May 2016 - Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church


May 2016 - Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen!
Al Maseeh Qam! Haqqan Qam!
Hristos a Inviat! Adeverat a Inviat!
Hristos Vaskrese! Vaistinu Vaskrese!
Christos Voskrese! Voistinu Voskrese!
Christus ist auferstanden! Er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden!
The Voice
Volume : 16
Number : 5
Month : May 2016
The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens and All Greece
The common Resurrection of the dead comprises a dogma of our
faith. We confirm it, in the Symbol of our Faith : “I anticipate the
resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come”. Our life
has four stages. The first is our terrestrial life. It is the life that we
live on Earth. The second stage is the one after our physical death,
the so-called “interim-state”. The third stage is life after the resurrection of bodies and the fourth is the life of the age to come. That
is when the mystery of the “eighth day” begins.
However, if someone does have doubts regarding the bodily resurrection, we need to mention that this resurrection will certainly
take place, because it was uttered by the unerring mouth of our
Lord. In John’s Gospel, these words of the Lord appear: “the dead
shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hearken to it shall live”. The voice of Christ will be heard and everyone
will live; everyone will be resurrected. Immediately after, the Lord Himself completed His phrase, saying: “Do not wonder at
this; for a time will come when all those who are in graves shall hear His voice, and those who pursued good deeds shall
proceed to a Resurrection of Life, while those who have pursued foul deeds (shall proceed) to a Resurrection of Judgment”. It is very clear, that these words of our Lord are referring to bodily resurrection, which will be taking place when the
voice of Jesus Christ is heard. But even Paul the Apostle, when expressing the same truth, tells us: “…for he shall sound the
trumpet, and the dead shall arise, incorruptible.” The Apostle was referring to the trumpet sounded by the Angel, thereby
announcing the resurrection of the dead bodies, after which, the dead would arise, in incorruptible form. As for those who
have doubts about those bodies coming alive – and especially all the deceased of the distant past – there is the vision of the
Prophet Ezekiel, where the Prophet, having received the command by God to preach to the bared bones, he indeed proceeds
to preach and immediately after, the bones re-acquire flesh and soul: they come alive and they stand upright.
Furthermore, it is only proper and fair for the bodily resurrection to take place before the Second Coming, inasmuch as the
bodies –along with their souls– will appear together before the Throne of the unyielding Judge, in order to obtain His response
to the way of life that they jointly lived. And that is why Man is not only a soul. The Apostle Paul clearly informs us that we
shall present ourselves before the Judge, with our body, in order that each of us may receive the appropriate judgment for all
the things we have done. Body and soul have lived together, and will therefore either enjoy Paradise together, or be together
in “Hell”.
There are some who wonder how this resurrection can be possible when the physical body has disintegrated a long time
ago? This body will also be resurrected, because Christ’s Body was resurrected. The Holy Bible refers to Him as “the firstborn
of all creation” and as the One who “became the first among the reposed”. This means that whatever took place with Christ
will also be taking place with us, because Christ is the recapitulation and the summation of our entire life. Our Lord is the
Head of our body and we are the members. Subsequently, since the Head was resurrected, the entire body will be resurrected
also. But we shall not be resurrected on our own as was the case with the Lord’s Resurrection; instead, we shall be resurrected, when the voice of the Lord is heard.
Continued on Page 3
May 2016
The blessed Chrysostom says the following: “If the body is not resurrected, then Man is not resurrected. Because Man is not
just a soul. Man is body and soul. Therefore, if only the soul is resurrected, then Man is resurrected in half, and not in whole.
Besides, we are not speaking literally when referring to the “resurrection of the soul”, because only the body is resurrected,
since only the body is subject to deterioration.”
The bodily resurrection is a miracle. It will be the miracle of the Power of God. And just as a seed is sown in the earth unto
deterioration and rises up undeteriorated, so is our body sown in a state of deterioration, it is buried and disintegrates in the
earth, to be resurrected and risen in incorruptibility.
This resurrection, according to Clement of Rome, will take place, regardless where we may be scattered - either in the sea, or
on land, or even if devoured by wild beasts or by vultures – God will resurrect us with His power, because the entire world is
in His hand.
What The “New” Bodies Will Be Like
Justifiably, one may ask what our bodies will be like after our resurrection. Will they look like they did before death, or
not? The answer is that our bodies will basically be the same as before, but with different characteristics. In reply to this
question, the blessed Chrysostom says that the body will be the same one, but it will also not be the same.
The blessed Makarios says that our body will have preserved its nature after the resurrection in the same manner as iron,
which, when subjected to heat will turn glowing red, but without ceasing to be iron.
Theodore of Mopsuestia gives us another image – that of sand and glass. As we all know, glass is composed of sand. However, when it it is turned into glass, it is no longer sand. Therefore, between our pre-resurrection body and the one that we
shall have after the resurrection, there will be a sameness as well as a difference.
One difference that we must state is that the old body is cloaked with deterioration, whereas the new one with incorruptibility. This body, after the common resurrection, will be immortal. The image used by the Apostle Paul is a very characteristic
one. The seed is buried in the soil, it then deteriorates, and eventually a new plant will sprout from that seed, which comes
alive and develops. Of course it is of the same nature as the seed that was sown. That is to say, if one sows a seed of wheat,
wheat will sprout from it, however, it will be better than the one that was sown. Furthermore, one seed is sown, but multiple
seeds will sprout from it. From all this, we can surmise the attributes that our post-resurrection body will have – the first one
being incorruptibility.
In his attempt to approach this mystery, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem resorts to the example
of water. Water, he says, has other characteristics when it is in a liquid state, other ones
when it solidifies, and yet others when it is vaporous. We shall likewise undergo a
change. Thus, since our body will possess the characteristic of incorruptibility, it means
that it will not suffer illnesses or feel pain, nor will it grow old - we will all have the
“same age”, according to the tradition of our Church, which we encounter in our hymnological texts. In other words, we will no longer have the handicaps that we had in
this lifetime or the various illnesses, nor will we have the so-called “natural” passions
such as hunger, thirst, becoming tired and needing to rest, hurting, etc.
The second characteristic of immortality indicates that we no longer die, and that we
shall be eternal. Our model will be the Body of the Resurrected Christ. A third characteristic of ours will be the transformation of our body. The new body will be far better
and superior to the previous one. It will not consist of matter, it will be weightless, it
will mass-less and will not take up space, in the manner that our Lord had a body which
His disciples had seen after the Resurrection, yet without that Body hindering Him from
entering the room where His disciples were “sequestered”, nor hindering Him from being simultaneously in different places – as verified by His various post-Resurrection appearances.
The qualities that our new body will have will be new qualities. That body will partake of the glory of the Resurrected and
Ascended Jesus Christ. The Lord was not resurrected only as the firstborn of all Creation; He also brought His resurrected
Continued on Page 4
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May 2016
Inside this Issue:
Christ is risen! .................................. 1
Resurrection of the Dead................. 2
Transitions........................................ 4
Paschal Items Thank You.................. 5
DOP Father’s Day Form.................... 5
Church Organizations ...................... 6
Renovation Project........................... 7
Youth Ministries............................... 8
Panegyri............................................ 8
Panegyri Poster................................. 9
President’s Message......................... 10
Stewardship Message....................... 11
The New Christian: Nathaniel William (Dimitrije)
Parents: Michael and Natasha (Mateljevic) Horner
Sponsors: Miodrag and Andjelka Mateljevic
Date: March 27, 2016
The New Christian: Tyler
Parents: Frank and Angela (Baldridge) Economou
Sponsor: Bill Kanelopoulos
Date: April 3, 2016
Stewardship List .............................. 11
Parish Calendar ............................... 14
Church Information ......................... 15
Halla Shteiwi, age 55, on April 12, 2016.
Nazih Shteiwi, age 61, on April 12, 2016.
Happy Mother’s Day......................... 16
For the electronic version of
THE VOICE visit our website at:
Body into the heavens, on the day of His Ascension. And it is for this reason that the Feast of the Ascension is of such importance to us, because it signifies the eternal glorification of our body, next to the Body of the Resurrected Christ, in the
glory of Heaven. Our body will be beautiful, with its former characteristics. Our physical remembrances will become spiritual ones. That is why yet another characteristic will be spirituality. We will no longer be preoccupied with material or
sensual matters. Being spiritual, our body will no longer have any need for maintenance or sustenance.
On the basis of all that we said regarding our resurrected body, we must reach the conclusion that our “just reward” – that
is, the inheritance of Paradise or our exclusion from it (aka Hell ), will be of a spiritual, not material character. There will be
conditions that will fill us with joy, if we are together with God and savour His presence, otherwise, they will fill our souls
with sorrow and sadness. We will be “justly rewarded” accordingly, if we are far away from God; we will not enjoy His
presence within us. That would be the worst kind of torture, because our conscience –according to the dogmatic theologians of our Church- “then being extremely refined and sensitized, will check us in a tortuous and painful manner”; our conscience will have then be rid of the laziness with which it was burdened during the present lifetime. People –say the Fathers of the Church- will shine, according to the measure of their virtue. That is why the Lord had said “in the house of My
Father there are many mansions”. This indicates that Paradise will also have certain gradations. Saints who have pleased
God will be in a different state than certain other Christians. Nevertheless, everyone who will be in Paradise will feel the
utmost joy. In fact, the Fathers use a charming parallel, in order to describe that everyone will feel satisfied: Each person
will be holding a vessel in his hands. In some, the vessel will be a small one, while in others, the vessel will be larger. However, everyone’s vessel will be full to the brim.
Following the resurrection, a general judgment will take place. It will be the final judgment. We shall appear with our resurrected bodies and souls united, as they are now, before the Throne of the unyielding God.
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May 2016
Father Bill, Father William, and the Parish Council would
like to express their gratitude to the following members who
donated our Holy Week and Paschal items:
Lewis & Patricia Assaley
Karen Beish
Sam & Esmine Beltsos
William & George-Ann Brown
Anthony & Antoinette Caneris
Dr. Onassis A. Caneris
George Chantilas
Nada Chachoff
Vassiliki Christopoulos
Brad & Tricia Fielden
Paul & Mary Lou Edgington
Christine Fotopoulos
George & Maria Georgiou
Alex & Ann Jonson
Chris & Loy Jonson
Pete & Katerina Kontopos
Anthony & Georgia Lydia Korvessis
Helen Lambrinides
Ted & Kimberly Lambrinides
Lee & Stephanie Megois
Ike Misali
Nick & Helen Nicholas
Evgenia Pastroumas
Gus G. & Jo Ann Perdikakis and Family
Mary Psihountas
Angie & Tom Rombes
Afrodite Seremetis
Mina Sideris
Marianthi Simos
Sylvia Suhar
Ron & Maria Trester
Eleni Zaferes
Patricia J. Zaferes
Patricia P. Zaferes
We also wish to thank those members who anonymously offered gifts throughout the season of Great
Lent and Holy Week. Our gratitude is also offered to all who generously supported our requests for
flowers for the Epitaphios.
The Daughters of Penelope will again offer Memorial and Artoklasia services on Father’s Day, June 12, 2016. Please note that
this is one week early due to Pentecost. These services will be in memory and in honor of the important men in our lives. Requested donation is $5 per name. If you would like to have your loved one’s name included in the prayers, please complete the
form below and return it with your check to: Daughters of Penelope, 7000 Winton Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45224. The deadline
for submission is Monday, June 6. Contact Helen Nicholas at 513-697-0583, if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support.
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
In Memory of:
In Honor of:
Submitted by: _________________________________________________________________________
Street Address, City, & Zip Code:___________________________________________________________
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May 2016
Christos Anesti!
The Ladies of Philoptochos are so thankful and grateful to
our Parishioners for their support of our events throughout
the 2015/2016 year. You have all allowed us to continue
our mission of philanthropy. The success of our Palm Sunday Luncheon and the fantastic “Gifts Galore” Raffle were
more than we ever could have imagined. I would like to give
our thanks to the Raffle Team which was headed up by
Diane Kevin, Carol Stefanopoulos and Loy Jonson. Maria
Freeman did a remarkable job of tracking our ticket sales.
Our Philoptochos members did extraordinary work bringing
in gift donations as well as selling tickets for the event. As
the president of our Philoptochos Chapter, I could not be
more proud of our members and the amazing job that they
have done this year raising funds, but I would be very remiss if I did not also extend our deepest thanks to Fr. Bill,
Fr. William and our Parish Council for their guidance, support and assistance in making this year the triumph that it
has been.
The Philoptochos May meeting will take place on Saturday,
May 14. We will be having dinner at 4:00 pm at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse. For those people who would like to
carpool, we will meet at the Church parking lot at 3:30 pm.
We would like everyone to make reservations so that the
restaurant knows how many tables to set up. Please call
Eleni Zaferes (513) 891-0218 with your reservation.
April was a terrific month beginning with our Lenten Retreat on Saturday, April 2nd. Our guest speaker was Fr.
Mark Emroll from Dayton. In addition to our own Philoptochos and Parish members, we were also joined by a dozen
members of the Dayton Chapter. I would like to thank Eleni
Zaferes for organizing this gratifying and reflective event.
On Tuesday, April 12, we prepared and served 180 meals at
City Gospel Mission. After almost a year of preparing and
serving dinner on a bi-monthly basis, we have perfected the
meal preparation (thank you Marianthi Simos). We feel
privileged to serve dinner to the kind, gentle and thankful
men, women and children at the City Gospel Mission and
we have been touched and moved by the experience. I have
come to believe that this is one of the best things that we do
as Philoptochos members.
The 10th Annual Spring Charity Luncheon, put on by the
Dayton Philoptochos Chapter will take place Saturday, May
7 at the Dayton Country Club. The Raffle and Social Hour will
begin at 11am and the luncheon will begin at 12:15pm. The
cost is $20. For reservations, call Nikki Burns at (937) 4390943. The ladies of the Dayton Philoptochos have been very
supportive of our chapter, and we look forward to supporting this event.
Christos Anesti!
On March 25, a group of Calypso sisters and some husbands
gathered in Mason to view the opening of My Big Fat Greek
Wedding 2. It was so much more enjoyable to watch the
movie with others who could relate to the show. Later, we
went to the home of one of the sisters to discuss the film and
have a glass of wine. Great evening!
We'd like to thank everyone who supported our tsourekia
sale. The proceeds helped to fund the remaining monies
needed for the Calypso Buckeye Scholarship. It has taken us
ten years to reach this milestone. Again, our heartfelt thanks
to everyone.
Helen Nicholas is the chairman for both the Mothers' and
Fathers' Day events. You may contact Helen, 513-697-0583, if
you wish to have your father, uncle, husband, or brother
remembered for Fathers' Day. The donation is $5 a name.
Please let Helen know by June 5. Also, please note that due
to Pentecost falling on Fathers' Day, we will be celebrating
Fathers' Day on June 12. As in the past, there will be an Artoklasia for the living and a memorial for the deceased.
Again, thank you for your continued support.
Lastly, our mission is to promote Hellenism, education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, and family and individual excellence. We work closely with the AHEPANS, If you are interested in learning more about us, please contact me at 513247-0011 or see one of the Daughters.
Happy Mothers' Day to all the mothers in our community.
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We had a small group at Bravo’s, but everyone that went
enjoyed the food and want to go back. We have a new member that joined us at Bravo’s. Welcome Victoria (Vicky) Makhamre.
Our sympathy to Costa and Tina Petropoulos on the passing
of Costa’s sister, Efterpi Papadis, and also his brother-in-law,
Emmanuel Papadis, who passed away two weeks apart. They
lived in Clearwater, Florida. May they rest in peace.
Our sympathy to Voula Krondilou, wife of Kostas Krondilou,
son Ted (Rose) Krondilou and daughter Sandy (Ed) Stallard
and their families. We lit a candle in his memory. May his
memory be eternal.
Our sympathy to the family of Sofia Vidas, mother of Mike
and Ted (Zoe) Vidas and family. We lit a candle in her memory. May she rest in peace.
Happy Easter!
The SCS was pleased to host the annual St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival last month. We congratulate the following
students who had the desire to research and speak about a
topic relating to their Orthodox faith:
Lydia Lysko
(Elementary Division); Julianna Bottomley, Nicholas Francis,
and Peter Maris (Junior Division); Theo Maris, and Georgia
Papakirk (Senior Division). All participants received certifi-
May 2016
cates and Best Buy gift cards. Julianna, Nicholas, and Georgia
went on to proudly represent our Parish at the district Festival in Carmel, Indiana, the following week. All three did a
wonderful job with their presentations and spent a lovely day
enjoying the new church in that community. We offer thanks
to the students who participated, the RET for their organizing
efforts, Karen Aamodt for the beautiful refreshments, and
finally, Tasos Ioannides, Philanthy Nichols, and Jim Raptis for
serving as our Festival judges.
We also wish to congratulate Anna Catherine Sansalone, an
SCS sixth grade student, for successfully completing her
school-assigned project demonstrating perseverance. She
used this project as an opportunity to raise $1,000 on behalf
of IOCC supporting orphanages in Greece. Her efforts included hosting events where she provided information and
spoke publicly about the plight of orphans and benefits of
IOCC’s relief efforts. She also enlisted our Parish’s participation in her fundraising by means of a special tray passed in
Church on the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Through her persistent
efforts to secure generous donations, she was able to forward an amount to IOCC well in excess of her original goal.
Well done, Anna Catherine!
PARENTS, PLEASE NOTE: If you believe your child qualifies
for an end-of-year attendance award and you have not received an email from Vivian Kapourales confirming that fact
by the end of the day on Monday, May 16, please email
Vivian at by noon on Tuesday, May 17th.
Awards will be presented on Sunday, May 22th.
Fundraising Goal – $644,000
Amount Pledged – $182,158 – 29% of Goal
Pledged Families – 122 of 893 – 14%
Construction is scheduled to begin July 5th, 2016. If you have not yet made a commitment, please consider doing so.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Name _______________________________________
My Sponsorship Level
___ $500
Phone No. ____________________________________
___ $10,000 ___ $25,000 ___ $50,000 ___ $100,000
I will fulfill my pledge:
___ $1,000
___ $2,500
___ $5,000
___ Other ___________
___ Pay entire pledge in 2016. ___ Pay quarterly over 2 years. ___ Pay annually over 3 years. ___ Pay annually over 5 years.
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May 2016
By: Father William Redmon
Christos Anesti!
Our May GOYA meeting and officer elections will be held on May 27th, at 5:30 PM. There will not be a HOPE/JOY meeting in May. We are planning an event for June.
In April, GOYA held our annual Lenten Retreat. The topic was Seeking Understanding: Following Christ in a Secular
World. After the retreat we went to Lazer Kraze for an afternoon of fun and fellowship.
Please remember to plan for the St. Nicholas Summer Camp, which will run from July 24th–30th. There will be a bus
departing from Cincinnati to help ease the burden of travel on our Parish families. Camp is a time for the youth of our
Parish to meet and develop friendships with their Orthodox peers, as well as to enjoy a variety of fun activities, and a
deeper encounter with their faith. It is important that those planning to attend contact Fr. William as quickly as possible, so that the Metropolis Youth Office can begin making plans for the bus.
Please also consider attending our Parish Vacation Church School, which will be held the week of July 18th–22nd, from
9:30 AM–12 PM. Our topic will be Heroes of the Bible. Vacation Church School is a program for HOPE/JOY children, but
older youth are invited to volunteer to help organize the program. For more information, please contact Fr. William.
At the March HOPE/JOY meeting, Anna Ioannides led a craft where the children considered the Passion, and made Resurrection Eggs, each of which contained a reminder of one of the aspects of the Passion narrative. This project helped
the children to reflect on the generous and saving nature of Christ.
May God bless and keep you and yours, and may He continue to bless our Parish family.
-Fr. William
By Eugene Nicholas
Panegyri is almost here! The time between festivals seems to fly by each year. Most of the planning is done and now is
the time to start assembling the volunteers. Before I talk about that, I would like to take a moment to recognize and
thank a group of volunteers, our Pastry Team. This group of women and men have been working since February to
make sure that we have the best pastries around. By the time we get to the Panegyri, they have already volunteered for
6 to 10 very long days. This is a tradition that started with the first Panegyri and will continue for years to come. My
most sincere thanks to everyone who has helped with pastry baking this year.
Volunteering for the festival is simple, but signing up can sometimes seem daunting. We have tried many methods for
signing up volunteers including sheets on the wall, tables during coffee hour, emails and online sign up. It is much easier
for you to contact a chair person than for them to contact the pool of volunteers. Once again this year we are going to
distribute the list of chair people with their contact information and ask you to pick a booth and contact them. The list
will be emailed out and distributed through the Sunday Voice. Please take the time to let the chair people know that
you are available to help.
We still have a need for one chairperson, Parking, and a co-chair for the Pastry Cutting Room. As everyone knows we
always have difficultly finding a chair person for Parking, but it is critical to a smooth running weekend. Our driveway
and parking lot are very busy all weekend and it is important to maintain control of these areas. We have a new chairperson, Carrie Petrou, in the Pastry Cutting Room. This is a big responsibility and we are looking for a co-chair to share
the workload. Please contact me at 591-0030 or, if you would be interested in helping us with either of these chair responsibilities. The Panegyri is a huge undertaking and we need everyone’s help to make it a success. Please consider what role you can play in the success of this year’s festival. Thank you!
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May 2016
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May 2016
Parish Council President's Message
by Nick L. Sarakatsannis
Christos Anesti!
Such a refreshing time of year. Our spiritual lives are renewed. The air, soil and landscape is renewed. I just love Spring. We feel the change in the weather and it puts a smile on our face.
Christos Anesti!
I sense a renewed spirit in the Church. Stewardship is on the rise. The building renovation project is
on fire. Families are stepping up in every way to help with the continuous demands of our charitable
Christos Anesti!
We also celebrate Mother’s Day this month.
A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and
God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy."
God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."
Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?"
God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care,
your angel will teach you how to speak."
"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"
God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
"Who will protect me?"
God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."
"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."
God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God,
if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
"You will simply call her, 'Mom.'"
Wishing every Mom a Happy Mother’s Day. Be good to your daughter(s); they grow up to be mothers.
Alithos Anesti!
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May 2016
By Eleni Zaferes
As I sit in Church on Sunday, I cannot help but think of how blessed we are as a community. We should be very proud of what
we have to share with the entire area. Everyone who visits our Church admires its beauty. Our forefathers who started our
Parish had the insight and vision for the future. Without it, where would we be today? Would we have the beautiful Church,
the property, the Panegyri? Our forefathers planned without question, without thinking twice. It was just done.
Now it is our turn to look to the future. We are at a pivotal point in our Church's future. We have started with the renovations
of our hall into a magnificent setting to share the joys and sorrows in our lives. As with our homes, the cost of living increases
steadily. Will we be able to sustain our Church? We will only if we act now. We should not have to depend on the proceeds of
the Panegyri and the generosity of others.
What will we leave for our children, our children's children and future generations? Will it be the same vision and insight of
our forefathers? Stewardship is on the right path. Pledges and donations are up however, we need everyone's help, not just a
few. We ask everyone to look into your hearts to increase your stewardship. By completing a pledge card, we can better
budget how the needs of the Church are determined and fulfilled; as we do with our personal lives.
As you sit in Church, think of what our Church can be in the future. Think of our forefathers and how they had a vision. Think
of how we can pass on to the future generations a community we are all proud of.
Aamodt, Peter & Karen
Adinamis, George & Robyn
Allgeier, Brian & Ellen
Anastasiou, Demetra
Andreadis, Paul
Andreadis, Sophie S.
Andrews, Evan & Terry
Antoniades, Anthony† & Tracey
Apalodimas, Maria
Apostol, Katherine
Apostolides, Vasso A.
Argeros, Aristea
Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra
Assaley, Anna
Assaley, Lewis & Patricia
Austin, Athena
Bakiri, Keti & Andrew Murray
Bates, Justin
Batsakes, George P.
Batsakis, Chris & Lydia
Beish, Andrew
Beish, Karen
Belitsos, George P. & Peter Q. Wolfe
Beltsos, Melissa
Beltsos, Paul & Jeanna
Beltsos, Sam & Esmine
Beltsos, Steven & Kanda
Bender, Robert & Kathy
Bertok, Christina
Betas, Dimitrios
Betas, Maria
Bikas, George M. & Anna
Bikas, Michael & Anna
Binzer, Brian & Chrisanthi
Black, Lenora
Borcoman, Tate & Nicole
Bottomley, Stephen & Stephanie
Boumis, Peter & Kimberly
Brown, Bryan & Nickie
Brown, Mary
Brown, William & George-Ann
Bugitzedes, Marian
Bujnoch, Digger & Lindsay
Burton, Matthew D. & Kathy
Caneris, Adonis & Ana Maria
Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette
Caneris, Dr. Onassis A.
Cantrell, Daniel & Katerina
Cardullias, Dr. Peter & Elaine
Carey, Lee & Tula
Carras, Evan & Betsy
Carumpalos, Constantine
Cassis, Eli & Christine
Cassis, Fr. William & Presvytera Anastasia
Chachoff, Nada
Chantilas, James & Dr. Lydia
Chapas, Lefty
Charnas, Terry & Koula
Christman, Carl & Becky
Christoforidis, Alexander & Jennifer
Christoforou, Mario & Venetia
Christon, Angelos & Deanna
Christopoulos, Vassiliki
Christos, Mary M.
Chryssovergis, Chris & Cara
Cimarosti, Helen
Claffie, Sean & Angela
Colak, Tony & Joan
Colyer, Keith & Diane
Colyer, Jeff & Laura
Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D.
Cook, Barbara
Cook, Karen
Cranley, John & Dena
Crawford, Jonathan & Sharon
Dargis, Melody & David
Demakes, Mina
Demas, George P. & Annette
Denas, George & Eugenia
Denas, Haralambos & Athoniseea
Diaz, Chris & Stephanie
Economou, Frank & Angela
Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou
Elias, Tom & Tina
Eliopoulos-Rosenbloom, Connie
Favatella, Nathan & Allison
Fawcett, Tracy & Jessica
Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann
Fielden, Brad & Tricia
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Fillios, Elias & Mary
Firman, Nancy & Jerry
Francis, Dean & Kathy
Frankenstein, George & Christine
Franklin, Gari
Frantzis, Kosta & Tammy
Freeman, Maria
Freudenberg, Grey & Eleni
Fritz, Christine
Gaier, Dean
Gaier, Jeffrey & Chris Anne
Gaskins, Mark & Kristin
Gaz, Georgianne
Gelis, James & Kathy
Gelis, Maria
Georges, Peter & Anna
Georgeton, Bill & Mary Jane
Georgeton, John C. & Ann
Georgeton, Peter T. & Nancy
Georgiou, Dean
Georgiton, Nick & Kristy
Georgostathis, Gus & Connie
Georgostathis, Gus & Eleni
Georgostathis, Maria
Georgoulakis, Athanasios & Sofia
Geromes, Alexander
Ghiz, Leslie
Glaser, Brian & Stella
Goetz, Greg & Effie
Grammas, George & Pam
Greene, David & Maria
Gregory, Dean & Hedy
Gregory, Matula
Gregory, Thomas & Pamela
Gregory, Victoria
Haddad, Saba & Elise
Haralamos, George & Eleni
Haralamos, Mike G. & Akrivi
Herrmann, Stacy & Dennis
Hill, Ann “Tasha”
Himonidis, Chris & Ruth
Hodges, Nick & Millie
Hodson, Thomas
Iatrides, Steve & Christina Kutsubu
Iatrides, Panawiota & Nathan Harris
Jones, Carolyn
Jones, Demus J. & Betty
Jones, James A. & Jo Ann
Jonson, Alexander & Ann
Jonson, Chris C. & Loy
Jonson, George N. & Sophia
Jonson, James G. & Thelma
Jonson, Luke & Lauren
Jonson, Patricia J.
Kahle, John & Nickie
Kalemanis, Gary & Maria
Kalemanis, George & Nikki
Kalomeres, George C.
Kambelos, John P. & Erato
Kambelos, Dr. Peter J.
Kambelos, Stratos J. & Hope
Kanaris, Christos
Kanaris, Kostantinos & Katy
Kanelos, Dino & Julie
Kaniaris, John & Idalia
Kappas, James P.
Karageorge, Dimitri & Athena
Karakatsani, Marianthi
Karampas, George & Diane
Karas, Bill J. & Lynn
Karas, Ted & Dixie
Karras, Giorgio & Erene
Katsanis, Claire C.
Katsanis, James & Diane
Kasidonis, John & Tina
Kasprzycki, Peter & Edyta
Kavouras, George & Fran
Kehayes, Peggy
Kehayes, William & Melissa
Kellaris, Dr. James & Janice
Kelley, Michael & Pauline
Kereiakes, James & Helen
Kessis, Nick
Kessis, Paul
Kevin, Patrick & Diane
Kindle, Jeffrey & Belinda
King, Adrian & Tina
Kladakis, John & Teddi
Kontopos, Pete & Katerina
Kontsis, George & Melissa
Koros, Kostas & Dina
Korvessis, Anthony & Georgia Lydia
Kostopoulos, Dina
Kostopoulos, Nikolaos & Dana
Kougios, Michael & Alice
Koutsogiannis, Gus & Cathy
Koyfis, Kostas & Ashley Williams
Kranias, George & Litsa
Kranias, Stratos & Amanda
Kritikos, Christos & Karolyn
Kunkemoeller, Thomas & Janice
Kurlas, Gus
Kurlas, Peter & Lori
Kyrios, Irini
Kyrios, Tassos & Maria
Lambrinides, Nicholas & Diane
Lambrinides, Ted & Kimberly
Lambrinides, Thomas J. & Mary Ann
Landers, Lauren
Larew, Karl & Jordan Knouff
Lazares, Gus J.
Lazares, John K. & Patricia
Leon, Gus A. & Kathryn
LesChander, Scott & Alexandra
Leslie, Wayne & Peggy
Levenderis, Bill & Jill
Liston, Robert & Eleni
Loukoumidis, George & Stacey
Lysko, Bob & Stacy
Makris, Thomas & Ellen
Maleas, Pete C. & Pearl
Manolakas, Alexander & Vera
May 2016
Marinakis, Bill D. & Evonne
Marinakis, Panagiota
Maris, George & Tricia
Mathes, Robert & Dena
Masella, Ron & Christine
Mavridoglou, George & Penny
Mavridoglou, Konstantinos
Mavridoglou, Michael & Laura
Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica
McCullough, Ryan & Kathryn
McKay, Betty Jo
McKay, Phil & Christine
McNulty, Robin & Melanie
Megois, Lee S. & Stephanie
Menkhaus, David & Natalie
Merianos, Ted
Meyer, Andy & Maria
Mirkopoulos, Nicholas
Mirkos, John & Tina
Mirkos, Marilyn
Mirkos, Steve & Edyta
Misali, A. J. "Ike"
Misali, John P. & Deborah
Misali, Mary Jean
Misali, Paul J. & Christina
Moeves, Eric & Stacey
Mohler, David & Angel
Mokas, Mary
Monroe, Angeliki
Morgan, Paul & Mary
Morris, John & Christine
Mortensen, Danny
Moulas, Dean & Catherine
Moyer, Gabe & Maria
Muennich, Sam & Melissa
Murray-Nikias, Stella P.
Naser, Jacoub & Dina
Neuendorf, David & Patricia
Neuendorf, Matthew
Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy
Nicholas, George & Eugenia
Nicholas, Nick & Helen
Nicholas, Zachary
Nichols, Ron & Philanthy
Niehoff, Barbara
Nikias, Charles P. & Vicki
Nikias, Vasilia
Nitsis, Dimitrius & Leisa
O'Neill, Brian & Stephanie
Orphanos, Peter & Angela
Pagdadis, Sotiris & Stephanie
Palassis, Nick & Maria
Palioyras, George
Panagis, Nick & Maria
Pantel, Nicholas J.
Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary
Papakirk, James & Maria
Papakirk, Steve & Toula
Paparodis, Bess
Papasavvas, Nektarios & Sally
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Papathanas, Harry & Joyce
Pappas, Martha H.
Pappas, Steven & Jolene
Parsenios, Lewis G.
Parthenakis, Dr. Nicholas & Angie
Pascal, Betsy
Pascal, James
Paskal, Pete
Pastroumas, Evgenia
Pavlakis, George & Suzanne
Payiatis, Paul & Patricia
Perdikakis, Constance
Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann
Perdikakis, Lynn
Perdikakis, Maria
Perentesis, John & Stella
Peters, Claire
Petkos, Joannis & Christina
Petrou, Evey
Phillips, Joshua & Katherine
Pilipovich, George & Cynthia
Polen, Stephanie & Joe
Politis, Michael & Carmen
Poneris, Constantino & Tara
Poneris, Kosta & Christine
Ponticos, George D.
Prasinos, Jim & Nicki
Priest, Daniel & Christina
Proffitt, Steve & Laurie
Psihountakis, Manouso & Anastasia
Psihountas, Mary
Quill, Kevin & Mary
Ramstetter, Robert & Lisa
Raptis, James & Maria
Redmon, Fr. William & Presvytera Elizabeth
Riber, Sam & Filio
Richardson, Josh & Nicole
Riemann, Christopher & Blanca
Riggs, Adam & Athena
Rodish, Peter & Suzanne
Rombes, Tom & Angie
Rombis, Petros & Sofia
Romero, Evangelia & Eric Peck
Rose, Marvin & Chrysoula
Saba, Youhana
Sajkich, Steven
Sakellariou, Maria B.
Sakelos, Irene
Sampson, Tony & Mary Ann
Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke
Sansone, Craig & Susanna
Sarakatsannis, George & Marie
Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki
Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla
Sarakatsannis, Panny
Sarros, George H.
Sarros, Harry J.
Sarros, John H.
Schmitz, Thomas & Cathy
Schooley, Barbara
Schuler, Bill & Julie
Schulte, Neal
May 2016
The Parishioners listed here have made a commitment and/or contribution towards
2016 Stewardship. If you have not made your Stewardship Pledge for 2016, we encourage you to do so today. Pledge Cards are available through the Church Office or
can be obtained by contacting any member of the Parish Council or the Clergy.
Schulte, Nick & Ianthe
Schultz, James & Sarah
Schutter, Michael & Lynne
Seremetis, Afrodite K.
Seremetis, Stratin & Marjory
Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy
Sideris, Danny & Amy
Sideris, Nick & Jane
Sideris, Mina
Siegel, August C.
Snider, Luke & Dacia
Snyder, Milan & Elaine
Spalazzi, Ryan & Emily
Spanorigas, Nicholas & Becky
Spanos, Van & Litsa
Sparks, Ryan & Sophia
Sperelakis, Dolores
Spirtoff, John & Vicki
Stacey, Christine
Stanifer, Randy & Eleni
Stathis, Angelos & Aspasia
Stathis, Lee & Evie
Stavropoulos, George & Dimitra
Stavros, Cathy
Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol
Stenger, Doug & Lauren
Stephan, Charles M.
Stephan, George
Stephan, Kara
Stephan, Melinda
Stephan, Michael
Stephan, Nicholas & Alyssa
Steppe, Greg & Ellene
Stergiopoulos, Janis
Stergiopulos, Anna
Stevenson, Hillary & Daniel
Storch, Mark & Angela
Strain, Richard & Katherine
Strike, Louis
Stringas, Emanuel
Stroplos, Gus
Suhar, Sylvia
Tassopoulos, Michael & Ritsa
Thomakos, Artemis
Thomas, Bill
Tipis, Constantine & Lisa
Towner, Jake & Eleni
Trester, Ron & Maria
Triantafillou, Nicholas & Melissa
Triantafillou, Tilemahos
Triantafilou, Alex & Jennifer
Triantafilou, George & Eleni
Trivett, Michael & Matina
Tsacalis, William & Marie
Tsolometes, James & Maria
Turner, Kent & Carolyn
Valcarcel, John & JoAnne
Vardaka, Marianna
Varnell, Charles & Krista
Vasiliou, Demetrios & Gloria
Veres, Helen
Vessey, Lenie
Vidas, Chris & Kim
Vidas, Cynthia
Vidas, Ethel
Vidas, Evangelia P.
Vidas, Michael T.
Vidas, Sofia A.†
Vidas, Victor & Alexandra
Vlachos, Christopher
Vlahakis, Tom & Carol
Vollhardt III, Arthur & AnnaMarie
Watson, Douglas & Akrivi
Wehner, Gregory & Eleni
Weis, Daniel & Anastasia
Weisenborn, Cary & Maria
Weitfle, Christopher & Maria
Williams, Jay
Wilson, Beth & Marty
Wilson, Wallace & Michelle
Witt, Alan J. & Bessie
Xanthakos, Stavra & Helmut Roehrig
Zaferes, Eleni
Zaferes, Katherine (Tina)
Zaferes, Patricia J.
Zaferes, Patricia P.
Zaferes, Peter T.
Zaferes, Toula
Zagorianos, Kristos & Kathy
Zaharopoulos, Dimitra
Zeilman, John & Anna
Zigoris, Mark & Irene
Zolotas, Pete & Papy
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May 2016
For the most updated Calendar, visit
12:00 a.m.
Matins &
Divine Liturgy
12:00 p.m.
Agape Vespers
1:00 p.m.
Agape Luncheon
7:00 p.m.
DOP Mtg.
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
Zoodochos Peghe
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
No Orthodox
Reading Group
Sunday of
St. Thomas
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
6:30 p.m.
Reading Group
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Parish Bible
4:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
Greek School
Mothers Day
Sunday of the
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
6:30 p.m.
Reading Group
6:30 p.m.
Parish Bible
6:00 p.m.
Parish Council
Dinner & Mtg.
12:00 p.m.
Over Fifty
AHEPA Sunday
Sunday of the
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
6:30 p.m.
Reading Group
6:30 p.m.
Parish Bible
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
SCS Awards Sunday
Memorial Day
Church Office
9:30 a.m.
No Orthodox
Reading Group
Sts. Constantine
& Helen
8:30 a.m.
Matins &
Divine Liturgy
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
Scholarship Sunday
Sunday of the
Samaritan Woman
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
St. George the
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
5:30 p.m.
GOYA Picnic &
May 2016
Presiding Priest: Very Rev. Father William Cassis
Assistant Priest: Rev. Father William Redmon
Parish Administrator: Eugene Nicholas
Building Maintenance Technician: Craig Sansone
Parish Council Members
Nicholas L. Sarakatsannis, President
Karen Aamodt
Chris Chryssovergis, Vice-President
James Gelis
Justin Bates, Treasurer
David Greene
Jessica Mavridoglou, Asst. Treasurer
George Haralamos
Christine Masella, Secretary
Stacey Loukoumidis
Matthew Neuendorf, Asst. Secretary
Nektarios Papasavvas
Peter Rodish
Organizations and Ministries
Our Mission
THE VOICE is the official monthly
newsletter of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati,
Ohio. Our Parish was founded in 1907
and serves Orthodox Christians
throughout the tri-state area. Our mission is to reach out to all members of
the Community by providing relevant
information on the religious, spiritual
and cultural life of the Parish; news on
the accomplishments of Parish members and organizations, and editorial
points of view.
Philoptochos Society: Georgianne Gaz, President
Parish Choir: Janice Kellaris, Director
Cantors: Louis Kapourales, Tasos Ioannides, James Raptis, Philanthy Nichols
Altar Boys: Gus Siegel, Father William Cassis, Father William Redmon
Sunday Church School: Religious Education Team, Peter Aamodt, Chairman
Greek School: Alexandros Laftsidis, Director
GOYA: Father William Redmon, GOYA Ministry Team
HOPE and JOY Groups: Father William Redmon, Ministry Team
Mothers Club: Catherine Stavros, President
AHEPA: Peter Rodish, President
Daughters of Penelope: Vera Manolakas, President
The next deadline for submitting
news to the "Voice" is
May 8, 2016
Submissions can be dropped off or
mailed to the Church Office or
e-mailed to or
Our Church website can be found
Over 50s Club: Ann Jonson, President
Parish Bible Study and Orthodoxy 101: Father William Cassis
Orthodox Reading Group: Father William Redmon
Outreach/Samaritan Fund: Father William Cassis,
Father William Redmon, Eugene Nicholas
The Good Shepherd Food Pantry: Stephanie Diaz, Maria Freeman,
Mary Morgan, Matina Trivett
Agios Demetrios Society: Jim Grammas, Maria Panagis
PANEGYRI: Eugene Nicholas, Chris Chryssovergis
Parish Bookstore: Christina Polychroniou
Office Hours: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Worship Schedule: Matins, 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 a.m.
Other Services as scheduled.
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Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224
Tel: (513) 591-0030 Fax: (513) 591-0043