Paolelli S, Gangale MF, Tropea A, Lanzone A, Apa R, Italy 234Long GnRH agonist vs. GnRH antagonist protocol in randomized controlled trial in unselected patients -hormonal and cycle characteristics- pilot study Streda R, Mardesic T, Sobotka V, Tosner J, Czech Republic Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 235The outcomes of pregnancy in different ways of conception in the infertility women Vishnevskaya M, Vasileva L, Belarus OBSTETRICS 236Diabetes insipidus and two consecutive pregnancies Adonakis GL, Kyriazopoulou V, Androutsopoulos G, Papadopoulos V, Decavalas G, Kourounis G, Georgopoulos NA, Greece 237 Is Ultrasound a sensitive tool in diagnosing ectopic pregnancy? Ajaya Maharajan P, Beaumont M, Nicholls, UK 238Management of Reccurent Pregnancy Loss Albu AR, Dumitrascu M, Mihai D, Mardare C, Horhoianu I, Albu S, Horhoianu V, Vartej P, Romania 239Glycoprotein IIIa polymorphism and spontaneous abortion Armeni E, Kaparos GJ, Sergentanis TN, Alexandrou A, Damaskos C, Christodoulakos GE, Dendrinos S, Lambrinoudaki I, Greece 240Serum interleukin-10 in patients with threatened preterm labour Asnawi AA, Variantono AA, Ansyori MH, Effendi KYT, Indonesia 241Human chorionic gonadotropin AUC as a new parameter to predict the success of single-dose methotrexate in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy Aybatli A, Balkanli Kaplan P, Sut N, Yuce MA, Cenk Sayin N, Varol FG, Turkey 242Optimization of diagnostics of varicose expansion of veins of the small basin at pregnant women and methods of its treatment Babadjanova GS, Habibullaeva MF, Eshonkhodjaeva ND, Republic of Uzbekistan 243The relation between labor pain and religious beliefs Bakhtyar M, Afshari P, Sadeghi S, Iran 244Heat-Killed Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG Increases IL-4 and IL-10 and Reverses LPS-Induced TNF-α Release in Term Primary Trophoblast Cells Bloise E, Torricelli M, Novembri R, Borges LE, Imperatore A, Reis FM, Petraglia F, Italy 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 245Comparison of two diagnostic models for assessment of gestational diabetes mellitus Boyadzhieva M, Atanasova I, Tankova Tz, Bulgaria 246Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus in Bulgaria - preliminary results Boyadzhieva M, Atanasova I, Tankova Tz, Dimitrova V, Markov D, Stoykova V, Todorova K, Kedikova S, Bulgaria 247Thymol affects mature Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm Braga PC, Dal Sasso M, Culici M, Spallino A, Italy 248Activity of thymol on the genesis of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm Braga PC, Dal Sasso M, Culici M, Spallino A, Italy 249Risk of gestational diabetes in pregnant women with thyroid dysfunction Brufman AS, Umansky Z, Mirian R, Argentina 250Is pre-eclampsia the end-stage of a systemic inflammatory response to various inflammatory triggers in the presence of a placental circulation? A new hypothesis on pre-eclampsia - the disease of theories Camilleri Agius R, Muscat Baron Y, Brincat M, Malta 251Clinical efficacy of a vaginal gel formulation based on thymol and eugenol in bacterial vaginosis Cianci A, De Leo V, Italy 252Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: a precocious defeat Coccia ME, Spitaleri M, Riviello C, Rizzello F, Castellacci E, Caponi D, Mariani G, Italy 253The knowledge and opinion of the women about legal abortion in Iran Daemi F, Daemi N, Vasegh Rahim-Parvar SF, Iran 254 The service providers’ opinion about the legal abortion in Iran Daemi N, Daemi F, Vasegh Rahim-Parvar SF, Iran 255Adiponectin and gestational diabetes Daher S, Gueuvoghlanian-Silva BY, Oliveira LS, Scomparini FB, Torloni MR, Mattar R, Guazzelli CAF, Brazil 256Pregnancy and Epilepsy Diaz L, Zambrano B, Chacon G, Venezuela 107 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 108 257Thyroid disorders and pregnancy Djurica S, Vuksanović M, Zerajić B, Pečinović N, Serbia and Montenegro 258Screening,prevention and treatment of hypothyroidism in pregnancy Dorogoi V, Republic of Moldova 259Evaluation of maternal and neonatal complication in diabetic pregnant at the Imam Hospital during 5 year Ebrahimian F, Zargar M, Afshari P, Iran 260Efficacy of Progestogens Supplementation in First Trimester Threatened Miscarriages Essadi FM, Elmehashi MO, Libya 261Utility of Universal Screening of Thyroid Dysfunction in Early Pregnancy Faraj G, Saban M, Quevedo V, Martinez C, Nuñez M, Calé J, Argentina 262Effect of glucocorticoid treatment for foetal lung maturation on maternal capillary glycemia and ketonemia Firquet A, Degée S, Pintiaux A, Foidart JM, Belgium 263Changes of level of some sexual steroid hormones after the antibacterial therapy in preconceptional period among the patients with pregnancy loss Fofanova Iyu, Russia Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 269Role of endothelial dysfunction in development of premature birth and antenatal pour out of natal waters Khodjaeva HZ, Babadjanova GS, Komarin AS, Eshonkhodjaeva ND, Mavlonov OV, Republic of Uzbekistan 270Circulating levels of adiponectin in preeclamptic patients Khosrowbeygi A, Lorzadeh N, Ahmadvand H, Birjandi M, Iran 271Obstetric complications cluster in women with endometriosis among IVF pregnancies KuivasaariPirinen P, Hippeläinen M, Heinonen S, Finland 272Pathogenethic antithrombotic and haemostatic therapy in women with chorion abruption Kuneshko NF, Makatsariya AD, Bitsadze VO, Baimuradova SV, Akinshina SV, Russia 273Current trends of the medical management and prevention of genital infections Kuzmin V, Russia 274Recurrent early preeclampsia. Diet, as only therapy, could change outcome Lauro V, Pisani C, Mora G, Italy 275Is there a good time for Nuchal Translucency measurement? Luchi C, Schifano M, Nanini C, Sceusa F, Capriello P, Genazzani AR, Italy 264Differential expression of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in human myometrium Foster H, Goumenou A, Karteris E, UK 276The assessment of fetal heart failure with respect to the severity of fetal anaemia Luterek K, Wielgos M, Szymusik I, Bartkowiak R, Filipiak KJ, Poland 265Pro-inflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms and genetic thrombophilia in pregnant women with metabolic syndrome Gadaeva Z, Bitsadze V, Russia 277Thrombophilia and preeclampsia Makatsariya AD, Bitsadze VO, Baimuradova SV, Akinshina SV, Russia 266Hippocratic “Aphorisms” describing pregnancy endocrine disorders Grammatikakis I, Trakakis E, Salamalekis G, Hintipas E, Kassanos D, Greece 278Pathogenetic prophylaxis of obstetrics complications and reccurent thrombosis in women with history of stroke or venous thromboembolic complications Makatsariya AD, Akinshina SV, Bitsadze VO, Baimuradova SM, Russia 267Foetuses of the hypothyroid mothers Gudovic A, Spremovic-Radjenovic S, Lazovic G, Milicevic S, Sparic R, Serbia and Montenegro 279Recurrent abortion with subclinical autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s disease) Mashadiyeva S, Azerbaijan 268 The frequency of resorted to abortion in women who refer to private clinics of Ahwaz Karimi L, Afshari P, Iran 280Bacteriological findings in pregnant women with Gram stain smear and culture from vaginal discharge Mehdinejad M, Yazdizadeh H, Iran Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 281To determine the risk of prematurity in subject with diabetes throughout pregnancy Mersini B, Petrela E, Bimbashi A, Gega M, Albania 282Cervical pregnancy, a rare but dramatic case Mocuta D, Pop T, Craiut D, Herczegh R, Szasz F, Veres M, Romania 283Arterial hypertension can force a too early delivery Mocuta D, Pop T, Herczegh R, Lacziko S, Noja C, Bodog A, Romania 284The effect of male involvement in prenatal care on pregnancy outcome Mortazavi F, Bodaghabadi M, Akaberi A, Iran 285Clinical activity and safety of a hydrating intimate hygiene cleanser Mucci M, Mancini R, Italy 286The importance in hydrating intimate hygiene in vulvar dermatoses Murina F, Benvenuti C, Italy 287In prenatal diagnosis how much is important informed choise? Nanini C, Luchi C, Schifano M, Sceusa F, Capriello P, Genazzani AR, Italy 288Successful medical management of an intramural ectopic pregnancy Ong Aihui C, Lin SL, Chia D, Choolani M, Biswas A, Singapore 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 294Control of gestational diabetes with the newly described instillation of insulin into the auditory channel via a piezoelectric pump: A comprehensive approach and a novel option Pirkalani KK, Talaei Rad Z, Iran 295Role of the nitric oxide system related to fetal growth, mechanism of delivery, and peri-natal adaptation Pisaneschi S, Sanchez MA, Begliuomini S, Strigini FAL, Ghirri P, Boldrini A, Genazzani AR, Coceani F, Simoncini T, Italy 296The survey of maternal health`s problems and their help behavioral after delivery in women reffering to health centers Radmehr M, Gachpaz A, Mahdi SB, Iran 297Metabolic syndrome and vascular risk Radulovich T, Perederyaeva E, Makatsaria A, Russia 298Celiac disease and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Riviello C, Spitaleri M, Rizzello F, Castellacci E, Caponi D, Mariani G, Coccia ME, Italy 299Differences between primigravidae and multigravidae mothers in postpartum depression and fatigue Rouhi M, Usefi H, Iran 289Hysteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment in recurrent abortion Papadia LS, Fiorentino N, Italy 300Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) in women with nonautoimmune (NATD) and autoimmune thyroid diseases (ATD) Santaguida MG, Del Duca S, Virili C, Gargano L, Centanni M, Italy 290Cesarean scar pregnancy successfully treated with systemic methotrexate administration and sac aspiration Patsouras K, Sioulas V, Salamalekis G, Chrelias C, Grapsas S, Kassanos D, Greece 301Role of genetic factors and oxidative stress in recurrent pregnancy loss Shamsi MB, Venkatesh S, Kumar K, Talwar P, Kumar R, Mittal S, Dada R, India 291Exposure of rat pups to medical intensity ultrasound waves Pečlin P, Rozman J, Republic of Slovenia 302Placental and maternal serum inhibin A in patients of pre-eclampsia and intrauterine fetal growth restriction Shen Z, Cai LY, Suprapto I-S, Shenoy P, Zhou X, China 292Antibiotic therapy and gluten free diet may prevent preeclampsia Pelotti D, Italy 293Childbearing women affected by psychopathology: results from a selected-high risk sample Petrilli G, Rizzi G, Anniverno R, Mencacci C, Blom JMC, Italy 303Polymerization of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1) Potentiates IGF-I Actions in Placenta Shibuya H, Keiji S, Mitsutoshi I, Japan 304Prenatal care of twin related Terasaka O, Meleti D, Andrade CMA, Nowak P, Guazzelli C, Moron AF, Brazil 109 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 110 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 305The effect of epidural analgesia on caesarean section using Robson’s classification Triunfo S, Ferrazzani S, Draisci G, Scambia G, Italy 316Polycystic ovary syndrome and pregnancy complications in patients from Macedonia Dzikova E, Dimitrov G, Andonova I, Republic of Macedonia 306Effect of partogram use on caesarean section using Robson’s classification Triunfo S, Ferrazzani S, Scambia G, Italy 316 bis Laparoscopic bipolar coagulation of hypogastric artery in post-partum haemorrhage: a case report Volpi E, Panuccio E, Ferrero A, Sismondi P, Italy 307Aesthetic Transvaginal Folliculometry According to Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man: A Different Perspective to IVF Failure Due to Oocyte Aging Turp AB, Turkey 308Evaluation of maternal obesity during pregnancy Valenti O, Barbagallo V, Giuffrida L, Rugolo S, Roccasalva LS, Italy 309 Pregnancy outcome in treated recurrent miscarriers affected with subclinical hypothyroidism Vaquero E, Lazzarin N, Di Giovanni A, Romeo V, Moretti C, Italy 310Reproductive history in postmenopausal women with type II diabetes mellitus Virtej I, Vartej P, Zervoudis S, Navrozoglou I, Poiana C, Greece 311Combined conservative approach in early diagnosed tubar pregnancy Virtej P, Grigoriu C, Grigoras M, Cezar C, Horhoianu I, Horhoianu VV, Romania 312Level of proteinases in cervical mucus in women with risk of miscarriage Zabolotnov V, Rybalka A, Kuznetsova T, Palamarchuk M, Ukraine 316tris Treatment of repeated implantation failure by Autologus eye tears Ali Farid Mohamed Ali Egypt 316quater Inherited Thrombophilia in mother and fetus Federica Bellussi ONCOLOGY 317Research of balance of the cores cytocines in blood of patients with good-quality tumours of ovary Abdullaeva LM, Ashurova UA, Republic of Uzbekistan 318Effectiveness of treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with leep and predicting factors Ahmeti F, Hoxha S, Republic of Kosovo 319The estrogen metabolism disorders in premenopausal women with endometrial hyperplasia Artymuk N, Kcharenkova E, Gulyaeva L, Russia 320Mammographically confirmed microcalcifications and their association with P53, C-erbB2 and hormone receptors in breast cancer Augoulea A, Mourouti G, Chondrodimou Z, Maipa S, Karameris A, Boutzouvis S, Greece 313Cell growth is differentially modulated by IL-1beta and progesterone in human choriocarcinoma cells Zachariades E, Foster H, Mparmpakas D, RandWeaver M, Goumenou A, Karteris E, UK 321Regulation of cyclin G2 degradation in ovarian cancer cells Bernaudo S, Rosman D, Peng C, Canada 314Serum interleukin-10 and progesterone level in patients with threatened abortions and normal pregnancy Zulkarnain O, Abadi A, Zulqarnain I, Novaliani A, Budi Azhar M, Indonesia 322Cervix carcinosarcoma in an 80-year- old woman Blàzquez Ventura A, Gonzalez Bosquet E,Valladares Pérez E, Rovira Zurriaga C, Lailla Vicens JM, Spain 315PCOS and Spontaneous Pregnancy Loss: Etiology, Diagnosis and Therapy Albu AR, Dumitrascu M, Mardare C, Mihai D, Horhoianu I, Albu S, Horhoianu VV, Vartej P, Romania 323How healthy food helped me with my breast cancer - a female gynecologist testimony Bocchi de Souza LM, Brazil 324WWP1, TGFβ and KLF gene expression levels as prognostic factors in cervical oncogenesis Botezatu A, Socolov D, Goia CD, Iancu IV, Huica I, Plesa A, Anton G, Romania Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 325Interaction between effects of estrogen receptor (RE) (ER) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2) on hormone treatment of breast cancer (BC) Buda F, Italy 336Rapid Signals from Estrogens and SERMs involved in endometrial cell migration and invasion Flamini MI, Sanchez AM, Genazzani AR, Simoncini T, Italy 326Female sexual function after loop electrosurgical excisional procedure for cervical intraepithelial lesions Cattoni E, Serati M, Salvatore S, Zanirato M, Mauri S, Bolis P, Italy 337Estrogen receptor enhances endometrial cell motility and invasion via extra-nuclear activation of focal adhesion kinase Flamini MI, Sanchez AM, Genazzani AR, Simoncini T, Italy 327Prevention of vulvo-vaginal signs and symptoms induced by pelvic radiotherapy with a topical Calendula preparation Corallo A, Cartia G, D’Emilio V, Pedalino A, Rabito A, Barone V, Italy 338Effectiveness of raloxifene (SERMs) in reduction of uterine leiomyomas growth in premenopausal women: our experience Giuffrida L, Rubbino G, Garofalo G, Tomaselli I, Placenti NC, Napoli C, Italy 328Risk factors in relation to endometrial adenocarcinoma diagnosis features Daneva-Markova A, Antovska V, Stefanija A, Dimitrov G, Kiprovska G, Republic of Macedonia 329Characterisation of Mutations and Sequence Variants in Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene 2 (BRCA2) in a Group of Breast Cancer Patients in Sri Lanka De Silva S, Tennekoon KH, Karunanayake EH, De Silva JWN, Amarasinghe I, Angunawala P, Sri Lanka 330How to give lifestyle advices after gynecologic cancer treatment Del Pup L, Italy 331Clinical, laboratory and pathological anatomy characterization of ovarian cancer Diaz L, Zambrano B, Santos M, Omaña D, Venezuela 332Labor stress and lactation Dimitraki M, Koutlaki N, Zervoudis S, Gourovanidis V, Mandratzi J, Konstandou E, Grapsas X, Galazios G, Liberis V, Greece 333Gastro-intestinal symptoms in women diagnosed with pelvic endometriosis Dingli M, Muscat Baron Y, Agius R, Brincat M, Malta 334Does endometrium in women with breast cancer has malignant potential? Drljevic K, Mehmedbasic S, Drljevic I, Bosnia and Herzegovina 335Gene expression in endometriosis is similar to the peritoneum rather than to the human endometrium Fettback P, Mendes Alves Pereira R, Monteiro da Rocha A, Serafini P, Leme Alves da Motta E, Zanatta A, Bianchi P, Assad Hassun P, Baracat EC, Smith G, Brazil 339George Papanicolaou: exfoliative cytology and pre tumoral lesions Grammatikakis I, Trakakis E, Salamalekis G, Spanou F, Kassanos D, Greece 340Adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein as a novel prognostic factor in obese breast cancer patients Hancke K, Grubeck D, Hauser N, Kreienberg R, Weiss JM, Germany 341Type distribution of Human Papillomaviruses in non-familial breast cancer patients in Iran Haratian K, Mohseni Meybodi A, Iran 342Disturbed estrogen metabolism in endometrial cancer Hevir N, Smuc T, Vouk K, Sinkovec J, Lanisnik Rizner T, Slovenia 343The effects of oestrogen on alternative splicing regulators in breast cancer cells Hong E, Elliott D, Tyson-Capper A, UK 344System-based changes of angiogenic growth factors in patients with external genital endometriosis against the combined treatment Kulakova EV, Burlev VA, Shorohova MA, Ilyasova NA, Shchetinina NS, Russia 345HLA-G gene polymorphism in breast cancer Lorite Martínez P, Martínez Martos JM, Ramírez Expósito MJ, Palomeque Messía T, Mayas MD, Carrera P and Torres López MI, Spain 111 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology 112 346Clinical management of patients with positive excision margin after cervical conization Malenkovic G, Rajovic J, Mandic A, Novakovic P, Zivaljevic M, Nincic D, Serbia and Montenegro 347Unusual morphologic pattern of endometrial cancer diagnosed by Transvaginal-Ultrasound Mariani G, Rizzello F, Di Dato R, Caponi D, Riviello C, Castellacci E, Coccia ME, Italy 348Altered endogenous oxytocin/oxytocinase system modifies hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in rats with breast cancer Martínez-Martos JM, Carrera MP, García MJ, Mayas MD, Ramírez Expósito Mj, Spain 349Neoadjuvant chemotherapy modifies serum angiotensinase activities in women with breast cancer Martínez-Martos JM, Lorite P, Torres MI, Carrera P, Mayas MD, Ramírez Expósito MJ, Spain 350Serum beta HCG in cervical poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with dominant choriocarcinomatous pattern Nikolic B, Kuzmanovic I, DragojevicDikic S, Serbia and Montenegro Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 356Laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis and fecundity Ramos Rivas YVS, Pachero Romero J, Peru 357Medical treatment of Deep pelvic endometriosis: effect on natural history and symptomatology Rizzello F, Caponi D, Mariani G, Spitaleri M, Castellacci E, Coccia ME, Italy 358Concept for centres of excellence for endometriosis Schweppe K-W, Germany 359Changes In Bone Turnover Markers, Serum Lipids, Endometrium And Clinical Tolerability Of Raloxifene In Estabilished Postmenopausal Osteoporosis In Indian women Singh M, India 360Estrogenic/progestogenic-regulated endometrial responses to bisphenol a during decidual development in rats Spencer F, Thompson M, Qi L, USA 361Diagnostic markers of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer Tikhonovskaya IV, Kuznetsova I, Nemtsova M, Russia 362Menopause and malignancies Varisco EM, Livello L, Stomati M, Pellegrino A, Italy 351Association the PCOS and endometrial carcinoma in young women Nölting M, Blanco G, Pérez Lana MB, Onetto C, Straminsky V, Galluzzo L, Argentina 363Hypoxia induces estrogen receptor mRNA repression in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells You K, Bahn JJ, Jang S, Lee YJ, Korea 352Medroxyprogesterone acetate for surgically unresectable granulosa cell tumor Ota H, Oyama N, Sato H, Japan 364Experience on the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer Zambrano B, Diaz L, Santos M, Omaña D, Venezuela 353Vaginal estriol to overcome side effects of aromatase inhibitors in adjuvant treated breast cancer patients Pfeiler G, Glatz C, Königsberg R, Geisendorfer T, Fink-Retter A, Kubista E, Singer C, Seifert M, Austria 365Breast cancer and pregnancy: theories and guidelines Zampetaki C, Delimpalta C, Greece 354Pyrrolidone carboxypeptidase activity is related to circulating levels of GnRH and FSH but not LH in postmenopausal women with breast cancer Ramírez-Expósito MJ, Torres MI, Lorite P, Carrera P, Mayas MD, Martínez-Martos JM, Spain 355Mammary angiotensinase activities are modified in rats with breast cancer induced by N-MethylNitrosourea Ramírez-Expósito MJ, Carrera MP, García MJ, Mayas MD, Martínez Martos JM, Spain editing and copyright Biomedical Technologies art direction Biomedical Technologies - Stefano Berti photography Alessandro Genazzani printer Istituto Arti Grafiche Mengarelli 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology Interaction with other drugs and other forms of interaction No serious clinical interaction of Fostimon with other medicines has been reported. A combination of Fostimon and other substances used for stimulation of ovulation, can cause an increased follicular response, while concomitant therapy with GnRH antagonist, which causes hypophyseal desensitiveness, may require an increased dose of Fostimon, in order to obtain a satisfactory follicular response. Incompatibilities of Fostimon with other drugs have not been reported. Fostimon should not be mixed with other drugs in the same syringe. Pregnancy and lactation Fostimon must not be administered during pregnancy and lactation. Effects on ability to drive and use machines Fostimon does not cause any modification of these abilities. Undesirable effects Cases of headache have been reported following the administration of urofollitropin. Rare cases of local reactions at the site of injection may occur. Women: Fever and joint pain have been reported following the administration of urofollitropin. During a treatment with Fostimon, the likelihood of ovarian hyperstimulation should be taken into account. The first symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation are: pain in the lower abdomen, possibly in connection with nausea, vomit and weight gain. In severe but rare cases, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with enlargement of ovaries can be accompanied with an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity or thorax, as well as with more serious thromboembolic complications, which can take place independently from ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In such cases a thorough medical examination is recommended. Furthermore, a treatment with Fostimon should be interrupted and the hCG administration withheld. The risk of multiple pregnancy is increased with Fostimon, as well as with other substances which are used for the stimulation of ovulation. The majority of multiple pregnancies results in twin births: in IVF it is related with the number of replaced embryos. In rare cases arterial thromboembolism has been associated with menotropin/hCG treatment, which could also occur during a treatment with Fostimon/hCG. The incidence of miscarriage is comparable with that observed in women with other fertility problems. Ectopic pregnancy may occur in women with a history of tubal disorders. Men: Occasionally gynecomastia (enlargement of breast), acne and weight gain during therapy with Fostimon/hCG can be observed. These are known reactions observed during therapy with hCG. Overdosage The consequences of overdose with Fostimon are not known; nevertheless ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome cannot be ruled out, as described in section “Special warnings and Precautions”. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Pharmacodynamic properties Pharmaco-therapeutic category: gonadotrophins and other drugs for ovulation stimulation: urofollitropin. ATC Code: G03GA04. Women: Fostimon contains urofollitropin, a hormone with sole follicle-stimulating (FSH) activity, which is highly purified and extracted from human postmenopausal gonadotrophin (hMG). The most significant result following parenteral administration of FSH, is the development of mature Graaf follicles. Men: Fostimon given in conjunction with hCG for a period of at least 4 months, can produce spermatogenesis in men with FSH insufficiency. Pharmacokinetic properties Following single i.m. administration of 150 IU of urofollitropin to healthy volunteers the highest level of FSH in serum was achieved within 10 ± 4 h. An increase of 4.0 ± 2 IU/L FSH above the basal values is obtained. The FSH levels in serum after 72 h were still significantly higher than the basal values. The elimination half-time of FSH has been estimated between 30-40 hours. Preclinical safety data In toxicological studies and studies performed in animals, no significant findings were observed. Acute toxicity studies were performed in rats and mice, at doses above than 1500 IU/kg. Sub-acute toxicity studies performed in rats and monkeys, included doses up to 100 IU/kg/day, for 13 weeks. In mutagenesis studies urofollitropin did not reveal any mutagenic effects. PHARMACEUTICAL PARTICULARS List of excipients: The powder vial contains: lactose The solvent ampoule of 1 ml: contains: physiological solution Incompatibilities: There are not known chemical incompatibilities with Fostimon, however it is advisable not to mix this medicine with other products in the same syringe. Shelf life: 24 months. Special precautions for storage: Protect from light and at a temperature below 25°C. Nature and contents of the container: Containers: vials with lyophilised powder and solvent ampoules (physiological solution) are made of transparent neutral glass (class I). Packs: Fostimon 75 IU/1ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use: pack with 1 vial of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 1 ampoule of solvent, pack with 5 vials of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 5 ampoules of solvent, pack with 10 vials of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 10 ampoules of solvent, Fostimon 150 IU/1ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use: pack with 1 vial of lyophilized powder 150 IU + 1 ampoule of solvent, pack with 5 vials of lyophilized powder 150 IU + 5 ampoules of solvent, pack with 10 vials of lyophilized powder 150 IU + 10 ampoules of solvent, Instructions for use, handling In order to avoid FSH waste due to adherence to the vial internal surface, Fostimon should be administered immediately after reconstitution. The degree of absorption that can take place has no significant effect on the dose required for clinical efficacy. MARKETING AUTHORIZATION HOLDER IBSA Farmaceutici Italia S.r.l. – Via Emilia 99, 26900 Lodi – Fraz. San Grato MARKETING AUTHORIZATION NUMBER Fostimon 75 IU/1ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use: pack with 1 vial of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 1 ampoule of solvent, AIC n. 032921013 pack with 5 vials of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 5 ampoules of solvent, AIC n. 032921037, pack with 10 vials of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 10 ampoules of solvent, AIC n. 032921049 Fostimon 150 IU/1ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use: pack with 1 vial of lyophilized powder 150 IU + 1 ampoule of solvent, AIC n. 032921025 pack with 5 vials of lyophilized powder 150 IU + 5 ampoules of solvent, AIC n. 032921052 pack with 10 vials of lyophilized powder 150 IU + 10 ampoules of solvent, AIC n. 032921064 DATE OF FIRST AUTHORIZATION / RENEWAL OF AUTHORIZATION Fostimon 75 IU/1ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use: pack with 1/5/10 vial of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 1/5/10 ampoule of solvent, 12/2003 Fostimon 150 IU/1ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use: pack with 1/5/10 vial of lyophilized powder 75 IU + 1/5/10 ampoule of solvent, 12/2003 DATE OF (PARTIAL) REVISION OF THE TEXT: 21 July 2006 113 Fostimon Fostimon Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 TRADE NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Fostimon 75 IU/ 1 ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use Fostimon 150 IU/ 1 ml powder and solvent for solution for injection for intramuscular or subcutaneous use QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Each vial contains: 75 IU vial 150 IU vial Urofollitropin, corresponding to Highly purified human urinary Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 75 IU 150 IU PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Powder and solvent for solution for injection. CLINICAL PARTICULARS Therapeutic indications Female sterility Ovulation induction, in association with chorionic gonadotropin in patients suffering from polycystic ovary disease; amenorrhoea or anovulatory conditions due to insufficient follicular phase; other infertility conditions associated with an increased LH/FSH ratio. Fostimon is indicated for the stimulation of multiple follicular development in women undergoing ovulation induction during in-vitro fertilization programs (IVF) or other Assisted Reproductive Techniques (FIVET-GIFT-ZIFT). Male sterility Induction of spermatogenesis in men suffering from hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, in association with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Dosage and method of administration Women with hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction associated with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea The aim of the treatment is the development of a mature Graaf follicle from which the ovule will be released, following the administration of chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The therapy must start within the first 7 days of the menstrual cycle and can be administered by daily injections. The dosage must be adjusted individually depending on individual patient response, i.e. the follicle size, assessed by ultrasound and/or oestrogen secretion. As a guideline, the following dosages are recommended: Daily administration of 75150 IU of Fostimon, which may be increased or decreased if required by stages of 37.5 IU (up to 75 IU) with intervals of 7 or 14 days in order to achieve a satisfactory but not excessive response. If the patients response is not satisfactory after 4 weeks of therapy, the cycle should be abandoned. Once a favourable response is obtained, 24-48 h following the last Fostimon injection, the administration of 10000 IU of hCG is required. The patient should be advised to have sexual intercourse on the day of the administration of hCG and on the following day. If there is an excessive response, the therapy should be interrupted and the administration of hCG should be withheld (see section “Precautions”). The therapy should continue with a cycle at a lower dosage. Therapy should start the next cycle, with doses smaller than those during the previous cycle. Women undergoing superovulation treatment for IVF or other assisted reproductive techniques Administer 150-225 IU of Fostimon daily starting on the 2nd or 3rd day of the cycle. The dosage can be adjusted depending on individual response up to a maximum of 450 IU daily until the required follicular development is obtained, assessing it by monitoring of oestrogen concentration and/or ultrasonography. As a general rule, down-regulation is induced by administration of GnRH agonists in order to suppress the surge of endogenous LH and to control the tonic levels. The most commonly used protocol involves the use of Fostimon about 2 weeks after the onset of the therapy with GnRH agonists: both treatments are continued until the required follicle development is achieved. A suggested treatment is to administer 225 IU of Fostimon (s.c. or i.m.) during the first 7 days and subsequently adjust the dose according to the ovarian response. Men suffering from hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism Pre-treatment: 2000 IU of hCG i.m. or s.c. twice a week (can be adapted to each case) until normalization of testosterone blood levels. Treatment: one vial of Fostimon 150 IU i.m. or s.c. three times a week in combination with hCG 2000 IU i.m. or s.c. twice a week (or the dosage required for normalization of testosterone blood levels) for 4 months, to be continued for up to 18 months, depending on the physician decision in case of failed response. Directions for use: Fostimon can be administered either intramuscularly, or subcutaneously. The injectable solution must be prepared by dissolving the freeze-dried powder with the solvent provided in the pack. Fostimon must be administered immediately after reconstitution. In order to avoid administration of large volumes, it is possible to dissolve up to 5 vials of product in 1 ml of solvent. Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or one of the excipient in the formulation. Women: Fostimon is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, ovarian enlargement or cysts not due to polycystic ovarian syndrome; gynaecological bleeding of unknown origin, ovarian, uterus or breast tumors, hypothalamus and hypophysis tumors. Fostimon is contraindicated in women also in cases where no adequate response is achievable, such as: primary ovarian failure; malformations of the genital organs incompatible with pregnancy; uterus fibrinous tumors incompatible with pregnancy. Men: Fostimon is contraindicated in men when a satisfactory response cannot be achieved, e.g. in cases of primary insufficiency of the testis. Special warnings and special precautions for use Fostimon can cause local reactions at the site of injection. Allergic type reactions have been reported occasionally, and lactose intolerance was assumed, although not proven to be the problem. It is important to take into account the lactose reaction when administering the product to patients with lactose intolerance. Women: Before starting a treatment with Fostimon the couple infertility should be assessed and any contraindications to pregnancy should be ruled out. Specifically, patients should be examined to assess the potential presence of hypothyroidism, adrenocortical insufficiency, hyperprolactinaemia and hypothalamic tumours or tumours of hypophysis and appropriate specific treatment should be given. Although the strict adherence to the recommended Fostimon dosage scheme minimizes the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation, the likelihood of hyperstimulation and multiple ovulation should be taken into account and monitored during treatment. This syndrome can progressively become a serious medical problem, which is characterized by enlarged ovarian cysts which have a tendency for rupture. Severe hyperstimulation due to excessive oestrogen response can be avoided by not administering hCG for the induction of ovulation. In these cases it is wise to avoid the administration of hCG and the patient should be advised not to have any sexual intercourse for at least 4 days. Patients with superovulation have an higher risk of developing hyperstimulation due to excessive oestrogen response and multi follicles development. The aspiration of all the follicles before the ovulation, may limit the onset of hyperstimulation. The risk of multiple pregnancy following Assisted Reproductive Technologies is related with the number of oocytes/embryos that are transferred. In other patients the risk of multiple deliveries and pregnancy is increased by the administration of Fostimon, similarly to other products for the stimulation of ovulation, however, the majority of multiple pregnancies results in the birth of twins. The rate of miscarriage is higher than in the normal population, but comparable with the one of women having other fertility disorders. In patients not submitted to superovulation the presence of smaller secondary follicles together with a predominant follicle, which can be detected by ultrasonography, is related with the increased onset of hyperstimulation. Men: Increased levels of endogenous FSH are indicative of primary insufficiency of testis. These patients are unresponsive to a therapy with Fostimon/hCG. Sperm analysis is advisable 4 to 6 months following the initiation of treatment, in order to determine the response to therapy. Although no cases of viral contamination have ever been reported in association with the administration of human urinary gonadotrophins, the risk of transmission of known or unknown pathogenic agents cannot be totally ruled out. Cod. ZI.09.014 Firenze, 4-7 March 2010 ta il punto di interazione tra folati e cobalamina. 5.2 Proprietà farmacocinetiche Per le sue caratteristiche di molecola fisiologica il 5-MTHF viene utilizzato dall’organismo come tale, senza cioè subire ulteriori processi di biotrasformazione. Esso costituisce la forma fisiologica di trasporto dell’acido folico nel plasma, dove rappresenta la quasi totalità dei folati circolanti. È prontamente assorbito dal tratto digestivo e, quindi, si distribuisce a tutti i tessuti compreso il SNC; esso è infatti captato dai plessi corioidei nel liquido cefalorachidiano ove la sua concentrazione è pari a tre volte quella del sangue. Il t½ del 5-MTHF per via endovenosa è di circa 2 ore, per via orale di circa 2-3 ore. Viene eliminato per via renale ed intestinale. 6. INFORMAZIONI FARMACEUTICHE 6.1 Lista degli eccipienti • PREFOLIC 15 Compresse Amido di mais, lattosio, magnesio stearato, polietilenglicole 6000, polimetacrilati, polisorbato 80, simeticone, sodio idrossido, talco. • PREFOLIC 15 mg/3 ml polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile Acido citrico, glutatione, mannite, metile p-idrossibenzoato, sodio idrossido. Una fiala di solvente contiene: acqua per preparazioni iniettabili. • PREFOLIC 50 mg/3 ml polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile Acido citrico, glutatione, mannite, metile p-idrossibenzoato, sodio idrossido. Una fiala di solvente contiene: acqua per preparazioni iniettabili. 6.2 Incompatibilità Non va addizionato a soluzioni contenenti bicarbonato. 6.3 Validità • PREFOLIC 15 Compresse: 36 mesi • PREFOLIC 15 mg/3 ml e PREFOLIC 50 mg/3 ml, polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile: 30 mesi - Il prodotto ricostituito rimane stabile per 10 ore. 6.4 Speciali precauzioni per la conservazione Tenere al riparo dalla luce e conservare le compresse a una temperatura inferiore ai 30°C. 6.5 Natura e capacità del contenitore − Astuccio contenente 3 blister (alluminio-politene) da 10 compresse di 15 mg − Astuccio contenente 5 flaconcini di vetro scuro a chiusura ermetica (tappo di gomma e ghiera metallica in alluminio) da 15 mg + 5 fiale di vetro contenenti 3 ml di solvente − Astuccio contenente 6 flaconcini di vetro scuro a chiusura ermetica (tappo di gomma e ghiera metallica in alluminio) da 50 mg + 6 fiale di vetro contenenti 3 ml di solvente 6.6 Istruzioni per l’uso Modalità di apertura della fiala di solvente: − posizionare la fiala come indicato nella figura 1; − esercitare una pressione con il pollice posto sopra il punto colorato come indicato Figura 1 Figura 2 nella figura 2. 7. TITOLARE DELL’AUTORIZZAZIONE ALL’IMMISSIONE IN COMMERCIO ZAMBON ITALIA s.r.l. - Via Lillo del Duca, 10 - 20091 Bresso (MI) 8. NUMERO DELL’AUTORIZZAZIONE ALL’IMMISSIONE IN COMMERCIO − 30 compresse di 15 mg - A.I.C. n. 024703124 − 5 flaconcini di polvere da 15 mg + 5 fiale di solvente da 3 ml - A.I.C. n. 024703098 − 6 flaconcini di polvere da 50 mg + 6 fiale di solvente da 3 ml - A.I.C. n. 024703112 9. DATA DI PRIMA AUTORIZZAZIONE/RINNOVO DELL’AUTORIZZAZIONE − 30 compresse di 15 mg: 20.07.1989 − 5 flaconcini di polvere da 15 mg + 5 fiale di solvente da 3 ml: 30.04.1982 − 6 flaconcini di polvere da 50 mg + 6 fiale di solvente da 3 ml: 21.02.1985 Rinnovo autorizzazione: 01.06.2005 10. DATA DI (PARZIALE) REVISIONE DEL TESTO 27 gennaio 2009 Informazioni fornite ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo n.219, Art 119, comma 3: Medicinale soggetto a prescrizione medica • PREFOLIC 15 mg, 30 compresse – euro 19,90 • PREFOLIC 15 mg/3 ml, 5 flaconcini di polvere da 15 mg + 5 fiale di solvente da 3 ml – euro 10,40 • PREFOLIC 50 mg/3 ml, 6 flaconcini di polvere da 50 mg + 6 fiale di solvente da 3 ml – euro 21,20 Depositato presso AIFA in data 1/04/2009 14th world congress of Gynecological Endocrinology RIASSUNTO DELLE CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO 114 1. DENOMINAZIONE DEL MEDICINALE PREFOLIC 15 Compresse PREFOLIC 15 mg/3 ml polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile PREFOLIC 50 mg/3 ml polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile 2. COMPOSIZIONE QUALITATIVA E QUANTITATIVA • PREFOLIC 15 Compresse Una compressa gastroresistente contiene: Principio attivo: N5-metiltetraidrofolato di calcio pentaidrato - 19,18 mg pari ad acido 15 mg • PREFOLIC 15 mg/3 ml polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile Un flaconcino di polvere contiene: Principio attivo: N5-metiltetraidrofolato di calcio pentaidrato - 19,18 mg pari ad acido 15 mg • PREFOLIC 50 mg/3 ml polvere e solvente per soluzione iniettabile Un flaconcino di polvere contiene: Principio attivo: N5-metiltetraidrofolato di calcio pentaidrato - 63,93 mg pari ad acido 50 mg 3. FORMA FARMACEUTICA Compresse gastroresistenti - Flaconcini di polvere + fiale di solvente 4. INFORMAZIONI CLINICHE 4.1 Indicazioni terapeutiche In tutte le forme da carenza di folati dovute ad aumentata richiesta, ridotto assorbimento, insufficiente apporto dietetico. Nella terapia antidotica di dosi eccessive di antagonisti dell’acido folico e per combattere gli effetti collaterali indotti da aminopterina e da metotrexate. 4.2 Posologia e modo di somministrazione Dopo somministrazione orale di PREFOLIC si ottiene un picco ematico a 2-3 ore che decade poi lentamente nel tempo. La posologia media di PREFOLIC sia per via orale che per via parenterale intramuscolare o endovenosa può essere indicata in 15 mg al dì o a giorni alterni secondo prescrizione medica. Il trattamento con PREFOLIC deve essere prolungato fino a completa remissione dei sintomi della carenza folica e ricostituzione del patrimonio endogeno. In casi eccezionali o nell’impiego del PREFOLIC per l’antidotismo dei farmaci citotossici antifolici (ad esempio nel caso di somministrazione di metotrexate ad alta dose), la posologia può comportare l’uso di dosi più elevate, somministrate ad intervalli di poche ore: 15 mg per os ogni 6-8 ore oppure 50-100 mg per endovena ogni 3-8 ore per qualche giorno in base ai parametri del “rescue”. 4.3 Controindicazioni Ipersensibilità nota verso i componenti. 4.4 Speciali avvertenze e precauzioni per l’uso Nel caso si faccia ricorso alla somministrazione endovenosa si raccomanda di praticare l’iniezione lentamente. Nei soggetti epilettici i farmaci anticonvulsivanti possono provocare un abbassamento della folatemia; la somministrazione di PREFOLIC, pur controbilanciando tale effetto, può aumentare la frequenza degli accessi. Le compresse sono gastroresistenti, liberano cioè il principio attivo nell’intestino prossimale; esse non vanno masticate, ma debbono essere deglutite intere, preferibilmente al mattino. In presenza di anemia perniciosa è buona norma associare al PREFOLIC anche la vitamina B12 per prevenire le complicazioni neurologiche della malattia. 4.5 Interazioni con altri medicinali e altre forme di interazione Non sono note. 4.6 Gravidanza e allattamento Trattasi di composto vitaminico, normale componente del nostro organismo, privo di effetti sulla madre e sul feto. 4.7 Effetti sulla capacità di guidare e di usare macchinari Non interferisce sulla capacità di guidare veicoli e sull’uso di macchinari. 4.8 Effetti indesiderati Con l’uso del prodotto sono possibili manifestazioni di ipersensibilizzazione (febbre, orticaria, ipotensione arteriosa, tachicardia, broncospasmo, shock anafilattico). 4.9 Sovradosaggio Non sono noti fino ad ora casi clinici di sovradosaggio. 5. PROPRIETÀ FARMACOLOGICHE 5.1 Proprietà farmacodinamiche N5-metiltetraidrofolato di calcio (5-MTHF), molecola fisiologica di natura vitaminica, è un principio attivo che interviene negli organismi animali in una serie di reazioni importanti, dal punto di vista biochimico-metabolico, finalizzate a realizzare il trasferimento dell’unità monocarboniosa. Tra queste reazioni vanno in particolare ricordate le seguenti: − a. la sintesi delle purine e del timidilato, tappa indispensabile per la biosintesi degli acidi nucleici; − b. la sintesi ex-novo dei metili labili a partire da serina, glicina, istidina, formiato; − c. la sintesi della metionina a partire dall’omocisteina, reazione che richiede la presenza della vitamina B12 come cofattore e che pertanto rappresen- best A selection of the the courses g lessons held durin School al of the Internation of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive rom Abstracts f al Gynecologic gy Endocrinolo News on hot topics in science and clinical practice n° The interview 3 questions to the editorial's Author... 1. What would be the most important determinations to assess these risk factors for CVD in patients? 2. What do you consider the main variables that lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease? 3. What conduct should be taken to reverse the risk of cardiovascular disease? continue reading. 33 May 2009 The congress on-line Lectures and simposya from the 13th world congress on human reproduction News in science and clinical practice Abstracts from Gynecological Endocrinology And much more on 13 GynEndo News at ISGE 14th world congress ROOM 13 13 Palazzo dei Congressi Entrance9to Congressi Ground Floor Innovating choices in women’s health The art of women’s health