Who are Athletic Patients?


Who are Athletic Patients?
Genetic Make-up: Body Type- Body Density
Proper Diet
Recipe for Success: With your Athletic
Patients & Athletic Performance
By: Angela Anoliefoh-Ford, M.Sc, Ph.D (candidate)
Medical Support Manager
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Who are Athletic Patients?
Define Athletic Patients
Athletes: (A- Elite Athletes)
• Marathon & Distance
• Power lifters
• Cyclists
• Sprinters
• Soccer Players
• Skiers/ Snowboarders
• Football players
• Basketball Players
• Hockey Players
• Body Builders/ Fitness
Athletes: (B- Everyday Athletes)
• 10K runners/Joggers
• Hikers
• Firefighters
• Police Officers
• Weekend warriors
• Gym Goers
• Weight-loss Patients
Performance : Contributions and Connections
& Fatigue
Mind and
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Psychological Mindset
Why they train and compete, lose weight,
build better bodies and potentially destroy
that body.
The main psychological factors that can
influence sports performance:
Why it’s hard:
They always want to be the best
There’s added pressure to be the best
from coaches, teammates, family &
friends, the media and themselves
What you are thinking, what
shape your mind is in, is what
makes the biggest difference of
~ Willie Mays
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Mind & Body Connection
Balancing the “Psyche” and
Relationship between the mental
and physical domains, and how to
maximize our overall performance.
To be a better athlete does not
necessarily mean that you must
train harder or longer.
It could mean that you need to address all the components that
make up a successful athletic performance - mental as well as
Since athletes do not enter into competition with a completely
empty head, they must include mental skills in their training
and conditioning programs as well.
Long Term Success = psychological skills + brain health
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Psychological- Brain Health
Key components of psychological
mindset is Brain Health. There are
many factors that play into brain
Great Diet
+ Social
ANT Killing
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Physiology: Start of Program and Visits
BMI vs BD (Body Density)
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Start of Program and Visits: BMI vs BD
What is BMI:
BMI is the common acronym given to Body Mass Index, a
number calculated from your weight and height that roughly
correlates to the percentage of your total weight that comes from
fat, as opposed to muscle, bone or organ.
What is BD- Body Density:
Body density is the proportion of body fat present in a human
body, as compared to its overall mass. Also known as body fat
composition, it is used as a tool for gauging how much fatty
tissue, both essential and excess, exists in a body
it is used as a tool for gauging how much fatty tissue, both
essential and excess, exists in a body.
Knowledge of body density is a critical piece of data in a
nutrition and fitness plan.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
BMI and BD Measurement Equipment and Tools
Other, more scientific methods for estimating body density include:
Skin fold measurements- Callipers ($14- $470)
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)- ($100- $8,000)
Near-Infrared Interactance- NIR Futrex 5000- ($2000-$5000
Bod Pod (Air Displacement) ($30,000- $40, 000)
Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) ($400- $5,000)
Hydrostatic Weighing aka Underwater Weighing ($75/ session- only
available at research institutions, university or colleges)
Skinfold, Near-Infrared Interactance, and BIA techniques are less
costly than the newer DEXA Method and Bod Pod.
can be less accurate and have more limitations than DEXA method.
Technical source of errors
Disadvantage of DEXA Method and Body Pod
DEXA requires a lot of equipment and extensive knowledge to
administer test, submerging can cause anxiety for some
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Why BD: 7 to 9 Sites- Skin Fold Caliper Measurements
How to take the right measurement:
7 Main Sites for
1. Tricep
2. Pectoral (Chest)
3. Midaxilla
4. Subscapula
5. Abdomen
Equation for Body Density (BD)
BD = 1.097 - (0.00046971 x sum of skinfolds)
+ (0.00000056 x square of the sum of
skinfold sites) - (0.00012828 x age), where
the skinfold sites (measured in mm)
6. Suprailliac
Some trainers use only 3 maybe 5, which gives
you an incomplete picture, 7-9 sites is more of
the gold standard
8. Biceps
7. Quadriceps
Extra Sites to Test
9. Calf
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Body Composition and Fat Analyzer
Measurements using a body
composition and fat analyzer
The Omron HBF-510W Full Body
Composition Monitor features full body
sensing with hand-to-foot technology more
accurate than foot-to-foot monitors.
Full body sensing provides a
comprehensive understanding of body
Omoron cost range
The Body Composition Monitor and Scale measures 5 fitness indicators
to get the most accurate results including:
Body Fat Percentage,
Body Mass Index (BMI),
Skeletal Muscle,
Visceral Fat, and
Body Weight
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Body Composition and Fat Analyzer
Measurements using a body
composition and fat analyzer
Tanita BC-418 Segmental Body Composition
BIA (bio-electrical impedance analysis
Tanita's professional Body Composition Analyzers
provide weight and a complete body composition
analysis in less than 30 seconds. longevity (up to
300, 000 uses before calibration.)
Cost more than the
Omoron. Tanita cost range
Through the use of 8 polar electrodes, the Tanita BC-418 Segmental Body
Composition Analyzer can show separate body mass readings for the right arm, left
arm, trunk, right leg and left leg.
It also prints out a complete body composition profile in seconds including:
Body Fat Percentage,
Body Fat Mass,
Body Mass Index (BMI),
Fat Free Mass,
Estimated Muscle Mass,
Total Body Water and Basal Metabolic Rate
Adult & Athlete Mode
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Know their: Somatoype: Body Types & Density
Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Know their Somatotypes: Body Types & Density
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Body Types Variance
What is BMI:
BMI is the common acronym given to Body Mass Index, a
number calculated from your weight and height that
roughly correlates to the percentage of your total weight
that comes from fat, as opposed to muscle, bone or
What is BD- Body Density:
Body density is the proportion of body fat present in a
human body, as compared to its overall mass. Also
known as body fat composition, it is used as a tool for
gauging how much fatty tissue, both essential and excess,
exists in a body
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Know their Body Types & Density
Body Types Variation, Weight and Density
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Know their Body Types & Density
Body Types Variation, Weight and Density
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Autonomic Nervous Systems &Performance
Heals and
for nourishment
or elimination
down the
used for
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Loretta Kershaw M.D. Miramas Inc. © Nov 2012
ANS & Performance: Sympathetic System
Epinephrine &
Adrenaline (Test the
Adrenalium and Sulphur
Vial on Reba Device)
- Increase lacticacidosis
- Activates blood
bicarbonate buffering
- skin resistance and
potential, skin blood
flow and temperature,
instantaneous heart
rate and respiratory
frequency (Collet et al,
Note: Patients with ANS
disorders have low level
of V.O2max, indicating
reduced physical fitness
and exercise capacity
Tears down
the body
Energy used
for defense
Loretta Kershaw M.D. Miramas Inc. © Nov 2012
ANS & Performance: Parasympathetic System
Heals and
or elimination
- Eat a meal (rest and digest)
↑blood flow to stomach, small
& large intestine, liver,
↑salivation gland activity
- Facilitates digestion and
↓Decrease blood flow to
skeletal muscle
(if blood is pumping too much
to the heart and muscles- you
are not going to be absorbing
your food very well)
Mother nature is quite smart
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
ANS & Performance: Supplementation for Athletes
Balancing the Autonomic Nervous
System: Test With Reba
Degree of Dominance and balancing the ANS
Sympathetic: adrenaline vials
Administer Simvita, Anxvita/ Anxiovita
Nurovita for nervous tension and adrenal/
chronic fatigue
Parasympathetic: acetylcholine vials
Administer Paravita
Use: Pleo Citro and Pleo Sanuvis
Use: Anxvita/ Simvita, Salvtonic
Note: Dysregulation of ANS can also be linked to timing of training, sleep cycle and
According to a study done by (Yamanaka et al, 2015), morning exercises eventually
enhanced the parasympathetic activity, while evening exercise activated the
sympathetic activity, as indicated by increase in heart rate in the nocturnal sleep
patterns. These findings indicated differential effects of morning and evening
exercise on the circadian melatonin rhythm, PSG- Polysomnogram, and HRVHeart Rate Variability. The sleep PSG did not change after morning exercise, stage
1+2 sleep significantly decreased by 13.0% without exercise, and RE sleep decreased
by 10.5% after evening exercise.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Know their Somatotypes: Program Mapping
Understanding the variations in: Body Types, Constitution
Types, and Metabolic Types
Body Type
& Character
Pleo Sanum
Type + ANS
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Know their Somatotypes: Program Mapping
1.Body Type
Body Type
2. Metabolic Types (Dr. Kelley & Dr.
Curtis Kuhn, College of Metabolic
Vegetarian (Sympathetic Dominant)
Balanced Type (Autonomic Nervous
System Balanced)
Meat Eating Type (Parasympathetic
3. Hormonal Types (Dr. Elliot D.
Abravanel, MD & Elizabeth King
Thyroid Body Type
- Adrenal Body Type
- Gonadal Body Type
- Pituitary Body Type
Pleo Sanum
Type + ANS
4. Rubimeds (Emotional
- Test to see which Autonomic
Nervous Centres are blocked
- Match Character Types:
5. Pleo Sanum Constitution Types
- Mucor Types
- Aspergillus Types
- Penicillium Types
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Macro & Micros for Body Type
Ectomorph Body Type (Aspergillus Constitution +Thyroid Body Type)
- Carbs: 100g daily
- Protein: 1g per KG bodyweight
- Fats: 1.5 – 2g per KG bodyweight
Mesomorph Body Type (Pencillium mix with Mucor constitution +
Pituitary, Thyroid & Gonadal Body Type)
- Carbs: 70-90g
- Protein: 1.5-2g per KG bodyweight
- Fats: 1.5 – 2g per KG bodyweight
Endomorph Body Type (Mucor constitution – Adrenal + Thyroid+
Gonadal Body Type)
- Carbs: 30-50g
- Protein: 1 – 1.5g per KG bodyweight
- Fats: 1.5 – 2g per KG bodyweight
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Macro & Micros for Body
Endomorph Body Type (Mucor constitution – Adrenal + Thyroid+
Gonadal Body Type)
- Carbs: 30-50g
- Protein: 1 – 1.5g per KG bodyweight
- Fats: 1.5 – 2g per KG bodyweight
(Case Study):
Female Fitness Athlete- Weight 77.11 KG (170lbs)pre- season
On-season Weight 65.77KG (145lbs)= 11.34KG (25lbs) difference
Carbs: 100g/ daily
Protein: 65.77K/ daily over 6 meals (Ex. 1 scoop= 15g , 100g/3.5oz
chicken breast has 30 grams of protein)
4oz = 113grams
Fat: 98.67 KG/ daily
Fats Distribution
Meal 1: 14
Protein Distribution
Meal 2: 21 (1.5
Carb Distribution
Meal 1: 15g
Meal 1: 15g
Meal 2:
Meal 3: 14
Meal 2: 15g
Meal 3: 20.4g
Meal 4: 21 (1.5
Meal 3: 30g
Meal 4:
Meal 4: 15g
Meal 5: 20.3g
Meal 5: 14
Meal 5: 25g
Meal 6: 15g
Meal 6: 14g
Meal 6:
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Exercise, Sport Types Output, Mechanism
Phosphagen System8-10 seconds
(100m)Anaerobic a lactic energy system
10 -60 second (400m)- Anaerobic
lactic energy system
ATP-CP & Anaerobic Glycolysis
Anaerobic- (with
oxygen)a lactic
energy system98% Fast Twitch
Muscle Fibers:
Aerobic &
Anaerobic: 50/50
Fast & Slow
Twitch Muscle
Aerobic(without oxygen)
Anaerobic 2%
Slow Twitch
Muscle Fibers
Glycogen Lactic Acid System
1.3- 1.6 minutes (400m)
: ATP-CP & Anaerobic Glycolysis
+ Glycolysis- Carbohydrate
Marathon Runner
Aerobic Respiration
Unlimited Time (15Km)
: Glycolysis- Carbohydrate
Lypolysis- Lipids /Fats
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Energy Systems Out-put
Lactic Acid Threshold:
The lactate threshold refers to the intensity of exercise at which there is an
abrupt increase in blood lactate levels (Roberts & Robergs 1997)
- Improve with high volume training
O2 Levels:
we breathe in about 2% (O2)
with increases physical activity, an increase in O2 intake also ensures an
increase in strength, energy and endurance
most of the time our bodies are not benefiting from optimum O2 intake
intense or prolonged physical activity depletes the body of O2. The more
strenuous the activity, the more O2 used up than what is taken in
VO2 max:
the maximal volume of oxygen that the body can deliver to the working
muscles per minute.
Significant improvements in maximal oxygen uptake and/or aerobic
endurance performance following phosphate salt supplementation
(William, Ph.D, J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2005)
O2 + Stress + Detox:
stress, even minor stressful event impact O2 levels
lack of physical activity impact O2 levels
Increased O2 helps reduce build-up of toxins, detoxify, inflammatory
agents and lactic acid produced by the muscles, by flushing them out of
the body
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Choosing the right supplements
Choosing the Right Supplements- Reba
The large variety of pills, powders, drinks and
bars, which claim to increase muscle and
strength, or burn fat, can often lead to
confusion amongst athletes.
The right supplement is as important as
clean eating
Filtering on the Vital/ Physical Energy
Administer the ones that test well and
stagger depending on where they are in
their season or program
Also, depending on symptoms being
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Supplements for Body Type
Choosing the Right Supplements for Body Types
Ectomorph Body Type (Aspergillus Constitution +Thyroid Body Type)
- Pleo Nigersan
- Lycopus if they have hyperthyroid
- Female Tonic (in cases of Amenorrhea and Dysmenorrhea)
Mesomorph Body Type (Pencillium mix with Mucor constitution +
Pituary, Thyroid & Gonadal Body Type)
- Pleo Mucedo
- Biothy on a rotation
- ASF-Adrenal Support Formula or Adrenum
Endomorph Body Type (Mucor constitution – Adrenal + Thyroid+
Gonadal Body Type)
- Give them Biothy
- Pleo Mucedo
- Female Tonic ( hormone balancing and cases of Dysmenorrhea)
- Thymus Eg or Pleo Thymokehl
- ASF-Adrenal Support Formula or Adrenum
- Cytozyme AD & ADB5 Plus (Biotics Research)
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Anabolic Steroids: What are they?
What are they?
They're man-made versions of testosterone, a male sex hormone
that helps build bigger muscles. Can be taken oral or injected
directly into the muscle
Do your patients use them? Why?
- Increase muscle
- Enhance performance/ competitive edge (i.e. strength and
endurance without the mass)
- Leaner more vascular look
- Weight-loss
- Some cases for anti-aging
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Anabolic Steroids Testosterone
Oral Steroids
Street Names
Typical Uses
Often called “Clen”
Bronchialdilator, fat-loss
thermogenic, has anabolic
effects but not an anabolic
Often called “Var”
Fat burning steroid, better
option for womenbulking/cutting, fewer side
Human Growth Hormone
Faster recovery, increase
metabolism, anti-aging
Anadrol Often called “Drol”
most potent
Extremely potent, for size &
strength gain
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Anabolic Steroids Testosterone
Oral Steroids
Street Names
Typical Uses
Winstrol often
Harder ripped look to the muscle,
leaner and more vascular muscular
Dianabol often
called “Dbol”
Muscle growth, rapid and fast acting
buildup of strength & mass
Halotestin often
called “Halo”
Raw strength + cutting cycle,
increases strength & aggression- can
be harsh on the body, thus less used
Deca-Durabolinoften called
Cutting and bulking cycles, for pure
muscle building and solid harder
Anadrol Often
called “Drol” most
Extremely potent, for size & strength
Depot- often called
Considered best muscle harder- for
cutting, used a lot by female athlete,
fast results in short a period
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Testosterone and Steroids
Injectable Steroids
Street Names
Typical Uses
No common trade nameoften called “Tren”
Coined greatest steroid,
muscle mass, cutting
phase, hardness,
definition, vascularity,
rapid fat burning
Numerous brands- often
called “Test”
Lean muscle mass,
recovery, endurance,
libido, low testosterone
Winstrol Depot- often
called “ Winny”
Strength & endurance w/o
unwanted mass, enhances
other steroids
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Anabolic Steroids: Advise & Education vs. Judgement
Advise & Education vs Judgement:
Steroid causes hormonal imbalance as
well as:
• Long term use damages joints can damage
• Connective tissues damage
• Fluid retention
• Liver and kidney damage
• Hardening of other muscles such as
the heart, blood vessels, arterial walls
How to Support their Organs- (Talk about this later)
- Support their gut from damage done by and from steroids
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Steroid Use: The Psychological Impact
Psychological Implications of
Steroid use:
Why it’s hard:
● Wanting that competitive edge
● Strength and endurance
● Staying at a top level and doing
whatever it takes to win
● Aesthetically pleasing and
Long Term Effects:
superior physique
● Low self esteem
● Unrealistic expectation
Body Dysmorphic Disorders: How
● Fight against genetics
Rubimed Can Help
● Narcissistic tendencies
- Counseling
● Isolation
- Getting to the Root cause and
● Depression
clearing the blockage
● Weight gain
Why they train and compete, lose
weight, build better bodies and
potentially destroy that body.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Start of a program: Organ Testing & Filtering
Start of Program check personal
energy reading levels
Check the Acidum Lacticum for the
Cellular Milieu and fixing the Mesenchyme
(Thanks to Dr. Loretta Kershaw, MD, DHM),
I’ve had great success with this.
Reba Device Diagnostic
Testing Tool
Personal Readings
– Vital, Emotional, Mental, Causal
Specific Readings (Tissue acidosis -lactic acid)- Milieu
– Acidum Lacticum vials: D2, D6, D15, D30, D60, LM6
• Remedies: Pleo Alkala, Pleo Citro, *Pleo Sanuvis*, Pleo Form
Detox Testing and Organ Testing : Zoological Test Kit
- Liver, Adrenal, Kidney, Lymphatic Knot, Gallbladder
– Supplement Testing: A variety
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Detox 1st
Detox First:
At the start of any competition, season,
weight loss program etc.
Get the body ready:
- This is necessary because the liver
gets overload and or is often overloaded
to begin with and or damaged, making it
unable to do it’s job of detoxification
properly or efficiently.
- Thus it’s important to support that so
that it can do it’s job properly and
Nestmann Detox Kit (Biomed)
A-Hepatica, Solidago, Lymph-a-drop
(Liver, Kidney, Lymphatic)
17-20 drops each 3 times daily
Gut Cleanse Pack:
Taraxa, Probiotic 7-in-1, 3C
(Liver detox, micro flora, complete colon cleanse)
Cellulor Detox (AOR):
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: The Role of Water
Never Underestimate the Importance of Water
Most athletes focus on nutrition
such as:
- protein, carbs, minerals
- using sports drink
supplements along side
bars, gels and mini shots.
However, correct water intake is
vital for athletes
- too much or too little will
result in performance and
health problems
- water is our one vital nutrient
for life
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: The Role of Water
The Roles of Water:
- Cellular communication uses water
and water is the primary vehicle for the
transmission of chemicals, hormones
and nutrients throughout the body.
Water is the medium responsible for sending and amplifying
energetic wave patterns. (McTaggart 2002, Oschmann 2003)
In every cell there is one molecule of protein to every 10 thousand
molecule of water and it is water that hold the double helix together
Water copies, memorizes, and carries energetic signals and messages.
(Dr. Ava Lloyd, 2010)
- Glycogen is stored in the muscle and liver together with water
- 1 gram of glycogen is stored with 3 gram of water
- This means when glycogen is used, water weight is lost in the
Note: athletes and athletic patients need to be consuming
at least 2-3 litres of water minimum. Patients with higher
muscle density or higher energy expenditure need to
consume btw 3-5 litres
daily (i.e cyclists, bodybuilders,
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
wrestlers etc)
Setting them up to Win: Alkalizing Measuring the pH
Start every program with a
picture of the body’s milieu and
the cellular matrix milieu.
Urine Test
Test pH for 2-3 week days and 1 weekend day
Use 2nd morning urine (1st morning is always
more acid. Can be a false reading
ph range 7-7.3 (use test strips)
Testing with the Acidum Lacticum Vials (in Advance
Test Kit of the Reba)
Gives a picture of the cellular matrix and
D2-LM6: D2 lowest reading shows most
acidic and disturbed cellular matrix/milieu
and metabolism
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Energy Booster/ Alkalizing
Alkalizing and Boosting Energy (Very Important)
Pleo Citro (Biomed)- homeopathic citric acid used to support the Kreb’s
citric acid cycle.
- It increases cellular metabolism and blood viscosity
- decreases lactic acid production and fluid retention
Pleo Sanuvis (Biomed): increases the efficiency of transportation of
oxygen utilization for skin and muscle cells
- Physiological active ingredient L (+) lactic acid works to neutralize the
debilitating effect of D (-) lactic acid build up in skin and muscles
- Milieu modulating (intra and extracellular)
Pleo Form (Biomed) -use with my older weight- loss patients and
older retired athletes: formic acid used for allergies, rheumatism and
- Gentle alkalizer
OptimumB12F (Biomed): assist in metabolism of carbohydrates and
fats for increased energy, methylcobalamin active form for better absorption
Salvtonic (Biomed)- micro circulation and increase O2 in blood stream
and reduces oxidative stress which also adds to the terrains acidity
D- Ribose (Douglas Labs): used to improve energy metabolism at the
cellular level, support function of mitochondria and energy productions
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Energy Booster/ Alkalizing
Alkalizing and Boosting Energy (Very Important)
Pleo Alkala (Biomed): a base mixture, excellently suited for
correction of the acid-base balance in the organism by decreasing
tissue acidosis and increasing mitochondrial respiration.
Basic Powder/ Basic tab (Biomed): supports the body in it’s
ability to compensate for acid overload and achieve a pH balanced
- Tablet form: allows for increased compliance in some patients
Lactobacillus Sporogenes (Biomed): (for older patients and
bodybuilders- due to damaged microflora and inflammation
from steroid use):
- This form of probiotic helps to normalize pH, (multiplies rapidly
and becomes metabolically active in the intestines producing
lactic acid (right spinning- which neutralizes lactic acid build-up)
Basentabs (Pascoe Product): great and gentle for alkalizing
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Thermogenics & Fatburners
Thermogenics and Fat burners: Why athletes Use them.
The main fundamental premises of fat-burners is to provide a
huge boost in metabolism and suppress appetite, enhance weight
loss and increase energy. In the fitness industry any fat burner
that lacks these major functions should be neglected and not
considered as a fat burner.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Thermogenics & Fatburners
Fat burners can help support fat loss by enhancing
maintaining healthy appetite, and minimizing
They can also optimize workout potential by
increasing energy and focus.
Typical Uses
Ingredients & Dosing
Nutrition: Quadra
Supports Fat Loss, Lean
Muscle Mass, Increased
Metabolism and Appetite
Raspberry ketones,
conjugated linoleic acid CLA,
l-carnitine & garcinia
3 caps 2 times per day
Jym: Shred Jym
A Fully Loaded Fat-Loss
Weapon Built with Six
Synergistic Ingredients*
green tea, caffeine, cayenne
fruit extract and synephrine. 4
caps up to 3 time per day
Evolution Nutrition:
5 Stimulant Free Modes Of
Fat Burning*
Conjugated linoleic acid, CLA
l-carnitine & garcinia
cambogia, green tea, green
coffee bean extract: 1 cap
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Thermogenics
Typical Uses
Ingredients & Dosage
Series: Iron Cuts
Thermogenic Capsule For
Cutting Fat ,Supports Healthy
Estrogen Balance And Cortisol
Vit D, Chromium, Muscle
building maximizers,
thermogenic & fat metabolizer,
estrogen metabolizer
3 cap 2 time per day
Support accelerated fat loss
Diminish weight-loss plateaus
Boost metabolism
stimulate the metabolism of
fatty acids
proprietary blend of Meratrim,
ChromeMate, Green Tea
Extract and Caffeine
1 caps 2 times per day
Pharma FreakRipped Freak
Hybrid fat burner, support fat
loss, maximize intensity,
energy & strength, support
epinephrine & norepinephrine
Raspberry Ketone, Garlic
Acid, CH-19 Sweet Red
Pepper, Olive leaf extract,
Green Coffee Bean extract
1 cap 1-2 times per day
Heat and Heat
Fat burning, metabolism
enhancing, supports adrenal gland
& endocrine, appetite control,
maximized metabolic rate
Adaptogen Blend, thermogenic
matrix, lipid circulation matrix,
appetite suspension blend, energy
spiking agents
Garana Seed, Yerba Mata Leaf,
GrapefruitRaspberry Ketone, Green
Coffee Bean extract, Kola , White Willow
Bark Extract, Schizonepeta Spica
(Schizonepeta Tenuifolia), Ginkgo
Biloba, L-Citrulline Malate, Inositol,
Guggulsterone E & Z, Organic Maca,
Rhodiola Crenulata, Panax Ginseng
Root, Damiana Leaf And Stem
3 caps in am and 3 caps 15 mins before
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Thermogenic & Anxiety
Thermogenic & Anxietycan be due to side effects from taking fat-burners
Side Effects Include but not limited to:
• Irregular heartbeat,
• hyperthermia ,
• anxiousness,
• Light headed
• Jittery
• In some instances: hands and feet got puffy, red, hot and itchy and other
harmful side effects.
Test with the Reba Device and balance the ANS regarding the anxiety
• balance the increased release of neurotransmitters
Often An-x-vita/ Anxiovita shows up: 12 drops twice daily- can dose more if
Also, Neurovita can show up
Simvita shows up when there’s also burnout and hyper functions. More common
than not
Neuraplex (Biomed)- herbal extract 2 caps 1-2 times daily
Avena Sativa (Biomed)- 30 drops 3 times daily, as sleep aid 40-60 drops (up
to 1 Tsp.) in water before bed time.
Setting them up to Win: Thermogenics Mechanism
L- carnitine tartrate & Acetyl –L-carnitine (older patients): amino acid (a
building block for proteins) , energy metabolism and mitochondrial protection and
ability to burn fat
Ginseng Panax: for improving thinking, concentration, memory and work
efficiency, physical stamina, and athletic endurance.
Green Tea Extract: Antioxidants and thermogenic,
Green Coffee Bean Extract: chlorogenic acid in green coffee is thought to affect
how the body handles blood sugar and metabolism.
Creatine (monohydrate, tartrate, HCL, pyruvate): commonly used for
improving exercise performance and increasing muscle mass in athletes and older
adults. improving the athletic performance of young, healthy people during brief
high-intensity activity such as sprinting.
- Mono
- Tartrate
- Pyruvate
Note: Do not take creatine if diagnosed with kidney disease or diabetes. This may
worsen it
Nitric Oxide: can cause an increase in blood flow and oxygen to the skeletal
muscles, which then increases strength and endurance. The general theory behind
NO is that the increased blood flow helps to transport blood and nutrients better to
the working muscles.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Natural Thermogenic and Energy Boosting Stacks &
Energy Boosting Stack: before an intense cardio session or practice
session for sports such as: sprinting, aerobic and endurance training,
court & skill sports, cycling etc.
Pleo Citro: 1-2 caps
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 caps
Panax Ginseng: 200mg
Salvtonic: 1 cap
Green Tea Extract: 200400 mg
Weight- Lifting
Pleo Citro: 1-2 tabs
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 tabs
Green Tea Extract:
200-400 mg
L-Carnitine: 1000mg
Dosage Pre:
Pleo Citro: 1-2 tabs
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 tabs
Creatine: 9-20 grams
Potassium: 435mg
Aerobic and Endurance
Dosage pre:
Pleo Citro: 2 caps
OptimumB12F: 1 lozenge
Pleo Sanuvis: 2 tabs
Green Tea Extract: 400mg
L-Carnitine Tartrate
Salvtonic: 1 cap
Amino Acid Quick- Sorb
(Biotics): 3-5 squirts
Pleo Citro: 1-2 tabs
Glutamine 5-10 grams
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 tabs
Court & Skill Sports
(Tennis, B-Ball,
Dosage Pre:
Pleo Citro: 1-2 tabs
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 tabs
Pleo Citro: 1-2 tabs
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 tabs
Salvtonic: 1 cap
Amino Sport (Biotics)
OptimumB12F: 5 gram -1
Post: Amino Acid Quick
Absorb: 3-5 squirts
Dosage: Pre-race
Pleo Citro: 1-2 tabs
Pleo Sanuvis: 2 tabs
Amino Sport (Biotics)
Salvtonic: 1 cap
During Race:
Pleo Citro: 1 tab
Pleo Sanuvis: 1 tab
If needed: Salvtonic- 1 cap
poured under the tongue
Post Race:
Pleo Sanuvis: 1-2 tabs
Glutamine: 5-10 grams
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Choosing the right Protein Powders
Protein Powders: What are they and
Why athletes Use them.
Protein powders are used by athletes to
supplement protein intake
There are a few things to look forward when
● Protein per serving amount
● Does it contain other nutrients
● Is it heavy on sugar, fats and calories
● Price, make/ company and quality
Top 10 Protein Powders
1. Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey
Gold Standard
2. Cellucor Cor Performance Whey
3. MuscleTech Phase 8
4. BSN Syntha 6
5. Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex
6. Dymatize Iso 100
7. MusclePharm Combat
8. Nature’s Best Zero Carb
9. Allmax Nutrition IsoFlex
10. Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion
Top in Canada:
Magnum Nutraceuticals Quattro
Note: Some athletes are better with animal protein as they metabolize it better
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Choosing the right Protein Powders
Vegan and Vegetarian Options
Many options now of vegetarian
and vegan friendly protein powders
on the market now
Top Vegan Protein Powders
1. MRM Veggie Elite
2. Vega One
3. Sun Warrior Protein
4. MRM Veggie Protein
5. S.A.N Rawfusion
6. Nutrafusion Nutritionals
7. Vega Sport Performance Protein
8. Nutrafusion
Nutritionals Nitrofusion
9. NLA For Her: Raw Protein
10. Labrada Jamie Eason Signature
Series Peanut Protein
Which is better:
- Pea
- Hemp
- Rice
- Soy
These are the most common
forms. I test to see which
shows up better.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Sleep & Recovery
Sleep and Recovery
- Less than 7 hours of sleep, lowers total blood flow to the brain- Dr.
Daniel Amen, MD- 2015 (7-8hrs is optimal)
- Metabolic and immunological consequences of sleep deprivation
point to high potential of antioxidant imbalance (Everson et al,
- Recovery sleep normalized antioxidants content in the liver and
enhanced enzymatic antioxidant activities in both the liver and the
heart. (Everson et al, 2004)
- It is important that those who exercise regularly or occasionally
ingest foods rich in antioxidants.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Sleep & Recovery
Sleep and Recovery
Less than 7 hours of sleep, lowers total
blood flow to the brain- (Dr. Daniel Amen,
MD- 2015)
● Improves physical performance
● Reduces stress and risk of depression
● Strengthens the immune system
● Allows body to heal and recover
● Helps in weight loss
Balancing the Autonomic Nervous System,
instead of just putting them on 5-HTP
● Simvita and Paravita help to regulate
Simvita: 5 drops 3 times daily or 12
drops twice daily
Paravita: 5 drop in am + 5 drops at
noon- up to 12 drops
- Melatonin +B6 10mg: 1 lozenge per night
- Avena Sativa: 40-60 drops in water
before bed
Note: Results don’t
happen during the
workout, they happen
when your refuel with
nutrients and sleep. Treat
sleep schedules as strictly
as you stick to your
workouts and training
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Balancing Hormones
Testosterone & Estrogen
Testosterone Booster:
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) 10mg
(Biotics) : 25-50 mg per day
Tribulus Terrestris:400-500 mg with a
40% protodioscin 2-3 times daily
Have their doctor do
blood work and I also test
Estrogen Metabolizers:
on the Reba Device
- Female Tonic: 1 Tbsp 2-3 times daily
- Pleo Mucedo: microcirculation to the endocrine glands & brain:
1 cap twice daily
- DIM- Diindolylmethane: 1 caps twice daily am + pm
- I3C: Indole-3-carbinol: 1 cap twice daily am + pm
Protocol 1:
Female Tonic 1 Tbsp.
2-3 times daily
Pleo Mucedo 5-10
drops once daily
ASF 1 cap twice daily
I3C: 1 cap twice daily
Balancing Protocol 2:
DIM 1 cap in am + 1
cap in pm
Female Tonic: 1 Tbsp.
3 times daily
Sabal Serrulatum: 25
drops 3 times daily
Protocol: Female
Tonic: 1 Tbsp. 3 x
Cytozyme O & F: 1
cap each 2times
Pleo Usti 5- 10
drops daily
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Repair
Repair and Regenerate: Musculoskeletal
Clearizyme- anti-inflammatory, systemic
enzyme for acute and chronic inflammatory
processes. A powerful blend of proteolytic
enzyme from 3 different sources (plant, fungal,
animal). Helps to reduce swelling, sports
injuries etc. 2 caps 2-3 times daily
Ligaflex- contains nutrients and botanicals to
support joint, ligament and tendons
• Great for healing after a musculoskeletal
injury (e.g. strain, sprains) 2 caps 2 times
daily with food
• pairs well with Clearizyme.
N-A-G: N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) is a
naturally occurring amino sugar precursor for
epithelial glycosaminoglycan synthesis
• Important in the formation of connective
tissues: bones, ligaments, cartilage and
synovial fluid: 2 caps daily
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Repair
MSM GLS: effective for sports injuries, muscle
sprains and strains
• the glucosamine sulfate with the added
Boswellia serrata and Evening primrose oil
helps to expedite the reduction of pain and
inflammation. 2 caps 2-3 times a day with
Glutamine: for repairing damages DNA and tissues
and helps to regulate acid base balancing
10-25 grams daily
Fish Oils: High Omega 3 essential fatty acids –
enhance cell metabolism, cellular membranes,
transmission of neural signals, oxygenation of
tissues, healthy flora will manufacture Omega 3 and 6
in gut
Asta-X-Krill: 2 caps twice daily
Toco-X-Krill: 2 caps twice daily
Test on the
Reba Device
increase microcirculation, increase O2 transport in
the bloodstream (reduces oxidative stress)
1 cap 2 times daily
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Combating Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue
Combating Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue (Test on the Reba
• Personal Readings below
40 points on Reba
– Vital, Emotional,
Mental, Causal
• Specific Readings
– Energy Reserve
(Sulfur vials)
– Organ Filtering:
Adrenals, Liver,
Muscles, lymphatic
Burnout is the body’s
protection mechanism against
unnecessary and potentially
dangerous long-term stress
Nurovita, Simvita, Adrenum, ASF,
(Brooks & Carter, 2013)
SuperB, B-Complex, OptiumB12F
Cytozyme AD, ADB5 Plus, ADB5
(Biotics Research)
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Problems Resulting from Burnout, Adrenal Fatigue &
Problems Resulting from: Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue along
with over training(Test on the Reba Device)
Overtraining Syndrome (OTS)
may be caused by systemic
inflammation and subsequent
effects on the central nervous
system, including depressed
mood, central fatigue, and
resultant neuro-hormonal
changes (Kreher & Schwatz,
also described as a form of
chronic fatigue, burnout and
staleness. It is defined as an
imbalance between
training/competition, versus
recovery (Brooks & Carter, 2013
Performance Problems: slower
reaction time
Physiological Problems
(injuries), compromised
immune system, spasm, muscle
loss, sugar cravings
- Psychological Problems (mood swings,
disturbed sleep- insomnia, irritability,
higher cortisol levels, decreased sex drive
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Combating Burnout, Adrenal Fatigue & Overtraining
Glandular for Combating Burnout &
Adrenal Fatigue including over-training
Depending on what their doctors say,
Female Tonic- Female Conditions/
Hormone balancing 1 Tbsp. 2-3 times
Liquid Iron (check their iron
levels)most tend to be deficient 1 Tsp
1-2 times daily
D-Ribose: 5 grams 3 times daily
OptB12F: 1 lozenge (5 mg) in am +
Melatonin+B6: 1 lozenge (10 mg) at
Optional: Panax Ginseng- 200mg
Older women pre/ post menopausal
Add: Menoplex: 1 cap 2 times daily
Note: Rubus is great for severe metabolic
Rubus 20 drops + A-Hepatica 20 drop
twice daily
Using Glandular and homeopathic
remedies for the severely fatigue
Adrenum 15-25 drops 2-3 times
daily + Cytozyme AD/ AD B5
Plus 1 caps daily (Biotics
Canada) neonatals
In a 12 Week program use more
gentle in first 6-8 weeks, then switch
to glandular for the last 4 weeks
works wonders: Cytozyme AD +
ADB5 Plus 1 caps each twice daily
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Keeping the Immune System Up
Repairing the Gut: Think about
“ Restore, Regenerate, Regulate”
Probiotic 7-in-1: 1 cap 1-3 times daily
Lactobacillus Sporogenes: 2 cap 2
times daily
• L-Glutamine: 5-20 grams daily
• Digestizyme: high potency digestive
enzymes 1 caps up to 3 times daily with
Test on the Reba Device
Athletes and athletic patients are often
more acidic than not due to the large
intake of animal protein (with some
exception of vegan athletes).
The types of supplements that athletes
take also damages the gut
(i.e. Bodybuilders and elites athletes
use of steroids and OTC supplements)
(depends on how they metabolize
protein: both animal based and plant
based )
- inflamed mucous membranes
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Keeping the Immune System Up
Keeping the Immune System Up:
Bioboost- cold and flu & antiviral: 20-30 drops 3x/day
IMX: 1 caps 2-3 times daily
Vitamin C- Min 1000mg 2x daily –can
go up to 5000 mg or bowel tolerance
• The Right C & Enhanced
• Ester C & Premium
• Complete C
Multivitamin & Minerals: 1 caps daily
Thymus Eg:15 drops 2 times daily
Test on the Reba Device
• Athletes and athletic patients are always on the bring of the immune
system threshold
• The more fit an individual is, the easier it is to get sick and catch a
cold. Crazy right.
• Body’s defense is diverted to support the muscles
• Energy expenditure takes a lot out of the immune system
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Keeping the Immune System Up
Keeping the Immune System Up
Biological Medicine & Pleo Sanum
• Pleo Not: bacterial remedy- 5-10
drops daily
• Pleo Quent: viral remedy- 5-10 drops
• Pleo Notaquent: combination
bacterial and viral remedy- 5-10 drops
• Pleo Relivora: cold and flu,
whooping and dry cough-5-10 drops
• Pleo Thymokehl: thymus and
immune remedy- 10 drops twice daily
or 1 cap twice daily
Test on the
Reba Device
Note: Sleep nutrition, immune and anti-flu nutrition go hand in hand.
- Applicable for all season, particularly during the winter as the
season’s health challenge rages on.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
What are Micronutrients and why are they important
Supplementation on exercise performance and if it is
really necessary
Major Minerals
Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium,
Potassium, Chloride,
Magnesium, Sulfur
Trace Minerals
Iron, Zinc, Copper,
Manganase, Flouride,
Chromium, Molybdenum,
Selenium, Iodine
Minerals are very important in athletic training and performance
- As micronutrients are often equated with energy, strength
and optimal performance,
- the prevalence and effect of vitamins and mineral
deficiencies in athletes.
- Completely without them neither our metabolism nor our
immune system would work.
- They are little “wonders of Nature” that control growth and
development, cell formation, resistance and repair
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Minerals
The Most Important Mineral that
athletes need are:
1. Calcium: Calcium & Magnesium
1:1 and 2:1, Bonesure
2. Iron: Liquid Iron
3. Magnesium:Calcium &
Magnesium 1:1 and 2:1, MagCitrate
4. Potassium: Basictab and Basic
5. Selenium: Pleo Selenokehl
6. Sodium: Pleo Alkala, Alkatab,
Basictab and Basic powder
7. Zinc: Pleo Zinkokehl ,
Zincum similiaplex: Pascoe
Their benefits range from keeping
bones strong to minimizing fatigue.
They are considered a life source
Iron, Zinc,
Selenium, Iodine
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Setting them up to Win: Must Have
Must have supplements that All Athletes (especially Elite and
Professional) should be taking
D-Ribose: 15 grams- 5 grams 3 times daily
Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10): 300-360 mg
Glutamine: 10-20 grams daily
Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 2000-4000 mg daily superior to L-Carnitine
Vitamin C: 1000-3000mg daily
Vitamin D: 6,000- 12,000 IU daily- muscle morphology and
7. Fish Oil Omega 3 Fatty Acids:1 gram - 5 grams fish oil daily
8. B-Vitamins: athletes burn through these really quickly
9. Multi-Vitamin & Minerals:
10. Magnesium: 800 mg daily
11. Vitamin E: 800-1,600 IU daily
12. Iron: 10-25 mg daily
Note: Most athletes are deficient in vitamin E, low on calcium and iron. Most
female athletes need to be on iron, because of an increased risk of compromised iron
status due to heightened iron losses through menstruation and exercise-induced
mechanisms associated with endurance activity and explosive activity. (Alauntye et
al, 2015)
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Nutrient Timing: When, What & How much to Eat
Very important to be aware of how the timing of your meals i.e. before, during, and,
after an event effects exercise and performance.
What you eat pre-exercise have a defining effect on performance and therefore it is
extremely important to know how to properly fuel your body for exercise.
How to time nutrient intake during exercise and how to push through when you hit
‘the wall’ is also very important. As eating out has a huge impact on your
recovery after you work out
Before: Starting up
How to manipulate carbohydrate intake before (carb loading), during, and, after
exercise, and how it can improve performance by optimizing energy stores in the
body is important.
Optimizing Energy Stores in the Body for performance
• Carb Loading: Before 80-100 grams
• During: carb drink 25-48 grams
• After Exercise: 20-35 grams
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Training and Competition: Protein & Fats
Protein and Fats for Exercise
Before physical activity: 20-25g of protein powder, reinforce your muscle
strength, prolong endurance and limit breakdown of muscle.
Protein During: Amino acids is what athletes really need to be taking
during performance
Amino Sport and Amino Acid Quick Absorb (Biotics Research) 3-4 squirts
in 250 ml water
*if taken within 10 minutes of training, will reduce the amount of stress hormones
(mainly cortisol) released!
– up to 30 grams to be consumed with 30-60 minutes post
workout and training (i.e 100 grams chicken breast has 20-30
grams of protein
After: Refueling- post workout: Protein powder- quickly absorbed, helps
the body recover quicker, replenish the body’s energy, muscular
strength and just leave you feeling nourished.
Fats During: Fatty acids are important to help with mobilization and
oxidation during exercise.
Fats After: 1-2 Tbsp post workout
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Training and Competition: Carbs & Loading
Athletic Events Carb Loading:
Sprinting Events Carb Loading: not really beneficial,
loading days ahead gradually. Eat more carbs 4 hours
before, some carb snack 1-2 hours before
Fitness and Bodybuilding Carb Loading
Week of the show: varies depend on class (i.e. Bikini, Fitness,
Figure, Physique, Bodybuilding)
Show Day: again depends on class
Aerobic and Endurance/ Distance Events (90 minutes or more) & Cycling
Carb Loading: 2-3 Days before a race: 700-850 grams per day + some protein.
Day of eat a few hours before some low fat protein, carbs, veggies - this vary
based on body weight and calorie expenditure
Court & Skill Sports: Carb Loading: Night before ⅓ each protein, carbs
(complex) and veggies
Morning of match: 4 hours before: a bit of protein, complex carb, a bit of veggie/
During: Electrolyte fluid, banana, protein bar
Post: Replace electrolyte and lite meal with protein, veggies & carbs
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Post Competition: Detox and Coming off Steroids
Supporting your patients to safely
come off Steroids.
This should be a gradual process: Starting reducing
the dosage that is being taken ( steroid withdrawal
has lead to suicide in teens)
- Pleo Muscar- detox from drugs & medication
5 drops 3 times daily
- Pleo Pin – liver & spleen 5-10 drops once daily
- Nestmann Detox Kit: 17 drops 3 times daily
- Cellulor Detox (AOR): 2 caps 2-3 times daily
- Pleo Fort: helps to repair destroyed GI mucosa
5-10 drops once daily
Replenish and Replace all their minerals: AOR Ortho Mineral
Salvtonic: microcirculation helps to break down plaque formation and increase O2
levels in the blood stream: 1 cap twice daily
Combating Acne Breakouts: Luvos powder and caps (Biomed) + Pleo San Acne
(Biomed) + NutriClear (Biotics Research)
Luvos 2-4 caps twice daily am+ evening, powder mix to a paste and apply to skin,
San Acne 10 drops every 2 days
Protocol: at least 3-6 weeks
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Post Competition: Detox and Coming off Steroids
Supporting your patients to safely
come off Steroids: Repair the “Gut”
How to Support their Organs
Pleo Cerivi: metabolic waste, inflammation
- metabolic waste, inflammation of GI
tract (circulation of mucous membrane excrete
of metabolic waste, eliminates heavy metals :
5-10 twices daily
Pleo Ut ‘S’: liver and gallbladder detox
and immune modulating 5 drops 3 times/ week
Pleo Muc Ex: excretion remedy: 5-10 drops Sat & Sun
Pleo Nig Ex: Excretion remedies and circulation- great with strong constipation
and blockage in the lymph: 5-10 drops Sat & Sun
How to support their gut from damage done by and from steroids:
-Distended gut is all about inflammation and lack of good micro-flora:
Pleo Fort + Candida Fix Kit: Probiotic 7-in-1, Pleo Albicans (candida remedy),
Basictab (alkalizing)
Also consider: Gut Cleanse Pack, includes: 3C-complete colon cleanse, Taraxaliver detox, Probiotic 7-in-1 micro flora and healthy bacteria.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Post Competition: Detox & Food Integration
Rebalancing and Resetting the body
Integration to other types of foods
(i.e seasonal veggies, fruits 1-2 servings
per day)
Integration to minimize weight gain
(especially important for body builders)
● if on a low carb diet increase carbs
intake by 20-30 grams daily
To Reset and Rebalance
● Detox season’s supplementation burden, compromised organs and
rebalancing and resetting
● Increase in small increments of complex carbs,
○ in some cases decrease intake of protein
● Maintain proper fluid intake 2-3 litres
● Increase fibrous veggies
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Increase Performance, Improve Fitness, Detoxify,
Stay young, Improve health and be the best athlete
you can be.
It’s about the mind, body and giving it what it needs
to perform optimally.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
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interest and watching
this webinar
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Healthy Recipes: Natural Sports/ Electrolyte Drink
Ginger Electrolyte Sports Drink Recipe
Yield: 1.5 liters
1/2 liter of ginger water, recipe below
1 liter of water
Juice of 3 small lemons
1/2 tsp. Pleo Alkala or Basic Powder (Biomed)
or Himalayan Pink salt (you can add a bit more if you’d like)
Stevia to taste
Ginger Water:
1 medium-sized ginger root
1 liter of water
Liquid stevia, to taste
Cut ginger into large coins and place into a large pot. Add water.
Bring water to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes. Shut off heat and
let the ginger water steep until cool.
Add liquid stevia to taste and store in airtight container, pitcher, or jar in
the fridge.
Mix all ingredients together into a large jar or pitcher and stir to a large
jar or pitcher
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Healthy Recipes: Natural Sports Drink
Coconut Watermelon Workout Sports
Drink Recipe
Yields: 500 ml
1 cup of watermelon, cubed
1 cup coconut water
½ cup filtered water
1 small lime squeezes
1/8 teaspoon of Pleo Alkala or Basic Powder (Biomed)
2 squirts Amino Absorp (Biotics Research)
2 squirts Amino Sport (Biotics Research)
2 tablespoons natural sugar, cane sugar or honey, to taste
Toss everything into a food blender and blend until the honey is
dissolved, or just use some elbow grease and blend it by hand.
Pour yourself a tall glass, drop in a few ice cubes, and enjoy.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Healthy Recipes: Natural Sports Drink
Lemon Lime Lay Low Energy Drink Recipe
1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice
-1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
-1 ½ to 2 cups fresh water (alkaline water
depending on how strong you want the flavour
- ½ Tsp of Pleo Alkala , Basic Powder, or 1/8 Tsp
Sea salt or Himalayian Pink Salt
- ½ Tsp Right C Enhanced Powder
-2 tablespoons Stevia, natural sugar or honey, to taste
Toss everything into a food blender and blend until the honey is dissolved,
or just use some elbow grease and blend it by hand.
Pour yourself a tall glass, drop in a few ice cubes, and enjoy.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Healthy Recipes: Liver Detox Protein Shaje
Liver Detox Protein Shake
1 green apple
½ cup baby spinach leafs
½ cup baby kale
1 scoop greens powder
1 scoop 20-25 grams Whey Isolate protein powder (or Vegan options)
1 cup pure grape juice
½ cup almond milk
¼ cup water
1 tbsp. of chia seeds
1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
1 tbsp. fish oil
1 tbsp. Nutra cleanse powder
4 ice cubes
Put everything into a Vitamix or blender and blend until it’s a smoothie
Pour yourself a tall glass, and enjoy.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Healthy Recipes: Protein Cookies- Gluten Free
Protein Cookies- Gluten Free:
¼ cup coconut oil (unrefined, organic)
¼ cup unsalted butter (omit for Vegan option)
½ cup cup maple syrup
¼ cup coconut milk
2 eggs (use apple sauce for Vegan option)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup almond butter or coconut peanut butter
2 cup GF oats + 1 cup coconut flour
2-3 scoops Whey Isolate Protein Powder (can use Vega One for vegan option)
1 cup Stevia powder (optional – depends on how sweet you want them)
2-4 tbsp. Molasses + 1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. baking soda + ¼ tsp. baking powder
¼ cup dark chocolate chips + ¼
¼ cup chia seeds + ¼ cup flax meal
Preheat over to 350 degrees.
In a large bowl combine maple syrup and coconut oil until creamy, add eggs,
vanilla, baking soda & powder, stevia sugar. Mix well, add almond butter and all
wet ingredients. Then add in oats, flour, protein powder, seeds chocolate chips
and flax meal. Place a spoonful of batter on prepared baking sheet and bake for
10-12 minutes.
Depending on size, this recipe will yield 20-45 cookies
Cool and enjoy
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Healthy Recipes: Vegetarian & Vegan Protein Dish
Za’atar Roasted Eggplant with Quinoa,
Hummus, and Fattoush Salad
2 ounces hummus
1 eggplant
Fattoush Dressing
1 pita bread
½ teaspoon sumac
2 cups cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 English cucumber, sliced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup quinoa, rinsed
Salt and pepper
2 scallions, thinly sliced
½ head of romaine, chopped
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees; cut eggplant into half inch round slices. Lay each
slice on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and sprinkle with Za’atar.
Drizzle each slice with olive oil and roast for about 30 minutes or until
eggplant is soft in the middle and brown and crispy on the outside.
2. Bring two cups of lightly salted water to a boil in a small pot. Add quinoa and
lower heat to low. Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes or until water is
absorbed. Turn off heat and set aside covered for five minutes.
3. Cut or rip the pita bread into half inch pieces; add one tablespoon of olive oil to
non-stick skillet over medium heat and toast bread until golden brown.
Sprinkle with salt and place on paper towel.
4. Mix vinaigrette in large bowl then toss with romaine, cherry tomatoes,
cucumber, scallions and pita.
5. Plate quinoa and top with roasted eggplant; serve alongside with hummus and
fattoush salad.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
Healthy Recipes: Nitric Oxide- Beets
Nitric Oxide: Use Beet Juice instead of
store bought supplement for more
natural option
- Also Raw Cacao/ Dark Chocolate
- Pomegranate Juice
1/4 cup water
1 cup kale, coarsely chopped
2 c fresh, chopped spinach
1 /2 cup Beets, small cubes
1 frozen pear (slice before freezing)
1 cup chopped mango
1/2 peeled orange (no seeds)
1 tablespoon flax seeds (optional)
1 cup ice
Put water in blender.
Begin adding other ingredients except ice, and blending on liquefy.
Try putting in small amounts at a time so blender doesn’t get stuck.
If blender stops mixing, turn off and stir in additional water a tablespoon at a time,
testing the blender after each addition.
Once other ingredients are well blended, add ice slowly until smoothie is as thick as
you like.
Angela Anoliefoh- Ford, M.Sc – Angela Ford Fitness© Nov 2015
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