356 Registry


356 Registry
Periodical Mail-TIme-Dated Material- Change Service Requested
Postmaster. Send changes to 27244 Ryan Rd . Warren, MI 48092
Volume 25. Number 6
MarchiApril 2002
W. o l u m e 25, Number
---. Mar chI prj I 2 0 0 2
/(/ I
o "
Upcoming Events
The Miscellany File
President's Letter
The .Paxton Porsche
Literature Meet
Tour -Auto 2001
Brett Johnson
BTool Kits
Jim Perrin
L.A. Auto Show 356
Michael Brock
AWest Coast Weekend
The Challenge of Foam
Phil Planck
Prescott Kelly
Letting Go
Lynn Adams
Classified Ads
The Maestro
Harry Pellow
356 Registry magazine is theofficialpublication of356Registry, Inc., an organization orientedexclusivelyto the interests, needs
and unique problems ofthe 356Porsche automobile owner and enthusiast. The mission ofthe 356 Registry, Inc. is theperpetuation of the vintage (1948-1965) 356 series Porschethrough356 Regist/)' magazine, the central forum for theexchange ofideas,
experiences and information, enabling all to share the 356experiencesofone another. 356 Registry, Inc. is a non-affiliated, nonprofit, educational corporation , chartered under the statutes of the State of Ohio. Subscriptions are available only to members.
Membership dues are 30.00 in the USA, which includes $24.00 for a 6-issue annual subscription to356 Registry magazine, $40
inCanada andMexico, $50 to foreignaddresses. i\lI ratesare in U.S. dollars, checksMUST be drawn on U.S. banks. An application
form for membership is available on the back wrap cover of this.magazine, from membership chairperson Barbara Skirmants,
27244 Ryan Road, Warren, MI 48092 USA, fax (586) 558-3616 or on our website at 356Registry.org.
On the cover: TheNurburgrlng. 1959.
John (alamos photo. On the outer
wrap: Creating a day model of the
356 Regist,:y magazine (ISSN 10666877) is published bi-monthlyfor
356Registry, Inc. byMDesign, 215 W. Myrtle Street, Stillwater, 1\1l'\ 55082.
PeriodicalPostage paidat Stillwater,MNand additional mailing offices.
POSTMASfER: Send aildress changes to
356 Registry, 27244 Ryan Road, Warre n, 1\11 48092
The opinions andstatementsexpressed in356 Regist/)' magazine are not necessarilythose of 356 Registry, Inc., its trustees, officersor the Publisher. Technical dataand procedures described hereinare the opinionsofthe authorsand carryno claim ofauthenticityor suitabilityfora particular purpose from 356 Registry or the Publisher. Any procednresdescribed hereinare carried out at
the reader's own risk. Porsche®, the Porsche crest, Carrera®, Targa® andthe distinctive shape ofthe Porsche models are trade
. dress andtrademarksof PorscheAG and are usedwith permission. Publisher reserves the right to edit or refuse publication and is
not responsible for errors or omissions. Registerfor a Holiday today!
No partof356Registrymagazine may be reproduced in
any form without the express written permissionof the
publisher. Copyright © 2002 by 356 Registry, Inc. d o
M Design, 215 W. Myrtle St., Stillwater, MN 55082.
Printed on a Heidelberg 5-color press in Red Wi g,
Local/Regional 356 Groups
To subscribe to the Registry's electronic mail list,
send an email to 356talk-request@356registry.org
with the single word subscribe as the message,
or go to the Registry's website at
' These groups offer activities , information and fellowship for 356
enthusiasts from a particular geographical area. Each group operates
Independently and is not sponsored by the 356 Registry.
Porsche 356 Club
Bob Fitzpatrick
23738 Barona Mesa Rd.
Ramona CA 92065
356bob @cox.net
356 CAR Club
Jim Hardie, 1920 Sheltield Dr.
Carmichael, CA 95608
Typ 356 Northeast
Peter Crawford
11 Pearl St.
Marblehead , MA 01945
781-631-601 2
www.Typ356NE.org (webs~e)
pcrawford356 @yahoo.com (email)
Group 356 St. Lou is Region
Ted Melsheimer, Sr.
10517 E. Watson Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63 127
314·966 ·21 31
Central Coast
Wes & Diane Morrill, 25209 Casiano
Windige Stadt 356 Klub
Salinas, CA 93908
Dale Moody
19532 Governor's Hwy
Homewood, IL 60430
356 Group Northwest
Bruce Rockwell, P.O. Box 1451
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Fahr North
Phil Saari
bnmrock @msn.com
3374 Owasso St.
• I
Shoreview, MN 55126
Sierra 356 Porsche Club
Glenn Lewis, 2000 Royal Drive
Reno, NV 89503
Rocky Mountain
Porsche 356 Club'
AI Gordon, 12773 Grizzly
Littleton, CO 80127
Mountalnland Porsche 356 Club
Edward Radford
1568 Connecticut Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
HawaII 356 Owne rs Group
Terry Felts
161 Hanohano Place
Honolulu, HI 96825·3515
wtfelts @aol.com
Southern Owne rs Group
Ray Ringler
3755 Creek Stone Way
Marietta, GA 30068
Three56 @aol.com
Tennessee Tubs
Nate Green
4003 Sunnybrook Drive
Nashville, TN 37205
ngreene @mathewspart ners.net
Florida Owners Group
Rich Williams, 4570 47th St.
Sarasota, FL 34235
813-758 -0356
rich356tog @earthlink.net
Potomac 356 Owner's Group
Dan Rowzie
800 South Samuel St.
Charles Town WV 25414· 1416
356 Mid Atlantic
Dan Haden
715 St. Andrews Road
Philadelphia, PA 19118
356 Southern Connecticut
Register, Ltd.
P.O. Box 35
Riverside, CT 06878
356 Motor Cities Gruppe
Barbara Skirmants
27244 Ryan Rd.
Warren, MI 48092
Oh io Tub Fanati c s
Richard King
tubtanatic @aol.com
Arizona Outlaws
Porsche 356 Club
Mike Wroughton
19870 N. 86th Ave.
Peoria, AZ 85382
mwroughton @aol.com
Zia 356
Joyce Y. Hooper
4700 Westridge PI. NE
Albuquerque , NM 87111
JYHRetired @webtv.net
Tub Club
Bob Morris
397 Creekwood Dr.
Lancaster, JX
Lone Star 356 Club
Mark Roth
4915 S. Main, Suite 114
Stafford, TX 77477 (Houston)
mroth356 @aol.com
The new password for members-only pages: Continental
Valid through May 2002
Chuck House, President
(ChuckHouse @356registry.org)
11073 Begonia Ave.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
714·4 18-0779 (hm), 949-567-4521 (wk)
949-567-4510 wk tax
Bob Campbell , \l.P., Event Insurance
(BobCampbe ll @356registry.org)
20964 Canterwood Dr.
Santa Clarita , CA 91350
Patty Yow , Secretary
(PattyYow @356registry.org)
Randall Yow , Treasur er
(RandaIlYow @356registry.org)
811 S. Elm Street
Greensboro, NC 27406 336-272-6336 (wk)
336-545-8994 (hm), 336·2 75·9 116 Fax
Bob Campbell
(BobCampbe ll@356registry.org)
20964 Canterwood Dr.,
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Dr. Bill Block, Book Reviews,
356 Registry Database Monitor
423 Hawk High Hill, Metamora, MI 48455
810-678-30 17
Keith Denahan , Vintage Racing
21537 11Oth Ave. S., Boca Raton, FL 33428
Dr. Brett Johnson, Restoration Editor
(356drb @indy.net)
7510 Allisonville Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46250
Dick Koenig , Four Cam Forum
7S 710 Donwood Dr., Naperville, IL 60540
Prescott Kelly, 356 Collectibles
(PVKelly @Thelnstitutelnc.com)
16 Silver Ridge, Weston , CT 06883
203-227 -7770
Chuck House
(ChuckHouse @356registry.org)
11073 Begonia Ave.
Huntington Beach, CA 92708
Harry Pellow, The Maes tro
(maestro @well.com)
20655 Sunrise Drive, Cupertino, CA 950 14
Joe Johnson
(JoeJohnson @356registry.org)
618 Gatewood , High Point, NC 27262-4722
336·886 ·528 7 (H)
Jim Perri n, Historian
Box 29307, Columbus, OH 43229
Roland Lohnert
Jim Schrager, Marketwa tch
(RolandLohnert @356registry.org)
Uames.schrager @gsb.uchicago.edu\)
1422 Twin Oaks Ln., Castle Rock, CO 80104
54722 Little Flower Trail
Mishawaka , IN 46545
Vic Skirmants
(BarbaraSkir mants @356registry.org)
Vic Ski rmants, Technical Editor
27244 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48092
(BarbaraSkirmants @356registry.org)
586-575-9544 (W)
27244 Ryan Rd., Warren, MI 48092
Randall Yow
811 S. Elm Street
Greensbo ro, NC 27406 336-272-6336 (wk)
336-545-8994 (H), 336-275-9116 Fax
nns Services
Barbara Skirmants, Mem bership,
(BarbaraSkirmants @356registry.org)
27244 Ryan Road, Warren, MI 48092
586-558-3692, tax 586·558-3616
Maple Leaf 356 Club of Canada
Scott Gray
467 Sandlewood Road
Oakville, ON L6L 3S3
sgray88 @cogeco.ca
John Jenkins , Travel Assis tance Network
Uohnjenkins @agilent.com)
3122 Kingsley St., San Diego, CA 92016
619-224·3566, 619-224-3933 Fax
Australian Porsche 356 Register
P.O. Box 7356, St. Kilda Rd.
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
M & M Ente rp rises, Wes & Diane
Goodie Store (356goodiestore @usa.net)
25209 Casiano, Salinas, CA 93908
831-643-0356, tax 831-643-1333
356 Down Under
P.O. Box 47 677
Ponsonby, Auckland
New Zealand
nz356downunder @xtra.co.nz
Dr. Brett Johnson, Porsche Factory Liason
(356drb @indy.net)
7510 Allisonville Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46250
317-841-7677, tax 317-849-2001
Pal Tobin , Pat's Posts
(tobinp @ix.netcom.com)
17092 Chatsworth si..
Granada Hills, CA 91344·5849
We6site Staff
Chris Markham, Webmeister
7185 W. Zayante Rd., Felton, CA 95018-9466
Rob in Hansen, Ass 't. Webmeister,
email List Monitor (rhansen @356regist ry.org)
John Audette, Website Technical Editor
Rick Dill , email List Monitor
Schedule of events
356 Registry
North Coast Holiday
August 22-25
Duluth, Minnesota
• Fahr North invites you tojoin us along Minnesota's beautiful North Shore ofLake
Superior this summer!
• Headquarters hotel is along the water 's edge at Canal Park in Duluth. Nearby is the
aerial lift bridge, an ore boat museum, the Duluth maritime museum, the Great Lakes
Aquarium, the North Shore Scenic Railroad, the Depot and Lake Superior train museum, the Duluth Omnimax theater, the Congdon mansion, a garden park with 40,000
roses, Harbor and Lake tours on the Vista Fleet, the miles-long scenic Lake Walk, hundreds of restaurants and much more - along withscenic drives inevery direction.
·Reserve your room at the Inn on Lake Superior now. Call 888·668·4352.
Mention 356 Registry. Rates: $145-$185.
More info at our website: NorthCoastHoliday.com
Thursday; August 22
Registration opens
12 noon
Explore Duluth/Superior on your own
Cocktail welcoming party
6 pm
Hospitality room open
Vendor room open
Friday; August 23
8 am
Registration opens
Hospitality room open
7 am
Vendor roomts) open
Tour to the North Shore and
Split Rock Lighthouse
Tech Session
4 pm
Dinner Cruise
6 pm
Saturday;August 24
Registratio n open until noo n
7-9 am
Hospitality room open
Concours prep (wash area)
8 am-2 pm
Lunch onsite
.2 pm
Tech sessions
Literature meet
4 pm
Vendor room open
2 pm
Cocktail hour
6 pm
.7 pm
Sunday; August 25
Continental breakfast
Hospitality room open
7-11 am
Swap meet
as usual
356 Registry North Coast Holiday - Duluth, Minnesota - Aug. 22-25, 2002
Registry MemberNumber
,Day Phone
Registration Form
'$99 rate valid until 611102
Registrant Name
1 @ $99*=$
Co-Registrant Name
1 @ $89=$
_ @ $50=$
=#_ _@$4 0=$.
Jr. Registrant Name(s)
Contact Address,
.Z ip - - - - - - Meal Selections:
Are yo u planning to drive a 356 to the Holiday (circle one) YES
Friday Dinner Cruise:
Prime Rib
#_ _
ye ar:
Catch of the Day #_
Need truck/t railer space? YES
Concours? YES
Regi strant & Co-Registrant fees incl ude: Thursday welcome reception (cash bar),
embroidered windbreaker, event pin & patch, hospitality room and access to all events.
Concours Box Lunch:
Lemon Chicken Wrap #_ _
Ham/Swiss on Rye #_
Saturday Banquet:
Lake Superior Feast
_ =#_ _ @ $12=$,
#_ _ @ $36=$,
Please mark windbreaker size(s): Medium#_ _ Large#_ _ Extra Large#_ _
Make checks payable to: 356 North Coast Holiday, 2002
Mail to : Stan & Jane Bonnesen, 19328 Co. Rd 462, Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Volume 25 , Number 6
UpComing Events
April 5-7
San Luis Obispo, California
Join 356CAR. and Porsche 356 Club for "North
Meets South." Registration form below.
April 11-14
Charleston, South Carolina
356 Registry East Coast Holiday. See page 12.
April 20
Hershey, Pennsylvania
26th Porsche ONLY Swap Meet sponsored by
Central PA Region. The largest in theUS! Joinus at
Hershey Park to sell/swap parts, cars and accessories. Expanded: Porsche parking, peoples
choice, concours and Porsche car corral. On-site
food and restrooms. No admission fee, parking
$5. Gates open 7:30am. 800+ vendor spaces,
reserve by 3125.Parking improved from 200 I.
Info: Steve Baun, 7I7-932-4473, fax 932-I284.
sbturbo@aol.com or www.CentralPaPorsche.org
April 25-27
Bowling Green, Kentucky
PCA regions will sponsor a multi day"Visit" at the
National Corvette Museum. Jim Watson is scheduled to conduct a seminar, "Porsche 550 & 356"
Friday at 9:30in theChevrolet Theater. Panel discussion "Super Tech Q&A" along with Bruce
Anderson, Tom Charlsworth, Ken Daugherty and
Stephen Kaspar, Saturday at 3pm. Full details &
registration at www.corvettemuseum.com
May 10-11
San Luis Obispo, California
RotaryClubofSan Luis Obispo, presents theThird
Annual Lost Drive-In Car Show and Cruise Night
with proceeds going to charity. For further information contact Robert DeVries 805-543-0551 or
May 9-12
Billingehus Skovde, Sweden
27thInternational Porsche 356meeting. For info
and registration: bertilsson@ebox.tninet.se or
Porsche 356Klubb Sverige, Box I 1059, S-550 I I
Jiinkiiping, Sweden. Contact Gordon Maltby for
application forms.
May 17-19
NewJerse y
No. New Jersey Region hosts the Zone I Charity
Concours in Woodcliff Lake, NJ. People's Choice,
Full Judged Concours, Rally, Fri, welcome party,
Sat. banquet. Hotel: Woodcliff Lake Hilton (201391-3600). www.pca.orglzonel Q: Stuart Zeh,
973-785-9009 (w) zonelconcours@aol.com
May 10
Fredricksburg, Texas
Iub Clubweekend. Call AI Zim at 800-356-2964.
June 15
San Antonio or Houston, Texas
The 20th Great Race will kick off inTexas onJune
15 and finish in Anaheim, California onJune 22.
For more info call Great Race Headquarters 817573-7223 or www.greatrace.com.
H.Q. Hotel: Embassy Suites 1-800-864-6000
Meets South
Room rate: S139/per nighUsuite
Fri., April 5 Sun., April 7, 2002
San Luis Obispo, CA
(Mention XorthMeets 50Ulh event.)
IIighlights: 4J5-Regislration, countryside driving tour \lith German lunch, complimentary
evening Mexican fiesta at the hotel. 4t6--Concours at Laguna Lake Park, IlBQ lunch, driving
rout/spec ialouting in historic SanLuis Obispo for non-drivers, tech session, eveningawards
banquet andslide show 4n-Swap meetwith complimentarycoffee,
July 20, 21
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. Qualifying Sat.,
race Sunday, plus concours. Porsche is the featured marque this year. www.pvgpa.orgor contact
LennySantora at 412-835-6594, lennyg356@aol.
July 20, 21
Effingham, Illinois
Tweeks Porsche Funfest 2002. www.madirect.com
August 22-25
Duluth, Minnesota
Fahr North presents the 356 Registry North Coast
Holiday. Info at wwwnorthcoastholidaycorn
September 14, 15
Ventura, California
German AutoFest and Speedster Fest.
September 19-22
Vancouver, BC
356 RegistryWest Coast Holiday. See page 7.
September 22
Drive Your 356Day.
October 4-6
Santa Barbara, California
Porsche 356 Club Fall Festival. Driving tours, full
concours on theSanta BarbaraCity College lawn,
great entertainment and dinner, walks on the
beach with your 356 family, Sunday Swap Meet
andArt Show along thewaters edge. Contact Dick
at 805-967-5545, or Greg at 805-682-8 138 for
more information or \V\V\v.Porsche356c1ub.org.
For more information, contact:
Barney or Nancy Speckman
at bnspeckman@aol.com
or 925·937·3972
Mike or Carol Gabbard at
gabbard@ips.net or 925-682-6160
Harry or Carolyn Servidio at
servidio@pacbell.net or 925-937-8930
----- ------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
356 Registry North Meets South 2002 - San Luis Obispo, CA - April 5 - April 7
Registration Fonn
Registrant Name
1@ $75
Co-Registrant Name
1@ $65 - --
Contact Address
Are you staying at the Headquarters hotel? (circle one) YES
Planning to take the Friday driving tour with German lunch? YES
Attending the Friday Fiesta at Embassy Suites? YES
Choice of Hat or Visor (both have North meets South logo):
REGISTRANT (circie choice, if left blank, a hat will be ordered) HAT
Your car is (circle one) PRE-A
Saturday Concours Lunch: BBQ boneless chicken breast, green salad, fruit salad, beans, bread, soda
Saturday Awards Dinner:
New YorkSteak
Special Interest
$15x_ _ =$
$35 x_ _ = $
Checks payable to: 356 Car North Meets South
Mail to: Nancy Speckman, 2130 Belford Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598.
Registration refund requests received before March 15, 2002 will be honored.
For additional information, contact Nancy Speckman at bnspeckman@aol.com or 925-937-3972.
March/April 2002
n anticipation ofthe Charleston Holiday I
rented a movie entitled "The Hunley." It's
not a documentary, but rather a
Hollywood-type drama about the first submarine
to sink a ship in battle - the very one wewilllearn
about duri ng the Friday night dinner aboard the
USS Yorktown. It's actually quite a well-done production although the casting is rather curious.
Donald Sutherland, a Canadian, plays General
Beauregard, a French-American from New
Orleans. Armand Assante, a French actor, plays
the captain of the boat, a Southern gentleman
from Alabama. Go figure.
Another unusual aspect is that everybody
drowns in the movie's first scene.Aside from that
disconcerting start, however, the storybuilds nicely and it appears the submarine constructed for
the movie is a reasonable facsimile of what the
Hunley reallylooked (andfelt) like. Tensions and
emotions on both sides- the Confederate defenders of Charleston and the Yankee navy bombarding the city each night-are realistically portrayed. It's easy to understand whythe rebels were
desperate to strikebackat the blockade ships that
were just out of reach oftheir guns.
The most amazing part of the story is the
heroism (some may say foolhardiness) of the
crew who volunteered to go into, literally,
Charleston Bay in a crude metal tube with just a
Gordon Maltby
candle, a handpump and rudimentaryknowledge
of submarine dynamics. That the plan actually
worked is incredible, and the movie makes it a
riveting tale. I think it would be a fine primer for
your trip to Charleston or a good choice ifyou're
in the mood for a historical movie. Check it out.
On the other side of the continent, the
Registry Swap Meet at the Dunkel's in Anaheim
was a rousing success. Warmweather brought out
Porsche enthusiasts in droves, filling every parking lot for blocks around. Many of us thought
Cheryl Dunkel's "Speedster on a stick" last year
was wild, but this year husband Peter strung her
race car up from a tree! Bob Campbell told me
beforehand there would be a "flying Porsche" on
display. I thought he meant the newly-acquired
gyrocopter in the Dunkel's museum, but with a
stiff breeze on Sunday it looked like Cheryl's
Speedster was about to take off! Luckily, Peter's
crew are pro's at rigging and no damage was
The race car display was prettyphenomenal
with a 550, RS60, 904, Abarth Carrera, 906,
917/30, 956, and a few Carrera RS 2.7s. There
were competition 356s and 91Is and outlaws of
all kinds in addition to several hundred stock
Porsches parked all over the property.
Swap vendors were out in strength as were
buyers, and it looked like everydone did pretty
well. As usual, Peter and Cheryl's hospitality was
amazing. Saturday night's party for Milt Minter
brought outa lot ofold friends and quite a fewold
stories; 1 especially liked the one about Vasek
Polak and Minnesota Mosquitoes. On Sunday I
had a chanceto talkwith Milt and hiswife Melissa
and he had even more tales from the sixties and
seventies. Still racing in vintage events today, he
says that even though there are plentyofachesand
pains in his everyday life, when he gets in a race
car he feels great. Maybe that's a tonic weshould
all try.
In the upcoming events listing you'll find
three RegistryHolidays to choose from this year an unprecedented opportunity to get togetherwith
your 356 friends. I hope there willbe a lot of new
faces at all three events. See you there! ~
parts@ KLASSE356.com
311 Liberty St., Allentown , PA 18102
Everything you need to make the upgrade!
Protect yourself (and your 356) with the
safety of dual circuit braking.Over 400
kits sold. For drum or disc brakes. Easy installation.
Order Now for Your Spring projects!
Intake Valves
A, BNormal & Super-#3030 . .$17.501ea.
Intake Valves
Intake Valves
S-90 only-#3041
Exhaust Valves C-#3045
Call with your needs.
Phone 800-634 -7862
Friendly Service & Great Prices
Volum e 2 5. Number 6
FAX 610·432·8027
Catalog Available & OnLine
Registrar: David Bamb ridge ,
#404-1108 Nicola St.
Vancouver, BC V6G 2E2 Canada
see the webs ite at
TheBest Western Sands at English Bay & The
Coast Plaza Stanley Park are hosting Holiday participants. The Hotels are two blocks from each
other, a five-minute walk. Both have dedicated
parking & additional security will be in place for
the event. The Best Western Sands will be hosting
the Swap, Tech Session & HospitalitySuite.
(approx.) per night, 100Rooms, Singleor Double
occupancy, plus tax. 604-682-1831
120.00 USD (approx.) per night, ;0 Rooms,
Single or Double occupancy, plus tax. ;0-1 bdrm
Suites $1;0.00 USD(approx.) per night, Single or
Double occupancy, plus tax. 604-688-7711
Thursday, Sept 19th.
3:00pm - IO:OOpm: Registration & orientation
7:00pm: BirthdayPartyfor Ferry Porsche.
Friday, Sept 20th.
8:00 - 8:30:un: Corralling ofall cars for optional drive
& Scavenger Huntto \~1Iistler, Be along the "Sea toSky
9:00:un: Departfor Whistler.
11 :00 - II:30:un:Arrive atWhistler \\ithcourtesy Hotel
lawn parking.
11 :30 - 1:OOpm: Breakfor independent lunch, shopping, sightseeing.
1:00 - 3:00pm: Dep'JI1 \~Iistlcr & drive back to
6:00 - IO:OOpm: Meet at Harbour for optional Dinner
Saturday, Sept 21st.
9:00am: Assembly for trip to Van Dusen Gardens
9:30:un: Depart toConcours site (J; minute drive),
10:00 - 3:00pm: Peoples Choice & Judged Concours
(lunch on site).
7:00- IO:OOpm:Awanls Gala!
Sunday, Sept.22nd.
8:00 - II:OO:un: Parts Swap Meet.
IO:OO-.un: Tech session
Throughout ihe event the Goodie Store & Hospitality
Suitewill be available to all registrants. It's recommendedihat swap meet items be declared as "spare parts"!
356 Registry West Coast Holiday - Vancouver, B.C. - Sept. 19-22,2002
Registration Form
(Registrations not received byAugust 20th will be liable for a $20 surcharge. "The Harbor Cruise & Awards Gala are subject to limited space.
Space will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. All others will have their money refunded.)
Registrant Name
1@ $120
Co-Registrant Name
#__Jr. registrants @ $60
Cont act Address
Zip- - - - -
Are you planning to drive a 356 to the Holiday (circle one) YES
Are you trailering? YES
Plan to participate in the swap meet? YES
How many miles will you travel to attend the Holiday?
"Harbour Cruise: $45 x
"Awards Gala:
$60 x
Do you plan to participate in the optional drive? YES
Body Style:
Col 0 r
PEOPLES CHOICE & JUDGED CONCOURS: 1S-0pen cars, 356 & 356A; 2S-Closed cars, 356 & 356A; 3S-0pen cars, 356 (T5 & T6); 4S-Closed
cars, 356B (T5&T6); 55 -Open cars, 356C; 6S-Closed cars, 356C; 7S-Special, Carreras, race cars, modified or non-production Porsches 1948-1965.
What class will you be entering?
Peoples choice event:
Judged event:
Registration fees include for each Registrant and Co-registrant:
a 'f-shlrt, welcome reception , Hospitality Suite , event patch and a Decorative 2002 WCH Grill Badge.
Please mark T-shirt sizes: Small #_ _ Medium#_ _ Large#_ _
Extra Large#_ _ Extraaaaa Large#_ _
Make checks payable to : (All fees are in US dollars)
356 West Coast Holiday, 2002 , c/o David Bambridge, #404-1108 Nicola St. , Vancouver, BC V6G 2E2 Canada
March/April 2002
had to laugh when I heard that during
the weekend of the Literature/Mobilia
Show and the 356 RegistrylDunkel
Events, some of our 356talk subscribers thought
the list was down, because so many people were
offto Los Angeles at the time. That means to me
thateverything is working as it should.
The Literature Show was the largest ever, as
Prescoll Kelly, Jim Perrin and Wayne Callaway
seem to always serve up the right mixture ofgoodies and the Dunkel's tribute to Milt Minter was
hilarious and filling. I might be a bit biased
regardingMilt, as it was he who unknowinglycast
me toward a hobbyand profession, based around
the 356 Porsche, that has now lasted 37 years.
Peter Dunkel and I forgot to eat on Saturday
with all the fun we were having gelling readyfor
Sunday. When the catered food ran short that
evening at the Minter Roast, Peter ordered 20
hugepizzas, which also disappeared before we got
a bite.At the end of the evening, Peter and I found
a quietmoment to sit and let the feeling return to
Milt Minter (left) and Bob at Bryar Motorsport
Park (now New Hampshire Raceway) in 1967.
Bob was 19 years old, in the Army, using his
leave time to crew for Milt at the Bryar and Lime
Rock Trans-Am races. The car was a full tilt
Shelby-prepared Mustang. owned by Pop
Mathews from Fresno, California . Before the race,
Bob drove the car through downtown Great
Barrington, NH, to the quarte r car wash, then
back to the track. Pop Mathews liked a clean car.
our feet, when all of a sudden Peter's eyes got as
big as saucers and his left arm whipped by my
shoulder faster than a frog's tongue after a fly. He
spoiled a lone slice of pizza tucked under one of
the hot plates and had that thing halfeaten before
I realized what happened. He smiled at me, mouth
full of pizza, and said, "I was raised with twelve
brothers and sisters, golla be quick!" The next
morning we found out it had fallen on the floo r
during the eveningand was tucked under the hot
plate when the caterers cleaned up.
The 356 Registry/Dunkel Bros. All Porsche
Meet on Sunday was a sight to behold. Bill Block
said he now knows whythere are so many356sin
SoCal; because theygrow on trees! Peter Dunkel
is amazing, thank you buddy. You can read the
great coverage of the event by Gordon Maltby in
this issue and please remember the volunteers
who made it possible: Jim Hardie, John Chuka,
Scoll Tong, Pete McNulty, Paul Ferbrache, Myron
Vernis, Reed Dickinson, Don Pirch, Lorenzo,
Gordon LeBaron, Bill Witcher, Dick Douglas,
Bracken White, Doug Madsen, Bill Sampson,
Dennis Lee, Neal McSwain, James Kraus, Lee
Whistler, Ron LaDow, Stan Hanks, Jerry Garwick
and a couple more I think, anda special thanks to
Steve Buggy, for organizing the 356talk name
badges. Thank you guys, I know it's not easy to
give up any part of thatday.
_ __
Do you belong to a carclub?
::J No
Faxcouponto: 217-347-2952
or mait couponto: TWEEKS. P.O. Box 1368. Dept.
T3032. Effingham, IL 62401
Volume 25. Number 6
The 356 Registry Trustees met Friday,
February 8th in Los Angeles. I am happyto report
to you that your club is now nearing 7,100 members, it is healthyas a horse and still growing. We
welcomed our newly-elected 6th Trustee, Roland
Lohnert, from the Rocky Mountain 356 Porsche
Club to his fi rst Trustees meeting. Each year new
officers are named and I am very proud to
Bob and Karen (the CoffeeQueen) Campbell take
a break during Sunday'sswap meet at Dunkel's.
Karen arrived before dawn to set up donuts and
annou nce that Trustee Chuck House has been
chosen to be President of the 356 Registry.
Chuck brings a wealth ofexperience from So Cal's
Porsche 356Club as well as principal experience
from many356 eventsincluding thePorsche 50th
AnniversaJ)'/356 Registry Holiday in Monterey,
1998. I will be yo ur new Vice-President and all
other positions remain unchanged.
I enjoyed my seven years as President and I
am proudof the progress and growth of our club
during that time, but the 356 Registry leadership
is no one person, we are a team of six Trustees
and I have been extremely fort unate to be part of
a very experienced, balanced team during my
tenure. We test all Registry situations with the
question, "Does it or will it benefit our membership?", and we have addressed and corrected
many issues, some not so pleasant, if it did not. I
know Chuck will continue the testing, fine tuning
and dedication requiredfor continued growth and
harmony for the 356 Registry Same team, different positions.
I am not going anywhere. I will continue to
serve as your Trustee as long as the membership
elects me, and I will continue to make the 356
Porsche mymain profession, as I have for the past
37 years. The biggest change for me is my seat at
the Trustees table.
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drinks. as she has for the last several years.
1958 Speedster- Aquamarine/Burgundy,
Near perfect - $65,000
1964 C Coupe Slvr/Blk - 12 Volt
- Great looking &
driving car $19,500
1960 Sunroof Coupe - White/RedVERY FIRST S90! - $30,000
1958 Speedster - Black/Red - Solid car
w/orig. engine - $60,000
Red Tip
Antenna $65.
1955 Speedster
- Red/BlkBeautiful Turnkey Cruiser $50,000
March/April 2002
his issue we continue our tour ofauction sales. Last time it was Cabriolets,
priorto that Speedsters, and next time
it will be Coupes. It hasbeen a verygood year for
Roadsters, as theyare rollingright alongwith perhaps the strongest prices of any of the pushrod
356 cars. With the exception of one soggy, doggy
Roadster, and one no-sale, each sold for no less
than $50,000, with one in the $60s, one in the
$70s and, yes, one in the $80s. These are boxcar
numbers. Will prices stay at these rarefied levels?
Although hard to imagine, the number of buyers
of solid Roadsters seems to far out number sellers. Sinceall Roadsters are 356Bs built just within a three (model) year period, these will be
reported in order of saleprice rather than age.
Christie's auction in Tarrytown, 1\1)' is
known for attracting some of the most desired
collectible cars and automobilia from the East
Coast. At the 28 April 2001 sale they sold Jerry
Seinfeld's lovely 1958 Speedster, in the custom
shade of mediumllight blue, as previously reported here for $88,125. At thesame salealso offered
was a 1960 S-90 Roadster. I always wonder how
many S-90 Roadsters are original. The Roadster
was the cheapest car in the line-up and most I
have seen were delivered with Normal engines to
keep the price low. The S-90in this car was in the
correct serial number sequence, so it may have
been original, although there was no paperwork
to prove it. The color was all wrong, refrigerator
bright white on a car that may have been Ivory
before. In addition, the quality of the repaint was
lacking, with signs ofpoor preparationshowingin
several spots. The tan top and tan interior looked
wrong against the bright white paint but theywere
in good condition. There were twin rear view mirrors, an edgy hood handle poorly cast and plated,
and a dirty engine compartment. I was not thrilled
with the door fit on the passenger side, especially
at the bottom. In today's world, this onemayseem
like a bargain, as it sold for a measly $28,200.
This mayinfact bea good buyifthe engineis solid
and correct and the new owner takes thecarapart
and gives it a top flight paint jobin a correct original color.
The next car comes from Coys of
Kensington way back on October 11 , 2000 in
Volume 25 . Number 6
Today, forthose colors andtheSuper-90 engine, if
either or both these features are original, he or
she is perhaps correct to wait for a more appreciative audience.
The sales at Monterey are always a bitwild,
usually with the most motivated buyers at one of
the loveliest venues on earth with the widest
assortment of mouth watering, wallet wiltingcon-
Roadster from
hither and yon
London, England. This 1960 Roadster was in the
classic shades of Signal Red with a Tan top and
interior. It was very sharp all the wayaround, with
even, tight gaps, superb brightwork, and a very
honest feel to it, other than the Super hubcaps,
5.5" repro chromewheels andvery large 195/65
tires. This lovelycar sold at $50,370, a price many
onlookerswrote off as an aberration until the rest
ofthe Roadsters camealong.
The Barrett-Jackson Peterson Automotive
Museum saleinJune, 200I had a number of nice
cars, among them a splendid 1961 Super-90
Roadster, Black with a blacktopand grayinterior.
I was especially pleased with this car, as it had
original and correct 4.5" silver-gray painted
wheels! It was clearly the result of a thorough and
thoughtful restoration. Great gaps, a superbly
detailed front compartment, wonderful windshield frame chrome, just a neat car. I rarely
report miles in this column, because on cars this
old it seems more of a random variable than an
indicationofanything meaningful. Butin this case,
I wonder if the odometer was zeroed after a full
restoration and the 6,675 miles showing is the
number ofmiles since the car was reborn? This is
the one Roadster I could find that was not sold,
although bidto $52,000. Ayear ago I would have
said the seller was crazy not to take this bid.
cours and street machines in attendance. If there
was ever a place to act out your automotive fantasies, this is it. And each year, many do.
Christie's Pebble Beach sale on 19 August 2001
offered a Silver 1960 Roadster with a red leather
interior and a black top. It was fitted with a 1600
Normal, claimed Kardex correct all the way
around. Older 5.5" repro chrome wheels with
rust beginning to show, Super hubcaps. Lovely
panel fits on door and hood, but a run with the
magnet detected ample bondo below the paint.
Some cracking on the leather seats-could they
have been original? If so, that's rare and wonderful. A load of options on the car, including the
chrome horn ring, Blaupunkt multi-band radio
andeven a tool kit(!). I was surprisedto see such
an interesting car sold at no reserve, but selling
without reserve guarantees a certain level of attention. Sold at $52,875.
We will be back to Monterey shortly, but for
now a detour to the RM Auctions sale at Amelia
Island, Florida on 10March 2001,to viewa 1960
Fjord Green 1600 Normal Roadster with a light
- ';;I
brown leather interior and a tan top. Perhaps I
should start at the end on this car: it had obvious
rust bubbles at the bottom of the driver's door and
brought $63,800. It was a rareandstunningcolor
combination, with wonderful door fits. I felt the
very front ofthe hood stood just a bitproudof the
body, but I have seen this on other Roadsters and
wonderifsomewere built that way. The repro VW
5.5" chrome wheels, Super hubcaps, and modern-size tires of 195/60/15 seemed out of place. A
thoroughlystunningcar needing some rust repair
and a bit of fastidious paint work. A result that
caused dropped jaws just about everywhere. This
is lots of money for a single grille Roadster with
rust, however, it was claimed to be an original
California car with just 50,000 original miles. If
that claim can be backed up wi th paperwork, the
lowmiles may have had a big effect on the price.
For the final single grill Roadster we return
to Christie's at Pebble Beach, 19 August 2001.
A 1960 1600 Normal in the colors of Ruby
Red/tan was offered with a woodrim steering
wheel, leather upholsteryandthe ever-present V'IV
chrome wheels and Super hubcaps. Avery pretty
1963 Carrera II Cab. #157655, Heron
GreylBlack leather, 95% restored. $175,000
1958GT Speedster #84543 BIac:Wfan top'Gas
filler through rood , original, unrestored, rebui~
547/1 engine. $185,000
1958Rebuilt 547/1 Engine, # BLANK $40,000
19'51 Speedster #83752 Aquamarine
B1ue'Red'DarkBlue Top'Oatrneal carpet, 912
engine, restored. $50,000
1960Super 90 GT Coupe, #114151,
Think you know your obscure car marques? Test yourself with this limited
edition poster. High gloss, quality
paper, 25" x 19". Consists of ove r 120
actual car badge photos taken at the
Monterey historic races.
1962TwinGrilleRoadster #89676,
$25 ea. plus $3 postage/handling
lvorylRecVRed CarpeVBlacktoo, restored.
Make check s payable to James Trelut
1958Speedster #84763 OrangeA3lackl8lack
top'Graycarpet restored$50,000
car andalthoughthe paint tag confi rmed the Ruby
Red color, it seemed closer to Signal Red. Ruby is
a deep, dark red with hints of purple. This car was
more of a light, bright red with a slightly orange
tint. In any case, this was a claimed Kardex correct, original floor California car. I feltthe repaint,
while lovely, had a bit too much orange peel and
build-up aroundthe panel edges. OK, so I amgetting picky here, but at the $76,375 price, I should
be allowed to be picky. I better print that price
again, just so everyone can be sure it isn't a typo:
$76,375. Can I explain how a Red 1600 Normal
Roadster can be worth this much? Nope. But it
1958Sunroof Coupe, #105709, SilverIRed,
unrestored rust bucket $4,000
8255 Ran cho Real
Gilroy, CA 95020
Contact: Robert Hess
Blowing Rock, NC 28605
W:L~ .
Our final Roadster is a 1962 Twin Grille,
restored by Bob Campbell's shop and featured a
fewyears ago in the European magazine, 9 JJ and
Porscbe World. This was a numbers-matching
Black/red Super-90, restored to full concours
condition, probably a bit better than new. After it
was completed, the owner wrote me a note asking
my impression of how much value he would lose
if he actuallydrove the car andusedit, rather than
kept it in ncar-perfect condition. Because I feel
strongly that these cars should be used as intended, I encouraged him to drive it. But clearly, he
W:L~ agonizing over that idea. It seemed to me to
be perhaps the fin est, most rare push-rod
Roadster ever built, given the unusual original colors and the correct S-90 engine. It sold for
$85,000 in a private transaction.
Please note that prices for cars sold at auction include whatever buyer's commission is
required. In some cases, such as the Christie's
Pebble Beach auction, the buyer's commission
can be as highas 17.5%of the hammer price.
Corrections, comments, criticisms always
welcome. Find me on-line for fastest response at:
james.schrager@gsb.uchicago.edu or 54722
Little Flower Trail, Mishawaka, IN46545. ~
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March/April 2002
~r;U1sportatiOn to and from the USS Yorktown, Admission to the
1 ~atriots PointMuseum, Dinner aboard the Yorktown, a special pres-
entation on the HL Hunley Civil War submarine, Saturday morning concours at
Middleton Place Plantation, admission to Middleton Place, catered lunch at
Middleton Place, admission to Magnolia Gardens Plantation, a car photo at
Middleton Place or Magnolia Gardens, access to the hospitality room, and a
HolidayT-shirt. Saturdayevening holdsa pecial treatfor all - seebelow. Theregistration fee is $120 per personuntil March 15. *NOTE: After March 15 cost
is $145 per person and does not include T-shirt.
Charleston's own Riverdogs host the Saturday evening Awards
Ceremony at baseball's newest, Joe Riley Park, just across from the
Radisson Hotel. Concours winners willdisplaytheir 356s during dinner in
the outfield, and take a victorylap around the bases to receive speciallydesigned event awards,
Cost: $35 per person. Advance reservations req uired, Please
send check for $35 per person, payable to 356 Charleston, to 356
Charleston, 2 Still ShadowDrive, Suite G, Charleston, SC 29414. Contact
ECH356Charieston@aol.com for additional information.
Register online:
Registration Until March 15
*On-Site Registration After March 15 $145 ea.
Junior Registration under 16
$50 ea.
Register on line and get a
free Holiday hat!
On-line form may be printed and
mailed. Oryou mayphotocopythe registration fo rm on this page. Please note:
checks must be received by March 15
for $120, registration.
Make checks payable to
356 Charleston and mail to:
356 Charleston, 2 Still Shadow
Drive, Suite G, Charleston, SC 29414,
Allow five days for US mail.
Schedule of Events
Thursday, April 11
· 3:56pm - 7:00pm: Welcome & Registration - Charleston Radisson Hotel
· 3:56pm - !0:00pm: HospitalitySuite open
· 3:56pm - 7:00pm: 356 Vendor suites open for goodies
· 3:56pm- 3:56am: Dine around Charleston (seewebsite linksfor restaurants) and enjoy
thehistoric and picturesque city of Charleston on your own
Friday, April 12
, 7:00am - 8:l5am: Welcome & Registration - Charleston Radisson Hotel
, 8:30am - 11:30am: 356 Driving Tour of Charleston bridges & barrier islands
, 2:00pm - 3:56pm; Tech Session
, 3:56pm - 7:00pm: Welcome & Registration - Charleston Radisson Hotel
, 3:56pm - 6:00pm: HospitalitySuite open
· 3:56pm - 6:00pm: Literature and swap meet
, 3:56pm - 7:00pm: 356 Vendor Suites open forgoodies
· 6:30pm - !0:00pm: Dinner aboardUSS Yorktown Aircraft Carrier with special presentation on recoveryof H.L. HunleyChil War submarine
Saturday. April 13
· 8:00am: Staging of cars at hotel for departure to Middleton PlacePlantation
· 8:30am: Departure to MiddletonPlace Plantation with police escort
, 9:00am - Noon: Concours de Elegance- Middleton Place Plantation
, II :30am - 1:00pm: Grilled Lunch at Middleton PlacePlantation
, 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Car Photos- Middleton Place or Magnolia Gardens
, 3:56pm - 6:00pm; HospitalitySuite open
· 6:301'01 - !0:00pm: Banquet& Awards Ceremonyat Charleston'sJoe RileyBaseballPark
across the street from Radisson Hotel ($35 per person) Pick up car photos at Banquet
$120 ea.
Radisson Hotel Charleston
$99.00 per night
(mention 356 Registry)
Sunday, April 14
· 7:00am- 9:00am: Swap Meet - Brittlebank Park(across fromhotel)
· 7:00am- 11:00am: HospitalitySuite open for coffee and orange juice
· 1I:00am: Checkout and Departure
Radisson has a large secure parking lotadjacent to theCharleston Po.
entandwill bepatrolled at night byCharleston Police 0
356 Registry East Coast Holiday 2002 - Charleston, South Carolina - Registration Form
Member #
' Registrations made after !\larch 15 cost $145 per person and do not include T-shirt.
Registrant Name
1@ $120'
,Shirt Size-
Co-Registrant Name
1@ $120'
Shirt Size
#Jrs._ _ @ $50ea.
Jr. Co-Registrant Name(s)
~~~~~!=_r::_. . # Jr, Shirts & Size(s)
Saturday Banquet Dinner _ _
Contact Address
Car Model
Volum e 25 . Number 5
Total $
Body Style
The Paxton Porsche
by Myron Vernis
he veal'was 1950. Americans' thirst for
new and exciting automobiles that was
created by World War II was far from
being quenched. Robert Paxton McCulloch had a
dream of creating and producing a highlyinnovative grand touring car with the performance and
handling of a sports car. An engineer by training,
he was a highly successful entrepreneur and
industrialist. His company, McCulloch Motors,
was a world leader in the design and production
of superchargers, two stroke engines and chainsaws. lie had just built a new factory adjacent to
the Los Angeles airport and decided itwas time to
fully pursue his dream to design and build a new
standard in automobiles-the Paxton. To that task
he would dedicate his company's significant engineering talents as well as those of the finest
experts in the automotive field.
The Paxton design team read like a who's
who of transportation technology. Original engine
specs called for either a reciprocating 3 or 4
cylinder (6 or 8 piston) two-stroke engine or a
modern incarnation of steam power. The twostroke engine developmentwas assigned in house.
Afull-scale claymodel of the Paxton takes shape under the watchful eye of its designer, Brooks
Stevens (inthe sport coat). Themodel was later equipped with wheels and tires and was used for sideby-side visualcomparisons with contemporary cars that mightbe its competition in the marketplace.
March/April 2002
In these Hal Thoms photos,the Paxton can be seen with hard top up and down.Upon sellingthe car
to the Brooks Stevens Museum, owner Ari Minasian sent a letter with a page and a half devoted to
instructions for lowering and raisingthe top. It requiredthree people and occasional tapping on the
top's electric motor. He noted that "...all prototypes have little eccentricities so please be extra careful
and gentle with the car:'
Volume 25. Number 6
The legendaryAbner Doble was commissioned to
develop the steam driven power train.
Body design was assigned to the innovative
industrial and automotive designer Brooks
Stevens. He wascharged to design a forward looking automobile with leading edge technological
features including a fully retractable hardtop and
a body made from a new material called fiberglass. Stevens had done work for a number of
high-end American auto manufacturers during the
Classiceraaswellas Alfa Romeo, HarleyDavidson
andChris Craft.
Roscoe Hoffman of Hoffman Engineering
was charged with chassis development. His firm
was theprimarychassis consultant to Ford aswell
as other manufacturers. His challenge was probably the greatest because he had to design a chassis to accommodate completely new concepts in
body building andan unknown power unit. It had
to be light, large enough to carry4-5 passengers
comfortably, andstill handle like a sports car!
Doble, Stevens andthe McCulloch engineers
all started with a clean sheet of paper. Hoffman,
on the other hand, started with a 356! In 1951 ,
Porsches were just starting to trickle into our
country and quickly caught the attention of the
hard core engineering types. After reviewing the
specifications ofthe 356, a decision was made to
acquire one for dissection and study of the chassis. At this time, a veryearly 1952 model was procured from Max Hoffman (no relation) . The
resultant chassis design was probably the highest
form of flattery for the Porsche engineering firm.
It was a fully stressed platform design with two
horizontal layers attached byperimeter structures.
There was a center tunnel that housed gearshift
andheater controls as wellas innovativelyserving
as an air duct for engine cooling. Suspension all
around was by torsion bars. The front was a twin
parallel trailing linkdesign with a sway baralmost
identical to a 356. Hoffman's innovation here was
the installation of an eccentric cam on the upper
link, which effectivelyallows the tires to maintain
a 90-degree angle to the road during cornering.
The rear trailing links were tubular; something
Porsche would come to much later OIl.
Regardless, the overall chassis design was a true
testament to the extreme level of engineering
innovation the 356 (and Dr. Porsche's earlier
Volkswagen) exhibited.
Fast forward to late 1953. McCulloch has
spent nearly$1,500,000 and all he has to show is
a fully complete prototype, but without running
gear. Stevens had done a masterful jobcreatinga
spectacular design packed with many automotive
firsts. Features include telescoping steeringwheel,
electrically operated door and decklid latches,
power adjusted windows and seats, full fiberglass
body (including chromed fiberglass bumpers),
dual fiberglass gas tanks with equalizing tube and
electric fully retractable hardtop. The finished
John Bond, editor of
Road & Track magazine
thought enough of the '
Phoenix to feature it on
the Apn'1, 1957 cover. He
~edared the car can
...stand alongside any
; 957 product and still get
avorable comment ..
Reg~rding the stea;;;
engine, project engineer
Allen ~ell was quoted in
summing up: .....an enormousamount of work
must yet be done to narrow
f the' gap of tift y years
o engineeringeffort
poured forth on internal
combustion engine vehldes:'
March/April 2002
As seen on page 13,several designs were considered for the Paxton, but McCullough
wanted a car large enough to seat five and with a sportingcharacter. Attop, someof
the team who created the car pose with the full-size clay model. The mockup was
wheeled into a parkinglot where it wascompared with several carsincluding a
bread-and-butter Ford Mainliner, a luxury Cadillac convertible and a sportyKurtis. We
can assume the rear bumperwas intended to holda spare tire "Continental" style.
John Bond thought the retractable hardtopwas "...certainly logical and longoverdue
-again, sixyearsahead of its time:' Another feature considered was a continuously
variable transmission usingrubber belts. Originally an all-aluminum two-cycle engine
was plannedwith a poweroutput target of 200hp.
Volume 25 . Number 6
chassis platform only weighed 160 pounds and
was perfectly mated to the body. Unfortu nately,
enginedevelopment hadn't matched the rest ofthe
progress. Both types of proposed power plants
proved to be a very radical departure fro m contemporary practices which proved very time consuming. Additionally, Abner Doble was in his 80s
and there was still no running steam engine.
McCulloch made the decision to pull the plugon
the project and reassign his engineers to projects
that would definitely benefit the core business of
his company. The lastthing he did was to have the
leftover (new) engine and transaxle fro m thedissected356installed inthe Paxton so that hecould
finally drive his innovative but costly creation.
John Bond, who was a junior engineer on the
project, felt so strongly about the importance of
the car that he made it the cover car and feature
articleof theApril 1957 issue ofRoadand Track.
McCulloch drove the Paxton sporadically,
butkept the car in his possession until the time of
his death in 1977. The car had accumulated a
total of about 500 miles to that point. Acollector
inLos Angeles purchased the carat theliquidation
auction of McCulloch's estate. Again, the car was
seldomused until his deathin 1993. His sons had
the car recommissioned, including having the
engine goneover by Steve Schmidt in 1994 forthe
purpose of displaying it. Contact was made with
Brooks Stevens at that time, who was thrilled to
hear of the car's existence. He convinced the
brothers to sell the car to him for display in his
museum in Mequon, Wisconsin. A deposit was
sent and a timeframe for completion of the deal
was established. Unfortunately, Stevens passed
away before the deal was fully completed and
never got a chance to seethe car. The museum did
complete thedeal andtook possession in 1995.
The decision was made to liquidate the
Brooks Stevens Museum collection in 1998. I
found outabout the car from a close friend, Bob
Lichty, who is director of the Canton Classic Car
Museum. Bob and I share a passion for the 356s
and "unique" cars. I contacted Alice Preston at
the Museum and sheforwarded photos and information. I had no idea ahout what to expect and
The Designers
Abner Doble was born in 1890 to a
family of entrepreneurs and inventors. His
grandfather manufactured mining tools during the gold rush in San Francisco and his
father invented the Doble water wheel.
Working in thefamilyshop when he was only
8 years old, he was immersed in "technolo!''Y'' and later, became fascinated by the family's 1906 White steam automobile.
Abner and his brother John were convinced they could improve on the cumbersome engines that drove steam cars and by
the time he was 16, they had built their own
steam car. At 24, he went to Detroit where he
found backing to produce the Doble Detroit
car. His cars could travel farther and faster
than the Stanley brothers' and when he
returned toCalifornia in 1920 hefounded the
Doble Steam Car company in Emeryville,
where over the course of 12 years the plant
produced some 42 cars. Each was carefully
built andvery expensive, butknown for quality and longevity. One Model E has traveled
over 600,000 miles with minimum service.
Doble also worked as a consultant for
other companies that made truck, bus and
locomotive engines. The 1952 project for
McCullough to build the "Ultimax'' steam
engine was one ofhis last. lie died in1961.
Below: Robert
McCullough is
car dUring a
photo session.
honestly, when 1 got the photos, 1 didn't know
what to think! I had a business trip to Chicago
coming up in a couple weeks, so 1 just figured 1
would grab a rental car and run up to Milwaukee
for a look at that time.
When I showed up unannounced at the
museum, Alice was very busy wrapping things up
and reallydidn 't have a lotoftime to deal with me.
Besides, a highpoweredcollectorofconcept cars
from Chicago was planning on adding the Paxton
to his collection. Then, mycurseofloving orphan
cars helped me for the first time in my life. As
Alice was deciding whether 1was worth givingthe
time of day to, 1looked around the museum and
sawa Sabra, a Deutsch-Bonnet and a '63 Carrera
2 all in a row. By coincidence at that time, 1was
the proud (?) owner of two Sabras, two DeutschBonnets and a '63 Carrera 2! Hearing this, Alice
and 1 immediately bonded and 1 was led to the
To say 1was blown away would be the ultimate masterpiece ofunderstatement! The car had
609 original miles and carried all of its original
paint and upholstery in terrific condition. After a
quick installation of two newsix-volt NAPA batteries, I was off for a short test drive. Though it is a
large car (over 17 feet long), the innovative
design resulted in a gross vehicle weight of less
than 2200 pounds. The basically new 1500 Super
engine pushed it right along. 1 couldn 't conceal
my excitement upon my return to the museum,
and forfeited any bargaining opportunity 1 may
have had. Aliiasked was to have 48 hours to have
a bank check in Alice's hand. She said that the
deal was done in her eyes and would inform the
trustees. She gave me the complete file from their
archives about the car including conceptual drawings, correspondence, original photo proofs and
the original title to take with me before I had even
given her a dollar.
Today, the Paxton brings us a lot of joy. As a
prototype, there is always something to piddle
with to keep it in operating condition. Due to its
survivor status, we don't drive ita lot, butit's a real
kick when we do. It's fun to look at and consider
all the innovation that went into the development
of this special car. The most important tie in for
me is the 356connection, which comes as a total
surprise to my non-Porsche crazy friends. It really brings home the universal importance of
Porsche's engineering concepts to the history of
the automobile.
Brooks Stevens was born inMilwaukee
in 1911 andasa child was stricken with polio.
Bedridden, his father encouraged him to use
his imagination anddraw. lie attended Cornell
andworked at a packaging design firm before
opening his own studio in 1934. Like
Raymond Loewy, he designed all kinds of
industrial and commercial objects.
From steam irons and Allis-Chalmers
tractors, the Lawn Boymower andan Evinrude
runabout tothe Miller IIigh Life logo, hedevelopeda wide sphere ofinfluence in thedesign
world. Aside from the Paxton, he designed
automobiles for several companies, but is
probably most well known foranother vehicle
- the Oscar Meyer "Wienermobile." lie gave
therolling hotdog a smooth andmodern look
in 1958 that remains, with slight updates, to
this day.
lie was fascinated by classic cars and
collected themforyears. The hobbygrewinto
themuseum inMequon, Wisconsin that closed
in 1999. He also created the Excalibur, a
revival of an early grand touring car and his
company produced them for 24 years.
Stevens taught industrial design in
Milwaukee until his death in 1995. His sons
carry on the family tradition with the firm
Brooks Stevens Design.
March/April 2002
The Porsche & Vintage VW Literature, Model
and Memorabilia Meet
By Prescott Kelly
Left: Prescott Kelly (left) and Fred Nielson take a
minuteto relax duringthe morning rush. Right:
Jim Perrin and an early Carrera poster. Below:
Sally and Jack Biersdorf with their 3rd brakelight kits. Bottom: Everett Anton Singerhad a
large selection of posters. Bottom left: Chuck
House (seated, right) gives Wayne Baker a sales
pitch. Left: Susann Miller had autographed
copies of her book Porsche: PowerPerformance
or the 19th straight year, over a thousandofthefaithful gathered together to
tradeduplicates, sell off unwantedstuff,
tell war stories, bench race, beg-borrow, and just
generallyhave a great time. What started
in the early 1980s as a grouping of 25
friendly hobbyists has grown into the
leading international meet of its kind.
The organizers-Jim Perrin, Wayne
Callaway, and yours truly-have been
with it since the beginning, and plan to
keep at it for many years to come.
The Los Angeles Airport Hilton
Hotel has become the permanent home
to this swap meet because of its central
location in California, good Interstate
access, really excellent services, and
proximity to a major airport. LAX is
important because over 100 foreigners
attended this year from at least Germany,
Holland, Austria, France, England, Australia, New
Zealand, andJapan. With these people comesome
collectibleswemight not otherwise see.
and Perfection.
The available225 tables were soldoutabout
10days before themeet this year and a waitinglist
was usedfor the first time. Some long-time major
vendors graciously tookfewer tablesto help more
hobbyists getin. Every nook in the ballroomhad a
table covered with collectible wares. Among the
goodies this year:
Several Porsche 356factoryshowroom manuals (following the article on them in this magazine) and many toys including some rare Distlers,
JNF's, [oustras, Sikus, and Marklins;
Some very rare and dear posters including
several ofthegorgeous early Erich Strenger watercolors featuring Spyders, the 1956 356A and
Carrera poster, and even the very rare 356A steering wheel poster shown in a recent issue;
Derrington, Les Leston, Nardi, and YOM
wood-rim steering wheels, plus an assortment of
rare production wheels;
Early VW and KdF sales literature from the
late 1930s and early 1940s - plus some never
before seen Auto Union Grand Prix "Silver Arrow"
Volume 25, Number 6
Car badges, hundreds from European events, plus Porsche bodybuilder badges and all the Porsche script ever made;
Acomplete 1973 Carrera RS owner's manual kit, a Beutler-Porsche
wooden folding showroom panel depicting the car and a Type 597
jagdwagen owner's manual, and an arrayof mint 356A through late 356B
sales literature in French, with distinct and seldom seen graphics;
Homolagation papers, owner's manuals, press kits, and factoryblueprints for almost every race car Porsche built up through the 1970s, from
Spyders to 935s. ANDa whole lot more.
The fun really started Friday as the fron t doorman welcomed a new
lit-meeter every couple of minutes. The organizers have a hospitality suite
on Friday nightto give out credentialsto pre-registered vendors and to sell
Early-Bird Shopper passes for the next morning. Get togethers in the
restaurants and bars of the Hilton continued deep into the night, but not
too deep because the real swap meet starts veryearly on Saturday. Most of
thevendors and manyofthe Early-Bird Shoppers were in place by6:30am
and by8:00 the hall was packed with people and friendlycommerce.
At 9:00 the regular shoppers were admitted for $5.00 each, and a
newwave of people surged through the aisles. At noon this year the aisles
were as crowded as anyone had ever seen them, but soon thereafter the
troops started thinning out. The last wave of bargain hunting starts in
earnest about that time - and the hardy buyers are often rewarded with
somegreat deals in the early afternoon. The majorityofsellers at this meet
are really collectors, and not professional vendors - so there is always
somemotivation to "not take it home again" that helps deals get done.
Next year the meet will be on Saturday February l st, 2003. Plan
ahead and drop by. Because it will be the 20th anniversary meet, there will
be somesurprises. Once again, itwillbe a wonderful spectacleof Porsche
enthusiasm gone slightlyoverboard - just the way we all think it should
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March/April 2002
he REGISTRY of 10years ago announced Snowshoe '92, the 18th
East Coast Holiday to be held at Snowshoe, West Virginia. The
same issue also had an announcement for the 1992 West Coast
Holiday to be held at Squaw Valley, to be chaired byJim Hardie and Bob
The cover photo was a Hal Thoms shotof a B coupe and Roadster. A
ballot in the magazine carried three candidates' names to fill the expiring
terms of Greg Young and Brett Johnson. The third name was John Jenkins,
who was subsequently elected as trustee along with Brett Johnson.
Vic Skirmants' Technical column discussed 356 race car building.
Pistons, cams, pushrods, clutches, and flywheels were all covered. Vic also
mentioned he had been seeing some very poor restoration work being done
bysome shops, and gave the following valuable advice: "If the shop hasn't
done a 356 before, don't let them learnon yours!"
Brett Johnson in his Restoration column talked about upholstery and
paint colors, using information supplied by Bill Rauskolb. His column also
had a letter from a member who had a sad story about his set of Rudge
wheels. He sent them to a shop to be re-chromed and re-riveted,
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Volume 25. Number 6
Unfortunately the shop went
bankrupt and closed its
doors. He hired a private detective, and a setwhich was probably hiswas found. However,
he couldn't prove it. Based on hisexperience, he suggested you goonly with
known, reputable shops and that you also mark parts so you can identify
Dave Seeland's Four Cam Forum discussed "A" brakes including 60
mm drums andshoes. He warned about thedanger ofdriving in the rainwith
60 mm brakes andbackingplateair scoops. (He should dowhat I have done
when driving my Speedster in heavy rain; cover them with silver tapel)
His article also included photos ofvarious backing plates, alloy wheels,
and 60 mm brake drums. In addition, Dave talked about sources for hardto-get items such as GT bumper trim, Plexiglas windows, andSebring exhaust
My own column included comments on various aspects of tool kits. 1
reported thata 356B tool kit was for sale by a member for $20,000. When
queried, the member said that he would throw the car in also in order to
make a deal.
The REGISTRY of 10 years ago (Feb.-Mar. 1982) featured a Pre-A
Cabriolet sketch on the cover by Joe Colford. Alot ofchanges had occurred
in the lasttenyears, one of which was the increased interest in pre-A 356s.
The Otto Mathe type 60K1O was featured in an article by Gene Babow complete with a large number of photographs. Mathe and his 60K10 did appear
in the U.S. later in 1982 at thefamous '82 Monterey West Coast Holiday. This
was held the same week as the Monterey Historic Car Races which had
Porsche as the featured marque. (Note: The 60K1O was sold not long ago
after Mathe passed away; for unknown reasons neither the Porsche factory
nor theVW factory stepped up to the plate, and the car is now in the hands
ofa European collector.)
Vic Skirmants' technical column hada number oftechnical suggestions
from readers. One was a setofdetailed instructions from a reader on how to
installheadlight relays to improve lighting.
Charlie White wrote an article for literature collectors. He suggested
buying the Merritt and Miller bookon 356 literature as it had recently gone
out-of-print. Fortunately, this book was subsequently revised and then
Dick Pike's Case Drips column was subtitled "Tinker Toys andWunder
Widgets." In his column he described a couple of homemade tools, one of
which was a motor dolly. He explained that it greatly simplifies moving
engines around your garage. David Seeland's Four-Cam Forum column
includeda description of how to install a sunroof.
Near the back of its 32 pages, membership chairman Tom Oerther
announced that in itseighth year, theclub now had 3500 members and dues
were $13. In the classifieds, there were seven Speedsters for sale, from a
1954 for $10,000 to a '58 for $25,000, including a Carrera with a Cengine
for $18,000. P.B. 1\veeks' centerfold ad offered 1750cc pistons and cylinders
for $155. and a set offourBoge shocks for $99.
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Ma rch/April 2002
his vear's Tour Auto dramas began
even before the event started. On the
Tuesday before leaving for Paris, a
spark plug exploded in the newly rebuilt engine,
causing massive damage to one piston, barrels,
etc. I had to scramble to find a quick solution or
I would not make the start in Paris. My local
garage, Bidon 5 in Founex, was able to take the
engine out, and my friend Marco Marinello put
meonto a mechanic in Zurich, Reudi Brack, who
builds Porsche 356 engines and was willing to
make the time to help.
I put the engine in my Passat and drove to
Zurich on Wednesday where Reudidid a great job
of taking the engine apart, determining the problem (easyto see), and he just happened to have a
set of the special pistons I was using, so was able
to replace the destroyed one and get me on my
way back to Founex that evening. Bidon 5 wasable
to put theengine back in on Thursday, and though
I was verynervous that it would remain healthy, it
ran fine for the whole event and the trip back to
Geneva. Many thanks to all who helped on very
short notice. But there was moredrama to come.
The gathering at the Trocadero in Paris for
thestart was as impressive as everwith nearly250
classic sports and racing cars from all over the
world. There were over 100 in our Competition
(versus regularity) group, which included six
Ford GT40s, a Daytona, plus many other Cobras,
numerous Ferrari GTs, Porsche 906s, 904s, and
early91I racers, etc. Quite daunting competition
for our under-powered push-rod "giant-killer." I
Volume 2 5. Number 6
was joined there by my co-driver, Andy Prill, a
356/early91I specialist based in the UK, and who
did such a great job with me last year.
We enjoyed our traditional pre-start dinner
that I organized with Sir Stirling and Lady Susie
Moss at Restaurant Le Volant, cooked by owner
Georges Houel (Stirling's co-driver in the '56 Tour
de France Automobile when they nearly won it) ,
now 88 but going as strong as ever in the bistro
and in his Ferrari 308 GTB4! Walter Rorhl
(Porsche 356 Carrera 2 GT) and his team joined
us, as did thirty-odd others. As always, a great
reunion and good fu n.
The first day's racing started with a verywet
and slippery first special stage at Monthlery,
whose barriers claimed a lot of overzealous drivers, most of whom managed to limp on. The race
at a wet Le Mans was exciting for a while, but I
could only hang on to a group ofAlfas and finish
in mid-field.
The second day had some entertaining special stages where we achieved some very good
times. I hada really good race at Le Vigeant, passing and leaving the A1fas, passing Mustangs and
Jags, and finally catching and harassing a welldriven and prepared (byAndy) 2 litre 91I. Then I
hadtrouble finding 2nd gear - the result I thought
of being forced onto the veryroughcurbsin passing the Mustang and my own error of riding them
when chasing the 91I. Uh-ohl
The situation worsened when driving on to
Bordeaux at theend ofthe day, aswesuddenlylost
2ndand 4th gears. An effort to repair it resultedin
all gears being lost, and Andysuspected (correctIy as it turned out) that the selector fork had broken inside. TheTour Auto assistancecrew (a great
group of guys) picked us up and trailered us to
Bordeaux (200+ kills). We had to sit in the back
of the van on a pile of tires, and I will never forget
looking out on mysad little friendand gettingvery
depressed that our Tour could be finished so early
after she had been running so well.
In Bordeaux the next morning wedecided to
take the car apart to determine whether we could
repair it. I managed to get some space, the use of
tools and a lift at the local Porsche dealership, run
by Mr. Jean Egreteaud, who actually won the Tour
de France Automobile in 1974 in a 91I 2.8RSR!
Luckily, Andyis a specialist in 356s, as I am not a
mechanic, so with his skills and my limited assis-
=P Em
=200 1
Andy, left, and Dennis pose in Paris beforethe
start of the race. Top: Pushing hard in one of the
bumpyspecial stages the 356 looks readyto go
tance, we managed to take the engine out, dismantle the rear suspension, and take the gearbox
off the car. We found the broken piece (lots of
metal fatigue and another crack starting) , and
amazingly Monsieur Egretaud sent us to a master
welderto effecta repairthat probablyleft the part
better than new. We put the whole car back
together and finally left for the 200+km trip to
Carcassone at 1900 that evening. 11 W;L~ a major
work that we did ourselves, except for the welding, and a great, thoughexhaustinglearningexperience for me. I will be eternallygrateful to Andy
for his work and determination at such a difficult
We managed to get back into the race from
Carcassone onward, but had lost a whole day of
racing, and naturallyaccumulated a lotof penalty
points. For the nexttwo days, and5 special stages,
the car ran verywell and we were achieving very
competitive times, thoughwe ended upa longway
from winning our class as we had for the last two
years. We did manage to set faster times than
StirlingMoss in his very hotMGB on three stages!
We spent a lot of time with Stirlingand Susie and
they are super people - very down to earth and
good fun , as well as very enthusiastic and very
quick racers.
The import ant thing was that we made it to
From left, Andy Prill, Susie and
Stirling Moss, Dennis Thalman at
the finish in Cannes.
Below: The event included races at
Le Mans, Le Vigeant, Albi, plus 9
specialstages over 5 days.
the finish at Cannes, given the dramas wehad, the
work wehad to do, and the high level of attrition
in the rest of the field. I was given a nice trophy by
the organizers for having participated in all ten of
the retrospective Tour de France Automobiles
since 1992. In all ten events, I have never had to
work so hard to achieve such a poor final placing,
BRAKEMASTERCYL, AlB wlreservoir .. 89.50
buthave rarelyfeltsogood aboutjust making it to
the finish.
Many thanks to everyone who helped and
supported our efforts, and especially to Andy who
W:L~ a great co-driver and good cO'!lI?any as well
as an ace mechanic.
"California" Used 356 Parts
European Auto Salvage Yard
4060 Harlan Street
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(510) 653-EASY
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We also carry a full inventory of parts for all other
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March/April 2002
irst things first: Last time therewere two
photos of the backsides of B/Csteering
wheels. These were provided by jim
Brezeale from EASY in Emeryville, CA. Somewhere
along the line the photo captions and credit disappeared, though.
Inltrument panel
Brett Johnson
De fro ' !"'t jell
Light switch
Q) Spoedome le r
Unusual 4-cam tach; original equipment?
Tach update: Yet another variation! This one
had actually been previously reported, but it was
not associated with any particular car. The one
illustrated belongs to Buddy Cone of Venice, CA
and was retrieved from a 60 Roadster that has
been a racecar all itslife. Since thecar is pushrod
powered, it is unlikelythis gaugewas originallyfitted and the date stamp is no longer readable. The
previous one mentioned had flat warning lights,
while this one has the later style domed ones.
What differentiates this example from the tachs
found in typical earlyfou r-cam cars is that the red
lines start at 7000, rather than 6500. I still don't
know ifthis instrument was ever fitted originallyin
Tony Ryan's Pre-A speedometer with tenths
brought a response from Uwe Biegner. "I also
have a pre-Aspeedometer with tenths. As far as I
remember, I bought it in Hershey years ago. It's
dated 2/56 and looks untouched. The tenth are
red letters on a silver/gray wheel, the same as A
Early Storkgauge from #11433
Volume 25. Number 6
"Probably VDO made those as replacement
gauges for rally and racing. The face ofthe instrument is different because of the wider window. I
checked my files and found #54175 (late 1955 4cam coupe) with that kind of gauge. The tenth
wheel is whitewith red letters."
Ibrahim Kuzu from Dallas has recently purchased a largelyoriginal 1952 coupe, #11433. Its
unusual gauge (yes, there does seem to be a
theme here) is its early Stork oiltemp gaugewith
dual scale and low pivoting needle.
A couple of other interesting under dash
Unrestored under-dash area #11433
items on this unrestored dark green painted car
include green painted defroster tube and all
points above. The area around the pedals is black
and oddly, the two dashboard support braces are
silver. He also included photos of a number of
interior items with 33 marked in yellowwax pencil to identify the car they belonged with.
Those of you following the progress on my
195I cabriolet in Excellence may remember that
Glasernumbered things a bitdifferently. Anumber
of items, including both doors, are stamped with
the number 31. The chassis number of the car is
#5142, but quite possibly, it is the 31st cabriolet
built by Glaser. All newer Glaser cabs that I am
aware of have higher numbers.
When I went to lovelyAllentown, PAto visit it
last September, the dashboard had been recently
dipped revealing the number "30" on the metal
gloveboxfloor. Even more fasci nating, both dashboard braces were stamped "29." Oh, bythe way,
j im tells me that the car has recently been
removed from the Celette bench in anticipation of
paint and assembly. Wow!
On a strangely non-instrument, but still
dashboard related point, Don Zingg sent along a
@ Dash beard hc:Jndlo
o W indshield wiper switch
@) Trouble light plug
G enerator warning lighl
Oil lemperoture gauge
Ravotulion co unter
@ Mein beam con lro l lighl
EIClcl, ical ston er
@)'Oi l press ure conlto.! lighl
OefroshH je ll
@ Ignition Iw ilch
December 1955Speedster driver's manual
copy of a page from a Speedster driver's manual
printed in December 1955. It shows the typical
Pre-A Speedster dashboard and notes the presence of defroster vents.
The illustration in the 1955 parts hook
shows the underdash cross bar without defroster
and a unique part number for Speedsters. The
photo in the manual means that they were evidently a running change. An inquiry to the e-mail
list revealed that they had appeared at least by
#80989 with four additional datapoints all over
#81000. #80932 and all lower don't have them.
Anybody else?
Stayingwith dashboards, there is continuing
intrigue about hand throttles and foglight switches. This roundstarted when Ron Delmendo wrote
the following about T6 356Bsand he was asked if
his car had a hand throttle:
"Don't they all have throttle controls? Never
mind... although I've only had this car for four
months I know that there is no such thing as all."
"Yes, it has a hand throttle control between
the Tach and Combo gauges. There are quite a
few different dashes in Brett's bookfor 356Bs. My
dash looks the same as top right on pg. 104."
To thisjim at EASY (see above) commented
thathe wasn't surprised bya handthrottle on a T6
356B, but he would be surprised by one on a
This was followed bythefollowing from Tom
Keating: "I have a 64 Csunroof coupe thathas the
fog switch to the right of the clock. The hand
throttle is located between the tach & speedo.
Chassis #I28894 delivered to its owner in
Stuttgart 3120/64. I have all documents since
Well, well, well. There doesn't seem to be
much dispute about where the foglight switch goes
on the C, but I am certainly interested in finding
out more about 356Cs fitted with hand throttles.
On top of this apparently some, but not all, T6Bs
have hand throttles and it is for thesecars nobody
seems to knowwhere the foglight switch goes.
So, let's talk about T6s with hand throttles
again. I have a january1963 printing of the 356B
owners manual. The hand throttle is listed in the
index, hutit isn't on the illustration on the page it
is supposed to be OIl. Both middle and upper right
photos on page III ofmyAuthenticity book show
T6 B dashboards and both have the fog light
switch between the combo gauge and tach.
So... who hasa T6 with both a hand throttle
and fog lights thatcananswer Ron's question?And
which T6 356Bs do and don't have hand throttles?
I was surprised that no responses were received
from e-mail list members with the sheer number
of these cars thatmust have been buill.
Fog light switches
Then there is the proper location of the
switch on T5 cars. Back in Volume 24, Number 4,
Thomas Trutna stated that on his 1961 cabriolet
the factory fitted location was directly above the
lighter 1-13/16" center to center.
Apparently, this isn't always where theywere.
Jim Miller reported that on his 1%0 T5 coupe
# 111 598 with factory fitted lights, the fog light
switch is two inches to the left of the ignition
switch, like on a 356A. The switch used is similar
to the one with the small knob as was used on
early wiper switches. Perhaps the larger switch
and newlocation on later cars were due to switch
On an unrelated and non-interior question
about wire wheels, Charlie White commented,
"Onefact I'mfairlycertain ofis thatPorsche never
offered wire wheels for 356 Porsches as a regularlyoffered option. One factor about wire wheels
and 356 Porsches is that in the early to mid1950s, the German government 'outlawed' wire
wheels, hence you don't see many German cars
with factory wire wheels like you see British cars."
While they certainly were not a regularly
offered option, the Conradt book on page 103
shows a probably 1956 sunroof coupe (lightgrey
hood handle seals) with chrome wires, The caption forthe photo supportsthe German illegalityof
knockoff wheels. The initial reference in the caption is to the solid Rudge wheels also illustrated
on the same page.
"In place ofthe sporty knockoff wheels (officiallyforexport only) - option price784 Marks-
ambitious Porsche dealers
offered chrome wire wheels,
which unfortunately didn't
look all that good on the
I have a copy of that
photo and the text on the
backof it states: "Sept. 1956
- Porsche type 356A coupe
with Glockler wire wheelsConcours Bad Homburg"
The second photo
showsa Pre-ASpeedster with
painted wir e wheels along
with a vintage Bentley. The caption says only, "Le
Mans 1955."
Afinal photo shows a round ring screwed to
the ears of knockoffs on a 356Awith chromeplated Rudge wheels. Perhaps a way to circumvent
German laws?
The caption is equally vague: "circa 1955"
The Gleckler wire wheels appear to be
Dunlop wheels, butwho knows?
John Kent adds this additional information:
"My oid mechanic and friend who had a 1953
1300 Super in 1958 that he purchased new had
son who was in USAFin Germany."
"Frederick Lambert purchased a used set of
Glockler wire wheels for a 356 A from Glockler
before 1965. They had Porsche enameled crests
and were pictured on Christophorus coverin the
1955-65 period. These were made for Glockler
not supplied hy Porsche Gmbh, as I recall."
"1 don't know the current disposition of the
wheels. In 1979, when my son was at MASS
Amherst, I last spoke to Romain Lambert who
lived in Easthampton, MA. Romeyalways regretted
that the wheels would not fit his bent window
Finally, ChrisTanner from Switzerland sent a
photo of an early T6 356B cabriolet, # 155725,
which has metal brackets for attaching the jack on
the passenger's side of the luggage compartment
alongside the fuel tank.Anyone outthere have one
like it?GaryEmory reported having s~n a couple
so fitted through the years.
March/April 2002
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Stoddard's Porsche/Audi Fest coming June 1st 2002.
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Call 1-800-342-1414 for more information.
March/April 2002
Aset of four open-end wrenches. Each wrench
has "DIN 895"on it. Photoby Jon Geil.
The 356 T68
"Tie-string" tool kit
Text byJim Perrin
Photos byJon Gile
Acomplete set of tools for the tool kit.This kit
no longer included either a tire gauge or a Hazet
lug wrench. Photoby Jon Geil.
Volume 25. Number 6
he fi rst owner's manual for the 1962
model Porsches was printed in late
1961. This manual describes a toolkit
that was significantly changed from the previous
ones. One of the changes was to replace the
leather belt used to close the tool bag with a fabric "tie-string" material similar to what is sometimes used for edge bindingon cloth items. Thus,
it is sometimes referred to as the "tiestring" tool
kit. Other changes includedthedeletionof the tire
gauge, use of less-expensive open-end wrenches,
and a painted, rather than plated, spark plug
However, 1962 Porsches typically have a tool
kit similar to the 1960-1 961 tool kits, complete
with leather strap, chrome Messko tire gauge and
Hazet speed wrench for lug nuts. These 1962 kits
also usually have a set of four unique open-end
wrencheswith '''PORSCHE''on them. (Some OWI1ers of 1962 roadsters have claimed that these
"PORSCHE" wrencheswere onlyused in the roadster, but they were normally used in the other
models as well.)
The "tie-string" kit is the one usually found
in 1963 model cars, and is described in detail in
the following paragraphs.
The tool bag is usuallygray butoccasionally
blue in color. It is made from a lightweight,
unlinedvinyl material. As mentioned earlier, it has
a cloth tie-string rather than the more expensive
leather beltand metal buckle.
Almost every tool in this kit is different than
the onesin the earlierkits. Exceptions include the
lug nut and the black 36 mm wrench for the pulley nut. Some pliers mayhave been the same, but
some tie-string kit pliers (including the one pictured) often have curved handles that do not flare
out at the ends.
Porsche economized by combining the lug
wrench and the jack handle wrench into a single
tool, which was painted black. The previouslyused speed wrench incorporated a tool for removing the hubcap. As shown in the photos taken by
Jon Geil, Porsche provided a new tool forhubcap
removal with a blonde wood handle and a metal
shank \vith a 90 degree bend near the end. The
handle has a round cross section and has six
flutes. Reproductions ofthis tool, which were sold
for many years by Stoddard, have a pair of large
flats on opposite sidesof the handle.
1\vo long screw drivers are provided with
this kit, a Phillips and one for slotted-head bolts.
Each of thescrew drivers hasa blonde wood handle.
The spark plug wrench is painted gloss
black instead of being chrome plated, and is
stamped "KLEIN 21." The spark plug wrench rod
hasflatendsthatare slightlychamfered. Thecolor
is what could be described as gun-metal gray or
black oxide. The tool kits also included a fan belt.
I have lookedat manytie-string kits.Two kits
fromwhat appeared to be completelyoriginalcars
had very similarsets of four open end wrenches.
They do not have a brandnameon them. They all
Pictured from left to right are the special hubcap
tool, the Phillips head screwdriver and the flat
head screwdriver. Thespecial tool for removing
hubcaps was needed because Porsche stopped
supplying the previously-used Hazet lug wrench
with built-in hubcap tool. Photo by Jon Geil.
say"DIN 895" and have the size markings on one
side, German DIN standard. The reverse side of
the DIN895 kits are blank except for size markings. The four black open end wrenches arc: 8-9,
10-11 , 12-1 4, and 17-1 9 rnm in size. Note that
there is no 13 mm size wrench. These arc a lower
quality wrench than the silver Hazet open end
wrenches previously used. I have seen other kits
which have "West Germany" marked on some
wrenches, I have seen some kits that have a 12-13
111111 wrench instead of a 12-14 111111 wrench, but I
don't knowif the 12-13 111111 size wrench was originally put in some of the kits by Porsche, or was
added later. I have also seen some kits with these
wrenches that say "WGB" on one side, but I don't
know whether or not these were supplied by
Porsche or added later.
Various Porsche tool kits arc occasionally
seen with an 8-13 mill or a 10-13 111111 black oxide
open-end wrench. These are also frequently
offered on ebay as a "VW-Porsche tool." These
were onlysupplied in VW tool kits.
I would appreciate hearing from individuals
who have original Carrera travel kits or Carrera
tool kits. I can be reached at carreraatswaol.com
or at 614-882-9046.
Here arc two items fo und under the dashboard. Thisis so easy I can't believe I'm even asking the question! Answers on page 49.
Factory Trained
Expert Repair &
Restoration of:
-Ternp. Gauges
-VOO & Others
Speed and RPM Changes
Specializing in
356 Electric Tachometer
Palo Alto
718 Emerson St.
Palo Alto, CA 94301-2410
Phone 650-323-0243
Fax 650-323-4632
Visit our Website at
Koni Classic Shocks
Bursch Quiet Street System
• The original perfo rmance shock
• Fits all 356 AlBIC models
• Perfect for stock or
high -performance
CSP Magnum 356 Race Rods
99.95 ea.
• Street legal with that great Bursch sound!
• More horsepower over the entire RPM range
• Easy installation with 2 year factory warranty
• All 356 applications in stock-ready to ship!
High Output Ignition Kit
• More power - better starting
• Retains stock appearance
• Available in 6vor 12 v
356 C Brake Rotors
• Made in Germany
• Fits all C models
• Stock or cross-drilled
Starting at
stock front. ea
cross-drilled front, ea
stock rear, ea
cross-drilled rear, ea
• New Bosch 050 distributor wl lgnitor
• Deluxe spark plug wire set
• 40.000v high-output coil (not shown)
cyl head gasket set, Reinz
rod bearing set, std, Glyco
early 12v generator, N.O.S. Bosch
generator/fan belt, Continental.
stock muffler, B or C, Dansk
Aerospace engineering and the highest quality
materials have produced the finest rod available for the 35619 12. Our new Magnum 356
race rods are CNC machined from 4340
forged billet steel and then heat treated for
maximum strength. Specially designed and
manufactured, the forged t mm aerospace bolt
both locates and fastens rod with over
190,000 psi tensile strength...simply torque to
24 ItIlbs and forget it!
• CNC machined from 4340 forged billet steel
• High streng th ( 190.000 psi) forged aerospace bolts
• Easy install-bolt stretch measuring not required
• German -engineered and made in USA
• Available for immediate delivery
Free fre ight to Registry members on orde rs over $1001
• • • • • • William Pringle , prop.'
140 E. Santa Clara St. #15, Arcadia, CA 91006_ 6 2 6 .445 .0108
A 356
at the
LA Auto
ByMichael Brock
Top: Tom's blackcoupe at
the porsche displayin Los
Above: Three amigos •
From left, Michael Brock,
his son Tylerand Tom Von
Der Ahe.
Left: Tom watches asthe
car is unloaded at his
home after the show.
Right: Michael with
his "baby" in front of
the Playboy mansion
in 1978 waiting to
take a picture for
Hugh Hefner's
Christmas card.
Volume 25. Number 6
om Von Der Ahe, my next door neighbor, bought my '63 black sunroof
coupe a couple of years ago when I
found my '59 Cab. Tom originallyhad been contacted by the ad agency for Porsche about using
the car in the ad that's out nowshowingthe stairstepped lineup of a 356 coupe, a 959, and a new
Turbo. This ad introduces the CayenneSlNwith a
headline "Only onesport utility vehiclehas bloodlines like these," anda tagline "Cayenne. The next
It turned out at the last minute (the day
before) Porsche had located a true coupe and
opted not to use Tom's car (a sunroof coupe) in
the ad. Of course, he was saddened (pissed) by
this change in plans and thought that was the end
of his star career. Not so. Some time went by and
PCNA contacted him about using his car at the
auto show in a display duplicating the ad image.
So, his (my) car was at the show in a very artful
and dramatic setup/reenactment of the ad.
BothTomand I went openingdayand got in
before the crowds descended upon the showroom
to admire our babyin allits glory and to take a few
pictures as well.
That's not all of the story. Remember I said I
had owned the car previously?I bought the car in
1978 from a mechanic at Bob Smith Porsche in
Hollywood. I had just moved from Chicago to IA
and found my dream car, a 356 Porsche. At the
time I was working for Playboy (I know, a dirty
job butsomeone had to do it). Actually, I was the
Art Director of alii magazine, owned at that time
by P'boy and Hef moved alii to IA which was just
fine byme- MUCHbetter weatherand great cars
After buying the Porsche I joined the
Registry and the car got its first taste of stardom
bybeing published in the Feb/Mar '79 issue ofthe
Registry. It (anda much younger andprettier me)
ison page 3 - the "Memo from "der keyser" letters page. I was art directing the Christmas photo
of Hef's mansion and while waitingfor the sun to
hit "golden hour" I pulled my car in front of the
mansion, had the photographer take a pic of me
and the car to use as my Christmas card. I sent
oneof the cards to the Registry andthe rest is history.
West Coast Weekend
Porsche lovers descend on Dunkel Brothers in Anaheim
for a night and day of marque madness.
On Saturday night the Dunkels hosted hundreds of people at their museum and in the
warehouse for a Roastlfoastto Porsche race driver Milt Minter. The front ofthe building has
some great displays includinga Porsche-poweredGyrocopter, a tractor, motorcycles andmore.
Your 365 & 911 In stru ment s
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Please call or write for our free custom Porsche instrument cata log
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Set of 4
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Include check or money order in U.S. funds payable
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est. 1978
MarchiApril 2002
West Coast Weekend
Farleft: Roy Nielsen of Autos
International (left). Above: Ken Ito
and Vic Rivera check out some of
Roy's carpet samples. Left: One
lucky guy got a new car at the swap.
Above: Jim Kellogg (left) brought a truckfull of
parts from Colorado. Hedonated a portion of his
day'stotal to the Morrill's 356 Cancer Fund.
Below: Late Saturday afternoon Gary Emory
Volume 25. Number 6
arrivedat a nearby motel and unloadedhis
newest creation, a "Special" '55 coupe. From left,
Pat Tobin, Gary, Rod Emory, Jim Breazeale of EASY.
More photos of the car on pages 34-35.
Above and below: There were parts of all kinds
at Dunkel's on Sunday, from rusty and beat-up
to clean and powder painted, new and old, rare
and mudane.
Milt Minter, right, drove several types of Porsche race
cars beginning with a 911 for
VasekPolak. He talked about
some of his interesting
exploits, like winning five
races in one day at Sears
Point in 1967, and a race in
the early '70s where a neck
injury almost kept him from
competing. The solution ?
They taped his helmet to the
roll bar. Milt still drives in
vintage races, and loves it.
Proper attire for the day was old
Milt was honored on Saturday night and he and
clothing. as some of the part s were,
his wife Melissa spent the day on Sunday renew-
at best, dusty. It was worth diggin g
ing acquaintances and looking over some of the
through boxes and bins for the
cars like the ones he drove for VasekPolak,
small treasures and those hard-to-
Johnny Von Neumann, Otto Zipper and others.
find bits - you never know where
they'll turn up.
Continued next page
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MarchlApril 2002
Out oftowners were pleased to see sunshine anda high temperature
near 80° on Sunday for the Registry Swap Meet hosted by Dunkel
Bros. Machinery Movingin Anaheim. Several hundred Porsches filled
the Dunkel's front yard, parkinglot, driveway and just about every
other parking lot within three blocks. Therewere scores of356s,
includingthe wonderful Speedster brought to the event by Barney
Roach (below, centerand opposite). It was his father's car andhas
less than 40,000 miles.
Therewere a few Beck Spyders on the lawn and as usual, they got plenty of attention. Below: Porsche 356 Club memberswere well representedat the event.
Bottom and opposite center: Gary and Rod Emory's wild '55 has a four-cylinder
911 engine. Bottom: The huge backlot was full of swappers. Bottom, left: You
want racecars? We got race cars! From a 917 to a slew of competition 911s, the
crowds had a lot to lookat in the Dunkel's east parkinglot.
Volume 25. Number 6
Clockwise from top left: Cheryl Dunkel "holds" her
Speedster. The front yard with a 996 on display. Dick
Koenig, left, and Peter Dunkel. Another shot of the front
yard. The race cars and Bata Mataja 's "Speedster-go-round"
in the east parking lot. The Roach family's Speedster.
Cheryl's race car was strung up for the weekend.
Center: The Emory's Special.
Photos by Don Rutherford, Phil Hancock and Gordon Maltby
March/April 2002
The Challenge
of Foam
Phil Planck
Phil's first attackon the foam yielded an amazing amountof it. And there was moreto come.
his article is dedicated to all of vou
who lust fora decent 356to drive, but
don't want to spend lots of money at
one time to do it; to those of you with a 356 in
your garage waiting to be restored, or partially
restored but silting untouched for years. It is so
easy to get into this situation, being the optimists
that we become when we see what looks to be a
nice 356 available at a decent price. Most of us
know by now that a decent price usually means
"the usual rust." So the first question might be,
"How did I get here," and, of course, "What next?"
I have a passion for old cars, trucks, and
sports cars. Growing up in a small Indiana farm
town, in perhaps the flatest county in theMidwest,
sports cars were not abundant. The only ones I
saw were on the pages of popular Mechanics or
Science, Rod & Custom, Hot Rod or Car Craft.
Our local drug store didn't even stock any of the
sports car magazines. So my initial interest
focused on what all small towns had; a few hot
rods and customs and possibly a quarter-miler
club. I hung around the local garages, whoseproprietors had neat street rods sitting in the back
with full-race flat heads in them.
Then my best friend's older brother went off
to college in a '54 Ford sedan and came back at
break time in an MGTD. My friend took me for
some pretty wild rides in that car, occasionally
having to get out andopen the hood to whack the
fuel pump. Then another guy in town found a
"barn" XK 120 Jaguar that had been in a minor
accident. It was a metallic goldlbronze color, and
1will neverforget the sound of that Jag as it was
driven out oftown, continually accelerating.
I sawmy fi rst 356 when I wentoff to college
- a light yellow Speedster. While I thought it was
very interesting, I knew I couldn't afford one. My
roommate was a senior,and his girlfriend's father
had an early, non-synchro 356, which he brought
to campus once. The group of seniors who
"adopted" me as a freshman were all sports car
nuts, and Saturday afternoons were spent "bashing", the term they used for flying down curvy
river roads at speed. 1ended up buying an Austin
Healey 100-4 for $300, which I rallied,
gymkhana-ed anddrove for six years.
After graduation and marriage, I still was
interested in 356s, and in 1969 came close to
trading my wife's '64 Plymouth Sport FlIIY for a
togo brown 356C to be used as our familycar, but
we decided that it just was not practical as our
only car. I had to settle instead with reading
Elfrink's 356Technical manual, which I bought to
learn more about the brown 356. Then, in 1985,
Continued on page 50
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Volume 25. Number 6
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Phone 440-953-0501 • Fax 440-602-9885 • www.356panels.com
ore of us 0\\11 356C/SCs than the
other 356 models combined, so it
seems worthwhile to do ;111 exhaustive review of the literature available for this last
model of our iconic cars. We wil! take three
installments just to cover the sales literature.
Some months down the road we will return to the
C model for technical literature and then other
related collectibles. In each of these installments
we will cover some of the commonly available
pieces and someof the rarities.
In this country the sales brochures produced by Porsche of America are the most commonand the least expensive. The absolute bottom
of the heap is the small (3 3/S" x 6 l/S"), black
and white, 16-page booklet, known by its title
"Porsche Facts" and as Merritt-Miller page 269.
Because this piece is so common, it is actually
nice to have it imprinted on its back cover with a
dealer stamp; at least you have a little differentiation, and you know it was really used in a dealership. Despite our disparaging this little booklet, it
does have a lot of information and it is an excellentstarter piece. It sellsfor as little as $I0 almost
The late automotive journalist Ken Purdy of
Weston, CT wrote two additional USA-printed
pieces. They have the sametext, butvery different
Prescott Kelly
356C/SC Literature
AND Ac e • • • OAI • •
~ L U. Det ach able steel hardtop (or Cabriolet • Leather seats • Fog lamps with yellow
lenl • Remo vable headlight .rills • Outside rear-view mirror • Safety belts • Lug _ae
traps • Wid e eelecno n of radios ( AM and AM /PM ) • Uead rnt~ • Top cove r for
Ca briolet • Ask you r dealer for complete lilt
Available in a choice of 88 and 107 HP cnllne~
ElectricaUy-opented 1t~llun roof is optional.
" The Ponche may be the most fun to dr ive of an)1hin, in the ,,,,.o. ~ld. ~ &rcat~~ny
expen Ken W. PunJ y.COOtnbulm. loh.... un
aulho nuet Ihlnt so , saY' she(lO.ns ca~ red for u relYas well as performance. Tonion
iJ the: auurance that Pone ISen,IDte
Disc bral.C3 arc
bar iUJpeDSoion k.eeps wheel firmly on the JfOU 00.on U S : =ss.ion are respon sive.
_ _«
ed b
·§hinl usc:on lona pades. S leenne an
un~uCCI . y pem
h dri
' IS whhiD a steel shell c reat ed by ''''itldlna
accelerauon IUpcrtJ. The Pone e neer IJ
togelher more than SOO puts-in complete c:ommand of his car .
. nd P
·ainat design ll>c functional.
'The ponchc is fahhfullO Dr. F~~na
son n and Iu~age. excellenl viu bili l )'.
aerodyn amic shape affordslurpnsan. room or passenle
Above: "Porsche Facts" is the base line 356C sales brochure, Although readilyavailable and small, it is
packed with information and graphics. And you can buy it almost anywhere for $10.
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"The Porsche Story" (A)
is the more simple version with a plain vellum
cover, but oddlybetter coatedstockfor the interior pages.Ken Purdy's erudite explanation of
Porsche's history and what makes the quirkycar
so great is worth reading.
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March/April 2002
Top spread: Thefancier version, "The Porsche Story" (B), takes the same
text as the previousbrochure and wraps it in an upgraded four-co lor cover,
three sides of which used heavily retouched photos of 356Bs. Theback
cover has US-produced photos;check the license plates.
covers, and bothare known by their titles, "The Porsche Story." The smaller
version is 7-1/2" x 8-114" and has a green vellum cover with a black-tone
photo of a 356 coupe. The white coated stock pages inside have Purdy's
informative and learned, if mildly pedantic, prose - sixpages to explain and
praise the 356C and six pages to recap the history of Porsche designs fro m
1900-up. The textis photograph-laden with 17 in 12 pages, someofthem USproduced. This brochure sells for $20-$25.
The same inside pages, but of buff vellum paper stock, are also found
wrapped in a much more attractive four-color cover which is oversized (compared to the pages) at 11 " x 8-1/4". This piece is shown on M&M (2nd edition) page 309. Thefro nt cover and two insidecovers have photographsfrom
theStuttgart AdvertisingDepartment. They are ofT6-bodied 356B coupesand
cabriolets- given away bythe hubcap areas whichare heavily andinexpertly
retouched. It was common forthe factory to photo-etch out the nipple hubcaps found on the drum brake 356Bs to make such photographs look like
theydepicted 356Cs. The white coupe in the background on the front cover
was probably originally a T5 356B because its hood was obviously
retouched to square it off as on a T6 body. Of minorinterest is the fact that
the fou r-color cover comes in two varieties: a typical glossy stock (which
always crinkles at the fold around the staples) and a dullcoat (or matte gloss
or blade-coated) stock which does not crinkle. This brochure sellsfor$25$60, depending on cover stock and condition.
Of interest is the fact thatbeginning with the356C/SC years Porsche of
America signed on an advertising and public relations agency, Henry J.
Kaufman & Associates of Washington, D.C. They worked on the company's
magazine ads, materials for the dealers' newspaper ads, and Porsche press
releases. It is broadly assumed that Kaufman also worked on the sales
brochures produced in this country.
Kaufman - or even the factoryfor that matter- definitelydid notwork
on thisnext piece. It is a Swedish piece that is a reprint ofaJuly1964 road
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This Swedish sales brochure replicates a road test in a two-color printing. Because of its (small) foreign
source, this pieceis quite rare in the United States. It paysto have compatriots overseas in this hobby.
Volume 25. Number 6
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Top: "And the car is built - I've never heard a rattle in a Porsche" is the lead lin e on this two-color single sheet. It packs a lot of words and data onto its two pages. It is definitely US produced; perhaps
done by the West Coast Porsche distributor in 1964.
Below: This was the factory's basic introductory sales brochure for the 356(/5C, called "Driving in Its
Purest Porm" It was printed in high quantities in both English and German and is broadly available for
prices under $100.
test from a magazine. (To any reader whose
Swedish is up to par:we'd greatlyappreciate some
translation help on the magazine source and
headlines.) This brochure was printed in red and
black. There is a dealer stamp on the back,
Aktiebolaget Sigge Palm- Tidahohn.
The 1964 model year saw the introduction of
two new model designations, the 356C and its
higher horsepower brother the SC. The primary
difference as we all know was the introduction of
disc brakes on all four corners. But the engine
designations changed also, with the Normal discontinued, the Super becoming the Cengine, and
the Super 90 becoming the sc. To furth er explain
it all, the factory issued the six-page W36
brochure edition of November 1963 in German.
Its red cover follows a tradition for explanatory
pieces for new engines and transmissions. Inside
there is a technical description, cutawaydrawings
with parts keys, and technical specifications. Of
special interest is this relatively late use of the
Liebe ZlI 1IUll logo (stylized car outlines against
factory roofline) on the back cover.
Another US-printed sales piece is the single
sheet called "And the Car is Built" in red and
black on white stock. Most collectors think the
West Coast distributor might have produced this
piece because it is alwaysfound in Calitornia and
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March/April 2002
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email - autos@electriciti.com
Volume 25. Number 6
Tel. (562) 439-3333
Fax (562) 439-3956
Thistechnical piece explains the freshly introduced 356C engines, the 1600C and 1600SC, in both
words and drawings. You always wanted to know what those funny-looking internal engine pieces
were called? Now you know...in Deutsche.
Inwrnational Alercantik
Manufacturertlristributor Since 1971
Obsolete Rubber &
Trim f or the vintage
356 and 900
series auto
Please ca ll or " Tile fur lat est par ts Ollalng: 1'. 0. Box 2818 Del Mar. Ca lifornia 9201+5818 _
(SOO) 356·0012
seldom elsewhere. It uses quotes from the Ken
Purdy piece described earlier and a packed technical description plus specifications.
The basic factory-produced brochure for
1964 was entitled "Driving in Its Purest Form"
(M&M, page 251). This piece was printed in at
least five editions, in both English and German but not in any other language that we know of,
between September, 1963 and January 1964. It
carries the factorycode W21 - the code typically
used on the basic brochure for each model year.
The twelve-page four-color brochure explained
the 356C line, model by model, and the newly
introduced disc brakes.
A reader asked why a brochure with three
colors was called a two-color piece. The answer is
that its printing press carried two colors of ink,
say red and black, and the third color was just the
"unprinted" portions of the paper stock showing
through. The vast majority ofprintingpresses have
either two inking bins or four. In the old days,
some two-color jobs were done with two passes of
the paper through a one-color press and fourcolor jobs with two passes through a two-color
press. Thatpractice died out in the 1970s.
(760) 438-2205 Fax (760 ) 438-1428 email: murhOl,,@m~n.cum website: im356-911.t'Om
'63 S-90 Coupe red/tan $28,500
'62 S Coupe Heron Grey/red $23,000
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Plus many others to choose from
We also offer Mechanic al and
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Contact Randall Yow
Phone 336.272 .6336 Fax 336.275.9116
Author of "How To" How Come?!"
Vol 1&11 and Vol III
301-948-6762 Gaithersburg, Md.
March/Ap ril 2002
Lynn Adams (Registry member #24)
writes about owning a 356 coupe and
-after aquarter century-the fine art of
Letting Go
••...have just soldmy beloved little red 1952
,. 356 coupe, its parts car and assorted
~.~ other 356 parts. There are some of us
who buy and sell these foolish cars with aplomb
and not a single twinge of regret. Unfortunately, I
am not one of those souls. But now that the car
has been gone for a little while, 1 find myself
recalling the many storiesassociated with it. After
all, that's what we all have most in common from
these cars, isn't it?The stories.
The coupe comes to roost
where my friend Sue-Ellen had been helping me
clean out one bay ofthe garage. We worked until
dusk when Geoffand the car arrived. Though the
interior of the little coupe was pretty rough, 1
thought she was absolutely gorgeous. I simply
could NOT wait to drive her.
It was stillquite warm that October, and Sue-
"I thought she was absolutely
gorgeous. I simply could NOT
wait to drive he":'
It was at the end of October, 1974 when I
became the proud owner of my coupe. The car
became available through a customer of my husband, Geoff. My mother was less than keen when
I begged her to put
it up in one bay of
her garage for just
three weeks while1
got it ready to put
on the road. (What
on earth makes us
tell our loved ones
these outrageous
lies when these cars
However, Mother
really couldn't say
no since my husband and I, who
lived then on the
Lynn with the parts car that went to a new home along with her beloved pre-A
coupe. Below : After a new paint job in the mid-1970s. Bottom: Lynn models her Western Shore ofthe
"Bathtubs are bette r" T-shirt with a friend.
constantly traveled
an hour and a half
up to her house in
Da r n e s t o wn ,
Maryland to help
with mowing and
The coupe
had been living on a
South Carolina farm
for years. Geoff
brought it out to my
Volume 25. Number 6
Ellen and I were dressed in shorts and sandals.
She climbed into the car to be the passenger on
the test run. I putthe keyin the ignition and started her up. What a wonderful sound. It was the first
time I had heard an engine like that behind me,
and I just loved it.
Off we went down the driveway. That was my
first lesson in "no-syncromesh-in-first-gear." Out
of the driveway and down the country lane we
zoomed! As it was gellingdark, I alsogot my fi rst
lesson in outrunningone's headlights with the sixvolt electrical system. We came back up the lane
and turned into the driveway.
Suddenly, I felt something strange skitter
across mybare leg. As I quicklyyanked myfoot off
the accelerator, I heard a blood-curdling scream
fro m Sue-Ellen who quickly groped for the interior door handle to find it . . . missing. Seconds
later, she flew out the passenger side window and
tumbled onto the grass beside the driveway. The
same clammy little skittering across my right leg
occurred again. I stalled the car, yelped, dove out
the driver's side window, and also tumbled onto
the grass. (I guaranteeneither of us would be able
to execute these maneuvers today!)
Geoff camerunningtofindout what on earth
was happening with my mother galloping along
right behind him, her trusty flashlight in hand. A
careful inspection of the interior exposed several
little salamanders or lizards which evidently had
made the coupe their home back on the farm in
South Carolina. Maybe they had been so terrified
during the trip to Maryland that they stayed hidden. Orperhaps theywere nocturnal creatures.
Casting about
nfortunately, a couple of months after
acquiring the car, I was in a severe accident in
another car. Mlen I got out of the hospital, I had
a ridiculously cumbersome cast on my right leg.
My husband and I moved in with my mother for
the duration of my recovery
The doctors hadstressed moving around ;L~
much and as soon as possible as a supplement to
physical therapy to enhance my chances of being
able to walk properlyagain. Not being good at sitting still, after about six weeks I W;L~ thumping
around prettyactively on the cast and able to do
without my crutches most of the time. So, since I
couldn't reallydrive or work, andsinceI was now
temporarily living right where the 356 was
garaged, it seemed to my crazed car maniac's
mind that the logical thing to do was to dive seriously into fixing up the coupe.
In those days, replacement parts for pre-As
weren't readily available. I wasn't able to find
replacement floor pans for where my coupe suffered from the "Body By Lace" syndrome, so I
had metal sheets welded into the Ooor. Since this
"I deeded to put fiberglass on
the bottom of the newly welded
metal floor before undercoating
it so that it would never rust:'
car was going to last forever, I decided to put
fi berglass on the bottom of the newly welded
metal floor before undercoating it so that it would
never rust, (Iley, my friends in those days didn't
call me the Bondo Queen of Porsche Club for
nothing!) To accomplish this, I would drag myself,
sheets offiberglass cloth, scissors, and the requisite resin and hardener under the car each day.
The only thing protruding would be my legs fro m
theknees down, or, to put it more accurately, one
leg and one cast. And I would snip my little manageable-sized fiberglass sheets, mix the resin and
hardener, dip the cloth in it, and then hold the
sheet upon the newlywelded floor until the sheet
hardened enough to stay there.
One day, just as I hadsoaked a sheet with the
resin and hardener mixture and was about to
plaster it up against the floor, the biggest, hairiest
wolf spider I had ever seen-a real National
Geographic monster-came running across me.
Nowit happens that I detest and fear spidersa lot
more than I don't care for salamanders crawling
across me!So, involuntarily, I immediatelytried to
sit straight upwhen the spider ran across me, and
of course, knocked myself out on the bottom of
the car. I came to somewhat later with the worst
headache I had ever had and with myhands stuck
together in a blob ofwrinkled up, hardened fiberglass cloth. I learned that it is notan easy thing to
drag oneself out from under a 356 with both
hands stuck together and one leg in a cumbersomecast; oneoffour limbs withwhich to maneuver is just not enough! From that day on until he
died, in honor of my encounters with lizards and
spiders while workingon the coupe, my husband
would periodically tease me by singing the countrysong: I don't like spiders and snakes. . .
Whither the wiring
As time went by and the restoration progressed, I became increasingly frustrated with the
stateofthe wi ring in the car. Evidently, variousfolk
had just spliced into the existing wlring harness,
leming disconnected wire ends and uncovered
metal connectors up against the car's bare metal.
Obviously, it was rife with shorts and drains, an
especially undesirable state ofaffairs with that sixvolt system. Since I fi nally had my cast removed, I
was feeling increasing pressure to try and pull my
life back together and get back to work. I had
completed everything elseon the car including the
bodywork. It hadjust comeback from a paint job
looking beautiful. The pressure over the electrical
mess was building; the car had been in my mother's garage months more than the original three
weeks I had promised.
One hot, humid summer day, as I lay on the
floor of the garage, reaching up into that mess of
splices, I foundyet another bare connector touching bare metal of the car. And I just .. . lost it! I
reached upandgrabbed a hunk of the wiringharness in my hand and just ripped it out of the car.
That evening, when my husband arrived home
from work, my mother met him at the kitchen
door in tears. "She will NEVERget that car out of
mygarage," she wailed.
In those days, I don't think replacement
wiring harnesses for pre-As were manufactured.
So, the next morning, I hobbled off to an auto
parts store that specialized in VWs and bought a
dune buggy wiring harness. I spent that day
installing it. The following morning, a Saturday, I
checked every connection and addition I had
made to the harness. I then got into the car and,
as my worried mother and spouse stood there
watching (no pressure, right?), turned the key.
Vroom! The car started right up. \~11 at a feeling!
One other funnystory from those post-accident days involves the time I went into the doctor
during the middle of the restoration for the addition ofa walking heel to mycast. The doctor took
one look at my cast, covered as it was in little
blobs of fiberglass and car grease on top of the
wild decorations of all my artist friends, and
demanded to knowexactlywhat I had heen doing.
I toldhim how I had been making useofwhat otherwise would have been wasted timeand reminded himthat he had instructed me to he as active as
possible. And he did laugh. It just wasn't exactly
what he was used to seeing with other patients
who were youngMontgomeryCounty princesses!
On the road again
That car W:IS so much fun to drive. For several years I drove it hard and constantly, putting
on some 60,000 miles. Then some things developed that neededattention. Unfortunately, myhusband had acquired two Austin Mini-Coopers with
an extra Mini engine, and the 356 took a flnancial
back seat to themfor a while. (I've found that car
guys always think it's so cool when both halves of
a couple are into exotic cars. But what happens
then is that you just have two nuts with gasoline in
their veins putting pressure on the car budget, if
there really is such a thing. SomedayI'm goingto
write a "he said/she said" essayon this subject.)
Myhusband and I had a few tense conversations wherein he joked that real cars have water-
The bright red paint on the opp osite page belies
what was found undern eath when the restoration began.
cooled enginesand I jested that, given the weather in England, Lucas should have mastered
electrics that work in the rain by now. So, our
approach to relieve that pressure W;IS to make
more money. To accomplish that goal, we started
our own business, And, of course, when it took
off, I somehow didn't have time to work on the
car at all. I am embarrassed to admit that I probably have spent on storage (while I kept thinking
I would get hack to the coupe someday) what
most of you have spent on fixing up your cars.
Yet I do have great memories from that car.
One morning I went nuts when I awoke to find a
neighbor's horse, on the lam in my driveway,
drooling all over the coupe's beautiful paint job.
My friend Sue-Ellen married a fellow who
owned a 911 and the fo ur of us went on many
excursions with the two Porsches. One time we
crammed all6'9" of myhusband and 5' II " of me
plus a ton ofcamping gear in the coupe and went
with them up to Summit Point for somerace. They
had camping gear strapped on the back of the
911. In fact, the tent polesstuckout so far, it was
a wonder that we didn't have an incident on the
highway reminiscent of the chariot wheels in Ben
Hur destroying the spokes of the adjoining chariot's wheels! But I was so obsessive-compulsive
about the coupe that no luggage rack W;IS permitMarch/April 2002
Porsche 356 Tool Kits
Reproductions with
mostly German tools
- Hazet wrenches
and screwdrivers
-Tl re pressure gauge
and lots more
8 Kits starting at
$475. +shipping
Chris Purer
24222 ViaAquara Ave. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Tel: (949)363 0891
Fax :(949)4958061
e-mail: Purer@ cox.net
~'{1ER BODy..
~ 356-911 Restoration J'
We offer complete restorations from metal fabrication
to collision repair.
Ourquality work speaks for itself, more than 20 years
experience combined with meticulous German craftsmanship.
References available from many satisfied customers.
Own er
706 D West Park Avenue Edgewater, FL 32132
Phone: (386) 428-BODY (2639)
email @: bett e rbodys @ao l.co m
That's right! The guys at CE have
left the sprawling metropolis
of Bodfish and are settling into
their permanent shop in Lake
Isabella. So ship all jobs to:
2841 Fulop St. ,
Lake Isabella, CA 93240.
It's a new address ,
but the same first-class service
you've come to expect.
CE - your
Machine Shop
and Engine
Parts Supply.
4113 Lake Isabella Blvd.
PO Box 159
Bodfish, CA 93205-0159
760-379-4517 FAX
Volume 25. N umber 6
ted on it. It was a good thing we were all young,
thin and agile inthose days. Another time, the four
of us tore down to Annapolis in tandem for crab
cakes and to work at an autocross our car club
was putting on. I really had to pedal hardto keep
up with the 91I. That day, our friends presented
me with my first "Bathtubs Are Better" T-Shirt
which I modeled next to my coupe. Needless to
say, after beer andcrabs, the drive home was considerablymore sedate.
Unfortunately, soon after that, work considerations made it necessary for Geoff and me to
move from the Washington area to New England.
At the time we owned a bizarre collection ofvehicles: the 356 coupe, a Triumph 2000 sedan, a
Saab, and an ancient Ford van. Some dearfriends
ofoursvolunteered to drive two ofthe carstoNew
England with us. Chris had a fairly flexible work
schedule, but his wife Annalin was
a nurse who had to be back in
Maryland in a certain number of
days. So, everything had to go just
as planned. Of course, it didn't.
That trip turned outto be the Move
From Hell due, of course, to car
The very first problem-setting the tone for the entire triphappened only five minutes after
our departure. After loading two
dogs, two cats, and assorted plants
into the old Ford van, we started off
in a parade with me driving the
356, of course. The first stop was
the local gas station. We filled our
vehicles with gas, then I checked the tire pressure.
Geoff wanted to do the same, so I left the hood on
the 356 open until he had finished using my tire
gauge. Needing to make a personal pitstop, I told
Geoff I was heading for the rest room and to keep
an eye on the car while they finished gassing up.
Since a young gas station attendant was lurking
around the car, making googolly eyes at it, I also
told him veryfirmly DO NOTTOUCH THE CAR.
I came out of the restroom and around the
cornerto see Geoff and Chris yakki ngaway, while
Annalin was charging toward the coupe with a
horrified look on her face. I looked towards the
coupe to see that the gas station attendant had
tried to close the hood and had bent it badly. My
adrenaline was pumping so it took both Geoff and
Chris, who was also a big guy (6'5"), to restrain
mefrom clobbering the attendant. The poorlittle
coupe had to have its hood tied down with a big
bow temporarily. Unfortunately, things didn't get
any better on the wayto our newhome, a trip that
is a whole story ofits own.
In NewEngland, I continuedto drive thecar
allthe time, even in the winter. Since I drove it for
work, I wouldbetooling around ina suit andhigh
heels with a portfolio case crammed behind my
seat. Now, no one has everclaimed that the heater
in a 1952 356 is particularlyeffective. So, I would
have to stop fairly frequently for hotchocolate or
coffee. My friends started joking that I needed to
buythree cups ofcoffee every time I stopped - one
to drinkand one in which to soakeach foot.
One of the neatthings about that car was that
I would come out of somewhere and find mash
notes to thecar left under thewindshieldwipers.
They would be written on napkins, paper bags,
slips of paper, all kinds of things. They would be
from folks who knew what the car was and from
folks who didn't have a clue but were just smitten
looking at it. Interestingly, youngchildren seemed
particularly entranced by it. I got notes begging
meto call a particular telephone number ifI ever
decided to sell it. I got notes asking me to call a
particular number and tell the person what the
Lynn's "other bathtub" is a 1948 Packard Custom
Eight with a 356 cubic inch straight eight, soon
to be replaced with 1962 Super 90 coupe to be
used, as ever, for daily driving.
car was. I got notes simply saying, "She's
Beautiful!" And, one time, I got a note written on
a Crateand Barrel shoppingbag that said: "I'll bet
this box is cold to drive in the winter." Uh-huh!
But, most ofall, 1remember how much fun
it was everysingle day to just drive the coupe to
the store, forwork, whereverI had to go. It made
every mundane day exciting. I learned a lot of
valuable lessons from that car.
So nowshe has gone to a good home where
she'll be putback on theroad again as she should
be. Someday soon (actually very soon), there will
be another one ofthese addicting 356s in my life.
And, again, this one will be just a driver, making
every day on the road a little bitbetter. I am convinced one's first 356 is like one's first love - that
love you never quite forget. That certainly is the
case for mylittle red coupe who has reminded me
of a most important lesson, one I seem to have
trouble remembering. And that lesson is the art of
letting go.
Member.s free ads
Resos, 413 Santa Ana Ave, Newport Beach, CA
92663. 949-650-0546. rolly356@ix.netcom.com
*'57 1500 sunroof Carrera coupe, #100965.
Black with red interior. Car is in very nice shape
and comes with it's original engine. Interior done
byAutos International. Engine has been rebuilt a
couple of years ago by KAM Motorsports, runs
extremely strong. Blaupunkt AMlFM radio,
Hirschmann red tip antenna. Very solid and fun
car! Robert Brocker, Den Haag The Netherlands.
31-653260859. copi@worldonline.nl
*'58 356A 1600s Coupe, completely restored,
excellent driver, no radio. It is not concourse, but
looks very good. Strong mechanically & electrically. Ivorywired interior. Matching numbers and
restored to orig. colors. $15,000 Roanoke, VA.
MDRECHSEL@AOL.com or 540-977-5258 ask for
Melissa Drechsel.
*'58 Speedster #83733. Total concours restofrom
91'87 to 91'97 byBill &BobJones' Autowerks, San
Antonio. Won lst in class at '97 San Antonio
Porsche Parade. 2000 miles since resto. Same
owner 30 yrs. All orig European style. Ivory/red
int. Perfect body fit. Guts of engine is 1600s &
completely rebuilt. Manual, tool kit, sidecurtains.
Car is first class in every respect. Will email JPG
pictures. Cactusmike@ev1.net. C.M. Ekiss. 830981-2232. Boerne, Texas. $69,700.
*'59 AGT Coupe-the car Steve Schmidt painstakingly built for himself- pictured in the Honest
Engine ad in356 Club magazine. Car is a treasure
with: 72 911 Sport Seats, 904 gauges, Spyder
Brakes, Oil Coolers, very rare orig. Nardi Wheel,
Cylinder Head Temp Gauge, and a very special
Honest Engine. Car is fu n to show ( lst Special
Interest Closed Sedona 99) & drive. $60K Duane
Hartley. dhartley@direc.way.com. 707-578-4155.
*'59 Coupe #106947, daily driver. Needs interior
replacement, newheadliner, newseat covers front
and rear. Needs carpet kitand new dash pad. Car
is 95% rust free. lias spent its life in AZ. I am a
motivated seller. Can email photos. TerryDelaney,
928-505-6734. Car is in Lake Havasu City, AZ.
*'55 Speedster #80593. Older resto, Blacklblack,
looks good, could use new paint. Minimal rust (if
any). Rebuilt 1600s enginewlWebers, gd top, new
tonneau, stone guards, baby moons, original beehives, orig map light, plus after-market signed
Nardi wheel. Always garaged & covered. First
$38,000 takes it. Ed McGloin, Monmouth Beach,
N]. 732-229-4197, macaded@yahoo.com.
*'57 sunroof coupe #101942, '59 eng. P*61495
(apart), good body, rustyfloor, no bumpers. Good
project A sunroof at a reasonable price. Rolly
*'59 SunroofCoupe #106439, P72901 #s match.
Meissen Blue, repainted. New tan leather int.,
headliner, rubber mats, older correct oatml carpet.New pan, longs, much more underneath. New
brakes, master cyl, rubber trim, seals, king, link
pins, bushings. Newer battery w/6-volt smart
charger. Newer XZX 165s on 5.5" chrome wheels.
Newclutch job. Elec fuel pump wlWebers, K&N air
filters, 1700 kit w/tuned exhaust, 912 cam. New
steeringdamper, all good susp parts. Orig owner's
man ual, other books, 6 yrs of356 Registry mag.
Misc. parts, extra LaCarra wood st. wheel and
boss. Blaupunkt SW radio works! All
records/receipts. Sellltrade toward newer BMW
RI100S plus cash. $26,000 spent, sell $22,500
OBO. JeffSweitzer, Mpls, MN (h)952-925-4281
(w)612-33-1822 jsweitzer@mindspring
*'60 356BCabriolet Super 90, a showcar and trophy winner, Signal Red w/black interior & top,
total restoration, all newchrome, rubber, interior,
top, tires and rebuilt engine, needs no work,
ready to drive or show. $38,500. Digital photos
available. Don Ross Charlotte, NC. 704-542-3535
or adross3@aol.com.
*'60 T5 Coupe, #111 723, Blacklblack, charcoal
German sq. weave carpet. 2,800 mi. on total
restoration completed in '98. Numbers correct.
Strong 1750 NPRsuper normal. Skirmants trans.
Michelins on 5.5 chrome wheels (5). Autos Int.
interior. Excellent driver. Spares and extras.
$21,000. John joen, NC. 864-457-3698 eves.
*'61 Roadster 1600N, matching nos., beautiful
Heron Gray with navy interior, fully restored, new
top, everythingnew or rebuilt, 12V, runs perfectly,
driven regularly by 356 lover, kept in
heatedldehumidified garage, reluctantsaleto purchase a Carerra GT, digital photos available.
Asking $38,500. Frank at 609-259-9913 or
*'61 B Cabriolet #154475. All numbers correct.
Signal Redlblk. Original Arizona (no rust).
Fantastic new paint. Eng. rebuilt to 1750 12/00.
Five new Mich. XZXs. Chrome 5.5 wheels. Orig.
hard top. Many extras, orig. dated wheels, lug.
rack, full tonneau ++ $31,500. Biff Johnson,
Tucson, AZ. 520-529-9604, biffsuejohnson@
*61 356B Coupe #116991. Red (not original)
with blackinterior. Minimal rust (small amount in
fro nt of driver door). Good engine, driven daily
until 2 years ago, intermittently since then. Need
to make room for my '58 "A" coupe project.
$8,000. Sherman Marsh, 8384 W. Iliff Ave.,
Lakewood, CO 80227; 303-986-0939.
*'62 356 SCoupe, #118880. Smyrna Greenlblack,
2nd owner. II ,xxx miles. Several factory options,
excellent condition. Email gene356@ev1.net for
indepth description and pictures. $18,000. Gene
Schaeffer, Austin, IX. 512-346-8855.
*'62 B Cabriolet #156108. Ivory/Red. Fresh
engine. Kardex. Soft and Hardtop (flip-out rear
Windows) . Full tonneau. Many new parts. Good
two-owner history. Great driver. $24,000/OBO.
Mick Summa, Seattle, WA. 206-283-1326,
*'63 356BCoupe #123814, car licensed, inspected in NCand driven at leastweekly until stored in
Nov. 2000. Car has been run occasionally since
then. Some minor rust. Car needs a good home;
I've got too many other projects. $6,500/0BO.
R.O. Walton, Jr., 113 Ritter Dr., Castle Hayne, NC
28429. 910-763-1972. rwalton@wilmington.net.
*'63BS-90 Coupe #21 4229 (no SIR) , 173K, Eng.
P-0800902, 40K, Blkltan. Very orig. No rust,
minor dents, rock chips, Certificate, new batt.,
mulller, K&Ns, Permatune, brakes like new. 12V
inv. w/tape player/radio (+ orig. Blaupun kt). Strg.
box leaks, washer bottle missing. 4th owner. Nice.
$20K. Harry Poland, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 208-5238320. wisock@srv.net
March/April 2002
*.64 C European Elec. SIR coupe #128819.
Champagne Yellow/dark brown Connellv leather
int., 36000miles, less than 4000 miles si~ce 1992
professional restoration. Fog lights, sway bar, in
excellent condition, show or drive. Same owner
since 1984. $32,50010BO. Lawrence Yunker
Cottonwood, CA, 530-529-1947.
*'64 356 Cabriolet, Green wlburgundy interior.
Formerly a '64 coupe, prior owner put Cab clip
and rear on. Great driver, not for show. Rebuilt
engineat90,000. Currently 110,000. New Webers,
exhaust, top/liner. Happy to scan pictures.
$17,500. Charleston, WV. 304-6 10-5230.
*'57 Normal 1600 engine, #p63535. Completely
rebuilt by Porsche mechanic. 6,000 mi, radiused,
line bored/balanced crankshaft, heads three angle
cut on valves, newvalves, springs/guides, big bore
kit, runs great. $2,800. Buyer pays shipping. Tom
Funk, 847-729-9356. Glenview, IL.
*'60 356 Industrial Engine #03933. A rare type
616120, complete & ready for a rebuild, $1500.
Also, '58 1600N#68820 engine case, $500. I can
deliver both to Charleston Holiday. Lynn Sheeley
IV, 4041 Sutherland Ave., Knoxville, TN. 37919.
865-207-6550 after 5. lynn.sheeley@searay.com
*Factory calendars '59-'79, Bosica 356 metal kit,
Sport Erfolge '57, Aspen Parade '60 license plate,
356B workshop supplements, Factory Super 90
engine poster, PCA cloth banner '50s/'60s, much
more/inquire. Douglas Palm, 4243 S. Clarkson
St., Englewood, CO 80110. 303-973-6509.
*356 Registry' magazine vol. 1, no. 2, 3 and 5
reprints plus vol. 2 (no number 5) to present
$625, shipped US only. Transaxle 74112 less diff
carrier, not disassembled further, pickup only,
$650. Ed Statkus, 2630 w. 84th St., Chicago, IL
60652-3908. 773-778-5699.
*Parts for Sale: 356 Carrera 2 NOS oil tank, Oil
lines, Coolers, Steel/Alloy wheel, Fresh chromed C
wheels, Restored BIC steering wheels, Nardi,
Derrington & Moto lita wood wheels, Restored
instruments, 40 IDF Webers wladapters & manifolds. Solex air cleaners, C tool kit. A, B & C
hoods. Rolly Resos, 413 Santa Ana Ave, Newport
Beach, CA 92663. rolly356@ix.netcom.com,
*Five new Yoko 321 B-1 85/70-VRI 5 tires. They
would not fit on my Speedster, $400 firm for all
five, FOB. South Florida, Jay Cerola, 561-6380246, jcerola@mindspring.com
*NOS356S-90 engine....complete, new, never in a
car Type 616/7 engine. Only test run at
Zuffenhausen, complete with generator, clutch
assembly, Solex carbs, air cleaners, heat exchangers, flapper boxes and muffler. Best offer. Bill
Cooper, 1148 Saint Finegan Drive, West Chester,
PA 19382; barrett356@msn.com, 610-793-9345.
*356 B,C & A Parts: Wide selection. AIT-5 Gas
Tank $350. Complete, 40 IDF Weber carbs
wlmanifolds $280., B Brake Drums $135.ea.,
Gauges $60., Blaupunkt 6/12 volt AM Radio
$150., BIC Steering Box $160., Heater Box set
$150., T-5 CoupeSunvisor set $50. Tons more, all
kinds, please ask. Tim Jones, Spokane, WA.
NewGmundR @aol.com, 509-327-4892 PST.
Talbot® ....~ ..
Sp ort Mi rrors
Berlin300-Chrome PlatedBrass SL 300-Brushed Aluminum
• Senior - 4.0" Diameter • [unior - 35" Diameter
• Several Moulltillg Systems · Flat or CollvexMirrors
Lighting Systems USA
aardvark international
PO Box 509, Whittier, CA 90608
umnntaiboico.ann • Ph. 562-699-8887 • Fax 562-699-2288
dealer inquiries illvited
Volume 25 . Number 6
*Blinker light, clear glass wldowel base & oneturn cap (w/plug connection) front NOS
644.631.401.01 known as Wedge type front turn
signal for '59, Set of 2. Complete assy. Base
marked SWF2665, lens marked K1 3306 @2323 &
has original rubber boot for wire. $350 proPat
Yanahan. Chicago, IL. 630-887-7605. pyanahan@usachicago.com.
*Pre-A Parts: Original (used) wiring harness
$100. Hood latch receiver assembly (on body)
$25. Floor dimmerswitch $25. Windshield washer pump assembly $25. Drivers side rear quarter
window (with hinges) $100. Oil filter cannister
$100. Tom Kincaid, N-1545 Linn Rd., Lake
Geneva, WI 53147. 262-249-0577.
*FloFit Sport Seat, red vinyl, adjust. lumbar, new
cond, adapter mount for T2 and T5 driver's side.
$250. CA. lenpeterslia@aol.com. 510-523-5 136.
*Engine: '58 case-9 12 crank/rods/heads- IO.5:1
M.C. pistonslbarrels-super cam $500 O.B.O. ,
head-complete, [2]solex 40Pl 1carbs w/S-90int.
man. &knecht filters, 180 flywheel, S-90int. man.
wlScat Webber carb adapters, more misc. fro m
'54 & '62 i.e, engine tin-generators-shift lever
wllock-ext. vent window-trans. hoop-front swav
bar, wiper motor & assy.-jacks-& more. Ted Klaus,
greyeagles@msn.com.Berwyn,PA. 610-353-9117.
*Wanted: Rear metal bow with "chicken wings"
for '60 356BCabriolet soft top. Fits inside pocket
of soft top. Bill Swartz, 5030 Castleman St.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15232. 41 2-621 -861 1.
*Offer to swap pair of Del Orto 36 mm carburetors from running engine for pair of Zenith 32
NDIXcarburetors. Tom Kincaid. 262-249-05 77.
*Wanted: 356 A Coupe, will consider any offer.
Pascal Giai, San Diego, CA. 619-298-53 18.
*Wanted: American Mag wheels, Porsche script
tools, T-handle Hazet 2527 12mm or 13mm,
Wood handle Phillips screw driver, Hazet 760
channel lock pliers. Rolly Resos, 413 Santa Ana
Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92663. 949-650-0546,
*Wanted: '56 or '57 356ASpeedster. Prefer excellent, no excuses car with largely correct Kardex
match. No black-no modified/updated. Cash
buyer for honest car. Mark Bouljon 651-7669973, after 7 p.m. CST.
*WAJ'HED: Info on '58 Speedster No. 84463
imported into Britain in '89. Ruby Red wlengine
increased to aprx 110 BHP together wlunusual
uprated ignition system using JUDSONElectronic
Magneto. Also, engine lid was painted black under
the grill. rjacksonl952@hotmail.com
*Information wanted on '57 Speedster, ID 84203,
factorysale 12/06/57 sold back to Germany 1996,
red with speedster seats- originally black with
coupe seats and rear seat, looking for any information about the car! Bernd Brix Germany
*Weber 40DCM carburetors wanted. Any condition but must be complete! Also looking for Weber
38DCNL carburetors. If you have any of these,
even one single, please call me at 714-926-7004.
Have $cash$ waiting! Thanks.Joe, Anaheim, CA.
*'58 T2 cab needs "skinny" seats in any rebuildable condition. Will purchase, or have early A
:'sofa" seats for exchange. 804-272-3965 , or
*Wanted-Sunroof for a '65 356C (T-6 Body) .
Important to have all associated parts. Bill
Crookes, 755 Peninsula Ct., Ann Arbor, MI
48105. 734-913-4927 (Hm). 810-574-2269
(Wk). wecrookes@hda.net.
*Need convertible toplatch for later Roadster (not
the ones sold in Stoddards). Need set. Joe Cook.
LOCKSMITH SERVICES Offering a full line offactory, non-factory and high security keys as well as
location services for hard-to-find blanks; keys cut
by code; key chart available. Perform ten-point
quality restoration of locks and door handles.
Electrical repair of ignitionswitches performed. Key
accessories available, i.e. bulbs and batteries for
light keys, fobs and pouches, etc. For info call:
Tony Euganeo 610-461-0519. 501 Folcroft Ave.
Sharon Hill, PA 19079
HONEST ENGINE Experience since 1965 in all
areas of the 356. Specializing in streetlhigh performance, concourse, vintage race engine assembly and parts. From full concourse to vintage
race/high performance street car restoration and
preparation. Ask for Steve Schmidt 714-832-3128,
FAX 714-832-3198 orwebsite / email atwww.honesteng.com.
green replacement sunvisors for '51-'57356. Rivets
and directions included. $60/$5 S&H.
TOM KINKAID, 262-249-0577. N-1545 Linn Pier
Rd., Lake Geneva, WI 53147.
ROLAND AUTOMOTIVE has room for one more
long-term or two shorter-term restorations.
Complete or partial restoration in stages. Rust
repair to factory original strength and appearance.
Concours original or outlaw Porschrod.
RON ROLAND, Chesterfield, MI, 810-749-8904.
Dreamin' about driving your beloved Porsche inthe
most famous EuropeanHistoricRaces (MilleMiglia,
French tour...)?AUTOBASE FRANCE offers you a
parking space right near Paris! Our facilities are
heated and safe, and we maintainyour car so that
it's always ready to go. We can provide technical
assistance on the spot! For more info:
AUTOBASE FRANCE, 6 bis, rue Danton, 78420
Carrieres sur Seine, France. www.911avandre.com
now atyour service. Engine overhaul/restoration (4
cyl. & 6 cyl. through 1983). I offer a priceless servo
ice-correct, friendlyadvice. Parts available atcompetitive prices. Also, I do 911 transmission rebuilds
(type 901 , 91 1, and 915) including gear swaps, ring
and pinion replacement, etc. Los Angeles area.
Need to know more? Please e-mail me at rlspzim@aol.com, or fax me at 805-499·1806.
ALFIN FRONT BRAKE DRUMS: New manufacture.As describedonpg. 41 of the Sept/Oct '01 356
Registry magazine. EF Enterprises, Inc. 12425
Hound Ears Point, Knoxville, TN 37922. 865-675607t
1940s to 1970. The only shop catering to these
specialized radios exclusively. Blaupunkt, Becker,
Telefunken, etc. Tube or transistor. Covering all
356s. Visa/MC. WILFORD WILKES, PO Box 103
or 101 Swoope St., Brisbin, PA 16620. Ph. 814378-8526. Fax 814-378-6149. Nobody home?
Weather bad? Try Edgewater, Florida 386-4093093.
SAM SIPKINS, 356 MECHANIC. Custom engine
EXTENSIVE PARTS STOCK. Never change points
again! Install a PERTRONIX IGNITOR. Fully contained in distributor. Special pricing for Registry
members. VJ4BR18MK and earlier, 022; 6v-$99,
12v-$89. 031; 6v-$1 19, 12v-$1 09. 009, 050; 6v$79, 12v-$69. NEW 050 distributor with Pertronix
installed; 6v-$159, 12v-$149. SPECIAL PURCHASE: Free flow exhaust system with glass pack
muffler. Made in USA. Includes mounting gaskets,
nuts and bolts. U.S. heater-$79. Euro heater-$89.,
quantities limited, "silent muffler" add $20. BARGAIN PARTS: KYB nitrogen shocks give a beautiful ride; front-$48 pr., rear-$64 proConti fan belt-$4.
Bosch Platinum plugs WR7BP-$12, set of four.
Freight add'l.
SAM SIPKINS, 950 77th Ave. #6, Oakland, CA
94621. 510-632-8232. AMEX, VISA, M/C
Super 90s, Supers, 356s, 912s, Military Industrials,
2-pc case engines. MaestroMaster Supranormals!
Transmissions, too. 356A/B/C, including 644 and
741 Carrera with ZF lim. slip. Weber, Solex and
Zenith carbs, NEW 356B cranks. Used
A/B/C/912/Super 90 cranks. New 200mm flywheels. New mufflers, valves, gasket sets.
Piston/cylinder sets. Engine assembly videos - 5
tapeset, 10 hours, $75.1set. And a Speedster trans.
(BBABgears) with a741nosepiece, new bearings,
synchros, complete! Is the Maestro RETIRING?
Call HCP Research 408-727-1 864, fax 727-0951
maestro @well.com
SAFETY LIGHTS Third Brake Lights and Turn
Signal Lights for 356s are available from The
Lereyn Company online at "www.thirdbrakeIight.com" or by phone at 831-636-3046. Take a
look at the slim-line design ofthe Third Brake Light
and Turn Signal Lights we have developed for
356s. Add peace of mind to your driving experience-hundreds of satisfied 356 drivers have
already added The Lereyn Company lights to their
BRAKES sleeved and rebuilt: masters, wheels,
clutch, slave, calipers, boosters and shoes relined,
better than new; quick service; lifetime written warranty.
Drive, PO Drawer D, White Post, VA 22663. 540837-1140 www.whitepost.com
Coupe (T-2) 1600 Super 75hp, Vin #107355. Ruby
Red exteriorw/vinyl interior, cloth seat inserts, tan
wool carpet, red co-co mats. Excellent example of
fully restored "A" coupe. Original sheet metal with
Vin # stampings on doors, engine lid and front
hood. Dated, stamped fuel tank, fuel sender, and
wheel spare. Fitted luggage, tool kit, jack, headrests, radio center horn ring and chrome wheels. In
top mechanical condition, receipts for all work.
Award winnerat various 356 and PCA gatherings.
1955 356 Pre-A Speedster. Chassis #80693.
Engine #414346,1500 Super 70hp, White exterior
wIred interior seats, door panels, dash and wool
carpet. Tan soft top. Recent restoration to include:
body, paint, upholstery, suspension brackets,
engine, etc.
858-459-3500. www.grandprixclassics.com.
NEW BOOKS-NEW: 2002 356 New/Old Calendar
15.356Performance Guide, Spencer 20. HowTo?
How Come?! CD-ROM 30. Porsche Racing
Milestones, Thoms 32. Buying, Driving and
Enjoying the Porsche 356 20. Porsche 356,
Merideth 16. Passion for Porsche, Jenkinson 28.
STOCKED: 356 Porsche: Driving inits Purest Form
45. Porsche Speedster, Thiriar 45. 356 Registry
Tech! Resto Guide 18.356 Authenticity, rev iii 20.
Porsche 356 Defined, Johnson 25. Huschke von
Hanstein, The Racing Baron 20. Porsche in
Motorsport, Morgan 40. Porsche Racing Cars,
Oursler 32. Porsche 917, Morgan40. My LifeFullof
Cars, Frere 32. Porsche Legends (soft) 20.
Porsche 356, Long 28. Porsche 356 and RS
Spyders (soft) 20. Porsche 356A, 356B-T5, 356BT5 or 356B-T6/C Electrics (2 volumes) 70. Starter
relay SSr 40. Head lamp relay HLr (specify T5 or
T6/C) 95. Porsche 911: Forever Young 55. Bosch
Automotive Handbook, ed. 5 40. Please include
$3.00/shipment-checks and VISA/MC by
CHOICE 423 Hawk High Hill, Metamora, MI 48455
USA 810-678-3017, e-mail: blocklab @aol.com
AND REPAIR. Complete&correct re-wooding, polishing, machine turning (L.L.), and plating available.
Many exoticwoods for customorders. VDM, Nardi,
Les Leston, Derrington, Moto-Lita and others. Also
B/C type Carrera wheels.
805-528-6240. CA.
TECH INFO: Exploded-View Part Diagram setsshow all parts. Pre-A 51 pgs-$14, 356-A 74 pgs$17, 356-B T-5fT-6 11 8 pgs-$23, 356B/C 114 pgs$23. Factory workshop manuals: Pre-A 250 pgs$45, 356-A 500 pgs-$65, 356B/C900 pgs-$85. All
in 3-ring binders. Postage paid in USA. Website:
eraturePage. CHARLIE WHITE, 8639 E. Viade los
Libros, Scottsdale, AZ. 85258 Ph: 480-367-8097
eves, Email: derwhite@aol.com
OPTIMA BATIERIES Corrosion free/true zero
maintenance battery for your Porsche. Totally
sealed, no gas or acid can escape. 800 CCA,
retains charge in storage. 72-month warranty.
Extremely rugged! $135-12vt1$124-6vt, includes
UPS. Add $5 west of Miss., "chipped" battery tenders 6 or 12-$40. Master cutoff switch $10.
Vinton, VA24179. Chathamms @aol.com. 540-9810356 (cute number, eh?)
See My Classified Ad For Pricing
March/April 2002
he Maestro was FINALLY working on
thebadlybutchered NocturnalAviation
Engine again - the 1963 356B Super
with all FOUR Rod Journals CRACKED, with each
Crack almost alllllll the way through the Crank!
The one with the COMPLETELY CIRCULAR "hole"
in theFan, making turning it difficult. And inhibiting Cooling more than a little.
Now it had a very nice 356C Crank, a
MaestroMaster Cam, 912 Rods, a NEW 356C
Flywheel, a set of Shasta/lf Pistons in Bored &
Honed Porsche Industrial Engine Cylinders, a New
Fan, and was getting a set of 912 Heads to finish
off the Long Block.
It was after 6 pm, Left Coast Time, when the
phone calls finally stopped andtheMaestro could
tryto stick theHeads on before he left fortheday.
He assembled theneeded parts. The New Pushrod
Tubes. The 6 Wide Brimmed, Plated Head Nuts.
The 2 Narrow-Brimmed with the Bulge at the top
for better alignment of the Head Stud. The eight
small Head Nuts. The Air Deflectors and Springs,
and the Special Head Nut Washers that the
Maestro always MEASURES the thickness of and
had them sorted into trays of 0.077", 0.078",
0.079", 0.080" and 0.081" thick. (They're supposed to be 2mm (0.0794"). Plus some odd ball
very thin andvery thick ones. That way he canfind
compatible washers for most any Head.
That done, he stuck theAir Deflector on one
Pushrod tube, coated the Seal with Ford Water
Pump Sealer (NOT made from Firestone Tires),
and stuck it and the other three Pushrod Tubes
into the 3/4 side oftheCase. Then he grabbed the
selected Head for the 3/4 side, (he had already
"cc'ed" the Heads and shimmed the Industrial
Cylinders with theShasta Pistons enough to obtain
9.2:1 Compression. Should be much more
thrilling than beforel) The Maestro dripped a
dropofBlue Loktite ontothethreads ofeachHead
Nut and the threads of the Head Studs in the Case
and stuck theHead on.Addedtheeight Head Nut
Washers. And started tightening the Head Nuts.
He Torqued the Head down to about 10 ftlbs, and went to assemble the Head on the 1/2
Side, so he couldTorque BOTH Heads down at the
Same Time (this is one ofhis Special Secrets, one
of the Tricks learned from "How to Hot Rod VW
Engines" thatIS Beneficial on a Porschel)
But this time there was Something Wrong!
One Head Nut would NOT screw onto the Head
Stud. So the Maestro tried another Head Nut.
Same problem. He tried several more Head Nuts,
all with the same Negative Success on that Head
Nut, Good Buddy.
Hummh, thought the Maestro, knowing full
well he hadno choice butto remove theHead and
find out what's wrong! So, he unscrewed the 8
head nuts and removed theHead, which was quite
difficult to getoff, and tried to grab the Head Nut
Washers as they fell off, rolled away and tried to
Volume 25. Number 6
A case of mistaken 1.0.
(inside diameter)
hide. But the Maestro retrieved them all. Then he
checked the Head Stud that was giving such a
problem. He tried screwing a Head Nut onto the
Stud. It screwed on the Stud Just Fine! He tried
another Head Nut. It too screwed onto the Stud
Hummh, thought the Maestro. There's nothingwrong with EITHER the Head Nut or theStud.
So what's wrong here?Since he couldn't find any
problem, the Maestro reassembled the Head
Again. Again he putthePushrod Tubes backin the
Holes. Again he added the 8 Head Nut Washers.
Again he screwed them in by hand and again
began toTorque them to 10 ft-lbs , And AGAIN one
Head nut- this time a DIFFERENT head Nutwouldn't screw on the stud! WHAT? NOT AGAIN!?
Cried the Maestro, beseeching the Porsche gods.
The Maestro tried yet another Head Nut. It
wouldn't screw onto theStud either! He tried SEVERAL other Known-To-Be-Good Head Nuts. They
wouldn't screwon the stud either!No matter what
the Maestro did, not ONE Head Nut would screw
on! He couldn't believe it! And this was on a DIFFERENT Stud than the last time! So he took the
Head off AGAIN! And AGAIN the 8 Head Nut washers tried to escape. Again he tracked them down
andCAPTURED 'em. This time he checked ALL the
Head Nuts on ALL the Case Studs. All the Nuts
screwed onto ALL the Studs just fine! So, the
Maestro trieditagain. By now it was after 7pm and
Mrs. Maestro was expecting him home immediately andprobably tapping her foot impatiently, so
he had to figure this out QUICKLY - before the
Loctile dried.
And again the Head went on, but this time
the Maestro got out his trusty Flashlight and eyeballed each and every Head Nut washer as he
played "B-52 over Moscow," dropping the
Washers like mini-20 Megaton Bombs.
Bang. Bam. Rattle, rattle went the washers
one at a time, falling over each Head Stud. Except
for one. It just wouldn't go over the Head Stud!
The Maestro wiggled it around with his Lucky
Screwdriver that has installed THOUSANDS of
Head Nut Washers successfully before. And STILL
the Head Nut Washer wouldn't go over the Stud!
So, the Maestro pulled off the HEAD YET AGAIN!
And eyeballed theHead Nut Washer closely - VERY
Closely. For although it had the Exact OUTER
Diameter as a Porsche Head Nut Washer AND the
right thickness, it had a slightly smaller Inside
Diameter! Slightly smaller enough to NOTFIT over
the Stud, except for a very little bit that wasn't
enough to getthe Head Nut Started! Probably just
aswell, forifin theMaestro hadFORCED thedamn
washer over the Head Stud, it probably would
have "swagged" on, making it difficult to damn
near IMPOSSIBLE to get the Head OFF again! And
the Head would never Come Off again!
The Maestro tossed that bogus head nut
washer into the Trash with Great Prejudice and
Vowed to put a Head Stud into the Head Nut
Washer tray to CHECK THE ID of EACH "Head
Nut", 'cause you never know what you're gonna
getfor Head Nut Washers in Rebuilt 356 Engines
these days! Let this be a word to theWise.
The Maestro had the Patience to solve this
problem because earlier in the day when he was
up in Los Altos he hada Stunningly Beautiful, late
Teenage girl (Redhead too, like his first Real
Girlfriend), actually walk up to him in his 356, in
Absolute Awe andsaid, "That's an amazingly beautiful... CAR!" Of course the fact that the Maestro
was driving his"Blue Beast", the356SC Speedster,
Topless of course, with the Top Down , the
Speedster Windshield, the 911 Turbo Rear Clip,
the 911 Carrera RSR Flares in the Front, and the
6" FuchsMags with 225 X50 15Tires all around
might have hadsomething to dowith it. She might
not have said thatabout a "regular" 356C Coupe.
The Reason the Maestro was high up in Los
Altos was becausehewas eyeballing a stash of356
Parts at a Shop that was getting out of the 356
business. Sadly, the partswere those that had sat
on the back shelf for years. Cases with no Front
Covers that hadSomething Wrong withthem years
ago that's still wrong butwhat it is YOU gotta find
after you buy 'em.There was a box ofSide Vertical
Sheet Metal pieces, but almost every one turned
outto be theDreaded 1968912with the HOLE in
itfortheAir Injection Line togothrough. Sinceno
one EVER hooks up the Air Injection line on a
1968 912 after an overhaul, you're left with an
open hole here. Unless you replace thatpiece with
a NON- 1968 piece.
The box contained the REJECTED '68 912
parts. And there were 10 Solex Manifolds - the
Maestro had a surplus of those, so they weren't
terribly exciting. No Cranks. No Rods. 1\vo Heads.
One a 356A with Brass Seats and the other aguess what-a 912 with a CRACK right through
the Welded sparkplug area! Both worthless.
But talking with the Owner was Worthwhile.
Forthe Owner had a Super-90 Engine with something he had never seen before. The Maestro,
always wanting to see something Rare, expressed
Great Interest in the Super-90 Problem and the
Shop Owner showed the Maestro the Engine.And
yes, it was a Super-90 - a late 1961 model. And
yes, it had the Super-90 Crank - that Big 55mm
Flywheel Main Bearing is a Certain Unmistakable
Sign. The Flywheel was off, and the Whole
Crank/Bearing area was visible. And the REALLY
Interesting Thing about it? A Thing the Maestro
NEVERseen before!
The Flywheel Main Bearing had NO
"TIIRUST SURFACE'" All 356/912 Flywheel Main
Bearings have a "Thrust Flange" designed to
"take" the end thrust of putting the Clutch Down.
The Super-90 has a STEEL-backed Flywheel Main ,
with of course, a Steel Thrust Flange. But the
Bearing in THIS Super-90 had NO TilRUST
FLANGE AT ALL! It was like a Middle Main - one
with NO Thrust Flange. Well, I hear you cry. 1I0w
DID they take the End Thrust in this Super-90? By
having the End Play Shim hit DIRECTLYAGAINST
TilE CASE! Doesn't that tend to wear the Case?
YES! And it did.
So, how many miles did this Ve rboten
Combination go, anyhow? Forty. Only FORTY
Maestro was 1M-pressed by that Turkey Repair.
Someday he even hopes to find out what bearing,
exactly, they used in that Supel'90.Just in case of
National Emergency. But until then he can only
Keep the 356 Faith!
Vintage Posters
The ring is a gauge holder that can be
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March/April 200 2
Conti nued from page 36
I ran into a local 356 for sale and bought it. But
thatwas not the end ofmy 356 journey. In2000, I
bought a second 356, Foam Car.
For those of you who participate on 356
Talk, you may have heard of Foam Car. I have
The first bag of foam
Foam Car had the typical rotten batteryfloor, in
addition to several holes and battered metal in
the trunk walls.
Theframe railswere replaced after the metal
behindthem was repaired. As in manyrustrepairs on a 356. morethan one layerof metal
must be dealt with.
Vol ume 25. Number 6
been giving regular updates of my repair efforts
on Foam Car for a little over a year. Like many of
us, we can't drive by or readlocalclassifieds and
notnotice a 356for sale. I have acquired two 356s
this way; a '55 Pre-AcoupeandFoam Car,a 63 T6
S90 coupe. The '55 coupe had a verygood original bodybutthe engine was inpieces. At that time,
I could do most mechanical work but loathed
bodywork. Foam Car hada pretty good engine and
transaxle but the body metal was very questionable. Having driven the Pre A for 15 years and
about 35,000 miles, I was yearning for a little
more power than a 1500 normal. l\vo trips
through the Rockies were enough with 55 DIN
horsepower. Foam Car was driveable, looked presentable, and finallybecame availablefor theright
price (what I was willing to pay for a decent running engine and transaxle) . The basicplan was to
put at least the S90 engine in the Pre A, butafter
mywife anddaughter both rode in Foam Car, they
said they liked it a lot more than the Pre A. That
is when I decided to determine the state of the
bodystructural metal.
I know, you are thinking, how can anyone
familiar with 356s buy onewithout inspecting the
structure? Well, Foam Car was completely coated
with yellow insulating type foam that varied in
thickness from 3/4 inch to 3 inches. The complete
undercarriage, engine compartment, trunk, and
undersides ofthe carpeting and trim panels were
coated with foam. So, after having driven Foam
Car about 1000 miles, and with winter coming, I
put Foam Car in the shop and started removing
foam. To date I have removed over 100 gallons of
foam, and have more to go. I removed enough to
determine that this 356 had the usual rust for a
Michigan car. I also concluded that the structure
of the 356 is over-engineered or has a healthy
safety factor. With as much metal missing asFoam
Car had, it sure seemed sturdy and solid. Along
with the rust, air horns had been installed inside
the trunk and one front bumper mounting brace
had noweld nuts, so long bolts protruded into the
tire compartment holding the bumper bracket to
the body. Thus the vertical wall of the tire compartment was pretty beat up and had many holes
in it. The diagonal was pretty bent up from
improper jacking, butnot rusty.
After removing the seats and carpeting, lots
offoam and undercoating, I assessedthestructural damage and made a spread-sheet listing all of
themetal I needed, plusa fewother missing parts
and started filling in various suppliers part numbers and prices. Even though I could minimize
cost by ordering fro m multiple suppliers, I decided to buy everything from one supplier. This way
I got a volume discount and had one stop shopping. Even then I had to order "verbally" as the
spread-sheet was just too much for themto work
Next I bought a migwelder andSigned upfor
a mig weldingclass at a local community college.
I was now committed. Having read a number of
articles on body restoration I knew this was going
to take a while. Fortunately, having recently
retired I had some time available to dedicate to
this project. My goal was 20 hours per week
workingon FoamCar. Well,it hasnotworked out
that way, more like eight hours per week.
I made mywelding instructor show me how
todowhatI neededtolearn; horizontal butt welds
that were flat, simulated spot welds, and fillet
welds. All of this was on 20-gauge sheet metal
using my welder, not the big ones in the school's
shop. I bought Fournier's two books on metal
forming and readandre-read Ron Roland's series
of articles on floor pan and longitudinal replacement which were published in this magazine. I
bought the tin snips, flangers, air saws and
grinders, electric angle grinders, and a fewother
metal forming specialty tools.
Having already replaced the battery pan in
the '55 coupe, I decided to start at the front of
Foam Car andwork myway around clockwise, as
"To date I have removed over
100 gallons of foam,
and have more to go:'
the passengerside appeared to be worse than the
drivers side. After 320 hours ofwork, I am finally starting on the drivers side. The battery pan,
fender brace, bumper mounting bracket, strut,
outer longitudinal and closing panels have been
replaced on the passenger side, along with
numerous patches to various rusty panels.
As one of our professional 356 restorers
said on 356Talk, the rust repair ona 356 is nota
gloryjob. It's dirty, somewhat dangerous, andcan
get repetitive. But there is a sense ofsatisfaction in
looking backat a nice fitting patch, proper clamping forsmooth seams, flat welds, andthefinished
results when it comes out right. Too bad most ofit
gets covered with undercoat and no one else will
ever know. I supposethat's whythere are so many
before/during/after photo albums at car shows.
In conclusion, the 356 has been the most
interesting and enjoyable car I have ever had. That
is whyI now have two. I will always be interested
in older cars and trucks, butas far as working on
and driving one, the 356 is at the top ofmylist. In
purely stock form they can still be used in most
modem traffic situations. Sure, the brake lights
are meager, but we knowhowtoimprove this with
LEOs. The headlights are dim, butwe knowhowto
improve this with halogen and relays. So make a
new year's resolution to start putting some hours
in learning how to, and then repairing your 356.
Zill1 a-palooza
Sign up for our E mail Newsletter
Air, 356, wI Zenith 32 NDIX carbs
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Air, K&N assembly 356, wI Zenith 32 NDIX 49.95
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Our Standard RebuildKns containstandardmainandrod bearings,
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1 don't know or care but 1 can say as a certain fact that
we are selling our ENTIRE stock of rare and used 356 parts
accumulated over the span of twenty years. The ugly truth
is that 1 will never regain the complete use of my hand so
my need of these parts is diminished. No, we are NOT
closing, we are just selling the used parts in toto and concentrating on our steering wheel and trick parts production. We are holding nothing back, the things you thought
were impossible to find, we have bags of. 1 have always held
these parts back, never offered on eBay etc. thinking
"some day 1 will need this for a restoration." That day is
not coming so here is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fly
in, pay with Visa or Me and we will ship for you anywhere
in the world. Go to www.PerlectMotion.com/sale for a series of photos
showing only a fraction of what we have. We don't have a bunch of greasy,
rotten old crap. If it is here it is clean and good. Most parts are already
restored, ready to install. Just ask people who have come here for an
impression. Top frames, NOS glass, restored instruments knobs, grilles,
bumpers, engine parts, sheet metal, lights, chrome, seats, original wheels
and horn buttons, brake drums [measured, inspected and tagged], new
parts as well. No reasonable offers rejected, we need the money and we
need the space, buy a little or buy the lot: let's deal.
Jeffrey Fellman
www.Perlect-Motion.com. email: pmotion@acun.com
6225 S.Mclntosh Rd. Sarasota Fl. 34238
Tel./Fax:941 921 2624, cell.941 504 0088