Model Bisnis Penyiaran Televisi Digital di Indonesia


Model Bisnis Penyiaran Televisi Digital di Indonesia
Model Bisnis Penyiaran Televisi Digital
di Indonesia
ArifWibawa SubhanAfifi danAgunghabowo
hodi llmu Komunikasi,FlSlP IJPN 'Veteran'' Yogyalsrta
Jl. Babareari No.2
HP: 08 1 56873054 / e-mail:
|he transition ftom analog to digital broadcasting offers significant changes. Digital
technologt and the convergence of the vartous digital media will introduee nany more options
besides the traditional one-to-nanyform of communication that we understand by "television"
today, even the new business model. Research of the business model is important to make the
transition more efficient. This study used a socio-technical perspective to investigate the complac rclations between the social and technical aspects of digital braodcasting, diversity, and
interface between diferent drivingforces and policy. Socio-technical approach was used to seek
the inter-relations among technonologrcal subsystem (infrastructute, equipment, sertice and
applications), social subsystem (market, users and indwtry) and environment subsystem \egulations and policy). Faans Sroup discussion, consultancy, questionnaire and policy study was
used in data collection. This researchfounded that business model has ionsideted to support
the local economic that giving impact on television advertisW resources. On the other hand,
WRI has to developed their business nodel based on public station as institutions that answer
and providing the demand of the audiens. WRI could be Multyplexer as a sentice prcvider that
provide it could be as a community television whieh was limited spread,
Fngtadikaldalamindushipenyiaran. Konvergensimediadalampenyiarantelevisidigitalmerdadi
semakintajamdanintensif Konverg€nsimediainimengakibatkanberkerrbangnpmodelbisnispng
ekonomi, politik balrkan budaya sangat besar dalam model bisnis yang banr ini. Penelitian ini
menggunakanpendekatan sosio-technicaldalammencermatiperkembanganbanrini. Pendekatan
infrastuktur, pelayanan, aplikasi) subsistem sosial (pasar, pelanggan danindusfti) dan susbsistem
m€nggunakanteknikkonsultasi ,foats group disanian,lnrcsionerdan studi kebiiakan. Hasilpenelitian
yangpadagilirannlaakanberpenganrhpadaiklansebagaisunrberdaphi&rpstasiunt€lwisi. Senrenttra
televisi )ang mampu memberi jawaban bagi kebutuhan penonton akan televisi. TVRI juga dapat
sebagaiMultiplekserdengancatatarLTvRljugatranrsbersdiame, rampungtelevisikomunitaspng
berj angkauan terbatas.
Kata kunci : TV Digital, Konverge,rrsi, Model Bisnis, Regulasi penyiaraq Sosio-technical approach.