LOCAL NETWORK “Our aim is to provide a reliable, multiplatform, consistent information to all the italian local communities, providing news for all the 8094 Italian municipalities” 1.307.495 inhabitants (Milano) 37 inhabitants (Morterone) no matter for us LOCAL NETWORK Our local network is formed of 17 cities distributed all over the country that have either a print and an online version. Moreover, we cover online the other 8077 italian municipalities with a customized page on the web. Milano Roma Venezia-Mestre Treviso Padova Verona Rovigo Vicenza Belluno Bologna Firenze Napoli Bari Caserta Salerno Lecce LOCAL INFORMATION MAP NEWS LOCAL NEWS BLOGS ONLINE BIG CITIES – DEDICATED WEBSITES FOR LEISURE MILAN ROME MEZZOGIORNO AREA (NAPOLI-SALERNO CASERTA-BARI-LECCE) VENETO (VENEZIA-VERONA-PADOVA TREVISO-VICENZA-BELLUNO-ROVIGO) FLORENCE BOLOGNA SMALL CITIES – ONE WEBSITE FOR EVERY ITALIAN MUNICIPALITY LOCAL NEWS EVENTS CITY STATS & INFO WEATHER AIR QUALITY DIRECTORIES LOCAL SPORTS MUSIC MUSEUMS EXHIBITIONS FOOD & DRINK GUIDES GYM GUIDES UGC MOBILE VERSION IPAD APP IPHONE APP Local News Restaurants reviews LOCAL NEWS COMMENTS PICTURES BLOGS FORUMS RESTAURANTS REVIEWS VIDEOS EVENTS CONTESTS EVENTS SPONSORSHIP EXHIBITIONS CORRIERE DELLA SERA (daily) PRINT LOCAL NEWS PAGES LOCAL NEWS PAGES MILAN + ViviMilano ROME MEZZOGIORNO AREA (NAPOLI-SALERNO CASERTA-BARI-LECCE) VENETO (VENEZIA-VERONA-PADOVA TREVISO-VICENZA-BELLUNO-ROVIGO) FLORENCE BOLOGNA TRENTO BOLZANO VIVIMILANO (weekly issue) MILAN EVENTS FOOD & DRINKS GUIDES CITY GUIDES LOCAL ADVERTISING COUPONS BOOKS FOOD & DRINKS GUIDES WELLNESS GUIDES BADGES RESTAURANTS SEALs OF QUALITY There is a growing demand of local information. In Italy this market is still young, and Corriere della is leading in every city in which is present. Moreover the growth of the local network is more outstanding compared to the national one*. 170% 148% 125% 103% Local network National 80% r0 p a 9 m 0 ay 9 0 n u j 9 0 jul 9 g0 u a 9 09 p se t0 c o 9 v0 o n 9 c0 e d 9 10 n ja 10 b fe 10 r ma 10 r ap 10 y a m * Nielsen Site Census May 2010 Milano Corriere della Sera Milano is the main local edition because: Milano is the place where Corriere della Sera is born Milano is the place where the daily print edition of Corriere della Sera is sold the most unique audience: 1,669,531 users* Three different ways of communication NEWS INTERACTION MULTIPLATFORM CONTENT * Nielsen Site Census May 2010 Milano Newsroom fully dedicated to the online edition Strong integration between paper and web editions Video News Strong focus on leisure with events and food and drink reviews NEWS Milano NEWS ACCURATE SEARCH FOR EVENTS FREE EVENTS MUSIC Tickets purchase RESTAURANTS FOOD & DRINK Restaurants Bars Clubs MUSEUMS & EXHIBITIONS MOVIES THEATERS FITNESS CENTERS Milano Online forum for the interaction between journalists and readers. Initiatives to let our readers to interact with the website. We permit users to send multimedia content (pictures, videos and text) in order to enrich our information bottom up. It is possible for users to review restaurants, clubs and most of the interesting meeting point of the city. INTERACTION Milano Creative contest about the future of Milano: “La Milano che vorrei” Three phases: 1. Contest: readers involved to send their proposals about the Milano of our future. 2. It has been possible for users, to have a speech with the major of Milano about their ideas and proposals. 3. An exhibition, promoted by the city administration, with some of the most interesting works sent by our readers. INTERACTION Milano Received: 600 graphics 60 videos 50 textual ideas more than 500K views of the page on the website. big attention by the daily newspapers and magazines. INTERACTION Milano INTERACTION FOOD & DRINK 500 > RESTAURANTS 600 > BARS & CLUBS Voting system Reviews Nearby Events, clubs and restaurants Geolocation Reader commentaries The starting point for iPhone APP version and restaurant reviews Milano Web news ugc restaurants reviews sport centers reviews agenda MULTIPLATFORM CONTENT Mobile Apps Video Print Books Events Maps IL MIO COMUNE Since May the 1st 2010, we launched “Il mio Comune”, a new set of services for all the 8094 italian municipalities. There is a mini-website for every municipality with a bunch of services customized for each village; no matter if 1,307,495 or 37 inhabitants. We provide statistics, services and news. We want to make the information the most capillary possible, in order to provide targeted services to citizens into a village level. IL MIO COMUNE Statistics & Government Data Local flash news Weather & air quality and pollution forecasting Useful addresses Personal informations and pictures about local elected administrators Maps and public utilities on map. Data given by several national departments for health, school, national institutions and service providers, operating in the area Local sports: from the most important national category, to the amateur seasons’ results and rankings. Local advertising: Directories Sunday trading and duty pharmacies Local events Movies and cinemas Local advertising: Display Local advertising: Classifieds BUSINESS MODEL Different types of local advertising Display BUSINESS MODEL Different types of local advertising Directories BUSINESS MODEL Different types of local advertising Classifieds: Real Estate, Jobs and Cars BACKUP Local Web Editions: Growth Corriere Fiorentino r ap 09 jun 09 g au 09 t oc 09 c de 09 Corriere Roma r0 p a 9 0 jun 9 g0 u a 9 t0 oc 9 c0 e d 9 0 b1 fe Corriere di Bologna 0apr 0 1 r ap 9 0 jun 9 g0 u a 9 t0 oc 9 c0 e d 9 Corriere del Veneto 10 10 r 09 n 09 10 09 b 10 0 9 t 09 r r c b g c p p ju o fe fe a a ap de au Corriere del Mezzogiorno Corriere Milano 10 r 09 10 10 r 09 n 09 g 09 t 09 09 b 10 10 09 b 10 09 0 9 t 09 r r c r b c n c g p c p p ju o fe fe ju a o a fe a de ap ap au de au * Nielsen Site Census May 2010 BACKUP Local Editions: Network Growth The growth of the local network of Corriere della, is about the 70%* since last april 170% 152% 134% 116% 98% Local Network Growth % 80% ap 9 0 r 9 0 9 9 9 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 l 09 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 t v dec jan y jun ju feb mar apr may aug sep oc no ma * Nielsen Site Census May 2010