Sens 1164-2014 - Office de tourisme de Sens


Sens 1164-2014 - Office de tourisme de Sens
Sens 1164-2014
850 years consecration
for the first gothic
Saint Stephen cathedral
of Sens, a new way
to consider architecture
6 2014, the day to day agenda
Sens 1164-2014:
7 A remarkable event
Meeting at the cathedral
Sens 1164-2014:
A cultural event
● Two outstanding exhibits
● An international colloquium
Sens 1164-2014:
A musical event
Sens 1164-2014:
A sacred event
Sens 1164-2014:
A family event
Sens, Unique!
● 1141: Sens at the heart of
● An unusual portraits gallery
of the Archbishops of Sens
● Unique: The Treasury of the
Cathedral of Sens
● The Cathedral of Sens and
the orangery garden
Ancrée dans le passé, la cathédrale de Sens du haut de
ses 850 ans est la gardienne de notre présent et la vigie de
notre avenir. Au-delà de l’événement que nous célébrons, la
cathédrale porte une vision globale et synthétique de notre
territoire. Elle en est le joyau, le symbole. Elle veille sur Sens
et les communes alentour. Elle est force, beauté, spiritualité.
Elle manifeste l’unité des énergies économiques, culturelles
et spirituelles dont nous avons besoin pour construire
notre Avenir. Les manifestations autour cette célébration en sont une belle
illustration. Elles forment un atout primordial pour promouvoir les richesses
de notre patrimoine et la vitalité de notre territoire.
Marie-Louise FORT
Président de la Communauté de communes du Sénonais,
Député-maire de Sens, Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur
Le 850e anniversaire de la première cathédrale gothique
est un événement pour Sens et pour son agglomération.
Mais il doit être aussi l’occasion d’un vaste rayonnement
de notre territoire, appuyé sur son patrimoine de tout premier rang. L’intercommunalité du Sénonais, en charge du
tourisme et du développement économique, a fait le pari
de coordonner les manifestations de cette année afin
qu’elles s’inscrivent dans la durée. Ce 850e anniversaire
n’est pas un aboutissement : c’est un point de départ pour Sens et sa région.
1er Vice-président de la Communauté de communes du Sénonais, chargé
de l’aménagement du territoire, de la cohérence territoriale et du tourisme,
Vice-président du Conseil Général de l’Yonne, Maire de Saint-Clément
© Création graphique : Laurence Gentilleau © Photos : Service Communication Ville de Sens, L. Gentilleau, D. Loth, E. Berry/Musées de Sens, J-P. Elie/Musées de Sens, L. de Cargouët/Musées de Sens, Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais, A. Philippe, J-L. Boulard, D. Mendiboure/Garde Républicaine, AMAC, Spectaculaires; T. Nava
Sens 1164-2014, 850 years consecration
for the first gothic cathedral
2014, a landmark in the history of Sens. All
this year is dedicated to the celebration of
the 850th anniversary of the consecration of
St Stephen cathedral, known to be the first
gothic one in history.
is the first precise date to be
certain of in the history of the
cathedral of Sens. Although Notre Dame
de Paris celebrated in 2013, the 850th
anniversary of its first stone and the
beginning of its building, this date is not
in the history of Sens. The historians date
back the beginning of the construction
around 1130.
The date of the consecration is known in
history, this is the one we are celebrating
this year: Pope Alexander III himself
dedicated the altar to apostles Peter
and Paul, on April 19th 1164, in the
“new church”. The Pope, who had been
chassed away from Rome the year before,
by Frederick Barbarossa who wanted
to expand his power to the detriment
of papacy, lived in Sens as well as many
bishops and cardinals. According to a
prelate travelling with the Pope, “he stayed
in Sens because this town was very famous,
in a very fertile place and of easy access”.
Sens was at the time the first archbishopric
place of the royal domain and had
authority on the Episcopal sees of Chartres,
Auxerre, Meaux, Paris, Orleans, Nevers
and Troyes. Its prelate bore, and still does,
the prestigious title of primate of Gaul and
Germany, which meant, at this period of
the Catholic Church, the first one after the
As a matter of fact, this same Pope is the
one who, in 1163, year of his arrival in Sens,
grounded the corner stone of Notre Dame
de Paris, thereby beginning its foundation.
In Saint Stephen of Sens, the consecration
of an altar in 1164 proves that the choir had
been finished. The one of Notre Dame will
be consecrated only 20 years later.
Saint Peter and Paul
Consecrated in 1164, it’s not the master altar, it stands behind it. It was
rebuilt in the XVIIIth century out of
marble, as it was in poor condition.
It can be seen from the ambulatory
looking through the gate by the apse
(north side).
Sens 1164-2014 event is coordinated by the urban communities of the region of
Sens. During the whole year, various meetings, highlights and events will be
organized by many partners: Dioceses of Sens-Auxerre, the City and museums
of Sens, the archeological society, the heritage and architecture department
of the Yonne, the tourism bureau of Sens and surroundings and many other
partners. The departments of Culture and Communication sponsor this
event. It will last all year around: Cultural, musical as well as family events.
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Saint Stephen Cathedral of Sens,
a new way to consider architecture
According to a medieval chronicle, Henri Sanglier, archbishop of Sens from 1122 to 1142,
“decided to rebuild the cathedral”. He dared
give the task to an architect who used a fully
new way of building on a greater scale, the
rib vault used in some Anglo Norman buildings…
turdy piers and elegant twin
columns support sexpartite vaults,
landmark of the first gothic art.
of it, especially in the aisles, it keeps the
roman arch, typical of roman architecture
Denis but terminated long after…
Unusual difficulties occurred that the
architect had to solve at the raise of the
rib vault of the ambulatory in the apse,
show the refinement of the building, the
site being started before the abbey of Saint
The influence of this cathedral spread far
away, such as the cathedral of Canterbury
where William of Sens took part, Lausanne,
Nicosia and the Holy Sepulchre church in
Therefore, both buildings are examples for
other gothic achievements.
He is one of the first, if not the first, to
build flying buttresses, thereby enabling
the construction on only three levels,
without a gallery but with an extremely
wide nave.
Specialists date back the beginning of the
project around the 1130s by the “Master
of Sens” who is still totally unknown.
According to Alain Erlande-Brandenburg,
honorary heritage curator,“ Saint Stephen
of Sens could bear the very desired title of
the first gothic cathedral in the world”.
Although the building is very innovative
in keeping large openings in the most part
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Saint Stephen Cathedral of Sens,
a new way to consider architecture (next)
Every period wanted to revamp this
early monument. The high windows of the
choir and the nave were enlarged during
the XIIIth and XIVth centuries.
Building a transept lit by huge roses was
a very daring upgrade between 1490 and
The cathedral of Sens gives us the
opportunity to follow the evolution
of gothic art from its beginning to its
glorious end … This art which enabled the
development of the art of stained glass
windows, particularly in Sens during two
glorious periods of time, the XIIIth (the
Good Samaritan) and XIVth centuries (the
concert of Angels).
Visit of the Cathedral
By yourself (on your own)
● The individual tourist can tour the cathedral with the help of historical markers throughout the building, reading the history even without
having any background.
● A visitor’s leaflet is available at the tourism Office (0.50€)
● Audio tours, in 8 steps (about 1 hour). Rental price: 6€ at the tourism
office or free download at:
Guided tours
● Tours with specific topics and visit of the towers are available on Sundays and certain days of the week by the tourism office, from Jul. 1st to
Aug. 31st. The program is available at this number: +(0) 3 86 65 19 49
● Sacred topic visits, with “Culture et Foi” at 4pm on these dates:
Apr. 20th: Resurrection
May. 18th: Saint Stephen, Master of the Cathedral
Jun. 15th: the Cathedral, church of apostles
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
2014, the day to day agenda
Sunday 11th – 5pm
rs de l’étoile
Concert by “Petits chanteu”
and the Philoméla en
Sunday 8th – 5pm
Concert by the Marc-An Stabat Mater)
Charpentier choir (D
Saturday 17th – 6pm
Concert by “Ensemble Obce music)
(Middle age and Re
Saturday 19
Location: Ca
Anniversary of the co
Saturday 24th – 8.3
concert by “The
Official First
e main Extraordinary
e Republicaine”
“Saint Stephen in
Orchestre de la Gard
doorway”. Loca
Location: Cathedral
of mail.
Easter vigil
Archbishop of Sens
with Mgr Patenôtre,
Location: cathedral,
Sunday 20th – 10.30
Easter celebration
by Mgr Patenôtre
Location: Cathedral
Sunday 22nd
Sacred music concer of the organs
by Luc Paganon, ch
of Sens “Souffle de Di
Location: Cathedral
June 15th to Septemb
Photographic exhibi
urban communities
“ Face à elle ” by the
. Former and
of the region of Sens
the cathedral of Sens.
contemporary sights of
Market hall
tous ses aspects” by
“La cathédrale dans
From April 30th to
Culture et Foi:
h – from 2 to 6pm:
From June 3rd to 15t
Trade Fair
ills relate
Presenting various sk
edral (Stained glass
th – from 2 to 6pm:
renovation of
From June 17th to 29
windows, lut
Location: the prome
ire (covered market)
Location: salle Volta
Saturday 28th
the stamp
Official First day of en’s great
“Illumination of Saint
first day stamp for
Local postcard and
obliteration of mail.
from the
Confirmation of adultse apostolic
e of
dioceses, in presenc
Evening concerts
(city of Sens orchestr
Location: in fro
ptember 13th
From June 28th to Se
at the
“Lumières de Sens”musical show
Cathedral. Luminous
cathedral (20mn)
of the frontag
y and Saturday by
organized every Frida
a community.
Sens and its urban are
Sunday 29th – 5pm
dans la
Theater play “Meurtre .
. Ell
cathédrale” from T.S
mber 7th
From July 6th to Septe
International organ
Michelle Leclerc
Location: Cathedral
Saturday 20th
n God
Musical dialog betwee an)
d fire org
the Devil (organ an
the Cathedral at suns
Location: in front of
From 10th to the 12th
gothic cathedral
Symposium “ the first
in its context”
and heritage study
Location: Research
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1164-2014: A remarkable event
“Lumières de Sens - Meeting at the cathedral”
In 2014, Sens and its cathedral are playing
among the Great teams: entering the same
closed category as Chartres, Bourges, Reims,
and Le Mans of the cathedral cities having a
musical and light show. An event related to
the 850th anniversary of its consecration, but
not only that…
first of these big “meetings” is on
The June 28th at 10.30pm for this new
event’s kick off. The face of the cathedral,
acting as a lighthouse from each of the four
cardinal points of its territory and bringing
a great view, due to the huge space in front
of it, will be highlighted thanks to a unique
poetical and remarkable event, based on
high-tech, scenic creation, multimedia
and picture show (i.e. HD and 3D). The
sound track of the show will have you travel
through the 850 years of the building.
This show lasts 20 minutes and will be
recurrent on Fridays, Saturdays and holiday
eves until September 13th. Many ways to
encourage tourists to visit this building,
but also to reinforce the pride of the local
people towards their heritage and share
it with friends and family. Hence, Sens
is the second city in Burgundy to be so
This event is one of the key ones,
encouraging tourism created by the
tourism bureau of Sens and its region in
2010, with the help of the township and its
community, the development for economic
tourism and public lightning.
Place Stanislas in Nancy, the “Parlement de
Bretagne” in Rennes and in December 2013
the “Palais de la Reunification” in Hô Chi
Minh City (a one of a kind in Vietnam) are
some of its popular ones.
Communauté de communes du Sénonais
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 89 00
Press Officer: Virginie Cassotti
The making of this unusual scenic event
was given to “Spectaculaires-Allumeurs
d’Image”, a company based in Rennes, after
a bid. This company is different in the sense
that it has an artistic and a technical team,
with all the necessary equipment (High
power video, high quality sound and low
consumption lightning). The shows of
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1164-2014: A cultural event
Two outstanding exhibits
Unusual year, unusual exhibits linked to the
present, organized by the Museums of Sens.
“Juste la première”
From June 7th to December 14th, Orangerie
The 850th anniversary of the consecration
of the Cathedral is a unique opportunity
to show the different building and
rebuilding steps Saint Stephen Cathedral
went through. The basic construction site,
which lasted about a century (1130-1220),
the collapse of the south tower and its
rebuilding, the upgrade of the monument
from a gothic cathedral to a radiant
style one, integrating a big transept, the
rebuilding works in the XIXth century.
Using architectural charts, drawings,
portraits of archbishops, sacred objects and
stone fragments, thereby telling the whole
story of the building of the first gothic
Workshops and specific visits are offered during
the entire exhibition, more specifically:
- Sunday June 8th, gardens of the Orangerie,
from 2.30pm till 5.00pm: Workshop for
children, stone carving during the “journées de
- Saturday June 21st, Orangerie, at 4.00pm:
Exhibition of medieval instruments by
Emmanuel Bonnardot of the “Ensemble
Guided visits as of 7.30pm on Wednesdays July
9th, 23rd, August 6th and 27th.
relectures d’un palais”
From June 7th to October 13th, Palais Synodal
To celebrate Viollet-le-Duc’s bicentennial’s
birth anniversary, the museums of Sens
organize an exhibition on the first floor
of the Palais Synodal, restored by him
between 1855 and 1866. Following his
career, it shows the public the history of
the building and what it went trough along
time up to now. The exhibit, in partnership
with the Yonne department archives, gives
us an idea of the theoretical and practical
aspect of his trade, including local history
and the different craftsmen chosen to work
on the building
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1664-2014: A cultural aspect (next)
Visit and theme events are organized during
the whole festival, among others:
• Guided tours starting at 8.00pm on Fridays
July 4th and 18th, August 1st and 22nd
- Sunday September 21st at 6pm: lecture by
Arnaud Timbert, master in history of arts at
Lille3 Charles de Gaulle University
- From September 25th to 28th, conference
by the 3P group on rebuilding of historical
monuments at the Heritage Research and
Study Center (5 rue Rigault)
Musées de Sens
Tel.: + 33 / (0)3 86 83 88 90
Mail :
Press Officer: Sylvie Tersen,
museum's curator
An international colloquium
On October 10, 11 and 12th the CEREP (Centre
de Recherche et d’Etude du Patrimoine) and
the Archeological Society will host a colloquium “The first gothic cathedral in its
context”: sponsored by Alain Erlande-Brandenburg, honorary heritage general curator.
There are 4 main leads:
❶ The difference in architecture, the
relative history, the building steps and the
influence of the first gothic cathedral in the
XIIth century
❷ The upgrade of the cathedral during the
XIIIth –XIVth and XVth-XVIth centuries
❸ The sacred and worship history of the
Exhibitions opening hours:
● Everyday, except Tuesdays:
- From June 7th to September 30th, from 10 to 12am and
2 to 6pm;
- From October 1st to December 14th, from 10 to 12am and
2 to 6pm on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays; from
2 to 6pm, on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays;
● Exhibition “Juste la première” opened evenings until
9pm, on Wednesdays from July 2nd until August 27th
● Exhibition “Viollet-le-Duc, relectures d’un palais”
opened evenings until 9.30pm on Fridays from July 4th to
August 29th. Free entrance
hese 3 days of study will only
concern the metropolitan church
of Sens. The goal being to evaluate, for the
first time, the knowledge we have about
this first gothic building.
❹ The iconology and the function
organization of the cathedral until the end
of the old Regime
Free entrance
Société Archéologique de Sens
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 83 02 25
Press Officer: Bernard Brousse
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1164-2014: A musical event
Participation of known local, regional or national
groups, 2014 will definitely be a musical year.
We bet that some concerts will be completely
sold out.
Saturday, May 17th, 6.00pm
Sunday May 11th, 5.00pm
“250 years of sacred music” ,
by “Les petits chanteurs de l’Etoile et
l’ensemble Philoméla”
About 60 members of these 2 choirs, malefemale-young-elderly will bring their voices
together for a bright musical moment,
directed by Paul Parsons who will bring
the high level of the British choirs. The
program will be of vocal and instrumental
music of the XVIIth century, Purcell and
Price: Pay, what you like, to participate
Petits Chanteurs de l’Etoile
Tel.: +33/(0)9 79 68 64 75
Press Officer: Philippe Simonnet
Saturday, May 24th, 8.30pm
“Concert Céleste”
Prestigious concert
On the 850th anniversary of the cathedral,
the resident bards and minstrels since
2009, conducted by Emmanuel Bonnardot,
will bring back life and color to the
gothic art, with the various sounds and
instruments from Middle Ages to the
Renaissance. Obsidienne goes back to
the source of occidental music, through
the ancient sounds of mass and motet,
in combination with the written data
of polyphonic improvisations using the
ancient ways.
Price: 14€, special rates for students,
jobless, -18 years 10€
This orchestra dates back to 1848, with 120
professional musicians who have studied at
“Conservatoires Nationaux Supérieurs” in
Paris and Lyon. Its first trip, in 1872 to the
US is the beginning of a long international
success. Since then, many tours built its
worldwide prestige (Europe, Canada, Japan,
Korea, Singapore, Kazakhstan …). Directed
by Colonel François Boulanger, graduate of
many international events and rewarded
five times by the “Conservatoire National
Supérieur de Musique de Paris”, it will play
parts of sacred music, with the participation
of Luc Paganon, host of the organs in Sens.
by Ensemble Obsidienne
Obsidienne et compagnie
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 66 36 94
Press Officer: Emmanuel Bonnardot
by the “Garde Républicaine”
Price: 30€ and 26€, special rate 18€
Propos d’artistes
Tel.: +33/(0)6 22 33 66 25
Mail :
Press Officer: Christophe Ménager
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1164-2014: A musical event (next)
Saturday, September 20th at sunset
Musical dialog between God and the Devil
Press Officer: Jean Martin
Sunday, June 8th, 5.00pm
Dvorak, Stabat Mater
by Marc Antoine Charpentier choir and
Sinfonietta Orchestra Paris
This choir which recently celebrated its
50th anniversary, is a usual partner of
the cathedral. It regularly sings major
classical parts, such as Verdi’s Requiem in
September 2013. Same layout, 120 choir
members, 4 excellent nationally renowned
soloists, and the musicians of “Sinfonietta
Orchestra”, directed by Dominique Fanal
for this Stabat Mater, human and moving
part, full of religious faith, completed in
1878. It echoes the composer’s suffering
after the death of 3 of his children.
During the European Heritage days, the
urban community of Sens presents a free
musical show in front of the cathedral.
“God” (represented by the organ of the
cathedral directed by Luc Paganon) and
“the Devil” (represented by Michel Moglia’s
fire organ) will give an improvised “furious”
musical dialog during the acting of “La
Salamandre” (street show)! Michel Moglia
defines himself as a “sound sculptor”:
The sounds originated by heat can only
be discovered live and no one can be left
Communauté de communes du Sénonais
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 89 44
Press Officer: Virginie Cassotti
1st: 27€ (special price: 24€)
2nd: 23€ (special price: 20€)
Association Marc-Antoine Charpentier (AMAC)
Tel.: + 33/(0)1 60 68 09 29
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1164-2014:
A sacred event
Sens, first gothic cathedral! Sens,
the city where the sacred genius
dared innovate, by taking higher the
Christian’s message of belief and hope
in stone and glass. That’s why 1164 is
a very important date for the city itself
and the dioceses. A cathedral is the first
church of the dioceses, it’s the church of the bishop
who manages his community and rules his local
church. It’s always a place to meet and celebrate. It’s
still populated today by a community of believers, who
is happy to celebrate the cathedral with joy, to host
everyone and serve everyone’s happiness.
François Campagnac
Senior priest of Sens
Saturday, April 19th, 9.00pm
Saturday, June 28th, 6.30pm
Easter vigil
Celebration of the confirmation
for adults
Sunday, April 20th, 10.30am
Hosted by Mgr Yves Patenôtre, archbishop
of Sens in the presence of Mgr L. Ventura,
Apostolic Nuncio of France.
Celebration of Easter
Leader Mgr Yves Patenôtre, archbishop of Sens
This anniversary of the consecration of the
cathedral is, as in 1164, Easter day! Great
similarity for the catholic community of
Sens, who will meet around the fire of
Easter, before starting this long night to
celebrate the reborn of Christ. Intense
sacred moment, during which the light
of the candles will bring on the faces and
in the hearts the strength of life and love,
before letting joy burst out in the light!
The solemn mass will bring together, in
the morning a big crowd of believers to
give echo to the message of Easter in the
It will be a big event during which the oath
of Confirmation will be celebrated, for
over a hundred adults who have asked for
it. It will be for them and those who are
with them an opportunity to regain the
Holy Spirit, to rebuild all the energies of
love, strength and kindness in each other’s
bodies. The cathedral is still nowadays the
place of great events in the life of church…
Diocesan department of religious teaching
Tel.: +33/(0)6 82 13 45 83
Press Officer: Corinne Vettivelu
Parish of Sens
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 06 57
Press Officer: P. François Campagnac
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Sens 1164-2014: A family event
April 30th – May 5th
Trade fair
This big trade fair, which is specifically
held outside, on the 3-kilometer grounds
surrounding the historical center of
Sens, is well in the medieval tradition.
This year, the 200 to 250 000 visitors
will be able to get acquainted with the
craftsmen and their artistic work linked
to the cathedral and its rebuilding (glass
masters, luthier, ceramic makers…).
They will have their own booth.
Service Communication Ville de Sens
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 95 68 03
Press Officer: Philippe Blanchoz
Saturday, September 20th at sunset
Musical show
“Dialog between God and the Devil”
During the European Heritage days, the
urban community of Sens presents a free
musical show in front of the cathedral.
The heat-originated sounds produced by
the organs of Michel Moglia will answer
the notes of the organ of the cathedral
played by Luc Paganon, organist in
charge. This will give an improvised
“furious” musical dialog during the acting
of “La Salamandre” Theater Company
between God and the Devil.
Communauté de communes du Sénonais
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 89 00
Mai :
Press Officer: Virginie Cassotti
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
1164: Sens, at the heart of Christianity
Pope, Alexander IIIrd
The consecration of the Altar is not the only
landmark in 1164.
ope Alexander IIIrd decided
to escape from the Germanic
influence, the birth of the Church of
Sweden that will celebrate its 850th
anniversary in 2014. Eskil, archbishop
of Lund, in conflict with the king of
Denmark, exiled in Sens, consecrated
priest Etienne as first prelate of the
new archbishopric of Upsal. A writing
in Latin on a black marble stone in the
ambulatory celebrates this event.
On September 25th, the pope confirmed
the most ancient Spanish military Order,
the Order of Calatrava …
In November, Thomas Becket,
archbishop of Canterbury who was
opposed to Henri IInd, King of England,
secretly moved to France and towards
Sens, to present his cause to the Pope.
Thus, from Spain to Sweden, Italy to
England, the whole of Europe met in
Sens, thereby making it in 1164 the heart
of Christianity.
Moreover, the archbishop of Mainz,
although prelate of the Holy Roman
Empire, acting as Count Palatine, came
to assure his loyalty to Pope Alexander
IIIrd in 1164.
The most ancient Spanish
military Order, the Order
of Calatrava
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
Unusual: Gallery of portraits
of the archbishops of Sens
From Saint Savinien, tortured during roman
times, to Mgr Patenôtre the archbishop of
Sens since 2005, there have been 120 prelates during all these centuries.
ortraits of about 40 of them are now
visible in the big sacristy, only very
seldom opened to the public.
Four of them highlighted the cathedral,
in the middle Ages, the Renaissance and
Dean Henri Sanglier was raised on the
papal throne in Sens in 1122… His position
on top of the church hierarchy raised the
attention of the famous Abbot of Clairvaux,
future Saint Bernard. He condemned the
writings of Abelard a few years later, in 1140,
during a council of bishops in the presence
of King Louis VIIth. Henri Sanglier is the
one who began to build the cathedral.
Gauthier Cornut, archbishop of Sens since
1222, played an important part at Louis
VIIIth’s death in 1226, certifying that the
past king had said that Blanche de Castille,
mother of the young King Louis IXth would
hold the Regency. This prelate escorted
Marguerite in 1234, from Provence to Sens,
where he celebrated her marriage with the
King, future Saint Louis, on May 27th in the
cathedral and sacred her Queen of France
the next day. Gauthier Cornut was the
one to decide to build the Synodal Palace.
Viollet-le-Duc restored it during the XIXth
century. This building and the cathedral is
a quite seldom type of group in France.
During 45 years, from 1474 to 1519, a
very drastic, overbearing and luxurious
prelate, Tristan de Salazar, son of a Spanish
knight who was with Joan of Arch, held
the position in Sens. He was in charge
of many diplomatic matters. He oversaw
the building of the Hotel de Sens, which
thereafter served as his Paris residence.
He and the deans will also supervise the
building of the transept of the cathedral,
leaded by Martin Chambiges, the great
master of the time, who will also work at
Troyes, Senlis and Beauvais.
Cardinal Paul d’Albert de Luynes,
archbishop from 1753 to 1788, wanted
to remodel the cathedral as in the art of
Enlightenment, by rebuilding the pulpits.
Only the great gate with his coat of arms
remains at the entrance of the choir. He was
a friend of Louis, Dauphin of France “son
of King, father of King but never the King”,
son of Louis XVth and father of Louis
XVIth, Louis XVIIIth and Charles Xth. He
wanted to be buried in the cathedral of
Sens, where stands the marble mausoleum,
sculptured for him and his wife, by
Guillaume Coustou. This led Victor Hugo
to say, “The large royal branch born from
Louis IXth goes out from this altar and end
up under this mausoleum …”
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
One of a kind:
The Treasury of the cathedral
As any other church, as humble as it may be,
the cathedral had many objects necessary to
celebrate the cult. This sacred deposit stood
at the high political and religious level Sens
occupied until 1622, when Paris took its place
as archbishopric: Magnificent.
rough donations of wealthy people,
the Treasury of the cathedral quickly
became one of the richest of the kingdom.
Although, it was spoiled by wars, spoliation
and the anger of the revolutionaries, it’s
still a reference in France, and in Europe,
equal to the one in the ancient abbey of
Sainte-Foy de Conques, not spoiled by the
revolution, which has kept all the jewels of
ancient craft jewelry.
It seems that the Sens cathedral could be
the one with the richest relics in France,
the most outstanding one being the True
Cross, donated by Charlemagne.
The Treasury keeps some famous ivory
pieces, such as Saint Loup’s comb (VIIth),
and the “Sainte Châsse” which is a case for
relics in the form of a Byzantine baptistery.
Its sculptured sides represent the story of
Joseph and David.
It’s famous for its unique collection of
antique cloths, some pieces of them dating
back to the IVth or Vth century after JC.
Most emotional are the small relic holsters,
many of them made of byzantine silk
embroidered with Arabic characters.
The Treasury of Sens owns 3 gowns,
including the one Saint Thomas Becket’s;
worn by the primate of England during his
exile in Sens. His liturgical instruments
have been recently restored and are now in
good place in the showcase of the Treasury
since June 2011. These relics were regularly
venerated until the XIXth century, on
Saint Thomas day, thereby celebrating
his martyr. Some of the cloths are in bad
condition, because believers have torn of
parts of them, but others have been darned
along the centuries.
a short cape with ermine tails, donated by
Charles Xth in 1826.
The Treasury of Sens also has many
tapestries, the most important one being
the Three Coronations, which was ordered
by Charles de Bourbon, archbishop of Lyon,
between 1475 and 1498, possibly to Flemish
workshops. Woven with gold, silver and
silk, decorated with Flemish scenes, it was
used as the decoration for the altar. It’s still
in an exceptional state of freshness and
The Treasury of Sens, a state collection
enhancing the Museums of Sens, is partly
displayed in the former private chapel of
the archbishops of Sens.
Musées de Sens
Tel.: + 33 / (0)3 86 83 88 90
Another special object is the blue velvet
Royal coat patched with gold fleurs-de-lys,
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
The Cathedral of Sens
and its Orangery garden
Nested by the cathedral and the Archbishop's
palace, the beautiful “Jardin à la Française”
is part of the palace inherited from the archbishop’s private garden.
t’s in a closed courtyard limited on the
north side by the archbishop’s chapel
and the Orangerie building, on the west by
Henry IInd aisle (XVIth) of the archbishop’s
palace and south by the archbishop’s library
(XVIIIth). The actual state of the garden is the
same as it was in the XIXth century, before it
was used as a schoolyard during a century.
The Orangery building was built in the 1740’s,
replacing a building a century older, used to
winter the orange trees, which decorated the
courtyards and gardens of the archbishop’s
palace, during the summer.
This building is lit from the south side. On
its triangular pediment, one can see two
watering cans with their nozzles a rake, a
spade, a pickaxe and lines to remind us of the
usage of the place.
The actual courtyard, renovated about 10
years ago, is a harmony of Renaissance and
XVIIIth century styles. It has a very specific
code, i.e. created like “a scholarly garden”, to
make it a reference in the art of flowering and
use the “orangery” type of plants.
The west part has yearly renewed, themesquare flowerbeds, with useful plants, and
the east one, is a sample of familiar plants
of summertime flowerbeds, kept in a
greenhouse the rest of the year. The garden
Sens, a unique flower
As far as flowers are concerned,
Sens is among the top players; it’s
been for a long time part of the 6
cities in Burgundy to have 4 flowers
at the “Villes et Villages fleuris”, as
Dijon and Beaune, among others.
Its city gardens, the Tan Mill Park,
one of the most visited ones in Burgundy, more than 250 000 peopleyear, was awarded the Outstanding
Gardens award in 2011, a very rare
one for city parks and gardens.
of the Orangery has 3088 flowerbed plants of
140 different varieties.
It’s a very appreciated green spot in the
center of town and often hosts sculptures
and temporary exhibitions organized by the
Museums of Sens in the Orangery building.
Visit: everyday, all year around
Free entrance
Schedules: from 8am to 6 or 8pm
depending on the season.
Service des Espaces Verts
de la Ville de Sens
Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 95 38 72
Press Officer: Aurélien Loizeau
Information: Office de Tourisme de Sens et du Sénonais • Tel.: +33/(0)3 86 65 19 49 • Mail: • Press Officer : Anne Bossuyt
The French Cultural and Communication Department sponsors
Sens 1164-2014 event
Coordinated by the Senonais’ Community of city councils
And the contribution of:
● The Sens-Auxerre dioceses
● The City of Sens
● The Yonne Tourism Development Agency
● The territorial department of architecture and heritage
● The Tourist Bureau of Sens and the Senonais
and many associated partners