FORMULA V AIR RACING ASSOCIATION AIRCRAFT TBCHNICAL SPECIFICAnON . Revision 2.2 • JanuaI)' 19M . •~ SECnON2 AIRCRAFT TEOINICAL SPEGFlCAll0NS FOR FORMULA. V AIR MONG 2.1 General InfonDation 2.1.1 The ~ of the Formula V dass is to provide a sale and imlovative of moderate cost to the competitor in which to mnduct spectator-pleasing dosed-mwse pylon air racing on a 2 mile rourse. Safe racing is of ~ount interest aJ\d all other goals and considerations are seCxmdary.Only SlIfeaircraft and profident pilots will mmpete. A) B) It is intended that Formula V aifcraft always be able to race on a 2 mile cowse, allowingitccess to a greater number of sites. It is the intent of the rules tti8t the airaaft notiexceed 190 Mph, in straight and level fljght.~ .' ... '. C) It is reco«nized'.that dynamic and iimovative individuals are essential to lhe gro~qf ihe spott. ThaefOJE, i~is the intent of the rules that the stridFoiliwla ~~ expi sed herein be the liJiUting factor aJId~.iiWdm~'latitude for experimentation be . allowed within. them. . ". .' '.' .. D) It Is assumed tba~raclns fdi. ~'dUlD\UIt be perfoniled in the air show setting with spo~ lAIPPCJrt.It is the irilent of the rules to provide .raciJlB01 the ~urA.1nterest to the spectator. E) It is intended that the GlIIt of Formula V aircraft be kept moderate in order to ~ the dus... !bleto a ~ number of competitorB.It shall therefore be the intent' of die rules to subordinate cost to all other fact0i'8~ a determiJw\t of aircraft petfoimance. 2.1.2 In case of confucdftg or ~ d~ within this specification, resolution or Interpretation Will be baled on the basic J)hilO8Ophical pls of the FormUla V Air ~. dus, and amen.:: In the follOwing order of precedence (degree of hn~): A) (most important) B) Falml!8l to all mmpetltors 0 LOwCost Oeasl important) 2.2 Rape 2.2.1 The ~ed engbie for Formula V air racing is based on the air-<lllOled flat-fOur cylinder configuration of automotive enable developed by Volbwa~erk AG, adapted for aircraft UlIE. MaxUnum displliCement Is nOlftlnj1ly91.632cubic inches (1600 oc.)(see paragraph 2.2.7l). Bnglne Installation is limited to tractor configurations. 2.2.2 Each individual owner, pilot, engine builder, and worker must beer in mind that, In. adapting the Volkswagen-type automotive enlt1ne to aircraft use, he is usiilg the engine in a manner not inten'iled or designed for by VolkswBgenwerk .AG.The owner, P!lot. and mechanic assume all rish in determining the suitability of the Volkswagen engine or any components thereOf for aircraft use, and are responsible for ensuring that aD modifications, changes, aJ\d additions made to the engine in adapting it to aircraft use are performed in an airworthy manner. Induction - The enJdne induction system is free of restriction with the ex~on of the fonowing items: No pump or blOwerto increase the induction air pressure is allowed. Only aqtDient air and aircraft fuel are allowed Coenter the induction syStem. No. other solid, UqUid,or gaseous substance may enter. the induction system. . The indu~stem may be insulated, or cooled using ambient air. No other of cooIirig the induction system is alloWed. 2.2.3 Carburetor - The carburetor is free of restridion with the exception of the fOllowing ib!mS: Any type carburetor is allowed. Only one carburetor is allowed, of eitiier ~e or dual barrel (throat,)type. The carbUretor must. have a single restricting venturi .not exceeding 1.26 inches (32 mm.) diameter. A carburetor not meeting this rule due to excessive venturi diameter shall have a restrietor ~ently installed in the intake manifold to Umit total air-fuel mass flow. The restrietor musth8ve • sinde round hole not 0ca!eding 1.26 inches (32 maL) inside diameter ana must be located adjacent to the carburetor and in the manifold on the ~ side of the Carburetor. A carburetor restric:torO1l'theupstream side 01 the fuel entry ~ is nOt ~cceptable. The restrtetor (or CarburetOrventurl.1f a restridOr is not required) must be easil~le loti ~on. . . Fuel In on - Fuel inJeCtionlI}'lltemllwhich provide individual fuel flow 10 each intake port are prohibited. : 2.2.4 . 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.1 2.2.8 2.2.9 Crankcase - The crankcase is free of restriction with the fOllowing exceptions:. . . . . The Crankcase must be "VoUcswagen-manufacmred .lntemal baffling in the crankcase may be lClded to oontrol oil slosh. . R Crankshaft • the aanbhaft 111 free of restriction with the fOllowing ~ons: . The ilwdmwn stroke ls2.716 inches (69 mm.) (+ 0.0196 inch [0.5 mm.] measurement tolerance) . CyUnders - cyUnden are free of restriction with the following ~ons: The lnaximum sw.ePtvolume 01 any cylinder is 24.408cubic inches (400 oc.) (no additional ~t to1er8nce). CvUnder Heads - Cylinder heads are free of restriction with the following exoepdons: The cylfnder neads must be "Volkswagen-manufactured Bither sinde-port or dual-por:theads may be used. Eitner one or t\Yospark plugs per cylinder are allowed. R • Pistons - l'istonll are free of restriction. Any type of commerciallyavailable pulton ~ may be used. . Camshaft - the camihaft is free of restriction. 2.2.10 -. - ....• .... ..-. •• •• 2.2.11 Valves - valvei are free of resbiction. 2.2.12 I~tion System • The ignition system is free of resbict10n with the following exceptions: . Ignition timing must be non-adjustable in flight Any type of mmmercially-avalliible spark plugs are allowed. . 2.2.13 En~l! Retention Cables. of a Dtinimum diameter of 3/16 in. muSt be fitted in accordance with Appendix A .. 2.2.14 Power Transmission • The propeller' of the aircraft must be driven at crankshaft speed. Ulie of an extension shaft is allowed; any extension shaft coupling devices used must be of a type which will not cause an increase of torque applied to the propener over the direct drive configuration. 2.2.15 Cooling. The engine must be cooled only by ambient ~. No other substance may be used to cool the engine. Ifngine heat may also be dissipated Viaan oil oooIer• 2.2.16 . Substances used for.Starting Aisistance ~ The ~ aid in starting the engine is p~hlbited. . '. of any substance to 2.2.17 Fuel ~ Only .stUidardunmiXeci ahcraft fuel available from an on-site common source is aUow~. NOthing may be added to the fuel, air, or fuel/air mixture used in the engine.. At any time a fuel sample may be taken from any or all ~ from some logical and practiCal pI!blt in the fuel system. This ~Ie may be analyzed, or lI!lIlI!Qbythe Ti!d\nical Committee or sealed and sent to an acxreQitedfadlity for analysis. 2.2.18 Oil - Only aircraft oll, racing on, or c:oauru;:::rIecf.adeoil which passes SAE ratirig may be used. AI[ oil must be in ClIIlS and be avidlable to all. Onfy oil additives which when added to the oil will increase its lubricating QUalitlesand not inaease the combustlon PJwatlea of the oil and th:eluel-air ratio in.the combustion chamber and appioved by the Technical Committee and available to all, are alloWed. Any additives must be SDedfled '~::a:les of all the additives used must be avallable to the 1'.10'1 tift befOre Us&At any time an oil sample may be taken from any or all.airplanes from eome l~cal and praCtical ~t in the oil system. ThiSsample may be analyzed or lI!lIted. . l?Ythe Tei:IInkal Committee or sealed and sent to an aca1!dited fadlity roranalysis. . 2.2.19 Oil System - OIl coolers if used must utilize ambient air for cooling. 'Ql.eremust be no aocetl&from the cockpit to the oil ~tem other than the oil pressUre line, which must be cOnnected from the c:rankase to the indicator only. A crankcase breather with or without oil separator may be installed. . Fire Extinguisher Sys~ - Fire extinguisher ~stema Installed on board the iin:raft are permitted only if equi~ with • seal over the ~ nozzle such that use of the fire ex6Dguisher wiD rupture the seal. In-flight use of the fire extinguisher system shall automatically •• •• ~ the airaaft from the qualifying a~ whia\ the use occurred. 2.2.21 or race heat during Misce1Ja~eous - All other engine components not specified are free of restriction. Definiqon of "Volbwagen-Manufactured"It is rl!CORlllzedthat man)' diffei'ent manufacturers provide (Xlmponents whicl\ are capable of in assembled into a Volkswagen-type engine. Where the s cation calls !OF a component to be "Volkswagen-manufactured", e intention is to define the m;rrent as having been. designed and manufactured ~ VoIkswagenw AG, or any wOIidwi4e Volkswagen subsidiary, such as Volkswagen factories in Btazll, Mexico, Ni~, etx:. For purposes of identification, .. the component specified as "VolkSwagen-manufactured" must retain the "Volbwagen" or "VW" logo or VolbwagE;n origiJ.UIlpart number as affixed to the m~ent dUring the origirial manUfactUring process. Only cmn~ts from, or . compatible with. the Volkswagen Type 1,2, or 3 series of air-cxloled flatfour cylinder enginelIare l1loWed.. .. a 2.3 Airplme mel Pilot WeJsht 2.3.1 The empty weipt of the airplane must be a minimum of 450 pounds with full on ana no fueL Any ballast added to bring. the aitpIan:e up to the minimum weight must De attached solidly to. the airfI'aJne. 2.3.2 Pilot weight must be a minimum of 170 pounds ready for flight. If flown by a pilot of 1eIeer ~t, balIut must be carrieclfo make up the difference rn weight to 170 poun~ Sum ballast must be removable, and adequately sicured to t1Ie airframe. In the case that a parachUb! is used as ballast, this paragraph applies with the ~tfon that the parachub! shall be secUred to the pilot instead of the airfriune. %.4 PwpeIler 2.4.1 The propeller must be fixed pitch in operation. It must have only two blades. . 2.4.2 With the ~ of any airaaft equipPed with a metal propeller that has ~dpatec1 without a change m ownership in a teCX)~ FonriWa V iir race prior to Jan. 1st., 1985, the use ora metal propeller is prohibib!d. 2.5 Winp 2.5.1 A minimum of 75 ~ feet of wing area is ~ed. Wing area is measured to include that area dlspfaced by the fuselage, lNt not including fillets or stall strips. A fillet is any deviation froIn the basic pl~orm that. starts inboard of 25,. semi-span. Flaps are permitted; wmg area must be figured with the flaps retracted. The taper ratio (i.e. root moni divided tiY tip moni) shall not exceed 2.0 TI\e wing span cannot exceed 22 feet. Aiicraft of canard or multiple wing conflguralion are not l1lowed. D_ ~" r.•. _ .•nnA ' . . The root chord is defined as the wing chord at the point where the wing plariform, not including fillets, intersects the fuSela~ structure. The tip chord is defined as the wing chord at a point 24 inChes in from the extreme outboard tip of the wing. 2.5.2 Ailerons must be balanced in a manner which will demonstrate ab5erlce of flutter over the entire speed range of the aircraft (le. up to 1.2 Vh). . . . . 2.53 The minimum wing .thidcness for cantilever (unbraced) wina designs is 12 'l(, of chord. The minimum wing thickness for externany-braCed wing designs is 1.8 'l(, of dlmd. . '. . . 2.5.4 Wing leading rearWard. 2.6 I.andiD8 Gear .. 2.6.1 Lan~g ~ must be non-retractable. It must be fixed in position, len~ and angle, with the exception of minor deflection fOr shock absOrbing purposes . 2.6.2 The aircraft: must have two wheels and tires of standard 5.00 X 5 type or larger, Which must both touch the ground when the aircraft is at rest. 2.63 Wheelbrakea'are edge sweep shall not exceed 5 degrees ..' . forward or requiied on ~th mai8 w~. 2.6.4 .The aircraft must have a ateerable au,oUary wheel with a non-metallic tire, which must be fixed to the aircraft and non-retractable in flight. The crclsa section (diameter times width) of the a"xlUary wheel must be a minimum of 2.0 in2• .. . 2.6.5 When conventional (tailwheel) type landing gear is used. the point of contact of the main wheels must be at least 15 degrees forwariI of the C.G. of the aircraft when the longitudinal axiS of the aira'aft is horizontal and the aircraft: is at racing gross weight. 2.7 Vision 2.7.1 When seated in. the cockpit with crash helmet. eeat belt and shoulder hamess on, the. pilot must be able to lICIIIl a field of vision measured from a datum plane parallel to the aira'aft's longitudinal axis of at least: . 5 d~ ! e s down over nose. . 20 d~ees field of vision down over the wing IeadlnIJ edge. This must be demonstrated for each pilot of a sp!cific lW'ccaft to ensure compliance. . 45 degrees UJ'Wll!d 270 cfegaees in the horizontal plane (45 degaees to the rear to left and right). . . .' . Any obstructions In the field of vision must be of a minor nature. 2.7.2 Definition of longitudinal axis - in the absence of a dearly defined longitudinal axis reference externally visible on the aira'aft and '. Provision must be made such tNt all fuel can be easily drained from the ainnit.' , ,, ' ' 2.11.2 The airaaft must carry at takeoff for all race heats or ~ng attempts iI minimum of 5 US. gallons of fuel. all of which is Usable. ,'. " 2.12 '.:' . 2.12.1 Center oi Gravity location at nlCing gro.saweight must faD between 8 % to 25'1> of MAC of"Witlg unleu deviationi are permitted by the Technical Director. Aira6ft operatinlt at m aft of 25" may be ~ to cumply with Procedural and Safety Rule Para~aph 2.' at the disa'etion of the TeduUcal Director. Mmmum allowabre aft CG limit under any cirCUlNltana!sis 3q')i~ 2.13 MateriaIa ••••• Wcnkmarithlp , , ~ 2.13.1 2.1f . '," . '. ," • ••••.. ..... ".~•.- t . Mat:erla1sand worJananalllb muSt -conform to ahi:raft standards or , equivalenl. ,The T~Cak Committee is empowued to refuse ~ tiltfly, attewpt to pal ~~ or to auaUfvan airaaft" Whidt in their ~ .•. not up to yeafe alandUds in either materWa; WQI'=~' detail design. or Q)ndltion. ThIs applies to new, modified. . ell' damapd iirc:raft. RM;e,Namber, .':; .' . 2.14.1 J. :.:;, : Bach aircraft partidpatiJlg in. a Formula V raa! must have a race number. ThIs number must be applied to both aides of the fuselage between winp and' taU.or for airCrlIftWithout a amventiOll81fuselage, the race number, Il\U8l be ,applied' to both sides of' the vertical t8il surfaces. All digits oi the race number must be at least 12 in. hiaIL The race number must be'~ ~ view!cl &om adistana! of 500 feet froJn the side of the:a1rCi'aft.Use 'of the entire nWnerical pOrtion of the aira'aft's Naticmal ~ number as a race number is a.CXleptable, provided the nmneriQl field meets'the si2ieand cxmatraints Ciescribedabove. Bach alrcraft's race number wU11le gned by the Formula V class Sea«ary. . ~a:r. 2.15 AJrcraft FIDfah ••••• Appeaz ••• af' 2.15.1 The aircraft shall: be attractivel~ted in a gloss finish. The color scheme must have at leut two' cu1ors,or one overall color and a trim color. No silver undercuat, pq.tet or unfinished lIWfacea shall be perm!tted on major airaaft components, exce~t for temporary r~iin. Determination of 'attractively fainted' sh811 be at tl\e sore diScretion of the Board' of Directon 0 the Formula., V Air Radng Association. Inc:. 2.15.2 Alliettez:ing and graphics~ the aircraft sba11be sub\eCt to the Of the lkWd 1'8 of the Formula V A1r Racing ation, Inc:..Lettering and! or graphics not in good taste or otherwise Wl600:ptable wilf not be perii\itIJecL. .~ v,. %~:;~rl acceptable to the Technical Committee, the longitudiJull axis will be (Xnwdered parallel to the wing chord at 3/8 wing semi-span. . 2.8 Noee-Over Structure 2.8.1 Substantial protection for the pilot other than the fin must be provided either fore or aft of the coCkpit. This structure must not obstruct forwird visibility. The nose-over structure must be made of 4130 Chrome-moly aircraft tubina; it must be attached to the primary structure of the aircraft; and It must extend higher then the top of the pilot's h~eted head. 2.9 COr\pit 2.9.1 The minimumc:ockpit height, measured vertically iii. level f1i~t attitude from the highest point iJlside the canopy down to a polnt where the fuselage structure restricts the possi6fe seat width 10 16 inches must be at least 36 Inches. lThis point 36 Inches below the canopy may be below the actual instaUed seato) This must be readily measurable with aJD:lD\onmeasuring tools or by use of ~ owner supplied tools. It ls the owner's risponsibUi~ to proVide proof of compliance. This may be required at any-race. (Measurement tolerance is 1f4 inch.]' .. 2.9.2 The minimum inside coc:Icpltwidth, measured at the back of the seat within a range of between 12 to 18 inches below the inside of the canopy must be, at some point within this raJ18e,at least 20 inches. 2.9.3 The ~t must be deslgued to accommodate a pilot of 110 lb. dressed for flight and wearing a Crashhelmet and parachute. . 2.9.4 . The cockpit must be equlPJ)ed with a seat belt and shoulder harness. This harness must be attached to the primary structure of the aircraft. . .. Aircraft desiped to aexmllD\odatetile pilot in a prone position are not permitted. .. . ,".'. 2.9.5 2.9.6 The cockpit canopy must nave a means of opening from both the outside and the inside of the aira'aft in case of an emergency. A desaiption of the canopy opening POC£dure shall be Installed on the exterior of the ainraIt. next to the canOpy releese. . 2.10 RequJrecl InstramentatiCm. 2.10.1 The aircraft must be fitted With a remJ'd!ng accelerometer (G meter) ~0!U'ted on or near the Instrument panel Within the pUot's range of VISion. 2.11 Fuel Tank 2.11.1 The fuel tank or tanks must have a total minimum usable capacity of 10 U.S. gallons. All fuel tanks shall be accessible for ~on. There must be no access from the cockpit into the fuel tank or tanks. '0-. "" '1'__ ."""'. 215.3 The &iraaft shall ~ly with all the sponsor lettering and logo requirements as set by the Board of Directors of the Formula V Air Racing Association, Inc. . 215.4 Aircraft not appropriately painted or marked will not be permitted onto the racin8 Siteor to lie publicly displayed. 2.16 FiIMIi Aircnft 2.16.1 In a situation where insuffident legal ral:eJ)Ianesto fill the entry field are pi sent. BIl-in aircraft with larger d!sPlacementVW engines may be6oa!pted for the mnainingopen grid pOsitions. Fill-in a1rcraft are exemptid from the requirements of ~graphs,, 22.6.1, and 2.2.&.1 of this spedftc:ation ONL-Y; all other requirements must be.annpUed with. Each aircraft entered as a BIl-in entry mUst be declared as sUchbefore ~race technic:aUnspedion begins. . 2.16.2 _For purposes of distribution of c.:e, money, trophies, or other remuneration, fill-in aircraft must positions beh1nd the slowest legal partidpant. instead of their actUal race finishing position. NatioriillltlCDds are DOtrecognized for . , fill-in airaaft. . ., , -, . ~ . REVISION HISTORY Rev. 0- _Issued February 1965. Rev. 1.0- Issued F~, 1986. Completely revised uslng format of the 1981 FAI. Pormula One rules. Major Changes incluae: Engine - removed requirement for stock carburetor; adeled car~r intake restrictor requiiement; provided- ;lIUnplified' measurement- of major powergenerating componen~ Jiliftame -- added 400 lb. empty weidtt - requirement; disallowed ~ use of a metal FOJM!ller(with -pndfatlier clause exempting' Wittman'. N3259); addeCl requirements for 'fill-in' entries. .: : ..' ~.';./1~ '. . ; t ... Rev. 1.1 - " ')":'" . . '.':~'II~:;l .. j"' ," Issued April/l986..l~esta~ tilt ClilCkplthept and width requirements to cal1 for outside measurement rather than inside measurement; addedrequbement for~ tnunber:" -- -- ._ ", ~'." ,;," ._,";" .... ~..~.t;; .:." ' .. ", •. Rev. 2.0- Issued Juuaryl991-. Revised purpose _of class; deleted metric dimensiOning;- elimlnAted - ~tier.prop - confiSW'ationS; restated carburetor restrietor; added neW restrairits on wmg span, taper and minimum thickness; eliminated canard configurations; adeled new restraints on tall volume; revised cockpit -vfaibllity ~uirements; revised CIDCkplt helJdtt and width requireDienllland added &e4tbotlODt width; rewed C' of G requirements; moved flight and pUot requirements to Procedural Rules; elimlrtated Appendii A (carbuJ'etor restrictor drawing); revised Appendix B (enpe -retention cable drawing); revised Appendix C (whig area meaaureutent). Rev. 2.1 - Issued January 1992.Added requirement !or G meter; added paragraphs on aircraft finlsh and appearance. Rev. 2.2 Issued Janu.arf 1994.Chan~2.3.1 and 2.3.2 airframe and pilot ballast to allow ballast to be locatid anrwJu!r'e within aira'aft; deleted 2.6 Tail Volume (md renumbered aD fOllowing paragraphs); added to 2.10.6 ~ulrement for label on extemal canopy releUei changed 2.13 C of G location to provide more rearWard CG. Appendix A • EDslne ReleiitioD Cable IDsIaDatioa: •••• ll ••v ?? _Ta" 1QQ4 2-10 r. , AppencUxB. 5 <leg. maxfwd. or aft leading edge sweep •••••- Raps to be ~6bid&d . 22 ft. max. 25% _. __ ._--- .. ",. '0 __ "'''' 9 __ .~6