7th European Slag Conference 9-11 October 2013 IJmuiden, The


7th European Slag Conference 9-11 October 2013 IJmuiden, The
Version 25th September 2013
7th European Slag Conference
“Don’t waste your secondary resources”
9-11 October 2013
IJmuiden, The Netherlands
The 7th European Slag Conference of EUROSLAG – The European Slag
Association, will be held from October, 9th - 11th 2013 in IJmuiden. The
conference will be facilitated by Tata Steel at the Dudok Huis Conference
Centre. The organisation is done by Tata Steel, Harsco Metals and
Pelt & Hooykaas.
Tata Steel (www.tatasteel.com)
Tata Steel is Europe's second largest steel producer with main steelmaking operations in UK and the
We are a leading supplier to many of the most demanding markets around the world including
construction, automotive, packaging, mechanical and electrical engineering, metal goods, and oil & gas.
With innovation and continuous improvement at the heart of our business performance, we aim to create
value by offering a differentiated product range supported by unrivalled customer service.
With a combined presence in nearly 50 countries, the Tata Steel Group includes Tata Steel in India, Tata
Steel in Europe, Tata Steel Thailand and NatSteel Asia, and has approximately 80,000 employees across
five continents and a crude steel production capacity of over 28 million tonnes.
Tata Steel's European operations were formerly known as Corus.
Harsco (www.harsco.com)
Harsco Metals & Minerals specializes in providing environmental and logistics services for the steel
industry. With operations at more than 160 locations in over 30 countries, Harsco is the market leader.
We process over 7 million tonnes of slag material every year, for metal recovery services to the
steelmaker. The co-product is recycled as an aggregate in numerous applications around the globe,
including fertilizer cement manufacturing, road making, civil engineering, building insulation and filter
Pelt & Hooykaas IJmuiden (www.pelt-hooykaas.nl)
Pelt en Hooykaas, as a subsidiary from de Hoop BV, is active as a supplier of primary and secondary
aggregates for road building and water works. From the production sites in IJmuiden and Vlissingen more
than 1.5 million tons of secundary aggregates are used in the Netherlands but also abroad. Most of the
times on site.
Due to built up expertise, broad experience and up-to-date knowledge within the world of road construction
and water works Pelt & Hooykaas is a reliable partner. Together with the knowledge of the Dutch and
European rules and laws makes Pelt & Hooykaas a valuable partner for Tata Steel to valuerize and market
EUROSLAG (www.euroslag.org)
EUROSLAG is the European association of organizations and companies concerned with all aspects of
manufacturing and utilization of ferrous slag products. The association deals with promotion of slag as a
product, enables exchange of information and research as well as facilitates the interaction with governing
bodies. EUROSLAG was founded in 2000. It is a registered association based on statutes which are
accepted by the local court of Duisburg, Germany.
Conference location
The conference takes place at the Dudok Huis Conference Centre. The Conference Centre is located at
Tata Steel IJmuiden.
Proceedings and Presentations
The proceedings will be distributed before the Conference.
The following time schedule for presentations and proceedings applies for the speakers mentioned in the
 Abstract before June 1st.
 Presentation before September 15th
 Final Paper before August 15th (hard date because of finalizing Proceedings)
Please send your abstract, paper and presentation to the following address: Euroslag2013@tatasteel.com
Conference language
The conference language is English.
Delegates will be able to register for the conference on line on the EUROSLAG Internet Site
www.euroslag.org by filling out the registration form. Registration deadline by 18th September 2013
(later inscriptions might be accepted based on the meeting room capacity).
Conference fee
The conference fee is € 450 (presenting authors and session chairmen for free, not including travel and
living expense, nor conference dinner). The conference fee includes admission to all sessions, receipt of
conference proceedings, lunch 9, 10 and 11 October, coffee/tea during the breaks and site visit tour
Tata Steel IJmuiden including a view at the Harsco and Pelt & Hooykaas slag processing sites.
Conference fee can only be paid by bank transfer (all bank charges at your expenses). The invoice will
be sent to you. Cheques or credit card payment cannot be accepted. After payment each participant will
receive a written confirmation of the conference registration (and the conference dinner).
Conference Program
Wednesday October 9th, 2013
People involved
08.00 - 09.30
Conference registration
09.30 - 09.40
Conference related issues
H. Kobesen
09.40 - 09.50
D. van den Boer
(Director Tata Steel Mainland Europe)
09.50 - 10.00
J.P.G. van der Peijl
(CEO de Hoop)
10.00 - 10.10
Conference opening by chairman
H. Motz
(Chairman EUROSLAG)
Theme 1:
Slag as By-product
(Chairman: Hans Kobesen)
10.10 - 10.30
Resource efficient use of by-products
and secondary raw materials with regard
to strengthening European legislation
in Germany
G. Endemann
10.30 - 10.50
Study of volume stability and recycling
of BOF slag at China Steel
Y.C. Lee
10.50 - 11.10
Efficiency of quartz addition on
EAF slag stability
D. Mombelli and others
11.10 - 11.40
Coffee break
Theme 2:
Metallurgy and Processing
(Chairman: Dirk Mudersbach)
11.40 - 12.00
Sustainable stabilisation and
reuse of ladle furnace slag from
electric steelmaking
H. Schliephake,
B. Dettmer and others
12.00 - 12.20
Dry slag granulation – The environmentally friendly way of making cement
I. Mc Donald
(United Kingdom)
12.20 - 12.40
Mix method for cooling and full
vitrification of BFS
H. Kappes
12.40 - 13.00
Controlled cooling of BOF slag
to enhance Fe-recovery
D. Poirier
13.00 - 13.10
13.10 - 14.10
Theme 3:
Research and Applications
(Chairman: Nick Jones)
14.10 - 14.30
Industrial utilisation of EAF slag
as aggregate
A.E. Yildizcelik
14.30 - 14.50
Stabilisation of CaO-SiO2-MgO (CSM)
slags by recycled alumina
H. Epstein
14.50 - 15.10
Recent and former European
RFSC slag research projects
– Slag treatment and utilisation
I. Unamuno (Spain)
A. Morillon (France)
15.10 - 15.40
Coffee break
15.40 - 16.00
Construction of test sections to evaluate
performance of basic oxygen furnace
steel slag as aggregate in stone
mastic asphalt
J.S. Chen, S.F. Chen
M.C. Liao and others
16.00 - 16.20
Slag properties – Easy access using
new dedicated software
E. Nagels
16.20 - 16.40
Behaviour of slag bound mixtures in
road construction
N. Ghazireh
J. Smith, B. Kent (United Kingdom)
16.40 - 16.50
17.00 - 17.50
Workshop SLACON *):
18.00 Hrs
Departure for Hotel Akersloot from Conference Centre Tata Steel IJmuiden
18.45 Hrs
Departure from Hotel Akersloot for Conference Dinner
D. Mudersbach (Germany)
A. Morillon (France)
The objective of the RFCS research project SLACON (Jul 2012 to Dec 2015) is to ensure and
increase the utilisation of EAF slag in the construction industry by improving the quality of this
slag type. The treatment will be performed during the liquid stage of slag production (by
additions during the process, during tapping or by changing the cooling procedure) and after
solidification through water treatment (washing/cooling). The partners of the project are:
FEhS-Institute, BFI, CSM, Gerdau Sidenor and RIVA.
The workshop will start with a short introduction to the SLACON project by the coordinator.
Two speakers will each give 15 minutes presentations to selected topics of the research
project and will inform the participants in the workshop about details of investigations and
results. The presentations will be followed by a discussion.
Conference Program
Thursday October 10th, 2013
Theme 4/1:
From Research to Applications
(Chairman: Marko Mäkikyrö)
09.00 - 09.20
Development of new CEM X
cements based on GBS, fly
ash and clinker
V. Feldrappe,
A. Ehrenberg
09.20 - 09.40
Hydration properties of rapidly air-cooled
ladle furnace slag with gypsum
H.S. Kim, S.M. Choi and others
09.40 - 10.00
Using granulation in form of
pellets as a way to increase
usage of slag
J. Roininen
10.00 - 10.20
Investigation of BOF slag use for
potato and tomato cultivation with
saline irrigation water in Italy
V. Colla
10.20 - 10.40
Removal of phosphorus from
waste water by steel slag filter
P. Drissen,
F. Chazarenc, H. Rustige
(Germany, France)
10.40 - 11.10
Coffee break
Theme 4/2:
From Research to Applications
(Chairman: Karen Kiggins)
11.10 - 11.30
Does stored granulated BFS
lose its reactivity?
A. Ehrenberg
11.30 - 11.50
Agricultural utilization of iron and steel
slags in the USA
J. Yzenas
11.50 - 12.10
Accelerated weathering of LD-slag
using water and CO2
S. van der Laan, H. Kobesen
(The Netherlands)
12.10 - 12.30
Development of ECO slag processing
technology for iron recovery and value
added products in steelmaking
I. Sohn, H. Lee
12.30 - 12.50
Global opportunities of steel making slag
materials as a source of silicon-based
M. Provance-Bowley
12.50 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.50
Theme 5:
Environmental Affairs
(Chairman: Heribert Motz)
13.50 - 14.10
Development of a quality protocol
for the use of steel slag
E. Poultney
(United Kingdom)
14.10 - 14.30
Sustainable reuse of iron and
steel slags in road applications
– Technical requirements for
environmental acceptance in France
J. Domas
14.30 - 14.50
Legislation versus regulation
in the USA
C. Ochola
14.50 - 15.20
Coffee break
15.20 - 15.40
Development of leaching tests for
by-products and other secondary
construction products in Europe
E. Onstenk
(The Netherlands)
15.40 - 16.00
Sustainability of construction worksEuropean standards and implications
for secondary materials
A. Schuurmans
(The Netherlands)
16.00 - 16.20
End of Waste criteria for
waste-derived aggregates
H. van der Sloot
(The Netherlands)
16.20 - 17.00
Forum discussion with speakers and Mr. D. van den Boer,
Director Tata Steel Mainland Europe
17.00 - 17.10
Closing remarks by chairman
Closing drinks (non alcohol)
17.15 - 18.00
18.00 Hrs
Departure for Hotel Akersloot from Conference Centre Tata Steel IJmuiden
D. Mudersbach (Germany)
A. Morillon (France)
Evening free
Fertilisers produced from ferrous-slags have been used in agriculture since the end of
19th century. The objective of the RFCS research project SLAGFERTILISER (Jul 2011 to
Dec 2014) is to evaluate the effects of currently produced iron and steel slag (BFS, BOFS and
LFS) fertilisers and liming materials on crop yields and quality as well as on selected
biological and chemical soil parameters in different soil and climate conditions throughout
Europe. The partners of the project are: FEhS-Institute, ArGe Hüttenkalk, Dillinger Hütte,
voestalpine, ILVA, RUUKKI, Uni Pisa and AGES.
Different field trials, long term (f.i. since 1956 in Fuchsenbigl) and short term tests have been
carried out in Finland, Germany and Austria. In addition 24 lysimeter tests are carried out in
Italy with the soil and water mimicking that from around ILVA steel plant which have been
characterised. All new test fields and lysimeters are fertilised with e.g. BOF slag. This will
enable comparison of the effects of silicate liming materials under different climatic and soil
The workshop will start with a short introduction to the SLAGFERTILISER project by the
coordinator. Two speakers will each give 15 minutes presentations to the current
investigations and results. The presentations will be followed by a discussion.
Conference Program
Friday October 11th, 2013
09.00 -12.30 1st departure from Conference Centre for a site visit:
Visit steel plant 2 Tata Steel, IJmuiden and
Visit slag processing area Harsco and Pelt & Hooykaas,
Every half hour a group of 25 persons will leave for the visit. Details will be given
at the conference itself
Conference dinner
The conference dinner will be held in a typical Dutch manner in a typical
Dutch environment. Where will not yet be revealed. The dress code is
(business) casual. The price for the Conference Dinner is € 90 per person.
Accompanying persons or significant others are most welcome. Please
indicate on the registration form, if you want to attend the dinner and the
total number of persons. A nominative dinner card has to be shown, which
will be handed over only to attendees, who registered and paid before the conference.
Workshop for RFCS research projects
During the Conference there will be 2 workshops, first on EAF-Slag as Construction Material (SLACON)
and second on Slag Fertilisers (SLAGFERTILISER) organized by the RFCS committee. They will take
place at the end of the first and second day of the conference. For more details see the program
Visit to Harsco Metals and site tour Tata Steel IJmuiden
A visit with a site tour at Tata Steel IJmuiden subsequently is arranged for Friday October 11th, 2013.
Please indicate your participation on the registration form.
Social program
There is no official social program for accompanying persons. Accompanying persons or significant others
are most welcome to participate in the visits. Please indicate their participation under number of persons
on the registration form.
Hotel accommodation
EUROSLAG has arranged a special conference price kept by Hotel Akersloot
Booking and payment of the hotel rooms have to be carried out directly with the Hotel by each
attendant. Please mention “Euroslag 2013” while booking to get the special price. A limited amount of
rooms have been reserved.
If cancellation is made before September 1st, the registration fee will be refunded less a handling fee of
€ 25. In case of cancellations after September 1st, no refunds of any kind will be made.
No charge for alternative attendant.
Tourist information
1) Hotel Akersloot
2) Alkmaar
3) Haarlem
4) Amsterdam
Beautiful city, shopping city, cultural city
Although Alkmaar is and continues to be a Dutch
cheese city, the title covers only part of what it
has to offer. For years the city has been entitled
to call itself one of the best shopping cities in the
Netherlands. As you wander through the streets
with their impressive monuments you will be
amazed at the beauty of the old town.
Shopping, enjoying a drink or
visiting a museum?
The number of stores has
been increased. This makes
shopping particularly
enjoyable, as many unique
stores are now housed in the historic buildings that line the narrow streets.
Alkmaar is home to the Dutch Cheese Museum, the Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar, the de Boom
Beer Museum and the Beatles Museum. See a totally different side to the city on a canal
Cheese Market
Every Friday morning, from early April to early September, there is a cheese market.
Unfortunately not in October. The cheese bearers can be seen working in Waagplein
(Weighing Square) from 10:00 to 12:30. This colourful, world-famous spectacle is inextricably
linked with the city. More information about the Cheese Market: www.cheesemarket.nl.
A hospitable city with a historic heart
Haarlem is one of the most beautiful old cities in the
Netherlands. It is a delightful, safe city with ca.
150,000 inhabitants. One of the city’s tallest
landmarks, the striking tower of Grote of Sint
Bavokerk (St Bavo’s Church), is visible for miles
Haarlem lies on the river Spaarne and has a
beautiful historic city centre with many attractions
including the Frans Hals Museum and Teylers
There is a wide range of cafés and restaurants in the
cosy city centre. And you will find a surprising
number of specialist and trendy shops in the side streets of the main shopping streets.
Haarlem is sometimes called the most Flemish city of the North. The monuments created by
city master builder Lieven de Key and the large number of places to eat and drink give the city
a southern feel.
Autumn – the perfect time to visit
Amsterdam has a moderate maritime climate, resulting in an enjoyable lingering autumn
season. By late September, the canals take on a golden hue from the trees reflected in them.
The shorter days and the glow of the streetlamps and the illuminated bridges makes you feel
like you’re walking in a scene from an Old Masters painting.
A cultural harvest
Autumn marks the kick-off of the cultural season each year in Amsterdam. That means new
shows, updated productions, exciting exhibitions and a top selection of festivals. Culture
vultures should check out Amsterdam’s impressive theatres and concert halls, and visit at
least one of the world-class museums.
Cosy inside
Amsterdam offers plenty of indoor diversions year-round, including the ever-popular canal
cruises, shopping for souvenirs or a new wardrobe, or of course exploring the city’s nightlife.
During the day, kick up your feet at the public library. The newest branch near Central Station
has a great section for children and a café on the top floor with an amazing view of the city. In
the evening, get to know Amsterdam’s cinemas, which play a variety of films from the latest
hits to art-house rarities – generally in their original language.
But perhaps the best thing to do on a chilly autumn day is to search for Dutch gezelligheid
(something like a cosy or amiable atmosphere). A great way to start is by heading to a
quaint brown café or intimate restaurant. Grab a corner seat near a window, order a cup of
coffee, tea or hot chocolate with whipped cream and watch the world go by as the sun fades
behind the Amsterdam facades.
Organizer/Conference secretary
The conference is organized by Tata Steel, Harsco Metals and Pelt & Hooykaas in close cooperation
For more information please contact the organization by following email address:
Mrs. Astrid Kee
Conference assistant
Mr. Hans Kobesen
Conference Chairman