product information 2008-2009
product information 2008-2009
PRODUCT INFORMATION 2008-2009 Contents: Page 2 Welcome Page 3 Travel routes Page 4 Port information Page 5-7 Information to ships Page 8-13 Excursions and activities Page 14-15 Attractions Page 16-17 Accommodation and Restaurants GEIRANGERFJORD CRUISE PORT STRANDA – HELLESYLT - GEIRANGER Box 264, 6201 Stranda Telephone: + 47 46 41 11 13 – Fax: +47 70 26 80 01 stranda.hamnevesen@stranda.kommune .no Org. number: 887 938 782 DESTINASJON GEIRANGERFJORD – TROLLSTIGEN AS NO-6216 Geiranger Telephone: + 47 70 26 38 00 Mobile: 908 29 262 Org. number: 984 412 312 WELCOME TO DESTINATION GEIRANGERFJORD – TROLLSTIGEN AND GEIRANGERFJORD CRUISE PORT We wish you a warm welcome to the destination. This folder presents the opportunities in the region and some useful information. Geirangerfjord Cruise port consists of the following ports: Geiranger – Hellesylt – Stranda. Geirangerfjord – rated as the best cared for Unesco World Heritage Site by National Geographic Traveler november 2006. Quote: “To float into the Geirangerfjord is an astonishingly complete natural experience—steep, lush and rocky canyon walls, endless waterfalls, a snow-capped backdrop and inconceivably deep, emerald green water. The scenery is the main attraction of the area, and can best be seen on an excursion. NEWS ! In order for the destination to be a good host and deliver good services, new cruise quay’s at Stranda and Hellesylt are planned and will be operative from the season 2010. This will be a new feature for the cruise industry in a world known area and will be a supplement to the already existing land based activities in Geiranger and Hellesylt. In the future we will focus on the flexible use of the facilities in our area. There will be three places for disembarkment instead of two, and special care will be taken to preserve the environment around the Geirangerfjord. We look foreward to continue the exellent collaboration with the cruise industry. DESTINASJON GEIRANGERFJORD – TROLLSTIGEN AS N-6216 Geiranger Tel.: + 47 70 26 38 00 – Fax: + 47 70 26 31 41 E-mail: Web.: General Manager: Mr. Ronny Brunvoll Direct tel.: + 47 91 78 07 46 E-mail: STRANDA PORT AUTORITHY Visiting adress: N-6216 Geiranger E-mail: Web: Port director: Rita Berstad Maraak Tel: + 47 46 41 11 13 Tourist Information Offices: The main and district offices are open all year round. Summer season, May – September: Geiranger Tourist Information Gamle fergekai N-6216 Geiranger Tel.: + 47 70 26 30 99 – Fax.:+ 47 70 26 57 20 E-mail: Valldal Tourist Information Sylte 6210 Valldal Tel.: + 47 70 25 77 67 – Fax..+ 47 70 25 70 44 E-mail: Hellesylt Tourist Information N-6218 Hellesylt Tel.: + 47 94 81 13 32 E-mail: Stranda Tourist Information Tel.: + 47 70 26 04 00 E-mail: TRAVEL ROUTES TO THE AREA There are many alternative travel routes to reach the Geiranger Fjord – Trollstigen area. From the south: From Bergen via the fjord crossing to Stryn and then to Hellesylt. There are several alternative routes in and round the area from here. From the west: From Ålesund via Sykkylven – Stranda. From Ålesund via Sjøholt/Stordal – Linge. From the north: From Molde via Sjøholt/Stordal – Linge. From Trondheim via Dombås/Åndalsnes – Valldal. From the east: From Oslo via Gudbrandsdal/Otta – Grotli. From Oslo via Valdres/Lom – Grotli. By train: From Oslo or Trondheim to Åndalsnes, and then by bus By plane: From Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger and Trondheim to Ålesund and then by car or bus, approx. 125 km. By boat: The Coastal Steamer from Bergen /Ålesund through Storfjord, Sunnylvfjord and Geirangerfjord. Arrives daily at 13:30 from 16. April until 15. September Ferry connections In the area: Geiranger and Hellesylt – Fjord1 route 18 – ferry route approx. 65 min. 01.05. – 01.06 and 04.09. – 30.09. – 4 departures each direction 02.06. – 03.09. – 8 departures each direction Guide service and cafe. Seat reservation for busses/groups Geiranger and Valldal – Fjord1 route 17 – new ferry route approx. 2 hr 15 min, 20.06. – 20.08. – 2 departures each direction Guide service and cafe. Seat reservation for groups. Stranda – Liabygda (approx. 10 min), route 14, and Eidsdal - Linge (approx.10 min) route 15, continuous daily service. Bus: For information and/or reservations please contact: + 47 71 21 95 00 and/or see Good connections with bus from Åndalsnes, Molde, Ålesund, Stryn, Gudbrandsdalen, Oslo and Bergen. Table of Distances Oslo – Geiranger 430 Km Oslo – Åndalsnes 430 Km Oslo – Stryn - Hellesylt 490 Km Bergen – Geiranger 373 Km Ålesund – Valldal 80 Km Ålesund – Stranda – Hellesylt 89 Km Ålesund – Geiranger 110 Km Molde – Valldal (Via Trollstigen) 111 Km Molde – Geiranger (Via Trollstigen) 143 Km Molde – Hellesylt (Via Sjøholt) 109 Km Trondheim – Åndalsnes 304 Km Trondheim – Valldal 372 Km Trondheim – Geiranger 378 Km Dombås – Valldal 148 Km Dombås – Geiranger 184 Km Balestrand – Geiranger 278 Km Flåm – Geiranger Lillehammer – Geiranger Lillehammer – Åndalsnes Geiranger – Trollstigen Geiranger – Valldal Geiranger – Tafjord Geiranger – Norddal Geiranger – Herdalsseter Geiranger – Linge – Stranda Geiranger – Stryn Geiranger – Grotli Valldal – Stryn Valldal – Stranda Valldal – Hellesylt Valldal – Åndalsnes Valldal – Geiranger – Grotli 296 Km 278 Km 268 Km 62 Km 32 Km 46 Km 31 Km 41 Km 39 Km 76 Km 39 Km 99 Km 16 Km 50 Km 56 Km 78 Km GEIRANGERFJORD CRUISE PORT: STRANDA – HELLESYLT - GEIRANGER STRANDA PORT AUTHORITY ADMINISTRATION: 6216 GEIRANGER TLF: + 47 46 41 11 13 PORT DIRECTOR: RITA BERSTAD MARAAK STRANDA HAMNEVESEN KF Box 264, 6201 STRANDA STAND-BY: MOORING BOAT: PSFO DIRECT: FAX: E-MAIL: • • • WEB: ORG.NR: 887 933 782 + 47 99 53 17 17 + 47 99 10 20 79 + 47 46 41 11 13 + 47 70 26 80 01 Total gross tonnage (GT ) in the Geirangerfjord at any time; not to exceed GRT 150 000 – 200 000/approx. 5000 passengers, irrespective of the four anchorage capacity, inclusive shoreside mooring-points. Ships using garbage/ waste burners on board, are requested to switch them off when entering the port area. Tender-boats are requested to stop engines at ship’s side and alongside jetty. GEIRANGERFJORD CRUISE PORT: STRANDA – HELLESYLT - GEIRANGER PILOT CHANNEL(VHF): 13/ 16 EMERGENCY CHANNEL: PORT AUTHORITY CHANNEL: 16 ALL VESSELS ARE REQUESTED TO LISTEN TO VHF CHANNELS 13 AND 16 Norwegian Seachart nr. 127 8 KNOTS APPLIES TO THE WATERS EAST OF E 007/10 CHARTS: SPEED LIMITS/DUTY OF CARE: OPEN: ANCHORING: 24 hours Ground conditions are clay and sand. Depth: 45 – 60 m Anchor position in the Geirangerfjord at captains and pilots discretion. PONTOONS: 4 in Geiranger - 2 in Hellesylt. Capacity max. 200 000 BTO SAILING LANE: No restrictions AIR DRAUGHT: None TENDER: MS Geirangerfjord – max 195 pass. Ship tenders allowed – engine must be turned of alongside jetty and at ship’s side. PILOTAGE COMPULSORY: Kvitsøy Pilot Station: + 47 51 73 53 97/ 98 TUGS: Available with 24 hrs notice SECURITY PATROL: Can be arranged. ISPS APPROVED: Yes CUSTOMS: Ålesund: + 47 70 10 13 20 TIDAL MOVEMENT/ RANGE: 1,5 m – 2,0 m GARBAGE DISPOSAL: NO – FROM 2010 WATER: NO – FROM 2010 BUNKERING: NO – FROM 2010 BANKING AT TERMINAL: NO PASSENGER TERMINAL: Pantoons POLICE: NORWEGIAN COASTAL ADM: NORWEGIAN MARITIME DIRECTORAT: STRANDA COMMUNITY: TENDER BOAT: + + + + + 47 47 47 47 47 02800 07847 70 11 42 70 70 26 80 00 47 87 79 92 EMERGENCY: Fire: 110 Police: 112 Medical emergency: 113 Nearest hospital is situated in Ålesund AIRPORT: GUIDE SERVICE: Ålesund Airport max 130 km Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Dutch Parked approx. 50 m from the pantoons 4 taxis in Geiranger - 4 taxis in Hellesylt – 4 taxis in Stranda In village centre, within walking distance TOUR BUSES: TAXI: SHOPPING: Port information: Geirangerfjord Cruise Port Geiranger-Hellesylt-Stranda General information Pilot Tidal movement ISPS Maximum ship dimensions Yes compulsory 1,5 meters ISPS Approved ex. Stranda Pier Length Draft Airdraft Beam Anchorage Available Pontooons Tugboats Security patrol Pier dimensions Geiranger Hellesylt Stranda Port services Bunkers Supplies Waste handling Fresh water Sludge/ bilge Grey water Transportation Shuttle services Excursion buses Taxis Public transportation Passenger facilities Terminal building for passengers Tourist information Shopping Restrooms Local currency Currency exchange ATM Internett access Guide service City maps Public telephones Mail boxes Distances City centre Airport Contact information Name of port Mail adress Visiting adress Telephone Fax e-mail Contact person Contact person No restrictions No restrictions No restrictions No restrictions Good anchoring ground 4 in Geiranger - 2 in Hellesylt. Max. capacity is 200 000 BTO On request ( 12 hrs. notice) Can be arranged on short notice Lenght: 56 m Lenght: 40 m Lenght: 70 m Depth: 4,3 - 9 Depth: 5 Depth: 4,5 - 5,1 No Available No No No No Please specify if this is only On request for some of the quays Yes Please specify if taxis has Yes to be ordered No Please specify Please specify Please specify No Yes at the pier Yes - open 0900 - 2200 yes at the pier NOK yes at the pier Yes at the pier yes at the pier yes has to be ordered yes yes at the pier yes at the pier approx approx 100 meters 130 km Central Central Central Geirangerfjord Cruise Port Box 264, 6201 Stranda 6216 Geiranger 4746411113 4770268001 stranda.hamnevesen@stranda. kommune .no Rita Berstad Maraak name e-mail Geirangerfjorden anchorage area GEIRANGER Outside the Geiranger Cruise Port in the nearby village Eidsdal you will also find a supplement of a new tender pier. Eidsdal Contact: Vidar Hareide. tel.: +47 97 19 24 88 GEIRANGER HELLESYLT Hellesylt Geiranger HELLESYLT Hellesylt Stranda 60 VHF-kanalplan for Sør-Norge 22 Sendetider i UTC for sikkerhetsmeldinger og trafikklister på arbeidskanalene: 78 Heidrun Tjøme 120 Rogaland 120 Florø 120 0233, 0633, 1033, B odø 120 1433, 1833, 2233 Vardø 120 20 79 Åsgard-B 01 27 Felles kortnummer til alle kystradiostasjoner er 120 Felles MMSI-nummer for norske kystradiostasjoner er 00257 0000. 20 Snorre 66 November 2006 78 20 81 27 07 Bemannet kystradio Anlegg med kanal 16/70 28 22 79 01 Anlegg uten kanal 16/70 28 (ikke K70) (ikke K70) 22 21 21 60 Oseberg-A 81 Heimdal 20 07 22 79 Gullfaks-A 22 28 66 01 27 MMSI: 00257 0500 07 78 21 Florø 21 81 Draugen Svalbard (over Bodø) 66 20 07 66 79 01 28 Sleipner-A 66 Rogaland 01 20 22 07 21 Ekofisk 22 Valhall 79 81 07 21 78 MMSI: 00257 0300 Ula 27 20 27 Draupner 81 79 79 27 60 20 Tjøme MMSI: 00257 0100 81 20 004 Kanalplan SØR-NORGE.indd EXCURSIONS AND ACTIVITIES 1. Geiranger - Dalsnibba Transport : Guides : Duration: Toilet: Refreshment: Capasity: Bus One per bus 3 – 3,5 hours Available Can be arranged 40 – 400 Flydalsjuvet viewpoint - stop15 min. Dalsnibba viewpoint (1.500 m.o.h.)- stop 15 min. Eagle bend – stop 15 min. A must on any visit to Geiranger. The view, the great height and the contrasts in nature, are fantastic. You can even find snow here at the height of summer. Probably the most fantastic view in the world. 2. Geiranger – Herdal Mountain Farm Transport: Guides: Duration: Toilet: Refreshment: Capasity: Bus One per bus 4,5 hours Available Petrines Lodge Herdal Mountain Farm 40-90 We drive the exiting Eagle Road with its 11 bends and continue to Herdalssæter summer farm with its 450 goats. Guided tours and you can enjoy samples of the various food production on the farm. Eagle bend – stop 15 min. 3. Geiranger – Westerås - Storsæterfossen Transport: Guides: Duration: Toilet: Refreshment: Capasity: Bus One per 20 pax 4-5 hours Available Westerås Farm 20-50 Walking distances Hole-Westerås: Westerås-Westeråsfjellet: Westerås – Storsæterfossen: Westeråsfjellet (250 m.o.h.): Storsæterfossen ( waterfall ): 30 min. 30 min 45 min stop 15 min stop 15 min. Walking tour and local history. Visit an old summerfarm, with a spectacular view of Geiranger 250 meters below. Enjoy Norwegian specialisties. From the café there is 45 minutes walk to Storseterfossen where you are able to walk behind the waterfall. Remember suitable footwear. EXCURSIONS AND ACTIVITIES 4. Geiranger–Dalsnibba–Grotli–Stryn–Mountain Road Transport: Guides: Duration: Toilet: Refreshment or lunch: Capasity: Bus One per bus 5 – 7 hours Available Can be arranged 40-200 Flydalsjuvet Viewpoint – stop 15 min. Videsæter Hotel or Grotli Hotel Lunch - 60 min. Stop only -15 min. Stryn Summer Ski Centre – stop 15 min. Dalsnibba viewpint (1.500 m.o.h.) – stop 15 min. Probably the most beautiful view in the world. Djupvasshytta – stop 15 min. Driving the same route as to Dalsnibba. From lake Djupvatn we continue to the old Strynefjellet Mountain road, which was built in 1894. You experience a great variation of scenery. Short stop at Stryn Summer Ski Centre. 5. Geiranger –Geiranger Fjordsenter – Flydalsjuvet - Dalsnibba Transport: Guides: Duration: Toilet: Refreshment: Capasity: Bus One per bus 3 - 4 hours Available Geiranger Fjordsenter 40-200 Flydalsjuvet viewpoint – stop 15 min. Dalsnibba viewpoint (1.500 m.o.h.)- stop15 min. Geiranger Fjordsenter - stop 45-60 min. All excursions can be combined with Geiranger Fjord Centre, an interactive and educational fjord centre (1500 sq.m.). Visitors will be able to interact with exhibitions around the theme of the Geirangerfjord, nature, culture and history. Spectale multimedia show, giftshop and The famous taxman. Art gallery. 10 EXCURSIONS AND ACTIVITIES Fjord Safari – Geirangerfjord Duration: 1,5 – 3 hours Experience the magnificent Geirangerfjord at close range. The Geirangerfjord Safari takes you on an unforgettable expedition with secure and rigid inflatable boats into the unique fjord landscape.You can experience the famous waterfalls, nature, wildlife, local history and culture. From Sky to Fjord Downhill mountain biking Duration 3,5 - 5 hours This new excursion includes the highlights of Geiranger; Mount Dalsnibba and Flydal Gorge, as well as the 17 km long fascinating downhill tour from Djupvasshytta to Geiranger on your own mountain bike. Geiranger - Eagle Road - Valldal Wilderness Camp Duration: 6 hours Driving up the Eagle Road before taking the ferry to Valldal and Valldal Wilderness Camp. Go rafting on one of Norways best rafting rivers or try secure climbing and a lot of other activities in the wildernesscamp. Rafting season is from May to mid-August Overland Excursion Øye/Hellesylt Stryn - Geiranger Duration: 6 - 9 hours This overland tour embraces some of the most superb and varied scenery in Norway, encompassing as it does magnificent fjords, snow capped mountains, iceblue lakes, plunging waterfalls, beautiful, unspoiled valleys and inspiring panoramic views - in short a unique picture and cross section of the best Norway can offer. The Overland Excursion Hellesylt - Geiranger can be combined with other destinations/ attractions as follows: Hike over Flo Mountain Duration: 7 - 9 hours A two hours’ walk over Flo Mountain – natural history with Norwegian geology, flora and fauna. A scenic experience with a beautiful view. Skiing activities at Stryn Summer Ski Centre Duration: 8 - 9 hours Along the fascinating Old Strynefjell mountain road (built 1894) we find Stryn Summer Ski Centre, Norway’s best summer skiing complex – open from May –Sept. - OR NEW POSSIBILITIES, EXCURSION AND ACITIVITIES IN STRANDA AND HELLESYLT. SEE FURTHER PRESENTATION 11 NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS STRANdA – NEW QuAY ANd NEW poSSIbIlITIES 8] 1 bc ah Tb b_ aT X] \ ) *, , #,- cruises. $'*." *(+/'-*,3 CX[7T[[Tbh[c Sd db BcaP]SPUYT[[Tc #"\ Tb Xb ? BW^__X]V BTaeXRTb ?P aZ BCA0=30 -- )" ,-. ,($)' ExcuR S I o N S b cTa \T 2P A new quay at Stranda will be operative from the summer 2009, and Resort Stranda develops new possibilities for future visits to the World Heritage Natural Site of Geirangerfjord. In addition Resort Stranda presents top of range skiing and activities at Strandafjellet for winter 1 V db a^ _P d] aZ S X]V > B bT UÌ 5[ W^ ae RT Pc __ XR b b X] Tb V ," $-+*-' - THE clASSIc ovERlANd GuIdEd buS TouR: Stranda – Hellesylt – Stryn – Tourist Route Rv 258 to Grotli – dalsnibba – Geiranger. Duration 8 – 9 hours, including photo stops and 90 min lunch. NEW poSSIbIlITIES: GuIdEd buS TouRS Stranda – liabygda – The Eagle Road – Geiranger. Duration 3 hours, including coffee stop. As above but including the view points dalsnibba and Flydalsjuvet in Geiranger and lunch. Duration 6 hours. Stranda – liabygda – Trollstig plateau – Geiranger. Lunch stop in Valldal, duration 7–9 hours. The suggested excursions above can start or end in Geiranger or Stranda. Stranda – Hellesylt – Norangsdalen – Øie – Stranda (or Hellesylt Geiranger). Enjoy the unspoiled nature in the valley of Norangsdal and the historical Union Hotel Øye in addition to the famous Geirangerfjord. Duration 5 hours with coffee stop only, – 7 hours if lunch. FuRTHER moRE: Explore the mountain world – with gondola to the top of the mountain Roaldshorn at Strandafjellet (2010). Go hiking in Stranda with local guides. Discover Stranda on your own; go shopping, take a walk, visit the church, or join organized walks with local guide telling the story of Stranda, the industry raising from 1920 and the daily life of a small Norwegian town. A development of summer and winter programs and activities is a process constantly going on and we would very much like to keep you updated. We ask you kindly to contact us for brochures and/or news. RESORT STRANDA BA Oedegaardsvn. 176, N-6200 Stranda, Norway Tel.: +47 917 62 181 E-mail: • Photo: T. Rakke/Nordic Life AS/Fjord Norway, S. Lunde. Å. Kjølås. Ill.: G. V. Blindheim 12 NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS – NEWS HELLESYLT- IN THE OF FJORDNORWAY Hellesylt is already a well known cruise port when visiting the Geirangerfjord area. The famous and classic overland bus tour through the Nordfjord area, Stryn Mountain to Geiranger starts or ends here. This is some of the things you can experience at Hellesylt: Hellesylt centre - the fjord village is well known for its colorful history and as one of the most known tourist destinations from the late 18th century. Royalties and famous persons from all over the world, including Henrik Ibsen gladly visited Hellesylt. In 1850 there were village store at Hellesylt, and in the following years both shoemakers and butchers came to Hellesylt. Here is still a lot of the old architecture, and most of the buildings and houses are still intact. Hellesyltfossen - One of the most photographed waterfalls in the area. The waterfall divides Hellesylt centre into two and gives the settlement its special atmosphere. Peer Gynt Gallery – At Hægstad Gård you can experience the fantastic exhibitions of the famous Norwegian artist Oddvin Parr, whit scenes from the play “Peer Gynt” by Henrik Ibsen. Oddvin Parr has spent the last ten years making the wood sculptures which reach all the way up to the ceiling. Hægstad Gård can offer entertainment, serve the best of Norwegian food and drinks in spectacular environments. A new quay will be operative in Hellesylt from summer 2009, and the village Hellesylt is planning new activities and services for cruise passengers staying a while in the small idyllic fjord village whit a colorful history. For further and updated information please contact Hellesylt Vekst AS, Inge Hole +047 951 88 609. 13 ATTRACTIONS: Trollstigen – RV 63 Åndalsnes – Valldal – Geiranger Stigfossen – Trollstigen Stigrøra – View point at the top of Trollstigen (RV 63) Gudbrands Gorge – 25 m deep (RV 63) Valldal - village Tafjord village Zakarias Dam – Tafjord Muldal-Muldalsfossen (Keiser Wilhelms falls) - Tafjord Norddal village Herdalsseter – Norddal Kilsti – Eidsdal - view point Eidsvatn – RV 63 Eidsdal – Geiranger Ørneveien – RV 63 Ørnesvingen – View point RV 63 Geiranger – centre Geirangerfjorden – sightseeing on the world famous fjord Syv Søstre, Friaren, Brudesløret, Skageflå, Knivsflå, Blomberg, Syltevik and Matvik Storseterfossen – walk from RV 63 Storfossen – Geiranger Flydals Gorge – world famous view point RV 63 Knuten – section of old road from 1889, RV 63 Kvandalsseter 600 metres above sea level RV 63 Geirangerveien, RV 63 Geiranger - Grotli Djupvatn 1030 metres above sea level RV 63 Dalsnibba 1500 metres above sea level toll road from RV 63 Hellesyltfossen - Hellesylt centre Sunnylv Fjord / Geiranger Fjord – view point RV 60 SIGHTS: Tafjord Kraftmuseum 6213 Tafjord – Norsk Setermuseum – Herdalsseter – 6214 Norddal – Opsvik Gardsmuseum – 6200 Stranda Peer Gynt Galleriet – 6218 Hellesylt – Geiranger Fjordsenter – 6126 Geiranger – Fjord sightseeing Geirangerfjord – 6216 Geiranger – Ferry trip Geiranger – Valldal – MRF – 6405 Molde – Ferry trip Geiranger – Hellesylt – MRF – 6405 Molde – Dalsnibba, view point 1500 metres above sea level 6216 Geiranger – Tel. + 47 70 17 56 00 Tel. + 47 70 25 91 08 Tel. + 47 70 26 14 48 Tel. + 47 70 26 38 30 Tel. + 47 70 26 38 10 Tel. + 47 70 26 30 07 Tel. + 47 71 21 95 01 Tel. + 47 71 21 95 01 Tel. + 47 70 26 30 07 ACTIVITIES: Cinclus Park, walking and climbing excursions, - 6218 Hellesylt Hellesylt badehus, local beach, - 6218 Hellesylt Strandafjellet Skisenter AS, regional ski centre, - 6200 Stranda Sea Kayaking , kayak hire and tours, - 6216 Geiranger, Boat hire, available from various camping sites in the area Valldal Naturopplevingar, rafting, glacial walks, wilderness camp, company trips - 6210 Valldal – Fjordturar (Fjord Trips) - fjord experiences (sightseeing - fishing) 6215 Eidsdal 14 Tel. +47 97 12 46 80 Tel. +47 70 26 02 12 Tel. +47 911 18 062 Tel. +47 900 14 035 Tel. (+47) 70 25 92 42/ (+47) 97 19 24 88 H AVE YOU ATTRACTIONS: P HEARD? R O D U K T M A N U A L G E I R A N G E R F J O R D E N • T R O L L S T I G E Geiranger F MUSEUM An informati June 2002 i around the th culture and h – 22 . : Adul NOK 35,-. Fr Foto: Terje Geiranger. Rakke. Photo: Haraldsen. Dalsnibba, Zakarias Dam in Tafjord. Photo: Haraldsen. ge 175,-. Tel RV 63 Grotli – Geiranger mountain pass open Geirangefjorden. 20 km long, with waterfalls lopment, water volume over the falls has been during the summer. The history of goods transport such as the “7 sisters” and “Friaren”, and deserted reduced. Access: 2 km on a good path from the Hægstad Gå and trading across the mountain goes back. From cliff-top farms, several of which are kept in good Tafjord road. New art ce the east came rye, barley, tar, pitch, leather, birch order. Sightseeing from the Hellesylt – Geiranger bark and rope. From the west came dried fish, car ferry or by passanger boat from Geiranger. Scenes from Gudbrandsjuvet Canyon in Valldal. sented in 10 By Main road RV63, 15 km from Valldal. iron, salt and clothing. The bridle track towards Geiranger dates back to the 15th century. The Geiranger Geologiske Park. Geological Park, Impressive chain of river potholes that form a 5 m paths are still visible. Waterfall Dynamittfossen. wide/ca 20 m deep canyon with the river passing Opening hou Sept., weekd through. day – 6 pm Charge: NO Dalsnibba. Marvelous viewpoint 1500 m above Hellesyltfossen. Hellesylt Waterfall is one of the sea level. Nibbevegen (1939) toll road up to the most photographed waterfalls in the area. The falls Olavsstøtta, Olavshellaren and Olavskjelda in when togeth plateau from Rv63. divide Hellesylt village in two, providing the little Valldal. Monuments to the Viking King Olav the groups. settlement with a rather special atmosphere. Holy, who travelled through the valley in 1029 AD. Knuten. Norway’s earliest traffic system is found On his escape from the country. Information The Tafjord boards in 4 languages. Open: 20.6. – high above Geiranger village, and is still useable On Main road RV 60 Ljøen between Stranda to this day. The Knuten traffic system helped the and Hellesylt, you will be spellbound by the most Geiranger road to win a gold medal at the World amazing view over the Storfjord and mouth of the “The Sea Snake” at Syltefjellet mountain. A Exhibition in Paris in 1900. Geiranger fjord. Landscaped picnics area for zigzag scar in the mountain that according to photo stops and travel breaks. legend, is the sea snake that Olav the Holy slung Open all yea Herdalssetr The largest a into the mountainside. Geologically, the sea snake Flydalsjuvet, with its springboard-shaped rock tradition dat formation, seemingly poised between earth and Kallskaret Nature Reserve. Protected geological sky, is the best-known view point on the Geiranger area road. Magnificent world-famous panorama over Distinctive for its olivine mineral and eklogite with The Trollstigen Road. Norway’s most popular the village of Geiranger and the Geiranger Fjord. large garnets that cultivate exceptional landscape tourist road, opened 1936. A masterpiece of roa- forms. ding construction that snakes its way in 11 hairpin Galleri “Mor bends up the mountain to 858 m.a.s. Surrounded Arts by Astrid between Herdalssetra is a twisted stripe of quartz in the gneis rock wall. buildings on and Tafjord. Ørnevegen (“The Eagle Road”) Rv63 Road from Geiranger to Eidsdal, opened in 1954, 11 Zakarias Dam in Tafjord. One of Europe’s hig- by the mountain peaks Bispen (the Bishop), switchbacks. The road is open all year. The best hest magazine dams, 96 m high, built in 1967. Kongen (the King) and Dronningen (the Queen). viewpoint is “Ørnesvingen”, with its view along the Accumulates water for Tafjord electricity producti- fjord and towards Geiranger. Highest point is on. Access to dam causeway. guided tours enjoid every 15.08.02). In Stigfossen, waterfall with a vertical fall of 180 m Trollstigen in the Trollstigveg road, that crosses the waterfall “Korsmyra”, 620 m.a.s. level. was built (19 Churches Muldalsfossen waterfall. Also called Kaiser on a bridge. The lookout point from Stigrøra, 800 Wilhelm’s waterfall. 200 m high and one of the tal- m.a.s. Path to the plateau (15 min. return trip). Hellesylt By lest waterfall in the country. Due to energy deve- Churches objects in 2 Norddal Kyrkje, 1782. Medival altarpiece. Open: 5 April – Octob Every day 15.6.–15.8. (10–16). 68. Sylte Kyrkje, Valldal, 1863. Open: Every day 15.6.–15.8. (10–16). Geiranger Kyrkje 1842. Octagonal. Open in summer. Stranda Kyrkje 1838 Octagonal. Summeropen. Sunnylven Kyrkje, Hellesylt, 1859. Octagonal. 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Foto: Åshild Dale 18