Pantherette Spring 2012 - Paschal Alumni Association
Pantherette Spring 2012 - Paschal Alumni Association
PASCHAL ALUMNI Pantherette MOTTO: “REMEMBERING THE PAST...BUILDING THE FUTURE.” A Free Semi-annual Publication of The Paschal Alumni Association for R.L. Paschal High School. Issue 40, Spring 2012 Something to Believe in -- PHS Legacy Project O nly at Paschal High School, or “Panther City” as our large 5A alma mater is sometimes called, would a new purple (yes purple) athletic field seem appropriate. Naturally, to envision the concept seems a bit weird, but kind of cool just the same. The color purple, a familiar presence on Berry Street from TCU to Forest Park Boulevard, for decades has marked the “Southside” domain. With this in mind, a committed group of Paschal parents, PHS Alumni and community leaders have launched a privately funded endeavour to enhance Paschal’s all-sports facilities and to, of course, extend the proud purple tradition. Paschal Legacy, as the campaign is called, is an exciting plan for the future of PHS, but it will take a spirited community effort to get the project underway. Phase I would include installing the new field with a security fence and finishing the Panther Patio. PLEASE NOTE: Alumni who prefer to receive the Pantherette by email only, please notify Paula Medford ‘75 at or check the box on the dues form. This will significantly cut costs for printing and postage. A special thanks to Pantherette PHS Alums who have already request- O ed to have the newsletter sent by email. That has been a big help. PASCHAL ALUMNI Phase II and III would support a multisport indoor facility with artificial turf, new locker rooms, weight room and trainer facilities. Go to to find out how you can help build the future of the school as loyal Paschal Alumni. MOTTO: “REMEMBERING THE PAST...BUILDING THE FUTURE.” nly at Paschal High School, or “Panther City” as our large 5A alma mater is sometimes called, would a new purple (yes purple) athletic field seem appropriate. Naturally, to envision the concept seems a bit weird, but kind of cool just the same. The color purple, a familiar presence on Berry Street from TCU to Forest Park Boulevard, for decades has marked the “Southside” domain. With this in mind, a committed group of Paschal parents, PHS Alumni and community leaders have launched a privately funded endeavour to enhance Paschal’s all-sports facilities and to, of course, extend the proud purple tradition. Paschal Legacy, as the campaign is called, is an exciting plan for the future of PHS, but it will take a spirited community effort to get the project underway. Phase I would include installing the new field with a security fence and finishing the Panther Patio. Phase II and III would support a PLEASE NOTE: Alumni who prefer to receive the Pantherette by email only, please notify Paula Medford ‘75 at or check the box on the dues form. This will significantly cut costs for printing and postage. A special thanks to PHS Alums who have already requested to have the newsletter sent by email. That has been a big help. Purple Reigns at District and State Competitions Top Academics: Panthers Take Charge The Panthers took charge across the district and the state demonstrating their academic prowess. District Championships PHS Whiz Quiz team won for 11th straight year. Panthers placed 1st in Number Sense, Current Events, Science, Math, Individual Spelling, and Computer Science at the District UIL Academic Meet. Regional UIL Academic Championships: State Qualifiers PHS Science Team won 1st place. PHS Computer Science Team won 1st place. Paschal’s Individual Spelling and Vocabulary student won 3rd place, qualifying for state. PHS Science Team is C3H5(ONO2)3 ! (dynamite) Sports Lady Panther Soccer Team won District, Bi-District and the Area Championship. Paschal Varsity Tennis Team won the Fort Worth City Championships with five 1st place finishes. PHS Varsity Golf Team and both Girls and Boys Wrestling Teams were District Champs. A Lady Panther swimmer won two State Championship Gold Medals in 200 Freestyle and 100 Freestyle. She was named “Female Swimmer” of the Austin State meet. Two former PHS baseball players were drafted by the Cleveland Indians in the 2012 MLB draft. JROTC The JROTC Panther Battalion received the Grand Champion trophy at the Fort Worth District drill meet held at Farrington Field. Fine Arts A Paschal Vagabond student won the regional competition and represented Tarrant County in the English Speaking Union’s National Shakespeare Competition held in New York City. Student Spotlight State Championship Awards Paschal won the entire competition at the premier high school engineering competition in the United States at the TEAMS annual meet. (Test of Engineering Aptitude, Math and Science) Top private and public schools in Texas, all science powerhouses, were competing for the trophy. Paschal won State Championships in Physics, 12th Grade Science and 12th Grade Math at the State Math and Science Coaches Association Meet. The Panthers also tied for 1st place in Biology. 90 high schools were competing. Paschal Computer Science Team won the written competition at the University of Texas against 120 contestants. Overall, the Panthers placed 3rd in the state. The PHS Computer Science Team also won the Championship trophy at Lockheed’s first annual CodeQuest Programming contest. 50 programming teams from across the state participated. Missing 1st place by one problem, Paschal placed 3rd in the state at CodeWars Competition in Houston, competing against 150 teams. Julia Anderson will attend Stanford in the fall -- no doubt she will make quite a splash! Panther Contributors (Donations received after April 30, 2012 will be acknowledged in the next newsletter) Donna Kirk Bergoon ‘63 Karl Beyer ‘49 Irwin Blum ‘69 Rodney Bryan ‘67 Doug Byrd ‘54 Gretchen Shulkey Childs ‘75 Tilden Childs III ‘67 Susan Chinworth ‘74 Hazel Gunnels Choate ‘50 Mac Churchill ‘67 Roger Clark ‘68 Carolyn Terrell Coatoam ‘64 Debbi Simpson Comparin ‘72 Don Crum ‘66 Stephen Evans ‘62 John Garnett ‘57 William Gibson ‘56 Larry Glazer ‘57 Tom Gooch Laura Gooch ‘78 Tina Goss ‘82 Susan Winterringer Heckmann ‘70 Chris Heinrichs ‘67 Jan Lewis Heinrichs ‘67 Mary Walsh Henderson ‘63 Chris Heuer ‘67 Gary Jarmon ‘59 Martha Taylor Jones ‘59 Alan Jones ‘72 Billie Burt Kenyon ‘41 Luanne McMath Kepple ‘60 Don Kirks ‘60 In honor of Joe Hardgrove Eric Klein ‘82 Helen Buntin Krone ‘78 Terri Jackson Lane ‘70 Randy Lane ‘70 David Lobingier ‘65 Charles Macune ‘57 Wilma Seilheimer Mai ‘56 Mary McMahon Markham ‘58 Ed Meinen ‘75 Bess Lawson Nellis ‘63 Bob Nichols ‘42 David Ott ‘64 James Parker ‘65 Leslie Finks Parker ‘70 James Patterson ‘67 Jean Rector In honor of Charlie D. Mays Billy Rice ‘59 Celia Maddox Rice ‘60 Joe Rickard ‘43 Roy Rimmer ‘59 Nancy Newton Rimmer ‘60 Jack Rubin ‘60 Larry Schuessler Allen Schuster Herbert Schwarz ‘45 Lois George Scott ‘51 Sara Ann Hyde Shryoc ‘42 Lady Fine Smith ‘38 Larry Steinberg ‘53 Joel David Sugg ‘57 Cynthia Wendland Tanner ‘68 Donna Lamberson Thomason ‘62 In honor of Richard Rainwater ‘62 Ben Tobor ‘64 Carolyn Braselton Townsend ‘62 Jim Utterback Michael Waldron ‘65 Dorothy Cook Watson ‘54 Robert White ‘50 Phyllis Webster White ‘51 Faye Rathgeber Willis ‘53 Nancy Curtis Willis ‘69 John Wilson ‘39 In honor of the teachers of the Class of 1939Lee Wong ‘56 Mara Donaldson Wrinkle ‘63 Gayle Caldwell York ‘59 John Young ‘61 Cal Zethraeus Dale Zimmerman ‘54 Alumni Memorials Bill Allen, Coach Michael Bourland ‘61 Jason Bourland ‘98 Douglas Forshagen ‘63 Billy Green ‘47 Kenneth Jones, Jr. ‘53 William Norman ‘66 David O’Brien ‘63 Tom Owens ‘42 Richard Simon ‘51 James Sindt ‘46 Paul Williams ‘68 Jim Anderson ‘50 Eddye Ruth Greene Williams Lillian Bales, Math Teacher Sharon Sass Feather ‘65 Elveta “Doc” Benson, Chemistry Teacher Don Dechman ‘53 Bobby Bethea ‘64 Cassie McCally Gordon ‘64 (Bold type designates person memorialized.) Dick Bibb ‘42 Jo Ann Crowder Walker ‘45 Thelma Bibb ‘45 Jo Ann Crowder Walker ‘45 Paula Bills ‘74 Cynthia Bills Reid ‘74 Louise Bomar, Spanish Teacher Sharon Sass Feather ‘65 Ann Boswell Madison Reed ‘53 Jim Brady ‘57 Alma Malone Brady ‘57 Joe Mike Brees ‘48 Duane Fincher ‘48 James Briggs ‘49 Jerry Briggs ‘51 Mike Cason ‘58 Carrol Payne Nokes ‘60 Jan Stanley Chapman ‘56 Troy Chapman ‘55 Doris Cheney, History Teacher William Hargrove ‘49 Ed Conley Ralph Holloway ‘42 Jim Croslin ‘51 Carol Rechenthin Wadley 52 Doug Dickerson ‘61 Ginny Ludwick Butler ‘61 Myron Butler ‘61 Anthony Harris ‘61 Donna Lamberson Thomason ‘62 Sonny Dorris ‘58 Patricia Gathright Harrell ‘58 Ginger Echols Madison Reed ‘53 Agnes Edens Hazel Gunnels Choate ‘50 Patricia Egan ‘59 Carrol Payne Nokes ‘60 Jim Evans ‘58 Patricia Gathright Harrell ‘58 Suzan Napier Stratton ‘58 Newell Faulkner, English Teacher Lorie Milling ‘75 Alumni Memorials (Bold type designates person memorialized.) Chuck Fielder ‘56 Alice Gammage-Fielder Jackson ‘57 Don Fizer ‘60 Jim Shelton ‘60 Bobby Joe Foster Richard Owens ‘43 James Griffin ‘53 Glee Crawford Griffin ‘53 William Bunnie Griffin ‘55 Mike Griffin ‘63 Frances Grisso, Biology Teacher Mildred Sutton Petty ‘38 Dick Hanley ‘60 Bill Hargrave ‘60 Suzanne Tribble Harper ‘49 Duane Fincher ‘48 Margaret A. Hays Danny Hays ‘51 Thom Heinrichs ‘70 Chris Heinrichs ‘67 Jan Lewis Heinrichs ‘67 Don Herman ‘56 Jack Rubin ‘60 Harry Hoskins ‘59 Gary Jarmon ‘59 Louis Hudgins, Chemistry Teacher Thomas Hazlewood ‘64 John E. Huff Diane Hartman Huff Doris & Griff Hughes Carol Sweatman Pitts ‘50 Jerry Pitts ‘50 In memory of our deceased classmates Class of 1961 In memory of deceased classmates 1968 Craig Jones ‘68 Ginger Jones ‘64 Emily Utterback Dore ‘64 Wendy Jones ‘67 Chris Heinrichs ‘67 Jan Lewis Heinrichs ‘67 Pam Laird ‘61 Myron Butler ‘61 Ginny Ludwick Butler ‘61 Barney Lockhart Lance LeDoux ‘67 Sam Dean Loeb Karen Loeb Prestridge ‘61 Richard Loughridge ‘56 Byron Baird ‘54 Marilyn Slaughter Baird ‘54 Jeff Loveless ‘71 Christianne McKee ‘71 Jimmy Mann ‘61 Ginny Ludwick Butler ‘61 Myron Butler ‘61 Sherrill Martin ‘54 Arthur Odum ‘54 Doris Miller Maxwell ‘46 Helen Miller Pringle ‘44 Marvin Meinstein ‘63 Class of 1963 Jon Meyerson ‘67 James Patterson ‘67 Margaret Milling Lorie Milling ‘75 Lois Ruth Mitchell Wayne Arrowood ‘60 Jim Murph ‘63 James Derrick, Jr. ‘63 Beth White Nix Pam Nix Gilmore ‘65 Pat Watkins Owens ‘59 Rosalee Graves Allen ‘59 Aubrey “Red” Phillips Barbara Butler Frey ‘48 Wesley Talbott Prescott ‘60 Robin Combest Cridland ‘60 Diana Francis Prescott ‘60 Debbie Chamberlain Price ‘58 Martha Taylor Jones ‘59 Pat Rambo ‘52 Barbara Hellman Johnson ‘52 Weldon Johnson ‘52 Jane Gregory Reed Madison Reed ‘53 Nancy Kirby Reid ‘60 Jim Shelton ‘60 Speedy Renshaw ‘60 Jim Shelton ‘60 Mary Lois Reviere Madison Reed ‘53 Carolyn Reynolds, VOE Teacher Dana Little Thompson ‘70 Zelma Rhodes, Yearbook Craig Jones ‘68 Pam Roach Thomas ‘76 Marilyn Galloway Richardson ‘57 Alice Gammage-Fielder Jackson ‘57 Bubba Rubin Jack Rubin ‘60 Sherwin Rubin David Rubin ‘53 Joel Steinberg ‘52 Larry Steinberg ‘53 Stan Scott ‘62 Jan Keen Hull ‘62 Irene Keetch Shepherd ‘27 Mary Jo Shepherd ‘45 Red Simmons Sid Schmidt ‘54 Lois Ann Smith, English Teacher Maridel Montgomery Rippy ‘56 Kirby Smyth Lance LeDoux ‘67 Sally Stemm Vicki Hammond Kirkland ‘68 Phillip Thomas ‘69 Scott Corpening Miriam Todd, Drama Teacher Sissy Florine Pulley ‘53 Charlie Turner, Coach Craig Jones ‘68 Wendell Nelson ‘57 Cynthia Bills Reid ‘74 Jim Williams ‘61 Lee Wong ‘56 Danny Walker ‘46 Jo Ann Crowder Walker ‘45 Robin Ward ‘62 Keith Pittman ‘65 Peggy Pope Watts ‘60 Jim Shelton ‘60 James “Red” Weaver Margie Horne Weaver ‘50 Reid Weir ‘65 Keith Pittman ‘65 Goldie Ripper West, English Teacher Randy Widaman ‘64 Pat Brightwell Whitson ‘44 George Brightwell ‘53 Linda Brightwell Maxcy ‘57 Jean Wilcox, Latin Teacher Sandra Newton Conte ‘58 Mae Workman, English Teacher Gordon Reeves ‘42 O.D. Wyatt, Principal Joe Camp ‘52 Gordon Reeves ‘42 Please note any amount over the annual membership dues will be considered a contribution. Thank you! A l u m n i A ss o c i a t i o n D u e s Please send my newsletter by email only. Last Name First Name Maiden Name Spouse’s name (class year if a PHS Alum) Address City State Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number Email Address DUES $20 per person $10 if a 50 year graduate DONATION General Fund $ Legacy Fund $ Memorials $ Middle Graduation Year Zip Bill Allen Scholarship $ John Hamilton Endowment $ for Please make checks payable to PASCHAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION and mail to P.O. Box 11876, Fort Worth, TX 76110-0876 We are a 501 (c) (3) organization -- all donations are tax deductible. Please send new or changed alumni data to Paula Pike Medford ’75 at Thanks! 23nd Annual PHS Alumni Golf Tournament What: Florida Scramble 4 man teams Lunch 11:30 to 12:45 Cost: $90 per player $50 for a hole sponsorship Prizes: For 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Awards Presentation After Play When: 1:00 p.m. shotgun start Friday, June 8, 2012 Special Events: Closest to pin, longest drive Where: Split Rail Golf Club 2151 Old Annetta Road Aledo, TX 76008 817.441.4653 You may arrange your own group, or we will place you, if possible, according to class year and handicap. If you wish to play in the golf tournament and/or participate as a sponsor, please complete this form along with a check payable to PHS Alumni Association and mail to Alumni Golf Tournament, P.O. Box 11876, Fort Worth, TX 76110-0876. Sign up now! For more information, call or email Roger Motheral: 817.235.1878 or Peter Hinojosa: 817.239.0055 (Detach and return with your payment.) Name:_____________________________________ Address:___________________________________ __________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Handicap:__________________ Class Year:_________________ No. of Players________@$90__________________ Hole Sponsor________@$50___________________ Total Enclosed:______________________________ Team Members:_____________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Paschal Alumni Association Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit# 1084 Fort Worth, Texas P.O. Box 11876 Fort Worth, TX 76110-0876 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED “How can I find out if I’ve paid my dues?” (Most frequently asked alumni question.) Check the date by your name on the address label. This tells you when you last paid. Thanks for your continued support. Your dues do make a difference. Paschal Alumni E-mail: Celebrating Those “Good Old Days” -- PHS Reunions 2012 Class of 1957- 55th Saturday, May 26 7:00 p.m. Portraits of the Wild Art Gallery Entrance of Fort Worth Zoo Contact: Karen Haun Barlow Class of 1962- 50th Saturday, June 23 7:00 p.m. A “Stardust” Celebration Colonial Country Club Contact: Jan Keen Hull 817-927-7745 Class of 1967- 45th Saturday, June 9 7:00-10:30 p.m. Esperanza’s Restaurant 2122 North Main Street Contact: Mary Mac Shelton Elliott 817-798-9537 Class of 1972- 40th Saturday, June 16 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. The Brit Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1700 University Drive Grounds of Botanical Gardens Sunday, June 17 Class picnic 12:00 p.m. Bellaire Drive and Overton Park West Across from Tanglewood Elementary School Contact: Cindy Messing Longstreth 469-728-7323 or (c) 817-480-6111 Class of 1970- 60th Birthday Party Saturday, July 21 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Joe T. Garcia’s “La Puertita” Chapel 2201 N. Commerce Street Contact: Caren Wilkerson or Classes of 1970-1979 Alumni Golf Tournament After Party Friday, June 8 6:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Capital Bar (Behind Dos Gringos) 3017 Morton Street Pardi Gras Band- 9:30 p.m. Contact: Paula Rosen Facebook page: “2012 Paschal Alumni Golf Tournament After Party” (You do NOT need to play in the tournament to enjoy the after party fun) SAVE the DATE: Sunday, November 4, 2012 John Hamilton 50 Year Recognition John Hamilton has been an outstanding math teacher and Academic Coordinator at Paschal High School since 1962. As Paschal Alums, we are all aware of Hamilton’s reputation for creating and keeping the top academic programs at PHS. Let’s all support this important event to honor John Hamilton and to celebrate the continued academic success of our alma mater. (Paschal High School academic rating by Newsweek: Top 1% in the nation)