anna nagar times


anna nagar times
India’s First Neighbourhood Newspaper
Vol. 22, No. 34
1126th Issue: May 10 - 16, 2015
Advt. Supplement
Page II
May 10 - 16, 2015
India’s First Neighbourhood Newspaper
Vol. 22, No. 34
1126th Issue: May 10 - 16, 2015
You can access and read ANNA NAGAR TIMES
Page 2
May 10 - 16, 2015
Classified Advertisements under the heads Accommodation Required, Automotive, Guest Houses, Real Estate, Rental, Situations Vacant and Women's Hostel will be
published on this page. Each advertisement of Real Estate and Rental must relate to only one premises and its address must be given clearly. The charges are
Rs. 800 upto 30 words, of which Rs. 75 is treated as the advertiser's donation to The Banyan, the rehabilitation home in Mogappair for mentally ill women destitutes.
FULLY furnished 2 bed
rooms apartment with A/c,
fridge, TV, on monthly basis
near Ambattur Industrial
Estate, MMM & Frontier Life
line Hospital, opp. Spartan
School, Mogappair. Ph:
98944 46046
ANNA NAGAR sharing
bachelors accommodation,
AM 5, 12th Main Road, non
A/c Rs. 2000; A/c Rs. 2500 +
maintenance, per month. A/
c extra. 5% concession on
rent for students and IAS
aspirants. Ph: 90032 55211
PSB Guest House with 14
A/c rooms, fully furnished,
available on daily basis.
Every room has access to
hall-cum-dining. All rooms
are internet enabled at P 48,
P Block 17th Street, off 6th
Avenue, Anna Nagar, near
2 BEDROOMS, attached
K4 police station. Ph: 98842 bath, covered car park,
ground floor apartment, good
metro water supply, 1100
ACCOMMODATION sq.ft, Plot No. 1132/3, “i”
FULLY furnished, inde Block 34 Street, off 18 Main
pendent house, 1st floor, 2 Road, Anna Nagar. Ph: 2621
bedrooms flat with A/c, TV, 5380, 98419 77187
fridge, cooking facility, was
ONE bedroom, hall, kitc
hing machine for twin share/ hen, 3 phase, fully renovated,
single woman on monthly No. 440/10, Royal Enclave,
basis, 12th Main Road, 3 rd Avenue, Anna Nagar
opposite Hot Chips, Anna East, open car park, security.
Nagar. Ph: 98944 46046
Rent Rs. 12,000. Ph: 94456
FULLY furnished 2 bed 20805
rooms flat with A/c, TV, fridge,
cooking facility, washing C Block, No. 106, S & P
machine for twin share/single Foundation, new, 3 bed
woman on monthly basis, rooms, hall, kitchen, 1st floor
close to Ambattur Industrial flat, covered car park. Rent
Estate & 1 minute walk to Rs. 30,000, negotiable. Ph:
Golden Flats bus stop. Ph: 98402 43735. Inspection on
98944 46046
2 BEDROOMS flat, 960 325/22, Kathiravan Colony,
sq.ft, 2nd floor, independent near Thirumangalam, first
house, newly built, attached floor, 2 bedrooms flat. Vacant
bath, covered car park, Plot possession. No brokers. Ph:
No. 1136, Anna Nagar West 96777 49179, 95000 40933
End Colony, near DAV Boys
& Velammal Schools, behind Colony, No. B, AI 163, 9th
Union Bank of India. Ph: Main Road, near Anna
4385 0291, 98411 68147
Adarsh School, 2 bedrooms,
INDEPENDENT house, hall, dining, kitchen with 2
900 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall, balconies, 970 sq.ft, lift, car
kitchen, covered car park, 3 park, CCTV. No brokers. Ph:
phase, Old No. 2131, New 2620 0274, 99403 94895
No. 80, Vasantham Colony
ANNA NAGAR, No. 1303,
2nd Street, near Udhayam 31st Street, Kambar Colony,
Colony, Anna Nagar. Rent near 18th Main Road, 3 bed
Rs. 15,000. Ph: 94449 58644 rooms, 1st floor, covered car
ANNA NAGAR, No. 281, park, wood work, full marble
Sangam Apartments, Belly floor, A/c, 24 hours metro
Area, near Jessie Moses & water. For residential. Ph:
Chinmaya Schools, 3 98408 33953, 93828 69636
bedrooms, hall, kitchen. Ph:
91764 73297
hall, kitchen, 1340
sq.ft, 1st floor flat, lift,
covered car park,
School, W 587, Flat C
copious water, J 893,
2, School Road, Anna
J Block 18th Street,
Nagar Western Exten
off 13th Main Road,
sion, 2 bedrooms flat,
Vaigai Colony, Anna
pooja, hall, ward
Nagar West, 3 kms
robes, wood work,
from SBOA. 98438
car park, lift, all elec
92323, 98432 92323
tricals, A/c fitted.
Banking professio
nals preferred. Fami 89, L Block 20th Street. Rent
lies only. No brokers. Rs. 14,000 for small family,
Rent Rs. 24,000. Ph: 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
90940 68307. Inspec attached EWC, bath, geyser,
tion by appointment. wardrobes, tiles floor, sepa
ANNA NAGAR West, No. rate overhead tank, 800 sq.ft,
1173, H Block 5th Street, opp. park accessible. No car park.
EB Office, indepen dent 1st Ph: Kannadasan, 2663
floor, 1450 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, 2003, 95001 66338
attached bath, hall, kitchen,
open car park. Vegetarians
only. No brokers. Ph: 2616 Flat No. 2-B, Phase II,
adjacent to DABC Apart
1510, 90920 20022
ments, 2 bedrooms, new, 2nd
3 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc floor, semi-furnished flat,
hen, duplex house, No. 2020, covered cupboards, modular
Vasantham Colony, 2 nd kitchen, covered car park, 4Street, Anna Nagar. Rent Rs. in-1 flat, 24 hours water. Rent
24,000, negotiable. Ph: Rs. 18,000, negotiable. Ph:
98840 46712. No brokers. 95518 60209
1350 SQ.FT, furnished 3
bedrooms, hall, kitchen, car
park, R 41, near DAV & Vela
mmal Schools, Anna Nagar
Western Extension. Ph:
93822 39099
Block 9th Street, near Garodia
School & Tower Park, 3 bed
rooms, hall, kitchen, 2 toilets,
1315 sq.ft, 2nd floor, lift, cove
red car park. No brokers. Ph:
97907 49717
SPACIOUS single bed
room flat, hall, kitchen, open
car park, ready to occupy,
No.428/22, Royal Enclave,
Anna Nagar East, near K4
police station. 94451 08410
Puram West, TNHB, 64 HIG,
brand new, 2 bedrooms, hall,
kitchen, covered car park,
lifts, ventilation, semi-furni
shed, 24 hours water, near
BBCL Navarathina, 2 kms to
Velammal Vidyalaya. Visit on
Sunday, 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Ph:
97909 69351, 94430 24826
NEAR Visweswarayya
Tower Park, Y 47, Y Block 9th
Street, independent house,
1st floor, 2 bedrooms, atta
ched bath, hall, dining, kitc
hen, service, balcony, cove
red car park. Ph: 2626 1283,
94453 75283
cial: 1785 sq.ft, 4 bedrooms,
3 attached baths, covered
car park, 24 hours water, W
46, CSector, 3rd Street, Anna
Nagar Western Extn, near
Chennai Public, SBOA & Leo
Schools, oppo site park. Rent
Rs. 30,000 & 10 months
advance. Inspection: 10th &
11th May. Ph: 9486282340,
DELLUXE 1550 sq.ft, 3
bedrooms, hall, kitchen flat,
136/7, Ajantha Flats, Anna
Nagar, near SBOA School,
2 covered car parks, one A/
c, 3 geysers, semi-furnished.
Ph: 94448 61308, 2663 2114
650 SQ.FT, ground floor,
one bedroom, hall, kitchen,
newly built, No. 1869, 4th
Street, Vasantham Colony,
Anna Nagar. Rent Rs. 9,500.
Brahmins only. Ph: 98846
80075, 98410 33737
hall, kitchen, as per
vaasthu, open car
park, ground floor,
Plot No. 1597, J Block
5th Street, Anna Nagar
West, behind Sridevi
Hospital. IT profe
ssional, vegetarian,
small family prefe
rred. Ph: 98403 39395
Extn, near SBOA School, W
182G, North Main Road, 3rd
floor, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitc
hen, car park, 24 hours
water, 750 sq.ft. No brokers.
Ph: 98416 99149, 2624
4694, 98409 59735
2 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, first floor, car park, C
26, Pachaiyappar Street,
Mogappair East, walkable
distance to Velammal Sch
ool. Rent Rs. 17,000. Ph:
95666 13939
three bedrooms, hall, kitc
hen, dining, 1st floor, inde
pendent house, about 1600
sq.ft, separate open car park,
well and metro water. Rent
Rs. 25,000. Ph: 2621 1575
Extension, Plot No. 1031,
TVS Colony, 44th Street, 2
bedrooms, 2 halls, kitchen,
attached baths, wood work,
car park, 1400 sq.ft, 1st floor,
near schools & hospitals. Ph:
2654 9558, 98404 83615
Nagar, Plot No. 885, 28th
Street, 18th Main Road, Kam
bar Colony, near bus depot,
modern ground floor, 900
sq.ft, 24 hours water. Suita
ble for MNC, corporate office,
godown etc. Ph: 94446
eme, MIG 87, 1 st Cross
Street, near SBOA, Vela
mmal Schools, 650 sq.ft,
ground floor, one bedroom,
hall, kitchen. Vegetarians
only. Rent Rs. 8500. Ph:
2656 2244, 94452 17912
rooms, hall, kitchen, covered
car park, 900 sq.ft, inde
pendent house, Plot No. 715,
W Block 3rd Street, D Sector,
Anna Nagar Western Exten
sion. Rent Rs. 22,000. Ph:
94442 34927, 2642 1181
3 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, 4th floor, lift, open car
park, Mahalakshmi Mallika,
No. 6/38, Justice Rathnavel
Pandian Road, Mogappair
East. Ph: 94440 28778
FIRST floor, 3 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen flat, covered car
park, Ramaniyam Dwaraka,
Block 1, Door No. 1D, 8th
Main Road, Shanthi Colony,
Anna Nagar West. Ph: 99409
Anna Nagar East, L 78, L
Block 18th Street, near 1st
Avenue, covered car park,
lift, 6000 sq.ft, G + 2, available
partly or fully. Ph: 97896
SPACIOUS 2 bedrooms,
attached bath, ground floor,
independent house, W 451,
4th Street, Anna Nagar Wes
tern Extension, near SBOA
Schools. Available from mid
July. No brokers. Contact:
1st floor. Ph: 98400 64976
Extension, near SBOA CBSE
School, W 687/E, 1st Street,
D Sector, 100 mts from east
gate, first floor, covered car
park, 24 hours drinking
water. Ph: 2615 4526, 98410
2 MINUTES walk to
W 542, C Sector, 6th
Street, Anna Nagar
Western Extension,
1050 sq.ft, 2 bed
rooms, 1st floor apart
ment. Rent Rs.
21,000. No brokers.
Ph: 098704 95701
ANNA NAGAR, No. 269/
7, Udhayam Colony, 18th
Main Road, 470 sq.ft, ground
floor flat. Ph: 98402 56144,
94442 24141. No brokers.
NEAR Natesan Co-op.
Training Colony, Shanthi
Colony, Plot No. 3046, Door
No. 14, Z Block 4th Street,
ground floor, rear portion,
13th Main Road, Anna Nagar,
one bedroom, hall, kitchen,
pooja room. Ph: 2621 1843,
94441 33185
Extension, Plot No. W 264,
13th Street, C Sector, near
SBOA Matric. School,
ground floor, 2 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen. Ph: 99627
2 BEDROOMS, 1 study
room, hall, kitchen, No. 41,
1 floor, Olympic Colony,
behind DAV Boys School,
Mogappair. Salaried person
only. Ph: 81222 19366, 2654
1st floor, 2 bedrooms, hall,
bath, terrace & sitout, close
to SBOA School, W 444, 5th
Street, Anna Nagar Western
Extension. Rent Rs. 16,000.
Enquiries: ground floor, any
day before 5.30 p.m.
Chinthamani, F 126, F Block
5 Street, 3 bedrooms, hall,
kitchen, 1700 sq.ft, 24 hours
power back-up & security,
CCTV camera facility. Rent
Rs. 35,000. Ph: 98848 75539
KOLATHUR, Plot No. 44,
13th Cross Street, Senthil
Nagar, near Rajamangalam
police station, 2 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, fully furnished.
Rent 12,000. Ph: 98410
ANNA NAGAR, No. 160/
8, Mangalam Colony, oppo
site Vee Care hospital, 800
sq.ft, ground floor, 2 bed
rooms, attached bath with
western toilet & separate
toilet, hall, dining, pooja
rooms for residential, com
mercial. Ph: 94442 80535
East, K 13, 2nd floor,
lift, 3 bedrooms, hall,
kitchen, 1365 sq.ft.
Ph: 088265 54433
NEW house, 1st floor, 2
bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
metro & well water, all ameni
ties, near SBOA Schools,
behind Anna Nagar West bus
depot, W 412, 4th Street, C
Sector, Anna Nagar Western
Extension. Ph: 98407 37561
1450 SQ.FT, 3rd floor flat,
3 bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
with wardrobes, lofts, elec
trical fittings, Prince Green
Wood Apartments, Larch
301, No. 66, Vanagaram
Road, Athipet, Ambattur,
near India Land IT park. Ph:
4285 1159, 98410 10475
eme, 1300 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, G + 1, inde
pendent house, open car
park, MIG 358, 3 rd Main
Road, 4th Cross Street, near
SBIOA Matric. School. No
brokers. Ph: 94443 68990,
98403 32442
ools, ground floor, 2 bed
rooms, 1 attached bath, 2
big halls, car park, 3 phase,
No. 774, Syndicate Bank
Colony, 9 th Street, Anna
Nagar Western Extension.
Hindu vegetarian family. No
brokers. Ph: 2615 5018,
94444 05018
3 BEDROOMS, hall,
kitchen, pooja, open car park,
metro & bore water, ground
floor, independent house, W
728, 4th Street, near SBOA
CBSE School east gate. Ph:
93828 86690
School, No. 1317, Golden
Colony, Anna Nagar Wes
tern Extn, spacious, brand
new 3 bedrooms apartment,
2nd floor (out of 2), covered
car park, modular kitchen,
wood work, no lift. Rent Rs.
20,000. Ph: 98402 49949
tions, Anamika Flats,
floor, No. 6,
Nagar, 1100 sq.ft,
near DAV School,
Anna Nagar, 2 bed
rooms, hall, kitchen,
pooja, modular kitc
hen, full wood work,
covered car park, lift,
security, metro & RO
water. Rent &mainte
nance Rs. 19,000. Ph:
98410 70310
NEAR Anna Adarsh
School, AJ 113, new inde
pendent ground floor, 2
bedrooms, A/cs, living,
pooja, modular kitchen,
store, washing, covered cup
boards, shower enclosure,
inverter, metro & bore water,
solar heater, covered car
parks. Rent Rs. 25,000. Ph:
2621 6791, 75023 63336
Extension, near SBOA
School, W 126, B Sector, 4th
Street, first floor, 2000 sq.ft,
3 bedrooms, attached baths,
modular kitchen, covered car
park, all amenities. Ph: Krish
namoorthy, 94442 53850;
Srinivasan, 94444 96333
3 BEDROOMS, atta
ched bath, car park,
1 floor, wood work,
metro & bore water,
near SMF Hospital,
AL 136, AL Block 2nd
Street, 11 th Main
Road, Anna Nagar.
Ph: 89393 64646,
95516 64646
NEW, modern 3 bed
rooms flat, modular kitchen,
covered wardrobes & lofts,
lift, 24 hours back-up power
and water supply, T 40, T
Block 8th Street, Anna Nagar.
Ph: 94449 72919, 2621 3193
GROUND floor, 2 bed
rooms, hall, kitchen, tiled with
car park, No. 161/42, Golden
Jubilee Flats, Padikuppam
Road, Anna Nagar Western
Extension. For small family.
No brokers. Ph: 93827 04822
1200 SQ.FT, 2nd floor, 2
bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
wood work, open car park,
24 hours metro water, Old Y
26, New No. 32, 5th Avenue,
near Jessie Moses School,
Anna Nagar. Ph: 80569
66911, 80569 66516
ANNA NAGAR, No. 1779,
“i” Block 4th Street and 6th
Avenue, two bedrooms, hall,
kitchen, dining, 1 st floor,
covered car park, 1250 sq.ft.
Rent Rs. 22,000. Ph: 99400
1100 SQ.FT, 2 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, balcony, private
terrace, 2nd floor, lift, spacious
open car park, 24 hours
metro water, Flat S1, 2nd floor,
Navin’s Vijayasree, No. 137/
1309, 13th Main Road, Anna
Nagar West, off 18th Main
Road. Ph: 94449 26550,
94450 51734
ANNA NAGAR, No. 167/
30, 4 th Avenue, Jawahar
Colony, Shanthi Colony, 2
bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 2nd
floor, car park. Rent Rs.
10,000. Ph: 97910 77570
NEWLY constructed,
1000 sq.ft flat, 2 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, covered car
park, all facilities, W 764, 4th
Avenue, Anna Nagar
Western Extension. Profe
ssionals with small school
going children preferred. No
brokers. Ph: 98402 43161
RESIDENCE, office, noncommercial: 250 sq.ft, single
room, with bath & toilet atta
ched, 1st floor, AP 233, “i”
Block 31st Street, Kambar
Colony, Anna Nagar, near
18 th Main Road, opposite
West bus depot. Ph: 99419
floor, single bedroom out
house, near SBOA Matric.
School, No. 30/3, UR Nagar,
off Park Road, Anna Nagar
Western Extension. Suitable
for small family or office. Ph:
98400 19923, 2654 4366
GROUND floor, 850 sq.ft,
big hall, kitchen, master
bedroom with attached bath,
pooja, dining, 24 hours metro
water, 3 phase separate EB,
clear vaasthu, No. 2077/54,
Vasantham Colony 1st
Street, 18th Main Road,
Anna Nagar, close to Chin
maya & SBOA Schools. Ph:
98410 40518
435, N Block 21st Street, opp.
Bougainvillea park, one
bedroom, hall, kitchen, spacious independent house, for
immediate occupa tion. Ph:
96771 76329
1200 SQ.FT, hall, kitchen,
2 bedrooms, attached baths,
dining, pooja, computer
room, balcony, 2nd floor, 3
phase separate EB line, No.
10, VOC Street, Officers
Colony Extension, near DAV,
Velammal, Chennai Public
Schools and bus depot. Ph:
98401 63730, 98403 65702,
2654 6703
850 SQ.FT, 2 bedrooms,
big hall, kitchen, No. 7-E,
VOC Street, 1st floor, Suriya
Apartments, Officers Colony
Extension, Chennai 50, near
DAV, Velammal schools. Ph:
98843 79868, 91768 65336
550 sq.ft, ground floor,
suitable for office & godown,
36, Jagadhambigai Street,
Thiruvalleswarar Nagar,
Anna Nagar Western Exten
sion. Ph: 98412 90001,
80157 16777
221, two bedrooms, hall, kitc
hen, marble floor, 3 phase,
good water, ground floor
house. Ph: 98841 83709,
99628 55414
BEHIND Chinthamani,
No. 25, VOC Nagar Main
Road, Anna Nagar East, 3
bedrooms, hall, kitchen, inde
pendent ground floor, cove
red car park. Residence,
office. Vegetarians only. Ph:
98404 50492
2 BEDROOMS, hall,
kitchen, 4 balconies, lift, car
park, 2nd floor flat, Q 6, Q
Block 14th Street, near K4
police station. Rent Rs.
22,000. Ph: 98417 18268,
098477 13377. Inspection by
1000 SQ.FT, 2 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, covered car
park, 2nd floor, No. 121-17,
Emerald Flats, Thiruman
galam, Anna Nagar. Rent
Rs. 15,000. Ph: 2618 5264,
94443 89264
May 10 - 16, 2015
Dentist murdered, robbed of
jewellery at her clinic
By Our Staff Reporter
Humour club
Santosh Super Stores opens
new showroom on 18 Main Road meeting this
By Our Staff Reporter
Dr. Sangeetha (32), a dentist by
profession, was found murdered in her
clinic on Vellalar Street, about 500 meters
from her residence on Karnan Street (West
Mogappair) on the afternoon of
Wednesday, May 6.
Her gold thali chain weighing 12
sovereigns was missing.
Dr. Sangeetha had started the clinic six
months ago and was running it alone. She used to open it in
the mornings and evenings and was in the habit of coming
home for lunch at around 1 p.m daily. On May 6, when her
husband Shankar (employee of an IT firm in T. Nagar) came
to know that she had not come home for lunch at the usual
time, he tried reaching her on her cell phone.
When it was repeatedly not being unanswered and she had
not come home even by 4 p.m, Shankar got perturbed and
asked one of his relatives living nearby to visit the clinic.
The relative saw the clinic open and Sangeetha lying on the
floor with an injury in her neck. Her thali was also missing.
He immediately informed Shankar and rushed Sangeetha
to a nearby hospital where she was declared dead.
Shankar immediately contacted Nolambur Police Station.
While scanning the footage recorded by the camera in the
apartment opposite the clinic, police saw a man enter the
clinic at around the time of the murder.
The police suspect that the man must have entered the
clinic under the pretext of being a patient and murdered her
and taken away her jewellery.
The police also suspect that the murderer must have
preplanned the crime as he must have kept a watch on her
and must have known that Sangeetha would be alone in the
clinic. Nolambur Police are questioning one patient from
Avadi Kovilpathagai and four ex-convicts in Nolambur, Mogappair and Tirumangalam.
P. Arul (Inspector, Nolambur Police Station) is investigating
the case.
Santosh Super Stores (2
Avenue, Anna Nagar) has
opened a spacious four floors
outlet at Plot 1550, 18th Main
Road, near Kambar Kudiyiruppu, Anna Nagar.
The shop has a huge
collection of both branded and
unbranded home appliances,
household items, school bags,
stationery items, crockery,
glassware, molded furniture
and other items.
Honest auto driver turns over
valuables left behind by passenger
Free lectures on yoga and
naturopathy will be held from
11.30 a.m to 1 p.m from
Monday to Friday, May 11 to
15, in Govt. Yoga and
Naturopathy Medical College,
Arignar Anna Hospital, 3rd
Avenue (near Anna Arch).
The topic covered on each
day is as follows:
Monday- Obesity
Tuesday- Joint pain
By Our Staff Reporter
75-year-old Sundaram (a
resident of Anna Nagar) forgot
his bag containing Rs. 5,300
cash and gold jewellery in the
prepaid auto he had hired from
Central Railway Station to
come home on May 2.
He immediately went back
to Central Station and
reported the matter to the
police with a description of
the auto driver and went
In the meantime, Murthy
(32), the prepaid auto driver
who had driven Sundaram
home, found a bag containing
cash and gold jewellery in his
auto after reaching back
Central Station. He had in
between driven a couple of
more passengers before
reaching the station. Not sure
which passenger had left
behind the bag, he immediately went to Central Railway
Police Station, reported the
matter, and deposited it with
S. Murugan (inspector),
after confirming with Murthy
that he had dropped an aged
customer at Anna Nagar,
called Sundaram and handed
over the bag to him.
Murthy’s number from the
police and conveyed his thanks
to him.
Page 3
A senior staff member said
that the showroom has been
designed with customer
comfort in mind. The items
have been categorized floorwise with ample space for the
convenience of the customers
and sold at competitive prices.
There is ample parking
space for cars and two
wheelers, he added.
The store’s contact numbers
are 4355 1050, 2618 5037 and
95501 20331.
Neighbourhood girls top
spelling bee competition
P. Krishnapriya (resident of Anna Nagar
West Extension), a Std.
6 student of SBOA
School and Junior College, Anna Nagar Western Extension, won the
first prize (category III)
T. Nivedha
in the State-level P. Krishnapriya
spelling bee competition hosted by Spartan Educational
Events & Services on April 26.
T. Nivedha, a Std. 2 student of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Anna
Nagar, won the first prize (category I) in the same competition.
Both have been selected to represent their respective schools
in the national-level competition to be held on June 14.
Free lectures on yoga and
naturopathy this week
Wednesday- Respiratory
Thursday- Diabetes
Friday- Insomnia
A special yoga therapy
program for patients and the
general public is also
conducted batch-wise from 9
a.m to 11 a.m on all weekdays.
For more details, 2622 2516
may be called.
All are welcome.
Free summer yoga course for
11-31. The classes will be held
A free yoga course for in two batches, namely 9 a.mschoolchildren will be held in 10 a.m and 4 p.m-5 p.m.
Govt. Yoga and Naturopathy
For more details, 2622 2516
Medical College, Arignar may be called.
Anna Hospital, 3rd Avenue
(near Anna Arch), from May
By Our Staff Reporter
By Our Staff Reporter
Anna Nagar Humour Club
will hold its monthly meeting
at 4 p.m on Sunday, May 10,
in Krishnaswamy Matriculation School, Vaigai Colony
(near Anna Nagar West bus
Humorist T. Vedantham
will be the chief guest and
speak on ‘How to derive
Entry is free and all are
Your window to the
whole of Anna Nagar?
Page 4
990 SQ.FT, 2nd floor, 2
bedrooms flat, car park, near
Schools, W 230, 12th Street,
C Sector, Anna Nagar Wes
tern Extension. Available for
rent or lease. Rent Rs. 17,000.
No brokers. Ph: 98403 83376
Extension, W 22, Park Road,
near SBOA School, ground
floor, 1100 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, 3 toilets, newly
painted, open car park. Ph:
94449 80239, 97902 44441,
2441 2633
2 BEDROOMS, semi-furni
shed duplex, model ground
floor flat, 1075 sq.ft, covered
car park, east facing, marble
floor, modular kitchen, No.
287/D & E, TVS Avenue, Anna
Nagar Western Extension,
near Chennai Public & SBOA
Schools. Muslims preferred.
No brokers. Ph: 98410 33510
2 BEDROOMS flat, 2nd
floor, car park, No. 165/8,
New Jawahar Colony, Shanthi
Colony Main Road, Anna
Nagar, near Natesan Co-op.
Training Institute. Ph: 91506
3 BEDROOMS apartment,
1450 sq.ft, 2nd floor, car park,
complete wood work, 24 hours
metro water, Rio Shalom, X
20, X Block 5th Street, 6th
Main Road, Anna Nagar. Ph:
98414 33774, 2626 8758
ANNA NAGAR, No. 199/
11, Asiad Colony, Thiruman
galam, 2 bedrooms, 1st floor,
1 attached and 1 separate
bath, toilet, hall, kitchen, store
room, dining hall, 900 sq.ft
flat. Ph: 75983 05711
furnished single bedroom,
attached bath, no kitchen, 2nd
floor, 24 hours water, No. 6/7,
Akshaya Colony, behind DAV
Boys School. Ph: 94440
62233, 97909 41799
office space, gro
und floor, open hall
type, 700 sq.ft, No.
Avenue, Mogappair
East, near Spartan
School. Suitable for
all type of commer
cial purpose. Ph:
72009 08802
MOGAPPAIR West, No. 7/
80, behind Velammal School,
2 bedrooms, 800 sq.ft, 1st
floor, separate portion, indepen
dent house, full tiles, good
ventilation, 24 hours water, 2
wheeler park. For office,
residence. Ph: 99400 98914
1411, Justice Rathnavel
Pandian Road, Doshi Apart
ments, Mahalakshmi Mandira,
2 bedrooms, 860 sq.ft, 4th
floor, lift, car park. Ph: 98946
3 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, 1100 sq.ft, 1st floor, east
facing, near DAV, Velammal
Schools, No. 67, 6th Street,
Baghyathammal Nagar, Anna
Nagar Western Extension,
separate EB, copious water,
covered car park. Office,
bachelors also preferred. Rent
Rs. 16,000. Ph: 99404 90239
2 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, new flat, 950 sq.ft, H 28,
TNHB Flat, Ayapakkam, near
ICF Colony and Venkatesh
wara School, lift, 24 hours
good water. Ph: Andrews,
98412 78922
ANNA NAGAR West, one
bedroom, hall, kitchen, 2nd
floor, 24 hours metro water, 3
phase separate EB, No. 695,
“i” Block 25th Street, Thiru
valluvar Kudiyiruppu, near 18th
Main Road Syndicate Bank.
94442 19576, 94441 75473
2 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, 2nd floor, 1050 sq.ft, C/
926, HIG, Eri Scheme, 7th
Street, 4th Main Road, Moga
ppair, near Ambedkar play
ground. Ph: 2653 2719, 94444
12719. No brokers.
1 BEDROOM, hall,
kitchen, N 331, N
Block 24th Street,
Park, Anna Nagar
East, 1st floor, for
lease. Preferably
small family. Com
mercial also. Ph:
98405 82175
land 1 ground, 1650 sq.ft,
ground floor, for rent or lease:
No. 7/47, Mogappair West,
near Velammal School. Ph:
98400 83532, 72002 82828
WELCOME Colony, No.
11/2, Anna Nagar, 3 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, 3 western toilets,
2 entrances, for office or resi
dence. Immediate occupa
tion. Ph: 96000 73267, 98401
2 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, 1st floor, No. 321, Mohan
ram Nagar, Mogappair, near
DAV & Spartan Schools. Ph:
94440 64268
NEAR Shanthi Colony bus
stop, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen
flat, Harmony Apartments,
No. 469/16, 2nd floor, TNHB
market complex, AG Block
2nd Street, 7th Main Road,
Anna Nagar. Ph: 98400 27671
LEASE: 1000 sq.ft, 2
bedrooms, hall, kitchen, semifurnished, Y 35/2, Y Block 5th
Street, Anna Nagar, near Sara
vana Bhavan. No brokers. Ph:
80560 21961
MOGAPPAIR, No. 103, Dr.
Selvi Jayakumar Street,
Golden George Nagar, 2
bedrooms with attached bath.
Small family. Ph: 98405 06259,
098451 34644
1000 SQ.FT, 2 bedrooms,
hall, kitchen, park facing,
covered car park, 1st floor,
marble floor, Padmakar, Plot
No. 1538, J Block 10th Street,
Anna Nagar West, near Sridevi
Hospital. Rent Rs. 25,000.
98416 83431, 099516 44411
rooms, 800 sq.ft, car park,
Plot No. 786, 1st Main Road,
Shenoy Nagar West. Rent
Rs. 18,000, negotiable. Ph:
91768 01775
SINGLE bedroom, hall,
kitchen, dining hall, 1st floor,
Old No. 5, New No. 13, Mehta
Nagar Main Road, Aminjikarai,
near Shoban Babu Statue &
Mehta Nagar bus stop. Ph:
98418 58565, 94440 72300
OFFICE space, 650 sq.ft,
1st floor, semi-furnished, 2
cabins, hall, pantry room, ideal
for back office, IT purpose,
suitable for 4 to 5 persons to
work. S 75, 18th Street, 6th
Avenue, Anna Nagar, behind
Yamaha show room. Ph: 94442
03192, 2619 2031
ONE bedroom, hall, kitc
hen, 1st floor flat, lift, No. 1 F,
Block 4, Shiyamthirth Apart
ments, Rajamangalam 1st
Street, Villivakkam. Brah mins
only. Rent Rs. 7500. Ph: 80151
34895, 97917 57699
type semi-furnished bungalow,
3 A/c bedrooms, attached
baths, 2700 sq.ft, 2 covered
car parks, Plot No. 1606, J
Block 9th Street, Anna Nagar
West. Immediate occupation.
Residential, commercial. Ph:
94444 02328, 2626 2328
rooms, hall, kitchen, 800 sq.ft,
new independent house,
ground floor, No. 336, Baba
Nagar 2nd Main Road, near
St. Johns, Don Bosco Sch
ools, covered car park, scooter
parking. Ph: 93810 00450
NEAR Indian Bank, Asiad
Colony branch, Flat No. 196B/15, 1st floor, Asiad Colony,
Thirumangalam, Anna Nagar
Western Extension, 2 bed
rooms, attached bath, hall,
kitchen, dining, study room,
pooja, 2 balconies. Rent Rs.
14,000 and Rs. 1 lakh advance.
Immediate occupation. Ph:
93810 33571, 2621 3781
Extension, No. 2, U. R. Nagar,
near SBOA School Gate, 2
bedrooms apartment, hall, kitc
hen, newly constructed, lift,
covered car park. Rent Rs.
20,000. Ph: 99621 83772, 2432
1050 SQ.FT, 2 bedrooms,
2nd floor flat, No. 881/5, Vaigai
Colony, 13th Main Road, Anna
Nagar, near school. Ph: 99620
40127, 2616 4852
3 BEDROOMS, hall, kitc
hen, 1500 sq.ft flat, covered
car park, Z 258, Z Block 6th
Street, Anna Nagar, near Hotel
Saravana Bhavan. Ph: 2626
34/2, Akash Ganga Apart
ments, Sri Balaji Nagar, Anna
Nagar Western Extension,
1230 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, hall,
kitchen, duplex flat, 3 phase
power, metro & bore water,
covered wardrobes, behind
Thirumangalam Waves show
room. Rent Rs. 20,000. Ph:
99520 76025, 90032 01177
West depot oppo
site, 1st floor, 2 bed
rooms flat, lift, open
car park, Flat F 2,
Sudhan Shelters, H
964, 6th Avenue,
near UCMAS. Rent
Rs. 20,000. Ph: 94449
Kamalam Apartments, 4th
Main Road, opposite Makali
amman temple, 3 bedrooms,
covered car park, lift, modular
kitchen. Rent Rs. 26,000. Ph:
93815 15129, 98401 90596
floor flat, wood
work, modular kitc
hen, 65F, Divyam
Flats, Bhagyatham
mal Nagar, 6th
Cross Street, Anna
Nagar Western Extn,
Mogappair, behind
DAV Boys’ School.
Ph: 98407 98508,
98405 90365
Extension, Thirumangalam,
No. 105, Elango Street, Thiru
valleswarar Nagar, 1100 sq.ft,
2 + 1 bedroom, 2 balconies,
car park, 24 hours water
supply. Rent Rs. 17,500. Chris
tians preferred. Ph: 98407
700 SQ.FT, office space,
2nd floor, near Chinthamani, L
57/A, L Block 28thCross
Street, Anna Nagar East. Rent
Rs. 15,000. Ph: 99418 56423,
98841 66888
1600 SQ.FT, G + 1, inde
pendent house, land 800 sq.ft,
TNHB, CMDA approved, furni
shed, near Anna Nagar West
depot. High rental value. Bore,
metro & well water. Ph: 94454
SPACIOUS single bed
room, hall, kitchen, study
room, sitout, balcony, 1st floor,
Alacrity flat at Tarangini,
Mogappair, marbonite tiled
floor & walls, open car park.
Sale deed executed property.
No brokers. Ph: 97911 61628
KOLATHUR, 2000 sq.ft,
north facing plot for sale, near
Teachers Colony, with
drainage, water connection.
Good location. Price Rs. 72
lakhs. Ph: 98845 54159
LIG II, 50 feet road, 20 x 50,
1000 sq.ft, Avadi Road. Rs.
46.5 lakhs. Ph: 93810 02447
NOOMBAL, Sri Balaji
Nagar, adjacent to Sri Mookam
bigai Nagar, 2100 sq.ft, patta
land. Rs. 73 lakhs, negotiable.
Ph: 94451 70491
NEAR ACS Medical, Savee
tha Dental Colleges, P.H.
Road, Senneerkuppam, 1136
sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitc
hen, 4 balconies, lift, covered
car park, pooja, 1st floor,
CMDA approved. Rs. 49 lakhs,
all inclusive. Ready to occupy.
Ph: 98409 55894, 80564
ANNA NAGAR, Shanthi 57069
Colony, 14th Main Road, near
SMF, 1150 sq.ft flat, UDS 545
sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall,
kitchen, wood work, car park,
lift, security, 24 hours water.
Posh location. No brokers.
Ph: 76018 02345, 91760
99865, 99529 36878
Colony, 9th Main Road, 2 bed
rooms, hall, kitchen flat, 1250
sq.ft, all facilities, plus garage,
open parking. Excellent
location. Ph: 09969 75380,
094476 84380
rooms, hall, kitchen, 1300
sq.ft, covered car park, lift,
2nd floor, near Saravana
Bhavan, Z Block 6th Street. 7
years old, flat for sale. Ph:
99413 44499, 98843 36001
Extension, on main road, 3
bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1325
sq.ft, 9 years old, open reser
ved car park, south facing,
vaastu, teak wood, UDS 600
sq.ft (45%). Rs. 1.15 crores,
negotiable. Ph: 99400 27179
rooms, hall, kitchen, 690 sq.ft,
reserved open car park, lift,
UDS 585 sq.ft (85%), north
facing, vaastu. Rs. 45 lakhs,
negotiable. Ph: 94442 15263
location, near Round Tana,
2.25 grounds, east facing. Rs.
9.25 crores. Genuine buyers
only. Ph: 98410 17678
City Co-operative Society,
CMDA approved, 2325 sq.ft,
near Apollo, Schram Academy.
Ph: Srinivasan, 99621 30111
May 10 - 16, 2015
May 10 - 16, 2015
Page 5
Page 6
No more councillor name
on street name boards
By Our Staff Reporter
Dr. Jerry, a dentist in Nolambur, and seven others were
arrested on charges of abducting S. Murugan (37), a resident
of Kumanan Chavadi, Poonamallee, last week.
According to Nolambur Police, Dr. Jerry rented out his
building to Murugan, who used the building as a mechanic
shed. When Jerry asked Murugan to vacate the building, the
latter did not comply. Dr. Jerry therefore abducted him with
his accomplices.
Murugan’s wife who witnessed her husband being forcefully
kidnapped into a car alerted the police.
Further investigations are on.
By Our Staff Reporter
About a year ago, new street
name boards in Anna Nagar
were erected mentioning the
name of the ward councillor
in addition to the street name.
When it was brought to the
notice of the higher
authorities, Tamilnadu Govt.
circulated a memo to stop this
As a result, the new boards
that are being erected bear
only the street name along
with zone, division and ward
The old name board of 9th
Main Road (Anna Nagar) at
one end mentions the councillor’s name and the new one
erected recently at the other
end is without it.
An official said that the
councillor’s name from the
existing name boards will also
be removed.
TANSECA meeting Russian education
fair concludes
today afternoon
Tamil Nadu Senior Citizens today
Association (TANSECA) (V 95,
Anna Nagar), in association
with Senior Citizens Bureau,
Chennai chapter, will conduct
an informal get together meet
from 3.30 p.m to 5 p.m on
Sunday, May 10, in its service
center at Flat 4, ground floor,
15A, 1st Street, Jai Nagar,
Swami Yogasthanda, national general secretary of Chinmaya Vanaprastha Sansthan
(Allahabad), will speak on
‘Vanaprastha asramam’.
All members are welcome.
By Our Staff Reporter
The 15th Russian education
fair will conclude on Sunday,
May 10, at Russian Cultural
Academy, 74, Kasturi Ranga
Road, Alwarpet. The fair is
open from 10 a.m to 5 p.m.
Faculty members from
leading institutes such as
Volgograd State Medical
University, Kazan State
Medical University, Russian
University, URAL Federal
University and People’s
Friendship University are
present at the venue.
Entry is free for students
and their parents.
Students producing Std. 12
mark sheets will be given spot
admission. Scholarships,
including free tuition and
accommodation, would be
provided to eligible candidates
by the individual institution
and by the Ministry of
Education of the Russian
For details, contact the
centre at 2498 8215 / 92822
May 10 - 16, 2015
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Dentist arrested for abducting
May 10 - 16, 2015
Page 7
Page 8
Miscreants often switch off
escalator of foot overbridge
By Our Staff Reporter
The devasthanam of Arulmigu Istasiddhi Vinayagar Temple
(I 30, East Anna Nagar) is inviting youths who are wellversed in Carnatic music and Bharatanatyam to showcase
their talent at the 30th anniversary program of the temple
scheduled on May 25 and 26.
Those interested can contact Dr. C. Muniratnam at 98408
32233 for rehearsal and discussing the program in detail.
By Our Staff Reporter
May 10 - 16, 2015
The contractor of the
Highways Department has
employed two caretakers to
man the escalators of the foot
overbridge near Anna Nagar
West Depot, Jawaharlal
Nehru Road.
However it has often been
reported that miscreants
(usually young boys) switch
off the escalator for fun when
they find that the caretakers
are missing from their spot.
An official said that they
have received several such
complaints and are taking
steps to stop the same.
Often pedestrians are seen
using the steps thinking the
escalators are not working
when they have in fact been
deliberately switched off.
Doctors observe
strike over security
By Our Staff Reporter
Demanding the State government to declare hospitals
as protected areas and step
up security, doctors attached
with Tamil Nadu chapters of
Indian Medical Association,
(IMA), Indian Dental Association (IDA) and Tamil Nadu
Government Doctors Association (TNGDA) observed
strike in private hospitals in
the neighbourhood on May 2.
As part of extending their
solidarity, doctors in government hospitals worked wearing black badges on the day.
Of late, relatives of patients
have started assaulting
paramedical staff and doctors
if something had gone wrong
in the treatment.
Members of these associations told media men that they
are scared to work. They do
not know where the next blow
will come from. This fear that
pervades the medical fraternity had to stop.
They added that they do not
want to cause inconvenience
to the public.
They were observing strike
to make authorities pay
attention to their problems,
they said.
Discourse on
Vedic teaching
this evening
By Our Staff Reporter
Under the auspices of Sri
Ayyappa Seva Samajam, C.
Ramankutty (Chinmaya
Mission Sevak) will deliver a
discourse on Vedic teaching
from Mundaka Upanishad in
English from 4.30 p.m to 5.30
p.m on Sunday, May 10, in the
auditorium of Sri Ayyappan
Temple, 2nd Avenue, Anna
All are welcome.
MKT’s popularity continued to rise in Tamil Theatre and
he emerged as a box-office draw. Most stage artistes of the
period belonged to one of the many Boys’ Companies. However,
Bhagavathar did not. He was so popular and sought after
that he freelanced, getting a fancy fee each time; he acted in
‘special dramas’.
(A ‘special drama’ was not staged by any particular troupe,
but organized by a ‘drama contractor’ who brought various
artistes together and staged a play for profit.)
Most top stage artistes of those days who could command
a fan following of their own preferred to appear in such
‘special dramas’ for the high remuneration they received and
the freedom from the rigid discipline and all-male atmosphere
of Boys’ Companies.
Heroines who played opposite Thyagaraja Bhagavathar in
those days had to be changed often because most stage
actresses paled into insignificance before Bhagavathar. He
was a great scene-stealer who delighted in one-upmanship,
the favourite pastime of most stage artistes of his time. The
only actress who stood up to him and often paid him back in
his own coin was S. D. Subbulakshmi.
Their onstage battle of wits and repartee - not found in the
script - paved the way for their success. In places like Jaffna
(in Sri Lanka) many fans placed heavy bets among themselves
on who would win the game of repartee that night!
(S.D. Subbulakshmi spoke during early 1980s on audio
cassette tape to this writer for three long days about her life
on stage and screen.)
Their most successful play was ‘Pavalakodi’, a romance
about the hero of the Mahabharata, Arjuna. Al. Rm. Alagappa
Chettiar made it into a film at Meenakshi Cinetone in Adayar
area in 1934. It was in this successful film that Thyagaraja
Bhagavathar made his cinematic bow. So did S. D.
It also marked the directorial debut of the sadly neglected
Indian film pioneer lawyer-turned-filmmaker, K.
Subramanyam The making of this successful movie has some
interesting sidelights .…
One of the partners felt disappointed by the treatment
meted to him by the seniors and thought of a novel plan to
register his protest. The studio did not have a compound wall
and he would park his car on the adjoining road. As soon as
shooting began and K. Subramanyam shouted ‘Action!’, he
would start honking the car’s bulb-horn with glee to glory!
The harsh sounds would spoil the ‘take’ and the shot had to
be taken again. Again he would begin his honking! The only
way he could be silenced was to buy his share in the partnership
on his terms and that is what AL. RM and his colleagues did!
The studio floor had no ceiling and shooting had to be done,
courtesy, Sun God! That was the period there were no electrical
lights in use in the few studios of Madras.
The other interesting sidelight was ‘the crow -shooter,’ an
important member of the technical crew. Adayar was then a
much-wooded country and the studio had many tall age-old
trees where crows gathered in large numbers. The left-over
food and such carelessly thrown away by the actors and crew
and others at work attracted the crows and their happy and
vociferous cawing disturbed the shooting. The crow-shooter,
armed with an air-gun, would shoot in the air twice or thrice
scaring the crows off the trees and, as soon as the birds flew
away, the camera would roll! As shooting was done under
sunlight there were no fixed time slots for breakfast, lunch,
tea and all that.
Whenever clouds hid the Sun all would rush to eat and
when the Sun re-appeared all would rush back leaving the
half-eaten food behind! Stars, small fry, the crew and bosses
and guests and all the king’s men and women ate the same
food. There was no special and preferential food for a chosen
few, as is the fashion today.
(More later)
Free yoga class every morning
By Our Staff Reporter
Sree Agarwal Sabha Yoga Kendra, a unit of Agarwal
Sabha (22 C, Bhajanai Koil Street, off 8th Main Road,
Anna Nagar) is conducting free yoga classes for adults
and children, from 6 a.m to 7 a.m every day in its
The Kendra’s incharge can be contacted at 98412 93801.
Carnatic, Bharatanatyam artistes
invited to perform in temple
May 10 - 16, 2015
Page 9
Page 10
Pavement misused by roadside
By Our Staff Reporter
A number of roadside
vendors with carts are
blocking the wide pavement
of Ambattur Estate Road
between its junctions with
Jawaharlal Nehru Road and
Collector Nagar signal.
The customers of these
shops further block the
pavement and dirty the
They are causing a
hindrance to pedestrians, who
are forced to walk on the busy
Street light posts misused for
hanging posters
By Our Staff Reporter
The houses in AC Block 1st
Street, Anna Nagar, have not
been getting piped Metrowater supply for close to 7
It was because the pipeline
supplying water to these
houses was at a higher level
that that of the feeder line.
The level of the feeder line
was lowered a year ago along
with the pipeline on other
streets in AC Block except the
one in 1st Street. This affected
water pressure in the pipeline,
leading to complete stop of
the water supply.
After a number of representations by the residents for
the past 6 months, Metrowater workers have started
the work of digging the trench
in 1st Street to lower the
pipeline to match the level of
the feeder line so that the
water pressure and supply to
these affected houses can be
An official said that the
work will get completed in a
Lateral entry form for
engineering courses available
from Wednesday
By Our Staff Reporter
Application forms for admission to BE/B Tech degree
courses in second year offered in government, aided and selffinancing engineering colleges under the purview of
Directorate of Technical Education will be issued in 34
centers, including the Directorate of Technical Education,
Guindy from May 13 to June 9, on all working days from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m.
The forms, costing Rs. 300 for the general category, will be
issued to candidates on provision of a self-attested copy of
community certificate. The cost must be in the form of
demand draft obtained not earlier than May 12 from
nationalized, scheduled banks drawn in favour of ‘The
Secretary, Second Year BE/B Tech Degree Admission – 2015,
Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology,
Karaikudi, payable at Karaikudi’.
The forms are issued free to SCA/SC/ST candidates.
The last date for receipt of filled in forms is June 9.
Forms may be sent by post to the above address. The single
window counselling for lateral entry admissions will be held
at the college.
According to the Commissioner of Technical Education
(CTE), counselling will begin in the last week of June and
allotment of colleges will be done following merit and
communal reservation.
Counselling dates and sessions will be published in the
Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology
By Our Staff Reporter
The street light posts are continued to being misused for
hanging advertisement posters.
A couple of men were seen hanging posters on the light
posts on Park Road, Anna Nagar Western Extension.
Two months ago, Chennai Corporation had conducted a
drive to remove posters and hoardings in a number of streets
in Anna Nagar Western Extension following several
complaints from residents.
Deity depicted on tree trunk
Someone has chipped off the bark of a portion of a tree close
to its bottom on Park Road and depicted on it a deity’s face
laced with kungumam.
A bunch of flowers was seen at the base of the tree.
Work starts to restore
Metrowater supply in AC Block
1st Street
May 10 - 16, 2015
May 10 - 16, 2015
Child playing by roadside unwary of danger
By Our Staff Reporter
(Anna Nagar Western ExtenA boy with a spade in hand sion) near a construction site.
was found playing very close to
There was heavy traffic on
the road margin of the the road and the child was
congested North Main Road unwary of the danger.
Police seize pirated
The CB-CID police attached
to the Video Piracy Cell raided
several places in the city on
the night of May 5 and seized
15,000 pirated compact and
digital video discs of films in
different languages, including
100 pornographic films. They
also seized 4000 pirated CDs
of latest Tamil and Hindi
movies from the house of R.
Ganesh, a resident of Bharathi
Nagar. During interrogation,
Ganesh confessed to the police
that he used to sell them to
shops in N.S.K. Nagar and
Arumbakkam. A senior police
official said that similar raids
will be continued to eradicate
the piracy racket.
Further investigations are
His parents work at the
construction site.
This reporter advised the
busy workers to keep an eye on
the child.
Resident helps sick ironing man, hospital gives
free treatment
By Our Staff Reporter
M. Balaji (33) and his wife have been ironing clothes on 4th Street, B Sector, Anna Nagar
Western Extn., for the past several years. On the afternoon of May 3, Balaji suddenly developed
a severe breathing problem and almost collapsed.
When his wife approached her regular customer Ravi Viswanath who lives close by for help,
he along with his mother immediately took Balaji to a nearby clinic for treatment.
Finding that his condition was serious, a doctor advised them to rush the patient to a
Viswanath immediately took Balaji in his car to MMM Hospital (Mogappair) where he was
diagnosed with a severe asthma attack and admitted for treatment. He was treated
accordingly and discharged after he fully recovered.
When the hospital authorities came to know that Balaji was poor, they did not collect any
charges for the treatment.
Page 11
Cement blocks occupy pavement
of Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Handsome Salman Khan, the hero who causes a flutter
in female hearts and a flash of adrenalin in men’s
bloodstreams, has been the villain to blackbucks in
Jodhpur in 1998 and then, in 2002, to some unfortunate
sleeping pavement dwellers in Bandra. Since then, he
decided to weigh in on the side of good, perhaps after
becoming conscious of man’s brief passage through life.
He therefore founded a humanitarian organisation called
‘Being Human’, and turned into a philanthropist
Though the cases of the blackbucks and of the
Bandra pavement hit-and-run kept cropping up
annoyingly over the years, Salman went from strength to
strength, fighting and dancing his way through films and
sashaying away from the strong arm of law with practiced
ease. A well-oiled machinery is not in the news and,
finally, after a dizzying rise to the top, the past has come
back to haunt Salman.
He was, on that fateful night of September 28, 2002,
travelling back from a bar with his friends in his Toyota
Land Cruiser, when he lost control of the car which
climbed onto the pavement where five men were asleep!
As some celebrities who have tweeted recently in support
of the star opine, pavements are borders of roads and not
sleeping quarters for Mumbai’s stragglers. Salman,
perhaps at that unearthly hour past 2 a.m, was not
weighing the rights of cars, drivers and pavement
dwellers, but merely trying to get home to sleep after a
hard night of partying. The fact is that a swig ortwo of
hard liquor interceded to make the pavement and his bed
seem the same, resulting in the death of one and the loss
of leg in another, apart from other injuries to the rest.
That is a pretty pickle that made Salman, the hunk
hero of several hits, into a hit-and-run villain, an accused
for the past 13 years during which, the unoiled wheels of
law creaked to an inevitable halt, leaving Salman
miserable convict added to the government’s guest list
for five years, during which time he is legally barred from
driving any vehicle, so as not to disturb any more pavement
The law, as we all know, is an ass. Thus, it may say that
if a person sleeps on the road and a drunk rider rides his
killer vehicle over the said person, then, in pure untainted
law, the sleeper and the vehicled killer stand on the same
footing. One invites death and the other fool complies, to
be spat upon by Macaulay’s wise men! That is not law but
is flaw, but Salman could have proved that he is a
humane being by helping the shattered victims of that
hit-and-run through his ‘Being Human’ foundation.
Residents rescue injured
black kite
By Our Staff Reporter
An injured black kite was
rescued by residents of ICF
Colony, off 6th Avenue, Anna
Nagar, last week. First-aid
was provided to the bird and
nutritious food, including
fruits, was given before the
bird was handed over to Forest
Dept. officials in West
Unlike other kites such as
red and yellow, a senior official
of the Dept. said that they are
smaller in size and have a less
forked tail. They are opportunistic hunters and scavengers, and spend a lot of time in
search of food.
They are commonly seen in coastal areas near the seashore
in Asian and South East Asian countries in large numbers as
they prey mainly on fishes.
They also scavenge on dead cattle.
The population of the birds has been dwindling over the
years owing to the use of endosulfan, a banned pesticide used
by farmers for the growth of plants.
As these birds come under the care of Forest Dept., rescuers/
animal lovers can contact the officials at the 24-hour helpline
at 2220 0335.
By Our Staff Reporter
In a new form of encroachment, the pavement of Jawaharlal Nehru Road, adjacent
to Kailash Colony is misused
for storing cement blocks.
The cement blocks are not
only occupying the entire
stretch of the pavement, but
more such blocks have also
been lined up in rows on the
road margin causing hindrance to motorists and
New speed breakers
on neighbourhood roads
New speed breakers have and adequate markings to
been erected on a number of warn motorists from afar.
roads, including 4th Avenue
(Shanthi Colony), School Road
and East Main Road (Anna
Nagar Western Extension)
with proper height and slope
Seminar on ‘elder
justice initiative’
on Friday
HelpAge India (Raji Street,
off New Avadi Road), an NGO
looking after deserted senior
citizens, in association with
Senior Citizens Bureau,
Chennai chapter and Department of Criminology, University of Madras, will conduct a
one-day seminar on ‘Elder
justice initiative, stakeholders
response on social security of
elderly’ at 10.30 a.m on Friday,
May 15, at Diaz Hall, Dept. of
Criminology, University of
Madras, Chepauk.
Mohammed Shakeel Akther,
Additional Director General of
Police and Chairman cum
Managing Director of Tamil
Corporation will speak.
NGOs working for the
welfare of senior citizens are
welcome to attend the seminar. For more details, R. Muthukrishnan (senior manager
– helpline) of Help Age India
can be contacted at 98417
May 10 - 16, 2015
Page 12
May 10 - 16, 2015
By Our Staff Reporter
Sai Nadha Kala Samithi will conduct a Kuchipudi workshop on Sunday, May 17, from 10
a.m to 1 p.m at Anna Nagar Ladies Club (X Block, Anna Nagar).
Participants in the summer camp conducted by it earlier will perform on the stage during
the workshop and be awarded a certificate.
The workshop will be conducted by Chapter guru Yuva Kala Bharathi G. Soundarya
Vaishnovi under the guidance of Guru Natyacharaya Dr. Aruna Sai Kumar. Eminent dance
gurus will grace the occasion. All are welcome. For further details, 95661 14100 / 97909 04140
/ 80561 98716 may be called.
Residents happy after
demolished center median
By Our Staff Reporter
Residents of 5th Main Road,
E and H Blocks, near its
junction with 3rd Avenue, Anna
Nagar, are a happy lot after
the demolished center median
at the junction of 3rd Avenue
and 5th Main Road was reconstructed as promised by the
Additional Commissioner of
Police (Traffic) last week.
Thus the tussle between the
residents and some private
firms over the construction of
the median has been resolved
The residents thanked the
police for obliging them and
Anna Nagar Times for
highlighting the issue.
They also confirmed that
Due to lack of space, the photos with
marks of the students of neighbourhood
schools who secured 1165 marks and
above in the Std. 12 board exam will be
published in the next week’s issue
they have withdrawn public
interest litigation (PIL) last
week filed by them in
connection with the issue.
Picture shows the reconstructed center median in
the stretch.
Free Tamil classes
for children
Radha will hold free Tamil
classes for children studying
in LKG to Std. 8. The classes
will be held for from May 11 to
For more details, contact
Sweet Budz Play School (454,
C Sector 4th Street, Anna
Nagar Western Extension) at
94871 42641. Online classes
are also available.
Kuchipudi workshop next Sunday
Page 13
Page 14
Shoddy work by Metrowater causes hardship to road users
May 10 - 16, 2015
Sir, Metrowater is carrying out a major work of laying a sewerage line
to link a newly constructed 17-storeyed apartment on Park Road
(Anna Nagar Western Extn.) to the pumping station situated in
Imayam Colony by digging a trench through 13th Street, North Main
Road and Imayam Colony 1st Street. The work which has been going
on for the past three months is being carried out in a shoddy manner
posing hardships to the nearby residents and road users. The portion
of the trench where the work has been completed has not been covered
properly. The surface is uneven, slippery and badly damaged. Already
a number of minor accidents like bike riders and pedestrians slipping
and falling have taken place. There are no caution boards or barricades
to warn the road users where the trench is open. I appeal to the
Metrowater officials to inspect the shoddy nature of the work and take
immediate remedial measures.— K. Manipillai (retd. judge),
AP 97, 1st Street, Anna Nagar Western Extension
Appeal for minibus service from Ayanvaram to
Koyambedu via Anna Nagar
Sir, I appeal to MTC to introduce a minibus service from Ayanavaram
bus depot to Koyambedu bus stand via New Avadi Road, Chintamani,
Round Tana and Anna Arch for the benefit of residents living in
adjoining areas like Mettu Street, Kumaran Nagar, VOC Nagar, RV
Nagar, L Block and TP Chatram.
At present the only recourse for these residents to reach Koyamdebu
is to go to either ICF Bus Stand or Aminjikarai to catch a bus.—S.
Palani, 4/33, VOC Nagar Main Road, East Anna Nagar
Street light frequently out of order
Sir, I write this to report the frequent non-functioning of the street
light on Z Block 1st Street, Anna Nagar, near plot 7/249. This has been
a frequently recurring issue we face despite repeated complaints to
Chennai Corporation officials. Frequent non-functioning of this light
makes this spot vulnerable to crimes and a hangout for miscreants.
I therefore request Corporation officials to take necessary and prompt
action in dealing with it.— C. Balasubramaniam, 7/249, Z
Block 1st Street, Anna Nagar
Sewage water overflows through manhole
Sir, Sewage water is overflowing through the manhole of a storm
water drain in front of my house. The manhole cover is far below the
road level. Proper action is needed. Even though the matter was
brought to the attention of Water Board a few days ago, there has been
no response.— V. Nagarajan, IRS, 1812, Vasanth Colony 1st
Main Road, Anna Nagar
Cab operator misuses road by parking vehicles
Sir, A taxi operator located on Padikuppam Road, Anna Nagar,
behind Waves shop, is parking 15 to 20 vehicles every day, creating
hurdles to pedestrians and motorists for a number of years. It is
surprising as to how the police do not act in this case, whereas they
trouble citizens for small traffic/road violations.— V.L. Sastry,
Padma Srinivasan (resident of Q 50, Q Block 15th Street,
Anna Nagar, Ph: 2626 6646, 94449 57323) passed away on
May 8. She was 86 and had been a resident of Anna Nagar
for over 40 years. She was the wife of late M.S. Srinivasan
who had retired as General Manager from ICF. She is
survived by five sons, two daughters, grandchildren and
great grandchildren.
M. Prabhat Kumar (resident of F 161, East Anna
Nagar) passed away on April 30.
He was 81 and had been a long time resident of Anna
Nagar. He was a businessman.
He is survived by his wife Padmavathy and sons Pratap
Kumar, Ajoy Kumar and Sudarshan Kumar.
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Cookery workshop on May 23
Kitchen E Lazeez (68/1, Q Block, East Anna Nagar) will conduct a cookery workshop on
Saturday, May 23, from 10.30 am to 12 noon.
There will be demonstrations on preparations of braided chicken loaf, chicken baked
paratha, strawberry granita and nachos with salsa sauce. There will be a session on cake
decoration too.
For further details, visit
Talk on asthma
on Saturday
By Our Staff Reporter
To commemorate World
Asthma Day, Sundaram
Medical Foundation will
hold an awareness talk
‘Every Breath Counts’ by Dr.
A. Suresh (Consultant
Pulmonologist) on Saturday, May 16, from 4.30
p.m to 5.30 p.m at SMF,
New Op Building, 1st floor,
Auditorium (opposite Akshayam), Shanthi Colony,
Anna Nagar. Attendance is
For pre-registration,
2628 4256/2614 4560 may
be called.
All are welcome.
Full Page: Rs. 52,000
Half Page: Rs. 27,000
Ear Panel on Page 1:
Rs. 2800
Per Column Centimeter:
Rs. 280
Front Page: Rs. 430
Last Page: Rs. 320
Full Page: Rs. 41,000
Half Page: Rs. 21,000
Per Column
Rs. 220
Classified Display:
Rs. 250 per cm
Third Page: Rs. 250
'Sai Krupa', AC 67, AC 1st Street
(behind Kovai Pazhamudhir Nilayam),
Anna Nagar, Chennai 40. Ph: 4217 2885, 4261 1648
May 10 - 16, 2015
Page 15
Page 16
RNI Regn. No. 67462/94
Dolphin Academy students excel
in swimming meet
By Our Staff Reporter
Vedanta Institute Madras
will host a Bhagavad Gita
session in English by R.
Aravindan on Thursday, May
14, from 6.45 p.m to 8 p.m at
AI 118/18, Creation Ragas
Apartments, 8th Main Road,
Anna Nagar.
For more details, 98404
93904 may be called.
on Kamba
on Saturday
By Our Staff Reporter
20 students of Dolphin
Swimming Academy (8 th
Block, Mogappair) together got
By Our Staff Reporter
Ram Mohandoss (Presi- 57 medals (21 gold, 15 silver
dent, Kambar Kazhagam, and 21 bronze) in the StateAdambakkam) will deliver a level swimming meet condiscourse
Ramayanam on Saturday, Inflow into
May 16, from 6 p.m to 8 p.m, in Veeranam Lake
Perumal mitigates impeding
Temple, Kurungaleeswarar
water crisis
Street, Koyambedu.
Metrowater will supply the
All are welcome.
city 600 million litres of water
daily till July as Veeranam
Lake, which is one of the major
water reservoirs for the city, is
close to attaining its full
capacity of 1500 mcft (million
cubic feet). The lake supplies
180 million litres of water a
day (MLD) to the city.
Water released from Mettur
dam since April 25 has been
filling up Veeranam Lake.
The storage levels in the
other city reservoirs are lower
by almost 886 mcft as on May
9 as compared to last year.
Compared to the total
storage of 3046 mcft on May 9
last year, the storage on the
same date this year was 2160
Poondi had a storage of 144
mcft as against its full capacity
of 3231 mcft (401 mcft on the
same day last year), Red Hills
has 1269 mcft as against its
full capacity of 3300 mcft (1624
mcft last year) and Chembarampakkam has 747 mcft
against its full capacity of
3645 mcft (1021 mcft last
Free meditation,
yoga class today
Sri Madhwa Yogashrama (7,
Lakshmi Ammal Street, Ayyavoo
Colony, Arumbakkam, near
Indian Bank) is conducting a free
meditation and yoga class on
Sunday, May 10, from 10 a.m.
All are welcome. For more
details, 98847 30721 may be
ducted recently in Madurai.
The students won in all the
categories in which the events
were held.
P. Preshetha and P.R.
Yeshwanth also won the
individual championship
medals in girls and boys
categories respectively for the
best overall performance.
Preshetha won 3 gold and 1
silver medal and Yeshwanth,
1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze
Std. 12 topper from Velammal
School hopes to become a CA
By Our Staff Reporter
C.S. Shresha, a student of Velammal
Senior Secondary School, Mogappair, secured
the State first rank in the non-Tamil stream
by scoring 1194/1200 in the Std. 12 State
Board exam, the results of which were
declared on May 7.
She scored 200/200 in Economics, Business Maths and
Accountancy, 199 in Commerce, 198 in French and 197 in
She was not listed as a topper in the official list as she had
not taken Tamil as the second language. The topper in the
official list had scored 1192 marks.
Shresha said that she had meticulously prepared for the
exam and had stayed away from any kind of modern days
distractions like social media websites. “We don’t even have
a TV at our home,” she said.
Her ambition is to become a chartered accountant.
All Std. 12 students of
Udavum Karangal’s school
clear Board exam
V. Shalini
S. Maheswari
V. Agalya
All Std. 12 students of Ramakrishna Vidhya Niketan
Higher Secondary School (Thiruverkadu) which is run by
Udavum Karangal (an NGO with office at 460, 25th Street,
NSK Nagar, Arumbakkam) who took the State Board exam
in March have cleared it.
Out of the 89 girls who took the exam, 21 scored more than
1000 marks.
The school toppers are V. Shalini (1114/1200), S. Maheswari
(1094) and V. Agalya (1092).
Residents of Udavum Karangal and students from nearby
areas study in the school. While education is entirely free for
the residents, a nominal fee is charged for the non-resident
students. The school is funded by Udavum Karangal
Educational Trust.
Editor & Publisher: K. S. Ramakrishnan. Office: AC 67, Anna Nagar, Chennai 40. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan St., Aminjikkarai, Chennai 29
Free Bhagavad
Gita session on
May 10 - 16, 2015
Page III
May 10 - 16, 2015
Rate for Advertisement in Classified Columns: Rs. 600 (upto 30 words);
Rs. 1200 (31 to 60 words); Bold letters: 50% extra. Display: Rs. 230/Column Centimeter
MULTI brand A/cs, fridges,
washing machines (Front &
Top load) Sales, Service,
Rentals. A/c gas filling Rs.
900, Installation Rs. 800,
General Service Rs. 250. We
buy old home appliances. Sri
Aditya Enterprises, Anna
Nagar. Ph: 98846 99918,
98413 99918
Suresh Kumar predicts your
future about job, business,
marriage, children, finance and
remedies. Ph: 76676 67649,
98401 13639
DESIGNER & fancy
bedspreads from
Jaipur & Kolkata.
Also embroidered
bedsheets, dohar
(duvet), soft blankets, quilts, pillow
covers. Jaipur Textiles, AJ 24, 9th Main
Colony, Anna Nagar,
behind Fish N Fresh.
Lunch: 1 to 2 p.m.
Ph: 93810 12837,
93831 12837
WITH 25 years experience
we do all types of frame
cupboards. Materials and
labour inclusive 1 sq.ft Rs.
440 only. 1 year warranty.
Whitewash, painting. Asian
Tractor Emulsion material and
labour inclusive 1 sq.ft Rs.
3.00 only. Contact: A.
Subramanya Achary, Sri
Venkateswara Wood &
Thirumangalam Road, Anna
Nagar. Ph: 98410 74098,
98413 71590
We undertake all types of civil
works, painting, carpentry,
plumbing, weathering course,
leakage, electrical, tiles laying,
pest control, home UPS, all
major & minor civil works. Ph:
97109 07646
NEW building constructions, renovations, repairing, remodification, structural crack repairs, bath &
toilet, sump, tank leak
arresting, painting, compound
wall, fencing. Ph: Kasthuri
Constructionsm 93827 57501,
97109 47006
RS. 3.00 per sq.ft, on
emulsion @ asian (tractor). All
kinds of wall painting, full putty,
interior & exterior @ skilled
workers. Best quality. We do
civil renovation link by interior
ideas. Full & full turnkey basis.
Contact: Murugan, 77081
80096, 99403 42396
SMART Builders undertake
new residential, commercial
buildings, renovation, extension work, Autocad plan, 3D
plan, estimate, valuation,
interior work, structural design,
walk through drawings, plan
approval corporation & CMDA.
Ph: 97109 22855, 94449
RAMSI Constructions:
Asian painting Rs. 2 per sq.ft;
Rs. 3 per sq.ft extend,
alteration, extension, carpentry, modular kitchen,
wardrobes, loft covering, tiles
laying, electric, plumbing, grill,
aluminium fabrications, all
major, minor civil works. Ph:
90948 03135, 98413 73531
JMJ Home Services, Anna
Nagar Western Extension. We
arrange 100% reliable,
experienced veg and non.veg
cooks, housemaids, baby
care, patient attender ayahs,
staff nurses, office boys,
drivers, security, full & parttime, outstation also (stay-in
or out). Ph: 2654 4041, 88701
14408, 98843 48850, 99626
OM Shiva Shakthi Agency
provides cooks, housemaids,
security, baby care, patient
attenders, drivers and also
provide ladies’ and old age
home. For abroad also.
Service charge Rs. 1000 only.
Ph: 98411 51616, 98846
48319, 96771 20465
BRAND new microwave,
steel cupboards, double door
fridge, double cot, crockery,
cupboard, furniture and
household articles. Ph: 98415
58007, 98401 76833
CRASH course upto Std.
12, B.E, MBBS, BDS, UG, PG,
English, Hindi, French,
German. MBBS Papers:
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Bio-Chemistry, Pathology,
ENT, Ophthalmology, OG,
General Medicine, Surgery
Orthodontics, Prosthodontics,
Pedodontics and all. SVT
Rengammal Academy. Ph:
98403 24260, 99623 19638
MBBS, BDS coaching:
biochemistry, pathology,
pharmacology, microbiology,
ENT, ophthalmology, general
medicine, surgery, OG,
peadiatrics, oral anatomy,
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orthodontics, periodontics,
oral surgery, prosthodontics,
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Academy. Ph: 98403 24260,
99623 19638
classes can be
taken at your doorsteps, for ladies
only. Ph: R.D. 90929
THANK You Lord Jesus
Christ for the favour received.
May the Jesus be loved,
adored and glorified throughout
the world now and forever.
Amen – Abi and Anju
English Tutor in
Shanthi Colony for
1st year CA student
for all round English
Retired candidate
with commercial
b a c k g r o u n d
preferred. Ph: 93810
A PRIVATE Ltd. Company
in Anna Nagar requires
Computer Operator having
experience in Internet and
Excel, male or female. Send
your resume to: n_k_singla@ Ph: 98843 53752
Accounts with Tally,
System Data Entry
Operators with English
&communication skills. Fresh
(or) 1 or 2 years experience. Ph: 99623
99199, 95511 75375,
2616 3799. E-mail:
WANTED part-time Office
Assistant in AB Block. Timing:
2 p.m to 6 p.m. Ladies only.
Housewives, students can
also be considered. Ph: 98407
03912, 93839 20359
REQUIRED retired, housewives, business people, VRS
optees for as franchisee
consultant for insurance, part/
full time. Pay Rs. 30000 per
month. Ph: 97907 02746
Special drive in polling booths to
enlist voters today and on May 24
SPOKEN English, Hindi,
Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam,
French, German, Japanese,
Chinese, Spanish, Arabic,
Russian, Italian, Korean,
Dutch, Portugese and all. IITJEE, NEET, SRMEEE,
Rengammal Language
Academy, 98403 24260, 99623
sraardham & other
functions, cooking
done in your house.
Ph: Lalitha, 98411
KAMATCHI catering:
minimum 200 nos. Ph: 93826
46886, 93829 46886.
DAILY 3 to 6 hours personal
mathematics tuition at
convenient timings for
aspirants of A-One grade in
CBSE Stds. 9 and 10
examinations by 3 decades
experienced postgraduate
faculty from reputed
institutions. Ph: 2626 4262,
98847 11580
MODULAR kitchen specialists Rs. 480 per sq.ft on
wooden loft covering and
frames, manual, post forming,
PU finish of shutters. Sintex
doors & full interiors. Competitive rates, best quality.
Contact: B.M. Decors, 99403
42396, 77081 80096. Free 2D
drawing @ your planning.
MODULAR kitchen wardrobe, loft covering, construction, renovation, tiles,
granite, marble laying, asian
paintings & polishing, wood
work, water leaking solutions,
wood work – 15 years
warranty, hardware 5 years
warranty. Free service 5
years. Contact: Kaushik
Interiors, 72998 35804, 90925
MATHS – home, regular
tuitions for Stds. 9, 10, 11 & 12
(State, CBSE) by above 20
years experienced teachers.
Alpha Institute of Maths, 94442
96535, 94445 29630
AARI & zardosi embroidery
class at 13th Main Road, Nehru
Nagar, Anna Nagar West. Ph:
87546 66054
STAG table tennis table, 6
years old in good condition for
sale. Rs. 10,000, negotiable.
Ph: 98410 41522, 2625 8678
MUSIC classes, only at
home: carnatic vocal, violin
and keyboard classes
conducted. Any day, any time.
Contact: Sangeetha Vidwan
Kasthuri Balu Pillai & Senthil
Kumar, Sri Krishna Sweets,
2nd Avenue, East Anna
Nagar, near Round Tana. Ph:
74186 37785, 94448 76991
S.V.L. Packers &
Movers. Free insurance, door to door
shifting: Local &
Mumbai, Pune, Delhi,
Kerala, Bangalore
and all over India.
Just dial and relax:
98410 44422, 93831
44422, 3251 4422. Email: svlpackers
a n d m o v e r s
Thangam Packers & Movers,
shifting household, local
Chennai city, full truck, mini
truck, sharing load, door to
door, Tamilnadu, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai,
New Delhi, all over India. Safe,
0% damage, reliable &
reasonable charge. Ph: 4212
0864, 2441 4055, 98412 22437
KVT Packers & Movers,
household items, office things
shifting, machineries moving,
door to door, all over India. Ph:
98402 60307, 78714 12904
SUMMER camp for
children. Age: 5 to 12. It
includes brain gym games,
remedials for academics
given according to parents
requirement. Timing: 10.30 to
11.30, 1st batch; 11.30 to
12.30, 2nd batch. Ph: 94452
04853, 98416 77964 (near
Chinthamani signal)
By Our Staff Reporter
The Election Department will hold a special drive on Sunday, May
10, and 24 in all the polling booths including those in Anna Nagar and
Ambattur zone to collect data for inclusion, addition, deletion and
altering the names in the electoral rolls.
In fit of rage, defaulting cable TV
subscriber kills bill collector
Murugavel (40), employed as a bill collector with a cable TV operator
in West Mogappair, was assaulted and killed by a subscriber in the
latter’s house in 6th Block, Nolambur, when he came to collect pending
cable charges.
According to the police, the subscriber had been defaulting on the
payment for the past few months and when Murugavel demanded the
money on his visit on May 6, a quarrel ensued between the two. The
subscriber than asked him to come the next day to collect the money.
When Murugavel again went the next day, he warned the subscriber
that if he did not pay the due amount immediately, he would cut the
cable connection right away.
This allegedly enraged the subscriber, who along with two other
men, assaulted Murugavel.
Some neighbours intervened, but in the meantime Murugavel had
fallen and fainted. He was admitted in a private hospital where he did
not respond to the treatment and died.
Nolambur Police made enquiries and arrested the three men
involved in the murder. A case registered is under the investigation of
P. Shanmugam (Inspector).
Suprabhata Sabha to conduct
contest in Carnatic music
Sri Suprabhata Sabha (10/6, Baroda 2nd Street, West Mambalam.
Ph; 2480 0440) will conduct its annual music competition in 3
categories as follows on June 28:
Seniors in the age group of 17 to 22 years will compete in singing of
Thyagaraja kritis, dikshitar kritis, general kritis, Thyagaraja utsava
sampradaya kritis, ragam neraval, swara singing and devotional
Juniors in the age group of 13 to 16 years and sub-juniors in the age
group of 7-12 years will compete in Thyagaraja utsava sampradaya
kritis and devotional songs.
Registration opens on May 25 and closes on June 15.
For more details please call 2480 0440 / 94441 83090 / 94441 70360.
Page IV
May 10 - 16, 2015