advanceUWA - The University of Western Australia


advanceUWA - The University of Western Australia
advance UWA
The Hackett Foundation
Acknowledgement and Thanks
This is an extraordinary time of opportunity at
The University of Western Australia and we appreciate
you being a part of it. The University has always
been heartened by the involvement of our alumni,
staff, corporate partners, friends, volunteers and the
Western Australian community. Last year was
no exception.
We are approaching our Centenary when we will
celebrate the University’s outstanding success
and service to the local, national and international
communities. Increasingly our graduates are viewing
themselves as lifetime members of UWA – returning
to campus to study for higher degrees, reuniting
to undertake roles as ambassadors, mentors,
adjunct professors, and providers of work experience
and career placements for our students, or revisiting
to attend networking and alumni events, celebrations
and sporting activities.
Last year 2,096 graduates and supporters chose
to make a financial contribution to the University’s
Annual Fund, joining many thousands more who have
contributed since the inception of this appeal program
in 2001. Your support is transforming this University
and building on our tradition of excellence.
The University of Western Australia is most fortunate
to have supporters who value the delivery of highquality education, fantastic facilities and opportunities
that enable extraordinary individuals to achieve
amazing futures.
I thank you for joining us in building the world
of tomorrow.
Professor Alan Robson AM
sUmmer 2009
business school campaign
The investment by all supporters of the
Business School represents a commitment
to the development of future business leaders
with internationally recognised skills and
capabilities. Achieving international standards
of excellence is an expensive and competitive
enterprise and the support from our sponsors
and donors ensures that we can compete
in the global arena.
The success of the Business School Fundraising
Campaign is a tribute to our generous sponsors
and donors, the Business School Board and
our Fundraising Committee members.
Tracey Horton,
Business School
Business School
International Investment and Trading
Principal Partners
Major Partners
Supporting Partners
Leadership Circle
Dr Michael Chaney AO
Rick Crabb
Denis Cullity AO CMG &
Ann Cullity AM
Trevor Eastwood AM &
Judy Eastwood
Sir Rod Eddington
Andrew Frazer
David MacKinlay
James & Meredith
Jean & Stan Perron AM
Dr John Poynton AM
Don Voelte &
Nancy Keegan
Futuris Corporation
McCusker Charitable
David & Julanne Griffiths
Tracey & Jonathan Horton
Dr Anthony Howarth AO &
Sally Howarth
Mark & Carissa Paganin
Brad Rosser
Clinical Professor
Fiona Wood AM
John Willinge &
Melina Higgins
Criterion Properties
Entrust Private Wealth
Mannkal Economic
Education Foundation
Ian Burvill
Neil Hamilton
James & Cate Mactier
Professor Larry Sjaastad
Heather Zampatti
HBF Health Funds Inc
Akamai Management Group
Karen Field
Warwick Hemsley & Family
Dr Patricia Kailis AM OBE
Tim Lyons
Gene Tilbrook
Alan Roughead
BT Financial Group
GEM Consulting
Patricia Dechow &
Richard Sloan
Michael & Joanne Ganon
Krasnoff Family
Heather Merritt
Chin Haw Lim
David J Mack
Peter Mansell
Gavin John Rezos
Cameron Rhodes
Peter Richards
Gordon Sklenka
Directors Circle
Mark & Paige Barnaba
Craig Coleman
Adrian & Michela Fini
Richard & Janine Goyder
Executive Circle
Robyn Ahern & Family
Anthony Barton
Investors Circle
Tony Adcock
Robert & Nancy Browning
Warren Coli
Associates Circle
Gavin Argyle
John & Kate Atkins
Nicholas Calder
sUmmer 2009
Straits Resources
Affiliates Circle
Dale Abbott
Mark Andrich
Davina Ang
Linda Anstey
Gillian Arkwright
Mark Armstrong
Gregory Ashe
Anna Bagshaw
Lily Bahnam
Benjamin Baker
David Balfour
Ian Ball
Kenneth Banks
Jason Barnes
Cornelius Barron
Antony Beckmand
John Bell
Sandy Bennetts
Kim Boekeman
Anthony Bonavita
Victor Booth
Lisa Bradock
Christopher Branston
Sarah Brazier
David Breeze
Gregory Brennan
Ted Brindal
Tanya Brown
Tania Browne
Sharon Bubnich
Cathy Buckland
George Burns
Marc Butler
Patrick Butterworth
Melissa Callanan
John Cameron
Neil Cameron
Paul Campbell
Carmelo Capolingua
Ralph Carbone
Allan Cargill
Brendan Carr
Geoff Carslake
Craig Carter
Timothy Casey
Mark Ceglinski
Jeanne Chan
Paul Chau
Michael Chester
Edwin Chong
Garry Chong
Peter Chong
Dominic Chow
Virginia Christie
Ian Clarke
David Clifton
Sabrina Cocking
Geoffrey Cole
Michael Coles
Richard Colgan
Adam Conigliaro
Philip Constable
Aaron Constantine
Patrick Cork
Timothy Cornish
Brett Crabb
Ian Crisp
Jane Crisp
Kevin Crombie
Keva Crouch
Michael J Cullity
Bruno Da Prato
Raymond Dallin
Desmond Dane-Stewart
Peter Davies
Bronwyn Davies Taylor
Elizabeth Dawson
Mary Day
Bill De Steiger
Beverley Deane
Roderic Deas
John Debowski
Malcolm Deeks
Pasqualino Degasperis
Tim Delaney
Paul Depiazzi
Benjamin Devenish
Brendon Dewar
Cheu Diong
Grahaem Donovan
Phillip Douglass
Corinne Drew
Robert Druitt
Kaye Duncan
David Dundas
Michael Eagle
Colin Edwards
Bree Elliott
Cameron Elliott
David Ellison
Michael Elphick
Brendon Entrekin
Tamara Erdash
Lauree Eterovich
Cosimo Faiello
Erik Fenna
David Fitzpatrick
Genevieve Fitzpatrick
Ian Flack
Henryk Flak
Rhonda Flottmann
Mark Foley
Benjamin Fong
Alexander Forcke
Nicholas Forgione
Simon Freitag
Travis French
Hadwin Fung
Kevin Gammage
Chit Yin Gan
Sathyan Ganganahalli
Brian Garbellini
Amanda Gell
Carlo Genovese
Luke Gibson
Scott Gibson
Jeffrey Gidman
Keith Glew
Ross Glossop
Philip Goatcher*
Grant Godfrey
Steven Goh
Vincent Graneri
Vic Grant
Robert Gray
Claire Grayston
Martin Greay
David Groucutt
Ian Gummery
Charlie Gunningham
Martin Hadodo
Adrian Han
Graydon Hanly
Fiona Harris
Paul Hearne
Jennifer Hertzman
Stephen Hinsley
Philip Hirschberg
Sue Hobson
Terence Hogan OAM
Clinton Holten
Graham Home
Aileen Hooper
John Hopkins
sUmmer 2009
David Hough
Michael Hwang
Stephen Ibbotson
Anne Ismail
Julie Ismail
Mark Ivory
Peter Jackson
Giovanny B Jefferson
Frederick Jeffreys
Per Johansen
Gregory Johnston
Stephen Jones
Andrew Joseph
Allannah Kane
Sean Kelly
Olivia Ker
Alan Kerr
Peter Kerr
Jay Son Khew
Pamela-Jayne Kinder
Anthony King
Jeremy King
Kenneth Kirkby
Andrew Knowles
Peter Kohlen
Paul Kristoff
Melinda Kubank
Rakesh Kumar
Garry Kurtz
Carlo Lacrimini
Rodney Lake
Kim Le
Georgina Lee
Joy Lee
Peter Lee
Brian & Natasha Leedman
David Lehane
Tracy Leong
Anthony Lester
Alfred Leung
James Lew
Adrian Lim
Hong Lim
Joyce Lim
Larry Lim
Sun Wuah Lim
Eric Ling
Chee Wei Loh
Li-Mae Loke
Ee Von Loo
Matthew Lunn
Hieu Thuan Ly
Stephen Lynch
Michael Mackie
Eamon MacKle
Clive Macknay
Ian Macpherson
Jim Malone
Edward Manasseh
Daniel Manning
Moshe Maor
Olivier Marion
Roeland Marissen
Bill Marmion
Michael Marsh
Ian Marshall
Robert Martin
Graeme Matcham
Mary McCarter
Caroline McCleery
Michael McLean
Gaye & John McMath
Andrew McPhail
John Metaxas
Gavin Miles
Gavin Miller
Greg Milne
Graeme Missen
John Mitchell
Bree Mitchelson
Tim & Rose Moore
Nigel Moss
Paul Mullins
Lanny Mulyani
Peter Murphy
Thomas Murrell
Michael Murrey
Balakrishnan Nadarajah
Rohan Nagappa
Bruce Naysmith
Joel Nevin
Wendy Ng
Ng Tai Hwa Genevieve
Jing Ngu
Dung Nguyen
Jeffrey Nurse
Con O’Brien
David O’Brien
Peter Ochman
Brian O’Donnell
Gavin Offer
Gordon Oma
Frederic Ong
Kerry Osling
Lloyd Owens
Ronald Packer
Willy & Mimi Packer
Peter Parolo
Glenn Paterson
Cameron Paul
Russell Perring
Joel Perrozzi
Graeme Perryman
Fran Pesich
Denise Piggott
David Plowman &
Catherine Plowman
Diane Porter
Lesley Power
Richard Power
Blair Poynton
John Price
LB Price
Michael Price
Carmen Price-Tutor
Graeme Prior
Susan Prior
Maysie Procianos
Trevor Pyman
Steven Pynt
Ian Rakich
Warren Read
Janina Rebeiro
Catherine Reid
Robin Reid
Mark Rich
John Rippey
Norman Roberts &
Michele Jurak
Bill Robertson
Duncan Robertson
Alan Robson AM &
Gwenda Robson
Paul Rokich
Andrew Rose
Yvonne Rosten
Donald Rudderham
Philip Rule
Paul Rumenos
Graeme Rundle
Bradley Ryan
David P Ryan
Stephen Ryan
Luigi Salleo
Michelle Saunders
Susan Saunders
Michael Schrick
Pamela Scott
Mark Sewell
Carol Shannon
Robert Sharpless
Matthew Sheldrick
Ian Silver
Bruce R Sivalingam
Jennifer Smith
Paul Smith
Warwick Smith
Warren Snell
Charles Soh
Paul-John Stanner
Kevin Starcevich
Norman Steketee
Sandra Stephens
Glenys Stevenson
David Stewart
Daniel D Storey
Andrew Strelein
Brian Strempel
Nicolas Streuli
Kaoru Sugihara
Melanja Sullivan
Nika Swan
Robert Swan
John Syme
Anna Tan
Boon Tan
Geraldine Tan
Lee Tan
Song-Boo Tan Song-Boo
Xufang Tang
Joseph Tassone
Christopher Taylor
Gail Taylor
Eamonn Thackaberry
Graeme Thomas
Karl Thompson
Peter Thompson AM
Murray Thornton
Teng Thum
Clinton Tilley
Joe Tohotoa
Joseph Totaro
Jason Townes
Daniel Tripolitano
Stuart Tuckey
Peter Unsworth
Morly Uttam
Fabienne Vonarburg
Alexis Wadsley
Frederick Wallis
Daniel Wallwork
Barry Walsh
Brian Wan
Philip Wan
Dai Wang
Hon Sen Wang
Alan Ward
Neil Webber
Bourby Webster
Anna Whitehand
Catherine Whitehead
Deborah Whiting
Ian Wildy
George S Wilkinson III
Andrew Williams
James Williams
Chris Winter
Zhi-Ying Wong
Ma Lei Yeung
Soon Min Yong
Michael Young
Kevin Zani
Advantage People
Art Gallery Australia
Australasian Management
Australian Venture
Chrystal & Co
Coogee Chemicals
Dyna Engineering
European Foods
Jackson Paving
Jed Wines
Learning Expertise and
Resources Network
Lenzo Bros
Limnios Property Group
Ray Bennett Consulting
Simply Stainless
Supacoat Powder Coaters
WA Community
Foundation –
HOME Community Fund
The UWA Business School has developed a membership-style program that enables companies to form strong ties with the Business School,
the broader business community and like-minded business professionals. Designed to complement the School’s fundraising campaign,
the Corporate Circle program provides information, networking, executive training, hospitality and acknowledgement benefits to its members.
Our current members include:
Gold Corporate Circle Member
Silver Corporate Circle Members
summer 2009
Thank you for choosing The University of
Western Australia for your philanthropic support.
Your generosity is creating more opportunities for
students and researchers to make a significant
difference. Together we are transforming lives
through education and research at international
standards and building an outstanding
future for all.
Lawrence A Abas
Anthony Abbott OBE
David M Abbott
Noelle E Ackland
Tine Adams
Iain Adamson
Maryann Agnello
Betty L Ahern
Diane P Airey
Peter G Airey
Donald H Aitken AO
Rosalie F Aitken
Nicholas S Albatis
Ronald J Alexander
Bahman Alimoradian
David E Allan
Duncan H Allen
Lindsay A Allen
Bette L Allison CitWA
Peter R Altmeier-Mort
Keith S Ananda
Helen F Anderson
Geoff Anderson
Keith C Anderson
James E Anderson
Joan A Anderson
Robert B Angus
Mary C Angus
Nicholas J Archibald
Jennifer K Archibald
John Arfield
Karen M Armin-Grimm
Francis S Arndt
Gordon J Ashman
Kenneth J Atkins
Margaret H Atkins
Stephen L Atkinson
Alan T Atkinson
summer 2009
Marcus D Atlas
Arthur Auguste
Peter Bacich
Tracey Bacich
Zelinda Bafile
Phillip A Bailey
Pauline A Baker
Delia L Baldock
Cora V Baldock
Basil E Balme
Miervaldis Balodis
Amanda R Bamford
Sheila Barley
Bernard J Barnwell
Berwine Barrett-Lennard
Robert A Barter AM
Clive E Barth
Duncan P Barton
Katherine E Barton
Nigel T Barwood
Wendy Barwood
Kamal F Basili
Peter N Batchelor
Christine M Bateman*
Christian K Bauer
Benjamin L Bayliss
Colin T Bayliss
Evan J Bayliss
John H Beale OAM
Nigel J Beale
Arthur G Beales
Pamela M Beasley
Russell J Beazley
Peter N Beazley
Ralph S Beckwith
Warren B Beckwith
Michael Beech OAM
Robin L Beech
Jane E Belotti
Stephen M Benfall
Michael D Benness
Merryl Bennett
Aileen A Bennett
Ian L Berryman
Sarah E Beshar
Michael D Best
Wayne M Best
Leigh F Bettenay
Suzanne M Biddles
Rae J Bielak
Merle Bignell OAM
Keith Bignell
Jennifer M Binns
Tony N Bint
Patrick R Bird
Frances W Birman
Jillian M Birt
Ann C Black
Barrie J Blackburn
David J Blacker
Leith D Blair
Matthew J Blake
Tracy A Blake
Anne E Blanckensee
Julie Blick
Noelene E Bloomfield
Geoffrey R Bloomfield
Judith Blyth
Cameron I Blyth
Warwick J Boardman
Denton M Bocking
Adam M Bodestyne
Mark I Bodycoat
Geoffrey C Bolton AO
Caroline Bolton
Paul D Bolton
Eileen Bond
Luke R Bongiascia
Angelo Boni
Terry M Bonnett
David E Booth
Mark R Bosisto
Judith Bottomley
Gerald A Bottomley
Noel A Bourke
Gregory D Bourne
Kerry Bowden
Matthew J Bowen
Penelope Bower
Sue J Boyd
Ann G Boyer
Don Boyer
Amanda M Bozanich
Pamela J Bradshaw
Lucas P Bradstreet
Philip C Brand
Jane Brazier
John E Brearley
Steven Bredemeyer
Jeffrey Bremer
Maurice R Bridgwood
Peter Briggs
Robyn Briggs
Peter G Brisbane
Charles Bro
Michael P Broadbent
Jean Brodie-Hall AM
Ellen Broerse
Carsten L Broeze
Ulli Broeze-Hoernemann
John M Bromell
Kristy L Brooke
John J Brookman
Roy L Brooks
Jacqueline P Brown
Jacqueline A Brown
Alison M Brown
Kenneth W Brown
Maxwell W Brown
Margaret A Brown
Robert R Brueschke
Henrietta A Bryan
Zora Bryce
Francis J Buchanan
Wilhelm K Buchholz
Cornelis T Buma
Claudia E Buntine
John W Burdett
Peter T Burke
Peter F Burke
Halina I Burmej
Peter J Burns
Thomas C Burns
David R Burt
Christopher D Burt
Peter J Burton
Trevor B Butcher
Yvonne J Butcher
Jeremy B Buttsworth
Jeremy C Buxton
Adrienne P Byrne
Dorothy Cain
Janis Cain
Richard A Cairnes
Maria P Calalesina
Gregory A Calcutt AM SC
Shobha Cameron
Olly Campbell
Colin G Campbell
Robert L Campbell
James Campbell-Clause
Lyneve J Cannon
Rachel M Cardell-Oliver
Joan F Carney
Simone G Carot Collins
Mary E Carr
William M Carr
Angela Carr
Coral Carter
Beris V Carter
Ylenia S Casadio
Katherine J Casellas
Valerie M Casey
Vivienne C Cass
Barry Cassidy
Ming Shang Cassim
Alexander R Cato
David A Causer
John M Cawley
John Cawson
Karin Cawson
Ronald F Chalmers
Atul Chandra
Angela M Chaney
Frederick M Chaney AO
Rose M Chaney
Tony B Chapman
Hendrika Chapman
David G Chapman
Jane Charlesworth
Frances P Charmer
Richard L Chase
Wai Mun Cheang
Pee W Chee
Wendy S Cheng
John Chester
Graeme H Chester
Elaine Y Cheung
Sin-Ying C Cheung
Stella G Chiang
Philip A Childs
Gwendlyn Chin
Stephen Y Chin
Weng-Yew Chin
Colin O Chinnery
Anthony D Chisholm
Mark P Ch’ng
Patti P Chong
Justine A Chong
Anita S Chong
John S Chong
Mei Ling Chow
Philip J Christensen
Caroline R Christie
Chew K Chua
Eva Chye
Ian P Clairs
Brian W Clare*
Curtis R Clark
Helen T Clarke
Josephine A Clarke
Lynette Clayton OAM
Christopher I Clerk
Andrew L Clifton
Mark C Clifton
Raymond L Cockerill
Alexander K Cohen AO
John Cohen
Leah J Cohen*
Anthony Colbert OMI
Catherine H Cole
Andrew R Cole
Bernice E Cole-Bowen
Shalom Coleman CBE AM
Patrick J Coleman
Maria A Coletta
David M Collie
Dorothy W Collin
Paul A Collin
Alan K Collins
John G Collins
Craig G Colvin SC
Lynette J Colvin
Costantino Condipodero
Jane E Connor
Barbara O Connor
John S Conroy OAM
Ynis A Considine
Lynnette A Cook
Robert O Cook
Meredith J Cook
Philip A Cooke
David A Cooke
Roderick Q Cooper
Gordon A Cooper
Stephanie J Cooper
Shirley A Cooper-Dixon
Ian K Copeland
Stefan A Coppens
Douglas A Cordell
Peter G Cordin
Robin M Cordin
Sally A Cornelius
Rochelle M Cornell
Winifred J Cory
Dolores C Costello
Marnie L Costello
Anita Cotton
Richard A Cotton
Sandra J Cotton
Sue P Cousens
Donald F Cousens
Diane M Coxon
Sally A Craddock
Margaret J Craig AM
John C Craig
Mark G Creasy
Julian H Cribb
Jennifer Crisp
Severin R Crisp
Ron Crittall
Penny F Crittall
Kevin D Croft
Timothy J Crofts
Kerry A Crofts
Graeme S Cronin
Freya R Cross
Matthew Crosse
Kate S Crossing
David J Crossing
John F Crossman
Michael A Crouch
Joanne L Cruickshank
Marco E Cuevas-Hewitt
Richard A Cullen
Digby J Cullen
Marguerite M Cullity
Anita F Cunningham
Dominic C Cuscuna
Michelle M D’Adamo
Jon T Dadd
Angelo A D’Agostino
Matthew B Dalrymple
John B Daniel
Crofton E Daniels
Nanette G Danks
Linda M Dann
Romit Dasgupta
Cheryl M Davenport
Magdalena A David
Helen A Davidson
Lawrence R Davidson
Elizabeth A Davies
Rona G Davies
Stephen J Davis
Anna Davis
Declan Davis
Carol L Davis
Christopher G Davis
Solomon R Davis*
Margaret C Dawbarn
Ian W Dawson
Helen J Dawson
Elizabeth A Day
Alan T Day
Ross H Day
Anne M De Boer
Deirdre de Souza
Georgina L Deacon
Thomas A Deacon
J M Dear
Andrew M Dennis
Ian C Denny
Jonathan W Derham
Maris Derums
Edward J Devereux
Michael B Devine
Sandra Di Bartolomeo
Simon B Dimmitt
Richard M Dimond
Simon C Diong
Amelia O Dixon-Pugh
Deirdre Doepel
Michael G Doepel
Matilde Dolan
Kieran J Dolin
Michael E Done
Sarah G D’onofrio
Philip J Dook
Marco T D’Orsogna
Luigi D’Orsogna
Margaret J Douglas
Naomi M Dowling
Sarah E Dowling
Edmund A Dowling
John E Down
Auriel M Downs
Gary R Downsborough
Barry W Dowsett
Jim Doyle
Kael Driscoll
Blasco P D’Souza
Ian G Duckham
Stanislaus Duffy
Rosalind F Dugard
Peter W Duke
Paul L Duncan
Leonie P Dyer
Helene M Eagle
Paul D Early
John P Eattell
F H Ebell
Geoffrey F Ebell
Judith E Eckert
Meredith Eddington
Dene W Edmunds
Judith M Edwards MLA
Noeleen K Edwards
Kim H Ee
Marie A Egan
Diana Egerton-Warbuton
Beverley R Elisher
Robin C Elliot
Jacqueline R Elliott
Margaret B Ellis
John K Elsey
Jane Emberson
Ivor Epstein
Louise Etherington
Anna M Evangelisti
Imelda Evans
Kenneth W Evans
Delwyn J Everard
Gerty Ewen
Vivien V Eyre
Sallee Eyres
Ella Fagence
Andrew C Fairs
Marjorie P Falconer
Lindsey J Falconer
Louise M Farrell
Colin P Farrow
Barbara E Farrugia
Kingsley W Faulkner AM
Stephanie L Faulkner
Simmon Favro
Bridget A Faye AM
Leonie B Feddema
Peter H Feddema
Anna-Maria M Fego
Margaret A Feilman OBE
Ronald J Ferguson
Anne I Fernandez
Alberto Ferraloro
John Ferreirinho
John Ferrell
Evelyn H Ferrier
Bruno G Fiannaca SC
Karen L Field
Gavin L Fielding
Susan J Fielding
B Joan C Filmer
Peter J Fimmel
Robert L Finch AM
Adrian A Fini
Michela Fini
Charles W Finkl
Eleanor S Finucane
Maria G Fiocco
James S Fisher
Dale Fisher
Elizabeth P Fisher
Stephen Fisher
Gregory J Fisher
Ronald J Fitch OBE
Margaret R Fitzgerald
Danielle S Flanagan
Alan J Flavelle
Margaret L Flavelle
Joseph S Fleming
Annie Fogarty
Brettney T Fogarty
Jock N Foo
James Ford
Murray J Ford
Maria P Ford
Audrey M Ford
Jane Forsey
Graham R Forward
Andrew T Forward
Jeremy H Foster
Laura Fox
Alison L Fox
Casandra Francas
Nicholas Francis
Clive M Francis
Murray Franconi
Flora M Franzinelli
Christopher J Fraser
Amanda R Frazer
Margaret L Freeman
Marie E Fritz
Felicity A Frost
David J Fry
Agnieszka M Frydrych
John F Fuhrmann OAM
Christopher B Fyfe
Patricia E Gallaher
George M Galvin
Michael J Gardner
Arran E Gare
Steven L Garwin
Derek R Gascoine
John K Geary
Geoffrey J Gee
Jennifer Gerschwitz
Gregory P Gettingby
Susan M Giles
Andrew W Gill
Jacqui Gilmour
Peter Gilmour
Christine Gilmour
Robert C Ginbey
Michael R Giudici
John S Gladstones AM
William H Gladstones
Isobel H Glencross
John T Gliddon
Philip D Goatcher*
Karen J Goddard
Ross G Godfrey
Paul Goh
Leo Goldflam
Bruce A Goodheart OBE
Mithran Goonewardene
Russell J Gordon
Faryar Gorjy
Shahyar Gorjy
Alexander W Gorrie
Wojciech Gorski OAM
Keith Gosling*
Alex J Gouges
Simina Gougoulis
Gwenyth A Graham AM
Wendy R Graham
Peter H Graham
Caroline H Grant
Dieter R Grant-Frost
Darren T Grasso
Julie Y Grbavac
Mindy Green
Ralph A Green
summer 2009
The hackett foundation
Emily J Green-Armytage
Richard S Greene
Kathleen G Greenway
Thomas V Greenwell
Ann C Gregg
Dennis J Gregory
Robert B Grieve
John K Grieve
David C Griffiths
Julanne Griffiths
Anthony J Grinceri
Terence L Grose
Graeme C Grose
Jack S Gubbay
Dorothy M Guerini
Anthony W Gummer
John C Gunzburg
Desmond L Gurry
Donalda G Guthrie
Joy F Guthrie
Jan Gwatkin
Mary E Gwynne
David W Haig
David H Haimes
Harlan E Hall
Isabel B Hall
Lyn P Hall
Campbell S Hall
Stuart A Halse
Mostyn C Hamdorf
Anita L Hamersley
Barbara M Hamilton
Margaret J Hammond
Kevin J Hammond
Diana L Hammond
Alec S Hand
Haruhisa Handa
Pauline M Hansen
Dorothea Hansen-Knarhoi
Joyce M Hardy
Joseph Harfouch
Robin A Harle
Deanne E Harler
David N Harley
Peter C Harley
Sue P Harley
Alison J Harrington
John F Harriott
Daphne E Harris
Caroline M Harris
Marcus F Harris
Neil F Harris
Richard Harris
Keith P Harris
Lloyd R Harris
Raymond P Hart*
Reinhold J Hart
Rosalind M Hart
Charles A Hart
David J Hartley
Lee D Hartz
Peter W Harvey
Leslie H Harvey
summer 2009
Trevor S Harvey
Vanessa J Harvey
Susan B Harwood
Errol Harwood
Cleve W Hassell
Jennifer Hassell
Diana Hassell
Andrew Hassell
Gary B Hastwell
David C Hawkins
Graeme D Hawkins
Josephine Hawkins
Michael G Hawson
Peter J Hay
Edward G Hayman
Elizabeth A Heggaton
Inn C Heintze
Craig Henderson
Ross C Henderson
Yvonne D Henderson
Thomas R Henderson
Craig K Hendry
Pamela J Hendry
Sylvia M Henley
Susan J Henshall
Penelope A Herbert
Eugene F Herbert
Barbara H Hill
Julianne Hill
Doreen Hill
Wendy F Hillier
David R Hillman
Jonathan A Hillman
Lybus C Hillman
Anne M Hillman
Mary E Hillman
Jane Hilton
John R Hilton
Marcus Hitch
Betty Y Hlavacek
Vladdy Hlavacek*
John D Hobday
Chantal F Hockey
John J Hockley
Stephen L Hodby OAM
Meredith M Hodge
Gary E Hodge
Paul F Hodkiewicz
Melinda R Hodkiewicz
Malcolm D Hodsdon
Shelley C Hogan
Richard R Hogen-Esch
Malcolm F Hollick
Barbara Holland
Peter N Hollingsworth
Janet Holmes à Court AC
Keith W Holt
Leslie R Holten
Josef Holzschuh
Rosemary B Homewood
Gillian M Hopkins
Tracey A Horton
Jonathan W Horton
Renae K Hovey
Sharni P Howe
Maxine Howell-Price
Chaplin C Hsiong
Peter K Huck
Graeme J Hughes
Robert B Hughes
Gavin Hughes
Jane Humble
Aurore J Humphreys
Paul C Hunt
Julia D Hunt
Lindsay D Hunter
Ruth Hunter-Brown
Josephine A Hurley
Janine A Hussey
James Hutchinson
Claire L Hutchison
Sylvia Hyams
Jonathan R Hynes
Catherine H Iddison
Amitra Ilangovan
Adeline P Indrawan
Christopher T Ingham
Jan Ingleton
Janet A Inglis
John P Inglis
Adrian Iredale
Denis M Ireland
Audrey Irvine
Theodora Issa
John M Jackson
Stanley N Jacob
Edwin K Jaggard OAM
Bruce W James OAM
Craig H James
Alan L James
Adrian C Jameson
Penny Jamrack
Annette M Jamvold
Albert J Janes
Douglas J Janney
Robert B Jarvis
Thelma C Jeffery
Stephanie M Jenkin
Eileen A Jenkins*
Philip J Jennings AM
Anita J Jennings
Robert J Jewkes
Ngai P Jim
Marianne N John
Christopher D John
Anne-Marie Johns
Murray T Johnsen
Christopher M Johnson
Juliet E Johnson
Grant Johnston
Jayne E Johnston
Lois A Joll
Lindsay M Joll
June G Jones AM
Ashley Jones
Michael J Jones
Patricia J Jones
Ian D Jones
Nina Jones
Kathleen H Jordan
John B Joslin
Mary Joyce
Norman A Juengling
Ivan P Juracich
Joshua L Jury
Jean C Kahan
Joseph S Kalajzich
Linda H Kalnejais
Aki A Kawamura
Nuala M Keating
Nicholas K Keely
Robert G Kelliher
William B Kelliher
Dawn Campbell Kelly JP
Angela Kelly
Michael Kelly
Evan J Kennea
Trevor Kennedy
Judith M Kennedy
Alison Kennedy
Geoffrey A Kennedy AO
Frank N Kenworthy
Ethelmary Kenworthy
Veronica E Kerr
Warren M Kerr
Jill H Keshavjee
Martin A Keye
Almas A Khan
Seng Khio
Anthony W Kiernan
Robert W Kilminster
Rodney W King
Francis W King
Meg L Kingsley
Robyn E Kirke
Shirley C Kitson
Nick G Klamus
Peter P Klemm
Nelly H Kleyn
Peter S Klinken CitWA
Jane E Klinken
David Knox
John R Knox
Geoffrey H Knox
Mieczyslawa Koczenasz
Guek L Koh
John F Kollosche OAM
Penelope J Kollosche
Patricia Konigsberg
Robyn J Koski
Joanna Krysiak
Peter G Kulczyckyi
Ashok B Kumar
Bernadette Lacy
Guy R Laden
Phillip A Ladner
Graham S Laitt
Michael A Lalli
Trevor R Lamond
Louis I Landau
Miriam Landau
Anna L Lane
Jeffrey Y Langdon
Patricia A Langdon
Bruce L Langford
Adrian N Larking
Desmond F Lascelles
Arthur P Latham
Sarah L Lau
Stephen F Lawley
Vivienne P Lawrence
Nicola Lawrence
Robyn A Lawrence
Julie B Le Fevre
John E Leahy
Christina M Leandri
Evelyn Lee
Robert H Leicester
Adam Lenegan
Nat P Lenzo
Barry J Leonard
Peter J Leonhardt
Lynnette E Leonhardt
James A Leslie
Peter D Leunig
Bairbre Lewis
Ian R Lewis
John G Lewis
Albert L Li
John J Liddelow
Geoffrey R Lilburne
Gillian A Lilleyman
Warren M Lilleyman
Joyce G Lim
Arvid G Linde
Ian M Lindsay
Patricia C Lindsey
Kendrick Ling
James C Lissiman
Patricia G Littlejohn
Murray J Littlejohn
Christopher D Lloyd
Carmel P Lloyd
Stephanie F Lloyd
Evan R Lloyd
Haydn Lloyd Davies
Godfrey K Lo
Robin Logan
Chee W Loke
Margaret E Loman-Hall*
Owen W Loneragan
Margaret H Longson
Elaine T Loo
David J Lord
Janice D Lord
Margaret E Loton OAM
Henry W Louden
Joan F Loudon
Neville B Loudon
Andrew F Lovegrove
Kerry F Lovell
Boon Ann C Low
Victoria Lowe
Godfrey P Lowe
Peter B Lowe
Marion E Lugg
Gregory J Lumsden
Ian D Lund
Susan L Lutton
Quang T Ly
Judith M Macdonald AM
Jay Macfarlane
Terry D MacFarlane
Sandy MacKellar
Michelle MacKellar
Claire A MacLeay
Kenneth F Maguire
Elizabeth A Mair
John C Mair
Fay Malcolm
Bruce Malcolm
Peter Mallabone
John A Malone
Roman Malyniak
Michael Manford
Sallie-Anne Manford
Bettina A Mangan
Maureen C Mann
Jeffrey P Mansell
Kinga E Marcelle
Matthew C Marchment
Clive N Mariano
Judith A Marinoni
Brenda J Marissen
Sophie Mark
John R Markham
Donald J Markwell
Barry J Marshall AC CitWA
Adrienne J Marshall
Julie M Marshall
Kenneth J Martin QC
Michael P Martin
Margaret R Martin
Richard E Martin
Gillian R Martin
Olga P Martinez
David J Martino
Audrey C Martins
Patricia Martinson
John W Martyr
John F Marwood
Peter B Massey
Timothy W Mathwin
Geoffrey F Mauldon
Zdenek Mazanec
David R Mazitelli
Brenda Mazzucchelli OAM
Richard H Mazzucchelli
Terence W McAuliffe
Michael J McAuliffe
Paul J McCann AM
Brian J McCarthy
David M McCloughry
Gordon G McColl
Sandra G McCowan
George A McCullagh
Bryant A McDiven
Tedye G McDiven
Steve McDonald
John K McGeachie OAM
Murray J McGill
Suzanne A McGill
Elizabeth A McGinnis
Heather McGinty
Rosemary J McGlashan
Leone P McGovern
Margaret M McGuinn
Michael J McGuire
Kathleen P McGurk
Peter McInnes
Gregory M McIntyre SC
Joan M McIntyre
Michael L McKay
Ross McKinnon
Ross K McLaren
Paul A McMahon
John F McMath
Gaye McMath
Robert P McMillan AM
Matthew J McNee
Iain B McPhail
Jacquie McPhee
Shirley I McWhirter
Michael O McWilliams
Sara J Meagher
Bruce O Meakins
Murray R Meharry
Frank Melville
William I Melville
Maxwell D Mercer
Iris C Messmer
Anne M Metcalf
Rae H Metcalf
Philip D Metcalf
John A Meyer
Bryan F Meyerkort
Frances D Meyerkort
Ian P Middlemas
Milena Milan
Rachel Miles
John G Miller
Donald A Miller
Victor L Miller
Elizabeth A Millett
John W Mills
Margaret B Mills*
George R Milosz
Graham Milward
Linley L Mitchell
Kevin J Mitchell
Roderick D Mitchell
Khwaja I Mohiuddin
Christine E Molinari
Peter J Molinari
Karen C Moller
Karen Moore
Veronica L Moore
Peter Moore
John R Moore
Leo C Moran
Emma L Morelli
Bertram J Morgan
David Morgan
Dawn Morgan
Charles A Morgan
Andre R Morkel
Colleen B Mortimer
Rebecca Morton-Stephens
Edward Mouritz
Alan L Moyle
Andreas G Mueller
Peter C Muhling
Darryl Muir
Jennifer S Mummert
Cynthia M Munday
Robert J Muniz
Todd A Munro
John P Murdoch
Wendy J Murray
Alice S Murray
Maxwell A Naismith
Hilton D Nathanson
Hilaire D Natt
Francis R Neale
Lois P Neil
Timothy D Neil
Paul Nestel
David M Newby
Su-Peing Ng
Yuk T Ng
Matthias P Ngui
Tuyen T Nguyen
Toby T Nichols
Owen G Nichols
Robert D Nicholson AO
Peter G Nicholson AO AM
Clair Nicholson
Leena R Niikkula
Joanna J Norin
David B Norman
Frank J Norman
Gilbert L North
Judith E Nott
Patricia G Nottle
John Y Ntoumenopoulos
Jack Nugent
Lynette G Nunn
James R Nylander
Gary W O’Brien
Robert K O’Connor QC
Alison J O’Donnell
Jeremiah G O’Driscoll
Alison O’Dwyer
Michael J O’Halloran
Barbara L O’Halloran
Paul F O’Hara
Thomas Oliver
John F O’Mahony
Taher I Omari
Christine O’Neil
Peter Onesti
Robert T Ong
Wayne Osborn
Edwin J Osborn
John Owenell
Helen Owenell
Hilary A Owens
Garry W Oxer
Harold J Oyston
Margaret Packer
Michael J Paech
Lyle J Palmer
Eric R Palmer
Ethel Palmoja
Beniza E Panizza
Michael C Papineau
Rodney A Parker
David C Parker
Ronald J Parkin
Kim R Partridge
Nicola C Partridge
Arthur L Pate
Kim B Paterson
James L Paton
Ruth Paton
Chris Pavlos
Alan L Payne PSM
Richard A Payne
Vera E Payne
John Peacock
John L Pearce
Cameron W Pearce
David R Pearce
Robert J Pearce
Fiona L Pearman
John W Pearman
Rosemary A Pearman
Timothy J Pearman
Julie Peck
Rebecca Pedlow-Collins
Lindsay J Peet
Gary Peh
Anna M Perera
Richard G Pestell
Bill S Peters
Bernice W Peters
Peter E Petros
Dennis R Phillips
Harry C Phillips
Laurence D Phillips
Betty Pick
Anne P Pickett
Raymond A Piesse
Joan E Piesse
Russell G Pitcher
Terry L Pitsikas
Noel E Platell
Barbara L Plummer
Michael J Poli
Mary C Pollard
Charles M Pond
Malcolm P Poole
William W Porteous
Anthony C Postle
Cathy Potter
Beth D Powell
Mildred J Praed*
Joan Pratt
Malcolm Pratt
Dorothy M Price
Michael G Prichard
Rex T Prider*
Judith Priestley
Robert I Prince
Christine A Prince
Lynda D Prior
Neville R Prior
Cyril Pritchard
Neville J Probert
Sandra R Prosser
Pearl Proud
Ian B Puddey
Ingrid K Puzey
Erica Quarles De Quarles
Alan Questel
Patrick G Quilty AM
Michael F Quinlan
Francis M Quinlivan
Lara Quintela
Jaye A Radisich MLA
Lee C Ranford PSM
Jennifer H Rankin
Dorothy E Ransom OAM
John W Rattigan
David Ravine
Marijana Ravlich
Moira E Rayner
Michelle R Reid
Leslie F Revy
Grace F Richardson
Julie E Rick
Bruno A Rinaldi
Catherine A Rinaldi
John C Riviere
Kim Roberts
Angela Roberts
Margot Roberts
Keith G Roberts
Glen B Robertson
Gordon M Robertson
Peter D Robins
Catriona M Robins
Joan Robins
Judy Robinson
Keith R Robinson
Janet V Robinson
Anthony E Robson
Vernon D Roewer
Andrew S Rogers
Dee Rogers
Kenneth A Rogers
Linda J Rogers
Lisa M Romagnolo
Kim M Rooney
Jim R Ross
summer 2009
The hackett foundation
Anna Rossi
Urs Roth
Peter N Rouse
Stephanie A Rowell
Robert M Rowell
Barry W Rowland QC
Jennifer Rowland
James B Rowlands
Kenneth S Roxburgh
Alexander J Ruskulis
Monica Russell
Colin C Ryan
Rodney D Safstrom
Karen F Sagenschneider
Alla Sakalo
Barry M Saker
Stephen D Same
Fulvio Sammut
Sarfaraz Samnakay
Zoe E Sampson
Peter J Samuels
Kerry G Sanderson AO
Ian J Sanderson
William J Sands
Richard C Sankey
Phillip R Sargent
John R Saunders
Mark R Saunders
Sally Savini
Rosemary Sayer
Jane M Scanlon
Helene R Schairer
Gwynth M Schlipalius
Ralph E Schrauf
Robert N Scott
Anne M Scott
Susanne Scott
Geoffrey L Seaman
Jennifer M Searcy
Margaret Seares AO
Cim M Sears
Jack Segal
Leo M Seward
Lynette O Shackles
Simon B Shanahan
Carolyn Sharbanee
Simon Shaw
Denis C Shaw
Stirling E Shaw
Kathleen B Shellabear
Erica K Shellabear
Neta P Sheppard
Geoffrey Shilkin
Andrea Shoebridge
Neville H Shorter
Leslie Shub
Ryan K Sia
Albert D Sieber
Phil O Silberstein
Peter L Silbert
Ee S Sim
Ralph L Simmonds
Anda Simmonds
summer 2009
Robert J Sing
Anne E Sippe
Robert A Sippe
Richard T Slattery
Maxwell T Sloss
Donald E Smallman
Gregory S Smenda
Jennifer H Smith
Kevin H Smith
Richard C Smith
Janine G Smith
Geoffrey C Smith
Valma J Smith
Erica L Smyth
Bradley A Snell
Keng Yeow S Sng
Simon J Snook
Swithin J Song
Peter J Soumanis
Deborah J Southwell
Philip J Southwell
Charles M Southwood
Kathal Spence
William P Spencer
Thomas Spilsbury
Timothy P Spiro MD
Peter C Sprivulis
Stephen L St Clair
Myra Stanbury
Evan R Stanley
Fiona J Stanley AC CitWA
Lawrence E Stanley
Raymond W Stannard
Stanley Family
Rodney D Steens
Gary R Stein
Gary C Steinepreis
Jacqueline M Steinepreis
Alison S Stevens
Robert R Stevenson
George R Stevenson
Alan R Stewart
Noeline G Stewart
Timothy D Stewart
Faith Stewart
Vivienne Stewart
Paul Stobie
Milan Stojanovic
Helen L Stone
John R Stonehouse
Gregory C Strang
Joan M Street
Ronald M Strickland
Suzanne S Strobel
Jessica C Strutt
Pamela A Stubbs
Sainuddin Bin Sudar
Jack Sumich
Marina Suthers
Phillip T Swarbrick
Jill Swarbrick
David A Syed
Christopher P Symons*
David J Symons
Ernest T Tan
Albert E Tan
Michael N Tan
Yew-Foon Tan
Stephen Tangney
Christina Tanuadji
Mavis J Tassicker
Shan Chuan J Tay
Susan F Taylor
Marco A Tedeschi
Kun B Tee
Merrilyn A Temby
Andrew C Tennent
Timothy H Teoh
Ghin L Teoh
Heng Khung Tey
Mim M Tey
Bill I Thomas
Charmaine M Thomas
Peter L Thompson AM
John C Thompson
Jane Thompson
Andrew G Thompson
Kevin A Thompson
Rodney Thompson
Penelope Thompson
Robert G Thornton
John V Thorpe
Joe Throsby
Debbie Throsby
Cameron B Thrum
Michael C Tiller
Linda C Tinning
Richard C Tinsley
Raymond R Todd
Oswald B Tofler OAM
Tamara Tofler
Aik Ming Toh
Linda A Tompkins
Wai Heng Tong
Myrna R Tonkinson
Geoffrey P Toomer
Reena Torabi
Frank Torre
Rachael Torre
David J Tout
Jenny S Townsend
Mary L Townsend
Jillian A Tozer
Emily L Trainer
Teresa Tran
Eva Tran
Brian L Travers
Ivan A Treagus
David W Treloar
Tony M Trethowan
Leah M Trezise
David S Trigger
Keith E Trotman
Helen R Trowell
Karen L Tseu
Marilyn Tsolakis
Helen Tuite
David E Tunley AM
Paula P Tunley
Tim M Ungar
Chris Ungar
John W Upham
Josephine Vallentine
Andries Van Ballegooyen
Paul G Van Der Moezel
Agatha A Van der Schaaf
Guy A Van Hazel
Carolyn M Vanderplank
Gina R Varne
Kevin E Varvell
Konstantin Vatskalis MLA
Linda A (Cotton) Vatskalis*
David J Vaux
Ilona J Versluis
Enrico Versteeg
Berta F von Bibra OAM
Justin M Von Perger
Fabienne Vonarburg
Helen Vu
John M Vujcich
Stephen J Waddingham
Frederic J Waldeck
Raymond G Wales
Edward L Walker
Geoffrey P Walker
Jodee J Walker
Ian Wallace
Margaret Wallace
Teresa A Walsh
David A Walton
Andrew Walton
Robert I Warburton
David G Wares
Kerry R Wark
Amber Warneford
Ian K Warner
Diana M Warnock
Kenneth J Washbourne
Margaret Watkins
Richard T Watson
Bruce A Watson
John C Watson
Judyth Watson
Shirley M Watt
Felicity J Watt
Martyn J Webb
Hemal R Weerasooriya
Cornelis M Wegman
James C Weir
Timothy A Welborn AO
Suzanne I Welborn
Peter J West
Callum J Weston
Jennifer S Whately
Jennifer Wheeler
Christine M Wheeler
Elizabeth M White
Terri-ann White
Vivienne F White
Lesley D Whitehouse
Heather E Whiting
Margaret Whitter
Susan M Wiener
Ronald L Wilkie
Peter R Wilkinson
George S Wilkinson III
Harvey N Williams
Vincent A Williams
Patricia F Williams
Kerrie M Williams
Janet Williams
Margaret J Williams
Marlene Williams
Hugh C Williamson
Brian J Willis
Betty R Willmott
Howard C Wilson
Josephine Wilson
Nicola J Wilson
Marion R Wilson
Stephen D Wilson
Margaret M Wilson
Peter M Winterton
Michael J Wise
Michael M Wishart
Valerie A Wishart
Bruce F Wishaw
Stephen K Wong
Graham E Wood OAM
Edit K Wood
Michael G Wood
Ken W Wood
Daphne G Wood
Roy Woodall AO
William M Woods
Beverley H Woods
Christopher J Wortham
Brigid D Woss
Mark C Wotherspoon
Christopher C Wray
Arthur G Wright
Alan R Wright
Ann P Wringe
Birgitta K Wypych
Jiake Xu
Ya Rong Xu
James J Yates
Melvin P Yeo
George C Yeoh
Barbara A York Main
John M Young
Margaret Zanetti
Santino A Zanotti
Ashley W Zimpel
Kurt W Zink
Michael Zurzolo
Organisations, Trusts and Foundations
Abey Family Foundation
Advantage Partners
Aker Solutions Australia
Alan Moyle P/L
Alcoa World Alumina Australia
Alkane Exploration Ltd
Allens Arthur Robinson
Alliance Francaise de Perth
Amadeus Energy Limited
AMP Foundation
Anglo American Exploration P/L
Anglogold Ashanti Australia Ltd
Anthropological Society of WA
Apache Energy Ltd
Architects Board of Western Australia
Atteris P/L
Australasian Association of Clinical
Biochemists WA
Australian Association of Social Workers –
WA Branch
Australian Finance Conference
Australian Foundation for Studies in Italian
Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
Australian Medical Procedures Research
Foundation Ltd
Australian Mining & Petroleum Law
Association Ltd
Australian Prosthodontic Society –
WA Branch
Australian Society for Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Australian Society of Orthodontists
Foundation for Research
Barrick Gold of Australia Limited
Bayer Australia Ltd (WA)
BDO Kendalls
Bechtel Australia P/L
Bendat Family Foundation P/L
Benthic Geotech P/L
BG & E Pty Ltd
BHP Billiton Iron Ore Limited
BHP Billiton Ltd
BHP Billiton Minerals P/L (Exploration)
Biota Environmental Sciences
BP Refinery P/L
Brans Antiques & Art
Brett Davies Lawyers
Calibre Global
Cape Bouvard Investments P/L
Cassamarca Foundation
CBI Constructors P/L
Cement Concrete & Aggregates
Australia (WA)
Chamber of Minerals and Energy
of Western Australia Inc
Chartered Institute of Management
Chevron Australia P/L
City of Albany
Clinipath Pathology
Clough Limited
Clough Offshore Engineering
Colgate-Palmolive P/L
Committee for Perth Limited
Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland
CPA Australia
Dental Board of Western Australia
Department of Agriculture (WA)
Department of Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations
Department of Families,Community Services
and Indigenous Affairs
Department of Water
Disability Services Commission
DM Civil
Dunsborough Lakes Resort Golf Course
Dymocks Booksellers
Elders Farmways
Ertech Pty Ltd
Ferguson Architects
Ferrier Hodgson
Fogarty Foundation
Foundation Management (WA) P/L
Francis Burt Chambers
Frost & Sullivan
Fugro Survey P/L
Geoconferences ( WA ) Inc
Geriatric Medicine (UWA) RPH Unit
GHD Services P/L
Glenmere Trust
Goethe Institute
Golder Associates P/L
Graduate Management Association
GRD MinProc
Great Southern Development Commission
Hartley Estate
Hatch & Associates P/L
Health Department of WA
Hlsmelt Corporation P/L
Holmes à Court Family Foundation
Honeywell Ltd
Hunter Minerals P/L
Independence Group NL
Institute of Public Administration Australia
WA Division Inc
Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
in Perth (inc)
JP Morgan
Kalworld P/L
Kawasaki Disease Foundation Australia Inc
Kinetic P/L
King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women
Kott Gunning Lawyers
Laing O’Rourke
Lateral Sands P/L
Leap Australia P/L
Leighton Contractors P/L
Lions Cancer Institute
Lycopodium Engineering P/L
Macmahon Holdings Ltd
Main Roads Western Australia
Mal Atwell Leisure Group
Mallesons Stephen Jaques
Maple-Brown Abbott Limited
Marine Computation Services P/L
Maunsell Australia P/L
McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) P/L –
WA Branch
McCusker Charitable Foundation
MDA National Insurance P/L
Merit Projects
Midland Brick Company P/L
Milk’d Pty Ltd
Minter Ellison Lawyers – Perth
Mitsubishi Australia P/L
Modal Pt/L
Monadelphous Group Limited
Motorola Australia Software Centre
Mt Romance Australia P/L
Muslim Community Co-operative (Aust) Ltd
Newmont Mining Services P/L
Nobuyuki and Midori Nakashima Foundation
Norilsk Nickel Australia (Forrestania Gold NL)
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Australia P/L
Office of Native Title
Ondek P/L
Orbital Engine Corporation Limited
Orebusters P/L
Organic 2000
Orphan Australia P/L
Parliament of Western Australia –
Legislative Assembly
Paydirt Media P/L
Perron Group of Companies
Perth College
Pilbara Iron P/L
Primavera Investments P/L
Pritchard Francis P/L
Property Education Foundation
Public Transport Authority
RAC Group
Raytheon Australia P/L
Rio Tinto Iron Ore
Rio Tinto Pty Ltd – Melbourne
RM Mercer Transport
Roche Products P/L
Rojan Advanced Ceramics P/L
Rotary Club of Dalkeith Inc
RSM Bird Cameron Chartered Accountants
Sally Joyston-Bechal Study Group
SEW-Eurodrive Australia
Shire of Cunderdin
Siemens Ltd
Sinclair Knight Merz P/L
Sipa Management P/L
Soroptimist International of Cambridge
Southern Cross Goldfields Ltd
Structerre Consulting Group
SVT Engineering Consultants
Symbion Health Limited
Synovate Australia
Taylor Woodings
Technip Oceania P/L
Teck Cominco Australia P/L
Tesla Forum
summer 2009
The hackett foundation
Inaugural Hackett Foundation Alumni Honours scholarship recipients
Thomsett Family Trust
Tikva Investments P/L
Transfield Worley Joint Venture
Van Der Meer Consulting
Viscount Plastics P/L
WA Classic Sounds P/L
Water Corporation
Wesfarmers Energy Limited
Wesfarmers Limited
Western Australian Local Government
Western Power
WHK Horwath
Wind Over Water Foundation
Winthrop Australia
WJ & MS Hughes Foundation
Wood & Grieve Engineers
Woodside Petroleum Ltd
Worley Parsons Limited
Wythenshawe P/L
Zonta Club of Peel Region Inc
On behalf of The University of Western
Australia we sincerely thank all those listed
here, those who wish to remain anonymous
and those who have made in-kind
contributions. The names in this publication
represent donors who have made gifts to the
University between 1 December 2007 and
30 November 2008.
If your name does not appear and your
support in 2008 has not been acknowledged
in a previous issue of Uniview please contact
The Office of Development
Phone: +61 8 6488 2438
Fax: +61 8 6488 1063
UniPrint 65548
Thales Australia
The API Foundation P/L
The Country Women’s Association of WA Inc
The Feilman Foundation Ltd
The Haunold Family Trust
The Institute of Chartered Accountants
(WA Branch)
The Institute of Internal Auditors – Australia
The Jack Family Charitable Trust
The Making a Difference Ride Inc
The Melvista Trust
The Pitstop Bookshop
The Royal Australian and NZ College
of Psychiatrist
The Uniting Church in the City
The University Club of Western Australia
The Westerly Centre
The Western Australian Chinese Chamber
of Commerce Inc
Thiess P/L
Thompson Estate
sUmmer 2009

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