Competitive Cross Reference - Universal Lighting Technologies
Competitive Cross Reference - Universal Lighting Technologies
Competitive Cross Reference e-HID Cross Reference Aromat (NAIS) to ULT e-HID Aromat (NAIS) P/N ULT P/N ULT Order Code M2012CK-3EU-F M2012CK-3EU-J M2027CK-3EU-F M2027CK-3EU-J M2012-27CK-3EU-F M2012-27CK-3EU-J M2012CK-6EU-F M2012CK-6EUN-F M2012-27CK-5EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J M2012-27CK-5EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J M2012-27CK-5EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J M2012CK-6EU-F M2012CK-7EUN-F 188610 188902 188610 188902 188610 188902 188151 188882 M3512CK-3EU M3512CK-3EU-F M3512CK-3EU-J M3527CK-3EU M3527CK-3EU-F M3527CK-3EU-J M3912CK-3EU M3912CK-3EU-F M3912CK-3EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J 188156 188157 188301 188156 188157 188301 188156 188157 188301 M3912CK-3EUN-F M3912CK-6EUN-F 188246 M3912CK-3EUN-S3 M3912CK-6EUN-F 188246 M3927CK-3EU M3927CK-3EU-F M3927CK-3EU-J M3912-27CK-3EU M3912-27CK-3EU-F M3912-27CK-3EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J 188156 188157 188301 188156 188157 188301 188156 188157 188301 M3912-27CK-5EU-JS6 M3912-27CK-5EU-J 188301 M3912-27CK-5EU-JT M3912/27CK-5EU-JT3 188629 M3912-27CK-5EU-JTS6 M3912/27CK-5EU-JT3 188629 M3912/27CK-5EU-JT2 M3912/27CK-5EU-JT3 188629 M3912/27CK-5EU-JT2S6 M3912/27CK-5EU-JT3 188629 M3912/27CK-5EU-JA2 M3912/27CK-5EU-JA3 188630 M3912CK-6EU-F M3912CK-6EUN-F M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912CK-6EUN-F 188895 188246 M5012-27CK-3EU-F M5012-27CK-3EU-J M5012-27CK-5EU-F M5012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188612 188613 M5012-27CK-5EU-JS6 M5012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188613 M7012CK-1EU M7012-27CK-5EU 188165 M7012CK-1EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-F 188166 M7012CK-2EU-J M7012CK-3EU M7012CK-3EU-F M7012CK-3EU-J M7012-27CK-5EU-J M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J 188167 188166 188166 188167 M7012CK-3EUN-F M7012CK-6EUN-F 188164 M7012CK-3EUN-S3 M7012CK-6EUN-F 188164 M7027CK-3EU M7027CK-3EU-F M7027CK-3EU-J M7012-27CK-3EU M7012-27CK-3EU-F M7012-27CK-3EU-J M7012-27CK-5EU M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J 188166 188166 188167 188166 188166 188167 188166 188166 188167 M7012-27CK-5EU-JS6 M7012-27CK-5EU-J 188167 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT M7012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188631 M7012-27CK-5EU-JTS6 M7012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188631 Replacement Notes Replacement unit smaller Replacement case size much smaller, check mounting footprint Replacement case size much smaller, check mounting footprint Replacement ballast has 7" leads , use existing ballast lead wires for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has 7" leads, use existing ballast wire for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has 7" leads, use existing ballast wire for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Compatible ANSI Lamp Code M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 VS unit has purple control lead; must be capped off. Replacement ballast has 7" leads , use existing ballast lead wires for extension leads. VS unit has purple control lead; must be capped off. VS unit case size is smaller, may need spacers to assure tight fit. Replacement case size much smaller, check mounting footprint Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. VS unit case size is smaller, may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit case size is smaller, may need spacers to assure tight fit. Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. Replacement ballast has 7" leads , use existing ballast lead wires for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has 7" leads, use existing ballast wire for extension leads. M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 Aromat (NAIS) P/N ULT P/N ULT Order Code M7012/27CK-5EU-JT2 M7012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188631 M7012/27CK-5EU-JT2S6 M7012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188631 M7012/27CK-5EU-JA2 M7012/27CK-5EU-JA3 188632 JM7012CK-6EU-F M7012CK-6EUN-F JM7012CK-6EU-F M7012CK-6EUN-F 188377 188164 M10012CK-3EU M10012CK-3EU-F M10012CK-3EU-J M10027CK-3EU M10027CK-3EU-F M10027CK-3EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J 188169 188169 188302 188169 188169 188302 188169 188169 188302 M10012-27CK-5EU-JS6 M10012-27CK-5EU-J 188302 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT M10012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188633 M10012-27CK-5EU-JTS6 M10012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188633 M10012/27CK-5EU-JT2 M10012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188633 M10012/27CK-5EU-JT2S6 M10012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188633 M10012/27CK-5EU-JA2 M10012/27CK-5EU-JA3 188634 M15012CK-3EU-F M15012CK-3EU-J M15027CK-3EU-F M15027CK-3EU-J M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J 188638.05 188639.05 188638.05 188639.05 M15012-27CK-5EUN-F M15012-27CK-5EU-F 188638.05 M15012-27CK-5EUN-J M15012-27CK-5EU-J 188639.05 ULT P/N ULT Order Code Replacement Notes WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has 7" leads, use existing ballast wire for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. Replacement ballast has feet; remove if necessary. Replacement ballast has 7" leads , use existing ballast lead wires for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has 7" leads, use existing ballast wire for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. WARNING: Verify proper fixture thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement ballast has 7" leads, use existing ballast wire for extension leads. WARNING: Verify proper thermal protector wiring differences when installing. Replacement case size has different form factor, please check mounting footprint. Replacement case size has different form factor, please check mounting footprint. Compatible ANSI Lamp Code M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C102 or M/C142 M/C102 or M/C142 M/C102 or M/C142 M/C102 or M/C142 M/C102 or M/C142 M/C102 or M/C142 Advance to ULT e-HID Advance P/N RMH-G20-K-LF M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 RMH-G20-K-LFS M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 IMH-G20-G-LF IMH-G20-G-BLS M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J 188901 188902 IMH-G20-E-LF M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 188884 RMH-20-E-LF M2212CK-7EUN-F RMH-20-E-BLS N/A RMH-20-K-LF M2212CK-7EUN-F 188884 RMH-20-K-LFS M2212CK-7EUN-F 188884 Replacement Notes VS unit is shorter Advance unit has leads out one end; VS unit leads are out both ends Advance unit is 120-277V. VS unit is 120V ONLY and is smaller; may need spacers to provide tight fit VS unit is smaller, may need spacers to provide tight fit VS unit is smaller, may need spacers to provide tight fit Advance unit has leads out one end; VS units has leads out both ends. VS unit is smaller, may need spacers to provide tight fit Compatible ANSI Lamp Code M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C175 M/C175 M/C175 RMH-39-K-LF MTm3912CK-7EUN-F 188777 RMH-39-K-LFS MTm3912CK-7EUN-F 188777 RMH-39-K-BLS IMH-39-G-LF IMH-39-G-BLS IMH-39-E-LF IMH-39-J-LF IMH-239-A-LF IMH-239-A-BLS IMH-39-A-BLS-ID IMH-P39-G-LF IMH-P39-G-BLS MTm3912CK-7EUN-J M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J M3912CK-6EUN-F M3912CK-6EUN-F N/A N/A N/A MTm3912CK-7EUN-F MTm3912CK-7EUN-J 188758 188895 188896 188246 188246 188777 188758 VS unit 120V only VS unit 120V only M/C179 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C179 M/C179 IMH-50-A-LF IMH-50-A-BLS M5012-27CK-5EU-F M5012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188612 188613 VS unit has purple control lead; must be capped off. M/C110 M/C110 IMH-70-D-LF IMH-70-D-BLS IMH-70-G-LF IMH-70-G-BLS M7012-27CK-6EU-F M7012-27CK-6EU-J 188939 188940 N/A N/A VS unit shorter Advance unit has leads out one end; VS unit leads are out either end VS unit 120V only VS unit 120V only M/C179 M/C179 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 Advance P/N IMH-70-E-LF IMH-70-J-LF IMH-70-A-LF ULT P/N M7012CK-6EUN-F M7012CK-6EUN-F M7012-27CK-5EU-F IMH-100-A-LF IMH-100-A-BLS ULT Order Code 188164 188164 188166 N/A N/A IMH-100-A-BLS-ID IMH-100-B-LF IMH-100-D-LF IMH-100-D-BLS M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J N/A 188169 188169 188302 IMH-150-H-LF IMH-150-H-BLS M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J 188638.05 188639.05 Replacement Notes VS unit 120V only VS unit 120V only Compatible ANSI Lamp Code M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 Advance is dual wattage (70-100W) Advance is dual wattage (70-100W) M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 VS unit slightly larger VS unit slightly larger M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C 102, M/C 142 M/C 102, M/C 142 Hatch to ULT e-HID Hatch P/N ULT P/N ULT Order Code MC20-1-F-120X M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 MC20-1-F-277X MC20-1-J-120X MC20-1-J-277X MC20-1-F-UNNU MC20-1-J-UNNU N/A M2012CK-7EUN-J N/A M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J 188901 188902 MC20-1-F-UNNS M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 MC20-1-T-UNNS M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 MC20-1-F-UNNSL M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 MC20-1-T-UNNSL M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 Replacement Notes VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. 188883 Compatible ANSI Lamp Code M/C156 M/C156 VS unit available in May 2010. VS unit available in May 2010. VS unit is 120V only. VS unit is smaller , may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is 120V only. VS unit is smaller , may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is 120V only. VS unit is smaller , may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit has leads out both ends. VS unit is 120V only. VS unit is smaller , may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit has leads out both ends. VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 MC20-1-F-120V M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 MC20-1-F-120VN M2012CK-7EUN-F 188882 MC20-1-F-277V MC20-1-F-277VN MC20-1-F-120U MC20-1-J-120U MC20-1-F-277U MC20-1-J-277U N/A N/A M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J 188901 188902 188901 188902 MC39-1-F-120X M3912CK-7EUN-F 188776 MC39-1-F-277X MC39-1-J-120X MC39-1-J-277X MC39-1-F-UNNU MC39-1-J-UNNU MC39-1-F-UNNS MC39-1-T-UNNS MC39-1-F-UNNSL MC39-1-T-UNNSL N/A M3912CK-7EUN-J N/A M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J M3912CK-6EUN-F N/A M3912CK-6EUN-F N/A 188756 M/C130 188895 188896 188246 VS unit is 120V only. M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 188246 VS unit is 120V only with leads out both ends. M/C130 MC39-1-F-120V M3912CK-6EUN-F 188246 M/C130 MC39-1-F-120VN M3912CK-6EUN-F 188246 VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. MC39-1-F-277V N/A MC39-1-F-277VN M3927CK-6EUN-F 188702 MC39-1-F-120U MC39-1-J-120U MC39-1-F-277U MC39-1-J-277U M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J 188895 188896 188895 188896 MC50-1-F-UNNU MC50-1-J-UNNU MC50-1-F-120V MC50-1-F-120VN MC50-1-F-277V MC50-1-F-277VN MC50-1-F-120U N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A M5012-27CK-5EU-F 188612 MC50-1-J-120U M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3 188613 MC50-1-F-240U M5012-27CK-5EU-F 188612 MC50-1-J-240U M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3 188613 MC50-1-F-277U M5012-27CK-5EU-F 188612 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. Available Feb 2010 Available Feb 2010 Available Feb 2010 Available Feb 2010 VS unit is slightly larger; check dimensions for fit. VS unit is slightly larger; check dimensions for fit. Cap off purple control lead. VS unit is slightly larger; check dimensions for fit. VS unit is slightly larger; check dimensions for fit. Cap off purple control lead. VS unit is slightly larger; check dimensions for fit. M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C110 or M/C148 M/C110 or M/C148 M/C110 or M/C148 M/C110 or M/C148 M/C110 or M/C148 Hatch P/N ULT P/N ULT Order Code MC50-1-J-277U M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3 188613 MC70-1-F-120V M7012CK-6EUN-F 188164 MC70-1-F-120VN M7012CK-6EUN-F 188164 MC70-1-F-277V MC70-1-F-277VN MC70-1-F-120U MC70-1-J-120U MC70-1-F-240U MC70-1-J-240U MC70-1-T-UNNS N/A N/A M7012-27CK-6EU-F M7012-27CK-6EU-J M7012-27CK-6EU-F M7012-27CK-6EU-J M7012CK-6EUN-F 188939 188940 188939 188940 188164 Replacement Notes VS unit is slightly larger; check dimensions for fit. Cap off purple control lead. VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is smaller; may need spacers to assure tight fit. VS unit is 120V only with feet. VS unit is 120V only with leads out both ends and with feet. Compatible ANSI Lamp Code M/C110 or M/C148 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 MC70-1-T-UNNSL M7012CK-6EUN-F 188164 MC70-1-F-UNNU MC70-1-J-UNNU M7012-27CK-6EU-F M7012-27CK-6EU-J 188939 188940 MC100-1-F-UNNU MC100-1-J-UNNU MC100-1-F-120U MC100-1-J-120U MC100-1-F-240U MC100-1-J-240U MC100-1-F-277U MC100-1-J-277U M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-F M10012-27CK-5EU-J 188169 188302 188169 188302 188169 188302 188169 188302 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 M/C90, M/C140 MC150-1-F-120U MC150-1-J-120U MC150-1-F-240U MC150-1-J-240U MC150-1-F-277U MC150-1-J-277U M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J 188638.05 188639.05 188638.05 188639.05 188638.05 188639.05 M/C102, M/C142 M/C102, M/C142 M/C102, M/C142 M/C102, M/C142 M/C102, M/C142 M/C102, M/C142 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 Vossloh Schwabe to ULT e-HID VS Part # VS Description 188151.02 188152.02 188156.02 188157.02 188164.02 188165.02 188166.02 188167.02 188168.02 188169.02 188171.02 188172.02 188173.02 188184.02 M2012CK-6EU-F M2012CK-6EUN-F M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M7012CK-6EUN-F M7012-27CK-5EU M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU M10012-27CK-5EU-F M15012CK-3EUF M15012CK-3EUJ M15027CK-3EUF M15027CK-3EUJ 188243.02 188246.02 188293.02 188301.02 188302.02 188303.02 ULT Part # ULT Description 188901.02 188882.02 188156.02 188157.02 188164.02 188165.02 188166.02 188167.02 188168.02 188169.02 188638.05 188639.05 188638.05 188639.05 M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012CK-7EUN-F M3912-27CK-5EU M3912-27CK-5EU-F M7012CK-6EUN-F M7012-27CK-5EU M7012-27CK-5EU-F M7012-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU M10012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M15012-27CK-5EUN-F 188638.05 M15012-27CK-5EU-F M3912CK-6EUN-F M3912CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-J 188246.02 188895.02 188301.02 188302.02 M3912CK-6EUN-F M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-5EU-J M10012-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU-JT2 188629.02 M3912-27CK-5EU-JT3 Replacement Notes Replacement unit is smaller. Replacement unit is smaller Replacement unit is smaller Replacement unit is smaller Replacement unit is smaller Replacement unit has different form factor. Check dimensions before ordering. Wiring diagram is different; please check spec or label. Wiring diagram is different; please check spec or label. Wiring diagram is different; please check spec or label. Replacement unit has different form factor. Check dimensions before ordering. ANSI Code M/C156 M/C156 M/C130 M/C130 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C90; M/C140 M/C90; M/C140 M/C102; M/C142 M/C102; M/C142 M/C102; M/C142 M/C102; M/C142 M/C102; M/C142 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C90; M/C140 M/C130 188304.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT2 188631.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT3 188305.02 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT2 188633.02 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT3 188308.02 M15012-27CK-5EUN-J 188639.05 M15012-27CK-5EU-J 188377.02 188402.02 188512.02 188514.02 JM7012CK-6EU-F M3927CK-6EU-F M3912CK-6EU-J M2012CK-7EUN 188377.02 188895.02 188896.02 188514.02 JM7012CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J M2012CK-7EUN 188522.02 M3912-27CK-5EU-JA2 188630.02 M3912-27CK-5EU-JA3 188523.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JA2 188632.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JA3 188524.02 M10012-27CK-5EU-JA2 188634.02 M10012-27CK-5EU-JA3 188551.02 188574.02 188610.02 188611.02 188612.02 188613.02 188627.02 188628.02 188629.02 188630.02 M3927CK-6EU-J M2212CK-7EUN M2012-27CK-5EU-F M2012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M5012-27CK-5EU-F M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M2012CK-6EU-J M7012CK-6EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU-JT3 M3912-27CK-5EU-JA3 188896.02 188574.02 188610.02 188611.02 188612.02 188613.02 188902.02 188940.02 188629.02 188630.02 M3912-27CK-6EU-J M2212CK-7EUN M2012-27CK-5EU-F M2012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M5012-27CK-5EU-F M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M2012-27CK-6EU-J M7012-27CK-6EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU-JT3 M3912-27CK-5EU-JA3 188631.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT3 188631.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 188632.02 188633.02 188634.02 188635.02 188638.02 188639.02 188649.02 188650.02 188651.02 188652.02 188671.02 188701.02 188702.02 188703.02 188754.02 188756.02 188757.02 188758.02 188774.02 188775.02 188776.02 188777.02 188882.02 188883.02 188884.02 188885.02 188895.02 188896.02 188897.02 188901.02 188902.02 188903.02 188909.02 188939.02 188940.02 188941.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JA3 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M10012-27CK-5EU-JA3 M3912CK-7EUN M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M15012-27CK-5EU-JS6 M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M2212CK-6EU-J M3927CK-6EUN-F M7027CK-6EUN-F M2012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M3912CK-7EUN-J MTm3912CK-7EUN MTm3912CK-7EUN-J M3927CK-6EUN-J M7027CK-6EUN-J M3912CK-7EUN-F MTm3912CK-7EUN-F M2012CK-7EUN-F M2012CK-7EUN-J M2212CK-7EUN-F M2212CK-7EUN-J M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J M3912-27CK-6EU-JT3 M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J M2012-27CK-6EU-JT3 M21020-27CK-2EUN-DF M7012-27CK-6EU-F M7012-27CK-6EU-J M7012-27CK-6EU-JT3 188632.02 188633.02 188634.02 188635.02 188638.05 188639.05 188649.02 188650.02 188651.02 188652.02 188671.02 188885.02 N/A N/A 188754.02 188756.02 188757.02 188758.02 N/A N/A 188776.02 188777.02 188882.02 188883.02 188884.02 188885.02 188895.02 188896.02 188897.02 188901.02 188902.02 188903.02 188909.02 188939.02 188940.02 188941.02 M7012-27CK-5EU-JA3 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT3 M10012-27CK-5EU-JA3 M3912CK-7EUN M15012-27CK-5EU-F M15012-27CK-5EU-J M3912-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M7012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M10012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M15012-27CK-5EU-JS6 M5012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M2212CK-7EU-J N/A N/A M2012-27CK-5EU-JT3-S6 M3912CK-7EUN-J MTm3912CK-7EUN MTm3912CK-7EUN-J N/A N/A M3912CK-7EUN-F MTm3912CK-7EUN-F M2012CK-7EUN-F M2012CK-7EUN-J M2212CK-7EUN-F M2212CK-7EUN-J M3912-27CK-6EU-F M3912-27CK-6EU-J M3912-27CK-6EU-JT3 M2012-27CK-6EU-F M2012-27CK-6EU-J M2012-27CK-6EU-JT3 M21020-27CK-2EUN-DF M7012-27CK-6EU-F M7012-27CK-6EU-J M7012-27CK-6EU-JT3 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 M/C90; M/C140 M/C90; M/C140 M/C130 M/C102; M/C142 M/C102; M/C142 M/C130 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 M/C90; M/C140 M/C102; M/C142 M/C148/M/C110 C175 Wiring diagram is different; please check spec or label. Wiring diagram is different; please check spec or label. Wiring diagram is different; please check spec or label. Available July '2012 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C90; M/C140 M/C102; M/C142 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C130 M/C130 M/C156 M/C130 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C90; M/C140 M/C130 C175 M/C156 M/C156 M/C148; M/C110 M/C148; M/C110 M/C156 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 M/C130 M/C130 M/C156 M/C130 M/C179 M/C179 Available July '2012 Available July '2012 Available July '2012 M/C130 M/C179 M/C156 M/C156 C175 C175 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 C183 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 M/C98, M/C139,M/C143 ULT e-HID Ballast List Order code Part # Lamp Wattage Lamp Type Input Voltage Mounting Lead Exit 20 20 20 22 22 22 39 39 39 39Tm 39Tm 39Tm M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C175 M/C175 M/C175 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C179 M/C179 M/C179 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 No Feet Feet Studs No Feet Feet Studs No Feet Feet Studs No Feet Feet Studs Side Side Top Side Side Top Side Side Top Side Side Top 39 70 M/C130 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 120 120 Feet Feet 188246 188164 39 70 39 39 39 20 20 20 70 70 70 M/C130 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C156 M/C156 M/C156 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 120 120 120-277 120-277 120/277 120-277 120-277 120/277 120-277 120-277 120/277 Feet Feet Feet Studs Studs Feet Studs Studs Feet Studs Studs Side Side Side Top Top Side Top Top Side Top Top 20 20 39 39 39 39 39 50 50 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 M/C156 M/C156 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M/C130 M148 or M110 M148 or M110 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C98, M/C139, M/C143 M/C90, M/C140 and M/C164 M/C90, M/C140 and M/C164 M/C90, M/C140 and M/C164 M/C90, M/C140 and M/C164 M/C90, M/C140 and M/C164 M/C102 and M/C142 M/C102 and M/C142 M/C102 and M/C142 120-277 120/277 120-277 120-277 120-277 120/277 120/277 120-277 120/277 120-277 120-277 120-277 120/277 120/277 120/277 120-277 120-277 120-277 120/277 120-277 120-277 120-277 Feet Studs No Feet Feet Studs Studs Studs Feet Studs No Feet Feet Studs Studs Studs Studs No Feet Feet Studs Studs Feet Studs Studs Side Top Side Side Top Top Top Side Top Side Side Top Top Top Top Side Side Top Top Side Top Top 210 C183 208-277 Feet Side Micro Series 188514 M2012CK-7EUN 188882 M2012CK-7EUN-F 188883 M2012CK-7EUN-J 188574 M2212CK-7EUN 188884 M2212CK-7EUN-F 188885 M2212CK-7EUN-J 188635 M3912CK-7EUN 188776 M3912CK-7EUN-F 188756 M3912CK-7EUN-J 188757 MTm3912CK-7EUN 188777 MTm3912CK-7EUN-F 188758 MTm3912CK-7EUN-J Mini-Slim Series 188246 M3912CK-6EUN-F 188164 M7012CK-6EUN-F Mini-Square Series 188293 M3912CK-6EU-F 188377 JM7012CK-6EU-F 188895 M3912-27CK-6EU-F 188896 M3912-27CK-6EU-J 1888971 M3912/27CK-6EU-JT3 188901 M2012-27CK-6EU-F 188902 M2012-27CK-6EU-J 1889031 M2012/27CK-6EU-JT3 188939 M7012-27CK-6EU-F 188940 M7012-27CK-6EU-J 1889411 M7012/27CK-6EU-JT3 Standard Series 188610 M2012-27CK-5EU-F 188611 1 M2012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188156 M3912-27CK-5EU 188157 M3912-27CK-5EU-F 188301 M3912-27CK-5EU-J 1886291 M3912/27CK-5EU-JT3 1886302 M3912/27CK-5EU-JA3 188612 M5012-27CK-5EU-F 1886131 M5012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188165 M7012-27CK-5EU 188166 M7012-27CK-5EU-F 188167 M7012-27CK-5EU-J 1886311 M7012/27CK-5EU-JT3 1886322 M7012/27CK-5EU-JA3 1886331 M10012/27CK-5EU-JT3 188168 M10012-27CK-5EU 188169 M10012-27CK-5EU-F 188302 M10012-27CK-5EU-J 1886342 M10012/27CK-5EU-JA3 M15012-27CK-5EU-F 188638.053 M15012-27CK-5EU-J 188639.053 188989.05 1,3 M15012-27CK-5EU-JT3 Medium Wattage 1889093 M21020-27CK-2EUN-DF Footnotes: 1 – “JT3” models have 120V power source for operating the heater on self-heating thermal protectors allowing dual-rated input voltage fixtures. 2 – “JA3” models have same 120V power source as JT3 models , but also have an integrated auxiliary light control which drives a quartz restrike back-up lamp. 3 – Exceeds EISA 2007 requirements with 90% efficiency. Universal Lighting Technologies, Inc. 26 Century Blvd., Suite 500 Nashville, TN 37214-3683 General Info: (615) 316-5100 For Technical Engineering Services (TES), application support and warranty information, call 1-800-BALLAST Website: Email: Lit #EHIDXREF0512 All specification information is subject to change without notification.